Geologian tutkimuskeskus Itä-Suomen yksikkö Dnro K555/52/2006 Kuopio Public 1.1.2013 137/2013


Present environmental state survey of the Eno and Kontiolahti claim areas,

Markku Tenhola, Jouko Saarelainen ja Maria Nikkarinen

Geologian tutkimuskeskus Itä-Suomen yksikkö


Documentation page

1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Location, environment and infrastructure of the Riutta area 1

2 PREVIOUS STUDIES 3 2.1 Exploration 3 2.2 Geochemical studies 8 2.2.1 Regional geochemical lake sediment mapping 8 2.2.2 Regional geochemical till mapping 8 2.3 Radiometric environmental studies at Paukkajanvaara and Riutta (STUK) 9 2.4 Other previous studies 12

3 SAMPLING AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 13 3.1 Water samples 13 3.2 Organic samples (stream- and lake sediments, mosses) 15

4 PRESENT GEOCHEMICAL STATE OF THE RIUTTA AREA 16 4.1 Bedrock 16 4.2 Quaternary deposits 17 4.3 Nature types and forestry 18 4.4 Present state of surface and groundwater 19 4.4.1 Flow conditions of surface and groundwater 19 4.4.2 Physical properties of water samples 20 4.4.3 Results of the radiometric determinations in water samples 21 4.5 Present state of the lake and stream sediments and mosses 24 4.5.1 Radiometric determinations in lake and stream sediments and moss samples 24 4.5.2 Results of the chemical analysis 25




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The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) has drawn up an environmental baseline study for the mining company AREVA NC (COGEMA) concerning claim areas (17 claims, a total of 1527 hectares) in the municipalities of Eno and Kontiolahti. The purpose of the exploration is to find economic uranium ore deposits in the area. The baseline study comprises chemical analysis of surface water (stream and lake), groundwater, sediments (stream and lake), soil as well as mosses. Geochemical sampling was carried out at the end of August and Quaternary mapping at the end of September 2006. Quaternary mapping in the scale 1:5 000 was done according to the standards used in GTK. At the same time with the Quaternary mapping observations were made upon the flowing directions of surface waters. The boundaries of the drainage areas are based on field observations and map interpretation. Also landscape and landforms, forest types, vegetation and conservation and Natura areas are described. In the issues of radiometric studies the Radia- tion and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) was consulted. Earlier works concerning geological and geochemical studies made by GTK and STUK were utilized.

The client of this present base line study is AREVA NC (COGEMA), whose representative in the project is Philippe Crochon. The representatives of the GTK are environmental geochemist Markku Tenhola, environmental geochemist Maria Nikkarinen and Quaternary geologist Jouko Saarelainen. As a consulting specialist, familiar with the previous uranium exploration, is ge- ologist Olli Äikäs.

1.1 Location, environment and infrastructure of the Riutta area The Riutta study area (Fig. 1) is situated in eastern Finland about 30 km NE of in the municipalities of Eno and Kontiolahti. The claim areas are 4.5 to 8 km west and northwest of the village Eno with c. 2000 inhabitants. The land areas at Riutta are owed by several private land- owners and companies. A gravel pit (Kuvassärkkä) is situated close the main road in the south- ern part of the claim area and a macadam quarry one kilometer northeast of the gravel pit (both places are marked with green symbols in the map showing drainage areas, Appendix 3). A groundwater pumping station has been constructed in a former sand pit ca 800 m south of the Kuvassärkkä gravel pit.

From the main road in the south, a forest road runs to the north past the pumping station, con- necting the area to the road between Riutta and Kyykkä. This connecting road is a popular and much used shortcut from the northern areas to the main road. These activities have increased the traffic in the connection road, and also the amount of dust to the environment. At Kankikoski, about 600 m west from the pumping station, there is a fish breeding company. In the close vicin- ity of the Riutta occurence there is no settlement, but on the shores of lake Riuttalampi, 1-2 km apart from the occurence, there are summer cottages and two farming houses (possibly used as summer residences presently).

In the northwestern part, 1.5 km from the border of the claim Eno-1, there is an environmental protection area Kolvananuuro, a SE-NW striking gorge with its old forests (Fig. 1). Kolvanan- uuro and two smaller areas nearby belong to the “Natura” protection programme. A popular trekking route from Joensuu to Koli transects the NW part of the claim areas Kontiolahti-1. A mining concession by Keramia Oy (presently an open pit for mining kyanite and andalusite-

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bearing rock) is situated c. four kilometers northwest of the claim Eno-1, only 900 m SW from the Kolvananuuro protection area marked in Fig. 14.

Fig. 1. Location of the Riutta study area

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2.1 Exploration Since the discovery of the Riutta ore boulders in 1958, uranium exploration has been carried out in the area, at first by Atomienergia Oy (1958-1960) and later on (1960-1968) by Outokumpu Oy (Huhma 1963). The two companies carried out boulder tracing, ground geophysics and seismic studies and radon surveys. At that time, also, geological mapping was carried out in the whole area from Riutta to Koli. The companies drilled 32 diamond drill holes at the Riutta prospect (Fig. 2). In spite of numerous rich boulders discovered and mapped by the companies, the results of the drillings were poorer than expected.

Fig. 2. Location of the diamond drill holes of Atomienergia Oy, Outokumpu Oy and Geological Survey of Finland, uranium-bearing boulders and recovered research pits (excavator) in the claim areas at the Riutta prospect. The base map: National Land Survey of Finland, licence 13MYY/2007.

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In 1983 the exploration department of GTK launched an exploration project at Riutta including airborne geophysical survey, geological mapping, pedogeochemical sampling (with percussion drills), quaternary studies (e.g. trenching), radon surveys and peat geochemistry. The “Uni- monttu” occurrence was drilled in 1988. A total of 24 drill holes (1215 m) were drilled at this site. The claim report was delivered to the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 1989 (Äikäs 1989).

Imprints of the previous exploration works on the Riutta prospect are visible at a few restricted sites. At Ristimonttu Atomienergia Oy stripped the bedrock in an area of a few acres with a bull- dozer in 1958 and 1959 (Fig. 3 and 4). A trench was blasted in the bedrock in order to get sam- ples for test milling (which was carried out at the then active Paukkajanvaara test plant in Eno). The workings at Ristimonttu have not been restored. There are still blocks of mineralised rock (impregnations of pyrite & veins of pitchblende) in the trench and around the trench.

Fig. 3. Location of the sites for the past detailed exploration at the Riutta prospect, from the north: the Ristimonttu pit, the Unimonttu pit (backfilled) and the Fan-3 trenching site. The coor- dinates from south to north are 200 m apart. The base map: National Land Survey of Finland, licence 13MYY/2007.

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Fig. 4. The Ristimonttu occurrence, photographed from the west (left) and from the east (right). Some of the blocks of rock by the trench contain veins of pitchblende. A stagnant shallow pool of water exists on the bottom of the trench most part of the year.

The Unimonttu trench (Fig. 5 and 6) was re-opened twice by GTK in the 1980s and backfilled with the same till that was at the site. The present state of the backfilled Unimonttu is approxi- mately the same as before Atomienergia Oy made the first trenches in the 1950s. Some radioac- tive boulders and chips, originally contained in the till, can still be found at this backfilled site and in the surficial till along the boulder fan from this site to the southeast.

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Fig. 5. The Unimonttu trench & drilling grid. Upper right: map of the exposed lithology on the bottom of the pit; lower left, photograph of the final stage of the exposure work in the pit. The spacing of the GTK drill hole sections (upper left) is 25 m.

Fig. 6. The Unimonttu trench, open in 1988 and backfilled in 1989, looking NW along the direc- tion of glacial transport. The forest was previously cleared by the landowner, not by GTK.

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West and southwest of the Unimonttu site there are five diamond drilling collars of GTK (drill holes 321 and 324-327) still visible at the surface of the valley fill sand (Fig. 7). The hole 326 has been used for water sampling in this study.

Fig. 7. Collars of drill holes R324 and R325 of GTK at Riutta in 2006.

At the Kolmosviuhka site (Fan-3) there are two trenches of Atomienergia, which have not been covered (Fig. 8). In addition, there are a few shallow stripping trenches made by the GTK, which were left open, but which are presently covered by moss and other vegetation. Pitchblende veins are visible in a few outcrops or exposures. The forest is presently totally felled at this site by the landowner.

In addition to the imprints described from the three targets above, there are collapsed small pits (foxholes) along the length of the boulder train (Fig. 2) in places where the prospectors of the 1950s had to dig for the subsurface radioactive boulders in the till.

The company Atomienergia Oy constructed about 2 km road from the south to the Ristimonttu site. This road served as the basis for the present road that crosscuts the area from the south to the north, across the river Kuusoja.

No other traces of the past exploration can be found in the Riutta area.

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Fig. 8. Kolmosviuhka (Fan 3) trenches & drilling grid. Upper left: drill holes of Atomienergia Oy and GTK; the dashed line (d) shows the extent of the valley fill sand cover in the west against the till cover in the east. The detailed trench lithology map (upper right) shows natural outcrops (a), remains of the Atomienergia trenches of the 1950s (b) and backfilled GTK trenches (c) from the 1980s. Drilling grid of GTK is 25 m.

2.2 Geochemical studies

2.2.1 Regional geochemical lake sediment mapping Regional lake sediment survey was carried out in Finland between 1974-1984 using sampling density of 1 sample/4-5 km2 (Tenhola 1988). The Riutta area is situated in a large, slightly anomalous zone, extending from Eno to the village of Koli (Appendix 4). Highest uranium con- centrations exist in the Proterozoic quartzite belt north from the village Koli (1320 ppm) and in the Archaean granite gneiss area on the eastern side of lake Pielinen (1030 ppm). In lake Riutta- lampi the uranium concentration was 15 ppm and in Urkkalampi 11 ppm. In the Riutta claim area uranium concentrations are 2-5 times higher than the median value in Finland (3 ppm, Ten- hola 1988). All the regional lake sediment concentrations were determined from ignited samples as was customary at the time.

2.2.2 Regional geochemical till mapping Six sampling sites of the regional geochemical till sampling (1 sample/ 4 km2, Salminen 1995) are situated in the Riutta claim area. Results are presented in Table 1 and the location of samples

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in Fig. 9. Uranium concentrations are generally over 20 times higher than in average in Finland. Highest uranium concentration (171 ppm, sampling site 90419) is found c. 300 m east from lake Riuttalampi. Also, As, Cu and Ni concentrations are slightly higher at Riutta than in average in Finland, whereas Cr, Fe, Th, V and Zn concentrations are lower.

Table 1. Element concentrations in till samples situated in the study area. Data is based on the regional till mapping with a density of 4 samples/ 1 km2 (Salminen 1995).

Sampling As Co Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Th U V Zn site ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 90416 13.6 8.46 29.3 39.0 16700 138 20.4 12.6 11.9 20.5 29.5 26.3 90417 6.44 8.85 22.6 48.1 13500 149 19.3 9.20 8.24 24.3 24.1 22.4 90418 2.61 4.87 19.7 19.1 10200 69 15.0 9.74 6.61 0.00 17.4 12.8 90419 8.67 10.5 27.9 20.1 17300 229 20.5 9.67 6.85 171 30.2 22.4 90420 9.50 7.88 22.0 21.0 12500 155 16.7 11.0 6.20 44.2 23.9 23.3 90421 4.56 11.0 25.3 50.1 14000 201 23.5 7.35 7.51 32.2 22.3 24.6 Median in Finland 7.5 10 43 15 21000 320 17 17 13 1 57 36

2.3 Radiometric environmental studies at Paukkajanvaara and Riutta (STUK)

Previous radiometric environmental studies made by STUK (1984-1987) were concentrated in the Paukkajanvaara area in the zone between lakes Ylä-Paukkaja and Hirvilahti (bay of Lake Pielinen, Fig. 1). The aim of these studies was to study the spreading of radioactive elements to the water system as a result of the mining activity at the end of 1950s. Due to the similarity of nature and geology, Riutta area was chosen as reference area for the studies at Paukkajanvaara.

In the Riutta area organic stream sediment, lake sediment and water samples were collected from the rivers Riuttapuro, Kuusoja, Matarinsuo and Salmilammenpuro as well from lakes Riutta- lampi and Urkkalampi (Sillanpää et al. 1989, Mustonen et al. 1989). The results concerning ra- dionuclide concentrations are presented in Table 2 for organic sediments and in Table 3 for water samples. The sampling sites are presented in Fig. 9. Water analysis were filtered (45 µm) and acified in the field and analysed after nitric acid and hydrochoric acid leach (total analysis). We can see the disequilibrium in the U chain between different sampling sites due to preferential fixation of U in organic sediments.

Lake sediment samples, collected in 1985 and 1986 in lakes Riuttalampi and Urkkalampi, were taken with a 5 cm depth interval (7 samples in one profile, Sillanpää et al.1989). Uranium (U- 238) concentrations were low, 130-460 Bq/kg in Riuttalampi and 130-250 Bq/kg in Urkkalampi (Table 2). In both lakes the uranium concentrations diminish evenly towards the sediment sur- face. The highest U-238 concentration (500 Bq/kg) was found in river Kuusoja c. 500 m to the north from the Riutta mineralization. The uranium concentrations in lake Riuttalampi and lake Urkkalampi are 10-100 times lower than in lakes Hiisilampi and Pieni Hiisilampi near the Pauk- kajanvaara mineralization (Sillanpää et al. 1989). Lake sediment samples were analysed after leaching with a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochoric acid (total analysis).

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In the water sample, collected from the river flowing through the mire Matarinsuo, natural ura- nium content (2.1 μg/l) was much higher than elsewhere in the area (Table 3). In the sampling site 8, situated close to the Riutta mineralization, total alpha concentration was elevated (0.21 Bq/l). Sampling sites of the stream sediment, lake sediment and water samples are presented in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Sampling sites of stream water, stream- and lake sediments (STUK 1984-1987) and till samples (GTK 1984).

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Table 2. Radionuclide concentrations in lake- and stream sediments in 1984-1987 at Riutta de- termined by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK, Sillanpää et al. 1989). Total analysis (see page 9). Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 9.

Sampling site Sampling Organic 238U 235U 226Ra 228Th 210Pb 210Po depth in carbon Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg sediment, cm % 1 Lake Riuttalampi 0-5 11 130 13 150 16 260 130 5-10 8.2 280 10 130 15 140 280 10-15 9.5 130 12 120 15 130 190 15-20 8.6 130 12 110 17 140 083 20-25 9.5 230 13 110 24 110 120 25-30 11 460 15 120 24 140 64 30-35 12 - 17 100 23 120 140 4 Lake Urkkalampi 0-5 16 130 10 13 8 69 170 5-10 17 140 10 120 19 57 170 10-15 14 250 7 29 14 58 110 15-20 15 100 6 76 11 77 90 20-25 16 250 5 79 15 77 97 25-30 15 220 7 84 16 38 97 30-35 15 160 7 77 20 51 72 3 River Riuttapuro 0.1 0 0 18 11 18 22 5 River Urkkalamminpuro 0.9 0 0 27 19 44 96 7 River Kuusoja 22 500 23 41 20 83 260 9 River Kuusoja 0.4 33 0 27 18 39 11 10 River from Matarinsuo 2.3 88 6 36 13 31 41 12 River Kuusoja 16 140 7 100 50 490 690 13 River Kuusoja 13 300 8 150 54 260 340 14 River Salmilamminpuro 22 180 9 120 64 380 560 15 River Kuusoja 17 140 7 850 240 280 390

Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in lake- and stream water in 1984-1987 at Riutta deter- mined by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK, Sillanpää et al. 1989). Total analy- sis after filtration (see page 9). Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 9.

Sampling site pH Total α 238U 234U 234U /238U l 226Ra 210Pb 210Po Natural U Bq/l Bq/l Bq/l Bq/l Bq/l Bq/l μg/ l 1 Lake Riuttalampi 7.1 <0.04 0.006 0.011 1.83 <0.004 0.003 0.006 0.51 2 Lake Riuttalampi 6.5 <0.04 0.005 0.009 1.80 <0.004 0.007 0.008 0.43 3 Lake Riuttalampi 6.9 0.09 0.005 0.012 2.40 0.011 0.008 0.015 0.39 4 Lake Urkkalampi 6.6 0.13 0.003 0.005 1.67 0.004 0.010 0.019 0.28 5 River Urkkalamminpuro 6.8 <0.04 0.007 0.009 1.28 <0.004 0.011 0.006 0.55 6 River Urkkalamminpuro - <0.04 0.002 0.004 2.00 <0.004 0.008 0.005 0.15 7 River Kuusoja 6.6 0.10 0.005 0.011 2.20 <0.004 0.003 0.010 0.44 8 River Kuusoja 6.6 0.21 0.003 0.006 2.00 0.005 0.005 0.017 0.28 9 River Kuusoja 6.8 <0.04 0.003 0.005 1.67 <0.004 0.005 0.015 0.20 10 River from Matarinsuo 6.5 0.08 0.030 0.051 1.70 0.006 0.005 0.010 2.1 11 River Kuusoja 6.4 <0.04 0.004 0.010 2.50 <0.004 0.005 0.005 0.36 12 River Kuusoja 6.4 0.10 0.007 0.009 1.28 0.010 0.008 0.048 0.57 13 River Kuusoja 6.6 <0.04 0.007 0.011 1.57 0.006 0.010 0.023 0.53 14 River Salmilamminpuro 6.4 <0.04 0.006 0.011 1.83 0.010 0.013 0.003 0.50 15 River Kuusoja 6.3 <0.04 0.005 0.008 1.60 <0.004 0.014 0.007 0.40

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2.4 Other previous studies

In the Paukkajanvaara area GTK has done studies, which deal with uranium concentrations in soil (Björklund 1978). Exploration works at Riutta have been described e.g. in the reports by Huhma (1963), Nenonen (1983), Ruotsalainen (1983), Salonen (1983) and Äikäs (1989). Groundwater studies in Palokangas and Kuokkasenkangas areas, are presented in a report by Ahtiainen and Naakka (1993). A report concerning land use and planning in the Itä-Uusimaa and Eno reservation areas is given by Tyynismaa (2005).

Geological Survey of Finland collected in 2001 two surface water samples from the Riutta area. One water sample was taken from a pool approximately at the Ristimonttu occurrence and an- other sample from river Kuusoja near the mineralization. Uranium concentration was 12.2 µg/l in the pool and 1.4 µg/l in river Kuusoja.

Enrichment of uranium in peat has been studied in Matarinsuo c. one kilometer west from the Riutta occurrence (Äikäs et al. 1994, Fig. 10). Uranium contents (contents in ash) of up to 2.3 % were found in the peat. According to the writers young uranium is loosely held in its deposits, and in a changing environment may be remobilized posing a danger to water reservoirs down- stream. The effect of the radioactive spring can be noticed in one water sample collected from down stream of the river flowing through the mire Matarinsuo. In that sample taken by the STUK (sampling site number 10) natural uranium content was 2.1 μg/ l (Table 3, Fig. 9).

Fig. 10. Location of the mire Matarinsuo, Matari spring and their drainage area after Äikäs et al. (1994).

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3.1 Water samples Water sampling was carried out at the last week of August 2006. In all 16 water samples were collected; 6 samples from the rivers, 3 samples from the lakes and 7 groundwater samples (Fig. 11). Three groundwater samples were taken from drilled wells in the vicinity of municipal pump- ing station and two samples from dugwells (Fig. 12 and the cover page of this report). In addition two groundwater samples were collected from a drill hole at the depths of 9 and 24 m (Fig. 12).

Fig. 11. Sampling sites of lake sediment and water, stream sediment and water, groundwater and moss samples collected by GTK in August 2006 in the Riutta area.

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a b

c d

Fig. 12. a) A dugwell with electric pump for household water. Typical well is also presented in the cover picture of this report b) Pumping of groundwater from a drill hole, c) Traditional Fin- nish rowboat used in the sampling in lake Riuttalampi, d) Limnos-type sampler and undisturbed lake sediment sample taken from lake Riuttalampi. The sediment is coloured by Fe2+ sulphides (dark sediment) to the depth of 25 cm.

Four stream water samples were taken from Kuusoja river and one sample from Riuttapuro river. One sample was taken from a river flowing close to the Matari spring (sampling point 14, Fig. 11). Lake water samples were taken from three lakes (Riuttalampi, Urkkalampi and Pikku Urk- kalampi). The samples were taken with a Ruttner-type sampler about 1 m above the lake bottom, except in lake Pieni Urkkajärvi, where the water sample was taken from the surface, 0.5 m depth. Rutner –type sampler was also used in groundwater sampling from the wells.

Temperature, pH (pH 320/Set-1), redox (pH 340i /Set), electric conductivity (LF 330/Set), oxy- gen content and its saturation degree (Oxi 330/Set) were determined in the sampling site. The same variables were determined also in the laboratory. The sampling was carried out by certified field persons.

Water samples were taken into two 100 ml and two 500 ml polyethene plastic bottles (Fig. 13). One 100 ml sample was acidified in the field with 0.5 ml suprapur HNO3 for total analysis (acid soluble elements), and the other 100 ml sample was untreated, and was sent to STUK for radio-

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metric determinations. These samples were filtered (0.45 μm) and acified (HNO3) later in the laboratory of STUK. For cation analysis the 500 ml sample was settled down 4-5 days in the laboratory, after which 100 ml was separated from it, filtered (0.45 μm) and acidified with 0.5 ml suprapur HNO3. Anion determinations as well as total nitrogen and carbon determinations were made from another 500 ml sample.

a b

Fig. 13. a) Stream water sampling, in which water sample is filtered into the 100 ml plastic bottle, and b) Stream sediment sampling using a nylon net.

All water samples were analysed by a combination of ICP-MS and ICP-AES methods. Anion determinations were made using IC technique and alkalinity by titrimetric method. Total alfa ac- tivity and Radium-226 were determined in STUK. All chemical analysis and physical determina- tions were made in accredited laboratories of GTK and STUK.

3.2 Organic samples (stream- and lake sediments, mosses) Organic stream- and lake sediment samples were taken at the same time and at the same sites than the water samples. Altogether 15 samples were collected from which 5 were stream sedi- ments, 5 lake sediments and 5 mosses. Organic stream sediments samples, consisting of 5 sub- samples, were collected over a distance 20-100 m, to ensure that they were sufficiently represen- tative. In order to obtain pure organic material, nylon net (Fig. 13) was used for scooping uncon- solidated sediment from streams, and samples were subsequently decanted so that mineral parti- cles could be removed by settling (Räisänen et al. 1992).

Lake sediment samples were taken from three lakes, 3 from Riuttalampi, 1 from Pikku Urk- kalampi and 1 from Urkkalampi. From lake Riuttalampi samples were taken from the depths of 0-15 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-50 cm. From lakes Urkkalampi and Pikku Urkkalampi the samples were taken from the uppermost part of the sediment. Lake sediment samples were taken with a Limnos-type sampler, which makes possible to get undisturbed sediment from the upper part of the sediment column and split it into 1 cm thick slices (Fig. 12).

Stream sediments, lake sediments and mosses were dried using lyophilisation including pre- freezing, crushed with a cutting mill and sieved < 2 mm fraction. Samples were leached with ni- tric acid using microwave oven technique (EPA Method 3051) and analysed by a combination of ICP-MS and ICP-AES methods. C and N were analysed by C-N analyser. Gammaspectrometric

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determinations for radium-226 and other radionuclides were made in STUK. Using long measur- ing times (1-3 days) it was possible to detect, with high uncertainty, also Pb-210, U-238, Th-228, K-40 and Cs-137 contents. Terrestrial moss species collected was Hylocomium splendens. Three uppermost shoots were taken for the analysis. Like stream sediment samples also terrestrial moss samples were compos- ite samples of 5 sub-samples, collected from an area of one hectare. Sampling sites are situated close the Riutta mineralization and “over” the large boulder fan extending approximately 3 km to the southeast (see Fig. 2). Sampling sites for each sample media are presented in Fig. 11.


4.1 Bedrock Bedrock at Riutta is composed of Archaean ortho- and paragneisses, overlain by Paleoprotero- zoic (Jatulian) quartzitic metasediments (Fig. 14). The southwestern part of the area comprises

Fig. 14. Lithology of the bedrock in the claim application area at Riutta. Concession and Natura conservation areas are marked in the picture. The map is modified after Kohonen & Vuollo (2000).

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a basement window (part of the Kontiolahti Dome). Eastern and western parts of the area are mainly gneissose granodiorite and porphyritic granites. The zone of Archaean supracrustal rocks extends from Riutta some five kilometers to Kuusjärvi. The Riutta uranium occurrence, with pitchblende veins, is hosted by sericite-quartz schist in the contact zone between the Proterozoic schists and Archaean gneisses. These rocks are cut by mafic dykes of Proterozoic age, probably 2.2 to 2.1 Ga. More detailed descriptions of the rock types in the Riutta area are given in Piirainen (1968), Kohonen & Marmo (1992), Laiti (1983) and Kesola (1998).

4.2 Quaternary deposits

The Riutta area and the Kuusoja valley, as a whole, are situated in the marginal zone of an ice sheet, that withdrew approximately 11 500 years ago (Fig. 15). Melting of the ice sheet in this area was complicated. The older ice flow, before the last stage of melting, has moulded the ter- rain and left striaes and grooves on the surfaces of bedrock trending approximately between 300- 320o. Uranium-bearing boulders have been transported in the same direction.

Fig. 15. The Pielisjärvi ice-marginal formation at Kuusoja after Rainio (1990). The paleo- geographic situation at the final stage of glaciation. The last direction of the continental ice sheet flow was almost from the west. The Yoldia Sea, or the glacial lake at a slightly higher ele- vation, filled the valley up to the level of 105 m.

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The latest ice lobe proceeded from the west towards the Kuusoja valley. In the valley the margin of the ice extended to a bay of and the ice lake, which was situated 120 m above the present sea. Between the ice lobe and the bay an end moraine formation was deposited (Appendix 1). It formed from till, sand and gravel materials washed and transported by the melting waters of the ice. Finally the valley was filled with the sorted material to the level of the sea of that time. Thickness of the sorted material may be several tens of meters. At the eastern part of the area the ice melted slowly in situ.

Till is the most common type of overburden in the area. Till is soil material dislodged from the bedrock and transported by the ice. Distribution of the uraniferous boulders shows well the transport direction of the glacial drift (Fig. 2). At the bottom of the ice sheet the till material be- came more tightly packed and formed ground moraine (basal till). Basal till covers the bedrock in varying thicknesses throughout the area. In general, the basal till is a sandy till with low clay content (< 5%) and low content of fines (< 30%). In the eastern part of the area also fine grained- till exists with clay content > 5% and fines > 30 % (Appendix 1).

4.3 Nature types and forestry Landscape in the Riutta area is hilly with varying topography. The last glaciation has molded the scenery and caused northwestern- southeastern orientation. Typical landforms are deep rupture valleys formed in the shear zones of bedrock. These valleys are filled with sand and gravel as in the Kuusoja Valley.

In the western part of the area, where the bedrock is covered by till and where the outcrops are common, coniferous forests (e.g. spruce) and deciduous forests (e.g. birch) as well as mixed for- ests are most common (Appendix 2). In the middle part of the area (ice-marginal formation) pine forests prevail. In the east, most luxuriant forests exist in the nutrient-rich fine-grained till (clay- rich) areas, with an exception of small river valleys. Areas cultivated by clearing and burning- over woodland are distinguished as patches in the map (Appendix 3) and are characterized by deciduous forests.

Forest site types presented in Appendix 2 are based on the classification used in Finland. Most common forest type is Oxalis-myrtillus –type (OMT) found especially in the eastern and western parts of the study area (till areas). OMT-type is characterized by coniferous forests (mainly spruces) or mixed forests. In these areas, especially in fresh moors, also Vaccinium-rubus –type (VRT) is widespread. The second common forest site type is Vaccinium myrtillus –type (VMT) found in the sand and gravel-bearing areas of the ice-margin formation. Also, in these areas Vac- cinium –forest type (VT) exist, especially in dry moors. Forest site types Geranium-oxalis- myrtillus (GOMT) and Geranium filipendula (GfiT) exist in wet and moisture areas in the val- leys and in the slopes of the hills, and also in the nutrient groves together with high grown grasses.

Peat bogs in the area are mainly muskegs and aapa bogs. They developed by the paludification of wet valley floors or by overgrown of small lakes and ponds, as examples lake Pieni Urkkalampi and the surroundings of lake Mustalampi. Most peat bogs in the area are drained and fertilized.

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4.4 Present state of surface and groundwater

4.4.1 Flow conditions of surface and groundwater The Riutta study area and the Kuusoja valley belong to the Kuusoja drainage area with a dis- charge to river Pielisjoki in the south (Appendix 3). From Pielisjoki the waters flow via the town of Joensuu to lake Pyhäselkä (Fig. 1). The size of the Kuusoja drainage area is 102 km2, from which 4.5 % is covered with lakes. According to the data from the North Regional Envi- ronment Centre, the amount of precipitation in September 2006 was 61-80 mm. In average in September between 2000-2006 the amount of precipitation in the Eno area was 41-100 mm. In October the amount of precipitation was greater ca 80-120 mm, exceeding 1.5-2 times normal values. According to the estimates of the Regional Environment Centre, the dis- charge of water runoff in North Karelia at the end of summer 2006 was only 2-6 l/s, due to a very dry summer. The end of October and the beginning of November were rainy causing higher values of water discharge, 12-35 l/s. Annual precipitation in the area has been in recent years 600-650 mm, but in a very rainy summer 2004 annual precipitation was even over 850 mm.

Boundaries of the drainage areas, flow directions of surface waters, surface water runoff and dis- charge (l/s) in streams are presented in Appendix 2. In the eastern and southern parts, also smaller drainage areas situated within the Kuusoja drainage area are presented. Surface waters in the Kuusoja valley (approximately the area of ice marginal formation composed mainly of sands, Fig. 15) run along several natural channels to river Kuusoja and further to river Pielisjoki. The surface water runoff is most effective in till and bedrock areas due to the small number of rivers. In the area of ice-marginal formation surface water is seeping effectively downwards and form groundwater.

Most important discharge channels to Kuusoja are river Urkkalamminpuro (running from lake Urkkalampi), river Riuttapuro (from lake Riuttalampi), in the west river Salmilamminpuro (flow- ing close lake Mustalampi), river Kalattomanpuro (in the southwestern part of the area) and river Kurvisenpuro in the east. Runoff of water was very low and most small rivers were dry during the sampling period in August 2006. Due to this, many springs and wells were dry causing diffi- culties in water sampling.

Three separate groundwater reservoirs are situated in the Kuusoja valley (Appendix 3). These are classified as important groundwater supplies by the North Karelia Regional Environment Centre. The precipitation in the Kuusoja valley produces groundwater approximately 8500 m3 /day. The pumping station of the Eno municipality is situated in the southernmost reservoir producing groundwater 700 m3/day.

A lot of groundwater flows from the surrounding hills to the valley. The groundwater flows mainly by seeping into the lakes and to the fractures of the underlying bedrock. In the Palokan- gas area groundwaters flow partly southwards to river Salmilamminpuro and partly eastwards to river Kuusoja (Appendix 3). In the Kuokkasenkangas area groundwaters flow mainly southwards to river Kuusoja and, also, to the northwest towards lake Valkealampi (Ahtiainen and Naakka, 1993). According to the report of the Road Office (Savo-Karjala Road District) the flowing di- rection of groundwater in the area of Kuvassärkkä (see Chap. 1.1) is towards west.

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It is probable, that the groundwater areas form several separate basins due to thresholds in the bedrock. In this report no studies have been made concerning the structure of the bedrock (e.g. shear zones), which control the movement of the groundwater.

4.4.2 Physical properties of water samples In drilled wells pH values (measured in laboratory) varied between 5.98-6.12 and in dugwells between 6.09-6.33 (Table 4). The values are lower than Lahermo et al. (2002) have presented as

Table 4. Temperature, pH, redox, electric conductivity (EC), oxygen concentration (mg/l) and oxygen saturation degree (%) in dugwells (dug into the overburden), drilled wells (drilled into the bedrock), drill holes, lake water and stream water determined in field and in laboratory. Sampling was carried out in August 2006. Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 11.

Sampling o site Type Depth T CpH Redox EC O2 O2 saturate mV uS/cm mg/l degree (%) Determinations in field 29.8.2006 Well-1 Drilled well Well-2 Drilled well Well-3 Dugwell Well-4 Dugwell 10.5 6.48 148.8 70.7 6.90 66.3 Clear Well-6 Drill hole 9 m 11.4 7.20 79.7 53.2 8.85 77.2 Clear, greyish Well-6 Drill hole 24 m Well-7 Dugwell 12.0 6.15 174.1 78.9 3.70 41.0 Lake-5 Lake water 19 m 17.0 6.50 175.4 66.4 2,72 28.9 Lake-8 Lake water 5.6 m 15.4 6.40 87.3 39.0 5.18 52.2 Lake 15 Lake water 1 m 16.1 6.76 216.3 26.6 6.36 71.1 Water-9 Stream water 14.3 6.79 233.2 45.0 6.83 71.6 Water-10 Stream water 15.1 6.82 220.0 54.1 6.18 62.3 Water-11 Stream water 15.7 6.65 245.5 48.4 6.39 67.7 Water-12 Stream water 15.8 6.90 211.0 42.7 8.40 85.8 Water-13 Stream water 15.4 6.73 212.2 41.4 6.83 71.4 Water-14 Stream water 14.9 6.67 190.8 58.7 6.56 67.4 Determinations in laboratory 2.9.2006 Well-1 Drilled well 11.8 5.98 257.9 26.9 7.05 70.5 Clear water Well-2 Drilled well 12.7 6.12 274.2 22.8 8.02 79.2 Clear water Well-3 Dugwell 12.2 6.33 287.2 24.4 7.77 76.2 Clear water Well-4 Dugwell 12.2 6.38 303.5 68.3 7.04 74.6 Clear water Well-6 Drill hole 9 m 12.3 6.31 111.5 50.1 4.76 47.5 Slightly yellowish Well-6 Drill hole 24 m 12.7 6.28 130.0 49.9 5.08 50.2 Slightly yellowish Well-7 Dugwell 12.9 6.09 214.8 69.0 5.56 54.7 Slightly yellowish Lake-5 Lake water 19 m 12.4 6.42 301.5 54.5 5.92 59.0 Slightly yellowish Lake-8 Lake water 5.6 m 12.7 6.14 247.3 29.8 4.51 45.5 Brownish Lake 15 Lake water 1 m 13.6 6.67 214.4 23.3 7.12 67.7 Yellowish Water-9 Stream water 12.7 6.68 274.5 39.3 6.95 68.9 Clear, slightly yellowish Water-10 Stream water 13.2 6.68 267.0 47.2 6.94 69.6 Clear, slightly yellowish Water-11 Stream water 13.1 6.69 256.9 42.0 6.75 65.6 Clear, slightly yellowish Water-12 Stream water 13.0 6.90 250.3 37.1 6.97 71.3 Clear, slightly yellowish Water-13 Stream water 13.8 6.83 255.0 37.4 7.07 72.0 Clear, slightly yellowish Water-14 Stream water 13.3 6.75 264.9 52.1 6.99 74.0 Clear, slightly yellowish

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medians in Finland (for drilled wells pH 7.2 and dugwells 6.4). In drill hole samples pH varied between 6.28-6.31. The lowest pH value (5.98) was found in the water from the groundwater pumping station. In stream water samples pH values (6.7-6.8) were higher than in groundwater.

In all samples (three samples) taken from the groundwater area, redox-values and oxygen amounts were high. In the same samples the values of electric conductivity were low. Rapidly flowing river waters have high oxygen contents and redox values (sampling sites 10-14, Fig. 11). Although the water in lake Riuttalampi is dark coloured, indicating reducing conditions, its redox value (depth 19 m) was high (302 mV). Redox values (112 and 130 mV) and oxygen amounts (48 and 50 %) were lower in the drill hole samples than in other groundwater samples. In gen- eral, EC values in groundwater and surface water were quite close to each other, which may due to the fixation of ground- and suface waters.

Values of physical properties, measured in the laboratory, were close to those measured in the field. However, the pH value in the drill hole (depth 9 m) was 7.2 in the field, but only 6.3 in the laboratory. In the samples collected from groundwater areas (1-3) the water was very clear, whereas, the water in drill whole samples was slightly grayish (Table 4).

4.4.3 Results of the radiometric determinations in water samples

Total alpha and Ra-226 determinations were made from 16 water samples comprising samples from lakes, rivers and groundwater from dugwells and drilled wells and two samples from a drill hole (depths 9 and 24 m, Table 5). In the surface and groundwater samples most total alpha activities and radium-226 concentrations were below the detection limit (for total alpha <0.02 Bq/l and for radium-226 < 0.01 Bq/l). In the drill hole, close the Unimonttu mineralization, the total-alpha activities (0.15 and 0.53 Bq/l) were some tens times higher than the background value (<0.02 Bq/l).

Also, Ra-226 concentrations (0.03-0.05 Bq/l) were higher in two drill holes than elsewhere. Slightly elevated total alpha activities existed in the river in Matarinsuo (0.07 Bq/l) and in a dugwell in the northern part of lake Riuttalampi (0.06 Bq/l, sampling site 7, Fig. 11). Total alpha and Ra-226 values in stream and lake water samples were close the values determined in the Ri- utta area in1984-1987 (Table 3).

Regional distribution of total alpha concentrations is presented in Fig. 16. In this figure the data from 1984-1987 (STUK) and 2006 (GTK) are combined. Highest concentrations are close to the Unimonttu occurrence in the drill hole and in Kuusoja stream water flowing nearby. It should be emphasized that the stream water sample from the river was collected earlier by STUK than the drillings were carried out in 1988 by GTK.

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Table 5. Total alpha activities (Bq/l) and Ra-226 concentrations (Bq/l) in lake, river and groundwater samples (dugwell, drilled well, drill hole) in the Riutta area collected in August 2006. Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 11.

Sampling site Type Total-alpha activity, Bq/l 226Ra, Bq/l 1 Drilled well, pumping station <0.02 <0.01 2 Drilled well <0.02 <0.01 3 Drilled well <0.02 0.02 4 Dugwell 0.02 <0.01 5 Lake water, Riuttalampi 0.03 <0.01 6 (9 m) Drill hole 0.15 0.03 6 (24 m) Drill hole 0.53 0.05 7 Dugwell 0.06 <0.01 8 Lake water, Urkkalampi 0.04 <0.01 9 Kuusoja river 0.03 <0.01 10 Riuttapuro river <0.02 <0.01 11 Kuusoja river <0.02 <0.01 12 Kuusoja river <0.02 <0.01 13 Kuusoja river <0.02 0.01 14 River (spring) Matarinsuo 0.07 <0.01 15 Lake water, Pikku Urkkalampi <0.02 <0.01

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Fig. 16. Total alpha concentrations in stream, lake and groundwater. Results from the studies in 1984-1987 (STUK) and 2006 (GTK) are combined. Red dots represent concentrations in groundwater (see Fig. 9 and 11).

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4.5 Present state of the lake and stream sediments and mosses

4.5.1 Radiometric determinations in lake and stream sediments and moss samples

Lake sediment, stream sediment and moss samples

Radiometric determinations in lake and stream sediments and moss samples are presented in Ta- ble 6. As mentioned before, long radiating times (1-3 days) were needed due to low concentra- tion levels. Especially the uncertainty for Pb-210 determinations was remarkable. In Riuttalampi, at the sampling site P5, Ra-226 concentrations varied between 100-150 Bq/kg and uranium-238 concentrations between 210-220 Bq/kg. The values were close to the values determined in 1984- 1987 in lake Riuttalampi by STUK (see Table 2). High Cs-137 concentrations (max. 33 Bq/kg) existed in the upper part of the lake sediment in Riuttalampi. This may be due to the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Like Cs-137 also Pb-210 concentrations were much higher in the surface sedi- ment than in the lower parts.

Radiometric concentrations were low in moss samples. In moss almost all Ra-226, Ra-228 and U-238 concentrations were below the detection limits.

Table 6. Radionuclide concentrations in lake sediments, stream sediments and moss samples in the Riutta area. Sampling was carried out in August 2006. Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 11.

Laboratory Sampling site, 226Ra 228Ra 238U 210Pb 228Th 40K 137Cs code depth Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg Lake sediment LO6089255 P5 0-15 cm, Riuttalampi 140 ± 50 19 ± 2220 ± 40 280 ± 90 20 ± 2 94 ± 8 33 ± 3 LO6089257 P5 20-40 cm, Riuttalampi 150 ± 50 20 ± 3210 ± 50 110 ± 40 18 ± 3 54 ± 9 1.2 ± 0.9 LO6089258 P5 40-50 cm, Riuttalampi 100 ± 40 20± 2 220 ± 50 77 ± 25 20 ± 2 54 ± 8 <0.5 LO6089259 P8 0-10 cm, Urkkalampi. 100 ± 28 14 ± 2 75 ± 30 99 ± 32 14 ±2 27 ± 6 7.1+_0,9 L06089265 P15 0-15 cm, P-Urkkalampi 56 ± 25 10 ± 2100 ± 30 230 ± 70 14 ± 2 27 ± 7 16 ± 2 Stream sediment L06089260 P9, Kuusoja. 100 ± 30 49 ± 4140 ± 30 230 ± 80 48 ± 4 240 ± 14 30 ± 2 L06089261 P10, Riuttapuro. 55 ± 22 32 ± 3160 ± 30 170 ± 60 32 ± 3 295 ± 24 26 ±2 L06089262 P11, Kuusoja 120 ± 40 48 ± 4140 ± 70 380 ± 140 47 ± 4 190 ± 20 36 ± 4 L06089263 P12, Kuusoja 125 ± 35 46 ± 5 90 ± 50 260 ± 30 46 ± 5 270 ± 20 32 ± 3 L06089264 P13, Kuusoja 83 ± 30 48 ± 4110 ± 50 <300 51 ± 5 260 ± 30 22 ± 2 Moss L06089246 Riutta Sa P1 <10 <5 <50 430 ± 140 125 ± 33 49 ± 8 L06089247 Riutta Sa P2 <20 <10 <50 400 ± 200 130 ± 20 26 ± 4 L06089248 Riutta Sa P3 <20 <15 <40 480 ± 160 200 ± 70 34 ± 7 L06089249 Riutta Sa P4 <20 <10 <50 380 ± 70 100 ± 50 29 ± 8 L06089250 Riutta Sa P5 <100 <10 <50 600 ± 200 124 ± 30 35 ± 4

Regional distribution of uranium-238 concentrations is presented in Fig. 17. In this figure the data from 1984-1987 (STUK) and 2006 (GTK) are combined. Uranium in organic sediments is

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quite evenly distributed in the area. Some elevated concentrations exist some hundred meters upstream of the Ristimonttu occurrence and in lake Riuttalampi.

Fig. 17. Uranium-238 concentrations in stream and lake sediments. Results from the studies in 1984-1987 (STUK) and 2006 (GTK) are combined (see Fig. 9 and 11).

4.5.2 Results of the chemical analysis Groundwater Dissolved uranium concentrations in groundwater varied in the drill hole samples between 0.25- 0.43 µg/l and total concentrations between 0.39-1.60 µg/l (Table 7). The concentrations were clearly higher than elsewhere in the area. Together with uranium also Co, Cu, Mo, Fe and Mn

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Table 7. Element concentrations in lake, river and groundwater samples in the Riutta area. Concentrations are based on total analysis (acid soluble elements) and partial analysis (dis- solved elements). Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 11. Other elements analysed are presented in Appendix 5.

2- Sampling As Co Cu Mo Ni Zn Fe Mn Th U SO4 S site µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l mg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l mg/l mg/l Partial analysis (dissolved elements) Groundwater 1 drilled well <0.05 0.17 2.26 0.10 0.30 5.07 0.03 9.10 <0.01 0.07 3.7 2 drilled well 0.09 0.20 3.28 0.14 7.66 15.8 <0.03 3.18 <0.01 0.05 2.9 3 dugwell 0.09 0.02 20.1 0.08 0.07 10.4 <0.03 0.11 <0.01 0.01 1.8 4 dugwell <0.05 0.12 1.40 1.38 0.88 376 <0.03 3.18 <0.01 0.63 4.6 6 (9 m) drill hole 0.51 0.72 0.74 2.01 2.06 2.20 1.72 111 0.10 0.25 6.2 6 (24 m) drill hole 0.58 0.88 0.92 2.79 2.13 5.01 1.10 104 0.09 0.43 5.9 7 dugwell 2.78 0.30 10.2 0.73 4.69 14.1 0.40 28.0 0.18 0.18 8.0 Median in Finland1) 0.14 0.09 2.49 0.13 0.84 10.4 <0.03 4.36 <0.02 0.09 10.4 Median in Finland2) 0.16 0.04 9.06 0.50 0.60 21.7 0.03 16.3 <0.02 0.64 12.2 Quality requirements3) 10 2000 20 0.2 50 250 Stream water 9 river Kuusoja 0.20 0.04 0.71 0.23 0.32 1.30 0.13 18.6 0.01 0.08 4.0 10 river Riuttapuro 0.24 0.02 0.96 0.71 0.36 1.04 <0.03 22.8 <0.01 0.15 5.3 11 river Kuusoja 0.20 0.04 0.75 0.33 0.33 1.42 0.10 27.5 0.01 0.10 3.9 12 river Kuusoja 0.18 0.04 0.61 0.18 0.32 1.08 0.23 6.07 0.01 0.06 3.9 13 river Kuusoja 0.23 0.05 0.54 0.15 0.35 1.31 0.25 13.5 0.01 0.08 3.8 14 river Matarinsuo 0.15 0.06 1.06 0.43 0.38 2.42 0.07 6.89 0.02 1.24 8.0 Median in Finland4) 0.36 0.17 0.64 0.15 0.52 3.60 0.68 29.0 0.07 3.5 Lake water 5 lake Riuttalampi 0.24 0.22 4.68 0.97 3.97 5.64 0.16 1700 0.01 0.28 5.5 8 lake Urkkalampi 0.25 0.56 1.90 0.08 6.72 9.81 0.52 149 0.02 0.11 2.2 15 lake P-Urkkalampi 0.30 0.08 1.32 0.07 0.57 2.49 0.32 9.43 0.03 0.17 3.5 Total analysis (acid soluble elements) 1 <0.2 0.17 3.88 <0.2 <3 3.24 0.11 9.29 <0.2 0.07 1.32 2 0.37 0.40 8.11 <0.2 111 20.5 0.06 5.08 <0.2 0.06 1.08 3 <0.2 <0.1 26.8 0.27 <3 9.41 <0.03 <0.5 <0.2 0.01 0.66 4 <0.2 0.12 6.38 2.03 <3 364 0.19 3.48 <0.2 1.01 1.73 5 0.26 0.22 7.96 1.03 10.4 6.62 0.36 1670 <0.2 0.28 2.06 6 (9 m) 1.10 0.92 5.78 2.88 <3 4.62 4.70 130 <0.2 0.39 2.00 6 (24 m) 1.63 2.45 9.22 4.25 6.12 9.94 5.46 135 0.5 1.60 2.16 7 5.48 0.28 16.3 0.81 7.00 23.7 0.65 19.2 0.2 0.22 2.86 8 0.50 1.91 9.98 0.21 15.1 24.9 3.85 428 <0.2 0.17 0.98 9 <0.2 <0.1 1.05 0.27 <3 <2 0.20 36.6 <0.2 0.09 1.52 10 0.22 <0.1 1.37 0.75 <3 <2 0.04 141 <0.2 0.19 2.00 11 <0.2 0.11 <1 <0.2 <3 <2 0.23 48.8 <0.2 0.07 1.43 12 0.21 0.13 <1 0.25<3 <2 0.39 45.3 <0.2 0.07 1.44 13 <0.2 0.11 1.06 0.22 <3 <2 0.35 30.8 <0.2 0.08 1.47 14 <0.2 0.22 1.49 0.44 <3 <2 0.16 36.5 <0.2 1.41 2.90 15 0.32 0.21 1.96 <0.2 <3 2.24 0.46 22.3 <0.2 0.20 1.47 1) Median values of Finnish wells drilled into the overburden and 2) wells drilled into the bedrock according to Lahermo et al. (2002). 3) Quality requirements and recommendations for household water in Finland, small units, STMa 2001. 4) Median values for stream water in Finland according to Lahermo et al. (1996).

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concentrations were elevated in the drill hole samples. In the sample collected in the Matarinsuo area (sampling site 14, Table 7) the uranium concentration was high (1.24 µg/l, partial solution). 2- Also SO4 concentration (8.0 µg/l) and copper concentration (1.06) were elevated and exceeded the median values in Finland. It should be mentioned that in the dugwell in the southwestern part of lake Riuttalampi (sampling site 4), the uranium concentrations were quite high (dissolved 0.63-1.01 µg/l and total 1.01µg/l). This may be due to elevated uranium concentrations in bed- rock and till, because several uranium-bearing boulders are found close to this dugwell (see Fig. 2 and 11). In Finland the median uranium concentration in dugwell waters is 0.09 µg/l (Lahermo et al. 1996).

Lake sediment, stream sediment and moss samples

Uranium concentrations (6-17 mg/kg) in lake sediments were 2-5 times higher than the median value in Finland (3 mg/kg, Tenhola 1988, the value of 3 mg/kg is based on ignited samples). Concentrations in the lakes in the Riutta area were over 10 times lower than in lake Ylä- Paukkaja close the Paukkajanvaara mineralization (Tenhola 1978). Highest Pb, U, Ni, Zn, Cd, As and Th concentrations exist in the most upper part of the sediment column.

In stream sediments uranium concentrations were 2-4 times higher than the Finnish average val- ues. Highest uranium concentration (8.55 mg/kg) was found in Riuttapuro (Table 8). Heavy metal concentrations (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb) were higher than Finnish average values.

Table 8. Element concentrations in lake- and stream sediments in the Riutta area. Reference values for lake sediments are based on Verta et al. (1990) and Mäkinen & Pajunen (2005) and for stream sediments Lahermo et al. (1996). Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 11. Other elements analysed are presented in Appendix 5. Sampling site, As Cd Co Cr Cu Mo Ni Pb Th U Zn depth mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Lake sediments P5 0-15 cm, lake Riuttalampi 6.46 1.17 22.5 22.7 38.5 6.43 22.1 42.7 5.72 17.0 158 P5 20-40 cm, lake Riuttalampi 4.99 0.65 18.7 23.2 36.8 11.5 21.1 14.4 5.31 15.1 153 P5 40-50 cm, lake Riuttalampi 4.25 0.56 8.86 23.9 38.4 12.5 15.4 8.88 4.32 15.2 134 P8 0-10 cm, lake Urkkalampi 4.48 0.60 10.4 23.0 46.2 2.35 17.8 31.4 2.43 6.12 120 P15 0-15, lake Pieni Urkkalampi 7.80 0.85 13.8 13.0 26.9 2.23 12.5 18.1 1.80 6.05 134 Median in Finland 1.37 15.3 44.0 18.1 19.3 95.5 3.01) 115 Stream sediments P9 river Kuusoja 6.62 0.95 24.3 26.0 30.8 2.39 21.4 14.6 2.71 6.94 127 P10 river Riuttapuro 2.08 0.36 6.25 29.2 23.3 2.33 16.6 11.5 2.47 8.55 67.8 P11 river Kuusoja 8.11 1.40 21.8 27.4 44.2 2.00 22.8 20.9 2.77 7.48 151 P12 river Kuusoja 7.14 1.05 26.9 26.9 28.0 1.66 24.6 13.3 3.10 5.46 146 P13 river Kuusoja 19.9 0.71 20.0 26.3 23.6 2.22 20.2 12.1 4.16 6.39 111 Median in Finland 2.90 0.08 10.5 31.3 12.4 0.91 13.9 8.3 4.93 2.01 45.9 1) Tenhola (1988). The concentrations are based on ignited samples.

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In moss samples all uranium concentrations are below the detection limit (0.05 mg/kg). In south- ern Finland, where several small uranium occurrences are known to exist, uranium concentra- tions in moss are quite high and vary in large areas between 0.1-0.2 mg/kg. This is due to min- erogenic dust derived from local soil and bedrock (Salminen et al. 2004).

Also, heavy metal concentrations in moss samples were low (Table 9). Most heavy metals are slightly enriched in the samples collected near the Riutta occurrence (sample code Riutta Sa P1). This may be caused by the traffic on the road nearby. The concentrations correspond approxi- mately the background values in the granite areas in Mid-Finland (e.g. nickel concentrations are less than 2 mg/kg, Rühling et al. 1992; see also Loukola-Ruskeeniemi et al. 1998).

Table 9. Element concentrations in moss in the Riutta area. Sampling sites are presented in Fig. 11. Other elements analysed are presented in Appendix 5.

Sampling site As Cd Co Cr Cu Mo Ni Pb U Zn mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Riutta Sa P1 <0.5 0.19 0.29 1.16 5.89 0.55 2.32 3.57 <0.05 37.80 Riutta Sa P2 <0.5 0.18 0.20 0.69 5.16 0.11 1.35 2.86 <0.05 36.30 Riutta Sa P3 <0.5 0.18 0.23 0.66 6.69 0.12 1.57 3.76 <0.05 49.20

Riutta Sa P4 <0.5 0.16 0.17 0.63 4.97 0.08 1.10 3.13 <0.05 29.00 Riutta Sa P5 <0.5 0.21 0.23 1.02 5.81 0.12 1.95 5.08 <0.05 45.50

5 SUMMARY The COGEMA´s claim application for uranium prospecting at Riutta was approved in the Minis- try of Trade and Industry in October 2006. The decision gives a possibility to carry out ore ex- ploration in certain limits. Before the start of the exploration an environmental present state sur- vey was decided to start. Quaternary mapping and geochemical sampling were carried out in August and September 2006. Surface water, groundwater and organic sediment samples were collected throughout the area. The samples were analysed in the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) and in the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK). Also some results of the ear- lier geochemical studies in the Riutta area, made by STUK, were presented.

The Riutta claim area is situated in eastern Finland about 30 km NE of Joensuu in the munici- palities of Eno and Kontiolahti. In the close vicinity of the known mineralizations there is no set- tlement, but on the shore of lake Riuttalampi, 1-2 km apart from the mineralized area, there are two farming houses (possibly summer residences). In the northwestern part (c. two kilometers from the border of the claim), is an environmental protection area Kolvananuuro, which belongs to the “Natura” protection programme. Three large groundwater reservoirs for the municipalities of Eno and Kontiolahti are situated 1-5 km southwards from the Riutta mineralization, partly within the claim area.

The bedrock at Riutta is composed of Archaean ortho- and paragneisses overlain by Paleopro- terozoic quartzitic metasediments. The Riutta uranium mineralization, including pitchblende- bearing veins, is hosted by sericite-quartz schist in the contact zone between the Proterozoic schists and the Archaean granitoids and migmatites. Quaternary geology in the area is compli- cated with a large ice-marginal formation comprising the whole Kuusoja valley. Groundwater

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 29 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

reservoirs are situated in this area. Uranium-bearing boulder fans show a clear transport direction between 300-320o.

The Riutta study area and the Kuusoja valley belong to the Kuusoja drainage area (102 km2) with a discharge to river Pielisjoki in the south. The amount of precipitation in September 2006 was 70-80 mm, which was much lower than usually at that time. Due to a very dry summer the discharge of water was only 2.6 l/s when it was in October 12-35 l/s. Three separate groundwater reservoirs are situated in the Kuusoja valley. The precipitation in the Kuusoja valley produces groundwater approximately 8500 m3 /day. The pumping station of the Kuvassärkkä is situated in the southernmost reservoir producing groundwater 700 m3/day.

In October the amount of precipitation was greater than 80-120 mm, exceeding 1.5-2 times nor- mal values. According to the estimates of the North Karelia Regional Environment Centre, run- off in North Karelia at the end of summer 2006 was only 2-6 l/s, due to a very dry summer. The end of October and the beginning of November were rainy causing higher values of water dis- charge, 12-35 l/s. Annual precipitation in the area has been in recent years 600-650 mm, but in a very rainy summer 2004 annual precipitation was even over 850 mm.

The pH values in surface and groundwater were normal varying mainly between 6-6.8. The low- est pH value (5.98) was found in the water of the groundwater pumping station. In all samples, taken from the groundwater area, redox-values and oxygen amounts were high and electric con- ductivity values were low.

Radiometric determinations in water samples showed, that total alpha (<0.02-0.15 Bq/l) and ra- dium-226 concentrations (<0.01-0.05 Bq/l) were very low throughout the whole area. The high- est values were found in the drill hole samples. Also, uranium concentrations (0.39-1.60 μg/l, total analysis) in the drill hole samples were higher than elsewhere in the area. In stream water sample collected in the Matarinsuo area the uranium concentration was elevated (1.24 µg/l). Heavy metal concentrations were low in the water samples throughout the area. In one sampling point (lake Riuttalampi) manganese concentration was high (1700 µg/l) exceeding ca 30 times the quality requirement values for house- hold water in Finland. As a whole uranium and trace metal concentrations were far below the limits of the requirements for household water in Finland.

In the groundwater area (three southernmost sampling sites) total alpha concentrations (<0.02 Bq/l) as well as Ra-226 (<0.01-0.02 Bq/l) were extremely low. Also, uranium concentrations (0.01-0.07 µg/l) and most heavy metal concentrations were low.

In lake sediments in Riuttalampi radium-226 concentrations varied between 100-150 Bq/kg and uranium-238 concentrations between 210-220 Bq/kg. The values were close to the values de- termined in 1984-1987 in lake Riuttalampi by STUK. A high Cs-137 concentration (max. 33 Bq/kg) existed in the upper part of the lake sediment in Riuttalampi. This may due to the Cher- nobyl fallout in 1986. Like Cs-137, also Pb-210 concentrations were higher in the surface sedi- ment than in the lower parts. In stream sediments all radionuclide concentrations were low. In moss radiometric concentrations as well as heavy metal concentrations were low. Almost all Ra- 226, Ra-228 and U-238 concentrations were below the detection limits.

Uranium concentrations in lake sediments (6-17 mg/kg) were 2-5 times higher in the Riutta res- ervation area than in Finland, in average. However, the concentrations in lake sediments were

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 30 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

over 10 times lower than in lake Ylä-Paukkaja (close to the Paukkajanvaara mineralization). Highest Pb, U, Ni, Zn, Cd, As and Th concentrations existed in the uppermost part of the lake sediment column. Also, in stream sediments uranium concentrations were 2-4 times higher than the median value in Finland.


Ahtiainen, M. and Naakka, S. 1993. Palo- ja Kuokkasenkankaan pohjavesitutkimus Kontiolah- den kunnassa. Report 0792D001/512. Pohjois-Karjalan vesi- ja ympäristöpiiri (in Finnish).

Björklund, A. 1978. Paukkajanvaara: uranium in till above mineralization. Journal of Geochemi- cal Exploration Vol 5, No. 3, 287-289.

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Kesola, R. Enon kartta-alueen kallioperä. Summary: Pre-Quaternary rocks of the Eno map sheet area. Suomen geologinen kartta 1.100 000: kallioperäkarttojen selitykset lehti 4242, 40 p.

Kohonen, J. and Marmo, J. 1992. Proterozoic lithostatigraphy and sedimentation of Sariola and Jatuli-type rocks in the Nunnanlahti-Koli-Kaltimo area, eastern Finland: implications for re- gional basin evolution models. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 364, 67 p.

Kohonen, J. & Vuollo, J. 2000. Kolin valkeat rannat . In: Lóven, L. & Rainio, H. (eds). Kolin perintö: kaskikasvusta kansallismaisemaan. Helsinki: Espoo: Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 22-27 Sum- mary: One thousand wells – the physical-chemical quality of Finnish well waters in 1999. Geo- logical Survey of Finland. Report of Investigation 155, 92 p.

Lahermo, P., Väänänen, P., Tarvainen, T., Salminen, R. 1996. Suomen geokemian atlas. Osa 3: ympäristögeokemia – purovedet ja sedimentit. Geochemical Atlas of Finland. Part 3: Environ- mental geochemistry – stream water and sediments. Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, 147 s.

Laiti, I. O. 1983. Geological Map of Finland, Pre-Quaternary Rocks. 1:100 000. Sheet 4242, Eno. Geological Survey of Finland.

Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K., Uutela, A., Tenhola, M., Paukola, T. 1998. Environmental impact of metalliferous black shales at Talvivaara in Finland, with indication of lake acidification 9000 years ago. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 64 (1998), 395-407.

Mustonen, R., Ikäheimonen, T. K., Salonen, L. ja Sillanpää T. 1989. Uraanin louhinnan ja rikas- tuksen radiologiset ympäristövaikutukset Enon Paukkajanvaarassa. STUK-B-VALO 61. Säteily- turvakeskus, 26 p. (in Finnish).

Mäkinen J., Pajunen, H. 2005. Correlation of carbon with acid-soluble elements in Finnish lake sediments: two opposite composition trends. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Vol. 5 (2), 169-181.

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 31 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

Nenonen, K. 1983. Kenttäraportti malminetsintää palvelevista maaperätutkimuksista Riutan malminetsintätyömaalla Kontiolahdella ja Enossa. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, sisäinen raportti P 13.2.044, 5 p. (in Finnish).

Piirainen, T. 1968. Die Petrogie un die Uranlagerstätten des Koli-Kaltimogebiets im finnischen Nordkarelien. Bull. Comm. Geól. Finlande, n:o 237, 99 p.

Rainio, H. 1990. The Pielisjärvi end moraine: Kuusoja valley train, Eno and Kontiolahti. In: K. Mäkinen (ed.) Mid-Norden Project: Subproject Quaternary Geology. Guide for the excursion to central Finland Geological Survey of Finland, 55-58.

Ruotsalainen, A., 1983. Seisminen tutkimus Enon Riutassa 1983. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, sisäinen raportti Q19/4242/84/1/23, 2 p. (in Finnish).

Räisänen, M-L., Hämäläinen, L., Westerberg, L-M., 1992. Selective extraction and determina- tion of metals in organic stream sediments. Analyst 117, 75-79.

Rühling, Å., Brumelis, G., Goltsova, N., Kvietkus, K., Kubin, E., Liiv, S., Magnússon, S., Mäki- nen, A., Pilegaard, K., Rasmussen, L., Sander, E. Steinnes, E. 1992. Atmospheric heavy metal deposition in northern Europe 1990. Nord 1992: 12. Nordic Council of Ministers. AKA-PRINT A/S, Århus, 41 pp.

Salminen, R., Chekushin, V., Tenhola, M., Bogatyrev, I., Glavatskikh, S. P., Fedotova, E., Gregorauskiene, V., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H., Polischuok, A., Rissanen, K., Selenok, L., Tomilina, O., Zhdanova, L. 2004. Geochemical atlas of the eastern Barents region. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 548 p.

Salminen, R. (ed.), 1995. Alueellinen geokemiallinen kartoitus Suomessa vuosina1982-1994 (in Finnish). English summary: Regional geochemical mapping in Finland in 1982-1994. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 130, 47 p (in Finnish).

Sillanpää, T., Ikäheimonen, T. K., Salonen L., Taipale, T. ja Mustonen R. 1989. Paukkajanvaa- ran vanhan uraanikaivos- ja rikastamoalueen ja sen ympäristön radioaktiivisuustutkimukset. STUK-B-VALO 56. Säteilyturvakeskus, 94 p. (in Finnish).

Tenhola, M. 1978. Järvisedimenttianomalioiden luokittelusta Pohjois-Karjalassa ja Kainuussa. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, sisäinen raportti S/41/0000/1/1978, 8 p. (in Finnish).

Tenhola, M. 1988. Alueellinen geokemiallinen järvisedimenttikartoitus Itä-Suomessa. English summary: Regional geochemical mapping based on lake sediments in eastern Finland. Geologi- cal Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 78, 42 p.

Tyynismaa, J. 2005. Land use Analysis and Environmental Screening, Itä-Uusimaa and Eno res- ervation areas, report, 67040670, 14 p.

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 32 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

Verta, M., Mannio, J., Iivonen, P., Hirvi, J.-P., Järvinen, O., & Piepponen, S. 1990. Trace metals in Finnish Headwater lakes – Effects of Acidification and Airborne Load. In Kauppi, P., Anttila, P. & Kenttämies, K. (eds.). Acidification in Finland. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 883- 908.

Äikäs, O. 1983. Raportti lohkareprojektin kenttätöistä 30.5-2.6 ja 9-11.8 1983 Kontiolahden Riu- tan uraaninetsintätyömaalla (in Finnish).

Äikäs, O. 1989. Selostus uraanitutkimuksista Enon ja Kontiolahden kunnissa valtausalueella Riutta 1, kaivosrek.nro 3495/1, Geologian tutkimuskeskus, sisäinen raportti M 06/4242/- 89/1/60, 20 p. (in Finnish).

Äikäs, O., Seppänen, H., Yli-Kyyny, K., Leino, J. 1994. Young uranium deposits in peat, Finland : an orientation study. Geological Survey of Finland. Report of Investigation 124, 21 p.


APPENDIX 1. Quaternary deposits of the Riutta area APPENDIX 2. Forestry 1:30 000 of Riutta area APPENDIX 3. Surface water runoff and drainage basins 1:30 000 of the Riutta area APPENDIX 4. Regional lake sediment sampling in Finland in 1974-1977. APPENDIX 5. Chemical analysis

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 33 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

APPENDIX 1. Quaternary deposits in the Riutta area

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 34 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

APPENDIX 2. Forestry 1:30 000 in the Riutta area

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 35 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

APPENDIX 3. Surface water runoff and drainage basins 1:30 000 in the Riutta area

Geologian tutkimuskeskus 36 Itä-Suomen yksikkö

APPENDIX 4. Regional lake sediment sampling in Finland in 1974-1977.

1 /<.1)// C.-t-., .::~t~1 ~ .s- .,STUK TULOSSELOSTE 1 (4) 0 FINAS Finnish Accreditatlon Servlce Tutkimus ja ympäristövalvonta 3.11.2006 22/645/06 T167 (EN ISO/IEC 17025) Akkreditoitu testauslaboratorio


Tilaaja Markku Tenhola Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geopalvelukeskus/ ge olaboratorio PL 1237 70211 Kuopio

Mittauksen kohde Sedimentti- ja sammalnäytteet

Mittauksen kohde Saapumispvm Analysointipvm L06089246 Sammal 20.9.2006 1.11.2006 L06089247 Sammal 20.9.2006 31.10.2006 L06089248 Sammal 20.9.2006 1.11.2006 L06089249 Sammal 20.9.2006 1.11.2006 L06089250 Sammal 20.9.2006 31.10.2006 L06089255 0-15 20.9.2006 24.10.2006 L06089257 20-40 20.9.2006 10.1 0.2006 L06089258 40-50 20.9.2006 25.10.2006 L06089259 0-10 20.9.2006 25.10.2006 L06089260 Purosed. 20.9.2006 18.10.2006 L06089261 Purosed. 20.9.2006 30.10.2006 L06089262 Purosed. 20.9.2006 13.10.2006 L06089263 Purosed. 20.9.2006 3.11.2006 L06089264 Purosed. 20.9.2006 31.10.2006 L06089265 Järvised. 20.9.2006 30.10.2006

Analysointimeneteima Gammaspektrometrinen mittaus (gammaspektrometria, sisäinen ohje . TKO 3.1.4).

Näytteenotto Mittaus tehtiin asiakkaan Säteilyturvakeskukselle toimittamasta näyttees• tä.

Tulokset Seuraavassa taulukossa esitettävät radionuklidien aktiivisuuspitoisuudet on laskettu näytteenottopäivään.

STUK • SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS OSOITE/ADDRESS POSTIOSOITc/POSTAL ADDRESS PUH./TEL FAX STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR Laippatie 4 Pl/P.O.Box 14 (09) 759 881 (09) 7598 8500 SAFETY AUTHORITY 00880 HELSINKI FIN-00881 HELSINKI, FINLAND +358 9 759 881 +358 9 7598 8500 ~ STUK TULOSSELOSTE 2(4) 0 FINAS Tutkimus ja ympäristövalvonta 3.11 .2006 22/645/06 Finnish Accredltation Service T167 (EN ISOIIEC 17025) Akkreditoitu testauslaboratorio

Mittauksen kohde Nuklidi Tulos ± e.I!_ävarmuus Referenss!J>_äivä* L06089246 Sammal Ra-226 < 10 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 < 5 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 U-238 < 50Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 430 ± 140 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 125 ± 33 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 49 ± 8 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089247 Sammal Ra-226 <20Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 < 10 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 <50Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 400 ± 200 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 130 ± 20 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 26 ± 4 B_q/kg 15.9.2006 L06089248 Sammal Ra-226 < 20Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 < 15 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 < 40 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 480 ± 160 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 200 ± 70 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 34 ± 7 Bq/kg 15.9.2006

1 L06089249 Sammal Ra-226 < 20 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 < 10 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 <50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 380 ± 70 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 100 ± 50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 29 ± 8 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089250 Sammal Ra-226 < 100 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 < 10 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 < 50 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 600 ± 200 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 124 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 35 ± 4 B_q/kg_ 15.9.2006 L06089255 0-15 Ra-226 140 ± 50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 220 ± 40 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 280 ± 90 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 19 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 20 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 94 ± 8 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs- 137 33 ± 3 Bq/kg 15.9.2006

------STUK • SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS OSGI .'r /ADDn"SS POS 1'1 CSOJ1F/f'O~TA l ADuflf.~S PU~./;i:L STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR '.aipp~t · ·~·.a : ~ . : , ~:::: öJ ;~·~ .,STUK TULOSSELOSTE 3(4) 0 FINAS Finnish Accredftatlon Service Tutkimus ja ympäristövalvonta 3.11.2006 22/645/06 T167 (EN ISOIIEC 17025) Akkreditoitu testauslaboratorio

L06089257 20-40 Ra-226 150 ±50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 210 ± 50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 110 ± 40 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 20 ± 3 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 18 ± 3 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 54 ± 9 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 1,2 ± 0,3 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089258 40-50 Ra-226 100 ± 40 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 220 ± 50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 77 ± 25 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 20 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 20 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 54 ± 8 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 <0,5 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089259 0-10 Ra-226 100 ± 28 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 75 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 99 ± 32 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 14 ± 2 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Th-228 14 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 27 ± 6 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 7,1 ± 0,9 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089260 Purosedimentti Ra-226 100 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 140 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 230 ± 80 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 49 ± 4 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Th-228 48 ± 4 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 240 ± 14 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 30 ± 2 Bg/kg_ 15.9.2006 L06089261 Purosedimentti Ra-226 55 ± 22 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 160 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 170 ± 60 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 32 ± 3 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 32 ± 3 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 K-40 295 ± 24 Bqlkg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 26 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089262 Purosedimentti Ra-226 120 ± 40 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 140 ± 70 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 380 . ±140 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 48 ± 4 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 47 ± 4 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 190 ± 20 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 36 ± 4 Bq/kg 15.9.2006

------·-----·-- STUK • SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS C$01 : ~JACDf1E SS PQ!mOSOI!~:/POHAL ADORlSS PUI.'.t:E! . '·II X STRÅLSÅKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION ANO NUCLEAR l.a!ppatie 4 Pl.Jf~O . Aox ·,4 (091 7!:i9 Sli ; i:J9) ) ~!l:l :1 ~:·~ SAFETY AUTHORITY 0081:10 i IEI 5!~KI ; ;N 00881 H['l SiNI<:. f l :\1 ( AND •3!i8 9 h Q 81:1 1 ·35R 'J ·,.:,:·)! · ~~ ,;~ ~ STUK TULOSSELOSTE 4 (4) 0 FINAS Finnish Accredltatlon Service Tutkimus ja ympäristövalvonta 3.11.2006 22/645/06 T167 (EN 150/IEC 17025) Akkreditoitu testauslaboratorio

L06089263 Purosedimentti Ra-226 125 ± 35 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 90 ± 50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 260 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 46 ± 5 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 46 ± 5 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 270 ± 20 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 32 ± 3 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089264 Purosedimentti Ra-226 83 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 110 ± 50 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 <300 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 48 ± 4 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 51 ± 5 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 260 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 22 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 L06089265 Järvisedimentti Ra-226 56 ± 25 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 U-238 100 ± 30 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Pb-210 230 ± 70 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Ra-228 10± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Th-228 14 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 K-40 27 ± 7 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 Cs-137 16 ± 2 Bq/kg 15.9.2006 • *Referenssipäivä on se päivämäärä, jolle tulos on laskettu .

Tulosten epävarmuus Analyysin kokonaisepävarmuus (95% luotettavuustaso) muodostuu mitta­ laitteiston kalibroinnin epävarmuudesta ja mittauksen statistisesta epä­ varmuudesta.


.S;tt_ . ~ Erikoistutkija Seppo Klemola

Tämä tulosseloste voidaan julkaista tai kopioida vain kokonaisuudessaan. Osittaiseen käyttöön on saatava kirjallinen lupa Säteilyturvakeskukselta. Tulokset pätevät vain tutkittuihin näytteisiin. Tulosten tulkinta ei sisälly akkreditointiin.

·------·---·---·------·-- STUK • SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR i.aipo~tit 4 i> t.;i~O . Box 14 (0!11 /~ 9llfl1 :091 /:i9(. 1:5fi\: SAFETY AUTHORITY C08!l0 !-IFLSiNK' HN·OOtl8 1 fi [ ~ .:> : NJ






Näytepiste Kokonaisalfa-aktiivisuus Bq/1 226Ra Bq/1 1 < 0,02 <0,01 2 <0,02 <0,01 3 <0,02 0,02 4 0,02 <0,01 5 0,03 <0,01 6 (9 m) 0,15 0,03 6 {24m) 0,53 0,05 7 0,06 <0,01 8 0,04 <0,01 9 0,03 <0,01 10 <0,02 <0,01 11 <0,02 <0,01 12 <0,02 <0,01 13 <0,02 0,01 14 0,07 <0,01 15 <0,02 <0,01


,/':;, V'"DA....l ~ · l~ ~~ Erikoistutkija Pia Vesterbacka

STUK • SÄTEILYTUR VAKESKUS OSOITE/ADDRESS POSTIOSOITE/POSTAL ADDRESS PUH./TEL. FAX STRÅLSÅKERHETSCENTRALEN RAOIATION ANO NUCLEAR Laippatie 4 PL/P.O.Box 14 (09) 759 881 (09) 7598 8500 SAFETY AUTHORITY 00880 HELSINKI FIN-00881 HELSINKI, FINLAND +358 9 759 881 +358 9 7698 8500 Nablabs~ Tutkimustodistus 2006-3173 1(1) laboratories ~ 26.09.2006

Geologian Tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio 1 Erikoisanalytiikan laboratorio Paula Lindström

Betomiehenkuja 4 02150 ESPOO

Näytetiedot Näyte Puro-ja pohjavesi Näyte otettu Näytteen ottaja Asiakas Saapunut 15.09.2006 Näytteenoton syy Tutkimus Tutkimus alkoi 15.09.2006 Tutkimus valmis 26.09.2006 Viite 621E063016 1 88419 1

Ahalyysi ~ok. typpi TOC ; Yksikkö f.lgll ~gll Menete!mi SFS-ENISO 11905-1 SFS-EN 1484:1997 Mittåusepävarmuus .± .14% . ±20% . .. Näyte ' * ·. 3173-1, L06091660 Piste 1,1 290 <2 3173-2, L06091661 Piste 2,1 180 <2 3173-3, L06091662 Piste 3,1 280 <2 3173-4, L06091663 Piste4,1 3 400 <2 3173-5, L06091664 Piste 5,1 700 7,4 3173-6, L06091665 Piste 6,1/ syv. 9 m 52 2,0 3173-7, L06091666 Piste 6,2/ syv. 24m .<40 2,1 3173-8, L06091667 Piste 7,1 1400 4,8 3173-9, L06091668 Piste 8,1 470 8,6 3173-10, L06091669 Piste 9,1 190 3,3 3173-11, L06091670 Piste 10,1 380 7,3 3173-12, L06091671 Piste 11,1 250 3,5 3173-13, L06091672 Piste 12,1 180 3,7 3173-14, L06091673 Piste 13,1 190 3,8 3173-15, L06091674 Piste 14,1 270 5,8 3173-16, L06091675 Piste 15,1 440 13 *=näyte tutkittu akkreditoidulla menetelmällä. Lausunto ei kuulu ak.kreditoinnin piiriin.

~?am KatjaKarvo Laboratoriokemisti

Analyysitulokset pätevät ainoastaan analysoiduille näytteille. Nab Labs Ympäristöanalytiikka Oy Nab Labs Ympäristöanalytiikka Oy • • V-tunnus 1 VAT no. Fl 02831262 • Laskutusosoite: PL 280, 00101 Helsinki Otakaarl3 • 02150 Espoo 1 Vuoksenniskantie 35 • 55800 Imatra Harjutie 14 • PL 38 • 69601 Kaustinen 1 Sammonkatu 8 • PL 21 • 90570 Oulu 1 Raidetie 1 • 96910 Rovaniemi Asiakaspalvelun puhelinnumerot: Ympäristöanalytiikka, maa puh. 02074 79102, Ympåristöanalytiikka, vesi puh. 02074 79106 GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS GEOLABORATORIO

GTK 05.10.2006 13:57:57 GTK 1 ITÄ-SUOMEN YKSIKKÖ Kuopio

Tenhola Markku




MENETELMÄKOODI NÄYTTEITÄ MAARITYKSIÄ 13 5 5 46 5 5 503 5 5 50 3M 5 135 + 503Pp 5 60 + 820L 5 10


~Lea Hämäläinen ~...... _ Laboratoriopäällikkö

Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio Geolaboratorlo PL 96 PL 1237 02151 ESPOO 70211 KUOPIO Puh. 020 550 11 Puh. 020 550 30 Fax 020 550 2507 Fax 020 550 3660

Kansilehti 83702 1/6 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio


Tilausnumero: 83702 Raportointipäivä: 05.10.2006 13:57:57


TULOKSET VALMISTUNEET: 15.09.2006-05.10.2006


13 Näytteen kuivaus kylmäkuivaustekniikalla

46 Hienonnus leikkaavalla myllyllä

503 Typpihappoliuotus mikroaaltouunissa, EPA3051

503M Monialkuainemääritys ICP-MS-tekniikalla

+ 503Pp Monialkuainemääritys ICP-AES-tekniikalla

+ 820L C- ja N-määritys hiili-typpianalysaattorilla

Info 83702 2/6 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan As 8 Be Bi Cd Co Cr Cu Ga in La näytetunnus näytetunnus mglkg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mglkg 50 3M 503M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 503M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M

L06089246 Riutta Sa P1 <0.5 <4 <0.6 <0.4 0.19 0.29 1.2 5.89 0.2 <0.04 0.37 L06089247 Riutta Sa P2 <0.5 <4 <0.6 <0.4 0.18 0.20 0.7 5.16 <0.1 <0.04 0.37 L06089248 Riutta Sa P3 <0.5 <4 <0.6 <0.4 0.18 0.23 0.7 6.69 <0.1 <0.04 0.26 L06089249 Riutta Sa P4 <0.5 <4 <0.6 <0.4 0.16 0.17 0.6 4.97 <0. 1 <0.04 0.21 L06089250 Riutta Sa P5 <0.5 <4 <0.6 <0.4 0.21 0.23 1.0 5.81 0.1 <0.04 0.33

Tulokset 83702 3/6 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan LI Mo Nl Pb Rb Sb Se Se Th Tl u näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg mg/kg mglkg mglkg mglkg mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 503M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 503M 50 3M 503M 50 3M

L06089246 Rlutta Sa P1 <2 0.55 . 2.32 3.6 22.60 <4 2.4 <0.6 <3 <2 <0.05 L06089247 Riutta Sa P2 <2 0.11 1.35 2.9 21.70 <4 1.8 <0.6 <3 <2 <0.05 L06089248 Riutta Sa P3 <2 0.12 1.57 3.8 38.40 <4 2.3 <0.6 <3 <2 <0.05 L06089249 Rlutta Sa P4 <2 0.08 1.10 3.1 17.50 <4 1.6 <0.6 <3 <2 <0.05 L06089250 Riutta Sa PS <2 0.12 1.95 5.1 24.00 <4 2.5 <0.6 <3 <2 <0.05

Tulokset 83702 4/6 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan V w y Yb Zn Al Ba Ca Fe K näytetunnus näytetunnus mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 50 3M 50 3M 503M 503M 503M + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp

L06089246 Riutta Sa P1 2 <0.7 0.16 <0.03 37.80 347 14.8 2230 419 3820 L06089247 Rlutta Sa P2 <2 <0.7 0.09 <0.03 36.30 199 14.7 2490 236 4180 L06089248 Rlutta Sa P3 <2 <0.7 0.10 <0.03 49.20 175 51.9 3770 235 5430 L06089249 Rlutta Sa P4 <2 <0.7 0.10 <0.03 29.00 163 14.0 2070 206 3480 L06089250 Riutta Sa P5 2 <0.7 0.14 <0.03 45.50 259 60.0 4500 327 4110

Tulokset 83702 5/6 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Mg Mn Na p s Sr Ti c N näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % % + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp +820L + 820L

L06089246 Riutta Sa P1 811 576 41.9 1200 915 5.2 16 47.1 1.06 L06089247 Riutta Sa P2 863 409 48.5 1040 826 4.9 9 46.9 0.98 L06089248 Rlutta Sa P3 . 1050 791 45.2 1550 1120 13.2 8 44.6 1.52 L06089249 Riutta Sa P4 756 294 29.4 835 711 4.9 9 46.0 0.80 L06089250 Riutta Sa P5 1050 468 40.9 1400 1170 15.6 14 47.0 1.41


GTK 18.10.2006 10:45:29 GTK / ITÄ-SUOMEN YKSIKKÖ Kuopio

Tenhola Markku



PROJEKTI/HANKE: 1804010 VASTUUALUE: 402 KOHDE: Enon Riutta KARTTALEHDET: 4242 02 NÄYTETYYPPI: org.puro-ja järvisedimentti NÄYTTEITÄ: 10

MENETELMÄKOODI NÄYTTEITÄ MAARITYKSIÄ 13 10 10 26 10 10 503 10 10 50 3M 10 270 + 503Pp 10 120 + 820L 10 20


Lea Hämäläinen TIMO MYÖHÄNEN Laboratoriopää II ikkö kemisti

Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio Geolaboratorio PL 96 PL 1237 02151 ESPOO 70211 KUOPIO Puh. 020 550 11 Puh. 020 550 30 Fax 020 550 2507 Fax 020 550 3660

Kansilehti 83703 1/7 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio


Tilausnumero: 83703 Raportointipäivä: 18.10.2006 10:45:29


TULOKSET VALMISTUNEET: 15.09.2006- 17.10.2006


13 Näytteen kuivaus kylmäkuivaustekniikalla

26 Mineraalisen näytteen seulonta <2mm fraktioon

503 Typpihappoliuotus mikroaaltouunissa, EPA3051

503M Monialkuainemääritys ICP-MS-tekniikalla

+ 503Pp Monialkuainemääritys ICP-AES-tekniikalla

+ 820L C- ja N-määritys hiili-typpianalysaattorilla

Info 83703 217 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan As B Be Bi Cd Co Cr Cu Ga ln näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 503M 503M 503M 50 3M 50 3M

L06089255 Riutta P5 0-15 6.5 5.0 0.40 0.3 1.2 22.50 22.70 38.5 4.13 0.048 L06089257 Rlutta P5 20-40 5.0 3.9 0.52 <0.3 0.6 18.70 23.20 36.8 4.09 0.028 L06089258 Riutta P5 40-50 4.3 3.3 0.54 <0.3 0.6 8.86 23.90 38.4 3.95 0.025 L06089259 Riutta P8 0-10 4.5 <2.3 0.65 <0.3 0.6 10.40 23.00 46.2 3.47 0.031 L06089260 Riutta P9 Purosed. 6.6 <2.3 0.40 <0.3 1.0 24.30 26.00 30.8 4.04 0.025 L06089261 Riutta P10 Purosed. 2.1 <2.3 0.30 <0.3 0.4 6.25 29.20 23.3 3.90 0.021 L06089262 Rlutta P11 Purosed. 8.1 <2.3 0.53 <0.3 1.4 21.80 27.40 44.2 4.40 0.027 L06089263 Riutta P12 Purosed. 7.1 <2.3 0.38 <0.3 1.1 26.90 26.90 28.0 4.12 0.020 L06089264 Rlutta P13 Purosed. 19.9 <2.3 0.48 <0.3 0.7 20.00 26.30 23.6 4.24 0.025 L06089265 Riutta P15 Jarvlsed. 7.8 <2.3 0.29 <0.3 0.9 13.80 13.00 26.9 1.88 0.018

Tulokset 83703 3/7 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan La Li Mo Ni Pb Rb Sb Se Se Th näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mglkg mglkg 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 503M 503M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M 50 3M

L06089255 Riutta P5 0-15 41 .9 5.34 6.4 22.1 42.70 5.84 <0.08 7.14 5.5 5.72 L06089257 Riutta P5 20-40 48.4 3.57 11.5 21 .1 14.40 4.62 <0.08 7.22 5.2 5.31 L06089258 Riutta P5 40-50 53.5 3.90 12.5 15.4 8.88 4.62 <0.08 6.89 5.4 4.32 L06089259 Rlutta P8 0-10 47.2 1.18 2.4 17.8 31.40 2.44 <0.08 5.01 3.4 2.43 L06089260 Riutta P9 Purosed. 34.9 11.70 2.4 21.4 14.60 8.73 <0.08 5.35 2.9 2.71 L06089261 Rlutta P1 0 Purosed. 19.2 18.80 2.3 16.6 11.50 13.00 <0.08 5.83 2.2 2.47 L06089262 Rlutta P1 1 Purosed. 47.2 ~.36 2.0 22.8 20.90 8.47 <0.08 5.68 3.5 2.77 L06089263 Rlutta P12 Purosed. 31.2 13.00 1.7 24.6 13.30 10.30 <0.08 5.05 2.2 3.10 L06089264 Riutta P13 Purosed. 45.3 9.12 2.2 20.2 12.10 6.38 <0.08 4.46 2.6 4.16 L06089265 Rlutta P15 Jarvised. 25.2 0.63 2.2 12.5 18.10 1.68 0.13 3.18 1.8 1.80

Tulokset 83703 4/7 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Tl u V w y Yb zn Al Ba näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 50 3M 503M 503M 503M 50 3M 50 3M 503M + 503Pp +503Pp

L06089255 Riutta P5 0-15 0.34 17.00 42.3 <3.5 16.20 1.450 158.0 15100 292.0 L06089257 Riutta P5 20-40 0.36 15.10 52.5 <3.5 17.40 1.610 153.0 21000 349.0 L06089258 Riutta P5 40-50 0.26 15.20 53.3 <3.5 18.70 1.710 134.0 21300 343.0 L06089259 Riutta P8 0-10 0.14 6.12 41.2 <3.5 15.10 1.340 120.0 19500 94.3 L06089260 Riutta P9 Purosed. 0.26 6.94 32.7 <3.5 13.50 1.240 127.0 13600 176.0 L06089261 Riutta P10 Purosed. 0.14 8.55 25.8 <3.5 9.62 0.926 67.8 12800 167.0 L06089262 Riutta P11 Purosed. 0.35 7.48 41.3 <3.5 17.60 1.640 151.0 15400 142.0 L06089263 Riutta P12 Purosed. 0.32 5.46 33.3 <3.5 12.10 1.150 146.0 14100 169.0 L06089264 Riutta P13 Purosed. 0.27 6.39 40.7 <3.5 14.70 1.360 111 .0 11900 119.0 L06089265 Rlutta P15 Jarvised. 0.28 6.05 20.7 <3.5 8.14 0.774 134.0 9880 65.2

Tulokset 83703 5/7 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Ca Fe K Mg Mn Na p s Sr näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp +503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp + 503Pp L06089255 Riutta PS 0-15 6350 56500 794 1550 4700 100 1130 3680 28.5 L06089267 Rlutta PS 20-40 7010 58900 756 1020 4970 93 3010 2260 33.8 L06089258 Riutta PS 40-50 6630 47400 758 1040 3950 93 3640 2370 34.6 L06089259 Riutta P8 0-10 7530 36800 382 541 454 59 1170 3560 27.4 L06089260 Rlutta P9 Purosed. 7390 28600 1100 3610 6760 11 1 970 2970 27.8 L06089261 Riutta P10 Purosed. 7510 13300 1490 4380 6240 125 895 2280 31.9 L06089262 Riutta P11 Purosed. 7670 26700 1350 3200 2850 144 1130 3540 29.7 L06089263 Rlutta P12 Purosed. 6160 32200 1380 4370 5820 118 831 2620 23.4 L06089264 Riutta P13 Purosed. 4510 50100 845 3120 3320 92 645 2700 18.8 L06089265 Riutta P15 Jarvised. 6620 17600 248 521 900 <50 643 3790 23.6

Tulokset 83703 6/7 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Ti c N näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/kg % % +503Pp +820L +820L

L06089255 Riutta P5 0-15 341 16.6 1.29 L06089257 Riutta P5 20-40 288 16.3 1.18 L06089258 Riutta P5 40-50 294 16.1 1.14 L06089259 Riutta P8 0-10 207 22.0 1.60 L06089260 Riutta P9 Purosed. 498 18.8 1.26 L06089261 Riutta P10 Purosed. 630 13.7 0.86 L06089262 Rlutta P11 Purosed. 571 19.4 1.22 L06089263 Riutta P12 Purosed. 592 13.4 0.88 L06089264 Riutta P13 Purosed. 489 12.8 0.80 L06089265 Riutta P15 Jarvised. 136 24.9 1.81


Tenhola Markku






Geolaboratorio -· .. : _"~":> _l ~ ~(t.Cf"'.\4."/d. - f.,~ ~- ~eva Kallio · Laboratoriopäällikkö

Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio PL 96 02151 ESPOO Puh. 020 550 11 Fax 020 550 2507

Kansilehti 88420 1/4 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio


Tilausnumero: 88420 Raportointipäiva: 01 .1 1.2006 11 :28:57


TULOKSET VALMISTUNEET: 29.09.2006- 30.10.2006


150 Vesinaytteen markapoltto typpihappolla 90 oc :ssa

150M Alkuaineiden mäaritys vedestä ICP-MS-tekniikalla

150P Alkuaineiden määritys vedestä ICP-AES-tekniikalla

Info 88420 2/4 1 . l Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Ag Al As 8 Ba Be Bi Cd Co Cr Cu K Li Mn Mo Ni Pb Rb Sb Se näytetunnus näytetunnus J.lQ/1 J.lg/1 J.lQ/1 ).Jg/1 ).Jg/1 ).Jg/1 ).Jg/1 J.lQ/1 J.lQ/1 J.lQ/1 ).Jg/1 mg/1 J.lQ/1 J.lg/1 J.lQ/1 ).Jg/1 J.lQ/1 J.lQ/1 J.lQ/1 J.lQ/1 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M L06092497 Piste 1 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 <10 <0.2 <4 2.56 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.17 <1 3.88 0.61 <0.5 9.29 <0.2 <3 <0.6 2.38 <0.2 <5 L06092498 Piste 2 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 27.9 0.37 <4 3.25 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.40 <1 8.1 1 0.49 <0.5 5.08 <0.2 111 1.51 2.43 <0.2 <5 L06092499 Piste 3 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 <10 <0.2 <4 4.40 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 <0.1 <1 26.8 0.65 <0.5 <0.5 0.27 <3 0.74 2.77 <0.2 <5 L06092500 Piste 4 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 16.9 <0.2 <4 10.7 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.12 <1 6.38 1.80 0.61 3.48 2.03 <3 <0.6 4.23 <0.2 <5 L06092501 Piste 5 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 47.1 0.26 <4 21.1 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.22 <1 7.96 1.07 0.82 1670 1.03 10.4 1.31 1.61 <0.2 <5 L06092502 Piste 6 1 Riutta -06/ syv 9 m <0.05 134 1.10 <4 10.9 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.92 1.99 5.78 0.91 <0.5 130 2.88 <3 0.88 2.26 <0.2 <5 L06092503 Piste 6 1 Riutta -06/ syv 24 m 0.05 1570 1.63 <4 17.2 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 2.45 5.81 9.22 1.40 1.57 135 4.25 6.12 1.39 4.81 <0.2 <5 L06092504 Piste 7 1 Rlutta -06 0.05 90.2 5.48 6.21 17.1 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.28 3.64 16.3 3.60 0.52 19.2 0.81 7.00 0.69 3.65 <0.2 <5 L06092505 Piste 8 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 159 0.50 <4 11 .9 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 1.91 1.09 9.98 0.90 0.60 428 0.21 15.1 4.85 2.31 0.22 <5 L06092506 Piste 9 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 25.3 <0.2 <4 5.57 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 <0.1 <1 1.05 0.85 <0.5 36.6 0.27 <3 <0.6 2.56 <0.2 <5 L06092507 Piste 1 0 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 34.5 0.22 <4 9.38 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 <0.1 <1 1.37 1.09 0.86 141 0.75 <3 <0.6 2.06 <0.2 <5 L06092508 Piste 11 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 24.4 <0.2 <4 6.39 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.11 <1 <1 0.95 0.51 48.8 <0.2 <3 <0.6 2.52 <0.2 <5 L06092509 Piste 12 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 29.8 0.21 <4 4.83 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.13 <1 <1 0.87 <0.5 45.3 0.25 <3 <0.6 2.66 <0.2 <5, L06092510 1 Piste 13 1 Riutta -06 <0.05 28.8 <0.2 <4 5.29 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.11 <1 1.06 0.84 0.50 30.8 0.22 <3 <0.6 2.60 <0.2 <5: L06092511 Piste 14/ Riutta -06 <0.05 118 <0.2 <4 10.4 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 0.22 <1 1.49 0.85 1.24 36.5 0.44 <3 <0.6 1.92 <0.2 L06092512 Piste 15/ Riutta -06 <0.05 205 0.32 <4 6.20 <0.5 <0.2 <51 <0.1 0.21 1.25 1.96 0.57 <0.5 22.3 <0.2 <3 <0.6 2.14 <0.2 <5

Tulokset 88420 3/4 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Sr Th Tl u V Zn Ca Fe Mg Na p s Si näytetunnus näytetunnus 1-1911 1-1911 j.lg/1 1-1911 1-1911 1-1911 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150M 150P 150P 150P 150P 150P 150P 150P L06092497 Piste 1 1 Riutta -06 16.5 <0.2 <0.02 0.07 <0.5 3.24 3.58 0.11 0.56 1.63 <0.3 1.32 4.05 L06092498 Piste 2 Riutta -06 1 14.4 <0.2 <0.02 0.06 <0.5 20.5 3.07 0.06 0.49 1.52 <0.3 1.08 3.76 L06092499 Piste 3 1 Riutta -06 20.1 <0.2 <0.02 0.01 <0.5 9.41 3.74 <0.03 0.42 1.43 <0.3 0.66 3.97 L06092500 Piste 4 1 Riutta -06 36.1 <0.2 <0.02 1.01 <0.5 364 12.8 0.19 1.17 2.57 <0.3 1.73 4.21 L06092501 Piste 5 1 Riutta -06 32.7 <0.2 <0.02 0.28 <0.5 6.62 8,70 0.36 1.24 2.02 <0.3 2.06 3.25 L06092502 Piste 6 1 Riutta -06/ syv 9 m 31 .0 <0.2 <0.02 0.39 0.85 4.62 7.70 4.70 1.03 2.53 <0.3 2.00 4.11 L06092503 Piste 6 1 Riutta -06/ syv 24 m 35.4 0.5 0.03 1.60 4.02 9.94 8.16 5.46 1.50 2.81 <0.3 2.16 6.34 L06092504 Piste 7 1 Riutta -06 40.9 0.2 <0.02 0.22 0.53 23.7 8.89 0.65 1.71 2.64 <0.3 2.86 4.65 L06092505 Piste 8 1 Rlutta -06 16.8 <0.2 <0.02 0.17 0.77 24.9 4.92 3.85 0.78 1.28 <0.3 0.98 2.70 L06092506 Piste 9 1 Riutta -06 21.7 <0.2 <0.02 0.09 <0.5 <2 6.65 0.20 0.93 1.64 <0.3 1.52 2.68 L06092507 Piste 10 1 Riutta -06 30.7 <0.2 <0.02 0.19 <0.5 <2 7.90 0.04 1.17 1.84 <0.3 2.00 1.36 L06092508 Piste 11 1 Riutta -06 22.4 <0.2 <0.02 0.07 <0.5 <2 7.09 0.23 0.95 1.63 <0.3 1.43 2.62 L06092509 Piste 12 1 Riutta -06 20.5 <0.2 <0.02 0.07 <0.5 <2 6.09 0.39 0.90 1.67 <0.3 1.44 2.63 L06092510 Piste 13 1 Riutta -06 20.3 <0.2 <0.02 0.08 <0.5 <2 5.96 0.35 0.91 1.70 <0.3 1.47 2.92 L06092511 Piste 14 1 Riutta -06 27.0 <0.2 <0.02 1.41 <0.5 <2 9.01 0.16 1.09 2.15 <0.3 2.90 4.37 L06092512 Piste 15 1 Riutta -06 13.9 <0.2 <0.02 0.20 0.50 2.24 3.61 0.46 0.66 1.20 <0.3 1.47 1.75


GTK 01.11 .2006 11 :20:36 GTK/ITÄ-SUOMEN YKSIKKÖ Espoo

Tenhola Markku





MENETELMÄKOODI NÄYTTEITÄ MAARITYKSIÄ + 139M 16 432 + 139Pp 16 96 + 143R 16 16

Liitteenä alihankintatyön tulokset


~ LJ...ey,_f']!~ ld1 --}:cu.;_ ~ """<7 ~eva Kallio Laboratoriopäällikkö

Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio PL 96 02151 ESPOO Puh. 020 550 11 Fax 020 550 2507

Kansilehti 88419 1/5 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio


Tilausnumero: 88419 Raportointipäivä: 01 .11.2006 11:20:36


TULOKSET VALMISTUNEET: 15.09.2006-01.11.2006


9ALIH Alihankintatyön toimitus tilaajan pyynnöstä

+ 143R Anionien määritys IC-tekniikalla

+ 139M Monialkuainemääritys ICP-MS-tekniikalla

+ 139Pp Monialkuainemääritys ICP-AES-tekniikalla

Info 88419 2/5 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan Ag Al As B Ba Be Bi Cd Co Cr Cu K Li Mn Mo Ni näytetunnus näytetunnus IJQ/1 IJQ/1 pg/1 IJQ/1 pg/1 pg/1 IJg/1 pg/1 pg/1 pg/1 J.lg/1 mg/1 J.lgil pg/1 J.lg/1 J.lg/1 +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M L06091660 Piste 1.1 <0.01 4.21 <0.05 3.13 2.72 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.17 <0.2 2.26 0.62 <0.1 9.10 0.10 0.30 L06091661 Piste 2.1 <0.01 3.85 0.09 1.55 2.97 <0.1 <0.02 0.02 0.20 <0.2 3.28 0.52 <0.1 3.18 0.14 7.66 L06091662 Piste 3.1 <0.01 3.29 0.09 2.41 4.47 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.2 20.1 0.60 0.10 0.1 1 0.08 0.07 L06091663 Piste 4.1 <0.01 4.47 <0.05 2.59 10.4 <0.1 <0.02 0.03 0.12 <0.2 1.40 1.46 0.63 3.18 1.38 0.88 L06091664 Piste 5.1 <0.01 30.1 0.24 2.62 21.9 <0.1 <0.02 0.03 0.22 <0.2 4.68 1.07 0.85 1700 0.97 3.97 L06091665 Piste 6.1 1 syv. 9 m 0.01 14.3 0.51 2.78 9.42 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.72 0.36 0.74 0.79 0.23 111 2.01 2.06 L06091666 Piste 6.2/ syv. 24 m 0.01 16.3 0.58 3.03 9.06 <0 .1 <0.02 <0.02 0.88 0.50 0.92 0.79 0.25 104 2.79 2.13 L06091667 Piste 7.1 0.01 56.1 2.78 6.25 17.7 <0.1 <0.02 0.02 0.30 2.27 10.2 3.87 0.70 28.0 0.73 4.69 L06091668 Piste 8.1 <0.01 67.9 0.25 2.56 9.53 <0.1 <0.02 0.02 0.56 0.35 1.90 0.86 0.69 149 0.08 6.72 L06091669 Piste 9.1 <0.01 15.3 0.20 2.28 5.90 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 <0.2 0.71 0.94 0.49 18.6 0.23 0.32 L06091670 Piste 10.1 <0.01 15.7 0.24 2.57 8.41 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.2 0.96 0.99 0.66 22.8 0.71 0.36 L06091671 Piste 11.1 <0.01 15.5 0.20 2.19 6.86 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 <0.2 0.75 0.90 0.58 27.5 0.33 0.33 L06091672 Piste 12.1 <0.01 15.7 0.18 1.83 4.20 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 <0.2 0.61 0.81 0.41 6.07 0.18 0.32 L06091673 Piste 13.1 <0.01 16.5 0.23 2.02 5.11 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.05 <0.2 0.54 0.82 0.43 13.5 0.15 0.35 L06091674 Piste 14.1 <0.01 66.7 0.15 2.68 10.3 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.06 0.22 1.06 0.86 1.13 6.89 0.43 0.38 L06091675 Piste 15.1 <0.01 162 0.30 1.70 5.40 <0.1 <0.02 <0.02 0.08 0.41 1.32 0.45 0.47 9.43 0.07 0.57

Tulokset 88419 3/5 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan p Pb Rb Sb Se Sr Th Tl u V Zn Ca Fe Mg Na Sll näytetunnus näytetunnus IJQ/1 IJg/1 IJg/1 IJQ/1 IJQ/1 IJQ/1 IJg/1 IJg/1 ll911 IJQ/1 IJQ/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 ' +139M +139M +139M +139M 1 +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M +139M + 139Pp + 139Pp + 139Pp + 139Pp + 139Ppl L06091660 . Piste 1.1 <10 <0.05 2.54 <0.02 <0.5 16.9 <0.01 0.01 0.07 <0.05 5.07 3.91 0.03 0.53 1.49 3.95! L06091661 Piste 2.1 <10 0.25 2.33 0.02 <0.5 14.4 <0.01 0.01 0.05 <0.05 15.8 3.12 <0.03 0.46 1.35 3.641 L06091662 Piste 3.1 <10 0.42 2.64 <0.02 <0.5 19.2 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.09 10.4 3.98 <0.03 0.40 1.28 3.93 L06091663 Piste 4.1 <10 <0.05 3.76 0.02 <0.5 31.6 <0.01 0.01 0.63 0.08 376 11.3 <0.03 1.13 2.39 4.05 L06091664 Piste 5.1 <10 0.22 1.68 0.04 <0.5 34.2 0.01 <0.01 0.28 0.11 5.64 9.12 0.16 1.24 1.89 3.06 L06091665 Piste 6.1 1 syv. 9 m <10 0.11 1.97 0.03 <0.5 29.3 0.10 <0.01 0.25 0.20 2.20 7.60 1.72 0.97 2.31 3.81 L06091666 Piste 6.2 1 syv. 24 m <10 0.15 1.97 0.02 <0.5 30.3 0.09 <0.01 0.43 0.22 5.01 7.68 1.10 0.98 2.39 3.94 L06091667 Piste 7.1 12.5 0.13 3.75 0.11 <0.5 45.9 0.18 0.02 0.18 0.23 14.1 9.83 0.40 1.75 2.62 4.86 L06091668 Piste 8.1 <10 0.23 2.20 0.04 <0.5 16.8 0.02 0.01 0.11 0.23 9.81 4.55 0.52 0.75 1.49 2.32 L06091669 Piste 9.1 <10 0.07 2.75 0.02 <0.5 22.5 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.15 1.30 6.49 0.13 0.89 1.51 2.45 L06091670 Piste 10.1 <1 0 <0.05 1.95 0.03 <0.5 29.6 <0.01 <0.01 0.15 0.25 1.04 8.09 <0.03 1.17 1.72 0.84 L06091671 Piste 11.1 <10 <0.05 2.19 0.02 <0.5 24.5 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.18 1.42 7.33 0.10 1.00 1.59 1.77 L06091672 Piste 12.1 <1 0 0.06 2.48 0.02 <0.5 19.4 0.01 <0.01 0.06 0.14 1.08 5.95 0.23 0.86 1.53 2.44 L06091673 Piste 13.1 <10 0.09 2.51 0.02 <0.5 19.8 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.14 1.31 5.81 0.25 0.86 1.54 2.72 L06091674 Piste 14.1 <1 0 0.05 1.97 0.02 <0.5 27.6 0.02 0.01 1.24 0.34 2.42 9.47 0.07 1.04 1.99 4.37 L06091675 Piste 15.1 <10 0.11 1.81 0.04 <0.5 12.1 0.03 0.01 0.17 0.33 2.49 3.79 0.32 0.64 1.13 1.27

Tulokset 88419 4/5 Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geolaboratorio

Laboratorion Tilaajan s S04 näytetunnus näytetunnus mg/1 mg/1 + 139Pp + 143R

L06091660 Piste 1.1 1.26 3.7 L06091661 Piste 2.1 1.01 2.9 L06091662 Piste 3.1 0.63 1.8 L06091663 Piste 4.1 1.54 4.6 L06091664 Piste 5.1 1.97 5.5 L06091665 Piste 6.1 1 syv. 9 m 1.94 6.2 L06091666 Piste 6.2 1 syv. 24 m 1.91 5.9 L06091667 Piste 7.1 2.93 8.0 L06091668 Piste 8.1 0.89 2.2 L06091669 Piste 9.1 1.46 4.0 L06091670 Piste 10.1 1.92 5.3 L06091671 Piste 11 .1 1.59 3.9 L06091672 Piste 12.1 1.38 3.9 L06091673 Piste 13.1 1.38 3.8 L06091674 Piste 14.1 2.78 8.0 L06091675 Piste 15.1 1.40 3.5

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