Bernardston Reconnaissance Report
Bernardston Reconnaissance Report Connecticut River Valley Reconnaissance Survey Massachusetts Heritage Landscape Inventory Program JUNE 2009 Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Franklin Regional Council of Governments Pioneer Valley Planning Commission PROJECT TEAM Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Richard K. Sullivan, Jr, Commissioner Joe Orfant, Director, Bureau of Planning & Resource Protection Patrice Kish, Director, Office of Cultural Resources Wendy Pearl, Director, Historic Landscape Preservation Initiative Jessica Rowcroft, Preservation Planner, Heritage Landscape Inventory Program Regional Partners & Project Consultants: Franklin Regional Council of Governments Margaret Sloan, Director of Planning & Development Melissa Adams, Land Use Program Manager Kimberly Noake MacPhee, Natural Resources Program Manager Patricia Smith, Land Use Planner Ryan Clary, GIS Specialist Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Bonnie Parsons, Principal Planner and Manager of Historic Preservation Programs Anne Capra, Principal Planner Jim Scace, Senior Planner/GIS Specialist Local Project Coordinator Rebecca Jurek, Bernardston Town Administrator Local Heritage Landscape Participants Lou Atherton Virginia Budness Susan Commings Dave Duprey Debbie Duprey Jane Dutcher Robert Eddy Stan Garland Dana Gravy Annette MacKin Gloria Melelim Beverly Phelps Ed Phelps Bob Raymond Bill Shores Greta Shores Annette Mackin Wadleigh Mark Wadleigh COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS · EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Department of Conservation and Recreation Deval L. Patrick Ian A. Bowles, Secretary, Executive 251 Causeway Street, Suite 600 Governor Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs Boston MA 02114-2119 617-626-1250 617-626-1351 Fax Timothy P. Murray Richard K. Sullivan, Jr., Commissioner Lt. Governor Department of Conservation & Recreation INTRODUCTION Heritage landscapes are special places created by human interaction with the natural environment that help define the character of a community and reflect its past.
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