The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 13420, Page 1238
1238 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, MARCH 18, 1919. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS Capt. and Qr.-Mr. Charles William Gates Smith, OF KNIGHTHOOD. R.A.S.C. Lieut. (A./Capt.) Charles George Spurling, R.F.A.' St. James's Palace, S.W. I, Asst. Administrator Miss Gloria Ethel Ada Still- Ibth March 1919. well, Q.M.A.A.C. The KING has been graciously pleased to give T./Capt. Herbert Arthur Townley, Gen. List. orders for the following appointments to the Most T./Qr.-Mr. and Capt. William Tuson, R.A.M.C. Excellent Order of the British Empire, for valu- Capt. Joseph Walker, 5th Bn., W. Rid. R. able services rendered during the War in Military T./Capt. Arthur Walsh, Gen. List. Record Offices in the United Kingdom. T./Lieut. William Whitehead, Gen. List. T./Capt. Charles Croyden Wrench, R.A.S.C. The appointments to date from the 1st January 1919:— To be Commanders of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order ;— His Majesty the KING has been graciously Lt.-Col. (Bt. Col.) Edmund Buller Anderson, Ret. pleased to approve of the award of the Meritorious Pay, late R.A. Service Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Maj. (T./Lt.-Col.) Charles James Daniel, D.S.O., Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Man in Ret. Pay, late L.N. Lane. R. recognition of valuable services rendered in con- Lt.-Col. (T./Col.) George M'Nish, T.D., T.F. Res., nection with the War in Record Offices:— late 7th Bn., H.L.I. HOME. 6127 W.O. Cl.
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