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The BG News March 27, 2000

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 27, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6630.

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Composing a resume used to be a dreaded task, but students ma) change their minds once they find out that they can win cash prizes lor their efforts. A national competition is asking students to submit creative resumes. For the first time ever, the Enter- prise Rent-A-Car "Promote Your- self Career Contest is offering cash prizes and career opportunities to serious |oh seekers who produce dis- tinctive resumes using videos. CD- ROMS, personal Web pages, 3-D models, poetry, css.iy-. comic strips or whatever else they believe will spotlight their credentials. "I think by participating in this contest it can highlight your creativ- BEN FRENCH/ The BG New* ity so you stand out from other DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY — More than 300 dancers participated in Dance Marathon this weekend. (Above) The dancers participate in a Dance Marathon tradition applicants." said Matt Specht. senior the line dance. This year the dance was more than eight minutes long. For the fifth year Dance Marathon raised more money than the previous year, $233,583.60. journalism major. (Below) The children proudly display the amount of money raised. Students also need to explain why they would be the ideal candi- date for a management career w ith Enterprise. Dance Marathon breaks record "Enterprise is sponsoring this contest lo tell career-minded candi- CRAIG GIFFORD "You are making miracles in the hours of Saturday night, the spirit for the kids." said Jason Abbott, hours, the dancers were tired, but si MI WRITES lives of children happen." she said. and energy exhibited by the dancers dancer for Alpha Phi Omega. still motivated to keep moving. dates about opportunities in the Everyone in attendance was was still evident. Even as Dance Marathon moved "It's been tiring, but it's been fun. company \ business management excited to see the event finally get "It's nothing like I expected." on to early Sunday morning, and the The moraleis have been keeping us program." said Robyn Frankel ol The excitement of Dance said Erin Mvers. dancer for Delta dancers were starting to feel the busy, so the time goes by real fast," Marathon and the thought of being underway, including University Frankel Public Relations, for Knter- President Sidney Ribeau. pains of being awake and said Brigid O'Connor, dancer for prise. "An unusual resume is a way able In help kids by raisins dancing all night, the Delta Sigma Pi. $233,583.60 was enough to get 300 "It is a beautiful day to show oil not only your creden- outside and the sun is excitement was still high. The dancers were not the only University students through 32 At 4:30 a.m.. many of ones in attendance that enjoyed what tials, but also a little bit of your per- hours of dancing. bright, but the spirit in here is even brighter." the dancers still had the was going on. The families also sonality." After months of preparation, the energy to take pan in the enjoyed the event. Students are encouraged lo enter event hit the campus Saturday morn- Ribeau said. "I am really, really ewetnc slide. "The kids aie having a great lime. this competition fbl various reasons. ing- "I think this is incredi- I am very happy we were able to Dance Marathon is one 01 the proud of our students and Many will participate for the their work and dedica- ble," said Veronica come." said Matt Benner. lather of University's largest fund raisers. Hagan, dancer for Mac Vl.iin. who was one of the children monetary awards. The first place with the money raised through the tion." The altitude of the stu- Donald. "My back hurts. sponsored by the event winner will receive $3,000, two sec- evenl going to the Children's Mira- 01) feel hurt, but I'm still Even students who were not ond place winners will receive cle Network. dents during the first hour was that ol excitement and really excited." dancing for the event were able to be $2,500 and three third place w inner- After a 10-second countdown, Dustin Zedeker. dancer involved in one way or another. each of the dancers and moraleis ran high expectations. will pocket $1,000 each. "Everybody has a lot of for Beta Theta Pi. shared One such student. Matt Darrah. out to the dance floor, located at the similar thoughts. who called himself. "The Runner," Several qualified candidates basketball courts of the Student energy. If we keep up like could also w in a job with Enterprise. this, we should be able to "It's starting to have its ran 242 consecutive laps around the Recreation Center. toll on me, but I'm just track in order to make himself a part ""It's a waj to get involved and Upon entering, a chant of "Do it do it easily." said Jon Hoinski, dancer for Fiji. Zeta. "The energy level is still great going to keep going." of Dance Marathon. siart a career that has unlimited for the kids" began, as well as "I'm tired. The kids are pretty "I am doing this to he involved in speeches from various individuals "This is the most wonderful thing and everyone is still excited and opportunities for advancement." upbeat. I haven't heard anyone com- much all that are keeping me going this spectacular evenl in a unique involved with the event. in the whole world." said Dawn Frankel said. "The average manage- Dunlap. dancer for the Honors Stu- plain." right now." said Clint Gault. dancer way." Natalie Cowan, director of Dance for USG. ment trainee becomes a branch man- dent Association. "So far it has been a lot of fun. ager and doubles his/her starting Marathon, was one of the first to I'm having a great time doing this As the event reached its final speak to the dancers. As the event moved into the late »S»Mp*l salary within three years Other students believe this con- test is a good idea, but would not be beneficial lor everyone. Women take strides toward better investments "I think it is cool for advertising, public relations and communication majors, but for students with non- NICOLE VALEK mopolitan magazine entitled "I think it would be based more on According to Mary Ellen Bene- finance major. STAH1 WRITER "Women Are Wimps About Money" age factors." dict, economics professor, these "I know girls that will spend all creative majors such as finance, I indicated that women make more Lisa Wilder, economics profes- results could be contributed to two their money the instant they get it. don't really see any benefits." said and 1 also know guvs that will save University students and faculty mistakes than their male counter- sor, said. "It may not be thai women factors. Gretchen Sle/ak. senior IPC major. "Women are less risky and are every penny, so 1 don't think this said women and men are becoming parts when it comes to investing are less risky, they may just be risk Alicia (offing, senior public their money. averse. They prefer to make deci- perceived to be less risky so they belief that women are always more increasingly equal when it comes to cautious with their paychecks i. relations major, said, "I think ii is a managing their paychecks. Many people said they found this sions that result as a sure tiling, and have less opportunities to choose from." Benedict said. "Perceptions line." he said great idea for those college students Women today are earning more article to be contrary to their beliefs are less likely to take risks than who have the extra time to dedicate someone risk-seeking." about women limit their choices, Peggy Giordano, psychologj college degrees than men. their and do not believe women are nec- toward a project like that, hut I am essarily less risky with their invest- There have been gender confer- therefore making them less risky." professor, said. "I believe there Is ■' incomes are rising faster and they -waniped with too many other are beginning to start businesses ments. ences that discuss statistics about Students said they believe that trend for women to be entering the stock market and investment clubs. things to do." more often. "I would be surprised to see that single men being the highest risk men and women are equal when it In short, they are becoming better there is a difference between gender lakers, married couples ranking sec- comes to finances. I think the idea that 'Women arc- The deadline for entries is April financial prospects. when it comes to finances," said ond, leaving single women the least "1 think it all depends on the indi- Wimps About Money" may be from 10. Winners will be notified by April the past." However, a recent article in Cos- Terry Richardson, finance professor. risky. vidual." said Jonathan Becker. 20. Entries can be submitted at w w w or mailed to Enterprise Rent A I at Dinner provides unity "Promote Yourself Career Contest. 600Corporate Park Drive. St. I Otlis, IRENE SHARON SCOTT One of the performers was Peter Missouri. 63105. CHILI RIHIKIIK Oduor, a student from Kenya. He did a piano piece entitled "Tangu The W>rld Student Association's Elfu Na Milele." which means International Dinner was a passport "Through the Ages to several countries. "This song is characteristic of a Close to 400 people from a vari- mother singing to a child or a moth- ety of countries and of varying er singing to a child long gone." Ik- nationalities attended the dinner said. "The melody and tune is sad held in 101 Olscamp. yet highlights the important aspects Those who attended got to sam- of Christian living." ple 20 cuisines from 20 different Oduor chose this piece because it countries, listen to entertainment celebrates the birth of Christianity. pieces by both the American and Kusali damage, a University international students and see fash- alumni from Sri Lanka, did the ion from four continents. Baratha Dance. Achieving unity was the goal of "It's called the Baratha Natyam," the night. she said. "When performing. I used "The idea of people that have hand gestures, body postures and nothing in common get together for facial expressions to show the mean- something all people can understand ing of the song I learned Baratha — food and entertainment." said Natyam for 12 years and still enjoy Matt Harkins. World Student Asso- performing." ciation co-program chair. "I enjoy Vasana Wijetungc . a senior MIS. working with WSA because 1 learn said the damage's performance was ■ Baseball wins three MELISSA TAYLOR/ The BG Newt "absolutely beautiful and mesmeriz- DINNER IS SERVED Darrarrel Hartman asks a server about a particular dish. More than 20 dif- more from the people in this group vs. Buffalo over the than I lean in any class." ing." ferent cuisines from several countries were served at The World Student Association s Interna- One of the highlights of the weekend. tional Dinner to nearly 300 people. evening was the entertainment. • WMWlfHrl I page 2 The BG News Monday, March 27, 2000 WORLD www.

e World Polls suggest outright Putin victory in doubt THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Political commentators on Russ- strong vote for Zyuganov was also In Brief ian television networks suggested seen as a protest vote by Russians MOSCOW — Vladimir Putin Putin could clear the 50-percent hur- unhappy about Putin's apparently inevitable victory. Clinton, Assad fail to reach may fall short of outright victory in dle, but the outcome would be very Sunday's presidential election and close. Putin, looking relaxed, said he firm agreement be forced into a runoff after a sur- The state-RTR television net- was confident of victory as he voted GENEVA (AP) — President prisingly strong performance by the work, citing two exit polls, projected at a Moscow polling station. He told Clinton and Syrian President Hafez that Putin would get 51 percent of reporters he was going to relax at a Assad failed during three hours of Communists, according to early sauna, saying he expected to face results. the vote, Zyuganov would get 28 face-to-face negotiations yesterday percent and liberal economist Grigo- many new challenges starting Mon- to nail down a firm agreement to While Putin would almost cer- ry Yavlinsky would be third with 7 day. restart negotiations between Israel tainly win a second round, it would percent. •Tomorrow is Monday, a hard and Syria for a landmark peace be a humbling setback for the for- Overall turnout was at 65.8 per- day. and I will have to go to work," treaty mer KGB officer who has become cent, normal for a Russian election, he said. "I think the president understands acting president and the nation's according to the Interfax news The tough, man-of-aclion image that the differences that remain are most popular politician with his agency. A new election would have that Putin cultivates appeals to many Significant." White House calls to restore Russia as a great been necessary had the turnout of Russians, tired of the uncertainty spokesman Joe Lockhart said. power. eligible voters not reached 50 per- and mayhem of the final years of lie characterized the meeting With 22 percent of the vote cent. former President Boris Yeltsin. Putin between Clinton and Assad — their counted, Putin was ahead with about Putin's campaign may have suf- has promised to end massive corrup- first face-to-face session in six 47 percent and Communist chief tion, revive the economy after years Associated Press Photo •' years— as "very useful." fered from the widespread assump- Gennady Zyuganov was second tion that he would win. convincing of recession and restore the political VOTE — An elderly Russian woman prepares to sign her voting More than 500 arrested dur- with 31 percent, the Central Election many of his supporters that there and military influence that Moscow Commission said. was no need to vote. But the fairly wielded before the Soviet collapse. papers for the Russian presidential elections. ing Belarus protest MINSK. Belarus (AP) — More than 100 opposition activists remained in custody yesterday after a raucous demonstration that saw- police club protesters with night- final dramatic sticks, beat journalists and send armored cars into the capital, an THE ASSOCIATED PRESS hilltop where Muslims said the squeeze in an impromptu second Abraham and his descendants to Fogel recovered the note after the opposition group said. prophet Mohammed ascended to look at the Church of the Holy Scp- bring your Name to the Nations,'' pope's departure and transferred it to Police detained more than 500 JERUSALEM - Pope John heaven, he met with Jerusalem's top ulcher before flying back to Rome read the typewritten message. "We Yad Vashem. "where it will remain people during Saturday's demon- Paul II crowned his Holy Land Islamic cleric. yesterday evening. He even hoisted are deeply saddened by the behavior on display for the world to see. for- stration, the Belarus Popular Front sojourn yesterday with a stunning At each stop, he couldn't help but himself up on the running board of of those who in the course of history ever." said. The arrests came after thou- gesture to the Jews at their holiest witness the passionate dispute over a his Chevy Suburban and waved, have caused these children of yours Despite the religious significance to suffer and. asking your forgive- of the day. politics wasn't far from sands of people broke from a pre- site, shuffling slowly up to the West- city that both Israelis and Palestini- drawing cheers from delighted ; arranged protest area and moved em Wall and placing a plea for for- ans claim as their capital. But many tourists. ness, we wish to commit ourselves the minds of either Israelis or Pales toward a central square, sparking a giveness in a nook between its yel- who glimpsed him witnessed some- But for Israelis, the highlight of to genuine brotherhood with the tinians. melee lowed stones. thing equally potent: the charisma the day. and indeed the week, was people of the Covenant." East Jerusalem, captured and The gesture by the 79-year-old and healing power of this aging, ail- when the pope navigated the 86 After a private prayer, the pope annexed by Israel after (he 1967 ailing pontiff was sure to become the ing pontiff. steps it took him to reach the West- made a sign of the cross, then Mideast war. is claimed by Pales- momentarily placed a trembling most indelible image in a week of "Some wonderful things are ern Wall and place a note in its tinians as the capital of a future inde-i unforgettable moments. going to happen in this century." stones, echoing a tradition of gener- hand on the rocks. It came on a whirlwind final day said Bishop William Murphy of ations of Jewish worshippers. He The Israeli official in charge of pendent state. Israel insists that the The Nation that saw the pope visit the sacred Boston, who followed the weeklong had earlier in the week reached out the visit. Moshc Fogel. said he was entire city remain its eternal capital sites of all three faiths, all within the journey. "And I think that this week, to Jews at their Holocaust memorial. only informed 10 minutes ahead of The sun-splashed plaza that confines of Jerusalem's walled Old we saw the beginning of it." Yad Vashem. But this was a gesture time that the pope was planning to stretches before the wall was fesj In Brief City, one of the most disputed patch- Hunched and leaning on a cane, at the holiest site of all Judaism. place a note in the wall. tooncd with dozens of Israeli flagsi es of land in the world. the pontiff showed doubters he was The pope's words were from an "I only imagined a tiny note," he and when the pope sat in his blue" U.S. proposes new timetable said. "I looked, and this was a real At the Church of the Holy Sepul- more than up to the rigors of an address he made earlier this month armchair on the podium, seven huge chcr. the pontiff knelt at the spot ambitious and grueling itinerary. in Rome, expressing sorrow over the document, unmistakably spread out in Elian court Tight Israeli flags were clustered strategi« MIAMI (AP) — Relatives of where tradition said Jesus was resur- Not only did he uphold his entire past errors of his church. for all the world to see." Elian Gonzalez who want to keep rected. At the Haram as-Shanf. the packed schedule, he managed to "God of our fathers, you chose Fearing it would blow away. cally behind him. the 6-year-old boy from being returned to Cuba are facing mount- ing pressure from the U.S. govern- ment to put their case before an appeals court. Keep reading for complete Dance Marathon coverage

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ACROSS ^ Michael endorsement and the reaction was to seeing "Construc- to turn. After passing through the l Gives permission 5Concett tion" and "Detour" signs. Every- town of Bono, our Sunday, bloody B unofficial Page 3® endorsement 8 Bottommost O- (kind of like Michael Moore and body has the reaction. Let's just Sunday, took another turn for the 14 Emanation -i his presidential mosh pit). say my spleen still hasn't forgiven worse. 15 Get handed a bum . me. Upon the horizon was a strange r» Here it is: 16 Dodger ST Whichever USG presidential The steering wheel swivels and gothic-punk looking machine, a 17 Raymond Burr ,_ candidate can whip the Ohio gov- a detour was taken. I was pretty crane silhouetted against the sky. TVsenes 19 Manly 5 ernment into shape in regards to sure that (he sign proclaimed only My blood ran cold. Such creatures 20 Dispassionate r» road construction, you can have an eight-mile stretch was closed, are sentinels who guard the out- 22 Heroal drink my blessing. Especially if you but a half-hour later the car was skirts of the ninth ring of Detour- 23 Caustic soap 24 Security cash can execute the official in charge still in the middle of DetourLand. Land. 25 Penny of blocking off two separate For those readers who have Skidding into a cinematic U- 26 2nd book ot the lengthy sections of Highway 2. never experienced DetourLand. turn, the car sped away from the Bible This all came about yesterday. here's a rudimentary explanation scene at top speed. We instead took 28 Zero 29 Sott drinks I was spending the weekend on the Welcome IO USG Week! that can't even begin to describe the relative safety of Highway 105. 30 Oblnerated beautiful Lake Erie (with a nuclear the rollercoaster that passes 32 Male cat During the course of this week, the horror. power plant in plain sigh'). Twen- DetourLand actually is located through Woodville and Pem- 33 Most uniform you will be deluged with even 34 Prickly shrub ty-four hours of beach, lake, games berville (the state's leading produc- more posters, postcards and propa- on another plane of existence, 38 Opp from SSW and Playstation. It was just like ers of wood and pembcr. respec- 39 Spectator ganda. If those weren't enough P's. where linear geometry does not college, except without the guili of exist. Occasionally, part of this tively). 40 Leafy twig 3/27/00 count in Page 3®. 43 Infant All lights missing classes. I left early on yes- plane overlaps with reality as we Soon we saw the glowing lights I Yes, we here at the lovely page 44 Take amiss terday in order to return before a of Offenhauer. and though we were of humor and amusement will be know it. This is where we get 4t> Cokxs rehearsal I had scheduled for my late and I had missed my rehearsal. 46 Ty ot baseball 5 Sandusky's lake force-feeding you more USG stuff detours theatre class. 47 Medico 6 Social butterfly CROSS, We had survived. The vehicle is passing through 48 New England 7 Effective than you can or want to handle. It's So. there I am, driving away this barren terrain when we notice Now. I appeal to you candidates cape 8 Carpentry tool word all part of the not-too-subtle hint to from Port Clinton with the 49 A mutual fund 9 Roman poet that the laws of linear time have for USG. Spare us from the hell of increase awareness and activism. 53 Jeweled 10 Open hostilities LOOKING FOR thoughts of dialogue and charac- DetourLand. If you can be our sav- also been nullified, or so the car in headdress 11 Corrected, as Of course, we'll be farcical and ters running through my brain. The front us is displaying. ior, I will be your support, your 55 Available to manusenpt ANSWERS IN ALL fun, with today and tomorrow fea- car's tires are humming along the Soon, however, our journey rock. borrowers 12 Tejano supe'star THE WRONG turing special commentary. Today, pavement of Highway 2. when my » Value highly 13 Medicales through DetourLand came to an / Michael Besrul loves farce for example, I am going to make a thoughts are suddenly interrupted bl Do wrong 18 That gel PLACES? end. Relieved, we continued dri- and exaggeration. His e-mail 58UXty 21 Even score challenge to all the USG candi- by an orange sign. ving, and watching out for the address looks like this: 59 Mourn in the 25 Honor with a GET SOME HELP dates. Whosoever can meet my I don't need to tell you what my Cascades ceremony landmark that would be the signal besl@bgnet. bgsu. edu challenge will have the official J. 60 Arid 26 Ram's mate FROM THE 61 Lat. Iist-ender 27 Tenth ot CXI 28 News-hound's ANSWER KEY — DOWN organ www, bgnews. com 1 Of the 29 Wei thoroughly congregation 31 Xiaoping CAPTAIN RIBMAN 2 Continental 32 Helen of _ 39 lagged 4/ Newsman currency 34 ExBnjin 40 Cool sunglasses Rathei 3 -Barchesier defenseman 41 Take flisopanary 49 Get together BY JOHN SPRENGELMEYER AND RICH DAVIS Towers" author 35 Offensive remark action 50 Astor or Martin 4 'Who's Afraid o! 36Chaneyol-The 42 Soprano TebakJi 51 Ms FrUgerald Virginia WoolC" WoltMan- 43 appeM' 52 Swiss arctic co-star 37 Conclusion 46 Pause mark 54 _ Plaines, IL

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Maryland" 3E Rchard Byrdspenl m Antarclca. 1690s go<3'usn |R) (ln5teieo)3T Stereo) Thrills > Chills An American Eipenence Special" The winler May lo "Icnsrlie Rose Newshour With Jim Lehrer I Arthur (in KraHs' Antiques Roadshow Baltimore Decembe, I InSjejeo s Creatures It M.l-y .,r:l I Richard Byid spent m A^laictica 1990s gold njsn (R) (In Stereo) JT Sleieo) (El! X Star Trek: Deep Spice Nine Titua-Dadls AllyMcBeal 'Boy Ne.t Doo- l- NewsradioK Horn* aiiuul Seinteld The Friends ir Thai 70s "The Changing Face ol Evil s © Improvement VouHn Stereo' Soul Male" K SWnNlX ShowH Dead"! Stsno] I Giovin Ups IMajcolm t Spons-Detroil Fraslw Liar IFrasiet ih Simpsons [In Friends > Moesna -1 Parkers B 1 Simpsons ,1 Beautiful" 1 Instant Karma' Eddie iRi I La- X !|X © Steieo) t Slew) K Sleieo) I StmM 1 CABLE STATIONS Movie: ••• "In Harms Way" (l 965. Drama), ohn Wayne. Kirk Douglas. Patricia Meal ANavyolficer Movie .. . m 00) Movie Movie: a#'i "Tie tone Manger end me icsl dry OvrLUtQtf AMC cJ GoW'119S8 Weslem)CeylonMoore s assgned lo 'elake Japanese-nek) islands Strangers With Upright Crtiien Daily Show Win Ben Daily Show R- Win Ben Movie: - - . irewslerS Mif/ions"(1985. Comedy) Rchard Piyor A Stein s Money Saturday Night Live Courleney basebal player must spend a lonune to gel a lonune Cand, :: COM Cox Dave Matthews Band Slein's Money By Any Means Necessary'' ;R New Detectives CaseStu3>es On Ihe Inside Your New House Ai tiller. Ondal Wild DUeovery Wove™ ' (R; Onthalntlde: "American CQfMujndea .R Commanctos" (R) i\ Forens* Soeoca" (R) OISC raj V', jP_ Sportscenlar JL Women'sCollegeBasketball NCAA Tojmamenl EaslRegional SportecenteJ K ^Teams 10 Be Announced Kansas City. Mo (Live) . ESPN Final - Teams to Be Announced Richmond. Va ll**)^ Regional Fm iMovie** 'W»ssao««JBcfl'e'(1999.RonuTO)ltov^Coslne Movie: •*; "Home Alone3''(1997. Comedy) AW* DLiniA Ifld.-El Dorado Sopranos lam ItoB 10 Lw & -^_ -t _i _ i_»_- ihii -^.AKSt^uM **vw«jiaa fJfA.11 % X: Movie better care ol his Dusmess X A«omansae»sth«aulhwo'alellerlnal»«shedasi»)'e PG-13 HBO clever 8*yeaic4d boy Qeie^cisriii home trom sp-e^ PG " 'XtfCop'G Tanks R I IhHatoryi Loat > Found |R) I 20th Century Hurricanes Spanish Armada |R] I Nui A Warranj From History Hittory'i GfMtttt Blunders' |R) (Pan 1 ol $) I HIST Ame'-ca s Greaiesi Per Disas'ei Natura Ben Killers' (Ft) Baeebaa has: Blooper. 1 FOX Spons News Sports ILast Word IR) 5^orti" IntidtWituionCup Goin Deep [fl Geniuses FS0 Oreal Plays iR) Gemutes Outer Limits "Regeneration" (In Ponergaltt: The Legacy "Debt Outer Limits EVis ot Love" (In Outer Limits Ti>e Hunt' Ouler Limits 'Head's Desire (In Sliders Slfanoensand Humans hunt lor angioids S Stereo) I Stereo) 31 ol Honor' (In Stereo) K SCI Fl to) X Slereo) K Paramedlca 'House Calls' (R| Paramedics House Ca-is'iR) Undercover Stings: Anatomy Undercover Slinge Secrets 1 Home Again Home Again Traumi: LHe In the EH Most Splee TLC Crilical Casas I" (R) ol a Sling (") WCW Monday Nltro Spring Breakout (In Sleieo Live) I Movie: •• roBemeBesr"(i993,Drama)Man«iKove.M*e In the Heat 01 tht Night -M-rflei ER "Day One' (In Stereo) X Worth A kickO0»er s hot temper makes Mm a taigei KM Dlapxmail Most Anc*nt (In Stereo) I Walker, Ranger IWWFRawI wWf War Zone S Farmclub com PertormarKas by Crush B Friends or JAG "Goodbyes" (In Stereo) 5 new muscal acts (in Stereo) K USA Lovers It Warrors" (In Stereo) si Behind the MusJc Poison" (R) RankinFlla: Behind the MottevCrue 1 Behind th. Wtwre Are They Now? (R)fln List (fli (In Beiore They Behind the Music O.elRot 2 Music " ,R I- Steieoi (In Slereo) Rock a Porn (R) (In Stereo) VH1 Stereo) Stereo) Were Stars L page 4 The BG News Monday, March 27, 2000 OPINION wu/ Diary of Dance Marathon dancer PE 10:00 a.m. — Like a marathon think. People are really slowing with autographs of the children was race — Dance Marathon begins. down. I've seen people crouched in auctioned off for $575. dancers are on tfye stree\ Members of colored teams, with places, leaning on tables and even perked up like 10-year-olds on a blue leading the way, raced its way some people crying in agony. There Mountain Dew buzz and the hype is through a swarm of smiling faces, are still plenty of people dancing real. This is the time we have been Question: What is your favorite ethnic food? thundering applause and energy. and playing games. I have suc- waiting in pain for. The finale, the Myself — I'm filled with excite- cumbed to the foot massage and let climax to an extraordinary event. ment, content and fear. Excited for me tell you — 18 hours on your feet Closing Ceremonies — in eager the opportunity to be involved in a and a foot massage is better than sex (from what I hear). I'm slowly start- anticipation the dancers await the great event like DM. Content with final hour. After listening to the fam- the thought that we are helping peo- ing to wear down, but I'm sure I will ple live a belter life. Fear, because gain a second wind but just when — ilies from last year, hearing from the I'm afraid that my spirit might not who knows? 2000 Dance Marathon families, and maintain its stamina. I look up but Mid morning — Probably 9:30 doing the line dance for the final time, the slide show was shown and the clock has been covered and the group of students. Another live band or so. The night is over and the sun Dance is on. is up but most people's spirits are the moment was here. Last year's is on. trying to charge the crowd. total was a little over $211,000 and Christina Jan Kyle Raihala Later thai day — There is still People are beginning to show visible not. The break of day brings a wel- the smell of excitement and energy. comed warmth along with a cruel everyone was wondering if we could Sophomore Freshman signs of a waning spirit: far-off reality. We still have about 11 hours Geology Undecided Most people are still bouncing stares, bloodshot eyes and less surpass it. The moment of truth around like Tigger on acid. People left. For many, the morning is the came and when the numbers were "Pepe^ The apricot movement. I think many people are hardest, as time seems to slow down Tomato-based cake — no meat. are laughing, meeting new people thinking "what the hell have I gotten revealed the roar was enormous. We and learning the first section of the and the pain in your legs and feet had done it. We had surpassed the sauce that is put Go veg!" into?-' The third shift of moralers' seemed to magnify. Damn I'm tired. line dance — which is the eight- supper has started. Chains of back mark with over $238,000 donated on rice — from Micah T minute dance that Dance Marathon I will sleep well tonight. expenses and over $180,000 actual Ghana"' Thompson uses to keep the dancers going. massages are springing up all over Early Afternoon — Noon is the as muscles are strained. Matt has lunch hour and the students are ris- monetary donations. Our goal was Sophomore Sprits are still high, and DM is in reached and everyone involved was Biology full swing. finished his 26.2 mile run — a full ing in energy. Friends and family All I know is that it's later than marathon, which gives the crowd a have flooded the SRC. Parents, sib- filled with a sense of pride and "Humus.'' my last entry — The Dance large boost. The night is young, and lings, boyfriends, girlfriends, close worth. We had done it for the kids. Marathon runner (Matt) is running a now the true testing begins. friends and simple acquaintances At last I am at home sitting at my full marathon on the track above Sometime after 2:00 a.m. — I have come to lend their support. For computer barely able to keep my (242 laps). Several families are here know it's after two because of the many the end seems near, and the eyes open as I finish this journal and the kids are great. Interacting number of people who came from home stretch is in grasp. Seeing the The experience is one that cannot be with them makes every minute of the bars smelling of smoke and alco- faces of the children as they play — truly conveyed in words. To truly dancing worth it. One of the kids hol. I'm beginning to lose my voice, oblivious to whatever disadvantage understand the magic, one must be drew a picture that was auctioned off which isn't good — especially for a fate has forsaken — it fills me with involved. To those who were in any jabberer like me. The talent show Michael Melanie for $127. Some of the dancers are inner warmth like on that first spring sort of the way my supreme thanks Stepkala showing signs of fatigue but their was a huge success filled mostly day. The final hour draws closer and L. Bergolc goes out to you and all of your hard Senior Biology/ spirits are still high. We (The with improvs of teen-bop. The vari- the dancers can smell the stench of work. This year's Dance Marathon Marathoners) have learned three ous bands that played were superb, each other The end is getting closer. Drawing Geology with a kick-ass cover of Revolution was a huge success and I was privi- "Nasi campuo." "Japanese sushi, sections of the line dance and we've The beginning of the end — It is leged to be pan of it. heard a live band. There also was a The dancers arc starting to wear 3:00. or so when the final band has curry chicken , Falcon Skit of the SNL's "Spartan down — many have been seduced played and the last donation has from India." Cheerleaders." People are still by the leg rub table — a short trip to been given. While the numbers are Judson Laipply is a BG News strong, but they are finally realizing bliss with a crash back to earth. I'm being tallied, the dancers arc treated columnist. Congratulate him on a this will be more work than fun. not sure how long I can hold out. w ith the Gospel Choir, family alum- job well done, but let the man sleep. Early evening — The sun is set- Now Dance Marathon is really start- ni singers and the stories of the fam- He's been busy doing the win hi ting. Another two drawings are auc- ing to feel like a marathon. ilies and their children. The mood right He can he contacted at jud- tioned, bringing in $225 from a Early morning around 5:45 — I has shitted into frenzy — a t-shirt son @bgnel.bgsu. edu about the conlinuos lack of Hispanic Ihe benefits. What I want to know is UNQUALIFIED applicant just | (and Non-Hispanic minority) faculty what do you sec as the harm? because they arc Latino. That is just and administration Calling the initiatives of this Uni- plain unprofessional and hurtful to This has been an issue concern- versity to diversify for the benefit of the student body. Ribeau is just ing LSU since its founding over 25 everyone "stupid, stupid, stupid" is notifying minorities of the position EOB says vote Vote because USG is seen, ing up little sing-a-longs. people years ago. exactly that. Without an ounce of available. The fact that you would | through the eyes of administrators, with megaphones keeping the crowd Mr. Jacomet also claims that understanding of the situation, you that a man of Ribeau'-. Well, it's that time of year again. as the one true organization on cam- awake and lively and flying oranges. these initiatives are wrong because have sufficiently weakened your stature would do something as igno- Banners arc being hung (and myste- pus that speaks for ALL students. Yes. even a few pieces of projec- hiring would be based on "a ficti- argument. rant as to hire an unqualified appli- I riously disappearing), debates are Vote because the above quote is tile produce surfaced. tious societal label" and not the If you are not satisfied with the cant just to satisfy a certain popula being had and fliers arc blanketing true. In all of the crazincss everyone qualifications of the individuals con- University's desire to progress to tion on this campus is. using your the campus. University Student Vote because somewhere in was cool about the situation (until sidered. meet the needs of all students (not own words — stupid, stupid, stupid Government elections are upon us! Northwest Ohio, there is a high the last remaining hours, which was Not only is this simply untrue just the majority), by all me.ins. I personally am going to tell you I I could sit here and write some school student who will see our next imminent). A friendly passerby (such hiring practices have never transfer. that you are ignorant of this master inspirational piece as to why you USG president on television, or read would offer candy and cookies; been suggested), but it also implies. and should not criticize until you I should get to the polls to cast your his quote in the newspaper, and another would just talk for a bit Mr. Jacomet. that you are automati- Derrick A. Jones know the full details of what the I vote for the candidate you feel has assume all BGSU students are like about the waiting. cally assuming that because a facul- Latino Faculty and Administrative I the best vision for BGSU. Maybe this one. That high school student UAO reps would walk around ty member is Hispanic that he or she Staff Initiative is all about. I am sure citing Lyndon B. Johnson when he could be your next Fraternity Broth- and thank those sitting in line before probably wasn't qualified for the Lack of Hispanic faculty that the University will not. he [ said. "This right to vote is the basic er; your next teammate on the vol- the sun even set. job. limits students harmed if one uneducated studjnt. I right without which all others are leyball court; the next president of Big thanks goes out to all the As for "fictitious societal label." like yourself, transfers from here. 11 meaningless. It gives people- peo- your organization. neighbors in line (such as Uno play- I'd re-evaluate that description of a I am just going to comment on know that that will only make this a ple as individuals — control over What type of image do you want ers Courtney and Stacy) who made people... your letter to the editor that was better place thus following "the their own destinies." them to see? ihe wait go by faster. Another big It seems that Mr Jacomet dis- placed in The BG News Thursday. theme that BGSU is the premier But. I won't. Vote because it only takes five thanks goes to UAO. who definitely plays a sense of ignorance not only I would like to first comment on the learning community. This mean£for | I will, however, encourage you to minutes to fill out a scan-tron sheet has already seemed to correct the about the need lor more Hispanic idea that you mentioned when ALL people. vole for a few other reasons... in the Union Oval. mistake that last year's concert faculty, but about Hispanics in gen- Ribeau came "out of the blue" to Vole because the USG leaders Vole because Greg. Marcos. Ash- plagued them with. Say what you eral. Suggesting that if we arc wor- hire more Latino faculty is illogical. Alexis DcAnda * have the ears of administrators like ley and Brian have definite agendas will about MTV. Bush or Moby, but ried about facult) ethnicity we This initiative has been an ongoing adeanda @ bgnet. bgsu. edu Dr. Whipple. Dr. Overland, and Dr. which WILL affect you next year. after Wednesday night the Campus should "go to the University of Cuba project that was introduced by the Dance Marathon Ribcau. This is where change will Vote. Invasion tour is already a success. of something." I could be wrong, but members of the Latino Student occur quickly. I don't believe there is such a place. Union and I am glad that Ribcau has shows pride, unity Vote because USG will appropri- Steve Swaggerty Tim Schavitz At any rate. Mr. Jacomet. the listened and understands that diver- ate close to $50,000.00 of your Elections and Opinions Board for [email protected] responsibility of the University is to -n> is needed on this campus. How A lot of people complain about I tuition money over the next year to USG (EOB) the students (who arc the paying can a student get a perspective of BGSU — myself included. But over I causes they think are worthy. [email protected] Increase in Hispanic investors of this campus). I doubt other races if they are not exposed to the weekend. I was proud to be] a I Vote because the candidates care faculty isn't outlandish that you can understand the need for people of that culture? BGSU student, because I witnessed { about BGSU. Bush/Moby ticket line request role models and support from people It is just not possible. what Dance Marathon had done fjir I Vote because the USG president who arc like you because you've not To think that one believes they Ihe children The people of DM I and vice-president will be sent to united students had to experience a dramatic lack of can learn from an Anglo professor extended its compassion lo touch I would like to respond to Greg people who are like you around. leadership conferences, paid for Jacomet's recent letter to the editor who visited the country or studied everyone with your tuition money, in an effort I can't believe it — I waited 12 One should not have to go to the the culture for X amount of years is I'm not Greek. I also don't plan I on race and the hiring of professors "University of Cuba" for an atmos- to develop their ability to perform as hours on a concrete sidewalk, wait- — The BG News 3/23/00. In this irrational. Visiting a country does on being a brother anytime soon. I student leaders ing in line for a pair.of concert tick phere that they should be able to not make you a native of it. sorry Steve Swaggerty. but I saw misinformed, unorganized response experience in their own backyard. Vote because the candidates have els. Il was cold, it was damp, and I to Dr. Ribeau's initiative to hire Next. Ribcau is NOT going to what the Greek organizations did I spent countless hours speaking to did not get any sleep during il You arc correct in that we are try- hire a prospective professor jusl on along with other organizations. 11 more Hispanic faculty. Mr. Jacomet ing to receive an education here, but organizations on campus, trying to because of people playing music and has. in my opinion, supported the the basis of their racial background was impressed and proud of them. get you to the polls. selling out of a megaphone. what you don't seem to realize is as you say. What he is going to do is They raised a hell of a loita money. 11 idea that diversity is needed. that education goes beyond the 50 Vote because the new USG presi- And 1 enjoyed every minule of it. First. Mr. Jacomet suggests thai ADVERTISE in various Latino/His- saw people smiling, happy andl dent will represent all of us when he OK. so ihere is plenty of room in minutes you spend in a classroom. panic magazines and newsletters to together the way Ihis University was I Dr. Ribeau's initiatives are "out of Education continues as long as you speaks. this letter to complain ahum all ihe the blue." This couldn't be further make the position aware to the Lati- meant to be. There is a lot of talk. I Vote because this is the one sure small insignificant details about live. A move to hire more Hispanic no community. This has not been but this past weekend was all about [ from the truth. Is he aware that this faculty not only increases the per- way you can have an affect on the waiting for tickets. Bui hey. it's our comes after months (even years) of done in the past and the initiative to action, enough action to cry over, lol direction of the campus next year. fault for gelling in line 12 hours centage ration, but it also increases get the position opening out to a hurt over. DM is a reminder of the| dialogue between Dr. Ribeau. Lanno the educational experience of all stu- Vote because you ARE paying for before ihey went on sale. Student Union, faculty, staff and a broader audience is all Ribeau is power of the human heart. the next USG president's tuition Everyone in line knew this, and dents at BGSU. going to do. number of other constituents? You obviously haven't been next year. so the enterlainmeni began. There There is nothing "out of the blue" He is NOT going to hire any David Tran was the singing guilar player start- exposed to diversity enough to see tran ft bgnet. bgsu. edu •

Letters to the Editor Policy 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt It. Write Copyright © 2000, The BG News. Bowling Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 us and let us know where you stand. Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any material from ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters are to be less than this publication without prior permission of Phone: (419) 372-6966 500 words (less than two typed, double-spaced The BG News is prohibited. Email: [email protected] pages). These are usually in response to a current Website: issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green area. The BG News is an independent publication ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600-800 founded in 1920 and is published daily during words) can be submitted as Guest Columns. Guest the academic year and weekly during the sum- Brandi Barhite ieff Hindenach Amyjo L. Brown columns will be subject to space limitations and mer semester. Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor considered based on topic relevance and quality. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a copy- the editor are not necessarily those of the stu- Kevin Vorhees Tony Recznik Mary Beth Wilfong on a labeled disk (Microsoft Word, Mac compati- dent body, faculty. University administration Layout Editor Entertainment Editor Copy Chief ble) to 210 West Hall and leave it in the Opinion or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the Editor's mailbox. Or, send it on e-mail to opinion of the Spring 2000 BG News staff. Dan Nied J. Michael Bestul Ben French and give It the subject, "Let- Sports Editor Page 3 Editor Photo Editor ter to the Editor." The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or photo- David Tran Robert Recker Jim Baer Also, you can check out back issues of the Opinion graph descriptions. Opinion Editor City Editor Graphics Editor page on the web at Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board are final. page 5 lilt DU 11C»3 ENTERTAINMENT ■ (>£MC:I>S com/now IFTC relishes independence Scholarships Based on Involvement Applications for the SICSIC and Gerald Saddlemire ROB SZORADY to meet at Myles' Pizza one day. Scholarships are now available in the Office of Student ENTERTAINMENT WRITER We were the only two that showed up." said Tuttle. Life, 405 Saddlemire Student Services Building. The • II is 7:00 on a Wednesday night. But as more and more people The normally desolate room on learned about the group whose $1000 Saddlemire Scholarship is for a current the fourth floor of University Hall reason for existence was "an sophomore who is involved both on campus and with rS bustling with the members of excuse to learn more about film." Uie Independent Film Theatre it grew exponentially in member- community projects. The S500 SICSIC Scholarship is for Commission (IFTC). a group of ship. actors and writers at Bowling After a few months, said Tuttle, a rising junior or senior and is based on involvement in Green State University dedicated the group was "a bunch of people co-curricular activities. Both scholarships require a to putting on independent theatri- sitting around and talking about cal pieces. film and theatre. One day I said, minimum 30 GPA. Applications are due by Faces across the room are. 'Hey. let's put on a play.' and that varyingly. models of giddiness, was how we started.' 5:00 p.m. on Monday. April 3, 2000. boredom, nervousness and the That first show was "Cause of determined start of artistic intent. Life," written by Tuttle and per- "All right, everybody, gather formed in the Joe E. Brown The- atre. They started to see more around." director Mike Tuttlc said. BEN FRENCH/The BG Newi He explains to the dozen members potential to use the money they ©EDUCATION MAJORS0 of his play "Seeing Everything" made from plays to fund film pro- IFTC— Lisa Fulton (left) and Lisa Swinehart rehearse a scene the different things a director says jects, but "we're not totally inter- from the upcoming IFTC perfromance 'Seeing Everything.' Spend a semester abroad in England to his actors: Encouraging and dis- ested in that right now. The inten- n't too much going on. I don't decides, almost out of the blue, to couraging comments, little tweaks tion is to do all original plays and mean to sound arrogant, but in a stop talking. The repercussions Spring 2001! lor people to work into their char- eventually move to film." said place like Bowling Green, it's this has on his family and friends Open to Freshman, sophomore or junior Education majors, that «re in a five acters, and other ideas. Tuttle. weird to get 40 to 50 motivated lead to their own personal discov- uear program • An actress walks in late. That they are an anomaly on individuals to do anything." eries and epiphanies. To his "Hey." Tuttle said. "That's a dol- campus is amplified by the fact Some of the actors in their cur- silence, they feel free to let their lar." referring to his strict rules that they are not officially a Uni- rent show echo the sentiment that deepest feelings loose. However, /A Informational Meetings: regarding tardiness. "Come on. versity student organization. the I.ETC. is an alternative to the his withdrawal from reality might people." he said jokingly. "This is "Yeah, we're sort of different. more rigid University productions. lead to consequences for his I'ami- rU\» Monday. March 27th the I.ETC. This is as important as But everyone has been real cool "Everything's more personal: 6:00 PM it gets." He knows he and his cast with us. The head of the Theatre the directing, acting, everything." "There are so many opportuni- arc not the artistic center of Bowl- Department is pretty supportive of said Lisa Swinehart. who plays a ties in life where people don't say 201 Education ing Green tonight; he just doesn't us. There are some people who long-suffering wife. "Those of us what they want." Tuttle said. and care, acting with the absorption of don't quite get what we're doing, who are just interested in theatre "This is an opportunity for people Tuesday. March 28 somebody wholly committed to but that's that." said Tuttlc. have a chance here." remarks Zach to respond and say what's on their putting on a good show. They keep their profile high on Krajcik. who portrays Swinehart's mind." Noon It was this feeling of commit- campus by doing many difterent husband. A line in the play speaks of the 421 Education ment that led Tuttlc and friend J. artistic endeavors, from improvi- Tim Chatlos. who plays his best "great men who accomplished Michael Bcstul to form the sational comedy to full-length dra- fnend. agrees. "It's easier to go on nothing" that history will not I.ETC. "We met each other at a matic plays. This visibility has the same work with people the remember. It's a start, but it's good film studies meeting when we been their greatest recruiter, says same age as you." he said. the I.ETC. are living out their (flltlii ?Anu, questions? were freshmen. Some of us want- Tuttle. "Its the best way to get Their current show. "Seeing interests and hopes. Compared to Contact Brenda Joy 572-7299 or email bljouebgnet ed to start up our own club instead more people. They see a show and Everything." deals with what the lives of most people, it's a mir- of. that, so a number of us decided get very enthusiastic about it." seems to be ordinary life. The plot acle. "Before we got here, there was- revolves around a man who HELP WAhJTEV 'Romeo...' worth dying for A String- Qucwtet JAMES I 1 DKI.I) only American movie to capture the isn't convinced. each fight. Li uses just about every- needed/ to- play ENTHtMINMDn WRITVR high-energy feel of a Hong Kong We then cut to Hong Kong, thing he can get his hands on to fight action-flick. where ex-cop Han Sing (Jet Li) is including a belt, a fire hose, and for asTCtcvnic Hollywood is slowly going Hong With his success behind the cam- imprisoned for letting his father and even Aaliyah. Th&tne- Vinner Kong. era. Jackie Chan's in front of the brother escape to America. Upon Jet Li makes this movie work, not It started in 1993. when Univer- camera soon followed with imports hearing word of his brother's death. only can he fight like a you-know- at Cowunonfr i sal Studios paid Hong Kong action- like "Rumble In The Bronx" and Han fights his way out of prison and what, but because he can act too. director extraordinaire John Woo a "Supercop." Eventually, he made goes to Oakland, seeking to avenge Despite the fact that he can barely Vi-nivyfy Center ton of money to make "Hard Tar- "Rush Hour" which grossed around his brother's death. Once there he speak English, he's already a better get", the result was without a doubt SI50 million dollars in America. meets Trish O'Day (Aaliyah) who is dramatic actor than all of our action Thariday Jean Claude Van-Damme's best It seems now that the climate the estranged daughter of Issak stars combined. It makes me wonder April 13th movie. Woo went on to direct "Bro- should be right for the best martial O'Day (Delroy Lindo), the gang just how good he'll get. ken Arrow" but made little impact artist in Hong Kong movies today. leader accused of killing his brother. omeo Must pM 4:30- Tpwi on American cinema until 1997 with Jet Li. to break through in America Despite this, the two begin to fall for im "Face/Off," the first, and still the with "Romeo Must Die" a moderate each other. No one likes this. Die' Will pay $25 re-telling of "Romeo and Juliet" While their romance is somewhat STARR!' which takes the best aspects of lacking, nothing else is, especially Jet Li, Aaliyah, fen' each- crime movies, classic '70s blax- the fight scenes, where Jet Li, aided lroy Lindo, Isaiah plotation movies, and Hong Kong by wire effects, kicks through the air ashington, DMX, performer Kung Fu epics and turns them into ignoring the laws of gravity. At Russel Wong one of the best action movies of the times it's a little too obvious (espe- &•&■& pluya/ year. cially later in the film) but for the most pan the effect is used sparing- NOW SAYS: compliAneyitary The movie begins in Oakland Mediocre love, but where two gangs, one Asian, one ly, with most of the focus being on amazing fights. MM black, are at war for control over the Li's amazing psychical talent and. dCnrxer. waterfront. After a confrontation at most of all. his amazing speed. t* an all-black bar. Po, the son of the Every fight in this movie is inge- JMU.t « Interested parties should Photo Provided Better off watthi contact Dining Services Asian gang leader Chi'u Sing (Henry niously planned, with each one com- on Wooster •C ROMEO- Jet Li and Aaliyah get O) is brutally killed The black gang pletely different than the previous. Check it out care of Barb 372-7938. medieval in "Romeo Must Die." claims they didn't do it. but Chi'u To further add to the craziness of Stars * Don't miss it.

Cuyahoga Community College

10-Week Session May 30 - August 6 tiat do* t (/it into ifowt icc/utai idttduU. First 5-Week Session " ■ May 30 - July 1 J ^S • introductory courses (student] PUBLICATIONS lab courses Second 5-Week Session electives July 3 - August 6 MY HaAe twite* to • days • Summer 2000 BG News Editor • evenings • weekends • Fall 2000 BG News Editor • by television by internet • 2000-2001 Gavel Editor • 2000-2001 Key Yearbook Editor • 2000-2001 Miscellany Editor • 2000-2001 Obsidian Editor Application forms may be picked up at 204 West Hall. Deadline is Thursday, April 13 at 4 p.m. $58.40 pw credit hour tor Cuyatwg* County Rmldtntt President John F. Kennedy could read 4 $77.55 t>J4 you Summe* tfiateet tor oth«f Ohio Rat klenti eee Call 1-800-954-TRI-C • View Our Summer Schedule at kf)ow newspapers in 20 Minutes ffi 4wWrtMwi \ page 6 The BG News Monday, March 27. 2000 CITY DM- DINNER- Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Continued from page 1. The event finally ended yesterday evening in a final hour which Continued from page 1. Throughoul the eveni. ihe included speeches and comments local officials bowl for kids dancers learned an eight-minute line from the families and kids, as well "She done it with so much emo- KIMBERLY DUPPS tions and feelings." she said. 'The dance. as an awards ceremony and slide STAFF WRITER The line dance music was a mix show. dance is asking the Lord Vishnu to of songs, which included every type Dance Marathon ended as it bless and protect us." The I Sih annual Bowling for The University Afro-Caribbean of music and was one of the high- began, with a 10-second countdown. Kids, sponsored by Mercy Chil- lights for the dancers. Balloons fell and many dancers fell Ensemble, also performed that dren's Hospital and Woodlcy "I am really excited about learn- to the floor as the 32 hours of danc- night. The group did a dance called Rollins, was held Saturday at Al- ing the line dance," said Amy Seiter. ing came to a close. "Kpanlogo." which is a recreation Mar Lanes. dancer for the Honors Student Asso- Everyone involved with the event dance of the Ga fishermen from More than 200 bowlers came out ciation. thought that it had been a success Accra, Ghana. The performance was for the event to benefit Big Brothers The marathon also included a tal- and felt good about what they did for accompanied with drums, chanting Big Sisters of Northwestern Ohio. ent show, in which many of the orga- the kids. and women dancing. Each bowler was asked to raise S2S nizations performed a song or skit. '"It was a great experience "A wide variety of entertainment in pledges, but many exceeded that. Among the acts were lip-synching to because I*ve never had a challenge with several acts of students from According to Barbie Harrison, exec- the Backstreet Boys and a parody of like this and it was for a good other countries performing together utive director of Big Brothers Big the Saturday Night Live cheerlead- cause," said Kim Drain, dancer for was done," said Melanie Bergolc, Sisters of Northwestern Ohio, some ers. Alpha Xi Delta. WSA secretary and public relation raised as much as $4500, with the Dance Marathon was filled with "It's a great thing to do to make chair. "Usually we get one to two average amount about $50. entertainment, such as an improv yourself feel better and to help oth- acts at the most. It is great to see Harrison hoped to raise approxi- people from different backgrounds group, swing dancing and live bands ers." said R.J. Sovie. moraler from mately $15,000 to $20,000 from the get together to perform a piece." from Bowling Green. Alpha Phi Omega. event. Bergolc thought the dinner spon- "Each year, bowlers generously sored by WSA and the Center for help raise money needed to allow International Programs was an over- Big Brothers Big Sisters to continue ******^**x******>^*v^^^ all success. matching youth, primarily from sin- gle parent families with qualified MICHAEL LEHMKUHLE/The BG News adult mentors in Wood and Ottawa counties." Jennifer Duette-Goode, STRIKE - John Quinn, Bowling Green mayor, attempts to avoid satellite manager for Big Brothers the gutter to raise money for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of The 2000 Miguel Ornelas Big Sisters, said. Northwestern Ohio. The money raised also goes to celebrities to be bowling at the et. The more pledges you raise the programming for the youth-mentor event more tickets you get." Duette-Goode j matches. Such programming "Having the celebrities here is a said. "We also have karaoke, which Human Relations Award includes tickets to sporting events way of bringing lhe whole commu- i- another way you can win a prize." and picnics for all the matches to gel nity together," Harrison said. "It's All bowlers asked said they were together and socialize, according to bringing leadership out to support not there to win prizes, but to sup- Sponsored by the President's Cara Bieber a music education grad- children." port Big Brothers Big Sisters of | uate student and a big sister to Brca. The oihci community leaders that Northwestern Ohio. Human Relations Commission Brea and Cara were not bowling came oui to bowl in the event were "I'm just out here to support the at the event, but many big sisters Jerry Anderson, WTOL news kids." said Carl Lewis. Bowling and their "lils." or little sisters, do anchorman, Representative Randy Green resident who participated What is the Award? bowl together. Gardner. Senator Bob Latta and Eric with the Woodlane team. This award is granted annualy to acknowledge contributions to the University "We have big brothers and big Reynolds, DARE deputy sheriff. Harrison is hoping that the assis- sisters that form teams," Harrison community and inspire activism and service. The award recognizes an individual and Each celebrity bowled in one of tance of the community will help the j said. "The have lots of fun and the the four shifts, along with 56 other Bowling for Kids event to grow in lils always win. It makes them feel group or organization on campus whoes programs, services or actions, in the judge- teams. The first shift began at 9 a.m. the future. ment of the Human Relations Commission, have significantly enhanced positive good to beat their big brother or big and the last began at 3:45 p.m. "Our plans for next year arc to sister." Local businesses donated food improve our Bowling for Kids, to human relations at BGSU. The big and lil'matches are not and beverages to keep the bowlers make it bigger and better," she said. Who was Miguel Ornelas? toe only ones that have fun at the fed throughout the day. As well as "We want to get more of the com- event. Several local government The award is given in honer of Dr. Miguel Ornelas, a former Human Relations prizes thai were given out at the end munity involved by making them officials showed up to roll a few ol each shift. Prizes were given out more aware. We arc going to do Commission member and Director of Affirmative Action at BGSU. Before his death in balls. for strikes, gutter balls and whatever more advertising next year so that 1989, Dr. Ornelas served as an advocate for issues of diversity, as head of the Ohio "I'm here in part to have fun, but else the public address announcer we can get more Bowling Green stu- I am also here to help out Big Broth- desired. A Caribbean cruise and dents out to the event." Hispanic Institute of Opportunity and as a member of the University's Graduate Student ers Big Sisters." said Daryl Stock- wireless phones were given out to Those who are interested in I Senate, Third World Graduate Association and La Union de Estudiantes Latinos. He was burger, city utilities director. the bowlers who collected the most becoming a big brother or big sister Bowling Green Mayor John the recipient of the first Hispanic Award from Project Research. Dr. Ornelas touched the pledges. can contact the Wood County office Quinn agreed with Stockburger. "We have regular fun prizes and at 354-2113. lives of all those who came into contact with him. The Miguel Ornelas Award is intend- Mayor Quinn was also one of five everyone here gets at least one tick- ed to bring to the attention of the University community the actions and services of those who reflect Dr. Ornelas' values. Latta supports free college education When will the award be presented? THE BG NEWS this program an Ohio Guard member those who want to attend college." This year, the winner and all nominees will be recognized on Monday April receives 100 percent of their tuition The Scholarship Program is the I 17th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, 2000, at a special awards ceremony. The event will fea- Slate Senator Robert Latta sup- for 10 quarters or eight semesters at premiere program that sets Ohio ports students in the district to utilize any Ohio two- or four-year universi- above the other military services that ture presentations from all nominees and entertainment by "Spectrum" a woman's the Ohio National Guard's Scholar- ty or college. A student could chose are struggling to recruit members," acappella singing group with performers representing a variety of cultures, lifestyles, ship Program. Under a new program. to attend a private college and said Sergeant Brad Hessen, Bowling and religious backgrounds. The ceremony is free and open to the public. Ohioans can be awarded 100 percent receive an amount equal to the aver- Green National Guard recruitment | of their college tuition for joining the age cost of a state school. office. Refreshments will be served. Ohio National Guard. 'The chance to receive a free col- For more information about this I What is the nomination process? Governor Bob Taft announced the lege education is an advantage that program phone (614) 336-7032 or Ohio National Guard Scholarship every Ohioan should jump at." Latta toll-free. 1-800 400-6484. A nomination form for the Miguel Ornelas Human Relations Award, including Program in August 1999. Through said. "Affordability is a big issue for the selection criteria, is attached. The Human Relations Commission must receive nomination forms and supporting materials no later than Monday April 3rd at Learn 5:00 pm. Members of the Human Relations Commission are not eligible for nomina- tion. Anyone can submit a nomination. Self-nominations are accepted. effective Who has recieved the award in the past? organizational 1998-99 Stefoni Bavin/ GSS Ad-Hoc Committee on Conflict Resolution and Vision & leadership skills. 1997-98 Penda Horton and the Latino Student Union Open to students and New at Pisanello's 1996-97 Multicultural Mentoring Program organization advisers 1995-96 World Student Association FREE REFRESHMENTS! 1994-95 University Activities Organization 1993-94 Racism Reduction Center 1992-93 Libraries and Learning Resources' Multicultural Affairs Committee March 28 should we do plan A, The 2000 'Miguel Ornelas Human Relations Award' B, or XT' Nomination Form Decision Making: Ethical Scenarios Presenters are Nicole R Letawsky, House Director of Phi Mu 8 Micki Name of the nominator: ___ Pannozzo. House Director ol Camma Full of Flavor! Phi Beta Choose from Mini, Nominator's Phone #: Email Medium & Large Sizes. Available in BG & other locations April 4th Name of the nominee:. Leadership Styles Fr»» Dtllnry with or. Sues* 352-5166 leaortnip style* Nominee's Phone #: Email 35 Yean Nominee's Address: On a separate sheet describe the nominee's programs, services, and/or actions that WQLCOMk have significantly enhanced positive human relations at Bowling Green State University. PACK Criteria for selection include: jteeicA 1 Overall impact 2. Benefit to the campus 3. Creativity and uniqueness 4. Degree to which actions have mobilized others 5. Potential to influence institutional policy or procedures 6. Degree to which actions have enhanced the role and mission of the University. Submit any additional information that may be helpful in the evaluation. Spring 2000 Leadership Nominations must be returned no later than 5pm on Workshop Series Monday April 3rd, 2000 TUESDAYS via mail to Human Relations Commission at BOSU, P.O.Box 61 224 Olscamp OR via email to [email protected] 7:30 - 9pm Questions may be directed to Office of Student Activities Jane Rosser (372-7227) or Peggy Dennis (372-8495) i unit ol in* 0«i(# of student lite Divmon ol Sluotni AIU Co-Chairs, Human Relations Commission *or ouettiont pleisr (.Hi ill Jim or .ml 104 touth Hi HAIR NAILS TANNING 352-6459 i jluntlay. March 27. 2000 The BG News page 7 SPORTS

Baseball Baseball gets back on track with 3 wins against Bulls •I- PETE STELLA AND one of those days." Newell doubled to open the third >: NICK HURM The Falcons scored three times in and scored after back-to-back sin- '!''. SPORTS WRITERS the first inning with Christman lead- gles by Christman and Elias. ing off with a homer, only the sec- Gilhousen singled home Christman ;.'The Bowling Green baseball ond in his career. Elias followed up and Ryan broughl home Elias to team opened the home portion of iis with a walk, senior Alan Gilhousen push the BG advantage to 12-2. schedule in Falcon style, defeating doubled, a Ryan ground-out scored BG scored two runs in the fourth -the Bulls of Buffalo in all three Elias and Gilhousen made it home but were challenged by the Bulls, parties of the weekend series. on an error by Buffalo. who plated eight runs in three innings to cut Ihe Falcon lead to 15- ;-\Thc Brown and Orange earned Sophomore Nick Schmidt scored 10. The Falcon play turned sloppy, two wins Saturday. 7-1 and 15-11. a run in the second and junior Lee Morrison rounded the bases in the compiling three errors on the day. aril one Sunday. 3-2. The victories third after making it on base on a "Second game, we swung Ihe give BG a 7-9-1 overall record. dropped fly ball. He scored on an bats pretty well but I don't ihink our :. -^Despite the wins and the great infield single by senior Matt Mar- concentration was where it needed •ftomefield atmosphere. BG coach cum. to be." Schmitz said. "We need lo Danny Schmitz still feels his squad The Falcons added its last two work on our mental toughness and needs work. runs in the sixth inning when Elias our mental focus." "We know we still have a lot of launched a home run over the right In the sixth, the Falcons earned work ahead of us." Schmitz said. field wall to also score Christman. Iheir final run when Newell hil one "We really have to work on the men- Schmitz felt his team, especially of the right field wall for his first tal part of our game. If we want to be Christman. gave the Falcons a nice career homer . competitive in our conference and if boost behind the plate. He was dis- Freshman Bretl Baumgartncr • you want to challenge for a division appointed with the mental errors his made his first career start and won ■'title or a championship, you've got squad had. which almost lost the the contest. The win moved his to be mentally and physically game for BG. record to 2-0 while allowing seven strong." "Christman swung the bat well earned runs in four innings of work. Game one: BG 7 - UB 1 all day long." he said. "We definite- Sophomore Kevin Stock and seniors The Falcons dominated all ly had mental lapses and we allowed Mike Muzi and Ryan Streb each aspects of the game in their first con- them to gel back in a game they had pitched one inning for BG. test of Ihc weekend series against no business getting back in." "We definitely got to do a belier the Bulls. Game two: BG 15 - UB 11 job on the mental part, staying Junior pitcher Craig Mcnke The Falcons opened the second focused from the first pitch to the earned his first complete game and game with their bats blazing, scoring last pitch." Schmitz said. career win in a BG uniform by six runs in the first inning alone. Game three: BG 3 - UB 2 MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News allowing only two hits and one walk ('hnstman ended the day going 4- Yesterday's game was quite a while sinking oul ten He also 5 with a triple, home run and an RBI change from ihe day before. MENKE — Junior Craig Menke fires away in Bowling Green's 7-1 win over Buffalo Saturday. retired nine ol the first ten Buffalo and Gilhousen hit home three runs All the offense thai ihc first two hitlers alter giving up a home run to on a 3-3 Mint at the plate. Sopho- games were powered on ran out of Menke struck out 10 Bull batters and allowed just two hits and one walk in the win. The Falcons Brandon DiCeasare. more Tim Newell went 2-4 with a fuel in ihe third game. It was a pitch- swept the three-game series to improve to 7-9-1. "I thought Menke threw the ball double, home run and an RBI and ing duel. Sophomore Doug Flcre started "It's going to be a key for us to and three hits before the eighth. The very, very well in the first game." Dukatc plated two RBIs and a dou- The Falcons, who managed only ihe game and only made one mis- gel quality innings oul of Derek and lone run he had given up was an RBI Schmitz said "I thought he had ble. one run in ihe firsl seven innings, take in ihe lour innings the lefty our bullpen." Schmitz said. It will be double by El rod that scored Nick. It gcKid stuff and of course throwing a Christman led off with a triple. found a way to spark just enough pitched. Flere gave up a solo home a definite plus for us. Hopefully il was just one inning lhal hurt Janu- complete game is a nice shot in ihc Elias walked and Gilhousen doubled offense to pick up a 3-2 win over ihe run to Buffalo freshman Adrian will be contagious for ihe other guys chowski. arm to start off the home series " in both of the runners. Ryan and Bulls. BG trailed most of ihe game Daniels in the top of the third. in our bullpen." Just when it looked like the Bulls The Brown and Orange also freshman Cory Loomis both walked and had only comeback to win a Besides lhal. Flere pitched flawless Griffith pitched 4 2/3 innings giv- may sneak by with a win Ryan received big performances from the to load the bases and were followed game one time all year against Norlh striking only giving up two hits and ing up jusl iwo hils and the lone run. stepped lo the plate and smacked the . dangerous offense, including junior by a junior Scott Dukate double to Carolina-Ashevillc. The Falcons slriking oul nine on 69 pilches He struck oul four and walked two. ball over the left field fence to tie the . Aric Christman and sophomores plalc two more runs. Schmidt and found a way to pick up their second thrown. "When we came out in ihe sec- game. Before Ryan could even sit . Sean Ryan and Len Elias. Christman senior Malt Best ended ihe inning of the season. Ryan and Morrison hit From there BG called on fresh- ond game we were kind of slow." down on the bench Morrison hit a went 2-3 at the plate with a home with back lo back RBI ground-outs back-to-back home runs with iwo man Dcryck Griffith to start where Griffith said. "Sunday we wanted lo no-doubier over the right field wall. , run and an RBI and Ryan hil for two The Brown and Orange compiled outs in the eighth lo pul BG up for Flcre left off. Griffith answered by come oul and do a really good job. "I was just trying to get on base." doubles and one RBI on a 3-4 per- Ihrcc more runs in Ihc second inning good. pitching just as solid. But like Flere. Today everybody had a differenl Ryan said. "I love to be in clutch sit- formance al Ihe plate Elias hit his to lake a deciding 9-1 lead. Christ- "Teams that are going lo win Griffith made one mistake. Wiih two altitude. We shut down their offense uations. Last year I had three or four first home run of ihe season and also man hil for an insidc-the-park home championships will have lo have out in ihe lop of ihc eighth, ihe with those strikes." hits to win a couple games. I just plated two RBIs on the day. run. followed by an Elias walk and a some come from behind victories." freshman gave up a bomb to straight Despite all the trouble Buffalo like to be in that situation to help the "You just have those days where Gilhousen single Sophomore Nick Schmitz said. I would have liked lo away center that was just oul of the had with ihe BG pitchers, ihe Fal- learn out." everything you hit is going to fall, I lu»d singled lo score Elias and see us swing the bats a little belter reach of an outslrcehcd Chrislman's cons even had more with Bulls .Christman said "I had some hard Gilhousen crossed ihe plate when an today, but we made some adjust- glove. The score pul ihe Bulls up 2- starter Tom Januchowski. The right Streb came on to retire ihe final hits, but even the ones that I didn't infield fly oul was dropped by the ments late. I think all things were 1. hander had only given up one run baiter and secure the win for BG. hit hard were falling in. I just had Buffalo infield. positive loday." Men's Basketball Softball Softball team goes 2-2 on road trip to Virginia Badgers hold off Purdue THE ASSOCIATED PRESS When it was over. Wisconsin's DOROTHY WRONA Panther error then allowed Frantz to Hirterdal's grounder. ing up three runs between thenthem. players rushed to the center of ihe ALBUQUERQUE. N.M. — The court. Three players jumped on a SPORTS WRTTER score. Jenny Domschot followed with a Rebekah Tipton threw 2/3 of an A passed ball allowed Rouhana to walk. Catcher Colleen Bates reached inning without surrendering a run. pesky, patient Wisconsin Badgers courtside table in front of a large The Falcon soflball team went 2- score the Falcon's fourth run. Angie base on an error, allowing Hinerdal The Falcons ended the tourna- are headed to the Final Four, an section of shrieking Badgers fans. 2 this past weekend at Virginia's Domschot's triple scored Frantz. to score the third run of the game. ment with an 8-0 loss to Penn State improbable journey they last made The table collapsed, sending writers' Hoo's Who Tournament. Domschot scored the Falcons' fifth Milosek improved her earned-run on Saturday afternoon. Once again. 59 years ago laptop computers, sofi drinks and BGSU opened the weekend with run on another passed ball. average to 0.93, recording one walk Falcon errors led to the loss. The Coach Dick Bennett's eighth- ihe players onto ihe court, bul no a 5-0 shutout of Pittsburgh on Fri- Later on Friday afternoon, the and three strikeouts. Nittany Lions scored four unearned seeded team pul on another clinic of one was hurt. day. Freshman pitcher McKenna Falcons shut out the host Cavaliers The Falcons dropped a game to runs. precision passing and pressure The victory was especially iHoule pitched her first complete 3-0. Rutgers 7-1, allowing six unearned PSU started scoring early, with a defense Salurday to beat Purdue for rewarding to Bennett, whose rise :« •game — a five-hitter to improve her Sophomore pitcher Jessie runs Saturday. Five Falcon errors hit off BG starter Andrea Genter. Ihc third lime ihis season. 64-60. and through the coaching ranks in ihe 'record to 4-1. Houle did not allow a Milosek improved her record to 4-1 benefited Rutgers, who scored six They scored three more times in the complete an unlikely rise from sixlh slate of Wisconsin was as slow and runner past second base, improving with her second complete-game unearned runs. In the top of the sec- second and twice in ihe third. place in ihe Big Ten lo champions of steady as his team's offense. He was her earned-run average to 0.58 on shutout of the season. ond, Rutgers scored three runs, one Genter. who pitched two and 2/3 the NCAA Wesl Regional. a successful high school coach, then - the season. All the scoring occurred in the earned off starter McKenna Houle. innings, fell to 2-3 on the season. The Badgers (22-13). whose only was a winner at Wisconsin-Slevens The Falcons began the game wiih bottom of the fifth inning. Third With the loss, Houle's season record She allowed six hits and runs, two of big-lime basketball success came Point and Wisconsin-Green Bay. dropped to 4-2. them earned. a two-run first inning. Second base- baseman Lynsey Ebel led off the when ihey won the NCAA title in He was passed over twice for ihc The Falcons only had two hits in The Falcons were held to two hits man Angie Domschot tripled to left inning with an infield single and was 1941. held ihe Boilermakers without Wisconsin job before finally getting replaced by pinch-runner Morgan the game. Renee Rosemeier led off in the game. Jenny Domschot sin- a field goal for nearly six minutes center and scored the game's first his chance five years ago. But he LaNicca. the third inning with a single lo left gled in the first inning, and Hinerdal late in Ihe game to become the low- run on a single by senior Erin had his critics, who complained he Shortstop Libby Vislicll doubled field. A wild pitch allowed her to hit an infield single in ihe third. est-seeded team lo advance to the Zwinck. One out later, left fielder wasn't winning enough and his style to left field with her third hit of the advance to second, then a sacrifice PSU ended the game with two Final Four since 1986. Jenny Domschot hit a triple to score was boring The Badgers were just game to score LaNicca. Pinch-run- by Natalie Philips allowed her to fifth-inning runs to enact the "mercy Roy Boone scored 12 points for Zwinck. 13-12 after a loss at Michigan State BGSU took advantage of Panther nej Jessica Jenkins advanced to third take third. Rosemeier scored on rule." Wisconsin, twice his season aver- base on a sacrifice by Kandice Angie Domschot's infield grounder. age, six of them in the final 2:45. on Feb. 19. But ihey are 9-1 since errors in the fourth inning. First ihen, with the only loss to Michigan baseman Nikki Rouhana singled .Machain. Liz Tuza doubled in ihe seventh With the less, the Falcons fell to The reserve guard's short jumper put Slate in the Big Ten tournament and, after a wild pitch, advanced to Angie Domschot. with her third for BG's only other hit of the game. 12-6 on the season. The Falcons will ihe Badgers up 56-53 wiih 2:45 second base. Catcher Holly Frantz hit of the day, singled to score Jenk- Four Falcon players pitched travel to Dayton Tuesday to take on remaining, then he made two free Purdue held its previous three singled, sending Rouhana to third. A ins. Domschot was tagged out at against Rutgers. Milosek and Houle Wright State at 2:30 p.m. throws wiih 1:08 to play lo make ii loumamenl opponents 13 16- percent second after center fielder Carmen combined for an inning and 2/3, giv- 60-53 and IWO more lo boos! ihe shooting from 3-point range, bul lead lo 63-57 wiih 17.6 seconds to Wisconsin was 7-for-16. NCAA Tournament go. The Badgers were 5-for-7 on 3- Jon Bryant scored 18 points, poimers in ihe firsl half and led 31- including 5-of-9 3-poiniers. to lead 28 at the break. Bryant made three in ihe Badgers (22-13). Andy Kowske the first 3:20. added 14 points and eight rebounds. Maurice Linton's 3-poimer ignit- Florida's depth too much for Oklahoma State Brian Cardinal scored all 13 of ed a 7-0 run lhal ended with Andy his points in the second half for Pur- Kowske's short jumper from the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Division I at Marshall. due (24-10). but it wasn't quite lane ihat put ihe Badgers up 25-19 Using the same press that wore enough. Carson Cunningham also SYRACUSE. NY. — Florida down fourth-seeded Illinois in the wiih 4:17 to go. Boone scored five scored 13. including a 3-poinler that points in the final 1:40 of the half, filled the final spot in one of the second round and top-seeded Duke cut Wisconsin's lead lo 63-60 with most unlikely Final Fours in years, bul Purdue's Mike Robinson hit a in the regional semifinals. Florida 11.5 seconds to play. But Mike Kef wearing down yet another higher- (28-7) forced Oklahoma Slate (27-7) 17-footer at the buzzer lo cut the ley. the Big Ten defensive player of seeded, more experienced learn. into turnovers and also wore the halftime lead lo three. With seven sophomores and ihe year who forced Purdue's Jaraan Cardinal's bank shot with 6:54 to Cowboys down, especially point Cornell into another miserable freshmen in the 10-man rotation, the play gave the Boilermakers their guard Doug Gottlieb, who looked shooting day. made'one of two free fifth-seeded Galors beat third-seed- only lead of the second half, 50-49. exhausted in the first half from try- throws with 10.6 seconds to clinch ed Oklahoma Stale and its seven ing to constantly beat ihe pressure. Bryant's 3-poimer with 5:45 to go the victory. seniors 77-65 yesterday in the East A 10-0 run gave the Gators a 33- put Wisconsin back on top 52-50. Cornell, l-for-7 shooting in Wis- Regional final. 18 lead with 9:39 left in the first half consin's victoiy over Purdue two Cardinal tied it at 52 with two free Led by 34-year-old coach Billy and they were up 43-31 at halftime. throws with 5:23 remaining before Donovan, the Gators will play resur- Twice in the second half Okla- weeks ago in ihe first round of the Big Ten tournament, was l-for-9 this Kowske. who drew his fourth foul gent North Carolina, which beal homa Stale, which starts four seniors with 9:48 to go. took a slick pass Tulsa 59-55 in ihe South Regional but was facing its firsl single-digit lime, l-for-7 from 3-point range. The loss deprived Purdue coach from Bryant on the baseline and final, on Saturday in Indianapolis. seed in the tournament, came up scored to make it 54-52. Wisconsin, like North Carolina an Gene Ready of his first trip to the with runs lo make il close, bul the Robinson, who scored 12 points, eighth seed, will play Michigan Final Four. It was the second time Gators didn't fold. made one of two free throws with State, the only No. I seed left, in ihe Desmond Mason and Glendon the Boilermakers have made it to a 3:01 remaining to cut the lead to 54- ouVr semifinal. Alexander hil 3-pointers in a 9-0 run regional final in Keady's 20 years at 53. then Boone, who had blown a The Gators' only other trip lo the thai brought the Cowboys within 50- the school. They lost to Duke in the Southeast in 1994. wide-open lay-up a minute earlier, Final Four was in 1994. when most 42 with 14:12 left, but Donovan Associated Prett Photo of the current players were in grade called a timeout, changed all five The Badgers beat Purdue three sank a 12-footer to make it 55-53. school and Donovan was about to consecutive times after losing to the Purdue went without a field goal become the youngest head coach in WEAKS — Florida'* Kenyan Weaks slam* it home in the Gators' Boilermakers at Purdue early in the from the 6:54 mark until Greg • See FLORIDA, page eight. win over Oklahoma State yesterday. conference season. McQuay's tip with 56 seconds to go. Page 8 The BG News Monday, March 27, 2000 SPORTS

Michigan State, Cleaves outlast Iowa State for return trip to Final 4

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 5). who were bidding for their first frenzy. tans coach Tom Izzo had been plead- Final Four appearance since 1944. Now they could sense the dream ing with the pass-first player to be AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — The Spartans, who have won had been revived. more selfish, and Hutson finally Michigan Stale once again took its three straight Big Ten champi- Peterson hit four free throws and took him up on it. time proving it's the favorite to win onships, will face conference rival Cleaves made one down the stretch, Hutson. who finished with 17 the national championship. Wisconsin in the national semifinals while the Cyclones — hurrying their points, scored nine straight, some The top-seeded Spartans used next Saturday in Indianapolis. shots now — began to fire wildly over Fizer, as the Spartans narrowed another late run to beat Iowa State Wisconsin, three-time losers to until Nurse sank a 3-pointer with the gap to 48-47 with 7:52 remain- 75-64 in the Midwest Regional final Michigan State this season, beat 44.2 remaining. ing. Saturday night, advancing to the Purdue 64-60 in the West final in Granger finished it off with four But a jumper by Tinsley. who Final Four for the second straight Albuquerque. N.M. straight free throws, thanks in part to learned the game on the New York year. Iowa State took a 59-52 lead with a technical foul against Iowa Slate City playgrounds, and a 3-pointer by Morris Peterson and A.J. Granger 5:49 left on Kan trail Horton's two coach Larry Eustachy who was Nurse sparked another Iowa State each scored 18 points for the Spar- free throws. But successive 3-point- ejected with 9.9 seconds left. spurt that put the Cyclones up 59-52 tans (30-7), the last No. 1 seed left in ers by Granger and Peterson, plus The Spartans are seeking their with 5:49 left. the tournament. This will be the two free throws by Charlie Bell, nar- first NCAA championship since But the Spartans have been eighth time only one No. 1 has rowed the gap to 60-61 with 4:01 1979 when Magic Johnson's team behind before. They trailed Syracuse reached the Final Four, and seven of left. beat I ..iirv Bird's Indiana State team. by 14 in the second half of their those have been since 1989 — with Bell's jumper from the right side four since 1994. put the Spartans ahead 62-61 with The Cyclones trailed by three at semifinal game with the Orangemen Michigan State, which scored the 2:54 left — their first lead since the halftime. But Fizer, a 6-foot-8, 265- on Thursday night and still won by final 17 points in its third-round vic- 14:19 mark of the half. pound junior held to six points in the 17 points. tory over Syracuse, trailed Iowa Then came perhaps the biggest first half, started connecting after Successive 3-pointers by Granger State by seven points with 5:49 left play of the game. Mateen Cleaves, intermission. and Peterson let the Cyclones know in the second half. who had only one assist to that Fizer hit three straight shots — a Michigan State wasn't going to wilt. The Spartans outscored the point, threw up on aWey-oop-pai*. lay-up. a floating 3-pointer. and a Bell's jumper put the Spartans Cyclones 23-5 the rest of the way. that Peterson slammed down with jumper from the left side — during a ahead for good. 62-61. with 2:54 Jamaal Tinsley scored 18 points. 2:03 left, giving the Spartans a 64- 12-0 run that put Iowa State ahead left. Michael Nurse had 17 and All 61 lead and sending the partisan 48-40 with 11:45 left. The victory was Michigan State's American Marcus Fizer added 15 crowd at The Palace — about 80 Michigan State's best weapon at ninth straight. Iowa State had won for the second-seeded Cyclones (32- minutes from East Lansing — into a that point was Andre Hutson. Spar- 10 in a row. Associated Press FLORIDA Photo Continued from page 7. Udonis Haslem and Donnell Harvey added Cowboys in it. CLEAVES — players, and the lead was back to 54-42 10 each. The Gators even looked a lot fresher in alter Oklahoma State turned the ball over Fredrik Jonzen had 14 points for the the first half. Miller had a great spin move Michigan State's on three consecutive possessions. Cowboys, while Alexander added 13 and that led to a left-handed lay-up midway Mateen Cleaves' Alexander hit another 3 to cap a 7-0 Joe Adkins 12. eight in the final minute. through and freshman Brett Nelson drew rises above that made it 56-53 with 7:56 left, but Flori- Miller, selected the regional's MVP. some cheers from the crowd of 30,388 at Iowa State's da scored the next seven points. Sopho- won the opening-round game over 12th- the Carrier Dome with an around-the- Michael Nurse more Mike Miller scored the last five, seeded Butler with a game-winning drive waist move as he went in ahead of the field during the Spar- for a lay-up. making two free throws, grabbing the at the buzzer in overtime, the Gators' only tans' 75-64 win rebound on a missed jumper by Oklahoma close game of the four in the regional. Donovan will join Dean Smith. Bob State then burying a 3-pointer with 6:16 The most impressive was the 87-78 win Knight. Vic Bubas. Dick Harp and Bones in Saturday's left to make it 63-53. over Duke in the semifinals, the school's McKinney as the only men to coach and Midwest The closest the Cowboys got the rest of first win ever over a top-ranked team. play in the national semifinals. Regional cham- the way was eight points. There was no drama in the final as the OSU coach Eddie Sutton was looking pionship game. Miller led Florida with 14 points, and Gators took control early and never let the for his third Final Four appearance. —

Management Inc. Jay Smith M.D. FALL OPENINGS General Medicine & Pain Management Accepting New Patients Management Inc. Sj&zzdl&Z Immediate Appointments Available Hillsdale Apts. 1082 Fairview, Ibdrm 9 1/2 - 12 mo. Leases. THE WORLD'S GQH3SJ SECOND HAND STORE Start at $380. 3546166 CaU 353-5800 onfae

Management Inc. LOCATION, PRICE & SELECTION Evergreen Apts. 215 E. Poe, Studios, 1 bdrm. laundry on site You Will Find The Best Housing With Us! Starts at $250 Call 353-5800 805 THURSTIN -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Furnished. School Year- Two Person Rate- S590.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- S510.00 4*fEfcCA 517 E. REED -AT Thurstin One Bedroom, 1 Bath, Furnished or Unfurnished Management Inc. School Year- Two Person Rate- $475.00 Heinz Site 726 N. Enterprise One Year- Two Person Rate- S405.00 1 bdrm BRAND NEW Starts at $400 451 THURSTIN -Across from Offenhauer. Call 353-5800 Furnished Efficiencies with Full Bath. School Year- One Pcrdson Rate- $350.00 One Year- One Person Rate- S320.00 605 SECOND -One Bedroom, Unfurnished. Management Inc. School Year- One Person Rate- $375.00' Willow House 830 Fourth St., One Year- One Person Rate- $330.00 1 bdrm. Remodeled. 649 SIXTH -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Vanity in Hall. Starts at $400 Furnished- School Year -Two Person Rate- $535.00 Furnished- One Year - Two Person Rate - $440.00 Parkview Apt 1048 N. Main everything Is For Safe... 802 SIXTH -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Vanity in Hall. Dishwashers. I & 2 bdrm Furnished- School Year -Two Person Rate- $550.00 Starts at $365 Except The Models! Call 353-5800 Furnished- One Year - Two Person Rate - $465.00 818 SEVENTH -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Vanity in Hall, Slop by our office al 1045 N. Main SI tor .-omi'lric liMinf or Call JS.V5S00. Furnished- School Year- Two Person Rate- $535.00 Furnished- One Year- Two Person Rate- $440.00 505 CLOUGH -Two Bedroom, Furnished. 1 Bath Plus Vanity. School Year- Two Person Rate- $610.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $540.00 Are you looking for a way to put your 615 SECOND -Two Bedroom, Furnished, 1 Bath. School Year- Two Person Rate- $586.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- S490.00 Bachelor's degree to good use? 815 THIRD -One Bedroom, Furnished, 1 Bath. School Year- One Person Rate- $425.00 One Year- One Person Rate- $375.00 Consider a career as an Occupational Therapist! 701 FOURTH -Two Bedropm, Furnished, 1 Bath plus Vanity in BR. School Year- Two Person Rate- $560.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $490.00 OT's help people live fuller lives. OT's work with persons of all ages who must overcome physical and/or psy- 640 EIGHTH -Two Bedroom, Unfurnished, 1 Bath. School Year- Two Person Rate- $535.00 chological challenges. OT's are employed in a variety of settings such as hospitals, schools, long-term care facil- One Year- S465.00 ities, industrial settings, and community organizations. Because the need to help people live fuller, more inde- 841 EIGHTH -Two Bedroom, Furnished, 2 Baths pendent lives is so great, the future outlook for OT is very bright! One School Year- Four Person Rate- S495.00 One Year- Four Person Rate- $425.00 If you complete your bachelor's degree and the following pre-requisites by August 18th you could be eligible to HOUSES FOR RENT start your Master of Occupational Therapy degree program at the Medical College of Ohio this Fall. 712 FOURTH K. - NEWLY CONSTRUCTED 3 Bedroom, 2 BaOt with dishwasher, washer and dryer. Limit 3 people. Available May 20,2000. $840.00 per month plus al utilities. Pre-requisite courses include human anatomy and physiology; introduction to sociology or anthropology; intro- 1501/2 MANVILLE - One bedroom upstairs uniL Limit 2 people duction to psychology; abnormal psychology; lifespan human development, and medical terminology proficiency $400.00 per month plus all utilities Deposit $400.00. Available May 20,2000. (course or self-study). 714 EIGHTH -Duplex. Unit A Only. Two 2 bedroom units. Limit 2 people per unit. $600.00 per month plus utilities. Deposit $600.00. Available August 24 2000 The MCO has a nationally ranked (top ten) program of occupational therapy with a strong reputation for research and clinical practice. You will enjoy small class sizes and a rich learning environment. Call JOHN NEWLOVE Applications for Fall of 2000 admission are due by July I. REAL ESTATE Rental Office 354-2260 For more information or to arrange a visit, call 419-383-4429 and be sure to check out our web For Your Convenience We Are Located At site for detailed information: 319 E. Wboster Street, across from Taco Bell I -londay, March 27, 2000 The BG News page 9 SPORTS www. bgnewb. com/sports

NCAA Basketball Tounumml Stanford 84. South Carolina Slate 65 Iowa Stale 80. I'CLA 36 from fcK£ w;^€ All times eastfrn Second Round Regional Championship Flyers down rival Penguins, 3-1 EAST REGIONAL Sunday. March 19 Saturday, March 23 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Keith Primeau scored a _ First Round AI NaAriUe Arena Michigan State 75. Iowa State 64 power-play goal late in the second period and John Van- = Friday, March 17 Nashville, Tenn. WEST REGIONAL biesbrouck stopped 27 shots as the Philadelphia Flyers AtflSBC Arena Tulsa 69. Cincinnati 61 First Round defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins 3-1 yesterday Bijffalo, N.Y. Miami 75. Ohio State 62 Thursday. March 16 Pittsburgh played most of the game without Jaromir S«6n Hall 72. Oregon 71. OT At Birmingham-JefTenoa Civic Cenler At The Jon M. Huntsman Center Jagr. who left with a bruised upper back after getting Tejaple 73. Lafiyette 47 Birmingham. Ala. Salt l a)u City checked from behind by Dan McGillis just 4:59 in. Jagr Oh&homa Stale 86. Hofttra 66 North Carolina 60. Stanford 33 Texas 77, Indiana State 61 was playing his fourth game since returning from thigh Pejiwrdine 77. Indiana 57 Tennessee 65. Connecticut 51 LSU 64. Southeast Missoun Stale 61 and hamstring injuries that cost him 12 games. At Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum At Frank Erwln Center Arizona 71. Jackson Slate 47 The Flyers moved within two points of F.astern Con- Wlovton-Salem. N.C. Austin. Tesai Wisconsin 66. Fresno State 36 ference-leading New Jersey. Pittsburgh remains in sev- lllimni 68. Pennsylvania 38 Regional Semifinals Al McKale Center enth place in the conference with 78 points FlOpda 69. Butler 68. OT Friday, March 24 Tucson, Aril. Primeau's score came 28 seconds after a goal by John Kami* 81. DePiul 77. OT Tulsa 80. Miami 71 Oklahoma 74. Winthrop 50 LeClair was waved off because the puck bounced in off Dike 82. Lunar 35 North Carolina 74. Tennessee 69 Purdue 62. Dayton 61 LeClair's leg. Primeau relentlessly whacked away at the Second Round Regional Championship Gonraga 77. Louiiville 66 puck, getting three shots off. before scoring. Sunday, March 19 Sunday. March 26 St John's 61. Northern Anrona 56 Penguins rookie JeanSebastien Aubin made 37 save*, A(HSBC Arena - ■• North Carolina 59. Tulsa 55 Second Round including 21 in the second period as Philadelphia regis- Baffalo, N.Y. MIDWEST REGIONAL Saturday. March 18 tered a season-high 23 shots in the frame. Ofclahonu Suie 75. Pcpperdine 67 First Round Al The Jon M. Huntsman Center Setbn Mall 67. Temple 65.OT Thursday, March 16 Salt I ak< City Bucks 99. Celtics 84 At Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum At Goodman Arena LSU 72. Texas 67 Wliuton-Sakm, N.C. Cleveland Wisconsin 66. Arizona 59 MILWAUKEE (AP) — Ray Allen scored 27 points to Honda 93. Illinois 76 Kentucky 85. St Bormenrure 80. 20T Al McKale Center lead the Milwaukee Bucks to a 99-84 victory over the Duke 69. Kansas 64 Syracuse 79. Samford 65 Tucson. Aria. Boston Celtics yesterday. Al The Carrier Dome Michigan Stale 65. Valparaiso 38 Purdue 66. Oklahoma 62 Sam Cassell had 22 points and Glenn Robinson 17 as Syracuse, N.Y. Utah 48. Sainl Louis 45 Gonzaga 82. Si John's 76 the Bucks remained I 1/2 games behind Orlando, who Regional Semifinals Al The Hubert II. Humphrey Melrodome AlThePil beat Miami 94-69. for the final playoff spot in the East- Friday, March 24 Minneapolis Albuquerque. N.M. ern Conference. Florida 87. Duke 78 Auburn 72. Crcighton 69 Regional Semifinals Oklahoma Slate 68. Scton Hall 66 Iowa Siale 88. Central Connecticut State 78 Thursday. March 23 Antoine Walker had 22 points for the Celtics, who Regional Championship Maryland 74. lona 59 Purdue 75. Gonzaga 66 slipped 4 1/2 games behind Orlando. Danny Fortson had Sunday. March 26 UCLA 65. Ball Stale 57 Wisconsin 61. LSU 48 17 rebounds for Boston. Honda 77. Oklahoma Stale 65 Second Round Regional Championship Robinson's basket capped a 12-1 run midway through SOITH REGIONAL Saturday. March 18 Saturday. March 25 the third and gave the Bucks their biggest lead at 73-54 First Round Al Goodman Arena Wisconsin 64. Purdue 60 with 3:23 left in the quarter. Friday. March 17 Cleveland At Nashville Arena Syracuse 52, Kentucky 30 THE FINAL FOUR The Bucks couldn't put Boston away, however as Nashville. Tcnn Michigan State 73. Huh 61 At The RCA Dome Dana Barros hit two jumpers and the Celtics closed the Cincinnati 64. North Carolina-Wilmington 47 At The Hubert II. Humphrey Melrodome Indianapolis quarter on a 9-1 run. I uU.i 89. UNLV 62 Minneapolis National Semifinals With Milwaukee leading 74-63. Allen scored the Ohio Stale 87. Appalachian Stale 61 lo-j State 79, Auburn 60 Saturday. April 1 Bucks' first six points of the fourth and Cassell added the Mr.inn 75. Arkansas 71 UCLA 105, Maryland 70 Wisconsin (2213) W. Michigan Slate i30-7i next six to keep Milwaukee's lead above 12 points the Al Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Cenler Al The Palace of Auburn Hills NonhCaroIina(22-l3) vs Florida (28-7) rest of the way. Birmingham. Ala. Auburn Hills. Mich. GUM lime* 5 42 p.m. and 30 minutes after first game Tennessee 63.1 nuimru-l alayctir 58 Regional Semifinals National Championship Allen, who scored 17 in the first half, gave the Bucks Connecticut 75. Utah Stale 67 Thursday, March 23 Monday. April 3 a 49-33 lead with his third 3-pointei and helped Milwau- \nriti ( irnlina H4 Misvoun 70 Michipjn Slate 75. Syracuse 58 Semifinal winners. 9 18 pm kee build a 53-40 halftimc lead.

ss$sss$s$ss$$ssss$s$s$ssss$sss$ss$$sss $ U^ Freshly P<§>,>.>#i>frifii I Ulould you like $500? We want to giue it to you! $ $ Panly! Scholarship j OFF-CAMPUS $ •Available to BGSU off-campus/commuting $ $ under-grad student in good standing with the University. $ STUDENT CENTER $ $ student cetttet Ground Floor Moseley Hall $ Candidates will be considered in the basis of their contributions to $ off-campus commuting students, the Non Traditional Student Assoc, 11 AM - 4 PM $ the Off-Campus Connection student organization and/or the $ Hazel H. Smith Off-Campus Student Center. $ $ Applications are now available at these locations: $ 501 donation for the Barbara Y. Keller $ The Hazel H. Smith Off Campus Student Center. $ $ Ground Level Moslev Hall $ Scholarship benefitting Commuter & $ The Office of student Life 40S saddlcmirc Student Services Building $ $ The Financial Aid Office 2JI Administralion Building $ Off-Campus Students $ $ $ $ $ Applications are due -- 5:00 Friday. March 31, 2000 $ $ $ $ All applications should be firected to: $ $ Hazel H. Smith Memorial Scholarship Committee c/o Hazel H Smith Off-Campus Student Center $ Mosley Hall (ground level) - BGSU Bowling Green. OH. 43403 0153 *fudent cent*' Check out exclusive news at SUMMER RENTALS

517 E. REED - AT THURSTIN - One bedroom unfurnished Great Apartments Still Available for Fall 2000 At Air Conditioned. $575,000 for the summer, $200.00 deposit. Available May 20, 2000 to Aug. 12, 2000. GREENBRIAR! 723 THIRD - One bedroom furnished. Air Conditioned. $525,000 for the summer, $200.00 deposit. Available May 20, 2000 to Aug. 12, 2000.

810 FOURTH - One bedroom furnished. Air Conditioned. $575.00 for the summer, $200.00 deposit. Available Columbia Court Apartments $775-$9oomo. May 20, 2000 to August 12, 2000. Close To Campus! 839 SEVENTH - One bedroom furnished. Air Conditioned. $550.00 for the summer, $200.00 deposit. Available May 20, 2000 to August 12, 2000.

Mercer Manor Apartments $775-$850 mo. 701 FOURTH - Two bedroom furnished. Air Conditioned. $650.00 for the summer, $200.00 deposit. Available AC, Fireplaces! May 13, 2000 to August 12, 2000.

649 SIXTH - Two bedroom furnished. Air Conditioned. East Merry Apartments $725 mo. $650.00 for the summer, $200.00 deposit. Newly Remodeled Available May 20, 2000 to August 12, 2000. 818 SEVENTH - Two bedroom furnished or unfurnished apartment. Air Conditioned. $650.00 for the Also a few spots still open at Field Manor Apartments and Frazee summer, $200.00 deposit. Available May 20, 2000 Ave. Apartments. Both $625 to 675 mo. Close To Campus! to August 12,2000. Call JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Apartments Also Available 352-0717 Rental Office 354-2260 For Summer Rental! 224 E. Wooster For Your Convenience We Are Located at GREENBRIAR, INC. 319 E. Wooster Street, across from Taco Bell I page 10 The BG News Monday, March 27, 2

Campus Events Personals Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For Rent

First ever Senior Week i • coming! Looking lor a SUMMER JOB that will Personal care assistant needed, r iexible 1 and 2 bedroom apartments April 24-27 work around your class schedule? The Dishwashers needed Bartenders/waitiHises. part time, no exp. necessary. Call 352-2149. hours. Must be able to lift. Interested? Beginning of May of 2000 Beyond BQ April 27 Office ol Admissions is hiring TOUR 10am - 2pm and 5pm - 10pm Liberal starting wage! Email or call 353-4630. 352-7454 8-10 pm Anderson Arena GUIDES. Applications are now available Landscape positions available. Mowing Summer Counselors Apply at Kaufman's at the Lodge crew member, landscape installation crew 1 bdr. apt. across from campus. Avail Pnzes, Food & Fun! in 110 McFall Center and are due by Great staff-Great facilities-Great Experi- 1628E WoosterSt. member, and garden maintenance crew May, for one year lease. $350/month + Get your Beyond BG t-shirt on the 5:00pm on Friday. March 31st Contact ence, N.Y.S Co-ed Resident Camp 2 Education steps tor $13! the Tour Guide Office at 372-2086 with "Needed cleaning people 2 weeks starl- member. Full or part time 419-832-0239. utilities. Call (419) 893-1277, evenings. ing graduation day. Plus general labors hours NYC, Athletics. Baseball, Basket- 1 subleaser needed May-Aug 00 Helluva SERIAL HOMICIDE questions. Nillson's a full service landscape compa- starting now & graduation for summer. ball, Tennis, Roller Hockey, Swimming. Pad! 1 bedroom 224 1/2 Troup Ave 353- Open to all students, including sociology, Unlimited Tanning-1 month-S25 ny- Call 353-0325 Waterskiing. Boat River, Woodworking, 4933. .. psychology, criminal |ustice-Enroll now. Unlimited till end of fmals-S40 LIFEGUARDS WANTED FOR SUMMER Photography. Ceramics, Ropes/Wall, 1 -3 female summer subleasers needed, I 2000 Summer First Session 352-7889 EASY WALK FROM CAMPUS Portage Quarry, bring certification cards. Kennybrook-633 Saw Mill River Road, 79 S225 per mo ♦ utilities. 4 bedrm home on' CRJU 395 Mon S Wed 6:15-9 25pm Worried about pregnancy Work part-time, full-time, even put in over- Classes for certification begin now. Ardsley. NY. 10502 Fax (914) 693-7678, Wooster directly across from McFall. Call' Co-instructors Judge James W. Bachman Free Pregnancy Tests. Confidential and I me hours, around your college and per- Apply O 111 S. Main St. 1 -800-58-Camp2. E-mail: sonal schedule. Work a minimum of 15 372-2221 or email and Ally Jerry W. Lee. Tel. 353-5615. Canng. 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center hours per week or 40 hours plus over- Line Cooks Needed [email protected]. time. Many college students work here. 7am - 2pm and 5pm - 10pm 12 month leases starling May 19, 2000: Starting pay is $5.30 per hour with an au- Liberal starting wage! Men willing to learn and work on wood 230 N. Enlerpnse »C-1 Br-1 person- Wanted floors including gym floors. Starting when Personals tomatic $.25 per hour increase to $5.55 Apply at Kaufman's at the Lodge $345 • util. school is out for the summer until the end after 100 hours of service with the compa- 1628 E WoosterSt 266 Manville-1 Br-1 person- of August. Work consists of operating 1-2 female subleasers needed. May thru ny. These are unskilled jobs involving as- Music Director-25/30 hr wk start July. S360 . util. AOIl AOII Mill Mill MM1 equipment, including floor buffers and Aug. 2000. Contact Krista at 353-2434. sembling and packaging of small parts. S25-30.000 per exp. & skills 322 E. Court-1 Br-1 person- Lil Melissa- floor sanding machines. Also measuring, Alpha Phi is looking for 2 new houseboys Apply in person between the hours of Resume to Trinity United Methodist $390 incl all util Tonight's the night laying out and painting game lines and art for 2000-2001 school year. Contact Jenny 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Monday-Friday) at Church, 200 N. Summit. Bowling Green. 420 S. Summit-2 Br-2 person- Don't be late work. And applying gym floor finishes. We it interested, 372-6759 ADVANCED SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, OH 43402. $420 • util. We have an important date will thoroughly train you in all phases of You will see Female rmte. needed Aug 2000-May l.-JC, 428 Clough Street. Bowling Green. PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE 453 S Prospect »C-1 Br-1 person 2001. S240/mo plus 1/2 util. Own room. Ohio, only 2 blocks from campus near the work. Job pays $8.00 per hour. You $370 • Gas/elec. Just what an awesome • MONEY! Top sports camp-Maine. Coun- can expect between 40-50 hours per 353-0593, Heather. Kinko's and Dairy Queen next to the rail- 605 Fifth «C-2 Br-2 person- Big/Lil pair we will be' selors to coach all sports: tennis, base- week. Hours can be flexible. Must be Subleaser wanted 4 BR house. Minute road tracks. $390* util. Love ball, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, water- punctual and reliable and wilting to accept walk from campus. Newly remodeled. Will Expanding National full-service restaurant Steve Smith 352-8917 or 367-8666 Your Big front, ropes, BMX. mountain bike, golf, responsibility. Please contacl Bob Koch Call your date now! pay 1/2 of 1 st mo.'s rent Stacy 362-7442. seeks managers for Toledo and Findlay. water-ski. 888-844-8080 or apply 2 Summer subleasers needed ASAP Previous experience not required. 23- 419-385-5814 or fax resume to 1-900-773-1011 (ext 3450) WANTED 1924 Hi-Echo Yearbook family www campcedar com 419-385-6483 price negotiable, own room, across the $2 99/min Must De 18 or older. 33K. Fax 419-862-7339. street from campus. Call Meghan © 35?- heirloom lost in tire, desperately need to Seeking summer childcare for Wanted 50 people to lose weight by sum- Fraternities * Sororities 7258. Serv-U 619-645-8434 replace! Call 352-4398 or our 2 sons, ages 6 & 10, in our home, mer. Doctor recommended. All natural. As Clubs" Student Groups 2-3 summer subleasers needed for apt w/ FALL 2000 PRACTICUM OPPORTUNI- [email protected]. 2 days/week, 8am-3pm. must have own lowasS36. 1-888-800-6339 6X1 1230. TIES IN THE INTRAMURAL OFFICE Wanted 1 -2 roommates to share house Student organizations earn $1,00-S2,000 car If interested, call 352-6316. www.well-ness org 2 BDR. very spacious, good location, to- with the easy FOR RECREATION AND SPORT MAN- 1.5 blocks from BGSU. Many perks. Pets 7 ward* downtown BO 388-9623. I Staying in BG this summer Looking for Work from home and love it AGEMENT MAJORS APPLICATIONS okay. No smokers. Interested? E-mail three hour fundraising event. No sales 3-4 subleasers needed ASAP. 2 bed- AVAILABLE IN 130 PERRY FIELD required. Fundraising dates are filling part-time work that won't conflict with 1-800-707-5003 ext. 8861. room. 1 bath, furnished apt. Call Melissa cckhemail com or call 419-353-4830. classes" Become a SOFTBALL UM- HOUSE AND DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 7. IN- quickly, so call today' Contact Home Biz Ness Basics. or Jean 354-4392 j TERVIEWS WILL BE HELD APRIL 10- campusfundraiser com, (888) 923-3238 PIRE. The BG Umpires Association is looking for men and women to umpire in 719 4th. 3 bedrooms. 1 bath, central air. U. Help Wanted or visit dishwasher, on-site laundry, no pets GET INVOLVED IN INTRAMURALS!! AP- the city recreation leagues. Umpires are For Sale Fraternities. Sororities, Clubs and needed for either slow-pitch or fast-pitch $650/mo » dep S utils. Avail May 17th PLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED Student Groups 353-0494 FOR THE INTRAMURAL ADVISORY 400 Counselors/Instructors needed! Coed games. Earn $14-35 per game. If interest- Earn S1000-S2000 this semester with the ed, contact Jim at 352-4159 or at treeg- 1986 Pontiac 6000 Runs good Many 725 4th. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, central air. BOARD FOR FALL 2000. PICK UP AN summer camps in Pocono Mountains, PA, Lohikan. 800-488-4321 easy CIS fundraiser event. No sales new parts, 106K. S975 obo. Must sell dishwasher, on-site laundry, no pets APPLICATION IN THE IM OFFICE. 130 required. Fundraiser dates filling quickly. $800/mo. ♦ dep. 8 utils Avail May 17th ATTENTION STUDENTS SUMMER JOBS Call Jon at 352-3805. PERRY FIELD HOUSE, AND RETURN so call 1-888-839-3385. 353-0494 MOLTEN CORP. Female and male counselors needed 2 Creed tickets. Best offer Call Beth at BY APRIL 3 INTERVIEWS ARE LIMIT- S FUNDRAISER $ 436 N. ENTERPRISE ST. (or top children's camp In Maine. 353-6918. GEORGETOWN MANOR -, ED TO 14 APPLICANTS SELECTED BY Open to student IMMEDIATE HIRE! Top salary, room/board'laundry, clothing 84 Honda Accord 800 3rd St . 616 2nd St t SCREENING COMMITTEE AND WILL groups & organizations. ALSO HIRING FOR & travel allowance provided. Must love 2 new tires. gdhov@wcnot org ? BEHELD APRIL 6-7. Earn $5 per MC app We SUMMER POSITIONS children and have skill in one or more of $500. Call 352-4666. Fall 2000/2001 354-9740 * INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: MAR. 29- Supply all materials at no cost. Part Time the following activities: archery, arts & 93 Ford Tempo Runs great 115K. 900 1 bdrm starts $325 plus utilities •'" MEN'S « WOMEN'S SINGLES AND CO- Call tor info or visit our website. Less than one block (rom Campus crafts (ceramics, stained glass, jewelry), obo. 419-353-8085 2 bdrm starts $545 & elec/free hej REC DOUBLES TENNIS IF HAND-DE- 1-800-932-0528X65 S6/HR. STARTING PAY basketball, canoeing, kayaking, dance Free pet rats Great for apartments or W/D facil.. AC, parking/walk-in clos LIVERING. DUE BY 3PM IN 130 PFH. IF www. ocmconcepts. com turnVunfurn. Renovated, quiet, no i SENDING ELECTRONICALLY. DUE BY 4 shifts available: (tap, pomte & jazz), field hockey, golf. dorms. Affectionate, intelligent, fun. Inter- GAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Graduate apartment available for ren 12 NOON A Shift: 7:00am- 10:00am gymnastics (instructors & qualified spot- ested? Email cckhQmail com or call 353- 8 Shift: 10:15am-1:15pm BEST SUMMER JOB IN 6^ ters), horseback nding'English hunt seat, 4830. ASAP. New, close to campus, quiet. £all C Shift: 1:30pm-4:30pm Student Publications is now ac opting lacrosse, digital photography, videogra- HONDAS FROM S29'mo Police 419-472-2503 for more info. » D Shift: 4:30pm-7:30pm applications for sales account executives. pher. piano accompianist, impounds! 0 down, 24 mo at 19.9%. For HOUSE FOR fllNT T" Possibility ot working 2 1/2 hours Gam valuable sales experience selling pioneering/camp craft, ropes (challenge listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4558. 955 N. Main. 3-BDRM Home. » phone directory ads to local businesses. and getting paid for 3! course. 25 stations), sailing, soccer, soft- Macintosh computer & printer. MS office Avail. 5/1/00. very clean, A/C, > HIGHLAND 354-8802 Positions require 15-20 hours per week ball, tennis, theatre, theatre technicians & many other programs $250 obo Call $750/mo, 353-7547. .* 354-8703 and run from May through July Students MANAGKMKNT (set design, costumer). track & field, vol- 669-1708 alter 6pm. Looking for a place to live? ;* CAMP STAFF must have excellent communication skills. leyball, waterskiing (slalom, trick, bare- www.housing1C1 net... ,* 130 E Washington Street Bowling (been Tan love seat, $100 obo. Sauder ent. Resident camp tor youth with diabetes. be highly motivated and have own foot, jumping), W.S.I /Swim instructors, Your move off campus! transportation. Stop by 204 West Hall for center $50 obo 373-0123 354-6036 Work one or two weeks. windsurfing Also opportunities for nurses, Nice 2 bdrm apt. near downtown. Avat July 28-August 19. General and special an application or call Toby at 372 0430 WANT FREE MUSIC? 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It includes expansion of online student- one quarter miles of trench that will house $6.00 - $10.00 per hour STILL ll.W E SOME OPENINGS support services and instructional materials, conduit for cable in the new infrastructure. as well as digital video and ready access to Student Abby Wozniak submitted the 1-800-899-8070 Located just minutes from Campus! large data files and specialized databases second-place guess of 42,768 feet, only 772 Management Inc. We Also Have Facilities in Other Cities, Call Usl and computing resources. But the list doesn't feet shy of the correct answer. Other entries Ilillsdalc Apts. 1082 latrview. Lexington. KV 1-800933-3575 DaylorvSprmglield 1-800-283-5511 stop there. ranged from less than 1,000 feet to one Lima/Bucyrus 1-800-894-0529 Detroit 1 734-955-9094 I bdrm Dishwasher/Garbage Cleveland/Ashland/Canton/Erie 1-800-674-0880 Pittsburgh 1-800-355-2732 Disposal/ Air Conditioner Introduction of new data, voice and video million feet. 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Single Rooms - $1500 per semester A University staff member won the initial Share Room with Roommate - $850 per semester Management Inc. BGsupernet contest, which asked how many /■"""^v flKfaflfiff s^~^K Willow House 830 Fourth St.. In the new infrastructure, data and video signals mill feet of trench will be dug on the Bowling 1 bdrm. Remodeled/Air ride on strands of fiber like these to telecommunica- {&n&\ • All Utilities /anS\ Conditioned Starts at $400 Green campus for the infrastructure project. tions closets in campus buildings, from there, 111; • Cable TV U_U Bill Henning, production processing signals will be carried to individual computers on • Parkins spot close to campus high-performance copper wire. manager in Information Technology Services • Friendly, safe, quiet environment Management Inc. and a 32-year BGSU employee, earned the • On site laundry facility Parkview Apt. 1048 N. Main prize (a $50 gift certificate to the University BGSU Call after 6 pm for details on hassle free living 1 & 2 bdrm 353-9164 Starts at $365 Andy and Sarah Strand Call 353-5800 Slap by our office ■ IMS V Main St tor complclc lining or ('.It .15.1-5100. QIIMMFR RATEQ- Single room S50 Mm one OUT lEtl IfHICO. Share room S7S Mnnih sia l Monday, March 27. 2000 The BG News page II DANCE MARATHON 2000

BEN FRENCH/ The BG News I'M A STAR — McKenzie Bair takes the microphone to thank the dancers for all of their hard work and support.

BEN FRENCH/ The BG News LAST DANCE — Dancers gather to support each other as the final : hour of Dance Marathon approaches. M' M DO IT FOR THE KIDS

DON'T MESS WITH MEI — Adam Benner, one of the Dance Marathon kids, flexes his muscles for the crowd. Marathon families overwhelmed

IRKNK SHARON SCOTT what to expect. ery. As a result of raising about $1,000 for the city, interest was sparked and there was a Dance CHIKF RRKMTKR "This is really unique." she said. "This is a "Participating in Dance Marathon was a way wonderful group of people who go beyond the of making Darcy feel special and unique," said Marathon in 1995 with 100 dancers and about call of duty to make Catalin feel welcome. Being Barbara Phil'ips. Darcy's mother. "It has a way 300 committee members. To some, il was 32 hours of dancing. To ihc 19 where strangers become her friends and help in families involved, il was 32 hours of miracles. here. I sec that these students have a real compas- "BG is known nationally and serves as a role sion for kids." her recovery." model for several schools." she added. "This is jusl wonderful. I cannot believe lhal To pass time, several of the dancers and there are so many people who care and want lo do Catalin has had a cardiac defect since birth. The logo with She has two holes in her heart, and was diagnosed moralers played games and sports with the fami- good." said Angela Riley. mother of 13-year-old lies. Weeks prior to the event, several of the the footprint was Matthew. with a seizure disorder last year Those dancing for Catalin were from the Off-Campus Commuter dancers visited the family homes and hospitals, from an actual More than 300 dancers and 1.200 student vol- Center. WFAL. Hillel. Emerging Leaders and ate dinner with the families or wrote letters to baby and the "This is really unteers participated at the Student Recreation their sponsored child. motto "Do it for Center for the children ai St. Vincent's Mercy Residence Life. unique. This is a DM also aides in many of the children's recov- "When you sponsor a family and meet them, the Kids" was Medical Center in Toledo. you are able to place the cause incorporated, so wonderful group of In conjunction with Chil- with a face of a beautiful child dancers would people who go dren's Miracle Network. Dance and nothing is more motivat- connect with the Marathon raised funds ftir chil- ing." said Kristie Schaefer. beyond the call of dren who suffer from terminal true purpose of dancer for Gamma Phi Beta. the event. duty to make illness, chronic illness and trau- "Dance Marathon is the ma. Money raised benefits chil- "It wasn't Catalin feel greatest thing for kids." said about who could dren in northwest Ohio. borne Burtchin. DM Alumni welcome.'' Nineteen families participat- family. raise the most ed in DM 2000. "It is just wonderful here money or get the Riley said she can't believe and I win try to attend every most dancers." Julie Hall the generosity of the students. year." she said. "It is amazing Breclaw said Born prematurely. Matthew how these kids take their time "Everything we Mother of a Dance has been sick since he was born. to do something like this and did. we said we Marathon child It took the doctors 10 to II years raise money." did it for the before they diagnosed him with Dance Marathon began as a kids." immune deficiency, which lock-in for a new Recreation The conditions requires him to have IGG treat- Center for the city in 1994. It ot the sponsored ment every three weeks. was an off-campus community children ranged from premature birth and cancer "He is shy and I try to draw seivice project. There were 50 to AIDS or illnesses not diagnosed him out of his shell." she said. "I dancers and their mission was to stay awake for 32 hours. "Dance Marathon is an excellent experience," want him to become more out- said Cnston Smith, green team morale captain. "I "There was music." recalled going. This is the reason why I encourage everyone on Bowling GTeen's campus got involved with Dance Diana Breclaw. the first dance Marathon." marathon advisor. "It was more to participate in it. Helping children that can't help themselves is a worthwhile cause and il Julie Hall, mother of 5-year- BEN FRENCH/ The BG Newt being up all night, rather than • old Catalin. said she didn't know WE DID ITI — Jonathon Goldsmith and Lea Daniels embrace as Dance dancing for the kids." makes you feel good inside." Marathon comes to an end. Many other dancers celebrated the end with tears and cries of joy. t page 12 The BG News Monday, March 27, 200( DANCE MARATHON 2000 Tears fall during Dance Marathon's final hour MICHELLE REITER around the edges of the gym. face a full load of classes the next blown out in recognition of several STAR- Many of these supporters went to day. of the children who had died since stand on the dance floor with their "I can't miss any classes tomor- last year's marathon. supporters, like Marylin and Dave row," she said. "And my first one is Next, a short video was shown Dance Marathon met its 32nd Voisard. who came to support their at 9:30." including shots of dancers and sev- hour with a packed gymnasium. two daughters. Leslie and Emily. While countless dancers faced eral of the kids, allowing the dancers Dancers, most still fairly ener- "We came at around 3 p.m.," similar futures, the spirit of Dance to kneel or sit for several minutes gized and alert, stood in the middle Marylin said. "We haven't met any Marathon was undaunted. No mat- and watch. But when the video of the room while their supporters of the other parents here, but we've ter how party-1 ike the atmosphere, ended, all participants got back on filled the balconies and spilled out had a good time. We'll come next its real purpose was difficult to for- their feet and began another round of the doors. year if Emily decides to dance get for many dancers. of dancing led by the steering com- In between events at 5 p.m.. again." Near the front of the gymnasium, mittee. music blared over a loudspeaker and Emily, who had worked as a several families who would be bene- Kids, dancers and supporters dancers clustered together in sup- security guard the night before, is a fiting from the event through the spent the last moments of the event portive groups, not dancing, but freshman who said she definitely Children's Miracle Network stood dancing together for the same cause, standing firm. plans to participate in future off to one side. Many of these chil- and as tired as everyone was and as "I've been here almost the entire marathons. dren had gotten to know the students dire the cause, the last moments time." said Laurie Milnes. a moraler raising money for them through the were filled with smiles. "I'll be a security guard again." 1996- $45,475.67 from Omega Phi Alpha. "About 26 event. she said. "I liked having that A sense of community knitted the hours. I am so tired but having a Chassity Gulley. who had come walkie-talkie." crowd together, sharing both a sleep- great time." by herself to support some of her less night and a sense of purpose. Leslie, a junior who was dancing 1997-$102,958.17 $ That was not difficult to imagine, friends, said they had some opportu- That purpose came to fruition in the for Alpha Omicron Pi. said although as the atmosphere of Dance Marthon nities to get to know the kids, which very last moments. she was tired, it was her feet that was like one big party whose guests kept the focus of the event in place. "What do you want?" the speaker bothered her the most. Though tired and eager for the end 1998-$153,792.45 were exhausted but ready for more. for the steering committee asked the Dancers stood with friends and fam- "They hurt a lot," she said. to come. Gulley said she would def- crowd. "When this is over I'm just going to initely do it again. ily members, supporting one anoth- "The total!" the crowd shouted. er. Most of them were laughing, sit for a while." The vibrancy of everyone in the 1999-$217,366.04 "When do you want it?" dancing and chatting. Supporters Marylin added that they will be gymnasium reflected similar senti- easily outnumbered the dancers, taking their daughters to cat. and ments for dancers and supporters "NOW!" keeping up the buzz of excitement then they'll try to get some rest to alike, and most felt that the last 31 And they got it. After 32 hours. 2000 - $233,583.60 hours were well-spent. To help ease University organizations learned the group through the last half hour, that they had raised a total of $233. several presentations captured 583.60 for the Children's Miracle ? weary attentions to the end. Network. Then a row of kids filed Earn and Learn The first was an awards ceremo- onto the stage, many sick with ill- ny which presented a series of nesses that the fund would help pay ■ ■ awards to various participating orga- medical expenses for. and displayed With UPS nizations on campus. After the the amount of money that would go irr TO $23,ooo FOB YOUB awards ceremony, candles were directiv to them. $183. 399.83 COULTCE CAHEEB! $8.50 -$9.50 DANCE ON OVER TO I'.IO Oojyy SI)-);) I.K Immediate openings - Free Benefits I i »» t » i WINTHROP TERRACE ■ \ i » > »-' S " Weekends & Holidays OFF Dance J^r J "3.5-5 hr. shifts Still Have a Few One & Marathon! Two Bedroom Open. M-F 9:30 - 5:30 Sponsor 352-4068 # Apartments Available! Congratulations on Dance Marathon 2000! (2000-2001) INCLUDING SEVERAL "BEST PIZZA"! ■ Call 419-891-6820 EOE £550*9 W«»»»* VSfSSSS *2-5,66 KLEVERS JEWELRY Open Weekday/ 1 P.HI. • lunch fri. -Sol. •fun.

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Proud Supporter of Dance Marathon

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■ - ■ Monday, March 27, 2000 The BG News page 13 DANCE MARATHON 2000 Moralers: Unsung heroes Support netivork keeps dancers on their toes, spirits high

TIM L. MARSHALL Because Dance Marathon is such don't sit down and even escort Ihem moving by making them smell his GUEST Warren a popular event at Bowling Green, to the restroom. armpit." Oentile said. "They didn't most participants want to be dancers "In the first few hours of the really dance, but they sure did jump while the moralers are often seen as marathon, it's easy out of the way!" The dancers may have to move to unsung heroes by the rest of campus. to be a moraler. the music for 32 hours at Dance Paco However, they are appreciated and but as time passes, "Moralers create Khumprakob. a Marathon, but it is the moralers who applauded by dancers and planning it gets harder and really keep things moving at the senior education committee members alike. harder to keep such a support campus' largest fund- raising event. major, was nick- "Moralers create such a support people dancing system here. It's "They're the backbone of the named "Papa system here." Kabasan said. "It's and focused." Smurf" for his BEN FRENCH/ The BG News whole program," said senior amazing, they give amazing, they give us anything we Gentile said. "And method of keeping accounting major and marathon then it gets diffi- TICKLE TICKLE — Clint Gault, USG president, gets a foot need to continue." us anything we Ihe dancers active. massage from Julie Rinehart, a Dance Marathon moraler. dancer Jennifer Kabasan. "Moralers cult for us. too. need to continue." have been instrumental in keeping And, according to Wagner, the because we get "I painted my me going these past 24 hours." moralers admire the dancers as well. tired. But we work face blue and According to Jaclyn Gentile, a "The dancers are important," she our hardest to stay jumped all over Dance Marathon morale captain, said, "and I'm here because I want energetic and keep Jennifer Kabasan the place dancing Free massages keep almost 300 moralers have the task of lo support the cause by supporting smiling." Marathon dancer like a crazy per- keeping the dancers active as well as them " And. when yo- son." he said. keeping their spirits high and their However, boosting morale does "And then I would motivation strong. yos and bouncy dancers' sore feet happy have its challenges. balls get old. some moralers get cre- run up to people flashing pom-poms "Each moraler is assigned lo one ative with their dancers. in their faces until they'd move It to two dancers for the duration of the Moralers have to closely monitor GRETA HALE is heaven." She was looking for- event and work in shifts." Gentile the event, make sure the dancers "One guy tried to get his dancers worked." STAFF ward to getting into bed. said. 'They have a tough job. espe- Rachel Fulkerson took advan- cially during the last few hours, but "ll feels like I'm doing a head- tage of a foot massage during we manage to help them keep in stand and someone is hitting the Dance Marathon and said her toes mind how important Dance bottoms of my feet with a sledge were numb. Marathon is to the kids and their hammer." said Dustin Zedeker. a "I am going to take the longest, families and that keeps them on their broadcast journalism major, after hottest bath I can possibly take and toes." Congratulations to all the ■ 30 hours of dancing this weekend then get in bed and sleep until I Kabasan agreed. 'at Dance Marathon. wake up." she said. "I'm not even "At about midnight I started to Other dancers fell the same. slow down, but my moraler remind- participated in "Dance Mai* Kelly McConnaughy, a senior going to set ihe alarm." ed me thai the 32 hours I'm spend- • ^ sport management major, untied She described her experience as ing here is nothing compared to the ;.*hcr shoes 10 relieve her sore feet. a dancer as meaningful and said, lifetimes we're affecting," she said. (Jreat Job Ladic • ** Her boyfriend was going to carry "ihe whole atmosphere is amaz- ;.\her out of the Student Recreation ing- In addition to using testimonies ."^Center when the marathon was Tracy Spears, a senior elemen- from the Children's Miracle Net- • over She warned to take a bath as tary education major said she was work Telethon, most moralers also use toys such as yo-yos. bubbles, . soon as she got home. not really lhat tired and planned on frisbees and bouncy balls to keep To relieve some pain, a foot going lo Ihe bat for a couple of '. massage station was set up for the dancers amused and awake. Moraler beers after (he marathon ended. Kate Wagner, a sophomore nursing • dancers. "I ihink I deserve it." she said. '. Eve Mormmo.. a sophomore major added a few extras to her bag Jeff Sousa. a senior psycholo- • Spanish majoi. was getting a fool of tricks lo entertain her dancers. ur ( '. massage and described her aching gy/sociology major, said he could- "I'm here for my dancers and for s O I%west ty\gmbers • feel as "Cedar I'oint feet." but said n't tell how his feet felt, because the miracle kids." she said. "I've • "'there was no ride at the end of the ihev were loo numb. used a Slinky and some Play-Doh. c One dancer declined an inter- ^Jennifer Wafts wail. told some jokes and even given She eniovcd the loot massaKC view because she was too exhaust- some back massages to keep them l ed to speak.

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Main Street ^2w v sit Carte Blanc 353 - 0988 The Department of Student Publications and The BG News donated $469.00 to Dance Marathon Congrats to all of the USG on behalf of the following advertisers: Dance Marathoner's Alpha Chi Omega Kappa Delta Christie Chipps - Entertainment Chair Alpha Gamma Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Rebecca Fitch - Dancer-DGR Alpha Omicron Pi Klevcr's Jewelry Kelly Madger - Morale Captain Alpha Phi Newlove Rentals Anthony Jones - Moraler Alpha XI Delta Pisanello's Pizza Julie Rienhart - Moraler Collegiate Connection Student Book Exchange Stephanie Brandt - Dancer CopyShop Undergraduate Student Clint Gault - Dancer Domino's Pizza Senate Nick Gresko - Dancer Easy Street UPS Lindsey Niewierski - Dancer EGRAD University Bookstore Kristen Scott - Dancer *VYJ* Gamma Phi Beta Winthrop Terrace Andy Trempsky - Dancer #. ^ $te Jerry Unkefer - Dancer -^o^ Kappa Alpha Wizard Graphics UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT Kappa Alpha Order page 14 The BG News Monday, March 27, 2C DANCE MARATHON 2000 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Talent show gives tired dancers lift CRAIC G1FFORD sand. rice, pudding, marshmallows STAFF WRITFJI and ice water. "It was like a massage, it was so KEVIN AEH Lauren Dean, a sophomore early nice." Dean said. childhood education major, and one As the event came to an end. ENTERTAINMENT WRITER of the nearly 300 dancers al Dance Dean was tired, but the thought of Marathon, was very excited to be having helped so many children was able to take pan in the event and enough to keep her going. Having talent wasn't necessarily help the kids. "My muscles are sore, but I'm as important as having fun at this Dean, who danced as a member really excited knowing how much year's Dance Marathon Talent of Kappa Delta sorority, had been money we raised for the kids." Show. looking forward to Dance She said it was the kids BEN FRENCH/ Marathon for weeks. and the energy generated That's not to say that this year's The BG Ne« "I fell nervous, but by Dance Marathon that 12 acts didn't have any talent. Judg- THE BEST - Men excited. I just wanted to kept her going during the ing by how much fun was had. bers of the Alpha get up there and dance." final hours. being good didn't even matter, but it did help. Chi Omega anc Dean, part of the yel- "I'm being kept mov- Sigma Phi Epsilon low team, was happy to ing by the whole excite- The hosts of Saturday night's tal- dance for the kids. ment of the marathon and perform their battle ent show were two of the most pop- of the sexes skit, "I think it's great. the fact that we're helping ular children from last year's Dance We're.doing if for the so many kids." Marathon. David and Nick Prephan talent show conH kids." Dean did not stop easily stole the show. Even though sisting of 12 acts Dean's sorority spon- moving and remained ■he show didn't start until after and hosted by the sored a child named Ryan Lauren Dean energetic until after the 11:30 p.m. the energetic youngsters children lightened Sanners. who has muscu- event when she fell on the showed no signs of sleepiness. the evening for all lar dystrophy. couch next to the main "I think he's an amazing kid and doors of the Student Recreation In fact, they were very much on the dancers. his family is wonderful." Center. top of things with their quick com- Throughout the first hours of the While lying there she said. "It ments and funny jokes. If "Star Live" Spartan Cheerleaders was '70s still are cool. Alpha Chi Omega looked like event. Dean had a great deal of ener- was fun and very worthwhile." Search" is on the air in the year funny if you were standing right by they just stepped out of a gy and excitement. Dean said she was happy that she 2020. these two should definitely be the stage. Due to poor sound, every- Best Live Band: After Kappa Jackson video when they wcrq "I am very energetic right now. was able to be a part of Dance the hosts. one else couldn't hear the skit. The Alpha finished performing "500 dancing to "If." Those dance moved things are going great," she said. dance at the end definitely captured Miles." everyone in the crowd did not look like they were easy tq] Marathon and that it was a worth- The BG News wasn't a judge One thing Dean really looked for- while experience. the "Spartan Spirit." Craig and Ari- began chanting for more. They learn. Sigma Phi Epsilon must haveT ward to were the meals and the for the show, but if it was. these are came back on the stage to perform a watched the 'N Sync video foil "It was definitely worthwhile, the awards it would give: ana would be proud. chance to rest for a half hour, which and I will be involved in some way Dave Matthews song Kappa Alpha "Bye, Bye. Bye" hundreds of times! came with them. Best Talent Show Opening: Best Actual Live Song: Phi Mu didn't disappoint with the Dave When they were dancing to thai "The food is good. For lunch we or another next year, hopefully danc- was the only sorority to not lip sync cover, either. They also won the song, they had all the moves down] ing again." Aaron Asmundson. Dance had pizza, salad and fruit and dinner Marathon adviser, and friends with their live version of the Whit- award for Best Encore. perfect. Judging by the huge crowc was spaghetti, salad and cookies." She said she would not have been ney Houston hit. "My Love is Your reaction, maybe they should start a] able to make it through the 32 hours opened the show with a lip-synched Best Overall Act: If there is one Al 4:30 a.m.. she was still going rendition of the Backstreet Boys' Love." It was a refreshing break boy band of their own. strong as she took part in the electric on her own. from the other acts. act lhal stood out the most, it was "I just want to thank my family, "Larger Than Life." Based on the Honorable mentions to go the| slide, but she was looking forward to screaming and clapping from the Alpha Chi Omega and Sigma Phi breakfast and a break. friends, sorority sisters' and most Best Flashback: While just Epsilon's dance skit that was a mini other talent show participants, who crowd, you would think it was the about everyone else was lip-synch- were Omega Phi Alpha. Pi BetJ In order to help ease her pain, she importantly, our DGRs and actual Backstreet Boys on the stage battle of the sexes. This act had the took part in a morale walk, in which moralers. who without your support ing to the Backstreet Boys or Brit- most songs which included "Girls Phi. Alpha Phi. the Kreisher band] she was able to walk through vari- would have made the Thon a lot Funniest Skit: Delta Sigma Pi's ney Spears. Chi Omega did a num- Just Wanna Have Fun." "Larger Alpha Sigma Phi and Phi Kappa] ous substances as rubbing alcohol. more difficult." skit involving the "Saturday Night ber from "The Brady Bunch." The Than Life." and "Crazy." Tau. , 1 r '^•"■W*^ J«.*" i ..r^ „-*^ „-*^' «,•"'« .,"•'; .-•"•; • "'i -*^i .*•» -**i ,*"W -**i .*•! -*^i **i *^i 1 The University Bookstore** Proudly Supports ^ ^ }L * Notice IrWwrt^ tit ►T-Shirts i ► Sweatshirts Just a ^ »Shorts reminder I 'Mugs i ►Glassware ► Jackets book S ► Pennants buy back £J *Stadum Blankets - i. • ► Baseball Caps begins c » Decals - l g&k \^ >.f '^ »Much More BGSU April 24th! K Merchandise! T ■- i

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