UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA FOURTH NATIONAL REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY (CBD) VViiiccee PPrrreessiiiddeennttt’’’ss OOffffffiiiccee,,, DDiiivviiissiiioonn oofff EEnnvviiirrroonnmmeennttt JJuulllyy 22000099 Published by the Vice President’s Office, Division of Environment, United Republic of Tanzania (URT), Dar es Salaam 2009 Copyright 2009 Division of Environment, Vice President’s Office, URT ISBN: 9987-8990- This publication may be reproduced for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holders provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The Vice President’s Office would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source. For further information, please contact: Permanent Secretary Vice President’s Office, P. O. Box 5380, Dar es Salaam. TANZANIA. Phone : +255-22-2113983/+255-22-2118416/+255-22-2116995 Fax : +255-22-2125297/ +255-22-2124631/+255-22-2113856 E-mail:
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[email protected] 2 PREFACE The United Republic of Tanzania ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity on 8th March 1996 whose objectives are Conservation of Biological Diversity, Sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources . Biodiversity is the source of economic and ecological security of present and future generations. Thus, the current and future economic, social and ecological contributions of genes, species, and ecosystems make the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, not just a technical concern but a political imperative as well. Diversity and variety enable humanity to adapt to local, regional and global changes. As a Party to the Convention, Tanzania is required to fulfill the obligation of reporting under Article 26 that “requires the Parties to present reports to the Conference of the Parties (COP) on measures taken to implement the Convention and the effectiveness of those measures in meeting the Convention’s objectives”.