Ellsworth American : October 20, 1920
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t Cllr.stwtii~ ~ Stmerfran. »» «c»i»c»irnoi» r Y\TT pbice. $2oc PRR TB._ ----——___ V KNTBBKD A8 IBOOND- OLA88 MATTER | ik ELLSWORTH, 1 WEDNESDAY 1 —_____'< MAINE, OCTOBER 20 1920. \T -—-----_-_-- AFTERNOON, J TUB KX. 1,8 WORTH POfcTOFFlCR. I O. *T-£. Herman E. Hill has purchased a LOCAL AFFAIRS farm at West Gardiner and, with Liberty National Bank Mrs. Hill, expects to move there next week. ^. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 13 OF ELLSWORTH John Silvy was arraigned in the Ellsworth municipal court this r TO J. A. Haynes. morning, charged with refusing to SERVE YOU WELL Legal Notices. stop his car at command of an offi- Alley’s Market. cer. He was fined $1 and costs, and Constant* Aim nml to J I give you the Arlington Training School. appealed. i | banking support your funds _ hank Classified deserve, your should have at its instant call and ! Advertisements. Friends of Mrs. Moses Mayo, one ns this Hancock County Savings Bank. of Ellsworth’s venerable old It is the disposal, bank has, the facilities of the and ladies, eonstant.nim of the Union 'frost to largest regret to learn of the accident Company V stroneest organization in the that make banking world-the Federal befel her this morning, when she fell ample provision for the requirements of its with its SCHEDULE OF MAILS. System, Two Billion Dollars of cash from a chair, fracturing her nose customers and supply every facility for the Ellswortk I’oatofllrr- and receiving other bruises. prompt, It is understood that counsel for accurate and convenient transaction of their We pny 4 per rent, tor banking Snrlnga, Inter, Alden V. Carter, who is under in- business. 11 ent begin. monthly, MAILS RECEIVED ('keeking Ac- dictment for setting fire to a wood- eotsntn, 3 rent, per on *»«0 nnd From West—6.47 a. in 1 LI over, m„ 4.31 p. m. pile West Ellsworth, will file a r, Your account is invited 2Vh per rent, on flO.OOt) nnd over. In. From East—11.11 a. m., 6.27 p. m. petition to have him committed to tere.t rredlled W the at — monthly. rite or enll. MAILS CLOSE AT POSTOFFICE. hospital Bangor for observa- tion as to his sanity. Going West—10.40 a. 6 ONLY FEDERAL m„ p. m. Mrs. Julia Niccolls, who has U Capital,[$100,000 Surplus and RESERVE MEMBER BANK IN Going East—6.16 a. 4 m. Profits, $150,000 111 m., p. spent the summer here, left to-day for Summit, N. J., for the winter. Assets, ELLSWORTH_j Sunday arrives from West at 8.16 a. She was $2,500,000 accompanied as far as i m.; closes for West at 4.60 p. m. No Portland by Miss Elvira mail East Austin, Sunday. who has spent the summer in Ells- Reglttsred mall should bs at post- worth. office n half an hoar before mall closes. Augusta, wife of Wellington Has- iam. died at IMonTrustCdmpany her home on Birch I avenue this WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. noon, after a long ill- ness. EllswortixMaine Mrs. Hasiam was seventy- [j| of four years of age. She had a wide For Week Ending at Midnight Tnrsday circle of friends in Ellsworth and Oct. 19, 1920. neighboring towns. She leaves be- sides her husband one I From observations taken at daughter, Prices are Lower in this the uowei Miss Cash Store station of the Har Harbor A Union River Alice Hasiam of Ellsworth. Here it a lUt showing the discount from the rower C'o., in rillnworth. Precipitation in The funeral will be held at the home highest given in inches for the hours war we were twenty-four Friday afternoon at 2 prices obliged to charge ending at o’clock. midnight.J Ellsworth's Weather night school has been Precip- abandoned. Rice, Temperature conditions itation Only twenty-two regis- pound, * 15 This is a 20 per cent, reduction tered. and several of "these were 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon boys who might, if Wed they chose, be VENISON 43— 67— ON clear clear SALE Rolled Oats in bulk, pound, attending the regular sessions of the .6 1*2 Thurs 47- 68- fair This is a 13 per cent, reduction fair high school. Supt. of Schools Stev- Fri 45— 58— clear fair ens decided that the interest shown Coffee, cn Hat 44 53— rain 21 Superba pound, cloudy .05 was not sufficient to warrant the THURSDAY, OCTOBER This is a 9 cent, reduction Hun 51— 57— cloudy fair work per and expense involved, and so .Mon 48 60- clear fair the night school has been abandoned. -AT_ Golden Rod Coffee, Tues .53— 68- fair pound, * 45 fair The Ellsworth woman’s club last This is a u per cent, reduction evening entertained the teachers of Granulated the Ellsworth public schools and Sugar, pound, " The Thursday club will meet ,14 this the husbands of members at the This is a 50 per cent, reduction week with Mrs. Luther A. Leach. home of Mrs. Luther A. Leach. ALLEY’S MARKET Lenox Soap, bar Mrs. Alice Emery left yesterday Mrs. L. F. Giles, vice-president of *,Q5 for This is a 15 per cent, reduction Milton, Mass., for the winter. the club, in the absence of the Miss M. Fresh Luman Woodruff was at home president, A. Greely, wel- Caught Haddock, Western Lowney’s Cocoa, bulk, pound, ,30 from Bowdoin college for the week- comed the guests of the evening. This is a 15 per cent, reduction end. Principal Elkins of the high school and Native responded, and made Beef, all Cuts Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, Miss Bertha Barbour of Foxcroft interesting package, .1$ Is her remarks. There were solos by This is a 11 per cent, reduction visiting aunt, Mrs. W. A. Alexander. Miss Erva Giles. The evening was spent Lamb, Veal, Pork, Ham, Fresh Pork Clarence socially. Refreshments were Sausage, Kellogg’s Cornflakes, package. .12 12* Spillane of Ellsworth served. This is a 22 per cent, reduction picked nearly a cup of wild Pickled raspber- The body of Cecil Hodgdon, who Frankfurts, Pigs Feet, Tripe ries Sunday. died of Walnuts, in the shell, pneumonia while in the ser- * *5 Mrs. J. Q. Adams and Miss Helen vice with the This is a 22 per cent, reduction army of occupation in Adams left Friday for Newtonville, Germany, arrived here Saturday CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND RAW FURS Climax for the Coffee, pound, ,39 Mass., winter. afternoon, and was interred with The honors This is an s per cent, reduction high school football team military in Woodbine ceme- It is the fine will Sullivan tery Sunday afternoon. drinking qualities of this coffee that makes it so play high at Wyman There park afternoon were prayers at the grave Rev. popular. Let us prove it to you. Saturday at 2.30. by 151 Main Ellsworth G. T. Jones. Members of Frank E. Street, OUR PRICES WERE THE LAST TO CO AND Mr. and Mrs Roger L. Higgins UP. THE FIRST Whitmore post, American are receiving congratulations on Legion, TO COME DOWN acted as escort. Mr. the birth of a Barbara Hodgdon was daughter about Fullerton, born Saturday. twenty-five years of age. He was a son of Mrs. George Haskell, Eddington Man Accidentally Killed by Cambridge, Mass., struck • The woman’s alliance of the Uni- who by being by moved here last spring from Wife. a -AT1 tarian church will meet with train. She was near the gate whea Mrs. Eden. Ernest HAYNES^ C. Leach, aged thirty years, the train came in. E. E. Rowe Thursday afternoon. The gate-tender Congressman John A. Peters left of East Eddington, was in A large attendance Is desired. instantly trying to save her, received injurie* Monday on a tour In the killed last ■^osK^n^Carr^^Cirocer^^l^wort^_J speaking Wednesday afternoon, when from which he died in a few hours. Mrs. J. H. 1.eland. Mrs. R. presidential in New a rifle of Jj campaign Hamp- small calibre, in the hands of Mrs. Gott had been in h Goodwin and Misses Annie shire and poor rnIfh Gray northern New York state. his wife, was accidentally for the -. discharged. past year, and was living with and Delia Hopkins, all Past Grands, He spoke last night at Keene. N. Mr. and Mrs. jf1 H., Leach, with a young man her brother, O. M. Saunders. She attended the Rebekah assembly In with U. S. Senator H. Moses had George neighbor, gone to the woods near leaves another brother, Alvin J„ <*£ Bangor yesterday. of that state, a candidate re- their home to for hunt partridges, and had this place, and a election. sister, Mrs. Frank Mrs. A. E. Moore left Thursday for Senator Moses, by the stopped to load their guns when Mrs. Pratt of D, a Portland. E. New York for a way, is native of Maine. He was Leach’s rifle was in Linnehan’s short visit with some her way dis- Garage son horn at where his The -0- Hoyt. From there she will go to Eastport, father, charged. bullet struck her hus- AGENT FOR a prominent band in the Longmont. Co!., to spend the winter Congregational clergy- back, and he fell dead. Fire at South Brooksville. with her son Ernest. man. was located. Congressman *_^ Peters The house of G. N. Littlefield «t Walter J. will speak in New Hampshire Former OrLnnd Woman Killed. Clark, jr., left Monday South Brooksville was and all the rest of this week, and all burned, with Uodge Cadillac Cars, Miller Tires for a ten-days’ business trip to Port- North Orland, Oct.