
Hokkaido Vladivostok New York

Philadelphia Beijing North Korea Sea of Tianjin P'yongyang Sacramento Washington Seoul Japan Honshu NORTH San Francisco of America China South Tokyo Nagoya Korea Pusan Osaka PACIFIC Los Angeles Cheju-Do Shikoku San Diego Shanghai Kyushu OCEAN New Orleans Guadalupe Island (Mex.) Midway Baja Ryukyu Ogasawara- Islands (US) California Trench Okinawa-Jima (Jap.) Gunto (Jap.) Gulf of Miami Minami-Tori- Hawaiian Islands (US) Shima (Jap.) Mexico Havana Taiwan Kauai Cuba Oahu Mexico Hainan Dao Guadalajara Jamaica Mariana Mexico Northern Wake Island (US) Revillagigedo Island (Mex.) Kingston Philippine Ridge Belize South Luzon Mariana Islands Johnston (US) China Sea (US) Guatemala Honduras Manila Sea (US) El Salvador Nicaragua Philippines Enewetak Managua Costa Rica Panama Yap Islands San José Palawan Ratak Clipperton Island (Fr.) Mindanao Chain Davao Melekeok Satawai Panama Chuuk Palmyra Atoll (US) Ralik Cocos Islands (CR) Brunei Chain Malaysia Line Malpelo Island (Col.) Federated States of Micronesia Gilbert Islands Howland Island (US) Islands Colombia Halmahera Kalimantan Baker Island (US) Bismarck Archipelago Quito Jarvis Island (US) Galapagos Islands (Ec.) Sulawesi New Ireland Guayaquil Phoenix Islands Malden Rabaul Ecuador Seram New Guinea Papua Bougainville Solomon Nanumea Vaiaku Indonesia New Guinea New Britain Santa Isabel Islands Surabaya Marquesas Islands Flores Dili Louisade (NZ) Jawa Santa Cruz Penrhyn Flint Peru Melville Island Archipelago Nukulaelae Sumba Timor- Islands Amer. Manihiki French Leste San Cristobal Rotuma Samoa (US) Suwarrow Polynesia (Fr.) Lima Wallis and Pago-Pago Banks Society Futuna (Fr.) Vanua Islands Tuamotu Levu Islands Archipelago Viti Coral Vavau Levu Tahiti Loyalty Islands Sea Nuku'alofa New Tongatapu Rarotonga Caledonia (Fr.) Noumea Gambier Archipelago Sala Y Gomez Island (Ch.) Austral Archipelago Fraser Island (UK) San Felix Island (Ch.) Brisbane (Ch.) Norfolk (Aust.) Kermadec Lord Howe Islands Island Perth Sydney Juan Fernandez Islands (Ch.) Adelaide Tasman Auckland Melbourne North Island Sea SOUTH Tasmania Hobart Christchurch South Island Chatham Islands PACIFIC Southern Chiloé Island Ocean Dunedin Stewart Island Bounty Islands OCEAN Antipodes Islands

Auckland Islands Wellington Island Campbell Island 0 100 km 500 km 1000 km Argentina 0 100 miles 500 miles 1000 miles Macquarie Islands (Aust.)

Tierra del Fuego graphic design stéphane rébillon design stéphane graphic The Canoe Is the People – Indigenous Navigation in the Pacific