Spring Newsletter 2003 Border Leicester Stud
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SPRING NEWSLETTER 2003 BORDER LEICESTER STUD Take the opportunity to purchase the Retallack “TOP OF THE DROP” Directory Retallack has to offer Retallack RETALLACK’S 18th Border Leicester Stud Phone/Fax: (02) 6974 1153 ON PROPERTY Mobile: 0427 741 153 Postal Address PRODUCTION SALE “Retallack” Ariah Park, NSW 2665 Friday 17th October 2003 OFFERING THE TEAM PRINCIPALS Graham & Isabella Grinter 60 Stud Ewes 30 Stud Rams AGENTS Elders V.P. 150 Selected Flock Rams Ariah Park All August/September 2002 drop Luke Gooden 02 6974 1001 Stud rams and ewes June shorn AH 02 6973 2108 Flock rams July shorn Wagga All sheep: dipped in July, drenched in August Colin Weissel Vaccinated 6-1, three times in the 12 month period 02 6923 4665 AH 02 6925 2596 Sale Commences at 1.30pm Albury Pre-sale inspection by appointment or from 10am on day of sale Michael Glasser Complimentary transport if required 0419 600 355 Eastern Australian depots, within 14 days of sale AH 02 6026 5165 Neil Grimmer & Co HEALTH REPORT Temora 02 6977 1621 Retallack is committed to upholding exacting health requirements so AH 02 6978 1111 we deliver to our clients, stud sheep with a clean bill of health. Retallack has now advanced to OJD MN3 vac. status which involved vaccination of all sheep. Retallack is situated in the Condobolin Rural Lands Board and is classified as “Protected” zoning. Retallack is also Brucellosis Accredited Free and Footrot Free. MN3 vac. Retallack’s 2003 Production Sale Catalogues will be posted during mid September. If you are not on our mailing list please do not hesitate to give us a call. Ovine Johne’s vaccine gives added protection to stud flock By Graham Grinter Even though our property is in the In addition, young sheep are most his year Retallack has introduced Protected Zone, I feel neighbouring susceptible to OJD and Gudair pro- Tthe Gudair vaccine to our flock in an sheep could still pose a small risk. vides protection through the vaccina- effort to provide an extra level of protec- Heavy storm rain as we experienced tion from four weeks of age. tion from the threat of Ovine Johne’s during February has potential for the Other benefits include sheep vacci- Disease. movement of sheep manure through nated with Gudair before exposure to We have decided to use the vaccine for boundary fence lines. OJD will not be a source of contamina- several reasons. And finally, the boundary to the tion as a result of vaccination. We have a significant number of ram neighbouring Control zone is only about The vaccine also reduces faecal shed- clients in the Control Zone and 10 kilometres away from our farm. ding of Mycobacterium para-tubercu- Management Area who would prefer Gudair vaccine features losis which helps reduce flock and pas- ture contamination levels. and have requested to purchase sheep The Gudair vaccine is marketed by vaccinated with the Gudair vaccine. CSL Animal Health and is registered According to CSL, trials to support The use of the vaccine on my property for the control of OJD. It is a killed the effectiveness and claims of the vac- would provide an extra level of control vaccine so it is not possible to intro- cine have been carried out in the of OJD. duce OJD onto your property using Central Tablelands of NSW over the Although Retallack already has MN3 Gudair. past 3.5 years and trial results show the vaccine is highly effective. status for our flock and we do intend to Some of the other features of the vac- remain in the OJD Market Assurance cine is that sheep only need to be vacci- Permission was gained through NSW Program (MAP), if further protection or nated once with a one millilitre dose of Agriculture to use the vaccine control is available through vaccination, Gudair and the animal has life-long this year and all Retallack sheep have then I believe it should be used. protection. been vaccinated. Border Leicester cross leads the way in breed comparison trial order Leicester first-cross progeny breeds during February 2002. Retallack for the South African Mutton Merino Bare leading the way in a breed com- Border Leicester stud contributed semen which was the second heaviest. parison trial being run at Falkiner from one of their sires, Retallack Turbo. The Border Leicester cross progeny Memorial Field Station, Conargo, New Measurements are being taken on also had the highest average greasy South Wales. body weight, wool characteristics, car- fleece weight at 2.1kgs compared with The trial, which is funded by cass data and the overall performance of 1.9kgs for the South African Merino, Australian Wool Innovation, aims to each breed group. 1.7kgs for the Poll Merino, and 1.6kgs for evaluate the performance of the South Preliminary results show the Border both the South African Mutton Merino African Merino, South African Mutton Leicester Merino cross progeny had the and Dohne Merino breeds. Merino and the Dohne Merino bench- highest average live weight at three The results will give growers the marked against the Australian Poll months and six months of age in both opportunity to assess and compare each Merino breed and the Border Leicester ewe and wether lambs. of the sheep breeds for wool and carcass Merino cross. The first-cross progeny weighed an production performance. About 1,000 commercial medium wool average of 29.7 kilograms at their six Final results of the trial should be Peppin type ewes were inseminated to month weigh-in, compared with 28.3kgs available at the end of this year. three selected sires from each of the Sheep and Lamb Information Day at Retallack We welcome all interested sheep and lamb producers to a Sheep and Lamb Information day on Friday, September 5, 2003, at Retallack Border Leicester stud, Ariah Park. Starting at 10am, the day will feature a range of displays includ- ing Kelpie working dogs and pups, new innovations in sheep feed- ers and sheep yards and new product releases from drench and vaccine companies. Retallack will have a selection of sale sheep on display for interested clients. New South Wales Agriculture will also be on hand with infor- mation on the results of some of their new sheep and lamb On behalf of the Lilford family, John Lilford is pictured presenting the Jack research. The day is supported by Neil Grimmer & Co, Temora, Lilford Perpetual Trophy to the Retallack Border Leicester stud for the and Elders, Ariah Park. Complimentary morning tea and a bar- Supreme Border Leicester at this year’s Benalla Feature Show. becue lunch will be available. Retallack Commercial Client Profile Retallack Stock Notes areful selection of fast-growing, big- have a high proportion of twin lambs,’’ he Cframed Retallack flock rams is reap- said. ing rewards for New South Wales prime lamb producers, Trevor and Prime lamb marketing Justin Cooper. The Merino ewes lamb during April and May and the first-cross ewe portion The Cooper family join about 1,000 is marketed in the following February Merino ewes each year to produce first- when they are ready for joining. The cross lambs on their 850 hectare farm at ewes are sold privately on-farm to local Old Junee and have been Retallack ram producers. clients for many years. Retallack stud principals The wether portion is marketed According to Trevor, he buys a portion Graham and Isabella Grinter. through the Wagga Wagga saleyards and of the top flock rams on offer at are sold from about six months of age An invitation from Retallack Retallack’s on-property sale, usually pay- onwards, depending on their liveweight. We welcome all clients and interest- ing an average of about $400 per ram. All the wether lambs are weighed regu- ed breeders to inspect our sheep at the Flock ram selection larly and the minimum weight they will Retallack on-property production sale “I look for a solid, big framed ram, and be sold at is 20 kilograms dressed weight. on Friday October 17th, 2003, at Ariah generally choose sheep with finer wool, Park. We will be offering 60 stud ewes, Shearing occurs in the last week of 26 stud rams and 150 flock rams. as the Merino ewes are 23 micron this August so the first-cross ewes have about prevents the first-cross lambs from being All these sheep have been classed on six months wool growth when sold. breed, wool type and maternal EBVs. too hairy,’’ Trevor said. The remaining flock rams will be “I also like to buy rams which aren’t too Pasture-fed year round The Cooper family also have crop available for private paddock sale from woolly around the testicle area which is November onwards. something my stock agent put me onto,’’ wheat, canola, triticale and lupins, he said depending on the season, but usually the Dry seasonal conditions prime lambs are not grazed on the stub- The Coopers work on a joining percent- bles through summer. Since late October 2000, Retallack age of about three rams per 100 ewes so has received limited rainfall. The show normally run about 34 Retallack rams, “We usually don’t run the sheep on the sheep have been hand-fed since selec- replacing 9-10 each year at the sale. stubble country, except for last year when tion, while the sale ewes and flock rams we didn’t harvest some of the crops so we ‘We are aiming to produce fast grow- have done it on their own with some used the sheep to clean up the ground,” ing, big framed first-cross ewes with high supplementary feeding of grain in the Trevor said.