ISSUE 1663 ... the divestment eurovissue FRIDAY 12 MAY 2017 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON elix Divestment f campaign hits Imperial PAGE 5 News The case for divestment PAGE 9 Comment Fuck me it’s Eurovision Finalists | History| Hall of Fame| Scandals | Drinking Game Pull-out plus Centrefold Angels in America PAGE 30 Culture Let’s talk about abortion PAGE 34 Millennials 2
[email protected] Friday 12 May 2017 3
[email protected] Friday 12 May 2017 felix EDITORIAL felix EDITORIAL NEWS felix Divest this Letters to the editor s Imperial morally bankrupt? I first asked myself The struggle to divest lies at the border between the In response to Are millennials too entitled or do In response to us being this question in 2011 when I started my Biology dark and the light sides of science. We know fossil fuel undergraduate. My department had just sacked use is unsustainable. Every step of the production line we just desreve better? which appeared in issue great, apparently most, if not all of its plant scientists. There was no in the fossil fuel industry ravages the environment and money in the field. Have I come close to an answer detriments our health. Yet our civilization relies on it 1662 since? Maybe. Sometimes I’ve looked at Imperial still. Iand higher education in the UK in general and I’ve I understand the energy crisis humanity is facing at felt disgusted by it. The way research is determined by the moment is a challenging one.