Welcome to the & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Directory for 2017, which has been produced by the Parish Council. The Parish Council is the first tier of elected government made up of volunteers working for the good of your community. In this directory we are publishing a list of what we hope will be helpful local contact numbers and information, together with a list of your Parish Councillors, Clerk to the Parish Council, your District and County Councillors and Member of Parliament. As well as amenities, community organisations and representatives within the parish boundary, also included are a number of amenities in the surrounding area. It is the hope of the Parish Council that you will find this directory a useful tool throughout the year. Entry in the ‘In the Parish’ section of this directory is free. If you are involved with a community organisation within the parish boundary and would like to be included in future editions of the Directory, please complete the form on the back page. The ‘Local to the Parish’ section of this Directory is a selection of services available in the local area. If you have any suggestions for essential services that are missing, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Quick Reference Numbers EMERGENCY FIRE, POLICE or AMBULANCE t: 999 / m: 112 CRIMESTOPPERS t: 0800 555111 NHS DIRECT t: 0845 46 47 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Electricity t: 0800 6783 105 Gas t: 0800 111 999 Water t: 0800 783 4444 TRAVEL Traveline t: 0871 200 2233 National Rail Enquiries t: 08457 48 49 50 National Express t: 08717 818 181 International Airport t: 0871 222 0072 East Midlands Airport t: 0871 919 9000 OTHER HELPLINES Please consult the front pages of The Phone Book or Yellow Pages


IN THE PARISH Accommodation ...... 3 Clubs & Societies ...... 3 Community Representation ...... 4 Community Website ...... 5 Education ...... 5 Health & Beauty ...... 5 Homes & Gardens ...... 5 IT Services ...... 6 Parish Magazine ...... 6 Places of Worship ...... 6 Printing and Genealogical Research ...... 7 Public Houses ...... 7 Recycling / Waste Collection ...... 7 Sport & Leisure ...... 7 Venue Hire ...... 8

LOCAL TO THE PARISH Councils ...... 9 Culture ...... 9 Dentists ...... 10 Doctors ...... 10 Hospitals ...... 11 Libraries ...... 11 Milk Deliveries ...... 12 Newspaper Deliveries ...... 12 Pharmacies ...... 12 Police ...... 12 Post Offices ...... 13 Recycling / Waste Centres ...... 13 Sport & Leisure ...... 13 Vets ...... 14 Window Cleaners ...... 14

Page 2 Parish Directory 2017 In the Parish IN THE PARISH

Accommodation The Chesford Grange Hotel t: 01926 859331 Chesford Grange, Chesford Bridge, , CV8 2LD e: [email protected] w: www.qhotels.co.uk  The Warwickshire Hotel t: 01926 409409 The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club, Leek Wootton, CV35 7QT e: [email protected] w: www.thewarwickshire.com/stay

Clubs & Societies 1st Leek Wootton (All Saints') Brownies t: 01926 851094 Brown Owl: Dawn Johnson e: [email protected] 1st Leek Wootton (All Saints') Guides t: 01926 850610 Guider: Nicola Perryman At the time of going to press the Guide unit is not running due to lack of members 1st Leek Wootton Centenary Scout Group t: 01926 854623 Group Scout Leader: Jo Elsy w: www.leekwoottonscoutgroup.co.uk Beaver Pack (age 6-8) and Cub Pack (age 8-10½) Cancer Research UK (Leek Wootton Branch) t: 01926 859003 Secretary: Shirley Calvert Friends of the Anti-Aircraft Battery at Goodrest Farm (FAAB@GRF) e: [email protected] F FAABatGRF

Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden (OUTSIDE THE PARISH BORDER) e: [email protected] w: www.guyscliffewalledgarden.org.uk  Leek Wootton & District Horticultural Society t: 01926 854103 Secretary: Mary Murdoch w: www.leekwoottonhorticulturalsociety.co.uk  Leek Wootton History Group t: 01926 854347 Secretary: Lesley Eldridge e: [email protected] w: www.historygroup.leekwoottonandguyscliffe.org.uk 

Page 3 In the Parish Parish Directory 2017 Leek Wootton Stay and Play t: 01926 258264 Contact: Janet Jackson Children's activities Leek Wootton Women's Institute t: 01926 850511 President: Tricia Reeve w: www.leekwoottonwi.co.uk Q leekwoottonwi Young at Heart (Over 60s) t: 01926 258576 Contact: Hilary David / Jenny Kimberley

Community Representation Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council Clerk: Helen Eldridge t: 01926 853841 e: [email protected] w: www.leekwootton.org.uk  Chairman: Cllr Colin Smith t: 01926 512815 e: [email protected] Vice Chairman: Richard Coates t: 01926 856223 e: [email protected] Cllr Dennis Eassom t: 01926 854208 e: [email protected] Cllr Paul Eldridge t: 01926 854347 e: [email protected] Cllr Jim Kirkwood t: 01926 852444 e: [email protected] Cllr Keith Knott t: 01926 859725 e: [email protected] Cllr Alan Moore t: 01926 852603 Cllr Peter Tunkle t: 01926 511879 e: [email protected] Member of Parliament for Kenilworth & Southam t: 01926 853650 Jeremy Wright MP Jubilee House, Smalley Place, KENILWORTH CV8 1QG e: [email protected] w: www.jeremywright.org.uk F JeremyWright2015 Warwickshire County Council (Leek Wootton District) Councillor Mrs José Compton t: 01926 402936 20 Welsh Close, WARWICK CV35 5JY e: [email protected]

Page 4 Parish Directory 2017 In the Parish Council (Arden Ward) Councillor Mrs Susan Gallagher t: 01926 484654 Apple Tree Cottage, Knob, WARWICK CV35 7NJ e: [email protected] Councillor Peter Whiting t: 07802 796436 5 Moss Grove, KENILWORTH CV8 2WB e: [email protected]

Community Website Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Community Hubsite w: www.leekwoottonandguyscliffe.org.uk F LWandGC Owned and managed by Leek Wootton History Group/Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council

Education All Saints' Church of (Voluntary Aided) Primary School t: 01926 400498 Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QR Head Teacher: Sue Patterson e: [email protected] w: allsaintsschool-leekwootton.org.uk 

Health & Beauty Aura Spa t: 01926 622555 The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QT e: [email protected] w: www.thewarwickshire.com/aura-spa  Chesford Grange Health Club and Spa t: 01926 350370 Chesford Grange, Chesford Bridge, KENILWORTH, Warwickshire CV8 2LD e: [email protected] w: www.warwickshirewellbeingclinic.com  Warwickshire Well-being Clinic t: 01926 859331 Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QX w: www.qhotels.co.uk/our-locations/chesford-grange/health-clubs

Homes & Gardens Hintons Nursery & Plant Centre t: 01926 492273 Road, Guy's Cliffe, WARWICK CV34 5FJ e: [email protected] w: www.hintonsnursery.co.uk  Hintons is just outside the parish border, but is included because it is within the Guy’s Cliffe area

Page 5 In the Parish Parish Directory 2017 Simmer Kitchens t: 01926 714518 1A Home Farm, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7PU e: [email protected] w: www.simmerkitchens.co.uk 

IT Services Mend My Gadget t: 07486 614222 21 Waller Close, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QG Contact: Alan Boylin e: [email protected] w: www.mendmygadget.co.uk  IT Repairs, Upgrades, Training (inc PC, Mac, Tablets, Smartphones)

Parish Magazine Leek Wootton Link Editorial Team: Helen & Lesley Eldridge e: [email protected] Owned by All Saints' Church, Leek Wootton, supported by Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council Leek Wootton Link Advertising e: [email protected]

Places of Worship All Saints' Parish Church t: 01926 850610 Church Lane, Leek Wootton, WARWICK w: www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk Q LWAllSaints Priest-in-Charge: Rev Jim Perryman t: 01926 850610 4 Hill Wootton Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QL e: [email protected] Lay Reader: Audrey Rowberry t: 01926 851498 e: [email protected]  Churchwarden: Jonathan Cox t: 01926 511726 Churchwarden: Jonathan Kingston t: 01926 851181 Secretary to the PCC: Eileen Clayton t: 01926 855124 Treasurer to the PCC: Mark Sayers (WEF: 01/01/2017) t: 01926 859389 Bell Ringers t: 01926 859389 Tower Captain: Mark Sayers Choir t: 01926 859949 Choir Master/Organist: Graham Stevens Mothers’ Union t: 01926 258264 Contact: Janet Jackson

Page 6 Parish Directory 2017 In the Parish

Pastoral Care Team Chair: Audrey Rowberry (01926 851498) Jenny Taylor (01926 854641) / Suzanne Tisdale (01926 859668)

Printing and Genealogical Research YouTree t: 01926 850610 4 Hill Wootton Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QL e: [email protected] w: www.youtree.perryman.org.uk

Public Houses The Anchor Inn t: 01926 853355 Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QX w: www.anchorinnwarwickshire.co.uk Q AnchorInn1853 The t: 01926 492255 Coventry Road, Guy's Cliffe, WARWICK CV34 5YN w: www.saxonmill.co.uk 

Recycling / Waste Collection Contract Services, Warwick District Council t: 01926 456128 e: [email protected] w: www.warwickdc.gov.uk  Bulky Waste Collection: Book online or call w: http://estates5.warwickdc.gov.uk/BulkyItemCollection 

Sport & Leisure Adventure Sports t: 01926 491 948 Wedgnock Rifle Range, Wedgnock Lane, WARWICK CV35 7PX e: [email protected] w: www.adventuresport.co.uk  F adventure.sports.warwick Q AdSportsWarwick Broad Lane Leisure t: 01926 858880 Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7RD e: [email protected] w: www.broadlane.co.uk  F broadlaneleisure Q broadlane Leek Wootton Cricket Club t: 01926 852231 Contact: Ian Cox w: www.leekwoottoncc.org Q LeekWoottonCC

Page 7 In the Parish Parish Directory 2017

Leek Wootton Football Club t: 01926 857823 / 07776 495901 Contact: Paul Baigent w: www.leekwoottonfc.co.uk Q LeekWoottonFC Leek Wootton Sports Club (Licensed) t: 01926 852231 Off: Quarry Close, Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QJ Secretary: Paul Baigent w: http://leekwoottonsports.club F LeekWoottonSportsClub Q LeekWoottonSC The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club t: 01926 409409 Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QT w: www.thewarwickshire.com F warwickshiregcc

Venue Hire Other premises, such as clubs, hotels and public houses may also offer venue hire Guy’s Cliffe t: 07504 270880 Guy’s Cliffe Masonic Rooms, Guy’s Cliffe, Coventry Road, WARWICK CV34 5YD e: [email protected] w: www.guyscliffehousewarwick.co.uk F GuysCliffeHouseWarwick Q Guys_Cliffe Leek Wootton Village Hall t: 01926 409641 (after 4pm) Booking Clerk: Sigrun Fewtrill e: [email protected]

Page 8 Parish Directory 2017 Local to the Parish LOCAL TO THE PARISH

Councils Warwickshire County Council t: 01926 410410 Shire Hall, WARWICK CV34 4SA w: www.warwickshire.gov.uk  Education, highways, libraries, museums, social care Warwick District Council t: 01926 450000 Riverside House, Milverton Hill, CV32 5HZ e: [email protected] w: www.warwickdc.gov.uk  Amenities, environment, housing, leisure, planning, sports

Culture Belgrade Theatre t: 024 7655 3055 Belgrade Square, COVENTRY CV1 1GS e: [email protected] w: www.belgrade.co.uk F BelgradeTheatreCoventry Bridge House Theatre & Warwick Hall t: 01926 776438 , Myton Road, WARWICK CV34 6PP e: [email protected] w: www.bridgehousetheatre.co.uk Q BHTWarwick Loft Theatre t: 01926 800360 Victoria Colonnade, LEAMINGTON SPA CV31 3AA e: [email protected] w: www.loft-theatre.co.uk F LoftTheatre Q LoftTheatre Playbox Theatre t: 01926 419555 The Dream Factory, Tapping Way, WARWICK CV34 6LE e: [email protected] w: www.playboxtheatre.com F playboxtheatre Q playboxtheatre Theatre and performing arts company for young people PQA (Pauline Quirke of Performing Arts) t: 07791 703665 , Tapping Way, WARWICK CV34 6WR Principal: Debbie Hotten e: [email protected] w: www.pqacademy.com F PQAWarwick Priory Theatre t: 01926 863334 Rosemary Hill, KENILWORTH CV8 1BN w: www.priorytheatre.co.uk F PrioryTheatre Q PrioryTheatre Royal Shakespeare Company t: 01789 403493 The Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Waterside, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON CV37 6BB w: www.rsc.org.uk F thersc Q thersc

Page 9 Local to the Parish Parish Directory 2017 t: 01926 334418 Newbold Terrace, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4HN w: www.royalspacentreandtownhall.co.uk F royalspacentreandtownhall Q SpaCentre Talisman Theatre t: 01926 856548 Barrow Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1EG e: w: www.talismantheatre.co.uk Q TalismanTheatre Vue Leamington Spa t: 08712 240 240 Portland Place, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 5ET e: w: www.myvue.com  Warwick Arts Centre & Cinema t: 024 7652 4524 University of Warwick, COVENTRY CV4 7AL e: [email protected] w: www.warwickartscentre.co.uk F WarwickArtsCentre Q WarwickArts

Dentists This section is for emergency reference only and is a geographical selection; a comprehensive list of local dental practices is available in the BT Phone Book, Thomson Local or Yellow Pages Abbey End Dental Practice t: 01926 852504 93 Abbey End, KENILWORTH CV8 1LS w: http://abbeyenddental.co.uk  Cape Road Dental Practice t: 01926 491029 9 Cape Road, WARWICK CV34 4JP w: www.capedental.co.uk  Kenilworth Dental Practice t: 01926 512747 26 Station Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1JJ w: www.kenilworthdentalpractice.com  Priory Dental Practice t: 01926 864015 68 Priory Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1LQ w: priorydentalclinic.co.uk

Doctors This section is for emergency reference only and is a geographical selection; a comprehensive list of local medical practices is available in the BT Phone Book, Thomson Local or Yellow Pages Abbey Medical Centre t: 08444 996 932 42 Station Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1JD w: www.abbeymedicalcentre.co.uk  Cape Road Surgery t: 01926 499988 3 Cape Road, WARWICK CV34 4JP w: www.caperoadsurgery.co.uk 

Page 10 Parish Directory 2017 Local to the Parish Priory Medical Centre Partnership t: 01926 494411 Cape Road, WARWICK CV34 4UN w: www.priorymed.nhs.uk  The Castle Medical Centre t: 01926 857331 22 Bertie Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1JP w: www.castlemedicalcentre.co.uk 

Hospitals Stratford Hospital t: 01789 205831 Arden Street, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON CV37 6NX w: www.warwickhospital.nhs.uk  University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire t: see website Clifford Bridge Road, COVENTRY CV2 2DX w: www.uhcw.nhs.uk  t: 01926 495321 Lakin Road, WARWICK CV34 5BW e: [email protected] w: www.warwickhospital.nhs.uk  Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital t: 01926 427971 The Chase, Lane, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 6RW w: www.nuffieldhospitals.org.uk 

Libraries Kenilworth Library & Information Centre t: 01926 748900 / 748902 Smalley Place, KENILWORTH CV8 1QG e: [email protected] Leamington Spa Library & Information Centre t: 01926 742721 / 742722 , The Parade, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4AA e: [email protected] Lillington Library & Information Centre t: 01926 422875 Valley Road, Lillington, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 7SJ e: [email protected] Warwick Library & Information Centre t: 01926 412189 / 412488 Shire Hall, WARWICK CV34 4SA e: [email protected]

Page 11 Local to the Parish Parish Directory 2017 Milk Deliveries Milk & More (Dairy Crest Ltd) t: 0845 606 3606 w: www.milkandmore.co.uk 

Newspaper Deliveries K P Newsagents t: 01926 495011 4 Reardon Court, Woodloes Avenue South, WARWICK CV34 5RN

Pharmacies This section is a geographical selection and not necessarily comprehensive Boots 22A Bertie Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1JP t: 01926 859809 31 Parade, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4BL t: 01926 424945 2 Talisman Square, KENILWORTH CV8 1JB t: 01926 854606 Warwick House, Station Rd, KENILWORTH CV8 1JF t: 01926 857995 Westgate House, 1 Market Street, WARWICK CV34 4DH t: 01926 491927 Dudley Taylor Abbey MC, Station Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1JD t: 01926 854286 Mellors, 27 Market Place, WARWICK CV34 4SA t: 01926 492002 Lloyds Pharmacy 51 Clarendon Street, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4PN t: 01926 336568 Superdrug 88/90 Parade, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4BT t: 01926 420430 Tesco Emscote Rd, WARWICK CV34 5QJ t: 0845 677 9701

Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) t: 01926 410111 Ext 4404 e: [email protected] F warwickshirepolice Q warkspolice Warwickshire Direct - Kenilworth t: 01926 415000 Kenilworth Library, Smalley Place, KENILWORTH CV8 1QG Warwickshire Direct - Warwick t: 01926 410111 Shire Hall, WARWICK CV34 4SA (Front Desk Service) t: 01926 451111 Warwickshire Justice Centre, Newbold Terrace, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4EL

Page 12 Parish Directory 2017 Local to the Parish Post Offices Chantry PO t: 01926 400022 4-6 The Precinct, Percy Estate, WARWICK CV34 5SR Clarendon Street PO t: 01926 423226 69 Clarendon Street, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4PN Kenilworth PO t: 01926 857391 59 Abbey End, KENILWORTH CV8 1QJ Roseland Stores t: 01926 853757 57 Roseland Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1GA Spar Supermarket t: 01926 316638 32 Bath Street, LEAMINGTON SPA CV31 3AE Warwick Delivery Office t: 01926 491064 Broxell Close, WARWICK CV34 5WW Latest final collection in the area at 6:30pm weekdays and 12:30 Saturday Warwick PO t: 01926 496655 Shire Hall, WARWICK CV34 4SA Windy Arbour News & PO t: 01926 857081 2 Moseley Road, KENILWORTH CV8 2AQ Woodloes Park PO t: 01926 494688 5 Reardon Court, WARWICK CV34 5RN

Recycling / Waste Centres Cherry Orchard Household Waste Recycling Centre Pipers Lane, Off Whitemoor Road, KENILWORTH CV8 2UB w: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/recyclingcherryorchard  Princes Drive Household Waste Recycling Centre Off island by viaduct, Princes Drive, LEAMINGTON SPA CV31 3PH w: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/recyclingprincesdrive 

Sport & Leisure Abbey Fields Swimming Pool t: 01926 855478 Bridge Street, KENILWORTH CV8 1BP Castle Farm Recreation Centre t: 01926 850550 Fishponds Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1EY John Atkinson Sports Centre t: 01926 498363 , Myton Road, WARWICK CV34 6PJ

Page 13 Local to the Parish Parish Directory 2017 Meadow Community Sports Centre t: 01926 857613 Kenilworth School, Leyes Lane, KENILWORTH CV8 2DA Leisure Centre t: 01926 882083 Newbold Terrace East, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4EW Improvement Works: Centre will be closed from 3 Jan 2017 until Jun 2017. Completion due: Nov 2017 St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre t: 01926 495353 Banbury Road, WARWICK CV34 4QY Improvement Works: Swimming pool closed from Dec 2016 until Nov 2017. Sydenham Sports Centre t: 01926 330668 Campion School, Sydenham Drive, LEAMINGTON SPA CV31 1QH

Vets This section is for emergency reference only and is a geographical selection; a comprehensive list of local vets’ practices is available in the BT Phone Book, Thomson Local or Yellow Pages Animal House Veterinary Surgery t: 01926 494923 46 Coten End, Warwick CV34 4NR w: www.vetanimalhouse.co.uk F The-Animal-House-Veterinary-Surgery Q animalhouseltd Avonvale Veterinary Practice 43 Birches Lane, KENILWORTH CV8 2AB t: 01926 854181 6 Broxell Close, WARWICK CV34 5QF t: 01926 400255 w: www.avonvets.co.uk F AvonvaleVets Q avonvalevets Feldon Veterinary Centre 1 Guy Street, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 4RX t: 01926 423161 59 Station Road, KENILWORTH CV8 1JD t: 01926 859654 w: www.feldonvets.co.uk Rainsbrook Veterinary Surgery t: 01926 422592 12 Upper Grove Street, LEAMINGTON SPA CV32 5AN w: www.rainsbrookvets.co.uk F rainsbrookvets Q rainsbrookvets

Window Cleaners A B Windows t: 07794 457133 77 St Michaels Road, Warwick CV34 5RW Contact: Nigel Bicknell Cleaner Contracting t: 07931 575854 288 Holyhead Road, COVENTRY CV5 8JP Contact: Ian Lennox e: [email protected]

Page 14 Parish Directory 2017

Page 15 Local to the Parish Parish Directory 2017

APPLICATION FOR ENTRY AS A RESIDENT ORGANISATION IN THE LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH DIRECTORY All businesses, clubs and societies based within the boundary of Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe , or providing a regular doorstep service within the boundary*, are entitled to be listed within this publication for free. If you would like to be included, please complete the form below.

Name of Organisation

Nature of Organisation

Full Postal Address within Civil Parish Boundary

Telephone Number Fax Number

Email Address

Web Address

* Regular doorstep services provided within the Civil Parish Boundary will only be included by approval of the Parish Council Complete this form and return it to: Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Directory c/o The Clerk to the Parish Council, 1 Anchor Cottages, Warwick Road

APPLICATION FOR ENTRY AS A NON-RESIDENT ORGANISATION IN THE LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH DIRECTORY Businesses, clubs and societies outside of the Civil Parish Boundary may be considered for inclusion in the Parish Directory. Inclusion is by approval of the Parish Council and may include a fee. If you would like to apply for entry, please contact Helen Eldridge, The Clerk to the Parish Council (t: 01926 853841, e: [email protected])

RE-ORDER COPIES OR MAKE AN AMENDMENT TO AN ENTRY IN THE LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH DIRECTORY If you would like to re-order a copy of this directory or request an existing entry within this Directory to be amended, please contact Helen Eldridge, The Clerk to the Parish Council (t: 01926 853841, e: [email protected])

I DO NOT HAVE ANY OF THE OTHER DIRECTORIES! All directories are distributed regularly, for free, or may be contacted via the following alternative methods: BT Phone Book (Stratford-upon-Avon & Warwick) t: 118 500 / w: www.bt.com/thephonebook Thomson Local (South Warwickshire Banbury) w: www.thomsonlocal.com

Yellow Pages (Coventry) t: 118 24 7 / w: www.yell.com  Page 16