Glebe Report
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glebe repo- I March 6, 1998 Vol. 26 No. 3 t Seven step recovery for a greener Glebe BY JOANNA DEAN & Those who wish to prune their DIANE MCINTYRE own trees may wish to consult the GCA ENVIRONMENT pamphlet put out by t h e COMMITTEE Landowner Resource Centre The January ice storm wreaked Caring for Ice Damaged Trees. A havoc on the tree cover in the copy of the pamphlet has been Glebe. A number of trees have posted on the Community Asso- been cut down, others have been ciation bulletin board at the severely cut back and the canopy Glebe Community Centre. Copies on remaining trees has been re- are available by phoning 1-888- duced. 571-4636. Glebe residents met on Febru- STEP FOUR: DO-IT-YOURSELF ary 17 with city arborist, Brian TREE PLANTING Smith, and Dianne Huffman of the The City of Ottawa will provide Urban Forest Citizen's Committee. trees for do-it-yourself tree They identified a number of planting on private property. steps to keep our neighborhood Several species, possibly green. including sugar and Norway STEP ONE: TREE MANAGE- STEP THREE: PRUNING maples, a flowering crab apple MENT IN OUR PARKS Owners should not be too quick and a locust will be available. Photo: Chris Burbidge A meeting will be held March to cut down trees, unless they Trees are ten to twelve feet tall, PM in the Glebe Com- 24 at 7:30 pose a safety hazard. Trees with about one inch in diameter. The Thinking Centre with Grant Peart, munity less than 25% of their canopy trees are sold with bare roots and with City of Ot- Day senior planner destroyed may be expected to re- so the purchasers should be pre- Services, to plan tawa Community cover. Even those with 50% de- pared to water the trees regularly Party a strategy toward tree manage- stroyed may still survive, for the first two years. The cost is parks. and Maggie Crump of the 52nd ment and planting in Glebe provide cover while new trees expected to be $30 and orders All residents are welcome, espe- should be placed before July for Brownie Pack models a sari from grow to replace them. Some In dia Laura cially those with an interest in October planting. while Christensen- species, such as maple and elm, Cheffins waits her turn at the our parks. For further informa- will grow new shoots to replace Those who wish to purchase a tion, call Joanna Dean at 237- tree from a local nursery may Thinking Day party for Sparlcs, lost branches. Brownies and Girl Guides. For 9767. Trees should be pruned, how- consult the guides for the STEP TWO: ATTEND TREE and planting of trees more pictures and story turn to WORKSHOPS ever, to minimize the damage. selection posted on the Glebe Community page 9. The City of Ottawa Urban Forest Trees on public property have Association bulletin board in the Citizen's Committee and the Ur- been pruned by city arborists. Next Deadline But city arborist, Brian Smith, Community Centre: Tree Planting March 23, 1998 ban Ecosystem Stewardship Ottawa Hydro (738- on invites residents to inform the Advice from Council is offering workshops Master Plant List and care. city of any remaining problems at 6400) tree planting and tree Two for the Planting and Care of workshops on April 244-5444. Tips free evening Trees both from the City of Ot- INSIDE 21 and April 22 cover issues like Trees on private property are the responsibility of the property tawa. Forum 5,15 the urban forest, tree planting, STEP FIVE: SUPPORT CITY owner. Tree pruning is an art, design and maintenance. A full TREE PLANTING Opinions on women and day workshop for $20 per person and some traditional techniques The City of Ottawa will plant a on April 25 covers tree care made are no longer advised. For tree on the public portion of land work, traf fic and the OBE example, arborists no easy and includes a field trip. longer abutting private property. Home renovation proposal Call 1-800-387-5304 for infor- recommend the use of wound owners often request a tree for dressing. GCA 7 mation. Continued on page 2 Glebe C.I. Future of the Central team Experimental Farm Robotics Feature 13 displays Music therapy at the innovation Glebe Centre Glebe Collegiate's robotics team Feature 16 returned from three exciting days March Break activities at the Canada First Robotics Com- petition in Brampton with a num- Feature 17 ber of prizes. History of a business on The team was awarded third place for the most innovative Bank St. robot design. The web site, fea- Sports 18,1§ First day of sculpture building turing graphics and a team pic- ture, also won third prize. How to check out a cheap Adam Tunis, one of the 52 team Icing on the cake members, reported that the com- bike BY LEIGH WIDDOWSON Madawaska Dr. with the help of petition was great and lots of fun. School News 22-26 During Winterlude, people in students of the Ottawa School of "All the teams showed lots of en- Ottawa enjoyed skating down the Speech and Drama. ergy." This despite getting no Books 27 canal, drinking hot chocolate and sleep from Thursday to Monday. looking at the snow sculptures. They created a birthday cake The Tech-Tac-Toe competition Words 30 One of the snow sculptures this to celebrate the an- required the robots to place de- decorated at the library year was done by students of the niversary. While these actors vices onto pylons on the playing What's on Ottawa School of Speech and may not be professional sculp- field, with the devices placed ,Grapevine 31 Drama, on Pretoria, who are cele- tors, they walked home with nearest the top getting more brating their 10th anniversary smiles on their faces after win- points. Quote of the Month while Winterlude celebrates its ning one of two honourable men- Glebe's robot worked consis- Is it so small a thing 20th anniversary. The snow tion prizes of $100 which went tently to place a handcuff-type To have enjoy'd the sun, sculpture was put together by towards the Ottawa School of device on the pylons and tied for To have lived light in the spring, team leader Melanie Richards and Speech and Drama's scholarship eighth overall, losing in the To have loved, to have thought, to her sidekick Leigh Widdowson of fund. tiebreaker. have done? Matthew Arnold N EWS Glebe Report March 6, 1998 2 Abbotsford House Income tax clinic March 28 SPORTS & SPINAL INJURY CLINIC BY GORDON HAUSER have a wise friend doing your tax Abbotsford Senior Centre at its return, these accountants are ex- convenient location opposite perts and they know every trick SPORTS MEDICINE PHYSICIANS AND PHYSIOTHERAPISTS WORKING TOGETHER Lansdowne Park on Bank Street to save you money. Do yourself a A offers the Income Tax Clinic for favour and take advantage of this MM. private clinic specializing in the Seniors, 55 and older. Just be- opportunity. 411. care of: cause the tax due date has been While at Abbotsford House for 111.....011 sudden or recurring back pain extended because of the ice storm your hassle-free tax solution, sudden or recurring neck pain your tax return is still a horrid take a look around. Doesn't that 11111, ANIM job that has to be done. Abbots- snooker table look inviting? That 1111M... NIM1 tendinitis, sprains, or strains ford makes it easy by allowing is only one of the many activities ... 11M you to seek the advice of the spe- the Centre provides and you IND should know that the whole orga- MO. cialists, Certified General Ac- =Mal MD's 011IP covered nization is devoted to satisfying countants Association, on Satur- Bernie Lalonde, M.D. your interests, so ask for details day, March 28. Bring all relevant extended health of all that goes on there and see Robert Gauvreau, M.D. PHYSIOTHERAPY papers and they will save you a coverage headache and probably money as what you are missing. Eleanor Cox, B.P.T. well. But of course, others will Since huge numbers of boxes of 1095 Carling Avenue, Suite 101 Ottawa, Ontario KlY 4P6 Tel: (613) 729-8098 be asking for this help also, so books were donated for the book you must make an appointment to sale that took place March 7, why save time. Book your appointment not browse the leftovers while you are there. Just maybe a flrst at this valuable clinic by phoning ALGONQUIN TRAVELO 230-5730. Even if you think you edition book was overlooked and vel.t\3 can do it on your own, or if you you can claim the prize! 90 Sparks Street Free income 'tax clinic for seniors The Certified General Accoun- Senior Centre. pRESENTS... tants Association of Ontario will Abbotsford Senior Centre is lo- be holding a free income tax cated at 950 Bank Street. Ap- clinic for seniors, whose annual pointments are required. Book (.51. gard-en .7our of :Brilain income is below $28,000, on Sat- your appointment by calling 230- Ay - urday, March 28 at Abbotsford 5730. M 19 51 , 1998 Message from the mayor HosTEd by LiNdA TITORNE OF BY MAYOR JIM WATSON I want Lansdowne Park to re- TF1ORNE & CO. iN TIlE GIEbE City council last month unani- turn to its glory when it was a mously decided to formally start people place. This can include the process of turning off the tap recreational facilities; housing; Some of the Gardens we shall visit include: of red ink at Lansdowne Park.