Y, Guaymi Indians. + "1 Did Skin Grafts With
REDIUNAL OFFICES ATLANTA Walker L. Knight, Editor, 161 Spring Street, N.W., Atlanta, &or& 303 03, Telephone (404) 523-2593 DALLM R. T. McCa+tney, Edltm, 103 Bllptid Building, Dallas, Texas 75 201, Telephone (214) RI 1-1996 WAIBHINQTUN W. Blang Gm~att,Bdltw, 200 Mmyhd Am., NJ., Wachington, D.C. 20002, Telebhons (202) 5ff.4226 May 29, 1967 BUREAU BAPTlIST UUNDAY HCHOOL BOARD Lynn M. Dav* Jf., Chief, 127 Ninth Am., N., Noshvills, Tenn. 37203,, Telephonr (615) 254-1631 FANNING SAYS SBC IiAY DIE WITHOUT INTEGRATION By Roy Jcnnings FIIL.Il BEACH (BP)- he Southern Baptist Convcntion will die unless its churches open their docrs to all races and church members becomc concerned about the necds of people, Buckner Fanning, a San Antonio, Tox., pastor, prcdictcd bcre, In an address to the Southern Baptist Pastors1 Conference, Fanning, 41-year-old pastor of San Antonio's Trinity Baptist Church, called Ear an cxprcssion cf Christian love , which would find church mcmbers involved as Christians on a personal level in all of the f activities of their community. Speaking on the strafegy of penetrztion, Fanning told how his church had turned from the traditional approach of inspiration to one of action, then made this prediction: "Unless our churches become placcs of worship where people of all raccs and classcs meet togcther in Chri~tthrough worship and fellowship; unleos we becomc great springs of new life flowing out from our sanctuaries into the hot parched prairies of hurucn nccd; unless we Baptiats experience a change of attitude and a change in direction, then we too will pass into the graveyard of denominations., .
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