National Optical Astronomy Observatories

National Optical Astronomy Observatories

Quarterly Report

July - September 1989




A. Ages of Globular Ousters 2 B. Disk in Formation 2 C. Differential Rotation Observed in the as a 3 D. Intensity Oscillations in the Far-Infrared 4 E. Supergranular Convection 4 F. Brown Dwarfs: A Detection of Stellar Objects of Subcritical Mass? 5 G. Cooling Flows in Clusters of Galaxies: Where Are All the ? 5 III. PERSONNEL 7

A. Visiting Scientists 7 B. New Appointees 7 C. Terminations 7 D. Change of Status ' g E. Summer Research Assistants 8


A. Future Telescope Technology Program (FTT) 9 B. Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) 9 C. Instrumentation Projects ]\ D. Observatory Activities 16


A. Director's Office 19 B. Central Administrative Services 20 C. Central Computer Services 20 D. Central Facilities Operations 20 E. Engineering and Technical Services 21 F. Publications and Information Resources 21


Appendix A: Telescope Usage Statistics Appendix B: Observational Programs


This quarterly report covers scientific highlights for the period of July - September 1989, as well as personnel changes for the period. These highlights emphasize concluded projects rather than work in progress. The report also discusses new technology for telescopes and instrumentation, GONG, instrumentation projects, and observatory activities. The Engineering and Technical Services division now submits reports for the instrumentation projects, with contributions from program scientists, if necessary. The Associate Directors for CTIO and NSO continue to provide the information of efforts at La Serena/Cerro Tololo and Sacramento Peak. Activities of the NOAO units are included, and the appendices list telescope usage statistics and observational programs.


A. Ages of Globular Clusters.

Charged coupled device (CCD) photometric observations of globular clusters yield the most accurate determination now possible of the ages of galactic globular clusters. These clusters are the oldest easily recognized components of the halo of the . Reliable ages of the globular clusters arc of fundamental cosmological importance. The age of the oldest cluster sets a lower limit to the age of the Universe and age differences among the clusters in the galactic halo provide information about the time interval taken by the Galaxy as it, presumably, collapsed from a protogalactic gas mass possessed of angular momentum into the present disk-like galaxy with its large spheroidal halo characterized by the oldest known objects.

Two recent studies largely based on observations made at CTIO have provided the most reliable set of ages of globular clusters yet available. The first of these studies was by a group of astronomers headed by P. Stetson of Canada's Dominion Astrophysical Obs. (DAO). Stetson's group relied on observations made with the Canada-France-Hawaii and CTIO 4-m telescopes. Its aim was to determine accurately the age and distance of the cluster Palomar 12, a remote object distant some 15 kiloparsecs from the galactic plane. Surprisingly, this cluster, whose stars are relatively rich in metals, was found to be younger in age than prototype clusters with similar located in the inner galactic halo. This result suggests that a significant age spread exists among the halo globular clusters. Previous studies, based on less accurate photographic studies, had led to the belief that the halo clusters were practically identical in age.

In the other study, M. Bolte (DAO), selected three halo globular clusters, namely NGC 288, NGC 362, and NGC 1261, which have similar well-studied low metal abundances and were presumably formed, according to conventional wisdom, during the early phases of the galactic collapse. The three clusters selected by Bolte are sufficiently close in the sky for observations during the same night with the same instruments and the same calibration standard stars. CTIO's 4-m and 1.5-m telescopes and CCD photometers were used. Reduction procedures were identical for all three clusters. By these precautions observational errors that might obscure the effects of age and distance in the photometric properties of the clusters were minimized. Bolte found an age spread of three billion years among the clusters. Combined with the previous result by Stetson and collaborators, this means that the classic fast collapse model for the formation of the galactic halo is not supported by observational evidence. The 16 billion year age found for NGC 288, the oldest of the three clusters studied by Bolte, appears now to be a reliable lower limit for the age of the Universe.

B. Disk Galaxies in Formation.

The relationships between the kinematics and chemical composition of the Galaxy's stellar populations are generally regarded as evidence that the Galaxy was formed when a rotating, spherical, gravity-bound, neutral hydrogen-rich gas mass collapsed along its rotation axis. The kinetic energy of the collapse was presumably lost by radiation, and successive stellar generations increased the heavy elements content of the interstellar gas by thermonuclear processing. A significant advance in understanding the Galaxy's formation process would be gained if disk galaxies, similar to our own, could be observed during their early formation stages. This would require observing such galaxies at distances equivalent to look-back times of 5 x 1010 years or longer. Unfortunately, at the corresponding redshifts, namely z > 2, we can only at present identify by direct observation the very luminous giant elliptical galaxies. Nevertheless, a possibility exists of determining the properties of fainter primitive disk galaxies by studying the absorption features they may produce in the light of luminous background quasars. The spectroscopic signatures of such primitive disk galaxies must, however, be differentiated from the numerous absorption lines appearing on the blue side of the Lyman a emission feature shown by distant quasars. Collectively these absorption lines form the so-called "Lyman forest", and most of them are produced by intervening low-column density, highly-ionized gas clouds showing characteristic Doppler-broadened profiles. Some distant quasars, however, show absorption Lyman a lines with a different profile, namely the so-called "damping" profile produced by natural spectral line broadening in relatively cool quiescent gases. A plausible interpretation of such damped absorption lines is that they are produced in foreground disk galaxies. The spectra of very distant quasars showing damped Lyman a lines should therefore be studied in the hope of obtaining direct information about the early history of the galactic disk. In the past several such studies have been attempted with controversial results. K.M. Lanzetta, D.A. Turnshek, and A.M. Wolfe of the U. of Pittsburgh have used the CTIO 4-m and the Smithsonian-Arizona Multiple-Mirror telescopes to study the spectrum of the z = 2.92 quasar Q 1337+113, which shows at z = 2.796 a damped Lyman a absorption feature and at the same redshift a set of unblended low-ionization absorption lines of Fe, Si, C, O, and Al. These features identify Q 1337+113 as a favorable source of information about primitive galactic disks. The U. of Pittsburgh team aimed its study at determining for the z = 2.796 absorber a lower limit of the molecular hydrogen (Hj) abundance, the possible detection of extinction by interstellar dust, and the relative abundance of the elements producing the low-ionization spectral lines. If abundant, H2 would suggest on-going star-formation, while the presence of dust would indicate existence of stars.

Relative to atomic hydrogen, the H2 abundance in the Galaxy's massive molecular gas clouds is larger than 5,000 times the abundance found in the z = 2.796 absorber. No evidence of dust extinction was found, although the observations admit an upper limit for the projected dust density of 1/2 the galactic value. The relative abundance ratios suggested by the low-ionization lines appear to be consistent with solar values, but the column density of neutral carbon was found to be at least 200 times less than in a typical galactic gas cloud, a result consistent with a lack of dust extinction in the z = 2.796 absorber. The study was extended by the same investigators and several collaborators to six other large- redshift quasars showing damped Lyman a absorption lines. The same telescopes were again used. The most favorable cases among these other systems support the findings for the z = 2 796 absorber in the foreground of Q 1337+113. These studies have thus probably provided for the first time direct information about the properties of primitive galactic disks, and point the way to future more accurate studies.

C. Differential Rotation Observed in the Sun as a Star. The National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak (NSO/SP) Calcium K-line data set, which spans the period from November 1976 through the present, has been analyzed by S. Keil (AFGL/NSO/SP) for both differential rotation and for the possibility of using it as a surrogate for much more expensive ultraviolet/extreme ultraviolet (UV/EUV) measurements from space. The data consists of full disk, integrated sunlight, measurements of the Calcium K-line profile from 3900 to 3950 A On observation days, this spectral region is scanned approximately 150 times in 5 mA steps using the Littrow spectrograph at the NSO/SP Evans Facility. These 150 scans are then averaged to form a daily mean. Coverage from 1976 through 1983 was sparse, with only a few measurements each month. These earlier measurements were reported in Astrophys. J. 276, p. 766, (1984). From 1984 to the present, coverage has been over 50% of the days. From the K-line profile, several parameters are deduced: the central intensity, the emission index, line asymmetries, and the position of the emission and absorption features. These parameters, in particular the emission index, have been analyzed for periodicities and for correlation with other activity indicators. The analysis for differential rotation shows a clear 27 day periodicity at the minimum in solar activity. This rotational period has shifted to 29 days as the Sun approaches the current maximum in solar activity. The analysis clearly shows that differential rotation can be seen on the Sun when it is viewed as a star. The K-line data has also been compared with other data sets that measure solar activity including: the active cavity radiometer irradiance monitor data from the Solar Maximum Mission, the Lyman a data from the Solar mesospheric explorer, the Sunspot index, the soft X-ray measurements from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites the 10.7 cm radio flux, and the He I 10830 A equivalent width from NSO/Tucson. While the K-line data shows similar trends to these other data sets, a temporal coherence analysis shows that daily variations can differ significantly. Phase differences between the data sets appear to vary randomly as a function of temporal frequency.

D. Intensity Oscillations in the Far-Infrared.

J. Jeffcries (NSO/T) participated in a collaborative program led by E. Becklin and C. Lindsey (U. of Hawaii), and including other colleagues from the U. of Hawaii and NASA Ames, to study solar infrared intensity oscillations at 50, 100, and 200 u.m made on the Kuiper Airborne Obs. Simultaneous, cospatial Doppler measurements in the sodium D line at 5896 A were obtained at the Mees Solar Obs. Brightness temperature variations of several K in amplitude were found which were highly correlated with the five-minute velocity oscillations. The intensity fluctuations arc attributed to work done on the chromospheric material by compression-driven by the five-minute oscillations. The observed phase differences between the IR intensity and the velocity oscillations suggest that thermal relaxation processes are important in the dissipation of compressional energy.

E. Supergranular Convection.

The horizontal flows on the solar surface as measured by local cross correlation analysis of time-series of the white-light granulation shows mainly the 20 to 50 Mm supergranulation. The divergence of the horizontal flows shows that its sources are always localized and approximately spatially ubiquitous having the range of sizes of 4 to 10 Mm. The power spectrum of the divergence shows little power corresponding to scales larger than 15 Mm, whereas the power spectrum of the amplitude of the horizontal flows shows most power corresponding to scales larger than 20 Mm. Flow convergence occurs mostly in lanes between oppositely directed horizontal flows. The flow divergence is found to be correlated with the steady upflow as measured by the time-averaged Doppler velocity in Fe I 5576 A and in Mg I 5172 A. It was concluded that the mesogranulation detected by L. November (NSO/SP) et al. 1981 is the principal component of the supergranular convection.

The discrepancy between scales for the horizontal and vertical components rules out the possibility that the convection can be described by simple closed cells. The discrepancy between scales is resolved if we allow the sources to produce horizontal flows that extend beyond the 20 to 50 Mm scale of the supergranulation before returning down. Then a random distribution of strengths in the sources is sufficient to explain the larger scale of the horizontal flow. In this case the size of the horizontal flow is determined by the spatial frequency of the strongest sources and their asymptotic functional form at distance from the source.

This picture for the supergranulation may persist in depth below the surface. This possibility might in principle be inferred from the five-minute oscillation. For now, it is interesting to compare the p-mode power spectrum of the five-minute oscillation with the spatial power spectrum for the divergence of the horizontal flows. Inspection of the k-co power spectrum made from a white-light time series of subarcsec observations shows that all the ridges have their power confined to the range of wavenumber 27t/(10 Mm) to 2rc/(4 Mm) except for the fundamental. The fundamental shows a slowly decreasing power from wavenumber 2k/(10 Mm) out to the resolution limit of the observation. The similarity in the spectra is consistent with the possibility that the observed vertical component of the convection seen at the surface is also the power source for the p-modes except for the fundamental.

F. Brown Dwarfs: A Detection of Stellar Objects of Subcritical Mass?

Current theoretical modeling of star-formation provides no natural lower limit to the size of a gaseous sphere which may gravitationally condense out of a primordial interstellar medium. Yet attempts to detect such small objects beyond the solar system are faced with a fundamental difficulty; the objects must contain enough mass to provide some form of intrinsic luminosity. This mass threshold is reasonably well defined; Jupiter, which radiates more energy than it takes in from the Sun, is almost there. A slight increase in mass over the Jovian value bridges the important gap between planets and stars. These objects, called brown dwarfs, have masses in the range of 0.08 to 0.04 M0, a value so low that they never achieve stable hydrogen ignition and reach the main-sequence. Instead, they undergo an initial contraction, enter a deuterium burning stage for about 10 million years, and finally decay into a degenerate cooling stage. Not only are these objects important links in the overall picture of star-formation, they may also constitute a significant fraction of "dark matter" if the Initial Mass Function (IMF) can be extrapolated to such low masses. Needless to say, they are extremely difficult to detect.

Such a detection may have recently been made, however, through use of state-of-the-art instrumentation on current telescopes. J. Stauffer (UC Santa Cruz), D. Hamilton (Palomar), R. Probst (KPNO), G. Rieke (Steward), and M. Mateo (Carnegie), using the KPNO CCD system on the #1 0.9-m telescope and the four-shooter on the Hale telescope, have detected a number of very faint, very red stars in the Pleiades cluster. These objects, observed in V and I, have luminosities and temperatures consistent with brown dwarf stars of mass about 0.07 Mq. The luminosities are of order 0.001 solar, and the effective temperatures range from 2450 to 2750 degrees K. These observations provide the first access to the crucial link between planets and stars, and they provide strong motivation for other surveys to detect additional members of this family.

G. Cooling Flows in Clusters of Galaxies: Where Are All the Stars? Ever since the Einstein X-ray observatory began to provide X-ray images of clusters of galaxies, a debate has been in progress as to the stability of the halo of very hot X-ray emitting gas that resides in many clusters. This gas is dynamically important for many reasons. Its mass can be a significant fraction of the luminous mass in the cluster, it is enriched with heavy elements and thus is an indicator of the early nucleosynthesis history of the cluster members; and a knowledge of its current dynamical state provides a test for theoretical models of cluster formation. The observations of this gas in several clusters indicate cooling times well below the Hubble time, and hence it has been proposed that this gas must be cooling and falling into the central regions of the cluster, although no direct observations of this have been made. The estimated infall rates range from about 10 to nearly 500 Mo per year, and a longstanding problem for advocates of cooling flows was what to do with all that mass arriving near the center. Turning it into stars with a "conventional" IMF fails, because the blue light from young massive stars so produced would exceed that observed. Several other schemes have been proposed, but none has proved entirely satisfactory.

Some new insight into this question has finally become available from the observational side. B. McNamara and R. O'Connell (U. of Virginia) have used the KPNO 4-m telescope with the intensified image dissector scanner to observe the nuclei of 13 cD galaxies residing in the center of clusters thought to have cooling flows. Spectral anomalies in the form of strong O II emission or excess blue flux were found in eight of the 13 objects. In two galaxies there are extended regions of abnormally blue color which are consistent with light produced by OB stars. On the other hand, one cluster (A2029) appears entirely "normal" yet is predicted to have a massive cooling flow. Overall, the derived efficiency of conversion of inflowing gas into stars is seven percent, with the maximum efficiency being 20 percent. These observations indicate that cooling flows, or at least the formation of young stars, is occurring at some level in some of the clusters. However, it also demonstrates that either the cooling flow estimates made earlier must be revised downward, or some as-yet-to-be-detected mechanism is doing something with all that mass.


A. Visiting Scientists. The following visitors arrived at NOAO facilities for periods of one month or more during the July 1 - September 30, 1989 quarter.

date NOAO facility arrived name institution visited

7/1/89 Shi Fang Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing, China NSO/SP 7/1/89 Ke-Liang Huang Nanjing University, China KPNO 7/1/89 Zhenda Zhang Nanjing University, China NSO/SP 7/5/89 Steve Howell Planetary Science Institute, KPNO Tucson 7/24/89 Xue Fen Qin Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China ETS 8/1/89 Wieslaw Wisniewski Lunar/Planetary Lab., Tucson KPNO 8/18/89 Eric Craine Western Research Co., Tucson KPNO 8/18/89 John Engel Western Research Co., Tucson KPNO 9/15/89 Bruce Barnes LEST, Sweden NSO/SP 9/18/89 Shi Hui Ye Purple Mountain Obs., Nanjing, China NSO/T 7/24/89 Bruce Twarog University of Kansas CTIO 7/24/89 Barbara Anthony-Twarog University of Kansas CTIO

B. New Appointees.

The table below shows details of new appointments made to NOAO during the July 1 - September 30 1989 quarter. date of appointment name position NOAO division

7/5/89 Patsy Day Food Service Manager KPNO 9/1/89 Jack Baldwin Astronomer/Tenure CTIO 9/1/89 Todd Boroson Associate Astronomer KPNO 9/1/89 John Salzer Research Associate KPNO 9/5/89 Roberta Toussaint Scientific Programmer II NSO/T

C. Terminations.

date name position NOAO division

7/9/89 Philip Young Associate in Research NSO/SP 7/14/89 Daniel Brodzik Scientific Programmer II KPNO 7/31/89 Jean Keppel Associate Support Scientist NOAO 7/31/89 William Keppel Senior Engineer NOAO 8/25/89 Larry Goad Associate Support Scientist KPNO 9/30/89 Larry Ban- Engineering Manager NOAO D. Change of Status.

date name position NOAO division

7/1/89 Taft Armandroff Research Associate to Assistant Astronomer KPNO 9/1/89 Fred Gillett Return from Leave of Absence KPNO 9/29/89 John Jefferies Astronomer/Tenure to Astronomer .5 FTE NOAO

E. Summer Research Assistants.

date NOAO facility arrived name institution visited

7/1/89 Alvin Lee Stanford University, Calif. NSO/T 7/10/89 Qizhou Zhang Nanjing University, China NSO/T 7/11/89 Bernhard Fleck Institut f. Astron. u. Astrophys., West Germany NSO/SP IV. INSTRUMENTATION, NEW PROJECTS AND OBSERVATORY ACTIVITIES

A. Future Telescope Technology Program (FTT).

Personnel. W. Keppel resigned to accept a faculty position at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. in Prcscott, Arizona.

8-m Proposal and Related Work. The NOAO 8-m Telescopes Proposal was completed and delivered to the NSF on September 20. A complete redesign for the f/6.6 beam for the multiple object spectrograph, in an attempt to cover a 10 arcmin field, is underway. The NSF has approved the NOAO subcontract with the U. of Washington for tunnel testing of 8-m enclosure designs. Testing of the first model has begun. Four different enclosure designs will be tested. The 3.5-m Mirror Project. This quarter the front surface of the mirror blank was generated using a diamond wheel mounted on a grinder attached to the 4-m polishing machine. Approximately 11 mm of glass was removed, leaving about 2 mm of glass to be removed by subsequent grinding and polishing operations. The opticians finished generating the inside diameter of the blank, all edges were beveled, and the inside and outside diameters of the blank were etched a second time with hydrofluoric acid. The only significant bubble in the optical surface has been repaired. After completion of generating, the mirror was removed from the polishing machine to allow the full polishing support to be installed and to allow thermal sensors to be mounted on the mirror blank. A handling band was manufactured for the NOAO mirror by the Steward Mirror Lab. Rubber pads were vulcanized onto the band by Copper State Rubber in Phoenix; the associated lifting hardware for the band was made by FTT personnel. Ceramic tiles were installed on the lightweight 1.5-m polishing tool. The tiles were then ground to a curvature that matches the 3.5-m mirror. Fabrication of the mounting hardware for the 1024 thermal sensors that will monitor the temperature of the mirror and its environment was completed this quarter. An algorithm was developed that corrects for small temperature gradients in the "isothermal" calibration fixture. The accuracy of the sensors appears to be 0.03 C worst case, and about 0.005 C average over the temperature range of -4 C to +30 C. Designs of the axial and lateral mirror support mechanisms were completed. Detailed drawings were prepared and prototypes made of critical parts. All commercial components for these mechanisms have been ordered; some of the designed pans arc in fabrication at Arizona Precision Industries, and the remainder are out for bids. A new 1024 x 1024 scientific CCD camera has been ordered for use in Hartmann testing the 3.5-m mirror. Software has been written to allow both the 512 x 512 and 1024 x 1024 CCD cameras to be connected to the Hewlett-Packard computer simultaneously. This will make it possible to switch rapidly from the scatterplate interferometer to the Hartmann test to compare results with the two techniques. Division Support. FTT staff worked on the reduction of interferograms taken earlier in the year, and this provided an opportunity to debug the interferogram software; several improvements were made to the package. Analyses of two further structural options for the WIN Telescope Optical Support were completed. Work is continuing on the design of a spectrometer for the Vatican Telescope. FTT personnel are participating in the mirror sector experiment at Apache Point Obs. A proprietary optical design program has been purchased from SIRA, Ltd. under special license. This will improve optical design efficiency and save money by reducing use of the commercial optical design program (CODEV).

B. Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG). The Global Oscillation Network Group is a community-based project to conduct a detailed study of solar internal structure and dynamics using helioseismology. In order to exploit this new technique, GONG is developing a six-station network of extremely sensitive, and stable solar velocity imagers located around the Earth to obtain nearly continuous observations of the Sun's "five-minute" oscillations. GONG is also establishing a major, distributed data reduction and analysis system to facilitate the coordinated scientific investigation of the measurements.

R. Toussaint joined the GONG data reduction and analysis group in September. She has a Ph.D. in solid state physics, and prior to joining the GONG project, worked as a consultant to Biomagnctic Technology Inc., a firm involved in medical imaging systems. Toussaint is responsible for developing the software and procedures for the velocity calibration corrections. GONG's data reduction and analysis team now consists of five members.

At the April 1989 GONG meeting, the project agreed to begin distributing various data and software products to the GONG community in their preliminary form in order to get user feedback on their value and functionality. The desired data products were to include raw data and data quality parameters from the GONG Breadboard instrument, registered, calibrated velocity images, and data reduction and analysis software and documentation. As a result, a "Pre-Alpha" version of GRASP (the GONG Reduction and Analysis Software Package) and a two-hour sequence of velocity images obtained during the March 7 solar eclipse were distributed to selected members of the GONG community this past quarter.

Meanwhile the task of reducing and analyzing the breadboard data acquired last spring continues. A movie of a 13 hour time series of velocity images was produced. It revealed no serious problems with the instrument's performance. About 130 images have progressed far enough through the reduction pipeline to produce the Project's first glimpse of ridges on an -/v diagram.

The site survey continues to operate in its normal mode of obtaining sunshine data at 14 sites. There are no plans for deployment of additional instruments. The newest instrument at Mauna Loa is operating well, except for moisture forming inside the entrance window. The water is apparently entering via the solder joints in the tube. The manufacturer of the pyrheliometer has agreed to repair the solder joints, but in the meantime the problem has been solved by replacing the defective unit with one of our functional spares.

The GONG instrument team has been working on the issue of field calibration during much of the summer. The interferometer now in use has some undesired reflections which act as additional, unwanted interferometers and produce a series of ring patterns superimposed on the velocity images. This complicates the calibration job. A new interferometer design was developed and temporarily assembled. This succeeded in eliminating the spurious reflections and a fully assembled interferometer using the new design is being constructed. A number of planned acquisitions of capital items for the six field stations were made during the last quarter of FY 1989. This first round of capital purchases included a major order for the optical elements of the 1 A birefringent filters for the field Doppler analyzers. An intensive planning effort for FY 1990 activities was also completed by year's end. The principal focus of this work was the completion of hardware and software design reviews over the first few months of the new year, and the integration of a working field station prototype by mid-year.

Work on the GONG Solar Oscillations Imager collaboration has continued. A joint NASA/ESA experiment conceptual design review was completed in July and confirmation for flight is expected shortly. Finishing touches are being put on the work plan and NSO expects that the GONG team

10 will play a major role in supporting the data management efforts for the Stanford/Lockheed hclioseismic mission.

C. Instrumentation Projects.

Two instrumentation projects have been completed at CTIO in the last semester, and several others are making substantial progress.

The second set of 12 positioners has been added to Argus-the multi-fiber-fed spectrograph. It now has a total of 48 fibers on 24 positioners, which is its final configuration. In addition, the fibers used in the instrument were upgraded to hydrogenated fibers. These provide excellent transmission in the red, and nearly the same UV transmission as "wet" fibers; they therefore represent the best compromise for an all-purpose fiber. First use at the CTIO telescope occurred in September. One should note that the spectra from the 48 fibers completely fill the GEC charged coupled devices (CCDs) that we use for spectroscopy. The CTIO 4-m Telescope Control Program (TCP) and associated hardware are now permanently installed on the 4-m telescope. The new program provides better pointing and tracking, and has also enabled the staff there to begin implementing a variety of improvements. The first of these, still in progress, is computer control of the 4-m automatic offset guider. The guide probe motion has been speeded up, and the probe can now be offset to specified coordinates. We hope eventually to implement features such as the capability to select and acquire guide stars automatically from the Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog and guider-controlled precision offsetting.

Now that the 4-m TCP is fully functional, it is CTIO's intention to copy it to the three smaller telescopes over the course of the next six to twelve months. The CCD TV project has continued to make substantial progress. During the last four months it has been used at the telescope roughly 50% of the time, and has been in the laboratory the remainder of the time. The period has been used to add a number of features based on users' experience, such as better performance on bright stars. Experience at the telescope has also shown that CTIO's leaky guiders perform reasonably well with the CCD TV, so that it can be used (for most programs) for guiding as well as acquisition. Work is nearly complete on a partially-repackaged version of the prototype, which will be available after testing for permanent use on the mountain, probably around the end of the calendar year.

A second project which has received considerable effort is the new CTIO CCD controller. A summary of work to date was recently presented at the CCD conference in Tucson. Work continues on improving the performance of the infrared spectrometer. Our main efforts involve improving stray radiation and optimizing array performance. In addition, two gratings were ordered and are in the process of being checked out. The new gratings will provide resolutions of R = 150 and R = 650.

The final optical design for the 4-m PF Corrector/Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (PFC/ADC) was completed and orders have been placed for the glass and for fabrication of the optical elements. Work has started on the mechanical design as well. Work has also begun on the design of the new 4-m PFCCD unit. This instrument is designed to work with the PFC/ADC when completed; its main justification however is that it will handle large-format CCDs, including small mosaics. The new PFCCD unit will also have a grism and will provide "short-scanning" through software.

11 Work is also proceeding on the La Serena-Tololo microwave link. Construction of the La Serena tower and equipment building is essentially complete, with initial connections scheduled for October.

KPNO CCD Development. The 2048 x 2048 electronics were tested and repaired and are now ready for routine scheduling on both the 4-m and the #1 0.9-m. With the addition of TEK 2048, TEK 2, and TI 6 to the routine telescope schedule, all the available camera head electronics were used. A complete new evaluation camera head electronics box has been constructed and tested. All we need now is a dewar. Kitt Peak Fiber Actuator Device. Efforts during this quarter were focused on preparing the instrument for three nights of T&E time on the 4-m telescope. The instrument was successfully installed on the Cass focus of the 4-m telescope, and tests were performed by capturing video frames with the camera mounted on the gripper head of a grid pattern affixed to the focal plane plate. These frames were subsequently analyzed to determine repeatability and raw positioning accuracy of the gripper head at differing telescope orientations. Analysis of the positioning data indicates that the stages repeatably position at an rms level of 5 urn. Some hysteresis may exist at the 5 - 10 um level, though this is still within our target goal of 30 um positioning accuracy. These positioning tests do not include placement of the fiber buttons. Initial reduction of some of the flexure data indicated it is quite likely that we will be able to position fibers at various telescope orientations without seriously degrading the positioning accuracy. At this point in time, the mechanical assembly of the instrument is mostly finished.

Bench Fiber-Fed Spectrograph. During the last quarter of FY 1989, an effort was made to trim the scope of the Bench Fiber-Fed Spectrograph so that a "first-light" version of the instrument would be available in February 1990. Discussions were held between scientific and engineering staff, resulting in a revised nine-item priority list of tasks to guide the project to "first-light." Additional work to be carried out through the remainder of FY 1990 on the spectrograph will be focused on automation and bringing on-line a dedicated camera. With the advent of smaller pixel large-format CCDs, it has been concluded that using a collector/reducer will not be necessary. A straight- through refractive camera will be able to meet the projected field and formatting requirements for the spectrograph at a fraction of the cost and complexity of the collector/reducer. Three typical "first-light" optical layouts were completed and studied. An additional layout utilizing the 2.1-m coud^ #3 Schmidt camera was identified. The spectrograph alignment tool, which utilizes an auto-coUimator, was finished and calibrated. Also, the first generation fiber back-illuminator, accompanying electronics, and hardware were completed and tested. Finally, consistent with'the goal to bring the instrument on-line as soon as possible, a way to use the dewar mount from the KPCA was investigated. Next Generation CCD Controller. Work continued on the joint effort of the ER and OUV groups in testing a prototype transputer-based waveform generator card and a fiber optic data link. A purchase order was written for a plug-in transputer/VME board for the OUV Sun computer, which is expected to be received later in the year. A meeting was held with CTIO engineering staff after the CCD Conference in Tucson in September to discuss progress and design of the new CCD Controller. A quad A/D card (16 bit A/D converter with 14 bit resolution) was constructed for 4-quadrant readout, which will be patched into the existing interface box for checkout. A new dual video processing card has also been designed and is being built for the new system. All of these cards are being built on the half height Eurocard format which will be used in the new controller. Testing was performed on the sequencer card which had been constructed in June. Several simple Cprograms were written to generate waveforms which were captured for verification on a logic analyzer. The circuit has successfully generated programmable waveforms with transition times from 100 ns to 25 um. Checkout is continuing of a fiber optic link system, which is designed to

12 enable program data or control information to be transmitted over a single fiber optic line from the host computer to an external transputer-based sequencer or controller.

Kin Peak Time Tag (KPTT). The first scheduled KPTT run occurred during the beginning of this quarter. J. Schwitters (CCS) had completed a first generation Sun software package which used a tested method to read the DRll-W data. The instrument was successful in that the KPTT hardware was able to pass actual observational data to the Sun workstation at the KPNO 4-m telescope. Since then, a second generation software package was completed utilizing double buffering in the Sun computer. This software was tested in the laboratory by injecting a variable clock frequency into the existing KPTT test circuitry. Using the downtown Sun, a substantial increase in successful photon capture rate (over the older first generation software) was realized. This new software will be tested at the telescope early next quarter. Also, during this quarter a visitor request was received regarding the feasibility of synchronizing (absolute) WWV time to the KPTT data train. Discussions were held between scientific and engineering staff on the available options for accomplishing this. After analyzing these options, a method was worked out which not only utilizes all existing equipment without requiring additional KPTT circuitry, but which in effect would provide belter absolute time synchronization than previously discussed methods. This new method requires a small time-synchronized pulse of light to be introduced in front of the KPCA RCA/Carnegie image tube. Details were worked out and preparations were made to incorporate this additional option in the upcoming October run. Finally, the documentation package for the KPTT was completed this quarter. Updates were made to the current KPCA documentation.

STIS. A video hard copy unit was purchased and sent to Greenbelt for use with the CCD system. R. Reed and T. Wolfe (ETS) traveled to Greenbelt, Maryland to repair and upgrade the dewar. During that time Wolfe assisted technicians there in the careful art of exchanging CCDs in a dewar. Tests were performed on several devices. Several CCD adaptor boards were tested-, however a registration problem was discovered and additional work is required. In order to have consistency in testing between Goddard and KPNOf we have ordered an identical test dewar from Infrared Research Labs. The dewar will be wired to accommodate any size CCD from 64 x 64 to 4096 x 4096. We also had an opportunity to test a 1024 x 1024 Tektronix CCD. This device was of the low noise Lincoln Labs design and delivered a read-noise floor 2.7 electrons rms on one of the amplifiers. This was the first 4-quadrant device tested here.

IR Detector R&D. A. Fowler (ETS) has participated in several IR instrumentation design reviews for the Keck 10-m telescope. This has been very instructive as it has shown some of the problems in developing instrumentation at different locations and by different groups. We will be faced with the same problems in developing the IR instrumentation for the NOAO 8-m telescope.

Santa Barbara Research Corp. Indium Antimonide. A new technique has been developed which will lead to significant read-noise reduction in these arrays. It was tested in a crude manner at the 1.3-m and resulted in noise reductions by factors greater than three. Further testing is needed to optimize the routine and determine if further noise reductions are possible. This has very exciting possibilities in the IR Spectrometer where many of the observations will be read-noise limited.

Hughes Impurity Band Conduction SiAs. Some testing has been done during the past quarter, but it was terminated to initiate testing on the readouts for the 256 x 256 PtSi arrays. We are beginning to leam how these detectors operate and their idiosyncrasies, but we have a long way to go before they are ready for use in an instrument. They seem to have a limited full well and are subject to excess noise under high flux conditions. Both of these problems are going to make using them for ground-based astronomy difficult.

13 Hughes PV-Ge Arrays. We have tested the readouts for these arrays as part of our effort on the PtSi array procurement. The mask set for the detectors has been completed, and the material has been procured. Processing has been started, and hybridizing and testing will proceed on a non-interference basis with the PtSi effort. We expect to receive some arrays before the end of the year.

Hughes PtSi Arrays. We have received a number of readouts for evaluation of their characteristics. We are especially concerned with their operating temperature characteristics. Previously we had tested some readouts that did not operate at pumped nitrogen temperatures, which is where the best performance can be obtained from the PtSi detectors. We have tested the new readouts, and they operate quite well even down to less than 20K, which by far exceeds our needs.

KPNO Infrared Spectrometer. The instrument is now a fully qualified user instrument on Kitt Peak. There will be small improvements in software needed as time passes, but the hardware is operating very well. This project is now considered complete.

Cryogenic Echelle. Work is progressing on the polishing of the M 1 Collimator mirror and the set up of M 2 for generation. There have been numerous problems with the polishing machine and in measuring the mirror. These problems have been solved for the moment, and progress is again being made. We have ordered the remainder of the optics and are missing only the spherical mirrors in the fore optics. These may be made here or purchased at a later date. We have been looking at the mounting and cooling of the grating and M 1 and M 2 in light of studies done on cooling the cryogenic optical bench and SQIID. As a result of this effort, E. Pearson (ETS) will be developing a grating cell and mirror cell design early in calendar 1990. These will then be tested to insure that we can get the grating and mirrors cold without distorting the optical image. At that time the conceptual design of the remainder of the instrument will be started.

IR Instrument Maintenance and Improvements. During the summer shutdown numerous small improvements were made to the imager. One of those improvements led to the installation of a new detector mount in the instrument. This mount should be more light tight, but more importantly it should lead to greater reliability; we discovered corrosion around some of the solder in the old mount. This may have been responsible for some of the strange intermittent problems that were reported last year. Simultaneous Quad-Color Infrared Imaging Device (SQIID). Nearly all the project resources have been put on this project. The stress design analysis has been completed and has resulted in numerous improvements to the original concept, producing a stiffer optical platform and reducing image motion due to telescope position. Most of the electrical design is complete, and PC cards are being designed and fabricated. Some of the hardware has been fabricated, but the majority has yet to be done. The outer housing was contracted out and is expected in November when additional machining will be completed here. Work continued on the demonstration project for transputer implementation as part of KPNO's research and development efforts. There was an intensive effort in evaluation of ten urn IBC arrays; this ongoing project was then put on hold due to testing commitments for the PtSi array procurement. The readout devices to be used with the PtSi hybrid arrays arrived from the vendor and testing on them commenced. The KPNO IR imager dewar was refurbished during the summer shutdown with recoated optics and an improved detector mount. We experienced major electronics problems operating the array subsequent to this work. These were ultimately traced to an ultrasonic cleaning operation performed on the assembled mount prior to its installation. However, the instrument was on the telescope and operating nominally for the first scheduled observing run.

14 During the summer shutdown a variety of minor mechanical and software improvements were made to the cryogenic spectrometer. The optical train and detector were realigned. Careful attention to details by instrument scientist R. Joyce (KPNO) has resulted in significant improvement in the instrument performance, and it is now commissioned for shared-risk use. The cryogenic optical bench project is for construction of a second-generation IR camera with emphasis on multiple spatial and spectral filtering capability in train with a single detector. It is in queue behind SQIID and the cryogenic echelle. During the quarter, the vendor for a major filter component, a solid-state Fabry-Perot etalon, delivered a second test piece. Its performance was evaluated and results communicated to the vendor. This etalon is a novel approach to spectral filtering conceived by I. Gatley (KPNO). The vendor has put an internal effort into development of this technology which goes substantially beyond contractual requirements. We are hopeful that a final procurement can begin after some further discussions with the vendor's technical personnel, but a decision had not yet been made as of September 30. Most software work has been subsumed under other project headings above. However, the extraordinary effort being made by M. Merrill in our group together with L. Davis and R. Seaman (CCS, IRAF development team) deserves explicit mention. They are developing the data-taking, data-evaluation, and data-reduction procedures to be used with SQIID at the telescope. The goal, which is being realized, is to generate geometrically and photometrically reduced multi-color mosaic images in real time, rather than weeks or months afterwards. This software is regarded as a fundamental part of the instrument concept and vital to its effective use.

R. Altrock (AFGL/NSO/SP), S. Koutchmy (CNRS, France), and R. Smartt (NSO/SP), have been working on the prototype advanced reflecting coronagraph supported by the USAF Geophysics Lab. The key optical element for this system is the primary objective mirror. Eleven companies that specialize in producing super-polished optical surfaces have been invited to bid on producing the objective mirror. Of these companies, two have emerged as offering the best possibility for producing mirrors of the requisite quality-Optics Technology (OT) and United Technologies (UT). We have negotiated with these two companies to obtain, free of cost, super-polished sample mirrors for testing. One of the companies OT produces mirrors with a fused-silica (silicon dioxide) substrate. Their aluminized sample has been tested and found to be of extremely high quality (super-polished to < 1 A rms). Surprisingly, the Al/A102 coating did not produce additional scattering from the surface, yielding for the first time a qualitative estimation of the scattering properties of a super-polished aluminized mirror comparable to the one which could be used for the Sac Peak advanced reflecting coronagraph (SPARC). Additional constraints are however required as far as cleanliness is concerned, since the Al surface is much more delicate than the fused-silica surface and cannot be easily cleaned. It is now anticipated that the requirements of using super-polished aluminized mirrors at ground-based sites are comparable to "clean-room" conditions used for space experiments. The other company UT produces mirrors with a silicon carbide (SiC) substrate. A sample SiC mirror has been obtained and is awaiting testing. SiC has a considerable advantage compared with fused silica, ultra-low expansion material (e.g., Zerodur or Cervit) or glass, in having high thermal conductivity. It will thus dissipate the extreme solar heat very effectively and may not need to be cooled, in contrast to the other materials, which would likely need to be cooled. When tests have been completed a decision will be made whether to order the mirror.

Seven extremcly-narrow-band interference filters and ovens have been ordered, and delivery is expected soon. A special video camera is on order that will allow "slow" frame acquisition of coronal images. Details of the secondary optics design are being developed under contract with a professional optical designer (G. Cross), following his initial analysis of primary considerations of an off-axis mirror coronagraph. Part of the development for the SPARC project is the construction of a 15 cm aperture mirror coronagraph, the MAC II, currently underway at Sac Peak. A special mirror mount, with electrically-controlled actuators for fine pointing control of the objective, has

15 been produced by the Institut d'Astrophysique of Paris. Two objective mirrors of Zerodur, as well as miniature field mirrors, have been prepared for evaluation. One objective mirror is of super-polished quality (10 A rms) and will be coated in the U.S. This "breadboard" instrument will be used to carry out further tests of mirror coronagraphs on the Hilltop spar, including observations in the near-infrared, this summer. The primary aim is to provide more information on this new technology to refine and optimize the SPARC instrument. As part of these tests, solar-rejection optical systems will be evaluated, and a fast algorithm to analyze and reject dust interference will be developed. The infrared magnetograph project placed its first major orders for equipment, including polarizers and liquid-crystal retarders, precision rail tables, a small computer and frame-grabbing board, and an infrared vidicon. D. Jaksha and J. Wagner (NSO/T) were actively involved in specifying and acquiring the equipment, as well as readying laboratory space for the project. D. Rabin and C. Plymate (NSO/T) began a pilot project in collaboration with J. Geary (High Energy Laser Test Facility) to record infrared images of the Sun on film using the new technique of infrared presensitizadon photography. The initial experiment employed a small (20 cm) telescope and produced small but unambiguous solar images; the optical setup would need to be enlarged and refined to record images with a scientifically interesting level of surface detail. Significant progress was made during this quarter in the design and construction of the wide-field, tunable stellar K-line filter. Jaksha completed drawings of the thermal mechanical enclosure for the optical elements. In collaboration with W. Ball (ETS), computer simulations of the temperature controller were successfully run. All the necessary materials for the enclosure have been purchased, and machining of the parts initiated during this quarter. The optical elements are at Sac Peak where they are undergoing further tests.

D. Observatory Activities.

During the period July - September 1989, the summer shutdown on Kitt Peak dominated the majority of our activities. While there were numerous other projects, the extensive rework of the 2.1-m telescope was by far the largest single accomplishment. The public walkway to the 4-m telescope was improved at the U. of Arizona 2.3-m telescope. A ramp was built to divert pedestrians off of a dangerous portion of the highway. Further improvement work will continue on this walkway in conjunction with the Arizona Highway Department

Tucson had one of its driest summers in many years. While there was considerable concern on Kitt Peak regarding fire danger and water shortage, when the rains did come, they were wed spaced. Sufficient water was captured to place us in a good position until the winter weather begins. We received a surprise inspection of our dining facilities from the Pima County Health Department. Our recent efforts to upgrade the kitchen/dining areas were rewarded with a coveted gold star award from the Health Department. At the same time we upgraded the dining area, we took a close look at our processed water facility. AU water used on Kitt Peak was carefully tested for both bacteria and parasites. It was found to be completely safe for human consumption. At the 2.1-m telescope, we had a general cleanup of the entire facility. Every portion of the building and telescope in need of painting was painted; new floor coverings were installed; we replaced the torn wind screen; the hydraulic cylinders on the observing platform were rebuilt; all the declination bearings were removed and replaced; the optics were realuminized; the newly' designed support system for the primary mirror was installed; a new cable wrap-up mechanism was installed; the telescope was completely recabled; a new easy access declination drive cover was

16 installed to help facilitate preventive maintenance; a new telescope fork mount walkway was installed to replace the existing design, which posed a serious safety threat to personnel; a new insulated enclosure was built over the console room to reduce the heat load into the dome; preparatory work was done for the future installation of new infrared cryogenic cooler helium lines; a new ventilating fan was installed to purge warm air from the basement and walkway areas; the primary mirror cover was modified and refurbished for improved reliability; and an all new telescope control system is in the process of being installed. The new system will eliminate the present 110 volt logic and will utilize state-of-the-art electronics. In addition, a new telescope control console is being built, and software is being written for the new system.

The coude" telescope control room was completely rebuilt. Anti-static floors were installed; new counters were built; new cabinets were added; and the room was rewired.

For the spring 1990 observing semester, KPNO received 258 observing proposals. This is an increase from the prior semester's total of 212.

The Tektronix 2048 x 2048 CCD is now available as a general user instrument. There are 41 nights (nine proposals) scheduled with the detector for the current semester (fall 1989). The 22 telescope proposals received for the spring 1990 semester indicate a rapidly growing interest in this large format chip, and suggest that the number of scheduled nights roughly will double. In August, the first on-telescope testing of the fiber positioner "Autonessie" was conducted by S. Barden, L. Groves, and A. Rudeen, (KPNO) with a cameo appearance by P. Massey (KPNO). The system is now capable of moving fibers to designated x and y locations within the field of view, and the telescope tests permitted the flexure to be characterized. The viewing system was also used, and performed flawlessly. Most of the mechanical and electronic work is now complete on the positioner, with system integration of the software the next major goal. When completed the fiber position will permit spectra to be obtained of approximately 100 objects throughout the 40 arcmin field of view at the R-C focus of the 4-m. We arc delighted to announce that NSO has been selected to be the host of the Seventh Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun. We tentatively plan to hold the workshop in October 1991 in Tucson. This major international meeting serves as a focus for the presentation of the important results emerging from solar and solar-stedar studies. The addition of anticipated new results from the , the German X-ray Satellite, and MAX '91 promises to make the Seventh Cool Stars Workshop a notable continuation of the series. M. Giampapa (NSO/T) will chair the Organizing Committee.

The National Solar Observatory announces its Eleventh Sacramento Peak Summer Workshop. The workshop will be entitled "Solar Polarimetry" and will be held during the week of August 27 - 31, 1990 in Sunspot, New Mexico, USA. Two main areas of interest wiU be addressed: instrumentation considerations (telescope design, optical compensation, and measurement methods), and spectral synthesis methods (radiative transfer problems, inversion methods). Each session will consist of invited papers followed by contributed oral papers on the same general topic. The format will allow for discussion foUowing each paper. Participants will be housed in visitor houses and apartments at Sacramento Peak or in motels in Cloudcroft a half hour drive away (transportation will be provided). L. November (NSO/SP) will chair this organizing committee.

17 CTIO's Chilean economic statistics, FY 1989:

Month % Change

Jul 1.8 16.1 286.62 Aug 1.0 17.3 298.41 Sep 2.1 19.7 319.04 V. PROGRAM SUPPORT

A. Director's Office.

The AURA Executive Committee approved annual AURA awards to recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to science and to service in the astronomical community at the AURA centers. The process is: nomination by the Directors of the AURA centers (NOAO, ST Scl); selection by the President of AURA; presentation by the Chairman of the Board and/or the President; and notice in the centers' newsletters of nominations for the first set of AURA awards. Nominations for these awards were due to the President on September 30. On July 12, the NSF awarded $24,000 to NOAO as part of the PRC Scientist Supplement Program. The program arose out of the uncertainty of conditions for intellectuals in China. With this NSF funding, we were able to extend the visits of four Chinese scholars and therefore continue our scientific and technical collaboration.

During the week of July 24 - 28, a meeting was held in Ottawa, Canada to discuss codaboration on 8-m projects. It was attended by P. Bautz (NSF), J. Gallagher (AURA), S. Wolff (NOAO), and representatives from Canada and the U.K. Canada has made a commitment and the U.K. will decide on a partner in January 1990. One primary consideration for the U.K. was ongoing operating costs.

A tour of NOAO and the Kitt Peak mountain was given to B. Thomas, a program assistant in the NSF's Research Programs. On July 25, Ms. Thomas toured the U. of Arizona Mirror Lab facilities; saw the NOAO 3.5-m blank; went through the ETS facilities; viewed IRAF demonstrations; and visited the GONG lab, GONG heliostat, and the GONG doppler analyzer. On July 26, Ms. Thomas went up to the Kitt Peak mountain site. NOAO was visited by the High Altitude Observatory summer colloquium group on July 30 and 31. On the first day, they were treated to a tour of Kitt Peak. On Monday, July 31, they visited the downtown facilities. R. Angel of the U. of Arizona gave a talk on "Very Large Optics," E. Mannery, Manager of the U. of Arizona Mirror Lab and B. Martin, project scientist, took the group on a tour of the mirror casting facilities. At NOAO, S. Wolff gave an overview of NOAO; R. Green demonstrated KPNO CCD development; S. Chidester spoke on GONG; and P. Kupczewski took them on a tour of the optics shop. The Coeur d'Alene retreat was held August 31 - September 2 to discuss future plans for optical and infrared astronomy. There was a strong degree of consensus among the infrared and optical groups.

On September 11, the newly-formed IRAF Users' Committee met in Tucson, Arizona. Chairman P. Seitzer of St Scl stated as objectives, "to focus on the science applications of IRAF by astronomers. How can IRAF be most effective to reduce and analyze data and put the results in a form suitable for publication? Keeping this central question in mind, to consider developments on two timescales; what do we (as users) want IRAF to have one year from now (at the time of our next meeting), and what do we want IRAF to be like five years from now (and what can we reasonably expect)?"

Agenda items for this meeting were: • review of existing science packages • review of proposed science packages • review of ongoing and planned systems work

19 General support issues were: • relationship of IRAF developments at NOAO to other major institutions that have adopted IRAF as their primary data reduction system-a global view of IRAF • ease and use of IRAF • ease of programming in IRAF by astronomers • a review of the general image display interface

A total of $827.00 was paid out of the NSF Foreign Travel Fund account this quarter. The site visited was the AAT in Australia.

B. Central Administrative Services (CAS).

The quarter ended September 30, 1989 was a busy one for the CAS division; however, most activities were of a routine nature. Tables were prepared for inclusion in the FY 1989 Program Plan's, Addendum A, which was submitted on August 2. P. Phelan and J. Tracy met in September with accounting managers at NCAR and NRAO to discuss issues of common interest at the centers.

C. Central Computer Services (CCS).

IRAF version 2.8 was frozen in late June. We started distributing the system to outside sites in early July. To date, we have shipped the AOSVS (prepared by Steward Obs.), BSD, Convex, DECstation 3100, SunOS3, SunOS4, and VMS, versions of the system. The distribution of Ultrix/TRAF (supported for only Ultrix 3) is on hold until we have a working version of SAOIMAGE for XI1. The remaining distributions (Alliant, Hewlett-Packard, Masscomp) wiU occur as soon as the system updates have been completed. Over 300 copies of IRAF version 2.8 have thus far been distributed. Preparation of version 2.9 of IRAF, scheduled for release in the spring of 1990, is now underway. This is being coordinated with the first release of the PROS X-ray data analysis software for the German X-ray satellite, and the second release of the STSDAS analysis software. These will be final releases of IRAF and STSDAS before the scheduled launch of the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990. NOAO has received a three-year grant from the NASA space astrophysics division to accelerate IRAF core systems development. This reflects the increasing use of IRAF by the space sciences community, but will benefit the ground-based community as well. We plan to use part of this money to hire another programmer to help develop and maintain the IRAF system software. The IRAF Users' Committee held its first meeting in Tucson on September 11. A report from the chairman of this committee can be found in the NOAO Newsletter. We are planning an IRAF display/presentation for the winter American Astronomical Society meeting to be held in Washington, D.C. in January. This will be a joint demo with the folks from the Center for Astrophysics and Space Telescope Science Institute, who will demonstrate their respective software packages, PROS and STSDAS, both of which run under the IRAF environment. A Sun workstation has been installed at the KPNO #1 0.9-m telescope, especially for support of the new 2048 x 2048 CCD. The workstation at the KPNO 4-m telescope has been upgraded. Work has continued on the code to support star coordinate caches and on-line catalogs both on the mountain and in Tucson. A number of CD-ROM readers were acquired to facilitate on-line access to the ST Scl guide star catalog. A server and a number of personal workstations were ordered for Tucson, initiating the Scientist Workstation Network.

D. Central Facilities Operations (CFO). During this quarter, CFO continued its ongoing efforts to upgrade and maintain the Tucson facility We also paid a visit to NSO Sac Peak. The purpose of this trip was to review ad facilities and

20 bring their as-built drawings and site plan up to date. An increasing effort in architectural/engineering/drafting support is now being provided for the WIN telescope and the 8-m proposal. Continuing support of these projects will go on as required. After careful review of studies by outside consultants, a contract was issued for modification of the main computer room heating, ventilation, air conditioning system and a new boiler was purchased for installation in FY 1990. We also made a joint purchase with Kilt Peak operations of electrical monitoring equipment to assist in correction of both Kitt Peak and Tucson electrical power plants. From a construction standpoint, the long-awaited Central Administrative Services archive/records storage building was completed. We are now in the process of relocating ad our accounting records. This move will free up adequate storage space for more secure storage of our surplus equipment.

E. Engineering and Technical Services (ETS).

Data analyses were started on the seeing data taken at the KPNO #2 0.9-m telescope with Dr. A. Kutyrev. Computer programs are being adapted to the single motion analysis and will be used to reduce the bulk of the data. The U. of Hawaii has enlisted our support for the development of a curvature sensing seeing monitor and adaptive optics bimorph work. This could be productive for the 8-m telescope to utilize the rapid active control found recently to be necessary.

F. Publications and Information Resources Office (PIR).

The period of time from July 1 - September 30, 1989, saw many changes and continued activities for PIR. Dr. Jean Keppel was appointed manager of PIR from June 16 to July 31 when her resignation took effect. Recruitment for a new Public Information Officer continues.

In-house activities included supervising the production of a poster for the Astrophysics with Infrared Arrays Conference scheduled for February, 1990; ongoing operation of the office for media escort and visit arrangement duties; and steadily increasing sales from the Photo Collection. A partial visit and escort schedule for July 1 through September 30 is given below:

July 19 - E. Hardesty organized an interview with W. Livingston of NSO and tour of the McMath Solar Telescope on Kitt Peak for Dr. I. Dirmhirn, Director of the Institute of Meteorology in Vienna, Austria.

July 20 - J. Keppel accompanied KUAT-TV (U. of Arizona) and reporter K. Lamb to a shoot on Kitt Peak. A five-minute segment on the mountain aired July 28 on this station.

July 24 - KUAT-TV interview with W. Livingston of NSO arranged by A. Hiller.

July 26 - Tour and visit arranged by J. Keppel and the Mountain Visitors' Center for Dr. A. Sanchez and five graduate students of the Cananea Obs., Sonora, Mexico.

August 3 - E. Tronstad of the Norwegian science publication FACTA and F. Lemstad of the Norwegian Institute of Technology were escorted on a full day trip around Kitt Peak National Observatory and National Radio Astronomy Observatory telescopes by A. Hiller. Several downtown interviews and a tour of the mirror lab were also included on their itinerary.

August 28 ~ Arrangements were made for a videographer to accompany Dr. P. Shull an observer on the #2 0.9-m that night through "an astronomer's day." Also on August 28 a two-day shoot began with a crew of four from N.H.K. (Japan Public Broadcasting), escorted by A. Hiller,

21 concentrating on the McMath and solar issues for their series, "A Galactic Odyssey" scheduled for release in Japan this fall. August 29 - Tour arrangements with PIR enabled Dr. R. Solberg of the Norwegian Computer Center and 12 "Dark Sky Explorer" tour members to visit both Kitt Peak National Observatory and National Radio Astronomy Observatory facilities.

September 6 and 21 - Japan Television Workshop producer and director visited Kitt Peak with A. HiUer to work up details with technical staff of their mid-November shoot of a special originating on Kitt Peak for the twentieth anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing. September 27 and 28 - E. Hardesty and A. Hiller accompanied a five-person crew from KCET-TV (Los Angeles public television) on two-day shoot of their special, "The Astronomers" to be aired the fall of 1991.

22 TELESCOPE USAGE STATISTICS July - September 1989 Appendix A

Astronomica Observations Scheduled Maintenance, Engineering, Hours Instrument Tests, Scheduled Hours Used Hours Lost Equipment Changes, etc. Telescope Visitors Staff Weather Failure

4-m 1091.5 654.7 81.9 219.4 12.3 123.2

1.5-m 1013.3 500.6 135.6 260.5 10.0 106.6

1-m 682.2 360.0 88.5 192.4 8.5 32.8

CTIO 0.9-m 1016.1 638.2 51.5 307.7 3.0 15.7

*0.6/0.9-m 349.5 204.5 15.5 87.5 4.0 38.0

0.6-m 461.2 271.2 0 155.5 1.8 32.7

4-m 729.25 327.12 91.38 8.75 232.0 70.0

***2.1-m 178.25 79.75 11.75 86.75 0 0

CF 505.0 370.5 39.0 86.5 1.0 8.0

KPNO 1.3-m 399.75 214.0 0 127.87 8.38 49.5

#l-0.9-m 461.76 281.27 66.24 93.0 8.25 13.0

#2-0.9-m 248.26 163.81 13.45 50.0 15.0 6.0

Schmidt 194.0 79.59 71.91 16.0 6.5 20.0

Hilltop 2502.0 1183.0 345.0 904.0 70.0 0

Vac Tower 1034.0 342.0 169.0 472.0 51.0 0

Evans Fac 2133.0 528.0 347.0 1198.0 60.0 0

NSO **FTS Lab 468.0 149.0 12.0 55.0 4.0 248.0

**McMath 985.0 388.0 107.0 460.0 30.0 0

Vacuum 780.0 376.0 0 345.0 59.0 0

Fourier 390.0 312.0 0 78.0 0 0

Note: Scheduled hours are calculated according to the ephemerides for CTIO: July - 12.3 hours/night; August - 11.8 hours/night; September - 10.9 hours/night. * Use restricted to dark of the moon. ** Totals include both day and night hours. (All others are day only.) *** Open for July only - closed for renovation August and September.


July-August-September: Individual telescope assignments are listed below. Graduate Students arc indicated by an asterisk after their names. Nights assigned, (hours worked), and telescope used arc indicated. Service Observing programs are denoted by S.O. instead of nights assigned. C. Anguita and M.T. Rufz, U. de Chile: "CCD Parallaxes for Faint High Proper Motion Stars" 5(58)1.5-m.

C. Bailyn, J. Grindlay, and A. Cool*, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics, H. Conn and P. Lugger, Indiana U.: "Orbital Luminosity Variations of Low Mass X-ray Binaries," 4(32)4-m. J. Baldwin and M. Corbin*, Ohio State U.: "The QSO Population at Z = 2," 3(32)4-m.

T. Bergmann and C. Bonatto, U. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: "Extended Gas Emission in Nearby Seyfert 2 Nuclei," 5(16)0.9-m.

V. Blanco and B. Blanco, CTIO: "Accurate Photometry of Galactic Bulge RR Lyrae Stars" 2(16)0.9-m.

V. Blanco and D. Terndrup, CTIO: "Charting of Bulge Giants at b - -6° and -25° < / < +25°" 4(34)1.5-m.

M. Bolte and J. Hesser, Dominion Astrophysical Obs.: 1) "The Dynamical State of Low Concentration Clusters," 2) "A Definitive Determination of the Age Differences Among Globular Clusters," 4(47)4-m, 4(27)0.9-m.

H. Bond, ST Scl, and R. Ciardullo, KPNO: "CCD Photometric Monitoring of Planetary Nuclei" 10(89)0.9-m. M. Burbidge, D. Womble, and V. Junkkarinen, U. of California, San Diego: "A Study of Very Low QSO Absorption Systems," 3(18)4-m.

L. Campusano, U. de Chile, R. Clowes, Royal Obs., Edinburgh, S. Leggett, U.S. Naval Obs., Flagstaff, and A. Savage, UK Schmidt, Australia: "The Space Density of IRAS Ultraluminous Galaxies and their Relation to Quasars," 4(44)4-m.

B. Carney and L. Kellar*, U. of North Carolina: "The Age Spread Amongst Globular Clusters," 3(36)4-m, 4(31)0.9-m. J. Claria, U. de Cordoba, Argentina, D. Geisler, CTIO, and D. Minniti, U. of Arizona: "Washington and DDO Photometry of Open and Globular Clusters," 6(67) 1-m. A. Crotts, NASA Goddard SFC, and S. Heathcote, CTIO: "The Dynamics and Morphology of the Emission-line Nebula Surrounding SN 1987A," 3(14)4-m, 3(37)1.5-m. S. Demers, R. Coziol, G. Fontaine, F. Wesemael, and R. Lamontaigne, U. of Montreal, and M. Irwin and R. McMahon, Cambridge U.: "The Montreal-Cambridge-Tololo Survey," 12(77)MS. D. DePoy, CTIO and I. Gatley, NOAO: "Star-Formation in NGC 6334," 6(13)1.5-m.

1 D. DePoy, CTIO, M. Ward, Cambridge U., and M. Smith, Joint Astronomy Ctr., Hawaii: "3.5 urn Imaging of AGN," 3(34)4-m.

S. Djorgovski, Caltech: "A Search for Obscured Globular Clusters," 4(46)1.5-m.

0. Eggen, CTIO: "Star Photometry," 2(9)1.5-m.

D. Fabricant and J. McClintock, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics: "Galaxy Evolution in Distant, X-ray Selected Ousters of Galaxies," 3(34)4-m.

R. Fong and T. Shanks, U. of Durham: "The Evolution and Clustering of QSOs," 8(82)0.9-m.

M. Franx, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics, and G. fllingworth, U. of California, Santa Cruz: "Structure and Kinematics of Ellipticals," 3(8)4-m, 2(24)0.9-m.

J. Frogel, Ohio State U., and D. Terndrup, CTIO: "Deep IR Color-Magnitude Diagrams of the Nuclear Bulge," l(10)4-m.

F. Fusi Pecci, U. de Bologna, D. Terndrup, CTIO, R. Buonanno, U. de Bologna, F. Ferraro, ESO, and G. Clementini, U. de Bologna: "IR Photometry of Luminous Stars in Globular Clusters," 5(25)1.5-m.

E. Green, U. of Arizona, H. Morrison, Mount Wilson & Las Campanas Obs., and J. Norris, Yale U.: "The Age and Metallicity of the Thick Disk," 4(33)1.5-m, 3(36)l-m.

W. Hubbard, C. Porco, G. Rieke, and M. Rieke, U. of Arizona, J. Elias and B. Gregory, CTIO: "3 July 1989 Occultation of 28 Sgr by Saturn's Rings and Disk," l(8)4-m.

T. Kreidl, Lowell Obs.: "Rapid Photometry at Multiple Sites of the Pulsating Ap Star HD217522," 9(71)l-m.

W. Kunkel, Las Campanas Obs.: "Broadband Photometric Calibrations of Metal Deficient Cool Stars," 6(53)1-m.

C. Lacey, U. of Arkansas: "Apsidal Motion in Eclipsing Binaries," 14(92)0.6-m.

D. Lambert, U. of Texas, N. Kameswara Rao and S. Giridhar, Indian Inst, of Astrophysics: "The Chemical Composition of RCrB and H-poor Cool Carbon Stars," 4(43)4-m.

A. Landolt and M. Rao, Louisiana State U., "A Study of Selected Open Star Clusters," 5(13)0.9-m, 2(14)0.6.-m

A. Landolt and R. Light, Louisiana State U.: 1) "UBVRI Photometric Sequences I," 2) "UBVRI Photometric Sequences III," 8(28)1.5-m.

R. Mathieu and J. Cardelli, U. of Wisconsin, and N. Suntzeff, CTIO: "The Orbit of the Eclipsing Binary TY CrA," S.O.(27)l-m.

J. Maza, U. de Chile, F. Mirabel, Caltech, and M.T. Rufz, U. of Chile: "High S/N Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous IR Galaxies," 4(46)4-m. M. Mendez and J. Forte, U. de La Plata, Argentina: "Dust Clouds Within Globular Clusters," 3(34)1.5-m.

D. Meyer, Northwestern U.: "Probing the Small-Scale Structure of the ISM with Absorption-Line Observations of Binary Stars," 5(37)1.5-m.

D. Meyer, Northwestern U., and I. Hawkins, Lawrence Livermore National Lab.: "The Excitation of IntersteUar CN Toward HD 154368," 3(34)4-m. C. Neese, KPNO: "The Velocity Dispersion-Age Relationship in the Inner Galactic Disk," 3(30)4-m. P. Nisenson, M. Karovska, C. Papaliolios, and C. Standley, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics, and S. Heathcote, CTIO: "Speckle Imaging of SN 1987A," 2(16)4-m. R. Olowin, St. Mary's Coll., J. Huchra, Harvard Smithsonian Qr. for Astrophysics, and H. Corwin, U. of Texas: "Mean Cluster Redshifts and Velocity Dispersions for a Sample of Southern Abell Clusters," 4(44)4-m.

C. Pennypacker, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., J. Middleditch, Los Alamos National Lab., H. Marvin, T. Sasseen, C. Smith, R. Muller, S. Perlmutter, and D. Alvarez, Lawrence Berkeley Lab.: "Search for Pulsar in SN 1987A and Other Objects," 3(19)4-m.

C. Perry, Louisiana State U.: "HP Photometry of Olsen's Catalogue Stars," 10(35)l-m, 16(102)0.6-m.

M. Phidips, A. G6mez, M. Hamuy, S. Heathcote, J. Elias, G. Martin, M. Navarrete, N. Suntzeff, D. Terndrup, L. Wells, and R. Williams, CTIO: "Continuing Optical and Infrared Observations of SN 1987A in the LMC," 2(23)4-m, 9(52)1.5-m, 9(46)l-m, 6(35)0.9-m.

C. Pritchet, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp., and D. Hartwick, U. of Victoria: "Primeval Galaxies at Redshift 2," 3(30)4-m.

C. Pryor, Rutgers U., and J. Hesser and R. McClure, Dominion Astrophysical Obs.: "Has Dynamical Evolution Modified Mass Functions?," 4(38)4-m.

P. Puxley, U. of Hawaii, B. Gregory, CTIO, and M. Mountain, Royal Obs., Scotiand: 1) "The Distribution and Excitation of H2 Near Magellanic Cloud H II Regions," 2) Spatial Variation of H2 Excitation in NGC 253 and Other Southern Galaxies," 4(30)1.5-m.

R. Remillard, Massachusetts Inst, of Technology, and W. Roberts, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics: "The Completion of the Catalog of X-ray Sources from the HEAO-1 AU-Sky Survey," 9(65)MS.

J. Rose and R. Agostinho*, U. of North Carolina: "The Vertical Structure of Our Galaxy," 7(54)MS, 9(54)0.6-m.

B. Schaefer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr., H. Bond, ST Scl, P. Schmidtke, Arizona State U., A. Landolt, Louisiana State U., and M. Shara, ST Scl: "Orbital Periods of Recurrent Novae," 13(129)0.9-m.

M. Shara, R. Burg, C. Sturch, and L. Siciliano, and R. Lucas, ST Scl: "The Second Guide Star

3 Photometric Catalog," 4(39)0.9-m.

T. Steiman-Cameron, NASA Ames Research Ctr., J. Imamura, U. of Oregon, and J. Middleditch, Los Alamos National Lab.: "Millisecond Photometry of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries," 3(00)4-m, 3(19)1.5-m.

G. WaUerstein and J. Brown, U. of Washington: "CNO and Other Elemental Abundances in Selected Globular Clusters," 5(16)4-m.

S. Warren, U. of Arizona, P. Osmer, KPNO, and P. Hewett, Cambridge U.: "Spectroscopy of Multicolor-Selected Candidate High-Redshift Quasars (z > 2.2) and Rare Galaxies," 1.5(16)4-m.

S. Warren and J. Liebert, U. of Arizona, and P. Osmer, KPNO: "Spectroscopy of Two Very Faint Carbon Stars at High Galactic Latitude," 1.5(16)4-m, 2(19)0.9-m.

B. Whitmore and S. Zepf*, ST Scl: "How is the Dark Matter Stripped from Cluster Spirals?," 3(34)4-m, 5(61)1.5-m.

B. Wilking, U. of Missouri-St. Louis, and C. Lada, U. of California Berkeley, and E. Young, U. of Arizona: "YSOs Associated with IRAS Emission in the p Oph and R Cr A Dark Clouds," 6(94)1.5-m.

W. Wisniewski and L. Lebofsky, U. of Arizona, and E. Tedesco, Jet Propulsion Lab.: "The Physical Studies of 1580 Betulia," 7(69)0.9-m.


R. Millis and L. Wasserman: "Saturn Occultation of 28 Sgr," 3(ll)0.6-m.


A. Layden* and R. Zinn: " and Kinematics of Field RR-Lyrae Stars," 10(95)l-m.

T. Lydon* and R. Zinn: "The Horizontal Branch Morphologies of Globular Clusters," 7(44)0.9-m. A. Sarajedini* and G. Da Costa: "A Search for Blue Stragglers in Globular Clusters," 7(59)0.9-m. OBSERVATIONAL PROGRAMS APPENDIX B Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 1 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989 KITT PEAK NATIONAL OBSERVATORY Nights Hours Days Hours 7615 2 f89 H Abt, N Morrell, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Binary Frequency in the alpha Persei Cluster Coude Feed 2.00 19.00 0.00 0.00

7977 4 f89 M Allen, T Snow, Jr., University of Colorado CH+ Column Densities in Spectra of Reddened Stars Coude Feed 3.00 30.50 0.00 0.00

7690 2 s89 T Armandroff, National Optical Astronomy Observatories G Da Costa, R Zinn, Yale University Metallicities and Radial Velocities of Outer-Halo Globular. Nr. 1 0.9 meter 2.00 15.75 0.00 0.00

7966 2 f89 S Barden, T Armandroff, National Optical Astronomy Observatories C Pryor, Vanderbilt University The Frequency of Binary Stars in Globular Clusters 4 meter 3.00 28.00 0.00 0.00

7886 2 f89 J Brown, University of Washington H Johnson, Indiana University K Hinkle, National Optical Astronomy Observatories 10830 in MS/S Stars 4 meter 0.00 0.00 2.00 9.00

7842 9 f89 D Burstein, Arizona State University R Davies, University of Oxford G Wegner, Dartmouth College M Colless, University of Durham R McMahan, University of North Carolina E Bertschinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Elliptical Galaxies as Tracers of Non-Uniformities 1.3 meter 9.00 13.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 2 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989

Nights Hours Days Hours 7876 8 f89 H Bushouse, Northwestern University Spectral Properties of Interacting Galaxies Nr. 2 0.9 meter 1.00 9.50 0.00 0.00

7877 8 f89 H Bushouse, Northwestern University A Stanford, University of Wisconsin Near-Infrared Imaging of the ARP Atlas of Galaxies 1.3 meter 6.00 53.00 0.00 0.00

7978 7 f89 K Chambers, Johns Hopkins University W van Breugel, University of California, Berkeley G Miley, University of Leiden Lyman Alpha & Broad Band Imaging of z > 2 Galaxies 4 meter 3.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

7421 8 f89 R Ciardullo, National Optical Astronomy Observatories H alpha Observations of Novae in Local Group Galaxies Nr. 1 0.9 meter 2.00 20.50 0.00 0.00

7710 8 s89 R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Zaritsky, University of Arizona M Cornell, University of Texas, Austin CCD Atlas of Large Spiral Galaxies Burrell Schmidt 2.00 11.50 0.00 0.00

7800 8 f89 J Fischer, Naval Research Laboratory H Smith, Laboratory for Astrophysics M Greenhouse, Smithsonian Institution IR Line and Continuum Imaging of Starburst & Seyfert Galaxi 1.3 meter 6.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 3 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989

Nights Hours Days Hours 9089 0 s89 F Forbes, N0A0-ETS K Merrill, National Optical Astronomy Observatories A Kutyrev, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute Calibrate Russian Seeing Monitors Nr. 2 0.9 meter 1.00 8.50 0.00 0.00

7964 4 f89 J Fowler, Apache Point Observatory D York, L Hobbs, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. D Welty, University of Chicago B Penprase, Space Telescope Science Institute The Structure & Dynamics of Nearby Interstellar Clouds Coude Feed 5.00 48.00 0.00 0.00

9086 0 s89 M Franx, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Large Scale Velocity Flows in the Universe 2.1 meter 5.00 15.50 0.00 0.00 Nr. 1 0.9 meter 3.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

7923 2 f89 D Gies, J Sowell, Georgia State University G Peters, University of Southern California J Percy, University of Toronto D McDavid, University of Texas, San Antonio Multiwavelength Observations of Rapid Variability in Be Coude Feed 4.00 40.50 0.00 0.00

7722 2 s89 E Guinan, F Maloney, G McCook, M Reisenberger, C Ready, Villanova University Testing General Relativiity with Eclipsing Binary stars Coude Feed 2.00 15.00 0.00 0.00

7591 7 s89 J Halpern, K Chen, Columbia University Searching for Accretion Disk Line Profiles in AGNs 2.1 meter 5.00 37.75 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 4 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989 7861 2 f89 Nights Hours Days Hours S Howell, Planetary Science Institute P Szkody, University of Washington Time Resolved CCD Photometry of Halo (Pop II) Cataclysmic Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 20.00 0.00 0.00

9088 0 s89 D Hunter, Lowell Observatory Obtaining Optical Spectra for Classification of stars 2.1 meter 3.00 11.75 0.00 0.00

7984 7 f89 V Junkkarinen, T Barlow, University of California, San Diego Photometric Monitoring of Broad Absorption Line °-SOs Nr. 1 0.9 meter 1.00 11.00 0.00 0.00

7918 2 f89 J Kaluzny, M Shara, Space Telescope Science Institute S Rucinski, York University Hunting for Hibernating Cataclysmic Variables Nr. 1 0.9 meter 6.00 54.00 0.00 0.00

7987 9 f89 D Koo, University of California, Santa Cruz CCD Imaging of Luminous Arcs in z = 0.39 Cluster 4 meter 0.50 6.00 0.00 0.00

7988 9 f89 D Koo, University of California, Santa Cruz R Kron, S Majewski, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. J Tyson, Bell Laboratories U-Band Imaging of Very Faint Field Galaxies 4 meter 0.50 6.00 0.00 0.00

7735 7 s89 R Kron, S Majewski, J Munn, M Bershady, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. Complete Survey of Quasars to B = 22.5 4 meter 6.00 39.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 5 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989

Nights Hours Days Hours 7959 7 f89 R Kron, S Majewski, J Munn, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. M Bershady, University of Chicago D Koo, University of California, Santa Cruz A Complete Survey of Quasars to B = 22.5 4 meter 4.00 45.00 0.00 0.00

7789 2 f89 C Lacy, University of Arkansas Apsidal Motion and Eclipsing Binaries Coude Feed 5.00 50.00 0.00 0.00

7895 2 f89 D Lambert, V Smith, University of Texas, Austin Elemental and Isotopic CNO Abundances in O-Rich AGB Stars 4 meter 3.00 31.75 4.00 12.75

7571 10 f89 A Landolt, Louisiana State University UBV Photometry of stars useful for checking equipment Nr. 2 0.9 meter 4.00 28.75 0.00 0.00

7572 10 s89 A Landolt, Louisiana State University Broad-band Monitoring of Space Telescope Spectrophotometric 1.3 meter 3.00 22.50 0.00 0.00

9085 0 s89 A Layden, Yale University Metallicities and Kinematics of RR Lyrae Stars 2.1 meter 5.00 14.75 0.00 0.00

7725 6 s89 K Long, W Blair, Johns Hopkins University R Kirshner, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics P Winkler, Middlebury College Discovery of Young Supernova Remnants at the Site of •••- 4 meter 4.00 8.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 6 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989 7920 4 f89 Nights Hours Days Hours L Magnani, J Salzer, Arecibo Observatory A Search for MHD Shocks in Diffuse Molecular Clouds Coude Feed 6.00 48.00 0.00 0.00

7797 2 f89 B Margon, P Green, University of Washington The Nature of Highly Variable Galactic Plane Radio Sources 1.3 meter 6.00 47.00 0.00 0.00

7994 2 f89 L Marschall, G Karshner, Gettysburg College H Nations, Franklin & Marshall College BVRI Photometry of X-Ray Selected Late-Type Binary Stars Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 45.50 0.00 0.00

7059 2 f89 P Massey, T Armandroff, S Barden, National Optical Astronomy Observatories P Conti, University of Colorado The hot, massive stellar content of local group galaxies 4 meter 3.00 17.25 0.00 0.00

7794 2 f89 P Massey, T Armandroff, C Neese, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Ha Emission-line Stars in the Andromeda Galaxy Burrell Schmidt 5.00 47.00 0.00 0.00

9080 0 s89 P Massey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Wolf-Rayet Stars with Alledged Compact Companions Coude Feed 4.00 20.00 0.00 0.00

9087 0 s89 P Massey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories H-a Emission-Line Stars in M33 2.1 meter 3.00 11.75 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 7 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989 7579 2 f89 Nights Hours Days Hours H McAlister, W Hartkopf, W Bagnuolo, J Sowell, Georgia State University 0 Franz, Lowell Observatory Speckle Interferometry and Photometry 4 meter 5.00 33.50 0.00 0.00

7809 1 f89 T Morgan, A Potter, NASA Johnson Space Flight Center A Search for New Elements in the Lunar Atmosphere 4 meter 2.00 13.13 0.00 0.00

8006 1 f89 M Mumma, A Storrs, S Hoban, D Reuter, D Glenar, F Espenak, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center H Weaver, Space Telescope Science Institute H Larson, University of Arizona Investigation of the Hydrocarbon Composition of Comets 1.3 meter 3.00 31.00 0.00 0.00

7636 7 s89 P Osmer, A Porter, R Green, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Maraziti, Summer Student Colorimetry of High Redshift Quasars Nr. 1 0.9 meter 5.00 18.00 0.00 0.00

7897 2 f89 W Pesnell, New Mexico State University A Odell, Northern Arizona University Temperature Variations in BW Vulpeculae Coude Feed 3.00 16.00 0.00 0.00

7960 3 f89 R Peterson, University of Arizona R Lupton, University of Hawaii The Rotation and Abundance Ratios of Andromeda Globulars 4 meter 3.00 32.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 8 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989 7944 2 f89 Nights Hours Days Hours R Phelps, K Janes, Boston University An Investigation of Galactic Initial Mass Function Nr. 1 0-9 meter 7.00 65.00 0.00 0.00

9090 0 f89 C Pilachowski, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Spectra of Giants in the Globular Cluster Ml5 4 meter 2.00 13.12 0.00 0.00

7999 8 f89 A Porter, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Dust in Brightest Elliptical Galaxies in Rich Clusters Nr. 1 0.9 meter 4.00 24.00 0.00 0.00

8000 8 f89 A Porter, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Isophotometry of Large cD Halos Burrell Schmidt 3.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

8001 9 f89 A Porter, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Redshifts of New, X-Ray Luminous, Distant Clusters 4 meter 5.00 36.00 0.00 0.00

7762 2 s89 R Probst, I Gatley, S Ridgway, A Fowler, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Infrared Speckel Imaging of the 4 meter 7.00 7.50 0.00 0.00

7804 8 f89 L Reed, G Harris, University of Waterloo W Harris, McMaster University Refin-j Integrated BVR CCD Photometry of the Halo Globular Nr. 1 0.9 meter 6.00 46.75 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 9 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989 7843 2 f89 Nights Hours Days Hours P Schmidtke, Arizona State University J Africano, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Lunar Occultations of Double Stars Nr. 2 0.9 meter 2.00 15.50 0.00 0.00

7822 9 f89 J Schombert, University of Michigan K Rakos, Institut fur Astronomie Narrow Band Photometry of Distant Clusters 4 meter 3.00 10.50 0.00 0.00

7942 6 f89 P Shull, Jr., Oklahoma State University Optical Spectroscopy of High-Velocity Gas in Cygnus Loop Nr. 2 0.9 meter 4.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

7928 2 f89 M Slovak, University of Wisconsin The Mysterious 6830, 7088A Emission Bands in Symbiotic Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 68.50 0.00 0.00

7793 7 f89 H Spinrad, W van Breugel, M Dickinson, University of California, Berkeley P McCarthy, Mt. Wilson & Las Campanas Observatories Spectroscopy of High Redshift Radio Galaxies in PKS Selecte 4 meter 3.00 14.50 0.00 0.00

7833 8 f89 A Stanford, A Code, University of Wisconsin Probing Obscured Star-Forming Regions in Colliding Galaxies 1.3 meter 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.00

7963 6 f89 R Wagner, Ohio State University, Lowell Obs. L Molnar, University of Iowa Infrared Spectroscopy of Cygnus X-3 1.3 meter 4.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 07/01/89 - 09/30/89 Page 10 Thu Oct 12 13:13:56 1989

Nights Hours Days Hours 7837 2 f89 * C Watson, II, T Moffett, Purdue University R Kurucz, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cepheid Temperature Scale Coude Feed 7.00 40.50 0.00 0.00

7990 1 f89 P Wehinger, S Wyckoff, M Womack, Arizona State University B Peterson, Mt. Stromlo & Siding Spring Observatory Carbon Isotope Abundances as Tests of Chemical Evolution Coude Feed 12.00 82.00 0.00 0.00

7828 2 f89 E Weis, A Upgren, Wesleyan University Photometry of a Complete Sample of Nearby Stars Nr. 2 0.9 meter 7.00 19.50 0.00 0.00

7982 6 f89 P Winkler, T dinger, Middlebury College Wide-Field CCD Imaging of Galactic Supernova Remnants Burrell Schmidt 7.00 72.00 0.00 0.00

9083 0 s89 A Wolfe, University of Pittsburgh Probing the Transverse Size of a Damped Lya System 4 meter 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

7934 4 f89 D York, University of Chicago, Yerkes Obs. B Yanny, University of Chicago Search for Star Formation at z-1 4 meter 3.00 27.00 0.00 0.00


Nights Hours Days Hours

1023 R Altrock, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B003-Coronal Observations Evans Solar Facility/SP 91 124

1161 R Altrock, National Optical Astronomy Observatories R Harrison, D Sime, High Altitude Observatory S/B181-CoronalTransient Patrol Supts Evans Solar Facility/SP

1369 R Altrock, L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B224-Daily Solar Activity Reports for Solar Forecasting Evans Solar Facility/SP 45

1409 R Altrock, L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B246-Emission Line Coronal Photometer Program Supt Evans Solar Facility/SP

1212 P Bemath, C Brazier, L O'Brien, D Perera, M Lee, M Oliphant, L O'Brien, University of Arizona D Carrick, U.S. Air Force Astronautics Lab T/Spectroscopy of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest FTS 36 36

1355 B Bopp, P Noah, R Dempsey, University of Toledo T/Doppler "Snapshots" of UX Ari VII Tau and HD 199178 McMath Main 22 2-

1373 T Brown, High Altitude Observatory K Streander, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H027-J-Sunspots Fourier Tachometer 39 312

1465 D Bruning, University of Louisville S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics T/Line Asymmetries in Late-Type Dwarfs McMath Main 3 6V2

1382 M Darvann, University of Oslo R Dunn, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/T317-Adaptive Optics LEST Seeing Test Vacuum Tower/SP 7 60

1452 S Davis, M Abrams, University of California, Berkeley T/Transition Strengths of ZrO Bands FTS 3

1138 D Deming, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center T/Monitoring Apparent Velocity of Integrated Sunlight FTS 3 12

1389 D Dobson, National Solar Observatory/Sac Peak S/B233-Effect of Activity on SolarMetallicity Measurements Evans Solar Facility/SP 14

1441 J Eaton, Indiana University T/Balmer Lines in Zeta-AurigaeBinaries McMath Main 4 19

1483 P Foukal, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation, Inc. J Moran, Harvard-Smithsonian Centerfor Astrophysics S/B261-Electric Fields Evans Solar Facility/SP 15 -74 1448 M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Synoptic Studies of Ha in "Marginal" By Draconis Stars McMath Main 10 331/2

1461 M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Rotational Modulations of the He I D3 Line in Active.... McMath Main 1

1025 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B057-Monitoring: Community Evans Solar Facility/SP 62 118

1026 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B062-Coronagraph Monitor Evans Solar Facility/SP 53 g6

1034 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories K Strand, High Altitude Observatory S/H001-Flare Patrol (monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 92 622

1035 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H002-White Light Patrol (monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 92 535

1036 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H003-Multiple Bank Polarimeter (monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 26 165

1039 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/H008-White Light Sunspot Drawing Hilltop Dome/SP 92 77 4-

1126 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/BOlO-Ha Slitjaw Movie Evans Solar Facility/SP

1169 L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/B007-USG/Disk Activity Program Evans Solar Facility/SP

1226 L Goad, K Merrill, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Adaptive Optics McMath Main

1463 E Guinan, G McCook, F Maloney, Villanova University M Richards, University of Virginia T/Synoptic Gas Dynamics Accretion Surface Activity and ... McMath Main 5'/2

1489 D Haber, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/T338-Public Information Photography of Tower Vacuum Tower/SP 11

1386 J Harvey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/General Community Support - Non-Synoptic Solar Vacuum 29

3790 J Harvey, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Vacuum Synoptic Program:Daily/Community Solar Vacuum 91 347

1468 P Judge, R Stencel, A Brown, J Linsky, M Cuntz, University of Colorado D Luttermoser, University of Indiana T/Cycle DependentStudies of Semi RegularGiant Stars McMath Main 48 5-

1504 S Keil, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S/T337-Solar Dynamics Vacuum Tower/SP 15 89

1305 S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S. S/B205-Spectroheliograms, CaK Ha Evans Solar Facility/SP 6 4

1490 S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S. S/T339-UBF Analysis of Solar Limb Phenomena Vacuum Tower/SP 13 78

1505 S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S. S/H033-Mirror Advanced Coronagraph II, 15 cm mirror Hilltop Dome/SP 8

1149 W Livingston, L Wallace, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Solar Irradiance Line Bisectors FTS 5 24

1209 W Livingston, L Wallace, National Optical Astronomy Observatories M Steffen, Kiel University T/Spectrum Irradiance Variability of Sun McMath Main 9 65

1451 D Luttermoser, University of Indiana J Linsky, University of Colorado T/Chromospheric Spectral Features and the Circumstellar.... McMath Main 9 48

1135 P Mcintosh, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin.,Boulder L Gilliam, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Marquett, California Institute of Technology S/B001-NOAA Monitoring Program Evans Solar Facility/SP 92 124 6-

1136 1 H Neckel, Hamburger Sternwarte D Labs, Landesstemwarte Heidelberg D Marquett, California Institute of Technology T/FTS Spectra McMath East 6 8'A

1150 H Neckel, Hamburger Sternwarte D Labs, Landesstemwarte Heidelberg T/Limb Darkening McMath Main 6 26'A

1331 J Neff, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center T/Ca II K Spectral Images of RS CVM Systems McMath Main 5 191/2

1462 J Neff, S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics T/TiO Bandhead Measurements of Starspots Area and Temp.. McMath Main 6 1

1183 D Neidig, NSO/AFGL/SP S/H019-Flare Spectra Support Hilltop Dome/SP 7 34

1412 D Neidig, NSO/AFGL/SP A Kiplinger, B Dennis, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center S/T323-Coordinated Optical & SMM Hard Xray Observations.... Vacuum Tower/SP 24 154

1433 D Neidig, NSO/AFGL/SP S/H032-SMM Backup for Sept 88 Hilltop Dome/SP 5 22

1464 G Peters, University of Southern California M Smith, National Optical Astronomy Observatories H Henrichs, University of Amsterdam J Percy, University of Toronto T/Multi-Wavelength Observations of 28 Cygni McMath Main 3 13 •7-

1235 A Pierce, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Solar Gravitational Redshift McMath Main 15 43

1406 5 A Potter, T Morgan, NASA Johnson Space Flight Center T/Studies of Exospheric Emission Lines in the Lunar.... McMath Main 6 33

1390 R Radick, National Solar Observatory S/B234-Effect of Activity on Stroingren Color Indices Evans Solar Facility/SP 16 46

1373 D Righini, Universita degli Studi Firenze T/Line Profile Variations Induced by Acoustic Gravity Modes McMath Main 3 5

1473 D Righini, Universita degli Studi Firenze T/LineProfile Variations Induced by Acoustic Gravity... FTS 3 5

1364 D Rust, D Duncan, Johns Hopkins University S/B171-Filter Alignment and Tuning Evans Solar Facility/SP 5 15

1425 S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics J Linsky, University of Colorado T/A Survey of Magnetic Fields on G and K Stars McMath Main 3 20

1426 S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Centerfor Astrophysics J Linsky, University of Colorado M Giampapa, National Optical Astronomy Observatories T/Synoptic Observations of Magnetic Fields on G & K Stars McMathMain 10 27 -8

1251 E Seykora, East Carolina University S/B 191-Investigation of Very Low Contrast White Solar Evans Solar Facility/SP 2

1486 E Seykora, East Carolina University S/B264-Engineering test of Small Lensless Interforometer... Evans Solar Facility/SP 12 76

1491 G Simon, NSO/AFGL/SP S/T340-Magnetoconvection of an Active Region Vacuum Tower/SP 13 71

1418 K Sivaraman, Indian Institute of Astrophysics S/T329-Evershed Flow in Unipolar Sunspots at High Temporal. Vacuum Tower/SP 8 28

1037 R Smartt, National Solar Observatory/SP S/H004-Coronal One-Shot (monitoring) Hilltop Dome/SP 11 23

1053 M Smith, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center T/Radial Velocity Variations of Alpha Ori and Two other.... McMath Main 6 IOV2

1420 M Smith, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center T/Spectral Transients Related to Be Activity in X Eridan McMath Main 4 7

1446 G Wahlgren, Goddard Space Flight Center T/Synoptic Ha and Call K-line Observations of RV Tauri.. McMath Main 9 3072

1470 W Whaling, California Institute of Technology T/Fel Transition Probabilities FTS 3 48 -9-

1210 O White, Lazy FW Ranch T/Sun as a Star: Ca II Profile Measurements McMath Main 18

1479 B Woodgate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center R Smartt, L Gilliam, NSO/SP S/B257-Limb Hares 8070a+-300A Evans Solar Facility/SP

1024 E Worden, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory S Keil, NSO/AFGL/SP S/B044-Solar Rotation 3989 - 3954 A Evans Solar Facility/SP 65 146

1457 J Zirker, NSO/SP M Darvann, University of Oslo S Koutchmy, C.N.R.S. S/T332-Prominence Motions Vacuum Tower/SP 20 Total number of proposals: 67