e Collapse of Separatism among Fundamental Baptists Copyright 2011 by David W. Cloud is edition January 30, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-58318-116-4 Published by Way of Life Literature PO Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061 866-295-4143 (toll free) - ns@wayo#ife.org www.wayo#ife.org Canada: Bethel Baptist Church 4212 Campbell St. N., London Ont. N6P 1A6 519-652-2619 (voice) - 519-652-0056 (fax)
[email protected] Printed in Canada by Bethel Baptist Print Ministry ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................1 I Believe in Biblical Separation ..................................3 e Collapse of Separatism ......................................11 Evangelical Bridge Builders ......................................41 e Danger of So Separatism ................................53 Heresies and High Places in Evangelicalism ..........68 e Path of Protection: Full-orbed Biblical Separation ............................................................134 Frightful Examples of Shipwrecks in the Treacherous Waters of Evangelicalism .............147 iii e river of apostasy is "owing powerfully, and all a church needs to do to capitulate is to stop paddling upstream. Giving up separation is easy; maintaining it is not. I pray that many preachers will join me in the determination not to allow the collapse of biblical separation on our watches. - David Cloud iv Introduction is book is about the collapse of biblical separation among fundamental Baptist churches, the causes of this collapse, and how to avoid it at the local church level. By way of introduction, I want to say that I am not personally concerned with Independent Baptist as a MOVEMENT. ough I talk about the movement in this report, what I am concerned about are individual New Testament churches. As we state in the Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity, to use the term “church” for a movement or a denomination or association or for a group of churches in a region or nation is unscriptural.