24-Inch Reflector, University of Toronto, Las Campanas, Chile

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24-Inch Reflector, University of Toronto, Las Campanas, Chile Globular Clusters Photographed with the University of Toronto's 24-inch reflector at the Las Campanas Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Chile (1971-1991) NGC 288 .... 2 NGC 6093 ... 39 NGC 6535 ... 63 NGC 362 .... 3 NGC 6121 ... 40 NGC 6539 ... 64 NGC 1261 .... 5 NGC 6171 ... 41 NGC 6544 ... 65 NGC 1851 .... 6 NGC 6218 ... 47 NGC 6569 ... 66 NGC 1904 .... 7 NGC 6235 ... 48 NGC 6626 ... 67 NGC 2298 .... 8 NGC 6254 ... 49 NGC 6638 ... 69 NGC 2808 .... 9 NGC 6273 ... 50 NGC 6642 ... 70 NGC 4372 ... 11 NGC 6284 ... 51 NGC 6652 ... 71 NGC 4590 ... 12 NGC 6287 ... 53 NGC 6656*... 72 NGC 4833 ... 16 NGC 6293 ... 54 NGC 6712 ... 73 Omega Cen .. 17 NGC 6333 ... 55 NGC 6717 ... 74 NGC 5286 ... 24 NGC 6342 ... 56 NGC 6864 ... 75 NGC 5634 ... 25 NGC 6356 ... 57 NGC 6981 ... 76 NGC 5694 ... 26 NGC 6362 ... 58 NGC 7089 ... 77 IC 4499* ... 27 NGC 6401 ... 60 NGC 7099 ... 78 NGC 5897 ... 29 NGC 6402 ... 61 NGC 7492 ... 79 NGC 5904 ... 32 IC 1276 ... 62 For each observation, the following information is listed: plate number, date, Greenwich Mean Time of the beginning and end of the exposure (or GMT at mid-exposure and exposure time in minutes), and Julian date at the time of mid-exposure. *Some of the plates of IC 4499 (numbers 1020-1073 on page 27) and some of the NGC 6656 plates (numbers 1406-1457 on page 72) were obtained with the Swope 40-inch reflector on Las Campanas. These plates have all been returned to the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, California. NGC 288 19 72 875 Aug. 30/ 31 7 15 7 35 41560 . 809 899 Sept .172 7 30 7 50 62 .819 919 1! 97 10 7 45 8 05 70 . 830 865 Aug. 167 17 7 23 7 53 46 . 818 19 73 986 Jan . 2/ 3 1 24 1 44 41685 .565 993 it 3/ 4 1 05 1 25 86 .552 1006 " 4/5 1 12 1 32 87 .556 1015 it 5/ 6 1 09 1 29 88 .555 1017 " 11 8 1 15 1 35 90 .559 1019 n 8/ 9 1 14 1 34 91 .558 1032 " 9/10 1 12 1 32 92 .557 1047 it 11712 1 47 2 07 94 .581 1055 " 12713 1 30 1 50 41695 .569 1068 n 137 14 1 31 1 51 96 .570 1077 ii 14715 1 56 2 16 97 .588 1085 n 16/ 17 1 22 1 42 99 .564 1093 n 187 19 1 06 1 26 41701 .553 o 6Z9- H H 99£Z 119- 11 11 S9£Z Z6S'9£ £Z/3Z „ 179£Z 66S" S£ Z 01 Z a H 8S£Z T8£'l7£l73l7 90 Z 9^7 I IZ/OZ-UBT 9S£Z S£6I OZ £*rS-38 3D I o SLAL izrt 66S' ££ Z £1 Z 11 11 99£I GSS'6£ OZ SZ LO ZL/LL £0^ OSS £80Z17 SO Z £17 I 11 11 S96I St7S'8£S 03 SO L 0 LL/OL '-JEW 16££ 09S £8 9£ I 91 I £/l7 11 179£I 8£6L 6£S' 170 z ^ I £/Z 11 IS£T £19' 9S Z 9£ Z E/3 11 OS£I £19 "3£ 17Z 617 Z 0 Z6Z£ OSS' 18 ZZ I ZO I E/3 11 em S£S'OS OZ 817 I 0 S8£Z SI9" 9S Z 9£ Z 3/1 H 6££I ^7l£' 6^££ OZ 80 S 8£Z£ 96S' 8Z Z 80 Z z/i 11 8££I ££61 99S' 08 S^7 I SZ I Z/I • q.3,3: 17££I £89' OZ n 17 a 11 9Z17Z i7Z9- 80 £ 817 Z U ii 6Z£I 9£9' OZ 91 £ n a SZ17Z 809' £17 Z SZ Z u 11 8Z£I ! 819 ' OZ OS Z n a 17Z17Z £8S' 60 Z 6^7 I 11 n £Z£I i 109 ' OZ 9Z -3 u n £Z17Z S9S' 1717 I 173 I 11 u 9Z£I Z£S' OZ 17 17 I a n ZZ17Z 9i7S- 6£ 91 I 9S 01 q^iL/I£ 11 SZ£I ^SS' OZ 81 I n u 13^3 LI9' 8S Z 8£ Z 0£/6Z n i7Z£I 8£S'6i7 03 SS 0 9/S „ OZ17Z 88S- £1 Z £S I 0£/6Z 11 £Z£I : 069' OZ 17E 17 H u 17T173 £9S' LL 0^7 I OZ I 0£/6Z 11 ZZ£I : Z179 " OZ S3 £ a u ET173 OZ9" £0 £ £17 Z 6Z/8Z 11 LI LI ; 9Z9" OZ 10 £ n a 3T173 £6S" 0£ Z 01 Z 6Z/8Z n 91 LI 019 ' OZ 8£ Z n a TT173 ££S' 10 I 1^7 0 6Z/8Z n 51 LI ', S£S' OZ 817 I 11 n 01173 SSS' 9LOZ1? 6Z 0 60 0 63/8Z u 17T£I 8SS" OZ £Z I n n 6Q17Z 8Z9' 17 1 '£ 17£ Z £Z/9Z H £0£I : Zi7S-8i7 OZ 00 I £/l7 n 8Q17Z 809' 917 z 9Z Z £Z/9Z n 90£I i 8I£ ' £ 17^17 0£ j 17T S n u ^Ol7Z Z6S' ^L £Z Z £0 Z LZ/9Z n SO£I I Z£9' OZ £0 17 n n £Q17Z 8Z9' 17! £ ^S Z 9Z/SZ H 6691 : 9S9' OZ 1717 £ 11 11 ZQ17Z 96S- 8Z Z 80 Z 9Z/SZ n 8691 I 6£9' OZ OZ £ n u TQ17Z 8£S' ££ ZO Z Z^ I 9Z/SZ u £691 176S" OZ SI Z u u OO^Z 0179- IE £ II £ SZ/17Z n Z69I 9£S' OZ 617 I n u 66£Z 66S- Z£ Z 31 Z SZ/17Z 11 1691 9SS'£i7 0£ IZ I l7/£ '1^3. 86£Z Z9£- Z£ 6£ I 61 I SZ/^Z 11 0691 £Z£ • OZ IZ S u n Z6££ 199* ZO 17 Zi7 £ i7Z/£Z u 8891 £0£' 03 ZS 17 11 11 I6£Z £6S- I£OZ17 6Z Z 60 Z 17Z/£Z • UBf £891 £89' 03 6Z 17 n n 06£Z 17£ 61 9S9- OZ 1717 £ 11 H 68£Z 66S' 917 Z£ Z 31 Z 0£/6Z 11 I89T 0179 • OZ IZ £ 11 11 88£Z I8S' 9170Z^7 £0 Z £17 I 0£/6Z •AOJS 0891 £Z9' OZ 9S 3 11 H £8£Z 8£S' IO£Ii7 ZO Z 317 I 61/81 11 17601 I8S' 6£i7Zi7 OZ 9S I 9Z/SZ „ 98£Z 176£' 66 SZ Z SO Z £1/91 n 9801 dxa tftguBBUi ':. 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Plate Year/Da.te MidUT Exp J.D. ^ 1981 4578 June 06 0734 20 44761 .815 5076 Feb.28/Mar.1 0140 20 45029 -569 1 1 4579 0757 20 .831 5077 0240 20 .611 4580 11 0836 20 .858 5090 Mar. 01/02 0041 20 30 .528 4581 11 0859 20 .874 5091 ! I 0140 20 -569 4582 11 0926.50 20 .893 5092 0240 20 .611 4583 ii 0949 20 -909 5104 02/03 0043 20 31 • 530 4584 07 0635 26 62-774 5105 0140 20 -569 4585 11 0701 20 -792 5106 0240 20 .611 4586 1 1 0725- 50 20 .809 4587 ii 0758 20 .832 4588 1 1 0820 20 .847 4589 ii 0842 20 .863 4590 11 0912.50 20 .883 4591 M 0934.50 20 -899 4592 11 0956 20 .914 4593 07/08 0627 26 63 -769 4594 1 1 0735 20 .816 4595 1 1 0840 20 .861 4596 1 1 0955 20 • 913 4597 08/09 0628 26 64-769 4598 11 0734 22 .815 4599 11 0840 20 .861 4600 1 1 0952 20 .911 r~M603 09/10 0638.50 24 65 • 777 "v_- 4604 11 0807 20 .838 4605 11 0952 20 • 911 4606 12/13 0630 20 68• 771 4607 1 1 0805 24 .836 4608 11 1003- 50 24 .919 4609 13/14 0627 24 69 -769 4610 1 1 0732 20 .814 4611 1 1 0843 20 .863 4612 1 1 0955 20 -913 4615 14/15 0849 20 70 .867 4616 1 1 0925 20 .892 4617 ii 1000 20 • 917 4827 26/27 0728 24 82 .811 4911 July 09/10 0711.50 20 95 -799 4912 " 0759- 50 20 -833 4913 11 0857- 50 20 -873 4914 " 0952 20 -911 1982 5048 Feb.
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