Criimes in the Library

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Criimes in the Library - - Weather : -1 CAMPUS NEWS ." brrrrr! a_--- - _-- I Please recycle this newspaper. Tuesday, December 1, 1981 Volume IV, Number 54 !RussianI Department Receives 1 I I I In-House Grant I I by Alan Federman I The Russian Department jective in the "re-develop- i lhas received a-$1,000 grant merit" program is to qlus~I I !from the Innovative Educa- the new language lab more I ltion Fund at Tufts this sem- efficiently and improve oral I lester in order to purchase skills." The n6w tapes will I I ;instructional videotapes be helpful bec;iusc student.s I las part of the "re-develop- will be able !IC actually I ling of the Russian program," "see and hear t.rle Russians I I laccording to Professors speak, an6 hear srords in I IS loan, Forman and Johnson. cont.ext." This will make I I Tufts purchased 10 video- it easier to pick up the I I Itapes from the Pushkin In- language, rather than merely I lstitute in Moscow, the first reading out of a book. This I Ischool in the Boston area new program could not be I A I I !to incorporate these video- possible without the new I ltapes into its curriculum language lab at the Cabot I hhe tapes, all filmed on Center. I I .;location in Russia and de- The Russian Department I Reading selections from Barn Fever, Peter Davison lpicting Soviet citizens in has also added some inter-.! leveryday life, will be used esting "culture-related" I will be at Tufts on Thursday. (Photo by Jane Davison) I las I Davison a teaching aide in the course in response to stu- I lintensive Elementary 3.u~- dent demand. Russsian 192, I lsian 1-2 course. "Solzhenitsyn 'In Literature I . Atlantic's Editor to Feature Latest I According to members of continued on page 5 lthe department, their ob- I Book at Campus Reading Thursday I I Raised in Colorado and darkly but with humor, out educated at Harvard and Cam- of the mystery but not her- bridge, Peter Davison grew metic or obscure. CRIIMES IN THE LIBRARY up as the son of the English Peter Davison has worked poet Edward Davison in an with distinction for three The Nils Yngve Wessell A wallet, ID, credit intense and literary family. decades as an editor of Library was the scene of cards and travellers checks He was encouraged in his ! books, since 1956 at the three reported larcenies were taken in one Friday youth by Robert Frost, a Atlantic Monthly Press, and over the Thanksgiving break. theft; keys, cash and checks family . friend, and began he is also poetry editor All three robberies took were taken in the other. in his late twenties to of The Atlantic. The ways place in the basement car-- On Wednesday, a handbag con- write poems. His first vol- by which he arrived at a re1 area and involved the taining a wallet, ID, lic- ume, The Breaking of Day, dual life are described in theft of personal articles ense, and cash was taken. (1964) was a critical SUC- his highly-praised- -. auto- and cash. The first report The handbag itself was later cess and chosen for the Yale biography Half Remembered came at 10:30 am on Wednes- recovered without its con- Series of Younger- Poets. (1973). He has edited The day the 25th; the nextetwo tent s. His other volumes of poetry World of Farley Mowat and came within minutes of each Other crimes over the include The City and the Hello Darkness: The Collect- other on Friday the 27th uneventful Turkey Day week- Island (1966), Pretending ed Poems of L.E. Sissman. at 1:30pm. end included: a dumpster to be Asleep (1970), Walking His honors include an award One victim offered a des- fire near tlie Hillside dorm- the Boundaries: PoemsPP1957T from the National Institute cription of what ,Tufts Cam- itories, a minor accident -1974 (1974) and A Voice in of Arts and Letters. pus Police Captain: Holland at the corner of Packard the Mountain (1977). -Barn Peter Davison says, "I called "a possible suspect ." and Powderhouse, a broken Fever will be Dublished bv must be one of the verv few The "suspicious person'' is windown in Curtis Hall, and Atheneum on April 27, 1981. American poets of my gener- described as a male cau- some bathroom damage incar- It is Peter Davison's sixth ation never to have either casian, approximately six michael Hall on Saturdai, book of poetry, and in this studied or ,taught creative feet tall, of medium build night. The Carmichael van- substantial, artfully ar- writing." He lives with his in his mid-twenties. He has- dals pulled a sink from the ranged collection his poems wife, the writer Jan Davis- a dark complexion, brown wall and co;rered the mirror take on a new edge and a coriiinued on page6 hair and a moustache. with toothpaste. new range: the poems speak 1, 2 lmsDAILyTuesday, December 1981 Tufts Daily AHTIIIIK I.. (:IiAKI.TON, .JK., t:dir.or in Chier MIKF FFll$llS, Ixccut ivc Edil.or ANTHONY EVERETT, Associate Editor I.aVEKNE 1'. HAKLETT, Managing Editoi News Briefs .JACK fMKHt:TTE, News Editor :<EN SIJNSIIINE, Photography Editor No to 2 112 HORERT WOLF. Sports Editor ONA I)IKE, Arts Editor Racial Integration . HOB KAPIAN, Features Editor 51'1. 1.1'SS1.1..H, I..IVOIII I-di tor BETH HOSE, I.,iyout Editor Springfield State Senator The nation's highest MKY 1311CCLt Graphics Etitor .lOt. l,l!(:A, (:opy !.,d i t vr Jan Sisitsky says he has court is refusing to get .I)ONNA KAPIJ, Business Manager iled a bill repealing Prop- involved in a continuing -., INA 'll<nnA(:l,?No, Oi f icc. M:inay(r:r SUSAN COLE, Advertising Manager -. siti ion 2$, the property dispute over the racial in- .- .- ax limiting law approved tegration of the St. Louis Ihe Tufts Daily is a non-protit student-run newspaper putiished by tne students of Tufts Uni ly Massachusetts voters a public school system. The versity. weerllays during the academic year. Printing by the Harvard Crimson, Inc.. Cambridge. ear ago. Sisitsky distribu- MI. Please address correspondence to: Ihc Tufts Oaily. Curtis Hall, Tufts University. Medford. Supreme Court yesterday left #A, 02155. lelephone: (6171 628-5000. pits. 6130. 6131. Business hours 9-5 weekdays. U.S. cci copies of his one sent- intact rulings that last Postage paid in Wedford, Massachusetts. nce repealer to reporters year required the busing t the statehouse yesterday of 7600 students within St. Letters to The Editor orning. The senator has 'Louis. poken against the law since many people come into the t was enacted by the voters .... An Apology to dishroom and harassed the Prez Gets the Missle' Some n November 1980. His ap- workers. If you don't enjoy roach now, in filing a re- Washington, the Pres- To the Editor: cutting your steak with soup zaler, is not likely to identIn is expected to get spoons, . return what youlve As student supervisor E adopted by the legisla- taken, or insist that your are and Governor King. King his way on the MX Missile of the Dining Services friends do. Treat-ing your and B-1 bomber. The Senate Thanksgiving Dinner, I 'd fellow students, who happen 13s said significant changes began debate yesterday on 71 2.5 a - like to respond to 'those to work very hard, as though the law would be un- .military spending bill who had complaints about they are at fault is child- lcceptable to him. which includes $2.1 billion the silverware shortage in like and degrading. Perhaps for the B-l'and approximate- Dew i ck /MacPh i e la st Tur:sday . attacking the probiem itself ly the same amount for the Many people came into is more realisitic. If you MX. Attempts to eliminate .t.he dishroom demanding sil- really care, follow the hon- funding for both projects verware: well, to those who est path. If you don't, keep are expected to be defeated. have never removed any from it to yourself. y comrades trom enormous 1StratiVe "guessing-games" the. dining halls or have Bob Henchv A82 cold their neighbors that institutions such as Boston only apply, for the most it is wrong to take what The Grass IS Greener,,, 'Jniv. and Univ. of Mass. part, to introductory cour- is not theirs, I apolog'ize. had in selecting their tour- se~,but one must take these Every effort was made to To the Editor: ses. to get into the upper level provide Dewick and MacPhie "Go to Tufts,,'' they all After being mistakenly courses. with whatever UtCn'silS We said. reat at school, great put into a wrong English A primary function of had available. education." Well here I am. 2 class and while I along' any University should be Hcwever, there Seems to I'd love to know where they with hundreds others await academics. Why can't the be an attitude that Dining got their information, be- the winners of the "Economic administration make our reg- Services is rolling in ex- wrong. Sweepstakes," I seriously istration a little easier? cess funds and that we can In between the pictures wonder how an administration Maybe an extra lecture or well affor.; to replace over of rolling hills and ~11-which has just hiked the Professor for these "high- 200 dollars per day of Sto- American boys and girls, tuition almost one thousand demand" ,courses could make len plates and my Tufts University Bulletin dollars can deprive students them a.
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