(1 of 506) Case: 16-15360, 06/07/2016, ID: 10005906, DktEntry: 86-1, Page 1 of 45 Case No. 16-15360 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT NATIONAL ABORTION FEDERATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, CENTER FOR MEDICAL PROGRESS, BIOMAX PROCUREMENT SERVICES, LLC,DAVID DALEIDEN, aka ROBERT DAOUD SARKIS, and TROY NEWMAN, Defendants-Appellants. On Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of California Case No. 3:15-cv-03522-WHO Hon. William H. Orrick, United States District Court Judge Brief of Amici Curiae Fetal Tissue Researchers, Scientists, Physicians, Medical and Legal Ethicists and Academics in Support of Plaintiff-Appellee JANET I. LEVINE (jlevine@crowelLcom) JASON C. MURRAY (
[email protected]) LAURA SCHWARTZ (
[email protected]) CROWELL & MORING LLP 515 South Flower St., 40th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Telephone: 213.622.4750 Attorneys for Amici Curiae [signature block continued on next page] (2 of 506) Case: 16-15360, 06/07/2016, ID: 10005906, DktEntry: 86-1, Page 2 of 45 Erez Aloni David H. Ledbetter Hazel Beh Christopher Mason Ann Bonham Joseph M. McCune R. Alta Charo Marcus Muench Wendy K. Chung David Mutch F. Sessions Cole Kim Mutcherson Ron Clyman Vivek R. Nerurkar Mitchell Creinin Mark Nichols Judith Daar Siripanth Nippita Gillian Dean Robert Nussbaum Jeffrey Dicke Paul Offit Eleanor Drey David Orentlicher Jeffrey Ecker Harry Ostrer Maxine Eichner Maureen Paul David Eisenberg Sarah Prager Mark I. Evans Maura Quinlan Eric Feldman Radhika Rao Susan J. Fisher Hope Riccioti Renee C.