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Field Museum of Natural History Report 1967-1968


1967 - 1968

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Field Museum of Natural History PRINTED IN THE OF AMERICA BY FIELD MUSEUM PRESS The period 1967-1968 encompasses the 75th year of the history of Field Museum and the 75th Anniversary of its founding. Anni- versaries invite retrospection, indeed almost demand it. Retrospec- tion recalls the building of one of the world's great museimis in a relatively short period. Those who built did so energetically and well. Great scientific collections, a distinguished research record, exhibits of a scope and quality approached only by a handful of the natural history museums are not random achievements. Talent, dedication, money and a receptive community sometimes combine in a symbiotic relationship that produces greatness such as was built in . We of the 1960 's, whether staff, public, or the scientific world would do well to pause for a moment of appreciation and re- spect for those who have built and bequeathed Field Museum to us. But anniversaries, if they are suitably observed, and if they are to be anything other than a sterile exercise, also call for a look ahead. For Field Museum, one of the few private (non-public owned) great museums remaining in the world, the last quarter of its first century will largely determine its course for the second century. Institu- tions, like individuals, live their lives in cycles—cycles of growth, and consolidation, and again of growth. Today Field Museum is in a period of change and growth in its contributions to the lay com- munity and to the world of science. There are opportunities ahead. Whether we shall realize them rests on how the almost overwhelming problems that face any great private institution, be it university, hospital, library, orchestra, opera, or museum are solved now and in the next few years. Those who think about the position of the non- governmental, non-profit institution in our society today have found in them a unique vitality, worthy of preservation. Alan Pifer, the distinguished President of the Carnegie Corpor- ation of New York, recently spoke of the private, non-profit institu- tions: "They have the capacity to move swiftly, flexibly and imaginatively into a new area of critical need; the power to arrive at a disinterested, objective appraisal of a situation free of political influence; freedom to engage in controversial activities; the ability to experiment in an unfettered manner—and, if need be, fail; and finally the capacity for sympathetic personal attention to the variety of human problems that beset our increasingly dehumanized world." It is precisely the capacities that Mr. Pifer cites that Field Museum today is most energetically dedicated to strengthening. The Mu- seum is changing. It is trying new approaches to old problems. The Staff is hard at work reviewing such diverse matter as scientific policy, exhibition, the library, publication policies and procedures, education, personnel practices, and space planning and usage. Mis- takes will, no doubt, be made, but out of the whole process will come new flexibility and creativity. But with all the dynamics, the sweep of change, and the oppor- tunities available, hard cold financial reality is always before us. Finances are the problem that all administrators live with con- stantly, with a very real sense of time running out. Speaking further on the subject, Mr. Pifer said, "The real issue is beginning to emerge clearly. Is the non-governmental organization of the future to be simply an auxiliary to the state, a kind of willing but not very re- sourceful handmaiden? Or is it to be a strong independent adjunct that provides government with a type of capability it cannot provide for itself? If it is to be the latter, and for most Americans the ques- tion is one that is likely to admit of no other answer, then we must face up to the difficult problem of how we are to finance these organi- zations."

In recent years, a good portion of the time of the Board of Trustees and administration of Field Museum has been dedicated to solving the vexing problem of operating finances. Since 1964, a broad new base of support has been built through the annual and consistent contributions of both individuals and corporations. Much has been accomplished-—much remains yet to be done. We are con- fident that financial support from the community will continue and grow. But the financing of institutions today has become more than a single-source matter. Government increasingly finds itself in partnership with private givers. In Chicago, government support for private museums has for 75 years flowed through a tax levy of the Chicago Park District. But a surprisingly small proportion of the Chicago museums' operating income is so derived^—far less than is enjoyed by the museums of almost any other city in the United States. It now seems time for Chicago to move progressively ahead in its tax support to more nearly match the support that has tradi- tionally, and today increasingly, come from the private sector. As noted above, individual and corporate giving to the Museum has increased markedly in recent years. Outstanding among the gifts of the two year period under review were those received from the following individuals-—Lester Armour, Joseph N. Field, Mrs. Anne Rickcords Gait, Henry P. Isham, John W. Leslie, H. Norris Love, William H. Mitchell, Mrs. Clarence C. Prentice, John A. & Zora Renn, Mrs. Clive Runnells, William L. Searle, John M. Simpson, Gerald A. Sivage, Hy Smoler, Herman Spertus, Joel Starrels, Mrs. David B. Stem, Jr., Mrs. David W. Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. William S. Street, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tieken, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dudley Tripp, Mr. & Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley; corporations —Chicago Daily News, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune Company, Common- wealth Edison Company, Foote, Cone & Belding, Illinois Bell Tele- phone Company, International Harvester Company, Marshall Field & Co. Foundation, The Northern Trust Company, Peoples Gas Company, Sears, Roebuck and Company, Standard Oil Company (Indiana); and foundations and bequests—Chicago Community Trust: John G. & Frances C. Searle Fund and Maria A. Parks Memorial Fund, Estate of Clarissa Donnelley Haffner, William K. Fellows Trust, Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc., Illinois Arts Council, Racing for Charities, Inc., Stella M. Rowley Estate, The Service Club of Chicago, The Shinner Foundation, Ruth & Vernon Taylor Foundation, Wenner Gren Foundation, The Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. Critical and generous financial grants for the research and educational functions of the Museum were received from a number of federal agencies—the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, National Institutes of Health, United States Army Med- ical Research and Development Command, National Foundation for the Humanities, and the Smithsonian Institution. A very gratifying increase in the number of Museum Members, from 11,500 to 15,300 occurred during the two year period. A full list of those who con- tributed in addition to membership funds during 1967-1968 is carried on pages 37 to 53. Any program of increased financial support such as that developed by Field Museum in recent years must result in large measure from the dedicated efforts of the head of the institution. Those who are familiar with the Museum know the great debt of gratitude that is owed Mr. James L. Palmer, who during the four years of his Presi- dency instituted, and in large measure personally developed, the fi- nancial support program that has meant so much to Field Museum. In late 1968 Mr. Palmer indicated his wish to retire from the Presi- dency. Accordingly the Board of Trustees at its annual meeting in January of 1969 elected Mr. Remick McDowell President, and with deep appreciation, elected Mr. Palmer an Honorary Trustee for life. Three new trustees were elected during 1968. Thomas E. Don- nelley II, Nicholas Galitzine and John Runnells. Two trustees, Joseph Nash Field and Louis Ware, resigned because of absence from Chicago and were elected Honorary Trustees in appreciation of their long service on the Board. Field Museum is strong and active. The pages that follow will testify to the diversity of its service to the community and the nation. It has the staff, the collections, the physical plant, and the vitality to use the last quarter of its first century well—if the necessary fi- nancial resources come to it. The answer rests with all those who care enough to invest in the future.

— E. Leiand Webber Director

Women's Board

The Women's Board, founded in 1966, carried out an extremely active program during 1967-1968. The highlight was a dinner dance held in honor of the Museum's 75th Anniversary, at which four hundred guests dined and danced in Stanley Field Hall. Other major dinners were given as previews to the Tibetan Hall and the Masada exhibit. These events offer an opportunity for the steadily increasing number of Museum contributors to preview new ex- hibits that have been made possible in large measure by their gen- erosity and, simultaneously, to express the Museum's appreciation, through the hospitality of the Women's Board, for their help. A number of luncheons were also held each year, each one of which presented some new facet of Field Museum to the Board members and their guests. Through their hospitality, their gifts, and their enthusiastic interest, the Women's Board members have quickly become a major element in the new vitality of Field Museum.

Special Events

A strong effort to involve Museum Membership in the activities of the Museum was begun during the period. Members' Night at- tendance reached new highs each year. Members' Night in 1967 featured "An Evening in Guatemala," with a number of events tied specifically to that country, including music and native dancing. The event was designed to signal another important innovation— Field Museum's new program of natural history tours. The first, designed by the Division of Public Relations with the cooperation of Museum scientists and other experts, was to Guatemala. It met with great success and later tours of Mexico and Brazil were con- ducted. Some measure of the success of the Tour Program is that each Tour has been oversubscribed, with a waiting list. The pro- gram not only enriches the national tours by using the knowledge and experience of Museum scientists, it also deepened the relationship of the Membership to the Museum. Members' Night 1968 saw the opening of a major traveling ex- hibit on "Masada, King Herod's Fortress," which told the story of the brave defense of a small group of Jewish Zealots against the Roman Army in 73 A. D. The exhibit also detailed the fascinating story of the dig at Masada, led by Professor Yigael Yadin, Professor of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in which more than 5,000 volunteer workers from countries cooperated. Almost 100,000 visitors viewed "Masada" during its stay at Field Museum. Accelerated programming for Members and the general public was evident in several special lecture series—four lectures each by noted scholars coincident with the Masada exhibit and the American Indian Festival; an excellent 75th Anniversary Series, "Earth, Life, and Man," presented by members of the Museum Scientific Staff; and three lectures on meteorites given by Dr. Edward Olsen. Several short geological field trips and a one-week field trip to the Missouri Ozarks were conducted by Dr. Matthew Nitecki.

The three-tiered palace of King Herod, at Masada. Educational Programs

Center for Graduate Studies

A major new educational program, the Center for Graduate Studies in Systematic and Paleontology, began in 1967. Financed in part by a grant from National Science Foundation, the Center is a joint undertaking of Field Museum, Northwestern Uni- versity and the . The Museum provides staff, laboratory space, library and, of course, its superb collections. The Universities provide the remainder of the training and instruction, and award the degrees. The general purpose of the center is to improve and increase the opportunities for professional training in systematic zoology and paleontology. It formalizes a long-time Museum commitment to work with graduate students. For many years. Curators have been deeply involved in the academic careers of graduate biologists in the area. Many Curators at the Museum are, in fact, products of similar informal studies in the past. Perhaps the most significant aspect of the Center is that it rep- resents a regional pooling of resources. No city, state or nation is so rich that it can afford to duplicate facilities endlessly. The Center is a formal acknowledgement of this fact by the founding institutions and National Science Foundation.

Raymond Foundation Miss Miriam Wood, Chief of Raymond Foundation for 29 years, retired in 1968 after 38 years of service, a very important career con- tribution to Field Museum and to museum education nationally. Her dedication to the Museum and to the students it serves was complete. The programs and number of children served by Raymond Foundation under her direction are measurable by the statistics that have been reported here for years. But more important, and un- measured, is the stimulation these children have received from a creative and flexible approach to museum education. Many persons are deeply indebted to Miriam Wood. One of the most popular events of 1968 was the American Indian Festival, held in cooperation with American Indian Center of Chi- cago. This was the Museum's first effort at incorporating "live" \\^

demonstrations as a complement to the displays in the Exhibition halls and the result was very successful. More than 100,000 visitors crowded the Museum during the three-week festival, which included arts and crafts demonstrations, dances, lectures by experts on the American Indian, a photography exhibit about Indians in Chicago in 1968, film programs, and a climactic Pow-Wow.

Indian dances were an im- portant part of the Paw Wow which was held on the Mu- seum grounds as a climax to the American Indian Festival.

During 1967 and 1968, the number of school children visiting the Museum in organized groups and requesting lecture programs jumped a startling 30 per cent. The pressure on the Raymond Foundation staff lecturers was somewhat relieved by the institution of a volun- teer program in 1967, under the leadership of Miss Nora Chandler. Presently, 25 women have followed training sequences under the supervision of the Raymond Foundation staff and have progressed from "greeters," who orient arriving groups to various Museum areas, to leaders of brief introductory tours, to specialists who function as staff lecturers in providing complete tours in some of more than 50 topics related to Museum exhibits. Outstanding Chicago high school students continued to enjoy the benefits of the Holiday Lectures, co-sponsored by the Museum and the American Association for the Advancement of Science with finan- cial support from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Frank Press of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave a four- lecture series on "The Internal Constitution of the Earth," in 1967 and in 1968, Dr. James F. Crow of the University of Wisconsin, a specialist in human and population genetics, gave four lectures on "How We Inherit." Question and answer sessions are a feature of these lectures.

Several educational programs are slanted toward special needs of both children and their teachers during the summer. The Summer Course in Anthropology for high-ability high school students was repeated in 1967 and 1968 under a grant from the National Science Foundation. This course offers guest lecturers from area colleges and universities, instruction from Museum staff members and the use of Museum facilities, and actual field experience on a local "dig." The program is so popular that the number of applicants was six times greater than the 27 who could be accepted. Teachers, too, were remembered in planning summer science pro- grams. Classes about rocks, minerals and fossils were designed to help teachers give more meaningful instruction in these areas. Ernest Roscoe, lecturer in Geology, also prepared two programs, "Down to Earth," and "Fish to Mammal," for New Trier Township Instruc- tional Television. The films were video-taped at the Museum and have been presented on educational closed-circuit television at several North Shore schools.

Miss Harriet Smith, Raymond Foundation lecturer, was elected President of the Chicago Anthropological Society in 1968.

One of many school groups to visit the American Indian Festival watches Ernest Naquayouma make Hopi Kachina dolls. 10 A n t h r o P o

I o g y

The opening of a bright, exciting, permanent exhibit on Tibet was a high point in the last several years for the Department of Anthropology. The exhibit, "Tibet, High Land of Monk and No- mad", is the result of four years of labor by Kenneth Starr, Curator of Asiatic Archaeology and Ethnology, and the artists and prepar- ators of the Exhibition Department. A key worker in the develop- ment of the exhibit was Anthropology Assistant Georgette Meredith, now on the faculty of the University of Wichita. Miss Meredith did much of the research and writing. The physical design of the exhibit, the work of artist Theodore Halkin, formerly of the Exhibition De- partment, introduces a number of departures in Field Museum ex- hibition. The uses of carpeting and color, particularly a rich Tibetan red, greatly enhances the attractiveness of the Hall. See-through cases are used for greater display of the materials. The most in- teresting innovation is a small theater in the Hall, in which a short film on life in Tibet is shown; the film was made in 1926 and 1927, and shows a traditional way of life which has since been disrupted by the Chinese occupation. The new Hall is a fitting showcase for Field Museum's remarkable Tibetan collections, most of which were gathered by former Chief Curator Berthold Laufer on the Mrs. T. B. Blackstone Expedition to China and Tibet, 1908-1910. His material,

11 ranging from toys and costumes to kitchen utensils and religious objects, enables the exhibit to give the "feel" of life in Tibet in the late nineteenth century. The diversity of specific interests and research programs of cur- ators during 1967 and 1968 provide an indication of the many con- cerns included in the single term anthropology. The study of man at Field Museum ranges from prehistoric cultural remains in East Africa to the impact of European ideas upon late 19th century Alaskan Eskimos^—subjects thousands of years and thousands of miles apart, yet each essential to an imderstanding of the history of mankind. Dr. Glen Cole, Assistant Curator of Prehistory, began a two-year project, supported by the National Science Foundation, to make a computer analysis of 14,000 stone tools from his excavations at the Nsongezi site in Uganda. Coding, programing, and the preliminary computer work on a number of variables was done. The project is designed to establish an Upper Pleistocene cultural-stratigraphic se- quence for the locality and to determine the nature of the transition between the Acheulian and Sangoan industries. Dr. Cole also con- tinued his inventory of the Old World Prehistory collections. Dr. Stephan Gasser, Assistant Curator of Oceanic Archaeology and Ethnology, worked on the problems of a standardized system of classification of cultural elements to be used in historical research, and on computerization of data on anthropology collections in mu- seums. As part of these studies, he attended a session of the Com- mittee on Documentation of the International Committee of Mu- seums in Munich, and was named to the former committee. Dr. Phillip H. Lewis, Curator of Primitive Art and Melanesian Ethnology, proceeded toward his goal of returning to fieldwork in New Ireland to continue his extensive studies in Variation in Art and Society in New Ireland. He carried out preliminary analysis of previously gathered data on New Ireland collections in American and European museums and completed a three-month study trip to see important New Ireland collections in Holland and the two Germanys, financed by a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Archaeological research in Hay Hollow Valley continued, under the direction of Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator Emeritus. Sup- ported by grants from the National Science Foimdation and the Museum, the research goal is an explanation of human behavior and cultural change between 500 and 900 A.D. An educational program for undergraduate students, also supported by the National Science 12 Foundation, was continued in both 1967 and 1968. Twenty-four students were introduced to "New Perspectives in Archaeology," with emphasis placed on the philosophy of science and its application to archaeology and on research, with the primary goal at Hay Hollow being the discovery of cross-cultural regularities or "laws" concerning human behavior. Independent research projects of the students focused on testing hypotheses concerned with the transition from an essentially hunting-gathering society to one that was primarily agri- cultural, as occurred in Hay Hollow Valley between 500-900 A.D. Leon Siroto, Assistant Curator of African Ethnology, played a major role in the acquisition of the John Underwood collection of Yoruba Twin figures and in the preparation of a temporary exhibit of these figures in the summer of 1967. In the past two years, he has brought almost to completion his study of the use of masks and mask costumes among the BaKwele people of former French Equatorial Africa, the area which now includes Republic of the Congo (Braz- zaville) and Gabon. Dr. James VanStone, Associate Curator of North American Archaeology and Ethnology, continued an extensive long-range study aimed at a reconstruction of culture change among the Eskimos in the nineteenth century, through the combined use of ethnohistorical and archaeological data. In 1967, he made excavations in the Nushagak River region of southwestern Alaska, financed by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. An analysis of the materials from this excavation was begun in 1968. Preservation and maintenance of the Museum's valuable arti- facts is a most important part of the department's activities every year. Mrs. Christine Danziger, Conservator, devoted considerable time to the cleaning and preservation of a large and rare laquered screen from the K'ang-hsi period (1662-1722) which consisted of 12 panels, and treatment of materials for several temporary exhibits, including an extensive display of Javanese puppets. Mr. Raymond Wielgus, Restorer, worked on numerous ethno- graphic specimens from Africa and Oceania. His most spectacular project was thr cleaning and restoring of two Haida totem poles, 37 and 42 feet high, which were among the Museum's earliest acquisi- tions. These were installed in the strikingly redone Stanley Field Hall. Dr. Hoshien Tchen, Consultant on the East Asian Collection, completed the catalog of Museum rubbings of inscribed stelae from Shensi Province, China, and worked on the important collection of rubbings of Buddhist materials from the famous Lung-men caves, Honan Province.

13 Fern Tree by Eugene M. Shire, Wichita, Kansas. Winner of the INCC Medal Award for Best Plant Print in the 23rd Annual Chicago International Ex- hibition of Nature Photography, 1968.

An emphasis on field expeditions has been traditional in the De- partment of Botany and the 1967-1968 period was no exception. Not only did the several expeditions produce additional specimens for the Museum's world-renowned Herbarium, but valuable infor- mation and experiences were gained in the Department's extensive researches in Central and South American Botany. Dr. William C. Burger, Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants, spent the early months in 1967 in field study in Costa Rica, and re- turned again in the spring of 1968. He was accompanied on the latter trip by Robert G. Stolze, Custodian of the Fern Herbarium. Dr. Donald R. Simpson, Assistant Curator of Penivian Botany, made two trips to Amazonian Peru with a side trip to the botanically unknown Tumbes region in Peru during 1967 and 1968. He was joined by Sr. Jose Schunke, Field Assistant, who remained in the field throughout the year. Field Associate Ing. Antonio Molina R. worked in the field in nearly all the Central American countries during 1967 and 1968, visiting the Museum for two months in 1967 to study the collections related to his work. Dr. Louis 0. Williams, Chief Curator of Botany, was also in Amazonian Peru and Nicaragua with staff at various times in 1967. Field work has been productive of both study and exchange materials. Total accessions for the two years were 57,329 specimens. Of these, 31,981 were obtained on Museum expeditions. A catalog of the Museum's type photograph collection of neo- tropical flowering plants was completed in 1968 and comprises a 14 complete list of negatives by plant families, with all genera and species listed alphabetically. The cooperative program with Escuela Agricola Panamericana in Honduras is providing a basis for much of the Flora of Guatemala series in Fieldiana. The Museum and EAP maintain a botanist in the field in Central America, Ing. Antonio Molina R., whose knowl- edge of Central American plants is very extensive. He provides undergraduate instruction, with an emphasis on field work, and is custodian of the school's Paul C. Standley Herbarium, named for the late Curator of the Herbarium at Field Museum. It is the best herbar- ium of native plants in all of Central America. Specimens collected by Molina and his students are processed and stored in the Standley Herbarium, with additional specimens being sent to Field Museum, From Molina's work has come material useful for much of the Central American floristic study undertaken by the Museum botanists. Mutually valuable research programs in cooperation with Servicio Forestal y de Caza in Peru and Museo Nacional de Costa Rica were also continued in 1967 and 1968. Preparation and publication of manuscripts related to the De- partment's primary interests, the botany of Central and South America, has progressed steadily. Dr. Gabriel Edwin, former Assis- tant Curator of Vascular Plants, and Mrs. Dorothy N. Gibson, Custodian of the Herbarium, contributed papers to the Fieldiana series. Flora of Peru. Dr. Patricio Ponce de Leon, Assistant Curator of the Cryptogamic Herbarium, prepared a monogi-aph on the family Geastraceae and a revision of the genus Vascellum, and reported the transfer of a series to the genus Morganella. Dr. Williams published various additions to the Flora of Guatemala. Mr. Stolze published his first scientific paper and Research Associate Dr. Sidney F. Glassman completed preparation of three papers on palms. Pursuing their own projects. Museum botanists worked in the herbaria of several other institutions during 1967 and 1968: Dr. Williams, at National Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden. Escuela Agricola Panamericana, and Museo de Historia Natural Xavier Prado in Lima; Dr. Burger, at Missouri Botanical Garden and Escuela Agricola Panamericana; Dr. Ponce de Leon, at New York Botanical Garden, National Fungus Collection, Farlow Herbar- ium, Harvard University; Dr. Simpson, at Museo de Historia Natural Xavier Prado in Lima; Mr, Stolze, Gray Herbarium; Mrs. Gibson, Gray Herbarium, and New York Botanical Garden, In 1967, Dr. Williams was appointed ad honorem Consul of Guatemala for the Midwestern Region.

15 Geology

Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Chief Curator of Geology, with David Bardack, University of IlHnois, Circle Campus, and Research As- sociate, described and published on the first lamprey in the fossil record, from the Pit Eleven fauna of Illinois. With Eugene S. Gaffney, graduate student at Columbia University, he also worked on a study of the Late Cretaceous pelomedusid turtles of North America. During the summer of 1967, he spent three months at the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique in Brussels studying its excellent fossil sea turtle collection, work sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Using material gathered on that trip. Dr. Zangerl completed a manuscript on toxochelyid turtles of Belgium. A particularly heavy amount of writing and editing was under- taken by Dr. Zangerl in 1967. He edited and proof-read a transla- tion of Comparative Odontology by Professor B. Peyer, recently pub- lished by the University of Chicago Press; prepared a contribution on "The Turtle Shell" to of Reptilia for the Academic Press; wrote a histological study of the scales of two Pennsylvanian sharks, and in collaboration with Curators Woodland and Richardson and Mr. L. Zachry, Jr., formerly of the University of Texas, completed a manuscript on early biogeochemical phenomena in concretions, coprolites and cephalopods from the Fayetteville shale (Mississip- pian) of Arkansas. In 1967, together with Dr. Louis Fuchs of Argonne National Laboratory, Dr. Edward Olsen, Curator of Mineralogy, described a newly-discovered mineral, Krinovite, which has been accepted by the Mineral Name Committee of the International Mineralogical Society. Results of the study were presented at the International Symposium on Extraterrestrial Matter by Dr. Fuchs. Research on a group of iron meteorites containing silicate inclusions was also completed. These meteorites revealed abnormally high amounts of potassiimi, aluminum, sodium, and silicon. One of the meteorites has an absolute age of formation approximately 700 million years younger than other meteorites, which, combined with the unusual chemistry, indicates there was a continuous formation of solid bodies

16 Jeletzkya douglassae, from the Pennsylvanian fauna of the Mazon Creek area, is the earliest fossil squid known. It was featured on the cover of Science in 1967 and is in the Douglass collection.

A group visits Kentland Quarry, Indiana, on a 1968 Members' field trip led by Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki, Assistant Curator of Fossil Invertebrates. This interesting area is considered to represent a supposed fossil meteorite crater.

17 in our solar system for a period of at least three-quarters of a billion years, as opposed to the previous idea that the system formed over a very short period of time about four or five billion years ago. Parts of this research were done in cooperation with Dr. Klaus Keil, Uni- versity of New Mexico, Dr. Ted Bunch, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Mr. Eugene Jarosewich, U. S. National Museum. Dr. William Tumbull, Associate Cui^ator of Fossil Mammals, de- voted most of 1967 and 1968 to the study of Australian fossils. In preparing a report on fossil rodents of the Wombeyan cave fauna of New South Wales, he and FVederick Schram, a University of Chicago graduate student, laboriously cleaned several thousand specimens belonging to the Australian Museum. In exchange for their efforts, half the specimens will come to Field Museum. His principal effort has been the study of the Pliocene, Hamilton Fauna, a joint project with Dr. Ernest Lundelius of the University of Texas. Dr. Robert Denison, Curator of Fossil Fishes, continued his work on ea^ly lungfishes, writing a paper on the and relationship of the group and making a study of the histology and growth of their tooth plates. During 1968, his extensive researches included Middle Devonian fishes from Idaho, Lower Devonian fishes from Wyoming, Pennsylvanian lungfishes from the Illinois stripmines, the evolution and development of lungfish teeth, and the origin of vertebrates. In connection with these studies, he reached, by pack train, a remote Devonian outcrop in the mountains of British Columbia, where he collected fossil fishes discovered a few years ago by oil geologists. The intensive study of the fossil marine invertebrates from the Pennsylvanian of northern Illinois was continued by Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, in cooperation with Dr. Ralph Johnson, Research Associate. They completed joint papers describing two species of fossil jellyfish and the first known Pennsyl- vanian squid. Their research has focused on the fauna of Pit Eleven, a project supported by a National Science Foundation gi^ant. One paper, Essex Fauna and Medusae, was published and a report on the morphology of Tullimonstrum was begun. Dr. Richardson also studied Pennsylvanian insects on a project with Dr. Frank Carpenter, Chairman of the Biology Department, Harvard University.

In his completed study of receptaculitids^—primitive, sessile organisms—Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki, Assistant Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, showed that these were actually primitive plants, rather than animals as had long been believed. He worked on two

1$ papers on these interesting organisms and collected specimens in the southern United States in 1967 and in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Indiana in 1968. A National Science Foundation grant was received for prepara- tion of a catalog of type specimens of fossil invertebrates in Field Museum. The late Dr. Diana Handler joined the staff in 1967 and worked on this project until her death in 1968. Julia Golden was appointed Custodian of Types in 1968 and prepared a manuscript on trilobite type specimens with Dr. Nitecki. Dr. Bertram G. Woodland, Curator of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, in 1967 completed microscopic studies involving thousands of orientation measurements on minerals in metamorphic rocks of central Vermont. He also worked on a report on the deformation structures of metamorphic rocks from the Royalton area in Vermont, and continued study of the microstructures and deformational history of specimens collected in the metamorphic rocks of the central Black Hills, South Dakota. Many specimens of folded quartzites from a small area of deformed metamorphic rocks in the Front Range, near Boulder, Colorado, were collected for laboratory study. Summarizing his research of 30 years. Dr. John Clark, Associate Curator of Sedimentary Petrology, prepared his monograph on Oligocene sedimentation, stratigraphy, paleoecology, and paleo- climatology in the Bad Lands of South Dakota. He additionally prepared studies on a new family of fossil insectivores and a popula- tion problem in fossil deer. His present research is focused on fossil carnivores. Field work was a significant part of Dr. Clark's work in both years. He conducted paleographic studies in South Dakota, Nebraska, and southeastern Colorado, adding to the Museum's col- lection of Oligocene sedimentary rocks, now among the world's finest. Mr. Walter Kean, Associate in Mineralogy, won in 1967 the highest national award for his gem faceting work. He faceted a group of emeralds ranging from 49 carats downward, including a flawless 14-carat stone which he did for the Museum. A major project of the Paleontological Laboratory was the dis- articulation and moving of the dinosaurs Gorgosaurus and Lamheo- saurus to a new location as part of the renovation of Stanley Field Hall in 1968. The work was done by Chief Preparator Orville Gilpin and his assistant, Gwendolyn Hall. Dr. Zangerl was elected president of the North American Paleon- tological Convention for 1969, to be held at the Museum. Dr. Nitecki was elected a Fellow in the Geological Society of America in 1967 and Dr. Olsen a Fellow in the Meteoritical Society in 1968.

19 Zoology

A specimen of the Coelacanth, a fish beheved until a few years ago to be extinct, and an adult ostrich and two young, the first of these birds to be recorded in Egypt in this century, were rare and im- portant additions to the collections of the Department of Zoology in 1967 and 1968. During those two years, a major expedition went to Iran, the second mammal survey of that country led by William S. and Janice K. Street in cooperation with the Iran Game and Fish Department. The majority of Department and Divisional activities, however, centered upon research projects and the vital maintenance of the collections.

Intensive studies of African canaries for Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World was the major project of Dr. Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology.

DIVISION OF MAMMALS—The Street Expedition was in the field in Iran from June to December. Daniel R. Womochel and Anthony F. DeBlase, graduate students at Texas Technological University and Oklahoma State University respectively, and Richard Rust, an ecto- parasitologist from the University of California at Davis, joined Mr. and Mrs. Street after pre-expedition planning which included five months of work by Womochel and DeBlase in Chicago. Womochel concentrated on prey species, DeBlase on predators and Rust on ecto- parasites in an intensive collecting and ecological study schedule in the mountainous western provinces. The five-month expedition yielded 2,000 mammal specimens and many ectoparasites, plants, and incidental specimens, as well as vast amounts of field notes. Dr. Joseph Curtis Moore's research on characteristics of maturity in the whale, Mesoplodon layardi, was completed and written up in 1968 following a major work on beaked whales completed in 1967. The latter was the result of many years of study on relationships among the living genera of beaked whales. Research Curator Philip Hershkovitz continued research on various aspects of South American mammals. In recent years, Mr. Hershkovitz' studies have focused on New World monkeys. When completed, a monograph on these will prove especially valuable to people engaged in medical research with monkeys because it will enable them to identify the animals correctly and will provide com- prehensive information about the various species. As part of these 20 The Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, caught 25 August, 1967 off the Comoro Islands, near Madagascar. studies he did some original work in the area of color evolution in monkeys specifically, and mammals generally. A treatment of this very complex subject was developed for inclusion in the Museum's 75th Anniversary Exhibit. Another scientist interested in coloration in monkeys, Asso- ciate Dr. Jack Fooden prepared a manuscript on color phase variation throughout the gibbons, a digression from his mono- graphic investigation of the macaque monkeys. These studies result from Dr. Fooden's 1969 field work in Thailand and trip to the U. S. National Museum to study additional material. Dr. Fooden was invited to participate in the Inter-disciplinary Con- ference on Old World Primates, sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the Study Group Conference on Systematics of Non-Human Primates, sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution.

DIVISION OF BIRDS—During 1967 and 1968, Emmet R. Blake, Curator of Birds, completed manuscript on most of the families of birds scheduled for volume one of Manual of Neotropical Birds, a major work which will ultimately include taxonomic information, descriptions and distribution of more than 3,200 species of Central

21 and South American birds, and the characters, descriptions, distri- bution and measurements of more than 8,500 races or sub-species of birds. The final work is intended to be a source book for professional scientists, and will include more than 1,000 illustrations. It is the first attempt to put into one publication information that has either not previously been available, or has been found only in widely scat- tered reports. The work is being supported by the National Science Foundation. Curator Blake and Melvin A. Traylor, Associate Curator of Birds, both completed manuscripts for sections of Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World.

DIVISION OF REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS—Returning from his appointment as program Director for Environment Biology at the National Science Foundation, Dr. Robert F. Inger, Curator of Rep- tiles and Amphibians, resumed his studies of amphibian and rep- tilian communities. Under provisions of a three-year grant to con- tinue this investigation. Dr. W. R. Heyer joined the Division of Reptiles staff with the prime responsibility of managing field work in Thailand. Two trends in the methodology of studying specimens have been increasingly utilized in the division. One is to measure a very large number of the anatomical features of the animal being studied and the other is the use of high-speed computers as an aid in analyzing the data. Without the use of the computer, the time in- volved in analysis of the data would be extremely costly. This methodology characterized the study of evolutionary relations of Eurasian toads completed by Dr. Inger in 1968 and the study of characters and species phylogenies of the poisonous viperine snakes and their relatives, jointly undertaken by Hymen Marx, Associate Curator of Reptiles, and Dr. George B. Rabb, Associate Director of the Chicago Zoological Society and a Museum Research Associate. The Division of Reptiles and Amphibians is actively involved in graduate education programs and five students did at least a portion of their graduate work in the Museum during 1968. A major addi- tion to the division's collections during 1967-1968 was the acquisition of the Edward H. Taylor Herpetological Collection, with more than 10,000 specimens, many of them rare or not previously represented in the Museum's collections.

DIVISION OF FISHES—Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes, partici- pated by invitation in a 1967 training cruise of the Stanford Univer- sity Research Vessel, Te Vega. Objective of the cruise was investiga- 22 tion of the oxygen minimum layer in the 1,000 mile area between Acapulco and the Galapagos. Collections of shore fishes were made in four locations in the Galapagos Islands. Mr. Woods continued his study of the primitive spiny Berycoid order of fishes and completed a monograph on Berycoid fishes of West Africa and the Indian Ocean in 1968. He also began work on a descriptive catalog of the genus Adioryx, belonging to the family Holocentridae, order Beryciformes.

Mrs. Angela Munoz de Lew awards the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa to Lt. Col. Vernon J. Tipton, center, and Dr. Rupert L. Wenzel, Curator of Insects for their work, Ectoparasites of Panama.

DIVISION OF INSECTS—Dr. Rupert L. Wenzel, Curator of Insects, pursued studies begun in 1967 on the Streblid batflies of Venezuela. The research is part of a cooperative study of the results of an intensive four-year survey of ectoparasites and viruses of ver- tebrates in Venezuela. The project is headed by Dr. Charles O. Handley of Smithsonian Institution and Prof. Vernon J. Tipton of Brigham Young University. Dr. Wenzel attended the International Congress of Entomology in Russia in 1968 and while there had a rare opportunity to collect in the Chimgan Mountains of Uzbekistan, north of Afghanistan. He and Prof. Tipton, then Lt. Col., U. S. Army, were awarded the national decoration of Panama, the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, in the grade of Caballero, for their publication. Ectoparasites of Panama'. Henry S. Dybas, Associate Curator of Insects, cooperated with Dr. Monte Lloyd, of the University of Chicago, on intensive studies of the periodical cicada. They analyzed field data gathered in pre- vious years, with special attention to the evolutionary aspects of the population biology of this insect. Dr. Wenzel is also contributing a section on the family Streblidae to the Catalogue of Diptera of the Americas south of the United States. This work, being written by many cooperating specialists, was initi- 23 ated and is being directed by the Departamento de Zoologia, Secre- taria da Agricultura, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

DIVISION OF LOWER INVERTEBRATES—During the past two years, Dr. Alan Solem, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, completed ex- haustive studies which resulted in preparation of two monographs on Pacific Island Endodontid land snails, in which he describes 37 new genera and 151 new species. The results of work which indicated that the succineid land snails are advanced, rather than primitive, pulmonates, were presented at the 3rd European Malacological Con- gress in Vienna in 1968. Accessions added 23,000 specimens to the collection of mollusks. Notable were Tasmanian and New Caledonian land mollusks collected by Laurie Price, Colombian land snails col- lected by Borys Malkin, and gifts of Borneo and Gulf of Oman marine shells by the Chicago Shell Club. During 1968, Dr. Solem was elected vice-president of the American Malacological Union and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. After a distinguished scientific career which spanned six decades, Fritz Haas, Curator Emeritus of Lower Invertebrates, retired in 1967. Dr. Haas' bibliography lists over 300 titles. He has described 385 new genera and species.

DIVISION OF VERTEBRATE ANATOMY— Karel F. Liem, Associate Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy, concentrated in 1967 on the geo- graphical variations in the patterns of natural sex reversal in the circumtropical, eel-like fish order, Synbranchiformes. Most members of this order are bom as female and change sex later in life to become males. However, in some geographical areas, a second type of male that is bom as a male was discovered.

In a cooperative effort, Liem, Dr. George Barlow of the University of California, and Dr. Wolfgang Wickler of the Max Planck Institute in Germany completed a study in which they proposed a new teleost fish family, Badidae, based on morphological, behavioral and em- bryological evidence. Continuing his evolutionary morphological studies of the predaceous fish family, Nandidae (leaf fishes). Dr. Liem found the morphological diversity in nandids has been caused by relatively minor genetic differences governing relative growth of bones and ossification centers which led to chain reactions of functionally coadaptive changes in other organs. Dr. Liem, Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes, and Jeffrey Klahn, University of California at Los Angeles, have started a large research project on the relevance of 24 gross brain anatomy to the systematics of teleost fishes. Dr. Liem is also continuing his studies on the comparative histology of the res- piratory organs and integument in the Synbranchiformes. Dr. Liem is also an Associate Professor of Anatomy at the Uni- versity of Illinois Medical Center and is chairman of the school's Committee on Graduate Studies. He was appointed in 1968 to the Committee on Latimeria of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Charles M. Oxnard, Associate Professor of Anatomy at the Univer- sity of Chicago, was named a division Research Associate in 1968. The late D. Dwight Davis, Field Museum's Curator of Ver- tebrate Anatomy for 35 years, was honored in 1968 by the estab- lishment of a prize in his name. The D. Dwight Davis Prize in Vertebrate Morphology will be given each year by the American Society of Zoologists for the outstanding paper presented by a graduate student at the annual meeting of the Society. Davis, who ranks among the foremost comparative anatomists of the 20th Century, is best known for his monumental work entitled "The Giant Panda," published by Field Museum Press in 1964.

Siphonops annulatus, a worm-like amphibian. Members of this group, the Order Apoda, are among the least known vertebrates. They are well represented in the important collection acquired from Dr. Edward H. Taylor of the University of Kansas, in 1967. (Photo by Carl Gans).

25 Exhibition

There was an important restructuring of the Department of Ex- hibition during 1968. Seven staff members joined the Department, including the new chief, Lothar P. Witteborg. The pace of the Special Exhibits program quickened greatly during the two years. 1967 saw, among others, an exhibit of Pre-Columbian Medical Miniatures, collected by Dr. Abner Weisman; a very interesting collection of Yoruba twin figures from Nigeria, now part of the Mu- seum's permanent collections, and an exhibit entitled "Silent Cities," a collection of architectural photographs of the Ancient Maya buildings of Mexico and Central America by Norman Carver, a Kalamazoo, Michigan, architect. Recurring annual exhibits, such as the Chicago Lapidary Club Exhibits, the Annual Exhibitions of Nature Photography, sponsored by the Chicago Nature Camera Club, and the Chicago Shell Club Exhibits, were well received.

Field Museum observed the Sesquicentennial of the State of Illinois in 1968 with a special self-guided tour of the natural history of Illinois through the permanent exhibits of the Museum. 1968 be- gan with a small exhibit on the poisonous brown recluse spider, only recently described by scientists, and even more recently found in the Chicago area. In May, the major traveling exhibit, "Masada, King Herod's Fortress" opened. A collection of photographs by Dale Osborn, Museum Field Associate in Zoology, entitled "Egypt through a Biologists Eye" was shown in June. The thousands of visitors to the American Indian Festival saw exhibits of Indian artifacts and culture, and a fine photographic study of Indian life in Chicago, by Orlando Cabanban. The year ended with a lively exhibit of Javanese puppets, one of the earliest collec- tions acquired by the Museum. The puppets had not been on public exhibition since the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. The Exhibit "Tibet—High Land of Monk and Nomad" was the major addition to the permanent exhibit halls. Work on other permanent halls was being planned. Perhaps the most dramatic change in Field Museum in 1968 was the revitalization of Stanley Field Hall, the great central hall of the Museum. The world famous elephants were moved off center, as were the two fine dinosaur speci- mens. Trees were added to the hall; fountains were installed. Best of all, two excellent Northwest Coast totem poles, both about forty feet tall, were placed in the Hall. The poles, which had been on dis- 26 play vertically, in sections, in Hall 10, are a fitting and vigorous addition. The public areas have been greatly improved by the installation of handsome carpeted lounges overlooking Stanley Field Hall at the North and South ends of the second floor gallery. Windows were cut through for both lounges, and the views of the lake, and the city from the North Lounge, are spectacular. Major financial assistance for the lounge project was received from the Service Club of Chicago.

Two views of the new Stanley Field Hall.

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From William Huddesford's edition of Martin Lister's Historia Conchyliorum, a rare work on shells published in England in 1 770. Acquired by Field Museum in 1967.

The Library has experienced another two years of increased use by the scientific staff, students and visitors, and of steady growth. The reference Division reported in 1967 a substantial 28 percent rise in the number of users (exclusive of staff) and a 27 percent increase in the number of volumes used. In 1968 a 12 percent rise in the number of users was reported, while the number of volumes called for declined slightly. These figures apply only to the Reading Room and do not reflect the growing usage of the departmental and di- visional libraries. The Library's ongoing acquisitions program has been strength- ened by the 1967 appointment of Mrs. Alfreda C. Rogowski as Order Librarian. Over 20,000 items were added to the collections during this two year period. The Cataloging Division reported substantial progress, par- ticularly in the reclassification of the Botany and Anthropology Libraries. 6,135 titles (12,422 volumes) were cataloged, including 3,744 reclassified titles (8,785 volumes). 6,308 analytics were pre- pared for articles and monographs in serial publications. 76,516 cards were prepared, a huge increase over previous years. Many valuable and important gifts were made to the Library by interested donors. Chief among these in 1967 was a fine collection of ornithological works from the library of the late Ormsby Annan, given by his wife. In 1968, we received two valuable works from the firm of Hamill and Barker: Lonnberg's Svenska Faglar and the first 60 parts of Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire's Histoire Naturelle Des Mam- miferes. Donations of this kind greatly enrich the value of our collections.

28 The entire staff of the Museum was saddened by the illness and subsequent death, on August 31, 1968, of the Librarian, Meta P. Howell (Mrs. Frederick S. Howell), after 20 years of service. Her loss has been keenly felt.

Public Information

Very nearly three thousand pages of new scientific research were published by Field Museum Press during 1967 and 1968. The sub- jects were as varied as living whales and fossil jelly-fish. The Bulletin, increasing in both size and circulation, reflected the quickening pace of events in the Museum. By the end of 1968, the Printing Division was producing material at a rate 50% greater than in 1966. The Division of Public Relations, a part of the Department of Planning and Development, very successfully brought the events of the two years to the public. Coverage by all media, particularly the press and television, increased and a series of short spot announce- ments for television was produced. Phil Clark, Public Relations Counsel, initiated and developed the Field Museum Natural History Tours to Guatemala, Mexico and Brazil. The tours won immediate and enthusiastic acceptance. The Division was also deeply involved in Member's Nights and other public events.

With attendance rising, the Museum Book Store saw its sales in- crease by 18%. The Divisions of Photography and Motion Pictures, which serve the public as well as the other Departments and Divisions in the Museum noted a considerable increase in activity.

Building Operations

The work of the Building Department accelerated greatly as a result of the exhibition, lounge, and other building projects pre- viously mentioned. Increased attendance put further strain on a building maintenance staff already hard pressed to meet the demands made upon it. Financial restrictions continue to prohibit the addi- tion of much needed personnel. Surveys of the Museum's physical requirements were made during 1967 and 1968 by Harry Weese and Associates, Architects, and John Dolio and Associates, Inc., Engineers. Their reports have been of great value in Field Museum's planning for the years to come. 29 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Current Funds

Years ended December 31, 1968 and 1967


revenues: 1968 1967 Endowment income (unrestricted) — From investments in securities $ 958,177 $ 936,415 From investments in real estate 112,000 112,000

$1,070,177 $1,068,415

Chicago Park District—tax collections 422,283 423,600 Annual and sustaining memberships 84,520 67,126 Admissions 50,033 51,502

Unrestricted contributions and sundry receipts . . . 528,107 409,439 Restricted funds transferred and expended through Operating Fund 724,202 404,711

$2,879,322 $2,424,793 expenditures: Scientific (anthropology, botany, geology and zoology) $1,056,972 $ 917,046 Education and exhibition 278,216 199,405 Publication, illustration and photography 166,841 159,086 Library 100,560 106,291 Building improvements, maintenance and security 828,073 627,774 Administration and general 462,259 420,015

$2,892,921 $2,429,617 deficit for year $ 13,599 $ 4,824


Endowment income $ 59,348 $ 57,097 Expenditures 42,626 45,959

excess OF revenues over EXPENDITURES $ 16,722 $ 11,138

continued on next page 30 OTHER RESTRICTED FUNDS

1968 1967 revenues:

From restricted Endowment Fund investments . . $ 111,299 $ 111,662

Contributions and grants for specified purposes. . 441,399 389,526 Operating Fund provision for heating plant renewal 22,486 22,486 Gain on sale of restricted fund securities 2,750

$ 575,184 $ 526,424 Expenditures through Operating Fund 724,202 404,711

EXCESS (deficit) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ (149,018) $ 121,713


December 31, 1968

1. Accounting for Museum property and collections In accordance with common institutional practice, building alterations and renovations and acquisitions of collections, furniture and equipment are charged to expense as incurred. No depreciation is provided on the Museum building, but annual appropriations (not based on the cost or remaining lives of specific assets) are made for heating plant renewal.

2. Pension plan The Museum has a contributory trusteed pension plan covering substantially all employees. Pension expense under the plan, including amortization of past service cost over 15 years, amounted to $96,000 ($89,000 in 1967). The Museum follows a policy of funding pension costs as accrued. The unfunded past service lia- bility at December 31, 1968, as actuarially computed, was approximately $530,000.

The Board of Trustees Field Museum of Natural History We have examined the accompanying statement of revenues and expendi- tures—current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the year ended December 31, 1968. Our examination was made in accordance with gen- erally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.

In our opinion, the statement mentioned above presents fairly the results of financial operations of the current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the year ended December 31, 1968, in conformity with generally accepted in- stitutional accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Arthur Young & Company January 29, 1969

31 Use During 1968 and 1967 of Income from Special Purpose Endowment Funds

1968 1967 Edward E. Ayer Lecture Foundation Fund Cost of Museum Lecture Series $ 5,881 $ 5,562 Indian Art Festival Program 9,622 — Frederick Reynolds and Abbey Kettle Babcock Fund Subsidy to Publication Program 2,885 2,868

William J. and Joan A. Chalmers Trust Fund Laboratory equipment 929 1,634 Mrs. Joan A. Chalmers Bequest Fund Purchase of specimens 644 1,413 Laboratory equipment 3,133 604 CoNOVER Game Bird Fund Expedition and study trips 1,400 1,887 Purchase of specimens 4,913 2,434 Emily Crane Chadbourne Zoological Fund Field trip 520 351

Thomas J. Dee Fellowship Fund Fellowship grants 2,590 4,650

Group Insurance Fund* — 5,112 N. W. Harris Public School Extension Fund Preparation, care and distribution of exhibits to Chicago schools 42,626 45,959 Library FuNof Purchase of books and periodicals 7,145 10,236

James A. Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Public Schoool and Children's Lecture Fund Subsidy to public school and children's lecture program 46,052 46,254

Maurice L. Richardson Paleontological Fund Expeditions, field work and professional meetings 3,827 3,815 Purchase of specimens — 1,100

Karl P. Schmidt Fund Study grant 246 —

These funds have been used in accordance with the stipulations under which they were accepted by the Museum. In addition, the income from more than $21,000,000 of unrestricted endowment funds was used in general Museum opera- tions for the years 1968 and 1967.

* Established by Stanley Field

t Established by Edward E. Ayer, Huntington W. Jackson, Arthur B. Jones, and Julius and Augusta N. Rosenwald 32 Contributions and Bequests

The gifts of many individuals have built a great mu- seum. Contributions and bequests now and in the future will permit needed improvement of exhibits, expansion of the educational program, and increased support of scientific research. The following form is suggested to those who wish to provide for Field Museum of Natural History in their wills:

Form of Bequest

I do hereby give and bequeath to Field Museum of Natural History of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois:

Cash contributions to Field Museum of Natural History are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal income tax purposes.



Ernst Anspach Mrs. Corwith Hamill Miss Jessica Roza The Aurora Historical Lloyd Harris Arthur Rubloff Museum, E. D. Hester Fred Runk Aurora, Illinois Mrs. G. C. Hodgson Mrs. Dagmola Sakyapa Wallis Austin Mrs. Geneva Hunt Miss Margaret Schloemer Mrs. Edwin Hunt Badger Mrs. Henry Irvin Mrs. Robert Sherman Mrs. George W. Beadle Mrs. Gladys Jensen Ed Stashinkski Dr. Charles A. Beck Mrs. Walter E. Kistner Mrs. Phyllis Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs. George T. Lang- Robert A. Stough Bent home Mrs. William N. Sumer- Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Christopher C. Legge well Blumberg James E. Lockwood, Jr. Sidney A. Teller Richard Boetel Mrs. Walter B. Loewen- David Tetenbaum Robert W. Campbell herz Dr. William A. Thomas Robert A. Carr Arthur Markowitz Mrs. William Thoresen Columbia University Mrs. Margaret H. Chester D. Tripp New York, New York McLellan John Underwood Rene d'Harnoncourt Kenneth G. McQuin Dr. James W. VanStone Mrs. Lawrence Dreiman Mr. and Mrs. D. Daniel Mrs. Susan Vogel George Driver Michael Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ware Victor D. Du Bois Mrs. Raymond Munoz Wheaton College Allan Frumkin National Monuments Gordon A. Wickstrom Edna H. Fulde Commission—Zambia Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller El Hadj Seidou N. Ndeya J. Wielgus Dr. Julian R. Goldsmith Constance Ohlinger Dr. Louis O. Williams Mrs. Sarah E. Granquist Mrs. William F. Petersen Mrs. Dorothy K. Young Dr. Edwin S. Hall, Jr. Howard R. Peterson Mrs. Claire Zeisler


University of Alabama General Biological Francis F. Lukas Bailey Hortorium, Supply House, Dr. Robert Maxwell Ithaca, N.Y. Chicago, Illinois University of Minnesota Charles Balser Dr. S. F. Classman Missouri Botanical R. C. Barneby Dr.''G. Guzman Garden, St. Louis, Dr. Robert O. Belcher Harvard University Missouri Holly Reed Bennett Botanical Museum, Prof. Antonio Molina R. Harold Massa- Capt. Benyovszky Cambridge, University of Agriculture University of British chusetts —Netherlands Columbia Herbario Hatschbach New York Botanical Dr. George S. Bunting A. H. Heller Garden, New York, of California Frederick J. Hermann University New York Dr. Margery Carlson University of Illinois Olivet Nazarene College, Prof. Chu-Ngoc-Thuy University of Indiana Illinois Phil Clark Instituto Botanico— Kankakee, Dr. Temd R. Deason Venezuela Dr. Dale J. Osborn Dr. Angel Diaz Dr. Oton Jimenez Palynologiska— Labora- Dudley Herbarium, Kansas State University toriet Sweden Stanford, California Dr. B. A. Krukoif J. Parks Escuela Agricola Pan- C. H. Lankester Grant L. Pyrah americana, Costa Rica Kendall Laughlin Dr. Peter H. Raven Dr. Paul A. Fryxell Earle F. Layser, Jr. Mrs. Alfrieda Rehling 34 (Department of Botany— Donations—continued)

Royal Botanic Garden, Dr. William Randolph University of Texas Edinburgh, Scotland Taylor Universidad de Venezuela Dr. J. Rzedowski Unit«i States Forest Dr. Louis O. Williams Service Dr. Rolf Singer Laboratory University of Wisconsin United States Naval Smithsonian Institution, Medical Research Washington, D.C. Unit No. 3


Dr. A. A. Arata D. N. Gregg Robert Metz Ray Bandringa, Jr. Tom Guensburg Monmouth College, Dr. David Bardack Miss Gertrude Hannen Monmouth, Illinois Dean Baxter Paul Harris Lee Petersen Scott Bowman Jerry Herdina Mr. and Mrs. Ted Piecko University of Chicago William Heston Dr. Leonard Radinsky Dr. Glen Cole Eugene Hildebrand, Reed Glenn Commons Byram M.D. Prof. Holmes A. Semken David Cooper John Honan Robert Corso Glenn Smetana of Illinois— Walter Dabasinskas University Chester Dudley Tripp Circle Kenneth Campus Pvt. Grant M. Valentine Davenport Dr. C. G. Jackson Mrs. Leon Diamond Virginia Polytechnic Arthur Eadie Walter E. Johansen Walter Kean Institution Thomas Edes William Wilson Dr. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. James Margaret of Wisconsin John F\ink Konecny University Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Willard P. Leutze Mr. and Harry Witmer George Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Stephen George Matthies Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tom Gibbs Mrs. Katherine Matthies Wolff Glen Lake Silver Mines, Stephen May Jay C. Wollin Ltd., Toronto, Canada Harold Means David Young


Phil Albrecht Gene Cerf General Biological Brother Donald Allen E. P. Chace Supply House, CSC Chicago Pet Shop Chicago, lUinois Miss Polly Scribner Ames Chicago Shell Club Murray O. Glenn Dr. N. MoUer Andersen Chicago Zoological Stanley W. Gorham Dr. E. Wyllys Andrews Society David W. Greenfield Mrs. Ormsby Annan Dr. David Cook Dr. Mel Reese Guttman Argonne National Dr. Earle A. Cross Dr. Glenn E. Haas Laboratory Philip Dart Lee Hanke Sana I. Atallah Dr. D. Dundee Tom Harrisson James M. Barker Dr. Louis Dupree K. Hartberg Dr. M. Basoglu J. Dvorak Richard Robert A. Behrstock Stanley Highton Dr. Benick Henry Dybas C. E. Hoger Georg M. Eisenmann Frederick H. Berry Ralph Dr. Harry Hoogstraal Dr. Rolf A. Brandt Dr. Robert E. Elbel Dr. Henry Howden Dr. Branley A. Branson Dr. K. C. Emerson Dr. Zdenek Hruban University of British A. R. Emery Ijeslie Hubricht Columbia Mr. and Mrs. George Illinois Conservation Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Engelmann Department Burch Fred R. Fechtner Illinois Natural History Mrs. Alice Burke Mrs. Faye Frost Survey 35 (Department of Zoology— Donations—continued)

Ralph Jackson Natal Museum, Harrison R. Steeves, Jr. E. W. Jameson, Jr. Natal, South Africa Carol B. Stein Dr. Murray Johnson National Institute of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Tom R. Johnson Allergy and Infectious Street Dr. David Kistner Diseases—Rocky Ken Strong Dr. Erich Klinghammer Mountain Laboratory Dr. Walter Suter Dr. N. L. H. Kraus.s Norshore Pets Dr. R. D. Suttkus Dr. Hugh C. Land North Dakota State Dr. G. K. Sweatman Dr. Robert J. Lavenberg University Mrs. Margaret M. Dr. John Lawrence Northwestern State Emanuel Ledecky - College, Natchitoches, Col. Robert Traub Janacek Louisiana Dr. William D. Turnbull Dr. E. F. Legner Thomas S. Olechowski United States Bureau of Pong Leng-EE Prof. Orlando Park Commercial Fisheries, Dr. Eleanor Isabel Leslie Dr. J. J. Parodiz Great Lakes Dr. Robert E. Lewis Jerry A. Payne Fisheries Institute Lirn Boo Liat Stewart Peck United States Fish and Dr. Karel F. Liem Laurie Price Wildlife Service Lincoln Park Zoological Michael Prokop John Unziker Dr. Rabb Society, Chicago, George University of Utah Illinois Dr. Charles A. Reed Dr. James VanStone Los Dr. Kenneth W. Reid Angeles County John Visser Museum of Natural Charles Requa Harold K. Voris History Arnold Richter Dr. David Wake Dr. K. H. Lulidry Dr. K. Rhode Munroe L. Walton Dr. Ernest Lundelius, Jr. San Diego Zoological Dr. Yaskuaki Watanabe Robert Marshall Society David J. Martin G. A. Schad A. M. R. Wegner J. I. Menzies Mrs. Omar Schilling Dr. Louis 0. Williams University of Miami Jerry Schloemer Dr. Frank Young University of Michigan, Dr. Charles H. Seevers Dr. Willard Young Museum of Zoology John G. Shedd Zoologisch Museum, Margaret A. Moran Aquarium, Amsterdam Museum d'Histoire Chicago, Illinois Zoologisches Staatsinsti- Naturelle, Geneva, Smithsonian Institution tut und Zoologisches Switzerland Oceanographic Sorting Museum, Hamburg, Dr. Charles F. Nadler Center, Wash., D.C. Germany


Ormsby Annan Sherman E. Lee Leon Siroto W. Andrew Archer Little, Brown and Carl S. Spohr Banco de la Republica, Company Dr. Kenneth Starr Bogota, Colombia Cyrus Longworth Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dr. Al. Barash Lundell Street the Commander and Mrs. University of Michigan, Taylor Museum of Colorado Fine Arts G. E. Boone Museum of Art Center Francis Brenton John R. Millar Antonia Thomas Dr. John Clark Dr. C. Moore Mary Joseph Dr. James W. VanStone David R. Cook Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki Charles Vesely C. H. Crickmay Dr. Edward J. Olsen Dr. Paul Voth Mrs. A. F. Fuller Dr. Albert Eide Parr W. Mrs. Cyril Ward Mrs. Dorothy Gibson Dr. Paul J. Patchen Wenner-Gren Founda- Dr. Fritz Haas Roger Podewell tion for Anthropo- Hamill and Barker, Dr. Austin L. Rand logical Research Chicago Dr. Charles A. Reed Dr. Rupert L. Wenzel Russell Hiebert Senn High School Biology Dr. Louis 0. Williams Mrs. Geneva E. Hunt Laboratory, Chicago Dr. Rainer Zangerl




Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson Dr. Helen Holt The Service Club of Armour III Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Chicago Mr. & Mrs. Lester Isham The Shinner Foundation Armour Mr. & Mrs. Willard John M. Simpson George A. Bates Jaques Gerald A. Sivage Mr. & Mrs. Harry 0. Mrs. Stanley Keith Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bercher Mrs. John L. Kellogg Byron Smith William McCormick David M. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Blair Frederick K. Leisch Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Leigh B. Dr. Eleanor I. Leslie Hy Smoler Block Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mr. & Mrs. John V. DeWitt Buchanan Leslie Spachner Margaret B. Conover H. N orris Love Herman Spertus Mrs. James A. Cook Mr. & Mrs. William H. Mrs. & Mrs. Jack C. Dexter Cummings Mitchell Staehle Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Mr. & Mrs. Remick Joel Starrels Dixon, Jr. McDowell Mrs. David B. Stern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. James L. Mrs. David M. Stewart Donnelley Palmer Mr. & Mrs. William S. Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Maria A. Parks Street Donnelley Memorial Fund—The Mrs. Rov E. Sturtevant Mr. & Mrs. T. E. Mr. & Mrs. Phelps H. II Chicago Communitv Donnelley Trust Swift William K. Fellows Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Trust Mrs. Clarence C. Prentice Tieken The Field Foundation John A. & Zora E. Renn Mr. & Mrs. Chester of Illinois, Inc. Joseph N. Field William A. and Stella M. Dudley Tripp Mrs. Anne Rickcords Rowley Fellowship Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ware Gait Fund J. W. Watzek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mrs. Clive Runnells M. W. Welch Getz John S. Runnells Wiebolt Foundation Estate of Clarissa Seabury-Western Woods Charitable Fund, Donnelley HafTner Theological Seminary Inc. Hales Charitable Fund, William L. Searle Mr. & Mrs. Philip K. Inc. John G. & Francis C. Wrigley Benjamin R. Harris Searle—The Chicago Mrs. Ernest Zeisler Mrs. Robert Hixon Community Trust Kenneth V. Zweiner


Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. John Ade Miss Barbara Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Ely M. Aaron Dr. Robert Adler O. O. Albritton Henry L. Abrahams Robert S. Adler Thomas W. Alder Jules Abramson Family Fund Edward Alexander Laurence Acker Mr. & Mrs. O. A. Claude Adair Akerlund William H. Alexander Cyrus H. Adams III Mr. & Mrs. Lee Charles A. Alfano Walter Q. Adams Winfield Alberts William R. Alfini Earl H. Addison George Albiez Arthur C. Allyn 37 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Mrs. H. G. Barkhausen Mrs. Frank J. Bittel Alschuler Mrs. Claude A. Barnett Edward R. Bixby Miss Bonnie J. Andersen Eugene Barnett Harry Black Marshall Andersen Mrs. George Barnett Blake Blair Mr. & Mrs. Alfred David H. Barnow Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair Anderson Lyman Barr Edward F. Blettner Carlyle E. Anderson Mrs. A. M. Barrett W. R. Blew Miss Corliss D. Anderson Miss Nell Bartels Mrs. Joseph L. Block Dale Anderson Mrs. C. E. Barth Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Donald B. Anderson William Bartholomay, Block, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Helmer N. Jr. Mrs. George W. Anderson Robert C. Bartlett Blossom, Jr. Robert W. Anderson George F. Bartoszek CM. Blumenschein Frederick B. Andrews Charles Bass Raymond S. Blunt, Sr. Paul M. Andrews Emery Bass Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Vernon Annamunthodo George A. Basta Boardman H. E. Anning Donald C. Batalia Mrs. George V. Stephen J. Antonik Miss Faye E. Bates Bobrinskoy Arthur I. Appleton Dr. Donald J. Bauer Earl C. Bodine Donald L. Arends Mark L. Baxter Harold C. Bodine Harvey Arkin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paul J. Bodine, Jr. A. Watson Armour IV Bayard Robert E. Bodman Laurance H. Armour, Mrs. George R. Beach, W. S. Bodman Jr. Jr. Harold C. Boehme Mrs. Vernon Armour Mrs. George W. Beadle J. E. Boetcher Leslie Arnett Ross J. Beatty Arthur H. Boettcher Herbert R. Arnold Robert C. Becherer Ralph Bogan, Jr. D. S. Arnot Miss Edith Becher William J. Bohman Mrs. Zelda G. Aronson James H. Becker Edward F. Bokhof George Arquilla, Jr. Dr. Helen R. Reiser Gerald G. Bolotin Carl E. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bell Louis Bonhajo Edwin C. Austin John L. Bell, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Arthur C. Averitt Mrs. Laird Bell Bopp Burton Babetch Dr. Alfred Bellizzi Mrs. Bruce Borland Alex H. Bacci Jerry F. Benes Mrs. John Jay Mrs. Robert A. Baer Alfred Benesch Borland II George R. Bailey Mrs. Bertram W. Fred P. Bosselman Reginald K. Bailey Bennett M. M. Botkin Miss Pat Bain Gail Bennett Jackson L. Boughner John W. Baird Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Miss Ann Elizabeth Mrs. Harry Bairstow, Jr. Bensinger Bouvier Miss Rhea O. Baker Hugh Benson Mrs. William J. Bowe Lawrence G. Balch Mrs. Julian Bentley Mrs. Clarence W. Bowen Rosecrans Baldwin Mrs. Richard Bentley Dr. Robert Bowen William R. Balkin Lambert Bere Miss Violet J. Bowen Willard J. David G. Berens Herman C. Bowersox Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Hal A. Murray L. Box Dr. Sam W. Banks Bergdahl M. Boxenbaum Clayton H. Banzhaf Garret L. Bergen Denman H. Boyd Edward Bara, Sr. Emery E. Bergfors Mrs. T. Kenneth Boyd Mrs. Leo Barazowski Richard C. Berliner Mrs. Oma M. Bradley Franklin D. Barber Jack Besser Dr. Lowell H. Brammer H. A. Barber Beth Emet Synagogue Ellis R. Brandt Elwood Barce Harry J. Bettendorf James A. Brandt Horace Barden Miss Hermine Beukema Leslie A. Brandt Lillian D. Bargquist Charles E. Bidwell William T. Branham Oscar A. Barke Louis W. Biegler David P. Brannin Mrs. C. R. Barker Dr. & Mrs. H. E. John J. Bransfield, Jr. James M. Barker Bielinski E. L. Brashears W. Curtis Barkes Paul E. Birk Thomas Breen 38 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

William E. Breitzke Eugene Callen George L. Clements Dr. William C. Brennan Donald F. Campbell, Jr. Howard P. Clements, Jr. Mrs. Adam A. Breuer George T. Campbell Lloyd Y. Clemetsen Everett R. Brewer Hugh Campbell Mr. & Mrs. William Z. Miss Alice M. Bright Irving B. Campbell Cline Dr. Allan G. Brodie, Jr. Dr. Kenneth M. Mrs. Duane L. Clinton Mrs. A. L. Brody Campione Kent S. Clow Mrs. Louise K. Broman Caleb H. Canby III Miss Marion Clow H. C. Brook Dr. Nicholas J. Capos William F. Coale, Jr. Iver M. Brook Otto Frederick Carl Mr. & Mrs. Robert E, Robert E. Brooker Dr. Richard A. Carleton Coburn Robert V. Brost Arthur B. Carlson John L. Cochran Baird Brown W. A. Carlson Robert P. Coffin Bernard O. Brown Walter C. D. Carlson Milton Cohen Calvin 0. Brown Peter R. Carney Mrs. James C. Cohrs Cameron Brown WiUiam Roy Carney R. E. Cole Charles L. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Robert F. Carr Dr. Roger B. Cole Dr. Charles S. Brown Dr. Michael E. Carroll Clarence L. & Lillian S. Mrs. Gardner Brown Miss Anne G. Carter Coleman Foundation H. Templeton Brown Philip V. Carter Mrs. John Coleman, Sr. Isidore Brown Dr. Robert W. Carton John E. Coleman Mrs. Murray C. Brown F. Strother Gary, Jr. Marvin H. Coleman Robert C. Brown, Jr. George W. Caspari Miss Bernice Colen Mrs. Roger O. Brown Victor M. Cassidy Ira Colitz Aldis J. Browne, Jr. James A. Cathcart JuHen Collins Richard H. Bruce Silas S. Cathcart Dr. Frank H. Comstock Mrs. Aloys L. Bruckner J. Herbert Cattell Fairfax M. Cone Mrs. John Bryan Warren Cecil Congregation Rodfei Leo E. Bryant R. Stanley Cederlund Zedek Eugene D. Buchanan Floyd D. Cerf Congregation Solel Mrs. Walther Buchen Jerome Cerny Philip Conley Dr. R. A. Buckingham Joe Cervenka Ronnoc Hill Connor Dr. Paul C. Bucy Mr. & Mrs. Hammond Mrs. Thomas A. Connors Mrs. R. W. Buddington E. Chaffetz Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. A. C. Buehler, Jr. Dr. Helen Challand Consoer Robert Buehler Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dr. Richard Buenger Marvin Chandler Coogan Louis J. Buffardi H. W. Chapman Max Cooper Lewis E. Bulkeley Dr. Allan G. Charles Malcolm Corner Richard S. Bull, Jr. Shepard Chartoc Dr. WiUiam H. Cornog Richard Bullock W. T. Chester Mrs. Earl Cornwell Russell Bundesen Anthony R. Chiara Mr. & Mrs. Bertel G. Clayton B. Burch Dr. Wayne S. Chilcote, Corsgreen James E. Burd Jr. Albert Cotsworth III Patricia J. Burda Mrs. F. Newell Childs Dr. Maurice H. Cottle F. E. Burgess Peder A. Christensen James W. Coultrap Frank K. Burgess Carlisle V. Christie, Jr. Charles B. Coursen Herman Burgi, Jr. Dr. G. L. Christopher Richard N. Courtice Mrs. Alfred L. Burke Miss Deborah Cicerchia Robert B. Courtney Leo Burnett Richard Claire Mr. & Mrs. William S. Robert S. Burrows Roy W. Clansky, Jr. Covington Mrs. Dorothy M. Mrs. Edward S. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cowen Burwell William N. Clark Alfred Cowles John C. Butler Mrs. Philip R. Clarke Knight C. Cowles Louis H. Butterworth Miss Georgetta Fred C. Cowley Edward J. Byrne Clarkston Clifford B. Cox Dr. Hyo Hyun Byun Mrs. James M. Cleary WiUiam D. Cox Louis F. Cainkar Mrs. Thomas H. Mrs. Sydney G. Craig Mrs. Dean J. Call Cleavenger Mrs. Norman L. Cram Daniel H. Callahan J. Benjamin Cleaver Harold E. Crane 39 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

William F. Crawford E. G. Dierks Nate Eckstein Mrs. Bennett C. Creed Robert Diller D. L. Eddy W. C. Croft W. S. Dillon Peter Edge Stanley E. Cronwall Mrs. Willard M. Dillon Lawrence L. Edlund Mrs. Henry Coleman Edward C. Dimock C. George Edmonds Crowell Geoffrey Whitmore James A. Edmonds Robert Crown Disston Marvin W. Ehlers Michael Cudahy, Sr. Mrs. Arthur Dixon Joseph S. Ehrman, Jr. Tilden Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Sam J. Eisenberg Percy W. Cump, Jr. Dixon, Sr. Sol Eisenstein R. John Cunningham George Dlesk Ernest A. Eklund Miss Gertrude Curtis Isidor Doctor William Elfenbaum Mrs. Austin T. Cushman Burtis J. Dolan, Jr. Mrs. Elsie H. Elgin Dr. Robert P. Cutler Tom Dolan Robert W. Elich C. Suydam Cutting John Luther Dole E. E. Ellies Arthur Dahlin W. Fred Dolke Miss Grace E. Elliott Dr. Ulrich Danckers Mr. & Mrs. John Dols Dr. Margaret Elliott Mrs. Florence F. Dane James C. Domabyl Mr. & Mrs. R. Winfield Dr. William F. Danforth Daniel A. Don Ellis L. L. Daray Mrs. Stephen E. Donlon Dr. James P. Elmes William W. Darrow Miss Kathryn F. Mrs. Winston Elting Leonard S. Davidow Donnelly Emanuel Congregation David W. Davidson Dr. Robert W. Donovan C. R. Emanuelson Mrs. D. Dwight Davis Mrs. Allen M. Dorfman John W. Embree III De Forest P. Davis Ernest Dorner Miss M. Caroline Emich E. Byron Davis Mr. & Mrs. Querin P. W. P. Engelking Mrs. Nathan S. Davis Dorschel William L. English Ralph E. Davis James H. Douglas, Jr. Robert A. Enlow Richard W. Davis William C. Douglas E. Stanley Enlund Robert C. Davis H. James Douglass John D. Entenza J. C. Day Mrs. Helen James Donald Erickson Wesley H. Day Douglass Hyland B. Erickson Jack Deagan John F. Douglass Walter Erman Bruce Dean Mr. & Mrs. George H. Howard F. Erzinger Mrs. S. E. Dean, Jr. Dovenmuehle Eliot H. Evans Thomas A. Dean Lyman M. Drake, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Dr. Ann Decker Robert T. Drake Evans Charles O. Decker George Dreher William S. Everett Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Raymond C. Dreier Arthur T. Everham Mrs. Donald Defrees Mrs. Barbara E. George B. Everitt Mrs. Ethel Dehlinger Dubberke Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Louis H. T. Dehmlow Walter J. Ducey Ewing Dr. Friedrich Deinhardt Homer R. Duffey A. L. Fader Charles E. DeLeuw Joel Dulin Mr. & Mrs. Abel E. Mrs. Charles S. DeLong Steven J. Dulla Fagen Miss Sue DeLorenzi Norman J. Dunbeck Stanley W. Faierson George L. De Ment Charles Dunlop S. J. Fairweather William R. Demmert Dr. Paul J. Dunn Walter E. Faithorn, Jr. R. J. DeMotte William J. Dunn Frank Falk Dr. & Mrs. V. L. Dennis William E. Dunshee Ralph Falk II Mrs. J. R. DePencier Robert L. Duntley Lloyd A. Fallers Gerald P. De Roe Winfield T. Durbin Dr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Joseph Desloge B. L. Durling Falls Gus C. Detlefsen Bruce H. Dutton Paul E. Fanta Matthew L. Devine Robert T. Dyer Newton Camp Farr Edward B. De Vry Wilbur E. Dyer Shirley Farr Edward J. De Witt Carl J. Easterberg Mrs. Ernest H. Farrell Mrs. Edison Dick Carl H. Ebert Richard J. Farrell Mrs. William R. Charles Echols P. G. Farrow Dickinson, Jr. Bernard Ecker Albert D. Farwell 40 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Herbert R. Faulks William J. Friedman Ted Goldman William E. Fay, Jr. E. Montford Fucik Fred L. Goldsby Louis Feinberg Frank M. Fucik Dr. Abraham Goldstein Charles R. Feldstein R. Neal Fulk Moe Goldstein Mrs. John F. Fennelly W. W. Fullagar August T. Gonia Mrs. Calvin Fentress, Douglas R. Fuller Frank W. Goodhue Jr. Frank A. Furar L. G. Goodlander Mrs. R. W. Ferguson Joseph M. Gabriel Mrs. Howard Goodman Nello V. Ferrara Lawrence N. Gabriel Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Francis M. Ferris Rudolph R. Gabriel Goodrich Armin F. Fick Miss Elsie Gadzinski Colin S. Gordon Marshall Field Mrs. M. H. Gaines Herman J. Gordon Meyer Field Nicholas Galitzine Miss Marion G. Gordon William Finkl John P. Gallagher Sidney S. Gorham, Jr. Charles O. Finley Dr. & Mrs. Stanford Miss Ruth Goshert Peter J. Fisher Gamm Harold J. Graf Morgan L. Fitch, Jr. Mrs. James L. Garard Paul A. Graf W. A. Fitzgerald, Jr. F. Sewal Gardner William Grage Miss Grace S. Flagg Henry K. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Robert G. Flagg Mrs. Eleanor E. Garner Graham Donald T. Fletcher Dr. & Mrs. Harry H. Donald M. Graham Joseph Fletcher Garner Robert I. Graham Philip H. Flick George P. Garver Dr. Gunars Graudins James G. Flood W. H. Garvey, Jr. Eugene Gray Harold M. Florsheim Charles V. Gary Mr. & Mrs. William Fred S. Floyd Kurt Gasser Scott Gray III Charles W. Folds Dr. Carl L. Cast Dr. John Grayhack Dwight W. Follett Alfred Gawthrop Arthur L. Green Edwin S. Ford Alfred E. Gebhardt Howard E. Green Alfred K. Foreman, Jr. Dr. John E. Gedo Aubrey J. Greenberg H. E. Foreman, Jr. James W. Gee Mrs. Howard H. Greene James B. Forgan Herbert Geist Dr. Lois D. Greene Dr. Albert W. Forslev Wilbur R. Gemmel Dr. Clifford C. Gregg Hugh W. Foster Robert S. Gentz Frank Gregor Richard Foxwell Alan F. George James J. Gregory Stanley Framburg Calvin M. George Mrs. Stephen S. Gregory Dr. Jerome Frankel Fred W. German Miss Lorraine Greinke Marshall Frankel Louis Gershon Dr. Dorothy Grey Charles P. A. Isak V. Gerson G. P. Grieve Frankenthal Edward J. Gessner Bruce C. Griffith Dr. & Mrs. Lester E. Oscar Getz Mrs. Carroll L. Griffith Frankenthal, Jr. Dr. Charles A. Gianasi George Griffith Edward S. Eraser Frederick Z. Gifford Douglas A. Grimes Hermann Frauen Robert T. Gilchrist Mrs. John L. Gring Mrs. George E. Frazer Mrs. James Gordon Harold T. Griswold Dr. Christabel H. Gilkey, Jr. I. A. Grodzins Frederick Joseph L. Gill Gordon A. Groebe Ernest E. Freeman Mrs. Bradley M. Glass Florian A. Groenwald Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord A. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Charles Grossberg Freeman, Jr. Glasser Leonard H. Grosse Lee A. Freeman Mrs. Morris Glasser Frank D. Grossman William M. Freeman James J. Glassner Mrs. W. F. Grote George E. Frerichs Mrs. Albert H. Glos Mrs. Leon Grotowski Mrs. Silvia Freudenfeld John P. Gnaedinger Dr. John G. Gruhn Joseph R. Frey Paul O. Godley Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Herbert Fried Louis H. Goebel Grumhaus Robert A. Fried Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Mrs. Mary Jane Mrs. Herbert A. Goldberg Grunsfeld Friedlich Louis M. Goldman, Jr. Paul W. Guenzel Richard E. Friedman S. M. Goldman Miss Dora Gumbinger 41 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $^ 000—continued)

Gunnar E. Gunderson Clarence Hauge Gerald Hollins Lewis O. Gunderson Larry Havlicek V. V. Holmberg Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Josephy B. Hawkes Dr. Edward C. Miss Helen K. Gurley Walter Hawrysz Holmblad Miss Ruth E. Gustafson Edward G. Hayes Carl Holzheimer Dr. Edwin L. Gustus James F. Hayes H. E. Hoover W. P. Gutekanst John F. Hayward Dr. M. B. Hopkins S. Ashley Guthrie Dr. & Mrs. William H. Stephen Y. Hord Mrs. D. N. Gutmann Hazlett Floyd E. Horn H. C. Gwinn Myron A. Hecht Mrs. Helen H orton Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Walter L. Hedin Arnold Horween Dr. F. V. Gwyer Mrs. Otto H. Hedrich Kenneth G. Hosfield Ralph F. Haag Miss Helen Heggie Charles F. Hough Mrs. Leonard M. Miss Catherine Ann Richard W. Hough Haddad Heifetz R. A. Houston Thomas M. Haderlein Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Lee M. Howard Mrs. John W. B. Hadley Mrs. Bernard Heinrich Col. Ralph B. Howe Charles A. Hadlmair, Sr. Walter W. Heinze Mrs. James E. Howie W. W. Haerther Burn ell C. Helmich Mrs. John D. Hrdlicka Charles C. Haffner III D. M. Hemb Frank B. Hubachek Mrs. Charles C. Haffner, Dr. Elizabeth S. Charles Hughes, Jr. Jr. Hemmens Michael Hunt Mrs. James J. Haines William E. Henner Mr. & Mrs. William O. Paul A. Hakanen Henry M. Henriksen Hunt Burton W. Hales, Jr. Mrs. John A. Henry Lemuel B. Hunter Edward Hall Paul G. Hensel, Jr. Mrs. Rebecca Hurwich Edward W. Hallauer Martin K. Henslee George Hust John W. Halm, Jr. Harold H. Hensold, Jr. John S. Hutchins Romaine M. Halverstadt H. L. Henson Frank D. Huth Mrs. & Mrs. Corwith Jerry Herdina Mrs. James L. Hvale Hamill Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. D. P. Hynes Mrs. Helen B. Heymann Mrs. James A. Hynes Hamilton Mrs. James O. Mary Louise Hynes Joseph W. Hancock Heyworth Elizabeth Ickes Jack C. Hand Allan L. Hickox Raymond W. Ickes The Very Rev. Dr. & Allen M. Hicks Charles Iker Mrs. William O. Edgar J. Higgins Paul F. Ilg Hanner Howard E. Hight Mrs. George M. Illich, Alfred T. Hansen Wilbur Hildebrandt Sr. Fred B. Hanson G. T. Hilden Robert S. Ingersoll J. Russell Hanson Mrs. Marion Hilker Warren C. Ingersoll Joseph F. Harant Kimball Hill Melville H. Ireland Charles L. Hardy Victor H. Hinze Mrs. Spencer E. Irons Mrs. D. Foster Harland Henry D. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. George S. Chauncy D. Harris Milton W. Hirsch Isham E. Newton Harris Dr. Hyman J. Hirshfield Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Gerald H. Harris Robert F, Hite Isham, Jr. Irving B. Harris Mrs. FVank P. Hixon James L. Isham Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer B. George S. Hoban Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Harris Mrs. G. C. Hodgson Isham Mrs. Augustin S. Hart Dr. Dieter F. Hoffman Clifford E. Ives Harry J. Hart Dr. Eugene Hoffman Robert A. Jablonski Miss Elizabeth M. Raymond A. Hoffman E. R. Jackson Hartung Miss Marion Hoffmann Robert F. Jackson Daggett Harvey M. H. Hofmeister Jesse A. Jacobs Mrs. William E. Haskell Dr. Ned U. Hohman Mrs. Walter H. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Sidney G. Marshall M. HoUeb Dr. Leon Jacobson Haskins Mrs. Letitia Baldrige Raphael Jacobson Frank M. Hatch HoUensteiner Andrew P. Jaeger Mrs. WilUam S. Hatten Thomas Hollingsworth Reinhardt H, Jahn 42 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Walter C. James Guy Kiddoo Frank C. Kyle Clarence W. Jameson Alan R. Kidston George A. Laadt Miss Barbara Jannusch Robert J. Kieckhefer, Jr. Dr. John R. Laadt Howard F. Janousek Miss Alberta R. Killie Miss Clara R. Lacey Mrs. Leonard Japp, Sr. Dr. Lowell R. King David L. Ladd Mrs. C. E. Jarchow W. S. Kinkead Mrs. Louis E. Charles C. Jarchow Mrs. Ansel M. Kinney Laflin, Jr. Andrew O. Jaros John J. Kinsella Florence F. Laing Mr. & Mrs. Sidney F. Robert S. Kinsey J. Malcolm Landen Jarrow Mrs. Weymouth F. Howard Lane Robert W. Jay Kirkland George A. Lane Dr. Thesle T. Job Clayton Kirkpatrick William Noble Lane Lorentz A. Johanson Miss Mixie Kitazaki Mrs. Gordon Lang Ralph S. Johns Philip A. Klapman Jervis Langdon, Jr. Calmer L. Johnson Sivert Klefstad L. E. Langdon Carl A. Johnson Philip C. Klohr Mrs. George Tayloe Herbert M. Johnson Kenneth D. Knoblock Langhorne Melvin O. Johnson Mrs. Richard F. Knott Dr. Elma Lanterman Morris Johnson Mrs. John Koch Joseph B. Lanterman W. Allen Johnson Raymond J. Koch Fenton D. Lapham Mrs. John Sills Jones Thaddeus Jude Arthur S. La Pine C. R. Jonswold Kochanny Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Robert J. Jordan George G. Kolar Larsen Paul Jorgensen Allen Koplin R. E. Larsen C. C. Jung Dr. Elizabeth Thompson Elmer W. Larson K. A. M. Temple Koppenaal Mrs. Sarah G. Larson John Kadow N. F. Korhumel Dr. A. F. Lash William V. Kahler Thomas A. Korosacke Dr. Sidney Lash Mrs. Jean Kane Marshall Korshak Miss Frances E. Latham Burton W. Kanter Peter J. J. Kosiba Fred T. Lauerman Alan H. Kaplan Robert S. Kosin Fred P. Lauth Lambert P. Karst Robert Koslow Gerald Lavey Mr. & Mrs. C. Gabriel Kotin Byron Dr. Mrs. Robert Kotowski & William R. Karzas Lawrence M. Katz Dr. J. D. Stanley Koucky Gerard Lawson M. G. Kaufman Igor Kovac Gordon Leadbetter Benjamin Keach Harry O. Kovats, Jr. Donald S. Keare Frank B. Kozlik George J. Leahy Miriam Hamilton Keare James J. Kraml Dr. Aaron Learner Dr. William H. Keehn Dr. Arthur M. Kjause Jack T. Le Beau Marshall W. Keig Dr. LeRoy Krbechek Dr. T. LeBoy Elbridge Keith Dr. W. W. Kreft Mrs. E. Fred Lechler Miss Lelia E. Kelley Dr. Bertram D. George E. Leckie Russell P. Kelley Kribben Bertram Z. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Delafield Kribben Robert O. Lehmann Kelly Miss Lucille Kriel Frederick W. Leich Dr. Frank B. Kelly Harry KroU Dr. Murray H. Leiffer Mrs. P. Kemel Carl Krumhardt Margaret John G. Leininger Wallace B. Kemp A. M. Kuechmann Edward L. Lembitz John F. Kendrick Miss Katherine A. Mrs. Benjamin Lemer Charles F. Kennedy Kuehn Robert L. Leopold Robert J. J. Kennedy Eugene Kuhajek William H. Lerch Clarence B. Kenney R. A. Kuhlmann John F. Lesch Dr. A. T. Kenyon Robert J. Kuhn Malcolm C. Ken- Sigmund Kunstadter John H. Leslie Charles C. Kerwin Mrs. Barbara P. Kuntz Stanley B. Levi Edward M. Kerwin Commander John F. Joseph M. Levine Mrs. E. Ogden Ketting Kurfess, USN Dr. Elizabeth Levitin Ferenc J. Kezdy Mrs. Kenneth Kurtzon Mrs. Victor L. Lewis Sam Kharasch Kenji Kuwabara Richard B. Lewy 43 (individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Library of Medical Mrs. Albert F. Franklin L. Mettler Sciences—University Madlener, Jr. Carl A. Metz of Illinois Medical Otto Madlener Mrs. Carl Meyer Center Mrs. Irving H. Mages Charles Z. Meyer Charles E. Lilien Mrs. William C. B. Dr. Karl A. Meyer George Lill II Magoun L. E. Meyer James Lilly Paul Makray Allen C. Michaels Terence Lilly Alexander B. Maley Edward Michalko Paul B. N. Lind Russell R. Malik Weston Mickley Alfred H. Lindgren Earle A. Malkin Munroe Milavetz Howard Linn Miss Minnie Malunat Mrs. C. Phillip Miller Mrs. K. T. Livezey Mrs. John F. Manierre Creighton S. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. John M. Mann Glenn R. Miller Livingston John F. Mannion Homer L. Miller Mrs. Rose Llewellyn Barbara G. Mannon Dr. & Mrs. J. Roscoe Carl S. Lloyd George L. Manta Miller Glen A. Lloyd Alfred O. Manteuffel Leslie V. Miller L. R. Lock Eugene T. Mapp Norman A. Miller R. M. Loeff Dr. Richard E. Marcus Roger H. Miller Mrs. Richard J. John H. Maris Roland L. Miller Loewenthal Cyrus Mark Mrs. Thomas S. Miller Richard J. John J. Markham John J. Milligan Loewenthal, Jr. R. Bailey Markham Mrs. Harold J. Mills W. A. Logelin William H. Markle Mrs. Florence J. Milnor Anthony A. Lopez, Jr. Sydney R. Marovitz Charles Minarik John S. Lord E. S. Marsh L. T. Moate Albert E. M. Louer Franklin Marshall Richard F. Mohr Mrs. Franklin Jay Marshall H. G. Mojonnier Lounsbury C. Virgil Martin Mrs. Timothy Mojonnier William H. Lowe A. A. Marzek Myron T. M onsen Maurice R. Lowenstine Arnold D. K. Mason Dr. Clark Montgomery William H. Lowman Mrs. George Allen L. W. Moore Earle Ludgin Mason Fred M. Morelli Ralph J. Lueders Marvin L. Mass Albert A. Morey Edmund Luff Eugene W. Masters Dr. Freda Morgan Miss Bernardine Lufkin Keith Masters G. Walker Morgan Francis F. Lukas Miss Dorothy R. Samuel Morgan Mrs. H. J. Lund Matchett Harry E. Moroni, Jr. Mrs. Franklin J. Selwyn R. Mather Mrs. Gertrude Morrison Lunding Thomas N. Mathers Mrs. John Morrow, Jr. Don T. Lutz, Jr. Walter J. Mattick Howard C. Morton Miss Clare C. Lyden John C. Maulding Horace C. Moses, Jr. Mrs. Jeneva A. Lyon R. H. Maulin Walter H. Moses Dr. Shirley Lyon Augustus K. Maxwell, Edward A. Mosher E. J. Lyons Jr. Kenneth E. Motyka Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Maas Robert E. Maxwell Mrs. Arthur T. William D. Mabie Mrs. David Mayer Moulding Donald Macarthur Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Lester Mouscher H. E. MacDonald Harold M. Mayer Mrs. David G. Moyer Leslie MacDonald John L. Means Walter Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Dr. L. Steven Medgyesy Wilfred A. Muller MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Carroll Dean Murphy William G. Macias Meers Jr. Joan Maclntire Honorable John C. Joseph D. Murphy David O. MacKenzie Melaniphy 0. R. Murphy Mrs. Wallace D. Miss Maragret Mellody W. Richard Murphy Mackenzie W. G. Mendell Professor Gordon Mrs. John A. MacLean, Dr. Karl Menninger Nicholas Murray Jr. Paul H. Mesenbrink Victor Murray J. DeNavarre Macomb Gordon M. Metcalf Robert Mustoe 44 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Jeremiah D. McAuliffe Graham Netting Mr. & Mrs. George A. Hughston M. McBain Otto C. Neuman Paddock, Jr. N. E. McCabe Dr. & Mrs. William E. Mrs. Walter Paepcke Mrs. L. H. McCain Neville Adrian B. Palmer William B. McCain Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Max J. Palmer John H. McClellan Newman Dr. Frank B. Papierniak Mrs. R. G. McClellan Maxwell E. Nickerson Dominick Parisi Mr. & Mrs. Brooks George Nielsen Lee N. Parker McCormick Walter P. Nietschmann Dr. Francis M. Parks Dr. J. B. McCormick Thomas M. Niles Porter Parris Roger McCormick Jeremiah J. Nolan John F. Partridge Paul D. McCurry Mrs. Seymour Lloyd C. Partridge Mrs. Edward D. Nordenbourg The Honorable Judge McDougal, Jr. Theodore J. Nork Herbert C. Paschen Mrs. & Mrs. Robert Harold W. Norman Daniel E. Pasowicz McDougal, Jr. Mrs. Lester Norris Dr. Paul J. Patchen Dr. Ernest G. McEwen North Shore Dr. Philip Y. Paterson Risley B. McFeely, Jr. Congregation Israel Marshall Patner E. J. McGehee Mrs. Carl R. Norton Thomas A. Patterson Andrew W. McGhee J. B. Novak Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Charles S. McGill FYancis J. Nudd Patterson Warren C. McGovney Mrs. John Nuveen John M. Patton Robert McHugh Oak Park Temple Randolph Payson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kenneth E. Oakley John H. Payton Mcllvaine James F. Gates, Jr. Donald W. Pazdur Lowrie W. Mcintosh Robert O'Boyle Charles D. Peacock III Miss Mabel McKay Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mrs. E. S. Pearsoll Neil McKay O'Brien Donald E. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lawrence L. O'Connor Roy E. Peavey McKellar Michael J. O'Connor Fred R. Pedrigi Dr. Charles H. McKenna Thomas B. O'Connor Dick Pelles William Wood William R. Odell Vernon J. Pellouchoud McKittrick William W. Oelman John S. Pennell Mrs. Walker G. James Offield Louis L. Penner McLaury Dr. George A. Olander Harry D. Perkins Dr. Franklin C. McLean Daniel J. O'Leary Mrs. John F. Perkins Miss Shirley McMillen Mrs. Eric Oldberg Harold L. Perlman Frank McNair Henry C. Oliver William A. Perry Mrs. Robert C. Dr. Marguerite Oliver Mrs. E. S. Person McNamara S. C. Oliver Howard R Peterson William H. McNeill William S. Oliver P. E. Petty Joseph M. McNulty Wallace 0. Oilman Miss Roselyn Pfeiffer Dr. D. J. McPherson C. Vern Olmstead H. F. Philipsborn, Sr. Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Patrick L. O'Malley Richard S. Phillips Mrs. Walter H. Nadler Norton O'Meara George E. Phoenix Paul Nagel, Jr. George M. O'Neill Miss Natalie Picchiotti Mrs. Jerome Naman Seymour Oppenheimer Wilbert J. Pichler Col. & Mrs. John B. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Orb Albert Pick, Jr. Naser Mrs. John S. Osborne Mrs. Robert Picken Mrs. Sylvia J. Nathan W. Irving Osborne, Jr. F. E. Pielsticker Harry E. Neander Mrs. Gilbert H. Osgood Allen E. Pierce Mrs. Lloyd F. Neely J. Sanford Otis J. Norman Pierce Thomas E. Neely James Otis, Jr. D. Robert Pierson Robert F. Negele Stuart Huntington Otis Miss Gwendolyn Pike Arthur L. Nehls John Ekern Ott Mrs. C. S. Pillsburv Mrs. Winifred L. Neil Wendel Fentress Ott Bert O. Pinch Willard K. Nelson Dr. George H. Otto Mrs. Ira M. Pink Dr. Joseph G. Nemecek Anderson A. Owen Mrs. Gordon L. Pirie Dr. Glenway W. Mrs. Ralph W. Owen John T. Pirie, Jr. Nethercut Harry J. Owens Charles E. Pitte, Jr. 45 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Sherwood K. Piatt Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Ben L. Rosenberg George M. Plews Reeder Maurice Rosenfield John William Pocock Howard F. Reeves, Jr. Nathan Rosenstone Mrs. Barbara Polikoff Miss Lucy Regan Albert Jay Rosenthal Dr. Mildred Polniaszek Mrs. Robert G. Regan Lillian Rosenthal Abe L. Poncher Miss Ruth Regenstein Dr. Maurice J. Rosenthal Andrew L. Pontius John A. Reich Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. E. J. Pool Bryan S. Reid, Jr. Rosi Mr. & Mrs. George A. Dr. F. Theodore Reid, Earl Ross Poole Jr. Robert C. Ross Mrs. Henry Pope, Jr. Mrs. T. H. Reidy Dr. John P. Rossborough John W. Pope Dr. Leonard Reiffel William R. Rostek Sidney L. Port Vincent P. Reilly L. J. Rothbauer, Jr. Edward C. Porter Glen Reiman Albert B. Rothschild Mrs. Henry H. Porter Lester E. Rein Melville N. & Mary F. Mrs. I. R. Post Keith Reinhard Rothschild Fund Mr. & Mrs. Albert Max L. Reisner Arthur Rubloff Potts Edward Rembert Mrs. Frank E. Rubovits Charles C. Powell Miss Marie Katherine George L. Ruch Bert R. Prall Remien Miss Helen J. Ruch Wilfred C. Prather Dr. Earl W. Renefroe Richard C. Rudolphsen Max Pray Edward L. Renno John W. Ruettinger Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Dr. Fred A. Replogle Charles T. Rufener Preston Mrs. Charles Howard Dr. Charles J. Runner Miss Rhoda R. Price ReQua, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Edward J. Prince Mrs. Alexander H. Rush Harry Prince Revell Bron J. Rusin Reverend Herbert W. Miss Ada K. Rew Mrs. Mary H. Russell Prince Miss Irma L. Richards Edward C. Rustigan Frank W. Prindiville Dr. Maurice L. Arthur Ryan Robert A. Pritzker Richardson Anthony M. Ryerson Mrs. John A. Prosser Elmer W. Rietz Mrs. Donald M. Alex Pruzan Mrs. Frances E. Riley Ryerson Dr. Charles B. Puestow J. H. Riley Werner Ryser Victor W. Purcey George G. Rinder Robert W. Saigh William J. Quinn Charles Ritter Robert C. Sale John A. Quisenberry Mrs. Margaret H. Robb Dr. Melvin R. Salk S. S. Raab Reverend Hugh Mrs. E. D. Salmon Mrs. Otto J. Rabe Robbins, CSV J. A. Samartano Dr. G. J. Rabin Harry V. Roberts H. R. Sampson Joseph Rada S. M. Roberts Frank B. Sanders Richard J. Radebaugh William J. Roberts Henry T. Sanders Mrs. Arthur Raff Hugh Robertson Gerald Sanderson Miss Frances Railton Scott Robertson Miss Margaret H. L. S. Raisch C. Snelling Robinson Sanderson Norman Ramsden Milton D. Robinson Chester F. Sargent Dr. Charles Range Rosemary Robinson Ainslie Y. Sawyer P. Robinson Mrs. Alvah L. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sanger Sawyer Theodore W. Leonard B. Sax Ranney Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Robert Ransom Henry Burke B. Roche Scarborough S. Rasin Rudolph Mrs. T. Clifford Bernard E. Schaar Miss Georgia C. Rawson Rodman Miss Marion Schaffner Dr. Albert L. Raymond Dr. Douglas D. Francis R. Schanck William M. Redfield Rodriquez Ernest G. Schau Lawrence N. Redlin Miss Virginia M. Roos A. Scheinfeld Miss Gertrude E. Reeb Harry A. Root, Jr. Miss Marion H. Schenk Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Mrs. Philip Rootberg Mrs. Gerhart Schild Reed William A. Ropa Dr. A. L. Schiller Guy L. Reed Mrs. Evelyn Rose William E. Schindler 46 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Harold W. Schloss Mr. & Mrs. DeVer Joseph S. Spencer Norman J. Schlossman Sholes William M. Spencer Bernard J. Schluter J. R. Shoulberg Mrs. Gatzert Spiegel Mrs. Margaret W. Dr. Harry Sicher Modie J. Spiegel Schmidt Richard W. Sielaff Mrs. Robert E. Spiel P. J. Schneider E. John Sierocinski Robert A. Spira J. T. Schriver Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Cranston Spray Miss Gwendolyn Sigborn Richard A. Staat Schroeder Hubert S. Silberman Miss Linda Stabile Walter E. Schuessler Mrs. C. W. Sills Miss Kate Staley E. Charles Schuetz Herbert Silverman Frederick K. Stamm Miss Isabelle Schuh Harry Silverstein Thomas Stanislawski Miss Nanci Schulson Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Eugene J. Stankiewicz William A. Schwab Silvestro Frederick J. Stannard Robert S. Schwartz Dr. Arnold B. Simon Wilford T. Stannard William B. Schweizer Ruth A. Simpson Robert L. Stanton Dr. & Mrs. John S. William A. Singer C. B. Stateler Schweppe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Miss Edna A. Harry Schwimmer Singleton Staudinger Beverly C. Scott Ross D. Siragusa, Jr. Mabel L. Staudinger Mrs. Marion R. Scott Dr. Albert H. Slepyan Dr. Raymond W. Peter J. A. Scott Sam P. Sloan Steblay Mrs. Willis H. Scott James Sloss Stephen S. Steel Seabury Foundation Irwin H. Small Earl F. SteflFens Irving Seaman, Jr. Miss Jessie M. Small Albert Steg Miss Dorothy Sears John H. Smalley Mrs. Herbert Stein R. V. Searson Robert W. Smick Karl E. Stein Mr. & Mrs. G. Leland C. W. Smith Francis J. Steinbrecher Seaton Curtis Smith Julius P. Steindler George Seaverns Farwell Smith Mrs. Halsey Steins G. E. Seavoy Mrs. George D. Smith Norman A. Stepelton Jerome R. Sebastian Goff Smith John L. Stephens Frank Sedlacek Miss Grace Frances Dr. Natalie Stephens Nel M. Seeburg, Jr. Smith Gardner H. Stem Barry E. Semer H. Kellogg Smith Mrs, Joseph True Steuer Fred T. Semmer Harold A. Smith Mrs. Clement D. Stevens John G. Sevcik Mr. & Mrs. Hermon Mr. & Mrs. Adlai E. George S. Severance Dunlap Smith Stevenson III Fred P. Seymour, Jr. Miss Ollie M. Smith Ben T. Stevenson Everett E. Shafer Thom E. Smith Bernard F. Stewart James G. Shakman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Samuel R. Stiefel Joe Shamas Smith E. J. StoU Marc A. Shantz Walter H. Smith Russell F. Stoll Arthur M. Shapiro WiUiam S. Smith Edwin H. Stone Ludwig J. Sharlog Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Marvin N. Stone Carl J. Sharp Snydacker W. Clement & Jessie V. Donald H. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. J. U. Stone Foundation Alfred P. Shaw Snydacker William K. Stone Dr. Noel G. Shaw Edward C. Snyder Miss Phyllis A. Stout James E. Mr. & Mrs. L. Mrs. Charles C. Shedd Snyder Byron John C. Jr. Shedd Snyder Strandberg, Jeffrey Dr. Harold A. Sofield Dr. Nels M. Strand Mrs. Albert W. Sherer jord Mrs. Robert Sooy Frederick W. Straus Mrs. Earl E. Sherff James P. Soper, Jr. Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mrs. Robert Sherman Christ J. Sorensen Herbert R. Strauss Saul S. Sherman Harold E. Sortor Mrs. Herman A. Strauss William A. Sherwin South Shore Temple Ivan G. Strauss David L. Shillinglaw Herbert A. Southwell Dr. WiUiam B. Earle A. Shilton Mrs. Giorgio Spadaro Stromberg, Jr. Nels Shoan Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Speer LaRhett L. Stuart 47 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Mrs. Albert H. Tippens John Alexander Wagner Stuart Newton H. Tobey Richard Wagner Allen P. Stults Victor Torsberg Orlin I. Wahl Sturgis Family Mrs. Wilfred Tracy Louis J. Waitkus Foundation H. J. Trainor Arvid C. Walberg Carroll H. Sudler, Jr. Arthur C. Trask Edwin A. Walcher, Jr. Edwin T. Sujack George S. Trees C. R. Walgreen, Jr. Bolton Sullivan R. B. Trentlage F. Gale Walker, Jr. Frank L. Sulzberger Ralph A. Trieschmann Frank Walker Wayne N. Summers John C. Trindl, Jr. Malcolm M. Walker Norvel E. Surbaugh Dr. F. E. Trobaugh, Jr. Dr. Lydia Walkowiak Mrs. James L. Surpless William C. Trotter Richard Anthony Wm. Sutherland Byford E. Troutt Waller Mrs. James Swartchild John Truempy Dr. Eugene L. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William G. Joseph W. Tucker Thomas M. Walsh, Swartchild, Jr. Dr. George C. Turnbull Esquire Thaddeus M. Swastek Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Mrs. F. V. Walters Miss Gayle Swenson Turnbull Arthur K. Walton Irving G. Swenson Dr. Herbert A. Turner Dimitry Wanda Israel Swett Mrs. Thomas S. Tyler Mrs. Cyril L. Ward William O. Swett George P. Tyson Mrs. J. Harris Ward Arthur T. Swick Edgar J. Uihlein Paul G. Warren George H. Swift, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart E. Dr. Kenneth C. Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus F. Ullmann Washburn Swift, Jr. Norman A. Ulrich Mrs. Hempstead Miss Dorothy E. Gerard M. Ungaro Washburne, Jr. Symonds Mrs. Frederick W. Mrs. Hempstead Stuart Talbot Upham Washburne, Sr. Dr. J. H. Talbott Rolan R. Upton Mrs. Isabel B. Wasson Miss Joyce S. Tani Nelson M. Utley Donald O. Waterbury Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Mrs. Derrick Vail Mrs. George H. Watkins Tatham Harrison VanAken, Jr. Mrs. Henry B. Watkins Mrs. Colleen Tatner Dr. Graham A. Vance William A. P. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Edward Edna V. Vanek Amos H. Watts Hall Taylor Dr. Jack Van Elk George W. Watts Harold N. Taylor Errett VanNice Kline Weatherford John W. Taylor III Mrs. Edward E. Varnum Dr. Edward F. Webb William L. Taylor, Jr. Dominick Varraveto, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Leiand Temple Beth Israel Herbert P. Veldenz Webber Everett G. Temple D. J. Velo Mr. & Mrs. James E. Temple Israel M. P. Venema Weber Temple Menorah Mrs. James T. Venerable Robert B. Weber Temple Sholom Donald K. Vetterick Frederick F. Webster Dean Terrill Dr. Frank J. Veverka Kenneth L. Weeks Ashley C. Thomas Charles H. Vial Dr. Henry G. Wehringer C. Harold Thompson Mr. & Mrs. William George N. Weiland Dr. John R. Thompson Vincent Robert N. Weiner Joseph Thompson Robert Vines Paul Weir Warren H. Thon Bohumil Vlach Carl J. Weitzel David H. Thorburn Dr. Anton J. Vlcek Mrs. Donald P. Welles William E. Thoresen Mrs. Albert Vogt Mrs. Edward K. Welles Mrs. Bruce Thorne J. A. Volkober Mrs. John Paul Welling Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Thorley VonHolst C. A. Wells Thorson Dr. Harold C. Voris Preston A. Wells Dr. Irving D. Thrasher Hamilton Vose, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Howard A. Thrun Omer G. Voss Welton, Jr. Douglas E. Tibbitts Miss Mary Ann Barrett Wendell R. O. Tibbals Wacker F. Lee H. Wendell George Tiberius Dr. Harry K. William C. Wenninger S. N. Tideman, Jr. Waddington Reinald Werrenrath 48 (Individuals' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Dr. Newton K. Wesley Melville C. Williams Daniel Woodhead, Jr. Richard Wessling Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. Frank H. Woods Frederic W. West, Jr. W. J. Williams Miss Mary H. Kent N. Westrate Jack A. Williamson Woodward R. J. Wetterlund A. C. Wilson Francis C. Woolard Sydney B. Wexler Christopher W. Wilson C. A. Wooten Mrs. Joseph P. E. W. Wilson Otto R. Wormser Wharton, Jr. G. Rex Wilson C. G. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Grant V. Wilson Kenneth Muir Wright Wheatley Mrs. Robert E. Wilson Miss Margaret J. Henry P. Wheeler James R. Wimmer Wright Linden E. Wheeler Edward Wimp, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor M. R. H. Wheeler James G. Wing Wurster Lewis F. Wheelock Elwyn C. Winland Miss Frances Wyant Jerome P. Whiston Winnetka Weeders Alex K. Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Dr. I. C. Winter Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Whitaker John McFaul Witte Wyatt Frank White John B. Wolf Austin L. Wyman, Jr. John J. White Dr. Charles K. Wolfe Mrs. C. L Wynekoop Miss Naomi White Francis A. Wolff Joseph E. Wyse Philip M. White Robert E. Wolff Louis P. Yangas Mr. & Mrs. Roland D. Mrs. Marvin J. Wolfson Theodore N. Yelich Whitman Clifford Wolper Mrs. Ray M. York Miss Adele Whitney Arthur M. Wood Mrs. Bruce A. Young, Miss Lois Whitney Mrs. J. Howard Wood Sr. Raymond Wielgus Lloyd Wood Dr. & Mrs. Dennison Lawrence F. Wilkas Mr. & Mrs. R. Arthur Young Philip Will, Jr. Wood J. L. Young Joseph R. Willens General Robert E. J. William Zabor Albert D. Williams, Jr. Wood Leonard E. Zak Harry J. Williams Mrs. William J. Wood Mrs. Charles Zeman Miss Irene Lois Williams W. Lloyd Wood Mrs. Liddy Zickman Dr. Louis O. Williams James Woodburn David Zimberoff



Arthur Anderson & Co. First National Bank of Chicago Borg-Warner Corporation Foote, Cone & Belding Carson Pirie Scott & Co. General Biological Supply House, Inc. The Chicago Community Trust— Harris Trust and Savings Bank John G. and Frances C. Searle Fund Hi-Life Packing Company Chicago Daily News Illinois Arts Council Chicago Sun-Times Illinois Bell Telephone Company Chicago Title and Trust Company Illinois Central Industries Chicago Tribune Company Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc. Chicago's American International Harvester Company Columbia Pipe & Supply Co. Jewel Companies, Inc. Commerce Clearing House, Inc. M. S. Kaplan Company Commonwealth Edison Company Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz & Continental Illinois National Bank Masters and Trust Company of Chicago Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc. The A. B. Dick Company Link-Belt Company The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Draper and Kramer, Incorporated Smith, Inc. Marshall Field & Company John Mohr & Sons 49 (Corporations' Contributions of $1000 or more—continued)

James McHugh Construction Company Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation, The Northern Trust Company Inc. The Peoples Gas Company Sunbeam Corporation Playboy Magazine— Texaco, Inc. Hugh M. Hefner Foundation Universal Oil Products Company William A. Pope Company Victor Comptometer Corporation Pure Oil Company Walgreen Drug Stores The Quaker Oats Company Wenner-Gren Foundation Racing for Charities, Inc. Arthur Young & Company Rollins Burdick Hunter Co. The Youngstown Sheet and Tube S & C Electric Company Company Sahara Coal Company, Incorporated E. W. Zimmerman Construction Sears, Roebuck & Co. Products, Inc.


Acme Barrel Company Bigelow-Garvey Lumber Co. Acron Corrugated Box Co. Harold S. Brady and Company Action Diamond Tool Co. Fred S. Bremer Company Addo-X Sales Corporation Bronson & Bratton, Inc. Advance Heating & Air Conditioning Martin Brower Corporation Corp. Brunswick Corporation Air Control, Inc. Burgess Envelope Co. Alan Furniture Co., Inc. Leo Burnett Company, Inc. All American Life & Casualty Co. Burny Bros., Inc. Allied Asphalt Paving Company Calumet & Hecla, Inc. Allied Mills, Inc. Calumet Heat Treating Corporation Allied Structural Steel Company Camera Exchange Allstate Insurance Company Cameras International Productions Alnor Instrument Company Castle & Associates, Inc. The Harry Alter Co., Inc. Cellu-Craft Products Corporation Amazon Hose & Rubber Co. Central Fuel Corporation American Airlines Central National Bank in Chicago American Gage and Machinery Co. Central Steel & Wire Company American Linen Supply Company Century Engraving & Embossing American National Bank and Trust Century Weaver Foundation Company of Chicago Certified Burglar Alarm Systems, Inc. American SAB Company, Inc. Chemetron Corporation American Telephone and Telegraph Cherry Electrical Products Company Corporation Amphenol-Borg Electronics Chesley & Company Corporation Chicago Bridge and Iron Company Amsted Industries, Incorporated Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Anderson & Litwack Company Railroad Company Joseph Antognoli & Co. Chicago Heights Steel Apex Smelting Company Chicago Miniature Lamp Works Apollo Savings and Loan Assn. Chicago Specialty Manufacturing Appleton Electric Company Company Armour & Company Chicago White Metal Casting Atlas Electric Devices Co. Company Autogas Company Christensen &. Olsen Foundry Automatic Electric Company Citizens National Bank of Chicago The Bakery City Products Corporation Barnes Ely Company, Inc. Civic Savings & Loan Association Bauer Engineering, Inc. J. L. Clark Manufacturing Company Baxter Laboratories, Inc. Climate Control Corporation Better Office Supply Company Clipper Carloading Company 50 (Corporations' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

James B. Clow & Sons, Inc. Gaines & Gaines, Incorporated Coca Cola Bottling Company of Gane Brothers & Lane, Inc. Chicago Garden City Electric Company Combined Insurance Company of The Gaylord Foundation, Inc. America General American Transportation Combustion Engineering, Inc. Corporation Commerce Industrial Chemical, Inc. General Electric Company Consolidated Foods Corporation General Exhibits and Displays, Inc. Container Corporation of America General Mills, Inc. Continental Air Lines, Inc. Joseph L. Gill & Company Continental Glass Company Globe Oil & Refining Co. The Corey Steel Company Gordon Bros. Iron & Metal Co. Coronet Instructional Films John H. Grace Co. Coverall Laundry Service, Inc. The Grainger Foundation Crooks Terminal Warehouse, Inc. Edward Gray Corp. Cross Oil & Refining Company Graymills Corporation Crown Zellerbach Foundation Griswold & Bateman Company Crush International, Inc. A. H. Gruetzmacher & Co. Cummings & Wyman Guaranty Savings & Loan Association Daubert Foundation Hammond Corporation Charles C. Davis & Co. Hammond Warehouse Company J. N. Davis & Company Peter Hand Brewery Company Deboer Brothers Harding-Williams Corporation Dominick's Finer Foods, Inc. The Harmony Company Edward Don & Company Harris Hub Co., Inc. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Hart, Schaffner & Marx Duncan Industries, Inc. Hautau & Otto, Inc. E T M Studios, Inc. R, B. Hayward Company Electro-Kinetics, Inc. Health Food Jobbers, Inc. Enco, Inc. Heco Envelope Co. Englewood Electrical Supply Co. Helpmate, Inc. Equipment Storage Corporation The W. W. Henry Company Ernst and Ernst Hess-Stephenson Co. Estate of Leander J. McCormick Hiram Electrical Contractors, Inc. Faber Bros., Inc. Holabird & Root Fabrico Manufacturing Corp. Harry Holland & Son, Inc. Federal-Bryant Machinery Company Hoobler & Schwartz Feldkamp-M alloy, Inc. R. W. Hosmer & Co. Felt Products Manufacturing Household Finance Corporation Company T. N. Hubbard Scientific Company Feralloy Corporation W. H. Hutchinson & Son, Inc. J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company Ideal Personnel Ferrara Candy Company Illinois Railway Equipment Co. Fibers, Inc. Illinois Tool Works, Inc. File-Ad Service Company, Inc. Illinois-Wisconsin Sand and Gravel First Federal Savings & Loan Company Association of Chicago The Industrial Fumigant Company First National Bank of Morton Grove Interlake Steel Corporation Fischbach & Moore Electrical International Business Machines Contracting, Inc. Corporation Florsheim Shoe Company, Inc. International Minerals & Chemical Foley & Lavish Engineering Company Corp. Foundry Systems, Inc. Jahn & Oilier Engraving Company Fox Furniture Co., Inc. Johns-Manville Corporation Clinton E. Frank, Incorporated Jones and Brown Company, Inc. Otto Frankenbush, Inc. Jordan Paper Box Co. Fraser Stamp & Seal Company Kennedy & Kratzer, Inc. Freund Can Co. King Arthur's Pub Frito-Lay, Inc. A. M. Kinney Associates, Inc. Fullerton Coal Co. Knapp & Tubbs, Inc. 51 (Corporations' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Lester B. Knight & Associates, Inc. Nalco Chemical Company Robert S. Knowles, Inc. National Boulevard Bank of Chicago Koppers Company, Incorporated National Lacquer and Paint Co. Stanley Korshak, Inc. National Steel Container Corporation Krahl Construction Company National Tea Company Paul J. Krez Co. Henry Newgard & Company Paul Krone Die Casting Company Newman-Green, Inc. Lakeside Bank North American Car Corporation F. Landon Cartage Company North American Service Company, Inc. Lapham-Hickey Steel Corporation Northwestern Photoengraving La Salle National Bank Company Lawson Products, Inc. Northwest Screenprint Company Leavitt Tube Co., Inc. Norton McMurray Manufacturing Harry Lee & Sons, Inc. Company D. Lelewer & Son Nu Arc Company, Inc. Charles Levy Circulating Company John Nuveen & Co., Inc. Lichtenwald Iron Works Co. Oak Brook Employment Bureau, Inc. E. J. Liska & Company, Inc. B. Offen & Company, Inc. Local Electric Company O'Malley Bros., Inc. The Lockformer Co. Origin to Destination Container Joe Louis Milk Company Corporation Low's Incorporated Ozite Corporation Luce Press Clippings, Inc. Page Engineering Company Earle Ludgin & Company Palisade Roofing Company, Inc. Gerald H. Lurie Company Palmer Design Associates M & K Sales Panama Banana Distributing Co. Maclean-Fogg Lock Nut Company CD. Peacock Jewelers Magnaflux Corporation Peat, Marwick and Mitchell Malanco, Inc. Pella Windows and Doors, Inc. Mandabach & Simms, Inc. Pepper Construction Co. Manpower, Inc. Perfection Tool and Metal Marsh & McLennan, Incorporated H. F. Philipsborn & Co. Marsh and Truman Lumber Co. Phoenix Printing Company Marsteller, Inc. Photomatic Corporation Matherson-Selig Company George Pick & Company Oscar Mayer & Company Pioneer National Title Insurance Mayfair Molded Products Corporation Company Meadow Brook Products Co., Inc. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Mehring & Hanson-Wendt, Inc. John Plain & Company The Merchandise Mart The Plastic Contact Lens Co. Metal Box & Cabinet Corp. Poor & Company Metropolitan Structures The Prairie Farmer Publishing Metz Train Olson & Youngren, Inc. Company Midland Paper Company Precision Extrusions, Inc. Midwest Federation of Mineralogical Precision Steel Warehouse, Inc. and Geological Societies R. W. Pressprich & Co Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc. Price Waterhouse & Company Frank Miller's Sons Fireproofing Co. Producers Livestock Credit Mohawk Electric Construction Corporation Company Productigear Co. Mojonnier Bros. Company Production Metal Products Company, Monarch Hardwood Lumber Inc. Company Radio Steel & Manufacturing Monarch Laundry Company Company Monon Railroad Rand McNally & Company Morton International, Incorporated Rapid Roller Company Moser Paper Company Real Estate Research Corporation Murphy & Miller Corporation The Regensteiner Publishing W. C. McCrone Associates, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Hobart Mcintosh Paper Company Resol Manufacturing Company, Inc. 52 (Corporations' Contributions of less than $1000—continued)

Rickard Circular Folding Co. Sullivan's Law Directory C. A. Riley Electric Construction Superior Silk Screen Industries, Inc. Corporation Sweetheart Cup Corporation Riley Printing Company Swett Realty Company Roberts and Porter, Inc. Swift & Company Robertson Advertising, Inc. Synchro-Start Products, Inc. Runzel Cord and Wire Co. Szabo Food Service, Inc. Russell-Hampton Co., Inc. The Tablet & Ticket Co. Santa Fe Foundation, Inc. Tee-Pak, Inc. Saxon Paint Stores F. D. Thompson Publications K. Schlanger Co. Thompson Refrigeration Corporation The SchoU Manufacturing Company, Thor-Shackel Horse Radish Company Inc. Thorton Cartage Company J. Schonthal & Associates The Paper Mate Co. Schuessler Knitting Mills The Toni Company Schwinn Bicycle Company Arthur C. Trask Company Sciaky Brothers, Inc. Transilwrap Co. Scott, Foresman and Company Truax-Traer Coal Company Scribner & Co. Twinplex Manufacturing Company Sealy Mattress Company Uniform Printing & Supply Second Federal Savings and Loan United Conveyor Corporation Association of Chicago United-Greenfield Corporation Walter E. Selck and Co. United States Gypsum Company Seventy-fourth & Halsted Currency Universal Metal Hose Company Exchange Universal Screw Co. John Sexton & Co, Universal Wire & Cable Company John Sexton Sand and Gravel Corp. Urban Investment & Development Co. Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Vaco Products Co. Geraldson Valve & Primer Corporation Shure Brothers, Inc. Vapor Corporation Signode Corporation Ventfabrics, Inc. The Simoniz Company WBBM-TV Sinclair Refining Company Warwick Electronics, Inc. Skil Corporation The Water Tower Hyatt House Society for Visual Education, Inc. Watervliet Paper Company Son and Prins Co. Wedron Silica Company Spaulding & Company The Welding Shop Spector Freight Systems, Inc. Western Community Salvage Company The Sperry & Hutchinson Co. Westinghouse Electric Corporation Standard Alliance Industries, Inc. Wilkens Anderson Company Standard Car Truck Company Winter-Kahn-Nielsen-Ross & Standard Forgings Corporation Buckwalter, Inc. Standard Photo Supply Co. Winzeler Manufacturing & Tool Co. Standard Process Corporation Wisconsin Tool & Stamping Co. Starbey Food Products Company Wolfberg & Kroll Steel City Furniture Company Woodbridge Ornamental Iron Co. Hess Stephenson Co. Woodwork Corporation of America Charles A. Stevens & Company Young & Rubicam, Inc. Stromberg Allen and Company The Zack Foundation The Stutz Company

53 Museum Publications in 1967-1968

DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Martin, Paul S., William A. Longacre and James M. Hill 1967. Chapters in the Prehistory of Eastern Arizona, III. Fieldiana: Anthro- pology, vol. 57, 179 pp., 107 illus., 6 tables. Reixman, Fred M. 1967. Fishing: An Aspect of Oceanic Economy, An Archaeological Approach. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 56, no. 2, 110 pp., 11 illus., 3 tables. VanStone, James W. 1968. An Annotated Ethnohistorical Bibliography of The Nushagak River Region, Alaska. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 54, no. 2, 44 pp. 1968. Tikchik Village, A Nineteenth Century Riverine Community in South- western Alaska. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 56, no. 3, 158 pp., 32 illus., 4 tables.

DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Burger, William C. 1968. Notes on the Flora of Costa Rica, I. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 11, 2 pp., 1 illus. Edwin, Gabriel 1967. Preliminary Notes on the Scrophulariaceae of Peru. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 8, 7 pp. Gibson, Dorothy N. 1967. Flora of Peru. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 13, part V-A, no. 2, 30 pp. 1968. A New Guatemalan Spigelia. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 1, 4 pp. 1968. Studies in American Plants. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 15, 4 pp. Glassman, S. F. 1967. New Species of Palm Genus Syagrus Mart. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 9, 11 pp., 7 illus. 1968. Syagrus oleraeaea (Mart.) Becc. and Closely Related Taxa. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 3, 21 pp., 10 illus. 1968. Studies in the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart. Fieldiana: Botanv, vol. 31, no. 17, 34 pp., 20 illus. 1968. Neiv Species in the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart, II. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 13, 17 pp., 15 illus. Heller, Alfonso H. 1968. A New Eurystyles /rom Nicaragua. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 12, 5 pp., 1 illus. 1968. Three New Nicaraguan Epidendrums. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 2, 5 pp., 2 illus.

Molina R., Antonio 1968. Two New Nicaraguan Juglandaceae. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 16, 5 pp. Ponce de Leon, Patricio 1968. -4 Rerision of the Family Geastraceae. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 14, 49 pp., 20 illus. 54 Standley, Paul C. and Louis O. Williams 1967. Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 24, part VIII, no. 3, 55 pp., 10 ill us.

Williams, Louis O. 1967. Tropical American Plants, VIII. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 10, 21 pp., 2 illus. 1968. Tropical American Plants, IX. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 18, 27 pp., 2 illus.

1968. Tropical American Plants, X. Fieldiana: Botanv, vol. 32, no. 4, 27 pp., 2 illus.


Clark, John, James R. Beerbower and Kenneth K. Kietzke 1967. Oligocene Sedimentation, Stratigraphy, Paleoecology and Paleoclimatology in the Big Badlands of South Dakota. Fieldiana: Geology Memoirs, vol. 5, 158 pp., 56 illus. Clark, John 1968. Cymaprimadontidae, A New Family of Insectivores. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 8, 14 pp., 5 illus., 1 table. DeMar, Robert E. 1967. Txvo New Species of Broiliellus (Amphibians) from the Permian of Texas. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 5, 13 pp., 2 illus. Denison, Robert H. 1967. Ordovician Vertebrates from Western United States. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 6, 61 pp., 26 illus. 1968. Middle Devonian Fishes from the Lemhi Range of Idaho. Fieldiana: Geol- ogy, vol. 16, no. 10, 20 pp., 12 illus. 1968. Early Devonian Lungfishes from Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 17, no. 4, 63 pp., 26 illus.

Gaffney, Eugene S. and Rainer Zangerl 1968. A Revision of the Chelonian Genus Bothremys (Pleurodira: Pelomedusi- dae). Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 7, 47 pp., 22 illus. Johnson, Ralph G. and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. 1968. The Essex Fauna and Medusae. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 7, 9 pp., 6 illus.

Nigrini, Catherine and Matthew H. Nitecki 1968. Occurrence of Radiolaria in the Mississippian of Arkansas. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 9, 14 pp., 11 illus. Nitecki, Matthew H. 1967. Bibliographic Index of North American Archaeocyathids. Fieldiana: Geol- ogy, vol. 17, no. 2, 117 pp., 1 fig., 1 table. 1968. On the Nature of the Holotype of Nipterella Paradoxica (Billings). Fieldi- ana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 11, 7 pp., 4 illus. and Diana Z. Handler 1968. Catalog of Type and Referred Specimens of Fossil Ostracodes in the Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 17, no. 5, 103 pp. and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. 1967. Catalogue of Type Specimens of Conodonts in the Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 17, no. 1, 100 pp. 55 Olson, Everett C.

1968. The Family Caseidae. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 17, no. 3, 124 pp., 29 illus., 4 tables. RiGBY, J. Keith and Matthew H. Nitecki 1968. Annotated Bibliography of Lower Paleozoic Sponges of North America. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 18, no. 1, 146 pp.

Index to Volume 13, Fieldiana: Geology, 44 pp.

DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Bacon, James P., Jr. 1967. Systematic Status of Three Scincid Lizards (Genus Sphenomorphus) from Borneo. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 4, 14 pp., 4 illus., 2 tables. Broadley, Donald G. 1968. A New Species of Crotaphopeltis (Serpentes: Colubridae). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 10, 5 pp., 2 illus. Hassinger, Jerry D. 1968. Introduction to the Mammal Survey of the 1965 Street Expedition to Af- ghanistan. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 55, no. 1, 81 pp., 25 illus., 1 table. Inger, Robert F. 1967. A New Colubrid Snake of the Genus Stegonotus from Borneo. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 5, 7 pp., 1 illus., 3 tables. Lay, Douglas M. 1967. A Study of the Mammals of Iran Resulting from the Street Expedition of 1962-63. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 54, 280 pp., 32 illus. Moore, Joseph Curtis 1968. Relationships Among the Living Genera of Beaked Whales, With Classifi- cations, Diagnoses and Keys. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 53, no. 4, 90 pp., 24 illus. Fleming, Robert L. and Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. 1968. Distributional Notes on Nepal Birds. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 53, no. 3, 59 pp. Rand, Austin L. 1967. The Flower-Adapted Tongue of a Timxiliinae Bird and Its Implications. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 3, 8 pp., 2 illus. 1968. Geographical Variation in the Canary Serinus sulphuratus. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 8, 6 pp. 1968. Intra-Relations of African Canaries, Genus Serinus. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 9, 10 pp. and DioscoRO S. Rabor 1967. Neiv Birds from Luzon, Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 6, 5 pp. Solem, Alan 1967. New Molluscan Taxa and Scientific Writings of Fritz Haas. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 53, no. 2, 74 pp. Traylor, Melvin A., Jr.

1967. A Collection of Birds from Szechwan. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 53, no. 1, 65 pp. and Daniel A. Parelius 1967. A Collection of Birds from the Ivory Coast. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 7, 27 pp.

Index to Volume ^1, Fieldiana: Zoology, 46 pp. 56 Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin

VOL. 38, 1967

Blake, Emmet R. Mueller, Robert F. Guatemala Birds: Random Recollections The Surface of Venus, no. 1. of an Ornithologist, no. 3. Nitecki, Matthew H. Carver, Norman F., Jr. Underground Art, no. 9. Silent Cities: An Architect's View of Ancient Mexico and the Maya, Rand, Austin L. no. 10. The Birds of New Guinea, no. 12. Clark, Phil The Great Auk Comes to Chicago, no. 2. Vamonos a Mexico Amiga!, no. 10. Picture Making by Apes and Its Evo- lutionary Significance, no. 1. Collier, Donald Pre-Columbian Isthmian Goldwork, RoscoE, Ernest J. no. 4. Winter journey: Magic, Medicine and Recent acquisition—Anthropology: Minerals, no. 12. Pre-Columbian Mexican Art, no. 10. SiROTo, Leon Fricke, George The Twins of Yorubaland, no. 7. Animal Immigrants, no. 6. Solem, Alan FucHS, Louis H. Book review: Shell Collecting: An Il- New Mineral Honors Stanley Field, lustrated History, by S. Peter Dance, no. 8. no. 9. The Two Careers Fritz no. 11. Grayson, Michelle B. of Haas, Bird of the Mangrove Swamp, no. 5. Turnbull, Priscilla Legge, Christopher C. and Bones of Palegawra, no. 9. Patricia M. Williams VanStone, James W. Missionaries as no. 5. Collectors, Eskimo Whaling Charms, no. 11. and Edward G. Nash Williams, Louis 0. Tale a Tiki, no. 8. of Cabbages and Kin, no. 8. Little, Judith Phelps The Calabash Tree, no. 4. Spring Journey on Africa Draws on Guatemala: An Appreciation, no. 2. Youthful Talent, no, 3. Williams, Patricia M. LuPTON, Keith Arts and Science: An Able Staff of Looking Over the Field, no. 1. Artists Use Their Talents to Aid the Museum Research Staff, no. 6. Martin, Paul S. Hay Hollow Site, no. 5. Wylie, Turrell V. Sectarianism in Tibetan Buddhism, Marx, Hymen no. 12. Recent acquisition—Zoology: Little- known Caecilians Feature of New Zangerl, Rainer Collection, no. 11. X-Rays Find Fossils, no. 7.

VOL.39, 1968

Clark, Phil Burger, William C. The Many-Faceted Jewel: Brazil, A Tropical Spring, no. 4, no. 6.

57 Fawcett, W. Peyton Starr, Kenneth England's Chiefest Herbarist, Master Chinese Typewriters: A Case of Stimu- John Parkinson, no. 12. lus Diffusion, no. 10. Fleming, Edith Rubinyi, Lois Fall With the Journey: Hunt Cavemen, The American Indian Festival, no. 9. no. 9. Tax, Sol Hall, Gwendolyn They Built; They Did Not Destroy, — Told a no. 9. Joseph Story By Fossil, A Remarkable Thing, no. 9. Robert F. Inger, Thompson, Ida L. New Graduate Center Opens, no. 2. Cuttlefish Story, no. 2. Martin, Paul S. TuRNBULL, William D. Lowry Pueblo, Then and Now, no. 4. A Fossil Comes to Life, no. 1. Nash, Edward G. White, Christopher, A. The Quest for the Dancing Worm, no. 4. Summer Report, no. 6. Olsen, Edward J. Patricia M. Meterorites, no. 11. Williams, The Museum Trademark, no. 1. Dale J. OsBORN, The Bumham Plan and Field Museum, Hyena Hunt, no. 3. no. 5. The Other Time I Came On Birth- Rackerby, Frank and My Struever, Stuart day, no. 9. Over an Old no. 11. The Horton Site, a Casebook in Urgent Turning Leaf, Archaeology, no. 3. The Tanning Villas of Field Museum, no. 12. Richardson, Eugene S., Jr. Williams, Louis O. Jellyfish in Them Thar Hills, no. 10. The Vanishing Tropical Forests, no. 7. RoscoE, Ernest Winter Journey: Ancient Sea Mon- Yadin, Yigael sters, no. 12. Masada, no. 5.

Other Publications of Staff Members


Cole, Glen H. 1967. "The later Acheulian and Sangoan of southern Uganda," Background to Evolution in Africa, edited by W. W. Bishop and J. D. Clark. University of Chicago Press, pp. 481-526.

1967 [1968]. "A re-investigation of Magosi and the Magosian," Quarternaria IX, pp. 153-168.

Collier, Donald 1968. Review of Ecuador (by Betty J. Meggers). American Antiquity, vol. 33 pp. 269-71. 1968. (with Lois Rubinyi) "The American Indian Festival and the Chicago Indians: Indian Art and Indian Life Ways." In The American Indian Festi- val, (Field Museum of Natural History) American Indian Center, Chicago, pp. 1-4. 58 Lewis, Phillip H. 1967. "Primitive Art: Introduction," Encyclopedia Brifannica, vol. 18, pp. 519- 520.

1967. Review of Prehistoric and Primitive Man ("by Andreas Lommel). Amer- ican Biology Teacher, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 234-235. 1967. Review of Prehistoric and Primitive Man (by Andreas Lommel). Amer- ican Anthropologist, vol. 69, no. 6. 1968. "Primitive Art." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. The Macmillan Co. and the Free Press, N.' Y., vol. 12, pp. 477-480. 1968. Review of Versuch einer Stilanalyse der Aufhiingehaken torn Miitleren Sepik in Neu-Guinea (by Reimar Schefold). American Anthropologist, vol. 70, pp. 405-406.

SiROTO, Leon 1967. Review of A Bibliography of African Art (L. J. P. Gaskin, compiler). American Anthropologist, vol. 69, no. 1, p. 109. 1967. Review of Industries et Cultures en Cote d'lvoire (by B. Holas). Amer- ican Anthropologist, vol. 69, no. 6, p. 756.

1968. "The Face of the Bwiiti." African Arts /Arts d'Afrique, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 22-27, 86-89, 96. 1968. Review of Der Wandel okonomischer Rollen bei den westlichen Dan in Liberia (by E. Fischer). Man, vol. 3, pp. 505-506. Starr, KENhfETH 1968. Review of New Light on Prehistoric China (by Cheng Te-k' un). Amer- ican Anthropologist, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 414-415. VanStone, James W. 1967. Eskimos of the Nushagak River, An Ethnographic History. University of Washington Press, xv, 192 pp. 1967. (with W. H. Oswalt) The Ethnoarchaeology of Crow Village, Alaska. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 199, 144 pp. 1967. Introduction to: Lieutenant Zagoskin's Travels in Russian America 1842- 1844. Edited by Henry N. Michael. University of Toronto Press. 1967. "Snowshoe." Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 22, pp. 726-727. 1968. "Ethnohistorical research in Alaska." Proceedings of the Conference on Alaskan History, Alaska Methodist University Press, pp. 51-59. 1968. (with W. H. Oswalt) "Russkoe nasledie na Alyaske. Perspektivy etno- graficheskovo izucheniya." Sovetskaya Etnografiya, no. 2, pp. 128-131. 1968. Review of The Eskimo of St. Michael and Vicinity as Related by H. M. W. Edmonds. Edited by Dorothy Jean Ray. Pacific Northwest Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 165-166. 1968. Review of People of the Noatak (by Claire Fejos). American Anthro- pologist, vol. 70, no. 1, p. 114.

DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Burger, William C. 1967. Families of Flowering Plants in Ethiopia. Oklahoma State University Press, illus., 236 pp. Edwin, Gabriel 1967. "Aquifoliaceae of Panama," Flora of Panama. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, vol. 54, pp. 381-387. 1967. "Aquifoliaceae of Auyan Tepui" in "Flora of Auyan Tepui." Acta Bo- tanica Venezuelica, vol. 2, pp. 235-237. 1967. and Padre Raulino Reitz. "Aquifoliaceae of Santa Catarina" in Flora Illustrada Catarinense, part I, pp. 1-47, illus. 59 Singer, Rolf 1968. Nuevos hongos descubiertos en Chile. Biologica, vol. 41, pp. 69-71. 1968. Review of Les Russula d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord (by Henri Romag- nesi). Mycologia, vol. 60, pp. 1127-1130.

Stolze, Robert G. 1968. "A New Bolivian Collection of the Rare Elaphoglossum cardenasii." American Fern Journal, vol. 58, pp. 31-32. Williams, Louis O. 1968. "Notes on Asclepiadaceae of Panama." Annals of the Missouri Botanica Gardens, vol. 55, pp. 48-50. 1968. "A Beautiful Costa Rican Kohleria." Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 291-292. 1968. "The Role of Botany and Herbaria in Plant Introduction." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plant Introduction, Escuela Agricola Pan- americana, Honduras, 1967, pp. 43-47.

DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Bardack, David and Rainer Zangerl 1968. "First Fossil Lamprey: A Record from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois." Science, vol. 162, no. 3859, 4 figs., pp. 1265-7. Denison, Robert H. 1967. "A New Protaspis from the Devonian of Utah, With Notes on the Classi- fication of Pteraspididae." Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology), vol. 47, 2 figs., 2 pis., pp. 31-37. 1968. "The Evolutionary Significance of the Earliest Known Lungfish, Uranolo- phus." In Current Problems of Lower Vertebrate Phytogeny, edited by T. 0rvig. Proceedings of the Fourth Nobel Symposium, June 1967, Stockholm, Figs. 1-9, pp. 247-257. NiTECKi, Matthew H.

1967. "Receptaculites Deshayes, 1828 (Receptaculitids) : Proposed Validation under the Plenary Powers." Z. N. (S) 1787. Bulletin of Zoological Nomen- clature, vol. 24, part 2, pp. 119-120. 1967. "Systematic Position of Receptaculitids." Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Abstr.), pp. 165-166. 1967. (with J. Kolb and J. Lemke) "A Search for Values." Chicago Today, vol. 4, no. 1, 7 figs., pp. 42-49. 1967. (with Keith Rigby) "New Mississippian Demosponge from Arkansas" (Abstr.). Geological Society of America Special Papers, vol. 87, p. 117. 1968. "Revision of North American Cyclocrinitids" (Abstr.). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, North Central Section, p. 35. 1968. (with Walter Sadlick) "Notable Color Pattern in a Fossil Brachiopod." Journal of Paleontology, vol. 42, no. 2, pi. 58, pp. 404-405. 1968. (with Alan Solem) "Cyclospongia discus Miller, 1891: A Gastropod Operculum, Not a Sponge." Journal of Paleontology, vol. 42, no. 4, pi. 124, 2 figs., pp. 1007-1013. 1968. "The Nature and the Systematic Position of Receptaculitids." Inter- national Paleontological Union, Prague, pp. 19-20. Olsen, Edward 1967. "Amphibole: First Occurrence in a Meteorite." Science, vol. 156 (3771), pp. 61-62. 1967. (with L. Fuchs and E. Henderson) "On the Occurrence Brianite and Pane- thite, Two New Phosphate Minerals from the Dayton Meteorite." Geo- chimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 31, pp. 1711-1719. 60 1967. (with L. Fuchs, Argonne National Laboratory) "The State of Oxidation of Some Iron Meteorites." Icarus, vol. 6, pp. 242-253. 1967. "A New Occurrence of Roedderite and Its Bearing on Osumilite-type Minerals." American Mineralogist, vol. 52, pp. 1519-1523. 1967. (with R. F. Mueller) "The Olivine, Pyroxene and Metal Content of Chondritic Meteorites as a Consequence of Prior's Rule." Mineralogist Maga- zine, vol. 36, pp. 311-318. 1968. Introduction to Gems and Precious Stones of North America (by George F. Kunz). Dover Publications, New York. 1968. Introduction and Addenda to Precious Stones (by Max Bauer). Dover Publications, New York. 1968. (with Dr. T. Bunch (NASA)) "Potassium Feldspar in the Weekeroo Sta- tion, Kodaikanal, and Colomera Iron Meteorites." Science, vol. 160, no. 3833, pp. 1123-1225. 1968. (with Dr. T. Bunch (NASA)) "Potassium Feldspar in the Weekero Sta- tion, Kodaikanal, and Colomera Iron Meteorites." Science, vol. 162, no. 3861, pp. 1507-1508. 1968. (with Louis Fuchs (Argonne National Laboratory)) "Krinovite, NaMg2 CrSisOio: A New Meteorite Mineral." Science, vol. 161, no. 3843, pp. 786-787. TuRNBULL, William D. 1967. (with E. L. Lundelius, Jr.) "Pliocene Mammals from Victoria, Austra- lia." Section C. Abstracts, 39th Congress, ANZAAS, Melbourne, p. K9. 1967. (with E. L. Lundelius, Jr.) "Fossil Vertebrate Potential at Smeaton, Victoria." Ibid, pp. KlO-11. 1967. (with C. A. Reed) "Pseudochrysochloris, A Specialized Burrowing Mam- mal from the Early Oligocene of North America." Journal of Paleontology, vol. 41, no. 3, figs. 1-5, pp. 623-631. 1967. "Tylopoda." Encyclopedia Britannica, pp. 434-435. Zangerl, Rainer 1968. "The Morphology and Developmental History of the Scales of the Paleo- zoic Sharks HolmeseUal sp. and Orodus." In Current Problems of Lower Verte- brate Phytogeny, edited by T. 0rvig. Fourth Nobel Symposium, Stockholm, 17 figs., pp. 399-412. 1968. Translated and Edited: Peyer, Bernhard, Comparative Odontology. Uni- versity of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, XIV and 347 pp., 220 figs., 88 pis., 8 col. pis. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Blake, Emmet R. 1968. "Icteridae" in Check-list of Birds of the World, vol. 14, pp. 138-202. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1968. "Vireonidae" ,in Check-list of Birds of the World, vol. 14, pp. 103-138. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. FooDEN, Jack

1967. "Macaca fuscata (Blyth, 1875) : Proposed Conservation as the Name for the Japanese Macaque (Mammalia)." Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 24, pp. 250-251. 1967. "Complementary Specialization of Male and Female Reproductive Struc- tures in the Bear Macaque, Macaca arctoides." Nature, vol. 214, no. 5091, 4 figs., pp. 939-941. Hershkovitz, Philip 1967. "Dynamics of Rodent Molar Evolution, A Study Based on the New World Cricetinae, Family Muridae." Journal of Dental Research, vol. 46, no. 5, Suppl., 8 figs., pp. 829-842.

61 Nadler, Charles F. 1968. (with R. Hoffman) "Chromosomes and Systematics of Some North American Species of the Genus Marmota (Rodentia: Sciuridael." Experientia, vol. 24, pp. 740-742, 1 fig. 1968. "Serum Protein Electrophoresis of Oreamnos americanus (Mountain Goat) and Comparison of Sera from Canadian and Alaskan Alces alces (Moose) and Ovis dalli (Sheep)." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, vol. 25, 2 figs., pp. 1121-1124. 1968. "The Chromosomes of Spermophilus townsendi (Rodentia: Sciuridae) and Report of a New Subspecies." Cytogenetics, vol. 7, 5 figs., 2 tables, pp. 144-157. 1968. "Chromosomes of the Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus richardsoni aureus (Davis)." Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 49, no. 2, 1 fig., pp. 312-314. 1968. "Serum proteins and transferrins of the Ground Squirrel Sub-genus Spermophilus." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, vol. 27, p. 487. 1968. (with D. A. Sutton) "Chromosomes of North American Chipmunks Eutamias." Journal of Mammxilogy, vol. 49, no. 2, 1 fig., pp. 312-314.

Rand, Austin L. 1967. "Family Nectariniidae." Check-list of Birds of the World, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, vol. 12, pp. 208-289. 1967. Ornithology: An Introduction, W. W. Norton & Co., 51 illus., 296 pp. 1967. (with E. Thomas Gilliard) Handbook of New Guinea Birds, George Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 76 illus., 5 color plates, 612 pp. 1967. "A Common Grackle to Soak Bread," The Wilson Bulletin, vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 455-456. 1967. "The Bat Hawks." The North Queensland Naturalist, vol. 34, no. 143, p. 8. 1968. Review of Edward Wilson's Birds of the Antarctic. Edited by Brian Roberts. Science, vol. 159, Feb. 23, 1968, p. 866. 1968. "Symposium on Birds of Prey." Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association News Letter No. UO, February 1968, p. 19. 1968. "What is Serinus flavigula." Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, vol. 88, no. 7, pp. 116-119. 1968. "Family Carduelinae." Check-list of Birds of the World, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, vol. 14, pp. 207-306.

Solem, Alan 1967. "Basic Distribution Patterns of Non-Marine Mollusks." Marine Bio- logical Association of India Symposium on Mollusca, Abstracts of Papers, p. 25. 1968. "Abundance, Local Variation and Brood Pouch Formation in Libera fratercula from Rarotonga, Cook Islands." Annual Report for 1968, The American Malacological Union, Inc., 3 figs., pp. 10-12. 1968. (with Matthew Nitecki) "Cyclospongia discus Miller, 1891 —a gastropod operculum, not a sponge." Journal of Paleontology, vol. 42, no. 4, 2 text figs., pp. 1007-1013. 1968. "Locomotion in Aporrhais and Haliotis." Annual Report for 1967, The American Malacological Union, Inc., p. 45. 1968. "Personality of the Month—Dr. Fritz Haas." Hawaiian Shell News, vol. 16, no. 12, fig., p. 8. " 1968. 'Ptychodon' misoolensis Adam & van Benthem Jutting, 1939, A New Guinea Strobilopsid Land Snail and Review of the Genus Enteroplax." The Veliger, vol. 11, no. 1, 1 fig., 1 map, 1 table, pp. 24-30. 1968. "The Subantarctic Land Snail, Notodisciis hookeri (Reeve, 1854) (Pul- monata, Endodontidae)." Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 38, 8 figs., 1 table, pp. 251-266. 62 This page was inadvertently omitted from the Report. Please insert it between pp. 62 and 63.

1967. Review of Evolutionary and Genetic Biology of Primates, vol. 1. Edited by John Buettner-Janusch. The American Biology Teacher, Nov., pp. 664- 665. 1968. "Metachromism, the principle of evolutionary change in mammalian tegumentary colors." Evolution, vol. 22, no. 3, 13 figs., pp. 556-575.

Inger, Robert F. 1967. "The Development of a Phylogeny of Frogs." Evolution, vol. 21, pp. 369-384. 1967. (with Bernard Greenberg) "Annual Reproductive Patterns of Lizards from a Bornean Rain Forest." Ecology, vol. 47, pp. 1007-1021. 1968. (with James P. Bacon) "Annual reproductive patterns and clutch size in frogs from the rain forest of Borneo." Copeia, 1968, pp. 602-606.

LiEM, Karel F. 1967. "The Functional Morphology of the Respiratory, Digestive and Integu- mentary Systems of the Synbranchiform Fish Monopterus albus." Copeia, vol. 2, pp. 375-388. 1967. "Respiratory System." McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technol- ogy, pp. 340-341. 1967. "Functional Morphology of the Head of the Anabantoid Teleost Fish Helostoma temmincki." Journal of Morphology, vol. 121, pp. 135-156. 1967. "A Morphological Study of Luciocephalus pulcher, with Notes on Gular Plates in Other Recent Teleosts." Journal of Morphology, vol. 121, pp. 103- 134. 1967. Review of Modes of Reproduction in Fishes (by C. M. Breder and D. E. Rosen). American Biology Teacher, vol. 29, pp. 137-138. 1967. Review of Island Life (by Sherwin Carlquist). American Biology Teacher, vol. 29, pp. 315-318. 1968. "Geographic and Taxonomic Variation in the Pattern of Natural Sex Reversal in the Teleost Fish Order Synbranchiformes." Journal of Zoology (London), vol. 156, pp. 225-238. 1968. (with George W. Barlow and Wolfgang Wickler) "Badidae, a New Tele- ost Fish Family—Behavioral, Osteological, and Developmental Evidence." Journal of Zoology, vol. 156. 1968. Review of A Study of the Cat (by W. F. Walker, Jr.). American Biology Teacher, vol. 30, p. 770. 1968. "Comparative Functional Anatomy of the Feeding Apparatus of the Teleost Fish Family Nandidae." (Abstr.) American Zoologist, vol. 156, p. 415. Marx, Hymen 1967. (with A. Stanley Rand) "Running Speed of the Lizard Basiliscus basi- liscus on Water." Copeia, 1967, pp. 230-233. 1968. Checklist of the Reptiles and Amphibians of Egypt. Special Publication, United States Naval Medical Research Unit Number Three, Cairo, figs. 1-11, maps 1-31, pp. 1-84. Moore, Joseph Curtis 1967. Review of Mice All Over (by Peter Crowcroft). Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 48, no. 3, p. 500. 1968. Review of Checklist of Palearctic and Indian Mammals (by J. R. Eller- man and T. C. S. Morrison Scott, second edition, 1966; and The Terrestrial Mammals of Western Europe (by G. B. Corbet). Both books reviewed in Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 168-170. 1968. "Sympatric Species of Tree Squirrels Mix in Mating Chase." Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 531-532. 1 1968. "Endodontid Land Snails of Rapa Island: Patterns and Problems in Speciation." Annual Report for 1967, The American Malacological Union, Inc., pp. 33-34. Traylor, Melvin a. 1967. (with Richard K. Brooke) "Apus apus apus in the Cameroons." Bul- letin of the British Ornithologists' Club, vol. 87, pp. 124-125. 1967. "A Case of Dimorphic Juvenal Plum^e." Bulletin of the British Orni- thologists' Club, vol. 87, pp. 58-60. 1967. "A New Race of Cisticola galactotes." Bulletin of the British Ornitholo- gists' Club, vol. 87, p. 58. 1967. "A New Species of Cisticola." Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, vol. 87, pp. 45-48. 1967. "A Spotted Breast Band in Apalis rufifrons." Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, vol. 87, p. 112. 1967. "The Nomenclatural Standing of Clericus polydenominata." The Vanish- ing Press, Natural History References, no. 2, 11 pp. 1967. "Notes on Apalis cinerea and Apalis chariessa." Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, vol. 87, pp. 95-96. 1968. (with Ernst Mayr and Raymond A. Paynter, Jr.) "Estrildidae." Check- list of Birds of the World, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., vol. 14, pp. 306-390. 1968. "Viduinae." Check-list of Birds of the World, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., vol. 14, pp. 390-397. 1968. "Winter Molt in the Acadian Flycatcher, Empidonax virescens." The Auk, vol. 85, p. 691. 1968. Review of The Bird Faunas of Africa and Its Islands (by R. E. Moreau). Bird-Banding, vol. 39, pp. 69-71.


RoscoE, Ernest J. 1967. "An Experimental Course in Earth Science for Elementary Teachers." Journal of Geological Education, vol. 14, pp. 195-196. 1967. "Elementary Level Geology at Field Museum." Geotimes, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 7. 1967. "Let's Get the Kids Out of the Classroom and Into the Street—A Plea for Urban Natural History." Turtox News, vol. 45, pp. 20-21. 1967. "Ethnomalacology and Paleoecology of the Round Butte Archaeological Sites, Deschutes River Basin, Oregon." Museum of Natural History, Uni- versity of Oregon, Bulletin No. 6, 4 figs., 20 pp. 1967. Review of Rock, Time, and Landforms (by Jerome WyckofiF). Journal of Geological Education, vol. 15, pp. 122-123. 1967. Review of Pleistocene Mollusca of Ohio (by Aurele LaRocque). Geotimes, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 36,


Board of Trustees


Remick McDowell, President (as of January 20, 1969) Harry O. Bercher, Vice-President BowEN Blair, Vice-President John M. Simpson, Vice-President

Edward Byron Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary


Lester Armour J. Roscoe Miller Harry O. Bercher William H. Mitchell Bowen Blair John T. Pirie, Jr. WiLLLAM McCORMICK BLAIR John Shedd Reed William R. Dickinson, Jr. John S. Runnells Thomas E. Donnelley II John G. Searle Marshall Field John M. Simpson Nicholas Galitzine Gerald A. Sivage Paul W. Goodrich Edward Byron Smith Clifford C, Gregg William G. Swartchild, Jr. Samuel Insull, Jr. Louis Ware Henry P. Isham E. Leland Webber

Hughston M. McBain J. Howard Wood Remick McDowell


Walter J. Cummings William V. Kahler Joseph N. Field James L. Palmer

65 WOMEN'S BOARD, 1967-1968


Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, President Mrs. Walter A. Krafft, First Vice-President Mrs, Claude A. Barnett, Second Vice-President Mrs. George H. Watkins, Secretary Mrs, Thomas M, Ware, Assistant Secretary Mrs, Austin T, Cushman, Treasurer

Mrs. Thomas E, Donnelley II, Assistant Treasurer

Mrs. James W, Alsdorf Mrs. Austin T, Cushman Mrs, a. Watson Armour III Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mrs. Lester Armour Mrs, Charles S, DeLong Mrs. Vernon Armour Mrs. Edison Dick Mrs. W. H. Arnold Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mrs. Russell M. Baird Mrs. Arthur Dixon Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Mrs. Claude A. Barnett Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Mrs. George R. Beach, Jr. Mrs. Elliott Donnelley Mrs. George W. Beadle Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mrs. Laird Bell Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. Querin p. Dorschel Mrs. B. E. Bensinger Mrs. G. Corson Ellis Mrs. Richard Bentley Mrs. R. WiNFiELD Ellis Mrs. Harry O. Bercher* Mrs. Winston Elting Mrs. Bowen Blair Mrs. John V, Farwell III Mrs. Edward McCormick Blair Mrs. John F, Fennelly Mrs. William McCormick Blair Mrs. Calvin Fentress Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mrs. Joseph N, Field Mrs. Leigh B. Block Mrs. Marshall Field Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman, Jr. Mrs. William J. Bowe Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Mrs. Arthur S. Bowes Mrs. Nicholas Galitzine Mrs. T. Kenneth Boyd Mrs. James Gordon Gilkey, Jr. Mrs. Gardner Brown Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith Mrs. Daniel C, Bryant Mrs, Howard Goodman Mrs. Walther Buchen Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. Thomas B. Burke Mrs. Donald M. Graham Mrs. Robert Wells Carton Mrs. Clifford C. Gregg Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mrs. Stephen S. Gregory Miss Nora Chandler Mrs. Harold F. Grumhaus Mrs. F. Newell Childs Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Mrs. Robert E. Coburn Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Mrs. Fairfax Cone Mrs, Burton W. Hales Mrs, Peter Fries Connor, Jr, Mrs, C. Daggett Harvey Mrs, Thomas J, Coogan Mrs, Frederick Charles Hecht Mrs, James A, Cook Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mrs. William S. Covington Mrs. Joseph W. Hibben Mrs. Norman L. Cram Mrs. W. Press Hodgkins Mrs, Herschel H. Cudd Miss Frances Hooper

66 Mrs. Samuel Insull, Jr. Mrs. Harold Russell Mrs, Spencer E, Irons Mrs. George W. Ryerson Mrs. George S. Isham Mrs. John G, Searle Mrs. Henry P. Isham Mrs. William L. Searle Mrs. Henry P. Isham, Jr. Mrs. John M, Simpson Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs, Gerald A. Sivage Mrs. Russell Kelley, Jr. Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mrs. Thomas Atkins Kelly Mrs. Farwbll Dunlap Smith Mrs. John Payne Kellogg* Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith Mrs. Walter A. Krafft Mrs. Solomon Byron Smith Mrs. Louis E, Laflin, Jr. Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer Mrs. Gordon Lang Mrs. Jack C, Staehle Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Mrs. Gardner H, Stern Mrs. Franklin J. Lunding Mrs. Adlai E, Stevenson III Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenzie Mrs. Robert E. Straus Mrs. Richard D. Mason Mrs. William S, Street Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Roy E, Sturtevant Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mrs. William G, Swartchild, Jr, Mrs. Brooks McCormick Mrs. R, 0. Swearingen Mrs. John T. McCutchbon Mrs. Edward F. Swift III Mrs. John T. McCutcheon, Jr. Mrs. GusTAvus F, Swift, Jr, Mrs, Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Mrs. Phelps H, Smith Mrs. Remick McDowell Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mrs. Henry W. Meers Mrs. Theodore D, Tieken Mrs. John R. Millar Mrs. Chester D, Tripp Mrs. J. RoscoE Miller Mrs. Thomas S, Tyler Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mrs. Derrick Vail Mrs. John T. Moss Mrs. Cyril L. Ward Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Mrs, J, Harris Ward Mrs. Richard H. Needham Mrs. Louis Ware Mrs. John Nuveen Mrs. Thomas M, Ware Mrs, Eric Oldberg* Mrs, Hempstead Washburne Mrs, Walter Paepcke Mrs, Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mrs, Donald H, Palmer Mrs. George H. Watkins Mrs. James L. Palmer Mrs. Morrison Waud Mrs. John T, Pirie, Jr, Mrs, E, Leland Webber Mrs, William Roe Polk Mrs. Edward K, Welles Mrs. William P. Pope Mrs. John Paul Welling Mrs. Clarence C. Prentice Mrs. Frank O, Wetmore II Mrs. Frederick Childs Pullman Mrs. Julian B, Wilkins Mrs. Austin L. Rand Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. George A. Ranney Mrs. Jack A. Williamson Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mrs. John P. Wilson Mrs. Howard C. Reeder Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mrs. Joseph E. Rich Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mrs. T. Clifford Rodman Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley Mrs. Clive Runnells Mrs. Rainer Zangerl Mrs. John S, Runnells Mrs. Ernest Zeisler


67 Staff

E. Leland Webber, B.B.Ad., C.P.A., Director DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Donald Collier, Ph.D., Chief Curator Paul S. Martin, Ph.D., Chief Curator Emeritus Kenneth Starr, Ph.D., Curator, Asiatic Archaeology and Ethnology Phillip H. Lewis, Ph.D., Curator, Primitive Art and Melanesian Ethnology James W. VanStone, Ph.D., Associate Curator, North American Archaeology and Ethnology Stephan Gasser, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Oceanic Archaeology and Ethnology Leon Siroto, M.A., Assistant Curator, African Ethnology Glen H. Cole, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Prehistory Hoshien Tchen, Ph.D., Consultant, East Asian Collection Christopher C. Legge, M.A., Custodian of Collections Christine S. Danziger, M.S., Conservator Raymond Wielgus, Restorer, Anthropology Lillian Novak, Departmental Secretary

Robert J. Braidwood, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory Philip J. C. Dark, Ph.D., Research Associate, African Ethnology Fred Eggan, Ph.D., Research Associate, Ethnology J. Eric Thompson, Dipl. Anth. Camb., Research Associate, Central American Archaeology George I. Quimby, M.S., Research Associate, North American Archaeology and Ethnology F. Clark Howeu., Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory James R. Getz, Field Associate Evett D. Hester, M.S., Field Associate

DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Louis 0. Williams, Ph.D., Chief Curator William C. Burger, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants Gabriel Edwin, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants§ Patricio Ponce de Leon, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Cryptogamic Herbarium Donald Ray Simpson, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Peruvian Botany Dorothy Gibson, Supervisor, Herbaria Rolf Singer, Ph.D., Visiting Research Curator in Mycology Valerie C. Canty, Departmental Secretary and Librarian

Margery C. Carlson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Sidney F. Glassman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Palms E. P. KiLLiP, A.B., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Rogers McVaugh, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vascular Plants

§ Resigned 68 Donald Richards, Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany Inc. Agr. Antonio Molina R,, Field Associate A. H. Heller, Associate

DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Rainer Zangerl, Ph.D., Chief Curator Edward J, Olsen, Ph.D., Curator, Mineralogy Bertram G. Woodland, Ph.D., Curator, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology John Clark, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Sedimentary Petrology Robert H. Denison, Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Fishes William D. Turnbull, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fossil Mammals Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates Matthew H. Nitecki, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Fossil Invertebrates Orville L. Gilpin, Chief Preparator, Fossils Winifred Reinders, Departmental Secretary

Ernst Antevs, Ph.D., Research Associate, Glacial Geology David Bardack, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Paleontology Albert A. Dahlberg, D.D.S., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Ralph G. Johnson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleoecology Walter Kean, Associate, Mineralogy Erik N. Kjellesvig-Waering, B.S., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Robert F. Mueller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Everett C. Olson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Bryan Patterson, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Joseph Y. Smith, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Thomas N. Taylor, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleobotany J. Marvin Weller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Stratigraphy R. H. Whitfield, D.D.S., Associate, Fossil Plants Violet Whitfield, B.A., Associate, Fossil Plants DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY

Austin L. Rand, Ph.D., Sc. D., Chief Curator Joseph Curtis Moore, Ph.D., Curator, Mammals Philip Hershkovitz, M.S., Research Curator, Mammals Emmet R. Blake, M.S., D.Sc, Curator, Birds Melvin a. Traylor, A.B., Associate Curator, Birds M. Dianne Maurer, A.B., Assistant, Birds Robert F. Inger, Ph.D., Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles Hymen Marx, B.S., Associate Curator, Reptiles LoREN P. Woods, B.S., Curator, Fishes Rupert L. Wenzel, Ph.D., Curator, Insects Henry S. Dybas, B.S., Associate Curator, Insects August Ziemer, Assistant, Insects Alan Solem, Ph.D., Curator, Lower Invertebrates es Karel F. Liem, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vertebrate Anatomy Sophie Andris, Osteologist Mario Villa, Tanner Marilyn A. Kurland, Departmental Secretary

RuDYERD BouLTON, B.S., Research Associate, Birds Alfred E. Emerson, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Associate, Insects Harry Hoogstraal, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects David Kistner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Ch'eng-Chao Liu, Ph.D., Research Associate, Reptiles Charles Ernest Oxnard, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Orlando Park, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Clifford H. Pope, B.S,, Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles George B. Rabb, Ph.D., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles Charles A. Reed, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Robert Traub, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Ronald Singer, D.Sc, Research Associate, Mammalian Anatomy Alex K. Wyatt, Research Associate, Insects Luis de la Torre, Ph.D., Associate, Mammals Jack Fooden, Ph.D., Associate, Mammals Waldemar Meister, M.D., Associate, Anatomy Edward M. Nelson, Ph.D., Associate, Fishes Charles F. Nadler, M.D., Associate, Mammals Harry G. Nelson, B.S., Associate, Insects Karl Plath, Associate, Birds DioscORO S. Rabor, M.S., Associate, Birds Lillian A. Ross, Ph.B., Associate, Insects Ellen T. Smith, Associate, Birds Robert L. Fleming, Ph.D., Field Associate Georg Haas, Ph.D., Field Associate Frederick J. Medem, Sc.D., Field Associate Dale J. Osborn, Field Associate, Mammals William S. Street, Field Associate Janice K. Street, Field Associate

DEPARTMENT OF EXHIBITION Lothar p. Witteborg, M.A., Chief Harry E. Changnon, Chief, Coordination and Production Carl W. Cotton, Taxidermist Samuel H. Grove, Jr., Artist-Preparator Ben G. Kozak, B.F.A., Chief Exhibit Designer Tibor Perenyi, Ph.D., Artist Donald R. Skinner, M.F.A., Chief Graphics Designer Solomon A. Smith II, M.A., Coordinator of Special Exhibits 70 DEPARTMENT OF N. W. HARRIS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION Ronald Lambert, Preparator Bertha M. Parker, M.S., Research Associate

JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL AND CHILDREN'S LECTURES Marie Svoboda, M.A., Acting Chief Harriet Smith, M.A. Edith Fleming, M.A. George B. Fricke, B.S. Ernest J, Roscoe, M.S. Mary Religa, Departmental Secretary THE LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM

Meta p. Howell, B.L.S., Librarian f W. Peyton Fawcett, B.A., Associate Librarian and Head Cataloger Chih-Wbi Pan, M.S., Cataloger Eugenia Jang, Serials Librarian Alfreda C. Rogowski, Order Librarian Bertha W. Gibes, B.A., B.S. in L.S., Reference and Interlibrary Loan Librarian

FIELD MUSEUM PRESS Editorial Office Edward G. Nash, A.B., Editor

Division of Printing Harold M. Grutzmacher, in charge DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Robert E. Coburn, Planning and Developmental Officer Phil Clark, B.A., Public Relations Counsel Dorothy M. Roder, Membership Secretary Virginia A. Straub, Secretary to the Women's Board ADMINISTRATION Norman W. Nelson, B.S., C.P.A., Business Manager GusTAV A. Noren, Assistant to the Business Manager SusANMARY C. YouNG, B.A., Secretary to the Director Mary A. Hagberg, L.L.B., Registrar Lyle a. Hanssen, B.S., Chief Accountant Robert E. Bruce, Purchasing Agent THE BOOK SHOP UNO M. Lake, A.B., Manager

t Deceased 71 DIVISION OF PHOTOGRAPHY John Bayalis, Photographer Homer V. Holdren, Associate Ferdinand Huysmans, Dipl. A., Assistant Clarence B, Mitchell, B.A., Research Associate DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES John W. Mover, in charge BUILDING OPERATIONS James R. Shouba, Building Superintendent Leonard Carrion, Chief Engineer Jacques L. Pulizzi, Superintendent of Maintenance Rudolph Dentino, Assistant Chief Engineer THE GUARD George R. Lamoureux, Captain VOLUNTEER WORKERS In 1967 and 1968 volunteer workers were an invaluable help to the Museum Staff. The Museum wishes to thank Miss Carol Acker-

man, Mrs. Richard Bentley, Mrs. Thomas D. Burke, Jr., Miss Nora Chandler, Mrs. John Randolph Crews, Mr. John Douglass, Mrs. Henry Dry, Mr. Stanley Dvorak, Jr., Mrs. Robert 0. Elmore, Mrs. Winston Elting, Mrs. Wendy Farber, Miss Patricia Fujimoto, Mrs. Charles Fuller II, Mrs. Joseph B. Girardi, Mr. Lou Goldstein, Mrs. Robert C. Gunness, Mr. Sol Gurewitz, Mr. Richard Halvorsen, Miss Gertrude Hannen, Mr. C. C. Howard, Mr. Claxton E. Howard, Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman, Mrs. Dorothy Karall, Mrs. Clarence Kenny, Jr., Mrs. Robert T. Keppler, Mrs. Charles Kratz, Mrs. Donald Kropp, Mrs. Richard N. Lilleberg, Mrs. Judith Little, Mrs. W^allace Mackenzie, Mrs. Arthur MacQuilkin, Mrs. John Maris, Mrs. H. F. Matthies, Miss Mary McCutcheon, Mrs. Lawrence C. Morris, Jr., Mrs. Albert C. Mullen, Mrs. Seymour Nordenberg, Mrs. Ronald A. Orner, Mrs. Harry 0. Owen, Jr., Mrs. Philip Y. Paterson, Miss Mae Provus, Mrs. Hayes Robertson, Mrs. Harold M. Ross, Jr., Mr. Sol Sackheim, Mrs. A. R. Sarabia, Mrs. Alice K. Schneider, Mr. Wayne Severn, Mrs. C. W. Sidwell, Mrs. William E. Sidwell, Mrs. Henry Sincere, Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, Mrs. James G. Speer, Mrs. Clement F. Springer, Jr., Mr. John Starkus, Mrs. John Stephens, Mrs. Philip Stone, Mrs. Henry Strotz, Mrs. John Swearingen, Mrs. Ruth Swenson, Mrs. Robert Unferth, Mrs. Alex B. White, Mrs. Carol S. Williams, Mrs. Philip C. Williams, Miss Mary Jo Wilson, Mrs. Marvin Wolfson, and Mrs. Rainer Zangerl for many hours of service. 72