VOLUME 2012.11 November 2012 CUHP CHRONICLE

The Mirror and Voice of the

Central University of Himachal Pradesh [Established under the Central Universities Act 2009]

Editor’s Desk Editorial Advisors: Patron: Prof. Yoginder S. verma Prof. Furqan Qamar Prof. H.R. Sharma Vice Chancellor Dear Readers, students’ experiences. Prof. I.V. Malhan The university is growing from Our students are not only bringing Mr. B.R. Dhiman Chief Editor: strength to strength. This can be laurels at the local level but are also Prof. Arvind Agrawal Editors: seen from the fact that many emi- making their presence felt on the Faculty nent personalities and academi- national front. They participated Dr. M. Rabindranath cians are keen and too happy to and made their presence felt in an Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dr. Asutosh Pradhan Inside this issue: share their views & experiences inter-college meet at Delhi. Dr. Khem Raj with our students and faculty Students of the School of Journal- Mr. Manoj Chaudhary here. ism, Mass Communication and Ms. Shruti Sharma School Board Meeting 2 Faculty and Staff on 2 A galaxy of intellectuals visited New Media came up with a depart- Staff: Election Duty the university in November from mental newsletter titled ‘Samvad’. Mr. Sanjay Singh diverse fields of journalism to This month’s newsletter presents a New Registrar 2 Students: appointed mass media, literature to manage- gamut of activities that took place Mr. Akash Aggarwal ment, law and administrative in the university as a result of which Mr. Ankit Mahajan Newsletter ‘Samvad’ 2 services. CUHP is enriching itself it had to add extra pages to this Ms. Alka Lalhal Released Ms. Isha Dogra from the Midas Touch of such issue. Mr. Jaspreet Singh Guest lecture by 3 great intellectuals. I wish such Wishing you a pleasant and happy Ms. Parul Kaul Prof. Gita Bamezai interactions keep on adding to the winters. Mr. Raghav Manocha Ms. Surbhi Sood Vice Chancellor’s 3 Address Sports Facilities Inau- 4 GUEST PROFILE: Prof. Gita Bamezai gurated LSR visit by MBA 4 students Dr. Gita Bamezai heads the De- GOI, WHO and national (NIHFW) & NACO (National VISHLESHAN: Case 4 Analysis Competition partment of Communication NGOs. AIDS Control Organisation), Research at the Indian Institute She is an expert in PLA New Delhi covering a period of In conversation with 5 Prof. Jaspal Kaur of Mass Communication, New (Participatory Learning or Ac- 29 years. Guest lecture by Mr. 5 Delhi. Prof. Bamezai worked for tion), a participatory tool for Tanveer Singh Noor the overseas Indian Newspaper engaging disadvantage groups, Entrepreneurship: 5 Mail (published from especially women and adoles- emerging opportunities England) as a Consultant. She cents, in conducting research AD-Mad Competition 6 also worked in the Public Rela- and project evaluation. She is tions Unit of Production and Member of various reputed Guest lecture on 6 Publicity Division of India Tour- institutions viz. the Salz- Intellectual Property ism Development Corporation in burg Alum Association, Aus- Sur-Sangam at CUHP 6 early years of her career starting tria; Centre for Communication in 1977. She was also associated and Media Research at BHU, Dr. Raju Narayan 7 with a number of national level Varanasi and at the national Swamy: A Brief Profile projects on Health/HIV/AIDS level in National Institute of Prof. Gita Bamezai and RCH Communication for Health and Family Welfare Central University of Himachal Pradesh [Established under the Central Universities Act 2009]

School Board of Journalism, Mass Communication and New Media held

The first School Board meet- Expert. Prof. Arvind Agrawal, Board of Studies of both de- ing of the School of Journal- Dean School of Social Sci- partments namely Journalism ism, Mass Communication ences was present in the meet- and Creative Writing and and New Media was held on ing as VC nominee. Mass Communication and 12th October 2012 at the Dr. M. Rabindranath, Dean, Electronic Media for the ap- Seminar Hall of Temporary School of Journalism, Mass proval of the School Board. Academic Block, CUHP. Communication and New Me- Dr. M. Rabindranath chaired School Board Meeting Prof. Gita Bamezai from In- dia and Dr. Pradeep Nair, the meeting and extended in Progress dian Institute of Mass Com- Head, Department of Mass vote of thanks to all the mem- munication, New Delhi at- Communication and Electronic bers of the School Board. tended the meeting as Subject Media presented the minutes of "The man who goes alone can start today; but he who University Faculty and Staff appointed for Election Duty travels with another must wait till that other is ready." University Faculty and staff were appointed for election duty in the Himachal Pradesh Legislative - Henry David Thoreau Assembly Elections. Dr. Bhagwan Singh, Dr. Deepak Pant and Mr. Rajeev Rajput were deputed for the purpose. The polling took place on November 4, 2012.

New Registrar Appointed at Central University of Himachal Pradesh

The President of India in his capacity as Visitor of the Central University of Himachal Pradesh appointed Dr. Gautam Mukherjee as Registrar of this University when this position got vacant due to the resignation of Dr. K.D. Lakhanpal who was the First Registrar. Dr. Gautam Mukherjee is a senior Rajasthan Administrative Service Officer in Government of Rajasthan and is expected to join duty very soon.

Newsletter ‘Samvad’ launched by Students of Journalism and New

Dr. Gautam Mukherjee Media

The students of MA New actual journalism from provide quality higher educa- Media Communication and practical life situations. Prof. tion to the youth. The inter- Journalism and Creative H.R. Sharma and Dr. Roshan view also throws light on the Writing launched a monthly Lal Sharma, were also present current status of higher edu- newsletter ‘Samvad’ as part on the occasion. The newslet- cation in India. The second of their practical training on ter covers contemporary social lead is on the issue of For- newspaper/magazine produc- and political issues and has eign Direct Investment (FDI) tion. The newsletter was inau- specific sections on media, followed by an exclusive gurated by Prof. Yoginder S. science and technology, sports story on Child Rights Activ- Verma, Coordinator, TAB. and literature. The lead story ist ‘Malala’. Another news- Prof. Verma appreciated the is based on an interview of letter in English is also Release of “Samvad” by Prof Yoginder S. Verma efforts of students and urged Prof. Furqan Qamar, Vice- planned to be brought out in them to do more of such prac- Chancellor, CUHP about the the last week of November tical assignments to learn initiatives taken by CUHP to 2012.

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Guest Lecture on Development Communication by Prof. Bamezai

A guest lecture on Develop- opment communication is studies in the Indian context, ment Communication by Prof. used as a communication ap- she shared her own experience Gita Bamezai, Head, Develop- proach to facilitate community as a development communica- ment Communication from participation in development tion practitioner while work- Indian Institute of Mass Com- initiatives. Prof. Bamezai in- ing with various international munication, New Delhi, was sists that development com- development agencies and organized by the Media Soci- munication should be consid- asked the students to promote ety of School of Journalism, ered as a powerful tool to fa- community participation in Mass Communication and cilitate the process of develop- development initiatives Prof. Gita Bamezai New Media, CUHP on 12th ment by accompanying the through a strategic utilization Lecturing the students October 2012. While interact- local development dynamics. of various communication ing with the students Prof. strategies they learn from their While discussing various case Bamezai explained how devel- course curriculum.

Vice Chancellor Addresses the Newly Appointed Assistant Professors

On 19th Nov. 2012 at 12.30 academic careers of young atmosphere has been pains- PM the Hon’ble Vice Chan- teachers, these teachers will takingly built over the two cellor Prof. Furqan Qamar grow with the blooming of years since inception of the addressed the newly ap- this University. Prof. Yog- university. pointed Assistant Professors inder S. Verma introduced Prof.Arvind Agrawal was Vice Chancellor Addressing he gave them an orientation the teachers. the New Faculty also present on this occa- into the Vision, Mission and The Vice Chancellor also sion. Later Prof. Arvind Objectives of the University. listened to the difficulties of Agrawal held an Orientation He exhorted them to have an the new faculty and reiter- Workshop on the University empathetic, and sincere ap- ated that they would not be Vision Document, Ordi- proach towards students. facing any problems in the nances and its Academic The University is destined to university since a family Architecture. grow with the growth of

The New Permanent Faculty Adds Strength to the University

Till date seventeen Assistant Kamal Singh, Dr. Amit Aparoy, Dept. of Bioinfor- Professors have already Kumar & Dr. Inder Vir matics; Dr. Manoj Dhiman, joined in various depart- Singh, Dept. of Economics Dept. of Computer Sciences ments who are as follows: and Public Policy; Dr. Su- and Information Technol- man Sharma, Dr. Arun ogy; Mr. N. Karunakar, Dr. Manpreet Arora, Dr. Bhatia & Dr. Bharati Gupta, Dept. of Library and Infor- Aditi Sharma, Dr. Bhawana Dept. of Business and Man- mation Science; Dr. Bhardwaj and Dr. Ashish agement Studies (Travel & Chandrakant Singh, Dept. of Nag, Dept. of Business and Tourism); Dr. Yusuf Akhter, Hindi; Dr. Khem Raj, Dept. CUHP Chronicle Editorial Team Management Studies; Dr. Dr. Vikram Singh & Dr. P. of English. in Action

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Inauguration of Sports Facilities

The official inauguration of the Prof Furqan Qamar played organize Intra-University Chess Sports Club of the Central Uni- Badminton with the Faculty to and Carom Competitions for versity of Himachal Pradesh declare and mark the beginning students, which are starting on was done on November 2nd of a new chapter for promoting 21st November 2012. Similarly, 2012 by the Hon’ble Vice games and sports in CUHP. The the Intra-University Volley-ball Chancellor Prof. Furqan inaugural was highly awaited competition is scheduled for Qamar. Since the Interviews for by the Students as well as the November 27-30, 2012. recruitment of Assistant Profes- Faculty and sweets were dis- Winners of all the sports events sors were also being held dur- tributed on the occasion. will be given prizes and certifi- ing the month, dignitaries and In continuation of the sports cates during the Annual Func- academicians from other Uni- activities in the University, the tion of the University scheduled versities were also present dur- Organizing Committee for to be held, tentatively in the ing the inauguration of the Bad- Sports of CUHP planned to month of May 2013. minton & Volley Ball courts. CUHP Management Students visit Lady Shri Ram College

A few students of MBA third Race were also held for partici- given on the spot. Amit Sohal semester attended the National pating students. All the six stu- and Gaurav Sharma partici- Hon’ble VC at the Seminar on “Corporate Social dents from CUHP participated pated in Go Green and Amaz- Inauguration of Sports Facilities Responsibility: A Gender Per- in one or more of all the four ing Race. spective” at Lady Shri Ram events and got acclaim for the The students were overawed College, New Delhi on October efforts put in. Aditi Sharma and at the hospitality shown by the 26th, 2012. They were accom- Parul Kaul showcased a movie LSR faculty and students. It panied by Dr. Aditi Sharma, made on various CSR initiatives gave them a platform to wit- Asst. Professor, in the depart- undertaken locally and globally ness an Event organized at ment. and presented their views from such a grand level and acquire the Management perspective. skills that will surely help The Seminar was organized Shikha Sharma, Nishi, Parul them to design, innovate and under the event “Comquest Kaul and Aditi Sharma as a enhance the standards of such 2012” in which many informal group participated in Ad Mad events to be held at CUHP in events like - Movie making, Ad and demonstrated their creativ- future. Mad, Go Green and Amazing ity in advertising the product

MBA Students at LSR VISHLESHAN - Case Analysis Competition

Under the stewardship of its business and the issues and (MBA Semester-I) mentor, Prof. Yoginder S. challenges they faced in rela- Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Head of Verma, the Management Soci- tion to its future growth. Department, Accounting and ety under the School of Busi- The following students Finance appreciated the efforts ness and Management Studies, participated in the Analysis: of the students who analyzed CUHP, organised VISH- Mr. Rishi (RD Scholar - the case in a very logical and LESHAN on 20th November Management), Mr. Devender systematic way. Dr. Ashish 2012. (RD Scholar - Management), Pareek, Head of Department, Students who were keen to Ms. Jatinder (RD Scholar- Marketing and Supply Chain participate were given a Case Management), Mr. Jagdish Management also gave the on “Swarguha Foods’. The case (RD Scholar - Management), students valuable tips on was related to an entrepreneu- Mr. Akash Aggarwal (MBA solving the cases. rial venture of a family-owned Semester III) and Ms. Anita

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RU-BA-RU — In Conversation with Prof. Jaspal Kaur

On 6th November 2012 the Kaur Singh turned out to be spanned the personal, aca- Department of English and pleasingly disorienting as it had demic, political and intellec- European Languages organized peaks and long placid spells but tual. Research students que- an interaction with Professor was inspiring mapping multiple ried about their research Jaspal Kaur Singh, a Fulbright continents. Her ancestors were concerns and her impressions Nehru Visiting Professor at from Rawalpindi, in undivided of JNU where she is teaching JNU, Department of English. India, which is now in Pakistan. as Visiting Professor. Professor Singh is a distin- She was born and brought up in The PG students were keen on guished Professor of English at Burma, now called Mayanmar; knowing as to how ‘texts’ are Northern Michigan University at studied in Delhi and Agra, and approached and appreciated Marquette in the US. The event did her doctorate in Compara- by students in the US. One of comprised second part of In tive Literature from University the students appreciated her Conversation… series of the of Oregon in the US. diasporic leap from one coun- School of Humanities and During her interaction, Profes- try to couple of others, Languages initiated in April sor Jaspal spoke from the van- thereby summing up her life 2012. Dr. Roshan Lal Sharma tage point of a trained academic narrative as one wherein Prof. Jaspal Kaur Singh mediated the interaction which who could cull-out and high- “home is never a home”. Pro- with MA students was attended by all MA English light major points of turns and fessor Jaspal responded to students, Research Scholars of departures in her life journey. each query lucidly by lending English & Hindi departments The questions, observations and it unique and enlightening and the faculty members. comments by the participants perspectives. The life narrative of Prof. Jaspal Guest Lecture on Employability Skills

On 30th November 2012 the Sector and making a mark in the that such lectures help the stu- Training and Placement Cell, corporate world. He said that dents in gaining valuable inputs School of Business and Man- apart from theoretical and con- regarding the needs and re- agement Sciences organized a ceptual knowledge a manage- quirements of the industry and lecture on “Employability ment student must also be confi- preparing them as per the needs Skills”. Prof. Yoginder S. dent, committed and good in of the job market. Dr. Sanjeev Verma, Dean, School of Busi- communication skills. He em- Gupta, Head, Department of ness and Management Studies phasized that knowledge, skills Accounting and Finance, Dr. welcomed Mr. Tanvir Singh and attitudes are the key to suc- Bhagwan Singh, Dr. Aditi Noor, Founder and CEO, Mile- cess in modern times. Sharma, Dr. Manpreet Arora, stones Consulting, Chandigarh. Dr. Ashish Pareek, Head, De- Mr. Ashish Nag, Mr. Manoj Addressing the students of Man- partment of Marketing and Sup- Chaudhary, Mr. Rajesh Kumar agement Mr. Noor appraised ply Chain Management thanked and Mr. Sanjay Thakur were them of the skills-set essential Mr. Noor for sharing his gyaan the other faculty members Mr. Tanveer Singh Noor Interacting for entry into the Corporate with the students and stressed present at the seminar. with Students

Entrepreneurship: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities Management Society of School lem by creating jobs for large This activity was hosted by of Business and Management number of people. students of MBA. Mr. Raghav Studies organised a special Mr. Varun discussed the quali- Manocha and Dr. Aditi Sharma lecture on “Entrepreneurship” ties needed to become a job welcomed and proposed a vote on 12th October, 2012. The provider than a job seeker. He of thanks. Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, lecture was delivered by Mr. said that an entrepreneur is a Head, Department of Account- Varun Rattan Singh, Chief person who has the risk-taking ing and Finance, Dr. Ashish Operating Officer, Srijan Dhau- ability, provides innovative Pareek, Head, Department of ladhar Technologies. Mr. Varun products and services and has a Marketing and Supply Chain is a Technocrat turned Manage- focused approach. Mr. Varun Management, Dr. Bhagwan ment Professional and pos- also highlighted the challenges Singh, Dr. Aditi Sharma, Dr. sesses corporate experience that an individual faces while Manpreet Arora, Mr. Ashish spanning ten years. Prof. Yog- starting a new venture. He mo- Nag, Mr. Manoj Chaudhary, inder S. Verma, Dean, SBMS, tivated the students to come out Mr. Rajesh Kumar and Mr. welcomed the guest and high- of their individual shells and Sanjay Thakur were also pre- lighted the importance of entre- start their own ventures. The sent during the lecture and preneurs who through their importance of a B-Plan and lauded the efforts put in by the Mr. Varun Rattan Singh entrepreneurial ventures can venture capitalists were also member students of Manage- interacting with Students solve the unemployment prob- highlighted. ment Society.

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Guest Lecture on Intellectual Property Rights

1st November 2012: A lecture ratified the agreement estab- tional trade. The Agreement on ‘Intellectual Property lishing the World Trade Or- provides for norms and stan- Rights’ was delivered, at the ganization (WTO). This dards in respect to the follow- School of Business and Agreement, inter-alia, con- ing areas of intellectual prop- Management Sciences by Dr. tained an Agreement on erty viz. Patents, Trade Raju Narayana Swamy, Trade Related Aspects of Marks, Copyrights and Geo- Commissioner, Civil Supplies, Intellectual Property Rights graphical Indications. Government of . Dr. (TRIPS) which came into Dr. Raju also cited various Raju was given a floral wel- force from 1st January 1995. cases drawn from the industry come by Dr. Ashish Pareek, to reflect on the extensive use Head of Department, Market- TRIPS lays down minimum of IPR in India. Dr. Sanjeev ing and Supply Chain Man- standards for protection and Gupta, Head of Department, agement. enforcement of intellectual property rights in member Accounting and Finance Dr. Raju spoke about the countries which are required thanked the visiting guest and importance of Intellectual to promote effective and stressed the need and impor- Property in India which is adequate protection of Intel- tance of such informative Dr Raju Narayana Swamy well established at all levels - lectual property rights with a lectures which add to the statutory, administrative and view to reducing distortions knowledge quotient of the judicial. He pointed that India and impediments to interna- students.


Management Society of advertisements for the MBA first semester - Isha, School of Business and different products assigned Nishaan, Nitish, Shantanu, Management Studies, CUHP to them through chit Anuj, and Manik; while the organized Ad Mad selection. Thereafter each Third Position was attained Competition for all the team presented their by the students of MBA students on November 1st, advertisement before the third semester - Swati, 2012. A total of six teams judges and the audience. Alka, Akanksha, Monika, from MBA and MBA (T&T) The First Position was Shweta, and Raghav. first semester, one team bagged by the students of Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Head of from M.Sc. (IT) first MBA third semester- Department, Accounting Students performing semester and two teams Gautam, Nitin, Amit, and Finance appreciated the in the Face Painting Event from MBA third semester Ashish, Gurjit, and Vineet. efforts of the students who actively displayed their Second Position was participated and managed creative abilities in making attained by the students of the competition very well.

Sur-Sangam– The Pre Event of Annual Function

UDBHAVA – The Cultural in these events with a lot of The function ended with a Society of CUHP organized zeal and enthusiasm. Prof pleasent surprise—a solo ren- Sur-Sangam on October 18th Arvind Agrawal, Prof HR dition by Dr. Roshal Lal 2012 in which various Compe- Sharma, Prof Roshal Lal Sharma, Dean, English and titions like Solo Singing, Duet Sharma, Dr Ashish Pareek, Dr European Languages of Singing, Rap, Stand-up Com- Sanjeev Gupta and other Fac- CUHP. This marked the step- edy etc. were held. Students ulty members were present to ping stone for the first year Students performing cutting across various Schools judge and witness the musical students as their first Cultural during Sur-Sangam and Departments participated extravaganza. Event at CUHP.

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Central University of Himachal Pradesh (CUHP) was established under the Central Univer- PO Box 21, sities Act 2009 enacted by the Parliament of India. The University became functional from Dharamshala District Kangra 20th January 2010 with Professor Furqan Qamar assuming the charge as the first and foun- Himachal Pradesh - 176215 der Vice Chancellor of the University

Phone: +91(1892) 229330 Standing for Inclusive Access and Excellence in Higher Education, it is a multidisciplinary Fax: +91(1892) 229331 university . The Vision document of the University provides for seventeen different schools E-mail: [email protected] with five to six Departments and two to three Centres in each school. Of these eleven Schools and eighteen Departments and two Centres have been made functional

The University has adopted comprehensive choice based credit system which mandates stu- dents to accumulate at least 30 percent credits from departments other than those in which CUHP they major. This makes all programmes of studies inter-disciplinary and all students study in an interdisciplinary environment. All programmes of studies are based on semester system and the University follows comprehensive continuous internal assessment and Grading Sys- Committed to Inclusive tem Access and Excellence in Higher Education The University is to have its headquarter in Dharamshala and two distinct campuses located in Dharamshala and Dehra, both in the picturesque Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh. The land for both the campuses have been identified and allotted to the University and pro- posal for FCA clearance is at the advanced stages of progress. Following which, the land is likely to be transferred to the University and construction of permanent campuses shall www.cuhimachal.ac.in begin. In the Interim, the university has commenced its academic activities from the Tem- porary Academic Block (TAB) located at Shahpur in the Kangra District. The Headquarter of the University is located at Camp Office at Dharamshala.

Dr. Raju Narayan Swamy: A Brief Profile

Dr. Raju Narayana Swamy (born 24 May 1968) is an Indian Administrative Service officer. He is Commissioner, Civil Supplies Department, . Dr. Swamy was a student of Sacred Heart High School in Changanacherry, Kerala. In 1983,he stood first in Kerala in Secondary School Leaving Certificate examination. Two years later, he topped the Pre-degree examination in MG University. Dr. Swamy obtained his bachelors degree in computer science and engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He also secured the first rank in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), conducted for admission to postgraduate courses in India. In 1991, he got the first rank in Civil Services Examination and entered the Indian Administrative Services.

In August 2011, Dr. Swamy was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. Narayana Swamy's career is known for his uncompromising stand against corrup- tion. Posted in his home state, he fought against corruption. After the V. S. Achuthanandan led LDF government came into power in Kerala, Narayana Swamy was appointed as the collector of and was given charge of Munnar land evacuations. During his investigations, he inquired into an illegal land deal by the son and daughter of the Public Works Minis- ter T. U. Kuruvilla who had to resign over the issue. Swamy has 25 books to his credit. He won the Kerala Sahitya Akademi award for a travelogue, Santhimantram Muzhangunna Thazvarayil . His other works include Niram Mangiya Vaz- hithara, which is a translation of The Road of Lost Innocence, the English version of the French memoirs by Somaly Mam.

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