ArcelorMittal Europe - Long Products Sections and Merchant Bars High-rise buildings © TomRossiterPhotography 1 Electric arc furnace Rolling process Quenching and Self-Tempering (QST) process for HISTAR® steel © Antony Wood / CTBUH Wood © Antony Agence d'architecture Anthony Béchu - Tom Sheehan; © Pierre-Élie de Pibrac de Pibrac Sheehan; © Pierre-Élie Anthony Béchu - Tom d'architecture Agence Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai, China D2 Tower, Paris, France 2 Dear Reader, We are delighted to present to you the high-rise buildings brochure. It features suggestions and advice about the optimal use of hot-rolled shapes in tall buildings. :HRIIHUWKHZLGHVWUDQJHRIVWUXFWXUDOVKDSHVL]HV VWHHOJUDGHVDQGKHUH\RXZLOOùQGD comprehensive information about their properties as well as their advantages and applications in high-rise buildings. Since we operate a policy of continuous product development, this brochure will be subject to changes. In order to remain up-to-date with our latest developments, we invite you to regularly consult our website: In addition to this brochure, our commercial teams and technical advisory are at your disposal to answer any question you may have:
[email protected]. Kind regards, Tapas Rajderkar ArcelorMittal Europe - Long Products CEO Sections and Merchant Bars 3 Dear Reader, This ArcelorMittal publication, focusing on high-rise buildings, was produced with the assistance and guidance of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), the world’s leading resource for professionals focused on the inception, design, construction and operation of tall buildings and future cities. The Council’s research department is spearheading the investigation of the next generation of tall buildings by aiding original research on sustainability and key development issues.