The International Web Site for the History of Guiding and Scouting PAXTU A Bibliography of Boy Scouting in the United Kingdom and Ireland Compiled August 15, 2010 David L. Peavy The following is a bibliography of selected primary and secondary sources concerning the Boy Scouting movement in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This bibliography is uncategorized at the moment, but is currently under revision. Additions to this listing will be made upon receipt of additional information. If you are aware of a source, archive, or museum that is not listed, please send the following information to
[email protected]: author, title, journal name (volume number, issue number & page numbers), place of publication, and publisher. United Kingdom "The Boy Scouts of England." Outlook 95 (1910): 102-03. "Boy Scouts Clean Their Own Litter; Two Thousand Youngsters, after Rally, Leave Park Meadows as They Found Them. Five Thousand Spectators Cablegrams Exchanged with Queens Rally of 10,000 Boy Scouts in London." New York Times, June 14 1914, 12 (1 page). Boy Scouts and the Great War. London, UK: Aldine Pub. Co., 1915. "Accept Prince's Invitation; Boy Scouts Are Planning Big Meet in London Next Summer." New York Times, December 7 1919, E2 (1 page). The Scout Jamboree Book. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1930. "Book Review: Scouting, Religion and the Churches." Clergy Review (1944): 528. Scouting out-of-Doors. London, UK: C. A. Pearson ltd., 1944. "Scouting, Religion and the Churches." Clergy Review 24 (1944): 528. "A Letter from Rome: The Pilgrimage of the English Boy Scouts." The Tablet, August 26 1950, 167-68.