PRESERVATION Spring 2005 Vol.1 L No.3 OKLAHOMA NEWS a Joint Project of the State Historic Preservation Office and Preservation Oklahoma
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PRESERVATION Spring 2005 vol.1 l no.3 OKLAHOMA NEWS A joint project of the State Historic Preservation Office and Preservation Oklahoma 2005 Most Endangered Historic Places list Announced On January 3 1 at the Mayo Hotel in Tulsa HISTORIC DOWNTOWN TULSA beg~nconstruction of the Odd Fellows Home Oklahoma, Preservation Oklahoma and the From its Art Deco buildings. to its in 1900, w~thOklahoma architectJoseph Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office pedestrian friendly storefronts, Historic Foucart Closed in 1981, the orphanage has were pleased to announce Oklahoma's Most Downtown Tulsa reflects its community's been home to over 900 res~dentsAlthough Endangered Historic Places list for 2005. history and growth. a new use has been found, the property IS n In 1993, this annual list was established as Downtown Tulsa serves as a development need of attention a way to bring public attention to Oklahoma's tool, a sign oithe community's economic BOHEMIAN HALL, PRAGUE d~versehistoric resources. Each year, a call health, and a physical link to Tulsa's past. As Built in 1917, the Z.C.B. j. Lodge Hall for nominations goes out to the membership with all downtowns, careful thought should No. 46, or commonly known as the and public at large. The Endangered Places be taken when considering irreversible Bohemian Hall, IS the oldest Czech fraternal Committee revtews the nominations and changes-whether demolition. new order in Oklahoma. For nearly 100 years. selects the sites based on their architectural construction or adaptive reuse. Downtown the Bohemian Hall has stood as a symbol integrity and historical significance, the Tulsa is the center of the entire community, of the ethnic przde and heritage of Czechs identifiable threat, and the likelihood that and a place that "belongs" to everyone. In Oklahoma. their inclusion on this list will make a positive ODD FELLOWS WIDOWS AND ORPHANS Recent deterioration and lack of ~mpacton preservation efforts. Each listing HOME, CHECOTAH funds are the main obstacles facing this serves as a sample ofthe thousands of Datingfrom early 18th century England. community landmark. landmarks across Oklahoma in need of our the Odd Fellows charrtable work was attention and protection. afmed at helping the poor Members ofthe This year's list includes: See ''Endangered Places" on page 6 Checotah Lodge #20 gained permission to Oklahoma's 17th Annual Statewide PRESERVATION OKLAHOMA NEWS Preservation Conference Jo~nus June 8-10, 2005, in Stillwater forthe special short course Makmg the Grade in Preservation: Oklahoma's 17th Annual Statewide Preservotion Conference. Registration and most conference activities will be held in the Stillwater Community Center 315 West 8th. The class scheduie includes (I) Track A: Historic Preservation on Campus addressing the opportunltles and the challenges for colleges and univers~tiesand public schools as they plan for the future use of their h~storicbuildings: (2) Track B: Cammunrty Revitalmtion Workbook featuring sessons about federal tax credits for rehabilitatton and the economic benefits of Preservation Oklahoma News, other preservation strategies, such as historic district designation: and (3) Trock C: Preservation the newsletter of Oklahoma's CliffNotes providing the basics you need to build a successful local preservaton program, such h~storjcprerervaton cornmunlty, as information about who to contact with your preservation questions and concerns. is publ~shedquarterly as a jont project of Presewat~onOklahoma Fifty-two speakers from Oklahoma and across the nation comprise the conference and the Okiahoma State H~storic faculty. Keynote speaker Heather Macintosh, President, Preservation Action, Washington, D.C.. Preservation Office will discuss how to channel passion for preservation into posit~veaction. Other special guest speakers include Fab~oAngell, Preservation PlannerIMain Street Manager All correspondence. materials, and Fernando Flores, CDBG Director of Pharr, Texas speaking about the use of CDBG funds or address changes should be to foster preservation and heritage tourism in their community; Nancy Jane Baker, Manager, ernailed to: [email protected] Memphis Landmarks Commission and NAPC representative (see detailed arricle in this issue); or send by regular mail to: John 5. Bowman, Jr, Executive Director, Tax Credit Capital L.L.C., Donna G. Richard, Revenue Preservation Oklahoma. Inc. Agent Coordinator, Internal Revenue Service, and Angela Shearer, Tax lncent~ves Program. 405 Northwest Fifteenth Street National Park Service discussing the federal investment tax credits for rehabiiitation for all sizes Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 of projects; Travis Beckwith, U.5. Mtlitary Academy. Duane Boyle, U. 5. Air Force Academy, Lou Ann j. Broad, U. 5. Naval Academy, and Mark Buck, U. 5. Coast Guard Academy discussing the Editors: Melvena Heisch See Presewat~onConference on page 3 Deputy State Hstoric PresewatfonOfficer Oklahoma Historical Society (405) 522-4484 Heather Se~fert Executive Dlrector Preservation Oklahoma, Inc. Overhoiser Mansion 405 Northwest Fifteenth Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 (405) 525-5325 .nter,ar Howeverthe cantenti and ap,nioni do not ncce.rany reflect the vewr or poi'ler 01 he Department ofthe intenor, nor does the ment,cn aitrade names or product. Conlttrfe erdoiremen?orrecommendat an5 oy the Department ofthe Interlor TI, pragraw rerever rranra ari,tao<e far denlieraton and proter,ion offire of o qua Opparrrnq US Depanment of the :oterar Wailngton. DC. 20140 2 Spring 2005 Route 66 Preservation Workshop A Route 66 workshop will be held in assistance on preservation challenges at the A reglstratlon fee of $150 w~llbe required Monrovia. California on September 13 and local, state, and federal levels. to part~cipatein the workshop. Please make 14,2005. This workshop is sponsored by the The workshop is intended for professionals, checks or money orders payable to the National Parkservice Route 66 Corridor advocates, and those who work. or plan California Route 66 Preservation Foundation Preservation Program. to work, in preserving historic properties and include w~thyour application to the Participants will learn from experts anywhere along Route 66. Attendees will address below: about standards, techniques, and tools for include advocates from Route 66-related Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program protecting and preserving travel related Associations, owners of histor~cproperties National Park Servwe historic properties along Route 66. You along Route 66, members of city planning PO. Box 728 will hear about available resources for staffs, chambers of commerce, economic Santa Fe, NM 87504-0728 preservation funding, about neon restoration, development offices, etc. Participation will (505) 988-6742 and road and bridge preservation. We be l~mitedto 40 attendees and will be wiil discuss how to rehabilitate historic selected based on the information provided. properties for new uses, what the Secretary A detailed schedule of the workshop is of Interior's Standards are all about, and find available at out how listmg on the National Register can To apply, download and complete the benefit property owners. We will discuss applicat~onform available at the importance of local zoning ordinances and submit the hard copy to the Route 66 and preservation-friendly General Plans, and Corridor Preservation Program, National how such plann~nglaws can benefit Route 66 Park Service, PO. Box 728, Santa Fe, NM related properties. Sessions will investigate 87504.0728, Deadline for application to the best practices in working with local planners, workshop is July I. 2005. Two spaces for commissions, councils, property owners, and each Route 66 Association will be reserved community development organizations to to guarantee representation across Route 66. forge cooperative strategies. Part~clpantswill Participants will be expected to attend the also learn how to access links to technical entire workshoo Preservation Conference continued from page 2 mission and tradition of their institutions and the challenges and opportunities in the [email protected] or Kelli White, how they meet their historx preservation preservation of historic school buildings. Downtown Stillwater, at (405)624-2921 or responsibilit!es: Megan]. Brown. Hfstoric In addition to class work. you will enjoy [email protected]. Preservation Grants, National Park Service extracurricular activities including tours of explaining how to qualify and apply for Save Stillwateis historic places, receptions, and CONTACT INFORMATION America's Treasures grants: Daniel Carey, other events. for informotion on the i7th Annuai Southwest Office, Nat~onalTrust for Historic Conference cosponsors include the State Preservation Conference: Preservation hghlighting the Trust's financial Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma Melvena Helsch and technical services programs: Pratt Cassity, Historical Society, Oklahoma Main Deputy, SHPO School of Env\ronmental Design, University Street Centei: Oklahoma Department of Georgia providing POK's luncheon address; of Commerce, Preservation Oklahoma. (405) 522 4484 Steve Kline, General Services Administration Downtown Stillwater: Payne County [email protected] discussing GSRs role in community Historical Society, Sheerar Museum, Stillwater Kelll Wh~te revitalization: Donovan D. Rypkema. Place Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Downtown St~llwater Economics presenting hts study results Stillwater Community