SttiRIETY Fri., Jan. 9, 1959 SffbziErr News of the Show World SW CIRCUft (Trad* Mark Registered) FOUNDED BY SIME SILVERMAN Published Daily, Except Saturdays, NET CLIMBS Sundays and Holidays By ARMY ARCHERD By Daily Variety, Ltd. Syd Silverman, President GOOD MORNING: Liz Taylor and Eddie Fisher were very much in 6404 Sunset Boulevard 46% IN QTR. L.A. last night, champagne-toasting each other at Chasen's, when the Hollywood (28), (Continued from Page 1) Phone HOIIywood 9-1141 Mirror-News headlined she was a patient at Menninger's clinic in Topeka. Miss T.'s comment on the false yarn: "THIS I'm not going to take sit• annual stockholders' meeting. Vol. 102 Jan. 9, 1959 No. 23 ting down. Watch out!" . . . Warners is term-testing Dean Martin's 16- For the quarter ended Nov. 29, year-old sprig, Craig. Studio spotted him in the special Life mag enter• theatre admissions, merchant Copyright 1959, by Daily Variety, Ltd. sales and other income totaled " Single Copies, 10 Cents tainment issue which gave Martin's clan a big layout . . . The 1951 M.-L. 719,700, which compares with $28,- Annual, $15 - - Foreign, $20 "At War With The Army" looke like a $750,000 groee In Ite current re- 150,800 for the corresponding Second class postage paid at , isBue! . . . Martin, and are listening to team• quarter one year ago, an increase California. ing plans for the Jimmy Durante biopic, with Croz playing Jackson, of 9%. Sinatra, Clayton, and Martin as the Schnozz . . . And the trio is also The profit before Federal and JOE SCHOENFELD, Editor talking another yam, "The Three Priests." Whatta garbed group they'd foreign income taxes for the 1958 make . . . Martin plays in Der Single's Pebble Beach tourney next week. period was $2,804,700 after deduct• "And after that, I'll have to play golf at night," eaye Martin who doee ing depreciation of $1,224,900. Th* Jack Giant Killer' profit before Federal and foreign "Career," "Who Waa That Lady?" and "Belle Are Ringing" in a row ... income taxes for the corresponding Sophia Loren and hubby Carlo Pontl are taking Englieh leeeona . .. Billy quarter last year was $1,654JL On Small Schedule Wilder hae film rlghte to Richard Gully's memolre, "Social Director" when depreciation charges ^c Edward Small will Aim "Jack, . . . Maggie Hayes will play Helena opposite Laurence Olivier in "Spar- $1,260,800. Net profit for the 18 the Giant Killer" on hie 1959 pro- tacus" . . . Roger Moore was spotted leaving Milton Sperling's office. weeks ended Nov. 29, 1958, after duction eked, with pic, which will "Not talking a film," eald Moore, "juet taking eubecriptione for CARE all charges, including Federal and be based on the well-known legend, packages for Enrol Flynn from some of his old buddies out here" . . . foreign income taxes, was $1,179,- to roll late this summer. Robert Jimmy Cagney turned over his 500-acre ranch to writer Allan Ken ward, 700, which Is 46% higher than net Kent will produce and currently is profit of $804,500 for the previous his wife and four kiddies when their Beverly Glen home was destroyed year's period. working with writers to develop by the mud flood early this week . . . Barbara Stanwyck starts her tele- property. Film, which will involve a max• series on the Desilu Gower lot in April, with Lou Edelman producing. Since Sept. 1, 1958, unusual imum of special effects, will be Wm. Morris Agency made the deal with NBC . . . And the net also property dispositions have resulted lensed in Technicolor and Techni- ordered another 13 "Love and Marriage" segments to be filmed for fall m losses of $818,600. Of these debut of the Bill Demarest-Jean Bal starrer . . . "One Wife Is Enough" losses, $425,000, representing the rama and has been earmarked for equivalent of Federal income tges a budget of from $1,300,000 to la being packaged by Al Zugemlth with Abby Greehler and Tony Ran- which would have been payable^c- $1,500,000. dall, to be lensed off the Metro lot . . . Nico Minardos tests for the Carlos cept for such losses, have been role in "Holiday for Lovere," Clifton Webb-Gene Tlemey starrer at charged to net income for the No• Robertson to Pen, 20th-Fox . . . George Burns, dressed by Tavelman's and award-winner as vember quarter. The balance of tv's best-dressed man, lamented: "Ever since the Apparel Club gave me $888,600, equal to 19f per share Produce and Direct the award, I've been standing up straight—and you know something, on common stock, has been, charged now my suits don't fit" . . . Now, we've heard everything dept.: Tempera• to earned surplus. 'Sooners' Feature mental seal on the "Say One For Me" set turned down butterfish, which Fabian, Samuel Rosen and Na• Dale Robertson plana a feature it was fed during takes—held out for fresh mackerel. thaniel Lapkin, were reelected as film, "The Sooners," based on the directors. land rush period in Oklahoma his• tory, which he will produce, write * * * and direct. Keynoter Remain Gary at the Sports Illustrated Banquet commented Mirisch Sets Uris Film, to be produced under on Henry Luce's bad golf game: "If I was the owner of Time-Life-Sports Robertson's indie banner, Rode Illustrated," said Gary, "I'd hire someone to play golf for me" . . . The On Warsaw GheA> Productions, will be launched fol• Milton Series moved outta the BevHills hotel, rented Cy Howard's home lowing completion of the actor's . . . Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer leased their Swiss chalet hideaway Novel, Screenplay current commitment in the NBC for another year, hope to return after she completes "The Unforgiven" Leon Uris has been signed by teleseries. Tale* of Welle Fargo." and his "Green Mansions" goes out . . . The Charlton Hestons sail from the Mirisch Co. to pen novel and Robertson will shoot on location Naples to N.Y. Sunday, after finally winding up "Ben-Hur" . . . Word screenplay of the Warsaw Ghetto in Oklahoma, getting cooperation uprising of World War II. Tome from local organizations in a meet• from London says Deborah Kerr will wax readings from Shakespeare and Shaw (not cha-cha-cha) for the London label . . . Metro's talking will be published late this year, ing there Jan. 12 when he will be with Uris' screenplay to go into guest of honor at festivities in con• to Alan Ladd about pacting his son David to a termer. That's natural: production on Minsch's 1960 sked. nection with the inauguration of The Culver lot just inked Sam Goldwyn Jr., for whom young Ladd turned Uris leaves for Poland and Israel the new state officers. in an Oscar Jr. performance in "The Proud Rebel" . . . Mitch Miller is in in March to research project. Ais town to talk platter sessions with Doris Day . . . Kate Smith was the current best-seller, "Exodus," All Shipley Gets Execs reason for all the autograph hounds in Sy Devore's yesterday . . . Tune- be filmed by Otto Preminger. Thomas Krasner and Sidney Gordon have joined the Howard ster Robert ("Chances Are") Allen is here from Gotham to scout players Shipley Agency to head, respec• for his upcoming B'way musical (untitled) which Fed Coe will produce Feldmcin Registers tively, the literary and the talent this falL Book is by David Shaw, lyrics by Bob Hilliard. departments. They were formerly Titles of 4 Yarns with The Fame Agency. * * * "YOYO" is the way Metro's production charts list Dean Jones' up-com- (Continued from Page 1) Horton Dancers Set ing tv series, "You're Only Young Once" . . . Rick Nelson is learning "The Cold Wind and the Warm," The Lester Horton Dancers will flamenco guitar . . . Frances Faye made her first outing, since busting new comedy-drama by S. N. Behr- start a two-week stint Jan. 28 at her hip, at Johnny Mathis' Cocoanut Grove bow. She wont be able to man Which currently is playing on the Cocoanut Grove, filling out the work for another two months . . . After his show, and a party in the Broadway with Eli Wallach and Dennis Day bill. Maureen Stapleton in the top r**K. Presidential Suite, no less, Mathis, Lindsay Crosby and pals hied to Gene Feldman also registered "#mr Norman's Crescendo, where Mathis played last year. This time, to hear Game," new play by Sam D. Locke, Double Parody June Christy . . . Sophie Tucker bows at the Grove March 6 for a three- "Vice and Versa" by Arthur Phil• In a medium as devoid of weeker . . . Hollywood praise agents who've worked for Teet Carle are lip Carter and "It Happened At parody as television, there's an feeding him today at the Carolina Pines. It's his final day on the Para• the Bar." ironic note in the scheduling of mount lot . . . Jennie Grossinger is outta Cedars and recuperating at Other registrations this week in• the first pair of shows of the "Uncle Bemle" Sport house. He was a riding master at Grosslnger's 25 season devoted to the art. Both cluded Sam Spiegel's Horizon pro- Jack Benny's long-deferred years ago . . . Mrs. Gus Edwards is home recuping from a heart attack ductlon filing of "The Rebellion of "Gaslight" takeoff and "Maver• . . . The Joe Pastemaks celebrate their 17th wedding anni today . . . Fidel Castro," although producer ick's" parody of "Gunsmoke," The La Nouvelle Eve revue bows at the El Rancho Vegas Jan. 28 . . . said in New York he has no plans "Gun Shy," are echeduled for Monte Blue Sunday celebrates his birthday and the start of his 47th for filming biopic of the Cuban the same night, this Sunday. year in pix . . . "Tiger" Joe Marsh has given up wrestling for thesping, rebel leader. In still another regis- Irony is they'll be on at the changed his name to Joe 'Tiger" Marsh. "The other way," he explains, tration, Joseph Schenck filed '"The same time, 7:30 p.m. "it sounded too ferodona." Adventures of Nellie Ely" with^e MPAA Title Bureau.