b-- ' AmMi MONDAY, OCTOBER 11^ TWKNTT-FOUB Avetagd Difly Net PreM Rttn The Weather lEvrnhts iirntUi Far tha Wseh Baiad Forasaat ad U. S. Weather M N e e OaSahar 17, 1964 the shape or topofraplqr M the TIm ooRuhltteo OB arrange- Mdward Q. Lutaaa, aoa of John Bagleahleld, a iS-yaar- • The American Legion Auxil­ Fair and Mld toalfht, Isw 80 Sa property In quoitlon. saante for the West Side Old Mr. and Mrs. George Lutaen, old Sioux Indian from North Da­ iary will ^loaaor a nxnmage Seeks 1 4 ,0 1 7 S&; miMly soaay aad ladder Sa- ^Ibout Town kota, will spaak to Emma Net- Sears The apoUcaata Include: Timers Reunion will meet 108 Harlan St., has begun baaic sale Friday at 6 a.m. at the Le­ mor row, htgh 88 to 69. training'at the Naval Training tiaton Group of Oonter Oongire- A. J. CWechowskl, asking r at tha AndH Wednesday at 7 pjn. at the gion Home. There will be p pre­ INSULATION of drealatloa ‘Wmiun H. Stutk, At 8 tl4 »h- Weet Side Rec. Center, Great Lakes, HI. gational Church tomorrow at 8 view sale niuiaday from 8 to ZBA’s Okay mission to iwld a Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm • i wlU lacture «t a man- .m. at the church. He la a atu- 9:80 p.m. Mra. Theodore Fair­ north side at a house at 196 ■*>> Bganant aemlnar Friday at the Oibbons Asswnbly, Catholic An executive aeminar for all Sent at ICanehastar High School land Bt., Residencs Zone A, Oi*t W. H. INGUND banks and Mrs. Clifford Walker will be closer to the building iEatter-HUton H ot^ Hartfonl. Ladies of Columbus, will meet board members of Ben Ears thla year, imder aponsorship of ar ■, co-chairmen of the sale. Ar­ F or Garage AdvsrtWag an Page 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS tha Men’s Club of Center sideline than regulations allow. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 17 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1964 Stuek ia aecretaiy of the Tuesday at 7:46 pjn. at the K Chapter of B'nal B’rith wUl be ticles may be brought to the LUMMR C O . Church. Members are asked to The regulations can for 10-foot <3toup Department, Travelers of C Home. The R t F^v. Msgr. held tonight at 8 pjn. at the Legion Home Hiursday after­ bring gift packages for a Wish­ Sears, Roebuck will ask a Bldeyards In A lone; the n n g s Xniuance do. llie seminar, de- Edward J. Reardon will ap<^ home of Mra. Maurice Snyder, noon or evening. Those wishihg ••At ttw Otmu” MB-8N1 silp ied for insurance buyers at ing WeU. special exception from tha would bs three feet from the lot on "Changea in the Liturgy." 68 Milford Rd. pickup service may call Mrs. Keane Signs major Industrial firms across Zoning Board of Appeals line. Reservatlona for Omar Shrine Walker, 76 Phelps Rd. Robert B. Dell, naklpg permis­ M w nofland, is sponsored by Dr. Frederick W. Lowe Jr., Problems typical of space life (ZBA) tonight to buUd and tiM University of Connecticut support aystems will be the Club’a meeting Friday at the sion to add a porch on the rear With Yankees dean of Manchester Communi­ operate a new auto service sta­ School of Insurance and the ty College, will review the cur­ subject of a talk Tuesday be­ Country Club are being taken Contact representatives of of a home at 84 Helaine Rd., Ooimeotlcut Valley Chapter, fore the Southern New Eng­ by Raymond Bogue, 39 Bryan Combined Catholic Mothers (31r- tion at Green Manor Blvd. and in Residence Zone A, that will MATERNITY NEW YORK (AP) — rent bestseller "Hersog” by Rd., club secretary. The pro­ Hoover Dead at 90 American Society of Insurance Saul Bellow tonight at 8:16 at land Section of Automotive Ehi- cles will meet tomorrow at 8=10 Broad St. make an exlkting gnrara non- Johnny Keane was named gram will be preaented by E. FAU DRESSES Sfanatament. Inc. Temple Beth Sholom. It is the gineers. The speaker will be p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ed­ conforming. The propoeed porch manager of the New YorK Bartlett Bamea, co - publiaher The garage la the first new ■f annual eye bank meeting of the Robert Breeding, manager for ward J. Goss, chairman, 123 will extend further back Into Yankees today. of the Bristol Press, the theme Of structu.re in a planned enlarge­ the Jot than the garage, causing UNHorms, Jampora, Mandiesfer lodge at Masons Manchester Chapter of Hadak- development of the Apollo Helaine Rd. Circle membership ment of the Manchester Park- Keane, who resigned as Will meet tomorrow at 7:30 Space Suit Assembly at Ham­ which la "Tour Baaic Freedom,’’ will be discussed. Those inter­ a violation of a zoning clause m? ’.ager' of the St. Louis sah. Members are reminded to a alide presentation. The meet­ ade. lOpVg BIMlBOg pjn. at the Masonic Temple, bring dlled eye banks. ilton Standard Division, United ested in attending may call requiring that detached garages eiardlnals only 19 hours after Body Will LieinState ^ e Master Mason degree will Aircraft Corporation. ing starts at 7:30, after a aoclal Two other requests for mofor be located behind the rearmost Sfrofeh Foots, Irai, leading them to a World hour at 6:30. Mra. Goss or Mrs. Bruno Lady- vehicle business pehnlts and be conferred. ga, assistant contact chairman, portion of the house, v Series victory over the Yan­ Robert W. Pratt 122 Wara- Mailmams will meet tomor­ three for zoning variances are M. UtU« and A. SmachetU, GinHot kees, succeeds Yogi- Berra, For National Services noke Rd., la national chairman 39 Horton Rd. The meeting is. on the same agenda. •Tlie WSCS of North Metho- row at 8 p.m. at the home of Manchester WATES will meet open to contact representatives asking permission to convert a who was fired despite win­ for the 1964-66 Parents Fund Mrs. Carlo QuiigUa, 267 Spruce tomorrow at the Italian Amer­ The new Sears garage, for one-family apartment above a ning a pennant in his first odtst Chundi will sponsor a to Simmons College. All pro­ of each Mothers Circle. rOmmage sale Thursday from 0 St. . ican Club, Eldridge St. Weigh­ which earth is already bding store at 361 Center St. (at Lilac Glazier's year as manager. NEW YORK (AP)—Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st presi­ ceeds will go toward the Alum­ ing in will be from 7 to 8 p.m. moved, will be a 16-bay service St.), in Business Zone n , to a Corset aad Ualtomi Hup Keane is the 18th Yankee dent of the , died today at the age of 90, ana. to noon at the church, 300 nae Bhidowed Chair Fund for Fib-lcer S t Those wUhing pick­ Phi Beta Chapter of Beta Dr. Howard Lockward will be station and auto supply store. two-family apartment with less •81 Main manager and their fourth in Death came at 11:35 a.m. the first endowed professorship Sigma Phi wili meet tomorrow guest speaker. Resident Cites It Will replace the existing floor area than regulations al­ the last five years. General up service may call the church at Simmons. Pratt has several His death followed a recurrence of massive gastro ki- ottioe dally from 0 a.m. to noon. night a 7:30 at the home of auto store at the east end of low. The two apartments each Manager Ralph Houk, who Simmons' ties. His daughter, Miss Rosemarie Lanaano, 38 The Lutheran Women's Mis­ W ork of Crews the Parkade, which will be tom would be about 425 sq. ft. in size; anito«mc6d Keane’s signing testinal hemorrhage. Andrea, Is a junior in- the Glenwood St. Miss Lori Shea sionary League of Zion Luther­ down. The old site will be the the regulations require 700 sq. at a^rcss conference today, The staunch old statesman, whose life spanned a va­ Ijakota OouncU, Degree of School of Social Science. Mrs. r iecahontas. will meet' Wednes­ will present the program. an Church will meet Thursday location for a new, 90,000 ft. in each. W ^ r e a e said the 62-year-o1d Keane ried career of engineering, high office and humanitariail Pratt Parmys Goodale, is an at 7:30 p.m. Instead of Wednes­ A Scarborough Rd. resident square foot addition to the had been given a one-year day at 7 p.m. at Odd Fellows alumna, and several relatives service, had kept busy almost to the last. Bias, Instead of the regularly Miss Suki' Trotter, daughter day as was previously an­ has expressed thanks to the shopping center, into which the A good safety rule for the n e a r m contract. have attended Simmons. of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Trot­ nounced. The group will con­ Sears store will be moved. homemaker is never to put ar­ Terms were not disclosed H- of Mrs. Joseph Halloran, 42 phone call, even though the Zone n . SERVICE Changes Seen There, he will lie in state un­ slowed him down. hbd at Just the wrons ume. Do not son. 363 Hilliard St., will be Gerard N. LieBlanc, 286 Bid- He underwent surgery for.aa •------*--- -*■-) joxi, Bolton S t TTie deadline for guest speaker. ..Refreshments mishiq) occurred on Columbus The three applicants who are WALTESt N. der the rotunda of the national tickets is Nov. 10. well St., la serving aboard the For Lawyers C i^tol. abdominal cancer in August, I jour will be served. anti-submarine support air­ Day, an off-day for town em­ asking variances must show that LBCLESlO .____. Bold falH teeth mon flnnlr, ployes, and that they not only a hardship exists that is peculiar Director , Following services there, his Army Navy Auxiliary will craft carrier USS Lake. Cham­ body will be flown to West (See Page Ten) ae tbw teal more oomfortable. Doee John Mather Chapter, Order plain. He is participating in a unclogged the street main, but to their property and which may U )s d d o jn k , HARTFORD (AP) — A BSt‘ ‘i eoQr. Oheeks **plete odor"" ----- sponsor a card party tonight at 28 Main Street, Manchester PreocriptioB Pharmacy Franch, Iowa, where the final ime breatith). Oot~ i nI s n ;at any of Demolay, will meet tonight Joint Canadlan-U.S. training also made sure that the house be relieved by relaxing the zon­ possible fundamental 8 at the cluUiouse. at 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. drains were cleared, and ing regulations. Asked at a press conference in Hartford yesterday if he would accept an.invi-. services will be held as he is exercise now under way in the Cali 649-5869 901 MAIN ST.—BU-StM change in the legal profes­ laid to rest in the National Atlantic. mopped up the cellar. The hardship must be found in tation to become Secretary of State if the Republicans win the election in No­ Comments The rehearsal schedule for sion was seen today in a Park at the site of the small cot­ vember, former Vice President Richarf Nixon parries by saying that “I have tage where he was born in 1874. the little Theater of Mamdies- had no discussions about a cabinet office and have no intention of returning to seminar on legal education HARTFORD (JlP) — Gat. ter’s fall production ‘"nie Repeatedly, and sometimes public life.” Senatorial candidate John D. Lodge (right), who asked Nixon to vis­ at the Statler-Uilton, almost miraculously In his lat­ John N. Dempsey said to^lay Streets of New York" is as fol­ The change would involve a he was "deeply grieved, as I lows: Tonight Act 1 and 2 it Connecticut, later said he always knew “ Nixon was a man who was going ter years, he had fought off seri­ revision of bar associaUons can­ ous ailments. know every American is will r^earse; Wednesday Acts places, and he’s not through yet.” (Herald photo by Ofiara.) irrieved, by the death of Her­ 3 and 5 will rehearse, Friday, ons of ethics to conform with ac­ No other former president ex­ SUOOR tual conditions now prevalent bert Hoover after a long and Act 4 will rehearse. All re­ cept John Adams, the nation’s in the legal world. second president who died at 90, extremely useful life.” hearsals will be held at 8 p.m. "Our nation,” the governor In the basement workshop, 39 Joseph H. Weisberger, associ­ had reached such an advanced Trio Downed ate justice of the Rhode Island age. Adams lived 90 years and said, "has lost a man who sen)- School St. The production crew Nixon Draws Crowd, ed it extraordinarily w e l l. a I n EW TRADITION Ciriled from AP WiroB The crew of the other vessel, plane. No, I think that until they (Bee Page Ten) "N o alodholle beverages wBl the Sirrah, of Dutch registry, Long - awaited document get any real nuclear capability. stayed aboard and, after- the bringing Roman Catholic INVITES SUOGEBTIONB two ships ^ ft e d together for a WASHINGTOiN (AP) — short time, managed to pull Church face to face with many PIT NO. 38 modern world problems intro­ Kennedy vs, Keating The Comm ual cations Satel­ SIRLOIN This, Too, Is Our Business away and sail up Cook Inlet, lite Oorp. (COMBAT) invited duced in Vatican Ek;uinenical away from the burning Santa 15 oompaoies today to'sug­ Maria and the flame-licked Council. . . 600 tons of earth dug up in Cincinnati but no gest the reeeareta projecto water around her. a ln ^ at eatablishmeat of • e*xpa/rr//W 7V F j^ € s t o Officials listed the missing trace found of two missing New York’s Senatorial Election ground station network for b oy s... Red China claims nu­ The attractivenoss of your community neod no longor bo throuded in doricnois. itian as Eugene Hughes, about the proposed global oommu* OPEN 86, a fireman from Portland, clear bomb detonation "shocked nications satellite iqratem. 187 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE Light to rovool the charm of your community it one of the great services of The Hartford Ore. and irritated” U.S. . . . Grade Still in Guessing Game Category COMSAT aelected the come TUM. thra SUN. They identified the Injured as Fields, Lena Horne, Brenda Lee, panlee to "take advantage of MANCHESTER \ Electric Light Company. Hank Leland, 28, Bloomington, Bob Newhart—but no Beatles— the raeearch they already 11 ISO A A I.-> P.M. Calif., a maintenance man, and to appear before Queen Eliza­ EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the'^translate into votes on Nov. 8.<8 dy? And how many others will have done on ground statisio Edmund Oliver, 36, Long Beach, CLOSED MONDAY Across from the Porkode beth in annual royal variety second of five articles on key Kennedy thinks a fraction of it split the ticket to vote tor Keat' development.” The oorpom- The outdoor Kghting experts of The Hartford Electric Light Company have helped Calif., a fireman water tender. show. . . will. ing? ' tlon snid it plans to aeleeS Oliver broke both ankles when election contests for the U.S. U.S. officials watching for Senate. Future articles will deal What has been the effect of Said a New York City technl one or more oontraetors tot tem m oiNAWAUM in the illu m in atio n \^ ^ l^ s of scores of communities, towns, cities and highways. -' he jumped 12 feet from the San­ further shakeup in Soviet lead­ Keating’s refusal to support clan: “ In our family, we’re provide reeenrdli data and ta Maria to a rescue boat. Le­ with Ohio, Oklahoma and Penn­ \mrmmArmmmm* ership .. . General Motors, sylvania. Sen. Barry Goldwater, the GOP Irish and Democrats but we’re consultant services for dmc A09 land also suffered an ankle UAW pledge attempt at speedy candidate for president? for Keating as a matter of prin­ rfgn and perfomanoe rs» TIPPING CHUCK WAGON STYLE An important service of the Company is consultation to create such Hlumtnotioii. , * fracture in jumping from the settlioineat of 26 - day - old NEW YORK (AP)—New ‘"niere are fundamental dif­ ciple. Bobby Kennedy may be a quirementa of ground atm stricken ship. ferences of viewpoint," Keating good man but he doesn’t belong ttons. to enhance the attractiveness of communities . . . to eliminate hazards of ddficness Don Walter, acting port direc­ strike. . . Sen. Goldwater wagr York’s senatorial election at ing campaign on three fronts said when he declined to en­ here." tor, said the Sirrah apparently this late stage is still a dorse the national ticket. Said a printer In Wantagh LBJ PROCLAIMB MOUBNOfg v J R . to increase property values, and to stimulate business activity ofter sundown. dragged anchor and rammed whUe asking FBI for security report on Jenkins case. . . guessing-game, based on Democratic leaders in two L.I., "everybody in the shop and WASHINOTON (AP)— Into the Santa Maria, which lay the union la for Johnson and at anchor about a half mile off President Johnson schedules se­ the effect of elements as communities of upstate New PreaMent Johnaon proeWmad York told this correspondent Kennedy, but most -of my neigh Connecticut’s thriving communities find it increasingly rewa^ing to plan soundly the Anchorage waterfront. ries of home stretch campaign elusive as quicksilver and today a 80-day period et they, believed Keating’s action bore say! they’re for Jiohnson mounilng for former Preot- Flames spread out for a cou- trip s... tke answers to some ki and Keating." MCUI0 aB:0 UNiaftSTEA)C*BAl(ZD POTAID in this area. And whenever the experience and resourcefulness of The Hartford Electrio pl« of thousand yards on the GOP official in Illinois says would win ' over some Demo­ deat Herbert Hoover. Ha dfo Republicans hopefully recall water. For a time it was feared President Johnson is getting a questions. cratic votes. "You hear a lot of rooted that the GREEN 9AIAD some notable instances of tick­ Ught Company might be helpful in such planning, we invile yoe to let as know. the incoming tide woiild sweep boost from Negro voters in that Will the "magic name” carry talk firom people who say they flag be flown at like what Keating did about et-splitting. In 1962, Democrat the fire to the docks. sta te ... Sen. Humphrey Robert F. Kennedy to victory at the White House, ao over his Republican opponent, Goldwater,” they said. Arthur Levitt was elected state buildings, grounds, and Myron Rosser", Cojhiilbn, Cal­ launches stiff nttack on politi­ I0 V 4 IZ A Sen. Kenneth B. Keatlqg? Preatdent Johnson Is expected controller by 780,000 votes while vessela at the aatkm oni if., a crewman from the Santa cal extreniism saying "respon­ Marla, said "The other ship Certainly, it has brought out to carry New York by a mighty GOP Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller embassies sible Republican leaders have huge, emotionally aroused margin. The New' 'York Daily was winning by 630,000. cUltlea abroad. The p>08H|f|||C.:tn! struck us. There was a sheet of temporary lost control oft their STEAK.' flame. We fought the fire for a crowds. In Glens Falls, at 1 News, announcing the first find­ If Kennedy reoelVea a "sym' ttoB waa adfoeaaad m . party" . . . Presidential aide UtUe while — 10 or 16 minutes a.m., for, example, people were ings in its presidential straw pathy vote" as the brother of Walter Jenkins will be ellglMo still lining the streets, smne ptiil last week, said the survey tbs assassiaaisd prasldsnt, INCUmSi OANT PORDON^nzUN' CTEAK ON — and then abandoned ship.” for governiMiit pension, amount wearing night clothes, to .Me showed Johnson running three- kesUng mmy be the recipient of BONANZA SUN VMIXED GREEN 6 ALAD Walter said the 660-foot Santa The Harttord Electric Light Company Marla, owned by the Union Oil Crewmen of the tanker Santa Maria, abandoned in to be determined, ClvU Service Kennedy. H e'has' had tremen­ to-ope ahead of Goldwater. a “sympathy vats’? on othi" 99 Co., anchored Monday afternoon flames after a collision off Anchorage, Alaska, are Commisek>n annoiyicea. . . dous exposure to voters irince Question: How many New gtounds. ' * Oklahoma Supreme Court the fi^rst moments of his cam- Yorkers who vote for Johnson Bald a woman In an slsctroii^ ##»OOOee*«eB« 661 ••e#ae#eee»eege^#e#6 •••••ease •••••••••• ••ee»«»ee» wUb a load of miacelaneous brought to shore by rescue vessels which raced to petroleum^ products. He said It Judge Eeri Weleii coo/vletod of paign. will simply pull tbs Isvsp for a IM ptent on Long Islnad, "Kaai- the scene \— two 'miles off the waterfront. (AP oheetiiig federal government at It Is anybody's guMa aa fo straight Demooratic titekst, thua 'ar at COMEONE'COMEALL-CO^M VWIARf \ •onU eairy IW,000 barrels. ^ ^ J -art ^ The Mmli, on a vejrags for Photofax.) 9 ^ ,0 0 0 In taooaw tnaen- ■ how much at fola tnsmt w > a lw maUag » * » Wmmis. mm INpa Skraa) I ' Y m ' \ UEcmc ' coMPJuir t ■ V MANCHESTER/EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1964 PAGE T H B n ^ P A O l TW O UANCHfiSTER EVENING HERALD, MANC 3IESTER, CX)NN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER *0, i H i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Powell sel for the McClellan commit­ Whara dOM to* rae* stand at hours, 1 minute and IB seconds, wife said he was considering an RockviUe-V ernon of Job's HUl, Ellington, and Ed­ New York Senatorial Race tee. Its hearings on labor-msn- this stageT a maih establiahed by Itay Trench Opened offer to become president of New York Crowd Sheinwold on Bridge ward L. Ricard, seaman ap­ agement probletps brought The New Yorit Dailyly News Curtis. McOranahan w as' not Kennedy a good deal o f national poll had Kennedy ahead, three- Duvals Cubbango of London, del prentice, USN, son o f Mr. and available for comment. Cargest to Meet North attention. to-two. Herbert ^rownell, form­ Brighter Side Bngland, on Oct. 14, ISM. In Search for MEAT PLAYER UK)K8 Beth M i s , ______Mrs. JoMph L. Rloard, 9 Mid­ Remains in Guessing Stage t^esnel, began tapping on Ourtls, once a reliable money­ Police W in 40-Hour dle Butcher Rd„ recently took He managed John F. Kenne­ er attorney-general, now Keat- maker, has been losing money MANY TRICKS AHEAD NORTH Ing’e cam pton director, saya snare drums, tom-toms and a Missing Boys Mrs. Goldwater A 1053 p u l in a NATO training opera­ dy’s 1963 campaign for senator bass drum at 13:1B p.m. Mon­ in recent years. (Conttnoed fn n Page One) may be a question In this elec­ the senator la ahead by "a Of the News By ALFRED SHEINWOLD 9 AK702 tion In the North Atlantic while from Massachusetts and the day In an auto showroom wln-‘ Blair and Kantor charged serving aboard the aircraft car­ tion. 1960 campaign for president. hair’s breadth.” CINCINNATI, Ohio (A P ) — NEW YORK (AP) — An aids N a ti^ Men’s Team Ohamplca D 591 dow. Cullman with mismanagement ♦ Ad Week, Salary Same rier USS Wasp. Ing hu done a good job end I Keating has been active In the One of Keating’s aides said SO u and estimated the firm would to Mrs. Barry Qoldwatar aeys When you watch a good In the present election battle, registered Democrats In a Long Police Chief James Finan of m KART OoanoU Bepreaeatattoa NaaMd don’t like seeing e young whlp- field of civil rights. He authored K~-'nedv hPs -eferred often to ; * m »r BKDUCER ^ “ pump bumpk” — enlargemenU BOOK BARGAIN report a deficit Of M-6 million in Um crowd of woman that tumad the O vll Rights Act of 1967 and Island community had been suburban Fairfax plans to start brldga pUyer you tee ho sur- k No m Two Vernon Girl Scouts, persnepper come along and try what he boiMders the principal __' on th« heeULot women who wear SAN FRANCISOO (API — the third quirter. / Rockville policemen laatywho quipped, a .quick aides say he contributed sub­ reached by telephone. He said SLAB VTOAS, Nev. (AP) .. ^ ^ out to great bar bara wae tha prUea. He does everything that 9 1054 VJOtl Sally Skiglehart of Troop 61, i . I.;...;. o. the Kennedy- W h a t madam, the ehoe pinch-' P«imps or ii'gh heels. Dr. Philip excavating a 30-foot deep sewer Culligan, 45, took over at Cur­ night won a reduction in their to take it away from him.” 38 declared tor Keating, IS for The China Books A Periodicals' largest of tha campaign. > II7d 0 4 cladm deed.” and Paulette Wallen of Troop stantially CO other such bills. Johnson Administration and to mao*™, p I Dickinson said that It la often trench today in an effort to find tis in July 1963, and is generally you would do when you’re pUy- work week from 48 to 40 hours. "Sure, I know that,” said a Kennedy with the remainder not shop in San Francisco ii offer­ Hiouaanda of women formed a L 4 1 1 0 1 5 3 A K 0 4 1 ' Lavltt also Indicated that the 9, have been chosen, along with ITie “ carpetbagger” Issue Is a the actions of his late brother. two boys who diaappeared credited with saving the compa­ Inrwell. The difference U that The action, taken by the city Negro In Hempstead, L.I., “but saying. Another such telephone ty) eaae her pinched feet, I painful, ing a Red C3iinese publication line Monday that wound through • o u m railroad had paid all back taxes 12 other girls from the Con­ handicap to Kennedy. He wae Keating is 64. He has a ruddy medical science la trying this i ^ The M »« e*-; "have for sale which has ju.st been Thursday. ny from financial ruin. ha dots it noarly all tha time. A AKQ744 council foUowtog a public hear­ due the city for the past sever­ most Negroes don’t. They know survey In north-central New tha foyara and lobbiaa of the necticut V alley Girl Scout bom In Massachusetts ahd lived complexion, blue eyes, grey technique: Saw off a little piece the 1 « ^ Iwnes. Dr. Dick- reduced from gl.2S to 7B cents. James McQueary told police Watching a great pUyer Is ing, resulted from recent state al years. He said the exact fig­ Council, to represent the coun­ what Kennedy and his brother York) the aide said, showed GAR RENTALS ^ {inson reported 31 cases where Monday his son Jimmy, B, had Waldorf-Aatoria Hotel, out tha something else again. Then you In Virginia before moving to hair worn long, and an Incades- Keating with 43 per cent, Ken­ The title: “ P,pople of the Park AvanUa entrance and t K Q 1 0 9 legislation. The reduction In ure waa not available, but the cil at the Girl Scout Round-up did.” been scolded for playing in the dream of making. New York, where he had lived cent smile. nedy 38 per cent and the re­ TWO San Diego. Calif., ortho-|the pump bump symptoms were World Unite for the Complete, down 49th Street a full block. It. hour* will become effeOtlve sum amounted to several huU' In Idaho next summer. However, a Negro attorney In •r LEASING psdle spedalisti told the West- relieved by this operation. hole Wednesday night. Jimmy 12th Q r c u it North lifter tor a time many years sigo. Harlem, Mrs. Cora T. Walker, Poeslbly to minimise the dif­ mainder not saying. Thorough, Total and Resolute waa drUiIlng part Of the time. Nov. 16, the start of the city's dred dollars. Round-upa are held every 3 Keating twits him about this, Prohibition and Destruction of and John Hundley,, also B, van­ Both sides vulnerable years and scouts from all over said, "that waa true earlier In ference between his age and am Orthopedic Association Mra. Ooldwater, wifa tha fiscal year. Officers’ pay \idll "According to laws now In saying “ it’s difficult to become * Afl Mokot D R l’ M T H l M PER Nuclear Weapons.” ished about 4 p.m. the next day. Opening lead—Queen of Clubs the campaign but w e’ve l::en Kennedy’s, he walks like a man meeting Monday about the sur- Court Cases Republican preaidantlal candi­ 'remain unaffected. effect,” Atty. Lavltt said, "they the United States and many an instant New Yorker,” and, PRINCETON. W. Va. (A P I— Workmen filled in the excava­ When Harry Flshbeln pUyed Af Pms foreign countries participate. getting the word around about late tor the train. In one build­ Card Party Set • All Modob gery. date, ahook handa with tha Mayor Leo B. Flaherty Jr., didn’t have to pay the taxes, there are people who have ing, Keating sprinted up a flight Bob Quesnel. 19. .started a sec­ CANDLE POWER tion some time that evening. thU hand some yeara ago, he They are chosen on the oasis Keatlr^. There’s a good deal of ' “ It's a losing battle,” .said Dr. woman who ware invited by tha heart to get rid o f tha ethSr presiding at last night's meet­ but they did." He said that in­ been waiting in line at the of stairs, two steps at a time, •AH Timos Malcolm B. Ooutts, “to per­ ond day today of thump-thump­ GOLDVEIN. Va. (AP) — The Chief Finan said his men won the Hurt trick In dummy of camping skills, ability to re-thlnklng now.” Mrs. Walker By DAR Chapter MANCHESTER SESSION Federation of Women'a Ra^bli- ing, told a handful of specta­ terest on' delinquent taxes was World’s Fair longer than my leaving the rest of his party far suade young human females to thumping in an attempt to problem in the Larry Farmer spent Monday searching empty with the ace of clube. ThU pUy low diamond. work In patinls and personal is a Republican. Burt Baskervllle, 33, of 51 can Clubs of New York State. East decided not to nrtf, so tors that the reduction of hours also paid. opponent has been In New behind. Poul Dodoo Ponrioe w ear shoes adapted to the pecu­ break the iccord for continuous household today is how many buildings in the village of 2,500 surpris^ nobody, hut hie next Auxiliary Sets Meeting qualities of initiative, friend­ The Negro newspaper. New Orford Parish Chapter, School St., yesterday afternoon About midway In the three- Flshbeln continued with thi' fo r Rockville’s police has noth­ York.” At one time, he waa a Latin INC. liarities of their feet, They | drum beating. candles to put on one birthday on Cincinnati’s eastern out­ move estonUhed the klWtseri. The first fall meeting o f the liness and courtesy. York Amsterdam News, has hour recaption, police eatlmatad queen o f diamonds. When Bast ing to do with last Tuesday’s teMher. When he was 20, he Daughters of the American would rather be dead than out ' Quesnel. a Baltimore youth cake — or should it be separate skirts. Police have received was fined $45 after he pleaded No, Flehbeln did not lead a Tolland County Auxiliary of But Keating has another han­ endorsed Kennedy, saying he 873 MAIN STREET the crowd at 5,000. Carl Fela- discarded once more, > Fishbei" eonsolldatlon approval which dicap In the form of the Con­ entered Harvard Law School et fashion. i trying to draw attention to the cakes fof everyone? doxens of calls from people- all guilty to charges of destruction trump from dummy a t the eec- the Children’s Services of Con­ Vernon news Is handled by was "a great attorney-general Revolution, will sponsor a des Phone 649-2881 berg, aaalatant manager of the led a low diamond and ruffed will combine the city’s govern­ servative Party which has put and later joined a law firm. Shoe-fltting problems some-' Moral Rearmament program, All four Farmer children were around Greater Cincinnati who ond trick. Instead, he led dum­ necticut will be held Thursday The Herald’s Rockville Bureau, and we believe he will make a sert card party Thursday at of private property ($15), hotel, eald close to 30,0Q0 were in dummy. This set up the dia­ ment with the town’s other two up a senatorial candidate, Hen­ He haa been In Washington 18 tinies cause what doctors call | hopes to go longer than 100 bom on Oct. 20. Debbie is 8, think they have seen the boys. my's six of clube and ruffed It at 10 a.m. at the home o f Mrs. 5 W. Main St., telephone 875- great senator.” breach of the peace ($151 and there. monds, so that Bast could get administrations. ry Paolucci. Paoluccl, 43, is a yeara, first as a congressman 1:30 pm . at the home of Mrs. Larry Jr. 8. Timmy 3 and it's Another missing child case in hU hand. What good could James 'Vandervoort o f Lake Rd. 8186 or 64S-271L Keating also was one of the intoxication ($15). A fourth the trump trlcko but there was "This la not something we’ve professor of history and political and now as a senator. Charles F. Sumner, Bolton Rd., the first birthday for Dennis. turned to tragedy two months tfaU do? Walt and aee. done 4ince last Tuesday,” Fla­ There will be a business meet­ early proponents of recognition count, for resisting arrest, was Now ETahhein Uckled the no further danger tor declarer. science at Iona College, New He attracted national atten' Bolton. ITie public is invited. ago. herty said, "This has been In ing after a coffee hour, of the State of Israel and his nolled. trumps. When South led the Tell the truth now. Would you Rochelle. tion In the summer of 1963 when Members of a committee for NOW QUICK HAND STAND Four-year-old Debbie Dappen Couple Observes the works for some time.” ^ e new manager o f the District Taxes aides say he h u worked consis­ The charges against Basker- ace, Weet dUcarded a club, and have seen the importance of , In the 1962 elections, the Con­ tently for assistance to the new he began issuing statements the event are MIm Jessamine BAMBERG. S.C. (API — disappeared Wednesday, Aug. W ith the reduction of the Auxiliary Thrift Shop, Mrs. Bamberg high school tackle ville stemmed from a Slept. 26 the bad news waa out. Declarer ruffing dummy’s low chib at servatives cast 141,877 votes tor nation. At a meeting in a Jewish about Russian activity on Qiba M. Smith, Mrs. Herbert W. 19. Her body was found under a 50th Anniversary hours of all full-time patrol­ Charles Steppe Jr., ^ k Due by Nov. 1 Donald Pressley did a hand arrest after the accused re­ the second trick If you had been their candidate tor $;ovemor, center in Flushing, L.I., which On Aug. 15 of that year, he Robb, Mrs. James Richmond Choicest Meats In Town! neighbor's porch late the night was aiire to lose a trump trick men, the city has hired three about the shop. G O IN G O N stretch just before his team portedly caused some $500 and waa In danger of losing a playing the hAnd? and 116,151 votes for their sena­ Keating attended, a Rabbi cited wrote the State Department and Mrs. Louis Marie. of Aug. 21^ Police say a 13-year- damage to the interior o f one men to fill a gap created by This year’s executive com­ Eighth District tax collec­ kicked off to Blackville Monday olcl boy living in the house ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Bums diamond as well. Dally ftoeettoB torial candidate. these efforts and said, "w e Jews calling for action. Later, he Orford Parish Chapter mem­ of Scranton’s cabins on Tol­ the reduction. mittee, In addition to Mrs. tions ere $10,273.46 ahead of apf Long by Jews of Rochester, N.Y. u nedy-sized crowds. Where they When police arrived at the 24, of Grosvenordale, were ap­ Thomas Wolff, secretary; Mrs. the district. wUl be sold kt a Christmas The S-foot rattler was killed Culligan Quits The couple was married Oct. monds. Ho took the ace of dUr Answer: Most experts would Island — and at a reception for part of the Israeli reforestation have appeared In the same scene, following a complaint, pointed patrolmen. They were Vernon Mitchell, corresponding Some $48,768.27, or 57.4 per meeting Dec. 10 at the home of with a down marker. 21, 1914 In St. Patrick’s Cathe­ monds and followed with the bid one heart. The hand la a Keating — a woman said, "v ir­ program. At the request of the places, persons who said they Baskervllle allegedly re.sisted selected by Rockville’s police secretary; Mrs. Edna Parsell, cent of the district’s grand list saw both meetings said Keat' Mra. C. Elmore Watkins, 56 N. Publishing Post dral, New York City. trifle light tor those who wor­ treasurer; Mrs. Robert Dutton tually everyone I know is for donors it is named "Keating Lakewood Circle. WHOLE BEEF SATISFIES EVERYONE j arrest. He was taken to Man- ship points. The count Is 11 officials and the council’s po­ of '$84,871.99 tax monies has Goldwater and so they’re furi­ Forest.” . Ing’s audienebs were smaller. They have two children, *'*vfcat could BUst do? If he I Chester Memorial Hospital ’ for nce commission. and Mrs. John Waite, hospital* been collected aa of 7 last night, At a service clubs’ luncheon COLUMBIA, S.C. (A P I — A Thomas Bums Jr. of Ellington ruffed the king of diamonds and points in high cards and I point ous at Keating. Some of them Kennedy Is 38, trim, tailored, PHILADELPHIA (AP) — I treatment of cuts and bruises One of Rockville’s regular ity chairmen, and Mrs. Fenton the tax collector said. with places for 200, only half Aluminiim Output University of South Carolina Matthew J. Culligan has re­ and Mrs. Hertiert W. SpUIer of returned a heart, declarer would for the doubleton. This Is not Burke, publicity chairman. say they’re going to vote fo r with all the Kennedy drive and Low lb he received during his actions patrolman, Robert Ahnert, waa Last year at this time, the determination. He took his pre- were filled for Keating. candidate for freshman class signed as president of the $123- Rockville. They also have five get to dummy to discard two normally enough for en open­ Named Bank Director Paolucci but I think most of In the cabin, police said. the subject of a letter of com­ tax receipts were $38,494.81, It legal training at Harvard and Tenderloins I president should satisfy campus million CXirtis Publishing CXi., grandchildren and three great- diamonds on the top hearts. If ing bid, but an expert bates to Edward W. Zahner was re­ them will just stay home.” In a speech, Kennedy can stir N E W Y O R K — A trade study Alton Maine, 46, no certain I adherents of Democratic' or pass a hand with ace-king In mendation from Sgt Robert was reported. The minority groups In New then was graduated from the explosions of applause. Keating found that Red Chinese plans 99 but the dispute over manage­ address, Rockville, was given 20 grandsons. EUst, instead, returned a trump, cently named a director by the I Republican persuasion. one suit and the ace In another Kjellqulst to the council. "People want to get their York are generally believed to University of Virginia Law doesn’t seem to try. He speaks for a big aluminum industry ment of the firm remains un­ days in the State Jail at Tol­ A fam ily dinner and recep­ dummy’s ten of spades Would Directors of the Savings Bank He is Strom Thurmond Johns- Sgt. Kjellqulst, In hla letter, taxes paid early,” said Mrs. vote Democratic. Thus, Kenne­ School. He went immediately in a dry tone, seldom shouting. have gone away. Current an­ I solved. land sifter he pleaded guilty to win a trick and South could dis­ suit of Rockville. Mr. Zahner, a lo­ tion wtll be held after the cou­ explained that recently Rock­ Laraia in noting that the dead­ dy should be the beneficiary of into the criminal division of the Both men have a dry wit and nual output Is estimated at HIGHLAND PARK MARKET I ton. Culligan's resignation as pres­ an Intoxication charge. A count card diamonds on the top hearts. cal businessman, lives at 7 Pine Phormoqf *: South Caiulina’s two U.S. ple return from thdir trip. ville police were called to a city line for district tax returns is most of the support of these Department of Juslce. use It to good advantage with 100,000 tons; United States I ident was accepted Monday by of vagrancy was nolled. East likewise could not af­ For Sehinwold’s 88-page txmk- Westvlew Terrace, Ellington. S17 mOBLAND STREET—PHONE 643-4278 Senators are Strom Thurmond, home. The complainant said Nov. 1. groups. But here, again, there In 1964, he became chief coun­ their audiences. capacity is 2.1 million tons. the board of directors at a spe­ Numerous cases were contin­ ford to return a club, thanks let, " A P o c k e t Guide to Newly elected officers of the $64 Center St--649*9814 : who recently became a Gold- FATAL ACCIDENT Bridge,” send 50 cents to Bridge that her father had taken a cial meeting called to settle the ued for disposition by plea, DAVISTON, AU. (AP) — to the play at the second trick. Holy Name Society of St. Jo­ water Republican, and Olln D. Book, Manchester Eve. Herald, rifle and planned to kill him­ seph’s Church are Stanley dispute.' He retains his poet as court trials or jury trials. Four persons were killed and South would discard a diamond self. Johnston, lifelong Democrat and board chairman and chief exec­ from hia hand and ruff in dum­ Box 3318. Grand Ontral Sta­ Adams, president; Sal Cornelia, President Johnson supporter. four injured, one crlUcally, in a Ahnert and four other pa­ utive officer. FUEL TRUCK EXPLODES my. Then he would cash a high tion, New York 17, N .Y. vice president; Walter Kozlow- head-on collision near here trolmen, headed by Sgt. KJell- There was no mention by the EDWARDS AIR POR(3E skl, secretary; W illiam M i­ Monday. qulst, were dispatched to the OHtY AT MICHAELS CAN YOU PURCHASE FAMOUS board of the status of Clay Clair BASE. Oltf. (AP) — Five men chaels, treasurer and (Chester The highway patrol identified scene. Ahnert a ^ v e d first, and Jr., editor in chief of the Satur­ were injured when a fuel truck Bloniarz, marshall. Political Race the dead as Mrs. Willie Drake when the others arrived, he was day Evening Post, and Marvin pumping jet fuel of of the XB70- William W . Shattuck, son of Watts, 35, of Roanoke, AU., the In the basement of the home, TREASURE CHEST D. Kantor, chairman of the A bomiKr exploded and burned. TRY OUR SPECIAL Mrs. Grace Shattuck of 138 Topic of Talk driver of one of the cars; Kerry holding the rifle, and talking to magazine division, both board The fuel was ordered removed Grove St., has begun a nine- Glenn Rush, 18, driver of the ITALIAN DINNERS the accused. DIAMONDS members and senior vice presi­ after |he huge bomber’s sched­ week basic training course at second car; and . James Nixon "Officer Ahnert acted with Charles F. J. Morse of 31 dents of the firm. uled fourth flight w m canceled the Naval Training Center, Peters and Jerry Ralph Pearce, complete disregard for his own T m t eMwwnS purchm. I. tem w . Princeton St., will speak tomor­ On Oct. 10, Culligan an­ Monday due to an engine mal­ f 5.50 Great Lakes, m. eetioe. In an MlabHahaS lawatw. both 19. Do more than 80,000 Connecticut row at 8 p.m. at the .Masonic nounced that the two had been SERVED NIGHTLY AT safety,” the letter stated. Ah­ Hospital Notes S m s u m M . raputatian It a1 function. State trooper R. W. Great- Temple at the suinual Men's placed on inactive status and nert knew that reinforcements Admitted yesterday: Ira alaka, you can tn iit hit The blast critically burned house said an Investigation Night meeting of the Junior had been relieved of sdl their were on the way and could have Bowers, Franklin Park; Eliza' ludgmafit and honor two civilian truck crewmen and showed that the Rush car ap­ Ms p rk a . Century Club of Manchester, duties. CAVEY’S hesitated, the letter continued, beth Smith, Loveland Hill. seriously hurt a third. An Air parently attempted to peus a I Inc. They had led a revolt of a but he decided not to wait. Births yesterday: A daugh­ Force sergeant who tried to truck on a hill and met Mrs. Morse, a graduate of Tufts group of (Jurtis executives, rescue the injured men suffered Mayor Flaherty and Thomas ter to Mr. and Mrs. John Mas- University, is the Capitol re­ charging Culligan was misman­ Watts’ car head on. | McCusker, chairman of the As ntustrsted less serious InjuriM, » m did a terson, Hyde Ave. porter for The Hartford Cou- aging the company, which pub­ fourth civilian. council’s police committee Discharged yesterday: Karen rant. His speech, "Political Out­ lishes Holiday, the Ladies Home agreed that, because of consoll' Duncan, Windsor Locks. car owners Ailstate $1125 look 1964.” will include a dis­ Journal, the American Home datlon, a morltorium would be Service News cussion of state and national and Jack and Jill, as well as the placed on promotions within the Marine Cpl. Thom as E politics and the responsibilities Post. police department. Hickey, son of Mr. and Mrs. facing the press in covering The board’s announcement A seven - and - a - half month Thomas E. Hickey, Crystal Downtown Manchester politics. said: "The election of a presi­ city budget, abbreviated be­ Lake, Ellington, recently par­ A t BBS Blaln Street Mrs. Burton Hilton HI, serv­ dent is expected to be an­ cause of the consolidation of ticipated in Marine Corps guer­ ice committee chairman of the nounced in the near future. Special the town which takes effect rilla operation "Grassroots” club, reminds members to bring The board al.so reported the ' July 1, was expected to be pre­ conducted at Cjamp Pickett, Va. election of Raymond Depue Mc- auto insurance George W. Powell, gunner’s because current magazines for Manches­ sented tonight by finance com' Granahan, 50, former executive ter Memorial Hospital and chil­ mate second class, USN, son o f vice president of the Times- mittee chairman Richard Mc­ dren's books for Manchester Mirror CX)., , a a Carthy. iloweyer, because of Child Guidance Cninlc. It's A Pleasant Drive To Orkil director and member of the difficulties encountered in The international a ffa irs executive committee. drawing up a short budget, the Farms, West Simsbury committee, headed ' by Mrs. Last Friday, McGranahan’s presentation was postponed and Dale Martin, has prepared a will be made at a later date. United Nations display and FISH FRY Charles Pltkat, superintend­ UNICEF Christmas cards will ent o f thi^ city’s filtration plant Fronf End save money APPLE be on sale. Fried Fish LRinen Vlfedg* told aldei^n that during a re­ Mrs. Jack Lappen will be IRSOMCri cent survey by the state’s Wa­ hostess for the evening. She EVERY WEDNESDAY Special GMSORV MIKONY. OMAR I ter Resources Commission j will be assisted by Mrs. Carl French Fried Potatoes Coleskne high amount of chrome, copper Rm . S12.S0 WEEK ' Anderson, Mrs. Oscar Asa- PECK (lUINN SHARIf I and other metals were found In 1) A L IG N FR O N T END Red DeUeious, Golden Delicious. McIntosh. Cortland, Grav- doorian, Mrs. Norman Gable. Freshly Baked RoRs and Butter 5 PJi. to 9 P.M. the water, which formed 2) B A LA N C E FR O N T easteln. Fall ^ppin, R. L Greening. Spartan, Maroun, Bald­ Mrs. William C^lhmin. Mrs. WTm jelly - like barrier over the WHEELS—Reg. $4.00 win, Northern Spy, Stamni, Red Rome. Richard Carlson, Mrs. Arthur BEHOLD A plant’s filters and adversely a f ( 8) CHECK FRONT (jharle^is, Mrs. N. Alfred Col­ H U N T IIll fccted the oxygen ratio at the WHEEL BEARINGS lins. COCKTAILS plus ‘2nd Time Around’ plaint. (4) CHECK BRAKE SWEET. FRESH CIDER Also, Mrs. Gerald Ckimpasso, SYSTEM Pears. Quince, Squash, Wed. “FlaU Safe" HOWARD JOHHSOH’S Samples o f the material were Mrs. Robert (Cowley, Mrs. Law ­ PALE HORSE: SERVED ‘•'rile Strlnner” analyzed at Wesleyan Unlver Honey, Cheese, Country Store Goodies rence Decker Jr., Mrs. Paul MANCHESTER, CONN. AH Four Only Dougan Jr., Mrs. Gordon Elagle- 7:11-1:11 In Our Famous ally, and chemists there son, Mrs. Richard Eichacker, East Windsor len Room % BtUe Off Oakland St—On ToUand Tpke. thought the city had a brass Mrs. Jerold Erickson. Mrs. Ed­ DRIVE-IN Bouu 5 plant In its area, Pitkat report ORKIL FARMS l:nl:l!!MI»T3 ed. He said no one knows where . EVERY D.AY TELL 5—WEST SIMSBURY ward Fahey and Mrs. Mario Sf hi*-, ;’f A,I HAw’fcao i95 the material is coming from, al Frattaroll. (R(t PAPK.rjo S?8 3JJ3 * though industry was surveyed True, most switched to He indicated that nothing can be done about the problem. s t a t T SERVICE ON ALL STAKTS CJorporation counsel Edwin M Lavltt told aldermen that CONVENTIONAL MAKES Allstate to save. But confidence TOMORROW mistake by the New Haven busy ! rshown at 5:30 A 8:25 Railroad in drawing a deed for The University of Connecticut railroad property recently sold MORIARTY to the city’s redevelopment agency, had deeded the proper­ in "Good Hands" service explains Major Concert Series ty to the city. BROTHERS 1 like my laundry dried Lavltt suggested that a mo­ tion be made to transfer the S01-S15 C E N TE R ST. - deed to the renewal unit. TE L. 648-5186 OPENS Lavitt’s suggestion drew why so many stay with Allstate t o r m e while I do ■ with Robert Taylor somment from Mayor Flaherty, AIMott tmmm mom. m r» to tkimmetkut Ikon mng ■ Deborah Kerr. N O V . 9rii This Sunday, Oct. 2S Jor^nsen Auditorium other eompifftt. Oniofmorttom Inowoi Commmlleot Tealckt Only 6 Nights 3:00 P.fd. Storrs, Conn. oon k in good krnkkmltkjmitmto, other household chores. R W? can bring you FrL 4:80 P.M. that only Allstate <»n offer. Because Allstate has a Good Driver Han and Sat. and Sun. BEHER HEARING Fast Help. Because Allstate has the biggest, most 1:30 and BOSTON 9 Convenience. Because Allstate has 372 Drive-In tailored rates . . . savings of $10-$40 for fd - 5:30 P .M ., efficient teletjrpe network in the industry—more Claim Centers, coast to coast, where the policy­ coverage auto msuraqce are comnKmplaee, com­ Eastern States than 8,000 miles of private wire communications, Manager Cannata in charge I holder can have his claim settled expertly and pared to rates for simyar coverage with most otiier coast to coast. Help from Allstate is always as MELODRAMA COUSEUM of Sonotone of Hartford to fairly by a skilled adjustor, often in less than half companies. ee7 near as die nearest phone. M'est Springfield SYMPHONY serve the needs of the hard ! an hour. VAUDEVILLE And you save with confidence. Mt^m t lm m e t e »9 9 of hearing in thie ccMiununi-' 82J10. $3.00, Biggest Claims.Staff. Becau^ Allstate has the Dependable Service. Because Allstate knows that Count on “ Good Hands” stfvioe whenever and DONT MISS $SA0, $4.00 ty. Mr. Cannata has had many years of experi­ (Tax la d .) ence in helping the hard of hearing, and is a Sono­ largest full-time, salaried claims staff in the insur­ auto insurance is only as good as the service that .wherever you need it. Mt^s eteetriet • • • AU tone user, himself. He is a member of a nationwide ance industry—more than 5,000 experienced claims stands behind it—and at .^ ta te , as at Sears, “ We Tafic to an Allstate Agent soon. Seats ORCHESTRA Reaerved network of permanent offices specializing exclu­ people—whose only job is to be there when you service what we sell.” Allstate Insurance Company. Home OtKsw sively in hearing problems. STREETS Othor Evonts Deed help. These experts are highly trained t o When you switch to Allstate Auto Insurance, Skoide, IfiinoM. Manager Cannata will be glad to answer any RUDOLF SERKIN I GRAND OPERA — VDon Giovanni" questions you have about your hearing. He is pre­ NEW YORK CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA pared to give you a complete audio-metric analysis ^ or phone an AHetate at: HOUSTON ORCHESTRA of your hearing without charge or olidigation. A t MILDRED MILLER the same time, you can learn about, the new Mono­ SEARS-MANCHBSTER \ women are busy. They’re also particular and eoonomicaL Thoaa tone Binaural Method of Balanced Hearing—the who have electric dryers find they waltz through washday. A push of 348 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST Subscription Ticket Information* natural approach to normal hearing. < > ' ( the button and instantly they get gentle sunshine. Never never never, Presented By T ick ets do they end up with wind-whipped, sun-faded or fro.zen laundry. And W ill Be Sold First Balcony-r-$10.00 Come in, phone or write to Manager Cannata iar PHONE: 443-2431 they have a choice of damp-dry or bone-dry. EL 606 to 5:00. SATUDDAT tiM to lO * Allstate* Auto thoro may be N O aale o f alngle admiaotoii ttoketa. pow oio. auca We Sentoe AH BbkM e< Hm tog AMi GENERAL $1.50 BUDGET TESBU ABSANGED ,1 , rm mEsirnwHED m m emm ■

■ ...... /. '-U-


M a a ^ g la report that qutto • .EYE-GLASSES by ■YKflNO HERALD. CONN.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER M. MM f f V B Bolton few townspeople have overtook- Opposes Plan ed thefar aatomObfio tut, ifue DoBelhi md Reals OpfieioM May 18. Tha name of anfmm mile race en the Ooneord Riv­ Columbia m House Development Studied; not ^ y h i g thin town tax by tha er. TT local club will oompete. COMPARE OUR end of this month wffi he em t Nixon Draws Crowd, Nov. 8 jor 15, dqiending on the Tour eye doctor’! weather, there will be a 'T o d - FRICES ON ALL 7' O n Representation to the Motor Vehiolo Dopart- pcwor4>tioo filled — ment, which w ill JaopardiM dlere and Parenta" race on the PRESCRIPTIONS i School Site Meeting Nov. 2 modem frame! — LocalsScore lake here. Rocee are from 1 to j ■ " ' ...... leglatratlon of the car. lenoM duplicated — Urges Goldwater Vote 8:30 p.m. Those wishing to A H m ManelNstar Education Association (MEA) voted Maneggla aSks that tha da- preaerlptton !un- ARTHUR ORUa The changing patterns oMbulkUng they have requested. compete may contact an officer a laiie majority yesterday to refuse to accept the linquent taxpayem calla hhn ao g ltm ta — prompt re­ In Weekend of the CCC not later than Nov. Bolton were reflected In two The shed, to be made of alumi­ that he can Agora the proper (Cootiaaed from Fage Ooe) because they have been baeofi’ w penonn^ policy o f the b (»rd o f education. Officers meetinga held laat night. But num or steel, will be erected pair!. 7. These races are for OOC rate of Intereet He wlH be at is Antam Street on principle. W e need such a ■ ----- ’ ------'------" ’ in£ Junior Hi^h School ac- two meetinga scheduled for the members only. iad members meeting at II next to the town garage in the his home on Rt. t. HABIFORO Between the two dinners the man in the U .8. Senate.’’ Carioe Race same room tonight preaumably FTA Ratoes $800 — aane tfee board of **dictaittm» fleld behind the Notch ftd. Votea aiad Blead Aahed B e e n 104 Republican party took In $68,000 Nixon ehalleoged Presidtet ^psBcy** and tba usa of “blind- are the result of oversight rath­ school to shelter road equip­ tor its campaign coffors. Hard working members of it appeared to him that "what Bolton residents ara urged IkiM DeBella TM 833-0787 Bnrtoo F. Itmle Johneon’e foreign poUcy with Results ot the Nathan H ale FALL SPECIALS ata" not to aoa the Manchester er than plan. The Democratic ment. It Wil be 82 feet long Appearing with Nixon before the charge that today ’’Ameri­ the P T A , starting at 6 a.m. you're doing here is saying and Republican town commit­ to exerriae their prlvUegea aa Canoe Jamboree held here Sun­ Fedaratiaa o t Teachers (MFT) and 50 feet deep. Americans In two wnya en the dinner in Hartford were John can prestige is lower, and the Saturday, raised nearly $300 you're afraid of the union." He tees are both operating to meet day, have been announced by FREE ESTIMATES ■riUtaney. Further study of construc­ Lodgt, G O P candidate tor the cause of freedom to lower, than for their treasury. They sold said. "W e have adopted this at 8 p.m. In the conference Nov. 8; first, hy voting end Mrs. William Murphy, Colum­ MBA. praaldeat Robert Wol- tion possibilities will be made then by donating blood.. U.8. Senate, and Atty. James it was four years ago.’’ 875 grinders and according to policy and now you’re saying room of the town offices. bia Canoe Club advisor. . ■ fert said the proportlotial rq>rs- before the shed is let out to Oolllni and Belton Oopp^ running The Democrats, he said, have Mrs. Frank Knight, president, you no longer wish to meet with A public hearing laat night The Red Croea BtoodmobOe There were three types of craft Palmer Raefing Oa. >tsaBtation of the recently adopt­ bid. Money for the project ■ in tor the U.S. House of Repreoen- adopted a "no-win’’ poUcy in could have sold over 100 more, us." wraa held by the planning com­ will be at the Education Build­ entered; standard canoes, rac­ the 1964-65 budget. tottveH from the First and Sec- ■outheaatern Asia. if w e hadn't run out of roils.” Roofing—-Re-roofing ed board policy “would enoour^ Collins said it seemed to him mission on a preliminary plan ing of Bolton Congiegationnl ing clat>3 craft and war canoes. Meanwhile, back at the plan­ o id OongreMlonal Districts. Calling for a change in lead­ The profits will be used to fi­ wge union membership by that proportional representa­ of Larry F. F 1 a n o’s Birch Church from 1:80 to OioO p jn . X A s usu.al, eXX! members were Repairs ning commission meeting, Nixon cast his speech as a ership, Nlxttn said that "H ot nance various projects for the granting th «n recognition.’’ tion was fairer than majority Mountain Development. The election day. Rummage Sale prominent among the winners. Gutters—Siding members were still studying combination of pre-election re­ year. X>r. W . J. Sheehan, executive representation. Collins said, 26-lot area Is bounded on the Donors are needed and one American boy should be Standard canoe winners were the subdivision map with devel­ port and foreign affairs analy- secretary of the Connecticut "W h o cares what they do in Evangelist South by Birch Mt. Rd. and should call Mrs. Emenon Bo»- sent 8,000 miles to the Jungles Billy Oates and George Byels Alaminom Siding oper Flano and Hayden Gris­ worth, Bayberry Rd., aa bIs . of South Viet N em unices he to Manchester Evening Herald Bdncathm Association, congrat- some other town; it’s what we Dr. E. S. Phillips of Kansas Volpl Rd., with access from the NORTH METHODIST CHURCH and Richard Oates and Arnold wold. engineer. Property own­ appointment. Mrs. Bosworth He aaid he believed GOP can­ there to win for the United CaU After 5 P.M. nlatad W olfert on his stand. do in Manchester” that matters. City, Mo., formerly of M an­ latter. Demua of Samoset but Colum­ Golnmbia eorreepondent, Vto' ers whose land abuts the pro­ asks that registered nurses and 300 rARKEX SIKECT didate Sen. Barry Goldwater Sheehan told the membership MBA and CEA offlciaU aaid chester, will conduct a series of The public building commla- SUtee.’’ bia placed first or second in all glnla Carlson, telephooe posed development had deput­ nurse’s aides wlio would be could win the presidential race 643^912 that he and the two other CEtA after the meeting that Collins revival services tomorrow slon set Nov. 2 as the date for That aaeertion brought the rest of the events. ed. willing to work also call her. AUSPICES W.S,OJi. deeplta unfavorable polls, and 328-9324. staff members had "not come was refusing to look at the na­ through Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at a Joint meeting on land aquisl- long round at applause from Standard canoe, 16 years and The Elementary School F T A Briefs gave two reasons for his belief. ” here to tell you whAt to do." tional tendency of the A FT. the Church of the Nazarene. tiOn for a site 'fo r a future the audience. imder, Deimis Murphy and will hold an open-house tomor­ Meetings of Junior Olrl .As a result of three event) They said they felt the porpor- Special music will be provided elementary school. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 - 9 to 12 A n admlnto|ration headed by Robert Fletcher, first and Dr. Sheehan sale he only Scout Troop 667, held Tuee- last week — the change in Uonal representation policy at each service by members of I The PB C voted to send let- row at the school starting at Barry Goldwater, he eald, Steve Simpson and Oiarles ___wlahed to say that any policy days starting at 6:80 p jn . at Kremlin leadership, the C t^eee would not prevent a union the congregation.' I tera to each of the following 7:30 psn. would "return to the Etoen- Burnham, second, all of CCC. that would be soft on the United Methodist Church, win atomic bomb and the Jenkins takeover. They said they would *rhe evangelist is executive I boards, asking for one repre- Parents will enter the front hower-Dullee principle which SC-K2, Ricky Robinson, John American Federation of Teach­ end at 7:00 rather than 8 pm . Incident — "you are going to rather have majority represen­ of the Department of World I sentative: Selectmen, planning door and go to the Civil De­ kept the peace for ^ h t years, German, first; Dennis Murphy, ers would only promote "a pit- from now on. see more votes changed during Missions in the Church of the I zoning and nnance. fense Room Where Principal the principle of denying the ag­ K arl Kolle, second; SC-K2, ItuL power gn b putsch under- tation and take both the credit The soring commission will the next two weeks than ever Nazarene with offices at in­ The Joint meeting was re- Lincoln Nystrotn will welcome gressor, not yielding to him. Women, Janet Levesque, Cathy wrlttm by the Industrisl Un­ and the criticism thsmselvss. hold a public bearing on pro­ before,” he said. ternational headquarters of the I quested by the board of educa- them and explain Ute open- ‘T o yield leada not to peace Gosline, first; Delores Bum- ion Department of the A FU - posed changes to soning reg- And, he said, the party has denomination at Kansas City. I tion. which will also be repre- house procedure. but to war." CIO.’’ Sheehan said the AFT ulattons tomorrow at 8 pjn. at “a great team of candidates in ham, Joanne Jacobus, second; was a front for an KJD take-, H e is a native of Manchester, I sented. Supt. Philip Liguorl Parents will then go to their Let Beneficial put many states which will benefit He also criticized the incum­ SC-2 mixed, Lee German, Karl the Community Ban. over. Andover and his 96-year-oId mother, I had sent a letter to the PBC, children’s classrooms to heu the whole ticket’’ — meaning the bent Democrats for asserting Kolle, first; Steve Simpeon, Mrs. Stephen Phillips, lives The fire department wlU that Goldwateris avowed plan Wolfert told the mmober- I stating that some classes in the each teacher explain her pro­ presidential candidate. Harriet Randall, second; SC-2 with his risters. Miss Gertrude drill tomorrow at 7 pan. at the to put field nuclear weapons ship before its dedaive vote I present elementary school will gram for the year. There will He cited as members of the (Herald itooto by Ofiara.) women, Cathy sind Janet, first, J U l i f L t Philips and Miss Gladys Phil­ flrehouse. undw the Jurisdiction of the that the M BA executive board I have to go on double sessions be two complete sessions of IS team figures such as George Richard Nixon accepts lettn* from Paul Sweeney, ‘PoUand County high sheriff, at last night’s Marjy Elmers, JoEllen Pagach, Club Musical lips at 104 Hamlin St. NATO hig^' * command would had voted 5 to 2, with three In the fall of 1966 unless a minutes each, with four min­ Evening BemM Ronmey running for re-election dinner. Sweeney later said the letter wae from former Rep. Antoni Sadlak of Rockville. second; SC-K2 (adult and Widely known as pastor and Meachester lead to war. members absent, "to reject the school is built. utes allowed for changing class­ as governor of Michigan, Wil­ youth), Guy Newhall and son administrator. Dr. Phillips was Bolton *T was there when President report of Its personnel commit- S e t 2 Days Robert Warfel and Kenneth es. wen Toung, Uam Scranton running for the David of Cochl^uate; Curtto pastor of the First Church of Matthews, the PBC subcom­ same post in Peniuylvanla and Eisenhower made the decision Beck and Pat Murphy, CCC, the Nazarene. Bethany, Okla., Parents with more than two Mias Martha Whlta, ahair- mittee members studying the Chuck Percy, a gubernatorial to authorize the N A T O com­ second; SC-1 men, Arnold De- for 15 years. This is the larg­ children In the elementary Hero Jailed, Youth Arrested man of that committae, had The OommuBlty Club’s west proposed school, said last night Cleric Tran»po$ed candidate In Illinois. mander to use such weapons in Events mus, first; A. Rlchburg, sec­ est church in the denomina­ school wifi either have to split response to attack under care­ rsconunended to tbs axacutlve erh musical. “Balls of the that they were in favor of get­ Nixon also menUoned Senator­ ond, both of Coebituate; and tion. He has been a member vp or sneak out of some riaases LONDON — Tongue - dipping Sentence Cut In Sex Slaying board and again recommended West.’’ wm be presented Friday ting a site for the school but ial candidates Robert Taft' Jr. fully defined clrcumstancee.’’ SC-2, twelve years and under, of the general board of the early. transpoeitians, such as “ Occu- yesterday that the MBA ac­ were not con\*lnced that the in Ohio, George Busb in Texas This policy wae continued In World O'Reilly brothers, Cochltuate, and Saturday evenings at the church for several years, and Refreshments will be served pewing a pie’’ instead of occu­ LO N D O N (A P ) — John Day, NEW YORK (AP) — An 18- cept the board of education’s school itself would be needed and George Murphy in imder the Kennedy and John­ first, Peter Levesque, Bob Gif town hall, curtain time at 8 vice president of Eastern Na­ in the cafeteria. Mrs. Don C u - pying a pew,’’ are named spoon­ policy fo r one ytatr. so soon. as having a good chance tor son admlntotratloos, he said. who rescued a child from STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) year-old boy was Jailed today in ford, C(X!, second. p.m. zarene College, Wollaston. penter will be assisted by the erisms tor a British clergyman, On Sept. 14 the board of edu­ In other business. First Se­ in your pocket-fast success. ‘T o euggeet that this leada drowning while he wae on the — Two Swedtoh lieutenants of the sex slaying of a 7-year-old In the racing craft class, BU' Preparations for ths show Mass., where he received two cation adopted the reoonunen- lectman Richard Morra and first grade room mothers. Canon WilUam Archibald SpooR- to w ar to nonsense." have been going on tor aaveral undergraduate degrees and He also had some partisan run ^ e r breaking, jsdl, is back the U.N. Cyprus peace force girl, whose body was stuffed In ly Gates and (3eorge Byers took dathm o f Its policy committee I Road Foreman Donald Massey Auto Taxes Overlooked er (1844-1980), who w as noted for Master of ceramonles for the wseks. Rabsarm ls will hs at 7 :t0 B.A. and B.T. degrees. ■pent with Democratic candidate were sentence to two years at first and second place in the that teadier representation on appeared to describe the pole Tax Collector Anthwiy A. these lapses. dinner in the Statleris ballroom in his cell but h hero with hie an oil furnace in the baement of tonight and tomorrow with a H e was also pastor of the CuR HP. . . eome N • .. and Robert Kennedy, running in N ew hard labor Monday and stripped C-1 men’s race; Ricky Roltoi- official matters be prc^rtlon- was Malcolm Baldridge. Other sentence reduced. a church. mow sty; First Church of the Nazarene, York. of their rsink for smuggling son and Guy Newhall were first al to the momberahlp of eadi fuU dresa rshearsal ■nuraday. apply for Uia cash you need speakers included State Chair­ He’s also been adopted by the Baltimore, Md.. for six years, RIPAY AMOUNT "Bobby Kennedy and I have arms to Turkish Cypriots. They Asst. Dlst. Atty. Kenneth N. and second in the K-1 men's of the town's two teacher or­ Members of the cast are asked ^ your Fait Aqienses! man A. Serrle Pinney, Lodge, parents of Mantle Watts, toe 8- and served Nazarene churches lo r HONTHLY OF LOAN much in common," Nixon joked. said they acted from idealistic Brown'said the boy, John Ebtw race: Cathy Gosline, first, Lee W e * * ganisations. to bring costumes and hand and State Young OOP chief year-old boy he saved. Day is at W est Somerville, Mass., and Left-over bills, new clothes, "W e ’re both lawyers and w e’re moUvea. German, second in the K-1 At this meeting board mem­ props. $16.75 %300 25. of Brooklyn, grabbed Janet Pawtucket, R.I. He served on THE MEMBBIS OF THE both new In N ew York. Charles ManiL ‘The biggest Lars W. Lindh. 37, and Helge women, Barbara Whltehouse, ber Atty. William Collins said The production win have a repairs, school needs, you- hand, however, went to State Marnie’s mother, -42:'3)ear-old Young aa she arrived at the cast of about 30 performers. One the board of trustees at Beth­ 26.58 500 "The difference is, I ’ve Uved Violet Watts, told the Court of HJalmarsson, 28, were caught in first, Timmy Murphy, seC' he understood teacher organ­ CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE name-it! Remember Bene- in N ew York longer than Bob, Citizens for Goldwater ehalr- Bethany Evangelical United ot seversl special munbers vdU any (Okla.) Nazarene College 36.41 700 Criminal Appeal “Mantle fell the act in northwest Cyprus late ond in the first K-1 race isations supported the recom­ and I can vote there — and I ’m man John Lupton. Brethren church in Queens to Bsc mem words ea ft te ba tha ED^iland Ring danced oy for several years and was 2 3 « M A IN STREET fidal is the one place to into a pool that was six feet in September and brought home for 12 and under and Curtis mendation. A t yemerday’s M B A 51.16 1,000 going to vote tor (Republican attend a Brownie Scout meeting lOm Linda Cameron. awarded an honorary doctoral caH for money the minute deep,” she said. "Suddenly, tor trial. Beck and Dave Newhall, first jMdee to tbs flMCcgralo meeting Miss White told the •On 24 month plan. candidate) Kenneth Keating.’’ Monday afternoon. Tlckcta for the show are avail degree by the school. John appeared from nowhere "Seeing how the Turks were and second in the second race. Fair Isle Shsdods aoq membership that she had given INVITE YOU TO ATTEND you want H! Call up or Brown said Ebbs, who eomc- able from any member at the Nixon had praise tor Connect­ and Jumped in without a mo­ hemmed in by euperior enemies Dennis and Roliert came In her asBumnces to Collins that Gas Line Work times did volunteer work spratagtag emg ediac chih or at the door. OMia in thk very minutel icut’s Republican candidate tor ment's hesitation. I ’m sure he (Greek Cypriots), it was like first in the C-2 men’s race with nils was true. toe Senate, Jolui D. Lodge. giving help to drowning people around the church, dragged the George Byers and William ■weaeer In town. Memr Miss White listed a long Proceeds will be used to aiq>- District Firemen saved Marnle’e life.” REVIVAL SERVICES He said Lodge has "a sense of Affects Traffic or to starving children,” HJal- child to the basement, Ued her Gates running second. Inciden­ fisai^ TrebamUbemnadM series o f notifications she said port the club’s program of cM c Day had been serving a four- history” necessary to under­ mareson said during the trial. with a cord, strangled her and tally, Dennis and Robert came the eneuuUve board had had improvement activities such as Answer 11 Calls year sentence for theft. After he lonftm eaoaMtIac OCTOBER 21-25 standing foreign affaire. Lodge, The Hartford Gae Cb. t o in­ tried to rape her. up with the beat time elapsed about vrimt policy the board the repairing and redecorating was caugjit two more years JW e 7:80 E A C H E ^ 'E N IN G — S U N D A Y MANILA (AP) — U.S. Ma After etufflng her body in the for all races of the day. of education would finally of the town haU. The dining BENEFICIAL he said, had anticipated the stalling a new high pressure line were added to his sentence. Ei^th District volunteer 10:45 AJa. and 7:00 PJ)L lines landed at Leyte Island furance, the youth went to his Wilbur Fletcher was cox­ stdopt. W hite said, "W e town part of the Job was com strong Communist showing in this week along Park St. and After hearing Mrs. Watts, the firemen during the past month WITH I t M HNANCE SYSTEM today in a re-enactment of the Job distributing literature for a have known about this since pleted soms montlw ago and the Itay's election in 1948, the up­ court said the extra two years swain for two war canoe .racea answered 11 fire crils. five in Main to Birch Sts. this week, na landing 20 years ago that began nearby real estate office, re­ M arch... I personally feel that w w k on the main meeting room rising In Hungary In 1956 and could run concurrently with the Guy Newhall, coxswain tor two the district and six outside the Main to Birch Sts. this week, the liberation of the PhllUpptoes turned to the church to deliver a the exeeutlve board smited un is in progress. ■as eao tBflOOO—Loan! Hfe4iiMMed at taw eoet the need to support the Nation­ longer sentence. With time off Roland Laramie for one and district Isoundaries, Fire Cniief from Japanese occupation. message about church business ta the fifty-ninth minute to T stt on Electton Dr. E. S. Phillips alist Chinese on Formosa. and traffic will be detoured. for good behavior. Day will get Mrs. Muiqtoy for one. Clubs in 00 Francis Limerick reports. Seneidal Hnonca Co. o f AAcmehostor to the pastor, bought some gro­ wdoe disepproval.” A talk on eleetkm procedures r V A N O E L IS T "H e knows when we should Police C^ief James M, Rear- out in 1966. President Diosdado Macapa- eluded Samoeet, Cochltuate and • 2 0 The volunteers answered one ceries and went home. Brown She said. 'Tt’a kind of late will be presented by Mrs. Mar' 806 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER _ give foreign aid and when we dmi this morning said that traf­ g;al said the anniversary re­ Punkatasset, all of Massachu­ blaze on Windsor St., outside said. to tell them we’re changed our Joris M ^tandon vdian the An­ DB. B. B. PHHJJPS BPBCIAL MUSIC IN EACH SEBVIOB M S4IB6 • Onr Sk Hm EMM W. Bw I m b M ahOuMn’t; he knows when we fic will not be permitted on St minds Filipinos that they could setts, Waterford, Conn, and the the Ostrict, on Sept 25, in mlndr W e would do our organ- dover RspubUean W am «i’a Club can taU( with the Russians and James St. today and traffic will not have regained their freedom He was watching television local club. ehich a Hartman Tobacco Co. ion Honors hntiaei a (hssei vice by doing mqsts toidght at ths Elementary when we rtiould not," Nixon be detoured away from Park Leg without the United States and when police arrested him early N ext Sunday, toe Concord. shed, eontrintng tobacco cases, BtStaeA. The three constltuUonal Dr. Phillips is cxecntiTC secretaiy of the Department of Worid Missions in the ■aid. St., from Main to St. James St., the late Gen. Douglas MacAr- today. Mass., Club will hbet an eight- so." boats, motors and fishing equip- Notwithstanding Miss amendments which will appear “Through the years John for the next few days State Leaders thur. m m t was destroyed with loss Church of the Nazarene. “" “W h K s’s recoenmendation, more on the voting machine Nov. liodge’s stands have been right A spokesman for the Gas Macapagal said the Philip­ placed at $20,000. District fire­ Co. will also be discussed. said today that the $22,000 proj pines has the assurance of Pres­ 2SO M E A members voted, men were assisted in fighting American Legion members N M em bers have been Asked to set — in which 1,420 feet of line will honor Hugh Graham, de­ ident Johnson that the United with only 30 members against, the wind-fanned fire by volim- Dr. Phillips is a native son of Manchester. His mother, Mrs. Stephen Phillips, Legal Notice bring with them the stamps the win be put under Park St. and partment commander, and Mias States will respond immediately to have Wolfert aent a letter to toera from South Windsor and club has been accumulating for resides at 104 Hamlin St. 360 feet of pipe will go under to any attack on this country. the boeurd of education saying Town Fire Department aj^ara- AT ▲ COURT o r PROBi^TE held Barbara Wallett, auzdliary de­ the acquisition of a coffee mak­ Hancheater, within and tor the Main St., from Park to Birch partment president, Saturday, the association “wHl not nego- tua. er. Also requested by club ofH' diatrlet of Manchester, on the 16th Sts., — is being done tor a two­ 7:3o ROM E (A P ) — The last Sun­ tlats Jointly." Other Are calls during the day ot October. A.D. 1964. Oct. 31 at p.m. at The rials are volunteers for work on fold purpose. The new gas line day of next month, Nov. 29^ is The ftdl executive oommlttee Sept 20 to Oct 19 period in­ Preeent. Hon. John J. WaJtett, Hedges Restaurant, New Brit­ election day. Judge...... will serve businesses and will..... ain. the day English is to be substi­ ' 2 report to the M E A membership cluded Ares in woods (2), brush Estate ol Mary Laine a/k/a Mary .-i,- „ „ „ EATOW A. L,aine. iate of Manchester in take care of needs for a pro- tuted for Latin at Mass in most irend tlwt the recommendation (4), a bam, chimney fire, a Representatives from the Mancheeter Evening Herald said district, deceased. posed future redevelopment area of the Roman Catholic churches .'was preimred after an Oct. 7 dwelling blaze, znd one miscel­ i n e ii SILVER L ^ I ^ E A S T HARTFORD Manchester Post will be Henry Andover correapondent, ta w Upon application of Raymond L. east of Main St., the spokesman in the United States. m eeting with Eugene Sctdise, laneous. Laine. administrator c. t. a., pray­ Wierzblcki, commander; Her­ rence Mae, tetephone 743-07M. said. man Wagner, vice commander; The date was confirmed offi­ ;C9BA direotor of field service to ing tor authority to sell certain "A U MEATS ora FRESH CUT — real estate particularly.' described The project will be completed and Eugene Freeman, adjutant cially Monday at a meeting of PUT A TKER IN YOUR TANK! dteeuss the residt of sn M E A NUCLEAR BEACnON In said application on file. It is by Friday, it was reported. most at the 244 Americen arch­ o r d e r e d That the foregoing They will be accompanied by retaml. TOKYO (AP) — The Antara NONE ora PRE-PACKAGED!" I , -A______bishops and bishops in Rome tor news agency said today Indone­ application be heard and deter­ their wives. PiesAdeiB WoUmt said ttw mined at the Probate ofQce in SHARE AND SHARE AUKE the Vatican Ecumenical Ckxin- Police Arrests sia triggered its first sustained Francis E. Miner, past com­ MBA offloem were M ly aware Manchester in said District, on the ABILENE, Tex. (AP)—When cil. nuclear cliain reaction Satur­ STORE HOURS; 89th day of October. A.D. 1964 at mander and on the committee of the ponsSili consequences ef two o'clock In the afternoon, and Mrs. Bill Van Cleave passed a day. in charge of the event, will also the SBSocistlon’s rafUssL H e Barry Pleasant, 17, ef Wap- that notice be given to all persons radar unit a bit too quickly, she ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — G. A. Siwabessy, director TneSn Wed. 9 to 6 e Thors., Fri. 9 td 9 Interested In said estate of the pen­ represent the post. said the nctlan eras proposed to ping, w as suirnncned to appsar ended up with a ticket for trav­ For the first time in 25 years a n n e ra l of the TjUsiens Atomic dency of said application and the Tickets are still available pmpetDSts a single orgsnlsa' in Choult Oomrt Nov. 3. H s is tim e and place of hearing there­ eling 38 miles In a 35-mile zone. Turkish foreign minister le Ibiergy Institute, expressed Sat. 8 to 6 (CloBcd AU Day Monday) from Jo)m King, .department tkm. riiargod with faQare to have on. by publishing a copy of this She decided to use the inci­ going to visit the Soviet Union. gratitude to American scientists order in some newspaper having a headquarten;. Attgr. Onllins spoke at yastsr- his tsU extend to ths rear dent to teach citizenship to her Foreign Minister Ferdlun who assisted Indonesian scien­ eirculation in said district, at least da^s meeting. He had aaid pre- seven days before the day of said two sons, Ken, 8, and Bob, 3. Cemal Erkin wrill visit Moscow of the veUrie. tists. The reactor was pur­ vimisly ha did not understand Police spritad tha alleged, hearing, to appear if they see cause | "Mother deserved the ticket,” Cortex Found City Oct.30, the Foreign Ministry chased from General Atomics, a at said time and place and be why the M E A w as l evs raing Its vlolatlan and aUqiped the youth she explained to drive home the announced Monday night. A subsidiary of the U.S. G^eral heard relative thereto, and make poslttcsi.' on Camp Meetl^ Rd. at the return to this court, and by mail­ lesson. Then she added wistful­ M EX ICO C IT Y — The ancient spokesman said the visit is Dynamics Corp. The United Onllins. who bsesm e visihly ing on or before October 19. 1964. ly, "But that’s the first traffic Mexican city of Tenochtltlan had “aimed at Improving economic Bolton town Mns yaetey|tt. af- States is providing $350,0(K) to­ Wed. Only by certified mail, a oop.v of this ticket I ever got.” a population of alxiut 300,0(X) and ■psot a s be s | ^ e , told the M B A tanioon. order to Raymond Francis Laine. and cultural relations. Every­ ward the cost of the reactor and SB Pioneer Circle, Manchester. "W ell, M ommy," 3-year-old was a thriving metropolis when thing will )>e discyssed.” Turk­ equipment for nuclear experi­ MILD CURED — BONELESS BRISKET Conn. Bob responded to her tone, Ciortez landed in 1519. It was ish concern about Soviet mili­ ments. JOHN J. W ALLETT. Judge, es. Raymond L. Laine; Admr. c.ta. “ Daddy has got two. Maybe he situated near what Is now Mex­ tary aid to Cyprus will probably John J. O'Oonnor, Atty. will give you one of hie." ico City. '' come up. AMERICAN LEGION CORNED "THERE'S MAGIC IN EVERY GALLON' BEEF 8BINGO O’CLOCK—LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. HEAD CUT EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT

KPARTMENT OF THEATRE Oiiftrsitf tf CMMttitiit WINDOW SUBSCRIPTION SERIES - 1W-1965 ^ The Dodge-size compact. Dart If you like to live a little, we'd like 7 EVENMGS: S PLAYS AND 2 MOVIIS SHADES We Ike Bight Te Limit QnaaUUee to let you in on something big. Dart is the fuh con^pact Mod# to Ordar dependable Nevember C-14 Artlw U Kapira OH DAD. POOR ALSO with big ideas. About beauty • Comfort • Ride • Savings. DAD, MAMA’S HUNG YOU IN THE Styling is crisp, clean and CLOSET AND I’M PTEUNG SO SAD VENETIAN BUNDS EXTRA LEAN so boldly sculptured that you almost forget M e v s b e r 15 WUUome’ SUDDENLY LAST 8UM- Brhig your old roller! la aad M ve S8c per shade O il heating is the onlty m odern au­ MEE (aim etofiteg EUsabetli lAylor, this is an economy car. Ketherlee Hepbani ood Neatgemefy tomatic method of home I v t i i g Choose your brarvcl of spice from 10 exciting Clift.) vdme the fuel is stored ri^it on Dart models. Deoeosber 4-13 Shake^Moro’s THE MERCHANT OF GROUND your own premieeB. . . yHiere you Everything from the hoid-on-to-your-hats VENICE Dart GT convertible to the trailblazing Mmeh 13-39 Tad Moael’s A L L T H E W A Y H fM tE have a dance o f siqipiien and sarF- 4-door wagon. Power ? Choose one of M oNb^-Aliri] 3 Bephoclee* O T D IP U S R E X ioe . . . vdiere fa el ooate hawa 2 thrifty Sixes or 2 hustling V8's. A p sa 4 Shakeopoare’e HENRY V (llm stai^ mained km. Fod ofl heals ynnr CHUCK Go Dart for '65. You won't miss any of the fun. riBg Sir laaw fie OUiier aed Robert Dodge comes on big for '65... Newtoa) home, provideB more hot water at Is it witchcraft that sweeps dirt out of High-energy Esso Eztea gasoUniiL Dart • Coronet • Polara • Custom 880 • Monaco your carburetor and brings, power back and see. aay 1^9 n i i ^ M ag 7 -1 1 Oecor WUde’e THE IMPORTANCE lower coat and can even fim nah OF REING EAKNE8T alive? Not It*a the (1) cleaning poorer, a Tigeg^hiy emergmey nlectrici^. Inaiat qn C (2) firing powerj(3) oetanepower of New * the sign of > A U . 7 ■a Seoeea T kkec — f4>78 O flH e a t. BSOodgeDart • tot Thp DairanMiy e f ( lb, L A. NHNSON ^ s a s a s s a HOME HEAT GOUNGIL ■:A'; , D - m PAINT GO. HUMBLE 723 SiAIN ST. CHORCHES MOTORS. Inc. OA A ra m o N a aeM M NV PHONZ 049-4501 M GAKLAMD 811MUrr..4ilA^Ci|NnTO 'A(I> •; ’’tid/ 'O

"V- MANCHBSTEB EVBKINO HERAU>» MANCHESTER. CX>NN, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1964 PACT SBVEI( lU N C H ttim t EVBNINO HERALD, MANCHESIBB, 0 0 ^ ,, TUfBSDAY, OCTOBER 10^ 1>64 port on InsptetloM and oonnao- talizad at Qianute Air V o te . Hydrant tions of aanitary eewee Unaa C o v e n try . Startled Police Base, Rantoul, III. and noted stonpagM, inuring Trio Downed mmk» our o o tta f dooWoM Chat otmply. Ail three oflicent were held by TURNPIKE TV Connecticut tea past monte, on Hollister Receive ^Bomb^ tee Russlana in Bast Germany Wo Bovor ropudiatod D w ltlit MhwBhooroo Pondered by S t, Avondale Rd., Green R4., after they parachuted from twraiiot Mo otaM aaoiotaat la Um White List Asked By Red Jet APPLIANCE Columbus S t, Summit S t, Ox­ Bamay Moses, a devel- their Btrieken plahe. Welch waa HouM waa oomdMw iK»t teiiaimo to te« Yankee ford St, and Cambridge St ar in Vernon, yesterday freed March 21, BoUand and dIaerotUmlii hit acooptanoo « t gtfte CroM 8th District Teggart reported that mam On Property walked into tee Vernon po­ OKfor Duty Kessler March 27. By A.H.O. 28 panas o f glaaa, different lice headquarters with a quMtkmablo ooureo. And w o art not sizes, were smashed by vandals bkoly to ropudlate Ibadan Johatoa today A plan .to install a new hy- what he said was a bomb. Wa notioa that, in ona o f tha a t tee disposal plant’s green­ Police blanched slightly (OontiBiMd from Page One) Public Records Srent and 360 feet of slx-hieh For Nov. 2 fhr tho foaaon that an Individual who graat oparatloha df tha 1W4 house. A ll were re p la o ^ he and teen gingerly carried rankod high with him in tho White campaifn, -tha RapubUepna al- water pipe at Btock PI., and s a ^ and added teat a Manches­ tee two-foot missUe to tee- dered widening of an upper zone BulldlBg Permtto uong tee Bast-Wett Mundary moat Buccaadad in b u y i^ im­ N. Main SL, estimated to ooet ter' ‘Police Department orulaer On or before Nov. 2 an per­ rear grounds of tee police To Atlantic Fence Co. for . tlie quality HouM hat provod to bo victim to a tax* in Germany and Air Force portant stratagieal inforiaatlon ■hout $2,138, waa discussed by patrol in tee area in recent sons UaMe to pay personal station whera they burled Miss Ruth Bam, for construc­ ual alcknoaa aomebody inalda Damo- weeks has Kept vandals away planes fljring in tee area were comer. . . m ghth District board o f dl- property taxee in Coventry It Then they called tee tion of a fence at 128 Oak St, Such dovclopmonta aomotlmaa bafflo eratid National Chairman John from tea plant afea. “Tha po­ army. directed to be under "positive 8400. n cton last night at ita month­ must file a written or nrinted radio control” at all times. BUT undontandtag. Somotimot thoy Bailty'i haadquartors down in ly meeting. lice have helped us gredtly,” be A team of demolltlona To Russ Atkina for Franklin aaid. list signed and sworn to with The bosuxl held that a major make ua fool tick. Waalungton- 9nch an installation would experts from Fort Devens, Haskell, for constructiem o f a And, In our salf-aj^intad role Concerning a proposal by tee Assessor Bernard A. Dion In the cause of tee incident “ was tee provide more adequate fire 'pro- Mass., roared to tee scene, garage at 23 Hartland Rd., 32,- But an of uo know ooough of tho of a aort of Robin Hood in the failure of electronic navigation­ tectlon for businesses and home district board to purchase tea town oCflce Building on Rt. 81. dug up tee missile and gin­ 000. oroaknooaoa and fralltloo and dltotooo of political fbraat, wa arc about to Manchester W ater Co., Preai- The lists must be on a form al equipment on board toe RB66 o w i ^ in that area,. District gerly carried It off In a plane." To 'Earl A. Smite, for addi­ human aaturo, In thio ago o f glaaa radrtaa any unjuat advantage dent Swanson reported teat tee as supplied b y the assessor and apeclal container. President Victor Swanson said. "The board found that weath­ tion to a porch .at 607 Wood- the RapubUcans may hava ob- water firm has not yet answer­ auproved by tee taX commis­ The ex|>ert8’ conclusion: TELEVISION houoot, to know tho injuotioo and tho Im- Thd board agreed t ^ t the er .conditions which obscured bridge St., 3660. talnad on tha national scana by ed. sioner of personal prooerty be­ Rocket from a World War poooibillty o f trying to hold any ono in* eost of such an ' insteiiation the ground to the crew contrib­ ■taallng cartein confidential would have to be assumed by longing to such, persons and n bazooka. It had been dividual too eomplotoly rooponoiblc for data from the Republican haad- fired. uted to tee navigational error," business and the district t e t ­ sublect to taxation in tee town the A ir Force said. Hong Kong Propheaied quartera on the Gonneetlcut P r o je c t o r Balks^ Moses found tee rocket tho bohavior o f another. ters wni be sent out to busi­ on the first of October. Among Two members of the craw Beyond that, wo are alto oonodout, acana and making this nvnilable, ness firms in the area to get items to be declared are boats In an area o ff Rt. 30 which HONG KONG _ A prophecy he ia developing. Nobody have been on ground assign­ for free, to Mr. Bailay in his ca­ Oielr reaction to the proposal. Some Miss Show and motors, house trailen, farm ments at the Toul-Rosleres Air aaid to date back to A.D. 1100 many o f ua, of tho pooaiblo oodttenoo of is sure how a fired bazooka M pacity as Connecticut’s Demo- Throe o f the firms that Would machinery, eontractorh equtu- Base in France pending the deacribes the Hong Kong of to­ tmmoralltloo oven deeper than thoae of rocket got there. oratlo State Chainnan. M Mrved by new line would Ixitz Junior Museum learned ment. livestock, poultry, com­ outcome of their cases. They day: “ Across these waters when political favoritiom or of tax deviationa The confidential Republican be the Dzen Construction Ca, Saturday never to underestt mercial furniture, goods on are Gapt., David L. Holland, ’tU dark a million lights shall glow, and in their paths 10,000 CURTIS MATHES It ia pooalble not to drink, or amoko, or state campaign document wc Peck Uunber Co., and the Em­ mate tee wrath of 1,200 chil­ hand, and any other personal of tee program of Coventry pilot, from Holland, Minn, and hava been able to get our aasiat- ships go passing to an fro.” awoar, or atay up late in any wrong pire Tool A Man^acturing dren. property. High. O p t. Melvin J. Kessler, ah ant Robin Hoods to purloin for other matters on last Operation difficulties with A 10 per cent penalty will be Given DAR Award instructor navigator from Phila­ oompany, and to be aoemingly roopecta* ua. and whlOh we hereby tehder Bight’s agenda, the board heard tee movie p ro je c to r (it added to each list not given in Christine Yams, a senior at delphia. Me in ovary obvloua way, and atttl har* Bailey and Ms cohorts for ail the monthly reports and passed a wouldn’t run) for the showli^ and sworn in aocordinr to law. Coventry High School, haa re­ The third crewman, Lt. Har* QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 1923 ilipniHiiliP comfort it may provide them. Is motion to allow District Fire bor a moral aioknoaa o f your own. W o of “The Silent World” prevent­ lists win be taken during reg­ ceived tee 1966 Connecticut old W. Welch, navigator, of |ii| the original, not a copy, of a Chief Francis Limerick go Detroit, was badly hurt in the aometlmoo beware, rightly, thoao who ed the Bailey Auditorium event ular town office hours, except­ Daughters of tee American memorandum from no lest a ahead and have 250 booklets, R evolution Clood CStizens downing of the plane. ,The Air until many parents were arriv­ ing on Wednesdays vdien the 164 EAST CENTER ST. are moat eager to throw the fliat atona figure than the supreme boas of eemtaining fire department by­ Award. She is tee daughter of Force said be stiU is h o ^ - And w e uauaUy refrain, rightly, from the RepUbUcan campaign In laws, rules and regulations be ing to take tee “wrathful”' buOding la closed. The hour« are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Yams home. from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon­ trying to decide prealdantial Meotiona on Connecticut, Campaign Chair­ printed at a cost of 355. The of Bamsbee Lane. MANCHESFER — 649*6261 Walter Schulteels, program day, Tuesday; Thursday and man Lupton Plnney. booklets will be distributed to New officers of tee 1064-65 the baaia e f fringe aoandala firemen and interested parties director for tee museum, has E ritev and 9 a.m. to noon on The iftemorandum from Lup­ Sodalitaa Llbraria, local high Personal Notices ton Plnney la addressed to all in the district apolized for tee failure of tee Saturday. Ample Parkins’ Frtmt and Rear /^wa»y, O«*0lMr M school library club, are For­ Republican candidates for the District Treasurer Howard infernal machine. So did muse­ Real estate and registered ster Grant, president; Robert Batter Fur Befaig* House and Senate in 'Washing­ Keeney reported a balance, a f­ um offlcials, cringing on tee motor vehicles are listed by tee Chase, vice president; Cateleen Card O f Thanka ter payment of monthly bill of spot In fact they attempted all assessor and do not have to be Tb* tomlly Sheryl Aane 8 To make human beings part ef a ton and Hartford. McLain, secretary, treasurer ot But whv maintain the sus­ 37,738.73 at 344,299 8L manner of devices to entertain declared. yen* •jnc«r*ly thank all th*lr nalzh- \ 'i W w txy Third Leg In TownT and hlrtorlan; D vlen e Chase, bor*. rrlenda and acqualnlaBc** for ■dieme o f barter ia a diataatef ul buai* pense? W hy not out with the The board instructed its tee children until tee projector Bvahwltoa TlawneS publicity; Marsha L e D o y t, treasurer to pay 310,000 short **’^*.'" **•*?• oarl*. flow*r*. food “Before LotMwa Happen, Insure Wltlt LappeDl" inIR muBt be a very iriaaoaat thing to be . nom, even when it la remembwed that text 7 could be fixed. A s one onlooker Wednesday at Coventry High program, and Chase, constitu­ and gifts following her tragic ac­ term loan to tee Connecticut cident and death October 8. giue to perform good worka that cam it la not your aide of the world vdilch "Dear candidates,” tha Plnney put it "They did everything but School guidance -personnel of tion. Lupton memorandum begins. Bank and Trust Co. The loan stand on their collective heads.” Rham, tiebanon, Windham and Tickets may be had at tee l^lne publicly before men. What one ae* does such a thing aa set a price on a b Hr*. Robert Stavaos “We are now in sight of Nov. 3. was taken out in August for But the children would have Bolton high schools will meet door at the Church Commun­ Joel OMpliaheo ean beeome a matter ef pulH human being. "This will be a day Connecti­ payment o f current bills at none of i t The museum has ad­ with teoee at Coventry High ity House when the N orth ON YOUR SIDE Ite notice and record; there can be public But the "butter for beings” barter cut Republicans will long re­ tea t time needed to pay costs mitted there was an hour-and- Schod to evaluate this year’s Coventry Volimteer Fire De­ C a rd O f T h a n k a of sewer reptdrs along Hollister W* w l^ to thank all of our nalgb- which haa Just been completed between member. As it now comes so a-half-long “problem." program on tee first annual col partment has its roast beef We’re always “on yt^ side” tiifbute to the people who have helped a St. Dor*. friends and ralativea for tn* very close, your leadership wish­ The museum w ill refimd tee lege night held at the local dinner tomorrow night. a ^ of klndnesi and aym- whether planning your insurance, l^od thtng happen; Juatification for the the two halvee of Germany, with Went Calyln Taggart, superintend­ es to express its gratitude and money Or offer a rain check to school. Some 700 persons at­ Guest Caller at Dance ■hown. ua in our recant b4- aaitivity involved and uduit it may ooot Germany sending butter Bast while ent o f tee district’s public reavemanL We eapacially thank tha (H- protecting your interests when admiration for your efforts to any person who did not gret to tended the affair. Red Batee of Hampden, Bast Germany let 800 political prison* works department, gave his re­ nursaa tn the Special Cara Unit rt loss occurs. W e call it “P 5 .”— ^Peiv m n be eatabllaliad pnbUely. data, and extend, in turn, its see tee film when it was final­ Plans will be made for next Masa., wlU be guest caller at Manchester Memorial Hoapital and em go West represents a better use of own assurances fo r the Impor­ tee open club-level dance at tee all tlMiae who sent the beautiful sonal Service— the kind of service '^Then there in another kind o f “ doing ly run. year’s Cdlege Night to be held floral tributes and loaned tti* butter than soma other antriae in tha tant remainder of the campaign. The museum' also announced in tee fan. Whirlways Square Dance dub of oars. that makes AEtna Casually insuiv iio d “ which haa to operate under alight* “ Candidates for the Senate at 8 p.m. Friday at CJoventry history of our time. ’Ihers have been teat all classes are closed ex­ Members of tee guidance ance more than just b pottejr. Cidl different and more Intereating rulao. and House at Waahington will cept for tee ‘T WMider" natu­ School. Spectatora are Invited. Mrs. David WUeoo times when these two poet-war govern* departmente of tee various and family us for P.S. ia a kind ef activity which la forbid* be pleased to note, we hope, .that JBRO ral history clsss for Grades 1 schools to be represented at Refreehmenta w ill be in Blatei*—Mrs. Jamea Bel diia, by ite own very nature, from tak* mente themaelvee would each have con­ our financial assistance w ill con* and 2 which still has a few va­ the coming meeting include charM of Mrs. Gilbert Swan­ tinue at the same level estab­ In Memoiiam any of Ha reoulto and praaenting sidered it more important to oonvert cancies. Lee Pine of Widham High, son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc­ lished and consistenUy main­ Kinney, William Zimmer,' Mr. In loving memoiT rt our mother. butter into gune and into armament for *"Secretaries Love Me!" Robert Sem offsky o f Rham, Bile 8a>mders, who M m to dramatic, compelling faMilon to tained from tho early weeks of DOUBLE DATINO Donald Nichols Lebanon and Mrs. Michael Peace. Door conflict than to eemvert it into freedom o t IFFEMNCE ito pidtUc. I t ean advartiae ita lump aum the campaign. This metms that “Ns dsw, baHv cosy siKkIsMi VICKSBURG, Miss. (AP) — High and Stanley zuZel of Bol­ duty will be handled by Mr. for some individuals and into an atmos­ you can continue to apend all the Isscfe bow ssnricc! She died aa she ttved, a Mew Meda, but not ita apoeific acoompliah* This Southern city refused to ton High, aa guidance direc and Mrs. Malcolm Woods and to all, phere o f Just a little less conflict and money you have or can raise or Ltu ticscll cirttisf! celebrate the Fourth of July tors; Charles Regan, WUliam Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oulpln. liM ta . Thoea who w ork in auch a field Sktrptr besd MPn ceylsi. Always a smile, never a trows. May we quote rates and assist you reason for eonfUct between the two borrow for yourself. As a special for more than 76 yean . The Duval, guidance counsellors of Always a hand when aomeone waa liv e to keep themaelvim next to anony* courtesy and oonvenieneb this Rspnr bon! esiy 19c ptr con reason—it waa on teis day teat Coventry High, and Leo Vlg- ManCheater Evening Herald down, i halvee of Germany. (minimum order 25c) Always *d chaerful. loving and kind. ai|i>ua. They ean never expect aalutationa year, It Is permissible. If you the starving city surrendered to neault, director of pupil per C oven try oorreepondent, F. What a beautiful memory She left as we hava so many others? ^ oongratulatlona on ttieir greateat vie* Thera oould be, of course, an alterna­ find yourself collecting more Ite MltSSS MROX COPIER Grant in 1868. sonnel aervices and chalrmai I Panline Uttle, teL 742-6281. behind. ifiihm . K they ever aooeeed in nieh a tive, such aa might appeal to some o f money fo r yourself Oian you osrm yss sb Her Sons and Daughters Photocraphed By Joseph Satemls care to report, for you to credit faiaole teak aa aaving a human hfe, they the oratorical fancies of our time. It R E E D' S THE JOHN SAMPIERI “POLLY” : Ridgewood Place, Rockville aome of tMa to our state organi­ have to keep diaereetly ailent about it might be better. In oratory, to keep zation, as If it had come from MaDciMstar Bbopplns Psrksdo attfLIhay can never oven let the identity W est Germany’s butter home and, in* ua. 643-7167 i f the Hfe aaved become known. etaad, send enough guni ever the bor­ "Now for candidates for thp Senate and House at hojoe, right JTfffOGRAPHIC X V i, r . Thla hind of aoUvity—the kind which der to liberate thoae 800 political prison- partienUBrl her# In Hartford. The 8tatr era by force. H e ra ld gguat e f neceeeity hide iteelf under a By Rowland Evans Jr. campaign, organization haa rea’ —goee on in every paatorate in That alao might have been a formula Inside Y e ste rd a y s good news fo r you. In view of Wanrhaatnr I t goea on in every aehool for rescuing the Cuban priaonera for the exceptionM nature o f the campaign thia year, we are pre­ ^ kCandieeter. I t ean be found aa part o f whom Castro received his barter price Robert.-D. Novak . 25 Years Ago pared, for the first time in his­ I like mV laundry Aany a family or nei|^borhood friend- o f millions o f dollars worth o f medicines. tory, to assume the cbmplate ex­ Report Sgt. Mioh*^ Fitzgerald given ^ p . After all, medicines will help keep pense of your Campaigns toward OlVIlERS REPORT THEY testimonlil dinner In honor of victory on Nov. 3. Thla includes TU a kind o f activity alao haa ita pro* Cubans aliva imder Castro, and butter to feel his promotion in Police Depart­ OUT immediate authOrizatioii and deaalonal aitd organized channels. The wUl help the people ef Bast Germany LANSING, Mich. — After a laid into Lyndon B. Johnson with by dissention (which Nixen ment, gusto. approval for expenditures for in­ fjhlld Childanoe Clinic, the Diocesan Bu- set their tables a little better even while disastrous spring and summer, himself abetted), haa no natural "B ver since Henry Ford came dividual automobile atlckarsr hot they continue to Uve under their Com­ Richard M. Nixon is coming into leader. Hare in Michigan, for 10 Years Ago air balloons with your names on SAVE ^wn, and the Children’a Servieea ef out 4or Johnson," he said, -example, Gov. Georgs RoiMney and sm ell sweet. munist puppets. his own again with an old them, free hot dog stands for $ 1 OUT Mmmetleut are aU three agendea an* they’ve been calling him Thu- may win tha election on Nov. 8, Drawing held at Orford VQ- UP fashioned, 86-state political tour derblrd in the White House. And operation at any county fairs, T O ' ■ O F angad, behind their neoasaary doom of Wen, about butter for people in bar­ but Romney ia no natural dal­ lage to determine who will be and all Incidentals in what any iaerothm. hi the buainem of eaying hu* ter with East Germany, we think it is a that is giving his party a badly down In Texas, they’r's talking lying poln^ for the non-Gold- allowed to buy homea. about Hubert Humphrey as of you consider likely to prove IN FUEL COSTS needed shot of adrenalin. water Republicans. Lons-wolf fruitful strategies in our Joint ^^an Uvea in Maneheater. good long range wager that this trans­ "He talks our language,’’ a Mi­ Mocking-Bird. What we’ve got, Romney infuriated Easterners goal for Nov. 3—^whlch should be ' The prime emphesis of these agencies action, in itself, will help ease down the chigan Republican said admir­ my friends is government of the Nelson Rockefeller and WUliam to put on a better campaign for psychological barriers between the two ingly when Nixon and his tiny birds, by the birds and for the Ip not on the physical side of aaving Scranton at San Frandaco by A fou gh t for Today every aeat in the General As­ R O N FIREMAN troupe arrived here last week to birds." insisting Ml his own anti-ex­ Bvee. They deal in the ahadowy realm of halves of the same country and that Sponsored by the Hancheator sembly than the Democrate do COVERAGE barnstorm the state. Nixon’s appeal for Republi­ eventually, if enough similar things tremism resolution, thus divid­ I f there ia ever a year when this gaydiological disturbanee, of incipient The twin-prop F-27, which the can voters today is quite sim­ Connoll o f Ohnrebes ing the aati-GoIdwater forces. goal is within our reach, this U Wnaae o f mind sind aoul, o f those eon* keep happening, with practical good Republican National Committee ple; He Is a link with the Re­ CUSTOM Newcomers Robert T a ft Jr. of the one. W ith good luck, we bargaining faith on both sides, the two chartered for the former Vice “When thou hast eaten and edilch can’t be touched with an* publican traditions o f the past, Ohio and (Jharles Percy of Illi­ ought to see to it that not s President, would fit into the bag­ while Sen. Barry Goldwater ia le or scalpel. halvee of Germany will draw in to­ nois w ill also be in the thick art satisfied and bast built single Democrat Is elected tb the Mark II gage compartment of the super­ a sharp and uncomfortable of the fight for party control— goodly houses and dwelt there­ it^m ftam etem Uf FOR THAT We can detail bow many visits the gether again just like drawn butter. Legislature on Nov. 3. planes at his disposal in 1952, break with the past. Nixon if they win on Nov. 3— but they in; and when thy herds and thy ’flaltiiig Nurses make, bow many dmora And the great beauty of that reunion 1964, 1956, 1958 and ‘I960 as the “ One final note to all candi­ OIL FURNACE speaks in old and understand­ are unteated. flocks multiply, and thy sliver dates; Your central organization of course. dM gallons the Red Crom Blood Bank down the trail of butter rather than in Republican Party's number one able political cliches. He recalls and thy gold is multiplied; be­ OR campaign worker. Any one of these Republican stands badly in need o f an inter­ ejbtalned, how many discharges there are the wake o f guna might be that it would the glory days of Dwight Eisen­ heavies (except Rockefeller) ware, lest thy heart be lifted com system, particularly to fa ­ But if Nixon fe^ls sorry for hower and slips in the tired up, and thou forget the Lord BOILER ' Mt^m electric I Burn Manchester Memorial Hoapital. leave more Germans of both sldss alivs himself, he doesn’t show it. In might emerge with the big prize cilitate exchange o f imderstAnd- RAINY DAY! lines from countless other Nixon thy God . . and thou say in ' But we have no way of saying how to snjoy their reunion. fact, he's steaming around the In 1968. But if NIx m i’s rehabiU- ings at the top. Would you con­ campaigns, excoriating th a tation continues as successfully thy heart: 'M y power and the sider, let us say aa a gesture, a many once crippled spirits stand up We have some similar hope about country this fall with a chesty Democrats for "appeasement might of my hand hath gotten exuberance not always apparent as it has now started, Nixon cash contribution o f |5 toward abtUght and self reliant when they walk and retreat’’ and praising tha me this wealth’’’ (Deuteronomy Exdusive VoinMetric Com* Cabs, that people helped by medicine In those other years. Nixon has will also be in the running. purchase o f same ? Republicans for having "kept 8:12, 13, 17) bttstion gives an instant, l ^ t o f the Child Outdance Clinic, the in Cuba will stay alive not to devote nothing personal at stake. He's Youra in unity, the peace without surrender.” Some Republicans who have Hie anciMit Israelites wore clean flame which (Hims at Moceean Bureau or the' Children’a Berv* not running for Governor of Cali­ Tonpln Lupney." themselves to policies o f hate and per­ Republlctui voters haven’t been failing him for his losing warned against arrogance and lopefliciency-rno smoke or fornia, Vice President, President ■iliere yoiiC are, John Bailey liaa of Connecticut We have no way of petual estrangement between our two 1960 campaign strategy are be­ false pride in time of prosper­ soot-. . . no waste o f furi. or even Senator from New York. been hearing anything so spe­ right inside the Republican cam- calculating how many lives they have ginning to soften their criticism. ity This warning applies to Us Heat it “ locked” in the fur­ countries, but to learn that they have He's back on the old Nixon cir­ cific from Sen. Goldwater. pMgn in Ck>nneotlcut Mo«t women are particular. They’re alao busy and economical. iHiosa W'hen they hear It from Nixon By comparison to 1964, the Nix­ as well In our greatness and a f­ nace between firing periods. aaved from dlaaster. nothing to fear from us. cuit, working the small cities of and not wasted up the chim­ they lap it up. He invokes the on campaign was a model o f ef­ fluence we must ever remain who hava electric dryers find they waltz through washday. A push of The agmicies thenuMlves, to tMl the the Midwest where hia name and ney. Thousands o f owners past out of the uncomfortable ficiency. humble and avoid an attitude the button and instantly thay get gentle sunshine. Never never never Bruth,. cannot comfort themaelvea with face are still golden to the local Nixon himself Jokes about report exceptional ofl sav­ Republican satraps. He has the present and it is just pbssibls of arrogance, and defiance la ings. N o soot means that do they end up with wind-whipped, sun-faded or frozen laundry. And ^ y such aoUd atatiatics. Jo8t One Tetc that this five-week .tour of his 1968. It ia obvloiuly in his mind. national and International af­ Today in History stylish abandon of an old troup­ "Somsone suggested that I the cause of about 90^^ of They know certain problems exist may rehabilitate him for a use­ fairs. they have a choice of damp-dry or bone-dry. If you’d like to waMz Right up until election day . . . tho er returned to someone else’s aervicp caHs it alto dimi- ful , future in hia Republican get a house trailer and move Dr. Leon Wind, Rabbi By TIm Associated Press through washday, see your electric dryer dealer nov^. M ay have developed for themselves aa eandldatea for President will stump the war. Gone is the tense, brooding _ nated. Phone ns, or come Party. around from state to state es­ Temple Beth Sholom T«^ay is Tuesday, October 20, ipudi competence in dealing with auch country; state office-seekers will criss­ self - analysis of the earlier I in—w e l demoostrate. Consider the state of the tablishing residence,’* . he told the 294th day of 1964. There cross the state; local candidates will Nixon. hia press conference hers. “Then Thb is a good tinM to ask your dealer problems aa the study and knowledge At a $50-a-plate luncheon here party if the Goldwater-MUler are 72 llaya left in the year. canvass, and recanvass every precinct; I could pick tha beat one aa my and experience of civilization up to now that raised 835,000 ("that’s our ticket loses by anything like QwHatlon For Today Today’s Highlight in Hlsteiy. about a liberal Instpltation allowance. party w^kere will ring your doorbell. base for 1968. Why not? Tvs state kitty for the rest of thla the pollsters’ forecast. The mod­ FOGARTY apn provide. They apply this eompetence ' Tou win see TV shows, hear radio tried everything elae.''v I wapt whan I was bom and On this date in 1944, General campaign,’’ said National Com- erate wing of the party, vic­ to the need. Now and then they are very programs . . . listsn to arguments, and 1164 Publlshsrs Nevsnaper svary day axplains why. (Span­ Douglas MacArthiir returned to mltteman John Martin), Nixon timized last spring and summer anre they have wen one o f their endlees finally be given leaflets by representa­ SynMeate ish Provarb) tho Philippines. Two and one- BROS., Inc. tives of these candidates. half years before, he left hia a^ es of battlea for the good life of some W hy all this fusa and furor ovar your beleagiu^d forces by direct or­ Mlow human being. Sometimea they one vote? Because*the candidatee be­ der of the'President, going to 219 Broad S t, Manchester The Hartford Electric Light Company , ,.m most Important subject to consider when th e gpray they have not lost lieve, even if you do not, that your ono Australia to organise the coun­ Phone 649*4539 ^ Moat e f ua never know much about tho vote is mighty important. Mors than ter-blow. '*3un is shining" financially. Start saving N O W a t that, they know it'. On TMa Date work thaae three agendea do among ua. Fischetti ra w In 1884, leas than one additional vote In 1774, 58 members o f the iHmmma ammemm Manchester's oldest financial institution. You'll b o ^ e y could be next door, and we might per precinct in one state would have Continental Congress formed know it ’They could be in our own elected James B. Blaine Preatdent. He "the Association M tho United glad, whan an emargency arises! Savings are fully Ijbma, and next door m ight never know lost to Grover Cleveland in New York Colonies,” pledging not to im­ by only 1,140 votes. If he had carried port goods from Boland or tee. New York, he would have won the elec­ coffee, or molasses from her insured (Up to $10,000) and earn a healthy 4 % {But one thing ought to be very deer, tion. colonies. w e ean no more risk depriving present In 1048, Prealdent ’Truman won CMilo In 1918, a defeated Germany OUBBBNT ANNUAl, annual dividend. A y Maiudiester of these services, and of by 7,107 votes and California by 17,865. acceded to U.S. President Wood- DIVIDBND ON If one TrumM vote in each precinct tat row WilsmTs demuids and re­ ALBERT and LARRY’S iBsjauh^ SiiAdm ability to- increase their capadties llfaiUBED BAVlNOai those states had stayed away frrnn tha called her U-boats from the At­ l(fr the future, than we could gamble on polls, Govsmor Dewey (of Now York) lantic ahippdng lanes. MoncliMttr 6444M)20 TRI CITY SHOPPING PLAZA. VIRNON VWBM 875-1M7 ollin g off every 'thirds leg in town. wouljl have captured SO more electoral In 1926, the Brttlah liner Vale­ ’Thme three agendes that try to wros* votes. President Truman would have rian sank in a storm near Ber­ t lost 00, and the election would have been t L with the Ulneases and maladjust* muda with the loss of 64 lives. thrown into the' House of Representa­ In 1946, General Dwight D. mania of mind and aoul, are members in tives. 6th Anniversary Specials Elsenhower recMnmended des­ -ft -ft -ft t|w Manebeater United Fund. A ll are rea* In 1060, John F. Kennedy’s national truction of I.O. Farben industry afna for giving. plurality waa leas than ona vots per plants in Germany. precinct. He defeated Vice PreHdent NOW I W In 1963, a aarlea of tyMioons 7 Nixon by leas than 120,000 votes out of hit Indochina and tha Philip-* almost 60 million votes cast. pines, killing more than 1,000 vS AV IN G S ABOanCAM In the 1062 elections, the Governor of persona. Dediioa Scandal Massachusetts waa alacted by ohiy 6,841 SON Permanenl TBAVBLBB8 votes; the Governor of North Dakota Tea Tears Age X would be a relatively simple mpt* I v O A - l V . . . by only 2,007; the Governor of Ver- Bittiah Foreign Secretary An­ for the people of this eoimtry to de* moot by 1,348; the Governor of Maine thony Eden was made a Knight \ S •, < ) < I A T ’ I 4J N of the Garter by Queen Elisa­ $17J0 Permanent ^LSI e their pMsidentiai eleotlons m the by 808; and the Governor o f Minnesota beth. hisia o f auch aeandalp aa tha tFb parttaa . . . waa elected by the hairline margin of 01 votes. Five-Yean Age afuld find attedUpg to ona another. A n d A single vote has often meant victory Red Chinese troops killed 17 DSjIIO Permanent ElIMM were to take instances of vanoua or defeat in local electiona. A mayor Indian border police in an at­ AliCHUTiH'* •kPlPT rillAliCIAI. IW TItHtfli « ( effenaiva oonduct traced to and a city treasurer in Ohio, a council­ tack in the Ladakh frontier re- man In Arizona, a state legislator in glMi — A blow described by In­ of White House ataffs, one dian Prim e Minister Nehru Is Sale £nds October , Pennsylvania — all recently won epical 31 1964 Wa praoSlj tetroduM Bliss Tsrty iMT MAiN sm sar NRAR MAPLE STREET diuld, throw out tUa Tru* by one vote. Such examplea aould gO oni “this new territorial aggres­ to cor teat growtag stoB 'aC sion.’ ’ a p adplnlati atinii and tha Biaaabower and on, but they all point'fb the aamo* biHSpateBt heir stjttito. V BRANCH OFFICE .«G O D T i tL-wODV»m li|v _ M jra n as tha Jphnaoa thing — the enonnoua power o f Just one One Tear Ago WA1)K-INS INVITED Bmporor Halle Selaaele r: toda^r. vote. “ JUST ONB VOTTD," BITIUBAU ^bog.bmi '....ALaroFfeonemuMim nni«$ur (or NATIONAL AFFAlIUiJ]^B------L2C A p H t^pte betaa attenpte to me* . iM b w w d a aaC ■pam .ia iH|Bal teat, la T K M f ^ te tee Alferiaa • Moneean

.j- .II,*

;r . .• '' -' M y ' '■" '

MANCHESTER EVEiHNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, OCTdBER 20, 1684 f a 6b i MIt M M A N C H ]S lf& EVENING HERALD. IIANGHUTER* OONN^ TUESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1964 ______------placed by actress Olivia deHa- sbbdeaoon. K t a Jlilla . Durig South Windsor villand. FOR jBx-Priraidenf Hoover Dies, Comments Hebron was organist Bdwara Zoners Okay Sears Request People In Now, Miss deHavllIand is ill. Obituary Poirot sololat Burial was In Ike Doesn’t Like TV-Radio Tonight She is confined to her hotel with « i.freaa Page One) St B ride’s Cemetery, Man­ s respiratory virus, a spokes­ C osm etics National Service Planned chester. Father Schick read ^ e Tar 16-Bay Service Station G>iincU Eyes man 8aid Monday. ProduettoTT Post Office committal service. The News of the movie has been halted whieh we like to think embody ■UrhgrVhBPMi Bearers were James Griffin until she can return for the last Anericaniam in its highest CiOLUMBIA— RM y Ti«paa. Moscow’s Changes T il* aonlng board of appeala^and Newington consulting en- rrs tnm rag* OaiO West Germany by the Konrad fo m ." Jr., Frank Laridn, 13RUiam (BBA) took only five minutes in _ . _ Parking Ban, LT. tOOL. JOHN GLENN two days of shooting. Adenauer novemment in recog­ Teste Open Griffin, Dee, MUton Ted- glneer Earl Flynn were both Television State Republican Chairman «1, M Whitney Rd., died sud­ aocecuGve session last night to NEVV YO RK (A P ) — U . Col. nition of his work in combatting ford and Richard Jarvla certain that the new construc­ 4;00 I Tbsatsr < (13) Huckleberry Hound MM ; auta« « a ■atontohlng A. Searle innney: denly yesterday morning. apprqve, unanlmouriy, a request 8:00 (3-12) World War 1 John H. Glenn Jr., first Ameri­ SUSANNA HUXLEY ioBiatack trom anemia brought fsmine there after the two world (OaottaiMd tron 9) tion would not create a traffic Speeding Law \V>-!SWs KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) U g g e tfs "Herbert Hdtiver was a great T o Nove 10 He was bom in. Potsdam, by Bean Roebuck and Co. tor hazard, and local appraiser ao"i>-i8)0^13-M) Uovle (34) Cultures and Continents can to orbit the earth, has been An by Inteatlnal Meedbig in wars. He was hailed as the "sa>- humanitarian, statesman and Mrs. Martha H. Johnson Hospital Notes peiMlasloQ to erect a 16-bay gas­ (30) Winter C o p in g 8:80 (24) Casals Master Class elected a director of the Royal I ’m the black sheep of the vlor of <3ermany." N.Y., on March 11,1808^ the son ular explosion and tUs other Herbert McKlimey kald that the (23; Top 33 Flue One- (10-32-30) The Man From At The PKrkadt JOne, IM I, and recovered from Republican. He had given Funeral services for Mrs. A long agenda of new and bn1*81 - Crown Cola Co. fam ily," said Susanna Huxley, of Ogden and Minnie Kirby thing were very eloeely eon- oline stAtlcn. and automotive cen­ site would be utilized to ita best (34) Family Portrait U.N.C.U.K. g kidney hemorrhage compli- When the Mississiiqii river selfleesly to the cause of all Examinations for rural car* Martha H. Johnson o f 164 Park ter at the northwest comer of (SO I Kariy Show (8-30-40) McHale’a Navy W. H. Glenn, president of the " I ’ve always been nuts for ani­ Tappan. He had been a resident Vhdttiig hoora are 8 to 8 pjn- use. finished business faces MANCHESTER aatad tuy a reaplratory intecUcn flood staggered the whole of the humanHy in a lifetime dedi­ rier for the Amston Poet (XHce S t were held yesterday after­ neqted.” Broad 8t. and Green Manor (40) Stoney Burke (3-13) Rad Skelton company — and no relation to m als." Herbert Byk, ,a professional coimcU tomorrow night 1:10 (3) News. Sports, Weather 3:00 (8-30-40) The Tycoon in February, 19M. lower valley in 1937, President cated to the beneflt and wel­ of Columbia for eight years. He In an aroaa excepting mater­ The former president pointod Blvd. the astronaut — said Monday Miss Huxley, 20, granddaugh­ are no^v being held and will be noon at the Holmes Funeral engineer employed by Green \ 6:30 (10-23-90) Huntley-Brlnkley (34) Hartford Symphony Akked how bo felt on hi* 90th Calvin Ooolidge put Secretary of fare of all mankind. His ef­ graduated from Princeton Uni­ nity where they are 8 to 4 pan. It will replace the existing The council will consider au­ (18) Subscription TV Glenn would join the soft drink ter of Sir Julian Huxley, famed open for acceptance up to Nov. Home, 400 Main St The Rev. out that coiudderations of the Manor, explained the lighting ^ (U) Newsbeat Mtttaday, he aaid, "T oo old.” Commerce Hoover in personal forts have been recognized versity and was a member o f auto- sumly store at the east thorization for the town mana­ (34) What’s New? 9:30 (3-12) Barry Goldwater firm after he retires from the British biologist and author, Alex H. Eisesser, pastor of and 6:30 to 8 pan. and private Soviet economy may have plana and said that there would (10-30) Week That Was (C) He didn't make it to the 19M charge of the relief of IVi million through oountleaa awards given 10 as announced by the U.S. the American Society o f Civil end of the Parkade, which will (30) Film (23) Political Marine Corps within the next was explaining why she's work­ Community Baptist Church, o f­ rooms whore they are 10 aon. played a part In Khrushchev’s be 10 stanchioiu of lights, and ger to accept bids and award ( 31 Walter vX-unUU Republican convention in San flood victims. Hoover also su­ him over the years by univer­ Civil Service Commission. In Engineers, the Columbia Lions be tom down and will be re- (8-20-40) Peyton Place few months.. ing As a hand on industrialist ficiated. Burial was in WM^lng dismissal. He spoke of "the lack bonds on Nov. 10 at the Con­ (8) Wide Country Franciaco, although he had pervised the rehabilitating of sities and governments of the Club and Ji very active member to 8 pan. Visitora are requested IgM ed with a new 90,000 square that the lighting will be similar 1.46 (3ui Rnn Cochran 10:00 ( 34) In School Preview Glenn’s retirement has been Cynis Eaton's farm in Ohio. She attended every other one since farms, towns and businesses. order to be eligible appliesmts Cemetery. of consumer goods’’ and "the to that found on the Connecti­ necticut Bank and Trust Co. (3-12) Doctors A Nurses is in Kansas City to help groom Tonight world. W e in the Connecticut o f the Recreation Council. Mr. not to smoko In patients’ fact that they had to buy, and addition to Sears Depart' 7:00 (3) To Tell The Truth a0-33-30)Olymplcs 1984 delayed pending his recovery 1938. But "the Grand Old Man Every dollar of his salary for Republican party join in must take a written test, must Tappan owned the Seminole Bearers were Walter Fergu­ ment Store. cut Tpke. Hartford in an amount not tO (M ) Hennessey (30-40) The l^jidtlve frt)..i an inner ear Injury suf cattle for the American Royal of the Grand Old Party" sent a public service — he was Secre­ have lived within the delivery son, Raymond Thiffault, Lron rooms. N o more than two visi­ did buy, from the free world a James DeRocco, manager of exceed $1,300,(100 for the con­ (34) Journey Into Spring (8) Special Livestock Show. mourning the passing of this Construction Co. o f Bast H art­ lot of wheat, Gils may have had The new automotive center, to (30) Open Mike 11:00 ( 3-8-10-12-22-30 40) News, fered in a fall earlier this year. farewell message, noting he had tary of Commerce for eight of the office for a year immedi­ (Jieszynidci, Herbert Hanson, tors at one time per patient. the Parkade Sears Store; ex­ struction of the Ell Terry magnificent American.” ford. something to do with It ” be built by Green Manor Con­ (18) Subscription TV Sports. Weather The fall forced his withdrawal etfered his last word before, but years and President for four, in ately preceding the closing Walter Weir and Norman De- struction Co., owner of the Park­ plained that all auto motive in' School and Uie Pleasant Valley T:U (SO) Sports Camera 11:15 ( 22-30) Olympics 1964 JACK ke lly hear Barry He spent many hours survey­ He indicated that he has been (33) luckatage from a race for the Democratic •'This is really it.” addition to many other activities WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ date o f the examination and Blois. Patients Today: 268 ade, will employ approximately stallations would be made in­ addition. (40) East Side. West SIda nomination to the U.S. Senate LOS ANGELES (AP) — Actor In that message, he said must have reached their 18th ing land offers for recreation examliibig a number of poesHde A requMt will be heard from 7:30 ( 24) pVrmanent Way (10) Tonlehl (C) —Hoover gave to help his fellow dent Johnson and Republican Memorial Temple, Pythian 60 persons. - doors, and that the operation (10-33-30) Mr. Novak 11:30 (12) Movie from Ohio. Jack Kelly, once costar of the "P eace o< Uie world is the first birthday on the closing date. purposes in town. A t the time factors in Khruriichav’s Oxpul- Melvin a. Cox to purchase man. Except for the 13 years at presidential nominee Barry Sisters, conducted a service ADMITTED ’YESTERDAY: lt*will be open from 9:30 a.m. would be essentially thi same (8-30-40) Combat (3) Movie television series "Maverick," Goldwater obligation statesmen and o f his death, he was working on sion and said: (34) Challenge 11:30 (22-30) Tonight (C) at Franklin D. Roosevelt’s regime, Goldwater led Americans of all There is no maximum limit Mrs. Maude Bickelhaupt, 111 Ip 9 p.m. daily, will be closed as that being done at the pres- town - owned land at the rear LINDSAY CROSBY was divorced Monday by ac­ government" and that the "m a- Sunday'at the funeral home. "I know that he expected to (3) What »t TOe World (8) Movie he held public posts from Wood- political creeds in tributes today for age but applications frwn the construction of a new pier Tatuier St.; Douglas Dzen, oh Sunday and, in addition to ent location. of his property on Foster St. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. tress May Wynn. fat world issue today is whether at Uie public beach. He g;ave stay. He constantly told me he The council will consider two BEE SATUIit>/eZ a TV WEEK Ftm tatMPLFTE LiRnNG row Wilson’s Administration to to Herbert Hoover as a patriot persons over 70 may be limited South W indsor; Mrs. Cathey the sale at tires, batteries and In another action lost night, (A P ) — Lindsay Crosby, 28' The couple married Oct. 14, govenunent shall be the servant Dwight D. Eisenhower’s, inclu­ to only one year of appoint­ many h ^ r s o f his time and of­ woidd be there much longer ordinances. The first, on ban­ 1956, and separated last Feb. 24. and humanitarian. Gidman, Kelly Rd., Vernon after I was gone, and I would automotive supplies, will sell the ZB A voted unanimously to year-old son of singer Bing or master of men.” sive. ment. ten provided company machin­ Bears own brand of gasoline and ning all-night parking on town They had no children. Johnson said Hoover's ."un­ Louis Joubert, 9 Tyler Circle; say, ‘Yes, that Is true.’ waive a rule and to hear, at its Crosby, was convicted by. Hoover's image was that of The 836,000 annual pension ery for civic improvements in oils. roads from Nov. 1 to April 1, is Miss Wynn, 83, testified that quenchable sense of public Complete Information on the Events Mrs. Gloria Knoff, 1 PhoenU "There has to be some reason November meeting, a request Radio Beverly Hills jury Monday night "Am erican individualism" and that Congress voted in 1958 for town. In other actimis last night, the continued from the last coun­ Kelly, 36, stayed out all night responsibility for both our na­ subject may be obtained at the St, Vernon; Mrs. Clare Naylor, for throwing the man out I t wo by the Sun Oil Co. for a special m U z Hating laelndea only those news oroadcaata ot 10 or of disturbing the peace. of unswerving devotion to coun- each former president was ZBA unanimously approved two cil meeting. Council members IS Crosby had been charged with several times. "When 1 asked tion and a troubled world stands Amston Poet Office. Survivors include his wife, 139 Diane Dr.; John Szenkoe, can determine the correct rea­ exception for a parking area minute len^h. Some ktationa rai-rv other eliort newscasts). *ry- earmarked by Hoover for other reiquests for special ex­ then could not agree on the or­ where he had been, he would as an example that will en­ The fall meeting of the New Mrs. Gertrude B. Tappan, sev­ 87 Coolidge St; Mrs. Mary son, then we would know how to at the Sunoco station on Cen' battery after June Pallnkas, 46, . "H ie soul of our America," he public service activities or char­ In State dinance as it was presented. WDM.— 1388 8.30 Jerry Gordon Show say It was none of my bust dure.” London Archdeaconry of the eral nieces and nephews. Clancy, 433 Center S t; Mrs. ceptions plus two requests for ter St., just west of the rail­ accused him of pushing her off once said, “ is its freedom of cut our own cloth." The second ordinance to be 8:00 Lerna John Wads 9:3o Speak Up. Greater Hartford ity. Episcopal Church Women will Ann Gumon, Tolland; Mrs. variances, and denied one vari­ road overpass. gn Off a bar stool in a Sunset Strip ness,” she said. spirit and mind in man." Funeral services will be held Expanding on his statement discussed is a speed law for 7:00 Dick Roblnaon 12:16 six * '■ "I have made it a practice to NEW YORK (AP) — Adlal E. be held at S t Peter’s Episcopal (Continued from Page One) Lois Kean, 642 Hilliard St; Ed­ ance request by a 3 to 2 vote. I Oj New* Sign Oft WTIC— tost restaurant. His range of public service tomorrow at 11 a.m. at St. that he is "not one of those who The request was turned down South Windsor. (k)uncilman 8:00 devote all personal compensa­ Stevenson, U. S. ambMsador to (Jhurch in Hebron Thursday. It mond Abdow, East Hartford; The denial went to Mary Little W H a i-«u News. Weatiier Sports Sentencing was set for Oct. 30. Included direction of massive Paul’s Episcopal Church, W llll- feels too good" about Khru­ 16 months ago and would not James Throws asked that it be 8:35 Old Borrowed Blue tion derived from our Govern­ the United Nations, today de­ will open with a service of Holy establishment of plaintiff’s Nancy Wlnther, 13 Northfield and Arthur Smachettl, who had 8.DO k'leU Swanson Show 7:06 Conversation Piece Crosby’s lawyer said he would C H A N N E L 6 W TIO relief operations in World War mantic. The Rev. William Be- shchev's dismissal, Elsenhower be eligible for a rehearing un­ put on the agenda for this meet­ 6:8U News. Sports and Weathur Tha Worid's Bmy ment" to such purposes, he said, scribed the death of former Communion at 10 a.m. SL Pe­ agents in claims cases who St; Mrs. Maria Armando, requested permission to convert til December. However, Atty. 7:30 News of the World appeal. 0:60-10:00 P.M. j I, food administration at home, and cited "a great debt to my lury will officiate. said: a one-family apartment into two ing. He said most towns are 7:00 Edward P Morgan 7:46 SInp Aiong President Herbert Hoover as ter’s will be the host parish, would l>e pem\ltted to solicit South Glastonbury; Mrs. Bev­ "Until I am persuaded by Eugene Kelly proved that the 7:16 Joe Edwards. PtrfumM-CobRnts aecretary of commerce and then country for the opportunities it Potter Funeral Home, 667 Underidzed ^>artments at 861 adopting their own speed laws. to- e — ,1f| 8.06 Pops Concert M YOUa HE . Gordon Ooop- Rafferty. Hartford Hospital. ADMITTED TODAY: Ar­ Aloyisius J. Ciechowski of salaries. Former Presidents for all human conduct." the total enrollment Includes 618 Plalnville High School. and Rye St. or Jr. Other survivors include his nold J. LaBreck, 118 W. Main Hoisington Case 106 Oakland 8t. was granted School Potinck Tomorrow men and 687 women. Those receiving Fair grand The Council will consider Hoover equated the early have deserved and they have Former Vice President Rich­ wife, two daughters, two broth­ variance to add a garage to the often badly needed such a pen­ ard M. Nixon said in Augusta, Summer is over, children St.. Rockville; Douglas Bearse, champion awards included Miss authorization of the town man­ ^M ce flights with the bold expe- ers, three sisters and eleven Dr. Maurice J. O’Sullivan, Ellington; James Thompson, 61 north side o f his house in Resi- sion. No man can make any Maine, that Hoover "w ill be back in school, and a potluck Is Bound Over dMice Zone A . The addition Joan Pella, 359 Bldwell St., for ager’s vacation from Nov. 7 to dltianB of great explorers such supper is scheduled for tomor­ grandchildren. dean at the college, said the wis­ Maxwell Dr.. Vernon; Mrs. as Lewis and Clark, Lindbergh substantial savings from being respected and revered in the dom of Bishop Walter (Jurtis and w ill be. three feet from the lot her work in foods and freez­ 11 and the appointment of row at Hebron elementary The funeral will be held to­ Helen Humphrey, 43 Willard ing. and Byrd. a President.” hearts of his countrymen forev­ morrow at 2:30 p.m. at the the board of trustees in estab­ Stewart Hoisington of Ando­ line; regulations call for 10- Charles Enes as acting town er.” school. 6:30 p.m., sponsored by Rd. The Manchester Cliib re­ Between Ms election and in­ Newkirk and Whitney Funeral lishing the college "has been ver, charged in the road death JooC sidelines. manager during that period. auguration as President, Hoover "M r. Hoover was one of those the FTA . It will be a welcome BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A ceived a participation trophy (By Ik e Aasoolated Preas) Home, 776 Farmington Ave., verified in a spectacular man­ dechow skl said that, when I . the final item on the agen­ Where of two girls last August, was vialted South American countries rare individuals who lived to to the staff and its new mem­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John ho moved into the house, he for its third consecutive year. Herbert Hoover outrode the bers, also an introduction' to West Hartford. The Rev. Rich­ ner by the early increase in en­ da the council will consider au­ in the Interest of developing in­ hear the overwhelmingly favo Bator, 86 Birch St.; a son to bound over today to Tolland made a fam ily room out of an This award is presented to the atoim of Depression-bom unpop­ the new school principal, Ray ard B. Hardy will v-officiate. rollment." thorization for the town mana­ ternational cooperation for rable verdict of history on his Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harkins, County Superior Court axUrting garage, and now finds club having 100 per cent par­ ularity that toppled him from Gardiner. Burial will be in Fairview peace. career. For 60 years he walked Talcottvllle; a son to Mr. and that he again needs a garage ticipation and the highest points ger to walve^ competitive bid­ the Presidency and went on to All parents who have chil­ Cemetery, West Hartford. ESCAPEE CAUGHT Hoisington, 36, appeared In "1 would wish to symbolize proudly with the giants of the Mrs. Daniel Liston, 342 Center Robert E. Dell of 84 Helalne per member. The club also re­ ding in the awarding of a two- •ehieve new luster for an emi­ dren attending the school, and Friends may call at the fu­ TORRINGTON (AP) — An in­ WlUimantlc Circuit Couft 11. the friendly visit of one good earth and in the end won the St.; a daughter to Mr. and Rd. was granted a variance to ceived its Fair premium money. year contract for data process­ nent career. their friends are invited. It will neral home tonight from 7 to mate of the Osborn State P ri­ Mrs. Donald TeSelle, East He is charged with two counts ing services in compiling taX Manchester During the period of economic neighbor to another," he said in affection and respect of millions erect a 16 by 19 screened porch There w u square dancing af­ of. people all over the world," mean an opportunity to meet ». son Farm in Enfield who slipped Hartford. of misconduct with a, motor ve­ assessments abstracts, rate distress, much bitterness was one typical speech. diieetly behind his dwelling ter the meeting and awards. Nixon said. your childrens’ teachers, visit The family suggest that sway from a construction detail BIRTH S TO D AY: A daugh­ hicle. books and tax bills. shown toward him. He endured "In our daily life, good neigh­ The request was made neces­ New York Mayor Robert F. their classrooms and hear work those who wish to do so may yesterday was caught last night ter to Mr. and Mrs. George Police say Hoisington struck The council will meet in the that with forbearance and lived bors call upon each other as plans for the coming year. sary because the addition will Wagner said Hoover was a contribute to the First Baptist by State Police as he arrived Seddon, Tankeroosan Rd., Ver­ and killed the girls on Aug. 31 library of the high school at 8 9o see it replaced by the public’s the evidence of solicitude for the Parents are asked to let the as they were walking along Rt. OKtend further back than his common welfare and to learn of “man of unwavering dedica­ Church o f W est Hartford. at his w ife’s residence (on New- non; a son to Mr. and Mrs. garage. Regulations require Project Chosen p.m. high esteem and affection. school know whether or not field Road) in Torrington. Law­ 6 in Columbia. The girls were the circumstsinces and point of tion.” Robert Klotzer, RFD 3. Ver­ that detached garages be Iqcat Girl Scout Meeting Tonight That was typical of the way they can be present for the rence Pelletier, 21, who is serv­ Anita Moran, 17, and Linda do you view of each, so that there may "F o r more than half a centu­ Fred M. Nichols non; a daughter to Mr. and ed behind the rearmost por By Soroptimists A neighborhood meeting of Hoover had always risen above supper, and if not are asked ing a one to four year term for Harriman, 11, both of Andover. come both understanding and ry, spanning war and historic Fred M. Nichols, 81, formerly Mrs. BUlsworth Cobb, Hazard- tlcn o f the house. the South Windsor Girl Scouts adversity. to visit later. breaking and entering, was to Tolland County Coroner Her­ respect which are the cement­ social change, he devoted him­ of 87 Mills St., died this morn­ ville. Special exceptions were ap­ The Soroptimist Club of Man­ will be held tonight at 8 at the His blacksmith father died The P T A w ill provide rolls, have been eli^ble for parole in bert Hannabury ruled last ing forces of all enduring socie­ self tirelessly to those principles ing at Manchester Memorial DISCHARGED YESTER­ proved fo r Harry F. Mull, to chester has announced that the Lutheran Church on Graham when the future President was butter and hot coffee. Visitors May. State Police said Pelletier week that Hoisington caused ty.” in which he believed. He be­ Hospital. He was the husband D A Y ; Mrs. M ary Shaplelgh, 68 have a used -car dealer’s li- Homemakers Services of Man­ Rd. Leaders, assistant iasdars 8, and his mother died four lieved in the greatness of this should bring a main dish, stole two pickup trucks on the Wadsworth S t; Joseph Melea- the death of the girls through Soon after he became Chief salad. Brownies, cookies or cup­ of the late Mrs. Margaret Hall eense at 166 W. Middle Tpke., chester will be ita project for and interested aululta are in­ years later. By the time he was nation and from this he would way to Torrington. ko, 224 E. Middle Tpke. “gross and wilful misconduct” Bjxecutive, lie ordered the with­ cakes, also plate, cup, saucer NlchoU. and to Robert Boulay, for this year. The project was chos­ vited. U, Hoover was self-siqiporting. not be swayed," Wagner aaid. Lack of money did not keep him drawal of American military oc­ and silverware. Mr. Nichols was bom Aug. 18, similar request at 3 Essex St. en last night at a busiftess meet­ from getting a college education. cupation forces in Nicaragua A fire drill was held in the 1884, in Stoneham, Mass., and Both loMtions are on the ing at the home of Mix. William Mancheeter Evening Hemld He worked his way through and and Haiti and announced there school during fire prevention livad In Manchester about 30 saips property. Mull, who owns H. Slelth, 32 Wyllys St. 'South Windsor OoirespowiMgh became a top-ranking mining would be no more such occupa­ Drink Ban week in conjunction with the yean. He worked with the U.S. fiRl ’Turnpike Auto Body Works, Members were taken on a tour Brownie Joseph, telephone 6M- engineer. tion forces for any purpose ex­ local fire department A direct Department of Agriculture, Bu-: vHll lease the business to Bou­ of the Sleith' home after the 0146. His activities took him around cept to protect American lives. telephone line between the reau of Entomology, in New lay, and will then restrict him­ meeting. Of special interest was ------V— the world and made him a weal­ He sent "career” diplomats to school and department was England for 36 years. He was self to the repair and sale of a trophy room with a collection COMMEMORATIVE STAMP CURRENT South America. At Trinity used cars, at the north end of thy man at a comparatively tested. A t the signal of the un­ employed at Pratt and Whitney, of animals heads from through­ BONN, Germany (AP) —The He was elected President in announced drill the fire alarm the building. Boulay will oper early age. Thereafter he devoted Division of United Aircraft out the world mounted on the West German postoffice will put ANNUAL DIVIDEND his first bid for elective office. was sounded in the school and ate the body shop, at the south his boundless energies largely to T o Rem ain Corp., East Hartford, for 10 walls, suid rugs made from ani­ out 27.5 million stamps com­ right from public service and humanitarian That was in 1928. His opponent it took just one minute to years. Meet The Candidate end. f mal hides on the floors. memorating the anniversary of was Gov. Alfred E. Smith of empty the school. I t took only Approval for these two re­ work. He was a member of King The Sleiths moved into the President John F. Kennedy’s New York. (Continued froin Page One) two minutes for the fire trucks quests was made subject to the Hoover first attracted public David Lodge, KX>F, ■ the G. home about three months ago. assassination. Hoover won the Presidency by to enter the school driveway, conditions-that the entire build­ attention as mass relief organ­ sing a Negro freedom song. Fred Barnes Lodge, lOOF, East The 10-cent stamps will carry a huge plurality on the flood from the fire station. It was ing and general area be cleaned ITALIAN STRIKE izer in the early days of World "W e Shall Overcome.” Hartford; Manchester Grange a portrait of Kennedy and the tide of an unprecedented pros­ considered an A-one perform­ up within 30 days, and that the ROME (AP) — Train service War I. He earned the gratitude A feeble attempt to tear and the Knights of Pythias. date of his assassination, Nov. of millions and the acclaim of perity era, but the business ance. He is survived by a half sis­ For The U.S. Senate area will be inspected by the throughout Italy was snarled down soccer goal posts failed. 22. 1983. his countrymen by feeding starv­ boom burst during the early part Workshop Seen Suooeasfnl ter, Mrs. Olln Crough of Wal­ fire marshal and building in­ today with the launching oKn_ of his term and the greatest de­ Shouts of “ we want booze,” Mrs. Eleanor Wright, general ing Ehirope during and following the demonstration, which was tham, Mass., and several nieces spector to determine whether it nationwide rail strike ordered the 1914-18 conflict. When the pression in the nation’s history chairman, reports that well and nephews. complies with fire and building for 3>i hour^ each day for a set in. and “ transfer.” characterized over 1.600 people attended the Dnited States entered the war notably non-violent. About mid­ Funeral services will be held codes. week. FOR RENT Tolland County Extension Serv­ The walkout, called by the big he became Food AdihlniMrator It had broken ita former con­ night, the students marched Friday at 1 p.m. at the Holmes The Sears request for the 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projee- ice workshop in Rockville. W ith SPONSOHED BY: MAHGHESTEB JUHIOR Communist general Confedera­ at home. fines in war-impoverished Eu­ along Summit St., down Vernon Funeral Home, 400 Main St. q>eclal exception was present­ tors— sound or silent, also A generation later, though rope, surged across the Atlantic visitors from Vermont, Rhode tion of Labor, left both domestic Day of Deposit St. and then proceeded onto The Rev. Earle R. Custer, pas­ ed by Atty. Sanford Plepler, 35 mm. slide projectors. and e x p ire d in the stock mar­ and international train traffic at then past 70,. he toured famine Broad St., where they complete­ Island, New York State and tor of North Methodist Church, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE who introduced a string of pro areas in Europe and Asia in the ks! crash of October 23, 1939. ly stopped traffic. Massachusetts, and from ^9 will officiate. Burial will be in fessional consultants, all of a standstill or badly delayed. WELDON DRUG CO. wake of World War n to survey The President became the tar­ Non-Communist unions opposed From Broad St. they headed towns outside of Tolland Coun­ Buckland Cemetery. whom urged approval. 901 Main St.— Tel. 643-5821 their needs. He also went as get for bitter attacks. On his to the north steps of the Capi­ ty, the grreatest number coming Friends may call at the fu­ Police Chief James Reardon the strike. President Harry 8. Truman’s 1932 campaign tour—Roosevelt tol. Police tried several times from Martfhester, Glastonbury, neral home Thursday from 2 io "food ambassador" to South was running against him th en - to break up the demonstration, West Hartford, Hartford and 4 and 7 to 0 p.m. America to seek greater help in some crowds showed noticeable but only succeeded when they East Hartford. Some came meeting the world’s food prob­ hostility. Opponents labeled the arrested Robert White, 20, of from as far as North Haven, lems. economic crisis “ the Hoover De­ West Suffield, on the breach of Norwich, Windsor Locks, New MEET: JOHN LODGE In 1964 Hoover was invited to pression.” Britain, Simsbury, Chedhire and Funeral* The Republicans argued that peace charge. At this point, the crowd dispersed and received a Suffield. ^ eeonomieall Paid Quarteriy the basic structure was funda­ Leisure Wear mentally sound. But their in­ police escort back to the cam­ Raymond J. Burt, CSvllDe- .Mrs, Pearl M. Best OCTOBER 21—9:30 P.M. pus. sistence that "Prosperity 1s just fense director, would likV to The funeral of Mrs. Pearl around the com er" was of no Officers said White, a Trinity have the following courses junior, darted from the police Margaret Smith Best oV 63 avail. started if sufficient interest is Church St. w ill be held tomor­ Hoover was defeated over­ car following his arrest and ran shown: Auxiliary police; auxil­ MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL across Bushnell Park. He was row at 10 am . from the John whelmingly by Roosevelt and iary firemen; medical self help, F. Tlei’ney Funeral Home, 218 I like my laundry retired from political life amid taickled by two members of the .(an advanced first aid course); student disciplinary organiza­ W . Center St., with a solemn criticism from various quarters. radio-logical monitoring; and high Mass of requiem at St. tion. But if he was discouraged, he radio and communications. James’ Church at 10:30. Burial did not show it. He had risen to He was released at 2:15 a.m. Anyone interested in taking to dry gently. in the custody of Dean of Stu­ wdll be in East Cemetery. success and fortune from econo­ any of these courses is asked to Friends may call at the fun­ '(• '’ V mic adversity, and now from dents Roy Heath and was due communicate with him, or to PUBLIC INVITED to appear in court this morn­ eral home tonight from T to political adversity he climbed to call Mrs. Richard M. Grant. ' 4 - ing. new greatness as a private citi­ School Health Tests Start • A " .M, / Police said they dispatched zen. Dr. Mervyn Little, Hebron’s Mrs. John J. Griffin six cruisers to various points Honors came in profusion. elementary school physician, TELL YOUR FRIENDS where the demonstration was SOUTH WINDSOR—The fu­ Praises were heaped on him by will give physical examinations held. neral of Mrs. Madeline Agmes fellow citizens. He was hailed as to pupils in Grades 1 and 4 of Griffin of 239 A very St. was a great American, a great hu­ In his statement. Dr. Jacobs the elementary school this year, said that if the students present held this morning from the and NEIGHBORS manitarian. There were targe sUrtlnlv with Grade 1 children W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 outpourings of his countrymen "reasonable, responsible and today. Permission slips for ex­ workable" plans which are ap­ Main St., Manchester, with a in observance of his 75th and amination by the school doctor solemn high Mass of requiem proved. "Trinity students who 80th birthdays. and examination forms for use at St. Margparet Mary Church. have reached the age of 21, and This ad poj^ for by the Manoheeter Republican Town Committee " I have had every honor to of private physicians have The Rev. Thomas C. O’Neil who choose to possess or to use which any man could aspire,” been distributed to pupils in was celebrant, assisted by the M t* s flm m e le s S f an alcoholic beverage in their the former President once com­ the above grades. Rev. Joseph Schick, deacon, mented. ' ’There is no place on quarters will be permitted to do Parents who prefer to have and the Rev. John Rikteraitls, the whole earth except here in so.” examinations made by their • / eomrsm, Anibrica where all the sons of One student at the demon­ family physician have this priv­ man could have this chance in stration termed the .edict, "The ilege. Mt*» eieetriel life.” end of the fraternity system " Election Day Baby Sitters However a college official, af­ A group of Regional High S.B.M Free on Bond ter the demonstration, said he School girls in the Problems of delighted in countering this re­ Community Living class are planning to help out on the a t Hut, fia/Juuk. mark with the question, "Is __.... BRIDGEPORT (A P ) — , Clr- coming election day in a very cult Court Judge J. Allen O’- that all fraternities are for?” practical way. They offer to Connor Jr. is free in |2,5(XI bond He said he received no reply. baby sit for voters who will after his arrest yesterday on Before the new policy was an­ need this service, and will use morals charges. (5’Connor sur­ nounced the drinking of hard M oil Honun are economical. ThaYra also busy and particular. Thoaa liquor was restricted to frater­ ■the agency room in the town rendered himself to authorities office building for the purpose. nlw have alactrie dryers find they waKz through washday. A push of shortly after a bench warrant nity houses, and only there on The group is made up of Jan­ Rm boHon and instantly they get gentle sunshine. Never never never course charging him with two counts specified'occasions approved in ice Porter. Pauline Girard, V of Indecent assault was signed writing by the dean of students. do they end up wHh wind-whipped, sun-faded or frozen laundry. And 8308 Sandra Hall, and Sue- Tucker. Mi>srsH«s*wslaiM SIlsisiaisiCttf, . P. by Superior Court Judge James Beer or wine could be con­ Alternates are Laura Harvey Rwy have a choice of damp-dry or bone-dry. If you’d Rke to waKz C. Shannon. sumed at any time in the fra­ and Carol D’Onofreio. The girls •irotigh washday, sea youf electric dryer dealer now. No hearing date was set. ternities. .will be "on deck” from 1:30 to Ho. 8808 with Patt-O-Rama is The 48-year-old judge had been Students were forbidden to 6 p.m. kl silM S3, 14, 86, 88,. 40, 42, 44. arrested Saturday on breach of possess or drink any alcoholic Some complaints have been This Is a good tf ma to ask year dealer l ^ t 14 to 46. Size 14, 16 bust, peace charges. Ihe new charge beverages in their dormitory made recently to the board of b Sreas length, short sleeves, 4\ is a fefony and carries a maxi SAViNGSBANK rooms under the old policy. education about school buses, jrards af 88-inch. mum penalty on conviction of 10 some of which. It is claimed, To order, send 80c in coins to : years in prison. are loaded to capacity, while •ue Burnett, The Manchester others are only partly filled. Xvenlng Herald, lUW AVE. OF BIRTHDAY CAMPAIGN About Town Those complaining have, been AMOOEiCAS, N EW YORK, N.T. BRIDGEPORT (AP) — For­ informed by the board that ISM8. mer bov. John Lodge, of West- Cub Pack 12b will meet double buses have had to be For Ist-class’ mailing add lOc port, Republican candidate for Friday at 7:30 p.m. at St. put on the route, owing to In­ ler each patterh. Print Name, the U.8. Senate, spent his 61st James’ School. The pack will crease in school enrollment, Address with 29one,Style No. birthday campaigning . here to­ conduct a candy sale Sunday whioh has mixed things up a •nd Itae. day. Tonight Lodge will be guest from 1 to 4 p.m. little. Ready for you now — the new of honor at a birthday party at till A winter '64 issue of Basic the home of Mrs. Anne Sandula, House committee of British Maaehester Eveniag HesaM LIGGETT DRUG, 404 West MMile Turnpiie our aompleto pattern A former member of the Repub­ American Oub will meet tonight Hebrea oorreapoadeiit, Miss Sn- t lican State Central C o m m it^ . at 7:80 a|^ the cluUiouae. saa B. Peadletea, teA MS-8484. mmmssssssxsssBBBsaatmsmassmsssBsssmssssasssaatssmammsBBaKsassa A v i

A gAOB TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ICANGHBElEI^ OONN« T U ^ A Y , OCTOBER 20, 1964 PAGE THIRTEBM OUB BOARDING HOHSB with MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHESTER^ OONN« TUESDAY; OCTOBER SO, 1964 ifflU l ffORTS BY ROUabN Voriely Bit ta willing to axtand to Keaygln ment the hospital area sswsr i Move; to Delay t— invitation ha had mada to swap have, already basn appro­ Negro Actoy* BOY SCOUT Sewer Swap priated. tlM directors approved [W i^yi^Bssssns^ Khrushchov to visit Wast Oar- SMth Windsor Vokoitoor H rt DoportiMHit U 3 S« i O p e i t i n g many. an (appropriation, of about 888,- The London Dally Telegraph, "Notes and News 000 for this purpose this month. I «M O IM H M w / H M D C A M D tM N o. 1 Star Now Form al ATmJBiUlag GalM Backing quoting ’’trustworthy sources In M ors money may be needed, Eastern Europe,” 'said Khru­ however, to reeonstruct a sew­ •Miin^i 41 Troop 47 ' shchev Is reported to bo receiv­ lUprawtaUvee of the town age pumping station so that It A»CUT/tt«W#*TAU<»4»Ta t )W n a > NAtlONS, N.T. In Norway ing medical traatmant 35 mllos Troop 47 Boy Scouts of South and tha Eighth District' have can handls the Increased flow, (API ^ Bupport la (row lnc for from Moscow. ’The Soviet prasa Methodist Church conductsd a BINGO formally approved a kmg-pUlli- ’like town has specified in the OSLO, Norway (AP) >- An camping trip last weekend to TK V tP— LL HIM 4H10CK m M X)«)[ K nu»yt io pottpont Oie U Jf. has given no hint of the former Bed Mwer swap. agreement that it will rebuild AaaamUjr optnlng to leader’s whereabouts. American Negro in hla late SOs Kettletown State Park on the the pumping station. EVERY WEDNESDIY AT 8 PJI. « ( i S B U N N Y PLAM« fOK BArrw/-opwMwoA Houaatotilc River. Participat­ Aa agreement signed by S n9«o«tieK6^ givt tht ynittd SUtaa end tht is electrifying audiences at one ’lbs hospital area swap must uiSStatay ing were 66 boys and IB adults, General Manager Richard Mar­ be completed by Jtme 1, 1988. MUMiMt Bovlti X—bnt tlmt to work of Oslo’s major thoatfre —and under the leadership o f W illiam tin and the Eighth District di­ OMipany — ElllR|tM Raai n guftwat he’s doing it in Norwegian. 1 out a ceqiproiniM on tht laaue GOP Suing FCC Mullen, committee chairman. rectors was filed at the town Earle Hyman, a nativa of BT^SSnwto af P * r (n PMietktepIn* duet. Camp was pitched Friday clerk’s offlcs today, along with Can* Deeign Altered Mimr nuet—M To G et Barry Rocky Mount, N.C., la winning releases that cancel a 1938 sew­ KOmk iM It ITWMtir I3lplo—dtp prydtctad tha oponing acclaim with a forectul portray­ evening by the Troop Commit­ UPl wtr nOmrgM wouldiiiio dalayad iWo waakt, tee. Meals for tbs weekend were er contract. PARIS — Beginning next al of the ttUe role In Eugene O’* Under the terms of the 1938 year, all freight cars man­ S78UM untlk^MDv. Equal Air Time Neill’s ’’Emperor .T«lei.” prepared In the central mass MFBtpOM SOoMidni Tht 19-j— tU;i, LaUn>Amarlcan under the direction of Chester agreement, the district has ufactured in Western Europe flUTC 4H«tod m b SmIh l i Hyman began studying Nor­ been treating eowage from the will accept automatic coupling Woc.,«AYA' unanlmoua (Continned from Page One) Klellck, steward. MiUdMtaMW---- - J Bi t —i pMt » a wy Mwr wegian aeven yeara ago at City 80-acrt area around MancheS' devices. ’The international El tnnMBB ZQC • p p n ^ to tha idaa at a matt- Saturday, the troop traveled Oouege in New York so he could ter Memorial Hospital for the Union of Railways is selecting m on lloa WWaot ■ me ICohd— attar tha United OOP presidential nominee, read the playS of Henrik Ibsen to West Point for a tour whicn FOR EXPERT Milttiiir wteh ?8ttw Btataa announoad it waa wUllng town. The area is In the town a design. Auto coupling is ex­ Wednesday night. Johnson’s in their original lanj^age. Once, Included the museum and the sewer service area. pected to cut European . rail WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING to ooiiali^er a poatponament on a vacaUon m Norway, I ’’free program” was worth chapel with lunch in the .Ext Cancellation of the contract costs and provide faster and Intormania aald a number of Bjame Andersen, the manager change Cafeteria. In the after­ RADUTOR REPAIRING AND REC0RIN6 r " 5” I" r r r ? II 6 r r —part of the sewer swap—will higher-capacity service. Asian iutd African delegates about half a million dollars, he of the Den Natlbnale Scene In noon, the group watched the ’ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE require an expenditure eatimat •led haea aigntfied approval. said. Beiwen, offered to star him as Army-Macyland varsity soccer 11 U ed at about 888,000. to divert REAL TRIBUTE SEE IT" The Communiata apparently are Shuespeare’s Othello. game won by the Army team. Burch spoke on NBC on time sewage from the hospital area • MMir«M»l wUllng to go along. ”I was flattered, naturally, Sunday morning waa devoted BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)—When provided without charge by the back to the town. ’The diversion 16 if Before the Sovieta dumped but I could only laugh at him,” .to church services with camp word spread that Mrs. Harriett i T network after It, C38S and ABC will help to relieve the heavily Hiktta Blhruahehev, the United had rejected his request that the American actor said. being broken in the early after­ Oementson was resigning after ClARKE MOTOR SALESI rCfeRTROOT overloaded Eighth District l i lA gtetaa had warned at the (Joldwater be given equal time But Hyrtian did not forget the noon. 13 years as a croaaing guard 301 BROAD STREET— 643-9521 BY V. T. HAMLIN IT TOAGK-. (F uMmhly opening Nov. 10 it offer. He played Othello at the ■ewage treatment plant. near School 81 here, her many ALLY OOP to match Johnson’s broadcast — The next scheduled troop ac­ By the terms of the new would invoke a U.N. charter on free time — and Oie POC had Great Lakes Shakespeare Festi young friends refused to acceik ' tivity will be the University agreement, dated Oct. 7, 1984, ML'ViBOm PD WELL, HD*' N provlaion that members two val and one day began apeaking the decision without a fight. .IMNDI backed up their decision. of (Jonnecticut-Boston Univer­ the town will construct a new Mt■U OOlf'OT'MlAUlkBMC 18 SWKB l>OC1S ABOUT ' yeata in arrears on their dues After Burch spoke. Demo­ Norwegian on the stage. An official delegation of sfu- msBtm %Hm sity fooball game on Nov. 7 at sewage treatment plant in the -mOGE \MUHEYB> ARMORj BRUNMMLDC-WBU. ir.pocf a r ihottldvIOee their aiaaembly vote. cratic National Chairman John “ That decided It,” he aald. denta from tha school visited r Storrs. northeast comer of town—after ONA N0R5»«»1, TPgCE CARE OF ■ It would affect the Soviet Union M. Bailey aent a telegram to wrote Andersen and asked her home to urge that she re­ s r and'hlfie o ^ e r member states. William McAndrew, NBC’s vice whether the offer sill stood. It what referendum is necessary— consider her plan. But Mrs. The Soviets Indicated they president in .charge of news, did.” Yankee Gets OK to handle sewage from new de­ Clementson, one of the original — CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER X quit the United Nations if saying the OOP chairman had Hyman has been in Nowray velopments and existing Indus­ group of school crossing guards 5T they, lost their aaeembly vote. “ talked about extraneoua issuea for six monUu, touring the west HARTFORD (AP) — The tries In that area. appointed in 1063, reluctantly They have refused to pay for and made a plea for contribu­ coast before j» TK. m. m e* leoo ion in'Arkain, analysing Mon­ the Republican viewpoint on dlers were hunting. 315 BROAD ST. TEL 643-1553 day’s iipMtihss by the Soviet developments in Russia, China 34 HOUR BURNER SERVICE 4 RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS * BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL pajrty*a hew first secretary, and Great Britain.” Leonid I- Breshnev, and Pre­ mier' Alaxei N. Kosygin, noted LOTS OF MILEAGE ,1 M W CREEPY LOOKKT^ I GUESS ft^ these points: 1. Kosygin's « t o c k : WCTH RULBTON, Kan. (AP)—Trav­ 'taouPSBe^Foiiam r p le d ^ i ^ t Soviet defenses ALLWXY. ICAHT HER/ «»«■»* a*. iO-20 el has speeded up since Seth would kje strengthened. Khru. Duel], 70-year-bld retiring rural Tlio Nont of - **l didn't ncoa—arily mean your Jimmy waa leading shch^,'— id a month ago that mall carrier, started his route PonouaHiMl Sorvloo •iaae when I said it wai impotaible to get ahead defen—ii.were adequate. 51 years ago. The 41-mile route e£RNI£'S Z. B roi^ev called for an inter­ which used to take him up to •( hMltii NTTleM iir* 4 8 ‘ of him!” national masting on interparty two days to cover now takes uidty ’ l iA iAhjjM .to m o tio n the ipproxlmately an hour and a m i pTepertitWjf "aeaslbh Khrushchev tialf. iBity H III WNk had called for Dec. 18; ’The Red In more than half a centiuy Chin—e had denounedd this as of delivering the mall Duell has Ocltbir M-24 BIG MONEY - HEROES ARSiMADE > ” iliB^ day of the great split.' traveled by horseback, buggy, IMest German Chancellor sled, motorcycle and 22 differ­ BEN CASEY Ludwig Erhard said in Bonn he ent automobiles. RIPICULOUSllDONTI NEVER AAIN» SAVING EVEN a $ r DR. CASEVWIU.be HERE KNOWWOWTHEOLP I n OWHBOOULP t v SEVDJ-THIRTV, CHARLES. J FOOL CCXIUP HAVE y H A Iy C A M M O L X HOPE YOU DONT MIND... HEARD TMAT; g ^ J U R T T E L L A A R DELUXE BHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL AtA CHERIE! J S L *? RNTIIIurM nBcmKCtaunmr tm tu r ROLL-ABOUT In hwolth and in illnati no on t stondi olena CART a, e0 LdlLd KNOW thought impractical, scoring a Tfirst’’ Further, upwards of 60,000 O n the American icene today, in 1961 when 32 companies pooled of this same group are known 4 N EC E KIN G S IZ E maintaining health is a community, resources to pioneer “Connecticut to have major m ^ ic a l (cata­ effort with medical leadership. 65 This major medical policy ex­ strophic Illness J protection, TRAY TABLE SERVING SET 05” '***' 445 clusively for the elderly has already and the number is increasing T h e modern Medical Commu­ paid ^nore than $7,500,000 in bene­ rapidly. « m« W HiA, W. tx. uj. f . o«. wHfi purohaaa nity of physicians, nurses, dentists, fits, currently protects more than o < & (S , WE PUT THE SURE IN I of thia... pharmacists, hospital and public 2. Kerr-Mills Proprom far tha In - MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALU 27,000 residents, and is the model for health personnel operates to meet similar plans nationwide. latwaans" avar ^45. M O T O m O L M BY ROY CRANE BUZZ SAWYER INSURANCE the needs of the people both in pre­ w e iL , 'iOdeB exPEcnne 0iJri"AABaOM5,AND On occasions, normally self- fRO RYM m iM ^ I c a n t thinkcfamobb ventive medicine and patient care ANIMAL/ , STEP PACK, RAMON, AVr WHAT^AtL v o x ALLOWANCE rcAMTGivemoYai BUNFULWTDLWBNWHATl What About Peraent Over 65? supporting people over K Und and to make high quality services PUT AVI'FIANC& BOY, I I I HANDLE 1WS/ , TH(6 TALA'r TDMO2K0W- RIGHT? UNTIL. N eX T w e a i . THB WARoi fovezry » , Health care financing resources it impossible to finance all costs POWNj H6A»AN' SINCE BUSTER IS b e t t e r iL A ncH 1 a O T T A sc M o i ployed groups. Later, the plan also savings, etc. Cloud Grey and Soddlo WE SHOULD OOAAE QUITE A A MV M u r \ALM0ST his WXT OF KIMi WE FiaSER WE self-supporting: WWi IW T 'W ------KiMPA WHERITBD m — — ^ Brown color. Tho roli- MOOK HOPIOM B O A T lf AREYDU conducted periodic open enrdllments a The 1961 General Assembly Morq, than 160,000 have dbout cort bos wood iRVctuatasssBiL KALLIKAKS ^untfwfifomjs for individuals of all ages, and it passed Public Law 578 to HOlAtES Blue Cross, the majority sholvjng with Wolnot m STMJDIMS now provides broad coverage for activate this program in ON? 400 MAIN STtHT > Mat)ICHKT«,CONN. covered by the same high- finish. And K yo« hurry, more than 1,325,000 people. Connecticut/ withoiit any 197 benefit plan held by it's, yours, froe with por- In 1949, with the help of prac­ special tax being levied to younger persons. ‘ choeo of tho sot! ticing physicians, Connecticut Medi­ finance it, and M AA is cur­ An Appropriate cal S^ice (Blue Shield) began More than 133,(XX) have rently benefiting 7500 “in- BERNIE*S providing medical-surgical expense .Blue Shield (C M S ), with between” aged persons each Choice protection. Members how number the same broad protection month. PAY AS YOU PLEASE PLAN 4 more than 1,143,000— and since 1959 as the younger population. o NO MONBY DOY^ ___. iSince each family’s financial continuous open enrollment has been I A t least 80,000 have simi­ iveryone son be proud of Con­ e to DAYS •— NO 1XN,^0R means differ frmn the next, a fu­ e U F W y 8 TB A 1I4 TO T A Y available for-any Connecticut resi­ lar basic hospital and doc­ necticut's pregrese in koaMi care and UUkOL neral director must offer services dent regardless of health or age. tor-care insurance with its financing under' a voluntary in a wide range of prices.,Our se­ WE DO OUl OWN SERYNE BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY D A V Y JO N E S BY LEFF and McWILLlAMS Both of these plans permit per­ private carriers.* system. MR. ABERNATHY We hove eur'own focto^ trained serviceinen. Oar lection room contains services in sons to continue uninterrupted cov­ a In other words, better than When compubery Mimmee ore - - " ------" V ' t>ON*T JdSH, DAVY. Quit BLUBBER- E V E R Y price rangd, one of which erage after retirement, and neither gearantee to you of sotisfoction. ^ PARDON ME. MR. ” eR...AH.,.OF COURSE, \ NB/ERMINCLIlL IMG. HOW DO YOU 80 per cent of Connecticut’s advanced, calling for incroasod ASK SOMEONE PIO I HEAR RIGHTVO' CAIN'T S-SENO ABERNATHY DOVOU VUMYUM...6ULP...HAVE VOU'RE ASKING FOR 1 US BACK TO^OUR FIGURE THAT f a m b l v s t il l f r u m it just right for any family’s re­ one has ever cancelled a contract for 210,000 self-supporting over- Social Security taxoe end federal HAVE A CIGARETTE? SOME IN IW/POCKET... V ELSE. m TO BLAME? WE DELIVER a WE INSTAU • ¥PI SERVICE POLITICAL ASVLUM CATFISH LAKE.M reasons o f age or frequent use. 65 residents are known to controls, noithor the people nor their ER...TMSURE they're ...OR IS IT JUST AN’ THET'S WHY quirements. 1. h ere SOMEWHERE,... . W E H A D T L E A V E The state’s insurance carriers have basic health insurance representatives eught to ignere these OUR BELOVED HOME. soon developed types of policies once today. achievements.. (Yew msy oblam a repriitt of tUs oivtrtisement ond oddifiondl mformotiom 8 £ R d f t £ ’S shout Coumectieut koslth retomtet by sending s postesrd or letter to the Conneetieut Stote Mediesl Satiety, 160 St. Ronsn St., Sew Haven, Conn. OSnh) « * t MEAT TV-ARnltAl^ TMo MnuminHy hoolth moioqga it protontod in tho puUiie inItrMt li}f MANCHESTER PARK^IE % 770 BLUB M »»d0 . <• 2808 BEILIN TURNPIKE f HARtl>ORD cou sm r MEDICAL CONN. STATE MEDICAL iOCIITY ' OPEN NIQHTO ^ f AttOCIAllOM NEW HAVW ...... ■ M; fv^. '■? -V'.' C jV. s Y \ • ■AMCHESTES fiVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTBS, CONN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1964 JKAOft fAGE. FOURTEBN MANCHESnit BVENINO HERAU), MAWCHEBIEI, 00HM« TUESDAY, OCTOBER 96^ 1964 TBB Keane Offered Two-Year $45,000 Interceptions Key Victory, Herald Angle EARL YOST Yanks List Walker Inherits Sixth-Place •pests BdMsr Conference Conard Downs Indians, 25-0 Easeball Remains in SpotU|^t Club and Some Question Marks Rasebsll remains in the news spotlight despite the f set With Press ■cor­ le 1964 Wwld Series cams to sn end last ih u rs ^ y in PITTSBURGH fAPI __1>rate*, succeeding Danny Mur-^He can talk and work baa*- B). PAUL PILKONIS »" >"• ered Into “"Tjil™ the end sone for ah' ing pass from *SS;”2 Green to com­ Harrv (The Hat) Wnikerl **'*8*' stepped down for ball 26 hours a day,. T hat’S Jack Foley Intercepted a Heller plete the drive with 1:52 left St. Louis. Nothing has caused such s stir in the sports NEW YORK (AP)—’The m rry (Ihe H »t) wawer reasons. How much he’U good in a manager. Harry It was a dark day all toes. other score. in the opening period. world in years than the reeignlng and firing til Johnny has inherited- a sixth-place get paid was not revealed. doesn’t smoke or drink but ns around for Manchester The brightest part of the Conard threatened late In the Neither team could mount New York Yankees were set can really talk; he sure caa/’ third period, but a staunch Keane and Yori Berra, managers respectively of the St. to unveil their 18th mana­ baseball team and some Walker’s only major lesiSgU* High’s winless football contest, played under cold, over­ an offensive in the final quar­ question marks. managing experience was ^ t h Walker said he’U. name his cast skies, was the defensive Manchester defense stopped ter. The Manchester defense re­ Louis CkirdinsJs and New Yorii Yankees, World Series ger and fourth in the last Louis Chrdinals. He ooaches later. He said, 'T (to team yesterday afternoon the Chieftains on downs at the foes. The team is the Pittsburg Pi- the St. L work of the Indian line. An­ covered a fumble and twice five yean at a news confer­ ratas aad the question marks took over from Eddie Stanky not intend to rehir* any a t at Memorial Field. Playing chored by Dick Dotchin and 10-yard line. Conard promptly fo'rced the Chieftains to give Not only has Um doubla-bar^ May 28, 1956 and the cards Danny’s (Murtaugh) statt of regained possession of the foot­ relsd, unpreosdentsd move er. AU that any ok* may out ence at the Savoy Plaza Ho­ ars Pirates Walker doesn’t at home on a soggy field, Don Hubbard, the middle of the up the ball after unsuoceasful his salary is 20 par oant know much about. finished In seventh place. last year,” the Indians went down to defeat Manchester defend effectively ball. again via an Interception, fourth-down plays, but the In­ shocked tbs sports world but It tel today and if the man He waa a minor league man­ Walker added, ‘T want foir the fourth straight time this contained much of the Conard this one coming at the Man­ dian offense could not move hss put the removal at Ruasian The Braves have offered wasn’t Johnny Keane it Named to manage Pittsburgh ager from 1966 through 1968; coaches who wUl do something season, Conard High of West' ground game. chester 24-yard like. beyond the midfield stripe in Premier Krushchev end Red f^pehn a nuUo-’TV job but the would stand as the biggest Monday, Walker admitted he’s a Ckirdlnal coach 1959 through toward improving the club. Fourth Down Score China’s first nuclear boiMb into long - time brilliant southpaw somewhat in the dark about 1962 and a minor league man­ There are several men I know Hartford administering the Interceptions played an Im- the latter moments of the the background, not to forgot has turned thumbs down on the surprise yet in a season full whltewash brush, 25-0. An alert portant role throughout. In the For three plays, the deter­ game. some Pirate players. ager since. that fit that category. secondary which picked off four second period, after a well- mined Indian front wall pre­ CaaarS (U> the Olympic Gamas In Tokyo la suggestion. Spahn stiU feds he of startling developments. He figures he has the nu­ Joe Brown, Pittsburgh gen­ *T want a pitching ooach Manchester passes and set up vented the West Hartford team Ends: Skeehan, O’Donneil, Fatka, the also-rsa class can pitch, and win, in the ma­ Yanks* Osnsral Manager cleus for a good chib, but add­ eral manager, told a news con­ who practically sleeps with hia placed Conard punt rolled out- Crumb. The Hat a t those who hats jor leagues. Jdd AUsn worked Ralph Houk, who dismissed pitchers. One who know* every­ three touchdowns w m the de-1 of-bounds on the Manchester from advancing, until finally Tackles; Kaplan, Rhoden. Oaser, ed: ference be started out with a quarterback Tim Green, faced Hiller. the New York Yankee organ!* 18 W o ^ Series years behind Yogi Berra last Friday shortly 35-name list of candidates for thing there is to know about clsive factor for the Chieftains four - yard line, the Indians after Keane had submitted his ’’It’s hard to say what I In the CCIL attraction, witness- veined possession of the ball, with a fourth-down situation Guards: Hann, Cobea, Quattro- zation inoreaaed with leaps and 'the mleropboue or in the tele­ think of the team. It would be the job, but added: Ui6 pitchers on the staff.” panl. Pipole, Fagan, . O’Cannor. bounds last weekend when Gen­ casting booth before behig by­ resignation as St. Louis Cardi­ "I never offered the job to W alter is the sixth Pirate ed by less than 250 fans. The, Manchester pass was deflect- on the 26, lofted a pass to Pete Backs; Grosch, Larsen, Green, nal skipper, spent the weekend slUy of me to make a state­ ^ m e was originally set for last j„to the air by a Conard Pellegato. The Conard halfback Luzxl, Pellegato, Webb, BatUson, eral Ifansgor Ralph H o u k passed this year. Ifel Joined the ment about something I don’t anyone but the man that’s manager under the current Saturday but was rescheduled made a fine catch ftnd outrac- Hanley, Harehall. Rica, Dunneli, bluntly announced that Berra Yankeea in 1959—25 years ago In Houston offering Keerw a here now.” ownership, which bought the lineman and P a u 1 Fatka Sorensen. would bo replaced aa field men- two-year contract at 845,000 per know thoroughly. Brown said of Walker: club from BUI Benswanger and due to an all day rain. grabbed the football, giving the ed the Manchester defenders Manckeatar (t) —siring the games. The Yan­ ‘T can tell you no more about to the goal line, scoring the Ends: Oetsewlch, Duicheneau, ager a t the New York Yankees kees will be showed to recom­ DICK 8I8LER “He talks all the time. But ended the Barney Dreyfus* HARRY WALKER D.°«pest Drive Chieftains a first down on the Lundgren, Oakman. BoUeron. BOrra wasn’t the type man the Keane directed the Cardinals the Pirates until I find out he talks baseball. Never stops. dynasty in Pittsburgh. Manchester’s deepest pene­ four. One play later, Mike Han­ visitors’ final touchdown. Tables; Dotchin, Hubbard, Dul- mend one announcer to handle to the National League pennant, something about the players I ley crossed the goal line for a Only in the first quarter ka. HeOermott. front office wanted to run Its the teevee portion of Uv| recent tration into Conard territory Guards; Gentllcore, Roberts, Niel­ baseball ship. their first In 18 years, and a Dick S i s 1 e r haven’t observed.” came in the second quarter. Conard touchdown. were the Chieftains able to World Series and FhU Rixxuto seven gam* World Series vic­ New Franchise Ski Director sustain a steady drive. After son. The action by Keane wasn’t waa the man. .Two former ma­ One thing Walker knows for Mark Heller completed two The visitors recorded a tally Centers: LaPolt. Skiff. exactly unexpected, aa repeat* tory over the Yankees. The little sure Is that he’s going to put Sports Schedule WOODSTOCK, Vt. (AP) — passes to Bud Lundgren, one later in the same quarter In a Manchester punt, they Backs: Cote. Hellar. Lodi Ham­ jor league players, one a former BOSTON (AP) — Walter Ken­ Former Olympic champicn Aa- BREAKS TAPE—, center, nears the man U.S. team to qualify for the finals. Tom O’Hara, marched 70 yards in 13 plays ilton. Rourke, Bomberger, Hqwver. ed In these columns both during sk^per tlum marched into own­ New Skipper a lot of emphasis on speed. nedy, president of the National tape to win the second heat of 1,500-meter race to good for 26 yards and the sec­ much the same way. This time, Palmer, Bavler. . . . _ and after the World Serise. National League batting oham- er August Busch’s office last 'T know players like Bob drM Meade Lawrence has been left background, of Chicago, finished in seventh ond for 15, as the Indians moved Bob Rice Intercepted on the for their first six poinU. The Score by Periods 1 3 8 4 Total pkm, Harry (The Hat) Walker, Basketball AssociaUon, expects Tuesday, Oct. 50 named ski school director for the Conard ...... 8 13 7 0 S However, one figured that the Friday and handed tn hia-letter Bailey, Roberto Clemente and a new franchise to be accepted Tokyo today to become the only member of three- place. (AP Photofax.) swiftly from their own 30 to Manchester 32, and his 30-yard biggest gain came on a 23-yard and Dlok Slider are the new of resignation, which he had Soccer — MHS at Meriden new ski area called Round Top pass play from Green to Mike TD; LussI (6 yd.-paaa), Hanley. little skinny ax-boss of the Of Redlegs Manny Mota and also Donn In December from among <3ii- Platt. the Conard 28. The march con­ runbacK pleu^pd the ball at the (2 yd.-run). Rice (2yd.-mn), Pel- Cards might have sitftensd up managers of tbs FIttdmrgh written Sept. 28. Clendenon can run,” he said. Mountain. Paul Goldman, presi­ tinued down to the 15-yard line two. On the first play from O’Donnell which put the foot- lagato (32 yd.-paaa). Pirates and OInolnaati Redlegs. cago, Pittsburgh and Kansas Thursday, Oot. 55 dent of the Round Top develop­ PAT; Hargofia (kick). a little when owner Qussle Houk announced that Berra 'This is on* department 'Which aty . ‘T would expect that we where Manchester’s beat oppor- scrimmage. Rice, now in the ball on the Manchester 17. Jim Walker acquired the nickname was through on the same day dNCINNATl (AP) — The On- I hop* to Improve. Speed forces X - (Country — MHl18 vs. ment at Plymouth Union, V t, Busch took the elastie off hia will accept a new franchise in Wethersfield, Windham. made the aiuMuncement yeater^ bank roll and reconsidered. because he wsa always fMget- and said that he had two or cinnati Reds’ new manager is the other olube into mistakes. December,” Kennedy said dur­ iag with Ms cap while batting. three men under considerstlon Dick Staler, the likeable former You can apply the pressure Soccer — MHS vs. BrlatiU day during fiie Winter Sports «' * * ing a visit her*. ‘Tt is current­ Conference of the New England Russia Makes Up Ground • * * for the job. When told that coach vdio almost led the Reds 'With speed." ly between C3ik:ago, Pittsburgh Eastern, 5:80 Memorial Field. X-Country—East va. Penney, OoimoU. Rubis, Labutis Baseball ‘Committing Suicide’ BraM Was Updet Keane had quit, Houk said the to a National League pennant The 46 - yeer - old Walker, and Kansas Caty. I would think Downfall of Berra might B r i ^ t S p o t ex-Cardinal skipper would cer­ three - time Manager of the Chicago might bs able to make Wickham Park. . C ap tu re PGA have started in Oonnsettout, Currently enjoying a three- tainly be among those to be this year. Year In the International a franchise go now, although I Friday, Oot 55 The Houston Oolts and New strange as it may seem. game winning streak, East Cath­ considered. Slslsr was named acting man­ Leqgue, has been signed to a think the other two cities war­ FootbaU — MHS at Bristol York Met# divided their 18 Na­ Pro-Pro Title Former Czar Chandler Claims Last January, Berra waa one olic High’s biggest vlctoty of Keane drove home to Houston ager Aug. 13 when cancer-strick­ one-year contract with the Pi- rant strong consideration.” Bastem, 7 pjn.—^Muxsy Field. tional League games this year. In Bid to Win Olympics of several major sporU figures tbs sessoQ came last Saturday after dropping bis bombshell on en Fred Hutchinson, 46, became the Cardinals and Itouk let the too ill to run the plub. President- ■VFR^ATT T F^t Tfv from 1945 until he was^draw his ^ y (^ eck and he on disek to add a Uttls window in a driving rainstorm in Lsom- Little Ed Ruble, the State Pro­ VlbKoAliiLUiO, Ky. ( A r j'4 under pressure in does a good job of that, CSian- dressing to the annual Gold inster, ICsss. U m Blue Devils eat out of the bag when he flew General Manager William De- TOKYO (AP) — Ameri of Roscoe, N. Y ,^con^lement of three into' th&^shot with a throw of 59-6^, Witt announced Hutchinson’s re­ fessional (Jolfers Association — Former commissioner of ,aid the only thing that dler ■■ continued.------Key Dinner of the Connecticut were unbeaten in their first to the T en s etto. was ninth with 7,325 points high jump finals — John her second gold medal. She won champion, and A1 Labutis cap­ three starts and were said to be 'I’m here to otter the Job of signation Monday and said Staler can marksman Lones Wig- and Dick Emberger of Ocean- Thomas of Boston, the 1960 the discus earlier. Galina baseball A. B. Happy would save baseball besidea The former Kentucky gover­ SporU Writers’ AUlanco. When ger won the United States’ tured the (Connecticut PGA Pro- nor and senator also said called upon to speak, Berra’s the most powerful schodboy field manager to Keane,” he signed as his replacement. side, Calif., 10th at 7,292. medalist and one-time world Zybina of Russia was third in Pro 27-Hole Championship yes­ Chandler says the spiort is federal intervention would be a team In tbs Central Massachu­ told newsmen when he arrived The appointment ended specu­ only medal — a gold — and record holder; of the shot with 67-3. strong commis-sioner, "but the professional football has replac­ message was a olasaio. TWO The relatively poor showing terday at the Manchester Coun­ painlessly and unwittingly setts area. East came out on In Houston, “and I hope he lation that the job might go to Long Beach, Calif., and Ed Takehide Nakatani of Japan owners would never stand for ed baseball as the No. 1 spot in After fumbling a written Russia made up a little by the U.S. in the event had try Club. committing suicide and can America and that baseball had speech for nearly a minute, he the long end of the count, 6-0, takes it.” A1 Dark, recently fired as San 'b^n anticipated. Caruthers of Santa Ana, Calif. won the lightweight judo, with A highlight was a hole-in-one that. muvliig to be better mudders. Tb* new -skipper will be the Francisco Giants manager, or to ground, but the two domi­ Each cleared the qualifying two Russians, Oleg Stepanov be saved only by being "Mo.st of the people in base­ only itself to blame. signed off like this: Sincerely nant nations yielded the Olym- Surprising Strength by Mickey Cotela, East Long- "Major league baseball has Mtarday the Eaglet entertain Yankees’ fourth in five years Don Heffner, a New York Mets’ But the surprising strength of height of 6-9Vi without major and Aron Bogolob, the semi­ meadow, Mass., pro, on the 188- placed under federal anti­ ball want to run the sport just to Yours, Yogi Berra. Penney EOgh of E ad Hartfoed at and the third hired since the coach who formerly managed WHEELS lic spotlight Tuesday to a little fit their own pocketbooks, never no respect for the minors, or for I nown German’s upset triumph ike U.S. shooters was not. The difficulty as did three Rus­ final losers, each taking a yard last hole. It enabled him trust laws. He nearly brought down the Mt. Nebo and school officials ex- New York club dismissed Casey the Reds’ farm club at San Dle- ki sians, including 1960 winner bronze medal. caring who they step on or how college baseball either," Chan­ in the demanding decathlon. victory by Wigger. a stocky and his partner, Frank Segalins Chandler accused baseball’s dler said. "And these are the bouee. ^ t another capacity crowd .. Stengel tn 1960. Stengel had Fo. U.S. army first lieutenant from Robert Shavlakadze and world The United States was as­ of Indian Meadows to gain a present commissioner. Ford many people get hurt by their When the Yankee brass beard Just how far away la a home and managed the Yankees for ■Willi Holdorf, 24-year-old record-holder Valery Brumel. sured of two more medals actions — such as moving fran­ only two training grounds for The 44-year-


a \ MANCHESTER EVENINO HBRAlD, MANCHESTER, CONil^ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1964 \ MANCItESTBa EVENING HERAlJ), MANCHEStEE, CX)NN^ tUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1364 PAGE 42 Hoaseheld Gooii si By FAGALT and SHORTEN Lira Stodi Apartment*—Plata— PvnislNd ApanflMRta 68-A H i For SiOt 72 B o o m * For Sals 72 -Honaw Far Sak 72 Ronsis For 8*1* 72 SttburtMui For 8*k 75 Subtirb*n Tor 8d* 7l| Buaimaa Servicee THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW Tenamenta 63 PIGS FO R r a l e —Sin d l m es RUGS, never used, 9x13 gold, MAN(THBSTER-Large 4 bed­ SUBURBAN 6 room ranch, with Offered IS! t h r e e r o o m fnm lahed s e t ROOM (Tut. large kltehan $$jn - WBEA KEPT 8H loom NEW ROMES—We have 6 new COVENTRY—Modestly prtoeii $81); 6905 n u g n m oeiit, ruby ranch, $ bedrooms, attractive homes under construction room executive f (Tolonlal, pri­ garage, foundation 82x88, small home on lOOgaoi) lou and big ow . CaUW^lSSSJ' oriental, $35; 13x15 gM ma­ ■t b p s o f f B ast (Tenter anart^t, $90 per month. Uving room with flrsplacs, tm- RAVK SMAM. Mclnip truek- HOWCtUi0XtT9 Nataleky Farm, 133 Streetr-Claan 5 room first Ideal for newlyweds or work- aasdiate oecupanoy, $1B,90(L sAitng area, auturban. Ownar right in Town. Ranches from vate, inimeroue custom ex­ 13x15 kitchen, cabinets ga­ Glassed porch. Baseboard heat; Attica OMlara cleaned. harajah. 389-6965. $18,500 and Colonlala in the tras, sacrifice thousands; prin­ lore, 16x18 fi^laced Uvmg 742-7066. ’ J I fPEMO MUIONI marker Road. floor flat with garage, sep- Ing couple. (Tall 649-0641 (of Phflbrlek Agmcy, 6M-9464. I. Caittoa W. ButoMne, Rubbtab removed. FteaeonaMe. •it^fum aee, $100 monthly. R ealtor,,««*«S twenties. Prime locations, cipals only. 644-8087. room, 8 bedroqms, 119x867 —WANTED— appointment, or apply in per- parkllkc lot. Excellent condi­ BOLTON LAKE — Four'our room) CaK 649-lOtt. nXMOUPTHENIVlI. Agency, 648-4808. son 4 Pearl Street, Apt I. ' quality construction. Call, Arttdw For Sato 45 ^Reliable, H onest, Person i m m a c u l a t e center en­ MANITHESlYSt — Near Park­ tion. $16,600. Wolverton Agen­ year 'round home, ganerou* FROWAflMmiOAR- TO TARE OVBSt madly give you the details REPAIRS on aU makae of ra- a VERNON RCXTKVnxj] (TENTER—Mod­ MANCHESTER trance ranch, 3-car garage, T. J. C r^att, Realtor, 648- way. Large new 8 bedroom cy, Realtor, 649-2818. room sites, 2 ADVERTISING frimrmtora, wasbera, ranyes, IMfiCf AND OOARltAn aCREmnSD loam for the beet UNPAID BALAN(JB ranch, bow window, built-in 76x150 lot, pays for ItseS em 4 rooms, bsaUd, famished, halt acre lot, fine resldentlel 1677. and diyera. AU oil bumara '- « c r f IRAPFIC CAN in lawns, deUvered_ _ _JWU CrumUVUa ourwan MONTHLY PAYMENTS area, below $M,000. Wesley R...... - - - — I 0 kitchen, 2-baths, fireplace, VERNON — Nondevelopment. $10,900. Wolverton Ageaepa ee^ ’ rtant Andwer^ $16.79 an utilities, adults; also, three New $ room executive Oo- ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS claanad and serviced. AU work ZIPAlDNa SMOOTHd s c r e e d room, adults. 876-9131. Smith Agency, 643-1667. walk-out basement garage. 6 room ranch, fireplace, ga­ Realtor, 649-2618. gnafanteed.. Owma AnpUanoe lumibia. bia. Gleorge — H. Orlfflng, 3 COMPLETE You Can Afford lonlaL built by U A R, that Your choice of colors, \ acre rage, high scenic location, 300 S AJi. t0 i P JL offe rs 3% baths, spacious OFF PORTER ST. Service, 506 Center. IM^Oes. In c.. 743-7336 ROOMS OF FURNITURE TWO R(X}M, heated, furnished SOLID VALUE—Built before lot. Only $17,900. Lawrence foot wooded lot, priced to sell Coventry i AH of this mercbandlee is in apartment. Bedroom aet living room with central inflation, this 4 bedroom house F. Flino, Realtor, 648-2766, at $16,500. Owner-agent, 643- WASHINO MACHINBS re- LAWNMOWBRS - Arlene, our warehouse. It has never left Luxury Living! flromace, kitchen with la big, good looking, comfort- Charles Nicholson, 742-6i864. 4803. TWO OF EVERYTHING; COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Lawn Boy, Toro, Bolens^W t kitchen eet, refrigerator, gaa Seven room Oarrieon Co­ Mdred, RCA, Whirlpool and our store and is fully guaran­ range, free electricity, gaa, Bany American cablneta, abls A real family house UQflffljlT IfcW'WHDAl HiXA'lMi- • AJI. ken m ore. AU work guaran­ Air, and riding mower*. VraMl- lonial, 4 bedrooms, family BOLTON - Manchester line— 2 floors (6% rms.), 2-ear | teed. Some In original factory Elegant naw 5 room apartments ^ lU . Low rent Apply Apt and complete buUt-tns, with a nice private rear yard room, 1^ baths, kitchen MANCHESTERr—Are you look­ teed. Cau m A t a . M4-Sua. borsG Mid Bolens i^wnoel ing for a real bargain? Now, New 1% room raised ranch, 2' • garage, 2 out buildings. Set Tm. 8m. V. 1 P»* 0$^ crates and cartons with origtnal k) loveta aUburban neighbor- 4, 10 Depot Squiare. large formal dining room, and S-car garage. Added fea­ built-ins, mahogany trim, Cax» Iv44 by UaDod RaaHvt' tractors. Parts and servlco. )K)od within walking distance ot we mean a real bargain. Sure, car garage, built-in kitchen, on Just over 2 acres of p l e a s e r e a d TOUR AD factory serial numbers. also a family room or den, tures include a handsome fire­ aluminum windows — 'a shade and garden space. Capitol Equipment C om ity, Beautiful Westlngtaouse Rise. high sebod, bus, moppliw and 2-car garage, and many place and a newly remodeled everyone likes to think they’ve 2^ baths fireplace, finished C M M m «Wwt A*r an Mas 0 m «M i>—» x m Household Services 88 Main St., Manchester. j^utee from Parkway. Equip­ beautifully appointed home rec room, 2-sone heat, sun- 2 good 2 be true at $16,- Refrigerator BustncM Looitlom more featum that make kitchen. Upper East Side near priced for Immediate sale. gotten a good buy, actually, m w Z m m aliwlhfa XoaM i«a4 Ua ■« tte FIB8T Open dally 7-5. Thursday 7-9. though, reaUy good values deck, one acre lot, other ex­ 500. 2 find out more, call O ffered 13-^A Beautiful Bedroom Suite ped with OB retrigerator, For Rtnt 64 this truly a fine home. Lo- Autumn Street. A solid value Dick Beach 649-6306, 876- D A T R AFPBAB8 Mi HWOW OUfm «■ *« Saturday 7-4. Beautiful Living Room Suite ^t-ln . OB oven, range oated in tM Porter Street at $18,500. Warren E. How­ come down the pike pretty in­ tras. (Tnly $23,900. Your home H m flarall h rMpo*akto (ar Mly ONB laeer> POOL TABLE repair, renew in trade. Lawrence F. Flano, 6611. THENIVOHOCiG EXCELLENT, efficient and Beautiful Dinette Set arbage disposer. Rent Includes BVRI LBASB—ExoeUsnt loe* area. For appointment to land, MLS Realtor, 643-1108. WESLEY R. SMITH frequently. We’ve got one! nl taartloa lar My a iiMllM iM t M i thea aaly doth and bUUard table ac­ eat and bot water, free park­ see can Robert D. Mur­ We’ve got a house for sale now Realtor, 643-2766, Charles •t • "■ate gaa#* kMertiM. B m n wkM ia aot PASTTHE TURNOFF economical, that’s Blue Lais- Beautiful “De Luxe” Range In­ f tiao tor doctor’s oCflcs or AGENCY cessories. 643-2367. stead of Westinghouse Elec. ing, outdoor picnic and recrea­ beauty parlor. 410 Main Street dock. $18,900 - A T T R A C nV E 8 bed­ that’s Just,that. A real bar­ Nicholson, 742-6364. THPI FDCRAStOM- tre carpet and upholstery room ranch, fireplace, alumin­ 643-1567 Barrows £ Wallace cleaner. Rent electric sham- Refrigerator If you prefer tion area. Completely renovated end am­ gain. And you don’t have to KBWBAVINQ of BURNS, motb um storms, enclosed carport, be loaded to buy it. either. CHICKEN COOP (30x100) pro­ holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ CHAMDMD TRAFFIC pooer $1. The Sherwin-Wil­ Rugs, Lamps, Tables, linoleum ple parking. J. D. R ealty, 649- vides excellent retirement in­ Manchester Parkade, and a Few Other Articles 6139. U ft R REALTY CO., INC. basement, lim e lot, nice view, $27,600. So, what’s a bargain Mancheater 649-6306 dow shades made to measure, UGHT- RACNING liam s Co. Only $125! Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, come plus a nice 6 room cape BVERYTHINO NEEDED—East Bide. 8 bed­ about th a t? Ahhhh . - . . but with 2 car garage. On Rte. aU stBSs Venetian blinds Keys EVERVTNING UP MODERN, (TBNTRAU Alr- 648-26d2 643-9551 64*6183. it’s worth $32,000 and more, DIAL M3-2711 made whUe you wait. Tape re- GERT'S a gay girl—ready for THE UNPAID room house under |20,000 as 44A, Just over TOlton line. ■VERNON— Owner transferred. PORMILES ! a whirl after cleaning car­ BALANCE PRICE (Tonditioned Offices for rent soon as possible. Carlton W. but don’t take our word for it. eordera (or rent. Marlow's. 967 Off Street parking. Inquire at SEVEN Rfxni older home, 4 Owner anxious. T. J. Crockett, Cozy 8 bedroom Ranch, fire­ pets with Blue Uistre. Rent ONLY $418.26 Samuel M. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-5132. If you’re looking for a new Realtor, 643-1577. M ain., 640-5221. 164 East (Tenter St or phene MANCHESTER—6H room over­ bedrooms, 8 bafiis, iot 72xl6L home and this is your price place and butlt-ins, fully tiled electric shampooer, $1. Paul’s Phone for appointment Marten B. Robertaon, Realtor Member Multiple Listing. bathroom, aluminum storms Paint A Wallpaper Supply. SAMUEL ALBEIRT Lavitt; Agency 649-6261. used brlok Cape, finished range, then give us a call. COVENTRY — Cute 4 room j.A.swEef/e^ basement, patio, garage. Well 4484W6S. MANCHESTER—^Top location. We’ll show you through. If you and screens, large lot, quiet Tim M* RMhta( Oir UvtrliiMl BnilcUnK— C ontractinc 14 t i l ccm en AVd Hartford 247-0358 MAIN STREET store, excellent ranch, double wooded lot, ga­ country setting very close to couiHGmoP,ii.>r. DARK, RICH stone-free loam! See lit Day or Night •1S-215S R ealtors 875-6297 landacaped. Minimum main­ THREE FAMILY—Near Cen­ 4 bedroom ranch, 2 baths, rec don’t agree that this is real rage, large living room with SHORTEN Also, fill, sand, gravel, and location, 18x76, heated. Ap­ tenance. For appointment call room with fireplace, priced to bargain stuff, then for good­ new elementary school. Call ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, If you have no means of Vemcn Cbcle, Fkwy Exit 96 ply to The Connecticut B a^ ter, 4 room units, particulars fireplace, only $8,500. Hayes 875-4519 for appointment. cement floore, garages, bath- stone. 643-9504. , transportation, TU send my Open 7 Days A Week 649-1088. P rincipals only. available. Wesley R Smith; sell at 132,900. Hayes Agency, ness sakes do tell your friends. Agency, 643-4803. aUbir iMNriat StniM A Tmst Co., 249-1611, Mr. 643-4803. They may disagree with you. rooms tiled, remodeung. Roof- auto for you. No obligation Bentley, or 649-8978. BIORT R(X>M raised ranch, Agency, 643-1567. COVENTRY NORTH ' 'Lease- OaU 649-4201. Musical—^Dramatic 30 Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 even if you don’t buy. So, come f o u r ROOM flat, second floor, 1860 sq. ft. of luxurious ranch, ROUTE 6 BOLTON — Two purchase option. Large 6 room cent^ location, heat, hot two years old, large living MANCHESTERr-Luxurtous 6 FiM k HtnM RMitn along. IDEAL OFFICE location for $16,600—RANCH With 6 large plus rec room, 2-car garage, acres of wooded land, in a Cape Cod, gar^e, 2 fuU QUALITY CARPENTRY- GUITAR and accordion in­ STUDIO OIRL International WAREHOUSE man, exper­ LOAM water, one year lease. Call room with flr^lace, modem mdms, 100x250 well shrubbed bedroom ranch, 2 full baths, aluminum siding, 2 baths, AA business zone, plus a 6 room any business, 458 Main Street nudntenance frM redwood ex­ baths, fireplace, full basement, Rooms, dormers, porches, structions for beginners. Call needs four women to become ienced with fork lift opera­ A-L-IB—E—R—T—S 649-5048 after 6 p.m. Utchan with M^-fais, family lot, fun cellar, fireplace, S zone . . . W olverton A gen cy, stone house with a three car It Ma 43-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD 649-5229, 9-5. room, 4 or 6 bedrooms. 3-aone terior, family room with fire­ full shed dormer, aluminum basements reflniahed, cab­ 649-0760. distributors. Be your own boss, tion. 6-day week,' Insurance, Top grade loam for sale bedrooms, large kitchen, spot­ Realtor. 649-2813. garage, all for $14,000. Locat­ ■ r t e it OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 (niEST LUXURIOUS duplex hot w ater heat, garage. 884,900. place, scenic acre lot, A Must combinations, artesian well, inets, buUt-ins, formica, tUe. no area restrictions. Call 643- and vacation. Radio A Ap­ at low, low prices. $1 a less condition. Wolverton ed above Munson’s Candy apartments, 4H rooms, IH PhUbrtek A gency, 640-8464. See for the quality conscious. ATTENTION! How would you 100x200 corner lot, $18,100 for No Job too wndl. William 1857. pliance Distributors, Inc., 95 yard if buyer loads and MAHOGANY dropleaf exten­ Houses For Rent 65 Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. Shop. House needs a com­ immediate sale and occupancy; B>WARDS Rbbbiiu carpentry service. Legget Street, EkMt Hartford, baths, heat, hot water, dis­ Hayes Agency, 643-4803. like to rent or rent with op­ plete redecorating, but has Schools and Gasses 33 hauls. $1.60 a yard If we sion table, pads. 4 matching posal, refrigerator, range, cai> SPLIT LEVEL—7 rooms, IH Minimum down FHA naanc- 640-3446. Mr. Glickler. load and buyer hauls. $1.50 SEVEN ROOM Split Level In M andieeter tion to buy? We have three new well, septic, etc. T. J. ANSWERING SERVICE chairs. Also bedro, ASSORTMENT of dishes, knlck- Manchester Parkade, room ranch, 20 foot Uving ins, rec room, assumable mort­ wooded lot in desirable area, four acres. Three car garage, recently repainted. Very go^ NATION’S LARGEST BUSI­ MANCHESTER MODES, good pay, and fringe bene­ 0319. Manchester 649-5806 near new elementary" school. BLHKrrROLDX «!#& and m c t- knacks, small tables, rocker, GIRL’S winter coats, sweaters, (THESTNUT STREET — 2 room, 1% baths, beautifully gage. Hanley Agency, 643- outbuildings. Ideal for horsea, condiUon. $325. 649-2210 af­ NESS SCHOOL fits for qualified man. Ekho Three Mile Road, first left be­ WE LIKE ice, banded repreaentattve. Al­ Rooftaig— 16 INC. Machine Co., Inc., Manchester, canning Jars, miscellaneous dresses, skirts, Jumpers, sizes rooms, first fioor, quiet heat COMPLETELY furnished 4 finished family room, large 0030. etc. Vacant. Owner very anx­ ter 6, or anyUme weekends. TRAIN NOW—PAY LATER and hot water, adults, $86. wooded lot. Hayes Agency, yond Apple Hill. Owner 643- ious. T. J. Crockett, Itoaltor, fred Amen, UO Bryan Or., LOW TUITION—E-Z Conn. Tel. 643-7627. Itenjs. 18 Delmont^ Street. 8-14, excellent condition. 649- room house, automatic heat, BEAUTtFDL mmaleit haatad OUR WORK! Pine St. Manchester 643-7379. 643-4808. MANCHESTER — Beautiful 0481. 643-1677. Kancbeeter, IM-Sltt. 1958 DODGE 2-door Hardtop taON C»NSTRUCrnON-Roo(- TERMS 2348. adults only. 649-1704. (amfiy room off kltthaii, $ bed­ 6H room ranch, fireplace, ga­ ing, aiding, alteratlone, ceU- MAN TO WORK in heat treat­ 300 CEDAR clothes line poles, room ranch, alirniimim atorma, COIN, STAMP collectors buy Custom Royal, power steering, FREE PLACEMENT ASSIST­ NEW. SECOND floor, 4% room ONE BLOCK from Main, two rage, large lot, full price $16,- NICE LEVEL lot on Manches­ Ings, gutters and aluminum ing department, first shift, many sizes, installed. Also saw cella r, 168x345 lot, only MB,- ter-South Windsor town line. He^ keep na buey, wont at discount prices at the Die- power brakes, 1959 engine Just AN CE ' rig and hydraulic truck jack. Wanted—^To Buy 58 apuiment, built-in cabinets, family, 4-4 duplex, permanent 500. Manchester—exceptional you? If you are seUaE inataUed, exceUent condition. I^ O W B . 643-4352, 64S-0SK. 7 a.m.-3:30. Apply in person. Wanted To Rent 68 600. Oarlton W. BUtddna. € Beautifully treed. Bus goes ooimt Center (with Manches­ NEW (3LASSES NOW FORM­ HOUSEWIVES and mothers— 649-1353. hardwood floors, parking, aiding, ’ two recent heating ranch, 2H baths, 8-zone heat, your home or buying a Can be seen anytime 188 Na ING Liberal benefits. Klock Co., 6181 tremendous heated rec room right by. Priced to sell now BOLTON-COVENTRY ter Rublier Stamps), 5 South A. A . DION, INC. R oofing become a Klmberlee Jewel 1272 Tolland Tpke. WANTED TO BUY—AatlqiMs quiet, residential location, 105 RENTALS WANTED — Have aystam s, garages, clean. hom e Maim Street. Hancdiestec. Elm Street $395. ntry. AI- Can (Anytime)-Write-VisH SMALL apartment size refrig­ and good used furniture. Bridge Street, off Hartford customers waiting for homea, FIVE BEimOOMS, 2 baths, Hayes Agency, 648-4808. plus laundry room, optional to settle estate. Belflore Agen­ aiding, painting. Carpentry, stylist. Ekun $76 weekly part- cy, 648-5121. LINE N teranons and addittans. O U - Out of Town time. No caah investment. No MAN OVER 21, reliable, for erators, newly painted, good lage Peddler Auetkn House, Road. Call after 5, 649-8962. apartments and storage space guest house, 3 car garage— glassed porch or garage. In­ CALL U i COTTON RDOS, bedspreads CADI^JJtC. 1957, 4-door Hard- for recreation rooms, guar- COMB SEE Pilgrim HUls law setup, large lot, many^ top, fuU power, very good con­ ings. . Workmandiip guaran­ CaU CoUect deliveries. No collections; For work In pharmacy. Must be Rrate 8$, Emingtoo. 875-87U, at reasonable rates. Call 649 all on Holl Street, fine central experUy dyed, 70 decorator teed. W9 Autumn St. S4S-4860. 525-9317 home interview phone 568 good driver, also for store teed, $24.95. Apartment size Bob FhicUger, and Son. FOUR ROOMS, second floor, 8666 or 648-0319. location . L ow 30*s th ey are Fine new homes! Less than extras, full price $21,00i0. Over Five room ranch, 8 large colors. Lucky lAdy Laundry, dition, brat offer. 649-0161. heat and stove. Call between rent! VA — no money down! 100 more listings, all price CLEAR, lever 300’x200’, nice 0617 between 3-5 p.m. work, part-time morning and stoves, good for Industrial asking. T. J. Crockett, Real- location. Owner 649-0389. bedrooms, oversize kitchen JARVIS REALTY 0 0. 43 Purnell Place. BID WELL HOME Improvement work, orig^inally $260, sacrifice CASH IMMEDIATELY — We 6-7, 643-0082. WANTED—Heated 8 or 4 room tor7 648-1577. (Tthers minimum down' ranges. Call the Blllsworth with dining area, fireplace, AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1959, afternoon basis. Call 649-4244 You ought to see these out­ RBALTOR»-MLa 4-speed, electric overdrive, Company—-Roofing, siding, al- Market Training WOMAN over 21 for full-time after 9 p.m. $35. Large assortment of used buy anything from z pin to iqiartment for one adult. Call Mitten Agency, Realtors, 648- 7.7 ACniES, will finance, pro­ excellent closet space, 2- P e m o n a a terafiens, additions and re­ sales position in fine retail restaurant, store and tavern battleship. Used furniture and FOR RENT — 4-room heated 649-1830 between 4-7. MANfTHBS’TER — St. James standing Ranches, (Tapes, 6930. michelin X tires, spoke wheels, apartment, call 643-5118 be­ ductive land, excellent for car basement garage, M anebeeter 6 4 S -im modeling of all types. Ehccel- shoe store. Call 649-8796. TRUCK mechanic for full or equipment. Fontaine’s Used appliances. Ask for Mr. Reed, Parish. 6% room ranch with Raised Ranches, Split Levels aluminum storm s and Lucas racing lights, scat belts, Institute , tween 8:30 a.m, - 4:30 p.m. NEED about 3,000 sq. ft. stor­ — featuring bullt-ln decora­ IMMACULATE Garrison Co­ horses or large garden. Own­ STATE LICENSED rest home wing windows, radio, luggage lent w tA m ansh lp. 649-6496. part-time work, wages com­ Restaurant Equipment, 473 649-8254, 249-4794. garage, 1% baths, 24 foot liv­ er 649-0389. screens, beautiful land­ Varnon 649-UOO centrally located, reasonable CATAIXXi FREE. I'll send you age space, ground floor, must ing room with fireplace, oil tor colored General Electric lonial. brick and frame con- rack. Must be sold, owner go­ 760 Main St.—Suite 804 pensate^ to ability. Apply In Windsor St., Hartford, 527- LARGE one room apartment, scaped grounds fenced in, tre-06SB rates, friendly atmosphere. 396-page Popular Club cata' WE BUY, SEXX. or trade an­ be reasonable. Call Gremmo It hot water heat, plaster walls, kitchens and acre tree shaded atructlon. 1% baths, 8 bed­ 100x200 WOODED lot, (Jrystal ing overseas. 649-4610. Hartford, Connecticut person (jarlson’s Eb^ress, Inc., 6771. tique and used furniture, china, kitchenette, private bath, heat lot 106x472. Quiet street TeL 876-lOU. RoofSns and Gilmneys 16-A log. Let your friends shop 95 Hilliard Street, Manchester. Sons Sales, 649-9953. aluminum storms and screens. lots with magnificent view in rooms. Custom built with Lake Road, Tolland, $1,200. and in excellent neighbor­ from it. Then you pick $26 glass, silver, picture frames and hot water. Apply Mar­ Custom built 1961. $16,900. beautiful park-like country beautiful high shrubbery and LagalNetle* CHEVROLET Impala, 1962, 4- low's, Inc., 867 Main. WANTED—Storage space for 649-3002. hood. Price $15,900. GIRL COMPANIONS to share door sedan, power steering, R(X>FlNO — Specializing i and more in free items. Alice STAUFFER Relaxlcizor couch, and old coins, old dolls and Wolverton Agency, Realtor, setting. The price range trees, giving estate-llke at­ -srrssoBfisr. expenses and help drive to pairing roofs of all kinds, new W A N T E D ' Williams, Popular Club Plan, $100. 649-6091. guns, hobby collections, attic automobile from now through 649-2813. from $13,990 to $17,990, the mosphere. Oversized garage. DOUBLE building lot for sale, at Msnenester, vdthiBinaadldc gw power brakes, whitewalls, ex­ MANCHESTER—4 room du­ June. Call 649-8132. Oistrlot ot Maacheater.wr, oa tiw im San Francisco, California. Call ceUent buy, $1,650. 643-0191. roofs, gutter work, chimneys Department K850, Lynbrook, Salesmen Wanted 36-.A contents or whole estates. Flir- values are amazing, and the Original owners have lavished 200x400, School Road, Bolton. cleaned, repaired. Aluminum WOMEN—GIRLS ELECTRIC hot water heater, nlture Repair Service Taloott- plex, new gaa furnace and MANCHESTER R F .A L T Y day nance oempany pUm. Douglas LARGE sturdy well Insulated and chest of drawers in good rent. Call 643-5838. ducing industrial building; al­ cupancy. 1-car garage, near bus and baseboard oil heat, aluminum mmsd at the M otors, 333 Main. 3415. 1815. QUIRED like'to shop for Cosmetics, Ideally located near stores, shoppi^, 816,500. Phllbrick Chester in said Oistrlot, oa its' Hth DAY A EVE. CLASSES SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. dog house. Ebccellent condition, condition—reasonable. Call af­ so, centrally located site suit­ stonna, Walter A. Kelly, Real. BOLTON — Excellent nonde- ol October. A.D. U64. at tea Toiletries and our NE3W $25. 649-2340. T. J. CROCKETT bus line, and school. Priced Agency, 649-8484. velopment 6 room Ranch on In ^ torsnoon, aad tkak 1958 FORD Country Squire, NA-nON’S LARGEST BUSI­ Gift '• products in their ter 1, 649-1425. able for industry or retail Estate Broker, tel. 643-8120. ------— Trndn—^Tractors Muvlng-^Tnicidiig^ Manchester Parkade THREE ROOM apartment, 118 store. Bel Air Real Estate, R ealtor . for quick sale. May be seen South Rd., fireplace, tiled be ^ sa to all psrsees in- excdlent cqn^tlon, radio, NESS SCHOOL homes. This is the ideal Main St., $100. 649-6229, 9-5. after 4 p.m. and weekends FOR SALE — Ideal setup in SO. WINDSOR—6 room Ranch,; bath, 2-car basement garage, 1 in said sstste ot ttw psn- Storage 20 TRAIN NOW—PAY LATER 643-9332. commercial zone for man who icy ot said appUcatioD and toa heater, automatic, power FOR SALE — 1959 half part-time earning oppor­ Needs Diamonda—Watches— Rooms Witnoat Board 63 64?-1577 Call 643-2251. nondevelopment, garage, large: nicely landscaped % acre, Im­ le aad pUce ol hsarlng thsra- steering, $625. After 4:30, 644- pickup Cbevrolet with utility MANCHESTER Delivery. Light LOW TUITION—E-Z TERMS tunity for women who need ST. JAMES PARISH — 6% wants a home and business mediate occupancy, $18,000. by pitollahliic a eoar ot tUm J e w e lr y 4 8 LARGE parcel to settle estate 459 KEENEY STREET. 6 room lot. Hanley Agency, 643-0080. | 0179. body. $850. CaU a fte r 6, 875- trucking and package delivery. FREE PLACEMENT ASSIST­ extra money. Call 289-4922. FURNISHED room, light large rooms, second floor, ga­ now. I^iced at professional location combined. 5 room Owner, 643-8598. lor In aoma nswmapar having a 6168. ANCE APPLIANCE SALESMEN rage, oil furnace, 65 (Tlinton Colonial, sunporch, large yard, ranch and large building in eulatloa in aald d K io t, at toaa{ Refrigerators, wafers and WATCH AND JEWELRY re housekeeping. private en­ appraisal figure. Suitable for MAN(THESTER 5^ room Cape COVENTRY—Beautiful 7 room^ ____ 'sn days bafom ths FORD, 1969, Galaxie 4-door NEW CLASSES NOW FORM­ Street. 643-6637. 2-car garage, ameslte drive, rear on busy road. Excellent home, 30’ pine paneled living LAKEFRONT — $9,600, 1952 CHEVROLET ton panel, stove moving spicialty. F old ^ PART-TIME GIRL clerical pairing. Prompt service. Up to trance. Lady only. One min­ 18 apartments or other uses. with aluminum siding, 100x200 Hardtop, 8 cylinder, radio and ING Fine opportunity for men ute from Main St. Tel. 649- across from Fox Grove Coim' setup rtr sub-contractor, build­ room, fleldstone fireplace, 'round ' 4 room hom e, fire p la ce ,' cauae i t good rubber, $185 or best of­ chairs fo r rent. 649-0752. ' work, must have basic ac­ $20 on your old wa’^cb in trade. Belflore Agency, 643-5121. lot, garage, 3 bedrooms, built- heater, automatic transmis- CALL (ANYTIME)—W RITE- with experience. Full com- Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, 7959 after. 6. FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ in kitchen, large dining area. try Club, $15,600. Call ovmer er or woodworkUig shop. Ton- beamed ceiling, large double central oil heat, cellar, storm, misdon, white and yeUow, fer. 295 Broad St., 643-5170. counting knowledge. Refer­ ond floor, excellent location, Painting— Papering 21 VISIT psmy benefits. Paid vaca­ 737 Main Street, State Theater Immaculate condltloii. Im­ 643-4719. gren Agency, 643-6321. lot. This home must be sold. windows, privacy. Carlton W. j *wtTj.nw«p judge. whitewalls, seven tires, excel­ ences required. Box R, Herald. tions. Holidays. Profit ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman stove Included, partially re­ Land For Sale 71 $18,700. Call owner, 742-8282. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-5182. «e: HltebeU ctaidasr, MMj. OUT OF TOWN Building. mediate occupancy. Wolverton $12,500-^JUST starting or re MANCHESTER — Investment lent condition, private owner, Auto Accessories—Tires 6 PAINTING. EXTERIOR and in­ sharing. only, free parking, references decorated, $85 monthly. Call Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. $795. CaU 649-8692 after 6 CALL COLLECT required. Call after 6 p.m. 643-9409, after 5:30. VERMONT — Lunenburg. Ten tiring, this 4 room ranch will property for bargain hunters, TWO 7.00x14 white sidewalls terior, paperhanging. wall­ 525-9317 fit the bill. Two large bed­ 3 family, 4-5-6, fully occupied, p.m . paper removed, dry wall work. H«ip Wanted— Male 36 Fuel and I ’eed 49-A 643-2693. acres, back road, brook, $350. RANCH, 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, snow tires, mounted on wheels See Store Manager. THREE ROOM heated apart­ Amelia Walker, Miles Pond, kitchen, Uving room, wooded rooms, large living area and good income, good location, 1953 BUICK 2-door sedan, best Reasonable rates. Bank financ­ ment, second floor, gas stove kitchen. 270 foot deep lot, 1- for Fairlane, Meteor, Comet, DRIVERS for school buses, ex­ THE THOMPSON House, Cot­ N. Concord, Vermont. lot, handy to bus, shopping, $14,900. Wolverton Agency, offer. Call 649-1934 after 6 $30. P0979. ing arranged. FUlly Insured. M.T.I. SCH(X)LS DRY HARDWOOD fo r sale. tage Street, centrhlly located, Included, adults only. Avail­ car oversized garage with Realtor, 649-2813. Free estim ates. 649-9658, Jo­ cellent part-time work, for etc. EbcceUent condition. $12,- p.m . SEARS — MANCHESTER Call 742-8059. large pleasantly furnished able November 1st. Inquire PRETTY sloping 10 acres—600 patio. Warren E. Howland, seph P. Lewis. 750 Main St.—Suite-804 third shift men, 7:30-9:00 a.m., 900. Phllbrick A gency, 649- Aato Driving School 7-A Hartford, Connecticut room s, parking. (Tall 649-2358 125 Spruce St. foot frontage on East Street, MLS Realtor, 643-1108. MANCHESTER — Let’s talk 2:16-3:46 p.m. Phone 643-2414. PARK AD E CUT TO ORDER — Seasoned 8464. about boys and girls..' They EXTERIOR and interior paint­ for overnight and permanent Hebron, has artesian well. 643- SmSwMYDUR FORDDEUERS 1959 VOLKSWAGEN 2-door LEARN TO DRIVE — Special fireplace wood, $10 per-load guest rates. 4374. MANCHESTBUt^lder 6 room RAN<3H, 5% rooms, nestled in need Inner Space-bedrooms, sedan, radio. Phone 649-1914. ing. Wallpaper books. Paper- OIL TRUCK driver, full-time, 350 W. Middle Tpke. the trees In a beautiful wood­ attention to nervous and eld­ Help Wanted— l emale 35 references, apply in person to delivered. 742-7647. SIX ROOMS and garage. 649- (Tolonial. 1% baths. m odem bathrooms, a place to enter­ . hangring. C eilings. F loors. E iilly CLEAN, comfortably furnished, 4955. ed neighborhood, Just off tain. Can we Interest you in erly. Classroom for teen-agers. insured. Workmanship guar­ Mr. Hill, Vemon Oil Co., kitchen, encloeed porch, excel­ 1959 LARK, 6 cylinder, private EXPERIENCED Cashiers heat' and lights, parking lot, House* For Ssle 72 Route 15. House has 3 bed­ a four bedroom, two bath owner, heater, radio, beautiful Pickup service. Day or eve­ anteed. L eo P elletier, 649-6326. Routo 83, Vemon. Garden— Farm—Dairy FOR RENT — 4 room apart­ lent neighborhood, only $14, ning lessons. Reasonable rates. wanted. Pilg^rim Mills, Hart­ nice neighborhood, convenient 900. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. rooms. 1% baths, large rec­ home! Formal dining roojh, condition, first $300 takes it. If no answer, 843-9043. Products 50 to everything. 649-1352 p.m. ment, heat, garage, $95 CONCORD RD - BaautUUl reation room, patio, large lot, large kitchen. Drive in base­ x^HSEDCARClEARANK! Manchester Driving Academy, ford Road, open daily 10 a.m.- FULL-TIME male help wanted, 643-6930. rrionthly. Call 649-0119 after 2- ranch, large Uving room, form­ I Our new car clearance on the be$t-selllng Fords avtr has brought bi ao 742-7249. 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-6 nights, 5-12, no experience nec­ H o l l i s t e r ” STREET — Has 817,900. Phllbrick Agency, ment. 1800 square feet of INTERIOR and exterior paint­ Help Wanted— APPLES—Macs and Cortlands, FURNISHED light housekeep- al diniiig room, cMlnet Idtcban, ing, walinper removed, fully p.m. essary. Must be 18 years or everything! Splendid Colonial, 649-8464. living space. Oh, yes, a big I many trades we're holding a money-saving used car clearance! Check Male or Female 37 No. 1 and No. 2. Bunce Farm , ing room, third floor,' TWO ROOM heated apart­ 2 bedrooms, recreathn room, cabineted. heated laundry Garage—Service— insured. Rene Belanger. 843- over. Inquire Burger Chef, 235 ment with kitchen privileges, 6 rooms, 1^ baths, built-in 1 the big choice of bargains at your Ford Dealer's now— while it la9ttH|| WOMAN, experienced, for cos­ 529 W. Center St. only. 643-6388. landscaped yard. Markm B. range and oven, carpeting, MANCHESTER—Spacious tree room. FTlce $19,800. Call WHEE! WATER’S Storage 10 0512 or 644-0604. Main St., Manchester, 10 a.m. APPLICATIONS are- now be­ first floor, reasonable. Call Robertson. Realtor. 441 6968. shaded 6 room Colonial in one metics and drug sales, psirt- to 11 a.m. pine paneling, garage, sewers, Gloria Wheeler 644-1387, time. References required, re­ ing accepted for part or full­ PICK YOUR OWN cabbage, ROOM FOR RENT for genUe- 649-9686. of Manchester’s finest areas. Glenn Roberts Agency, 644- 84 DEEPWOOD DRIVE—Off INSIDE and outside painting. 10c per head; Michael Kurys, man only, kitchen and lounge THREE FAMILY—Owner says schools, extras. Priced low You name your own.price. liable. Excellent working con­ time night positions at Friend­ twenties. Robert Anderson, Includes breezeway and 2-car 1521. ______H0T-H0T..AND Deerfield DriVe, 20x20 suitable ly Ice Cream Shop, 465 Main Box 163, French Road, ]^1- room Included, free parking. ROCKVILLE — 5 room apart­ to sell. Vacant 6 room unit garage, 3 very large bedrooms, 649-7863, 876-8401. ditions. Box E, Hersdd. ment available November 1st, Realtor. 628-0139, 628-1776. ts eAUXIE 4-DOOR SEDUl for storage or garage. 649- MAN—OVER 18 Street, Manchester. Applicant ton, off Route 85. ■ Inquire 101 Chestnut Street. plus two tltfee roomers on 1% baths, formal dining room, WEST SIDHJ—$17,900. 136x146 8-Cylind«r, Automatic, Radio, Heater. Tacy Cfieaa. 8946. PAINTING and paperhanging, must be neat in appearance conveniently located, $85 per 1st floor. Approx. $3,600. In­ family size kitchen, 24’ living lot, trees. 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, ' )THERE’S A LOT! good work, reasonable rates, . . . to learn and possess a pleasant per­ month. Call 649-3078. come annually. Central heat. room with fireplace. Owner built 1958. Spotless condition. OARAGE FOR CAR, boat or ATTENTION—LIVE Fertilizers 50-A Apartments— Flats— Good condition. T. J. (Trockett, 30 years In Manchester, your retail meat business. sonality. Call 649-7738 for ap­ SIX ROOM duplex, newly dec­ moving out of town want.s fast Don’t wait. Carltpn Hutchins, storage, 148 Cooper Hill St.. 643-1677.. neighbor is my recommenda­ WIRE PERSONS pointm ent. GOOD COW manure, $5 and Tenements 63 orated, garage, adults only. sale. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Realtor, 649-5132. ’$3 OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY HARDTOF Now! For only a Manchester, $7. Call Glaston­ tion. Raymond Flske, 849- MEN AND WOMEN Ai^ly. in person tor, 649-2813. Fully Equipped. Like Newt- bury, 633-9057. $10. loads, delivered. Ebccellent FIVE ROOM apartment in Ver­ Call «49-8759. MANCHESTER — New 8 room $13,800—6 room Cape centrally 9237. ' WHO CAN TALK AND for fall use. 643-7804, 649- Garrison Colonial. 12x94 Uving SUNKEN FAMILY room with MEATOWN non, available October 1. SIX ROOM duplex,* completely located, aluminum siding, day for fu ri.. .hot water 8731. Adults only. Tel. 649-1457. room, family room, built-in flreplacer 6% room ranch, 1% Business Servloes SELL! REAL ESTATE SALES redecorated, available Novem­ htorms, wooded lot. Has been Electrical ^rvlces 22 1215^ Silver Lane kitchen, master bedroom with baths, built-ins, garage, cov­ appraised by FHA for $13,800. for aH—all the t im e ! O ffered 13 EARN $600 OR MORE THREE ROOM heated apart­ ber 1. Call 649-0480. m RAUXIE SM XL CONVERTIBLE East Hartford dressing room, low twenties. ered patio, captivating view. Only $450 down. $109.29 8 A utom atic. Pow er Steering and B rakes, B ucket Seafea a a Household Goods 51 ment, 456 Main Street. Call Hayes A gency, 648-4808. TO BE SOLD LAWNMOWER maipanliig; re­ FREJE ESTIMATES. Prom pt Increased activity requires Carlton W. Hutchins. 649- monthly. Pasek Realty, 289- Low Mileage. Still Under Factory Warranty. service on all types of elec­ Between Thanksgiving and addltioned sales help in our BIRCH dropleaf table, 4 chairs, 649-5229, 9-5. 6132. 7475, 643-7208, 742-8243. U you Uve In a typical pairs, sales, rotor blades VACANT 6 room Ranch, 1% 67 Falknor Drive diarpeiied; bicycle sales, serv­ trical wiring. Licensed and in­ Xmas demonstrating fast sell­ East Hartford office. Vast table stripped, $20. Call after bouse, you could easUy run sured. Wilson Electrical Co., experienced mechanic LOOKIj^G for anything In real DONT PASS UP baths, fireplace, full basement, $12,800—RANCH on bus line, MANCHESTER — 6-6 duplex, ice. Manchester (Jycle Shop, ing Toy item in leading Man­ wanted. Apply in person Don selling area east of the 6 p.m., 649-1209. estate rentals — apartments, out of hot water several M anchester, 849-4817, 648-1388. chester stores. Estab. Co. Write garage, 6 years old, $17,900. best of condition inside and good central location, redec­ 149 W. M iddle Turnpike. 649 Willis Garage, 18 Main St. river includes Manchester, homes, multiple dwellings, call Phllbrick Agency, 849-8464. A 4 bedrogm Cape (tod ’$$ FORD FALCON STATION WAOOII times a week. experience to EiMBRBE, Box Vernon and So. Windsor. AQUA SOFA, melon chair, THIS OPPORTUNITY outside. Wesley R. Smith orated, excellent condition, 2098. J. D. R ealty, 643-6129. home offe'sing inexpensive Agency, 643-1567. Now you can have all the 678, Elizabeth, New Jersey. BUS DRIVERS for school Full-time only. Ebcperience white foot stool, white pole MANCJHESTER — BxecuUve aluminum combinations. Ask­ Floor FIntshing 24 living for the large fam­ ing $21,900. Owner 649-0333i hot water you need at one TYPEWRITERS — Standard routes and charter trips. Must preferred but not essential. lamp, mahogany cedar chestj WE HAVE customers waiting neighborhood, lovely 7 room ily. Spacious cabinet kitch­ PK3TURESQUE Setting — 7 ’6S MERCURY COMET MIOOR time for only 9<4c* a day. and electric. Repaired, over­ FLOOR SANDING and refinish be experienced on truck or High income potential. For mahogany knick-knack shelf, for thb rental of your ape^- Now you can live in beau­ Colonial, mammoth living en, 1^ baths, . recreation room brick ranch, family Think of it—only O'/jc* a hauled, rented. Adding ma­ beige northern dyed muskrat MUST SELL at once—6 H room Radio, Heater. Very Clean! ing (specializing in older WOMAN to do housework half bus. Collins . Bus Service, 644- confidential interview call ment or home. J. D. Realty, tiful Colonial Manor apart­ room, modem kitchen with room, excellent lot nearly rdom, 1% baths, double ga­ ranch, fireplace, garage, patio, day! chines rented and repaired. floors) Waxing floors. Paint­ day weekly, own transporta­ 1131. Mr. Goguts, 289-0241. coat 643-2618 after 6. 643-5129. ments. 173 Spruce Street. built-ins, 2-car garage. Sacri­ 200 feet deep, 'riils home rage, wooded lot, Manchester. Yes, thanks to Mobilheat Pickup and delivery service. % half acre land, beat offer. 644- ing. (Tellings. Paperhan^ng. tion, Lakewood Circle, 643- EIVERYTHING in sterilised re­ fice at $19,900. Hayes Agency, 1s within easy walking dis­ Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, 8183 after 5. —and an oU-flred hot water Y ale Typew riter S ervice. 649- No Job too small. John Ver- 4955. BOLTON CENTER Apartments, 643-4803. tance, of Verplanck, As­ 649-5132. heater of correct capacity— 4986. LABORERS wanted, good pay. COLLI & W AGNER conditioned used furniture and C om er Brandy St. and BoUton ' One bedroom apartment ’62 THUNDERBIRD QONVERTIBLE faille. 649-5750. appliances, high quality- -low available November 1st, sumption Junior High, and Fully Equipped. A Nice One. your famUy can take care of APPUCATTONS are being tak­ 875-6038. (Tenter Rd., new 3 rooms, heat, MANCHESTER — New 7 room East (Jathollc High. Priced IMPRESSIVE 6 room home, M anchester LAWN MOWERS—Sharpened 666 Burnside Ave. E. Hartford prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 hot water, stove, refrigerator, 8110 a month. Includes aH their washing needs at en for full-time department raised ranch, 2-car garage, for quick sale with im­ 3 large bedrooms, high as­ EXECUTIVE RANCH one time. and repaired, winter storage. Bonds—Stocks— managers for yard goods and PLUMBERS and plumber’s South Street, R ockville. 875- $125. 649-3266, 64S-4S12. heat, hot water, range, bullt-lns. IH baths, % acre »ot. sumable mortgage. Only $14,- 2174. Open 9-8. mediate occupancy. Mom can do the famUy Sales and service — Ariens, Mortgages 27 girls’ departments. Apply in helpers for new construction, refrigerator, disposal. tmmendous value. Hayee Agen­ 900. Wesley R. Smith Agen­ will be yours at below re­ ’62 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE HARDTOF wash. Sis can do the dishes Snowbirds, also rental equip­ person, W. T. Grant, Man­ steady work. Call after 6 p.m., THREE ROOM apartment, cy . 648-4808. _____ cy. 643-1567. placement cost. 6 huge FRENCTH Provincial fniltwood heat, hot water, stove refrig­ Showroom (tondltion. Power Steering end Brakee, Power Wladows, at the same time Junior ment. L A M Equipment Corp., SEKTOND MORTGAGE - Un­ chester Shopping Parkade. 742-6290. Three bedroom apartment ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. rooms with a magnificent dining set with large break- erator, $90 . 247 No. Main, r a N(3I—Ansaldi bum In 196# Bucket ^ats and Console. takes his bath, and you m- Route 83, Vernon, 875-7609. limited funds available for sec- available November 1st, FRESHLY painted ranch, flre- view, large family rm., 2- Manchester Ebcchange—Elnter- PHARMACIST wanted either Situations Wanted— front and buffet, $250; Ken­ 649-6228, 9-5. Modern Youngstown kitchen Joy a shower. more 80” electric stove, $160; $160 a month. Includes 86$ Main atreet 649-5241 place, 4th bedroom or family zone heat, 2-car garage, Don’t delay—phone us to­ prise 1945. JE W E LR Y & HATS full, or part-time. Please give Female 38 with built-lns, 8 bedrooms, room, plastered walls, walk-up nice screened porch, many references. Write Box V, Her­ large mahogany bar, $50; king ROCKVILLE—4 room flat, see- heat, hot water, range, ceramic tUe bath. 2 fireplaces, day. Find out how easy it Is refrigerator, "disposal, pri­ attic, double closets, full base­ fruit trees. D. Beach 649- *62 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE STEPS. .SIDEWALKS, stone B Y M ARION ald. . size foam mattress and box ond floor, heat furnished. plastered walls, oil hot water ment, patio, tool shed, % acre to switch to a Mobllheat- walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter* IRONING done by the hour, spring, $100. 043-5682. Parking. 876-0577. vate patio. Individual cel­ 5306. I FuU Power — Very Clean! llnd water heater. A BETTER ARRANGEMEINT lar. heat with cast Iron radiation. wooded lot, $18,400. Gates races, hatchways, dry wells. of your finances will make Demonstrate our New Fall LUMBERYARD Tallyman— Call anytime, 648-0427. Im m ediate occupancy. 818.900. Agency, 643-0035. ^Average family of four. All concrete repairs. Reason­ more of your income available Hata and Jewelry. No In­ Permanent Job open for lum­ Phllbrick Agency, 649-6464. able. 643-0851. tor personal use. Lump debt beryard tallyman and fork lift DUPLEX—6-6 close to all fa- Barrows £ Wallace vestment — Highest Com­ IRONING done hi my home. ^ THUNDERBIRD HARDTOF Into one monthly payment of missions. Call or write driver, lumberyard experience Can 649-4486 or 649-6544. $0,900. RANCH—Ideal starter clllUes. Over 1,000 sq. ft. liv­ Manchester Parkade, SHARPEXING Service - Saws, Call 648-6858. FuU Power — Very Clean! WE GIVE $22.25 for each thousand dollars MARION KIBBB FASH­ desirable but not necessary. home, wooded setting, assum­ ing area each side. New heat­ Manchester 649-5806 knives, axes, shears, skates, Excellent opening for High WANTED able mortgage. Wesley R. ing, hot water units, copper GREEN STAMPS rotary blades. Quick service. Including repayment over five IONS, Avon, Coon. Area years. Frank Burke, 246-8897, code 208, telephone 678- School graduate without serv­ Smith Agency, 648-156T. FOUR BEDROOM Colonial, pluml'ing, and more. Recently Capitol Elquipment Co., 88 ice obliraUon. Nutmeg Hard­ F i v e R(X>M apartment, first ST. JAMES PARISH — Six Connecticut M ortgage Ebc- 3456, or evening! 678-9829. Do^p— ^Krds—^eta 41 TWO FAMILY—On OaUaDd panelled family room, kitchen paintetl in and out. Below 'Main St., Manchester. Hours wood Co. (Tall 289-9870, 8- COUNTER MAN floor, avsdlable November 1. twenty. Warren B. Howland, room Cape, 8 bedrooms, 1% dally 7-5. Thursday T-9 Satur­ change, 15 Lewis St., Hartford, St, a large 6 * 6 flat Big B th bufiMns, formal dlnliif (Tonn. 0:80; 643-0078 after 6 p.m. ' M IN IATU R E poodle pupe, . Ho peta.. Adults preferred. room, flreplaoe, attached g * MLS Realtor, 648-1108. baths, heated rec room, mod­ MORIARTY day 7-$ 643-7958. THE MANCTHESTBR Home- FOR AUTOMOTIVE PARTS STORE CaU 649-5907. yari (160x150) trees, house rage, $22,900^ Phllbrick Agen- ern ; kitchen, newly redec­ MLLON SALES & SEWIGE, In. black AKC, excellent qu idliy. has ahimlmim sldliig, gsraga maker'a Service, Inq. is seek­ APPUCATTONS are now be­ TeL 649-8400 Most handle phone, shipping, and receiving. All beneflta. cy, 649-8464.______MAN(3HBSTBR. GREEN-This orated Inside and cut. Im­ YOU ARB A-1! iTruck Is A-ll ing mature, competent wom- ing accepted *for permexient Sensibily priced at flSiWO. T. Cellars. attiOs. * trash, sm all Bonds—Stocks— , A P P L Y IN PERSON A T 6 bedroom raised ranch will mediate dccupipcy. Prime lo­ 319 MAIN STRICT BROTHERS Mortgages 27 ,en with skills in bomemaking night cleaning man at Friend­ DA^BHUND, black female, Furnished Apartments 63-A J. (Jrockett Realtor. 668-1577. TWO FAMILY-J-One year old, assure plenty of room for the cation. Call owner, 668-8602. trucking done A-1 right! Call and child care. Part-time work ly loe Cream Shop, 466 Main ,148-2928. Tremano Tnicking 5 months, champion blood­ PORTBSt BTRB0T Are* — # 4 and 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms, growing family, big kitchen SECOND MORTGAGES — No at g n od hourly rate phu the Street, Mancheater. No heavy line. 648-9482. Th r e e r o o m apartment, liir- with built-ins, 2 full baths, BK3HT ROOM Coloaial, no Service. ' SCHIEBEL BROS. Bishad, private bath and en­ room Cape, flreplaoe, 2-ear family room , ono apartment iM3.S13S appraisal or finder’s fees, pay ■atlafaetioa e i ' eommunltj hfttaig, 5 days and 80 hours garage, barge tree shaded lot, modem kltehan, axoMlent con­ rec room, 2-car garage, $21,- wcHde needed, 2-oar garage, interest only. B. C. SoUmene. ■ervibe. For further taforma- per wedc, insurance and oth­ WANTED — Good homes lor ' . OoMwr OsBtar E t and Proater RA, ] t r a n t atUltlas, no P«t». ^ Ideal loeatlcn, $16,900. X sX. LAND CLEARING, tree re­ T a rta r Oak, 648-6866. 846- $17,9W>. ihiniittak A gem dition. n u b e ia A g i ^ i 800. Warren B. Howbiml, MLB 301-S15 Cciitw St. moval, and chain saw work. Broker, 857 Oakland 6i$> tioa phflM $(•$■$$ batweMi er firthge banatlta taududed. three ktttons. OaD 649-5480 af­ Bea|er, 668-UOO. Realty. 66M 199. V. A. Michaud, 747-8098. 2214, » 9-4. (Tan 649-7788 for appoin|phent. ter B. 'V i£ •' r.c'' f TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1M4 AT«nge Daily' Net P tm b Rub The Weather For toe Week Badsd ForeeMt o< C. S. WeatMsa.l Hub craniBi Oatober 17, 19M ■ . ■ ■ m i.iiii •. UHattflrfHtpr Ifwalb CTmiAlwess irtiiratof some Hght rate, lew 49-48; Membera at American Legion 14,017 Delta Chapter of RAM will The Homs and School Asso­ Restricted Voter Session USWV Honors Me eleudtoeee, oeol meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at ciation of Assumption Junior AuxlUary will meet tonight at Member W toe Audit H l^ School will have Its first 7:80 at toe John F. Homey Fu­ ehsae* ef showers, ffigh 89-BB. About Town the Maaonic Temple. Paat Maa- National Head Borean of drealstfea WHangl ter Maaon degree will be confer­ meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at neral H ^ e . 219 W. Center fit., There will be only one — «■ ' ■ B Manchsater-— A City o f ViUago Chmrm red after the buaineaa meeting. Church 'Ot Assumption Hall. to pay reapecta to Mra. Pearl more, voter-making aeasion An Mttv* and taonoimry m m - Trooper Raymond Reynolds of Best. Three Mancheater realdent* »M> iC Hom Oo. S, Town Fire Refreahmenta and a aocial will before the Nov. 3 naUonal (OUsStfled Advortlsiiig oa Pago 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS DepUttaant, wlU meat tonigiit at fblkrw. the State Police will speak on elecUona, but It wUl be re- attended a dinner Sunday at the VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 18 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1984 “Dope Addiction and Narcotica” Membera of Nutmeg Foroet, atrleted to only those reei- Hotel America sponaored by the T a tlU m aa Fnneral Home, 400 ’Tail Cedars of Lebanon, will ______•- ______Vain f t , to pay reapecta to Wll- DA VAuxlllary will meet to­ denU whoee voting right* of United Spanish War Veterans, morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the SL Mary’s B^lscopal Quild meet tonight at 7 at the Holmes age, residency and cltlsen- Department of Connecticut, and ■am Ouatar, an honoraty mem- will meet ’Thursday at 11 a.m. Funeral Home, 400 Main St., Iwr. VFW Home. Marguerite Uo- ship mature between Oct 17 honoring Mni. Willie deGrassl, latte, atate department com­ in Guild Hall at the church. to pay respects to William R. and Nov. 2. , - national president of the auxil­ Events mander, will make an official Members are reminded to bring Custer. Dr. li*redertck W. liowe Jr., sandwiches. Dessert and bever­ ■The special aeasion will be iary. About 80 members and daaa 9t Mancheater Oommonity vialt. Membera of Beta and Gamma held on Nov. 2, frOm 9 a.m. guuts attended the dinner. Reported Mafia Chieftain ages will be served by Mrs. Oonece, win review the current Arthur Holmes, Mrs. Alice Chapters, Alpha Delta Kappa, to noon. In the town clerk’s ■]^oae from Manchester were beat aeUer "Heraod” by Saul Membera of Ladies of St. Johnston and Mrs. Edith are Invited to participate In a office In the Municipal Build­ Mra. Gertrud* Buchanan, presi­ In State Bellow tonight at S:lB at Temple Jamea will meet tonight at 6:45 Thoren. founder’s day celebration to­ ing. dent of Mary Buahrtell Cheney Beth Sholom. R la the annual at the John F. Tierney Funeral morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Auxiliary; Mra. Gladys Rldolfl LENOX PHARMACY eye bank meeting of the Man- Home. 219 W. Center St., to pay home of Miss Virginia Wil­ secretsu’y of the auxiliary, and 299 E. CENTER STREET—849-0898 cheater Chapter of Hadaasah. Elks Setback League will start There la no charge to the rej Bus Strike respects to Pearl M. Best. tonight at 8 at the clubhouse, liams. 60 Broad St., Norwich. celver. This work la approved Mrs. Mary J. Mathleu, paat na­ Kidnaped Off Park Avenue Memben are reminded to bring Bissell St. Members Interested tional president, department fiUad eye banka. hy all major rellgioua faiths. Mountain Laurel Chapter, In playing may register at the Eighteen Connecticut hospitals, secretary, and national aololat. Threatening Sweet Adelines, will' meet year.-^-had Just arrived in William Monk will apeak to- club. Eye Bank Topic including Manchester Memorial Mrs., deGrassl spoke on the NEW YORK (AP) — ______hearings last a taxicab^*' Maloney ww them pulling Thursday at 8 p.m. at the KofC Hospital, are affiliated with the work being done by auxiliaries Three Cities ui^rw orld stool pigeon Joseph with two attorneys when the Bona'n^ along the avenue to­ Bight at 7:48 at Mott’a Commu­ Hall, 28 Prospect St., Hartford, Chapman Court, Order of seph (Joe Bananas) Bonan- Valachi Identified Bonanno as a gunmen appeared. The cab had ward 36th Street. He Said h* nity HaU at a meeting of the Eye Bank. and Departments In the United with a social hour after the re­ Amaranth, will sponsor a rum­ Of Fellowship States. She also gave a back­ no, a reputed Cosa Nostra leading figure in the Cose Nos­ pulled up In front of the Park hollered, "Hey, where srb. you Mancheatar Newcomera Club. hearsal. Those interested In mage sale Friday morning be­ A devotional service and a HARTFORD (AP) — tra, also known as the "Syndi­ Avenue apartment building of going? He’s my client.” A film "Perveraion for Profit” business meeting with Mrs. ground of the Spanish Ameri­ Connecticut Company bus chieftain scheduled to ap­ Joining the women's barbershop ginning at 9 at the Masonic Mrs. Lois C. Stevens, execu can War. WED. ONLY! cate" or the Mafia. one of the attorneys, William P. "Get back and behave your­ win alao be preaented. Temple. Samuel Pierson presiding pre­ drivers and mechanics in pear before a grand jury to­ Maloney, style chorus are welcome. live secretary of the Connect! ceded the program. Refresh­ Several directors of vetersui’s day, was kidnaped on Park Valachi testified that Bonanno self." one gunman respond^. hospitals told of the work being three cities are considering bossed one of the five Cosa Nos­ Police and other sources at Maloney continued to follow Leonard Yarenaky of the Man- Mrs. John S. Ziemak of 96 Manchester Grange will meet cut Eye Bank, spoke last night ments were served by the Toeer Avenue this morning by tra families or gangs in metro­ the scene gave this account: them. aheater Child Gkiidance Clinic Cooper Hill St., president of the tomorrow night at 8 at Orange at a meeting of the Women’s Group. done In the instltutlona. Men's or Beys' threatening a strike to pro­ win apeak tomorrow at 10 a.m. test economy moves by the two gunmen, police said. politan New York. First out of the cab was attor­ "I told' you to get out!’’ the Manchester Emblem Club, Hall. First and second degrees Fellowship of Second Congrega "The boss wants to see you,” Reportedly SO members of his ney Jo.seph P. Allen, who gunman shouted, and fired a t Mott’a Community Hall at a leaves today to attend a week- will be conferred. Mrs. Walter new management of the bus meeting of Chlldr«i’a Servicea. tlonal Church at the church. one of the gunmen reportedly family are scheduled to testify walked into the building. Malo- once. long convention of the National North and her committee will ■The Eye Bank.” the speaker line. told Bonanno. in the federal grand Jury’s ney, Bonanno's attorney Maloney ran to the corner and Emblem Club in Chicago. Mrs. serve refreshments. said, "was established in 1961 The Present fiossip at the HEELS Members of Local 425, rep- Bonnano’s lawyer said he probe. Bonanno was under sub- next, but as he approached the saw a late model car speeding Alfred Ritter Jr., 46 Chester Dr., at New Britain General Hospi­ re.sentlng more than 500 driv­ started after the men, but poena to appear. The nature of doorway he heard a voice .say, off. is al.so attending the event. Charter Oak Lodge of B'nsi tal and Is sponsored by the ers and mechanics in the Hart­ B'rith has canceled, to an indef­ Municipal Building ~ by Happenny LeaBier or Rubber stopped when one fired a shot at the investigation has not been i "Come on, Joe, the boss wants Harold Beatty, the apart­ BARRiCiNi Connecticut lOOF. During Its ford division, met this morn­ him. disclosed. to see you." ment house doorman, and Vito Mrs. Roy Farris, president, inite date, tomorrow night’s Under the Job write-up as advertised publicly 1 certainly ing and were to meet again to­ exoiaalvely at short existence It has become have been astonished and stunned to say the least, In finding The bullet hit the pavement in Bonanno, a 69.year-old Sciclli-1 It was raining and each of the Bonclvenga, elevator operator. and Mrs. Wilbert Auden, secre­ public meeting on "Civil Rights the second most productive Eye night at 7:30 to be told about tary, were appointed as dele­ of Negroes and Other Minori­ out of some thirty-five candidates seeking the post of revenue union officials’ complaints. front of him, the lawyer .said. an-born immigrant who entered gunmen wore raincoats and Liggeff Drug gates to a d^artment parely at ties.” Due to a conflict in speak­ Bank in the world and has re­ collectors for the town “why the candidate placing fifth In At the U.S. Senate crime com- this country illegally in 1924,1 carried pistols. (See Page Tea) ceived 921 eyes from Connecti­ the examination was given the post?” . . HOUSE &. H A LE A meeting to take a strike- PARKADK a meeting of the American Le­ ing engagements, the scheduled authorization vote is srb«d- gion Au^ailary last night. The cut people to date.” "Is it true that mockery Is made of this, and any futura speakers will be unable to at­ Mrs. Stevens also said that HAT CLEANING and QUALITY uled for Friday, according to parley will be held Saturday at tend. Job write-up concerning appointments to job seeking appli­ Thomas Kellv, business agent 9:16 ajn. at Hotel Bond, Hart­ people may pledge their eyes to cants?” , ^ SHOE REBUILDING SERVICE DEPT. for Local 425. Red Leaders ford. The First District meet­ Manchester Council of Catho­ the Eye Bank now, so they may I alone have the deepest respect for the Bth place candidate, be taken immediately upon hut I have an obligation to the town tsuepayera and Herald Kelly said no immediate ing will be held Sunday at 2:30 lic Women will meet Thursday PLEASE USE OUR OAK STREET ENTRANCE strike is threatened, but that p.m. at Hotel Burritt. New death for cornea transplant to a readers as stated atmve. p‘ s - at St. Bartholomew’s This add paid for by Franels J. Happenny the authorization , would be Halt Panning RUMMAGE Britain. The Manchester Aux­ School. The meeting is open to blind person. This transplant asked to speed up negotiations iliary will sponsor a food sale ail parishes. must occur within 48 hours. and bring in state mediators. Nov. 3 at 9:30 a.m. at Burton's In New Haven, Earl R. K hrushchev SALE Store. Mortemore. general manager of LUTHER H A U the company, said he had no COPENHAGEN, Denmaric Past Matrons Club of Temple knowledge of the pending strike (AP) — Denmark’s Communist Chapter, OES, will meet to­ vote, and said he was upaware newspaper says the Soviet Un­ I mawHBl Luriwrcm morrow at 8 p.m. at the home of any grievances which were ion’s new leaders have h a lt^ Clwreh of Mrs. Everett Campbell, 22 out of the ordinary or un­ their campaign to downgrada Prospect St. Mrs. Virginia Lewis resolved. Nikita Khrushchev because of and Mrs. Helen Elliott will the adverse reaction from most PRIDAY. O CT. 23 serve as hostesses. Members Local drivers and mechanics 9 AAL Where Service Is said their complaints centered European Communist parties. unable to attend are reminded Aoapieee of around alleged attempts by the Peter Schaeffer, Moscow ■nwaael Church Women to contact Mrs. Campbell or company—token over early this correspondent of the Daniito one of the hostesses. year by E. Clayton Gengras— party’s Land Og Folk, said to cut costs by doing some meetings In Soviet plants, stafa work, such as cleaning and institutions and other places maintenance, with low-cost out­ attacking Khrushchev havq Our Best Product No Morning Bird Watchers in the Park side labor, rather than union been stopped. members. Mortemore denied Commenting on the (Commu­ 445 HARTFORD ROAD, N ea r McKEE At least not in Rockville’s Talcott Park where early morning snow covered that this has been done. nist criticism abroad, Schaeffer RUMMAGE SALE ground and benches. Taking in nature’s handiwork are Michael and Rita Rien- said: "To Soviet circles it has deau of Prospect St., en route to school. (Herald photo by Saternis.) been a surprise that this critical ■psasored By Materhood Of Temple Beth Sholom Campaign Review attitude was expressed publicly HARTFORD (AP) — Com­ coupled with demands for an AT THE FORMER TEMPLE mittees created to boost a po­ explamatlon of the background Young vs. Taft United Fund litical candidate’s campaign and the methods of the. recent OORNKR MYRTLE and LINDEN STREETS NO MONEY DOWN— TAKE UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY chest may come in for review shift of leaders.’’ at the next General Assembly Stig Bringert, Moscow corr4- WEDNESDAY. O CT. 21 — 6 to 9 P.M. H its 41.5% session. ' spondent of CoMnhagen’s liber­ Veteran Senator This was suggested yester­ al newspaper PMiUken, report­ THURSDAY. OCT. 22 — 9 A.M. to 12 Noon The 1964-86 United Fund day at a meeting of the Legis­ ed that Khrushchev and hia drive has ach(eved 41.5 per lative Council, the assembly’s wife, Nina, have been installed BeantlfnlNew ntorles and Fine Used dototaig cent of it* 8115,000 goal. between-Sessions research arm. under virtual house, arrest in a LARGE CAPACITY Facing GOP ^Narne^ Total proceeds to date are The amount a candidate may four-room apartment “from 847,818.75. spend on his campaign is 11m- where he can see the Kremlfh The bulk of the totals ttpd_ by .stolue, hut no. -limit, tower*.’’ “WtUMBUS, OWo (AP) -^4>dent WHUsm HeiWkf# .5WU-JIB ' received so far is front-to* applies to the independent com­ Bringert said the apartment. Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. has been building his own repu­ IniUal Gift*, division, which buHdii^ on the Moscow River' has turned in 841,269. Next mittees created in a candi­ brought this year's Ohio Senate tation for almost a decade in the date’s behalf. also houses retired civil ser­ contest to national attention. Ohio Legislature and now, in his highest Is the town em­ vants and noted scientists. first term in Congress. ployes division, with 84,- "Perhaps we should raise the Injuries suffered by Glenn in expense limit and get rid of "Khrushchsv Is said to have ELECTRIC a fall forced him from his bid to Young has a reputation as a 136.76. Industrial employes received a penaion of 1,000 ru­ this committee business,” aug- take the Democratic senatorial scrapper. His letters to consti­ have turned over 82.170. Honor detail of the armed forces stand guard over the flag'-draped casket as bles a month — which la 800 tuents pull no punches. In reply Other divisions have turned the body of former President Hoover lies in state at St. Bartholomew’s Church, nomination from 76-year-old (See Page Two) rubles more than he himself Sen. Stephen M. Young. to one letter which he consid­ in 8100 or less. New York, (AP Photofax,) n v e former Foreign Mhrister Now Young Is fighting to hold ered offensive, for instance, he ------—------...... Molotov,’’ Bringert said, A ru­ his seat against the challenge of answered: “Dear sir, you are a ble la valued at 81.11- y Rep. at l^rge Robert Taft Jr., liar.” Since the Soviet government who bears the state’s most fam­ Taft has been described as GOP Agrees announced Friday that tii* 7(k ous Republican family name. cool and deliberate. He has an Set Sundayf Nation Mourns Again year- old premier had resigned Young is a veteran Demo­ infectious chuckle, is a hand­ Vote because of age and poor health, SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY CLOTHES DRYER cratic camapigner. Fresh out of shaker — but not a backslapper, To Cut Out there have been confUctliig law school, he won his way into aides say — and generally ap­ rumors as to his fate. 4 to 6 P.M.-1-AND ALL DAY WED. Ohio’s General Assembly In 1912 pears more at ease than his For Departed Leader Before his sudden eclipee, WESTINGHOUSE OR NORGE YOUR CHOICE — five years before Taft was lather in crowds. May End Strike Some Film Khrushchev had been staying at born. In 1958, when defeat of a • Taft, at 47, is considered to his vacation villa in the (Crimea. have a fine future in the Repub­ right-to-work proposal also WASHINGTON (AP) — A girl NEW YORK (AP)~The nation, its proud flag at As Ccmimunlst apMcesmen LARGE BALONEY swept most Ohio Republicans lican party, Snd some of those DETROIT (AP)—The United Auto Workers Union outside the Soviet Union openjy From Dubuqu* ...... tb. out of office, Young unseated partisans fond of taking long- in a topless bathing suit and half-staff, bowed in mourning for the-third time in less criticiied the mafiner in ndtien Ben. John Bricker. range views picture him in the today scheduled a membership vote Sunday that could other footage have been cut than a year today, as it bade solemn, sad farewell to its Khrushchev was dumped, the DUBUPUE'BACON .. ib. Taft Is the eon of the late i IVhite House. signal the end of the national strike against General Mo­ from a film a Goldwater cam­ 31st President, Herbert Clark Hoover. Kremlin issued an urgent eall "Mr. Republldan," Sen. Robert ----^ tors Corp paign group hopes to flash At 9 a.m., EDT, the huge^ for Communist unity. TENDER BEEF LIVER.. Ib. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GENERtL ELECTMC A. Taft, and grandson of Presl- (See Page Four) Walter P. Reuther, UAW pres­ units which have ratified local across American television bronze doors of St. Bartholo­ filed Into the church and past “’Ths unity and oohesicn at nNIEM* ident, and Leonard Woodcock, settlements shall return to work screens Thursday to hammer mew’s Episcopal church on Park the closed casket. the international Communist- Froshly Frozen chief of the UAW GM Depart­ immediately.” home its claim that the country Avenue swung open and public The tribute will be repeated movement must be strength­ LAMB PAHIES...... 2 lb$. ment, said today that the GM The union said local units is beset by "moral decay.” homage to Hoover began. on Friday and Saturday in ened,’’ Moscow radio said. ELECTRIC Council of the UAW will meet lacking at-plant settlements will Russell Walton, public rela­ His body will lie in state for Washington In the Capitol rotun­ Communist leaden in Europe Effects of Darien Fatality in Detroit’'Friday. vote on whether to return to tions director for the Citizens 48' hours amid the Byzantine- da Where assassinated Presi­ and elsewhere reacted with POLISHER A telegram to G M iinito said work or to stay out until an for Goldwater-Mlller, acknowl­ Romesque grandeur of the near­ dent John F. Kennedy was hon­ dismay and - resentment after CLOROX gal. 51 e VACUUM CLEANER "ail GM local unlon.s and units agreement is reached. ly half - century old edifice, Pravda loosed a blast Saturd^ SUGAR 5 lbs. 56e edged the changes Tuesday ored last November, and where Being Felt by Collegians against Khrushchev wltbom COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS are directed to meet Sunday." Earlier, a rash of new trou­ night and said that NBC offi­ guarded by an honor detail from in April tribute was pald^to Gen. FOR RUGS OR FLOORS ■ ------The units will vote on local ble appeared to be subsiding on cials, in turn, had agreed to use all the armed services. Douglas MacArthur, the great actually naming him. The a» agreements where they are com­ the auto labor front as the GM the film as scheduled at 2 p.m. Before the public viewing be­ warrior who once served as FLOOR SWEEPER HARTFORD (AP) — Trinityalance today while The Vatted. StatWj heating oil—a triple-refined product—the foihrner President Hoover . . . Judge Rodney S. Eielson's ac­ The President had planned to Federal Communications Com­ be aMe t* have cleanest burning fuel oil you can buy. Northern New England ski tion put college officials in the go to St. Louis later in the week. mission turned down GOP de­ negotiators considered a three rejected njga|||> The White House said he had mands for free time to match year pay raise of 27 cents an For jjervice and fuel that you can count on, area pick up three inches of position of possibly being hauled snow, two months before of­ into court when drunken stu­ revised his schedule to pay the time given President John­ hour recommended by a presl' 'THREATENS DROl no matter when yon need it, please call day respects to former President son Sunday night, the Republi­ dentlal emergency board. 30” DELUXE RANGE ficial start of winter . . . Sale dents get into trouble. PARIS (AP) — or night. ad G. and C. Merriam Cp., to This could presumably happen Herbert Hoover, who died Tues­ cans bought time on ABC. Preliminary reaction to the day in New ^ork. Johnson also Goldwater spoke briefly on recommendations indlcgted that Clwrie* de ^tonlle r APPLIANCE OUTLET — STORAGE DRAWER YOUR CHOICE Bncyclopedia grltannlca, p 815 if it were proved that the stu­ day that France wtB Ow Mutomen like ear price. T.aad so will you! million transaction, was ap­ dents got drunk at a college eliminated political appear­ foreign policy Tuesday night in negotiators representing. 90 per ’^1 proved by stockholders today function. ances scheduled Thursday in an off-the-cuff speech to Repub­ cent of the U.S. railroad Indus-; IhiieptoiiCeHli . . . Episcopal Church pledged At Yale,' regulations govern­ Memphis, Tenn., and Baltimore. lican campaign workers in a try and 11 nonoperating unions ^ nalem w i m* Instead, on that day, he plans Baltimore hotel. seemed inclined to accept them. agree *a aa todaY to fuller active partner­ ing underclassmen point out prem m . Da GauUa’a i ship with rest of Anglicap com­ that Connecticut law forbids the to attend a family service for He said that with the ouster of More than 400,000 workers are OPEN DAILY 9 to 9— SAT. to 6— PLENTY OF FREE PARKING munion throughout the world sale of alcoholic beverages to Hoover at New York’s St. Bar­ Soviet Premier Khrushchev the affected. wad rspsytoiM g , tholomew’s Protestant Epiacb- United States faces a tougher 'nier* was no Immediate fori rntm . . . City of New Haven flies those under 21. after 8 & c * K i n m u appeal on CAB decision desig­ Another regulation, listed un­ pal church. Friday afternoon Ck>mmunlst bloc which is likely mal comment from either oid*. nating Bridgeport Airport as der the category of “damage to the President will be at Wash­ to behave more like the bellig TTiey have 80 dayejto accept tha FUEL COMPANY , ^ I regional field for Southern Con­ rooms and oUier univei^ity prop­ Rome Cops Strike, Traffic Snarls ington’s ynion Station when the erent Red Chinese and the late recommendations, or launch necticut. erty,” declares: "the bringing of Above traffic tangle (on Via Veneto) is but one of late president's body arrives in Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. another nationwide atrike acare. S ^ rtfomd R O ^ Sicilian doctor perform sne- beer kegs into any univefsity many that have Rome motorists ready to head for the capital from New York. Hs demanded the United Presldbnt Johnson, in creating TELEPHONE M3-2141 MANCHESTER asaatal operatfona on five dormitory la prohibited.’’ Btatea take a touglwr line to Iba the board Aug. 18, warned the NORMAN’S Student drtaUng baa bean the hills—all seven of them. Mixup started when WASHINGTON (AP) . Ben. forslga poUoy and. b* attockad dlaputa “Ihreatons wbstaatiah jer brotbera, bringing T. MclUnnfiy—E. Thomaa McKinney traffic atqw joined other munieipiil emidoyei on IBarry Goldwater awlinm Into it to iU who bad bam bUnd vSt" ■ ■ ■' ■ "C ' Managers 48-how strike. (AP Photofax.) Peottagrtoanla today tor hli sac- ■) •) t I •