The Weather: The year 1952, dryas it has been, bids fair to go out with burst of snowfall and rain. At the present rate of fall, at least, it will not come close to touching last wsc December's figures of a precipitation of 3.43, and a snowfall record of 31.9 inches. The report for Friday indicates scattered snow or rain and low clouds. (Ski story below.)

Volume LIX ------_ Pullman, Wash., Friday, December 12, 1952 Number 45 Kiwanis Prexy Curious Weed Entertainer Enrolls Blasts Reds· Visits Expert, Crosby ArrivesOn Campus . Attack Stopped " , In Umted States .A :;..,f,~~~i.'!:,~'e~:·awl'dEnrolls In ShorL Course rrght mto the expert's offtce for, "I: "Communism has under-es- handy analysis at Washington timated our American will and State college. By JIM HECKMAN ing held at WSC this week and . According to Lind- ability to resist," Kiwanis In- Knut Lunnum, extension for- made his official will attend his first class this ternational President Walter J. appearance at WSC Thursday say, he has talked to several of estry specialist at WSC, said morning'. He plans to leave the his Loyola school mates who are L. Ray of Detroit, Michigan told Thursday he removed a stack of accompanied by his youngest campus for Spokane at the be- a Northwest Regional gathering son. Lindsay. Crosby enrolled in interested in WSC. At WSC he pamphlets from his office book- ginning of next week. Clive Rob- plans to enroll in animal hus- of more than three hundred rep- ca se and found a Morning Glory the Stockmen's Short course be- erts, ranch owner near Colfax, l'esenting 14 clubs in a banquet bandry. the same course as is peeking out behind. has been Crosby's host earlier being taken by the Crosby twins. address at the Compton union this week. building at WSC, Wednesday He and Henry Wolfe, WSC Course at Munich Phillip and Dennis. The twins night. Dec. 10. weed authority, pulled out sev- A four-week course in German At Spokane, Crosby will at- are freshmen at WSC and pledg- tend conferences concerning his es of Sigma Nu fraternity. President Ray came from De- era I handfuls of vine and stopped language. art and literature at the invasion. interest in television station KX- RANCHING CAREERS troit to unveil a banner for the the University of Munich will be LY. KXLY's transmitter will be Pullman club honoring the ser- The weed. a pest noted for its sponsored again this summer by located on top Mount Spokane. According to Bing, all four of vice of former international hardiness and perststence, had the University of Washington, in Fifteen year old Lindsay ex- his sons are intetested in ranch- ing and will probably work his president J. N. Emerson of the tunneled under the cement foun- cooperation with the Students In- pressed his desire to attend host club who passed on from a dation of the Quonsethut building ternational Travel ASSOCiation WSC after his graduation from ranch near Ellko , Nevada. Gary, heart attack induced by over- next to Troy hall, worked thru and the University of Munich. Loyola. a Catholic high school in the oldest son, is a student at strain while in that post June 12, a crack in the six inches of con.' Further information may be Stanford university. 1947. crete, then through a seam in obtained by writing to Dr. Wil- Bing and Lindsay drove to the linoleum and up the wall to liam H. Rey, 113 Denny Hall. WSC from the Crosby ranch, "Mr. Emerson crusaded up join its pictured brothers in the Univeistty of Washington. Seat- which at present is grazing 3.500 and down the land exposing' the bookcase. tle 5. Stockmen End Hereford cattle as well as hors- cruel, wicked frame of Com- es. Crosby said. munism under the mask and the Crosby said he planned to re- years since have shown how very turn to WSC Dec. 19 to pick up Tight he was in leading' this By an Phillip and Dennis for Christ- fight against Cqmrnun isrn and The Day Wire A:::::ated IC2.~~~~~}~d!!mas vacation. He plans several its aims" the betroiter said. He WASHINGTON President nual Stockmen'S Short Course side trips over the holidays in Tevealed that Mr. Emerson him- have agreed to meet wit~ him will wind up it's six day meeting search of geese shooting. self "had been at one'time a Truman said Thutsday he doubts that Gen. Douglas MacArthur here in a few weeks to dISCUSS at the Compton Union building. PRAISES WSC BUILDINGS card-carrying 'member' of the the possibilities. Bob Kull, of the WSC Agricul-- has hit upon any new solution of WSC's Holland library and the Communist party, but had been ture Extension service, reported new Compton Union building. expelled by the communists the Korean war, and declared that in 1950 the general told him the meeting of chief importance said Crosby, are the nicest build- when his true purpose of expos- ings he has seen on any college ing their aim s had become he was sure the war was over ·Ing am . ~~ will be the selecting, judging then. and preparing meat demonstra- campus. known to them. He carried on BeII h AI tion at 1 p. m. Bing recently returned from this dangerous work at. a very Truman. in an unusually stern Among the 155 delegates are Paris "where he was engaged in Teal risk of his life." mood also told his news confer- swinemen, cattlemen and sheep- the production of "Little Boy The speaker called on Kiwan- ence that Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- men from six western states. Lost," a moving picture featur- hower was guilty of demagog- Hear freneh ians to "continue to lead in the Washington, Oregon, _ Idaho, ing an all French cast with the uery when he said in the presi- . fight against Communism." say. A meeting was held in the Montana, Arizona were repre- exception of the singer. He said tng "our economy is different dential campaign he would go sented. Singer Bing Crosby is to Korea. Leopold hotel; Bellingham. by the interior shooting was being and cannot fit into the Marxist the Bellingham chapter of the among the delegates. done in Hollywood studios. formula." He patd.. the late Mr. Truman summed up that he WSC Alumni Dec. 1 for alumni. Emerson highest tribute as "a doesn't see how any good could their friends and parents of WSC Christian gentleman; a long-time come of any White House meet- students residing in that area, sunday school leader and great ing with the two to talk about alumni director Pat Patterson church worker. and a tireless Korea. reports. Music Dept. Presents personal worker to salvage ca- reers of delinquent children." President C. Clement French He pronounced the new banner LOS ANGELES. (JP) -A Calif- spoke to the group and the film as "a living memory of a great ornia boxing commissioner has "This is WSC" was shown. Jul- ian Karp, WSC alumni and prin- Christmas Concert: mah." He also extolled the Ki- announced the launching of a cipal of the Bellingham high wanis sponsored Kappa Iota Phi campaign to bring the Rocky The Christmas Oratorio of first four sections of the Orator- school conducted the meeting fraternity which Mr. Emerson Marciano-Joe Walcott heavy- J. S. Bach will be presented by io. It will be under the direction helped to found in Pullman. weight championship fight here. and was assisted by George the WSC chorus and orchestra of Charles W. Davis. Graham. Jim Dunlap, another Commissioner Everett Sander WSC alum, spoke on alumni on Sunday, December 14, at 3 Parts five and six represent p.m. and 8 p.rn. in Bryan hall the section of the Christmas said Thursday that president work and membership: Patter- Costume Ski Race Jim Norris of the International son said the meeting was well auditorium. story relating the arrival of the Boxing' Commission and Al attended by both parents and The music department annual- 'wise men, but the length of the Weill, Marciano's manager, alumni. lv presents a Christmas concert entire work prohibits the pre- and this year have selected the sentation of the complete Ora- Featured at Bowl ------.....::..----__:_:._-_:_=._:.::.:..:: torio. WSC's ski bowl will see its Soloists for the performance first costume ski race Sunday are: Mary Ellen Davidson, so- as Winter Week festivities close. prano; Phyllis Nansen, soprano; According to Ken Lewis, who is Donna Wood, soprano: Lois Chal- in charge of arrangements. strom, contralto; Virginia Kos- judg'ing will be based on origin- tenbader, contralto; Robert Sal- ality of costume. The bus for st. verda, tenor; LeRoy Lahey, bar- Joe will leave the CUB at 8 a. m. itone; William Paul, bass. Sunday morning. James Downey is accompan- Contrary to previous reports, ist for the 'chorus and Professor the bowl will be open to student George Scott is the organist. skiing Saturday as well as Sun- day. As of Thursday noon 24 inches of snow were reported on the ski bowl slopes with new "Extras" Troupers snow falling. An obstacle race involving To Stage Benefit Tacing through barrels. doors' Ten Theta Sigma Phi "Ex- and other obstacles will also be tras" acts will be conveyed by held, Lewis said. bus to Spokane at 10 a. m. Sat- Round trip bus fare to the urday and not by private car bowl is 75 cents for Outing club as was previously announced. re- members and, $1 for non-club ports Peggy Kerr , Theta Sigma members. Phi president. Bob Berney, president of Out- The group will leave from the ing club, has reportedly ordered CUB on busses arranged for by a rope ski tow suitable for in- Air and Army ROTC units here stallation on the golf course. on the campus. Approximately 35 entertainers will embark to appear before File NRO Blanks veterans in. Baxter hospital to- Men and Women students in- morrow afternoon. terested in this year's Naval Reserve Officer's Candidate pro- Need A Ride? gram are advised to complete their preliminary applications The CUB Hospitality commit- before they leave for the Christ- tee is sponsoring a ride bureau mas holidays. for students who need riders or Pouring coffee for Bing With Mr. Crosby and Dr. Ens mfng er is D. want rides home for Christmas Preliminary application blanks Crosby Here Crosby, who is attend- Howard Doane of St. Louis, featured speaker holidays. Hours are 2-5 and 7-9 may be obtained by contacting ing the third annual Stockmen's Short Course at the gathering. The picture was taken dur- weekdays, and 5 to 7 p. m. Sun- William Gnaedinger, Room 20, here at WSC, is Dr. M. E. Ensminger, chair- ing the daily coffee hour in the CUB. (WSC Holland library. day. The booth is in the CUB man of the animal husbandry department. Photo-Bullis) main floor lounge. WS( (oncert Band {[))eadliine Melars for I Heard in Program (Game Room (onlest I wSC's 87-piece concert band was heard Thursday night in- a All student", faculty, and staff I program of compositions by rnernbers mav enter the CUB Bach, Weber, Wagner, Dvorak, Promotions contest to name the I Hanson and Coates in Bryan Games Roorr; . Entries must be hall auditorium, Playing musical i.':l the boxes located in the CUB i selections from the classic, to- 10bby and POSI office by De-I mantic and contemporary fields cernber 19. Submit your name, the band was under the direc- .s.ddress. and phone number with: tion of Professor Harold P. the name you have chosen. The I Wheeler. CuB Promotron and Garnes com-I Two additional concerts are nuttees will award three prizes being planned by Prof e s s 0 r 0:' free bowling lines, Wheeler-one around the third week of January and the other . lDebatl'e Selr,ies Postponed in March. The Men',; Inland Empire .championshLQ debate series .scheduled for Friday and Satul'- aay in Brvan hall was postponed Pic n' Pin to January 9 and 10. due to a Nancy Gray, Alpha Gamma ,Q(tuatlon a': I;he Universatv of Delta, and Bill Rowle s. Acacia. I"tontaEa by which their teams Barbara Berry, Pi Beta Phi were unable (I) tra vel this week ,to Bill Rehder, Sigma ChL Jack- end. The Womer:;:; Championships ie Hurd, Pi Beta Phi to Earl "wlll be held. at Missoula on De- Costello Beta Theta Pi. cember :12 and 13 as scheduled. CUB Concert Program The CUB music committee SEATTLE-No further power will sponsor the last ,concert pro- cuts will he ordered this week gram of 1952 at 2:30 p.m , Sun- irt the Pacn.c Northwest, a De- day. . i ense Electnc Power Adrnlnrs- V'"tion offic~",! said I,Vednesday. "The Nutcracker Suite" by Tchaikovsky and Grieg's "Peer left to right: Ed Schneidmiller, seated; Del All the pomp and \Gynt Suite" will be played this Royal Gesture pageantry of a roy- Nichols, behind Quann; JiIn Qualm, with mug; Sunday in the CUB lounge, CUI-t Stransz, behind counter; Bill Brown, Locals a l oe r ern ony is displayed by members of the standing; Stan Johnson, striped shirt; Al Ev- WSC Lariat club as they knight "Sir Loin" at YWCA w.I. hold Its annual ans, King; Bill Daling, kneeling; Ruben Fade, Cosmo Party Tonight their traditional student-stockmen banquet. kneeling with striped shirt; and Vern Hopkins Cosmo Party Tonight Christ.mas party from 4: 15- Padicipating in the impressive ritual are from with duster. (WSC Photo--Bullisi Christmas celebrations from r.15 p. [':1.. December 16 in the differ-ent lands will be the theme Y·Dub rooms at the CUB. YWCA mas party for Pullman child- distributing gifts, refreshmcnts ' "Why the Chimes Rang" and of Cosmopolitan club's Christ- and movies. -I "The Littlest Angel" will be pre- mas party, in Ferry hall tonight ),:embers :;'l'~ cord ia llv Invited ren, Sunday, December 14, from at 7:45, r long with Y-Dubs, announced 3-5 p.m , in rooms 212, 213, 2J.4 of . .,' . . sented in Westmllllster's annual The meeting is open to both the CUB. Each child is to bring Ther e wrll be no CO-lec th is :Christmas program Sunday, De- a 25-cent gift with the age range members and nonmembers, Re- Friday as scheduled. Co-ree wil l ] freshments will be served and marked on the outside. High resume its activiti~s after Christ-ll.cember 14, at 5:30 p.rn , revealed the program will be followed by lights of the party will be !::ianta mas vacation, . Buzz Walters, president. socia 1 danCing',

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. I.;lr. DAWN ADDAMS LLOYD BRIDGES Eto.. Ii,Nonl'.,Eta",ca.:.r Sol\!e" P!'1 ~y HELEN DEUTSCH -~~~~~~'!I:tit. CLARENCE BROWN .' Pr..!'Otd.rOORESCHAR'l 3/$1.50 Other BrOWF1l &. HiclifeW Hand rolled arid em':' Boxed! Choco~Oifl'eSi

GET TYPEWRITER SERVICE When You Buy! We corry ALL MAKES of porta- ble and Standard Typewriters. Come in and buy your fovorite model today. We furnish dean- ing ond repair service• • Page" WSC DAILY EVERGREEN ,Friday, December 12,,1952 St. Louis University First How's My Tiine,·Doug? , . Stop on 'Cougar Itinerary

By Dave Brown Friel said. Every contest will be tough if Barring inclement weather, the schedule and previous rec- Jack Friel will take his Cougar All Opponent's ords have anything to say about eager's skyward early this morn- it. The Skyline, conference turns ing from the Spokane airport out some of the nation's top ror the first lap of their 13 day quintets every season. Despite exhibition tour which starts Sat- Tearn Picked by a mediocre season in 1951-52, the urday night against the st. Louis highly rated Utah teams-Utah university Billikens in St. Louis. Utah state and Brigham Young Friel's thirteen-man traveling -are once again considered the Cougar Gridders squad includes Ron Bermrnk , chief threats to eastern domin-, jack Garton, Bob Klock, Bob ation of the championship bas- Al Kircher's Cougar gridders Morgan, Pete Mullins, Cliff My- ketball picture. this week were polled on their ron, Dick. Peterson, Bill Rehder, Missoula's Montana state un- choices for an all-opponent team :';'ave Roberts, Bob Swanson, th . t for the completed 1952 football iversity is already ne VIC or season. In the poll, 's Ken Trautman, Bert Underwood, over the Cougars on tll-eir home and Frank White. floor at Bohler gym,! and will Golden Bears were voted four . F' I places on the offensive team. , The team left Pullman by bus play host to the travellmg rae - The ,defeated the Cougars, at nine o'clock last evening and men on the day befor. Christ- 28-13. was scheduled to depart from mas. Spokane's Geiger field 12:30 this With one' of the mostunpredic- The Southern California Tro- morning. They are scheduled to table squads in years, one or two jans 'equalled "the Bears by not- neach st. Louis by nine this upsets may be in the making if ching four votes on the defensive evening. the whole team coordinates its Trojan guard; Elmer Wilhoite : The st. Louis Billikens are one talents in one game and breaks eleven. Famed All-American was the only player to be named of the highly rated basketball its record of inconsistency of in- on both offensive and defensive teams of the new season. Ohio dividual players. ' State, voted in many circles as The starting lineup for the st. teams. USC mauled the Cougars the team to beat in the Western Louis game will probably be in this season's lidlifter, 35-7. Conference, is the only team so slightly changed from the one Regarding Cal and Southern ,fiu that has been able to nip that was on hand at the toss-up, Cal' as the year's two toughies, the stellar Billikens. for the Whitworth clash. Bob the COUgSwent on to pick their ; Jack Friel is regarding every Swanson has been moved back all-opponent offensive squad. contest on the itinerary as a to starting forward with Bill Ends _:_ Bob Grimes, Ohio fuughie and is definitely dis- Rehder at the center post and, State, George Black, Waslling- 'o-Ing Champs', Swimming coach Doug Gibb Retnr I ' talks shop with his three re- pleased over the team's showing Pete Mullins on the other flank: ton turning Northern Division champions following a recent time in the last few home games. The Bob Klock and Ron Bennik are Tackles-Jim Vick and Don trIal in the Bohler pool. Checking the stop watch with Gibb are team just hasn't been hustling,"1 the guards. Curran, St.anford and Elmer Williams, Oregon from left to right in the water: 200 yard breastroke champ Center-Trevis Martin, Calif- Merle Templeton, 150 yard individual medley champ Don Con- ornia ' nor and 1500 meter king Fred Sprenger. The trio will see action Backs - John Borton, Ohio this coming Saturday as the Cougar squad pairs off in an intra- State, Bill ,Jones, Baylor, John squad meet at 3:00 p.m. (Bob Waitt Photo) Olszewski and Bill Powell Cal- ifornia. Here is the Cougars' all-oppon- ent defensive eleven. San Jose, pcrco- Titlists Ends - Jim Cordial, Oregon State and Roger Hooks, USC ' Tackles - Duane 'lVardlow, On Tentative Mat Schedule Washington and Irv Denker, By Don Sauer the upswing, and an arrange- Ohio State ' ment such as this would be ben- Guards - Lou Athey, Baylor Several tentative meets have eficial to the sport. and Wilhoite been arranged tor the WSC -co- champion PCI wrestling team Other tentative meets are Backs and Iinebacker s - Mel scheduled against Montana State Bertrand, Idaho, Bob Stout, Ok- including a home meet with San college at home and Portland lahoma A & M, Jim Sears and Jose State college, who shared State (Vanport college) and Ore- Jim, USC, Fred Bruney, the PCI title with the Cougars gon State there. Ohio State. last season. San Jose State will make a Possible meets may include a return meet with Fairchild AFB, Bob Baird, chief engineer for trip north meeting both Oregon State and WSC, but the dates Lewis and Clark and a SeaLtle- KWSC, is newly elected vice Tacoma trip. CREIGHTONS chairman of the northern chap- have, not. been set definitely be- MOSCOW'S OLDEST CLOTHIERS ter of the Idaho Society of Pro- cause OSC officials are not sure The Cougar team is currently fessional Engineers. when they will be able to hold engaged in eliminations for the the meet. Coach Bill Tomaras team to make the trip to Spo- Exclusive Area Representatives for Nationally- expects to have the meet either kane to tangle with Fairchild on . February 21 or .28. December 18. Some of the men Famous PENDLETON PRODUCTS- WSC will play host to the will fight over their last year's Washington state high school weight and drop down to regular suggests you make this. , . wrestling tournament scheduled wrestling weight later in the sea- for F'ebruarv 28 or March 7. son. This is the first time that the state high school tournament A PENDLETON CHRISTMAS ~ has ever been held on the WSC campus. VARSI TV , Tomaras hopes to be able to • Famous Pendleton Bed Blankets in solids stage the high school tournament in plaids, in stripes on Saturday morning and after- CAFE noon of February 28, and hold • Beautiful Notional Park Blankets the San Jose meet that evening , .. in order to give the high school • Icompetitors a chance to see the Dinners • Chief Joseph and Indian Robes •Cougar team in action. In this way, Tomaras feels that interest 'Fountain • Pendleton "Robes-in-ofsoq" would be stimulated in wrest- Jumbo._Milk Shakes ling. After he attended the wrest- • -For Ladies-Pendleton Skirts, Slacks, ling clinic in Longview recently, Fifth & MaIn MOSCOW / Tomaras felt that wrestling is on Famous 1/ 49 er" Jackets • For Men-Pendleton Shirts, Sport and regu- lar models-Slacks, Jackets, Leisure Coots, ~ounging Robes. Yes-We win be 'happy to GIFT-WRAP ROLLER SKATING

Creightons-on this, our 63rd Christmas ,'Swea.ter Special ••• for WSC Students . . . wishes to extend to all of you at. Lote Sessions every Friday and Saturday t. Washington State College-students and 'Ue..,t b~ , ,,', Night" laculty-our Sincere Good Wishes for ,-ORO JEFF Christmas and the New Year. ' Skating from 7:00 till midnight every Friday and Saturday BEAT' THE CHILL! 111'S FUN! BE HERE! I ONLY $5.95 CREICHTONS SKATELAND ,lsaUiiiEsHOP i· Lewistoni Idaho 12th & Idaho Streets V. N. ~AMSTEDT ALLENS. ,RAMSTEDT j.,,( I- , -Home o( MeneU/ear that Men We.r" : ' ~COlOruwo • ~WAIL ·~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~I Friday, December 12,1952 WSC DAILY EVERGREEN F~~ it" Harlem Clowns and I-Iouse of David Haney Signs Pact To Manage Pirates PITTSBURG H-I:'red Haney, ill 'health and said he couldn't skipper of the highly successful take another. tough season at the Hollywood, Cal. stars of the Pa- helm of the rookie-dotted PI- Exhibit: Cage Ant:ics 1-1ere Monday cific Coast League, signed a one- rates. year contract Thursday to man- A novel and entertaining ex- age the hapless Pittsburgh Pi- hibition of basketball at its best rates. BRISBANE, Australia. (JP) _ India trotted out a really fine and funniest will be seen here The announcement came after (ougarefle Skiing tennis player named Sumat Mis- when the Harlem Clowns meet a conference between Haney the long-whiskered House of Da- and Gener al Manager Branch ra Thursday in gaining an even vid team at Bohler gym Mon- Rickey. Haney succeeds Billy break with the Italians in the opening singles matches of thetr day night. These two stellar Instrudion 10 Start Meyer who resigned at the end Davis' Cup inter-zone semi-final. basketball clubs will be trying to of the 1952 season after his team Instruction and training will Misra, a big tall fellow with outdo each other in compiling wound up with the worst record be offered to any girls interested a terrific service, blasted Rolan- . points and making the fans in turning out for the WSC wo- in more than 60 years . laugh. I do Del Bello off the court, 0-4, men's ski team beginning Janu- The Pirates lost 112 games, The House of David :boasts 6-4, 6-1, after Fausto Gardini ha.d ary 10-11 at the ski bowl at one short of tying the club mark put the Italians off in front with one of the greatest showmen Emida, Ida., according to Miss set in 1890. and ball handlers of all time, a 6-1, 5-7, 7-5, 6-2 Victory over Helen Smith, Women's P,E. de- The 59-year-old skipper blamed Naresh Kumar. namely "High Hat Harry" jl.[c- partment chairman. Laughlin, the six foot four inch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------slim-jim from Pacific Lutheran The four member team enters College. At PL "High Hat Har- one meet each year. This season v. ~ ry" was the toast of: Puget it will journey to Steven's Pass Sound where he made points and where the U. of Wash. will host got Iaughs- and while .getting the Pacific Northwest Intercol- laughs he set a new Pacific coa st legiate Women's ski meet Feb- scoring record of 1785 points, ruary 21-22. breaking the old mark held by Two years ago the team went PENNEY'S ') All-American Hank Luisetti. to Mt Hood, Oregon where they I .1 The Harlem Clowns claim the placed second, and last year the =-runniest floor arttst of them all, Cougarettes participated in a Jackie White, other wise: known meet at Whitefish, Mont., plac- ~ ~ . as the "clown prince of basket- :jng third . ball." Other Clowns include Members of last year's team ~ YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE ·f~ Howie "Babe" Rand, .Rookie were' Maxine Erickson, Jody Jim Powell, and an old master, Pease, Sally Ingraham and team ~. FILLED WITH GIFT ITEMS fOR EVERYONE ~1 "Runt Pullins and "Schoolboy" Captain Lael Anderson. Edwards. ' The men's ski team spent last ~ 'ON YOUR LIST ... MOM. DAD, SIS N They have, in the past, made weekend working out at Mt: jumps as far as 750 miles for a Spokane and plan a trip to the ~ AND BROTHER AT . f~ single game, and claim to have .ski bowl at Emida for more prac- played before a crowd of 5000 tice this weekend in preparation fans in a big city auditorium, for approaching meets. Penney's Thrifty Low Prices ~. and the next night before 100 in I a literal match-box. THE SNOWBALL IS ROLLING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The House of David basketball team has the complete sponsor- ship of the Israelite House of David colony at Benton Harbor, Michigan, and several of its 2S strands of d.,el wife storl en 'heir way to be players, including player-mana- electrolytically to!lltt'd wi I" (o'pp.'r, 1t'~d and brass. ger George Anderson, reside in the colony. The basketball team was or- ganized by Francis Thorpe in 1931 and has averaged 125 games per season with a winning per- centage of .738. The basketball- ers like the Clowns, have also played in every state in the un- Turpin-Sugar Ray ion and in some foreign coun- tries. The Clowns use comedy rou- To Fight June 9 tines as a part of their attack and LONDON (JP)-Promoter Jack the Davids do the same. The Solomons said Thursday Sugar two clubs have an agreement-- Ray Robinson has "defimtely three minutes before the final agreed" to defend his world mid- whistle, the team ahead will be dleweight championship against recognized as the winner and the Britain's Randy Turpin on .Iune remainder of the time is devot- 9 in either London or Dublin: ed to a wild spree of hippodrom- ing antics. PASADENA. (JP)-Coach Jess Hill assembles the University of Part ef the 600 foet long elKlroforming Southern California football machines where w;r<'$ go Ihro"sh ~ucces$ivt squad Thursday to being serious training for the Rose Bowl game baths of plating solutions. Intramurals against Wisconsin. BASKETBALL Hill said he expected about 70 players of assorted size and abil- (All "B" league games) ity, most of whom will be us.ed 8:00 to 8:45 as cannon fodder for the varSIty Phi Kappa Tau vs CCF pioneer, (Franks) vs Esquire No.3 Theta Chi vs Ferry No. 2 SATISFIED LCA No. 1 vs Pioneer (Sim- monds) CUSTOMERS! SAE No. L vs Pioneer 'Pine Manor vs SAE No. 2 Is Our Motto • FURNITURE The Ideal Gift HENRY'S Console of conlrQls for entire process is readily ' , Phone 2461 RICHFIELD operated when necessary. even though seldom Mac S MOSCOW, IDAHO IlIsed in the alm6st fully Clutomatic operation • ;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...with ci pioneering twist

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There's a real incentive in working out ways to Engineers of varied skills-electrical, mechani- I The Most Personal Gift i do things that have never been done before. And cal, chemical, metallurgica1, ciVil-went to work; problems in pioneering are constantly cropping as a team. After solving many problems, they up at Western Electric-manufacturing unit of came up with a process that makes better, I YOUR PORTRAIT! ~. the Bell Telephone System. , stronger wire at lower cost-does it at the rate For' example: the revolutionary e1ectroforming of 1% billion feet per year. W SEND YOUR PORTRAIT LA~~:;R~NT ~ process dreamed up and made a reality by West- Recent developments such as microwave radio .~ TO THOSE YOU MADE~' ern Electric engineers for making copper coated relay networks for telephone calls and television FROM YOUR i!!I steel wire. programs-operator and customer dialing. of LOVE. CHINOOK ~ The big idea was this: Could a process be devel- long distance calls-secret electronic equipment '., ' SITTING . ~ oped in which successive coats of copper, lead for the Armed Forces-promise an ever-widen- ,Pi There is no more personal AND ~ and bras's would be deposited on steel wire ing field for young engineers of varied training at I Gift! COLORED~: electrolytically in one continuous operation? Western Electric. i. IN OILS ~. W& * I:I :. : Hutchison Studio I: I ' R. R. HUTCHISO~ I ;1' , ~gree of Moster of Photography I A UNIT OF THE lEU SYSTEM SINCE 1882 ' , I,." I~~~~~~~~~~~~ The of the Board gaining a stronger Port-Time Wages "bargaining power" in speaking Dear Editor: for the students). Board The situation of wages in this school is critical, as you pointed out In your editorial of Friday Sportsmanship? December 5. I have asked my employer at Dear Editor: Outlook various times why it would not I think it would be to the ad- help to raise the wages of part vantage of the students of this school if they knew the meaning By Kay Connolly time employees. Her answer was that our room and board would of the word sportsmanship. Web- go up if wages were raised, ster says that sportsmanship is ~ I knew it had to happen sometime and therefore doing us no good. the practice of fairness and self- control. ~ay Cox, the student body president at However, if only 1500 out of 5000 are working, that raise Tonight (last Saturday) we Idaho, was about the best person I know of played Gonzaga and came from to do it. This jumbled writing refers, of would be split up and everyone would feel the raise in room behind to win. It was a close course, to "The Bored Outlook" which ap- and board but only slightly. And game and the play was fast, but peared in the Wednesday Neva Clean. Ray, as you said, wages have not ris- at no time did the WSC players you did a good job and I hope I can do as en in proportion to our raise in lose their self-control or show any unsportsmanlike conduct. much fOJ; you and your newspaper some- other college fees. However, in the stands, it was time. I know of one feat you accomplished T'was the week before Chrfstmas and This school must not be so all through the room the pencils were very poor if. it is able to build a different story. Nearly every by writing the Wednesday column - the time a foul was called the stands scratching-the prof had lowered the boom. two hew buildings and pave students read it. I have often been told streets and install new organs. began to boo. To say the least that no one but the copy reader and my- it gives freshmen like myself a THEY DON'T HAVE LONG WHITE The working students on this very bad impression. Besides self read ours and some doubt whether the BEARDS, red suits, or slide down any chim- campus are not organized. Prob- looking bad it is just plain stupid. copy reader reads it sometimes. lems arising of this sort could The grandstand refs were even neys but the profs at WSC are certainly be ironed out by taking them to adept at handing out Christmas "presents" calling them on the far side of Now, for todays topic. Have you ever the proper committees and by the court when the players ha.d wondered where the money to operate your in the form of tests and term papers the having a sort of "bargaining their backs turned. 4(,). week before vacation. power" with the Board of Re- student government comes from or who de- gents. This seems like the only Why don't we cheer for the cides how this money is to be spent. Per- NEXT WEEK is similar to final week in good solution, to this problem. boys when they do something February to the many students who have Has anyone ever tried organiz- spectacular or when they need a haps you have also wondered jf there were little encouragement? Isn't it any controls over the money spent in the four to six tests scheduled during this time. ing the students or is it legal on a state campus? better to cheer for a positive operation of student government. These and UNDERSTANDABI.JE AS IT IS that there' An under-paid part- goal than kick about something we can't change? Why look like other questions about ASSCW finances we are some professors who have their COUl'S- time worker , Martine Fryer fools and run the risk of drawing will try and answer in the next few weeks. es figured out by sections and have plan- a technical foul? (Editor's note: The legality of WHERE DO THE ASSCW FUNDS ned these tests to clear up most course Come on, let's get on the ball. work before vacation, there are still quite a student "union" as implied Let's turn that hooting section COME FROM? above to obtain "bargaining- po- a number who spring vacation tests and into a real sure enough cheer- There are three budgets which ha ve been wer" on the matter of student ing section. Let's look like we papers on the students with only two or wages is positive. But, at pre- set up within the ASSCW activities area wanted to win and can take it three class periods of warning. This next sent the ASSCW Board of Con- if we don't, into which funds are paid. Today, we will week is filled with too many tests for too trol is considered the offieLd representative group of the stu- Larry McLaughlin concern ourselves only with the ASSCW many students creating for them a final ~on-Athletic budget (referred to as the dents on _such _matters. _To week with classes to attend. strengthen this representa,tion, Just before Christmas a col- 6200 budget). The principal source of in- the' students (in t]1is case work- lege professor read the follow- come in the 6200 budget are our student fees EACH YEAR this problem appears and ing students) should bring their ing on an examination paper: paid at the time of registration. These fees each year the same thing happens. If we wage problems to the Board. "God only knows the answer to this question. Merry Christ- are held by the Comptroller of the college must have what is equivalent to a final This can be accomplished ill. per- son or through the medium of mas." Across the paper the prof who is ex-officio treasurer of' the Associ- week, then why not turn to the quarter sys-. the Letters to the Editor column wrote "God gets an A and you ated Students. These student fees amount tem and do it literally as well. as figura- as above, with the total result get an F._Happy New Year," to $12 per semester, eight dollars of which tively. Then we could really start anew,; goes to the Department of Intercollegiate when vacation is over. '''''an On Campus, by Bibler Athletics for support of its program, and Lin ,c In the other four dollars goes to the ASSCW JINGLE BELLS! Class bells! Another Non-Athletics budget, which we are direct- "gift" is planned! MERRY CHRISTMAS! ' ly concerned with. Income is also received from the operation of our committee pro- gram and from the production of the Chi- nook and Evergreen,; however, in these in- The Golden Fleece stances the expense is usually greater than the income. By Jason HOW ARE ALLOCATIONS MADE FROM THE INCOME? Since our fiscal year Funs from July 1st Somewhere along the line we felt we to June 30th, each spring budget request should give you people atWSC some forms are sent to each committee unit, straight material and get off this kick about and organization of the ASSCW, which how lucky you are. would like to request funds for its support We took over your, paper and we had our and operation for the coming year. After fun. And we found out that the staff of the these budget request forms have been turn- Evergreen are pretty good sports. You ed in to our ASSCW Accountant by the dead- probably all realize that we would have hit line date, the ASSCW Budget Committee, an enormous foul ball if we simply brought meets to discuss the various requests for over Idaho copy and ran that. We took the funds. The ASSCW Budget Committee is dignity of a few of your campus leaders composed of 'the Dean of students, who is and shook some dust on it; but it's nothing chairman of the group, since he is respon- that won't rub off. sible for the entire student personnel pro- One thing is certain. From the requests gram, the Director of ASSCW Activities, we've had for copies of your paper, we .can the ASSCW Accountant, the top three offi- guess that a new awareness of each, other cers from the old and new Boards of Con- has been born between our respective stu- trol and one faculty and one student who dent bodies. Something that isn't taken are not members of the Board of Control. quite for granted as is the annual clash This group then is composed of 11 membeys. between our football teams. Of course from the purely selftsh point NEXT WEEK of view, we think -it has given both campus In our next column we will continue our publications a psychological boost. Even 'a discussion of the method used to establish newspaper can get tired of causing' a flicker and approve the 6200 budget. of interest only if it fails to show up on time. . * * WSt ....Daily Evergreel STUDENTS ABROAD: ENGLAND. The Arg staff sends its thanks' along' to . , of Wash- the Alpha Chis, Phi Taus, and SAEs for' Offic1alpUbllCld Table For additional inform a t ion 10:00 contact Dudley Frye or Barbara 10:30 Freddy Martin 9:30 WSC Views The News 11:00 World Of Mus ic 9:45 News Schussler of the CUB Games 12:00 Freedom Is Our Business 10:00 Star Dreams committee. 12:15 News 10:55 News 12 :30 Farm Facts *** 12:45 Deep Rive, Boys Monday The Freshman Billiard tourna- 1 :00 Concert For One ment, which will last until Dec. 1:.30 Forward America 6:30 Sunup Serenade 2:00 Standard School 6:50 News 19,' is open for all those inter- Snuggle down deep in these 2: 30 Les Brown • 7 :00 Coffee Pot Parade ested. It is an elimination type wondrously weather-proof 3:00 News 8:00 News 8:15 Morning Almanac tournament and the winner's Alaskans. Grand for gadding 3:15 Navy Star Time name will be engraved on a 3:30 Melody Magic 9: 00 Phil Brito anywhere in s~ow, sleet, or 4:00 Personal Choice 9:15 Hank D'Amico standing trophy, to remain in the 4:50 WSC News 9:30 Reading for Fun trophy case in the Garnes room. iust plain cold - your feet'li 5:00 Mr. Record Man 9:45 News stay warm as toast in the woolly 10:00 Dick Haymes An .individual trophy will, be pre- 5: 30 Candlelight And Silver lomb lining. They're superbly 6 :00 News 10:30 Tommy Dorsey sented to the, winner. 6:15 Sports F'inal 11:00 Netherland Composers crafted of soft, durable elk- 6:30 Melody Theater 11 :30 Concert Favorites 4:50 WSC News tanned leather - with 7:00 Music You Want 12:00 Freedom is Our Business 5:00 Mr. Record Man 7:30 Concert Hall 12:15 News 5 :30 Candlelight and Silver matching weather-proof 8::10 Cooper Union 12 :30 Farm Facts 6;00 News wedgle soles of Du Pont 9:30 WSC Views The News 12:45 Deep River Boys 6: 15 Sports Final Neoprene Crepe, ' 9:45 News 1:00 Concert For One 6:30 Lyn Murray 10:00 Jazz at the Philharmonic 1:30 Paris Star Time 7:00 Music You Want 10:55 News 2:00 Gr owirig Up 7: 30 Cougar Corral 2: 15 Mindy Carson 8:30 American Folkways 2:30 Dick Jurgens 9:00 Main Street Music Hall Saturday 3:00 News 9:30 WSC Views The News KETCHIKAN 3:15 Michael Douglas 9:45 News Colors: 6:30 Sunup Serenade 3: 30 Melody Magic 10:00 Music of the Baroque R.uff Glove-Grey, Moroon 6:50 News 4:00 Personal Choice 10:55 News $12.95 7 :00 Coffee Pot Parade Soft Calf-Smoke, Green, Red 8:00 News Other Styles $9.95 8; 15 Morning Alrn an a c 9: 00 Saturday Special 9 :30 Excursions in Science 9AS News 10:00 Bob Eberly 10:30 Frankie Laine 11 :00 Here's To Veterans 11: 15 Serenade In Blue 7~PLANTATION 11 :30 20'h, Century Serenade 12 :00 Songs Of Our Times Steak and Chicken Dinners Sandwiches On Lewiston Highway-Just South of Moscow

5 p.m. to 2 a,m.-Closed Mondays Phone 2-5521 Open Till 9 on Friday Your Chorge Account Invited

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