Motion 10682
... ~- .... 04/29/99 Chris Vance Rob McKenna Introduced By: Dwight Pelz ma Clerk 05/06/99, 5/17/99 Proposed No.: 1999-0260 1 MOTION NO. 1 0 68 2 4 2 A MOTION relating to the location of Sound Transit's rail car 3 maintenance facility and supporting the retention of industrial 4 firms and jobs in the Duwamish corridor. 5 II WHEREAS, the countywide planning policies and the King County 6" Comprehensive Plan support the retention and expansion of industries, firms and family- 7 II wage jobs, and 8 II WHEREAS, the countywide planning policies and the King County 9 II Comprehensive Plan support the preservation and industrial use of land zoned for industry, 10 II and 11 II WHEREAS, preservation of the Duwamish industrial area is critical to the success 12 II of the countywide planning policies and the King County economic development policies, 13 II and 14 II WHEREAS, the cities of Seattle and Tukwila have designated their portions of the 15 II Duwamish corridor as manufacturing and industrial centers, providing some protection for 16 ·11 this valuable economic asset, and 17 II WHEREAS, there are in excess of one hundred twenty thousand jobs in the 18 II Duwamish corridor, comprising eleven percent oftotal jobs in King County, and more than 19 II two thousand businesses, and - 1 - 10682~ . 1 II WHEREAS, Sound Transit must construct a maintenance facility to support the 2 II new regional light rail system, and 3 II WHEREAS, it may be necessary to locate the maintenance base in the Duwamish 4 II industrial corridor, and 5 II WHEREAS, the maintenance facility will consume a large area of industrial land, 6 II approximately twenty-five acres, and 7 II WHEREAS, King County Metro operates major bus maintenance facilities on S.
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