I . ,I I owl A JOURNAL (JF lLLif\JOIS BffiDS Volume 21, Number 3 2012


President's Message

The Illinois Spring Bird Count

Where were you on May 6, 1972? That was the first (official) Spring Bird Count here in Illinois - though a 'trial run' count had actually th been conducted almost a year earlier, on May g , 1971. From thal Publisher beginning, the SBC goal has been to get birders to cover every one

Illinois Ornithological Society of the 102 counties in our great state, counting the migrants and the President returning resident breeding species. . ·. Robert Fisher Ably coordinated by Vern Kleen over a substantial chunk of those

Vice President 40 plus years (THANKS, VERN!), doing the Spring Count has Urs Geiser been a fixture in the lives of many members of the Illinois birding

Treasurer community. Karen and I participated in our first Count in 1976 here in Alex Meloy DuPage County; I was the driver and Karen tallied as we wound our Recording Secretary way through the streets of Downers Grove eventually recording just Denis Bohm under 800 birds of 36 different species. Our highlight was two Gray­ Membership Secretary cheeked Thmshes! Looking backward with a somewhat jaundiced eye, Barbara Williams I wonder if they weren't Uusl) SwainSon's. Chief Editor The SBC results provide powerful statistics on population trends by Sheryl DeVore species, range changes over time, and a host of other useful information

Past President on the state of the birds here in Illinois - like the impressive increase Jenny Vogt in the numbers of Cooper's Hawks as they populate the suburbs and residential areas across the state, or the explosive growth of Blue-gray Board of Directors Gnatcatchers (at one time a fairly rare SBC bird, especially in the Amar Ay yash northern half of Illinois, now seemingly everywhere there's suitable Tara Beveroth habitat for this diminutive woodland species). The data has also Joan Bruchman delineated the declines of three species once more common in Illinois Josh Engel they are today: Ring-necked Pheasants (a victim of changes in Matt Fraker than agricultural practices, especially the elimi:nalion of hedgerows), Red­ Bob Fisher headed Woodpeckers, and Bewick's Wrens, a species disappearing Urs Geiser from much of i Sl'ang in the eastern USA. Matt McKim-Louder .t e Barbara Williams Vernretired as statewide compiler after the 2009 SBC; Tara Beveroth, Avian Field Specialist forINHS and IOS Board member, took over for Associate Editors Vern in this important job, beginning in 2010. The transition has been Steven D. Bailey very seamless, and the longstanding question of where and how to JefferyWalk store the ULinois SBC database has been resolved. Implemented by Tara and her !NHS colleagues, the entire database is being stored at Photo Editor the Midwest Avian Data Center: http://data.prbo.org/partners/mwadc/. Steven D. Bailey Stay tuned; complete public access to this 40+ year history is StaffIllustrators coming soon on the MADC website. And if you attended the recent Peter Olson Gull Frolic, you also heard from Tara about the other substantive Michael P. Retter change to the SBC. Begimring in 2013, two day i11 early May will be Barbara Williams scheduled for the Count. lt's always been a .struggle fo get coverage Pre-Press Production in all Ulinois counties - the population center counties attract large 1mmbers of the l tl , sometimes no coverage Kathy Ade birders, n.u·al counties get it e at all. By sw.ftch.ing to two day format, dedica�ed SBCers will [email protected] the have the opportunity to count in their home patch on one day, and then help Printing count in an underbirded county the next! I can't wait! CityWide Printing, Des Plaines, Illinois Robert Fisher MEADOWLARI( A JOURNAL OF }LLJNOIS BIRDS

Volume 21, Number 3 - 2012 JSSN 1065-2043

Visit Our Website at: http://www.illinoisbirds.org

Articles ------

Illinois's record irruption of Snowy Owls 74 during the winter of 2011/2012 with notes on historical distribution Letter from the Editor - David B. Johnson Last winter season, birders witnessed a record irrup­ sampling of Snowy Owl pellet contents tion of Snowy Owls in Illinois - and we've got a list of A 84 every, if not nearly every Snowy seen in our state right during winter 2011/2012 here in the pages of Meadowlark. David B . .lohnson, a - Joshua Engel I. fellow birder and friend, wrote a spectacular article with accompanying rabies and histograms regarding this great ------­ year for an uncommon winter visitor. Photographers were Photo Gallery out in full force Laking pictures of the owls as far south A Snowy Owl Extravaganza 85 as Pulaski County. Associate and Photo Editor Steven D. Bailey gathered all these photos and gained permis­ sion from the photographers to publish them here in Departments Meadowlark. The photographers are commended for their The 2011/2012 Christmas Bird Count 89 stunning images of owls posing, behaving and interacting with other birds. Meanwhile Barbara Williams crafted - Paul W. Sweet another of her great cover drawings to introduce readers to what they'll find in the issue. And Board Member Josh Field Notes: Winter Season 2011/2012 99

Engel of The Field Museum examined some Snowy Owl - Kelly J. McKay and Steven D. Bailey pellets to see what they were eating, then wrote a piece about it for this issue as well.

We added four extra pages to get the terrific images in, as well as the Christmas Bird Count and the Winter field notes. This issue has been a long time corning - we've had to work hard to get all the many details, including all the photographers' names, right, along with dates and places About Our Cover: seen. IOS Board Member and Membership Secretary Barbara From the editorial staff, we hope you will enjoy this Williams created this issue's cover of a Snowy Owl. Barbara special issue, a lasting legacy to the Snowy Owl invasion has been a devoted student of natural history for many years of2011/2012. We also have it in digital format to be saved and has been a birder since she saw her first Scarlet Tanager for perpetuity. at the age of 4. She ran the biology department at the Coming next issue: Dave Johnson's article on a Black­ Burpee Musuem ofNatural History for 13 years. throaled Blue Warbler in Chicago during winter, Jeff She lives in Rockford with her husband, Daniel. Smith's article on finding eight owl species in one day Both are dedicated volunteers for IOS. in Illinois, and, Lhe Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count report from last season. Thanks to all our members for supporting IOS to make issues like these become reality.

Copyright©20 J by the Illinois Ornithological Society. 3 Above: No part ofthis journal may be reproduced without the written Sn011".J' Ovvl ivith American Cmn·: permission of IOS and the chief editor, except brief passages Northerly Island, Chicago, Cook County. of a paragraph or less in which attribution is made to the 29 January 20 I 2. Photo by Richard Remington. journaland author.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 73 In many natural objects, Illinois's Record whiteness refiningly enhances beauty, as if Irruption of Snowy imparting some special virtue of its own, as in Owls during the marbles, japonicas, and winter of pearls ... that as in essence 2011/2012 whiteness is not so much a with notes on color as the visible absence of color, and at the same historical time the concrete of all colors; is iffor these reasons distribution that there is such a dumb blankness, fitll of meaning, By David B. Jo hnson in a wide landscape of snows ...

- Herman Melville, MobyDick

Across lllinois during the fall, ncdc.noaa.gov/). Illinois's irruption was an aircraft strike of a bird at winter and spring of 2011/2012 was "just part of the iceberg," so O'Hare International Airport on 11 observers, birders, raptor rehabilita­ to speak, being part of a continent November 2011. On 19 November tors, scientists and the general public wide Snowy Owl irruption, massive at Montrose beach and fishhook pier were amazed at the extent to which in scope across the North American in Chicago, Cook County birders Snowy Owls irrupted into the state. continent west to east and as far south observed two Snowy Owls having Articles and photographs of Snowy as Texas (Dolan 2012) and even as flown in off Lake Michigan. Before Owls made front covers of Illinois far flung as Honolulu, Hawaii, a this and through the end of fall the newspapers (DeVore 201 1), televi­ first ever record for Hawaii (ebird stage had already been set for a major sion stations ran special newscasts 2012). For all of the participants who irruption. In Canada in southern about the irruption, and birders were ventured out to witness this record Ontario by mid-November Snowy often treated to multiple sightings of irruption in Illinois and elsewhere - it Owls were showing up at many Snowy Owls throughout Illinois. The was truly impressive. (See Figure l locations with 14 Snowy Owls at huge extent of this most recent record and Table 1) Nittishi Point on 9 November being 2011/2012 invasion of 133 sightings The first Snowy Owl recorded in a peak tally in the massive fall move­ or detections in 34 counties in Illinois Illinois during the 2011/12 season ment (Bain 2012), and in southern was, no doubt, bolstered by the ebird Manitoba the owls were widespread. contributions of citizen scientists Just to the north, multiple Snowy (in most cases experienced birders), Owls were noted in 27 Minnesota other birding forums, the Christmas counties, 37 Wisconsin counties and Bird Count database (a color pho­ 24 Michigan counties by the end of tograph of a Snowy Owl graced the fall season in the Western Great the cover of the 112th CBC issue, Lakes region (Svingen 2012), while LeBaron 2012) and the increased a large irruption in the Dakotas was interest in owls bolstered by the well unde1way. To the west of our media. The fictional Harry Potter's state a juvenile male Snowy Owl was famous companion - Hedwig - a noted on 7 November, which was the Snowy Owl perhaps stoked addition­ al attention. The Snowy Owl irrup­ Above: Snowy Owl. tion occurred - counter intuitively Coles County. 9 February 2012. - in an almost snowless Illinois win­ Photo by Ron Bradley. ter and during the third warmest win­ ter on record according to National Snowy Owl at Montrose, Chicago, Weather Climatic Data (http://www. Cook County. 7 December 2011. Photo by Robert Hughes.

74 Meadowlark first of 14 Snowy Owls in Iowa, and Snowy Owl with rabbit prey there were four in Missouri (Wehtje at Montrose, Chicago, Cook 2012) during the fall period. To the County. 18 December 2011. east, Indiana recorded its first fall Photo by Jerry Goldne1'. Snowy Owl in Starke County on 18 November (Hengeveld et al. 2012). that 16.6 percent of the Snowy Owl In December, it was also clear that reports during this irruption season something major was about to hap­ were at airports ( 19.6 percent if you pen or was already happening par­ add old Meigs Field in Chicago, ticularly during early winter and the Cook County which is now Northerly Christmas Bird Count period (J 4 Dec Island park). - 5 Jan, LeBaron 20 12). In Wisconsin In addition, lakefront observations just to our north 32 Snowy Owls showed a big fall off in numbers after were tallied on 16 CBCs, the most December. Kanae Hirabayashi, a fre­ ever in that state, plus there were quent birder at Montrose's Harbor winter season reports from 40 coun­ and beach along Chicago's lake­ ties according to Kavanagh (2012). In front noted on IBET (Illinois Birders Illinois, five counts tallied six Snowy front sightings and four were inland; Exchanging Thoughts) that after Owls (Sweet 2012), this was in keep­ in Cook County, 34 were lakefront mid- January she did not see another ing with our neighbor Indiana's four reports and 18 detections were inland. Snowy Owl until mid-February. Lake CBC Snowy Owls which tied their Sixty-nine percent of the Snowy Owl Michigan did not freeze this winter previous all-time high (Cassady detections statewide were inland as season and many owls, being unable 2012). Illinois CBC Snowy Owls compared witho 31 percent along the to hunt ducks from a frozen lakefront, were all recorded in northern Illinois lakefront. (See Figures 4 and 5.) One seemed to just push on for better with four alongthe lakefront, and two can get a sense of this with the Figure hunting grounds and food sources. in the interior of the state at Illini and 1 and the five reports at Midway From mid-January through mid-Feb­ Decatur. Airport in Cook County, nine reports ruary owls seemed to have settled CBCs aside, December and at O'Hare Airport, Cook County, five into wintering territories and just January were the months of the Snowy Owls noted in Champaign a month later by mid-March many most number of detections or reports County; seven in Grundy County, were on the return north, though after of Snowy Owls in the state (See and seven in McLean County (See this major irruption several did linger Figure 3). Forty-five Snowy Owls Appendix.) Clearly the trend was that into April and mid-May. were reported in December and 35 the Snowy Owls coming down the Unlike the previous irruptions in January with numbers tapering lakeshore moved farther south and of Snowy Owls during the winters down to 30 and 20 in February and inland. Also, it was interesting to note of 199111992 (Johnson 1992) and March respectively. March was a record warm month and many owls by mid-March were returning north; detections went significantly down in April and May with just three and four detections for those months (who's looking forSnowy Owls when there's green grass and lawn mowers going?). Looking at the overall detec­ tion map, see (Figure 1) and the 133 reports for the state, the lakefront reports of 14 and 52 reports forLake and Cook counties, one could chal­ lenge that many of the reports might be duplicate sightings (and possibly some were, see methodology). In Lake County, 10 reports were lake-

Sn owy Owl with Chicago skyline background. Cook County. Winter 2011-2012. Photo by Richard Remington.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 75 used in separating out individual Any errors of om1ss1on are the 1996/1 997 (Johnson & Biss 1997) when most Snowy Owls were noted sightings at Montrose, other Chicago author 's and, as always, updates are along Lake Michigan's lakefront this lakefront locations, and elsewhere. welcome to make the record more irruption was far and widespread into IBET and IBF often provided links to accurate and complete. the interior of lllinois with individu­ photographer 's websites to determine Significant records als detected southwest to Randolph whether or not to count a new Snowy County, west to Quincy and along the Owl record. As a caveat, however, The southernmost record ever for Mississippi River, as far southeast as it was nearly impossible to separate lllinois occurred during this irrup­ Edwards County, and as far south as out individuals that might have been tion in Pulaski County 27 January Pulaski County. seen at a different location from each - 5 February 2012 on Shawnee College Road (R11onda Rothrock in Methodology other particularly those reports in close proximity. Thus the number of lit.). The most southwestern record The same general methodology Snowy Owls reported may have been was just east of Red Bud, Randolph was used for obtaining and screen­ the same individuals at different loca­ County from 26 January through 21 ing Snowy Owl observational data tions, but l suspect that far more owls February 2012 (Susan Harbaugh in points as in this journal's 1997 report went undetected particularly inland lit.). The most western record was (Johnson and Biss). However, dur­ away from large population centers. at the Quincy airport from 15-17 ing this irruption many more tools January 2012 (Kara L. Knuffman fide For the historical record of distri­ were available including on-line Steve Bailey). The most southeastern bution of Snowy Owls by counties in Ebird reports, IBET (Illinois Birders sighting was in Edwards County near lllinois, the author reviewed nearly all Exchanging Thoughts) sightings, Bone Gap on l December 2011 (Bob Illinois Audubon bulletins (beginning l IBF (Illinois Birder's Forum) on-line Shelby in lit.). The first ever Spring with a 1916 bulletin), all Illinois Birds CBC (Christmas Bird Count) data for Bird Count record for Snowy Owl and Birding issues, and Meadowlark, obtaining data points for the Snowy also occurred when Pete Olson (in a Journal of Illinois Birds issues to Owl sightings acknowledged. Several lit.) and other observers photographed date (Figure 2). hundred photographs were reviewed/ a Snowy Owl near Crego Road 111

Figure Snowy Owl distribution (historical occurrences) Figure 1: Snowy Owl distribution (Winter 2011/2012) 2:

SNOWY OWL 133 REPORTS WINTER North North 2011-2012


South South counlies in which 73 Snowy Owls have occurred historically

Snowy Owl Occurrence D and number detected D Snowy Owl Occurrence N N Complied by f.. David B. Johnson f'I A 76 Meadowlark DeKalb County 5 May 2012. Finally, Snowy Owl being harassed the latest departure date for Illinois by Northern Harrie1'. was recorded on 14 May 2012 when Sidney, Champaign county. Kristin Ellis noted and documented 9 February 2012. (on file with IORC) a Snowy Owl Photo by Bob Schifo. along an airport taxiway at Rockford International Airport in Winnebago owl was infested with feather lice County (one of three detected there and suffered from emaciation, being during this irruption). less than 50 percent its estimated, normal body weight, and suffering Prey items from advanced rodenticide poison­ During this irruption period in ing. Despite critical supportive care, Illinois, Snowy Owls were observed the owl died after two and I /2 days feeding on or there was food con­ (Breuer in lit.). One of the aircraft tent evidence from Snowy Owl pel­ strikes resulted in a banded speci­ lets for: Red-breasted Merganser men found by the operations person­ (Mergus serrator), American Coot nel at Rockford International Airport, (Fulica Americana), Brown (Norway) Winnebago County, on 23 March Rat (Rattus norvegicus ), Thirteen­ 2012 found 20 feet off the runway lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys after being struck by the lower left tridecemlinearus), Meadow Vo le flapof an aircraft wing (FAA Wildlife (Microfus penm'.vlvanicus), Deer Strike Database, http://wildlife-mit­ Mice (Peromyscus �p) , and Eastern igation.tc.faa.gov/wild! ife/defau lt. Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvagus flori­ being the only individuals in their aspx). Daniel and Barbara Wi lliams danus). In addition Mallard (Anas respective counties. ln Coles County, (in lit.) were involved in the recov­ platyrhynchos) was believed to be Ron Bradley (in lit.) over the course ery of this female specimen which another prey item though not con­ of eight weeks (2 January through was hatched prior to 2011; it will firmed. For further information see 24 February) was able to determine eventually be housed in the Field Josh Engel's report in this journal on that a male Snowy Owl (nearly pure Museum of Natural History, Chicago, the Snowy Owl pellet contents from white) ranged over nine miles of hunt­ Cook Co. The owl was banded by this 201 1/2012 irruption. ing territory near Mattoon, Illinois. Travis Guerrant of Addison, Illinois, Snowy Owls away from their ln McHenry County, Jim Kriss and in Boone County on 21 March 2012, breeding grounds can become very Karen Lund (pers. comm.) determined two days prior to its demise, not versatile feeders. During a 15-year that a Snowy Owl ranged over five too far from the Rockford Airport. winter study at Boston's Logan miles from Huntley to near Union, Another mortality was of an owl iden­ Airport Norman Smith (1997) Illinois over a period of 13 weeks (19 tified by its remains found in the right observed Snowy Owls as very oppor­ February through 11 May 2012). landing gear and specimen evidence tunistic feeders, having fed on prey offa runway after an aircraft strike, Mortality and Casualties items from geese, ducks, cormorants, the first to occur during the irruption rails, pheasant, other owls (includ­ There was a 6 percent, or eight, at O'Hare International airport on 11 ing Snowy Owl), shorebirds (includ­ known fatalities during this irruption: November 2011. ing American Oystercatcher and two of these were road kills from Remarkable Rescues Upland Sandpiper), gulls, muskrat, vehicle collisions, two were kills from striped skunk, fish, and even a Great aircraft strikes, three from starva­ and Rehabilitations Blue Heron! David Parmelee (1992) tion and another from starvation and Perhaps the most amazing Snowy noted that John James Audubon also poisoning. Linda Breuer, director of Owl story (Mistretta 2012, LuAnn Barnswallow, a wildlife rehabilita­ observed Snowy Owls eating fish at LaSusa, & Karen Lund, in litt.) dur­ water holes. tion center near Wauconda, recovered ing this irruption in Illinois occurred an owl in Lindenhurst, Lake County when at night on 30 November 2011 Winter Territories on 30 November 2011, in an open a Snowy Owl, perhaps hunting or Normally without color marking suburban neighborhood with dogs, startled, flew up and collided with a or radio tracking it is nearly impos­ playgrounds and fe nces. The owl had vehicle and was literally pinned to sible to determine an owl's winter­ apparently been in the area fornearly the grill of a SUV Ford Escape going ing territory. However, during this three weeks amusing families and nearly 55 mph near Hampshire on an irruption two Snowy Owls were able dogs until someone became really open country road (Melms Road) in to be tracked largely due to the owls concerned and called Breuer. The Kane County. Unknown to the driver

Volume 21, Number 3 77 As people walk along the beach at Montrose, a Snowy Owl remains motionless. Montrose, Chicago, Cook County. 11 December 20 JI. Photo by Andrew Aldrich. until the vehicle was stopped and, after driving several miles, the driver then found a huge white owl pinned by its talons to the front grill of his car and wing flapping against the hood. Such encounters occur often with cars and owls. This usually results in the demise of the owl either flattened in the road or roadside by the same or other vehicles, but, such was not that required extensive surge1y of the many hits the website had to be closed to be the case with this Snowy Owl's humerus bone. Dr. Julia Whittington down and transferred to another pro­ encounter with a vehicle. While at performed the surgery that repaired vider. This amazing photographic the driver's place of employment, the owl's broken wing. Anne Rivas series noted the falcon would attack local police were notified,and officer, (2012), a veterinary student and the and the owl would crouch down in a Pete Velez, captured the owl when wildlife clinic's co-manager, and Kim defense posture and get ready to lunge she became dislodged from the grill Knap of the University of Illinois back at the falcon or spread its wings by herself, then transported the owl Veterinary Teaching Hospital were as a threat display. The owl performed to Willowbrook Wildlife Center, in successful in restoring the bird's wing a somersault just as the peregrine Glen Ellyn, for rehabilitation. The extension critical for flightafter inten­ approached and openly displayed its immature female owl suffered from sive care. The clinic decided that it large talons in an attempt to scare off head trauma, a fractured clavicle and would be in the owl's best interest to the falcon. This threatening encounter two fractured ribs all on the owl's be flown at the end of March to Sitka, lasted for five full minutes before left side where it had made contact Alaska for flight training at the Alaska the falcon flew off and the Snowy with the vehicle. LuAnn LaSusa from Raptor Center where chances for the Ow 1 flew down to the rocks at the Willowbrook who provided much of owl's survival would be much higher. edge of Lake Michigan. Remington the owl's care noted that the owl Unfortunately, this owl could not fly stated, "lt was a surprisingly violent ate on the first day of care, which despite the surgeries, but does remain and noisy encounter, with both birds was rather unusual. After nearly two at the Alaska Raptor Center and is shrieking loudly and the owl extend­ months of extensive care and reha­ a popular bird as a visitor to chil­ ing its giant wings to intimidate the bilitation including flight exercises, dren's classrooms as a tool to develop smaller falcon. I folly expected this the immature female owl was suc­ nature appreciation and conservation to end badly for the owl based on cessfully released back into the wild (Debbie Reeder pers. comm.). what l was watching. In spite of the at Pratt's Wayne Forest Preserve in obvious mismatch, the Snowy Owl Close Encounters DuPage County on 23 Januaty 2012. managed to hold its own and escape of the Raptor Kind Another Snowy Owl that prob­ unscathed." The Peregrine was one of ably was struck by a vehicle occurred Certainly one of the most dra­ the local breeding birds and was like­ near To lono in Champaign County matic and photographically docu­ ly defending its hunting territory. Very (Pressey 2012) in early January when mented encounters with another bird similar encounters between these two observers noticed the owl had not of prey during this irruption occurred species, as well as with wintering moved much while sitting out in a at Northerly Island on 29 January Gyrfalcons, have been witnessed corn stubble field.The owl, extremely 2012. The entire Peregrine Falcon by others in northeastern Minnesota weakened and starving, was rescued vs. Snowy Owl attack was cap­ (Evans 2000), in New England (see on 3 January 2012 and was taken tured on film by photographer Rick Forbush 1927), near Barrow, Alaska to the University of Illinois Wildlife Remington. Remington's series of (Pitelka et al. 1955), and on Baffin Medical Clinic. Named Qigiq for a photos and account of the event were Island (Sutton and Parmalee 1955), "white hawk that flies in the sky," posted on North American Birding and usually also involved the falcons from Inuit Eskimo culture, the young website (Neise 2012) and within a day attacking the Snowy Owl, often to a male owl suffered a broken left wing the site went viral and because of so stand-offbut also included the Snowy

78 Meadowlark Owls chasing and killing a Peregrine Indiana tallied a record 50 Snowy For the state detection distribu­ and being killed by a Peregrine. Owls from 18 November 201 1 tion report maps l must thank Tara Another photographic encounter through 12 May 2012 (Ken Brock Beveroth for providing these excel­ with a bird of prey occurred when a in lit.). Nebraska had reports of 200 lent figure maps for the report and Northern Harrier was observed and sightings with at least 159 of those who so graciously endured my photographed harassing a Snowy Owl verified (David Heidt, Joel Jorgensen numerous requests for updates. I on the ground in central Illinois, see in lit.). Kansas had a record 160 would like to thank Sebastian Patti photograph. observations and Missouri tallied for reviewing a draft of this paper. approximately a record 60 sightings There were many photographers who Historical detection from 22 November 2011 through 6 so kindly let me and others review distribution map March 2012 (Mark Robbins, Joshua their images for separating out indi­ by counties in Illinois Uffman in lit.). One observer in N. viduals at high detection sites: Mary Snowy Owls have occurred his­ Dakota alone had 101 observations of Jo Adams, Charles Bristow, Mark torically in 73 counties in Illinois Snowy Owls and there were at least Bowman, Rob Curtis, Jerry Goldner, (Figure 2.) Nearly all the distribution 153 observations statewide from 10 Frank Hildebrand, Robert Hughes, has been in the top two-thirds of the November 2011 through 4 May 2012 Nolan Lameka, Benjamin Murphy state. Only one county in northern (Corey Ellingson in lit.). There were (who also spent a great deal of time Illinois has not recorded a Snowy 193 sightings in South Dakota from sorting out the Snowy Owl observa­ Owl; that is Putnam County. In cen­ 1 November 2011 through 7 May tions and photographs in McLean, tral Illinois, six counties have not 2012 (JeffreyPalmer , Michael Melius Livingston and Woodford coun­ recorded a Snowy Owl: Cass, Scott, in lit.). Michigan tallied approxi­ ties), Tim Lindenbaum, Karen Lund, Greene, Macoupin, Shelby and Edgar, mately 200 sightings with the first Matthew Winks, Matt Fraker, Rick nearly all in the bottom tier of central arrival on 11 November 2011 in the Remington, Jeff Smith, Steve Spitzer, Illinois. ln southern lllinois, 22 coun­ Upper Peninsula (Skye Hass in lit.). and Aaron Yount. There were sev­ ties have never recorded a Snowy Owl Minnesota had 337 reports from 4 eral researchers who helped provide and distribution has been splotchy October 2011 through 8 July 2012 and research data details and I thank with Wabash County being the south­ though many were duplicates and Angelo Capparella (Illinois State easternmost, Randolph County the the final tally was estimated at 217 University), Steve Bailey (Illinois south-westernmost, and Union and birds (Anthony Hertzel 2012). Like Natural History Survey), Craig Pulaski counties being the southern­ Minnesota, Wisconsin estimated their Bloomquist (USDA biologist), Josh most counties with records. total to be between 150-200 individu­ Engel (Field Museum), Craig Pullins als from 10 November 2011 through (USDA biologist), Dan and Barbara Historical irruptions 7 June 2012 (Ryan Brady in lit.) and Williams for banding and specimen in Illinois like Minnesota there was a prob­ research, Sean Fitzgerald and Aaron According to Bohlen ( 1989) lematic issue of distilling down of Boone (for mapping GPS coodinates known irruptions of Snowy Owls have duplicate individuals from ebird and of owls at O'Hare Airport). I must occurred during the years of 1876-77, other listing sites. Iowa recorded 154 thank LuAnn LaSusa of Willowbrook 1882-83, 1889-90, 1892-93, 1896-97, owls, their second largest documented Wildlife Center, Anne Rivas of 1901-02, 1905-06, 1909-10, 1917-18, irruption, from 7 November 2011 to the University of Illinois Wildlife 1926-27, 1930-31, 1949-50, 1974 -75, 10 March 2012 (Stephen Dinsmore Medical Clinic, Linda Breuer of 1976-77, 1978-79, 1980-81, 1991-92 in lit.). Ohio recorded 23 owls from Barnswallow, a Wild Bird Concern, (Johnson 1992), 1996-97 (Johnson 28 November 2011 tlu·ough 8 April and Debbie Reeder executive director 1997), and 2011-12. Bohlen ( 1989) also 2012 (Craig Caldwell in lit.) and sur­ of the Alaska Raptor Center and their lists other possible irruptions during prisingly just to the south of Illinois, respective staffs for providing details the years of 1967-68 and 1987-88. Kentucky reported none (Brainard on Snowy Owl rehabilitations. Angelo Capparella (pers. comm.) sug­ Palmer-Ball, Jr. in lit.). A special thanks must go to the gests that there may have been another following individuals who so kindly invasion year in Illinois during 1867- Acknowledgments provided information on their Snowy 1868 based on a mount specimen from This report would not have been Owl records or reports from other Lee Co. (ISU specimen #234). possible with the wonderful support observers in the following coun­ of many people interested in this Other Midwest state's ties: Adams and Hancock counties: irruption of Snowy Owls, perhaps too Steve Bailey, Kara L. Knuffman, irruptions numerous to mention all the names Adam, Pat and Phil Reyburn. Boone Additionally many Midwest states of helpful individuals (any errors of County: Steve Bailey. Champaign achieved record Snowy Owl irrup­ omission are mine). tions during the period 2011/2012. County: Steve Bailey, Greg Lambeth

Volume 21, Number 3 79 and Carie Nixon. Coles County: tributed to the database of Illinois Christmas Bird Count 66:2-7. Ron Bradley. Cook County: Cathy Mistretta, E. 20 12. Snowy owl Snowy Ow 1 records, see Appendix, Bloome, Peter Bullock, Rena and who shared their notes on lBET returns to wild after rehab in DuPage. Cohen, Pat Durkin, Joe Lill, Robe1t and lBF. Daily Herald, 23 Dec 2012; Retrieved Hughes, Kanae Hirabayashi, Steve Finally, I thank Steve Bailey and from http://dailyherald.com/article/ 20120123/news/70 1239819 Huggins, Josh Engel, Jeny Goldner, Sheryl DeVore for prompting me to Pitelka, F.A., P. Q. To mich and G.W. Joel Greenberg, Jennifer Davit, Judy get this account complete to share Treichel. 1955. Ecological relations of Pollock, Fran Morel, Joan Norek, with the Illinois birding community. jaegers and owls as lemming predators Greg Neise, Sebastian Rioux, Andrew Literature Cited near Barrow, Alaska. Ecol . Monogr. P. Sigler, Doug Stotz, m. obs. DeKalb 25:85-117. County: Peter Olson, Matt Fraker and Bain, M. 2012. Ontario Regional Report. North American Birds 66:68-75. Neise, G. 2012. When a snowy met Angelo Capparella. Edwards County: the locals. North American Birding, 16 John Pohl, Bob Shelby and Leroy Bohlen, H. D. 1989. The birds of Illinois. Indiana University Press. February 2012. Retrieved from http:// Harrison. Fulton and McDonough Bloomington. 221 pp. www.nabirding.com/201 2/02/1 6/when­ counties: Lany Hood. Henry County: a-snowy-met-the-locals/ Cassady, J. K. 2012. Indiana Regional Steve Bailey and Dale Lindstrom. Pressey, D. 2012. Caregivers put Summary. The I 12th Christmas Bird Grundy and Kendall counties: Count 66:74-75. snowy owl on plane to Alaska. The News-Gazette, 30 Mar 2012; Retrieved Margie and Alan Busic, Jim Smith, DeVore, S. 2011. Snowy Owl from http://www.news-gazette.com/ Robert Fisher, Yeanette Johnson and Invasion. Chicago Tribune, 14 Dec news/education/2012-03-30/caregivers­ Donnalyn Quint. Kankakee County: 201 1; Retrieved from http://www.chica­ put-snowy-ow 1-plane-alaska.htm Jed Hertz and Cecily Langellier. gotribune.com. 1 Parmelee, D. F. 1992. Snowy Owl Knox, Warren, Hancock and Schuyler Dolan, D. 2012. Snowy Owl In (Bubo scandiacus), The Birds of North counties: Ron and Audrey Meade, Dallas. North American Birding, 12 America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca. Kurt McMurl, Jim Mountjoy, Mike February 2012; Retrieved from http:// Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved Madsen and Michael Baum. Lake www.nabirding.com/201 2/02/19/ from the Birds of North America snowy-ow l-in-dallas/ County: Donnie Dann, Eric, Aaron Online: http://bna. Birds.cornell.edu/ Ebird. 2012. The winter of the and Ethan Gyllenhaal, Alan F Stokie, bna/species/0 l 0 Snowy Owl, North American Birding, Bob Erickson, Beau Schaefer, Jim Rivas, A. 2012. Meet Qigiq, the 7 Feb 2012; Retrieved from http://www. Solum, Paul Sweet, Lizz Morris, snowy owl our featmed Wildlife nabirding.com/2012.02.07/the-wi nter­ Linda Thompson, Eric Walters, and Medical Center Case. University of-the-snowy-ow I/ Matthew Cvetas. LaSalle County: of Illinois Wildlife Clinic. YouTube. Evans, D. 2000. Interactions Bob Carper, Robert and Karen Fisher, Retrieved from http://www.youtube. between Snowy Owls and large falcons com/watch?v=JPt4TwAal2U John and Cindy McKee, Kurt and at Duluth. Loon 72:37-39. Janet Plymire. Lee County: Dustin Smith, N. 1997. Observations of Forbush, E.H. 1927. Birds of Wintering Snowy Owls (Bubo [Nyctea} Holschuh. Macon County: Travis Massachusetts and other New England scandiacus) at Logan Airport, East Mahan and Rich Laramore. Mason states. Vo l.2. Berwick and Smith Co., .· Boston, Massachusetts from 1981-1997. and Tazewell counties: Mike Ingram, Norwood, MA. 46 1 pp. Biology and Conservation of the Owls Colin Dobson, Tony Ward and Kevin Hengeveld, J., K. McMullen and G. of the Northern Hemisphere. USDA Richmond. McHemy and Kane coun­ Williamson. 2012. Illinois & Indiana Forest Service General Te chnical Report ties: Doug Crane, Jim Kriss and Regional Report. North American Birds NC-190: 591-596. 66: 82-85. Karen Lund. McLean, Livingston, Sutton, G.M. and D.F. Parmelee. and Woodford counties: Ted Hartzler, Hertzel, A. X. 2012. The 201 1-2012 1955. The Peregrine Falcon on Baffin Matt Fraker, Matthew Winks, Angelo Snowy Owl invasion in Minnesota. Island. Bird-Banding 26: 147-152. Capparella, Fran Harty, Benjamin Loon 84:146-150. Svingen, P. H. 2012. Western Great Murphy, Pete Moxon, and Jeff Smith. Johnson, D. B. 1992. Snowy Owl Lakes Regional Report. North American Moultrie County: Steve Bailey, Greg Invasion. Meadowlark! :82-87. Birds 66: 86-88. Lambeth and Pete Maxon. Ogle and Johnson, D. B. and R. Biss. 1997. Sweet, P. 20 12. Illinois Regional The 1996-97 record invasion of Snowy Stephenson counties: Anne Straight Summary. The 112th Christmas Bird Owls in Illinois with a summary of and Steve Simpson. Pulaski County: Count 77-78. records from lllinois and lower Lake Ronda Rothrock, Myra and Frank Wehtje, W. 2012. Iowa and Missouri Michigan. Illinois Ornithological Regional Report. North American Birds Bennett. Randolph County: Susan Society. Meadowlark 6:124-127. 66: 89-94. Harbaugh and Keith McMullen. Kavanagh, K. 2012. The Winter David B. Johnson, Winnebago County: Kristin Ellis, Season: 2011-2012. Passenger Pigeon Dan and Barbara Williams. 74:361-384. 504 Crown Point Drive, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089; Thanks to all birders not men­ LeBaron, G. S. 2012. The l 12th [email protected] tioned above who additionally con- Christmas Bird Count. The I 12th

80 Meadowlark Figure Snowy Owl Detections 3: Figure 4: Snowy Owl Detections Figure 4: Snowy Owl Detections

Number of Snowy Owls in Illinois by Month 2011/2012 Number of Inland Snowy Owls in Illinois by Month 2011/2012 Number of Lakefront Snowy Owls in Illinois by Month 2011/2012

30.0 30,0 50.0

22.5 22,5 37.5

15,0 15.0 25.0

7,5 12.5 7.5 �

November January March May November January March November Ja�u•ry March Moy

Nove"mlxr DcD.!mber Fcbrua� Match Ffi>Mi)· .M;m:h November Dcolmbor JnlTI.lIIJY April J� Afri1 No�oOc".;;,.,.,. l•nu."l' __ _ �- Mo� li- --9 II 45 20 4 M!l'___ _7 _ 29 _l 6 _ 3 J I - � 3_3 _ __; _ _ _ -2-1 - -·-21;---

Table Notes on Snowy Owl Occurrences 1:

Nearest Plumage/ County Town/Location From Date To Date Month Sex Observer Comments Adams Quincy, airport, SR I 04 lS-Jan-12 I 7-Jan- 12 Kara Knuffman fide Steve Bailey photos Boone Belevidere 17-Feb- 12 20-Feb-12 2 fideSteve Bailey reported on GBBC Champaign Savoy E of Tolono 30-Dec-J I 3-Jan-12 12 female Greg Lambeth, Steve Bailey, Pete Mox on broken wing Qigiq rehab flown to Alaska Champaign Sidney & Homer E of Sidney field 6-Jan-12 Donald Maum Champaign owls fide Greg Lambeth Champaign I 300E l /2 way between SOON and 600N 29-Dec-l 1 9-Jan- 12 12 male Carrie Nixon Champaign W of l30 at SOON 5-Jan- 12 7-Jan- 12 Greg Lambeth approx. dates Champaign Willard Airport 30-Dec-l !2 Trav is Mahan Coles Charleston, 3.S mi. E of IL Rte. 130 !4-Jan- !2 Ron Bradley Coles Mattoon 2-Jan- 12 24-Feb-12 2 adult male Ron Bradley photos; The bird has been found within a 9 sguare mile area between County Rd JOOON and l300N between County Rd 700E and l OOOE. Cook I st Ave near Ogden quarry 20-Dec-l 12 fide Sue Friscia Cook Chicago, Caldwell Lily Pond !3-Dec-11 19-Dec- ll 12 Joan Norek, Steve Huggins Cook Chicago, Hollywood & Lawrence 23-Dec-l 12 Cook Chicago, Lake Shore Drive 18-Dec-J 12 Cook Chicago, Monroe Harbor 27-Jan-12 Doug Stotz, Dave B. Johnson Cook Chicago, Montrose 19-Nov-I Cook Chicago, Montrose 24-Nov-I immature very dark: flew out over lake! New owl Cook Chicago, Montrose 6-Dec-I 12 Steve Spitzer new owl w/photos Cook Chicago, Montrose 7-Dec-1 1 8-Dec-1 12 males Robert Hughes two new owls here Cook Chicago, Montrose !I-Dec-I 12 photos; new owl with distinct black ear tufts Cook Chicago, Montrose IS-Dec-I 12 adult male two birds; almost all white Cook Chicago, Montrose 2S-Dec-l l 25-Dec- l 12 Cook Chicago, Montrose 30-Dec-1 12 adult male Steve Spilze nearly pure white: (one day only) Cook Chicago, Montrose 31-Dec-I 12 immature Mark Bowman new bird with very dark cap! Cook Chicago, Montrose 8-Jan- 12 Rena Cohen Cook Chicago, Montrose 12-Jan- l2 14-Jan- 12 immature Steve Spitzer photos; new owl w/distinct black ear tufts Cook Chicago, Montrose 16-Feb-12 16-Feb-12 2 Kanae Hirabayashi new bird Cook Chicago, Montrose !4-Mar- 12 new migrant possibly same? As Jerry Goldner video in Mar? 00 Cook Chicago, Navy Pier Breakwater 19-Nov-l Chris Williamson - Table Notes on Snowy Owl Occurrences, 00 1: continued N Nearest Plumage/ County Town/Location From Date To Date Month Sex Observer Comments Cook Chicago, Northerly Island 2-Dec-1 12 Cook Chicago, Northerly Island 14-Jan-12 29-Jan-12 Pat Durkin m.obs. Cook Chicago, Northerly Island 28-Jan-12 28-Jan-12 fe male Robert Hughes Cook Chicago, Northerly Island 1-Mar-12 3 Steve Huggins: m.obs. photos Cook Chicago, Soldier Field & Lake Shore Dr. 23-Mar-12 4-Apr- 12 Peter Bullock-- dead on Lake Shore Dr.? south of the 1 mile to 1-55 junction sign and south of metal foot bridge

Cook Chicago, Promontory Point, Hyde Park l-Dec-1 12 Cook Chicago, Water Filtration Plant, Navy Pier l-Jan-12 26-Mar- 12 Steve Huggins photos Cook Chicago, Wolf Lake 9-Jan-12 31-Jan- 12 Carolyn Marsh also seen in fN Cook Chicago, 39th St. at Lake Front 10-Feb- 12 2 Eric Gins berg Cook Evanston, 1718 Sherman 14-Dec-1 12 Judy Pollock Cook Lansing 28-Feb- 12 2 Cook O'Hare, N ofPost Office Ponds, on light pole 3-Feb- 12 2 Cathy Bloome Cook O'Hare, United Airlines aircraft strike 11-Nov-l FAA report; hit by right landing gear/Earliest arrival date for IL irrruption 180 Cook O'Hare, runway 27-Dec-l 12 Sebastian Rioux ebird Cook O'Hare, runway 19-lan- 12 fideCraig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook O'Hare, runway 23-Feb- 12 2 Aaron Boone fide Dan Wi lliams Cook O'Hare, runway 6-Mar- 12 3 fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook O,Hare, runway 16-Feb- 12 13-Mar-12 2 Sean Fitzgerald ebird, 200 yards W of remote parking areas Cook O'Hare, runway 20-Mar-12 fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook O'Hare, runway 22-Mar-12 fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook Midway Airport, airfield 29-Nov-l fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook Midway Airport, airfield 3-Jan-12 4-Jan- 12 fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook Midway Airport, airfield 23-Feb-12 2 fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wildlife Services Cook Midway Airport, airfield 28-Apr- 12 4 fide Craig Bloomquist Wildlife Biologist USDA Wi ldlife Services Cook Schiller Park, near Lawrence and Montrose S-Jan-12 Cook Wilmette, Wilmette Harbor IS-Dec-I 12 Linden Casey DeKalb Near Crego Rd (on Spring Bird Count!) 5-May- 12 5 Pete Olson et al. photos DeKalb southern DeKalb Co. ISM specimen 8-Jan-12 Angelo Capparella photos Edwards 1 mi E of Bone Gap (Close to Bonpas River) 11-Dec-l 12 John Pohl photos Fulton 14-Feb-12 2 fide Larry Hood Grundy E side of Brisbin Rd, S of!L Rte 6 10-Mar- 12 Grundy Goose Lake Prairie 11-Jan-12 23-Feb- 12 Pete Moxon & Leslie, Steve Bailey, JeffSmith, Bob & Karen Fisher, Vicki S. photos Grundy Minooka, 1-80 & on Minooka Rd 28-Dec-ll 31-Dec-l 12 adult fe male? Margie and Alan Busic, Donnalyn Quint Same bird as photographed day before Grundy Minooka, on frontage Rd 31-Dec-1 12 immature very dirty black barring w/white face; two seen at once within 75 yards of each other Grundy NE of Morris found dead in farmer's field 28-Feb- 12 2 (fide Don Belcha, Steve Bailey) 8150 N Brisbin Road Grundy in cornfield 3-lan-12 male Handcock Nauvoo, River mile 380.2 along Hwy 96, l-Jan- 12 8-Jan- 12 immature, female? Ron and Audrey Meade photo; N of2300 North & W of 1200 Handcock Powellton 22-Dec- 12 9-Dec-l 12 Henry Kewanee, Kewanee Airport 15-Feb- 12 3-Mar-12 2 adult, male Dale Lindstrom, David B. Johnson, Andy Sigler, Jeff Smith, Mike Baum, m.obs. photos Kane Hampshire, Melms Road 30-Nov-1 1st year. female hit by SUV and rehab amazing story in Chicago Tribune! Released at Pratts Wayne Woods FP on 23 Jan 2012 after rehab Kankakee Bourbonnais, Career Center Rd 22-Dec-I 12 fide Jed Hertz Kankakee Manteno, I mile south of Manteno Exit I-57 30-Dec-l 12 adult, male Cecily Langellier a: Kendall Yorkville, W side of Rte 47, S ofAment Rd. 10-Mar-12 "' � Kendall Yorkville, Silver Springs SP 9-Mar-12 Q. Kendall in farm er's fieldalong fence line 11-Mar-12 immature Dave B. Johnson, Andy Sigler, Jeff Smith, Pete Moxon, Andrew Aldrich et al. photos � Knox Victoria 15-Mar- 12 fideMike Baum, Phil and Pat Reyburn, Jim Mountjoy photo; approx. date Lake Grayslake, Prairie Crossing & Jones Pt. Rd. 1-Mar-12 3 fide Lizz Morris .,;- ;::::" Lake Round Lake Heights, Chesapeake Subdiv. 6-Jan-1 Linda Thompson fide Mark Hurley Ta ble 1: Notes on Snowy Owl Occurrences, continued t- Nearest Plumage/ County To wn/Location From Date To Date Month Sex Observer Comments = Lake Wad sworth, Temple Lippizan Farms 6-Apr- 12 4 adult male Barbara Hoeldt photo 3 Lake Waukegan: Waukegan Harbor 3-Dec-ll 4-Dec-l 12 young?, female Ethan, Aaron, and Eric Gyllenthal. Steve Bailey, m.obs. � N Lake Waukegan, Waukegan Harbor 10-Dec-1 12 immature Al Stokie nev-.: owl here ..... Lake Waukegan, \Vaukegan Harbor 18-Dec-l 12 immature heavily marked juvenile Lake Waukegan1 Waukegan Harbor 2-Jan-12 z c Lake Winthrop Harbor, 2-Dec-l 12 immature Matthew Cvetas. Steve Bailey caught and ate an American Coot 3 Lake Winthrop Harbor, North Point Marina 5-Dec-l 12 2nd Snowy Owl here O" � Lake Winthrop Harbor, North Point Marina 10-Dec-1 12 Al Stokie two new O\.vls here "'! Lake Winthrop Harbor, North Point Marina 31-Dec-l 12 tH Robert Hughes Lake Winthrop Harbor, North Point Marina 18-Feb- 12 2 m.obs. Gull l'rolic Lake Lindenhurst, golf course 30-Nov-ll 1st year, fe male Linda Bnttr died from advanced.rode nt1c1de poisoning LaSalle Seneca. 1/4 E ofN18 and E22-Dec-1 12 Bob Carper photos LaSalle Seneca, another Snowy S. ofN20 and E27 15-Dcc-l l 22-Jan-12 12 Johnand Cindy McKee. sflo owl? LaSalle Seneca, often at Power Plant (N20 and E27) 12-Dec-J I 2-Feb-12 12 immature John. and Cindy McKee, Steve 6ailey. Pete Moxon. JetTSmith, m.obs photos. LaSalle Leonore Road at N l 8 and E 16 12-Dec- ll 14-Dec-l 12 Kun& JanelPlymire photos Lee Harmon, I-88 mile post 49.25 29-Dec-l 12 probable male Dustin Holschuh Livingston S ofE 1300 N Rd and E ofN 00 E Rd 15-Feb-12 20-Feb-12 2 adult, male Matt Fraker, Ted Hartzler, Jeff Smith, Pete Maxon, Steve Bailey photos (also seen in Woodford, fide Ben Murphy) Steve Bailey, Livingston 2nd owl 20-Feb-!2 3-Mar-12 2 Jeff Smith, Pete Maxon Livingston near Woodford Co. line, E 900 N Rd. 21-Feb- !2 21-Feb-12 2 adult , male fide Ben Murphy photos Macon Decatur, airport 20-Dec- 12 12 Travis Mahan Macon Forsyth 20-Dec-ll l-Jan- 12 12 Rich Laramore, Matt Fraker photos Mason 19-Dec-ll 31-Dcc-l 12 fide Kevin Richmond, Mike Baum found dead by Tony Ward and Colin Dobson McDonough New Philedelphia, on telephone pole 6-Feb-12 2 adult. male Larry Hood McDonough farm field Jl-Feb-12 2 fideLarry Hood McHenry Huntley, Muensching Rd 19-Feb-12 ll-May-12 2 immature. male Doug Crane, Steve Bailey, Karen Lund, m.obs. photos. seen by Jim Kriss in Jan? McLean Near El Paso but in McLean Co., Hwy 24 30-Nov-1 I l-Dec-ll 12 immature Ben Murphy photos McLean Central Illinois Regional Airport, Bloomington 8-Jan-12 9-Jan- 12 Fran Harty McLean Gridley, Hwy 24, 1700 E J l-Jan- 12 27-Feb-12 adult, male Ben Murphy & Matt Fraker, Aaron Yo unt, photos (or just end dale of22-Jan-2012 only?) possible a 2nd owl? McLean Northeast of Towanda 26-Jan- 12 fide Matt Fraker McLean Carlock, 800 E, 1/2 mile N ofNorthtown Rd ll-Feb- 12 12-Feb-12 2 adult. fem ale Angelo Capparella, Les & Sheila Allen McLean E of Lexington/Towanda, Hwy 8: !3-Feb- 12 20-Feb-12 2 adult, fe male Tim Lindenbaum McLean in field at NE comer of 2450N and 3 J 00 E 20-Feb-12 2 JeffSmith. Pete Maxon photos Moultrie SW of Arthur, CR 2000N 2-Jan-I 2 immature Pete Maxon, Greg Lambeth, Steve Bailey, Rob Kanter Rob Kanter between l 600E & I 700E Ogle Forreston, NW of Forreston on Mt. Ve rnonRd. !4-Jan-1 2 !5-Jan- 12 fideAnne Straight approx dates Pulaski 2.5 miles W oflL Rte 37, just east of 27-Jan-12 5-Feb-12 immature Myra and Frank Bennett John Schwegman, Keith McMullen m.obs. photos Shawnee Community College Randolph Red Bud, l mile east of Red Bud, Ellis Grove 26-Jan- 12 21-Feb-12 adult Susan Harbaugh, Mark Seiffert photos Schuyler Beardstown, Hwy 103 just W of Beardstown 23-Nov- 12 7-Nov-J Tharrin Hobson, Bob Randall. Cun McMurl photos; found live, later hit by car Schuyler Bluff City 20-Feb-12 23-Feb-12 2 Mike Madsen Stephenson Freeport, W. of Highland Community College 3-Mar-12 Steve Simpson fide Anne Straight Tazewell East Peoria, Illinois Central Community College 25-Feb-12 2 Tazewell Tremont, 1/2 mi w. of Tremont on 1-155 8-Feb-12 2 Mike Ingram Warren 20-Jan- 12 photos: in corn rieldand on hay bales Winnebago Rockford, two seen together; one later strike !5-Mar-12 3 Shannon, two Snowy Owls seen at once, approx date in Mar Winnebago Rockford, UPS aircraft strike upon landing 23-Mar-12 specimen Shannon, Dan Williams, FAA report fem ale found dead 20 feet offrunway Winnebago Rockford, seen offairport taxiway 14-May- 12 immature Kristin Ellis latest departure dare for lllinois! Woodford on W side ofN 00 E rd, 1/3 N ofE 1200 N Rd 20-Feb-12 2 adult. male Jeff Smith. Pete Maxon Woodford just S side of Co Rd l400N/Co Hwy 16 15-Feb-12 20-Feb-12 � adult. male Ted Hanzler, Pete Maxon, Jeff Smith and just W of Co Rd 3200E/N 00 E Rd3200E County Line Rd QO tH Total 133 birds reported A Sampling of Snowy ,Qwt Pe Het Contents during winter 2011/12 By Jo shua I. Engel

contained meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), 30% contained muskrat ( Ondatra zibethicus), and 23% contained duck parts (Keith Snowy Owl eating.freshly caught 1963). American Coot on rockyjetty Identifications of the rodents were at Winthrop Harbor, Zion, made based on the molars found in the Lake County. 2 December 2011. pellets using Hoffmeister (1989) and Photo by Jerry Goldna the Field Museum mammal collection as references. Three prey species Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) were found in the lakefront pellets. staged a record irruption during the One pellet - from Montrose Beach winter of 20 11-2012. With Snowy - contained the skulls of two brown Owls seen throughout the state, rats (Rattus norvegicus). Among five Rodent jaws and skull bones several people were able to procure pellets collected between Northerly fo und in Snowy Owl pellet. regurgitated pellets. Pellets consist of st Island and 41 St. were eight meadow Photo by Joshua Engel. undigested parts of a bird's prey, often voles, two unidentified Microtus 1. comprising fu r, fe athers, exoskeletons voles, and one American Coot (Fulica and bones. Pellet contents have long americana). The two pellets from Literature cited been used to assess the diets of owls, Coles County contained no fewer than Hoffmeister, D.F. 1989. Mammals which due to their nocturnal habits nine individual Peromyscus mice. oflllinois. University of Illinois Press, can be very difficult to do through This study reveals just a small Urbana. observations (e.g. Cahn and Kemp sample of the varied diet of Snowy Kahn, A.R. and J.T. Kemp 1930. 1930). Owls in Illinois during the 201 1-2012 On the food of certain owls in east­ I received a small series of irruption. Other prey items, including central Illinois. Auk 47: 323-328. pellets from the irruption from the eastern cottontail (Sylvagusfloridanus) Keith, L. B. 1963. A note on Snowy Chicago lakefront (six pellets, thanks and Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus Owl food habits. Wilson Bulletin 75: to Jennifer Duncan, Steve Spitzer, serrator), por . were also re ted A study 276-277. and Jerry Goldner) and from Coles Snowy Owl of a similar number of Paulson, D. 2012. Snowy Owls are County in east-central Illinois (two pellets from coasta 'l Washington ornithophagous. Northwest Nature pellets, thanks to Ronald Bradley), during the same time period revealed Notes. http://slatermuseum. blogspot. which I analyzed for their contents. a diet consisting entirely of birds, com/2012/04/snowy-ow Is-are­ A similar study conducted at Horicon including Sanderling (Calidris alba), ornithophagous. html Marsh, Wisconsin, during the 1960- Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus), Joshua Engel I. 6 l Snowy Owl irruption, found that and Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) Field Museum of Natural History among five individuals, 73% ofpelle ts (Paulson 2012). Division of Birds Lake Shore Dr: I 1400 S. I I Snowy Owl Chicago, Illinois Ii 60605 I( II 11 l coughing up pellet. [email protected] Mo ntrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County. .. 11 December 2012. 1 Photo by , I JenJ' Goldna Snowy Owl pellet fo und in Livingston County showing size. 3 March 2012. Photo by Ben M1 nphy.

84 Meadowlark The Beauty of the Snowy Owl

� �� . � �

Snowy o.,v/ at Montrose, Chicago, Cook Coun(v. 2 Ja nuary 2012. Photo by Jo hn Picken.

Snm+y Owl in McHenry County. 1 April 2012. This bird remained in the area into May. Photo by John Longhenry.

Snowy Owl at Mo ntrose, Chicago, Cook County.

JJ December 20JI. Photo by Jackie Bowman

Snowy Owl at Montrose, Chicago, Cook County. 11 December 201 I. Photo by Mark Bowman.

Snowy Owl at Northerly Is land, Chicago, Cook County. 5 February 2012. Photo by Richard Remington.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 85 ... in Action

Snowy Owl in a defense stance at Montrose, Chicago, Cook County. 29 January 2012. Photo by Richard Remington.

Snowy Owl reacts to an attack by a Peregrine Falcon. Northerly Is land, Chicago, A Snowy Owl gets harassed Cook County. by a Peregrine Falcon. 29 January 2012. Northerly Is land, Photo by Richard Chicago, Cook County. Remington 29 Janumy 2012. Photo by Richard Remington.

A Peregrine Falcon gets too close to a Snowy Owl. Northerly Is land, Chicago, Cook County. 2 Fe brumy 2012. Photo by Scott Ottens. A Snowy Owl app ears to wink after surviving the attack by the Peregrine Falcon. Northerly Is land, Chicago, Cook County. 2 February 2012. Photo by Richard Remington.

86 Meadowlark ... on Location

Snowy Owl in McLean County. 1 December 2011. Photo by Benjamin Murphy.

Snowy Owl on antenna. LaSalle County. 30 December 2011. Photo by Brendon Lake.

Snowy Owl. Shawnee College Road, Pulaski County. 27 Janumy 2012. Photo by John Schwegman.

Snowy Owl on a railroad track in Brookfield To wnship, LaSalle County. 5 Februmy 2012. Photo by Bob Carpel�

Snowy Owl at Montrose, Chicago, Cook County. 16 December 2011. Photo by Jerry Goldner:

Volume 21, Number 3 87 ..

'" Snowy Owl and ' I' American Crow. Northerly Island, Chicago, Cook County. 28 January 2012. Photo by Richard Remington.

Snowy Owl in McHenry County.

J April 2012. Photo by John Longhenry.

I'I Snowy Owl at Red Bud, Randolph County. 29 January 2012. Photo by Will and Susan Harbaugh.

Snowy Owl in Wa ukegan,

Lake County. 4 December 2011. Photo by Jeny Goldne1'.

Sno-wy Owl at J.i[o11trose, Chicago, Cook County.

12 December 201 I. Photo by John Picken.

Snowy Owl at Montrose, Chicago, Cook County. 12 December 2011. Photo by John Picken.

88 Meadowlark "Arctic " Great Horned Owl. Meredosia Is land Christmas Bird Count, Sp unkyBottoms Preserve, Brov.1/1 County. 19 December 2011. Photo by Michael Wa rd.

Afterthe cold counts Illinois birders had to contend with the last two years, an early cold snap in late November and early December must have seemed ominous. However, things wanned up nicely, and only 6 counts failed to reach the freezing mark. Surprisingly, the coldest count for the state turned out to be Lake Shelbyville, which only Ducks through Herons reached 28 degrees F on count day. On the other hand, 8 Greater White-fronted Goose numbers were an impres­ counts exceeded 50, and 15 recorded low temperatures sive 208 percent above the 10-year average, Snow Goose above freezing. Needless to say, running water was open were 77 percent above, and Ross's Goose numbers were on all counts, with only 4 reporting any freezing, and only below-average up 22 percent. Only Cackling Goose had a 3 counts reporting still water as completely frozen. Only year. Cypress Creek's 15,216 Greater White-fronted Ge e 10 counts reported any snow fall, with a maximum of 3 alone were more than the 10-year average. Even with inches at Carlyle. To counter this, 28 counts reported winds the impressive goose showing, this year might well be of at least 15 mph, with 16 counts dealing with winds of termed the year of the swan - 419 swans were reported, at least 20, and 4 reporting winds of at least 40 mph. Illini including 181 Mute Swans on 18 counts, 781 Tundra State Park reported peak winds of 48 mph. The count also Swans on l l counts (including 722 at Clinton, IA), and a followed an epic fall for western vagrants in the Midwest, record 251 Trumpeter Swans, led by Union County with so the total count of 176 species seen on count day (with 4 63. Most dabbling duck numbers were higher than last more count week birds) should be no surprise. year, with Cypress Creek reporting impressive totals of Overall, 65 counts reported this year, with 1,122 Gadwall (1639), Northern Shoveler (1471), and Northern observers contributing 3467.75 party hours. Despite more Pintail (2 l 49). Clinton, IA had 6,540 Canvasback. Pere observers, this was fewer party hours than last year, pos­ Marquette's 2,500 Ring-necked Ducks led an impressive sibly because of the high winds so many counts had. An 84 50 state total, while all three scoters were reported, additional 190 fe eder observers contributed 416 hours. As including lone Surf Scoters at Bloomington, Calumet, always, Fermilab had the most observers with 138, while and Davenport, 8 White-winged at Waukegan, and a Quincy reported the most fe eder-watchers with 22. Three lone Black at Barrington. Only l Long-tailed Duck was counts reached 100 species, with Union County at the top reported (at Evanston). Peoria reported 880 Ruddy Ducks, with 107. lllinois' first CBC Mountain Bluebird was at leading a state total of4,02 8. Collinsville. Other notable finds included Pacific Loon, Ring-necked Pheasant numbers were down drastically Prairie Falcon, and Spotted Sandpiper at Clinton Lake; from last year, with only 163 reported on 25 counts, and Lesser Yel lowlegs and Dunlin at Meredosia; a California Newton only reported 11 Greater Prairie-Chickens this Gull at Chicago Lakefront, a Rufous Hummingbird at year. Wild Turkeys were only slightly below last year, but Chicago Urban; a Cape May Warbler at Chautauqua; and a only l 07 Northern Bobwhite were reported on 14 counts. Henslow's Sparrow photographed at Evanston. This is the lowest total for the species since 194 I.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 89 ..

In addition to the Pacific Loon at Clinton Lake, lone Sedge Wrens, and 4 reported Marsh Wrens. As mentioned, Red-throated Loons were reported at Cl1icago Lakefi:ont, a Mountain Bluebird was still present at Collinsville. Five Carlyle (count week), and Springfield (count week-). Gray Catbirds were reported on 3 counts. Brown Thrashers

Chicago Lakefront also had a Red-necked Grebe, while were reported on 16 counts. Springfield reported a count-week Eared Grebe and Warblers were present in surprising numbers, including Carlyle had a count-week Western Grebe. Seventy-six 3 Orange-erowned on 2 counts, a Cape May photographed American White Pelicans were reported on 9 counts, with at Chautauqua, 9 Pine Warblers on 5 counts, 2 Palm a high of 56 at Muscatine. Mermet Lake had the only Great Warblers at Lisle Arboretum and one at Davenport, and Egret, and Calumet City had 10 of the 17 Black-crowned lone Common Yellowthroats on 2 counts. Night-Herons reported. A Henslow's Sparrow was photographed at Evanston. Raptors through Gulls Five counts reported Lincoln's Sparrows. Three counts reported solo Indigo Buntings, and Mennet Lake reported Vulture was still present at Schapville in A Tu rkey two Dickcissels. Union County reported 20 Western Northem lllinois. Bald Eagles were down slightly from Meadowlarks. Twenty Brewer's Blackbirds were reported la t year, likely becm1se of the lack of ice. Four counts reported lone Golden Eagles, and 12 reported Merlin. on six counts, led by the 11 at Collinsville. Thirty-eight Clinton Lake had a Prairie Falcon. A Virginia Rail was at (38) Red Crossbills were reported on six counts, with Lisle Arboretum, while Union County reported 3 Virginia Union County in far reporting 22. Only Rails and a Sora. One-thousand-eight-hundred-sixteen two counts reported White-winged Crossbills. Only 9 (1,8 16) Sandhill Cranes were reported on 11 counts, counts reported Common Redpolls. The last two species including 1,367 at Lisle Arboretum. moved into the area in numbers in January. Pine Siskins actually exceeded last year's totaJ reported on Shorebirds were very well represented, with 77 wrn1 I 070 30 counts. Only 2 counts reported Evening Grosbeaks, Wilson's Snipe on 13 counts, 3 American Woodcock .:flock of 15. although Thorn Creek had a Eurasian Tree at Mermet Lake, a Spotted Sandpiper at Clinton Lake, Sparrows were reported from 19 counts this year. and lone Lesser Yellowlegs and Dunlin at Meredosia. A California Gull was reported for the second year in a row, Paul W Sweet 2114 Elisha Ave. this time on Chicago Lakefront. Eight counts reported a Zion, IL 60099 total of 16 Thayer's Gulls, 9 counts reported Lesser Black­ backed Gulls, 6 reported Glaucous Gulls, and Calumet [email protected] City reported the only 2 Great Black-backed Gulls. Four-hundred-thirteen (4 13) Eurasian Collared-Doves were reported on 33 counts, a total only surpassed two years ago. Lone Barn Owls were at Carlyle and Warbluff Valley. Five counts reported Snowy Owls, including 2 at Chicago Lakefront, part of a truly impressive inva­ sion year. Long-eared Owls were reported on 13 counts, and 20 Northern Saw-whet Owls were reported on 9 counts, including 8 at Lisle Arboretum. A female Rufous Hummingbird was still present on the Chicago Urban - the 5th in state CBC history.

Flycatchers through Weaver Finches

36 Eastern Phoebes were seen on l l counts this year, including 1 at Chicago Urban and 2 at Barrington. Loggerhead Shrikes were up as well, with 12 on 9 counts, compared to 6 on 3 counts in 2010. Northern Shrikes were also up, with 45 seen on 19 counts, including 11 at Fermilab. One count-week White-eyed Vireo was spot­ ted at Carlyle. A record 334,685 American Crows were counted, one of 8 species to be recorded in every count circle. The 238,000 reported at Middlefork River Valley were more than the entire state finds in most years. Two counts reported Fish Crows, with 6 at Union County. Kankakee Valley had a lingering count-week Northern LeConte s Sparrow. Shelbyville Reservoir Rough-winged Swallow and Rend Lake had a Barn Christmas Bird Count, Moultrie County. Swallow. Four counts reported House Wrens, 3 reported 2 January 2012. Photo by Rob Kanter.

90 Meadowlark Ta ble 1: Count circles, abbreviations, weather and effort, and compilers for the 2010/20n Ch1ris�mais !Bill'idl ColL!ll1l� Dll1lmol!1loos.

C<>unl Name Date Tel1)p Wind Wind Speed Snow Water Sky Fleld Feeder Feeder Total Party Party Owling Owling Compiler Area c;o11.� - - Low HI h Direction Low Hi h De th Condltlons Observers Ol>Servers Hours Partles Hours Miles Hours Miles An�alusia <;nuthwpc;;t / v 11 KPllv ANf1A l /4117 �o 4fi () 1() () fin clr nrlrl 7 0 () i �i <; 2

CHIU CHU< PC IA f(CSP -S�cies Name AlllOA BARR (ALU Cl IA DA IA DEl.gle· 1 American Ke.mel 14 10 29 20 8 18 10 6 12 18 16 12 23 30 4 21 16 29 15 1 12 tW 1 Merlin 2 2 1 Falcon 1 l Pe regrine l Virginia Rall 1 70 20 _ 29 u 21 1 ';\nl.<;!'J.cari Coot 8 2G2 3_9 9 l 24 z's Sandhill 5 l 241 6 Crane c;w. 10 6 1367 3 Kllldee{-- 1 2 8 2 1 2

.. Table 2: Count data for Northern Illinois (north of 1-80), continued

ANDA IA OEl4 20 46 7 175 75 13_5 208 32 67 28 26 51 278 10 142 95 56 226 35 70 76 34 27 98 Brown Creeper 103. 2 2f3 40 32 13 5 3 2 19164 56 9 18 20 30 0 11 l 5 4 32 ? 10 61 3_ .1-2 · i8 -5 7 )2 2 7 -�53 6 3 1 2 l 2 caroiina Wren I r Wre - 3 5 1 '!'l 3 1 1 Winte n 2 �dge Wr•n Gold�-crown_ed 6 7 4 6 7 7 k.lnglel 6_ 4 3 1 1 2 3 l 1 3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Eas:tern Bluebird 8 4_8 20 18 39 2 4 20 73 26 23 13 38 16 15 16 42 11 18 cw s· 3 HermitThrush 1 1 4 1 1 2 I 2 3 1 3 Amt!ritan Robin 3 395 4 276 4 4 6 660 161 l 119 14 418 36 25 7 3 69 13 15 31 7 197 Grav Catbird 1 Northern Mockingbird Brown Thrasher 1 European Starling 1515 3645 1150 1600 247 2015 2820 1582 873 3533 1106 732 755 1680 2857 2311 1808 716 1023 1925 1537 403 2871 379 7178 1743 1640 1273 1557 Ani!"rlc.an Pipit 1 Cedar Waxwing 49 182 13 lSl 17 77 257 97 19 98 229 127 53 35 346 57 57 80 39 42 45 Ye llo,w-rumped Warbler 4 7 7 3 4 10 s 17 21 14 4 19 5 2 6 Palm Warbler 1 2 Eastern T0whee l Amerjca� Sp_arro.w. 236 91 23) 524l 199 '207 _61,9 89 135 1862 94 166 263 232 202 178 :rf'e� 190 zio 157 238 2253 191 139 67 fJ,J_ 535_ 229_ 4� C�!R�Tng �parrow 9 FleJ.d-Sparrow 1 .S av anna� �p,arrow J:len � row _l_ ]]" 9 s Sparrow 1 Le Conte's Sparrow l Ammodramus sp. FO>!: Sparrow 4 2 l 1 12 l 2 l Song Sparrow 52 24 16 11 109 12 82 11 23 15 17 539 23 18 24 47 22 15 15 Lincoln's Sparrow 3 1 Swamp Sparrow 14 10 26 l 50 10 18 Ta ble 2: Count data for Northern Illinois (north of 1-80), continued

Spe cies Name ANDA BARR CALLI CHIU Ci-ILK CL IA DA IA DEKA EVNS FERM F:REE HENN ILLI IOU KANK KISH USL MCHE MOWI MU IA PC IA RCSP ROCK SCHA SR5P TCPF VANP WAUK WTPN 41 4 18 7 14 20 91 29 13 47 White-throace�d Sparrow 22 7 11 4 22 s 3 4 Ha.rrt�·Sparrow l Sparrow 5 41 6 l 2 l 4 25 l 6 11 31 3 4 6 12 3 l 1 2 3 7 1 White--crowned 309 478 172 314 315 846 463 432 1454 809 282 236 276 243 1252 970 438 107 394 429 237 2074 297 242 447 . 163 481 Dark-eyed Junco 318 Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco 1 l Lapland Longspur 2 2 171 691 290 24 16 107 4 444 122 2 40 .SnowBu nting 2 2 6 87 2 34 42 20 7 3 7 2 3 3 Northern Cardinal 192 180 77 167 28 174 368 206 211 759 122 95 56 100 158 374 384 218 32 231 191 129 513 79 109 242 146 66 135 Indigo Bunting 13 Red-winged Blackbird 31 196 133 2011 12359 4 279 317 10 25 31 16066 23 4 Ea.stern Meadowlark meadowlark sp. Yellow-headed Blackbird Roscy Blackbird l l 3 30 22 BreW<(sBlackbird l 38 2 l 11311 4 Common Grackle 1 5 1 1. l 6218 1 l cw Brown-headed Cowbird 501 9 11 1 500 27 10 39 32 22 22 12 20 18 42 11594 10 117 26 blackbird sp. 90 4000 Purple Finch 38 12 3 11 11 2 4 5 14 l 3 12 16 10 1 13 24 19 l House Finch 6 152 204 151 18 17 94 140 141 599 34 15 86 91 100 283 148 87 41 55 64 430 52 66 77 32 41 107 Red Crossbill 2 8 l White-wi nged Crossbill 3 1 Common Redpoll 11 2 l 3 l 1 5 Pine Siskin 4 53 3 8 8 57 52 164 37 9 CW 91 162 11 8 10 3 224 1 3 l 18 60 65 235 182 229 4 27 188 113 347 497 22 47 60 89 100 269 427 183 35 110 58 596 173 56 173 74 81 73 Amorlcon Goldfinch 112 EveninQ Grosbeak 1 15 House Sparrow 709 572 1036 1400 10 462 1288 418 731 753 907 290 153 132 847 967 603 414 140 630 1300 151 1897 207 416 565 322 138 278 Eurasian Tree Soa. rrow 86 34 256 267 12 Toca.I 74 · 91 51 76 93 39 0 60 66 53 69 73 54 59 61 70 78 77 so 82 7 70 70 83 61 75 38 71 71 64

.. Ta ble 3: Count data for Central Illinois (between la70 and la80)

BLOM BUSH £HAM CHAU Snecies Name CHIL CLLK COCU CRU( DECA EKNX EMER FGPR MERE PEOR QUIN. RUSH SPFD WMER Greii!U'!r White-fronted Goose 2 867 563 94 384 207 140 86 64S7 1 1210 Snow Goose 8 527 3544 2670 l 4615 Ross's Goose 10 Cackling Goose 125 88 Canada Goose 2102 782 896 3173 2419 946 410 1572 702 284 1965 2S8 SS7 1234 1547 51 1367 1533 Mute Swan 4 87 13 Trumpeter Swan 14 cw 39 14 Tundra Swan Wood Duck 4 11 G.1 dwall 257 55 458 12 60 56 154 Ame.r(CilnWigeon 22 12 Am1>rlcanBlack Duck 26 18 11 21 cw Mallard 311 82 314 2732 73 11 4923 125 2959 512 305 26 8 2470 306 290 14 728 3513 Blue-winged Teal 53 Northern Shoveler 36 14 12 126 13 cw 13 44 30 42 Northern Pintail 32 13 137 5 Green-winged Teal 313 92 200 18 15 Canvasback 8 51 28 Redhead 10 7 Ring-necked Duck 21 10 30 436 cw 1.1 4 lesserScaup 180 27 31 33 9 25 SL1tf Seater 1 Bufflehead 6 17 17 30 cw 12 13 38 Common Goldeneye 17 71 44 11 353 88 122 Hooded Merganser 32 121 cw 37 1 72 Common Merganser 14 19 cw l 21 11 Red-breasted Merganser cw Ruddy Duck 651 cw 12.4 3 6 880 165 duck sp. Ring-necked Pheasant 5 60 2 10 4 Wi ld Turkey 38 17 2 29 25 lS 41 13 73 76 32 43 Northern Bobwhite 21 l 10 Red-throated Loon cw Pacific Loon l Common Loon 4 Pied-billed Grebe 16 46 16 1 19 Horned Grebe 6 4 Eared Grebe cw American White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant 27 7 Great Blue Heron 1 41 15 10 46 12 32 16 )3 8 16 3 Turkey Vulture 37 3 5 Bald Eagle .1 52 63 3 71 5 102 38 51 s 21 130 Northern Harrier 4 3 6 l. I3 7 4 Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 4 1 2 3 Cooper's Hawk 6 4 5 11 Red-shouldered Hawk 2 Red-tailed Hawk 43 16 29 45 58 2l 32 30 17 31 65 31 27 52 44 45 37 Rough-legged Hawk 3 l 2 3 5 Golden Eagle American Kestrel 22 20 11 23 17 12 14 19 16 10 22 17 32 15 35 26 25 Merlin !. 1 Peregrine Falcon Prairie Falcon AmericanCoot 542 38 160 18 142 Killdeer 25 4 Spotted Sand pi per Lesser Yellowlegs Dunlin Wilson's Snipe 2 Bonaparte's Gull 81 22 6 29 BO Ring-billed Gull 67 297 1279 3169 64 131 2688 cw 311 3423 536 1784 153 Herring Gull 3 10� 14 1 201 l 52 13 10 10 Thayer's Gull 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 cw Glaucous Gull Rock Pigeon 676 24 465 1.58 9 56 17 377 34 84 272 83 1266 270 4 1011 84 Eurasian Collared-Dove 10 10 30 43 10 2 72 6 Mourning Dove 359 207 194 76 9! _J.i'8 75 36 78 24 66 145 197 238 234 417 34 Eastern Screech-Owl 10 2 4 4 1 1 7 3 4 Great Horned Owl cw 6 4 3 cw 13 8 1 Snowy Owl

Barred Owl 16 cw 19 4 4 9 Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl 1 cw Northern Saw-whet Owl 1 1 Kingfisher 4 4 8 Beitel! l 3 6 6 5 2 Red-headed Woodpecker 14 10 14 11 14 17 14 19 l 1 4 2 5 6 Red-bellied Woodpecker 38 24 56 109 125 42 52 52 30 40 85 57 62 118 61 6 '80 40 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 3 3 1 l 2 Downy Woodpecker 85 18 92 121 29 58 33 33 GO 33 91 42 110 111 73 JO 70 32 Hairy Woodpecker 8 4 13 9 20 6 9 2 ll 21 7 17 9 26 4 12 17. Northern Flicker 9 4 16 10 14 21 11 2 5 2.4 16 2 1.3 5 95 Ta ble 3: Count data for Central Illinois (between 1-70 and 1-80) continued


Th is Sandhill Crane pair nested at Heron County Park, Ve rmilion County in the summer of 2011 and then remained throughout the Christmas Bird Count season of 2011/2012. 1 January 2012. Photo by Bob Schifo.

96 Meadowlark Ta ble 4: Count data for Southern Illinois (south of 1-70)

BIRO CALK COLL CROa cvc;a ELSA HSLK JACK MRLk MMWR MONR NEWT PEMR llOLJ( SFIEL UNION WRBV 592 24 152 Ciil!A!8fWhl!A>410lll.Q(I Goose -14 l 840 lG 10000 100 32 61 38 �g Ill 1541 6000 so Snow Goose 29275 15 112620 75 50945 50000 1703 555 l 192 265 300 4257 19S45 35000 222 SMiNGoose (while form) 6 2838 Soc.wGoose(blue form) 1419 Ross·s Goose 24 18 31 C;:n;ttltt11Gt10W1 2 4 2 12 6S Canada Goose 98S 829 15S 383 412 107 soo 54S 137 115 119 303 1887 165 821 600 62 Mu\e Sw

PE«1grin11 Falcon V@liinfo Rall ,.,,. AmalicoanC(i°' 63 150 228 230 3Sl 88 1300 800 41 47 S4 193 19 42 Killdeer 6 73 58 9 lS 302 47 39 25 10 28 264 39 Wilson's Snipe 47 American Woodcock Bonoipi:utih.Gull lS 772S 1003 154 22 R111g·� GUU 2896 19907 1869 2802 212 105 482 73 347 4657 5216 200 HarrtnuGull 131 2S 8 1 3 41 44 tba)'.er'I GuJI Lo»eirBlack-hacked Gull OlaUC:OU• Gull QULl1p, Ro Plg�n 119 30 49 302 98 67 45 76 197 1 43 10 44 36 12 Euruian Colla1ed-Oove 18 17 3 14 7 3 34 J;fournlnv Oo.,ie 2LS 238 276 169 217 368 S34 9S 158 387 192 13S 45 102 168 307 S9 Barn Owl l Easlern Screech·Owl Greal Horned Owl 12 12 10 Garred Owl -2 10 11 14 11 Long·eared Owl 12


Black-capped Chickadee 23 31 127 9B Tufled Tilmouse 49 7� B9 29 66 20B 25 270 101 125 72 SB 139 93 69 241 59 Red-breasted Nulhatch 1 1 I 1 1 3 White-b1easted Nulhalch 42 37 24 4B 11 90 32 42 17 lB 52 59 30 57 129 16 Brown Creeper 4 16 14 71 20 31 2 3 12 B 44 Carolina Wren 27 31 19 70 B4 221 Sl B2 29 11 44 16 BB 227 10 House Wren 1 1 Winier Wren 13 25 49 44 2B Sedge Wren Marsh Wren Go!den-crowned Kinglel 34 S3 140 12B Sl 66 19 l2 41 79 16 Ruby-crowned Kinglel 4 9 40 12 4 1 4 20 s Easlern Bluebird 44 67 13 133 138 3B3 23 4 1B2 40 46 38 63 152 16 227 74 Mounlain Bluebird Hermi1 Thrush 33 4 14 14 American Robin BG 13 119 55 lB 15 26 1S4 so 20 7S 122 97 20 lS 31 Gray Ca1blrd 2 2 Northern Mockingbird 20 24 25 19 26 11 10 Brown Thrashet 4 19 3 3 • European Starling 1673 31309 2817 2359 1880 5321 5300 2931 6144 1056 '20 18939 1036 4476 1531 1200 1041 American Pipll 2 96 1 1 13 8 Cedar WaXVJlng 94 36 21 52 130 23 1B 36 16 112 2 20 Yellow-rumped Warbler 23 10 10 96 85 162 21 15 30 46 13 Pine Wa1b!er 1 Common Yellowlhroal Eastern To whee 4 2 23 48 21 69 28 American Tree Sparrow 51 91 25 16 32 50 11 25 279 120 19 183 Chipping Spimow 4 1 17 Field Spaf(O\'I 48 16 10 53 126 23 93 35 13 124 Vesper Sparrow Savannah Sparrow 1B 40 15 68 14 42 10 73 Le Conle's Sparrow 4 Fo)( Sparrow 36 3 4 10 34 Song Sp;wow 20 57 25 64 320 "' 05 170 37 29 111 85 29 328 12 Lincoln's Sparrow 9 Swamp Sparrow 17 11 349 116 23 95 17 23 46 447 While-lhroaled Sparrow B3 23 39 37 94 250 17 729 205 346 73 52 102 136 109 43 576 30 While-crowned Sparrow 11 9 19 14 53 101 62 90 30 66 14 49 19 5 21 15 Dark-eyed Junru 143 171 306 57 176 271 23 504 712 348 156 " 347 396 327 320 782 211 Lapland Longspur 397 620 270 73 77 12 Snow Bunting 1 Northern Cardinal 163 206 216 130 201 346 23 MS 213 379 209 233 209 160 158 224 661 148 lndtgo Bunling Oickcisser 2

Red-win911d Blackbird 195 60 40 3628 2096 1265 4000 2869 51160 150 2197 645 3265 211537 270 5102 Eastern Meadowlark 27 43 25 68 104 36 110 24 68 154 64 124 67 W9•lum Moadowtwl 20 meadowla1k sp Rusly Blackbird 12 27 23 950 43 710 14 273 68 Brewer's Blackbird ,, 1 Common Grackle 16 57 9961 2742 60000 1706 58522 40 783 1034 138 150827 500 20 Brown-headed Cowbird 14 86 53 37 168 124 450 557 125 519 2 75 22 20 blackbird sp 472 3lll21 52000 2000 6000 300 1000000 Purple Finch ,, 5 22 House Finch 7 52 23 10 19 18 41 58 29 Red Crossbill 22 Common Redpoll Pine Siskin American Goldfinch 166 75 86 77 65 112 136 133 171 46 206 323 96 121 417 426 66 House Sparrow 79 293 348 92 77 127 200 102 553 202 BO 429 574 80 799 347 2 Eurasian TreeSnarrow 84 150 Total 90 76 106 08 20 •• 61 .. 76 87 •• •• iDO 76 107 ••

Spotted Sandpipa Clinton Lake Christmas Bird Count, Clinton Lake, De Wi tt County. 18 December 2011. Photo by Rob Kante1'.

98 Meadowlark Field Notes: The 2011=2012 Winter Season by Kelly J McKay and Steven D. Bailey

Barrow 5· Goldeneye drawing by Barbara Wi lliams ---======�· ..�· ·: "'···�;;;) �·· --

Overall, the weather in Illinois during the 2011-2012 winter state .. By the end of the winter season, early spring migration had season was noticeably milder (i.e. longer periods of warmer noticeably commenced within Illinois. temperatures and lesser amounts of precipitation), as compared Once again, the avian community observed this winter was to the previous three winters. Throughout the entire winter substantially diverse with 193 species identified throughout the temperatures fluctuated widely, but the majority of the season state .. This community was even higher than the high diversity experienced normal to considerably above normal periods. By reported during the previous three winters (182, 185, and 189, comparison, only brief episodes of slightly to well below normal respectively).. Consequently, Illinois again played host to a temperatures occurred. Statewide temperatures never dipped notable wintering avian community .. Overall, the majority of below 0, and a wind chill of 0 to -5 degrees in mid-January was species composing the wintering avifaunal community were the coldest of the season. Reduced amounts of precipitation fell observed in greater abundance during the 2011-2012 winter across Illinois during fairly frequent minor and major winter season, as compared to last winter. During the 2011-2012 winter storm events this season. In total, 14 noteworthy winter storms season, many species groups were reported in greater abundance .. traveled across all or a portion of the state during 2011-2012. These groups included: waterfowl (both puddle and diving These storms produced rain, freezing rain, and/or snow depending ducks), "waterbirds," permanent residents, "semi-hardy species," on the current temperatures. woodpeckers, shrikes, mimic thrushes, sparrows, blackbirds, Throughout December, temperatures across the state ranged and finches.. from moderately below to considerably above normal, with The avian community this winter included many exceptional the majority of the month being warmer than usual. A number vagrant and lingering/wintering species .. These included Brant, of major and minor storms moved through the state during Barrow's Goldeneye, Western Grebe, Prairie Falcon, Little Gull, December. Temperatures in January ranged from well below to Mew Gull, Rufous Hummingbird, and Mountain Bluebird), considerably above normal. However, most of the month was which required review by the Illinois Ornithological Records warmer than what typically occurs, with the exception of mid­ Committee (IORC) before they could be accepted. Several January which produced the coldest temperatures of the season. additional species were noted requiring IORC review within the January was also a fairly active month in terms of storm events. state due to rarity or season of occurrence. Among these, some of Another strong wind storm (20-30 mph), moved through Illinois the more interesting species included: Harlequin Duck, Pacific on 1 January but produced very little precipitation. On 12 and 13 Loon, Spotted Sandpiper, Purple Sandpiper, Greater & Lesser January, a powerful winter storm dropped 4-8 inches of snow in Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Dunlin, California Gull, Barn the northern portion of the state, 2-4 inches in the central region, Owl, Fish Crow, White-eyed Vireo, Tree Swallow, No. Rough­ and even 1-2 inches of snow through the south. This storm was winged Swallow, Barn Swallow, Gray Catbird, Orange-crowned accompanied by strong winds (20-30 mph), which produced the Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, coldest wind chills of the season (0 to -5 degrees). Temperatures Spotted Towhee, Chipping Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Lincoln's in February ranged from moderately below to considerably above Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, Indigo Bunting, Scarlet Tanager, normal. However, as with the two previous months, February was Dickcissel, and Baltimore Oriole. The Whooping Crane was the overall much warmer than usual. A strong winter storm dropped only exotic/released species observed within Illinois this winter. 4-8 inches of snow in the northern 1/3, light to moderate rain and freezing rain in the central 1/3, and light rain in the southern Waterfowl to Vu ltures 1/3 of the state on 23 February. The winter season ended on 28 Overal1, 35 species of waterfowl were reported in 111inois Febrnary with a very strong storm which produced moderate to during the 201 1-2012 winter season. The majority of waterfowl heavy rainfall across the entire state, including several strong species, including both "puddle" and "diving ducks," were more thunderstorms and tornados throughout the south. plentiful this winter. Goose populations appeared to be more I During the winter of 2011-2012, a substantially diverse avian abundant this season at traditional central and southernwintering ·1 community (193 species) was observed within Illinois. This locations. Additionally, Snow Goose populations were elevated community included most of the "expected" wintering birds, throughout central and southern portionsof the state. While Mute along with a noteworthy variety of lingering migrants and "semi­ Swans were somewhat less numerous this winter, Trumpeter hardy" species. Additionally, many birds which are typically and Tundra Swans were much more abundant. The northward present only in the southernregion of the state were also recorded migration began in earnest with geese in mid-February. Overall, this winter. Furthermore, a considerable number of uncommon both "puddle" and "diving ducks" were reported in greater and accidental species were also documented throughout the numbers this year. Although various species were more abundant

Volume 21, Number 3 99 this winter at traditional central and southern concentration documented this winter, with the help of noted hummingbird sites, numbers were still considerably reduced as compared to bander Ve rn Kleen. populations in the fairly recent past. Of the usual seven woodpecker species found in Illinois, Once again, four species of upland gamebirds were recorded the Ye llow-bellied Sapsucker, was present in similar numbers in Illinois during the 2011-2012 winter season. Northern to the previous winter, while all of the other woodpeckers Bobwhite and Ring-necked Pheasant numbers continued to were reported in greater abundance this year. As has become a decline statewide. The Gray Partridge, once again, failed to regular occurrence in winter, a number of Eastern Phoebes were be encountered this winter, suggesting that this bird has been scattered throughout southern Illinois. There were good numbers extirpated from Illinois. of both shrike species this winter, though all but one Loggerhead During this winter, observers identified three loon, four were located mostly in southeastern Illinois. grebe, three heron, and both vulture species within the state. Nearly all of the small, common, winter and year-around The majority of these "waterbird" species occurred in greater resident species (i.e. chickadees, Tufted Titmice, nuthatches, abundance, with the exception of the American White Pelican Brown Creepers, kinglets and wrens) were more abundant and Black Vulture which were less numerous, and the Great statewide in 2011-2012. Only the Red-breasted Nuthatch was Blue Heron which was reported in numbers similar to last winter. less plentiful as it was a "non-invasion" winter for that species. Nevertheless, there were no exceptional concentrations of any of Diurnal Raptors to Gulls the above species observed. However, once again there were five During the 2011-2012 winter season, 13 species of diurnal species of wren detected in Illinois this winter, including House raptors were recorded throughout the state. Most raptor species Wrens detected at four locations. were reported in numbers very similar to last winter, though it is worth noting, that the wintering Bald Eagle population within Thrushes to Buntings Illinois has been considerably lower over the past several years. Four species of thrushes and three species of mimids were There were no exceptional concentrations of raptors encountered identified throughout the state. The American Robin was this winter. considerably less numerous statewide. Remarkably, one female Once again, two species of rail were calling in a small marsh Mountain Bluebird spent most of the winter and was observed in southern Illinois and this family should be looked for in all by many birders. There were no exceptional concentrations parts of Illinois in the winter, including far northern Illinois. of American Pipits or Cedar Waxwings this winter, although American Coots and Sandhill Cranes were considerably more American Pipits have become a regular component of at least abundant and widespread this year statewide. Southbound cranes the early winter birding community in Illinois just within the last were noted in large numbers in several Chicagoland and even decade or so. downstate areas mid-December but straggling flocks continued An amazing seven species of warblers were reported in in into early January. However, large flocks of returning "spring" Illinois this winter including nine Orange-crowneds at seven migrants poured through the Chicagoland area in mid February, locations (!), with Ye llow-rumped Warblers more abundant with good numbers of cranes present in Illinois throughout the and widely distributed. Three of the remaining species were entire winter season! all noteworthy in terms of their winter occurrence in Illinois, This winter Illinois hosted eight shorebird species. Ofthese, as Common Yellowthroat and Pine Warbler are regular winter Killdeer were substantially more numerous and widespread, residents in small numbers, at least in far southern Illinois. See ,, while the Wilson's Snipe decreased in overall abundance and the article this issue on the very cooperative Black-throated I distribution. Once again, the Lake Michigan shoreline hosted a Blue Warbler which spent many days in early winter in Chicago Purple Sandpiper. The American Woodcock was almost entirely fe eding at Yel low-bellied Sapsucker sap wells. restricted to returning early spring migrants in February, in A Scarlet Tanager was well documented with photos, and numbers similar to the previous winter. Like a number of other was noted coming to a feeder for black oil sunflowerseeds, for species responding to the warming effects of global climate Illinois's first winter record of this species. Illinois produced 16 change in our area, birds of this family are lingering longer species of sparrows during the 2011-2012 winter season. While (especially in southern Illinois) and returning earlier, all within fe wer numbers of American Tree, Chipping, and Savannah what is considered the "winter" season. Overall, 13 species Sparrows were reported, all other sparrows were present in of gulls were reported this season statewide. Noteworthy greater numbers. Although the number of Chipping Sparrows concentrations and a diversity of wintering gulls were found at decreased this year, the species appears to be establishing itself Carlyle Lake. as a regular wintering bird within the state. LeConte's Sparrows are also now a regular wintering species, at least locally, in many Pigeons to Kinglets southern Illinois and some central Illinois fields, especially in Monk Parakeets continue to exhibit a declining population fields with a large amount of foxtail(Setaria sp.) grasses. Lapland trend in Illinois, with fewreports from the Chicagoland area. Longspur and Northern Cardinal numbers increased this season, Eight owl species were recorded in Illinois this winter (all while Snow Buntings and Dark-eyed Juncos declined. in one day by one group of birders! See article this issue). The Blackbirds to Weaver Finches entire Midwest region experienced a major invasion, including Of the eight species of blackbirds observed in Illinois record nmnbers here in Illinois of Snowy Owls (See Dave in winter 201 1-2012, the majority of the species were more Johnson's article in this issue). Among the rest of the wintering abundant this winter The exception was the Eastern Meadowlark owl community, Great Horned, Long-eared, and Northern Saw­ whet Owls were more abundant, while Short-eared Owls were and Brewer's Blackbird which were less numerous. Once again, icterid numbers at traditional southern wintering locations less plentiful. Two Rufous Hummingbirds were once again well- were reported in lower abundance although several notable

100 Meadowlark ..

concentrations were still encountered there. Two Baltimore transmitters for a study being conducted in northeastern lllinois Orioles were well-documented with photos. have shown that several of the birds were flying back and forth A total of eight finch species were observed in lllinois between northeast lllinois and the main eastern staging area this winter. The winter 20 11-2012 season produced a pretty for cranes in northwestern Indiana, 4 or 5 times in fall/winter significant invasion of both crossbills, Pine Siskin and Common "migration"! Large numbers of cranes (including Whooping Redpolls mainly in northern Illinois but at least small numbers Cranes!) are now wintering in northwest Indiana, instead of of all four species were found south into central Illinois as well. continuing on to their more normal wintering areas in Florida A single Evening Grosbeak was also located. Eurasian Tree and the Gulf Coast states. Spa1rnws were found in good numbers this winter, including Concerning raptors, Golden Eagles appear to be forming one bird which spent much of February in a Cook County yard a regular wintering area in central/southern Wisconsin and for many to view. northwestern Illinois, to the extent that the National Fish & Wildlife Service is beginning to conduct a winter aerial survey The Changing Illinois of their numbers. Historically most Illinois winter Golden Eagle winter bird community records usually came from the same refuges in far southern The shorter and warmer Illinois winters brought about by Illinois that attracted the large numbers of geese on which they global climate change are quickly bringing about marked changes fe ed. Although they are still often found there, in recent years to the Illinois winter bird community and its dynamics. It has up to at least a half dozen or more of these eagles are getting already been shown that migrants travelling over short or medium detected in other areas of Illinois, especially in northwest Illinois distances arrive earlier and stay longer in their breeding areas. during the winter. Winter records of Merlin have increased fairly dramatically within the last 20-25 years or so as well. The winter And for the most part, these are the species for which the most noticeable changes in the Illinois wintering bird community are 1991-1992 Merlin account in the Illinois birding journal Illinois Birds Birding read "first confirmed overwintering Merlins in occurring. For instance, as recently as the winters of 1989-1991, & Canada Goose numbers in the heavily hunted southern Illinois state history" (4 records, w/3 in northern IL). All winter records prior to this were asked to be "thoroughly documented". Boh Jen quota zone were counted by aerial censuses and their numbers ranged between 565,000 and 87 1 ,000, with 3 or 4 southern ( 1989) referred to both Golden Eagle and Merlin as "rare winter Illinois "goose" refuges annually attracting 150-250, 000 or residents", with rare defined as occurring only "once or twice more Canada Geese at each refuge every winter. During those a year, and some years not at all". Most of the earlier Illinois bird journals for the 1980's and early 1990's listed 2-5 Merlin years and earlier, a flock of 10-25 Snow Geese was something sightings per winter, occasionally fe wer. The Meadowlark: to get excited about anywhere in Illinois, and even a single A Journal of Illinois Birds, lists between 10-18 Merlin sightings Greater White-fronted Goose or Ross's Goose was unheard of even in the big southern Illinois goose flocks, andalways needed most winters for about the last ten years ...quite a jump in numbers to be documented. Flash-forward to the past several years on for such a short time period since they were formerly considered those same southern Illinois "goose" refuges. Highest tallies for rare. Interestingly, this same phenomena has been detected in Canada Geese now come fromcentral and northern Illinois and other surrounding Midwestern states, as well as the fact that a those counts only range between 1,500-5,000, with coun s on large number of wintering Merlins in each state are detected at ; cemeteries, both in Illinois and in other Midwestern states. This two of the three big southern Illinois goose refuges having only tallied between 500-1 ,200 birds on two of the refuges the last is not due to the Merlin's sudden preference for cemetery head few years. Contrast that with Snow Goose and Greater White­ stones but likely due to the presence of the large, old conifers fronted Goose numbers, which now far outnumber the Canada found inmany cemeteries, which they can roost in ...trees which they are known to use as roosting sites (Sodhi et al. 1993 . Their Goose flocks, with several areas harboring 50 000- 100 000 ) winter range has also generally been spreading northward the Snow Geese (as far north as Springfield and Lake Chautau�ua), and as many as 5-10,000 Greater White-fronted Geese in several past thirty years, and their breeding range southward (Sodhi et areas. Counts of 10-25 Ross's Geese are not uncommon forthose al. 1993). willing to sort through the huge Snow Goose flocks. Most of the Other species which are showing changes in their wintering large Canada Goose numbers are now wintering northward at status within Illinois (all either beginning to overwinter, linger into Horicon National WildlifeRefuge and other areas in Wisconsin winter longer, occur in winter more than formerly or increasing and points farthernorth. in population or more northerly distribution during winter) in the On the flip-side,the 2011-2012 winter season saw the largest last few decades include Red-throated Loon, American White Pelican, Turkey Vulture, various shorebirds (especially American numbers of wintering Tundra and Trumpeter Swans likely yet Woodcock), Forster's Tern , Ye llow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern reported for an Illinois winter. ..a good sign for the Midwest's rebounding, re-introduced Trumpeter Swan population. Phoebe, Northern Shrike, Barn, Tree and No. Rough-winged Migrating south(east) bound Tundra Swans in mid-December Swallows, Hermit Thrush, American Robin, American Pipit, and even into January, almost met the returning northbound Yellow-rumped and Pine Warblers, Chipping, Savannah and LeConte's Sparrows, and all blackbird species. Bohlen 1989 flocksof early to mid-February, and like today's Illinois Sandhill ( ) states for Red-throated Loon, "no recent winter records and Crane migrants, made it hard to tell if the birds were coming few old ones", though small numbers of these birds have either or going. .. or maybe some were actually even wintering. wintered or lingered into early/mid-December since at least the Three species of wintering swans have become the norm at 2006/2007 winter season along the Lake Michigan shoreline, as the Channahon Widewaters area in Will County. Speaking of well as at a few large, downstate reservoirs. All of the above those cranes, good numbers of that species were detected in species present their own interesting stories, but somewhere each month of the winter season, with birds flying southbound within that story, the warming Illinois winter temperatures play in December and January as well as northbound in January a role. These relatively recent trends can easily be noted, either and February. In fact, some Sandhill Cranes fitted with radio-

Vo lume 21, Number 3 101 by those that have been birding long and attentively enough Cohen, Scott A. Cohrs, Bob Drennan, Carl DauBach, Colin or by those willing to scour through Illinois's ornithological Dobson (CDn), Donnie R. Dann, Michelle Devlin, Nandu Dubey, history in the various lllinois ornithological journals or state Pen DauBach, Par A. Durkin, Richard Day, Richard Davis and regional monographs concerned with Illinois's birds. Other (RDs), Sheny Dearborn, Tim J. Dever, Alfred G. Dierkes, Gloria Dimoplon, JeffDundek (JDk), Jon J. Duerr, Joshua Engel, Mary interesting changes that are possibly on the horizon include: l. are Illinois's wintering numbers of Common Goldeneyes and Jane Easterday (MJE), Robert Erickson, Russ Engelke (REe), Common Mergansers becoming fe wer as warming temperatures Thad R. Edmonds, Anthony D. Friend, Carolyn S. Fields, Don allow many to winter farther north? And speaking of more Fish (DFh), Jim Frazier, Kate Frazier, Kurt Frieders (KFs), Karen northerly range changes, how much farther north and east will D. Fisher, Michael Ferguson, Michal Furmanek (MFk), Matt E. the Eurasian Tree Sparrow spread ...in or beyond Illinois's Fraker, Pete Fenner, Ron Flemal, Robert E. Fisher, Susan Friscia, borders? Bohlen (1989) gives Sangamon and Christian Counties Sean Fitzgerald (SFd), Scan Fitzpatrick (SFk); Aaron Gyllenhaal, as this species easternmost range in the state, and lists Hampton Brad Grover (BGr), Ethan Gyllenhaal, Eric D. Gyllenhaal, as a vagrant location where today many dozens can regularly be Evan Glynn (EGn), Glenn Giacinta, Joel R. Greenberg, Karen tallied in a visit. The formernor thern extent was the Peoria area Waterman-George, Lany Granat, Nathan Goldberg, Urs W. Geiser, Sullivan Gibson, Bob Hammel (BHI), Ca1y D. in the late 1980's but birds of this species can now regularly be W. found in numbers quite a distance north into Whiteside, Ogle, Hillegonds, C. Leroy Harrison, Diane Hansen, Dustin Holschuh Stark, Putnam, Woodford and McLean Counties. This species (DHh), Don Hartzler (DHr), Frank R. Holmes, Given Harper has dramatically declined if anything in its former stronghold in (GHr), John Heneghan, Jed B. Hertz, Kanae Hirabayashi, Larry the Greater St. Louis area, and has not expanded its range any L. Hood, Mark Hurley, Michael J. Hogg, Roger Hotham, Robert farther south. Will Ring-necked Pheasants survive to occur in D. Hughes, Stephen B. Hager, Steve J. Huggins, Ted Hartzler Illinois if a few more severe winter storms occur or grassland (THr), Trevor Hinckley (THy), Mike Ingram, Stacy Iwanicki, habitat loss continues? Will Turkey Vulture winter roosts spread David B. Johnson, Rhetta Jack, Steve Juhlin, Ye anette Johnson, from their mostly southern Illinois locations and begin appearing Dan M. Kassebaum, John Koch, Katy Krigbaum, Ken Kampenga in northern Illinois as winter snows decline or change mainly to (KKa), Kevin Kaltenbach (IU

(1999; 2007). Popp, Marc Perkowitz, Patrick Palmer, Paul Quintas, Ari Rice, .· We thank Sheryl DeVo re for her assistance in the preparation Adam M. Reyburn, Bronson Ratcliff, Jessica Runner, Kevin B. of this article. We especially want to gratefully acknowledge and Richmond, Mary Robbins, Mary Kay Rubey, Michael L.P. Retter, thank all the contributors who made this report possible. These Pat Reyburn, Phil J. Reyburn, Rhonda S. Rothrock, Sarah Roper, observers are credited for each record, and cited observers are Tom Rollins, Adam Sell, Alan F. Stokie, Andrew P. Sigler, Ari listed here by initials/citation forms: Andrew Aldrich, Amar Shavit (ASh), Amie Straight (ASt), Bob Schifo, Beau J. Schaefer, A. Ayyash, Alan B. Anderson, Charlene K. Anchor, Cornelius Brian Smith (BSh), Bill Saylor (BSr), Beth Simkins (BSs), Bud Atwood, Danny Akers, Edward Anderson, Frank Angileri, Schultz (BSz), Donald Schmidt, Dave Spleha (DSa), Dawn P. Heather Arras, Jack L. Armstrong, Les Allen, Mike Andrews, Smith (DSh), Douglas F. Stotz, Darrell J. Shambaugh, Eric E. Mary J. Adams, Todd Anderson, Brian Blevins, Corey Blevins, Secker, JeffSu ndberg, JeffA. Smith, Joseph L. Suchecki, James L. Smith, Jeffrey R. Sanders, Janelle Swanberg (JSg), Jon Sleger David Benson, Elizabeth de la Baume (EDB); Frank K. Bennett, 0. H. David Bohlen, JeffBi lsky, Joan C. Bruchman, Joe Bierman (JSr), Jim S. Solum, Mark S. Seiffe rt, Mike Seiffe rt, Richard A. (JBn), Jackie Bowman (JBo), John M. Bates, Linda Boardsen, Sayles, Robert E. Shelby, Sandra Spence, Stephen G. Spitzer, Larry G. Balch, Maury H. Brucker, Marc J. Bolinger (MBr), Vicky Sroczynski, Wesley S. Serafin, Alice Topping, Craig A. Michael J. Baum, Margaret L. Baker, Marilyn R. Bell, Nick Taylor, Craig B. Thayer, David L. Thomas, Ernie Topping, Marla Barber, Peter Bullock, Ron Bradley, Ron Blazek (RBk), Ray Turek, Michael L. Trahan, Nancy J. Tikalsk.y, Torri Thompson, Boehmer (RBr), Richard Biss (RBs); Richard G. Bjorklund, Tim Vanseghi, Bernie Wiltshire, Barbara C. Williams, Christine Robert R. Bryant, Susan Benjamin, Samuel B. Burckhardt, L. Williamson, Dan We nny, Debbie Wisser (DWr), Dan T. Steven D. Bailey, Sigurd N. Bjorklund, Tim Barksdale (TBe), Williams, Edward Warden (EWn), Eric W. Walters, Geoffrey A. Williamson, Jason D. Weck.stein, Jeff Walk, Linda Wesp, Todd E. Bugg, Vonna Bley, William A. Bertrand, Angelo P. W. Capparella, Bob Carper, Chris Carr, Connie Carroll-Cunningham Matthew J. Winks, Michael P. Ward, Pat Ward, Patrick We bb (CCC), Christopher L. Cudworth, Elizabeth Christison, Elizabeth (PWb), Sue Wa goner, Tom Williams, Tony Ward (TWd), Robert J. Chato, John Cebula, Matthew M. Cvetas, Paul R. Clyne, Rena Zinanni, Sue Zelek, Walter M. Zuurdeeg.

102 Meadowlark Literature Cited American Ornithologists' Union. 20 11. Fifty-second of lllinois state birds. Illinois Ornithological Society, Special supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union check-list of Publication Number 1, Lake Forest, Illinois. 20pp. North American birds. Auk 128(3):600-613. Illinois Ornithological Records Committee. 2007. Species Bohlen, H.D. 1978. An annotated check-list of the birds review list. Accessed online at www.illinoisbirds.org/iorc.html. of lllinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield, lllinois. 156 pp. Sodhi,N.S.,L. Oliphant,P. C.James,andl.G. Warkentin. 1993. W. _____. 1989. The Birds of Illinois. Jndiana University Merlin (Falco columbarius). The Birds ofNorth America, No. 44 /11 Press, Bloomington, IN. 22 1 pp. (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy ofNatural Illinois Ornithological Records Committee. 1999. Checklist Sciences; Washington, D.C.: The American Ornithologists' Union.

As a printing aid the following abbreviations have been used throughout this report:

Observation Locations: Arnn Bot = American Bottoms (MonroeCo) LowdMil = Lowden-Miller State Forest (Ogle Co) AnclalSI = Andalusia Slough Recreation Area LRen = Lake Renwick (Will Co) (Rock Island Co) LShel-M = Lake Shelbyville (Moultrie Co) Ark =Arklands Reclamation Area I Pyramid LShel-S = Lake Shelbyville (Shelby Co) State Park (Perry & Randolph Cos) LSpfld = Lake Springfield (Sangamon Co) BaldwinL = Baldwin Lake (Randolph and St. Clair Cos) LVerm = Lake Ve rmilion (Vermilion Co) BeallWds = Beall Woods State Park (Wabash Co) LTFP = Loud Thunder Forest Preserve and vicinity " Car!L = Carlyle Lake (Clinton and Fayette Cos) (Rock Island Co) CarlL-B = Carlyle Lake (Bond Co) MArb = Morton Arboretum (DuPage Co) Car!L-C = Carlyle Lake (Clinton Co) MeadbrkPk = Meadowbrook Park (Champaign Co) CarlL-F = Carlyle Lake (Fayette Co) MermetL = Mermet Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area CBG = Chicago Botanic Garden (Cook Co) (Massac Co) \ Champaign = Champaign (Champaign Co) MidSav = Middlefork Savanna Forest Preserve (Lake Co) Chann = Channahon (Will Co) Merwin = Merwin Nature Preserve (McLean Co) Chau = Chautauqua MissR = Mississippi River (various Cos) (Mason Co) MRB = Mississippi River Blufflands (Monroe Co) Chi = Chicago and vicinity (Cook Co) Nachusa =Nachusa Grasslands (Lee Co) ClearL = Clear Lake (Mason Co) NWU =Northwestern "University Laketill, Evanston ClintonL = Clinton Lake State Recreation Area (Cook Co) (DeWitt Co) OakBot = Oakwood Bottoms (Jackson Co) COLSP = Chain O' Lakes State Park (Lake Co) PaulDouglas = Paul Douglas FP (Cook Co) CON WR = Crab Orchard National Wildlife Rcfoge PLNWR = Port Loui�d National Wildlife Refuge - (Wi lliamson Co) Kr;'.: 1sburg Division (Mercer Co) EForkL = East Fork Lake, Olney (Richland Co) PRKWA '' �·eabody River King State Fish & Wildlife Area Emiquon = Emiquon Preserve (Fulton Co) (St. Clair Co) ESTL = East St. Louis (St. Clair Co) PrRdg-J = Prairie Ridge State Natural Arca (Jasper Co) Fermi = Ferrnilab (DuPage Co) PrRdg-M = Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co) GLPSNA = Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area QC = Quad Cities and vicinity (Rock lsland Co) (Grundy Co) Rckfd = Rockford and vicinity (Winnebago Co) GreeneVal = Greene Valley Forest Preserve (DuPage Co) RendL = Rend Lake and vicinity (Franklin and GreenR = Green River State Wildlife Area (Lee Co) Jeffe rson Cos) HennepinL = Hennepin-Hopper Lake Restoration Area RendL-F = Rend Lake and vicinity (Franklin Co) (Putnam Co) Rend L-J = Rend Lake and vicinity (Jefferson Co) HL = Horseshoe Lake State Park (Madison Co) RockCut = Rock Cut State Park (Winnebago Co) HLCA = Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area RollinsSav = Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve (Lake Co) (Alexander Co) Sang = Sangamon Co TBSP = Illinois Beach State Park (Lake Co) SantaFe = Santa Fe Bottoms (Clinton Co) JP = Jackson Park, Chicago (Cook Co) ShabL = Shabbona Lake State Recreation Area Kankakee = Kankakee (Kankakee Co) (DeKalb Co) KankakeePks =Le Vasseur & Perry Farm Parks (Kankakee SouthFarms = U of ! South Farms (Champaign Co) Co) Spfld = Springfield and vicinity (Sangamon Co) KArb = Kiehm Arboretum (Winnebago Co) SRSF = (Mason Co) KCP = Kennekuk County Park (Verm ilion Co) StarveclRock = and vicinity (LaSalle Co) KinkL = Kinkaid Lake (Jackson Co) UCCA = Union County Conservation Area (Union Co) KLMSNA = Kidd Lake Marsh State Natural Area Urbana = Urbana (Champaign Co) (Monroe Co) WaterGlen = Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve (DuPage Co) KSRA = Kickapoo State Recreation Area (Verm ilion Co) Wauk = Waukegan Beach and vicinity (Lake Co) LCal = Lake Calumet and vicinity (Cook Co) WhalonL = Whalan Lake Forest Preserve (Will Co) LMurph = Lake Murphysboro State Park (Jackson Co) WinthropH = Winthrop Harbor and North Point Marina LostMound = Lost Mound National WildlifeRefuge (Lake Co) (Jo Daviess Co)

Vo lume 21, Number 3 103 Field Note Abreviations: * = documented record Crk = Creek plum plumage ** = specimen record FP = Forest Preserve pr Pair < = Late fall departure H = Harbor Pr Preserve > = Early spring arrival I = Island Pra Prairie ';! =Female IL = Illinois R River I 0 =Male tmm = Immature SF State Forest 1st = First winter plumage L = Lake SI Slough J 2nd = Second winter plumage L&D = Lock & Dam SNA State Natural Area \\ 3rd = Third winter plumage M = Marsh SP State Park ad =Adult MC = Maximum count SRA State Recreation Area Apt =Apt m.ob. = Many observers SF&WA State Fish & Wildlife Area Bldg =Building NWR = National Wildlife Refuge Univ University CA = Conservation Area ph = Photograph unk Unknown age/sex Cem = Cemetery Pk(s) = Park(s) vid video Co(s) = County(ies) When information on counts greater than one individual, sexes, and/or ages of observed birds is available, it is included in parentheses at the head of the observation account. This information is followed by the location of the observation, date(s) of observation, and the observer(s) who made the report. A location consisting of only a county(ies) is given Noteworthy dates of occurrence, remarkably high counts, and/or locations for the state as a whole, or for in italics. particular regions of the state, are underlined and boldfaced. Species of extremely unusual occurrence in Illinois during the winter, which require JORC documentation, are underlined. Headings for species requiring review by the IORC appear in CAPITALIZED. UNDERLINED. AND BOLDFACED fonts.

Winter 2011-2012 Field Notes

Greater White-fronted Goose Bend FP (Champaign Co) (30), 17 Feb (EJC); Bloomington (McLean Co) MC: EForkL, 29 Jan (CLI-I); 7.000, Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); 4.310, (4; white morph), 17-24 Dec (BW et al.); ArlingtonL (Arlington Heights, .uLlllli!. HLCA, 28 Dec (SDB, PAM); Chau, 16 Feb (RGB, SNB); 1.6 00, Cook Co) (2), 6 Jan (JCB); Sycamore (DeKalb Co), 15 Dec (MA). ;Ll.1§, L&D 13 (Whiteside Co), 19 Feb (JIN, UWG, JAS ct al.); 867, McDonough, Ross 's Goose 17 Dec (LLH); 750, MissR (Rock Island Co), 26 Dec (CDM, JLM, MC: 22, UCCA, 29 Dec (SDB, PA M); 15, HLCA, 28 Dec (SDB, PA M); m.ob.); 300, GLPSNA, 28 Feb (AFS, APS). Others: CarlL-C (4,000), 11, CarlL-F, 12 Feb (KAM); 6, Braceville Twp (Grundy Co), 26 Feb (REF, 25 Feb (DMK); UCCA (2,355 & 2,345; different birds), 29 Dec (KJM & UWG); 6, Sang, 23 Feb (HDB); 2, Zion (Lake Co), 31 Jan> (EWW). SDB, PAM); Sang (850 & 590 & 310), 28 Jan & 18 Dec & 3 Feb resp Others: Pulaski (4 & 3), 28 Dec & 5 Feb (JAS, JIN & FKB resp); Wa yne & (HDB); CONWR (1,000), 30 Jan (KAM); RendL (625), 17 Dec (KAM); Richland (4), 3 Jan (CLl-1); Wa bash Edwards (4), 5 Jan (CLH); HL (4), & ClintonL (550), 19 Feb (GSL); HennepinL (480), 30 Dec-2 Jan (DFS, BC); 26 Feb (FRH); RendL (3), 17 Dec (KAM); Eff ingham Clay (2), 16 Jan & KLMSNA (313), 29 Jan (CD, PD); HL (267), 26 Feb (FRI-I); BraidwoodL (CUI); Ark (2), 27 Dec (KJM); CONWR (2), 30 Jan (KAM); Bonus Twp (Will Co) (223), 31 Jan (JBH); StarvedRock (200), 18 Feb (CDH); (Boone Co), 28 Dec (MAM, APS); St. Mary'sL (Lake Co), 11 Feb (SDB Bloomington (McLean Co) (200), 24 Jan (MJW); Danville (Vermilion Co) et al.); Nelson Twp (Lee Co), 26 Feb (DHh); WinfieldTwp (DuPage Co), (155 migrating north), 17 Feb (JR); Winnebago (150+ @2 locations), 19 31 Dec (AA:ph); Kankakee (Whispering Willows Pk), 3 Feb (JBH:ph); e. Feb (AFS); PRKWA (140), 21 Jan (TJD); Danville (Vermilion Co) (125 Kankakee, 21 Feb (JBH); El Paso Sewage Lagoons (Woodford Co), 31 flying south), 29 Dec (CC & JR); OakBot (100), 1 Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); Jan (BMy); Gridley Sewage Plant (McLean Co), 15 Feb (BMy); ClintonL, Fairmount (Vermilion Co) (83), 28 Dec (JR, BS); Kankakee (Whispering 19 Feb (GSL); River Bend FP (Champaign Co), 18-20 Jan (MAM, EJC); Willows Pk) (68), 22 Feb (JBH); Karnak (Pulaski Co) (50), 5 Feb (FKB); HomerL FP (Champaign Co), 16 Jan (JOS); Coles Co. Apt (Coles Co), Aroma Park (Kankakee Co) (34), 4 Jan (JBH); JP (33 migrating), 29 Feb 5 Feb (RB); HomcrL FP (Champaign Co), 16 Jan (JOS); OakBot, 1 Jan (PRC); Mundelein (Lake Co) (25), 2 Feb (TA); MissR (Carroll Co) (20), (KJM, VLg, SJ). 21 Dec (REe); HomerL FP (Champaign Co) (16), 18 Jan (JOS); Rckfd (15), Cackling Goose 5 Jan (DTW, BCW); River Bend FP (Champaign Co ("several" & 12), 18 Jan & 17 Feb (MAM & EJC resp); WinfieldTwp ("Pella Ponds", DuPage MC: 300, Bloomington (McLean Co) (200), 24 Jan (MJW); 200, Fanner Co) (12), 31 Jan (PAM, AFS); ShabbonaL SP (DeKalb Co) (19 & 11), 9 Cily (borrow pits, DeWittCo), 19Feb (GSL); 150, LRen,24Dec (JAS); 100, Feb & 14 Jan (AFS & DJS resp); MissR (Adams Co) (10), 7 Feb (AGD); Spfld (mall pond), 29 Jan (HOB); 80, CarlL-C, 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); 70, Chau, 23 Dec (RGB, SNB); 67, Bushnell (McDonough Co), 14 Jan (LLH); 0 Crystal Lake (Lippold Pk) (McHenry Co) (8), 5 Feb (AFS,APS); WhalonL I (Will Co) (6), 1 Feb (JAS); Van Patten Wds FP (Lake Co) (2), 5 Feb (JSS); 54, QC, 18 Dec (*KJM, *BLB, *TM, BL, m.ob.). Others: PeacockM (Will Co) (50), Jan (DFS); Bloomington (McLean Co) (24), 17 Dec (BW); Kirkland (DeKalb Co), l l Dec (KML:ph); LShel-S, 2 Jan (DMK). I Kirkland (DeKalb Co) (20), l-11 Dec (KML); MissR (Whiteside Co) (20), Snow Goose 19 Feb (JJN, UWG, JAS); WinfieldTwp ("Pella Ponds", DuPage Co) (20), MC: 500,000, CarlL-C, 8,29 Jan (DMK); 129.2 16 (67,196 "white phase", 3 Feb (AA); Ark (20), 27 Dec (KJM); CONWR (20), 30 Jan (KAM); Lost 62,020 "blue phase"), Chau, 16 Feb (RGB, SNB); 44.645 (36,525 "white Nation (Ogle Co) ( 17), 18 Dec (EWW); Independence Grove FP (Lake Co) phase", 8,120 "blue phase"), HLCA, 28 Dec (SDB, PAM); 40,000, Wayne (15), 4 Dec (RDH); Nelson Twp (Lee Co) (15), 26 Feb (DHh); AmnBot Richland, 5 Feb (CLH); 30,000, Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); 12.5 00 & 10, & 500 (ll) , 6 Feb (CD, PD); St. Maty's Semina1y (Mundelein, Lake Co) (10), 1 &400, Sang, 28 Jan & 2 Feb & 18 Dec resp (HDB); 10.000, MissR (Adams Jan (AFS); MissR (Mercer Co) (10), 15 Jan (KJM); ShabbonaL (DeKalb Co), 6 Feb (PJR,AGD); 144, MissR (Rock Island Co), 26 Dec (KJM, CAT, Co) (8), 9 Feb (AFS); AndalSI (8), 26 Dec (*KJM, CAT); Ottawa (LaSalle m.ob.). Others: UCCA (23,500), 29 Dec (KJM); RenclL-F (20,000), 17 Dec Co) (7), 22 Jan (NM et al.); EForkL (7), 13 Feb (CU-!); I-!LCA (6), 28 Dec (DMK); Jefferson (15,000), 30 Jan (KAM); Karnak (Pulaski Co) (5,000), (!OM); Va n PaUen Wds FP (Lake Co) (4), 5 Feb (JSS); Kane (4), 7 Jan 5 Feb (FKB); Erniquon (4,500), 7 Jan (KAM); KLMSNA (3,247), 6 Feb (KAM); ArlingtonL (Arlington Heights, Cook Co) (4), 6 Jan (MP); He111J' (CD, PD); OakBot (1,703), 1 Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); Gridley Sewage Plant (3), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); River Bend FP (Champaign Co) ("several"), 18-20 (Woodford Co) (500), 15 Feb (BMy); HL (320), 26 Feb (FRH); Braceville (MAM, EJC); BraidwoodL (Will Co) (2), 8 Jan (JBH); BeallWds (2), 18 Twp (Grnndy Co) (125), 26 I'eb (REF, UWG); El Paso Sewage Lagoons Dec (CLH); Chi, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); BL, 26 Feb> (FRI-!);UCCA, (Woodford Co) (46), 31 Jan (BMy); ClintonL (30), 19 Feb (GSL); River 29 Dec (KJM).

104 Meadowlark Canada Goose Tu ndra Swans. MC: 16,476, ClintonL, 27 Jan (MEF); Evergreen Lake. 6,000, Winfield Twp ("Pella Ponds", Wo odfo rd County. DuPage Co), 31 Jan (PAM, A FS); 3,748, 28 QC, 18 Dec (KJM, BLl3, CB, MBr, Ja nuary 2012. m.ob.); 1,812, Wh iteside Lee, 24 Dec Photo by Ma tthew Wi nks. & (KJM, 111 .ob.); 1,600, L

Vo lume 21, Number 3 105 American Black Duck MBr, LCM); Rock Island ( (FRH). (Kane Co) (Cf), 17 Dec (AFS, APS); Me rcer, 15 Dec (TM, JSg, DFh); HL, Mallard 12 Dec-26 Feb (FRH). MC: 10, 450, HennepinL, 8 Dec (DFS); 9,925, Chau, 16 Feb (ROB, SNB); Canvasback 6,000, CarlL-C, 12,19-20 Feb (DMK); 4,828, ClintonL, 18 Dec (MEF); MC: 25,000, MissR (Hancock Co), 5 Jan (AGO); 6,540, MissR (Carroll & 4,500, Vienna Twp (Grundy Co), l 7 Jan (REF et al.); 2,420, KLMSNA, Whiteside Cos), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); 1,500, CarlL-C, 15 Jan (TAM, 16 Dec (CD, PD); 66 1, Carroll Wh iteside, 20 Dec (EA, RN, m.ob.). DMK); 430, MissR (Rock Island Co), 22 Jan (EWW); 407, Chau, 16 Feb & Others: Me rcer (3,505), 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, LCM, 111.ob.); Ark (ROB, SNB); 185, HL, 26 Feb (FRH). Others: Chann (180), 18 Feb (JAS); (1,530), 27 Dec (KJM); Alexander (1,024), 28 Dec (KJM); 1,000, Minooka CONWR (70), 30 Jan (KAM); Shabbona Lake SP (DeKalb Co) (60 & 5), (Kendall Co), l Jan (DFS); RendL (725), 17 Dec (KAM); UCCA (640), 29 26 Feb & 7 Dec (NB & ASh resp); RcndL (20), l l Dec (KAM); BangsL Dec (SOB, PAM); BrnidwoodL(Will Co) (550), 8 Dec (JBH); QC (533), (8), Wauconda (Lake Co), 13 Dec (BJS); Normal (Heartland Community l8 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 111.ob.); River Bend FP (Chrn11paign Co College, McLean Co) (8), 11 Feb (BMy); Wilmington Dam (Will Co) ("several" & 12), 18 Jan & 17 Feb (MAM & EJC resp); Winfield Twp (4), 15 Jan (JBH); El Paso Sewage Lagoons (Woodford Co) (3 Cf, O'), ("Pella Ponds", DuPage Co) (400), 3 Feb (AA); LCal (350), 7 Jan (CAT, 9 Feb (BMy); Chi (2), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); LZurich (Lake Co) TLK); Bureau (300), 13 Dec (KJM); Urbana (Champaign Co) (232), l7 (2), 13 Dec (BJS); Independence Grove Fl' (Lake Co) 3 Feb (AFS); (O'), Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); LZurich (Lake Co) (205), 11 Dec (JRS); Rock ls-land RockR (Whileside Co), 24 Dec (DA, DHl1); Emiquon (Q'), 8 Jan (LUI); (181), 26 Dec (KJM, CAT, 111.ob.); MermetL (157), 30 Jan (KAM); RockR LCharleston (Coles Co), 20 Jan (RB); NcwlonL (Jasper Co), 23 Dec (Whiteside Co) (150), 24 Dec (KJM, m.ob.); Chann (150), 7 Jan (KAM); (MPW, PW); Ark, 27 Dec (KJM). Wo oc(ford (150), 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); CONWR (150), 30 Jan (KAM); Redhead KankakeePks (140), 9 Dec (JBH); Wh iteside Rock Island (130), 22 Dec MC: 120, CarlL-C, 19 Feb (DMK); 60, LCal, Feb (WJM); 31, RendL, & I (KJM, LB, rn.ob.); Wilmington Dam (Will Co) (110), IO Dec (JBl-1); He111y l7 Dec (KAM); 26, MissR (Whiteside Co), 22 Jan (EWW); 10, ClearL, (100), 13 Dec (KJM). 23 Dec (ROB, SNB); 5, MissR (Adams Co), I Jan (AGO). Others: Hybrid: Mallard NorthernPintail - LCal (ad 17 Dec-8 Jan (*WJM, x J), l11dependence Grove FP (Lake Co) (14-33), 3 l Dec - 3 Feb (NM, APS); JJE, NM). ShabbonaL (DeKalb Co) (30 & S!f.),26 & (NB AFS rei;p); 4(3', 9 reb & LCal (20) 7 Jan TLK); 28 Dec l.ligltland Blue-winged Teal (CAT, HLCA ( 1 4), (SDB, PA M); Park (LMich) ( Diarnondl(Mundelein, Lake Co) (JO) l l Momemcel Pk (Kankakee Co) (O'),22 Jan - 10 Feb (JBH); Spfld (sewage 13), 4 Dec(BJS); WinthropFJ (9.) Feb (A11S, SOB, KAM); Montrose pond), 16 Dec (HDB). Dec (JRS); 28 Dec-1 (4), 2 Jan (ND); Gillson Pk_ (Wilmelle, Cook Co) (Q'&!j? ), (WSG. Northern Shoveler 23 Dec DP); QC (2), 18 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr); MissR (Rock Island Co) () Jan 5 (Mr). ]- (JBH); PRKWA (22), 12 Feb (TJD); I-ILCA (17), 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); HeideckeL (Grundy Co) (12), 15 Feb (AFS, APS); Urbana (1 1), 13 Dec Greater Scaup (DLT); Shobonicr (Fayette Co) (IO), 3 Feb> (EWW); Gurnee (Lake Co) MC: 1,400, TBSP, 15 Dec (EWW); 149, Chi, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); 40, CarlL-C, 5 Feb (DMK); 18, (Fulton Co), 22 Dec (7), 3 Dec (PB); BraidwoodL (Will Co) (7 & 11), 31 Jan & 14 Feb resp - I Jan (KBR & TWd, CDn); 17, EForkL, (CLH); Others: JP (7 1), 26 (JBH); SpoonR (Fulton Co) (7 c3' ), 19 Feb (LLI-1); Ark (7), 27 Dec (KJM); 8 Jan Feb (PRC); MissR, (Whiteside Det: (BJS); BangsL FerneClyf fe SP (Johnson Co) (4), 30 Jan (KAM); MissR (Whiteside Co) L&D 13 Co) (16), 17 (Lake Co) (12), 13 (BJS); DiamorrdL (Mundelein, Lake Co) (10), l3 (2), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); WinlhropH (pr), 27 Jan> (EWW); Batavia Dec (BJS); L&D 14 (Rock lslnnd o) ("bunch"), (KBR); ShabbonaL (FoxR, Kane Co) (pr), 28 Jan (DL); Wo odfo rd (2), 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); Dec 6 Feb (DeKalb Co) (4), 26 Feb (NB); QC (4), 18 Dec (*BLB, CB, MBr); HL, Oakwood (Vermilion Co) (2), 19 Feb (JR, BS); Indepenclence Grove FP I (Lake Co) (Q'),24 Jan (BJS); WhalonL (Will Co) (2), l & 23 Feb (JAS); Dec< (FRH); BeallWds, 25 Feb (CLH). PeacockM (Will Co), 7 Jan (JIN); PLNWR 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, (J),

106 Meadowlark Lesser Scanp (DMK); 38, Chau, 9 Dec (RGB, SNB); 26, MC: 1,600, Cm·IL-C, 12 Feb (DMK); 605, NewtonL (slmry pond), 23 Dec (SDB, PAM); MissR (Whiteside Co), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, 14, LShel-M, 2 Jan (SDB, GSL, PAM, RK); MBr); 500, LCal, Jan (WJM, COi-i); 365, MissR (Rock Island Co), 18 Dec (KJM, 22 I I, Chau, 3 Feb (RGB, SNB); 34, Stephen A. SBH, COM, JLM, m.ob.). Others: LCal (50), Forbes SP (Marion Co), 12 Feb (KAM). 8 Jan (NM, JJE); Wauk (24), 20 Dec (AFS); Others: MissR (Rock Island Co) (400), 19 Feb WinthropH (11), 28 Dec (AFS); Independence (JAS); ShabbonaL SP (DeKalb Co) (150 & Cf>), Grove FP (Lake Co) (12), 28 Dec (AFS); CONWR 30 Jan (KAM); BangsL (Lake 26 Feb & 14 Jan (NB & DJS resp); WhalonL (JO), (Will Co) (23), 23 Feb (JAS); Chann (20), 7 Jan Co) (16), 16 Dec (BJS, NM, PP); RendL (5), (KAM); RendL (20), 11 Dec (KAM); NewtonL 17 Dec (KAM); LostMound (4), 16 Dec (SDB, (Jasper Co) (13), 23 Dec (fide JWW); MissR, DTW); Chi (4), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); L&D 13 (12), 17 Dec (BJS); Ark (6), 27 Dec BraidwoodL (Will Co) (3), 13 Feb (JBH); (KJM); Emiquon (6), 8 Jan (LLH); LostMound Emiquon (2), 7 Jan (KAM); MissR (Adams Co) (4), 16 Dec (SDB, DTW); Skokie Lagoons Female Harlequin Duck. Diversey Ha rbo1; (2), 22 Feb (AGD); Skokie Lagoons (Tower (Tower Rd, Cook Co) (4), 11 Feb (SOB); Chicago, Cook County. 6 February 2012. Rd, Cook Co) (d'), 11 Feb (SDB); RockR (Whiteside Co) 24 Dec (KJM); OakBot Bloomington (McLean Co) (4), 24 Jan (MJW); Photo by Jackie Bowman. (o'), RockR (Whiteside Co) (3 d'), 24 Dec (KJM); (C(), 1 Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ). HLCA (3), 28 Dec (KJM); BraidwoodL (Will Common Goldeneye Co) (2), 14 Jan (JBH); LVerm (c;>), Jan (SDB). I MC: 4,250, MissR (Carroll & Whiteside Cos), I· Harlequin Duck 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); 3,000, CarlL-C, 15 Chi (Diverseyl-1) (Cf>), 25 Dec - 29 Feb (AG, Jan (TAM, DMK); 1,500, MissR (Hancock Co), ·l 5 Jan (AGD); (Rock Island Co), SGS:ph, SBB, KJM m.ob.:ph), but 2 (d'&Cf>) 1,000, MissR @ Chi (Northerly!), 24 Dec (fide DFS) & 19 Feb (JAS); 200, Emiquon, 7 Jan (KAM); there 16 Jan (RDH:ph, Emiquon 85, PRKWA, 29 Jan (TJD). Others: MissR d' KKM); (ThompsonL) (C(), 19 Feb (KBR). (Whiteside & Rock Island Cos) (750), 13 Jan (KJM); Cook (318), 7 Feb (WJM); Skokie Surf Scoter Lagoons (Tower Rd, Cook Co) (227), Feb IBSP (No. Unit) (4), 12 Feb (JSS); Zion (Hosah IO (AFS); LCal (140), 22 Jan (WJM); ClintonL Pk & WinthropH, Lake Co) (3), 4 Feb (BJS); (126), 27 Jan (MEF); Wilmington Dam (Will Brn·ahL (Richland Co) (2), 1-9 Dec (CLH); White-winged Seater. Jackson Park, Co) (120), 14 Jan (JBH); Chau (96), 16 Feb RockCut, 18-22 Dec (DTW, ASh); MissR Chicago, Cook County. 26 Februmy 2012. (RGB, SNB); Chi (79), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, (Rock Island Co) (Cf>), 18 Dec (*KJM, SBH, Photo by Ma rk Bowman. m.ob.); RendL (60), 25 Jan (KAM); RockR CDM, JLM, m.ob.); Chi (Rainbow Beach) (Whiteside Co) (54), 24 Dec (KJM, rn.ob.); (C(), 16 Jan (RDH:ph, KKM); Bloomington LaSalle (50), 5 Feb (BC); ClintonL (40), 19 Feb (GSL); LShel-M (39), (McLean Co) 17 -24 Dec (BW et al.); LCharleston (Coles Co), 20-23 (Cf>), 2 Jan (SDB, GSL, PA M, RK); MissR (Mercer Co) (30), 15 Jan (KJM); Jan & 14-15 Feb (d') DTW & RB, SDB, PAM resp). (RB, NewtonL Co) (8), 23 Dec (fide JWW); Ark (3), 27 Dec (KJM). (Jasper White-winged Scoter Hybrid: Common Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser - Emiquon MC: 56, IBSP (No. Unit) 17 Feb (EG:ph). Others: WinthropH (2), 3 Feb (ThompsonL) (d'),8 Jan (KBR); CarlL-C (Q'), 14 Jan (DMK). (AFS); Wauk (2), 23 Feb (EWW); JP (irnrn d';found dead 28 Feb), 17-27 Feb (SBB, PRC et al.); SaganashkeeSI, 29 Feb (SZ); MissR (Rock Island BARROW'S GOLDENEYE Skokie Lagoons FP (Tower (Cook Co) (ad d'), 3-22 Feb (GG, ADF, Co), 28 Jan (DTW); EForkL, 30 Dec (CLH). Rd) SOB, AFS m.ob.:ph). Black Scoter IBSP (C( type), 7 & 31 Jan (RDH, KKM & EWW); CarlL-C, 2 Dec (JBn). Hooded Merganser MC: 129, ClintonL, 9 Dec (MEF); 111, Madison, 17 Dec (FRI-I); 73, Long-tailed Duck Will, 11 Dec (JAS); 36, Central City (Marion Co), 4 Dec (EWW); 35, MC: IBSP, 2 Feb> (EWW). Others: Wauk (5), 23 Feb (PB); WinthropH 25_, HennepinL, 8 Dec (DFS); 30, Emiquon, 7 Jan (KAM); 21, 12 & 26 Wauk, 27 Jan - 18 Feb (SOB, EWW); Chi (2 C(), 2 Dec (MF:ph); Erniquon (2), 3 & 20 & 28 Dec resp (AFS). Others: CarlL-C (30), 18 Dec (DM K); NWU (pr) , 8 Jan (LLH); ClintonL (2), 27 Jat1 (MEF); RockCut, 18-21 Dec (23), 13 Dec (AFS); Almonc\M (Lake Co) (20), 6 Dec (SDB); RendL-F (DTW, ASh); Gillson Pk (Wilmette, Cook Co) ((';), 23 Dec (WSG, DP, (20), 17 Dec (DMK); LVerm (16), Jan (SDB, PAM); KLMSNA (14), 23 I AFS); Chan, 18 Dec (KBR) & Emiquon (ThompsonL) (Cf>),28 Dec & (d', Feb (CD, PD); ClearL (13), 9 Dec (RGB, SNB); Wilmington Darn (Will 2<(), 7-8 Jan (KBR & Ml); MissR (Adams Co), 2 Dec (AGO); LCharleston Co) (12), 14 Jan (JBH); BangsL, Wauconda (Lake Co) (8), 13 Dec (BJS); (Coles Co), 3 Jan (RB); Madison, Feb> (FRI-I); CarlL-C (C(), 15 Jan-12 l I LZurich (Lake Co) (7), 13 Dec (BJS); Gillson Pk (Wilmette, Cook Co) (6), Feb (TAM, DMK, KBR). 23 Dec (WSG, DP); Chi (4; O',JC(), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); HLCA Bufflehead (7), 28 Dec (SDB, PAM); MissR (Whiteside Co) (5), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); QC (3), 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, COM, JLM, m.ob.); (2), MC: 338, ClintonL, 9 Dec (MEF); 100, BangsL, Wauconda (Lake Co), WinthropH 7 Dec (BJS, NM, PP); 72, Central City (Marion Co), 4 Dec (EWW); 60, 28 Jan (KAM). MissR (Whiteside Co), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); 50, CarlL-C, 3 Dec

Ma le Barrow s Goldeneye with male Common Goldeneye and two fe male goldeneyes. Skokie Lagoons, Cook County. 3 February 2012. Photo by Ma rk Bowman.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 107 Common Merganser (RES); Ve rmilion (30), I Jan (MPW, GSL, MML); Jo Daviess (25), 17 Dec (BJS); Wh iteside Rock Island (24), 22 Dec (EA, RN, m.ob.); CarlL (22), MC: 800, MissR (Whiteside & Rock Island Cos), 13 Jan (KJM); 600, & Chi (BurnlrnrnH), 27 Jan (DFS); 540, ClearL, 3 Feb (RGB, SNB); 42 1, 27 Dec (KAM); Rckfd (2 1), 28 Feb (DTW); Erienna Twp (Grundy Co) MissR (Carroll & Whiteside Cos), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); 400, (20), 17 Jan (REF et al.); Beaverville Twp (Iroquois Co) ( 19), 1 Jan (JBI-1); Emiguon, 7 Jan (KAM); 200, CarlL-C, 14 Jan (DMK); 70, PRKWA, 29 Edwards (19), 26 Jan (RES); Wi nnebago (17), 29 Feb (DTW); Adams (17), Jan (TJD). Others: HennepinL (540), 29 Dec (DFS); LRen (400), 26 Feb 28 Feb (AGO); RendL (16), 11 Dec (KAM); HeideckeL (Grundy Co) (15), (JAS); LCal (294), Feb (WJM); LaSalle (240), 4 l'eb (BC); ClintonL 11 Dec (EWW); Rock is land (13), 26 Dec (COM, JLM, 111.ob.); Carroll I ( 12), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); J-le111y ( 12), 10 Dec (KJM); (232), 27 Jan (MEF); WinthmpH (230), 27 Jan (EWW); Saganashkee SI Bureau (Cook Co) (211 180), 6 Feb & 18 Dec (AFS WJM m.ob. resp); MissR 22 Jan (EWW); MiddleforkRareas (Vermilion Co) (5), I Jan (MML); & & (6), (Rock Island Co) (80), 14 Jan (KJM); Heideckc Lk (Grundy Co) (40), 22 Ma dison (5), 6 Jan (KAM). Dec (AFS, APS); MissR (Mercer Co) Red-throated Loon (30), 15 Jan (KJM); LostMound (29), MC: 4, Wauk, 18 Feb (NG et al.); 3 16 Dec (SDB, DTW); Skokie Lagoons (ad, 2 unk) & 2, IBSP & JBSP (No. (Cook Co) (2 1), 24 Dec (WSG, DP); Unit), WinthropH & IBSP (No. Unit), SlrnbbonaL SP (DeKalb Co) (20), 26 2 & 3 & 17 Feb> (*EWW:ph & Al'S Feb (NB); Jasper (12), 8 Dec (CLI-1); EG resp). Others: Montrose, 25 Dec LVerm (3<;2), Jan (SDB, PAM); & I (RDI-I:ph); LSpfidCarlL-C (imm), 27- EForkL (2), 11 Dec (CLH); HL, 19 31 Dec (*DMK:ph, KAM); EForkL Feb (FRH). (imm), 3-14Dec("CLH,MSS, EWW). Red-breasted Merganser Pacific Loon MC: 499, Chi, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, IBSP (imrn), 31 Jan (*EWW); m.ob.); 130, IBSP, 2 Feb (EWW); ClintonL, 18-22 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK, • 61, ClintonL, 2 Dec (MEF); 40, PA M). Charleston (Coles Co), 4 Dec (EWW); 37, RendL-F, II Dec (KAM); 12, Common Loon I & 2 18 Dec CarlL-C, 18 Dec (DMK); Others: Red-throated M.C: I 6, Clinton L, & Loon. Montrose, SDB PA M 6, RendL-F LCal (112), 3 Jan (WJM); Montrose (MEP & resp); Cook County. 25 2011. & & 1 7 Feb (38), 2 Jan (ND); WinLhropH (20), December 4, RendL-J, 17 Dec Photo (DMK r�p); 4, CarlL-C, 3 28 Jan (KAM); Emiguon (20), 7 Jan by Robert Hughes. & BD (KAM); CBG (15), 15 Dec (AFS); Dec (DMK); 4, Ark, 27 Dec (KJM). NWU (15), 23 Dec (AFS); Chau (8), 9 Dec (RGB, SNB); EForkL (7(5), Others: Lake Zurich (Lake Co) (3), 4 Dec (CSF); Lake Forest beach (Lake 21 Feb (CLH); ShabbonaL SP (DeKalb Co) (4), 26 l'eb (NB); StarvedRock Co) (2), 4 Dec (BJS); EForl

108 Meadowlark Double-crested Cormorant tmk), Mercer, 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, LCM, 111.ob.); 50, CarlL-C, 253, Renc\L, 17 Dec (KAM); 104, BrnidwoodL (Will Co), 7 Feb 12 Feb (DMK). Others: L&D 13 (Whiteside Co) (140), 27 Jan (ASt); MC: (JBH); 70 (flyingsoulhw esl), Rckfd (Greenwood Cem), 17 feb (JL); 30, MissR, LostMound (48; 21 ad, 27 imm), 16 Dec (SOB, DTW); E111iq11on (ThompsonL) (44), 7 Jan (Ml); Peoria (42), 24 Jan (TRE); MissR (Adams CarlL-C, 16 Jan (DMK); 24, Chau, l Dec (RGB, SNB); 34, Rock Run I Rookery FP (Will Co), Jm1 (DFS); 8, MissR (Adams Co), 28 Feb (AGO); Co) (3 1; 25 ad,6 imrn), 31 Jan (AGO); Wh iteside lee (2 1; 11ad, 5 irnm, I & 4, MissR (Rock Island Co), 18 Dec (KJM, SB!-!, COM, JLM, m.ob.). 5 unk), 24 Dec (AT, ET, 111.ob.); Spfld (2 1), 18 Dec (I-IDB ct al.); St, Clair Others: LCal (5), 17 Dec-22 Jan (WJM, CDH); MissR (Carroll Co) (2), 20 (20), 9 Feb (KAM); StarvedRock (26), 21 Jan (ND); Ve rmilion (14; 9 ad, Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); MissR (Mercer Co) (2), 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, 5 imm), 1 Jan (SOB, m.ob); Jasper ( 1 2; 4 ad, 8 i111111),23 Dec (JWW, SOB et al); OakBot im111), I Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); RendL (7; 5 ad, 2 i111111), LCM, m.ob.); ClinlonL (2), 18 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); Randolph (2), 4 Feb (IO; (KAM); Wauk (ad), 3-7 Dec (AFS, BJS); NWU, 23 Dec (AFS); Chi (Navy 17 Dec (KAM); UCCA (9; 6 ad, 3 i111111), 29 Dec (SOB, PA M); Alexander Pier), 5 Jan (SJH); RockR (Whiteside Co), 24 Dec (AT, ET); Erniquon (7; 4 ad, irnm, 2 unk), 28 Dec (ICJM); Ridott Twp (Stephenson Co) (6; 3 (ThompsonL), 29 Dec (TWd, CDn); Spf\d, 18 Dec (HOB); HL, I Dec-19 ad, 3 imm), 6 Jan (SOB); Hcidecke Lk (Grundy Co) (5), 22 Dec (AFS, Feb (FRI-I); EForkL, 13 Dec (CLH). APS); ClintonL (5), 18 Dec & 19 Feb (MEF & GSL resp); Way ne (5), 14 Feb (RES); RockCut (4; 2 ad, 2 im111), 25 Feb (DTW, BCW); EForkL (4), American White Pelican all winter (CLH); Ed1 Fards (4), 31 Dec (RES); Rckfd (3; 2 ad, imm), 5 Jan 3,000, CarlL-C, 25 Feb (DMK); 310, MissR (St. Clair Co), 24 Dec MC: (DTW, BCW); McHemy (3 ad), 28 Jan (KAM); Wo oc!ford (3 ad), 31 Dec (EWW); 125 & "lots", Erniquon, Jan & 21 Feb (LLH & Ml resp); 54, I (KJM, TRE); LCal (2), 17 Dec & 15 Feb (WJM, SBB, CDH); KankakeePks Chau, 6 Jan (RGB, SNB); 40, Madison, 1 5 Dec (CLH). Others: NelsonL (2), 3 Jan (JBH); Mc lean (2 i111111), 19 Feb (APC, GI-Jr); Urbana (2), 18 (Kane Co) (25), 18 Feb (BSz); Wayne Richland (5), 26 feb> (CLH); s. & Feb> (GSL); LShel-S (2 ad), 2 Jan (SOB, GSL, PAM, RK); Seward Bluffs BaldwinL (4), 22 Jan (TJD); HennepinL (2 & 1), 3 & 29 Dec (BC & DFS FP (Winnebago Co) (ad), 6 Jan (SOB); Boone (ad), 8 Dec (APS, APS); resp); Chann (injured bird), 8 Dec - 18 Feb (JAS, DFS, CDH, AFS et al.); Lake Villa (Lake Co) (ad migrating north), 18 Feb (Rl3s); Fermi (ad), 9 MissR (Rock Island Co), 18 Dec (*BLB, CB, MBr); MissR (Mercer Co), Feb (PQ); Skokie Lagoons (Tower Rd, Cook Co) (irnm), 11 Feb (SOB); 15 Dec (!OM, *SBH, MBr, LCM); TaylorvilleL (Christian Co), 1 Jan Oswego (Kendall Co) (ad), 25 Dec (MR); Saganashkee SJ (Cook Co) (ad), (CAT, TLK); !·IL, 29 Jan-22 Feb (FRH). 5 Jan (AFS, MLT); HenncpinL (ad), 8 Dec (DFS); Ark (ad), 27 Dec (KJM). Great Blue Heron Northern Harrier MC: 120, Car!L-C, 16 Jan (DMK); 89, AmnBot, 23 Feb (CD, PD); 38, 20, CarlL-C, 11 Feb (DMK); 16 (6 ad (S,7 ad <(, 2 imm, & Junk), Wi ll, 26 Feb (JAS); 27, MissR (Adams Co), 26 Jan (AGO); 20, Chau, MC: Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); 13, Jasper, 23 Dec (fideJWW); 10, GLPSNA, 21 Jan 23 Dec (RGB, SNB); 16, QC, 18 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr, m.ob.). Others: (JAS); 7, Fermi, 27 Jan (DSa); 7, Springbrook Pra FP (DuPage Co), 29 Jan RendL (22), 17 Dec (KAM); Qnincy (Adams Co) (18), 22 Jan (PJR); Ark (JLS); 5 (4 ad c3',l ad Cf),Adams, 14 Jan (PJR, AMR); 4, LostMound, 16 6), 27 Dec (KJM); Carroll Whileside (14), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, (I & Dec (EA, SOB et al.); 4, Glacial Pk (McHenry Co), 4 Jan (RAM); 4, Bartel 111.ob.); Jasper (14), 23 Dec (JWW et al.); Mercer (13), 1 5 Dec (KJM,SBH, Grasslands (CookCo), 11 Dec (SDB);4 (lad 3 imm), Chau, 3 Feb (RGB, MBr, LCM, 111.ob.); Alex ander (11), 28 Dec (KJM); Rock Run Rookery CS, SNB). Others: RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) (4), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); Four FP (Will Co) (9), 5 Feb (VS); Danville (Vermilion Co) (9), Jan (BS, JR); l Lakes FP (Winnebago Co) (3; irnm,2 unk), 15 Jan (OTW); Guzy Pothole Emiquon (8), 8 Jan (LLH); UCCA (6), 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); OakBot (4), I Wetlands NP (Shelby Co) (4), 1 Jan (CAT, TLK); Rock Island (3), 4 Jan Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); I-ILCA (3), 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); AndalSI (3), 26 Dec (COM, JLM); Wo odfo rd/McLean (3), 1 Dec (MJW, TEB, THr); RendL-F (KJM, CAT); BraidwoodL (Will Co) (3 & 2), 8 Dec & 14 Jan resp (JBI·l); I (3), 17 Dec (DMK); UCCA (3), 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); Alexander (3; l 9, Rckfd (2), I 9 Dec (DTW); Glenview (Techny Basin, Cook Co) (2), 6 Jan 2 unk), 28 Dec (KJM); Carroll (2), 20 Dec (EA, RN); Sibley Grasslands (KWG). (Ford Co) (2), 11 Dec (EWW); Ve rmilion (2), 1 Jan (SOB); LShel-S (2), 2 Great Egret Jan (DMK); KinkL (2), Jan (KJM, YLg, SJ); Pulaski (2), 30 Jan (KAM). I Clrnnn 23 Dec-IO Jan (JAS, DFS, AFS); Lockporl (Will Co) (sm11e bird as Sharp-shinned Hawk previous record?), 8 Jan (JP); A11111Bot, 23 Feb (CD, PD). Seward Tw p (Winnebago Co) (2), 21 Dec - 6 Jan (SOB); COLSP (2), 29 Black-crowned Night-Heron Jan (BJS); Ogle (2), 18 Dec (DTW); GreenR (2), 24 Dec (KJM); New Chi (So. Pond) (3 juv), 6 Jan & 8-2 1 Feb (JPn & AFS et al. resp); Chi Athens (St. Clair Co) (2; ad & imm), 4 Dec (TJD); HLCA (2), 28 Dec (Humboldt Pk), 16 Dec (SBB); HL, 23 Jan-29 Feb (FRH). (SOB, PAM); Rckfd, 28 Jan (KAM); KArb, 7 Jan (UWG, REF); Benton Black Vulture Twp (Lake Co), 4 Dec (BJS); Lake Villa (Lake Co), 26 Feb (RBs); 10, Johnson, 30 Jan (KAM); 8, Alex ander, 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); 6, Rm111d Lake Beach (Lake Co), 22 Dec (BJS); Mundelein, 19 Dec (TA); MC: Pope, 26 Dec (TJD); 6, Massac, 30 Dec (JIN, JAS, THy). Others: Un ion Libertyville (Lake Co), 24 Dec (EL); Lyons Wds FP (Lake Co) (ad), 21 Jan (5), 29 Dec (KJM); OakBot (4), 1 Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); Pulaski (3), 30 Jan (BJS); Mt. Carroll (Carroll Co) (ad Cf), 21 Jan (EWW); Forreston (Ogle (KAM). Co), 19 Jan (ASt); Round Grove (Whiteside Co), 17 Dec (EWW); Batavia (Kane Co), 17 Dec (EES); Rock Island (ad), 22 Dec (KJM, LB); He111y Turkey Vulture (Cf), 13 Dec (KJM); Mercer, 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); Kankakee (Whispering 246, Alexander, 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); 110, Red Hills SP (Lawrence MC: Willows Pk), 22 Feb (JBH); KankakeePks, 20 Feb (JBH); Kankakee (yard), Co), 10 Dec (CLH); 45, Ed1 Fc11ds, 1 0 Feb (RES); 35, CarlL-C, 5 Feb 18 Jan -6 Feb (JBJ-I);Beaver ville Twp (Iroquois Co), 1 Jan (JBH); Chau, 6 (DMK). Others: Pulaski (24), 28 Dec (JAS, JJN); Richland (20), 12 Dec Jan (RGB, SNB); Urbana (Champaign Co), 17 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK);KCP, (CLH); Un ion (19), 29 Dec (KJM); OakBot (11), I Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); l Jan (MJE); PrRdg-J, 16 Feb (CU-I); Madison, 2 Jan (KAM); CarlL-F, Johnson (JO), 30 Jan (KAM); MermetL (9), 30 Jan (KAM); TaylorvilleL 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); EForlcL, 13 & 29 Dec & 14 Jan (CUI); Chauncey (Christian Co) (7), 1 Jan (CAT, TLK); Effi ngham (7), 12 Feb (KAM); Marsh (Lawrence Co), 22 Dec (CLH); Belleville (St. Clair Co), 29 Dec Kinmundy (Marion Co) (6), 12 Feb (KAM); Belleville (St. Clair Co) (6), 4 (KAM); Lively Grove (Washington Co), IO Dec (TJD); RendL, 17 Dec Feb> (TJD); Mo nroe IO Dec< (TJD); Vermilion (5), I Jan (MJE, BS, (6), (KAM); Sam DaleL SWA (Wayne Co), 11 Feb (CLH); Bellmont (Wabash JR); Pope (5), 30 Jan (KAM); Rckfd (3), 27 Feb (DTW); CBG (3), 27 Feb Co), 24 Jan (CLH); Un ion, 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); MermelL, 30 Jan (KAM). (AFS); LB!oomington & Ewing Pk (3) (McLean Co), 31 Jan (APC & LA resp); Lake Villa (Lake Co) (2), 26 Feb (RBs); Urbana (2), 24 Feb (CKA); Cooper's Hawk 13, Jasper, 23 Dec (JWW et al.); 4, QC, 18 Dec (TM, BL, 111.ob.); 3, Jasper (2), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Ridott Twp (Stephenson Co), 9 Feb MC: (SOB); Marengo (McHenry Co), 15 Dec (KML); Downers Grove (DuPage Batavia (Kane Co), 17 Dec (EES); 3, lee, 24 Dec (KJM, JLM); 3, Peoria, Co), 2 Feb (REF); Chi (Rainbow Beach), 18 Feb (AFS); Hennepin (Putnam 24 Jan (TRE); 3, CadL-C, 18 Dec (DMK); Others: Mundelein (2 @ yard feeder), 9 Dec (TA); Ogle (2), 18 Dec (DTW); Rock Island (2; ad, unk), 26 Co), 29 Dec (DFS); LaSalle, 15 Feb> (BC); Kankakee, 26 Feb (JBH); I-IL, l 19 Feb> (FRH). Dec (KJM, CAT, 111.ob.); Beaverville Twp (Iroquois Co) (2), I Jan (JBH); Bushnell (McDonough Co) (2; ad c3', i111111 c3'), all winler (LLH); Ja.11Jer Bald Eagle (2), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Madison (2), 9 Dec (KAM); German Valley 202 (6 1 ad,141 irnm), Mason, 3 Feb (RGB, SNB); 183 (120 ad,54 MC: (Stephenson Co), 21 Dec (SOB); Seward Twp (Winnebago Co) (ad), 6 Jan i111111, 9 unk), MissR (Rock Island Co), 14 Jan (!OM); 157 (45 ad,43 imrn, (SOB); Boone, 8 Dec (AFS, APS); Zion (Lake Co) (ad), 5 Dec (EWW); 69 unk), AnrnBol, 20 Jan (CD, PD); 144 (79 ad, 57 imm, 8 tmk), MissR Carroll, 20 Dec (JCJM, DA, M Br); Nachusa (ad), 18 Dec (E WW); Hemy, (Whiteside & Rock lsland Cos), 13 Jan (KJM); 121 (77 ad,15 i111111, 29

Vo lume 21, Number 3 109 Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk. Channahon, Juvenile 'Harlan :� ' Red-tailed Hawk. Will County. JO December 2011. Normal, McLean County. 20 December 2011. Photo by Steve Huggins. Photo by Ma tt Fraker.

3 Jan (KJM, MBr); Swansea (St. Clair Co), 24 Jan (TJD); Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); Jackson, (KJM, I Jan VLg, SJ); HLCA, 28 Dec (SDB, PAM). Northern Goshawk Chi (imm), 14 Jan (RE, AFS); Normal (McLean Co) (imm), 19 Feb (GHr). Red-shouldered Hawk MC: 15 & 14, UCCA (different irds), 29 Dec b (KJM & SDB, PAM resp); 12, Alexander, 28 Dec (KJM); 7, OakBot, 1 Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ). Others: Va n Pallen Wds FP (Lake Co) (ad), 26 Feb (JSS); LBloomington (McLean Co) Uuv), 23 Jan (BMy); Ve r111ilion (5), Jan (GSL, MJE, PA M); CarlL-C 1 (5), 5 Feb (DMK); Way ne (5), 11 Feb (CLH); Pulaski (4), 28 Dec (JAS, JIN); Ark (3), 27 Dec (KJM); Johnson (3), 30 Jan (KAM); Bureau (2), 15 Dec (BC, TW); Jasp er, 23 Dec (fideJWW); Richland (2), 18 Feb (CLH) RendL-F (2), 17 Dec (DMK); Sugar River ; FP (Winnebago Co), 7 Dec (AS!); GreenR, 24 Dec (KJM); DuPage, 18 Dec (J N, GAW, EWn); Park Ridge (Cook Co) (ad), 1-25 Feb (JWL et al.); I QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SB!-!, CDM, JLM); Rock Island (ad), 14 Jan (KJM); Bushnell (McDonough Co) (ad), 28 Dec (LLH); Nonm l (McLean Co) 19 Feb (*GI-lr:ph); Spfld, 18 Dec (HOB). (i111111), Red-tailed Hawk ("dark phase"), 12 Feb (KAM); HL ("dark phase"), 19 Feb (*EWW:ph.); MC: 68, Wo odford Mcf,ean, 5 Feb (MEF); 47, Rock Island, 4 Jan & CarlL, 14 Jan (KAM); Richland, 7 Dec & 6 Jan (RES, CLI-1). (COM, JLM, 111.ob.); 40, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, m.ob.); I Golden Eagle 36 "Krid r's"), Mercer, 15 Dec (CDM, JLM, m.ob.); 20, CarlL-C, (1 c Hanover Bluff (Jo Daviess Co) (ad), 16 Dec (SOB, DTW); Kinnikinnick 5,1 1-12 Feb (DMK); 19, Clinlun, 14 Jan (KAM). Others: s. Mc lean Crk CA (Boone Co) (ad , 28 Dec (MAM, APS) Anlioch (Lake Co), 27 (26), 19 Feb (APC, GHr); Tazewell (25), 20 Jan (A PC, MJW); Carroll ) ; & reb (DAL); Chief Shabbona FP (DeKalb Co) (ad), 26 Feb (DJS); MissR Wh ileside (21 ), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, 111.ob.); Wh iteside Lee (19), & (Whiteside Co) (imm), 22 Dec (*EA, RN); MissR, L&D 13 (ad), 17 Dec 24 Dec (AT, ET, 111.ob.); He111y (14), 10 Dec (KJM); LaSalle (14), 18 (BJS); Yorkville (Kendall Co) (ad), 11 Dec Dec (BC, DJS); Urbana (Champaign Co) (12), (LG:ph); Maine Twp (G rundy Co) (ad), 10 Dec 17 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); RendL 17 Dec (I 2), (SJH); Me rcer (ad), 15 Dec (*KJM, SBH, MBr, (KAM); Wh iteside Rock Island (II), 22 Dec & LCM); Chau (imm & ad), 20 Jan & 19 Feb (ROB, (KJM, LB, 111.ob.); Wo oc!ford (11), 31 Dec (KJM, SNB & KBR resp); MissR (Adams Co) (ad), 27 TRE); Jasper (9), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Mk (9), Jan (AGO); CarlL-F (ad), 2 Feb (MSS, MS). 27 Dec (l

110 Meadowlark ..

Spo tted Sandninc r ClintonL, 18-22 Dec (SDB, GSL:pli, RK:ph, PAM). Only the 6th winter record for Illinois, all since 1997. Greater Ycllowlegs Wa hash (5), 18 Dec (CLI-1). Least Sandpipe r Wa bash (4), 24 Jan (*CLH:ph., RES); CarlL-C (3), a n (*DMK:ph). 21 J Purple Sandpiper WinthropH, Dec & 1 2 (A FS & DRD resp), bul 2 there 3 Dec (R DH). I fan I Du nlin 7, ClintonL, 2 Dec (MEF). Wilson's Snipe MC: Alexa11der, 28 Dec (KJM); 6, 28 11, Peny, Feb (RES); 5, MissR (Adams Co), 8 Dec (AGO); 5, PrRdg-M, 29 Feb (CLH, RES); 3, L&D 13 (Whiteside Co), 27 Jan - I 7 Feb (ASt); 3, L&D 13 (Whiteside Co), 14 Jan (ASt). Others: CarlL-C Least Sandpipers with Killdee1: Carlyle (3), 21 Dec (DMK); St. Clair (2), 25 Feb> (TJD); Lake, Clinton County. 21 January 2012. UCCA (2), 29 Dec (KJM); ButlcrL (Libertyville, Lake Co), 0 Jan (BJS); Fenni, 17 Dec & 22 Jan Photo by Dan Kassebaum. I Pwple Sandpiper. Gillson Park, (JAS, DSa); ClintonL, 18 Dec< (MEF). Wi lmette, Co ok County. American Woodcock 111.ob.); ShabbonaL SP (DeKalb Co) (7), 14 Jan (DJS); MC: 11, SI. Clair, 29 Feb (TJD); 8, CarlL-C, 9 Elburn FP (Kane Co) (6), 2 Dec (DJS); Kankakee Dam 16 December 2011. I (5 & 4), 9 Dec & 2 Jan resp (JBI-1); UCCA (3), 29 Dec Photo by Eleonora di Liscia. Feb (DMK). Others: New Columbia (Massac Co) pecnting), I0-1 Dec (FKB); St. Charles (Kane (PAM); Urbana, 13 Dec (DLT); LVerm, I (SDB, (4 I Jan PAM). Co) (3 displaying), 28 Feb (YJ); Wo oc!ford (3 peenting), 22 Feb (JM); West Salem (Edwards Co) (3), 1 Feb (RES); Hamilton (3), 12 Feb (KAM); ancU1UL Crane · (3 d p aying), 6 Feb (RSR); DuPage, 26 Feb (JAS); 350,Glenview (BJM); Pomona (JacksonCo) is l MC: !..!!ill!,Cook, 16 Dec (JAS); (Cook Co), 8 Dec Kankakee (Whispering Pk), 17 Feb (JBH). Highland Dec (Karen F11111ks); 171, Wo bush, Feb Willows 200, Park (Luke C11),7 8 (RES); 100, Heron (Vcnnilion Co), 26 Jan Black-legged Kittiwake CP fob> (BS); 60, Rfchlutrd, 9 (Gilson Pk, 'ook o) (RES). Others: Spring Vulley (CookCo) (imm), 6 Dec (JK). ( LH); 48, F;d111u,,ds, J 7 Feb NC Wilmette (235 migrating north/northwest), 17 Feb (ABA); Batavia (FoxR, Kane Co) (200), 16 Dec (KLd); Woodridge (DuPage Co) (200), 9 Dec (Kelvin Boyle); Marengo Ridge FP (McHenry Co) 50), 16 Dec (KML); CBG (I (1 10), 8 Dec (EDB); Soulh Elgin (Kane Co) (IOO; fly ing south), 13 Jan (JLg); Kinnikinnick Crk CA (Boone Co) (97), 8 Dec (AFS, APS); MArb (87), 18 Dec (RAM, ALM, JPL); Elgin (Kane Co) (80), 6 Dec (DH); BluIT Spring Fen NP (Cook Co) (75+), 25 Dec (RH); Batavia (Kane Co) (60; flying south), 2 Jan (UWG); Oakhurst FP (Kane Co) (45), 16 Dec (AA); Naperville (DuPage Co) (42 migrating north), 17 Feb (MAM); Sweeney Wds NP (McLean Co) (40), 23 Feb (APC); LCal (WolfL) (37 flying south), 21 Feb (WJM); PrRdg-J (35), 7 Jan (CLI-I); Kankakee (3 1), 6 Dec (JBH); Algonquin (McHenry Co) (25), 7 Jan (ADF); Big Rock FP (Kane Co) (19 migrating north), 19 Feb (JH); CBG (18 fly ing south), 22 Feb (AFS); Ch i (Hegcwisch) (17 flying north), 17 Feb (WJM); QC 18 Dec (IO), (*KJM, SBI-I, CDM, JLM); Way ne (10), 22 Jan (RES); Nygren Preserve (Winnebago Co) (6), 17 Dec (DTW); Carroll (5), 20 Dec (*EA, RN); Aurora (Kane Co) (4 on ground), 17 Dec (AA et al.); St. Anne (Kankakee Co) (4), 25 Dec (BR); Rock Island (3), 22 Dec (*KJM, LB); Heron CP (Vermilion Co) (2; breeding pr wintering), Jan (BS, JR); Crystal Lake I (Lippold Pk) (McHenry Co), 5 Feb (AFS, APS); GLPSNA, 5 Feb (JIN, Little Gull. Carlyle Lake, Clinton County. JAS, KML). 21 January 20 I 2. Killdeer Photo by Dan Kassebaum. MC: ClintonL., 2 Dec (M EF); 103, Wc1y11e, 28 Dec (RES); 81, UCCA, 154, 29 Dec (SDB, PAM); 80, CarlL-C, Feb (DMK); 8, Carroll, 20 Dec (EA, Bonaparte's Gull S RN). Others: Pulaski (58), 30 Jan (KAM); Ed1vards (53), 13 Jan (RES); MC: 10,0 00, CarlL-C, Jan (DMK); 164, ClintonL, 2 Dec (MEF); 85, 1 OakBot (24), Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); St. Clair 9), 25 Feb (TJD); Lawrence I (I RcndL, 17 Dec (KAM); 74, Jake Wolf Fish Hatchery (Mason Co), 23 Dec (1 5), 9 Jan (CLH); Massac (15), 30 Dec (JIN, JAS, THy); JP (14 migrating), (RGB, SNB); LCal (3 ad), 22 Jan (WJM); Others: Central City (Marion 29 Feb (PRC); Wa bash (10), 5 Jan (CLH); EForkL (9), 3 Jan (CLH); RendL Co) (33), 4 Dec (EWW); Wa bash (30), 26 Dec (CLH); LShel-M (4), 2 Jan (9), 17 Dec (KAM); TaylorvilleL (Christian Co) (8), I Jan (CAT, TLK); (SDB, GSL, PAM, RK); WinthropJ-1 (2), 22 Jan (AFS et al.); MissR (Rock Ja.1per (8), 28 Dec (CLH); HL (8), 1 Jan (FRI-I); Alexander (6), 28 Dec Island Co), 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, m.ob.); Gridley Sewage (KJM); Marion 12 Feb (KAM); Chau (4), 9 Dec (RGB, SNB); Quincy (S), Plant (McLean Co) & El Paso Sewage Lagoons (WoodfoJ'd Co) (3), 5 Dec (Adams Co) (4), 6 Jan (PJR, AMR); Spflcl(4), 18 Dec (HOB); GreenR (3), (BMy); 26 Jan> (FRI-I); NewtonL (Jasper Co), 23 Dec (fide JWW); I-IL, 2 Peb> (DHh); LCal (2), 17 Dec (SBB, WJM); QC (2), 18 Dec (TM, BL, EForkL, 20 Dec (CLH). m.ob.); WinfieldTwp ("Pella Ponds", DuPage Co) (2), 3 Feb (AA); MissR LITTLE GULL ( hites e Co), 28 Jan (DTW); FP Page Co), 18 Dec & 26- W id HiddcnL (Du CarlL-C (ad), 16 Jan-7 Peb (*DMK:ph, *TBe:ph., KAM, m.ob.). 31 Jan (RAM, ALM, JPL & PA M, AFS resp); Rock Island, 4 Jan (COM, JLM); LaSalle, 25 Jan (BC); Keithsburg (Mercer Co), 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, Franklin's Cull MBr, LCM); COLSP, 19 Feb (JSS); s. Mc lean, 19 Feb (APC, GHr). L&D 13 (Whiteside Co) (2), 4 Feb (ASt).

Vo lume 21, Number 3 111 Thayer s Gull. Carlyle Lake, Clinton County. 23 December 2011. Photo by Dan Kassebaum.

Ca lifornia Gull. Calumet Park, Cook Co unty. 21 Janumy 2012. Photo by Amar Ayyash. • I

Me w Gull (fa rthest lefl) . No rth Point Marina, Lake County. MEW GULL 16 January 2012. (2nd), 13-21 Jan (BJS, AS, EG). WinthropH • Photo by Paul Sweet. Ring-billed Gull MC: 80.000, CarlL-C, 29 Jan (DMK); 5,000, HL, 3 Jan (AAA,AFS ctal. & JSS 1·csp). Others: RockCut (2; 1ad, 1 (KAM); 2,91 0, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 3rd), 21 Feb (DTW), but ad lhere 19 & 26 Dec (LGB, m.ob.); 2,350, LShel-M, 2 Jan (SOB, GSL, PAM, RK); APS); Car\L-C (2 ad), 14 Jan (DMK); CandlewickL 1,750, ClintonL, 18 Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); 1,059, MissR (Boone Co) (ad), 23 Dec (DTW); ButlerL (Liberlyvillc, (Carroll & Whilesicle Cos), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); Lake Co) (ad), 18 Dec (NM); FoxR (Balavia, Kane Co) (act), 26 Dec (DL); 524, Wo odfo rd, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE). Others: RendL (2,640), 17 Dec CBG, 16 Jan (MJH); L&D 13 (Whilesidc Co), 4-6 Feb (ASt, KBR); L&D (KAM); MissR (Rock Island Co) (750), 7 Dec (KJM); HennepinL (700), 14 (Rock Island Co) (2nd), 6 Feb (KBR); Yorkville (Kendall Co) (ad), 21- 29 Dec (DFS); LostMound (605), 16 Dec (SDB, DTW); LaSalle (600), 25 22 Jan (DJS, SAC); Chi, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, 111.ob.); LCal (ad), Feb Jan (BC); KLMSNA (51 2), 15 Jan (CD, PD); Mason (480), 3 Feb (RGB, 1 (WJM); LaSalle, 25 Jan (BC); MissR (Adrnns Co), 12 Feb (PJR, AMR); SNB); Goose Lake Twp (Grundy Co) (440), 1 Jan (JAS); Chi (403), 25 Dec TaylorvilleL (Christian Co) (ad), I Jan (CAT, TLK); LShcl-S (ad), 2 Jan (!OM, JRG, m.ob.); RockR (Whiteside Co) (247), 24 Dec (KJM, m.ob.); (DMK); HL, 26 Dec< (FRI-I); ClintonL, 18 Dec (MEF); RendL (ad), 11 Union 189), 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); MissR (Whiteside & Rock Island Cos) ( Dcc-12 Feb (KAM). (175), 13 Jan (KJM); MissR (Mercer Co) (151), 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, LCM, 111.ob.); NewtonL (slurry pond, Jasper Co ) (102), 23 Dec (SOB, Glaucous Gull PA M); Winthrop!·! (I 00), 24 Feb (EWW); LVe (97), Jan (SDB, PAM); MC: 3 (ad, !st, 3rd), WinthropH, 25 Feb (EWW); 3, MissR (Rock Island nn I C�kBot (67), Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ). Co), 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 111.ob.). Others: Rock R (Whiteside I Co) (2; 1st), 24 Dec (KJM); Chi (MonroeH) (2nd), 2 Dec (AR, DFS); Chi California Gull (BelmontH) (lst_2nd), 16 Dec (JIE); Chi, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, 111 .ob.); LCal WinthropH (ad), 18 Jan (PAM, JWL et al.); Chi (Planetarium) (ad), 25 Dec (2; ad & i111111), 12 Feb (WJM); H dec eL (Grundy Co) (imm), 22 Feb (JIE, KJM, JRG, m.ob.); Chi (Calumet Pk) (ad), 21 Jan (AAA:ph); L&D 13 ci k (REF ct al.); Eastport Marina (East Peoria, Tazewell Co), 8 Jan (PF); HL, (Whiteside Co) (ad), 6 Feb (KBR). 17 Dec (!'RH); Car\L-C (I st), 11 Dec (*DMK:ph). American Hel'l'ing Gull Great Black-backed Gull MC: 2,000, WinthropH, 22 Jan & 11 Feb (JAS, PAM & CAT resp); 5 (4ad, 2nd), LCal, 12 Feb (WJM). Others: W nt ropH 4 (2 ad, 800, LaSalle, 25 Jan (BC); 500, CarlL-C, 14-15 Jan (TAM, DMK); 100, �f I i h 1 , 2nd), 22 Jan & 11 Feb (AFS & BJS, CAT resp); IBSP (Sand Pond) Wo odfo 1d, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); 30, RendL-F, 17 Dec (DMK); 25, Chau, (211ct), 8 (EG). l Dec (RGB, SNB). Others: Cl1i (695), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); Jan MissR (Rock Co) (78), 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 111.ob.); Rock Pigeon Island MissR (Whiteside & Rock Island Cos) (50), 13 Jan (KJM); ClintonL (16), MC: 742, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 111.ob.); 715, LaSalle, 18 27 Jan (MEF); MissR (Mercer Co) (10), 15 Dec (WAB, 111.ob.); RockR Dec (BC, DJS); 409, Champaign-Urbana, 17 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); 150, (Whiteside Co) (7), 24 Dec (KJM); MissR (Whiteside Co) (6), 20 Dec CarlL-C, 21 Dec (DMK); 100, Mercer, 15 Jan (KJM); 80, RamscyL SP (KJM, DA, MBr); EForkL (3), 11 Feb (CLI-1); Bl'llidwoodL(Will Co) (2), (Fayette Co), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); 52, Wo ol!fiJrd, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE). 31 Jan (JBH); Ark (2), 27 Dec (!OM); LShel-S, 2 Jan DMK). Others: Whiteside & Lee (474), 24 Dec (AT, ET, 111.ob.); Cook (300), 18 ( Dec (WJM, SBB, CDH); Whiteside & Rock Island (280), 13 Jan (KJM); Thayer's Gull Rockls /and (l l4), 4 Jan (CDM, JLM, 111.ob.); Cm'l'Oll& Wh iteside (92), 20 MC: 11 (8 ad, 2nd, 2 st) & 7 (3 ad, 4rlh, 3rd, 2nd, I st), 26 & 18 Feb resp I Dec (EA, RN, 111.ob.); se Stephenson & s11• Win nebago (46), 6 Jan (SDB); (AAA et al.); 4 (2 ad, 2 1 st), L&D 13 (Whiteside Co), 6 Feb (KBR); 4 (ad, KankakeePks (32), 7 Dec (JB ; Hemy (30), 0 Dec (KJM); Adams (30), 3 unk), Chi, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); 4 (2 ad,2 lst), MissR (Rock Island H) I 21 Jan (KJM). Co), 20 Feb (DTW). Others: Chi (DiverseyH) (ad & 2nd), 11 Feb (GAW); He dec L (Grundy Co) (2 imm), 22 Feb (REF el al.); LCal (\st), 12 Feb Eurasian Collared-Dove i ke (WJM); Wo odfo rd (ad), 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); MissR (Adams Co), 12 Feb MC: 60, CarlL-C, 4 Dec (DMK); 42, Cutler (Perry Co), 27 Dec (KJM); (PJR); Car\L-C (ad), 23 Dec & 27-28 Jan (*DMK:ph, MS). 34, Un ion, 29 Dec (SDB, el al.); 30, Marshall, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); 21, Carroll, 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); 16, Bushnell (McDonough Co), I 0 Iceland Gull Jan (LLH). Others: Cordova (Rock Island Co) (14), 22 Dec (KJM, LB); "Kumlien's": MC: 4 (ad), WinthropH, 26 Feb (AAA et al.). Others: MissR German Valley (Stephenson Co) (11), 21 Dec (SDB); Holcomb (Ogle Co) (Rock Island Co) (2; ad & 1 st), 20 Feb (DTW); IBSP (Sand Pond), 8 Jan (9), 30 Dec-29 Feb ( TW); LaSalle (5), 5 Feb (JIN, JAS, KML); Jasper (5), (EG); L&D 13 Co) (act), 6 Feb (KBR); Chi (DiverseyH) (2 ad), D (Whiteside st 23 Dec (fide JWW); Olney (Ric nd Co) (5), 11 (CLH); Randolph, 11 Feb (GAW); L&D 14 Rock Island Co) ( ) , 6 Feb (KBR). hla Dec ( \ Mo nroe, & St. Clair (5), 4 Feb (KAM); Sewa d Twp (Winnebago Co) (4), r Lesser Black-backed Gull 6 Jan (SOB); Forreston Twp (Ogle Co) (3), 19 Jan (ASt); Wh iteside & Lee nd rd st nd MC: 7 (4 ad, 22 , 3 ) & 4 (2 ad, 1 , 2 ), WinthropH, 26 & 12 Feb (3), 24 Dec (KJM, DA, DHh); Mercer (2), 15 Dec (WAB); Sibley (Ford

112 Meadowlark MBr); White Pines Forest SP ( gle Co) "Arctic " Gl·eat O (pr), 18 Dec (EWW); Fermi (3), 8&27 Horned J Owl. Jan (DSa); D11Page (3), 12 l'eb (SOB, University of lllinios PAM, JAS); LTFP (2), 4 Jan (KJM, Arboretum, Urbana, MBr); ClintonL (2), 18 Dec (SDB, GSL, hompciig11 Co unty. RK); RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) (2), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); Sam rarr SF&WA 17 December 20 11. Photo by (Jasper Co) (2), 23 Dec (SOB, rAM); Hami/1011 (2), 12 Feb (KAM); Pulaski Greg Lambeth. (2), 28 Dec (J IN, JAS). Other forms: "Arctic" race: SouthFarms, 17 Dec- 9 Feb (RK:ph, GSL:ph, SDB, ct al:ph); Spunky Bolloms Pr (Brown Counly), 19 Dec (MPW:ph). "Arctic " Great Snowy Owl 1, Livings/on, lvlcLean, MC: and Ho rned Owl. Wo odfol'd (includes records below), 20 Un iversity of I/Linois Feb (JAS, rAM); Montrose (2), 2 & 7 Arboretum, Urbana, Jan (ND et al. & RC et al.); LaSalleL Champaign Co unty (LaSalle Co) (2), 6 Jan (11de SOB). Others: Boone: approx. 17-20 Feb 12 Fe bruary 2012. Photo by (GBBC, fide SOB); McHenl'y: 19 Feb May (Doug C ne, KML, Bob Sc hifo. - 11 ra SOB, 111.obs.:ph); Ledee: 1l sightings: ten lakefront delections and one inland Co) (2), 11 Dec (EWW); RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) (2), 15 Jan (TAM, (111.obs.:ph); Ogle, mid-Jan (fide ASL); DMK); RcndL (2), 17 Dec (KAM); Vo lo Bog SNA (Lake Co), 9 Dec Lee: Dixon 29 Dec (DH h); De Kalb, (BJS); Waterman (DeKalb Co), 26 Feb (NB); Batavia (Kane Co), 17 24 Dec (MEF, ISM: specimen fide Dec (EES); Rock Island, 4 Jan (!

Vo lume 21, Number 3 113 �r.lll'i'-l'llrlr.:"11.-llll"!lurn!"'!""'":-:tn Snowy Owl. Snowy Owl 1111'.14'/fMl 'rl"'"' ..lrtfl'J! IH9Jl�f.''M'! Highway 24, , perched on McLean County. fa ll pond boardwalk '1111!1��,f.'t:� 14 January 2012. Photo by Ben Murphy. at Goose Lake "·""""''�"' Prairie State Na tural Area, Snowy Owl in Ma con Grundy County. County. 20 December 2011. January 2012. 5 Photo by Ma tt Fraker. Photo by Jim Tez ak.


Snowy Owl in To lono, Champaign County. 31 December 2011. Photo by Greg Lambeth.

(KJM, MBr, m.ob.); 6, Renell, 17 Dec (KAM); 5, Ve rmilion, I Jan (PAM et al.); 5, CarlL, 14 Jan (KAM); 5, Alexander, 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); 4, LostMouncl, 16 Dec (SOB, DTW); 4, Carroll, 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.). Others: UCCA (4), 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); 12 l'eb (TJD); RollinsSav ( 4), 6 Dec & 16-17 Jan (SDB & NM, BJS, PP); Lee (3), 24 Dec (KJM, JLM); Purnam (3), 18 Feb (BC); Ridott Twp Penni (3), 27 Jan (fideDSa); Bond (2) 29 Jan (DMK); PrRdg-M (2), 7 Feb , (PecatonicaR; Stephenson Co) (pr), 6 Jan (SOB); LowdMil (pr), 11 Dec (RES, CLH); Burnidge FP (Kane Co), 22 Jan (WL); Deer Grove East FP (EWW); Fermi (2), 17 Dec (fide DSa); MArb & Winfield Twp (DuPage (Cook Co), 16 Jan (CSF); Penn Twp (Stark Co), 17 Dec (DS); HennepinL, Co), 12 Feb (SDB, PAM, JAS); Hoover FP (Kendall Co) (2), 10 Jan & 7 Jan (BC); Sonora Twp (Hancock Co), 7 Jan (AMR, PR, PJR); Colfax 5 Feb (JBo & JIN, JAS, KML resp); Wo odford (2), 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); (McLean Co), 23 Dec (TT); Barnhart Pra NP (Champaign Co), 17 Dec Wa rren (2), 28 Feb (LLl-I); (SDB, GSL); Guzy Pothole Wetlands NP (Shelby Co), 1 Jan (CAT, TLK); Mc Donough (2), 11 Jan Seven Hickory Twp (Coles Co), 14 Jan (RB); KLMSNA, 15 Jan (CD, PD) ; (LLH); LShel-M (2), 2 Jan PrRdg-J, 23 Dec & Feb (SDB, PAM & CLH, RES resp). G (SDB, GSL, PA M, RK); Northern Saw-whet Owl RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) Pulnam (2), 8 Feb (BC); Wo odfo rd & Mclean (2), 22 Feb (M EF); Hamilton I (2), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); (2), 12 Feb (KAM); KArb, 31 Dec (DTW); Kinnikinnick Crk CA (Boone Fremont Twp (Countryside Co), 8-23 Jan (EWW); LowdMil, 17-18 Dec (EWW); Nachusa, 17-18 Dec Landfill, Lake Co), 22 Jan (EWW); Dixon (Lee Co), 10 Dec-3 1 .Ian (*DHh, 111.ob.:ph); GrecnR, 24 (MM); Oakhurst l'P (Kane Dec (KJM); MArb, 12 Feb (SOB, PA M, JAS et al.); Winfield (DuPage Co), Jan (VL); Burnidge JO Co), 12 Feb (SOB, PAM, FP (Kane Co), 22 Jan (WL); JAS); Springbrook Pra Wh ileside, 22 Dec (EA, RN); FP (DuPage Co), 30 Saganashkee SI (Cook Co), JI Jan (fide JAS el al.:ph); Dec (SDB); Beavervil le Twp WaterGlen, 18 Dec (JIN, (Iroquois Co), I Jan (JBH); GAW, EWn); Mercer, Champaign, 28 l'eb (RK); Dec (KJM, SBH, 15 SouthFarms (forestry), 8 Jan MBr, LCM); Kankakee, (DLT). 26 Dec (fide JBH); Long-eared Owl EvcrgrecnL (McLean Short-eared vole. 6, LostMound, 16 Owl with Co), 19 Feb (MJW:ph); MC: Dec (EA); 6, Dorr Twp Goose Lake Prairie State Normal (McLean Co) (McHenry Co), 9 Jan-29 l'eb Natural Area, Grundy (calling), 15 Jan (BMy); (SOB PAM, DTW, m.ob.); County. 14 January 2012. ParadiseL (Coles Co), , 3, Wo odfo rd, Dec-26 Feb 4 Dec (EWW); KCP, I I Photo by Don Blecha. (MEF, et al.:ph); 3, GreenR, 2 Jan (MJE); Ark, 27 Dec Feb (DHh). Others: Fermi (2), 25 Jan (DSa); Kankakee River SP (KJM); RendL, 17 Dec (Will Co) (2) 23 Dec (JAS); Chi, 25 Dec (ICJM, JRG, m.ob.); Bartel (KAM). Grasslands FP (Cook Co), 28 Jan (JIN, JAS); Rock ls /and, 22 Dec (KJ M LB); Mercer, 15 Dec (ICJM, SBI-1, MBr, LCM); Chi (Hyde , Pk), Dec (TV); Kankakee, 26 Dec (fide JBH); SouthFa rms, 3 Dec- 21 Northern Sa w-whet 13 Feb (GSL SDB, RK, DLT); KCP, 1 Jan (MJE). , Owl. Kansa:> Short-eared Owl To wnship, Wo odfo rd 16, CarlL-C, 21 Jan (DMK); 12 & 11, Batte] Grasslands (Cook MC: Co unty. Ja nucuy Co), 11 Dec & 29 Jan (SDB & CAT resp); 10, Ferrin(Cl inton Co), 11 10,21 Dec (DMK); 9&4, GLPSNA, 28 Jan & 12 Feb (JIN, JAS & 2012. Photo by SOB, PAM , JAS resp); 9, 28 Feb (RES). Others: PR KWA (8), Matt Mk, Frake1:

114 Meadowlark RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD Sterling (Whiteside Co) (ad <;!), 13-24 Dec (*VMK,*GN, RZ, KJ M, *DA, 111.ob.). Caught & banded for J.D. purposes.; Chi (Oak Pa1·k), Dec - 6 I an (A G, EG, EOG, '''VMK rn.ob.:ph). This bird was caught, & .I mcaslll'cd banded ro r l.D. ur oses. p p Belted Kingfisher 9, Danville (Vermilion Co), (BS, JR); 5, Ca,.roll, 20 Dec (GA, MC: I .Ian RN , rn.ob.);4, QC, 8 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr); 4, Rock !slum/, 4 Jan (COM, I JLM, m.ob.); 3, MissR (Mercer Co), 15 Jan (KJM); 3, ClintonL, 18 Dec (MEF); 3, SF&W/\ (Vennilion Co), Jan (JOS, CCC). Others: Middlefork I LostMouncl (2), 6 Dec (SDB, DTW); Ridott Twp (Stephenson Co (2 I locations), 21 Dec (SDB); Chi (No. Channel ChiR) (2), 18 Dec (MD); LCal (2), 15 Jan (WJM); HLCA (2), 28 Dec (SDB, PAM). Red-headed Woodpecker 22, Union birds), 29 Dec MC: 70 & (dilforenl (KJM, JIN, JAS & SDl3, PAM resp); 29, HLCA, 28 Dec (SDB, PAM); QC, I 8 Dec (BLB, CB, I I, MBr, m.ob.); 9, Rock island, 4 .Jan (!OM, MBr, m.ob.); 7, Merwin, 7 Dec (MEF); 6, Me!'cel', 15 Dec I (!OM, SBI-1, MBr, LCM, m.ob.). Others: Thomson Causeway (Carmi! Co) (7), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); OakBot (6), l Jan (!OM, VLg, SJ); ffe111�11 (5), 3 Jan (KJ M, Ml3r); Me 1cer & Knox (5), 3 Jan (KJM, Rufous Hummingbird. Oak Park, MBr); Wh ileside & Rock Is land (4), 22 Dec (KJM, Cook County. 12 December 2011. LB, m,ob.); n, Ve rmilion (3), 1 Jan (BS, JR, MJE); Photo by Jackie Bowman. Va nce Tw p (Vermilion Co) (3 coming Lo fe eders), throughout Feb (JOS); CarlL-C (3), 21 Dec (DMK); Rufous Hu mmingbird. Sterling, M idSav (2), Jan (JSS). 6 Wh iteside County. Red-bellied Woodpecker 9 December 2011. & Wh ileside (16), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); 58, Rock Is land, 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, m.ob.); W/1 i1eside & /,ee (l l), 24 Dec (KJM, m.ob.); Geneva MC: Photo by Robert Zinanni. 55, Un ion, 29 Dec (KJM, JAS); 54, QC, 18 Twp (Kane Co) (8), 17 Dec (AFS, APS); Cook (6), 18 JIN, Dec (BLB, CB, MBr, m.ob.); 61, Alexunde!', 28 Dec (SDB, PAM); 42, Dec (WJM, SBB, CDH); MArb (5), 18 Dec (RJ\M, ALM, Jl'L); ClintonL Wo odford, 31 Dec (l

Vo lume 21, Number 3 115 (7), 26 Dec (CDM, JLM, m.ob.); Carroll & Whiteside (6), 20 Dec (!OM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); Wo odford (5), 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); SouthFarms (5), 17 Dec (SDB, GSL, Ja>per (5), 23 Dec (SOB, PA M); Chi (4), 25 Dec RJ<:); (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); Hancock (4), 21 Jan (KJM); w. Kankakee (4), 8 Dec (JBH); RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) (4), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); Alexander (4), 28 Dec (KJM). Merlin Rckfd(Greenwood Cem) (ad ¥), 9 Jan & 6-17 Feb (JL:ph); LostMound (Carroll Co) ("richardsonii"), 16 Dec (DTW, SOB); Zion (Lake Co) (ad), 17 Jan (EWW); Oregon (Ogle Co), 18 Dec (DTW, KKh); St. Charles (James Breen Comnrnnily Pk, Kane Co) (caught DEJU), 14 Jan (JJD); St. Adalbert's Ccm (Niles, Cook Co), 18 Dec -5 Jan (JWL); (Lincoln Pk) (<(), 9 Dec (AR); Chi (Irving Pk Cem), 18 Dec & 20 Jan (AFS); Mercer, 15 Jan (KJM); GLPSNA, 19 Dec (REF et al.); Kankakee (ad; Ta iga race), 26 Dec - 13 Jan (JBH:ph); e. Kankakee, 16 Feb (JBH); Mc Donough, 27 Jan (LLH); Chau, Dec (ROB, SNB); Normal (McLean Co) (2 & 1), 19 Dec I & 14 Jan resp (GHr); Sidney (Champaign Co) (¥), 5 Feb (GAW, CLW, AG, EG); n. Ve rmilion ("richardsonii"), l Jan (MPW); PrRdg-J, 29 Feb (CLH); Wayne, I Jan (RES). Peregrine Falcon Genoa Twp (DeKalb Co) (juv eating an ECDO), 2 Dec (DAL:ph). This bird hatched in Jun 2011 from a nesl @ Millennium Park, Chicago; Elgin To wer Bldg (Kane Co), 11- 27 Feb (BLe, DWr); Chi (2), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.); Cook (2), 16 Feb (RAM); LCal Adult fe male Merlin. Greenwood Cemetery, (2 ad), 17 Dec & 15 Jan (WJM); Normal Rockfo rd, Winnebago County. January 2012. JO (IL. State Univ. Campus, McLean Co), 16 Photo by Jo hn Longhenry. Jan (APC); Quincy (Adams Co), all winter (AGD); Spfld (chasing ROPls downlown), Prairie Falcon. Sidney, 29 Dec (fide SOB); Champaign (ad @annual roost on downtown dol'm building ledge), 17 Champaign County. 31 January 2012. Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); ESTL, 8 f'eb (KAM); Photo by Bob Schifo . Santare, 29 Jan (MS). PRAIRIE FALCON FP (Lake Co) (ad), 5 Dcc-23 Feb (EWW); IBSP (imm), 9 Dec Sidney (Champaign Co) (oflen noted perching (EWW); RollinsSav, 4 Dec & 11 Jan (JSS &AFS resp); Ascension on hay bales), 31 Jrn1-12 Feb (BS:ph, GSL, Cem (Lake Co), 6 Dec (SOB); Ryerson CA (Lake Co), 2 Feb (MH ct Genoa (DeKalb Co), 15-16 Dec (MA, KML); Sycamore JOS, KAM, MAM et al.). al.); Twp (DeKalb Co), 7 Jan (NB); ShabbonaL (DeKalb Co), 8 Feb Monk Parakeet (DAL); Johnson's Mound PP (Kane Co) (ad), 31 Dec (CLC); MC: 30, Burbank (Cook Co), 28 Feb (KKa); Burnidge PP (Kane Co), 2 Dec (GD ct al.); MallardL PP (DuPage Co), Other: 21, LCal, 17 Dec (WJM, MLB, JPk, 111.ob.). Lincolnwood (Cook 27 Feb (JC); Itasca (DuPage Co), 12 Feb (OBJ); GreeneVa l, 5 Jan - 28 Co) (2), 23 Jan (SB); DuPage (Prairie Palh), 26 Jan (PAM, AFS). Feb (MAM, JIN, UWG et al.); Springbrook Pra FP (DuPage Co), 25 Jan Eastern Phoebe - 5 Feb (KFs:ph, MRB, JLS et al.); Deer Grove East FP (Cook Co) (J'cl' ; Un ion (3), 29 Dec (SDB, PAM); Alexander (2), 28 Dec (KJM); HLCA (2), also J'o here in Oct.), 3 Feb (CSF); PaulDouglas (J'o), 4 & 28 Dec (CSF 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); Sherwood Youth Camp (Knox Co), 11 Dec (MJB); & JB). Singing a lot both clays.; Nachusa, 3 Jan & 12 Feb (ASt & KML KinlcL, l Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); CarlL-C, 28 Feb (MSS, MS); EForkL, 29 resp); GreenR, 24 Dec-3 1 Jan (KJM, DHh); LCal (Eggers Grove FP), 19 Jan (CL!-!); MermetL, 30 Jan (KAM). Jan (WJM); Hoover FP (Kendall Co), 10 Dec (Larry Granat); GLPSNA, I 0 Loggerhead Shrike Dec & 11Jan (SJH & JWL, JS); Erienna (Grundy Co) (imm), 28 Feb (AFS, .....--- ...---...----- APS); Dresden Dam Rd (Grundy Co), 1 Jan & 26 Feb (JAS MC: 3, Edwards, 11 Dec (RES, CLH); 3, & REF, UWG resp); BraidwoodL, 14 Jan (JBH); Palestine Massac, 30 Dec (JIN, JAS, THy). Others: Clay, 18 Jan (RES); Wayne & Richland (2), all Twp (Woodford Co), 24 Jan (THr); Kansas Twp (Woodford winter (CL!-!); Wa bash (2), 12 Dec(CLH, RES); Co), 21 Dec-18 Feb (MJA:ph);Allerlon Pk (Piatt Co), 15 Jan Me rcer, 15 Dec (KJM, *SBH, MBr, LCM); (SR); Heron CP (Vermilion Co), 31 Dec (SOB); Jim Edgar Panther Creek SF&WA (Cass Co), 0 Jan (KBR); PrRdg-J, 28 Dec (CLH); CarlL-C, 1,7,16 Jan I Richland 3-16 Dec (*CLH). (*DMK:ph); PRKWA, 12 Feb (TJD); Wayne, 6 & Wavn e, Jan (RES); Ark, 27 Dec (!OM); Reynoldsville White-eye d Vireo (Union Co), 18 Feb (RSR et al.). CarlL-C, 26 Dec (DMK). Northern Shrike Blue Jay MC: 7, Winnebago, 17 Dec (DTW el 3-4, MC: 138, Alexander, 28 Dec (ICJM); 130, Rock Is land, al.); 4 LostMouncl, 16 Dec (SDB, DTW, m.ob.); 4, Jan (KJM, MBr, 111.ob.); 121, Carmi/ & Wh iteside, 20 Dec Fermi, 17 Dec (DSa et al.). Others: RockCut, 27 (KJM, DA, MBr, 111.ob.); 113, Wo oc!ford, 31 Dec (!OM, Dec -28 Feb (JLA); Garden Pra SI (Boone Co), TRE); 87 & 85, Union (different birds), 29 Dec (KJM ' & 9 Feb (SOB); Pleasant Valley FP (McHemy Co) SOB, PAM resp); 48, Me rcer, 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, ad @ vole cache), 19 Feb (SOB); (2), 18 Loggerhead Shrike. LCM, 111.ob.).Others: Wh iteside & Lee (1 1 1), 24 Dec (J' Ogle (KJM, Dec (DTW); Rock land (2), 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, 111.ob.); Pulaski (83), 28 Dec (JAS, QC (79), 18 Dec ls Ferrin, Clinton Co unty. JlN); m.ob.); Me rcer (2), 15 Dec (KJM, *SBH, MBr, Janumy 2012. (KJM, SBH, COM, JLM, rn.ob.); Wh iteside & Rock 7 Is land *TM, 111.ob.); Freeport (Stephenson Co), 5 Jan Photo by Dan Kassebaum. (69), 22 Dec (KJM, LB, 111.ob.); Jackson (55), I Jan (KJM, (ASt); Riley Twp (McHenry Co), 2 Dec & 27 VLg, SJ); He111y (42), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); Me rcer & Knox Jan (KML); Moraine Hills SP (McHenry Co) (acl), 3 Jan (RAM); COLSP, (42), 3 Jan (!OM, MBr); LShel-M (41), 2 Jan (SOB, GSL, PAM, Rl(); 19 Feb (JSS); Lake Villa (Lake Co) (imm), 26-28 Feb (RBs); Spring Bluff Peny & Randolph (37), 27 Dec (!OM); Lost Nation (Ogle Co) (33), 18

116 Meadowlark Dec (EWW); se & Winnebago (32), 9 JLM, 111.ob.). Others: Jackson (68), Jan (KJM, Stephenson Sii' I l Feb (SOB); CarlL-C (30), 5 Feb (DMK); Jaspa (26), VLg, SJ); LShel-M (24), 2 Jan (SDB, GSL, PA M, 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Re lL-F (26), 17 Dec (DMK, RK); RendL-F (2 1), 17 Dec (DMK, KAM); Carll nc KAM); Va ndaliaL (Fayette Co) (20), 15 Jan (TAM, (19), 27 Dec (KAM); Carmi/ & Wh iteside (18), 20 DMK). Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); Jasper (15), 23 Dec (SDB, American Crow PAM); Me rcer & Knox (8), 3 Jan (KJ M, MBr); Lost Nation (Ogle Co) (6), 8 Dec (EWW); PLNWR (6), 238,000, Ve rmilion, I Jan (MJE, VB, SOB I MC: 15 Wh iteside 13 He111:v m.ob.); 1,200, JP, winler (PRC); 1,082, MeadbrkPk/ Jan (ICJM); (4), Jan (KJM); (4), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); Marengo Ridge FP (McHenry SoutliFarms, 17 Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); 884, Pulaski, (3), 13 28 Dec (JAS, JIN); 803, Alexander, 28 Dec (SDB, Co) Dec (KML); Ridott Twp (PecatoniaR, Stephenson Co) (2), 31 J n (SDB); Seward Bluffs PAM); 550, Kankakee, 7 Dec (JBH); 400, Madison, a I (Winnebago Co) (2), 19 Feb (SDB); Oak Springs 13 Dec (KAM); 311, LShel-M, 2 Jan (SDB, GSL, House Wren. Carlyle FP PAM, RK); 250, Aurora (Kane Co), 3 Jan (SW); Canoe Launch (Libertyville, Lake Co), I l Jan - l Feb (BSr, NM, JIE, TA ); Hoover FP (Kendall Co), 10 Jan 150, Hancock, 21 Jan (KJM). Others: Whiteside Lake, Clinton County. & lee (450), 24 Dec (KJM, 111.ob.); Adams (250), 21 20 February 2012. (JBo); McKinley Wds FP (Will Co), 10 Jan (AFS); Cranberry Slough NP (Cook Co), Jan (KKM); Palos Jan (ICJM); Jackson (180), l Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); Photo by Dan Kassebaum. I 30 RendL-F (159), 17 Dec (DMK); Chann (150), 28 Jan (Little Reel Schoolhouse NC, Cook Co), Jan (LP). (JAS); VandaliaL (Fayette Co) (150), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); Carroll & Red-breasted Nuthatch Wh iteside ( 147), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, 111.ob.); (144), 29 Dec 5, MArb, 31 Dec (AA); 4, Rckfcl (Greenwood Cem), 11 Dec (JL); 4, Un ion MC: (KJM); QC (137), 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 111.ob.); IBSP (135), GreenR, 2 Feb (DI-Ih). Others: Marengo Ridge FP (McHenry Co) (3), 8 26 Jan (EWW); Beaverville Twp (Iroquois Co) (122), Jan (JBH); Putnam Dec (AFS, APS); Va n Patlen Weis FP (Lake Co) (3), 5 Feb (JSS); Lyons I 5), 7 Jan (BC); Me e 14), 15 Dec (TM, JSg, DFh, 111.ob.); Jasper Weis (Lake Co) (3), 5 Feb (JSS, BJS); Swallow CliffFP (Cook Co) (3), (J I rc r (I FP (l 13), 23 Dec (JWW, SDB et al.); Rock Island 01), 26 Dec (COM, JLM, 6 Feb (AFS); KArb (6), 23 Feb (DTW, BCW); Chi (Irving Pk Cem) (2), 1 8 (I m.ob.); ESTL ( l 00), 9 Dec (KAM); CarlL-C (90), 31 Dec (DMK); Pope Dec (AFS); Bartel Grasslands (Cook Co) (2), II Dec (SOB); Rock Island (85), 30 Jan (KAM); ShabbonaL (DeKalb Co) (60), 9 Feb (AFS); Peny & (2), 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, m.ob.); RendL-F, 17 Dec (DMK). Randolph (60), 27 Dec (KJM); Jasper (53), 23 Dec (SDB PAM); Mc He111J' , White-breasted Nuthatch (50), 10 Dec (RAM); Wo odfo rd (50), 3 Dec (KJM, TRE); ClintonL (47), I 09, QC, I 8 Dec (KJM, SBH, COM, JLM, m.ob.); 103, Rock Island, 1 8 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); LShel-S (47), 2 Ja (DMK); Stephen A. Forbes MC: I n 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, 111.ob.); 59, Wo odfo rd, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); 34, Un ion, (Marion Co) (46), 12 Feb (KAM); se Stephenson & ( 43), SP Sii' Winnebago 29 Dec (KJM, JIN, JAS); 28, Alexander, 28 Dec (KJM) Others: Carroll . & 19 Feb (SOB); He111y (30), 10 Dec (KJM); Chi (27), 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, Wh iteside (67), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); Wh iteside Rock Island & m.ob.). (65), 22 Dec (KJM, LB, rn.ob.); Whiteside Lee (34), 24 Dec (KJM, & Fish Crow rn.ob.); Me rcer (25), 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, LCM, m.ob.); He my (25), UCCA (3), 29 Dec (*SOB, PAM). 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); Mercer & Knox (25), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); MArb (2 1), 18 Dec (RAM, ALM, JPL); Merwin (17), 17 Dec (MEF); ( 15), Horned Lark Jackson I 200, CarlL-C, 11 Feb (DMK); 135, Kane, 14 Jan (JAS); 125, Rockton Jan (!OM, VLg, SJ); HcnnepinL (14), 7 Jan (BC). MC: Twp (Winnebago Co), 2 l Jan (JL); 25, Cordova (Rock Island Co), 22 Jan Brown Creeper I (EWW); 63, LShel-S, 2 Jan (DMK); 60, VandaliaL (Fayette Co), 15 Jan 28, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, 111.ob.); 20, Alexander, MC: DMK); 32, Mercer, Others: 28 Dec (SDB, PAM); 18, Wh iteside, 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, (TAM, 15 Jan (KJM). Thomson (Carroll Co) Carroll & (90), 21 Jan (EWW); Whiteside & ee (77), 24 Dec (JLM, 111.ob.); LaSalle 111.ob.); 14 & 13, UCCA (different birds), 29 Dec (KJM & SDB, PAM L (60), 29 Jan (KAM); Alexander (39), 28 Dec (KJM); se Stephenson & sw resp); 9, PLNWR, Jan (KJM); 6, Mercer, 3 Jan (KJM, MBr). Others: 15 Win nebago (37), 31 Rock Island(29), LMurph (13), Jan (KJM, VL , SJ); LowdMil (12), 18 Dec (DTW, BCW, Jan (SDB); 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, 111.ob.). I g KK.h);Rock Is land ( 11), 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, rn.ob); Batavia (Kane Co) ( 0), Tree Swallow l I 7 Dec (EES); LostMoun (8), 16 Dec (SDB, DTW); CO S (6), 8 Jan EForlcL, 4 Dec (CLH). d L P (JSS); MiddleforkR areas (Vermilion Co) (6), Jan (MML); Jasper (6), I Northern Rough-winged Swallow 23 Dec (SDB, PAM); Ark (5), 27 Dec (KJM); Merwin (4), 17 Dec (MEF); KankakeePks (Metro sewer), 12-24 Dec (DFS, JBH:ph). CarlL-C (4), 12 Feb (DMK); RendL-F (4), 17 Dec (KAM, DMK); COLSP (3), 29 Jan (BJS); Lyons FP (Lake Co) (3), 12 Jan (EWW). Barn Swallow Weis en L, Dec (KAM). R d 17 House Wren Carolina Chickadee Lockpo rt Pra NP (Will Co), 8 Jan (JAS:ph); CarlL-C, 20 Feb (*DMK:ph); 97, U11 io11, 29 Dec (KJM, JIN, JAS); 93, Vermilion, I Ja (SDB, PAM Alexander, 28 Dec (KJM); Massac, 30 Dec (JAS, JIN, THy). MC: n 111.ob.); 83, Alexander, 28 Dec (!<.JM); 56, Jackson, I Jan (K M, VLg, SJ). J Winter Wren Others: RendL-F (4 l ), 7 Dec (DMK); Jasper (40), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); 22, HLCA, 28 Dec (SDB, PA M); 8 & 7, UCCA (diffe rent birds), 29 I MC: Pen:11 Randolph (33), 27 Dec (KJM); CarlL-C (20), !2&19 Feb (DMK). Dec (SDB, PAM & KJM resp); 5, QC, 18 Dec KJM, SBI-1, C M, JLM, & ( O 111.ob.); 3, A alSl, 26 Dec (KJM, CAT). Others: Massac (4), 30 Dec (J N, Black-capped Chickadee nd I 361, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, JLM, m.ob.); 215, Rock Is land, JAS, THy); Ark (3), 27 Dec (KJM); RendL-J (2), 17 Dec,25 Jan (KAM); MC: 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, 111.ob.); 122, Wo oqford, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); 106, LMurph (2), l Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); Geneva Twp (Kane Co), 17 Dec (AFS, Me rcer, 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, LCM, 111 .ob.); 30, VandaliaL (Fayette APS); Batavia (Kane Co), 17 Dec (EES); MArb, 2 Dec (PA M, AFS); Glenview (The Grove, Cook Co), 28 Jan (ABA); R c Island, 22 Dec Co), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK). Others: Wh iteside and Rock Island (110), 22 o k Dec (KJM, LB, 111.ob.); arr l Wh iteside (83), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, (KJM, LB); KCP, Jan (GSL); Kankakee, 26 Dec (fide JBH); Middlefork C ol & I MBr, m.ob.); Lost Nation (Ogle Co) (68), 18 Dec (EWW); Wh iteside SF&WA (Vermilion Co), I Jan (GSL). & Lee (65), 24 Dec (KJM, m.ob.); Thomson Causeway (Carroll Co) (48), 22 Sedge Wren Ja (EWW); LaSalle (4 1), 18 Dec (BC, DJS); Mercer Knox (4 1), 3 Jan PrR g-J, 23 Dec (RES, CLH). n & d (K M, MBr); Heiny (40), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); Bureau (39), 15 Dec (BC, J Marsh Wren TW); Me win (28), 17 Dec (MEF); ClintonL (28), 18 Dec (SDB, GSL, r Hidden Lake FP (DuPage Co) (2), 7-15 Dec, w/one present 8 Dec thru RK); LShel-S (24), 2 Jan (DMK). I early Jan (PAM et al.); H nn inL, 8 Dec (DFS); NewtonL, 23 Dec (MPW, e cp Tu fted Titmouse PW); UCCA (,)_), 29 Dec (SDB, PAM); Alex ander, 28 Dec (*KJM). As 88, Alexander, 28 Dec (KJM); 83, Un ion, 29 Dec (KJM, JIN, JAS); MC: with the rails, this species annually winters in a small cattail marsh in 55, Wo oqford, 3 I Dec (KJM, TRE); 54, Ve lion, l Jan (SDB, PAM rmi soulhernIllin ois, and should be looked for in all parls or Illinois, including m.ob.); 46, Rock Is land, 4 J n (KJM, MBr, rn.ob.); 32, Mercer, 15 Dec far n he counties, especially in larger cattail marshes where lhere are a mt rn (KJM, SBI-l, MBr, LCM, rn.ob.); 26, QC, 1 8 Dec (ICJM, SBH, COM, likely many rnore individuals of this species wintering.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 117 . .

Carolina Wren GreenR, 24 Dec (KJM); 3, Mercer, 3 Jan (KJM, MBr). 74, Alexander, 28 Dec (KJM); 52 & 52, Union Others: UCCA (7), 29 Dec (KJM); Sam Parr SF&WA MC: (different birds), 29 Dec (KJM & SOB, PAM resp); (Jasper Co) (2), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); CarlL-C (2), 9, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBI-1, COM, JLM, m.ob.); 7, 12 Feb (*DMK, ph.); LMurph (2), l Jan (KJM, VLg, Carroll, 20 Dec (!

118 Meadowlark American Pipil. Sa nta Fe Bottoms, Sa nta Fe To wnshi:p, Clitttoi1 County. 12 Fehruw:v 2012. Photo by Dan Kass ebaum. Soldier Field Parking Gamge, Ovenbird. Chicago, Cook Count)!. 9 December Photo by Josh Engel. 20 JJ.

(KJM, Ml31"); Chi (178), 25 Dec (K M, m.ob.); Jock.1·011 ( 14 ), Jan .I .IRG, 2 1 (KJM, VLg, SJ); Knox (120), 10 Dec (!OM); KankakcePks (Melro sewer) (1I0), 7 Dec (JBH). American Pipit 96, Alexander, 28 Dec (VMK, al.); 80, Richland, 30 Jan (CLl-1); MC: ct 0, Way ne & Richlond, 18 Feb (CLH); 6 & I, UCCA (di fferent birds), 29 1 Dec (KJM & PAM resp). Others: fVobush(5), 5 fan (CLH); LShel-M (4), 2 Jrn1 (SDl3,GSL, PAM, RK); Keithsburg (Mercer Co) (2), 1 5 Jan (!OM); CarlL (2), 27 Dec ( KAM); Chann (2), 29 Jan (AA); Cherry Va lley Twp (Winnebago Co), 3 l Dec (*KML); ClintonL, 18 Dec< (MEF); Josper, 23 \ Dec (SOB, PAM); SanlaFe, 12 Feb ("'DMK:ph). Cedar Waxwing 15 l, Corral!, 20 Dec (!OM, DA, MBr); 150, VamlaliaL (rayelle Co), MC: 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); 147, Geneva Twp (Kane Co) (Cfl), 17 Dec (AFS, APS); l 15, LMurph, l Jan (!OM, VLg, SJ); 49, Rock Island, 4 Jan ( KJM, MBr, m.ob.); 30, Me rcer, 15 Dec (IZJ M, Sl3H,Ml3 r, LCM, m.ob.). Others: Renc\L-F (85), 17 Dec (DMK); Lapland Lo g p Johnson (80), 30 fan (KAM); n s w: Kinnikinnick Crk CA (l3oone Co) McLean County. (75), 8 Dec (ArS, APS); CarlL-C No te long hind claw (40), 8 Jan (DMK); lee (39), 24 Dec on raised.fo ot. (KJM, JLM); Wh iteside (33), 22 Dec January 12 2012. (EA, RN); KankakeeR SP (Kanbkee Photo by Ben Mu rp hy. Co) (32), 2 l Jan (J B H); EForkL (30), 8 Jan (CLl-l); MArb (29), 18 Dec (RAM, ALM, JPL); IBSP (28), 2

(70), 29 Jan (KAM); LShel-S (70), 2 Jan (DMK); Alexander ( 0), 28 Dec 7 (KJ M); Thomson (Carroll Co) (60), 21 Jan (EWW); Aux Sable Twp (Kendall Co) (60), Jan (DFS). I Snow Bunting 105, Thomson (Carroll Co), 21 Orange-crowned Wa rbler: MC: Jan (EWW); 100, Brookfield Tw p Carlyle Lake, Fayette County. (LaSalle Co), 21 Jan (REF et al.); 7 Janumy 2012. 12, Union (McHenry Co), 29 Jan (ADF); 8, LaSalle, 29 Jan (KAM) Orange-crowned Warble1: . Bond County, 19 February 2012. Others: l'ullon (Whiteside Co) (5), 13 Jan (!OM); Rock Is lond (3), 22 Photos by Dan Kassebaum. Dec (KJM, LB); IBSP (2), Jan (BJS, I JSS); Victor Twp (DeKalb Co) (80), Feb> (EWW); Kankakee (Beckma11 Pk) (28), (J ); CBG (25), l 7 Feb BH 14 Jan (DJS); Wh iteside & Lee (2), 24 Dec (!OM, DA, DHh); e. Kankakee 15 Dec (AFS); PRK A (24), 24 Dec (TJD); Spring Va lley NC (Cook Co) W (12), 22 Jan (JBH); Knox (2), 3 Jan (!OM, MBr). (23), Feb (ABA); Batavia (Kane Co) Dec (EES); Jm]Jer (16), 17 (17), 17 Ovenbird 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Zion (Lake Co) (13), 0 Dec (EWW). I Chi (Soldier Field unc\ergrounc\ parking garage), 9 Dec (JMB, JDW, Lapland Longspur J l ph) E: . l,100, Winnebago, 13 J an (DTW); 800, CarlL-C, 11 Feb (DM K); MC: Orange-crowned Warbler 500, Richland, 14 Feb (CLH); 400, I-Ie111J', 10 Dec (KJM); 100, Knox, 1 0 South Farms (�), 17 Dec-I Jan (bul J.there, 8 Jan; eating berries) (GSL:ph, Dec (!OM). Others: Way ne Richland (400), 14 Jan (CU-I); Crall'fo rd I & SDB, RK ct al.); Hanover Twp (Jo Daviess Co), 16 Dec (DW); Des Loll'rence (300), Jan (CLJ-1); Riley Twp (McHenry Co) (250), 6 Jan & 7 Plaines CA (Will Co), 4 Feb (DI'S);Spfld, 18 Dec CarlL-F, (KML); LaSalle (250), I Jan (BC, DJS, TW); Va ndaliaL(Fayette Co) (200), (HOG); 7 Jan (DMK:ph); CarlL-B, 29 .J an-19 Feb (MS, DMl(:ph); BeallWds, 25 reb Jan (TAM, DMK); Wh iteside & Lee (130), 22 Jan (EWW); Beaverville 15 (RES, CU-I). Tw p (Troquois Co) (l 10), l Jan (JBH); se Stephenson & s1v Winnebago (91), 6 Jan (SOB); Victo1· Twp (DeKalb Co) (80), 14 Jan (DJS); Goose Lake Twp Common Yellowthroat (Grundy Co) (80), 1 Jan (JAS); ,/{/,\per (73), 23 Dec (fideJW W); Livingston UCCA, 29 Dec (SOB, PAM).

Vo lume 21, Number 3 119 Cape May Warbler Ch ipp ing Sp arrow. Baldwin Beach, Quiver Twp (Mason Co) (in Bloomington, McL ean County. pine stand along a road), 23 Dec (CDn:ph, 21 January 2012. TWcl). Photo by Ben Mu rphy. Black-throated Blue Warbler Chi (o), 27 Dec-10 Jan (OBJ, WJM, m.ob.:ph). American Tree Sparrow 465, QC, 18 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr, Pine Warbler MC: m.ob.); 232, Wh iteside & Lee, 24 Dec (KJM, ClintonL, 18 Dec (SOB, GSL:ph, RK:ph); 111.ob.); 159, ClinlonL, 2 Dec (MEF); 99, Camp Joy (Clinton Co), 2-12 Feb (CPA, Wo odfo rd, 31 Dec (KJM, TRE); 60, Cal'IL-C, MSS, MS, *DMK:ph); RendL-F, 11&17 Dec 21 Jan (DMK); 25, Ma dison, l Jan (KAM). (KAM, DMK); DolanL (Hamilton Co), 31 Others: Rock Island (190), 4 Jan (KJM, Dec (RES, CLH); LMurph, Jan (KJM, VLg, I MBr, 111.ob.); LCal (172), 17 Dec (WJM, SJ); CONWR, 30 .Jan (KAM). SBB, CDH, JPk); Carroll & Wh iteside (164), 20 Dec (EA, RN, m.ob.); Pine Wa rble1'. Wh iteside & Rock Island (160), 22 Dec (EA, RN, 111.ob.); Nachusa (108), 18 Dec (EWW); Vo lo Bog (Lake Co) (95), 17 Dec (EWW); Independence Carlyle Lake, Grove FP (Lake Co) (87), 15 Jan (NM); Me rcer (86), 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, Clinton County. MBr, LCM, m.ob.); HennepinL (75), 18 l'eb (BC); Songbird SI FP (Cook 12 February 2012. Co) (58), 19 Jan (ABA); UCCA(l6), 29 Dec (KJM); Alexander (4 & 4), 28 Photo by Dec (KJM & SDB, PA M resp). Other: Blackberry Twp (Kane Co) (white­ Dan Kassebaum. headed, leucistic bird), 24 Jan (M Mr, RM:ph). Chipping Sparrow 1.1, Union, 29 Dec (VMK el RrnnseyL SP MC: al.); Q, (Fayette Co), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK). Others: Weaver Pk, Campaign (2), Jan (GSL); CarlL-C (2), 27 Dec - 12 Feb l! (*TAM, *DMK:ph.); Bloomington (McLean Co), 21 Jan (BMy:ph, LA); Meredosia (Morgan Co) (@ feeder), 17 Dec (M ML); BeallWds, 5-24 Jan (*CLI-I :ph). Field Sparrow Black-throated Blue 60, CarlL-C, 22 Jan (DMK); 20, Alexander, 28 Dec MC: (KJM); 18 & 18, Union (different birds), 29 Dec (!OM Wa rbler. Mi llennium & Park, Chicago, Cook SOB, PAM resp); 4, Weaver Pk, Champaign, 8 Jan (GSL); Others: MRB (16), 16 Dec (CD, PD); Jasper (13), 23 Dec County. 30 December (fideJWW ); Pen�v (10), 27 Dec (IOM); Pulaski 28 (JO), 2011. Photo by Dec (JAS, JIN); LostMound, 16 Dec (RN); COLSP, 29 Ma rk Bowman. Jan (BJS); Vo lo Bog SNA (Lake Co), 16 Jan (BJS); St. Charles (James Breen Community Pk, Kane Co), 14 Jan Ye llow-rumped Warbler (JJD); QC, 18 Dec (*BLB, CB, MBr); Des Plaines CA (Will Co), 4 Feb (DFS); BraidwoodL (Will Co), 7 Feb (JBH); Naperville 39, Alexander, 28 Dec (SOB, PA M); 23, UCCA, 29 Dec (KJM); 16, MC: (Will Co) (@ feeder), 19 l'eb (MT). CarlL-C, 11 Feb (*DMK:ph); I 0 & 8, MArb, 2 & 31 Dec (PAM, AFS & AA resp); 8, Blackhawk Springs FP (Winnebago Co), 26 Feb (JLA); 7, Vesper Sparrow ClintonL, 18 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK). Others: LMurph (12), I Jan (KJM, CarlL-C, 15-29 Jan (MS). VLg, SJ); Ferne Clyffe SP (Johnson Co) (12), 30 Jan (KAM); Ark (8), 27 Savannah Sparrow Dec (KJM); LostMound (6), 16 Dec (EA, SOB, DTW); Marengo Ridge FP 20, Way ne & Richland, 14 Jan (CLH); 19, Wa bash, Ed 1Vards, MC: & (McHenry Co) (5), 8 Dec (AFS, APS); Me rcer (5), 15 Dec (KJM, SBI-l, Richland, 5 Jan (CLl-:1.); 14, Spflcl, 18 Dec (HOB); 14, Jasper, 23 Dec MBr, LCM); Spring Crk FP (Cook Co) (4), 19 ��--.---..,,.,,...,,.. (JWW, SOB et al.); 10, RamscyL SP (Fayette Dcc (ABA); QC (4), 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, CDM, Co), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); 10, UCCA, 29 Dec JLM, rn.ob.); Rock Island (4), 22 Dec (KJM, (SOB, PAM); 9, ClintonL, 18 Dec (SOB, GSL, LB); LTFP (4), 4 Jan (!OM, MBr); SouthFarms RK). Others: Weaver Pk, Champaign (5), 8 (4), 17 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); Kinnikinnick Jan (GSL); I-IL (4), 3 Feb (EWW); Ark (4), 27 Crk CA (Boone Co) (3), 28 Dec (MAM, APS); Dec (KJM); KinkL (4), I Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); Mundelein Seminary (Lake Co) (3), 11 Feb CarlL (3), 27 Dec (KAM); Alexander (3), 28 Carroll 20 (SOB); (3), Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); Dec (KJM); I-ILCA (3), 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); MidclleforkR areas (Vermilion Co) (3), Jan l RenclL (2), 17 Dec (KAM); Pope (2), 30 Jan (MML); RendL-F (3), 11 Dec (KAM); KArb (KAM); Kinnikinnick Crk CA (Boone Co), 21 (2), 14 Jan (DTW); Chi (No. Channel ChiR) Jan (*EWW:ph); Ft Sheridan (Lake Co), 26 (2), 18 Dec (MD); KankakeeR SP (Kankakee Dec (WSG, AR, GAW, CLW); Fermi, 26 Feb Co) (2), I 0 Jan (JBH); Wo odford (2), 31 Dec (DSa); HennepinL, 8 Dec (DFS); Adams, 14 (KJM, TRE); KCP (2), 8 Jan (BS:ph); Lost Jan (PJR, AMR); St. Joseph (Champaign Co), Nalion (Ogle Co), 18 Dec (EWW);Nachusa, 18 17 Dec (MPW). Dec (EWW); Putnam, 25 Feb (BC). Le Conte's Sparrow Spotted Towhee 12, PrRclg-J, 6 Feb (CLH); 7, ClintonL, MC: Peoria (Peoria Co), 5 Jan - 25 Feb (SD). 18 Dec (SOB, GSL:ph, RK:ph); 6, Richland, 9 Eastern Towhee Jan (CLH); 5, LShel-M, 2 Jan (SOB, GSL:ph, 9, Union, 29 Dec (KJM); 7, Pulaski, 28 PAM, RK:ph); 5, RendL, l 7 Dec (KAM); 5, MC: Dec (JAS, JIN). Others: Alexander (4), 28 Dec UCCA, 29 Dec (SOB, PAM). Others: PRKWA (SOB, PAM)·, Fermi 2 Feb (DSa); Fulton (3), 24 Dec (TJD); Crawford Co CA (Crawford (n), Carp e May Wa r bl e1: a B ldwin Beac h , 8 Jan (LLH). + o ) (2 ), 28 ec (CL!!)- ; r A , e k ; (2) 28 F b (CLH) (c3'), c o Mason County. 23 December 2011. Ft Sheridan (Lake Co), 26 Dec (WSG, AR, Photo by Colin Dobson. GAW, CLW); Weaver Pk, Champaign, 8 Jan

120 Meadowlark (GSL); RamseyL SP (Fayette Co), 15 Jan (TAM, Immature male Indigo Bunting. OM K); HL, 17 Dec< (r:RH);Lost Creek (Clinton Carlyle Lake, Fayette County. Co), 27 Feb (CLl-1); PrRdg-M, 13 Feb (CLl-1); Flag Pond (Clay Co), 30 Jan (CLl-1); Edwards, 19-20 7 January 2012. feb (RES); KinkL, I Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); HLCA, Photo by Dan Ka ssebaum. 28 Dec (SOB, PAM). DMK); 25, Jackson, I .Ian (KJM, VLg, SJ); Fox Sparrow 11, 16, Alexander, 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); 8, DuPage, 30 Jan (JAS); 7, LCal, 16 Dec (WJM); MC: PRKWA, 8 Jan (TJD); 8, Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); 6, 7, 1\4ercer, 3 fan (!

20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); Batavia (Kane Co) (5), 17 Dec (EES); Volo Bog Richland Grove Twp (Mercer Co) (basic plum d'), 28 Dec - 16 Jan (Jim SNA (Lake Co) (4), 8 Jan (JSS); Oakhmst FP (Kane Co) (4), 6 Jan (AA). Andrews:ph). Eating black oil sunflower seed at rural yard feeder. I sl Lincoln's Sparrow Illinois winter record. Five previous published November records for QC, 18 Dec (*BLB, CB, MBr). Others: UCCA (2), 29 Dec Illinois, as late as 25 Nov, 1995. MC: .3_, (*KJM); Alexander, 28 Dec (*KJM). Northern Cardinal 334, Alexander, 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); 222, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, Swamp Sparrow MC: 167, Un ion, 29 Dec (SDB, PAM); 20, QC, 18 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr, SBH, COM, JLM, 111.ob.); 192, Rock Island, 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, 111.ob.); MC: 186, Me rcer, Dec (IOM, SBH, MBr, LCM, 111.ob.); 176, MRB, 13 Feb 111.ob.); 16, CarlL-C, 4 Dec (DMK); 13, Vo lo Bog SNA (Lake Co), 8 Jan 15 (JSS); II, Clinto11L, 18 Dec (MEF); 10, Chi, (CD, PD); 78, Wo odford, 31 Dec (KJM, 25 Dec (KJM, JRG, m.ob.). Others: RcndL TRE). Others: Wh iteside & Lee ( 146), (15), 25 Jan (KAM); Alexander (12), 28 Dec 24 Dec (KJM, m.ob.); Un ion (109), 29 (KJM); RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) (10), 15 Jan Dec (KJM); Wh iteside & Rock Island (Ti\M, DMK); Jasper (9), 23 Dec (SDB, PAM); (JOO), 22 Dec (EA, RN, 111.ob.);Carroll & (7), 20 Dec (EA, RN, 111.ob.); Whileside Whiteside (97), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, Carmi/ lee (6), 24 Dec (KJM, DA, DHh). 111.ob.); PenJ' & Randolph (95), 27 Dec & (KJM); RamseyL SP (rayettc Co) (80), 15 White-throated Sparrow Jan (TAM, DMK); Pulaski (77), 28 Dec 275,Alexander, 28 Dec (SDB, PAM), 174, MC: (JAS, JIN); Urbana (62), 17 Dec (SDB, Un ion, 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); 25, Wo odfo rd, 31 GSL, RK); CarlL-C (60), 2 l Dec (DMK); Dec (KJM, TRE); 13, LaSalle, 18 Dec (BC, Jasper (53), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); DJS); 10, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBI-I, COM, JLM, RendL-F (49), 17 Dec (DMK); Batavia m.ob.). Others: Pel'IJ' (94), 27 Dec (KJM); (Kane Co) (40), 17 Dec (EES); LShcl-M PRK WA (65), 8 Jan (TJD); Jackson (51 ), Jan I (40), 2 Jan (SOB, GSL, PAM, (KJM, VLg, SJ); Cm·IL-C (40), 21 Dec (DMK); RK). Jasper (37), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Chi (Grant Indigo Bunting Pk) (34), 28 Dec (DFS); RenclL-F (30), l 7 Dec Chi (Planetarium) (imm), 25 Dec (OBJ, AFS); MermelL (I & J, & ), 30 Dec & (DMK); MeadbrkPk (18), 17 Dec (SOB, GSL, ;), RK); Spfld (14), 18 Dec (HOB); RamscyL SP 30 .Jan & 5 Feb (fide RSR & *KAM:ph (Fayette Co) (10), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK). & FKB resp); CarlL-F (imm d'), 7 .Jan (*DMK:ph). Harris's Sparrow C!1i (Mil lennium Pk), 23 Dec (ROH). Ma le Scarlet Ta nage1; first Illinois Dickcissel McDonough, 5 Jan-29 Feb (*LLH:ph); White-cn:n�ued Sparrow winter record. Richland Grove To wnship, Metropolis (Massac Co) (2), 30 Dec 90, South Farms, Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); MC: : 7 Me rcer County. 28 December 2011. (RSR, SJ). 30, RamseyL SP (Fayette Co), Jan (TAM, :5 Photo by Jim Andre ws.

Vo lume 21, Number 3 121 Red-winged Blackbird MC: 30,000, RendL-F, 17 Dec (DMK); 24,200, Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); 14,000, CarlL-C, 26 Feb (DMK); 12,356, QC, 18 Dec (KJM, SBH, COM, JLM, m.ob.); 3,000, LaSalle, l Jan (BC); 127, LCal, 17 Dec (WJM, MLB, SBB, CDH). Others: Pulaski (3,300), 28 Dec (JAS, JfN); Jasper (645), 23 Dec (JWW, SDB, et al.); Alexander (237), 28 Dec (KJM); UCCA (130 & 129), 29 Dec (!OM & SDB, PAM resp; different birds); OakBot (79), Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); COLSP (72 spring migrants, all 19 Feb (JSS); I Q'), SouthFarms (27), 17 Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); GreenR (23), 24 Dec (KJM); L&D 13 (Whiteside Co) (l5), 17 Feb (ASt); Carroll (1 1), 20 Dec (EA, RN, m.ob.); LCal (8), 15 Jan (WJM); ClintonL (8), 18 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); BraiclwoodL (Will Co) (6), 8 Jan (JBH); LShel-M (5), 2 Jan (SOB, GSL, PA M, RK); JBSP (4), 2 (EWW); Ridolt Twp (Stephenson Co) (36'), Feb> 19 e (SDB); Me rcer (3), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr). F b Eastern Meadowlark MC: 154, Jmper, 23 Dec (JWW, SDB ct al.); 61, Pulaski, 28 Dec (JAS, JIN); 50, Adams, 14 Jan (PJR, AMR); 40, RamseyL SP (Fayette Co), 15 Jan (TAM, Greenwood Cemetery, Rockfo rd, DMK); 30, CarlL-C, 21 Dec (DMK); 14, Beaverville Twp (Iroquois Co), Jan (JBI-!); 6, Jo Daviess, 28 Wi nnebago County. January 2012. I 15 Jan (DTW). Others: Massac (5 1), 30 Dec (JAS); UCCA (24), 29 Dec (KJM); Allin Twp (McLean Co) (4), 15 Jan (APC, GHr); PRKWA (3), 4 Feb (KAM); Female Red-Crossbill. RendL-F (3), 17 Dec (DMK); Ark (3), 27 Dec Greenwood Cemetery, Rockfo rd, (KJM); Alexander (3), 28 Dec (SOB, PA M); Urbana Wi nnebago County. 16 December 2011. (2), 29 Jan (DLT); RollinsSav, 7 & 11 J n (MFk & a Photos by Jo hn Longhenry. AFS resp); Springbrook Pra FP (D Page Co), 29 u Jan (JLS); Evanston (Cook Co), 29 Feb (MMC); HcideckeL (Grundy Co) (J'Q'),22 Feb (REF et al.); Co) (30), 21 Jan (GSL); OakBot (2 1), l Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); McDonough ClintonL (fO), 19 Feb (GSL). (7), 16 Dec (LLH); ClintonL (4), 18 Dec (SOB, GSL, RK); New Windsor Western Meadowlark (Mercer Co) (2), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); MC: 1\!, UCCA, 29 Dec (*!OM). Kankakee (2), 13 Jan (JBH). Others: CarlL-C (2), 4 Dec (DMK). Brown-headed Cowbird Rusty Blackbird MC: 3,000, CarlL-C, 20 Feb (DMK); MC: 4.210, Peny, 27 Dec (!OM); 152, 2,460, Pmy, 27 Dec (KJM); 501, Lawrence & Cra11jord, 7 Jan (CLH); Rock Island, 4 Jan (KJM, MBr, 135, RendL, 17 Dec (KAM). Others: m.ob.); 117, Wh ileside & Lee, 24 Alexander (70 & 69), 28 Dec (KJM & Dec (DA, Dl-lh, m.ob.); 80, Fulton, 8 SDB, PAM resp); Richland (5), 26 Feb Jan (LLH). Others: Jasper (5 19), 23 (CUI); UCCA (46), 29 Dec (!OM); ' Dec (JWW, SOB et al.); StarvedRock OakBot (43), Jan (KJM, VLg, SJ); (56), 21 Jan (ND); Kendall (50 I w/ EUST ftock), I Jan (DFS); Grundy (30 w/ ST flock), l Jan (DFS); EU SoulliFarms (20), 17 Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); Ridall Twp (Stephenson Wa shington, Co) (15), 9 Feb (SDB); QC (15), 18 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr, m.ob.); Colona Ta zewell County. 7 Janumy 2012. Photo by Betsy Christison. (Henry Co.) (12), 22 Jan (EWW); VandaliaL (Fayette Co) (10), 15 Jan (TAM, DMK); Alexander (8), 28 1st year.female Baltimore Oriole. Dec (SDB, PA M); Marshall (6), 31 Un iversity of Illinois Fores tty, Dec (KJM, TRE); UCCA (6), 29 Dec Champaign County. 8 Ja nuary 2012. (SOB, PA M). Photo by Sarah Rope1c Baltimore Oriole Washington (Tazewell Co) (ad eating homemade peanut bulter suet, blueb jam & orange slices CarlL-C (40), 11,26 Feb (DMK); Richland & Clay (23), 30 Jan (CLI-1); o erry fe eders), 5-7 Wa yne (20), 6 Jan (CLH); Edwards ( 18), 4 Jan (RES); Ma dison 0), 15 at yard Jan (*EC:ph; vid) "bird captured and later died in (I st Dec KAM); MermetL (10), 30 Jan (KAM); SoulhFarms (Forestry) (6), 9 rehabilitation @ U of !"; SouthFarms (Forest ) (I winter o), 8-10 Jan ( ry Jan (DLT); Aroma Park (Kankakee Co) (4), 21 Feb (JBH). Much more (SR:ph, DLT, EJC et al.); abundant and widespread this winter, especially throughout the south. Purple Finch Brewer's Blackbird MC: 38, LTFP, 4 Jan (!OM, MBr); 31, Middlefork SF&WA (Vermilion Co), Jan (JOS, CCC); 28, Mercer, 15 Dec (KJM, SBH, MBr, LCM); 19, MC: 60, Madison, 13-15 Dec (KAM). Others: Vance Twp (Vermilion Co) I (2Q'), 13 Jan (JOS); Cutler (Perry Co) ('j?),27 Dec (KJM); OakBot, I Jan Wh iteside & Lee, 24 Dec (KJM, AT, ET); 12, Wo odford, 31 Dec (KJM, (!OM, VLg, SJ). TRE); 1 1 , Ark, 27 Dec (KJM); 3, UCCA, 29 Dec (IOM). Others: Sand Ridge SF (Mason Co) (30), 29 Dec (TWd, CDn); Putnam (12), 25 Feb Common Grackle (BC); (1 1), 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr); QC (10), 18 Dec (BLB, CB, Carmi/ MC: 70,000, RcndL-F, 17 Dec (DMK); 37,800, Pulaski, 28 Dec (JAS, MBr, m.ob.); Elscn's Hill FP (DuPage Co) (9), 31 Jan (PAM, AFS); MArb JIN); 30,000, Oglesby (LaSalle Co , 8 Dec (DFS); 12,000, CarlL-C, 26 (8), 26 Jan (PAM, FS) Is land (7), 26 Dec (KJM, CAT); ) Feb A ; Rock Soulhl'arn1s (DMK); 38, QC, 18 Dec (BLB, CB, MBr, m.ob.). Others: Ark (11,665), (5), Dec (SDB, GSL, RK); ClintonL (4), 18 Dec (Sf1B, GSL, RK); 17 27 Dec (KJM, JIN, JAS); Alexander (787), 28 Dec (SOB, PAM); Jasper Va n Patten Wds FP (Lake Co) (3), 26 Feb (JSS); MArb (3), 31 Dec (AA); (150), 23 Dec (SOB, PAM); Clinto11L SRA (Mascoutin Access, DeWitt MiddleforkR areas (Vermilion Co) (3), Jan (MML); Kinnikinnick Cr'k CA I

122 Meadowlark (Boone Co) 8 Dec (AFS, APS); PRKWA (2), 12 Feb (TJD); Renell (2), (2), 17 Dec (KAM); Alexander (2), 28 D c (KJM). e House Fi nch 300, DuPage, 6 Jan (JAS); 86, QC, 18 Dec (BLB, CB, Ml31-, 111.ob.); MC: 52, White, 12 Dec (SS); 50, 0<1khurst FP (Kane Co), 6 Jan (AA); 45, Carl L, 27 Dec (KAM); 30, Danville (Vermilion Co), I Jan (BS, JR); 24, SRSF, 8 Feb (RGB, SNB); 13, Per1y, 27 Dec (KJ M). Others: KanlrnkeeR SP (Kankakee Co) (58), Jan (J13H); Winnebago & Stephenson (47), 21 IO Dec (SOB); Lost Nalion (Ogle Co) (47), 18 Dec (EWW); Wh iteside & Rock Islanc/ (46), 22 Dec (KJM, LB, rn.ob.); Wo odfi! rd (34), 13 Jan (MEF); MidSav (33), 6 Jan (JSS); Whiteside & Lee (32), 24 Dec (DA, DHl1, 111.ob.); LCal (3 1), 17 Dec WJM, MLB, SBB, CDl-I); Ferrni (30), 8 Jan (PWb); ( Matthiessen SP (LaSalle Co) (25), 4 Feb (BC); Batavia (Kane Co) (2 l ), 17 Dec (EES); Mercer (20), 3 Jan (KJM, MBr); LSh l-M (18), 2 Jan (SOB, e GSL, PAM, RK) 20 Dec (KJM, DA, MBr, m.ob.); Union ; Carroll (II), ), 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); RamseyL SP (Fayette Co) (I 0), 15 Jan (TAM, (1 1 DMK). Red Crossbill 26, 25 & 22, Rckfd (Greenwood Ccm), 27 & 15 Jan & 28 Dec (DTW Common Redpoll. Chicago Botanic Garden, MC: & JL:ph & MAM, APS esp); 22, UCCA, 29 Dec (SOB, PAM); Sa d Cook County. 22 January r 8, n 2012. Ridge Sr (Mason Co), 29 Dec (TWd, CDn). Others: RockCut (3), 20 Dec Photo by Lee Ma rin. (MJB); AndalSI (2), 26 Dec (*KJM, CAT); Lyons Wds FP (Lake Co), 23 Dec (EWW); Lowell Pk ( ee Co), 17-18 Dec (EWW, DHh); Chi (Jarvis (AFS, BJS); Va n Patten Wds FP (Lake Co), 5 l'eb (JSS); Forreston (Ogle L Bird Sm1ctumy), 31 Dec (J I , NG et al.); Co) 4 Feb (ASl); E (@ nygel' feeder), 5 Jan - Me rcer, 3 Jan (*KJM, MBr). DeKalb, (DAL); FP (Kune I Dec Oakhursl White-winged Crossbill Co), 6 Jau (AA); Oak Park (Cook Co), I Feb E ; Dec (KJM, BH, COM, 40-45, Vo lo Bog SNA (Lake Co) ( G) QC, 18 MC: JLM); Bureau J tion 29 Dec (feeding on tamarack cones), 5-9 l'eb (ST unc (Bureau Co), (DFS); Chana, Jan (KAM); Sherwood et al., BSh); 45 & 25 & 16, MArb, 2 Jan & 7 5 Feb ( WG & MMC resp); 20, Sterling Youth Co), l l (MJB); U Camp (Knox Dec (Riverside Cem, Whiteside Co), 5 (DI-Ih). ClinlouL, Jan (EWW). Jm1 8 Pine Others: Anna Page FP (Rckfrl)( 16 fe eding Sisldn on hemlocks), I Feb (DTW); Lyons Weis FP M : 79, CBG, 15 bee (AT'S); 60, Rckfd (Lake Co) (15 & 12), 5 Feb & 22 Dec (BJS, 0- 11 DTW (Ore·cnwood Cem). l Dec (JL, et JSS & EWW resp); Van Patten Woods FP al.); 60, MArb (AA); 34, ClintonL, 31 Dec (Lake Co) (8), 22 Dec (BJS); Evanston (Cook 18 5, llellevilte (St. Dec (SOB; 0SL, RK); Co) (8), 8 Feb (M MC); Rckfd (Greenwood Clair Co), 28 •eb (TJD). o Others; L st Ce111) (6), 11 Dec (DTW, BCW, BJS, JL:ph Nation (EWW); (Ogle Co) (53), 18 Dec et al.); RockCut ("flock"), 7 Dec (ASt); Ge11oa (DeKalb Co) (45), 3 Dec (KML); KArb (6), 23 Feb (DTW, BCW); Afton FP 8\bum. (K11ne o) (42), .Ian (SAC); FP 14 (DeKalb Co) ("small flock"), 7 Jan (AA, Mundelein (Lnkc Co) (40 & 2 1) Dec , 9 YJ); Wilmette (Cook Co) (3+), I Jan (fide & 6 Feb (SOB); FP (Du.Page HiddcnL DFS:ph); Chi (Oakridge Cem) (3), 29 fan Co) (32), 2.0 Jan (.IC); K r (3 1), 21 A b· Jon (DFS); Woodstock (McHenry Co) (cl'&�), (EWW); DeKalb (DeKalb (29), 24 Co) 6-18 Feb (LPp:ph); Urbrnia (2 @2 sites incl Jan (RF); W l Co) (29), 21 Shorewood ( i l 5 Feb (GSL); IBSP (So. Unit), Jan Feb U1·bana (Carle Pk) (20), 29 J'O), I (JLn); Jan (CLW); (DuPage Co) (drinking @ (Rik); Chi (Oakridge Ce111) 17( ), 29 Wheaton Crossbill. Jan Feb (fide EES). 'Whi:te-wlnged (DI'S); y11rd bird bnth), 19 QC (I 6), 7· Dec (KJM)· Spfld (15), Co unty. (HOB); Ziori(Lake Co) ( 13), Wo odstock, McHenry 18 Dec 23 Jun Common lledpoU (llWW); Gmncc (Lake Co) 12; ll5, CBG (feeding, on birch catkins 18 Fe bruary 2012. ( foeclers),7 MC: Jan PP (Kane Co) (12), later in E'eb), 16 Jan (MC); Photo by Linda Popp. (JSS); Oakhurst 6 & alders Jan (AA); WinthropH (11), 20 Jan (EWW); Schaumburg (Cook Co) (80 & 30-45+), 17 & 0), 8 Jan (GSL); l'orreston (Ogle Co) (8 @ feeders), 8 Jan I Feb 14-21 Feb (EG:ph & SAC:ph resp); 48, ShabL ( eeding on birch cal.kins), Urbana (I - f (ASt); Glenview (Cook Co) (7), 23 Dec (WSG, DP); Warrenville (DuPage 5-6 Jan (DTW & DAL:ph); 45, R d tt Twp (Stephenson Co) (feeding in i o Co) (6), 12 Dec (MRB); l'reeport (Stephenson Co) 21 Jan (EWW); weedy field), 6 Jan (SOB); 11, LT FP, 4 Jan (*!

Vo lume 21, Number 3 123 20 Jan (EWW); ClintonL (22), 18 Dec TRE); He111:v (149), 3 Jan (K.JM, (MEr); Hemy (18), 10 Dec (KJM); M8r); Alex ander (142), 28 Dec (SDB, Pe1'1J' ( 18), 27 Dec (!

Exotic I Released Spe cies The Whooping Crane ArcolaM (Douglas Co) (3 w/one SACR), 27 Feb (EGn); Marion (3), 7 Feb 12th Annual Birding Blitz 1 J (RD); Mt. Erie Twp (Wayne Co) (2), 30 Dec-29 Feb (RES, CLH) "breeding k � pair numbers 9-03 and 3-04"; Cal'IL-F (imm), 5-6 & 9 Feb (BHI). of Southernmost Illinois � I. Ke/Iv J. McKay Saturday, April 271h, 2013 Buffalo Research and Mo nitoring Center Box II l this P.O. 452, Hamp/on, 61256 Exp ore the 11 southernmost counties of Illinois in fun competition to see and hear the most species of birds [email protected] in 24-hours; raise donations for habitat conservation. Steven D. Bailey For cidails an" reg:slralion forrns visit WWW .birdingbl itz.org 967 Braebum Road Mu ndelein, fl 60060 I f's a Chai lenge! [email protected]

Supp ort Meadowlark Advertise Here!! � business card size ads � only $15 per issue naturebooksandart.com for:

"-- Illinois bird books The Illinois Ornithological Society accepts pertinent ads for publishing in Meadowlark. "-- Bird and birding books The rates and rules are as follows: "-- Birds of North America Individual Species Monographs Rates PER ISSUE: "-- Nature related craft items $15 one-eighth page or equivalent of one business size card; $30 one quarter page or equivalent "-- Bird card sets of two business size cards; $60 half page. (Church and Dwight; Players) We reserve the right to accept or deny any ad, and to limit "-- Matted bird prints the space set aside for ads, which will be by Louis Fuertes, Allan Brooks and others placed at the back of the journal. "-- Louis Agassiz Fuertes Due dates: Portfolio of Te xas Birds No. I- Summer: February I; No. 2 - Fa ll: May I; "-- Nature related books No, 3 - Winter: August No. - Spring: November 1; 4 I Required materials: Camera-ready copy and check payable to !OS should be sent to: Sheryl De Vore, 967 Braeburn Road, Mundelein, IL 60060.

124 Meadowlark •

Send Seasonal Reports to: Submission Information

Winter Field Notes "?" We welcome manuscripts, photographs, and illustrations for possible publication in Meadowlark. Due by 7 March (1 Dec through 28 Feb) Send to : Kelly McKay IT" Article topics include unusual bird sightings and nesting accounts, technical papers on bird research, and 420 First Ave., PO Box 452, Hampton, IL 61256-0452 E-mail: [email protected] other articles such as bird finding guides and field iden­ tification tips. Joy of birding articles will be considered. Spring Field Notes "?" Manuscripts should be typewritten or computer­ Due by 7 June (1 Mar through 31 May) generated, double spaced and on only one side of §end to : Geoffrey Williamson numbered pages. Please send two copies of your manu­ 4046 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60613 script and make sure you keep another for yourself. E-mail: [email protected] "?" We require a computer disc in Word or Word Perfect Breeding Season Field Notes or an electronic file.

Due by 7 August (1 June through 31 July) "?" We prefer clear black and white or color print Send to : Steven D. Bailey photographs. Digital or electronic files (200-300 dpi.) 967 Braeburn Road, Mundelein, IL 60060 are also acceptable.

E-mail: [email protected] 7 Include name, address, and day and night time phone numbers. Other pertinent information about Fall Season Field Notes your qualifications and background is also helpful. Due by 7 December (1 Aug through 30 Nov) 7 We reserve the right to review and edit articles Send to: David B. Johnson according to style, grammar, accuracy, and readability. 504 Crown Point Drive Send articles, photographs, illustrations & inquiries to: Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Email address: dj [email protected] Sheryl De Vo re, Chief Editor 967 Braeburn, Mundelein, IL 60060 e-mail address: [email protected]

Start tirne: 2:30 £1.rn. Dark + Early Biking down IL Rt. 127 with a half dozen or more Whip-poor-wills singing from every direction.

rotal hours bike birding: 17 we were ju�t 9e1fin9 llnfo the Clear Creek Levee north of lL Rt. 1'16 when the wind storted pickin9 up from the south. llad about 8 miles of levee to ride, alfl'lost due south stroi9ht into the wind. At fir.st it wdsn't so hod but the wind got stronger dnd stro1\9er. fhe sustained winds were SOffiC!thing like 2S to JO niph with gusts up to 50rnph.

Critical is a good supply of Jelly Oe\lies and drinking water cached along the ro1tte.

Sest bird of the day: 6 While-faced lbises! • Duck Stamps 0 plus sheetlets of special issue, U.S. flora and

fauna stamps and most U.S. souvenir sheets . .. . Vernon Kleen Clearview Drive I 1825 www.birdingblitz.org Springfield, 217-787-3515 IL 62704 Email: [email protected] The SouthernIllinois Audubon Society, sponsm• of the Birding Blitz, sends our CONGRATULATIONS to GEOFP WILLIAMSON, winner of the 2013 ABALudlow Gtiscom Outstanding Cont1ibutions in Region::il Ornitholo,rT,YAward The Best· Prices -The Besl· Quality . - - Long-tailed Duck. Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County. 26 December 2011. i I·i Photo by Jackie Bowman. '/ l