A Powys-Lybbe's Armorial Pedigree, 2012
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Sir Humfrey Barrington Sir Ralph Mercy ( - >1181) Quarter [011], Nicholas Barrington Nicholas Barrington Sir Humfrey Barrington 1 distinct line. ( - ca1260) ( - >1260) Griselda Mercy William le Meschin Heir. Sir Nicholas Barrington William de Chetwynd Lord of Copeland ( - ca1332) ( - ca1135) A Powys-Lybbe’s Armorial Pedigree Quarter [012], Quarter [030], [087], 1 distinct line. [131], Robert de Rumilly Agnes de Chetwynd Hugh de Mortimer Lord of Mortimer 3 distinct lines. Lord of Harewood Heir. ( - <1181) Thomas Powys Nicholas Barrington ( - ca1096) Richard Lybbe MP ( - >1343) Quarter [031], [088], (of Henley) Sir John Belhouse Roger de Mortimer Lord of Wigmore (1617 - 1671) ( - 1527) ( - <1214) [132], Quarter [003], 1 distinct line. Quarter [013], 1 distinct line. 3 distinct lines. Philip Powys Sir Thomas Powys Quarter [002], Maud le Meschin (1648 - 1719) 1 distinct line. In the Oxon visitation of 1566. Ralph de Mortimer Heir. Cecily de Rumilly Lady of Skipton Showing: (1704 - 1779) Arms granted in Alice Belhouse (1190 - 1246) ( - ca1151) Sir John Barrington Heir. Heir. all his quarterings c. 1662. ( - >1368) Philip Lybbe Powys Sir Robert Bayard (1734 - 1809) Antony Lybbe Richard Lybbe 'The Sheriff' Richard Lybbe 'The Sewar' Philip de Braose recent full personal arms (1607 - 1674) (1582 - 1658) (ca1525 - 1599) William Justice Quarter [014], Roger de Mortimer Lord of Mortimer Lord of Briouze & Bramber ( - ca1518) 1 distinct line. (ca1231 - <1282) William (II) de Braose ( - <1155) Isabella Lybbe Richard Lybbe Quarter [004], Emma Bayard Lord of Abergavenny all heiresses (ca1713 - 1761) Richard Lybbe JP 1 distinct line. John Barrington William (III) de Braose Judhel of Barnstaple (1673 - 1722) (ca1641 - 1715) Leonard Keate Bridget Justice Heir. William de Braose Reynold de Braose Lord of Abergavenny ( - ca1192) Heir. ( - ca1623) Heir. ( - ca1426) ( - ca1227) Lord of Abergavenny Aanor de Totnes ( - >1123) but omitting: Quarter [005], Lord of Abergavenny ( - 1211) Heir. We bear his arms, if any. Mary Keate Sir John Blomvyle (<1197 - 1230) 1 distinct line. 1 distinct line. Quarter [015], Quarter [032], all non-heiress wives Philip Lybbe Powys ( - 1692) Miles of Gloucester John Girle FRS Heir. Margaret Blomvyle 1 distinct line. 1 distinct line. (1765 - 1838) Heir. William Brewer Earl of Hereford and all their fathers. (ca1702 - 1761) Edmund de Mortimer Lord Mortimer Baron of Brewer ( - 1143) Quarter [006], Thomas Barrington (ca1255 - 1304) Grecia Briwere & Torbay Quarter [033], 1 distinct line. ( - 1470) Heir. ( - 1226) Bertha of Hereford 1 distinct line. Thomas Battell Quarter [035], [101], (ca1130 - ) Bernard de Neufmarché Quarter [016], [145], Heir. Lord of Brocknock 1 distinct line. 3 distinct lines. ( - 1125) Caroline Girle William Marshal Quarter [034], (1738 - 1817) John Slaney Maud de Braose Earl of Pembroke 1 distinct line. Heir. (ca1683 - ca1720) (ca1230 - <1301) Alice Battell Sir Thomas Enfield (ca1146 - 1219) Henry Philip Powys Quarter [007], Sir Thomas Barrington John Barrington Sir Nicholas Barrington Nicholas Barrington Humfrey Barrington Heir. Heir. Quarter [036], [046], Sybyl de Neufmarché (1791 - 1859) Barbara Slaney 1 distinct line. ( - 1581) (ca1507 - ) ( - ca1521) ( - 1504) ( - ca1485) Quarter [017], ( - >1143) (ca1715 - 1801) 1 distinct line. Eva Marshal [068], [171], Heir. Heir. Sir John Holbech Roger de Mortimer Earl of March ( - <1246) 4 distinct lines. Quarter [018], (ca1287 - 1330) Geoffrey de Joinville Heir. 1 distinct line. Lord Geneville Elizabeth Enfield (ca1226 - 1314) Richard 'Strongbow' Richard Michell Richard Michell Heir. Sir Roger Hillary Quarter [038], FitzGilbert (1728 - 1789) (1704 - 1748) ( - ca1357) 1 distinct line. Earl of Pembroke Quarter [008], Quarter [020], Isabel Clare Countess of Pembroke Louisa Michell (ca1130 - 1176) 1 distinct line. Anne Holbech Sir John Rochford 1 distinct line. Gilbert de Lacy (ca1173 - 1220) Quarter [037], [047], (ca1766 - 1848) Sir John Tash ( - 1470) ( - ca1410) (ca1208 - <1230) Heir. Heir. (ca1673 - ca1735) [069], [172], Heir. Quarter [019], Sir Saher de Rochford Sir Piers de Joinville Quarter [039], [188], 4 distinct lines. Quarter [009], 1 distinct line. (ca1265 - <1292) 2 distinct lines. Elizabeth Tash 1 distinct line. ( - 1759) N. N. Rochford Joan Hillary Heir. Heir. Heir. Maud de Lacy (ca1230 - 1304) Heir. Hugue XII de Lusignan Count of La Marche ( - >1270) Edmund of Langley Sir Edmund Mortimer Lord Mortimer Quarter [040], Duke of York (ca1306 - 1332) Joan de Geneville Baroness Geneville 1 distinct line. Raoul de Fougères (1341 - 1402) (1286 - 1356) Seigneur de Fougères Quarter [026], Edward III Heir. ( - 1257) Richard of 1 distinct line. (1312 - 1377) Jeanne de Lusignan Quarter [041], Conisbrough (ca1262 - <1323) 1 distinct line. Earl of Cambridge Heir. (ca1375 - 1415) Robert de Caen Earl of Gloucester Henry I Quarter [025], Peter The Cruel Jehanne de Fougères William FitzRobert (ca1090 - 1147) (1068 - 1135) 1 distinct line. King of Castile ( - 1269) Earl of Gloucester Richard de Clare Earl of Hertford (ca1130 - 1183) and Leon Heir. (ca1162 - <1217) Isabel of Castile and Leon (1334 - 1369) Quarter [044], Robert FitzHamon (ca1355 - 1392) Quarter [027], [066], [169], Lord of Tewkesbury Heir. Bartholomew de Badlesmere Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester 3 distinct lines. (1064 - 1107) 1 distinct line. Lord Badlesmere (ca1180 - 1230) Amice filia William FitzRobert Mabel FitzHamon Quarter [045], [067], (ca1275 - 1322) (1160 - 1225) ( - 1157) [170], Quarter [042], 1 distinct line. Heir. Heir. 3 distinct lines. William Marshal Richard de Clare Earl of Gloucester Earl of Pembroke (1222 - 1262) (ca1146 - 1219) Roger Mortimer Earl of March Quarter [036], [046], (1328 - 1360) [068], [171], Richard 'Strongbow' Isabel Marshal 4 distinct lines. FitzGilbert (1200 - 1240) Earl of Pembroke Elizabeth de Badlesmere Heir. (ca1130 - 1176) William FitzNeel (1313 - 1356) Quarter [037], [047], Lord of Halton Heir. [069], [172], Eustace FitzJohn ( - <1130) Isabel Clare Countess of Pembroke 4 distinct lines. (<1100 - 1157) Quarter [050], [072], (ca1173 - 1220) [175], 3 distinct lines. Heir. Richard FitzEustace Agnes FitzNeel ( - <1157) Sir Thomas de Clare Heir. Lord of Thomond (ca1247 - 1287) John de Lacy John The Constable Robert de Lisours Margaret de Clare Quarter [043], Earl of Lincoln (ca1152 - 1190) Quarter [051], [073], Sir Richard Poole KG (ca1287 - <1334) 1 distinct line. (ca1192 - 1240) Quarter [049], [071], [176], (ca1459 - <1504) Heir. Quarter [048], [070], Roger de Lacy [174], 3 distinct lines. [173], ( - 1212) 3 distinct lines. Robert I de Lacy Edmund Mortimer 3 distinct lines. Albreda de Lisours ( - <1129) Earl of March Heir. Quarter [052], [074], (1352 - 1381) [177], Quarter [029]. 3 distinct lines. Saher IV de Quency Albreda de Lacy Earl of Winchester Robert de Bellomont Heir. (1155 - 1219) Earl of Leicester Roger de Bellomont Quarter [053], [075], ( - 1190) Seigneur of Beaumont [090], [104], [134], Quarter [054], [076], ( - >1090) Waleran [148], [178], [091], [105], [135], Robert de Bellomont Earl of Leicester Robert de Bellomont Earl of Leicester Earl of Mellent Sir Thomas Barrington Bart Sir Francis Barrington Bart (ca1104 - 1168) (ca1046 - 1118) (ca990 - 1069) Maud de Lacy Robert II de Quency 7 distinct lines. [149], [179], Adeline ( - ca1644) (ca1560 - 1628) ( - <1232) 7 distinct lines. Quarter [055], [077], (ca1223 - <1288) No distinct arms found for him, ( - <1086) [092], [106], [136], Heir. William de Heir. William Reginald Lybbe Philip Lybbe Powys Lybbe 3 distinct lines. [150], [160], [180], Powys-Lybbe Grantmesnil 8 distinct lines. (born POWYS) Margaret de Bellomont Quarter [056], [078], (born POWYS) (1818 - 1897) Roger Mortimer (1856 - 1888) (ca1155 - 1235) Pernel de Grantmesnil [093], [107], [137], Earl of March Heir. [151], [181], (1374 - 1398) ( - 1212) 7 distinct lines. Reginald Cecil Lybbe Quarter [028], Heir. Powys-Lybbe 1 distinct line. (born POWYS) (1881 - 1930) Margaret de Quency Lionel of Antwerp ( - <1266) In 1907 had Licence Heir. for P-L arms. Duke of Clarence Ranulf le Meschin (1338 - 1368) Walter de Burgh Earl of Ulster Earl of Chester Quarter [060], Edward III Hugh de Kivelioc Ranulf de Gernon ( - <1129) 1 distinct line. (ca1230 - 1271) George Plantagenet Richard Plantagenet (1312 - 1377) Quarter [062], Hawise de Kivelioc Countess of Lincoln Earl of Chester Earl of Chester Quarter [059], [081], Duke of Clarence Duke of York 1 distinct line. Sir John FitzGeffery (ca1180 - <1242) (1147 - 1181) (<1100 - 1153) [184], Sarah Ann Bartholomew (1449 - 1478) (1411 - 1460) (ca1208 - 1258) Heir. Quarter [057], [079], Quarter [058], [080], 3 distinct lines. (1851 - 1895) Quarter [023], Quarter [024], Quarter [063], [161], [182], [183], Heir. 1 distinct line. 1 distinct line. 2 distinct lines. 3 distinct lines. 3 distinct lines. John de Burgh Richard de Burgh Earl of Ulster (ca1290 - 1313) (ca1259 - 1326) William Bartholomew Lucy Turold (1817 - 1885) Avelina FitzJohn ( - 1138) ( - <1085) Not an armiger. Philippa Countess of Ulster (1238 - ca1274) Heir. Arms, if any, unknown (1355 - ca1382) Heir. Heir. Richard de Clare Earl of Hertford (ca1162 - <1217) William FitzRobert Robert de Caen Earl of Gloucester Henry I Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester Earl of Gloucester (ca1090 - 1147) (1068 - 1135) (ca1180 - 1230) (ca1130 - 1183) Amice filia William FitzRobert Quarter [044], [066], Robert FitzHamon (1160 - 1225) [169], Lord of Tewkesbury William de Burgh Heir. 3 distinct lines. (1064 - 1107) Earl of Ulster Mabel FitzHamon Quarter [045], [067], (1312