Federal Listing Status of Species in Texas 10/6/17

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Federal Listing Status of Species in Texas 10/6/17 Overview: Federal Listing Status of Species in Texas Nongame and Rare Species Program Texas Parks and Wildlife Department October 6, 2017 FY13-FY18 Multi-District Litigation (MDL) Total Texas Species: 22 FY13-FY18 Multi-District Litigation (MDL) Species with Finalized Listing Decisions: • 20 species (details below) o 17 of 20 species listed as either threatened or endangered; listing not warranted for 3 species. FY13-FY18 MDL Species with Pending Listing/Critical Habitat Decisions • 2 species (details below): Species with 90-day Findings Pending 12-month Reviews (Separate from FY13-FY18 MDL) • 50 species (details below) ________________________________________________________________________ FY13-FY18 MDL Species in Texas • MDL Species with Finalized Listing Status Post-settlement o Austin blind salamander: Endangered with critical habitat o Dune sagebrush lizard: Listing not warranted o Diamond Y Spring snail: Endangered with critical habitat o Diminutive amphipod: Endangered with critical habitat o Georgetown salamander: Threatened o Gonzales springsnail: Endangered with critical habitat o Guadalupe fescue: Endangered with critical habitat o Jollyville salamander: Threatened with critical habitat o Neches River rose-mallow: Threatened with critical habitat o Pecos amphipod: Endangered with critical habitat o Phantom Cave snail: Endangered with critical habitat o Phantom springsnail: Endangered with critical habitat o Red knot: Threatened o Salado salamander: Threatened o Sharpnose shiner: Endangered with critical habitat o Smalleye shiner: Endangered with critical habitat o Sprague's pipit: Listing not warranted, candidate status removed o Texas golden gladecress: Endangered with critical habitat o Warton Cave meshweaver: Listing not warranted o Yellow-billed cuckoo (western distinct population segment): Threatened with critical habitat • FY13-FY18 MDL Species Awaiting Action o Louisiana pine snake: Proposed threatened o Texas hornshell: Proposed endangered Species with 90-day Findings Pending 12-month Reviews • Partial 90-Day Finding on a Petition to List 475 Species in the Southwestern United States as Threatened or Endangered with Critical Habitat (12/16/2009) o Arkansas River speckled chub o Black-spotted newt o Chihuahua catfish o Big red sage o Black-spotted newt o Blanco blind salamander o Brush-pea o Bushy whitlow-wort o Chisos coralroot o Comal blind salamander o Comal Springs salamander o Edwards Aquifer diving beetle o Louisiana pigtoe o A moss (Donrichardsonia macroneuron) o Mimic cavesnail o Navasota false foxglove o Nueces shiner o Pecos pupfish o Prostrate milkweed o Royal moth o Texas kangaroo rat o Texas salamander o Texas troglobitic water slater o Tharp's bluestar o Toothless blindcat o Triangle pigtoe o Widemouth blindcat • Partial 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List 404 Species in the Southeastern United States as Endangered or Threatened With Critical Habitat (9/27/2011) o Black rail o Bluehead shiner o Correll's false dragon-head o Hall's pocket moss o Kisatchie painted crayfish o Louisiana eyed-silkmoth o Morse's little plain brown sedge o Rough-stemmed aster o Shinner's sunflower o Small-headed pipewort o Texas emerald dragonfly o Texas screwstem o Texas trillium o Western chicken turtle • 90-day Findings on 29 Petitions (3/16/2016) o Reticulate collared lizard – not substantial finding o Leoncita False-foxglove • 90-day Findings on 31 Petitions (7/1/2015) o Alligator snapping turtle o Cascade Caverns salamander o Rio Grande cooter • Miscellaneous Individual 90-day findings o Golden-winged warbler (6/2/2011) o Massasauga (8/9/2012) o Monarch butterfly (12/31/2014) o Plains spotted skunk (12/4/2012) o Spot-tailed earless lizard (5/24/2011) .

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