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MELISSA CEFKIN MARTHA COTTON ORGANIZERS The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) is pleased to welcome you to this third annual Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference. NAPA is a section of the American Anthropological Association and supports the work of practicing anthropology by helping practitioners refine their skills, develop their careers, and market their services. Dennis Wiedman, Florida International Univ – President Madelyn Iris, Council of Jewish Elderly – Past President Mary Odell Butler – President-Elect Christine Miller, Savannah Coll of Art and Design – Secretary Mark Curchack, Arcadia University – Treasurer Laurie Price, California State Univ – East Bay Kendall Thu, Northern Illinois Univ Elizabeth Nanas, Wayne State Univ The American Anthropological Association, the primary professional society of anthropologists in the United States since its founding in 1902, is the world's largest professional organization of individuals interested in anthropology. Setha M Low, City Univ New York - President Virginia Dominguez, Univ Illinois – President Elect Dan Segal, Pitzer Coll - Secretary Ed Liebow, Battelle - Treasurer Florence Babb, Univ Florida Theodore Bestor, Harvard Univ Charles Briggs, Univ California - Berkeley TJ Ferguson Monica S. Heller, Univ Toronto Jennifer Jackson, Univ Toronto Thomas L Leatherman, Univ South Carolina Ellen Lewin, Univ Iowa Sally Engle Merry, New York Univ Gwendolyn Mikell, Georgetown Univ Deborah L. Nichols, Dartmouth Coll Katherine Spielmann, Arizona State Univ American Anthropological Association 2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600 • Arlington, VA 22201 phone 703/528-1902; fax 703/528-3546 i Introduction to the EPIC 2008 Proceedings: The Fourth Annual Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference 2008 marks a special year for the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference – we are delighted to be hosting this, the fourth annual EPIC conference, outside the US for the first time,.
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