RESEARCH ARTICLE Topological congruence between phylogenies of Anacanthorus spp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) and their Characiformes (Actinopterygii) hosts: A case of host-parasite cospeciation Rodrigo J. da GracËa1,2*, Thomaz M. C. Fabrin1, Luciano S. Gasques3, SoÃnia a1111111111 M. A. P. Prioli2, Juan A. Balbuena4, Alberto J. Prioli1, Ricardo M. Takemoto1,2 a1111111111 a1111111111 1 Departamento de Ciências BioloÂgicas, Programa de PoÂs-GraduacËão em Ecologia de Ambientes AquaÂticos Continentais, Universidade Estadual de MaringaÂ, NuÂcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e a1111111111 Aquicultura, MaringaÂ, ParanaÂ, Brazil, 2 Programa de PoÂs-GraduacËão em Biologia Comparada, Universidade a1111111111 Estadual de MaringaÂ, MaringaÂ, ParanaÂ, Brazil, 3 Instituto de Ciências BioloÂgicas, MeÂdicas e da SauÂde, Universidade Paranaense, Umuarama, ParanaÂ, Brazil, 4 Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Science Park, University of Valencia, Paterna, Valencia, Spain *
[email protected] OPEN ACCESS Citation: da GracËa RJ, Fabrin TMC, Gasques LS, Prioli SMAP, Balbuena JA, Prioli AJ, et al. (2018) Abstract Topological congruence between phylogenies of Anacanthorus spp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) Cophylogenetic studies aim at testing specific hypotheses to understand the nature of and their Characiformes (Actinopterygii) hosts: A coevolving associations between sets of organisms, such as host and parasites. Monogene- case of host-parasite cospeciation. PLoS ONE 13 ans and their hosts provide and interesting platform for these studies due to their high host (3): e0193408. specificity. In this context, the objective of the present study was to establish whether the pone.0193408 relationship between Anacanthorus spp. with their hosts from the upper Parana River and Editor: Heike Lutermann, University of Pretoria, its tributaries can be explained by means of cospeciation processes.