The Weather: The year 1952, dryas it has been, bids fair to go out with burst of snowfall and rain. At the present rate of fall, at least, it will not come close to touching last wsc December's figures of a precipitation of 3.43, and a snowfall record of 31.9 inches. The report for Friday indicates scattered snow or rain and low clouds. (Ski story below.) Volume LIX --------------------------------------_ Pullman, Wash., Friday, December 12, 1952 Number 45 Kiwanis Prexy Curious Weed Entertainer Enrolls Blasts Reds· Visits Expert, Crosby ArrivesOn Campus . Attack Stopped " , In Umted States .A :;..,f,~~~i.'!:,~'e~:·awl'dEnrolls In ShorL Course rrght mto the expert's offtce for, "I: "Communism has under-es- handy analysis at Washington timated our American will and State college. By JIM HECKMAN ing held at WSC this week and Los Angeles. According to Lind- ability to resist," Kiwanis In- Knut Lunnum, extension for- Bing Crosby made his official will attend his first class this ternational President Walter J. appearance at WSC Thursday say, he has talked to several of estry specialist at WSC, said morning'. He plans to leave the his Loyola school mates who are L. Ray of Detroit, Michigan told Thursday he removed a stack of accompanied by his youngest campus for Spokane at the be- a Northwest Regional gathering son. Lindsay. Crosby enrolled in interested in WSC. At WSC he pamphlets from his office book- ginning of next week. Clive Rob- plans to enroll in animal hus- of more than three hundred rep- ca se and found a Morning Glory the Stockmen's Short course be- erts, ranch owner near Colfax, l'esenting 14 clubs in a banquet bandry. the same course as is peeking out behind. has been Crosby's host earlier being taken by the Crosby twins. address at the Compton union this week. building at WSC, Wednesday He and Henry Wolfe, WSC Course at Munich Phillip and Dennis. The twins night. Dec. 10. weed authority, pulled out sev- A four-week course in German At Spokane, Crosby will at- are freshmen at WSC and pledg- tend conferences concerning his es of Sigma Nu fraternity. President Ray came from De- era I handfuls of vine and stopped language. art and literature at the invasion. interest in television station KX- RANCHING CAREERS troit to unveil a banner for the the University of Munich will be LY. KXLY's transmitter will be Pullman club honoring the ser- The weed. a pest noted for its sponsored again this summer by located on top Mount Spokane. According to Bing, all four of vice of former international hardiness and perststence, had the University of Washington, in Fifteen year old Lindsay ex- his sons are intetested in ranch- ing and will probably work his president J. N. Emerson of the tunneled under the cement foun- cooperation with the Students In- pressed his desire to attend host club who passed on from a dation of the Quonsethut building ternational Travel ASSOCiation WSC after his graduation from ranch near Ellko , Nevada. Gary, heart attack induced by over- next to Troy hall, worked thru and the University of Munich. Loyola. a Catholic high school in the oldest son, is a student at strain while in that post June 12, a crack in the six inches of con.' Further information may be Stanford university. 1947. crete, then through a seam in obtained by writing to Dr. Wil- Bing and Lindsay drove to the linoleum and up the wall to liam H. Rey, 113 Denny Hall. WSC from the Crosby ranch, "Mr. Emerson crusaded up join its pictured brothers in the Univeistty of Washington. Seat- which at present is grazing 3.500 and down the land exposing' the bookcase. tle 5. Stockmen End Hereford cattle as well as hors- cruel, wicked frame of Com- es. Crosby said. munism under the mask and the Crosby said he planned to re- years since have shown how very turn to WSC Dec. 19 to pick up Tight he was in leading' this By an Phillip and Dennis for Christ- fight against Cqmrnun isrn and The Day Wire A:::::ated IC2.~~~~~}~d!!mas vacation. He plans several its aims" the betroiter said. He WASHINGTON President nual Stockmen'S Short Course side trips over the holidays in Tevealed that Mr. Emerson him- have agreed to meet wit~ him will wind up it's six day meeting search of geese shooting. self "had been at one'time a Truman said Thutsday he doubts that Gen. Douglas MacArthur here in a few weeks to dISCUSS at the Compton Union building. PRAISES WSC BUILDINGS card-carrying 'member' of the the possibilities. Bob Kull, of the WSC Agricul-- has hit upon any new solution of WSC's Holland library and the Communist party, but had been ture Extension service, reported new Compton Union building. expelled by the communists the Korean war, and declared that in 1950 the general told him the meeting of chief importance said Crosby, are the nicest build- when his true purpose of expos- ings he has seen on any college ing their aim s had become he was sure the war was over ·Ing am . ~~ will be the selecting, judging then. and preparing meat demonstra- campus. known to them. He carried on BeII h AI tion at 1 p. m. Bing recently returned from this dangerous work at. a very Truman. in an unusually stern Among the 155 delegates are Paris "where he was engaged in Teal risk of his life." mood also told his news confer- swinemen, cattlemen and sheep- the production of "Little Boy The speaker called on Kiwan- ence that Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- men from six western states. Lost," a moving picture featur- hower was guilty of demagog- Hear freneh ians to "continue to lead in the Washington, Oregon, _ Idaho, ing an all French cast with the uery when he said in the presi- . fight against Communism." say. A meeting was held in the Montana, Arizona were repre- exception of the singer. He said tng "our economy is different dential campaign he would go sented. Singer Bing Crosby is to Korea. Leopold hotel; Bellingham. by the interior shooting was being and cannot fit into the Marxist the Bellingham chapter of the among the delegates. done in Hollywood studios. formula." He patd.. the late Mr. Truman summed up that he WSC Alumni Dec. 1 for alumni. Emerson highest tribute as "a doesn't see how any good could their friends and parents of WSC Christian gentleman; a long-time come of any White House meet- students residing in that area, sunday school leader and great ing with the two to talk about alumni director Pat Patterson church worker. and a tireless Korea. reports. Music Dept. Presents personal worker to salvage ca- reers of delinquent children." President C. Clement French He pronounced the new banner LOS ANGELES. (JP) -A Calif- spoke to the group and the film as "a living memory of a great ornia boxing commissioner has "This is WSC" was shown. Jul- ian Karp, WSC alumni and prin- Christmas Concert: mah." He also extolled the Ki- announced the launching of a cipal of the Bellingham high wanis sponsored Kappa Iota Phi campaign to bring the Rocky The Christmas Oratorio of first four sections of the Orator- school conducted the meeting fraternity which Mr. Emerson Marciano-Joe Walcott heavy- J. S. Bach will be presented by io. It will be under the direction helped to found in Pullman. weight championship fight here. and was assisted by George the WSC chorus and orchestra of Charles W. Davis. Graham. Jim Dunlap, another Commissioner Everett Sander WSC alum, spoke on alumni on Sunday, December 14, at 3 Parts five and six represent p.m. and 8 p.rn. in Bryan hall the section of the Christmas said Thursday that president work and membership: Patter- Costume Ski Race Jim Norris of the International son said the meeting was well auditorium. story relating the arrival of the Boxing' Commission and Al attended by both parents and The music department annual- 'wise men, but the length of the Weill, Marciano's manager, alumni. lv presents a Christmas concert entire work prohibits the pre- and this year have selected the sentation of the complete Ora- Featured at Bowl -----------------------------------.....::..----__:_:._-_:_=._:.::.:..:: torio. WSC's ski bowl will see its Soloists for the performance first costume ski race Sunday are: Mary Ellen Davidson, so- as Winter Week festivities close. prano; Phyllis Nansen, soprano; According to Ken Lewis, who is Donna Wood, soprano: Lois Chal- in charge of arrangements. strom, contralto; Virginia Kos- judg'ing will be based on origin- tenbader, contralto; Robert Sal- ality of costume. The bus for st. verda, tenor; LeRoy Lahey, bar- Joe will leave the CUB at 8 a. m. itone; William Paul, bass. Sunday morning. James Downey is accompan- Contrary to previous reports, ist for the 'chorus and Professor the bowl will be open to student George Scott is the organist. skiing Saturday as well as Sun- day. As of Thursday noon 24 inches of snow were reported on the ski bowl slopes with new "Extras" Troupers snow falling. An obstacle race involving To Stage Benefit Tacing through barrels. doors' Ten Theta Sigma Phi "Ex- and other obstacles will also be tras" acts will be conveyed by held, Lewis said. bus to Spokane at 10 a. m. Sat- Round trip bus fare to the urday and not by private car bowl is 75 cents for Outing club as was previously announced. re- members and, $1 for non-club ports Peggy Kerr , Theta Sigma members.
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