AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL This report covers the period January to December 2003 CHI"'''' PACIFIC OCEAN >If.."" ( ,-� \ ) 1,",01'" ... , / �" I PACIFIC OCEAN """"'" , " INDIAN OCEAN \, r ,0 ,> I 1.\� .,- First published in 2004 by Amnesty International Publications International Secretariat Peter Benenson House 1 Easton Street London WCl X ODW United Kingdom www.amnesty.org e Copyright Amnesty International Publlcalions 2004 ISBN: 0·86210·354·1 AI Index: POl 101004/2004 Original language: English Printed by: The Alden Press Osney Mead, Oxford United Ki ngdom Cover design by Synergy Maps by Andr�s Bereznay, wwwhistoryonmaps.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2004 ERRATA Rwanda Page 71, column 2, paragraph S. hne7 should read: end of the year, the ICTRhad delivered 17judgments Brazil Page 103. column 2, paragraph 4, line S should read· ... Adenllson 8arbosa da Silva and Joseilton Jose dos Santos •.. Thailand Page 192. column 2, paragraph 2, line 3 should read bodies were found in a fiver on the Thai-Myanmar border Jordan Page 288. column 2, paragraph 2, line I should read e Journalist Muhannad Mubaidin served a six... CONTENTS CONTENTS Preface/ l A message from the Secretary Generall3 Building an international human rights agenda/5 PART 1 Africa regional overview/28·30 A-Z country entries/31
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