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In Your Neighborhood Research & Education Bright future In , I politikken må sannheten vente it’s a dog’s life for the Concordia til noen får bruk for den. Read more on page 13 – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Read more on page 5 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 10 March 9, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Moving Norway forward News The mHealth Alliance announc- Focus shifts to es that the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation public transport (Norad) has made a USD 9.9 million commitment to support instead of large the use of mobile technologies to improve women and chil- road projects dren’s health. “The Norwegian government has long been a leader in supporting develop- t a f f o m p i l a t i o n ing countries as they face chal- S C Norwegian American Weekly lenges like maternal and infant mortality,” said Kathy Calvin, CEO of the U.N. Foundation. “Norad’s commitment combines The proposals for a new na- this support with the convening tional transport plan has been pre- power of the mHealth Alliance. sented. It calls for more money to These catalytic grants will assist be spent on public transport in and technologists and health experts around the larger cities, and less on who are working to improve large road projects. health outcomes and achieve the In order to meet a growing Millennium Development Goals population, the proposal calls for that seek to improve women’s the state to enable the larger cities and children’s health.” to finance an expansion of public (blog.norway.com/category/ transport, coupled with restrictions Photo: Nancy Bundt / www.visitnorway.com news) See > transport, page 6 Proposals for the new national transport plan call for more money to be spent on public transport to handle Norway’s population increase. Sports Kjetil Jansrud won the men’s World Cup super-G race on the Olympic course on March 4. Thanks from Norway The Norwegian skier finished in All in for Ibsen 1 minute, 34.02 seconds. Com- Commonweal Theatre presents the 15th U.S. Army Colonel patriot Aksel Lund Svindal was second, 0.21 behind. “A double- annual Ibsen Festival in Lanesboro, Minn. awarded at win for Norway, it’s not every the Norwegian day that you see that,” Svindal said. “And usually it’s two Nor- Embassy wegians in the starting field.” (blog.norway.com/category/ business) Ha n n a Pi n c u s Gj e r t s e n Royal Norwegian Embassy What’s inside? News 2-3 On Feb. 24, U.S. Army Colo- Business 4 nel Larry J. Redmon was awarded Research & Education 5 the Armed Forces Medal for In- Photo: Hanna Pincus Gjertsen Opinion 6-7 See > Medal, page 7 U.S. Army Colonel Larry J. Redmon receiving his medal at the Embassy. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 On top of the world Obituaries & Religion 11 Photo courtesy of Commonweal Theatre Company A scene from ’s play “Hedda Gabler,” which the Commonweal The- Marit Bjørgen Arts & Style 12 atre Company presented in their 2009 Ibsen Festival. In Your Neighborhood 13 increases her lead Norwegian Heritage 14 Co m m o n w e a l Th e a t r e Co m p a n y in the World Cup Sports 15 Lanesboro, Minn. VG $1 = NOK 5.6144 The Commonweal Theatre atre, visual art, music and dance, updated 3/5/2012 Company announces its 15th An- centered around the opening of Marit Bjørgen (31) was super nual Ibsen Festival April 13 – 15 Commonweal’s annual Ibsen pro- powered, won the sprint and in- In comparison in downtown Lanesboro, Minn. duction. This yearly gathering of creased her lead even more over 2/5/2012 5.8014 Named for the acclaimed “Father artists and craftsmen was honored Justyna Kowalczyk (29) in the 9/5/2011 5.3978 of Modern Drama,” the Festival is 3/5/2011 5.5759 a celebration of Scandinavian the- See > Ibsen, page 12 See > Bjørgen, page 15 Photo: Langrenn.no 2 • March 9, 2012 norwegian aMerican weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter En av tre innsatte er utlendinger heikki holmås vil ikke fjordingen Hver tredje innsatte i norske fengsler er ut- lending. Norge har den høyeste andelen ut- kan dø ut lendinger i fengsel i Skandinavia. Av 3.642 gå inn ny lederkamp innsatte i norske fengsler er 33 prosent utenlandske statsborgere, skriver Bergens 28 norske husdyrraser Tidende. Bare siden 2006 er andelen uten- Han mener det er trist landske statsborgere doblet blant innsatte i at Lysbakken går av er utrydningstruet varetekt og domssoning i Norge, sier forsker Ragnar Kristoffersen ved Kriminalomsor- som statsråd gens utdanningssenter. Kristoffersen mener VG mye av årsaken til utviklingen er utvidelsen av Schengenområdet i 2006 med blant annet NRK Nordlandshest/lyngshest er også å finne Polen og Litauen. Det er nettopp disse nas- på Norsk genressurssenters liste over utryd- jonene som er sterkest representert i norske – Veldig trist dag for oss rødgrønne. Au- ningstruede husdyrraser, sammen med seks fengsler. dun har fått til mye bra som minister. Jeg tror Foto: SV/Wikimedia Commons storferaser og fem hunderaser, melder . (NTB) vi alle har behov for å trekke pusten, men no. valgkomiteens innstilling ligger fast og min Andersen ønsker ikke å kommentere om Blant hunderasene som nå er utrydning- 43 nye myggarter påvist i Finnmark beslutning om å følge den også, sier Heikki det nå er mer aktuelt at andre enn Lysbakken struet er norsk buhund, lundehund, svart Insektforskere har i Finnmark funnet minst Holmås i tekstmelding til NRK. blir ny SV-leder. norsk elghund, hygenhund, haldenstøver og 43 myggarter som ingen visste eksisterte. har vært den eneste – Det blir det opp til valgkomiteen å dunker. Flere myggarter er påvist for første gang kandidaten til å ta over for Kristin Halvors- avgjøre, sier Andersen. – Husdyrrasene er landets og landbruke- i Europa. I løpet av sommeren og høsten en under SV-landsmøtet til helgen, etter at Stortingsrepresentant for SV i Rogaland, ts biologiske mangfold, sier Nina Hovden 2010 samlet forskere inn materiale fra mer nestleder Bård Vegar Solhjell og deretter Hallgeir Langeland, er enig med Andersen i Sæther som er leder for Norsk genressurs- enn 100 steder i Finnmark. Resultatet er nå stortingsrepresentant Heikki Holmås kunng- at det var trist, men riktig at Lysbakken trek- senter. presentert i en sluttrapport. Rapporten viser jorde at de ikke var kandidater. - ker seg. – De er viktige å ta vare på for å sikre en at mangfoldet av insekter tilknyttet vann i representant for SV er blant – Han må stå til rette for feil han selv genetisk variasjon i framtida. Dessuten er de Finnmark er imponerende stort, skriver For- dem som har sagt at Jenteforsvar-saken har har gjort, og det har han nå gjort ved å trekke skning.no. Forskerne har påvist 630 ulike ar- en viktig del av kulturarven, sier hun. skadet partiet. Hun er likevel tydelig på at seg som statsråd. Rogaland SV går fortsatt ter av mygg, samt 132 arter vårfluer og teger. Av storfe er det seks raser som er de- for Audun som partileder, sier Langeland til (NTB) hun ikke ønsket at Lysbakken skulle gå av. finerte som truet. Det gjelder dølafe, sida – Dette er forferdelig trist. Jeg mener NRK.no, og utdyper: trønderfe og nordlandsfe, telemarksfe, vest- Sykehusene skriver kronglete pasientbrev han gjorde rett i gå av nå, men det er leit, sier – Det er fullt mulig at Audun er partiled- landsk fjordfe, vestlandsk raudkolle og øst- Sykehusene skriver så vanskelige og avan- Andersen til NRK.no. er fra Stortinget, sier Langeland, som mener landsk raudkolle. serte brev til pasientene at de ikke skjønner Andersen er helt klar på at hun mener det er en dårlig idé å utsette det planlagte Av småfe er syv raser truet, seks av dem sine rettigheter, mener Oslos helse- og sos- Jenteforsvar-saken har vært skadelig for par- ledervalget til helgen. saueraser. Kystgeita er også utrydningstruet, ialombud Anne-Lise Kristensen. Kristensen tiet, men støtter likevel måten Lysbakken har – Vi trenger en ny leder, og det valget sammen med tre fjørferaser, trønderkaninen utdyper problemet i sin årsrapport som of- håndtert saken på. bør skje som planlagt, mener Langeland. og brun bie. fentliggjøres denne uka. Hun mener de – Avgangen var for så vidt overraskende, uforståelige brevene kan hjelpe de mest res- men situasjonen gjorde at det var riktig, sier English Synopsis: One of Audun Lysbakken’s main English Synopsis: 28 species of farm animals unique surssterke til å ta seg fram i sykehuskøene, Andersen, som har blitt foreslått som midler- contenders for SV party leader, Heiki Holmås, has de- to Norway, including the rare Norwegian fjord horse, skriver Aftenposten. Tall som avisa har hen- tidig SV-leder av Ola Kristian Johansen i SV cided not to re-enter the race in light of Lysbakken’s are in danger of extinction. tet inn fra HELFO, viser at 60 prosent av i Nord-Trøndelag. resignation from his post. dem som klager, rykker fram i pasientkøen. – Problemet kan enten være at pasientene ikke får den nødvendige informasjonen om hvilke rettigheter de har. Brevene er i hvert Ny kongelig Må velge mellom skole fall ikke skrevet slik at pasientene opp- muntres til å ta vare på sine rettigheter. Brev kan også være så vanskelig formulert at folk minnemynt og rettssak rett og slett ikke skjønner dem, sier Kris- tensen. – At pasienter som klager, kommer I forbindelse med kong Skoleelever som var på foran andre pasienter med samme lidelser Harald og dronning og hjelpebehov, er en klart ulovlig praksis, Utøya frykter de vil miste i strid med kravet om medisinskfaglige vur- Sonjas 75-årsdag er det deringer og er etisk svært betenkelig, sier et helt skoleår hvis de vil hun. Direktør Bjørn-Inge Larsen i Helse- laget to minnemynter direktoratet sier de har fått mange tilbake- følge rettssaken meldinger fra folk som synes brev fra helse- VG foretakene kan være vanskelige å forstå. (NTB) VG Kunsthistoriker og tidligere museumsle- Foto: Helge Mikalsen/VG 16.000 deltar i militærøvelse i nord ktor på Nasjonalgalleriet, Tommy Sørbø, 16. april starter rettssaken etter terroran- slakter begge minnemyntene. grepene 22. juli. I minst ti uker skal saken gå Omkring 16.000 soldater fra 15 nasjoner VG har tidligere skrevet at minnemed- Kunnskapsdepartementet vurderer om inntar Nord-Norge de neste tre ukene i Fors- for retten. Svært mange av de fornærmede i aljen med kong Harald på omtales som «helt man må endre forskriftene, slik at skolee- varets årlige vinterøvelse. Styrkene starter saken er ungdommer som går på ungdoms- forferdelig», og det er Sørbø enig i. levene tilknyttet terrorsaken kan følge retts- mandag forberedelser til øvelsen, som har skolen eller i den videregående skolen. I – Mynten med Kongen alene er dårlig. saken uten å få problemer med skolen. fått navnet Cold Response 2012. Styrkene samme periode som rettssaken går, er det – Vi har startet en gjennomgang av kommer fra alle forsvarsgrener og stående Problemet er at når glade amatører skal lage fullt kjør med avsluttende eksamener og inn- dagens regelverk, etter at vi ble klar over NATO-styrker, hvorav Canada, Frankrike, portretter, så tar de med alt. Det er for mange leveringer. denne problemstillingen. Vi ser på hva slags Nederland, Storbritannia, Sverige og USA detaljer og for lite bevissthet om hvordan Kunnskapsminister rom som ligger i dagens regler, og om det deltar med flest mannskaper. Hovedformålet man plasserer et ansikt på en sirkulær flate. (SV) har bedt skolene om å utvise fleksibil- eventuelt er behov for regelendringer, sier med operasjonen er å øve håndtere såkalte Det er et eget fag hvordan man preger en itet, men ifølge skolene gir dagens regelverk statssekretær Elisabet Dahle til NTB. høyintensive kriseoperasjoner under vinter- mynt, og en av de eldste kunstene som finnes, lite rom for fleksibilitet når det gjelder eksa- – Kunnskapsminister Kristin Halvorsen forhold. Scenariet er en NATO-operasjon sier Sørbø til VG Nett. Han er ikke mindre men og fravær knyttet til å kunne gi stand- har hele tiden vært tydelig på at vi ønsker å under et fiktivt FN-mandat i henhold til krass i sin kritikk av sølvmynten, som er den punktkarakterer. komme disse elevene i møte, og vi er opptatt FN-paktens artikkel VII, som autoriserer første med både Kongen og Dronningen på. – Slik det ser ut nå, har myndighetene maktbruk. Øvelsen, som starter for fullt med av å finne gode løsninger, sier Dahle. – Det ser ut som mynten er utformet i ingen tilrettelegging for dem som går på operasjoner fra 12. mars, skal skje i områ- Det er kun en og en halv måned igjen trolldeig. Særlig portrettet av Sonja er dårlig. skolen og som skal følge rettssaken, sier bi- det mellom Harstad, Narvik og Tromsø. til rettssaken starter, og Dahle medgir at det Billedhuggeren har ikke engang klart å få til standsadvokat Trude Marie Wold, som rep- Maritime styrker vil operere langs kysten fra haster med en avklaring. en portrettlikhet. Jeg hadde aldri gjettet at det resenterer to Utøya-ungdommer som går på Harstad til Tromsø-området i hele perioden Dahle vil foreløpig ikke gå inn på hvilke var Sonja, hvis jeg ikke visste det fra før, sier videregående skole. fram til tilbaketrekkingen 23. mars. Sørbø. regelendringer det kan bli snakk om. (NTB) Begge hennes klienter ønsker å følge English Synopsis: Two new medallions have been rettssaken så mye som mulig, men har fått English Synopsis: Youth who were on Utøya on July 22 made in honor of King Harald and Queen Sonja’s 75 signaler om at det vil bety det samme som at are afraid they will be forced to choose between going to birthdays, but experts have criticized how they look. school or following the trial of Anders Behring Breivik de må gå skoleåret om igjen. which begins in April.

Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 9, 2012 • 3 News Cabinet shakeup Case dropped against Kristiansen This week on Norway.com Record number of applicants to the Audun Lysbakken resigns Investigation of former Security Police chief Janne Norwegian Army from his post as minister Kristiansen blocked by Ministry of Defense The Norwegian Armed Forces has received applications from more than 1,000 people that wish to enlist themselves as soldiers. In No r w a y Po s t January, the Armed Forces announced that they would hire almost 200 new, enlisted soldiers. Friday was the last day to apply, The case against former head of the Nor- vealed. This has made the investigation more and the army says that they are happy with wegian Police Security Service (PST), Janne challenging according to Presthus. the response. A total of 1,150 applicants Kristiansen, has been dropped. The Ministry of Defense tells NRK that will now compete to be enlisted as a soldier Kristiansen stepped down as head of the some information has to remain confidential in Brigade North, according to ANB. “I PST in January, after she allegedly made a in order to protect citizens and the intelli- am sure there are several factors that have public statement that included top-secret gence service, and they have decided not to contributed to making the Armed Forces Photo: Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion information about Norwegian intelligence alter their policies in this case. The ministry an attractive place to work,” says Brigadier Audun Lysbakken resigned from his post on operations in Pakistan. The former PST-head does not want to risk letting sensitive infor- Odin Johannessen, Head of Brigade North. March 5 amid a storm of controversy. has not assumed any criminal liability. mation become available in a police case “But I think and hope that part of the reason The day after her resignation a special where they can easily lose track of its clas- is because the quality of the initial period of service has improved,” he adds. unit for police cases and the district attorney sification level, Erik Lund-Isaksen explains. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n (Norway Post) Norwegian American Weekly decided to launch an investigation against Despite the case being dropped, Janne Kristiansen. According to the special unit the Kristiansen’s defense lawyer, Ellen Holager New seeds to the seed vault in Svalbard Ministry of Defense has blocked the inves- Andenæs, tells NRK that they are still evalu- A new shipment of seeds from food plants The Minster of Children and Equality, tigation, and they have therefore decided to ating whether or not to appeal the decision. Audun Lysbakken of the Socialist Left Party arrived at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault for drop the case. “We think this case should have been long-term storage. The shipment, now being (SV) stepped down from his post because Jan Egil Presthus in the special unit for dismissed as ‘no criminal offense proved,’ taken into the seed vault in Longyearbyen, of the controversy over the past few weeks police cases tells NRK that they were not and not ‘according to the state of evidence,’” includes seed samples from Tajikistan, over his funding of self defense classes run permitted to look at the necessary services’ Andenæs says. Armenia, Colombia, Costa Rica and the evaluation of the information Kristiansen re- U.S. Including this most recent deposit of See > shakeup, page 4 See > Kristiansen, page 14 seeds, there are now more than 740,000 seed samples inside the vault. This makes Svalbard Global Seed Vault the most varied Healthy habits collection of seed samples in the world. Norway takes center stage Seeds of the world’s food plants are stored War film “Into the White” prepares for world debut Norwegians use the here for future generations. The genes in these seeds will help the next generation to least medications find properties that will make the cultivated plants of the future successful in the climate among Nordic countries of the future. (Ministry of Agriculture and Food) No r w a y Po s t No charges over Brit killed by polar bear According to new statistics, Norwegians The governor of Norway’s Svalbard use the least amount of pain medications archipelago has elected not to bring any among all the Nordic countries. charges in the case of a 17-year-old British “It doesn’t necessarily mean that they schoolboy killed by a polar bear last summer. get sick more often in other Nordic coun- An investigation into the Aug. 5 incident at tries,” points out , CEO the Von Postbreen glacier that left the Eton of the Association of the Pharmaceutical In- schoolboy dead and four others injured has dustry (LMI). concluded that no crime was committed, Photo: Norwegian Film Institute She explains that the limit for using said deputy governor Lars Erik Alfheim in a Through mutual need, unlikely friendships bloom in the new Norwegian film “Into the White.” certain medications may be lower in some statement. The parents of the victim, Horatio countries than in Norway. Chapple, have appealed the governor’s Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d New statistics from LMI show that Swe- decision. Chapple died after a polar bear Managing Editor den is at the very top when it comes to drug attacked a group of young people touring use, followed by Finland, Denmark and then Svalbard with the British Schools Exploring Directed by Petter Næss and written highly anticipated film made its world pre- Norway. Society (BSES). The group had set up camp by Ole Meldgaard, Petter Næss and Dave miere March 9. Reidun Lisbet Skeide Kjome, Ph.D. near the glacier, 40 kilometers from the Mango, the film “Into the White” tells the High above the harsh Norwegian wil- in public health says that Norwegian doc- regional capital Longyearbyen. unlikely story of survival and camaraderie (The Local) between enemies during World War II. The See > white, page 15 See > medicine, page 6 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 9, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Børs: Week at a Glance (March 5, 2012) Winners Losers Serving community Norsk Kr. 5.6144 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Eitzen Maritime Tech. 1.7 26.7% IGE Resources 1.3 -34.0% 90 years of service with the Oslo Rotary Club Dansk Kr. 5.6250 Solvang 20.0 9.9% Teco Maritime 0.2 -11.1% Svensk Kr. 6.6856 Birdstep Technology 0.9 6.7% NorDiag 0.2 -9.1% Aurskog Sparebank 158.0 9.0% Blom 0.1 -9.1% Canadian $ 0.9938 Nio 3.2 3.3% Scottish Salmon Co. 2.4 -8.9% Ra s m u s Fa l c k Euro 0.7557 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Oslo, Norway

Karmöy Club of Washington Rotary International has more than 300 club followed. Actually that year my grand- clubs and 12,000 members in Norway. It father, a member since 1924, had the idea of was the Norwegian-American Iowa sena- using the occasion to do some international Annual Cod Fish Dinner tor Olaf M. Oleson from Fort Dodge Rotary branding. A special publication about the Sunday, March 18 at 4 p.m. Club who brought the movement to Norway. club and the city was distributed to all at that He participated in Rotary Internationals time existing Rotary Clubs. Leif Erikson Hall in Ballard Convention in Edinburgh in 1921, the first The president bell with club was a gift to be held in Europe. After the Convention from the Minneapolis Rotary Club in 1925. Please bring a non- Entertainment and Raffle ~ Suggested Donation: $18 he visited Norway where he brought up the The explorer Roald Amundsen became an perishable food item for idea to start a Rotary Club with honorary member in 1926. Also the less fortunate Reservations are required by March 14. Be sure to bring a friend! friends and nephew Ola Five, TM King Olav V and King RSVP by March 14 to Betty (206) 542-8161 or Gro (425) 742-9133 at the time a captain in the Harald V have been hon- Kings Guard. Ola fol- orary members. HRH lowed up and on Oct. Crown Prince Haakon MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE 13., the first meeting has followed up this with nine members tradition and is an a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w took place and the honorary member to- club was organized. day. Rotary’s founder Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, This was the first Paul P. Harris visited Rotary meeting held the club in 1932. Dur- commercial transactions and estate planning. in Scandinavia. Later ing World War II, the they applied for mem- club went underground. 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 bership in Rotary Inter- Today Oslo Rotary Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 national. The application Club is with its 220 mem- arrived in Chicago on May 17, bers the largest in Scandinavia. Norway’s Constitution Day. At the This year is the 90th year. The charter Subscribe to the NorwegianFull Service Agency WithAmerican Experienced Weekly! charter banquet in Kristiania later the same date will be marked with a conference in the Norwegian Speaking Consultants! year past president of Rotary International recently restored banquet hall at the Univer- Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! architect C. Klumpf from Cleveland Rotary sity of Oslo. Rumors say that a gift will be information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Club handed over the charter dated June 1 as presented to the 200-year-old university. The the first Rotary Club in Scandinavia. President of the club this Rotary year is Roar Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE Olaf M. Oleson was one of Fort Dodge’s Gudding. He is a director at The Veterinary Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 best known benefactors. He died in 1944. He Institute, did research at Iowa State Univer- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] was a native of Norway who immigrated in sity and is familiar with Fort Dodge. Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1870. He operated Oleson Drug Co., and I myself had the pleasure of meeting with 1 (718) 979-6641 with his wife, Julie Haskell Oleson, contrib- Carl Johnson, president of the Fort Dodge LUNDE [email protected] ELECTRONICS, INC. uted to local parks, hospitals, colleges, mu- Rotary Club on a visit to Iowa in 1996. Then [email protected] sical organizations and individuals. In 1928 I extended an invitation to all members to Sales and Service senator Olaf M. Oleson was awarded the Or- visit us. The same applies now. We have our der of St. Olav. The last time he visited the luncheon meeting on Thursdays at the Grand club was in 1937. Hotel in Oslo. When the capital of Norway changed For more information abou the Oslo Ro- name from Kristiania to Oslo in 1925 the tary Club, visit http://oslo.rotary.no.

Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 < shakeup resignation comes days before a party con- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 From page 3 ference at which he is the sole candidate as new leader of the junior partner in the ruling by members of his own party. red-green coalition. Lysbakken made the announcement at a Stoltenberg said Education Minister [email protected] press conference March 5. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Kristin Halvorsen, the outgoing leader of the Lysbakken has already admitted that the Socialist Left Party, was to handle Lysbak- funding of two organizations that run wom- ken’s portfolio for the time being. LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: en’s self-defense classes did not follow prop- At a joint news conference with Lysbak- Certified Public Accountant Small businesses er policies. Both organizations have close ken, Halvorsen later said she backed Lysbak- ties to the Social Left Party (SV), which Au- (206)789-5433 Individuals ken as her successor, saying he had shown dun Lysbakken happens to represent. 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance “good leadership and had taken responsibil- Seattle, WA 98119 Lysbakken’s top position in Norwegian ity for mistakes.” politics was immediately thrown in ques- Halvorsen said she was convinced it tion, especially after he said he’d become would be possible for Lysbakken to be par- aware of a history of funding rules violations ty leader, even if he was not a government within his ministry including some where he member. Advertise in the Weekly! personally had conflicts of interest involving Lysbakken still had the support of his political friendships. party’s outgoing veteran leader and fellow Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: He also is taking the fall for what’s government minister Kristin Halvorsen and, Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for widely been believed to be a mistake made even more importantly, Prime Minister Jens EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color by trusted assistants and friends within the Stoltenberg of the , who had ministry in charge of issues involving chil- • Free ad design said he had full confidence in Lysbakken. dren, families, equality and integration. But on March 5, Lysbakken said he was giv- • Support the only Norwegian- Although he was leaving the govern- American newspaper! ing up his top government post with immedi- ment, Lysbakken said he would run for party ate effect and Stoltenberg said he “respected” leadership and continue in parliament. Lysbakken’s decision. Lysbakken, who is 34 years old, had For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] held the position since October 2009. His norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 9, 2012 • 5 Research & Education It’s a dog’s life It’s illegal in Norway to neuter a dog, but most dogs in the U.S. undergo the procedure. What is preferable practice for the dogs – and their owners?

Id a Korneliussen ScienceNordic.com

The Norwegian Animal Welfare Act Lots of bite wounds in Norway makes it clear that surgical procedures are Therese Bienek got her veterinarian’s not to be used to adapt animals to the needs degree in the U.S. and worked there for a of humans, unless strictly necessary. couple of years. Now she’s also been a vet in “It’s not the dog’s need, given there are Oslo for two years. no medical considerations,” says Torunn She says her workday is affected by the Knævelsrud, head of Section for Animal fact that so few dogs are neutered and spayed Welfare and Fish Health at the Norwegian here, compared to the U.S. Food Safety Authority (NFSA). “I’d never sutured so many bite wounds According to the NFSA it’s essential for on dogs as I’ve been doing since I got back vets to make decisions regarding the neces- to Norway.” sity of a neutering or spaying on a case-by- Bienek says she only treated one case of case basis. a dog biting another during her two years in “Neutering can never be a substitute for the U.S. She thinks that sex hormones lead proper training of a dog,” says Knævelsrud. to unnecessary stress and aggression among “The likelihood of diseases has to be weighed dogs. against the disadvantage of neutering.” Other problems she encounters in Nor- “As we see it the risk of healthy female way are mammary tumors and uterine infec- dogs getting afflicted, with for instance a tions. The mammary tumors are the rough septic uterus or with mammary gland tu- equivalent of breast cancer in humans. mors, is not weighty enough to merit permit- “This was something I never encoun- ting spaying.” tered at work in the U.S., but a quarter of the female dogs in Norway end up either having Social neutering acute surgery or dying prematurely because Norway’s Animal Welfare Act was of mammary tumors. This is a clear argu- amended in 2010, and its stipulation about ment for preventive neutering and spaying,” neutering or spaying was relaxed. says the vet. The NFSA is currently working on a A Norwegian School of Veterinary Sci- regulation under the new law. The govern- ence (NVH) pamphlet on mammary tumors ment agency has stipulated here that the neu- confirms that every fourth female dog in tering of dogs is permitted when mandated Norway develops malignant tumors in the by utility, or if it helps give the dog a justifi- course of her life and it informs about how Photo: Anders Gjengedal/www.visitnorway.com able quality of life, including social contact to prevent it: Norway and the U.S. differ greatly on their opinion towards neteuring and spaying dogs. What is pref- with other dogs. “It is well documented that spaying pri- erable practice for the dogs – and their owners? “We know that the sex drive of some or to the second estrus gives a dramatic re- male dogs makes them aggressive against duction of the risk for mammary tumors later others. Dogs are social animals so in such in life. In countries such as the U.S., where mentioned with regard to spaying or neuter- The vet has assured Nina that hormones cases a veterinarian could consider such a the spaying of female dogs at young age is ing dogs. can run wild the first weeks after a dog is procedure in accordance with the regula- common, we rarely see mammary tumors.” “They can become more obsessed with neutered and this problem will surely dimin- tion,” says Knævelsrud. (translated by ScienceNordic). food and many also become less active,” ish when they stabilize. She stresses that the regulation has not says Moseng. However, after a month of such noisy been adopted as yet, but the hope is to get it Seeking an amendment in the law “However, this can be met by reducing walks Nina still wonders whether the neuter- passed in the course of 2012. “In adherence with Norwegian law I food intake or by increasing exercise. Oth- ing has ruined Joppe. sometimes have to say ‘no’ to owners who erwise, the medical disadvantages of the op- Variety of canine challenges wish to have their pets spayed or neutered, eration are insignificant,” she explains. Could get worse In the U.S., over 90 percent of male dogs even though personally I think it would be Some females become incontinent, but Gry Løberg runs the behavior clinic are neutered, and in many cities and towns for the best,” says Bienek. that’s rare and veterinarians can often do Manimal. She’s an ethologist, which is a owners can be fined or their pets denied ac- She would like to see the responsibility something about it. Also coats can become branch of zoology dealing with animal be- cess to dog parks if the dogs haven’t had the for the decision passed over to owners and curlier and less shiny, and the dogs tend to havior. Løberg deems it important for dog procedure. vets, rather than having either a legal ban or shed more. owners to get a thorough evaluation from a Knævelsrud thinks one reason why Nor- mandate. “But as I see it spaying and neutering professional before deciding on spaying or way have different legislation than the U.S. “All the vets I’ve spoken with want to are not the cause of ailments,” says Moseng. neutering, because it can aggravate a dog’s is that we don’t face the same challenges: see the legal ban on neutering and spaying As mentioned regarding cancer risks, behavior. “Norway has no stray dogs and averts the ended in Norway,” says Bienek. spaying is beneficial for females and the “Most dogs with behavioral problems problems this entails. When it comes to cats, “We think the pet owners’ opinions same applies to males and testicular cancer. have fear aggression. If you neuter one of we permit neutering, because they wander about neutering and spaying have to be given “They can’t get testes cancer when they these the aggression can take a turn for the freely on their own and this can lead to home- strong consideration,” says Torill Moseng, don’t have testicles,” says Moseng. worse,” says Løberg. less kittens, which in turn is an animal wel- veterinarian and central board member of the She adds that prostate gland problems She explains that testosterone makes fare problem. Keeping all cats inside would Norwegian Veterinary Association (DNV). are also sharply reduced by neutering. male dogs tougher, and when you reduce also be an animal welfare issue.” DNV was involved in getting the amend- Moseng stresses that she and DNV ab- the testosterone level of a dog that is already In the U.S., millions of dogs become ed subsection in the law. solutely wish to avoid exposing animals to afraid its fear can intensify. homeless every year. Many are taken in by According to Moseng there is rarely any unnecessary surgery. The behavior therapist favours neuter- a local Humane Society or by dog-catchers, problem with male dogs out in the country- ing in some circumstances, preferably right and those that are not adopted are put to side, but in cities they can be stressed by all Growling and barking after the dog reaches sexual maturity, as this sleep. the females nearby that are in heat, or by en- Joppe the dog had to stay at the vet- can be a useful measure with regard to sexu- In an American study from 1996, un- counters with many other male dogs. erinary clinic for four days before he could ally motivated behavior. neutered dogs were highly represented “This can be a problem for the animals’ come home from his surgery. His health has “If the behavior has continued for sev- among homeless or strays, and owners welfare,” says Moseng. improved but his owner Nina Thorstensen is eral years then accrued behavior can be more named behavioral problems as a reason for concerned about his behavior. Walks have significant than the play of hormones. Neu- giving up their dogs. Few disadvantages become a hassle because Joppe growls and tering within a couple of months after the barks at every dog he sees. Problems with overweight are often See > dog, page 11 6 • March 9, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Setting the Agenda: Exporting Norwegian norms through the Nobel Peace Prize By Maren Anderson Johnson, M.A. in Scandinavian Studies

For the second year in a row, the consortium of the Obama Peace Prize failed to execute Peace Prize selection committee is unique. the study of the Peace Prize as a vehicle of of Norwegian colleges in the Midwest have one final step to garner a better understand- Five individuals sit on the committee and all international prominence for Norway. welcomed a University of Washington student ing of this choice; few asked the members of are appointed by the Norwegian parliament, The Nobel Committee searches for can- to join a weekend of engagement, speeches, the Norwegian Nobel Committee why they Stortinget, for six-year terms. Most notably, didates who espouse values similar to Nor- discussions around the ideas, norms and prin- chose Obama. Criticism centered around the composition of the committee should way in order to promote norms of ecological ciples of the Nobel Peace Prize. The University holding Obama to the norms, values and loosely reflect the representation of the po- protection, human rights, democracy and of Washington sent Maren Anderson Johnson to Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minn., attitudes of global politics, a system where litical parties in the , which means peace and become ambassadors of peace sponsored by a gift to the Department of Scan- results are the linchpin. Norway, however, that the members of the committee mirror and goodness for mankind. dinavian Studies administered by Chair, Jan does not uphold these international norms, the political climate in Norway. After the Nobel Committee announced Sjåvik. Maureen Reed and Frankie Shackelford which makes awarding the Peace Prize a This leads to a second important obser- that Obama was the 2009 recipient of the were instrumental in including the University unique moment for Norway to disseminate vation; the members of the Nobel Commit- prize, the U.K.’s leading newspaper The of Washington among a distinguished group of its norms and international agenda, which tee are political appointees, which means Guardian published an article examining Norwegian colleges. Her essay can be read in often differs from mainstream international their membership on the committee is highly Norway’s approach of evaluating and select- its entirety online at http://tinyurl.com/ander- ideas. The Peace Prize fosters new attitudes political as are the agendas they bring to the ing Peace Prize candidates. Gwadlys Fouché sonjohnson. and norms around international issues such table when selecting the year’s nominee. writes, “This… shows the committee’s de- as human rights, ecology and peace. Third, since the mission or guiding termination to have a major impact on in- International media erupted when the In his will, Alfred Nobel left no expla- criteria for the Nobel Committee is fairly ternational affairs and political processes.” Nobel Peace Prize Committee announced nation for why he selected Norway to house boundless, Nobel did not discriminate about Fouché highlights a key component of the in October 2009 that newly elected Presi- the Peace Prize while Stockholm served as the merger of politics and the prize. Nor- Nobel Committee’s selection process— dent Barack Obama was the recipient for the the home for the other five prizes. Nobel be- way’s unique social and political policies agenda setting. As the world annually turns prize, which is revered as one of the world’s lieved a recipient should be someone who: and norms make the relationship between toward Oslo for the announcement of the most prestigious. The fury of posts on so- “in the preceding year have conferred the politics and the Peace Prize even more com- year’s recipient, this is the chance for Nor- cial media sites, articles from international greatest benefit on mankind.” But Nobel plicated. As a country with 4.8 million in- way to insert itself as a central figure in in- newspapers and general attitudes of “dumb- was fortuitous in giving the Peace Prize to habitants and a thriving social democracy, ternational dialog and highlight issues, val- foundedness” all centered around one central Norway since the dissolution of the union Norway’s political system has been charac- ues and norms they deem important for the question: what are the criteria used by the between Norway and in 1905 is one terized by some as an anomaly because of international community. Nobel Peace Prize committee that deem an of the few peaceful separations in history. In their progressive stances on social welfare individual deserving of such a high prize? the modern era of the nation-state, Norway and the environment. Maren Anderson Johnson When this question was asked in con- has sculpted itself as a leader and innova- Norway has a history of peace, of pro- is a first-year Ph.D. stu- junction with President Obama’s award, tor in peace and conflict resolution, making gressive norms and the Peace Prize is a tool dent and teaching assis- this question seemed to suggest that many Oslo the natural home for the annual prize. for them to export or present these norms to tant for first-year Norwe- deemed President Obama unqualified to re- The aftershocks of the Obama Peace the international community. By studying the gian in the Scandinavian ceive this prize. Many argued that he had Prize resulted in study into the guidelines re- mission of the Nobel Peace Prize committee Studies Department at the not produced results for the high promises quired for someone to receive a Nobel Peace as outlined by Alfred Nobel, the process of University of Washington. he made on the campaign trail, but there had Prize. There are three important observations composing the committee, its members and She is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran Univer- not been any tangible results of these goals to note in regard to this established criterion. some of the universal social norms of the sity and also earned her M.A. at the Universi- for his presidency. First, the process of constructing the Nobel Norwegian state provides a base to deepen ty of Washington in Scandinavian Languages International commentary and analysis and Literature.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< medicine < transport Mosjøen, Mo i Rana, Svolvær and Leknes, is financed, carried out in a different way From page 3 From page 1 and instead build two new ones at Gimsøy than today,” stated the Ministry of Trans- and on Helgeland. The reason is that new port and Communication in its recent report tors have been relatively restrictive when it on the use of private cars, since there is little planes to be introduced on domestic destina- titled “Key challenges for the Norwegian comes to prescribing antibiotics compared to room in the cities for expanding roads. tions are too large for the four old airfields. railway.” the rest of Europe. Another reason, Kjome For Oslo, the proposal calls for the There are several challenges facing Other countries have been in similar says, could be that certain drugs were only subway network to be extended and recom- changes in Norway’s national transportation situations with improving infrastructure sold in the pharmacy until about ten years mends a much needed second subway tunnel plan to modernize Norwegian infrastructure, with simultaneous projects, and the Minis- ago, when they also started selling some and a second railway tunnel under the city and high cost is at the top of the list. Minister ter and the Parliament’s Transport Commit- medications outside of the pharmacy. be postponed. of Transport and Communication Magnhild tee have traveled in Europe to find ideas and She thinks Norwegians have good habits The proposal includes an upgrading of Meltveit Kleppa is trying to finance several answers. when it comes to medication, and are careful the so-called InterCity rail network in East- large infrastructure projects at the same time, The proposals were put forward by the about taking pills to control their pain. ern Norway, between Oslo and the cities of putting a strain on the annual budget. Highway Directorate, Norway Rails the Civil Many choose to stay home for the time it , Skien and Halden, with trains “If the Norwegian railway is to play a Aviation Authority and the Coastal Director- requires to get well rather than popping pills, running every half hour. With extra 56 per- stronger central role in the future transporta- ate. A final draft for the National Transport and with a generous number of sick days cent budget money, this network could be tion system, we must focus on the way we Plan 2014 – 2023 will be presented to Parlia- available to them, they can. “In other coun- completed by 2023. plan and build the railroads, how decisions ment in a year. tries people often take whatever they can to The Civil Aviation Authority (Avi- are made about this and how development handle going to work,” Kjome concludes. nor) proposes to close down the airfields at

Your ad here here for family connections. ing for a Norwegian boss? For The fine print Do you have a Scandinavian Scandinavian meet-up just $25, reach our growing Classified ads are prepaid audience of 20,000 readers Ole’s List item you are looking to sell or Looking to connect with fel- advertisements, and are not across North America and Norwegian American Weekly buy? Place an ad in our new low Norwegians or Scandina- guaranteed to sell. The Nor- classified section! Norway. wegian American Weekly staff classfied ads vians in your area? We have subscribers in every U.S. state reserves the right to turn down Looking for family and most Canadian provinces. These ads work! any ads that are deemed inap- propriate or not connected to We get several requests from Advertisers see the value and our audience. For more infor- PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. readers wanting to connect Employment effectiveness of their ads in the Norwegian American Weekly. mation and to place an ad, call Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in with relatives in North Amer- Are you looking for a Norwe- Call us today to see how we toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email ica and Norway. Place an ad gian to hire, or perhaps look- can help you! email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly M march 9, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Norwegian American Weekly readers! tende Mai and Christmas) where spouses are platters, hot dogs, Norwegian waffles, and Managing Editor Just wanted to give you an update on our invited to participate. Part of the celebrations Len Dahl’s famous pea soup will also be Christy Olsen Field [email protected] first annual fundraising event for the Norwe- is a fundraiser which raises money for the sold during the day. There will also be white Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager gian Day Parade in Brooklyn, N.Y. Norske Torske Klubben Foundation, which elephant tables, a craft table, a 50 / 50 and The event was a smashing success! is separate from the klubb itself. Birthday Board game. The Norsk Boutik Kelsey Larson [email protected] From 2 p.m. to the end of the event at 6 p.m. The Foundation provides scholarships will also be open for those who wish to do Assistant Layout Editor on March 4, both rooms of the Salty Dog in for youths aged 7 to 17 to attend summer some shopping. It will include a large assort- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Bay Ridge were packed to the rim. We fig- camps providing total immersion language ment of imported Scandinavian foods (nøk- Advertising ured we had over 200 supporters that came training and exposure to Norwegian, Swed- kelost, gjetost, fishballs, lingonberry, surkål, (206) 441-3044 [email protected] out to support the Norwegian Day parade! A ish, Danish, and Finnish food and traditions. and more!), plus other gift items. Imported Contributing Editors mix of loyal Norwegians, as well as many The camps are part of the operations of Con- Norwegian jewelry will also be sold. Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. from different community groups! cordia Language Villages. The scholarship At 4 p.m. the children can create their Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Raffles, 50 / 50, great food, drinks, cof- program is administered by the Foundation own Easter baskets at no charge. Junior lodge Carla Danziger McLean, Va. fee and waffles was enjoyed by all! which supplements money raised with in- directors will be in charge of this craft. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway We even over flowed on to Third Ave- come from its investments. We have an abundance of fantastic raffle Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland nue outside the restaurant, where Bob Carls- In recent years, the Foundation has been gifts which include a super children’s table, Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje seattle, Wash. en was the master game planner and had a able to provide total annual stipends of over money prizes, home-made articles and other Line Grundstad Hanke seattle, Wash. crowd playing some really fun games! $7,000. In 2011, 22 campers were awarded beautiful gifts. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. We were able to raise over $4,000 for the scholarship aid, with a majority attending Nansen Lodge has been a member of the Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. parade! Can I hear a round of applause?? the Norwegian camp, Skogfjorden. All reg- Staten Island community for over 70 years. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Job well done by a wonderful team istered Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and The proceeds from our fair enables us to Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. of committed workers! Hats off to Linda Finnish camp applicants are eligible to apply continue our support of Staten Island organi- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Hobbesland, Linda Hansen, Sandy Hansen for scholarships. To obtain a copy of the reg- zations and special causes as well as to con- Solveig M. Lee seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Glessner, Vicky Hofmo and Danielle Rutu- istration form, go to www.concordialangua- tinue our cultural and heritage programs. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. elo! We give a special thank you to the Salty gevillages.org and submit it by April 1. For information call me at (718) 816- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska Dog restaurant for hosting our event! 5127 or email [email protected]. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. We are already planning for next year’s Regards, Velkommen til alle! Welcome to all! Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, big bash! Stayed tuned!! Steve Oanes President Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy seattle, Wash. Norske Torske Klubben of St. Paul, Minn. Sincerely, Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Arlene Bakke Rutuelo www.norske-torske-klubben.com Sally Lorentzen Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. General Chair of the Norwegian Day Parade Staten Island, N.Y. Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway of New York Brooklyn, N.Y. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Dear Editor, have a question or comment about news coverage On March 31 at noon, the Sons of Nor- call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly way Nansen Lodge Auxiliary will hold its reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for We would love to hear from you! style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right Dear Editor, annual Viking Fair in their catering hall lo- not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor There is a social organization of over cated at 3441 Victory Boulevard, Travis, Letter to the Editor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. 400 men that meets monthly on the east side Staten Island, N.Y. The drawings will begin Norwegian American Weekly • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian of St. Paul, Minn. called the Norske Torske at 6:30 p.m. There is no cost of admission. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Klubben of St. Paul to eat torsk and celebrate Astrid Petersen and her kitchen com- or send a note to [email protected] not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions Norwegian heritage and traditions. mittee will prepare the traditional lapskaus and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the It has two gala meetings a year (Syt- dinner (corned beef type stew). Hamburger publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks < Medal of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • had substantial experience in training / men- project with the CRU at ISAF headquar- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. From page 1 NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription toring of security forces in Asia. This expe- ters in a highly professional manner, which Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, rience he used to support Norwegian devel- contributed greatly to the U.S. and Norway US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. ternational Operations with Laurels, for his opment of the Afghan Police CRU (Crisis achieving good results and progress in ca- contribution to the successful mission of SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Response Unit) in Kabul. pacity building of the CRU.” Formerly Norway Times Norwegian Special Forces in Kabul in 2008. In a speech at the Norwegian Ambas- After receiving the medal the Colonel Western Viking & Washington Posten He worked as primary responsible for sador’s residence, Military Attachè Grytting showed his appreciation by thanking the Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- partnering and mentoring in ISAF’s (Inter- commended Colonel Redmon. “He promot- ambassador for the medal. “Working with national Security Assistance Forces) head- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, ed the job Norway SOF did for the CRU in the Norwegians in Kabul and receiving this Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven quarters during the Norwegian deployment. a realistic and relevant way, without taking medal have been humbling experiences,” the From previous service in the region, he any glory himself. He also followed up the colonel stated. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • March 9, 2012 norwegian aMerican weekly TasTe of Norway Pickled herring for all! Three variations on a classic that are sure to please

Kelsey larson Copy Editor

Are you a pickled herring lover? Dress up this delicious classic and enjoy a twist on an old favorite. Or maybe you have a pickled herring skeptic in the family? Give them a choice between the delicious tastes of tomato, mustard or sherry – at least one of these is sure to satisfy! Give these recipes a whirl and create a new pickled herring tradi- tion. Don’t forget to serve with a delicious dark, hearty bread!

What are your favorite recipes? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or (800) 305-0217 or email your ideas to [email protected].

Recipes adapted from dinmat.no Photo: Tine.no From left: Tomato, mustard and sherry pickled herring bring some variety to this delicious seafood staple. Tomato pickled Mustard pickled Sherry pickled herring herring herring Tomatsild Sennepsild Sherrysild

5 oz. tomato puree Coursely ground pepper 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 Tsp. sugar 1/2 cup dry sherry 2 Tsp. whole peppercorns 1 cup sugar 6 herring fillets 3 Tbsp. mustard Pepper 1/2 red onion 1 Tsp. mustard seeds 1/3 cup water 1 onion 2 Tbsp. dijon mustard 6 herring fillets 1 cm fresh ginger 2 bay leaves 1/2 cup white vinegar Fresh dill 3 Tbsp. fresh dill 1/2 onion 1/2 Tsp. ground horseradish 4 herring fillets 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 Tsp. vinegar 1/2 carrot

Put the oil in a saucepan and let it heat up. Stir in the tomato Mix the mayonnaise with the mustard, dill, vinegar and Peel and cut onions, ginger and carrot into thin slices. Mix puree and bring to a boil. Remove from heat; add sugar and sugar. Season with pepper to taste. If desired, add a bit more sherry in a bowl with vinegar, peppercorn and mustard stir until it melts. Let cool for several minutes. Stir in water, vinegar and sugar to taste as well. Cut herring fillets into seeds. Cut herring fillets into pieces at an angle. Layer her- vinegar and pepper. Cut herring fillets into pieces at an pieces at an angle, and cut the onion into thin slices. Layer ring, red onion, carrot, horseradish, bay leaves and ginger angle and the onion into thin slices. Layer the herring and the herring and onions in a glass jar. Pour mustard sauce in a glass jar and pour the sherry mixture over. Let sit in the onions in a glass jar. Pour the tomato sauce over. Sprinkle over. Let sit in the refrigerator for a day before serving. refrigerator for a day before serving. Serves 4. fresh dill. Let sit in the refrigerator for a day before serving. Serves 6. Serves 6. Did you know there are many other varieties of pickled herring you can try? Some of the more interesting ones include akkevitsild (made with aquavit), chilisild (spicy), and julegløggsild (made with the classic Christmas drink, gløgg!)

Celebrating 50 years of business Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! Nordic delicacies “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! www.nordicdeli.com norwegian american weekly march 9, 2012 • 9 travel Snowkiting in Norway Reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour on Hardangervidda

Photo: VisitNorway.com Snowkiting is not a sport for the faint of heart. Here a snowkiter takes on the Spanstinden slope in Troms.

Visit Norway

Snowkiting, or skikiting as it is also contact Haugastøl Turistsenter. known, is the latest craze in adrenaline The Hardangervidda mountain plateau A Piece of Norway in Canada soaked sports in Norway. A pair of skis or is the biggest mountain plateau in northern a snowboard, a helmet, harness, kite, some Europe, encompassing some 6,500 square windproof clothes and some practice are kilometers (2,500 square miles). Enormous what you need to reach speeds of up to 60 flats, hills and small mountains, with large miles per hour. amounts of snow and most importantly Instead of riding a chairlift to the top, a great chance of getting wind all winter / snowkiters can use the wind to power them spring all serve to make Hardangervidda the up a mountain and deep in to the untouched number one snowkiting destination in the powder. And there is no better place for fun world. activity than Norway’s breathtaking moun- Many of the best snowkiters stay at tain plateaus. Haugastøl for the entire winter due to the For a truly exotic snowkiting experience unbeatable conditions and terrain for honing you should visit Varanger far up in northern their snowkiting skills. All the best snowkit- Norway. Located next to the powerful Arctic ing films were shot on location at Haugas- Ocean, Varanger offers the unique opportu- tøl (“Something Stronger,” “Entropy” and nity to snowkite while watching out over the “How to Snow Kite”). sea – an unbeatable combination. The heavy There are a vast number of snowkit- and pretty constant wind here gives you tre- ing spots in this area, all accessible by road Photo: lyseng.net mendous speed. which makes this place truly unique in terms Another unique feature is the openness of the amount of accessible terrain, comfort, Augustana University College of the landscape – there is hardly a tree in convenience and safety. Camrose, Alberta sight. Not surprising that Varanger was cho- Another hot spot for snowkiting is sen to host the Snowkite World Champion- the popular mountain resort of Geilo. This ship in 2005. For more information about little town has hosted both World Cup and Established in 1910 by Norwegian settlers, under the name Camrose Lutheran College, snowkiting here, please contact the tourist World Championship events in snowkiting. Augustana is still inspired by convictions that are part of its pioneer legacy: a liberal information in Varanger. Snowkiting lessons with experienced in- arts and sciences education helps form the whole person, leadership is strongest Hardangervidda is rated as one of the structors are arranged here throughout the when in service to others, and cooperation is critical to success. the Founder’s Hall, top snowkiting places in the world. This winter season by Geilo Event. pictured here, was the institution’s original building. large mountain plateau, that is a World Cup The World Cup circus has also visited Share your favorite piece of Norway in america! arena, offers excellent conditions for kit- Tyin / Filefjell. This area tempts you with Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] ers of all abilities. It is located in southern kiting in stunning scenery in the midst of Norway, in between Bergen in the west and some of Europe’s tallest mountains. Oslo in the east. Courses are being arranged For more information about snowkiting, here almost every weekend during the winter visit www.fluidfeeling.com or www.visitnor- Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Only $59 for a year’s season. If you fancy having a go you should way.com. subscription. Call (800) 305-0217 or email at [email protected]. 10 • March 9, 2012 norwegian aMerican weekly Roots & ConneCtions norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week NorwegiaN 101 LANGuAGE PRACTICE WITH HEIDI HåVAN GROSCH Suddenly Spring (plutselig vår) Spring (vår) is on the way (er på vei) and the snow (snø) is melting (smelter). It’s that slushy stuff that Norwegians refer to as rotting snø (rotten snø), which actually is pretty accurate. The ice (is) is melting, although you still find places where it is so icy (glatt) that you slip and slide (gli). Snowstorms (snøstormer) are also giving way to rain (regn), sleet (slaps) and wind (vind), although thunder (tor- den) and lightening (lyn) are not as common. Hail (hagl) also makes an appearance now and then (av og til), but the days are getting longer (dagene blir lengre) and the sun is return- ing (solen kommer tilbake). When the skies are blue (himmel- en er blå) with only a few white clouds (noen få hvit skyer) casting light shadows (skygger) on the soon budding trees (knopper på trærne), we remember what it means to hope! Photo: Arlene Bakke Rutuelo I have always thought this is a great metaphor for Easter Arlene Bakke Rutuelo, owner of Nordic Deli in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y., shared this (påske), when everything shifts and you see new life (nytt photo on Facebook. A wonderful Facebook group called Brooklyn Norwegians is a vi- liv) all around. That means we’d best get brant, active online community, and they are marching in this year’s 17th of May parade in Brooklyn. Check out their Brooklyn Norwegian Day Parade banner, held by Helene Bakke crackin’ (få opp farten) planting those and Linda Hobbesland! To learn more about the 17th of May parade in Brooklyn, visit seeds (frø) indoors, their website: http://www.may17paradeny.com. If you have Norwegian roots in Brooklyn, so the seedlings don’t forget to join the Facebook page! (spirene) can grow and we can set out Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? plants (plante ut Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. planter) when it is warm enough (varm nok).

Lena: Ole, you yust need som- evun to shop for. Vy don’t you buy a birthday gift for my sister, Inge- borg. New Feature! Ole: Lena, I vouldn’t know vhat to buy for Ingeborg. Lena: Ole, buy her someting dat Community Connections goes vith her looks. Ole: Like vhat? Horseshoes?

What’s your favorite Ole and Lena joke? Do you have a new grand- Send your jokes to [email protected]. child? Does your loved one have a milestone birthday coming up? Ole and Lena Has your family recently celebrat- America’s favorite Norwegians! Your picture here! ed a wedding or special anniver- sary? Share your news with the Katharine Bothner Litchfield CT Norwegian-American community Kelly Nordby Boston MA by printing an announcement with 14. mars us! Ernest Andersen Hankinson ND Andrew Hexem Hendricks MN Ethelyn Thompson Hollandale WI Ivar Sunde Seattle WA A new feature for the Norwegian American Weekly: Community Connections! Aslaug Briggs Tillamook OR For just $35, you can print a photo and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate life’s 9. mars Arnold Barneson Eleva WI milestones with the Norwegian-American community. Commemorate birthdays, en- Lars Bakstad Romedal Norway Victoria Sandvik Porter Mastic Beach NY gagements, weddings, anniversaries, baptisms, birth announcements and more! Helga W. Endahl Spokane WA 15. mars Each submission will be printed in the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will Capt. Otto G. Lee Greers Ferry AZ Christine Ong Brier WA send you up to 10 copies to share with family and friends. Dorothy Bakken Glendale CA Emma Eriksen Rockford IL For more information, call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. 10. mars Arvilla Flesland New London MN Asta Lehn Trondheim Norway Rev. Paul Hasvold Decorah IA Selmer M. Hamland Gilman WI Mrs. Char Brox Crosby ND Hanne Ekelund Lunner Norway Lars Olaf Idso St Peter MN Did you know? r a n d o m f a c t s 11. mars Karl Anders Idso St Peter MN about n orway Magne Erga Seattle WA Pat Joramo Everett WA Laila Svarstad Blair Winter Harbor ME 12. mars James Harold Johnson Cheyenne WY Inger Flagtvedt Nyborg Norway The Norwegian Government spent Sig I. Gildnes Bow WA $7 million on the construction of Oddbjørg Petzinger New Bern NC a doomsday vault (seed vault) on Want to see your birthday in the 13. mars Norwegian American Weekly? the arctic island of Svalbard. The Alvin Berg Seattle WA purpose of the doomsday vault is to Rolf K. Jensen St Petersburg FL Helen Hagen Auburn WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ preserve plant seeds from around Hans Wold Minneapolis MN norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at the world in case some of them least one month in advance. Mrs. Otis P. Nelson Northwood IA should become extinct. Egil Disen Placentia CA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Rita Anja Huste Houston TX away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly M march 9, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Procrastination Philip Korsmo Procrastination is a word of Latin Justice is feasting while the widow July 22, 1921 – January 25, 2012 root. Pro – meaning forward, cras – weeps, meaning tomorrow. There you have it: Avarice is sporting while infection Philip Korsmo, 90, of Northwood, N.D., moved to the Northwood Deaconess Health Procrastinators will put off everything un- breeds.” Christ’s humble servant, passed away Jan. 25 Center. til tomorrow and when tomorrow comes, – Shakespeare at the Northwood Deaconess Health Center, He is survived by his son Mark (Debbie) there is always the day thereafter. Northwood, N.D. Korsmo, Northwood, N.D.; three grandsons, There is hardly any weakness in hu- Non-procrastinators – they are such a Philip Gordon Korsmo was born just Tyess, Rayne and Bennett Korsmo and one man nature which has caused more ca- rare breed that we will pray that the Lord South of Northwood July 22, 1921 to George granddaughter, Siri Korsmo, all of North- lamities, aggravation and pain than pro- will give them a long life. We will elect and Evelyn (Bilden) Korsmo. He was bap- wood; one brother Paul (Florence) Korsmo, crastination. The big problem: The world them to leadership in the nation, in the tized and confirmed his Christian faith at Fargo, N.D.; sisters-in-law, Edith Korsmo, is inhabited by procrastinators. You find church, in the family. We will make them Ebenezer Lutheran Free Church in North- Mayville, N.D. and Artha Travers, Grafton, them in the business world, in church lawyers, ministers, city administrators! wood. During World War II, he enlisted in N.D.; brothers-in-law, David (Lois) Smith, groups, in family circles. They are every- We will print their names in gold. Tell the Signal Corps to serve his country. Before Grand Forks, N.D., Olaf Nordbo, North- where, like mosquitoes on a humid sum- me, please, if you know any persons who deployment, he received a medical discharge. wood, N.D. and Marvin (Ardelle) Nordbo, mer night. are sworn enemies of procrastination. He farmed all his life in the Northwood area Fargo, N.D.; many nieces, nephews, cousins Meanwhile: Tell me tomorrow, or the day after... and was still driving a tractor at the age of and friends. How do we overcome procrastina- 87. A bachelor until the age of 49, he mar- He was preceded in death by his wife, “The patient dies while the physician tion? Easy! We don’t need any special in- ried Borghild Nordbo on March 6, 1971 Borghild, on Nov. 8, 1999; his brother Rue- sleeps, spiration from the Holy Spirit or a mira- and together they raised a son, Mark, on the ben Korsmo; sister, Korinne Smith; broth- The orphan pines while the oppres- cle. we just have to use the willpower God farm where Philip grew up. They moved into er-in-law Willis Travers and sister-in-law sor feeds, has given us and change a bad habit. Northwood in 1997. In September 2010, he Yvonne Nordbo. Carl Howard Bergseng Enter our drawing for the September 7, 1922 – January 31, 2012 Ibsen Festival Carl Howard was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious April 13 – 15 • Lanesboro, Minn. Bergseng of Edina, service. Minn., passed away He was a salesman for most of his work- peacefully at Glen- ing days with Life Savers, Johnson & John- Enter the Norwegian American Weekly coe Regional Health son, and Nordic Sales. Prior to retirement drawing for your chance to win tickets Services Long Term he drove bus for Metro Transit. In his later to the highly acclaimed Ibsen Festival! Care facility on Jan. years, he spent the winters in Sun City West, 31, 2012. He was 89 Ariz., with Joanne. While there they enjoyed Send an email to [email protected] years old. many new friends and activities. with subject line “Ibsen Festival” and He was born to Carl and Helga Bergseng He was preceded in death by his wife, we will enter you in the drawing! Win- Learn more about the Ibsen Festival in Minneapolis, Minn., on Sept. 7, 1922. He parents, sisters Gina, Signe, and Helga. Carl ners will be chosen at random on April at www.ibsenfest.org 1. One entry per email address. was baptized October 29, 1922, at Bethlehem is survived by his sons, John (wife Pat) and Win free tickets! or call (800) 657-7025 Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. James (wife Pat); grandchildren, Jayme, Ri- He graduated from West High School. ley, Ryan and Marissa; great-grandchildren, Carl married Joanne Nelson on Sept. 10, Ashton and Sydney; sisters, Arna Comer and Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! 1949. They had two sons named John and Ruth (Raleigh) Broman; and many dear and James. They were married over 60 years. loving relatives and friends. See page 3 for details He was a member of Lutheran Church of A memorial service will be held Satur- the Good Shepherd in Minneapolis, Minn., day, March 31 at noon (visitation at 11:30 Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? and Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Sun a.m.) at Lakewood Cemetery Memorial City West, Ariz. He served in the U.S. Army Chapel in Minneapolis, Minn. Memorials to Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with during World War II in the European Theater Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd or an annual review—it takes less than an hour. Schedule a review to: and obtained the rank of Staff Sergeant. Carl donor's choice. Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. and review goals. Review protection coverage. < dog and spaying as a preventive measure,” she Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. From page 5 update beneficiaries. says. Contact your financial representative and get started today! unfavorable behavior starts will give the best In 2009 Løberg compiled some research effect,” Løberg adds. articles on the subject for a feature in the Norwegian Kennel Club’s magazine. Liberalization This referred to a study conducted by Løberg has noticed that more dogs are the researchers Hart and Eckstein about how neutered or spayed than before: “I’m experi- neutering affects behavior. encing much more acceptance for neutering Occurrences of fighting were reduced by and spaying among the public, even though over 60 percent. Nevertheless, the research- our legislation is against it.” ers saw no change in territorial aggression. She thinks this could be attributed to a The study emphasized the fact that it mounting number of vets getting their edu- made no allowances for potential changes in cations abroad, where the practice is more the owners’ behavior toward their dogs after common, and they bring this culture home these were neutered. with them to Norway. Although Løberg sees the positive as- This article was printed with permission Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are from Science Nordic, a joint effort with For- available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment pects of neutering and spaying, she doesn’t Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned think Norway should copy the U.S. skning.no in Norway and Videnskab.dk in subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of “You have to decide each case individu- Denmark, who work in close collaboration Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. with partners in the other Nordic countries. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. ally to determine the cause of the behavior. I 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 would clearly take a stand against neutering For more, visit www.sciencenordic.com. 12 • March 9, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California Virginia Valhall Lodge Centennial Gala Hampton Roads’ 40th anniversary gala March 17 March 31 San Diego, Calif. Virginia Beach, Va. Save the date! Sons of Norway Valhall Sons of Norway Hampton Roads Lodge Lodge #6-025 is celebrating its 100th an- #3-522 is celebrating their 40th anniver- niversary with a special gala. Registration sary! Join us March 31 at 6 p.m. at the Photo courtesy of Commonweal Theatre Company and no-host bar begins at 6 p.m., dinner and Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center, All things Norwegian are celebrated at the annual Ibsen Festival in Lanesboro, Minn. Norwegian art celebration at 7 p.m. including dancing. 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach, VA and craft demonstrations are held throughout the community during Festival weekend. Black tie optional, and bunads encouraged. 23562. We have a gala evening with Am- Reservations due by Monday, March 5. For bassador Wegger Chr. Strømmen invited < Ibsen more information, call Patricia Becker at along with country western star Jimmy From page 1 and The Minnesota Marine Art Museum to (619) 583-1076. For reservations, please Rogers. In addition to this event we will be explore the Norwegian immigrant experi- call Tam Stautland at (619) 299-9237. celebrating the 50th celebration of the Nor- ence in America. Events officially begin Fri- in 2008 by the Norwegian government, wegian Lady. The ceremony will take place day evening, April 13, at The Commonweal who awarded the Commonweal Theatre one Norway Day Festival on the boardwalk at 1 p.m. For details, call Theatre at 6:30 p.m. with an art reception of only four inaugural International Ibsen May 5 – 6 (757) 490-3030 or email norskamerican@ showcasing selected items from The Min- Scholarships in recognition of its ongoing San Francisco, Calif. aol.com. nesota Marine Art Museum’s collection. At commitment to producing the works of one Thousands of Norwegians, Norwegian- 7:30 p.m., festival-goers can choose between of the world’s premiere playwrights. Americans and non-Norwegian visitors Washington attending the final preview performance of The highlight of the Festival is the open- from and around the Bay Area visit the Sons of Norway Heritage Day Pillars of Society onstage at The Common- Norway Day Festival at Fort Mason Cen- ing of Commonweal Theatre’s annual Ibsen March 24 weal, or a special “Moon Over Norway” ter every May, and we invite you to join production with performances Friday, April Seattle, Wash. themed presentation of “The Back Fence” – us! Interested in volunteering? Email vol- Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge #2-1 13 and Saturday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m., and a community variety show – next door at the [email protected]. For details about proudly presents their annual Heritage Day! Sunday, April 15 at 1:30 p.m. This year, the St Mane Theatre. the event, visit www.norwayday.org. The day starts off with the Leif-to-Leif Fun theatre will present “Pillars of Society,” the Saturday, April 14, offers an entire Run / Walk, which starts at Leif Erikson first in the series of Ibsen’s modern drama day and night’s worth of activities, includ- Minnesota Lodge and goes to the Leif Erikson statue masterpieces. Secrets from the past threaten ing a Spring Luncheon and Bake Sale at Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner at Shilshole Bay, and back again. Cost is to engulf a prominent businessman about to the Sons of Norway Heimbygda Lodge on March 24 $10 for adults and $5 for kids., and regis- embark on the greatest project of his career. Parkway Avenue near Lanesboro’s Sylvan Edina, Minn. tration begins at 8 a.m. At 10 a.m., Taste How far is someone willing to go to protect Park. Throughout the day, there will be ar- Join the Norwegian Glee Club for their of Norway in the lodge features Norwegian their standing as a pillar of the community? tisan demonstrations in the Events Hall at highly anticipated Lutefisk and Meatball food, crafts, music, demos, genealogy and Pillars of Society is directed by Ex- the Commonweal Theatre, exhibits at the Dinner! Seatings at 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 more in the lodge. Free admission! ecutive Director Hal Cropp, and features Lanesboro Arts Center, the Lanesboro His- p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Good resident company member Scott Dixon as Shepherd. Tickets: $18 per person. Order Ung Symfoni tour of Washington torical Museum, and Bittersweet Boutique Karsten Bernick, a respected shipbuilder tickets through www.norwegiangleeclub. March 30 – April 6 and Antiques, and multiple showings of the with a hidden past. The cast also includes org. For details, call Earl at (612) 861-4793 Various locations film documentary, The Stavig Letters, at the Katie Berger, Gary Danciu, Stef Dickens, or Robert at (612) 866-0687. The Ung Symfoni from Bergen, Norway, Feed Mill Event Center – all within walking Catherine Glynn, David Hennessey, Carla is pleased to present their western Wash- distance in downtown Lanesboro. Joseph and Jeremy van Meter. 15th Annual Ibsen Festival ington tour: March 30 at 12 p.m. at the The Commonweal Theatre will host The script for “Pillars of Society” has April 13 – 15 Lummi Community Building in Belling- several events in its building on Saturday, been adapted by renowned Minnesota play- Lanesboro, Minn. ham; March 30 at 7:30 p.m. at Ferndale including Professor Durbach’s lecture, a pre- Committed to annually producing the High School in Ferndale; April 2 at 7:30 wright Jeffrey Hatcher, whose credits in- sentation on the history of Norwegian immi- works of Henrik Ibsen, we celebrate the p.m. at Western Washington University in clude “Compleat Female Stage Beauty,” gration by Professor Marv Slind from Luther Father of Modern Drama with a weekend Bellingham; April 3 at 12 p.m. at Pacific “Scotland Road” and “Three Viewings,” and College, and a music concert by acclaimed of Scandinavian theater, art, and music. All Lutheran University in Tacoma; April 3 at adaptations of Jean Anouilh’s “To Fool the composers and performers Natalie Now- details are available at www.ibsenfest.org, 7:30 p.m. at Grieg Hall in Poulsbo; April Eye” and Henry James’ “Turn of the Screw,” ytski and Dee Langley. On Sunday, April or by calling (800) 657-7025. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Kentwood High School also produced by the Commonweal Theatre 15, Bethlehem Lutheran Church will offer a in Kent; April 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Roosevelt in 2006 and 2010 respectively. This is the morning worship service in both Norwegian Adult weekend at Skogfjorden High School in Seattle; April 6 at 7 p.m. at third Ibsen adaptation created for the Com- and English. At noon, Eric Dregni, author April 26 –29 Shoreline Conference Center in Shoreline. monweal by Mr. Hatcher as part of a series of “Vikings in the Attic,” will be on hand to Bemidji, Minn. Free admission to all concerts! For ques- of new versions of Ibsen’s plays developed discuss and sign copies of his book shortly Norwegian language program tailored tions, contact Joanne at jadonnellan@com- for the American stage, beginning with before a matinee performance of “Pillars of to the needs and preferences of adults at cast.net or (360) 384-1394. “John Gabriel Borkman,” last season’s “An Skogfjorden! Authentic menus with lan- Society” at 1:30 p.m. Enemy of the People,” and slated to continue guage instruction catered specifically to Wisconsin All weekend, Scandinavian cuisine will through 2014 with new imaginings of “A participants’ abilities. Great opportunity to Beginning Genealogy Seminar be featured at Pedal Pushers Café and The Doll’s House” and “Brand.” meet new people, laugh and have fun! For April 21 Old Village Hall and visitors to The Com- The Ibsen Festival offers events and details, call (800) 450-2214, email clv@ Hudson, Wis. monweal may view the three-dimensional presentations throughout the weekend to cord.edu and www.concordialanguagevil- The Tronderlag of America is sponsor- art exhibit “To Be A Poet is To See: Ibsen in satisfy a variety of interests. Guests may lages.org. ing a “Beginning Genealogy” seminar on Our Time” – throughout the run of “Pillars attend lectures, film presentations, musical April 21, 1 – 4 p.m. at the Hudson Hourse of Society.” concerts and artist displays. The Common- New York Grand Hotel, 1616 Crest View Drive, Hud- A complete schedule of Festival events weal is proud to welcome Professor Errol Miss Norway of Greater New York son, WI. The seminar will be conducted is available by calling (800) 657-7025 or go- Durbach, Professor Emeritus of Theatre March 30 by the Tronderlag genealogist. The cost of ing online to www.ibsenfest.org. For more the seminar is $15 and includes a one-year Studies at the University of British Colum- Brooklyn, N.Y. information about the 2012 Ibsen Festival, membership in the Tronderlag. The seminar bia and vice-president of the Association for Join us for the 47th annual Miss Norway contact Adrienne Sweeney at (507) 467-2905 is for anyone interested in learning about the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in of Greater New York contest! The competi- x208 or [email protected]. tion will take place March 30 at 2 p.m. at Norwegia genealogy, not for just Trønders. Canada, as keynote speaker. Professor Dur- the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Advanced registration can be completed by bach is the author of “Ibsen The Romantic,” Center, 1250 67th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Tick- sending an email to secretary@tronderlag. “A Doll’s House: Ibsen’s Myth of Transfor- Ticket giveaway! ets are $30 per person, or $240 for a table org. The fee will be collected at the door. mation,” and a collection of edited essays in of nine. For details, call Arlene at (718) Want to attend the Ibsen Festival – for “Ibsen and the Theatre.” He has also adapted free? We have partnered with the Ibsen 748-1874 or visit www.niahistory.org. “Peer Gynt” (2006) and “The Master Build- Festival for four free tickets for our read- er” (2009) for performance. ers! Send an email to [email protected] Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Building on the themes of “Pillars of with subject line “Ibsen Festival” and we to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Society,” the Commonweal Theatre will be will enter you in the drawing! Winners will be chosen at random on April 1. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. partnering with The Lanesboro Arts Center, Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, norwegian american weekly M Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us march 9, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Bright future for Concordia Celebrate your heritage! Community cheers historic launch of scallop dragger Leif Erikson Lodge’s Heritage Day in Seattle, Wash.

Photo courtesy of Leif Erikson Lodge It’s a full house at Leif Erikson Lodge’s Heritage Day! This year’s event takes place March 24.

Le i f Er i k s o n Lo d g e Photos: Steven Kennedy Seattle, Wash. The Fairhaven Shipyard Companies crew proudly poses with the 95’ x 28’ Concordia.

The Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge Tasty demonstrations include waffles, St e v e n Ke n n e d y #2-001 announces their Heritage Day! This lefse and krumkake, gluten-free Norwegian Commercial Fisheries News all-day event on March 24 honors different baking and pickled herring. aspects of Norwegian heritage with Norwe- Some of the groups and vendors who gian-Americans and Norwegian enthusiasts will be represented are Scandinavian Spe- In what had to be one of this port’s finest part of the beauty of the whole project.” alike in Seattle, Wash. cialties, Leikarringen, Norwegian Ladies moments all year, Fairhaven Shipyard Com- Following McLaughlin’s remarks, the The day starts off with the Leif-to-Leif Chorus, Norwegian 17th of May committee, panies Inc. launched Malvin and Berit Kvil- event was turned over to Rev. Paul Wheeler Fun Run / Walk at 9 a.m., which begins at Norwegian American Weekly, Nordic Heri- haug’s brand new scallop dragger Concordia of the Norwegian community’s Trinity Lu- Leif Erikson Lodge in Ballard and goes to tage Museum and Leif Erikson International in Fairhaven, Mass., before a large enthusi- theran Church. He read from Psalm 104, the Leif Erikson statue at Shilshole Bay, and Foundation Last Stone, and more. astic crowd of onlookers on Dec. 2. which marvels at the glory of all creation, back again. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 Heritage Day is free and open to the The event had all the feeling of an old- particularly “the sea, vast, and spacious, for kids. Registration begins at 8 a.m., so be public, so bring your friends and family for a time barn raising, as the local fishing com- teeming with creatures beyond number.” sure to show up early for this fun tradition! taste of Norway! munity came out in support of the Kvilhaugs, In the prayer that followed, Wheeler, At 10 a.m., Tastes of Norway in the Leif Erikson Lodge is located at 2245 Captain Brian Kvilhaug, their families, and asked God to “consecrate this boat, Concor- lodge features Norwegian food, crafts, mu- NW 57th St., Seattle, WA 98107. For more the entire shipyard crew on a beautiful sunny dia, to righteous work in your name. Guide sic, demos, genealogy help and more in the information about the event, call (206) 783- afternoon. the captain at her helm. So prosper her voy- lodge. The bunad parade will take center 1274, email leiferiksonlodge@qwestoffice. Just before the gleaming red boat ages that an honest living may be made. stage at 3 p.m. net or visit www.leiferiksonlodge.com. was gently lowered into the water, Kevin Watch over her captain and crew, and bring McLaughlin, one of the yard’s owners, ad- them to a safe return.” dressed the throng. To which the assembled spectators re- an Immigration Associatio orwegi n presen “This is a big day for our new boat own- sponded with a hearty “Amen.” he N ts ers, the shipyard, and, I think, most impor- Then, Malvin and Berit’s granddaughter, T tantly, the whole fishing community of this Allison Kvilhaug, christened Concordia by port,” he said. “Many of you know there’s smashing the traditional bottle of champagne The 57th Annual not been a lot of new boat construction over across the vessel's enormous bow. Spray the years, but, fortunately, we’ve had a few exploded as the glass broke and onlookers owners who have given us a sense of confi- cheered. Then, she high-fived McLaughlin dence to build new boats.” as Concordia was lowered into the water by of Greater New York Contest McLaughlin went on thank the Kvil- grandson Nathan Kvilhaug, who was behind haugs, all of the vendors involved in the the controls of the yard’s 440 ton Travelift Saturday, March 31 at 2 p.m. project, and the boat’s designers. He spoke for the special occasion. The Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center about what a great experience building Con- Afterwards, people milled about ex- Miss Norway 1250 67th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. cordia was and praised the yard’s workers for citedly, shook hands with the Kvilhaugs, r Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall r the team effort they had given to the project praised the shipyard workers, and posed for Miss Norway of Greater NY Inquiries: www.niahistory.org/missnorway.htm from the day of the keel laying in June 2010 pictures in front of the magnificent vessel. Jennifer Egeberg or call Arlene at (718) 748-1874 for application through to the launch of the big scalloper. This article and accompanying photos McLaughlin also emphasized the fact were first published in the January 2012 edi- that Fairhaven Shipyard Companies used lo- tion of Commercial Fisheries News and are cal vendors whenever possible. This was not reprinted here with permission. Visit online lost on Malvin Kvilhaug, who said, “That’s at www.fish-news.com/cfn.

Left: Concordia Capt. Brian Kvilhaug with his wife Susan, and children Allison and Nathan. Right: Malvin and Berit Kvilhaug in front of the new Concordia. 14 • March 9, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner One dynamic duo The boys from Vangen: Per and Berit Brevig contribute much to the Norwegian-American community Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

DET VAR NOE TIL GAVE! SOMETHING AS A GIFT! Både læreren og barna undres på hva Both the teacher and the children disse mennene egentlig vil. Det er Hallstein wonder what these men really want. It is Breiset og kretsformannen og så en stase- Hallstein Breiset, along with the school Photos courtesy of the Brevigs lig kar med stort, kvitt skjegg. De hilser på district superintendent and a stately gentle- Left: Per and Berit Brevig smile as they set sail on a Hudson River cruise in honor of their 50th wedding læreren, og Hallstein Breiset ber om å få si man with a long, white beard. They greet anniversary. Right: The Brevigs at a 2010 performance of “The Nutcracker.” noen ord. Kåre Vangen syns det var leit at the teacher, and Hallstein Breiset asks if he han ble avbrutt i opplesinga, men nå må han may say a few words. Kåre Vangen thinks bare gå tilbake til plassen sin og sette seg it was a pity that he was interrupted while Do n a l d V. Me h u s igjen. he was reading, but he just has to go back New York City, N.Y. Hallstein forteller om den fillekjøringa to his seat and sit down. han presterte i venter, og så vender han seg Hallstein tells them about the foolhar- til Steinar Vangen: «Hadde ikkje du, Steinar dy ride he had taken, and then he turns to Per and Berit Brevig, the eminent Nor- the Rockies, where Per has taught at the As- vore der, så kanskje stod eg ikkje her i dag,» Steinar Vangen: “Had you not come along, wegian-American couple, continue to rank pen Music Festival in Colorado. sier han. «Og her skal du ha ei lita gåve til Steinar, maybe I wouldn’t be standing here high in the echelons of the Scandinavian Meanwhile Berit has continued very en- takk for hjelpa.» Steinar må nå fram på gol- today,” he says. “And here’s a little gift in cultural life here in New York. This was evi- ergetically to organize and promote promi- vet og ta imot belønningen. appreciation for your help.” Steinar goes denced again earlier this month by a brilliant nent Norwegian-accented music events in Han blir virkelig stor i øynene da han forward to accept the reward. Mozart concert conducted by Per, with his various venues, with Per often assuming the kommer fram og får se hva det er, for det His eyes become really big when he wife Berit offering a most valuable helping role of orchestral conductor. er ikke noe småtteri til gave. Det er en hel sees what it is, because it isn’t a small gift. hundrekroneseddel, og så mange penger hand behind the scene. Last year the couple The first of their recent events, pre- It is an entire 100 kroner bill, and Steinar har Steinar aldri eid før. – Så stiger skjeg- performed similar roles in a poignant me- sented last fall, was the Norwegian memo- has never owned as much money before. gmannen fram, og han ber alle i klassen og morial program commemorating both the rial concert given in Alice Tully Hall of Lin- Then the bearded man steps forward and læreren med, om å være med ut på skole- Norwegian tragedy of July 22nd and the late coln Center. The concert featured Grieg’s asks everyone in the classroom, including plassen. Norwegian composer Arne Nordheim. Funeral March and Nordheim’s “Tenebrae the teacher, to come outside to the school- For some 25 years, Per, a man of many (Darkness),” a powerful work for cello and Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods yard. musical talents, had performed as principal orchestra. Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen trombonist of the Metropolitan Opera Or- The piece was commissioned and pre- 1.NAW.UlvestadVol1&2.22Dec2011_Layout 1 12/22/11 9:49 PM Page 1 Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. chestra (1968 – 1994), then branched out into miered by the celebrated Russian cellist, Ms- www.astrimyastri.com a stellar conducting career. Simultaneously tislav Rostropovich. The Guardian newspa- his wife Berit has served for many years in per has hailed Nordheim as “the finest Nor- the cultural division of the Norwegian Con- wegian composer after .” Norwegians in America, their History and Record: sulate in New York, with special attention to The Brevig couple’s most recent cultur- A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 promoting the world of Norwegian art and al foray was a brilliant all-Mozart program at Nordmændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord Written by Martin Ulvestad music. Manhattan’s St. Joseph Church, an attractive Volume 1 — 480 pages, 7”x10”, hardcover book (2010): Twenty years ago the couple led the edifice modeled after a classic Greek temple. • 5,700 pioneers indexed & maps of Norway founding of the Edward Grieg Society, Inc., The ensemble was the Strathmere Festival • Pioneer sagas, genealogy & immigration (1825-1907) • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada New York. With Per as President and Berit as Orchestra, comprised of some of the leading • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA Exercutive Director, while they graciously independent musicians in the metropolitan Volume 2 — 640 pages, 7”x10”, hardcover book (2011): invited me to serve as inaugural vice presi- area. • 25,000 pioneers listed by 1,700 locations in Norway • Connecting Norwegian-Americans to ancestral roots dent. Since then the Society has presented The program consisted of two of Mo- • Norwegians in American Wars including Civil War some 80 events in a range educational and zart’s greatest symphonies, the 36th (Linz) • = $34.95 with FREE shipping in the USA cultural institutions here, including Lincoln and the 41st (Jupiter), as well as Mozart’s Volume 3 — 7”x10”, hardcover book (available in 2012): • Biographical directory of thousands of immigrant families Center and Zankel Hall of Carnegie Hall as Piano Concerto No. 20, soloed by Pianist • Sorted by last name, when immigrated & where lived well as symposiums at Columbia Univer- David Oel. Made in America! Call — send a check sity. This writer has had the good fortune or order from website The recognition accorded these two for of attending many a splendid performance Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 promoting Norwegian heritage so richly here under the baton of Maestro Brevig, both or- 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] is that Per and Berit have each individually chestral and operatic; of the latter he has led been awarded the prestigious St. Olav Medal some twenty different works, mostly from the Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates by the Norwegian government. standard repertory. I can attest that this Mo- in North America Having celebrated their 50th wedding zart concert was up among Per’s best, with Organization of the Week anniversary with a gala New York Harbor the orchestra delivering Mozart with power Massachusetts cruise attended by a circle of close friends and drive, with sparkle and exuberance, with Ibsen Festival and family, they have given little sign of eas- charm and strong emotional depth. Who Commonweal Theatre’s annual ing up. Per continues to teach at Juilliard would have thought that when you attend a Ibsen Festival celebrates all things Consul Terje Korsnes and Manhattan Schools of Music and New Mozart concert in New York there might be Royal Norwegian Consulate Norwegian in historic Lanesboro, Minn. York University; and every summer for the a touch of Norway! 253 Summer Street, 2nd floor For more information, contact: past 42 years the couple has headed west to Boston, MA 02210 Phone: (507) 467-2905 Tel: (617) 423-2515 Email: [email protected] Fax: (617) 423-2057 < Kristiansen http://www.ibsenfest.org E-mail: [email protected] breaking her confidentiality agreement she From page 3 could have been sentenced to prison for up For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations If Kristiansen had been found guilty of to six months, or fined. norwegian american weekly M Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports march 9, 2012 • 15 sports < white From page 3 award-winning science fiction series “Torch- Equality at Vasaloppet? wood” and “Downton Abbey.” British Royal derness, English and German pilots prepare Navy Gunner Private Robert Smith is a Race’s general to fight to the death on April 27, 1940, just “wise guy,” taken straight from Liverpool’s weeks after the Germans begin the occupa- streets. Smith played by Rupert Grint (23), manager to VG: “I tion of Norway. The pilots shoot each other to who played Ron Weasely in the immensely can’t see that there is the ground in Grotli, Norway, after a violent popular Harry Potter films. chance encounter, and two English and three The film is based on a true story, as de- anything wrong here” German soldiers survive. Isolated, they must scribed in a book written by Lieutenant Horst fight to survive the brutal winter. Though war Schopsis, who spent many years in captivity has made them enemies, antagonism is hard in Canada before returning to Germany. VG to maintain as days go by. Through mutual “Into The White” is produced by Peter need, unlikely friendships bloom. Somehow, Aalbæk Jensen in the Norwegian branch of they become comrades. the Danish film company Zentropa. Vibeke Skofterud (31) talked about The impressive cast stars highly ac- “We have sold the film to 22 countries equality after Jörgen Brink (37) got a car for claimed actors from Germany, the U.K. and already, including the movie rights to most winning the Vasaloppet – and she did not. Norway. German bombing pilot Lieutenant countries in Europe. We expect new sales to The event management does not understand Horst Schopis is a highly educated, fifth- Asia and North America at the Cannes Film her concerns. generation military officer. Schopis played Festival in May,” says Aalbæk Jensen. At the “The rules have been clear from the start. by Florian Lukas (38) – one of Germany’s time of press, there is not a set schedule as The women have an equal chance to win a most acclaimed actors of his generation. to when the film will be available in North car as the men. We have one car in the Tje- Navigator sergeant Wolfgang Strunk a taci- America. The official trailer can be seen at jvasan and one in the Vasaloppet. The desire turn man with a surprisingly dry sense of http://youtu.be/5vnGsAitVLM. was to bring attention to Tjejvasan, and per- humor. Strunk is played by Norwegian actor haps it is wrong to have a car as a prize there, Stig Henrik Hoff (47), known from “Hawaii, but no matter what, the conditions were set in Oslo” and “Kautokeino Rebellion.” advance,” Jonas Bauer told VG Nett. Mechanic corporal Joseph Schwartz Tjejvasan is an all-women’s ski race Photo: Fischer Sports is a hardcore, dedicated Nazi who grew up in Sweden, one of the biggest women’s ski E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 Vibeke Skofterud as she crossed the finish line in with Hitler as a role model. Schwartz played (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] races in the world. first place at this year’s Vasaloppet. by David Kross (21), known from the 2008 Bauer is general manager of the Vasa- Oscar-winning film “The Reader.” Brit- loppet and does not understand where the ish Royal Air Force fighter pilot Captain Comfy and stylish! sudden storm of criticism has come from. organization. I have a little bit of a hard time Charles P. Davenport is a British gentle- Many have complained, including Hilde believing she means it after chatting with our man from the upper class. Davenport played Style and Haug Gjermund Pedersen, Thomas Alsgaard sports director Tommy Höglund during the by Lachlan Nieboer (30), known from the comfort and Skofterud herself. weekend.” meet with “I thought we had come further in 2012. Shortly after VG spoke with the Vasa- But there are still large differences. I am a loppet general manager on March 5, he, NEW! Birkebeiner print these wool little surprised to hear this,” Hilde Pedersen along with Höglund, spoke with the Norwe- 9.75x12” + generous border dresses for Gjermund Haug told VG Nett. gian winner. Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue women and “A few days ago I was asked what I “She said she was aware of the prereq- • full-color, fade-proof girls with thought about Women’s Day on March 8, uisites for the course. It was a nice conversa- • quality paper removable • FREE shipping in and when I replied I said that I think equality tion, we understood each other,” said Bauer, sturdy mailing tube to felted has come a long way. But then I see the Vasa- who went on to say the whole situation has US 48 states flower pin. loppet, and there is a car in the difference be- • $15 each, USD only; been blown way out of proportion. VISA/MasterCard tween premiums for women and men. It was “We are a little surprised, since there has Available a bit interesting,” Skofterud told Dagbladet. Order from never been an option of winning a car for the in red and On March 4, she was the first Norwe- women’s record in the Vasaloppet. That has NORWAY ART gian woman to win the Vasaloppet since the 1455 West Lake St, B-20 grey! been the case all along. Maybe we need to Minneapolis, MN 55408 official women’s class was opened in 1997. catch up with Volkswagen to move a prize Skofterud broke 4.08.24, the old record from call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or car there in the future, but it’s not something email: [email protected] Visit us online at 1998, by eight and a half minutes. we can decide here and now,” said Höglund. Why not order now for shipment to your home or business www.thetrollscove.com Swedish man Jörgen Brink won the He also stressed that the car as a prize and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! or our shop in Waupauca, WI sprint in the men’s class, and he won his in Tjejvasan was established to create greater third straight triumph in the race. At the same interest in the women’s version of the race. time he struck down the 14-year-old record The 90-kilometer long Vasaloppet is one of 3.38.57 by 16 seconds. The Swede was of seven races in the Ski Classics. Jizerská The Scandinavian Hour rewarded with a car for setting the record, Padesátka (Czech Republic, 50 km), Mar- while Skofterud got flowers for her efforts. cialonga (Italy, 70 km), König Ludwig Lauf Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Both won NOK 75,000 (USD 13,352) in (Germany, 50 km), Tartu Marathon (Estonia, KKNW – 1150 AM prize money. 63 km), (Norway, 54 km) The women’s chance of winning a car is and Ski Classics Final (Norway, 65 km) are Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST to set a record in Tjejvasan – a race that was the others. The total value of the prizes in the held on Feb. 25. races are in excess of NOK 800,000 (USD Streaming live on the internet at: “It’s a shame that Vibeke perceives it that 142,400). www.1150kknw.com way, but we are far from any discriminatory

< Bjørgen Enter our drawing for the From page 1 Kowalczyk at first looked like she would win the sprint. She went out at a furious pace and it was only Russian Julia Ivanova and overall World Cup. Ibsen Festival Bjørgen who managed to hang on for the first After a two-week period of competition, April 13 – 15 • Lanesboro, Minn. long climb. the duel between the two resumed during the Halfway through the race, roles were 15 kilometer sprint in Finnish city of switched. Bjørgen was offensive in a down- on March 2. hill and slipped in front of the two competi- Enter the Norwegian American Weekly After the 15-kilometer, Bjørgen landed tors in the front and led all the way into the drawing for your chance to win tickets in second place, and had a 1:38 point lead run-up in which she and Ivanova made ​​up to the highly acclaimed Ibsen Festival! over the Polish cross-country skier. After a for the win. Justyna Kowalczyk finished in solid sprint Bjørgen has increased the lead. Send an email to [email protected] third place while Maiken Caspersen Falla “I’ve gained a few points over Kowalc- with subject line “Ibsen Festival” and was number four. zyk, but I need them too,” she told NTB. “It is we will enter you in the drawing! Win- In the men’s class, Norway was only Learn more about the Ibsen Festival not over until it’s over in Falun. It can quickly ners will be chosen at random on April at www.ibsenfest.org represented by Ola Vigen Hattestad in the 1. One entry per email address. turn around. I’m excited for the sprints com- Win free tickets! final. or call (800) 657-7025 ing in Drammen and Stockholm.” The 57th Annual

Of Greater New York Contest Saturday, March 31 at 2 p.m. MissTickets: $30, $15 for children under 12 • NorwayReserve table for 9 for $240 Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall, Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center 1250 – 67th Street, Brooklyn, New York

Your chance to participate in a TRADITION! Photo courtesy of Norwegian Immigration Association On March 31, Miss Norway of Greater New York 2012 and her runner-up will Miss Norway of Greater New York 2011 Jennifer Egeberg. be selected. They and their court will be recognized at the 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Prizes include a trip to Norway and more! Apply by March 9. Applications Calling all youngsters can be downloaded at www.niahistory.org, or contact Arlene Rutuelo at (718) 748- 1874 for more information. 5 – 10 years old! Boys and girls with a Norwegian Contestants must meet the following criteria: connection are invited to participate in the 17th of May Parade as part of Miss • Be 17 – 24 years of age • Submit an application Norway’s entourage. The children will ride • Have a Norwegian family connection • Application deadline: March 9, 2012 on a special float which will be drawn by a • Have knowledge of Norwegian heritage Norwegian fjord horse.

Proudly presented by 317 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10022 Norwegian Immigration Association Email: [email protected] • Online: www.niahistory.org TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

Use your smart phone to visit our site.

Book now at fl ysas.com/us