* Drama News and Reviews Hollywood Diary E&S! || ■■■■-...... ■ ■ ..'By Shellah Grohom HOLLYWOOD conveniently for his stuaio. He parts, regardless of whether they /The Great Train Lamarr tells me that she didn't come Robbery' Hedy down with it until the are big or small. My role in ‘Mr. and Herbie Klotz have been look- day after he finished ‘‘To Please and Miss Anonymous’ is not very Started a ing at houses in the Long Island A Lady.” big, but I hope it’s good, and I Lasting area. "Because, if I make up my Kathryn Grayson expects to is think Cycle hope my policy good.” I _ By Horry MocArthur mind to say yes. I’ll marry him; I leave the United States, around it is. will, of course, live in the East the middle of July. "It's the Janet STARTS This business of re-releasing hit movies of the only Leigh, the busiest gal in past—revival is with after I can a word him,” says Hedy, who. way get rest,” Kathy tells town, has snagged the lead with 0 which makes the film people cringe—has dredged up some a three-week vacation with her me between Charleston takes with Mario Lansa in "The Life of curious items. The most curious, it can be scarcely denied, are those children at to Lake Tahoe, flies Van Johnson on the set of Caruso This sounds like a post- that have turned up in the living rooms by way of television, but a New York and Easthampton for “Grounds for Marriage.” “If I ponement of her RKO picture, fascinating prospect for the theaters of the land is being mentioned the summer, and I’ll take stay in this country, someone will "Two Tickets to _TODAY in Hollywood right now. £ets Broadway.” now. to marry Mr. Klotz. find something for me to do.” Relented by North American *TH 4 C STRUTS, N.E.—-LINCOLN 4-94*1 Specifically, it is Paramount Producer Nat Holt who is talking j Marilyn Maxwell, all smiles at Joseph Cotten surprises me with Nevepaper Alliance snout tms latest reissue and the' the Paramount studio party for the information that he has al- picture he has in mind is "The and crimes oL. violence—"The , the exhibitors to meet the press ready left the Selznick fold, and Great Train Robbery.” Mr. Holt Great Bank Robbery.” "Story of a _AMUSEMENTS._ and stars. With good reason: his “Half an Angel” picture with thinks that one. combined with a Crime,” “Underworld of Paris,” Marilyn has signed to be Bob Loretta Young at 20th-Fox is his train robbery sequence from “The "Raffles, the Gentleman Crook” PIONEER—Anne Baxter helps 'THE YEAR'S MOST Hope's leading lady in "The Lemon first as a free-lancer. "But if HILARIOUS Great Missouri Raid,” would be an and so on, down to "The a trail the west- SCREENPLAY MSTMW/WCttWRft right forge through Drop Kid.” David makes in pictures this coun- —Carmodr, Star Ideal trailer for the latter picture. Great Missouri Raid” if you want ern wilderness for the new- Don't be if Peter surprised Law- try or abroad, and has a good part The to look at it that way. steam cars in “Ticket ford THE MUMS RltfV major claim to fame of fangled replaces Robert Walker in for me. I'll work for him. I can't PlIYIRS U Mr. Holt knows what to Tomahawk,” the Capitol's "Three Guys Named Mike,” which CAN “The Great Train Robbery,” in probably understand the people who are al-j jgj he is doing, but it does seem that next screen attraction. stars Jane Wyman with Van John- ease you never heard of that, lies ways screaming that they want >WfSTUMP? son and I he could be taking a daring m Barry Sullivan. The pow- their freedom. in They fight to get ImfMiw Sluw — Sown! the fact that it was the first chance in this “Great Train Rob- ers-that-be at Metro have de- Any j just stood out above her material a contract, then fight to get out narrative motion picture made in bery” project. It would be a sad cided that Pete is the better type and the surrounding players so of it.” eSairifcari thing if his planned advertising for the airline story. * * * * the United States. Man named often that you can't see how trailer only served to prove that I asked Pat Di Cicco, "Are you Edwin S. Potter made it in 1903 Hollywood co ild ever have man- Teresa Wright stopping by with dinners cinema hold-up techniques haven’t still engaged to Gussie Moran?" and aged without her. She was a her husband, Niven Busch, tells the thereby became the founder improved very much since 1903 "I can't be,” says Pat, with a dead PLAYHOUSE “round” actress, however, per- I me, “My policy is to take good of the first and longest-surviving and that movie plots are in a 47- pan, "she's at Wimbledon.” "How ISth l H STRUTS * SI ASM MB forming on stages in the East, as movie "The' year rut. about when she comes home?” I AMUSEMENTS. cycle. Great Train recently as the -Danny * * * * want to know. Pat says he doesn’t was followed a Robbery” by whole Kaye musical, “Let's Face It.” know. "The Great Missouri in- Miss Arden also has had to do series of affairs about burglaries Raid,” Glenn Ford won’t leave for m |ti with is about a caper pulled "Very Warm for May,” to cidentally, Europe make his picture be- NOW PLATING by Frank and Jesse James, who “Two for the Show” and a couple IRC JUNE It cause “first,” he says, “I'm going Matinee are portrayed by Wendell Corey of editions of the “Ziegfeld Fol- 3:40 Tamarraw l Sat. FIRST to Columbia to star in ‘The Flying OPERA FESTIVAL Richard Skinner A Evelyn Prerman and Macdonald It is lies.” WATERGATE MAW Carey. Missile,’ with Vlveca Lindfors. I present Hollywood Columnist Harold Hef- * * + * * Bullet ★ Symphony * Guest Sion * WASH. hope Eleanor (Powell) will have Last 7 Operas thra Jane 23th PAULETTE GODDARD fernan who takes note of the fact There is a of modest glow pride finished her picture with Jane TONITE 8:20 AIDA In Parses that the James Boys, if they were In Bernard Shaw's Comedy around the Lisa Gardiner-Mary Powell at Metro so we SHOWING by then, Wed., June 21_ FAUST "CAESAR and CLEOPATRA" alive today, wouldn’t have to rob Thurs.. June 22 IL. TKOVATORE grill Day Washington School of the can go to France.” EVES.: TltkwU \*t Fri. June 23 BARBER OF SEVILLE *:44l Ft reel Mendav banks or trains for a living. They, ± * * * Tickets: 1207 E ST. N.W. : Ballet these days. Two recent Sat., June 24 CARMEN Jordan's Uth A G—SE. ISIS On *•»# 1221 E ST. N.W. could sit in the the royalties Sun.. June 25. MADAME BUTTERFLY sun, graduates of the school are mak- Clark Gable takes his laryngitis Tang O' the Seafood from their stories bringing in their PRICES: St.20, SI.80. $2 10. S3, box of ing professional debuts this R. S2I: Sperial Prices: 5 S2-40 tickets. incomes in t swimming pool-type summer, in Europe and with ma- SiO: strip of 5 $1.80 tickets, SR. All prices Inei. tax. TICKETS: Mrs. Stabler's proof that crime did, too, pay. American Dayij HOT jor ballet companies. Where and When Ticket Mart. 1322 F St. N.W. iBren- \ Two other pictures in the mak-1 tano's). ST. 5088 and RE. 7307. Liane Plane will sail July 15 as Current Theater Attractions ing based on the lives of now, the a member of the Ballet Theater and Time of SEA FOOD famed bandits of the old West— Showing “Exceedingly Fine” “'“EAGLE™ HAWK” troupe and Jacqueline Williams A PARAMOUNT Color by TECHNICOLOR PICTURE “The Return of Jesse STAGE. Davis, News James," will depart these shores July 5 with John Ireland in the title role, Olney—“Caesar and Cleo- JOHN PLATTER when the New York City Ballet ROBERT DONAT . RHONDA. DENNIS and “Kansas Raiders,” with Audie patra”; 8:40 p.m. * sets out on its London jaunt. PAYNE TEEMING O’KEEFE Wednesday Special Murphy and Richard Long play- SCREEN. Miss Williams had a successful starts i p m Fish, chowder, filet of sole, ing Jesse and Frank. Jesse has Ambassador—"The Eagle and H AIse at AMBASSADOR p audition with the Ballet TOE crab cake, scallop, Fr. fried been portrayed on the screen more recently the Hawk”; 1, 3rl0, 5:15, 7:25 Russe, too, but when the New potatoes, tartar sauce, rum times than a mere mortal could and 9:40 p.m. DOUBLE FEATURED Am m4 Rtffc Mh) Aft Mr* bun, bread and count. Fred Thomson the York company was highly praised Capitol—"The Asphalt M •* VMI butter, played Jungle”; MI6NTY DRAMA 6f A W7f B. >m •f T r. M* «•»«•*• in its Civic Center j |")| coffee or tea .. outlaw 23 a appearances 11 a.m., 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 and HANDFUL OF HEROES! 80c years ago in silent . LgJ film, Tyrone Power was Jesse in there, she decided that was for 10 p.m. Stage shows: 1, 3:45, JOHN WAYNE j “MARINE 1939 and he has been imperson- her. 6:30 and 9:15 p.m. TODAY'S ated by such Western saddle- Columbia—"The Gunfighter”; ^b_j~. 1 .“BACK TO & RWDERS” NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES polishers as Roy Rogers. Reed 11:40 am., 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:50 OPEN 10:45 A.M. f-“—l __ BATAAN”7 woww Rout* 7 24 a Hadley, Clayton Moore and Keith and 9:50 p.m. ft Pike -WARNER BROS. hours day Dana Borrowed 'ANTHONY Leesburg T1EATEIS-, Richards. Dupont—“The Jackie QUINN The Area's Newest Drive-In Ft lafermstlea Call RKeaklle MM Robinson ■■■■■! "An j its...J HOLLYWOOD. —_ Bet. Columbia Pike and Shirley Rwy. Add the rest of the all Story”; 1, 2:45, 4:35, 6:20, 8:15 Open 8 P.M. Start* 1* 05 Today. To- I Jameses, morrow, JIMMY STEWART. JOAN FON- AMBASSADOR ^JS I Dana Andrews has been bor- 10:05 ■nnRMBHHnjfMtRI the .1 the Daltons and the Youngers and pm. TAINE in "YOU GOTTA STAY HAPPY Hawk." ). 10. 5:15. 7 WS. 8 40 rowed RKO Plus "GRAND CANYON." a by Radio from Sam- Keith’s—“Comanche *1.00 Plus Tax I I you get lot of trains and banks Territory”; a A If AI Oil Dinger Rotert, Dennta uel to star in “Gaunt iraoFMtm Carfull._ HTIIiaUH Goldwyn 11:15 in held up since 1903. What, you a.m„ 1:05, 3, 4:50, 6:45 and Morgan "Perfect XXTRA 2103 Pa. Ave. RE. 0184 Strangers,” at H15. 8.00, ».45. I I Woman.” Andrews recently com- 10:05 Sneak 8:30 ■fvmvwii I CIRCLE N.W. might well ask, hath Edwin S. pm. Preview, Ballet Russe In one Original *« Air Conditioned. Potter pleted of the. stellar roles in p.m. "GRADUATION BALL" ffiBIfi■ k !»■r ■ IVIkiii ^ ffii 1 iPB Iff CBAItn Double Feature I I wrought? Last Day, CLIFTON WEBB. JEANNE lllMillU Joseph Cntlen In "The Edge of Doom” for Gold- CRAIN In Little—“The Jackie Robinson . | "Third Man." 0:15, 0:40. William Po- wLaLlMZuKMnEmM in p I * * * * wyn and RKO distribution. Technicolor, at 0:20, 8:05. 55._ I well In "Dancing In the Dark at_8 05 I Story”; 11 a.m., 12:50, 2:40, 4:30, CUFTON r\ JBANNK MYRNA E. M. LOEWS MT. VERNON nrvmf V Double Feature Bar- “Gaunt Woman” has for its 8:10 and 10:05 aalllaX I Eve 6:20, pm. bare Stanwyck In | Arden has been an only "East Side, West at the Grand Banks — OPEN AIR DRIVE-IN j Side." 1:00. 4:80. background Metropolitan “Back to Ba- ! 8:0o. Oreer bright feature of so many other- Route t, 8 Ml. South of Alexandria. Va Oarson In "Julia Mtsbe- I area of the North haves." at I Atlantic. It is taan”; 11:15 a.m., 2:45, 6:20 and Open K D8T 8tart* 0:05. HOOBIER j 5:45. 0:15. IVSO wise dull films that you are likely the story of a young Gloucester 9:55 pm. HOT SHOTS in "ARKANSAS SWING." nt to find yourself harboring the im- 0:25; SPENCER TRACY. JAMES STEW- CALVERT TIVOLI who belli fisherman tracks down and National—“Cheaper By the WEBBgCRAINLOY ART in MALAYA." at 10:80. Come Taylor In The Conspirator, at LITTLE TAVERN pression that she went to ! I :40. :t: to, 5 Holly- destroys a Nazi Early. Free Playground. Free Pony Rides. 40. 7:40. 0 40. | ship supplying Dozen”: 11:15 a.m., 12:55. 2:45, Plenty ol Grass and Cool. Fresh Country | Double wood with B. Feature Don Cecil DeMille, who Air! Adults Children Free' Starts rnfTRA! torpedoes and time bombs to Ger- 4:35. 6:25, 8:15 and 10:05 p.m. 50c. Barrv ln Red Desert, I time took the movie business there a Wednesday. BETTY ORABLE in WA- I man U-boats while as a at 11:05. 5:0ft. 5:10. 8:10 Broderick disguised Your BASH AVENUE." Crawford In long time ago only because it was Palace—“Annie Get Gun”; | All the King's Men." at I Danish freighter. ! .1-10. H.to. 0:10. 0:10 raining when he got to his 11:05, am.; 1:10, 3:15, 5:25, 7:30, Greenbelt, Md. GR. 2222 Warren Wmm GREENRELT rni miv Double Feature Dinger Duff, who recently: and 9:50 planned BASIL RADFORD. JOAN GREENWOOD bULUIXT ftogrrs. Dennis Morgan in I destination, Flagstaff, p.jn. Perfect completed “Alias Mike Fury,”! Playhouse—“Saints and Sin- in "TIOHT LITTLE ISLAND. 8transcrs," si H 50. 0 45 Ariz. It isn't true, though—about Dennis Morgan In "Mr Wild Irish I starring Victor Mature, William ners” 11 V2gx; Rob*, at ?: 50. Miss Arden, that is. a.m., 12:30. 2:25, 4:15, GEORGETOWN Bendix and Terry Moore, for 8:05 10 NlCOLQR 6:10, and p.m. MIRANDA.” GLENNIS JOHNS. GEOROIE NOME Sioubl* 7 *'•ruTeTwiliarO The comedienne, who will "Renegades. at ap- will “Gaunt — Sr."In RKO, produce Worn-! Plaza “II Trovatore”; 11:55 WITHERS. PIUS "DON'T TAKE IT TO Arthur in at the HEART." RICHARD aJ 4 'Foreign pear Theater GREEN __ Affair, at 7: Olney the an,” Oliver H. P. Garrett is writ- a.m., 2:15, 4:35, 6:55, 9:15 and /yi week of June 27 in “Over m 21.” has ing the screenplay. j 11:25 am. CAROLINA KENNEDY-PEN DICK POWELL in "MRS. MIKE": PAUL N£.‘ldC V; PIX—"Outrages of the Orient”; i so. DELICIOUSLY GRILLED DOUGLAS In "EVERYBODY DOBS IT n7tho*m5Pme7:aor ,« i { 7:35 and 10:10 p.m. 4* Double Feature: Jane Wv- — NI- SBVilV Trans-Lux “The Winslow m*n I HAMBURGERS I STANTON 4C,*J er**"1 in Lady Takes a SMITH’S COLD Boy”; 11:10 am., 1. 2:45, i "BOB AND SALLY," Women at 2 and 7. Ron,ld Reaaan STORAGE 4:35, K5‘so*tB:l®iin Hasty Heart, at 8: Men • in 6:25. 8:15 and 10 p.m. at P Only lOt trrn Double Feature: Sally For only Warner—“The Eagle and the HITH 1723 Kins s«. Ale*. 1445 In "Not Wanted." at | for r forking Space «""■ Betty Hutton ln "Red J 11:15 J-<6- i Hawk”; a.m., 1:15, Hot and Blue." at t Morning, noon, or ni+e .■ your FURS! 3:15,; RANDOLPH 8COTT, RUTH ROMAN on_ 5:15, 7:30 and 9:45 pm. In "COLT •_ Colman ’in ,4ft__ •jaaasaiaa/fin R~nfld■■ you can the beit SHERIDAN c h r m p ague for enjoy Memorial VMCIMlk llvd 4 let St Caesar." 5. :t 50. 5 45. 7 40. o .15 AMUSEMENTS. TlBUinUt Alex. 4133 Hamburger*. $9.00 C¥I VfR Robert Taylor, Elisabeth OiVLY YVONNE DE CARLO. PHILLIP »UeT*iI» Taylor In 'The Consnlaa-.- O UP TO $100 VALUATION FRIEND In -BUCCANEER S GIRL tor." at l :i5. 5 40, 7:40. n*5. hr a Double Feature Tasty Bite... • Vo. Tl. 1000 TAIfflMA Ginger | 1% over $100 valuotion. Cloth coats CENTRE Fairlington. * HaVUriH Rogers. Dennis Morgan in Perfect —$50 valuation, $2.00 per season. WABASH AVENUE” BETTY GRA- Strangers." at H tlo o 45 I Virginia Mayo In "Backfire." at 7 Day or Nite...Stop at a I IPMH■ ■ NOW Open 10:45 BLE. VICTOR MATURE 55. Directed by Nit Mice Academy Award turner I Clifton Webb. Myrna IIPTflWNaUTTH ■■■ JONH HUSTON jf* Loy In "Cheaper By the SHIRLINGTON Dozen." 1 ::iO, 5 :111. 7 :15. 0:;)5. HELD OVER TODAY AND TOMORROW "THE THIRD MAN- JOSEPH COT- CALL •lone Haver "Daughter of ! ■ NOrth 3343 "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" TEN. ORSON WELLES VARYIUIlia ^ _ Rosie O'Orady," 7:05, u 55 iIH%X ASPHALT AT fHE APEX THEATRE, 4813 MASS. AVE. ft pry 4(13 Mom. An. N.W. tit JUNGuX IU_“A WO 4600 CLEANING, GLAZING, REPAIRING CLIFTON WEBB In "CHEAPER BY IH ^HAYDEN* ^“CALHERN I THE DOZEN.' at 1:36. 3:40, 6:40, -SIDNEY 9 Bonded and LUST THEATEKS- REMODELING. Pickup Delivery 1 7:45. 0:46, DRIVE-IN j ^HiRTWU OOHSUELOSTEVE EVANS! Tomorrow. "RED SHOES." II Jstarts O'*" Danclnt Under II_THURSDAY_II '-s the Star, it .rr,f Don't Make a Move .. Opening and Intermission* Without Calling Last % DAN BAILEY • ANNE RATTER 1 ATLAS 1331 H SI N.I. .AT. *300 Day. CLIFTON WEBB. JEANNE CRAIR in •CHEAPER ILA Two Big Action Hid “TICKET TO TOMAHAWK'” J ROBERT DOZEN,' In Technicolor, at TECHNICOLOR /■ *3 DONAT in COUNT OF MONTE I BV)THE & HD|\ CRISTO” and LOUIS HAYWARD in TRANSFER STORAGE CO. w‘* Av* t'ir"r *wy ^ “SON OF MONTE CRISTO." ■HIIMMHHBETHESDA 0 W! 3 IM.HU ART Lm nt _ PI fllirrn Biney Branch ltd. and Free fc^i^R j flsUTVUI Parkin*. Air Conditioned Laai 1313 You St. N.W. NOrth 3343 D. flowar Av». JU. 7-7017 Day. JOAN CRAWFORD. DAVID BRIAN Washington 9, C. Doors Open 6:30. CARY GRANT In THE DAMNED DON T CRY at lX LORETTA YOUNG In CARY AND ; » Tomorrow ROBERT TAY- ft THE BISHOP'S WIFE." at_7j25. 9 40. LOR, ELIZABETH TAYLOR In THE CONSPIRATOR Pin, MOVIE QUIZ SENATOR Oet Tour Share of the I EVr- Slfl.nno tn Price, Every 1 :i weeks' Two Big Hits. JOHN GARFIELD in Cash and Merchandlae Awards on Our “UNDER MY SKIN," at 2:30. 5:30. StaK<” 8:35; Plus "RAVY CROCKETT. IN- DIAN SCOUT GEORGE MONT- MI?* Rockville, Md. Rockville Jd34 GOMERY. at 4. 6:55. 10. Free Perkin* ‘ Air Conditioned To- MAYL01 day. Tomorrow RONALD COLMAN. avY,°^Av,TE CELESTE HOLM VINCENT PRICE in ROBERT TAYLOR. ELIZABETH TgJlIpjBM’s Biggest /. M? *Mk CHAMPAGNE FOR CAESAR, at T 20. TAYLOR In —^ COLON •* H CONSPIRATORS. at HT1 | p, 2. 3:55. .6:56. 7:5ft- »:55 _ 4859 MacArlhur VI Teemcotfri I piBCHninunMar ARTTWfl htwood ——— STS Alt CONDITIONED llvd 0, ^ Free Parkin*. Air Conditioned To- Doors Open 6:15. The Academy day. Tomorrow, JOAN Award CRAWFORD. End« "JACKIE ROBINSON STORY" Winner. OLIVIA DE HAVIL- BR,AN STEVE COCHRAN in Todoy: LAND. in D^.YID Her Greatest Role. "THE THE DAMNED DON'T CRY." 7. ff in M ANNUE GEI DARK MIRROR." at 6:30, ,8:16. 0:55. rftMFfl ^ Rolnier, sad wnnisV WA F74A—Two Hllsl Fair lawn Amusement Ce. Air Conditioned. Today. Tomorrow, YOUR GUN LIZABETH SCOTT. ROBERT CUM- MINGS In "PAID IN FULL" Flu, HIGHLAND OARY COOPER PATRICIA NEAL In —— RKO “»*£&«■ THE FOUNTAINHEAD Last Dou- KEITH’sA CLIK'ON WEBB MYRNA LOY I HUTTON I I/TONIGHTS I5TH AT 6 In ble Feature H Betty CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN.” in Tech- I HOWARD KEEL I nicolor. at H:'I5. 8:0ft. »:43__ minimi Louis Calhern • J. Carrol HOLLYWOOD SHEAK PREVIEW! ATLANTIC Nich°;vA;S Hyatt, Free Parkin* Air I Naish|| X&M' JOHN Conditioned La,i Dav. ROBFRT TAY- VOl'U. SEE IT BEFORE IT’S GARFIELD In “UNDER MY NATIONAL RELEASE LOR ELIZABETH TAYLOR In AT OUR REGULAR PRICES I y*f SKIN." at 5:16, 8. 9:45, CON- 8PIRATOR." at7« I7 Mj n :ta “,J P-RETT ATTRACTION-1 \ ceme- FAIRLAWNxua CHEVERLYwaas« v asaaas a ^535 ot londovt, (d Md • jta/u&f Double feature. JOAN CRAWPORD A SPENCER TRACT JOAN UN (lion Free Parkin* Air Condl- RERRETTj MPPr n Til SNEAK hheview—«i30#p. m. In “FLAMINGO ROAD. at 5:75, 8:40: ELIZABETH TAYLOR ft Only. OINGER ROG- |i J RONALD REAGAN in 'NIOHT UNTO L‘2o'dERS DENNIS *Ott DU In COMMANCHE TERRITORY 6:40* 10:05 NIGHT." at MORGAN In THE |K “FATHER OF [§ J 8.______PERFECT STRANGER." at A IS. J li" V THE BRIDE” *r » «• MOVIE QUIZ at Get frQRi Wo [M CONGRESS Your Share of the SIO.WWI in Frl*et fOReow Ceyt-Seller JUT Every 1.1 Weeks' Caah and Merchan- d_amnkd diae Awards on Our Eta tel STARTING TOMORROW! *u I DOORS OPEN 11:46 A.M- AHACOSTIA MARLBOBO uppwMoT'w*J Air l|NOW Open 10:45^^1Jb GEORGE MONTGOMERY. ELLEN Conditioned Today. Tomorrow DREW In “DAVY CROCKETT. INDIAN MONTGOMERY CLIFT PAUL DOUG- LAS in THE BIO LIFT," SCOUT." at 1:45. 3:43. 5:45, 7:45, at 7. »: :o 8:45. Pina 3 Stoocea. Enjoy peace of mind, let our Trust Committee I’ixar. i __ I Marlboro Pile* at Dili, lino leWXUUeriHIlV THE ’*» H, Jlsl _pr„ aarVIng TILLAGE M administer your financial and business i ROBERT TAYLOR. ELIZABETH TAY- l/> . DENNIS MOR- affairs DANCING. LOR In “THE CONSPIRATOR.” at ™»* 5:15. »- 8:46. OERS.ln.tr?»/^?CT Mi t 1IIOTI Uml. ,Ml * to. laAIIUk Laural 113 NEWTON n.c DANCE LESSON JANE WYMAN In "8TAOKFRIOHT." At The Loan and Trust facilities in the Nation’s TAYLOR ELIZABETH Washington ~ plete banking ™E ASPIRATORS Company you receive the benefits of the Capital, we have more than 80 years’ ex- CAPITOL Copi,0H,H*;?«' It «^v!D» combined experience and talents of spe- in trusts and “TH1 RED SHOES." in Technicolor, at perience establishing living f *:30 9. JESSE THEATER cialists in business, investments, taxes agencies for busy for 8eeS' denned a CRY." JOAN CRAW- HIGH 14 *t, » H DANA on extended step before. .KP'SP There'll be for or in- leaving vacations, for the Ton cob now become FORD. DAVID BRIAN._ RICHARD CONTI. In nothing you any <• *HgR*WSTHE PURPLE terested to do, but elderly or ill. n oopolar south t- > ■ PV KEY TO THE CITY HEART," at 1;M parties enjoy your ofter donee partner CLARK OABLE. LORETTA rM* *r»xM. new at a low coat. VFRNON found freedom from financial YOUNQ.____ NW ™*U" A.. Ate, not us a visit soon with V. worry! Why pay your I Black Pram Prr*l4r»tiat GarArnt attorney, or if you prefer a trust officer Learn Ike new fu Trot, ARLINGTON RltrL .Pfcanc Aid. H1I Walt*. Rumba. Samba. ARD BA8EHART, MARILYN MAX- S'?,tAS,2 BASEHEART MARILYN As the oldest frust Company with com- will call at your convenience. Taaxo or Jitterbas from WELL. ___r 1,1 OUTSIDE THE a skilled 5?. A? .WELA. VICTOR In- nr ft mmm the bio lift.'' mont- ;WALL at 6:70, 7.fto. t*7A,_ structor. Enron tomor- BENDIX WIWWlI GOMERY CLIFT. PAUL row. CARMICHAEL DOUGLASS ACADEMY *ng?A- Donee Lessons ■ Mfn EASTS IDE WEST-! THE Complete STANLEY CLEMENTS AanlUn SIDE. ri™ 'SraS^ raj WASHINGTON LOAN BARBARA STANWYCK_ ROGERS. MARIE5\”» DRBBSLKR In No More To ~ I DAVID HARUM at 7:71*, Po, ALLEN MARTIN BUCKINGHAM JO& AND GARFIELD. MICHELINE FRELLE. ] FAIRFAX TIEATES TRUST COMPANY ■ AM KRT r« rar the reformer and Alfred H. Lawson, President GLEBE THE REDHEAD JUNE ’sstsssrLsmsbl RicHAm, =* ALLTSON DICK POWELL_> Bran "PAID IN FULL LIZA- F STREET AT 9th N.W. 17th STREET AT G BTnD BETH SCOTT. ROBERT N.W. Victor Air r««4Hkiiiai f Dance COMMANCHE TERRITORY CUMMINGS__ CLIFTON W*BB. MYRNA LOY ta MEMBER; FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER; FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Stadias! ™4l OWOwIBIf COLOR BV TECHNICOLOR 1 the Dozen.” a a CONN. AVE. JEFFERSON AHn“" T.)08EPH “Cheaper By n$0 Ml. 4340 3 COTTON. VALLL ORSON WELLES Technicolor. At 6» ? 50, Ml. A A f