FEBRUARY 1919 Published by the West Virginia Collegiate Institute Institute, W
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THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY -~:-~~~ I I ) FOR FEBRUARY 1919 Published By The West Virginia Collegiate Institute Institute, W. Va. II II THE iNSTITUTE MONTHLY 3 me, due to the fact that I hav~ French. We had French equip- The Institute Monthly moved about so much, and also ment and were really a part of the Entered as second-cJassmatter. January 29.1914. at the post-office at Institute, West Vir- have changed regiments since I French Army. This lasted for six ginia. under the act of Marh 3. 1879_ wrote you. months with me. We left the Vol. 11 FEBRUARY 1919 No.4 Your letter was very newsy and Argonne front and went to Verdun, I enjoyed it very much. To give where we fought all summer. In you a bit of my experience here, I September we started south for shall go back to the start. Sailed rest, but did not go far until we from Newport News, Va., April were turned back to take part in EDITORIALS 24,1918, on U. S. Ship Hancock, the great drive of September 25th. 35 officers 1200 men. On the We met the enemy on the Cham- HE last session of the scope of Negro education generally morning of May 4, we struck the pagne front and went over the top West Virginia Legis- and benefited the colored State Azores Island, a Portugese posses- at 11:00 P .M. That was the first T lature has become a Schools especially. sion about 1,000 miles off the west real Hell I think I ever saw. For fact of History. A- In the statutory creation of a coast of France to the north in the ten days we waged the attack, ad- mong the grist of bills Colored Supervisor and two colored tropics. Here we stayed for six vanced 12 kilometers, or about 8 that went thru the men to form a board for the con- days. I went ashore and mingled miles, before being relieved by legislative hopper, and received sideration of measures for the with the people, who are all Portu- another division. After the fight the stamp of approval from his ex- colored schools, a step was taken gese. I was to take dinner at the we came to the rear, entrained, cellency, Governor Cornwell, were to assist Negro education, far in home of one family, but left that and came to the Vouges, I saw at many of general interests, and advance of any similar measure afternoon and didn't have the once we were in the mountains. some of special interest and pros- that has been offered by any other chance, which I regretted. Saw With the aid of my field glasses I pective benefit to the activities of state. many strange things too numerous could see away off to the south the state. Since this is, in a great degree an to mention here, but I shall tell the Alps which were quite high Chief among these measures that innovation, the results for better- you more of this trip when we and indistinct, but was told by one affected -eductional interest, was ment are problematical; yet we are meet. of the civilians that yonder peak the amended School Code. very hopeful and feel that there On the P. M. of May 7th we set was one of the famous Alps. Well, The state hopes to derive much will be no step back-ward. out for Brest, France, and that was we marched up to the line in Lor- benefit from the ad vance steps of the beginning of our voyage thru raine and took our stand, but there this bill to modernize and develop the war zone. We passed thru the was no real hard fighting here. the scheme of public education. NEWS FROM ~~OVERTHERE" submarine zone on May 14th On November 4 I was transferred We are not in a position yet to entering the harbor at Brest, to the 92nd Division. I arrived enumerate the specific benefits of Oil Active Service Witll tIle I stayed two days in Brest, after there on November 8 and found the amended code as compared to A merican Expeditiona1')' Forces, which, under confidential orders, them on my old stamping ground the old code, but hope to give a A. P. O. 766. I went to Blois for classification, on the right of Verdun. Here brief summary of the changes as January 7, 1919. and in about 12 days I struck the they were planning another drive. soon as the advance copies of the front at a little place called Les I had reached there just in time to Dear Sis: new acts are off the press. Islettes in the Argonne. Reported go through Hell again. We start- The feature of the code that Yours of October 21 received for duty and was attached to the ed on the morning of November concerned the colored people most yesterday, the 6 of January. The 372nd Infantry. This regiment at 10. I was attached to the 328 were those that broadened the mail was unuaslly late in reaching that time was brigaded with the Field Artillery, (white). The 4 THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY THE INSTITUTE MONTHLY 5 fight lasted one and a half days home, but I hope soon. and our regiment was following until now we are at the American when the news came to cease firing Give my regards to Miss Waters the advances, repairing roads and Forwarding Camp which is about and then the great war that had and all your friends there. Re- building bridges whi=h the retreat- three miles from the city of Le aroused the world had come to .an ceived the picture of the kids, ing Huns had purposely destoyed Mans, which is larger than end. One could hardly believe it think they are fine. I have shown to impede the progress of the ever Charleston and has many beauti- was really time to stop. Not to them to some of the Lutes here advancing, and seemingly invinci- ful buildings. Though not as hear the roar of cannon, not to be and all complimented them. An- ble Yankees. large they are more artistic in the victim of a gas attack or air swer soon. , It was during this drive that our design. There is also a Cathe- raid was decidedly unnatural. Regards, regiment built a railway across No dral there which, according to re- But it was true that there was to Joe. Man's Land thus connecting the ports, started in the ninth century. be no more fighting after 11.00 French and German lines, which It is much larger than an ordi- -0- P. M. It was in this attack that enabled us to move ammunition nary large church, and its interior your brother Capt. R. K. Stephens F:lIIbarkatioll Center Le lIfalls, and supplies to the front by rail, is decorated with the most stupen- 365th infantry, was gassed and France. and at the same time relieving the dous examples of sculpture I have carried in out of no-man's-land in H. Q. Del. 3I7flt Engineers, highways which the frequent rains ever seen. Its painting though a critical condition. After thirty A. P. O. 766 Mobile, and heavy traffic had rendered al- old, can not be beaten. To go most impassable. I was chain days in the hospital he was re- A merican. Expeditiona J)' Force. through this building and see the turned to duty and again took man in the surveying party which many quaint things and the way command of his company, but it January 22, 1919. located the line and company D. the people act is worth a great was too late. He never again went Dear President Prillerman: followed us grading the road bed, deal to anyone. back to the line, as Fritz had had and Company B. brought up the Since we arrived at camp the 15 enough. Sometime later I saw I know you will be somewhat rear laying the rails as they came. New York, the 8th Illinois, and this gentleman at Pont a Mousson surprised to hear from me, but I It seemed only a few days until what was formerly the Ninth at quarters. We had a long chat intended to write a worthy letter trains were rushing over the devas- Battalion have been here and now talking about our experiences, when I wrote at all, and this is the tated country which looked as I suppose they are on the water or also had dinner together, and then first chance. though it had felt the effects of an in the States. The 367th and 368th we seperated and I have not seen I saw a copy 'of the Institute earthquake, a cyclone and the Infantries are here now. him since. Jess, I have to give it Monthly this morning, and it re- combined forces of human destruc- It was with deep regret that I to Bob. He is a good soldier, minded me of my care free days tion. There were craters many learned of the supreme sacrifice and everybody knows it who at W. V. C. 1. feet deep. Great trees torn to made by Lieut. Fairfax. He was knows him. I wrote Mr. Ellis a letter in Oc- shreds, or standing like ghosts, in our area only a few days before We are now in camp near Le tober, and addressed it to Institute bare of limb or bark. Trenches the incident. Mans. My house is only a tent as I was unaware of the fact that and dugouts were blown up and Concerning the boys from and a cot, but what more does a he had severed connections with in some places wood, wire and steel Institute; Corp.