• Location: , , • 30 km2 • Established: 1991

Metsähallitus, Parks and Wildlife • Ukko Visitor Centre, Ylä-Kolintie, Koli, tel. + 358 (0)206 39 5654 [email protected] • nationalparks.fi/koli • facebook.com/ kolinkansallispuisto

National Park Please help us to protect nature: • Please respect nature and other hikers! Koli • Leave no traces of your visit behind. Safely combustible wastes can be burnt at campfire sites. into one of Finland’s national Metsähallitus manages Please take any other wastes away landscapes. The best loved cultural landscapes within the when you leave the park. vistas open up vellous view over national park, at the same time Light campfires is allowed in the Pielinen from the top of preserving traditional farming • sites provided in the camping When you take in the mar- Ukko-Koli hill, it’s easy to see methods. Swidden fields are areas marked on the map. Lighting vellous view over Lake why this spot has attracted so cleared and burnt in the park’s campfires is forbidden if the forest many Finnish artists, photog- forests, meadows are mown by Pielinen from the top of fire warning is in effect. Ukko-Koli hill, it’s easy to see raphers and nature-lovers over hand, and cattle graze the park’s • You may freely walk, ski and row, in why this spot has attracted the centuries. The splendid pastures. scenery always instills a sense of the park, except in restricted areas. so many Finnish artists, serenity and wonder in visitors. Hilltops and meadows • Please keep pets on lead. photographers and nature- – Koli’s inviting trails • Snowboarding and downhill skiing lovers over the centuries. Rocky peaks and old Visitors can choose from several are forbidden on the natural slopes The splendid scenery always swidden fields thematic nature trails, including at the most important lookout points instills a sense of serenity The top of Ukko-Koli lies 347 Kasken Kierros (swidden farm- (Ukko-Koli, Akka-Koli and Paha-Koli). metres above sea level, making ing, 5 km), Paimenen Polku (old and wonder in visitors. In addition, landing at and entering it the highest point in Southern pastures, 2.5 km), Ennallistajan some of the islands is forbidden 15.5. - Finland. The works of Finnish Polku (forest habitat restora- 15.7. to protect nesting birds. Rocky peaks and old nationalist artists attracted by tion, 3.5 km) and Kolinuuron swidden fields ’s scenic settings about kierros (geology, 3 km), or other • You can pick wild mushrooms and The top of Ukko-Koli lies 347 a century ago have made Koli round trails including the 1.5-km berries, but please do not collect metres above sea level, making into one of Finland’s national Huippujen Kierros (touring the plants or stones. it the highest point in Southern landscapes. The best loved highest hilltops) and the 7-km • Fishing is allowed with a simple Finland. The works of Finnish vistas open up from Ukko-Koli, Mäkrän Kierros. For a tougher rod and line or in an ice-hole in nationalist artists attracted by Akka-Koli, Paha-Koli and Mäkrä, trek hikers can follow the 60-km accordance with fishing legislation. Karelia’s scenic settings about but good views can also be Herajärven Kierros. In winter • Camping is only allowed in a century ago have made Koli enjoyed from other hilltops. trails are maintained in the designated the camping sites. park for cross-country skiers. • Cycling is allowed only on routes Visitor Centre Ukko marked for this purpose. Ukko’s permanent exhibition • Parking cars is only allowed in focuses on Koli’s natural features designated parking areas and cultural history. Delight- www.nationalparks.fi/koli ful audio-visual presentations > Rules and regulations and temporary exhibitions are also provided for visitors. Emergency number 112 The Visitor Centre Ukko is an Note that there are some areas excellent place to start explor- in the park without signal. ing Koli National Park, as it provides information about trails and the park’s other attractions.

Funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.

METSÄHALLITUS 2021 / PHOTOS: SAARA LAVI National Park Koli Romonsaaret

Mantina 5


7 Hiekkasaaret Lieksa 1 Kansallispuisto Vaaralanaho 4 0 5 Luontokeskus Kasken kierros Kolin satama, Alamaja Opastus Trail/stig 3,0 km Koli Harbour/Kolis hamn Kolin Ryynänen Pysäköintialue 5 0 Pysäköintialue ja opastus 4 Kelvänsaari 6 Pieni-Korppi Luontokeskus Ukko Tulentekopaikka Koli Ukko Visitor centre/Naturum Break Sokos Hotel Koli - Koli Shop Retkitupa Telttailualue Mattila Nevanlahti Iso-Korppi Laavu Ipatti Rinnetupa Ollila Kota 5 Näkötorni 0 4 0 Likolahti Rääkkyy Turula Ukko-Koli Purjeselkä Vuokrakämppä Akka-Koli Ikolanaho Kaivo väg 6 Kolinuuron kierros Paha-Koli Luontopolku Trail/stig 3,0 km

road / Matkailunähtävyys Paimenenpolku Pielinen

ie / Trail/stig 2 ,5 km Mäkrän maja Hupeli

T Kahluupaikka Verkkolampi Ylitysvene

Purjesaari Vierassatama Murtosaari Paimenenvaara Retkisatama Jero Peiponpelto Veneenlaskupaikka Verkkovaara Pirunkirkko Yhteysalus Jero Kahvila Ryläys Havukankorpi Laitosaari Ravintola Pulloselkä Majoitus Kaakkuri Myllypuro Ylä-Murhi Ohjelmapalvelukohde Jätteiden lajittelu Pärnälahti Ruokailukatos Ylä-Kalmo Ryläys Ennallistajan polku Luontopolku Trail/stig 3 ,5 km Retkeilyreitti Pitkälampi Valkealampi Herajärven kierros

Herajärvi Soikkeli Tie Herajärven kierros 60 km / 40 km Puomi Iso Luanlampi Metsäpirtti Seppälä Rykiniemi Lakkala

i Kahluuvaijeri Yläselkä ok j

a r e

Apajalahti H Hirvivaara 6

i Lieksa , Venäjä Alaselkä 5 Nurmes, 73 22 8 Kajaani 1 5 5 Pielinen 2 0 Sikosalmi Lähtevänsärkkä 0

6 4 0 Pusonjärvi 5 Koli Naarva 3 es, Kajaa n Rekilampi 60 Hattuvaara 51 Kiviniemi väg 7 4 515

0 Uimaharju 5 Nur m Polvijä6rvi Suopelto Eno Herajärven kierros 514 Kontiolahti 73 60 km / 4 0 km

Kuopio t ie /road / Joensuu , 17 Eteläpään- 74 0 1 2 km o 6 selkä n 0 50 km E Imatra, Lappeenranta © Metsähallitus 2 018 © Maanmittauslaitos 1 /MML/15 Joensuu 51 5