The William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society invites to a benefit play reading of: “The Viennese Patient” A Psychoanalytic Session of Hitler with Freud A play by Mark Edmundson • Directed by Daniella Topol

READ BY: Mark Blum Quentin Mare Among his credits: Credits include: Broadway: Twelve Angry Men; The Broadway: Julius Caesar; Tom Graduate; Lost in Yonkers Stoppard’s Rock and Roll; Film: Shattered Glass; Desperately Film: Body of Lies; Personal Velocity; Seeking Susan TV: Law and Order TV: ; ; Law and Order; Judging Amy


Mark Edmundson Jay S. Kwawer Professor, Director, University of William Alanson Virginia White Institute

Sybille Pearson Daniella Topol Award winning Director Playwright


BARUCH CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 55 Lexington Avenue (Enter on East 25th St. bet. Lexington and 3rd Aves.) New York, NY 10010

COST: $50 General Admission/ $25 Students PAYMENT INFO: To benefit the Society's activities and the Institute's low cost psychotherapy services Please complete and postal mail/ fax the Please register early as seating is limited. registration form on next page.. R.S.V.P.: Wine and cheese Carlos Acha, collation to follow. 212-873-0725,ext.10 [email protected]

William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society • 20 West 74th St. • New York, NY 10023

REGISTRATION FORM: “The Viennese Patient” - November 21, 2009 Please reserve _____ seats to the November 21st benefit play reading at the Baruch Center for Performing Arts.

. $50 General Admission  $25 Student Enclosed is my check (made payable to: “White Society”)/ or charge my credit card $______. Card Type:  Visa  Master Card  Amex Card No.: ______Exp Date: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

City:______State: ______Zipcode: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

MAIL TO: Society Benefit, c/o White Institute, 20 West 74th St., New York, NY 10023 or FAX: (212) 362-6967