Number LPO Resolution Submitting Org Issue WSDCC ACTION

Resolution Supporting the Implementation of Ranked 909 50 signers LAW PASS Choice Voting Resolution Opposing New and Expanded Gas Environmental TABLED UNTIL 911 ENV Infrastructure in Washington State Caucus SEPTEMBER Prioritize Development of Conventional Rail Environmental 912 Caucus ENV PASS Resolution Opposing WA State Initiative Measure No. Environmental 914 LAW PASS 976 Caucus Resolution to Support Evidence Centered HIV Policy 20th LD 915 HEA PASS

Resolution Urging the WA State Legislature to Amply 36th LD 916 EDU PASS Fund Public Education Rule of Law in Resolving the Validity of Initiative 1639 Klickitat County 917 LAW PASS

918 Climate Emergency and Support for a Green New Deal 5th LD PASS LAW

919 Resolution Supporting the Southern Resident Orca Task Wahkiakum PASS Force Recommendations County LAW 920 Reject Corporate PAC Money from the For Profit Progressive PASS Healthcare, Health Insurance, and Pharmaceutical Caucus HEA Industries 922 Resolution Supporting the Passage of the Medicare for Progressive PASS HEA All Act of 2019 (1384) Caucus 923 Resolution Opposing Military Intervention in Venezuela Progressive PASS MIL Caucus 924 Resolution About Military Spending Progressive PASS MIL Caucus 925 Resolution Supporting SB 5438 Labor Caucus LAB PASS 926 Resolution Supporting Collective Bargaining Labor Caucus PASS LAB

927 Resolution to Ensure Full Inclusion of Trans Members Stonewall Caucus PASS PAR

928 Resolution Supporting HR 1706 50 Signers PASS LAB

929 Resolution Opposing DCCC Policy Blacklisting Vendors 50 Signers PAR PASS WSDCCRES – 909 – 191405 –PASS – LAW – RANKED CHOICE VOTING

Resolution Supporting the Implementation of Ranked Choice Voting

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee urges the Washington State Legislature to adopt legislation to allow for ranked choice voting (also known as IRV) for all presidential and state primary, general and special elections in the State of Washington, and urges the various county municipal authorities to likewise pass ordinances adopting ranked choice voting for all such elections at the municipal levels as well; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Washington, the Lt. Governor of the State of Washington, the members of the Washington State Legislature, and the Washington Secretary of State.

Submitted via 50 signatures to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7th Meeting in Pasco (Date Submitted 1/27/2019).

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 912 – 190405 - PASS - ENV – PRIORITIZE CONVENTIONAL RAIL

PRIORITIZE DEVELOPMENT OF CONVENTIONAL RAIL THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that conventional rail development, expansion, improvement, and repair existing infrastructure in Washington and that it be recommended and prioritized in legislative planning concerning state and regional transportation funding and development and improvement projects, and transportation electrification projects, and that conventional rail be given high priority; THERFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Party recommends the rapid development, improvement and implementation of conventional rail, including electrification where feasible, as an effective and efficient climate mitigation solution; THERFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to members of the Washington State legislature and the Governor urging them to consider conventional rail when planning budget and transportation legislation.

Submitted by Steve Verhey, Chair ECC, to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7th Meeting in Pasco (Date Submitted 3/22/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019

References: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Central/Eastern WA Rail Service and Development Project:

1 of 1 WSDCCRES -- 914 – 190405 - PASS -- ENV – OPPOSING INITIATIVE 976


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the WSDCC does not support Endorsement of I-976, and urges all of Washington’s voters to oppose I-976.

Submitted by Steve Verhey, Chair ECC – to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco (Date Submitted 3/22/2019) The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 915 – 190405 – PASS – HEA– HIV Decriminalization

Resolution to Support Evidence Centered HIV Policy

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democrats, find the specific targeting of HIV and omission of other diseases from criminal statue discriminatory at face value; and be it further

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, the Washington State Democrats, suggest our leaders adopt a policy around HIV that reduces the stigma and serves the best interests of our community in reducing the spread of HIV, including removing HIV from the legal definition of Assault; therefore, be it

THEREFORED BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, communicate this resolution to the Governor Inslee and to each Washington State Legislator.

Submitted by the 20th Legislative District Democrats to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco (Date Submitted 2/2/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 916 – 190405 - PASS – EDU –FUND PUBLIC EDUCATION

1 RESOLUTION URGING THE WA STATE LEGISLATURE TO AMPLY FUND 2 PUBLIC EDUCATION 3 4 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Democrats urge our state legisla- 5 tors take action in this legislative session to prevent cuts and further fund our public schools as 6 detailed in HB 2157, potentially including but not limited to passing legislation to achieve the 7 following: 8 1. A capital gains tax, with revenues going to fund our public schools 9 2. Lifting levy caps so that public schools can collect the funds voters approved 10 3. Funding to meet the needs of special education students. 11 12 THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to our legislators. 13 14 Resolution submitted by the 36th LD Democrats to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7, 15 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date submitted 3/20/2019) 16 17 The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be 18 passed. 19 20 The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 917 – 190405 - PASS – LAW – INITATIVE 1639

Rule of Law in Resolving the Validity of Initiative 1639

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC), call for acknowledgment of Initiative 1639 as a properly enacted, lawful exercise of the powers of the people of the State of Washington;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That we, the WSDCC, acknowledge and advocate for the power of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington to determine the validity of statutes, including Initiative 1639;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, until such time as all or any portion of Initiative 1639 may be determined by the Supreme Court to be invalid, we, the WSDCC, call on all elected officials and law enforcement, serving under Article XI, section 5 of the Washington State Constitution, including but not limited to the sheriff, to perform their duties as defined by the legislature

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED That we support every step necessary to de- escalate the debate and support the rule of law for our county and state.

Resolution submitted by the Klickitat County Democrats to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco (Date submitted 3/20/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 918 – 1904050 - PASS – ENV – GREEN NEW DEAL


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the WSDCC support adoption of the Green New Deal resolution in the United States Congress, and enactment of related legislation to respond to the climate emergency; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the WSDCC support adoption of a statewide Green New Deal that emulates the federal version of the resolution; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the WSDCC submit a copy of this resolution to the WA State LD state representatives, and the WA State members of the United States Congress, and request that they provide all relevant support and assistance to put this resolution into effect.

Submitted by the 5th LD Democrats to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date submitted 3/20/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES - 919 – 190405 - PASS – ENV - Southern Resident Orca Task Force

Resolution Supporting the Southern Resident Orca Task Force Recommendations

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, in order to stop the decline of the Southern Resident orcas, support the spirit of recommendations of the SRKWTF, which identify actions to be taken by Federal, state and local agencies and key partners; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that some of these proposed recommendations may have significant far reaching human impacts on communities, livelihoods, property owners, rural and agricultural interests, business interests, and other stakeholders. Those impacts must be fully considered along with alternative plans and/or mitigation where necessary; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge our legislators to adopt legislation to support the recommendations of the SRKWTF and that state funding be made available to fully implement those recommendations; and; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to Washington State legislators and Governor, so they are aware of our belief that people, fish, and orcas can all thrive together in our state. ______Submitted by Wahkiakum County Democrats to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date Submitted March 20, 2019) The Resolutions Committee reviewed this resolution and recommended it be passed. The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 920 – 190406 –PASS – PAR - REJECT CORPORATE PAC MONEY


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED in order to avoid the appearance of influence or conflict, that the WSDCC urges all Democratic candidates in Washington State to reject donations from corporations in the healthcare, health insurance, and pharmaceutical industries; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the WSDCC urges the Executive Committee of the DNC to pass a new resolution prior to the 2020 Congressional elections urging candidates to reject contributions from corporations in the healthcare, health insurance, and pharmaceutical industries; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to each member of the Washington State congressional delegation and to each known candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.

Submitted by the Washington State Progressive Caucus to the WSDCC for consideration at its April 7th, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date Submitted 03/22/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 922 – 1904050 –PASS – HEA– Resolution on Medicare for All Act (1384)

Resolution Supporting the Passage of the Medicare for All Act of 2019 (1384)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Washington State Democratic Central Committee supports the Medicare for All Act of 2019 (1384);

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT upon adoption of this resolution, it be sent to Representative Kim Schrier, Representative Denny Heck, Representative Rick Larsen, Representative Suzan DelBene, and Representative Derek Kilmer who are not currently cosponsors.

Submitted by the Washington State Progressive Caucus to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 7th, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date Submitted 03/22/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 923 – 190405 –PASS -MIL- INTERVENTION IN VENEZUELA


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee opposes United States military intervention in Venezuela;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee calls on the Washington State Congressional delegation and all candidates for the Democratic nomination for President to oppose United States military intervention in Venezuela;

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that copies of this resolution shall be sent to each member of the Washington State Congressional delegation and to each known candidate for the Democratic nomination for President.

Submitted by the Washington State Progressive Caucus to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 7th, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date Submitted 03/22/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 924 – 190405 – PASS – MIL - Resolution on Military Spending

Resolution about Military Spending

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, call on Rep. Adam Smith to work to decrease military spending including spending by the Overseas Contingency Operations fund, but excluding Basic Allowance for Subsistence, Basic Allowance for Housing, base pay and other programs that uplift our military members and families.

Submitted by the Washington State Progressive Caucus to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 7th, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date Submitted 03/22/2019)

The Resolutions Committee reviewed and amended this resolution and recommended it be passed. WSDCCRES – 925 – 190407 – PASS – LAB – SUPPORT AND FUND SB 5438

Support and Fund SB 5438, Concerning the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Program

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, support SB 5438 and that it is fully funded; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, urge our Washington state legislators to vote yes for SB5438 and that it is fully funded.

Submitted by the (add either Labor Caucus or Latino Caucus) to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 5, 2019 meeting in Pasco.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 926 – 190407 – PASS – LAB – SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING RIGHTS

Resolution Supporting Collective Bargaining Rights THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the WSDCC, condemn Senators Mullet and Palumbo for their support of former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker-style attacks on the collective bargaining rights of public teachers. THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED A copy of this resolution be sent to Senators Mullet and Palumbo and to the Chairs of their respective Democratic County and Legislative Chairs.

Submitted by the Labor Caucus of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco. (Date Submitted 4/6/2019) The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 927 –190407 – PASS – PAR– Trans Inclusion Page 1 of 1

Resolution to Ensure Full Inclusion of our Trans Members

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, adopts the use of “they” as a singular, third person pronoun in resolutions; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democrats call specifically on our executive board, under the leadership of our Chair, Tina Podlodowski, to demonstrate leadership in this and ensure that future meetings have specific plans to ensure trans people have equitable access to our events, spaces, and meetings. We encourage the executive-board to consult with people experienced in organizing around Trans justice in achieving these goals; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee call upon on our DNC representatives to propose and advocate for the provisions of this resolution and our State Party titles and practices around gender with the DNC. Submitted by the Stonewall Caucus to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 7, 2019 meeting in Pasco.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES – 928 – 190407 – PASS – LAB – SUPPORT HR 1706

Support for HR 1706: ending of subminimum wages for disabled people.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic State Central Committee, support HR 1706 (1).

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we, the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, urge our elected Democratic Senators to pass HR 1706 and submit it the Governor’s Office to be signed and enacted into law. Submitted to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee for consideration at its April 5, 2019 meeting in Pasco.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 WSDCCRES- 929 -190407 –PASS – PAR - Opposing DCCC Policy Blacklisting Vendors


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee firmly oppose the new DCCC policy of blacklisting vendors, and;

THEREFORE BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee urge all sitting members of the Democratic US House caucus to join Representative Pramila Jayapal in making a public statement of opposition to this new DCCC policy and;

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY ALSO RESOLVED that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee shall not participate themselves in any form of blacklisting of vendors.

The Washington State Democratic Central Committee passed this Resolution on April 7, 2019 1 Washington State Democratic Central Committee 2 Meeting Minutes 3 April 5-7th | Hotel RL -- Pasco

4 Call to Order – 9:24am by Chair Tina Podlodowski 5 6 1. Flag Salute by Susan Swanson Okanogan County 7 8 2. Welcoming ceremonies by Matthew Tomaskin (14th LD) from Yakama Nation 9 10 3. Welcome – 11 • Jeffery Robinson Franklin County Chair 12 • Everett Maroon 16th LD 13 • Judi Johannesen Benton County Chair 14 • John Masulonis (8th LD chair) 15 16 4. Roll Call by Secretary Rob Dolin 17 a. 65 County State Committee Members and 96 LD State Committee Members are present, 18 for a total of 161 regular WSDCC members 19 b. 8 Special members are present: 20 21 5. Adoption of the Agenda – Consideration of Special Rules for Debate 22 a. Special Rules for Debate were adopted 23 24 b. Rules Committee Report – Sophia Danenberg (King County); Bryan Kesterson (47th LD) 25 • Joanne Fleming (3rd LD) moves to amend the Rules Committee report 26 changing from recommending primary to recommending caucus. 27 • Motion Fails 28 • Richard May (Whatcom County) and Joanne Fleming (3rd LD) present 29 Minority Report 30 31 6. Consideration of the 2020 Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plan 32 • Primary – Elizabeth Seigel (36th LD) 33 • Caucus – Karen Hardy (Stevens County) 34 • Primary – Madeline Brown (16th LD) 35 • Caucus – Hilary Morales (1st LD) 36 • Primary – Ian Coker (18th LD) 37 • Caucus – Marianna Hopkins-Everson (Grays Harbor County) 38 • Primary – Niko Battle (Snohomish County) 39 • Caucus – David Griffiths (Jefferson County) 40 • Primary – Andrew Villenueve (45th LD) 41 • Caucus – Kate Moran (Benton County) 42 • Primary – Tanisha Harris (17th LD) 43 • Caucus – AJ Cooper (15th LD) 44 • Primary – Robert Cruikshank (36th LD) 45 • Caucus – Susan Soto Palmer (Yakima County) 46 • Primary – Trinity Ledesma (Snohomish County) 47 • Primary – Chris Porter (34th LD) 48 • Caucus – Keoki Kauanoe (Thurston County) 49 • Primary – Jane Jaehning (Island County) 50 • Caucus – Angie Homola 51 • Primary – Virtue Woods (21st LD) 52 • Caucus – Matthew Sagan (Yakima County) 53 • Primary – Jeffery Robinson (Franklin County/WSDCO) 54 • Caucus – Sharon Abreu (San Juan County) 55 • Primary – Jackie Lane (18th LD) 56 • Caucus –Michaela Kelso (Spokane County/Proxy)) 57 • Primary – Bill Miller (12th LD/Proxy) 58 • Caucus – Cassandra Brown (Pierce County) 59 • Primary – Payton Swinford (YDWA Rep and Kittitas County) 60 • Caucus – Josh Trupin (5th LD) 61 b. This will be a ROLL CALL VOTE 62 • The vote count is: 63 • Primary – 121 Members 64 • Caucus – 40 Members 65 • Abstentions – 8 66 • Not Present – 10 67 • Vacancies – 8 68 c. Motion to approve the modified Primary Plan. 69 • Motion passes. 70 71 7. Adoption of budget moved to financial report. 72 8. Body Recessed for Lunch and reconvened at 12:27pm 73 74 9. Adoption of the Minutes 75 a. Motion to approve with spelling corrections 76 b. Motion passes 77 78 10. Financial Report – David Green (Vice-Chair) 79 a. Financial Report 80 • Motion to adopt 81 • Motion passes 82 b. Adoption of the Budget 83 • Chris Roberts (32nd LD) asks about where we are placing organizers in 84 2019. 85 • Chair Podlodowski: We currently have three: Bellingham (incl. 86 2019 in LD 40) Eastern WA, Tacoma (incl. Peninsula to 87 Vancouver) 88 • Ideally the budget would have 8-10 organizers 89 • Payton Swinford (YDWA) asks about the bargaining unit and how that 90 works. 91 • Motion to adopt 92 • Motion passes by raised credential vote 93 11. Chair’s Report 94 a. Ratification of Executive Committee Members 95 • Julie Johnson - CD6, Clallam County, NA Caucus Chair, Disabilities 96 Caucus 97 • Susan Swanson – CD4, LD7, Veterans, Small Business and Rural Caucus, 98 former LD Candidate 99 • Chris Porter – CD7, LD24, AA Caucus, LGBTQ Caucus, AA Co-Chair 100 • Santiago Ramos – CD9, LD11, Hispanic Caucus, Small Business Caucus 101 • Yvette Joseph – CD5, LD6, NA Caucus Officer, AA Co-Chair 102 • Tanisha Harris – CD3, Clark County, AA Caucus, former LD Candidate, 103 YD 104 • Jess Hegstrom Oakey - CD8, LD13, LGBTQ Caucus, Rural Caucus, YD, 105 former LD Candidate 106 • Motion to approve the slate 107 • Motion passes by raised credential vote 108 12. DNC Reports 109 a. Juanita Luiz speaks on the National Labor Council and Budget and Finance Committee 110 b. Ed Cote speaks on the State of the DNC 111 c. Nancy Moncalli talks about Milwaukee and how pleased she is that it is in the Midwest 112 d. Sharon Mast talks about the Labor Council meeting. Labor is the backbone of the party 113 and the DNC needs 12,000 volunteers. 114 • To sign up: 115 e. David McDonald talks about Rules and Bylaws. 116 f. Ed Cote talks about how well the DNC is being run by . 117 118 13. Committee Reports 119 a. Elections Committee – Chris Roberts (32nd LD) and Angela Wilkinson (49th LD) 120 b. Advocacy Committee – Andrew Villeneuve (45th LD) and Susan Soto Palmer 121 (Yakima) – 122 • Motion from the Advocacy Committee to oppose a Referendum 80 123 (Eyman) 124 • Motion passes. 125 • Yvette Joseph (6th LD) – asks about HB1317 and that it’s lingering in rules. 126 Asks members to support and encourage their legislators to pass it. 127 • Ken Caylor (Adams County) – asks about the advocacy committee being 128 a subset of the resolutions committee and asks that resolutions committee 129 members be on the advocacy committee. 130 • Lyn Idahosa (30th LD) – Says that resolutions passed were not acted upon. 131 Also brings up transgender name tags. 132 • Chair Podlodowski explains Resolutions were transmitted, but 133 to email 134 • Yanah Cook (2nd LD) asks about getting a State Party lobbyist. 135 • Kate Moran speaks to scorecards for our legislators. 136 c. Finance Committee – Kelsey Gower (Kittitas County) and Brian Dohe (16th LD) – 137 talk about fundraising and budget plans. Tools. 138 d. Rural Washington Committee – Nancy Monacelli (Temporary Chair). Talks about 139 the issues in the rural WA areas. 140 e. Affirmative Action Committee – Chris Porter (34th LD) and Yvette Joseph (6th LD) – 141 Chris talks about the work done for the caucus/primary plans 142 • Jeff Boulac asks about outreach for convicted felons. 143 • Virtue Woods asks if there is a bigger breakout of the goals categories. 144 a. Temporary Resolutions Committee Report 145 • The following recommendations were made as a DO PASS: 909, 911, 912, 146 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 922, 923, 924 147 • Pulled: 909, 911, 913, 923, 924 148 • 909 149 • Motion to pass 150 • Resolution passes 151 • 911 152 • Motion to table until September 153 • Motion to table passes 154 • 923 155 • Motion to pass 156 • Resolution passes 157 • 924 158 • Motion to pass 159 • Resolution passes 160 161 • The resolutions committee recommend NO PASS – Redundant: 897 162 • The resolutions committee recommended NO PASS – Incorporated with 163 <918>: 898, 903, 921 164 • The resolutions committee recommended REFORG: 896, 904, 913 165 913 - 166 • Motion to pass as amended 167 • Motion fails 168 • Motion to table until September 169 • Motion passes 170 171 • Resolutions brought to the floor: 172 • Updated SB5438 Resolution (50 Signatures) 173 • Motion to pass 174 • Resolution passes 175 • Supporting Collective Bargaining Rights (Labor Caucus) 176 • Motion to pass as amended 177 • Resolution passes 178 • Trans Inclusion (Stonewall Democrats) 179 • Motion to pass 180 • Resolution passes 181 • Support for HR 1706 (50 Signatures) 182 • Motion to pass 183 • Resolution passes 184 • Opposing DCCC Policy Blacklisting Vendors (50 Signatures) 185 • Motion to pass as amended 186 • Resolution passes 187 14. Good of the Order 188 15. Adjournment: Nathaniel Block (41st) moves to adjourn. The motion is seconded and passes 189 without object. The meeting adjourns at 4:26pm 190 191 Respectfully submitted by: 192 193 Heather Hess Joe Barden Rob Dolin Taemin Um 194 State Party State Party State Party State Party 195 Finance Director Development Manager Secretary Affairs Manager