Explorer | | July 2020

¡Viva Chile!

Before the global pandemic put pay to non-essential international travel, we visited Chile’s capital city to explore Santiago for our latest global retail travelogue.

Santiago fuses the influences of all that have settled there over the years. With a strong Spanish and Mediterranean vibe, its business connections with America, and the rest of are everywhere. The effect is a vibrant and colourful backdrop that’s full of spirit and dynamism.

Santiago retail is characterised by diversity, quality and originality—at all ends of the market—with an impressive array of both local and famous international brand names. Opened in 2013, the 62-storey tall that is Gran Torre Santiago plays host to the largest shopping mall in Latin America—one of Santiago’s many outstanding retail destinations. Dynamic and cosmopolitan, it is a vibrant city that is bursting with opportunities for retail adventure. By Karl McKeever

Founder & Managing Director

visualthinking.co.uk Downtown Avenida Andrés Bello 2425, Providencia

Its remote location means that Chilean retailers are quick to look outward. With exciting concepts, new ideas and embracing new thinking to help them prosper, they are open and creative. In this issue, we select some of the exciting names and places that are making their mark—revolutionising retail in a way that only the country’s unique pioneering spirit and talented retail people can.

In Explorer: Chile, we celebrate all that is good in retail in this stunning Latin American city.

Like a fine wine, Santiago retailing is getting better with age. But its spirit is also … a vibrant city embodied in a booming independent retail scene, thriving eCommerce sales and a passionate commitment to innovation. that is bursting with opportunities for retail adventure.

Bazar Gourmet Foodmarket Parque Arauco, Av Presidente Kennedy 5413, Las Condes

We look at the Chilean retail market from a shoppers perspective and with unique insight—showcasing domestic retailers, big and small, that are driving high performance and success by pioneering new ideas, great VM, market leading instore service and outstanding store operations.

visualthinking.co.uk Like a fine wine, Falabella Mall Plaza Los Domínicos Av. Padre Hurtado Sur 875, Las Condes Santiago retailing is getting better with age. We also feature exclusive interviews with senior retail leaders of South America’s biggest department store, Falabella.

Read about how this powerhouse of national retail is combining the best of the store experience and innovative ecommerce operations to drive significant commercial growth, ambitious sustainability projects, social programs that are deepening their roots with the community, helping Chilean people to learn, work and thrive

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