
Decision Making and the

Edited by Paul W. Glimcher, PhD Center for Neuroeconomics New York, NY, USA Colin F. Camerer, PhD Division of Humanities and Social California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA, USA , PhD Institute for Empirical Research in University of Zürich Zürich, Switzerland Russell A. Poldrack, PhD Department of University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA, USA


The of Rational and Irrational Economic : Evidence and Insight from a Non-human Species Laurie R. Santos and M. Keith Chen


Introduction 81 Do Capuchins Obey Theory as Humans Do? 88

Neoclassical Approaches to Non-standard Behavior 82 Do Capuchins Display the Same as Humans? 88 Price-Theoretic Treatments 82 Are Capuchins Reference Dependent and Axiomatic Approaches 83 Loss Averse? 88 Approaches 84 Framing and : Do Capuchins Exhibit a Reflection Effect? 89 The Role of Non-human Primate Studies in Do Capuchins Exhibit an ? 90 Modern Economics 84 What Comparative Work Means for Traditional Primate Evolution 101 85 Economics and Neuroeconomics 90 Acknowledgements 91 Revealing Capuchin Preferences: The Token Trading 87 References 92

INTRODUCTION Second, people are endowed with effortlessly rational, error-free cognition. This assumption may entail Modern economics as it is currently practiced is an agents simply understanding their own preferences, exercise in applying three basic principles to nearly all or it may ask that they solve arbitrarily complex sig- settings. First, it entails positing agents with simple, nal-extraction problems. Finally, modern economics stable preferences. Workers are assumed to maximize assumes that people interact with each other in ways earnings their disutility of labor, consumers are that are relatively frictionless and thus yield equilib- assumed to maximize a stable function given rium behavior. That is, people are assumed to maxi- their budgets, and family members are assumed to mize their own given the behavior of others, bargain with each other given their competing goals. equalizing their personal returns across activities.

Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain 81 © 2009, Elsevier Inc. 82 7. THE EVOLUTION OF RATIONAL AND IRRATIONAL ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR

All three of these assumptions have proven deeply fundamental biases that humans do, and that these useful to . Assuming simple preferences biases respond similarly to incentives, suggests both limits the degree to which the analyst might “ overfit ” an expanded role for these biases in positive accounts , and stable preferences are necessary if cur- of human , and that these biases may form rent observations are to bear any predictions about the basis for a stable set of deeper preferences towards different contexts or future events. Assuming rational which economic tools can be applied. agents and equilibrium outcomes likewise disciplines analysts, making sure their predictions depend more on observable facts about the environment than they NEOCLASSICAL APPROACHES TO do on unobservable psychological properties, which are NON-STANDARD BEHAVIOR undoubtedly more difficult to measure and quantify. Unfortunately, although assumptions about stable pref- erences have proven formally useful to economists, it is Although economists often formally assume that clear that human decision makers do not always live up humans are hyper-rational agents, most economists to the modern economists’ high standards. Behavioral recognize that humans commonly fail to live up to the economists have spent the last few decades document- standard of . Indeed, neither Adam ing a number of systematic ways in which human con- Smith, the founder of , nor Alfred sumers violate standard economic assumptions (see Marshall thought that humans were perfectly rational reviews in Camerer, 1998; Kahneman et al., 1982). agents, and neither thought that was a neces- Given the systematic errors and biases that psy- sary condition for the usefulness of price theory. Instead, chologists and behavioral economists study, it may classical economists hypothesized that agents had and at first glance seem foolish to embark on a study of were motivated by simple, stable, self-interested pref- economic behavior and preferences in other species. erences, and that such preferences acted to equalize If humans can’t perform fast and error-free computa- returns across different activities, eliminating arbitrage tions, achieve equilibrium reliably, or maintain stable opportunities and inducing efficient markets. As Smith and frame-invariant preferences, it seems unlikely that famously wrote, “ it is not from the benevolence of the other, presumably less computationally-savvy, species butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our din- will be able to do so. Nevertheless, this chapter will ner, but from their regard to their own .” argue that modern economics – and, importantly, the emerging field of neuroeconomics – can gain insight into the of human preferences through the Price-Theoretic Treatments study of other species, particularly other closely related . While we agree that the behavior Neoclassical economists realized that their insights of non-human primates may have little hope of shed- did not require agents to be hyper-rational; agents ding light on such hyper-rational agents and their simply needed to respond to incentives. Under this economies, we will argue that research examining view of agents, then, behavioral biases and cognitive non-human primate preferences may have something limitations can be fruitfully studied using neoclassi- important to teach us about the deep structure of cal economic techniques. One of the classic examples human preferences, and the way that less-than-perfect of this approach is the work of . As agents with those preferences respond to incentives. Becker (1962) himself put it,“ the important theorems This chapter will review our recent discoveries of modern economics result from a general principle about preferences in one model primate species – the which not only includes rational behavior and sur- . We begin by reviewing a number of vivor arguments as special cases, but also much irra- different economic approaches to non-standard choice tional behavior.” Consistent with this idea, Becker behavior in humans. We will then turn to our own and co-authors have used price-theoretic tools in set- work exploring whether capuchin monkeys (Cebus tings which economists had previously thought not apella) also exhibit non-standard choice behavior in amenable to rational analysis. In the essays collected situations analogous to those seen in human markets. in his seminal Economic Approach to Human Behavior We will use this work to argue that many of the cen- (1976), Becker applies price theory to understand such tral lessons of price theory hold in (presumably) less diverse phenomena as racial discrimination, fam- than fully rational capuchin economies, and that many ily dynamics, and crime and punishment. In perhaps of the aspects of the prospect-theoretic preferences we the most pure example of this approach, Becker and observe in humans also appear in capuchin behavior. Murphy (1988) analyzed addictive behavior by pos- Observing that non-human primates display the same iting that such behavior may arise from underlying

I. NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO THE BRAIN NEOCLASSICAL APPROACHES TO NON-STANDARD BEHAVIOR 83 stable preferences in which of an addic- should believe stories that make them overly optimistic and tive good today is a complement to consumption of in particular, they should happily accept stories about a life after death. that same good tomorrow. This price-theoretic frame- work yields important insights into addictive behav- ior, including rapidly increasing or declining (yet perfectly rational) consumption of addictive , Axiomatic Approaches “ cold-turkey ” quitting strategies, and the prediction that addicts will respond much more to permanent Another way neoclassical economists have dealt than to temporary price changes. with non-standard behavior is through the use of Becker’s approach relies on assuming that what axiomatic approaches. Where the price-theoretic might seem transient, unstable, and irrational behavior approach to non-standard behavior focuses more on may actually arise from stable, underlying preferences. the role of incentives and discipline in shap- These preferences may include terms not normally ing (possibly non-standard) behavior, the axiomatic included in the arguments of utility – terms such as approaches focuses on weakening the assumptions , fairness, tastes, habits, and prejudices. Positing underlying utility theory so as to allow the analysis these more basic, stable preferences is fundamental to of non-standard behavior. Kreps and Porteus (1978) the application of neoclassical tools to non-standard used a classic axiomatic approach to study agents settings. For example, Becker writes that “generally who appear to prefer earlier resolution of (among economists) … preferences are assumed not to rather than later (or vice versa), even though the tim- change substantially over time, nor to be very different ing of the resolution has no consequential effects. between wealthy and poor persons, or even between The Kreps-Porteus approach deals with this temporal persons in different societies and cultures.” Indeed, inconsistency by applying the classic axioms of choice coupled with maximizing behavior and market equilib- under uncertainty to dated lotteries – lotteries that rium, Becker asserts that the assumption of stable pref- specify not just what information will be revealed, but erences “ forms the heart of the economic approach.” when that uncertainty will be revealed. Kreps-Porteus More recently, Ed Glaeser (2004) has argued that establishes a representation result that allowed for the even if researchers were to show that human deci- definition of preferences for early resolution of sion making is driven more by temporary, fleeting, uncertainty, allowing standard tools of economics to situational factors than it is by stable preferences, this be applied to markets where the timing of information would only serve to increase the importance of classic revelation is key, with broad applications in macroeco- price-theoretic techniques. This is because “ many top- nomics and . ics require both psychological insight into the power More recently, Gul and Pesendorfer applied axi- of local influence and economic reasoning about the omatic choice theory to the phenomena of dynamic supply of that influence” (Glaeser, 2004). Thus, even inconsistency and temptation preferences, with hyper- if it were the case that people made decisions based bolic discounting being the most widely studied exam- strongly on temporary and situational cues, in most ple. For instance, Gul and Pesendorfer (2001) used market situations those cues will be provided by self- classic choice theory to study choice sets, rather than interested entrepreneurs such as marketers or politi- choices per se . A decision maker might, for example, cians. Glaeser argues that price-theory is essentially strictly prefer the choice set B to the choice set A, even the only tool we have to understand the supply of such if A offers strictly more options (B is strictly a subset frames and persuasive messages. The payoff to such an of A), because some of those options in A might pro- approach, Glaeser asserts, is powerful in that predic- duce temptation costs. Similar to the Kreps-Porteus tions arise from an equilibrium analysis of the supply of approach, Gul and Pesendorfer derived a set of axioms such messages. For example, Glaeser (2004) notes that: which many simple forms of temptation satisfy and showed that, under those axioms, a simple represen- The applications of economics to the formation of aggre- tation of preferences in terms of linear functions suf- gate cognitive errors suggest a number of comparative stat- ics. These errors will be more common when the costs of fices. This allows for the rigorous definition and study making mistakes to the individual are low. As a result, we of markets in which temptation and a for should expect more errors in the political arena (because no self-control may exist. Fundamental to both axiomatic one’s vote directly matters) than in the market arena (because and price-theoretic approaches, however, is a strict making foolish purchases is at least somewhat costly). These neoclassical emphasis on ; alter- errors will be more common when mistaken beliefs strongly complement supplier’s returns. Mistaken beliefs will be native axioms and utility functions are to be judged more common when errors increase the current flow of util- solely by their parsimony and ability to predict choice ity. Thus, if people enjoy anticipating a rosy future, they behavior. Most notably, this de-emphasizes any appeal

I. NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO THE BRAIN 84 7. THE EVOLUTION OF RATIONAL AND IRRATIONAL ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR to psychological realism, one of the main distinctions Laibson (1997) modeled inter-temporal inconstancy between neoclassical and behavioral economics. with a beta-delta model of , and demonstrated how agents with such preferences could be imbedded in economic models of choice over Behavioral Economics Approaches time. By doing this and demonstrating how to solve such the dynamic-programming problem that these In contrast to these neoclassical approaches, much agents face when trying to optimize, economists could of modern behavioral economics starts by scanning model the effects of present-biased preferences and the nearby disciplines of and soci- how they might interact with different types of illiq- ology for robust biases that may manifest themselves uid assets, market structures, or public policies. in economically important settings. Economists using this approach have tried to incorporate psychological and sociological findings into economic analysis by THE ROLE OF NON-HUMAN PRIMATE finding a functional form for preferences that captures STUDIES IN MODERN ECONOMICS many of the stylized facts that these biases present. Most prominently, Kahneman and Tversky (1979) attempted to unify several stylized deviations from Common to all the approaches reviewed is that, expected utility in a single theory of choice under by and large, they take the origins and structure of uncertainty called . Prospect theory rep- behavioral biases as given. To date, far less direct resents choice as a function of the of the choices attention has been paid to understanding how basic rather than as a function of a person’s overall utility. or fundamental these biases are. Put differently, most These values are assessed as either gains or losses (i.e., of the approaches reviewed above explicitly model the positive or negative differences) relative to an arbi- external market forces and technologies which shape trary reference point. A major implication of prospect the supply of cues, yet the cognitive systems and con- theory, then, is that decision makers naturally frame straints that lead to these biases are worked around, their decisions as gains or losses relative to a particu- often in one of two ways. Most behavioral economists lar reference point. Prospect theory’s value function leave these biases to social psychologists to study, act- passes through the reference point as S-shaped, with ing essentially as importers of psychological insights. a kink in the curve at the reference point, such that a In turn, the models that behavioral economists use are given absolute-sized loss (e.g. a $5 loss) will decrease based on assumptions judged not only by their abil- value more than an identically-sized gain (e.g. a $5 ity to organize , but also by their psy- gain) will increase value. This feature of the value chological realism. Axiomatic approaches, in contrast, curve leads to loss-aversion: decision makers are tend to disregard the latter of these two goals, instead more sensitive to a loss than they are to an equally- treating the minds of people as black boxes that are sized gain, which can lead to odd and often irrational approachable through observing choice data alone. In framing effects in which decision-makers’ responses both behavioral economic and axiomatic approaches, may vary with how the choice is presented, worded, however, little work has examined how our behavio- or described. The structure of the value curve also ral biases arise in the first place. leads to a phenomenon known as the reflection effect : What, then, are the origins and deeper structure of decision makers treat changes from a reference point our systematic economic biases? Are our biases the differently depending on whether they are gains or result of social or cultural learning and specific envi- losses. More specifically, decision makers tend to be ronmental experiences? Or could they be more univer- risk-seeking when dealing with perceived losses, but sal, perhaps resulting from mechanisms that arose over risk-averse when dealing with perceived gains. evolution and operate regardless of context or experi- Prospect theory has been widely applied across ence? We and our colleagues have begun addressing numerous fields in economics, including finance these questions by exploring whether the roots of our (explaining the and the equity pre- economic behavior – both our stable preferences and mium), labor supply (income targeting), and con- our behavioral biases – are shared by our closest living sumer choice (asymmetric price elasticities, the evolutionary relatives, the extant non-human primates. endowment effect). (See Camerer (1998) for an elegant Since humans and capuchins are closely related biolog- and comprehensive review of the applications of pros- ically, yet lack similar market experience, any shared pect theory in economics.) cognitive systems are likely to have a common origin. Another widely used model in behavioral econom- Note, however, that our work on primate economic ics is ’s model of time-inconsistent choice. biases was not the first to take a principled economic

I. NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO THE BRAIN PRIMATE EVOLUTION 101 85 approach with non-human subjects. Indeed, some ele- Since many economists (and possibly some neurosci- gant early work in the 1970s by Kagel and colleagues entists) are not all that familiar with primate evolution found support for the stability of preferences and the and taxonomy, we first provide a brief introduction on applicability of economic choice theory in standard the phylogenetic history of primates. non-human psychological subjects: rats and pigeons. In a series of studies, Kagel and colleagues trained their subjects on a lever-pressing task in which sub- PRIMATE EVOLUTION 101 jects had a “budget ” of different lever presses, each of which delivered different rewards at different rates. The researchers then used a standard revealed- When neuroeconomists reference the brain or cog- approach in which the subjects ’ choices nitive processes of “ the monkey,” they are – probably were identified via their lever choices. Using this without realizing it – being incredibly imprecise. To approach, Kagel and colleagues demonstrated that rat researchers in primate cognition, the term “ monkey ” and pigeon behavior, like that of human consumers, does not pick out a coherent natural kind – a “monkey ” appears to obey the laws of demand ( Battalio et al ., could mean any one of the 264 extant monkey species, 1981a, 1981b, 1985 ; Kagel et al ., 1975, 1981, 1990, 1995 ). all of whom inhabit different environments, eat differ- Unfortunately, while rats and pigeons are easy sub- ent things, come from different genera, and presum- jects to work with, their limited cognitive abilities make ably possess different cognitive specializations with it difficult to investigate more subtle aspects of eco- different neural substrates (see the review in Ghazanfar nomic choice, including many important and system- and Santos, 2004). Such differences can have important atic human biases. More importantly, rats and pigeons consequences for the cognitive and neural capacities lack one of the hallmarks of human economies: . that these different species utilize in decision-making Indeed, famously argued that the behav- contexts. Even very closely related monkey species can ior of animals was not relevant to economics because differ drastically in fundamental cognitive processes they lacked the capacity to master trade. As he put it in and decision-making strategies. To take one elegant The Wealth of Nations, ‘ ‘ Nobody ever saw a dog make example, Stevens and colleagues (2005a, 2005b) recently a fair and deliberate exchange of one bone for another observed that cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedi- with another dog. Nobody ever saw one animal by pus ) and common marmosts (Callithrix jacchus ) – two its gestures and natural cries signify to another, this is extremely closely related New World monkey species – mine, that yours; I am willing to give this for that.’ ’ exhibit robust differences in their discounting behav- Another problem with the exclusive use of rats and ior, with marmosets valuing future rewards more than pigeons as models for human economic choice con- tamarins do. As this example demonstrates, it would cerns their potential for informing claims about the make little sense to talk about discounting behavior in evolution of human choice behavior. Although rats and “ the monkey, ” as such a generalization would miss out pigeons are commonly used in psychological studies, on the fact that different kinds of monkey possess dis- they represent extremely distantly related species from counting functions that might be specific to their own an evolutionary perspective. For this reason, choice species (or, in the case of marmosets and tamarins, spe- involving and birds are silent, cific to their species-unique feed ecology). both on questions regarding the evolutionary history Typically, however, when refer to of human choice behavior and on issues related to the research with monkeys they tend to mean the species neural architecture underling these behaviors. In , of monkey most typically used in neurophysiological although previous work with animals has adeptly studies of decision making, namely the macaque, one demonstrated the robustness of revealed-preference of several species within the genus Macaca1. Macaques techniques, the field of economics is still far from an are an Old World monkey species, meaning that they evolutionary-history based understanding of human are native to Africa and Asia. Macaques are the mostly decision making. widely distributed genus of primates (with the excep- The goal of our recent work on capuchin economic tion of humans), and are thus an extremely flexible spe- choice is to bridge this evolutionary divide. To do so, cies. Because of their adaptability, macaques live well we have developed an experimental method for pre- in captivity and have thus long served as a successful senting choice problems to capuchin monkeys in a sit- uation that is as analogous as possible to the markets 1 It should be remembered, however, that although macaques have in which humans exhibit economic choice. Before turn- predominated as neuroscientific models, some of the most important ing to these studies, we’ll take a brief pause to intro- neuroscientific findings in decision making have also used a marmo- duce the reader to the subjects of our experiments. set monkey model – for example, Dias et al., 1996, 1997.


Capuchins Rhesus Macaque Chimpanzee (New World Monkeys) (Old World Monkeys) (Great Apes)

6 million years ago

25 million years ago

35 million years ago

FIGURE 7.1 A schema of the primate evolutionary tree. Our subject species, the capuchin monkey, branched of from the human Old World primate line about 35 million years ago.

animal model in medical studies. Due to their promi- in many ways, quite similar to that of humans in a nence in early medical research, macaques were quickly number of domains. Capuchins are often considered imported for use in early neuroscientific investigations. among primate researchers to be “ the chimpanzee ” of Some of the first approaches to detailing the structure the New World primates. Capuchins have extremely and function of primate motor cortex were performed large relative to their body size (see, for exam- on macaques in the 1800s. This early work functionally ple, Fragaszy et al ., 2004a ). In addition to these physi- established macaques as the primate brain model for cal attributes, capuchins live in relatively large social the next two centuries. Indeed, many chapters in this groups, particularly compared to other New World volume specifically focus on neuroeconomic insights species, with groups in the wild becoming as larger gleaned from macaque brains – for example, Chapters as 40 individuals. Despite this large group size, how- 29 and 31. ever, capuchins are an extremely tolerant species of Our behavioral work on monkey preferences does primate, maintaining only a loosely defined domi- not focus on macaques, however. Instead, we work with nance that permits sharing food with many a species believed to represent a cognitive rather than a members of the group ( de Waal, 2000 ; de Waal and neuroscientific model of human cognition – the brown Berger, 2000). For this reason, capuchins are extremely capuchin monkey (see Chapters 18 and 19). In con- socially adept. Recent research suggests that they can trast to macaques, who are members of the Old World successfully represent the goals of other individu- monkey lineage, capuchins are members of the more als (Santos, personal communication) and can learn distantly related New World monkey branch, a group socially from the actions of others – though the specif- of primates that split from the Old World primate line ics regarding how much they can learn continue to be around 35–40 million years ago ( Figure 7.1). While Old debated (Adams-Curtis and Fragaszy, 1995; Custance World monkeys inhabit Africa and Asia, New World et al., 1999; Ottoni and Mannu, 2001 ; Visalberghi and monkeys, like capuchins, are native to South and Central Addessi, 2000, 2001; Brosnan and de Waal, 2004 ; America, and thus evolved in different ecological niches Ottoni et al ., 2005 ; Bonnie and de Waal, 2007; see than did other Old World species. elegant reviews in Adessi and Visalberghi, 2006 and Despite millions of years of separation from our Fragaszy et al., 2004b). Finally, capuchins are known own species, the cognition of capuchin monkeys is, for their elaborate tool-use. They use a variety of tools


1 23

456 FIGURE 7.2 A frame-by-frame demonstration of a single trading event involving one of our capuchin actors (Jill). The capuchin begins by placing a token in the experimenter’s hand (1). The experimenter then takes the token away (2–3) and delivers a piece of food (4) which the capuchin then takes from the experimenter’s hand (5–6).

both in the wild and in captivity, including using push- experimenter who would reward a capuchin subject for ing and pulling tools to gain out-of-reach food, dipping handing her the token. In our set-up, we hoped to give tools to gain access to out-of-reach liquids, combina- capuchins choices between multiple different traders , each tions of stone hammers and anvils for opening palm of whom would deliver different kinds or amounts of nuts, and even crushed millipedes as a mosquito repel- goods when presented with a single token. In this way, lant (Fragaszy et al., 2004b, Valderrama et al., 2000). we were able to put capuchins into a situation much like an economic market – one in which they could establish preferences across different bundles of goods. With this REVEALING CAPUCHIN PREFERENCES: set-up, we could introduce price and wealth changes THE TOKEN TRADING METHODOLOGY and examine how such changes affected capuchins ’ pur- chasing behavior. Further, we could observe whether capuchins preferred options that stochastically domi- Our goal was to design a task with which we could nated all others (i.e., ones in which they uncondition- reveal capuchins’ preferences. The problem, of course, ally received the most food). Finally, and perhaps most is that capuchins would presumably have some dif- importantly, we could examine whether capuchins’ ficulty performing the tasks that experimental econo- preferences obeyed prospect-theoretic predictions, and mists typically employ to reveal human preferences. thus were affected by reference points and framing. Monkeys ’ preferences concerning their willingness Chen et al. (2006) introduced five adult capuchins to to pay for certain gambles or bundles of goods can’t this economic market. Each capuchin began testing by be assessed using written surveys; nor can monkeys’ leaving its homecage and entering a small testing box. behavior as consumers in a market be used, since In the box, monkeys found a small wallet of small, disc- they do not naturally act as consumers in markets. We shaped metal tokens. Two experimenters then posi- therefore had to design a novel method that permitted tioned themselves on either side of the cage. The two capuchins to reveal their preferences in something like experimenters differed in their clothing (each wore dif- a market, a situation that was as analogous as possi- ferently colored medical scrubs) and also in the kind of ble to the methods used to test preferences in humans; good offered. On each trial, the monkey had a chance to specifically, one that involved relatively little training trade a token with one of the two experimenters. Each and also permitted formal price-theoretic analyses. trial began when the two experimenters were in posi- To do this, we capitalized on the fact that capuchin tion on either side of the cage. In one hand the experi- monkeys (as well as other primates) can be quickly menters held the good that they were offering to the trained to trade tokens for small food rewards (see, for monkey; their other hand remained open for the mon- example, Westergaard et al ., 1998, 2004; Liv et al ., 1999 ; key’s token ( Figure 7.2 ). Monkeys could therefore check Brosnan and de Waal, 2003, 2004 ; Adessi et al ., 2007). their options and trade with the experimenter who A number of different labs have successfully taught gave the best kind or amount of the good. Each session capuchins this trading methodology using an individual lasted until the monkey had spent all of its tokens.



Our first goal was to examine whether the prefer- Our findings that capuchins obey price theory and ences capuchins established in the token we choose options that stochastically dominate suggest had set up mirrored those of a human economy. That that capuchins behave rationally in their token market is, having allocated their budget of tokens across a set in some of the same ways that humans behave ration- of possible goods, would capuchins respond ration- ally in their economies. This work, then, set the stage ally to price and wealth shocks? To do this, we first for examining whether capuchins also behave non- found two goods that the capuchins liked equally – standardly in the ways that humans do. Specifically, pieces of jello and apple slices – spending about half we wanted to examine whether capuchins share some their budget on each of the goods. Once capuchins’ of the biases that pervade human choice behavior. As choices stabilized across sessions, we introduced a decades of work in behavioral economics have shown, compensated price shift. human consumers appear to evaluate their choices In our compensated price shift, we assigned each not only in terms of their expected payoffs. Instead, subject a new budget of tokens and then dropped consumers also appear to evaluate different gambles the price of one of the two goods by half. In order to in terms of arbitrary reference points. In particular, respond as humans would to this price shift, capuch- human participants tend to be loss averse – they avoid ins must shift their consumption to the cheaper good; getting payoffs that appear as losses relative to their namely, they should spend more of their token budget reference points more than they appear to seek out on the cheaper good than they did before the price gains relative to their reference points (e.g., Kahneman shift. The majority of our capuchins actors did just and Tversky, 1986; Tverky and Kahneman, 1981). The this, suggesting that they, like humans, obey the ten- phenomena of reference dependence and ets of price theory. have been demonstrated in countless experimental In a further study, we examined whether capuch- scenarios and gambles (e.g., Tversky and Kahneman, ins also try to maximize their expected payoff in the 1986), but also have demonstrated real-world mani- market. If capuchins had a choice between two traders festations in situations as diverse as offering the same kind of good, would they choose the patterns ( Krueger and Summers, 1988; Akerlof and experimenter whose payoff stochastically dominated, Yellen, 1990) housing-market changes (Odean, 1998 ), the one that gave the most food overall? To look at and asymmetric consumer elasticities (Hardie et al ., this, we (Chen et al., 2006) again presented capuchins 1993). Further, reference dependence also affects par- with a choice between two traders, but this time the ticipants’ intuitions regarding fairness and moral con- traders offered the same kind of good – apples. The cerns ( Kahneman et al ., 1991 ). traders differed both in the number of apples they ini- Is reference dependence a uniquely human phenom- tially offered and in the number they gave over. The enon, or does it extend more broadly across the animal first experimenter always offered the monkey one kingdom? To examine this, we presented monkeys with piece of apple and then handed over that one piece. trading situations in which they had the opportunity to The second experimenter, in contrast, was risky – he consider their final trading payoffs relative to a refer- did not always hand over what he promised. This ence point. We could therefore examine whether fram- second experimenter began with two pieces of apple ing also affects capuchin choice and preferences. and then, with 50% , either handed over both pieces or took one of the two pieces away for an offer of only one piece. On average, however, this Are Capuchins Reference Dependent and risky experimenter represented a good deal – he gave Loss Averse? one-and-a-half pieces of apple on average, while the other experimenter gave only one piece. Like In our first study (Chen et al ., 2006), we explored rational actors, our capuchin traders appeared reli- whether capuchins, like humans, set up expectations ably to prefer the risky experimenter who stochasti- relative to an arbitrary reference point. To do this, cally dominated. In this way, capuchins not only shift we independently varied what monkeys were ini- consumption rationally in response to price shifts, but tially shown and then what they eventually received also prefer trading gambles that provide the highest in exchange for a token, thereby setting up situations average payoffs. in which the monkeys could get more or less than

I. NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO THE BRAIN DO CAPUCHINS DISPLAY THE SAME BIASES AS HUMANS? 89 they expected. In the first , we examined Framing and Risk: Do Capuchins Exhibit a whether capuchins attended to this reference point. Reflection Effect? Monkeys got to choose between two experimenters who both delivered the same average expected payoff In our next set of studies, we examined whether of one-and-a-half pieces of apples. One experimenter, framing also affects monkeys’ risk preferences. To do however, gave this average payoff of one-and-a-half this, we presented the capuchins with a version of apples by way of a perceived loss. This experimenter Tversky and Kahneman’s (1981) well-known Asian began every trade by showing the monkeys two Disease problem (Lakshminarayanan, Chen, and pieces of apple. When this experimenter was paid, he Santos, personal communication). In each condition, either delivered these two pieces of apple as prom- monkeys had a choice between two kinds of experi- ised, or removed one to deliver only a single apple menters who delivered identical expected payoffs but piece. In this way, the first experimenter gave the differed in how much their payoffs varied. Monkeys monkeys less than they had expected based on their could choose to trade with a safe experimenter who reference point. The second experimenter, in contrast, traded the same way on every trial, or a risky experi- gave more on average than the monkeys expected. menter who represented a 50–50 gamble between a This second experimenter always began by display- high and a low payoff. What differed across the two ing a single piece of apple but then, when paid, either conditions was how the experimenters framed the delivered this one piece as promised or added a sec- monkeys ’ choices. In the first condition, each of the ond piece for a payoff of two apple pieces. Monkeys experimenters framed his payoff in terms of a gain; thus had a choice of obtaining an average of one- monkeys had a choice between a safe experimenter and-a-half pieces of apple by way of a perceived loss who promised one piece of food but always deliv- or by way of a perceived gain. Although the average ered two, and a risky experimenter who promised payoff was the same across the two experimenters, one piece of food but then delivered either one piece our monkey consumers did not prefer the two experi- of food or three pieces of food. Like humans tested in menters equally. Instead, they reliably preferred the the Asian Disease problem, monkeys presented with experimenter who delivered his apple pieces by way gains chose to avoid risk – they reliably preferred to of a gain. Like humans, capuchins appear to take into trade with the safe experimenter over the risky exper- account reference points – in this case, what they ini- imenter. The second condition, in contrast, presented tially are offered. monkeys with safe and risky losses. Monkeys had a We then went on to examine whether capuchins choice between a safe experimenter who always prom- avoid losses in the same way as humans. Did capuch- ised three pieces of food but always delivered two, ins avoid the experimenter who gave them perceived and a risky experimenter who promised three pieces losses, or did they instead seek out the experimenter of food but either delivered one piece of food or three who gave them perceived gains. To test this, we gave pieces of food. In contrast to their performance in the monkeys a choice between one experimenter who gains condition, monkeys in the losses condition pre- always delivered a loss – he consistently promised ferred to trade with the risky experimenter. In this two pieces of apple and gave one – versus an experi- way, monkeys appear to change their risk preferences menter who always gave what was expected – he depending on whether they are expecting perceived promised one piece of apple and delivered exactly that losses or perceived gains. Like humans, capuchins get piece. As in the previous study, our monkeys seemed riskier when gambling over losses than gains. to avoid the experimenter who delivered the perceived Interestingly, recent work by Kacelnik and his col- loss. Interestingly, monkeys faced with this choice leagues suggests that capuchins are not the only non- robustly preferred the experimenter who gave what human species to show a framing-based risk-preference they expected, despite the fact that both experimenters reversal when depending on framing; another even delivered a single piece of apple on every trial. more distantly related non-human species – the In this way, capuchins appear to share at least European starling ( Sturnus vulgaris ) – shows a similar two of the fundamental biases that humans display. risk-preference reversal on an analogous choice task. Capuchins represent their payoffs relative to arbi- Marsh and Kacelnik (2002) presented starlings with a trary reference points and appear to avoid gambles task in which they could choose either fixed or vari- that are framed as losses. Such results indicate that able rewards. Starlings practiced this task with one monkeys also succumb to framing effects, with differ- expected payoff amount, and were then tested with ent descriptions of the same problem leading them to outcomes that were either more or less than their make different choices. expectations. Starlings preferred the risky option more

I. NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO THE BRAIN 90 7. THE EVOLUTION OF RATIONAL AND IRRATIONAL ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR when they received less than they expected rather to wait for the trade to be completed. These results than when they received more than they expected, provide the first evidence to date that a non-human suggesting that starlings also become more risk-prone species demonstrates a true endowment effect – when dealing with perceived losses than with per- one that cannot be explained by timing, inhibition, or ceived gains. Combined with our capuchin studies, problems with transaction-related costs. this work suggests that framing effects may extend broadly across the animal kingdom, and may also extend to a variety of taxa. WHAT COMPARATIVE WORK MEANS FOR TRADITIONAL ECONOMICS AND Do Capuchins Exhibit An Endowment Effect? NEUROECONOMICS We then went on to examine whether capuchins demonstrate an endowment effect (see Thaler, 1980 ), a When taken together, our comparative studies to phenomenon in which ownership increases an object’s date suggest that capuchin monkey preferences oper- value. In what is now a classic paper, Kahneman ate in much the same way as those of human agents. et al . (1990) presented half of a group of human par- First, capuchins appear to obey the standard tenets of ticipants with a coffee mug, and then allowed partic- price theory, just like humans. In spite of their obedi- ipants to either buy or sell the new mug. Kahneman ence to price theory, however, capuchins also exhibit and colleagues found that participants that owned the same systematic biases as humans – they evalu- the mug demanded a higher price to sell the mug ate gambles in terms of arbitrary reference points, and than non-owners would pay to buy it. This discrep- pay more attention to losses than to gains. Finally, ancy between owners’ willingness-to-accept and buy- monkeys appear to show other market anomalies, ers’ willingness-to-pay was christened the endowment like the endowment effect. Our work thus suggests effect. Although there is still considerable debate con- that human behavioral biases result not from species- cerning the exact mechanisms underlying the endow- unique market experiences or cultural learning; ment effect, many have hypothesized that this effect instead, such biases are more likely to be far more follows from loss aversion (see Kahneman et al ., 1990 ). basic, perhaps even evolved strategies present long If this is the case, then capuchins – who exhibit loss ago in our common ancestor with other New World aversion in our experimental market – may also show primate species. a towards over-valuing objects that they own This work further suggests that such biases may over those they don’t yet own. emerge in the absence of much market experience not In a recent study (Lakshminarayanan, Chen, just in capuchins, but in the human species as well. and Santos, personal communication), we explored Indeed, our work provides hints about another possi- whether capuchins were also susceptible to endow- ble and probably fruitful line of work on the origins ment effects (see Chapter 19 for similar experiments of preference. Our studies to date have focused on the with chimpanzees). We first determined two goods evolutionary origins of human preferences and incen- that the monkeys preferred about equally, splitting tives, but even less work has examined the ontoge- their budget of tokens across the two goods. We then netic origins of these phenomena – namely, how they made our capuchin subjects the “ owners ” of one of the develop over the human lifecourse (for review, see two equally preferred goods. Rather than giving each Santos and Lakshminarayanan, 2008). Although some monkey subject a wallet of tokens, we instead pro- work to date has examined the development of loss vided a wallet of goods and allowed them to trade for aversion (e.g., Reyna and Ellis, 1994) and the endow- the other equally preferred good. Since the two goods ment effect (see Harbaugh et al ., 2001 ) in children, were already shown to be equally preferred, it might there is still relatively little consensus concerning how be predicted that capuchins would trade about half and when behavioral biases emerge in human deci- their endowed goods and then keep the other half. sion making. In addition, to our knowledge, all of the However, in contrast to this prediction, our capuchin available evidence to date examining the development actors reliably preferred to keep the food with which of revealed preferences has involved older children – they were endowed. Control conditions revealed participants who’ve had at least some experience mak- that our observed effect was not due timing effects ing purchases in the real world. For this reason, older or transaction costs – monkeys failed to trade their children are not the best subject pool if intending to endowed good even in cases in which they were com- examine the role of experience in the development pensated for the cost of the trade and the time it takes of loss aversion and reference dependence. To really

I. NEOCLASSICAL ECONOMIC APPROACHES TO THE BRAIN WHAT COMPARATIVE WORK MEANS FOR TRADITIONAL ECONOMICS AND NEUROECONOMICS 91 study the role of experience, researchers should focus important discoveries concerning the neural basis of their empirical effort on studying human infants – our representation of risk and value (see Chapters 29, participants who are young enough to lack any market 31, and 32). Many of the neurophysiological studies to experience. Although human infants ’ preferences are date, however, have concerned themselves with more not currently a standard focus for economic experi- standard aspects of choice behavior. In contrast, fMRI mentation, there is no reason they cannot become one. research with humans has focused on the neural basis In the past decade, developmental psychologists have of more non-standard behaviors, namely behavioral established a number of empirical methods that can biases. While such fMRI techniques have already pro- be easily imported for use in economic studies with vided tremendous insight into the neural basis of these preverbal infants. Infant-researchers have developed framing effects (see, for example, Chapters 10 and 11), standard methods for assessing both infants ’ choices these methods would undoubtedly be complemented (e.g., Feigenson et al., 2002) and their preferences by work examining framing effects (e.g., Spelke, 1976 ), all using non-verbal techniques. at the level of individual neurons. To date, however, Using these experimental methods, economists could little neurophysiological work has addressed the potentially ask whether infants obey price theory (and role of context and framing, in part because design- thus examine whether an obedience to price theory ing framing tasks for use in non-verbal primate sub- can emerge in the complete absence of experience). jects is a non-trivial task. The trading experiments we Similarly, it would be possible to examine how and have developed for capuchins, however, demonstrate when biases like loss aversion and reference depend- that such framing effects can and do occur in a non- ence begin emerging, and again explore the role of verbal species. Our work suggests that a physiological economic experience and other factors in the develop- investigation of framing is possible, and thus that it ment of these . might be possible to examine prospect theoretic pre- Our finding that many behavioral biases are dictions in a primate neural model. Our work dem- shared by closely related primates has a number of onstrating that monkeys exhibit an endowment effect implications for practicing economists. The first of further suggests that physiologists might be able to these involves how an might choose to examine even more subject changes in valuation – treat behavioral biases in both positive and norma- such as those due to ownership – in a primate model tive terms. For example, if biases observed in human as well. behavior are the results of misapplied heuristics, then The field of neuroeconomics, though still in its it seems natural to assume that what is learned can infancy, has enjoyed much success in a relatively short be unlearned, and that these mistakes are likely to amount of time. Undoubtedly, much of the success of disappear quickly in the face of market pressures – this newly emerging field relies on the importance it especially when stakes are high. Our work, however, places on interdisciplinary approaches to the study of suggests that these biases emerge in the absence of economic behavior. Our goal in this chapter has been experience, and thus that biases are likely to mani- to point out how primate cognition studies of choice, fest themselves in novel situations. Such findings also preferences, and incentives can add to this empirical raise the hurdle that competitive pressure may need mix – both in their own right as a way of examining to pass to discipline behavior. From a positivist per- the origins of standard and non-standard economic spective, while it may still be reasonable to believe behavior, and for their potential to give rise to new that in high-stakes settings where market partici- behavioral assays needed for neurophysiological pants are exposed to constant markets will insights into human economic behavior. display extremely rational behavior, those settings might not represent the majority of economically relevant settings. Indeed, consistent with classical Acknowledgements analysis, if a bias repeatedly emerges in dif- ferent market settings and represents a fundamental The authors would like to thank Venkat aspect of people’s preferences, it may demand more Lakshminarayanan, members of the Yale Neuro- normative weight than we might have otherwise economics Group, and the editors for helpful com- thought. ments on this chapter. We are also grateful to Brian Our work also has important implications for non- Hare and Vanessa Woods for use of their chimpanzee traditional economists – neuroeconomists interested photo. This work was supported by a National in the neural basis of standard and non-standard eco- HSD Award (#0624190), the Whitebox Advisors, the nomic behavior. In the past decade, macaque models , and Yale University. Address have afforded neurophysiologists with a number of correspondence to [email protected].


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