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DUKE POWER CO. LINCOLN Theatre ’ / . / m n > ■ < ■ ■ ■ v mi iiF I - I iiiiiinijji i ^ at her hone in honor of hfr Mr. King, after being entertained It is pleasing to note lihat the ^ STATE OOLLEOE ANSWERS spread trees in the trenea, aad narket told a if guest KiJU ^ o m i'& i^ r of at^'a round of parties daring his autbo* Jna4e liberal use of reports ^ h e l y FABM QUB8TI0HS cover ro«t9 and part of the stems pounda of lea/ lu e Jtft, stay in th« city, left Mondaj for of N ^ » Extension Agents from •and pack finnly. Kef-p the soil mate average of per ^ p|- ^ Washingtoi}, D.' C. t^bciag wi»s dred. w # - ^ enjoyed after which tfte hoatesa bis home in Nsrw York. |^he 8«aih*rn R^fion. QUESTION: ^m»tst oatil tiaic to plant the trei'*. and t>«ek. served a delightful repaat. Special In citing noUble achievements, ^ ^ po«ibl# to preserve beef QUESTION; art paiil the author eonclndas that: Giren qq tjjg SOCIAL NOTES guest invited were Mri. George I How can a eoiii ^ribe be treat-* ,for eJlickcaa aloaa. *j»' I a ehan«i, the Negro will can?/ his led p > control com weevils f Orier, Misses - Thalma Taboia, HAVE YOU READ? ANSWER: Fields ( ^ f t e t i c iar of T in tfC m a m 0 By Mn- Beui« Hard; Amanda How^U, ^ ^ e Howell, portioi^ <rf th# National agricnl- ANSWER: Yes, saya Mr*. Cornelia C. ^U U , "ia IpcAted in tli# Mattie HoweH, llCesan, C. £. Cohibj In bsginning hia narratiTe,.Mr. Extension Tasiigation witli ear^ n disnl- of th* iprUi. y Miii«8 Suaan Princ^ eeonomist in phide is the best treatment, sajs Over A i ^ Fitnre R> WiUifmton and Arthur HuUinger almost fri^tens us with E*t*nsion Sarviee, food conterration and marketing •d bgr aa f!^ • Franee* LipMomb, Mrs. vtM a'in­ the' bold aUtsment thp*: “The 8tat« Department of Ayneul wards and daufrtiter Mitrie,, were Wallace. Any part of the beef animal may j-, . n One of Aagier's , greetest W be fota^j^tis f t ^ w K. - j j tu- .u 4 « S^®te College. In a well- house gneet of !{•▼. *nd Mi^ A. The wives and wweethearta of Negro r»«e in America is still to be corned and this h the most r u j ■ j -.i. booater'a ia C. G. Pielda, eaah- town u «m tfc» the Omega tn<B 6f Gharlottc were a great"»extent a farming people, 1- *L j » built cr»b, designed wita a view ier of Firat-Cit«ena Bank 4 -opwaH tW outlook H. Price during the holidays. popular method of preserving . fumigation,j, fr< Miss Prinoe tnd Mrs. Edirardg arft f^ted Wedneaday •venir^.. at » its fate depending on what hap­ Tnut Company. Mr. Fielda ly looka bright. aiRters of Rev. Prince. get together by Pi Plii chapier at pen* in the field of this coutvtry Broughton Fourth SIX pound chunks and rub with ^ u u i /uwi came to Angier upon the opan- ----- — ---------------- Bev. A. H, Prince of Oaklawn Dr. Wyche’a studio on East 9th and tn the crons thrt come from aalt...If Pack *1the,- ____meat in a clean should. ^ be used per 1,000 j»-,uare ing of the Pirat-Citizena four The boaineaa th at aanda rfp> Street. •Dancing and card playing from them.” He points out the vessel orV hardu J wood1 or stone. ware feot- However, in the . ordinary■ j years ago from Burgaw where euiara throtigli the mails - i9 z Avenue hasjust returned ' cm Wake Resident To u eriB. as much as oO rounds,is umu Atlanta} 0^rj?ra and points eolith were enjojed daring the evening, important and yet precarious posi and cover with a brine made of ” ti he had served as an aaalatant pects to pay pO«ta^; thiB ■where hfr «pent several days. after which a formal meeting of tion the American Negro occupies. /.n. k.iD J 0 u to the 1,000 square leet. It ij well bank cashier. meaaaga, in tha cohtam o f fiw Become Governor one half pounds, of salt, one* to^ remeftxber. li.that ^ carbonu disulp-i i Mri. Oliwf Nofmari of Oxford, the chapter was held. He makes one wonder just what ounce of saltpeter, one quarter , ‘•We are greatly encoowged wowld happen to the American ' M J hide IS huraly explosive an.i in- over the amount of the Angier haa_^y tb» waC;-- N. C. was a recent viaitof in the Mrs. Samuel Covington was the • u . 1 ^ Melville Broughton of sugar or syrup, and one ^ ^ - home of her sister Mrs. A. H. chaming hostess at a party last Negro if the K I ThurtdaT beoame the first native K»Uon of pure water. Leave the «*mmable, and no lighU or fir. branch’s deposits, the total of _. Prince of Gaklawn Avenue?, Mrs. Friday evening at her home on of opportunity should be suddenly i r R ^ i h T T tii“ fo^"h W k meat in thfs pickle for about tw; .Howed wWch now « « « .! . »3®.(X)0,-. E.»hly - tw o Norman hfts been spending the South Myers street. The affair was closed...... to.. him, and... this,ki. question w«k. ,„d mok, .lightly to h . J i d . "This .mount", h. Con»r«» « .« - M«on t»b. ^ winter in Neiw Jersey. in honor of John King of Brook­ arises, ‘‘Are there eno^h other 'e,g«utive reins of the grand improve the* flavor. If dried beef added, "ia tha greiatest in the _ 7 _..J .1: Rev. M. R. Flack, of Blacks- lyn New York, brother in law of occupations to sustain him should Carolina since « desired, hang the meat and history of the Angier branch. There u no re eon|wCiUa^ btirsr, S. C., I. p. Pogue, Jrr Book Mre. Covington. Guest present farmii^ be taken away from the ti.tory records “How it to dry out well. The -Ajigier, thanks to the actiT- ^’^tween the rad.oo and tb# Hill, S. C.'E, A. McCorkle Oftfney were, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Samuels, Negrot W course, the wnter in- governor of are usually dried. ,FUQUAY SEASON ity down at Fort Bragg, has have a part m the life of S. C.. wefi^ .recent visitors 'U the Mr. and Mrs. Will Petty, Mr. and timaf^s that the American N ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a lth . QUESTION: I A Y£[(A(Jg taken on a new spurt of life, * people- city last wMk. Mrs. Janies Ford, Mr. and Mrs. IS safeguarded m that the Nation residence in How should I care for forest ^ ^ $15.52 and the effect oof t the money '"'“W a Rev. P; G. ' Shirley of Cftrmfel Louise Reese, Mr. and Mrs. jEd depends so largely on him for the County, old Rbamkatte, he seedlings received from he tunned loose there i* being felt w w W W w w street retiifned to his hortijs la«t Gist, Mr. and Mrs. Kim Mickena, production of it* m a ^ crops— ^ another nursery f Figures released by the Fed­ in every channel of local trade.^ MONEY TO LOAN w»ek afte^' aUdndinjit a business Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCribe, Miss­ c^ton and tobacco. There is a ANSWER: eral * State Crop Reporting Set* trip to • ,• i ; •' es Vivian McCrita, Clara Lee, slight indication, however, that ^j^j.gpjg charlee Manly, 184®; S- ^ * Graeber, Extension fores vice this week, ,place Fuquay- k lB Q B H Diamonds, Watchca, Jewdry, The Catl#«cT)a Presbytery m*t Hmt>bill, Mr. and Mrs. James the author minimizes the part ^ ^ Holden, 1865, and D. G. C. State College, says Varina’s season, average on 9,- M Silverware, Men^ Clotkfaig, TjnM 9 Writers, Gnaa, Mnaieal Ia- Janurt'y M<^roe. Brown, and Misses Calvin John- which the Negro plajrai i|i other 1889. ’ seedljng tees are delicate and 211, 950 poundis of tobacco at soD and Odessa Pope, Messrs occupations in order to bring o , ’ . require good attention. Seedlings B struments, anytliBiic of ▼aloe. Mrs. Frost flf Sbortelr $15.54 per huhdred. street ertfa^in^d aveft- (TIenf Knox and Miller Barnes. the forefront whait he does in > And it may be interesting to ai*rive from the nursery packed in Agriculture. It is always difficult learn that Fowle, the last Wake ^gt moss. The roots must be kept Resales of leaf placed tfa« 8 RELIABLE m to characterize one group of peo County man to be governor before m^igt at all times. It is best to market’s poundage considerably pie wehe they are so closely as- the present Chief Executive was plant the trees .as soon as they over the 10,000,000-pound mark —^which had been the market's 8 LOAN CO. sociated with another group, with- sworn in just about two months are received. However, if it is goal for the season. The 1940 B . 4t . louit making comparisons. The a fte r Broughton w’as born. necessary to keep them a few I 121 EACT TEAD^ STREET .r Reddy Kilnwatt [fact cannot be overlooked that the average was .67 under the pre- ^ Appointed by Lecialattire days, they should be heeled in ceding year when $16.19 per H H X harlott^s Okleat and L a r ^ ^ problems of A^^icul^- ^ Broughton is the 31st light, well drained soil. ^ , To do hundred was paid. ynl iture as described by the writer, this, dijf a trench, break .bundles, During: December the local Points The are primarily problems of w’hite cici-lcu „ 1, J iu « of the people and records show farmers as well; and therefore, .
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