OSPREY’S NEW BIKE PACK | MURKY ExCURSION RECAP | CALENDAR OF SUMMER AND FALL RACES AUGUST 2012 VOLUME XXI NO. 9 VERMONT CVTSPORTS.COM SPORT S HIKE THE WHITES! 4 Hikes in New Hampshire Divas and Bellas GirLS MEET MTB 5K RACING TOWARD ACCESSIBILITY MAKE THE MOST OF Summer FREE (REALLY!) NEW EnGLAND’S OUTDOOR MAGAZINE Sports Concussion 101: Keeping Our Athletes Safe Includes educational workshop and baseline testing For athletes of all ages, parents of athletes, coaches, school nurses, and athletic trainers. Education Workshop: Sports medicine experts discuss when to pull a player out of game, when to see a doctor, concussion symptoms, neurocognitive testing, and more. Baseline Testing: During the workshop, athletes aged 11-65 can complete a balance test and a baseline test using the industry standard ImPACT® testing software. Baseline testing is crucial in the event of a future concussion. Two workshop dates available – choose a one-hour session: Saturday, August 11 Sessions: 8 AM, 9 AM, 10 AM Tuesday, August 14 Sessions: 5 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM All sessions held in Auditorium A-B at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. Workshops are free; baseline testing is $15 per person. Space is limited. Registration deadline is one day prior to each workshop. To register, call (603) 650-8867 or email
[email protected]. SPORTS MEDICINE Find out more at dhsports.org. VERMONT SPORTNEW EnGLAND’S OUTDOOR MAGAZINES PUBLISHER & EDITOR Sky Barsch Gleiner C
[email protected] ArT DirECTION & PrODUCTION Shawn Braley C
[email protected] ADVERTISinG SALES Greg Meulemans C
[email protected] | (802) 366-0689 READER ATHLETE EDITOR Phyl Newbeck C
[email protected] GEAR AND BEER EDITOR Josh Gleiner C
[email protected] CALENDAR EDITOR Aimee Alexander THIS MONTH’S CONTribUTinG WriTERS Sophia Barsalow, Lisa Densmore, John Morton, Phyl Newbeck A hiker relaxes on Franconia Ridge.