URBAN REGIONS AS ENGINES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH What can policy achieve? PBL Urban Regions as Engines of Economic Growth What can policy achieve? Otto Raspe, Martijn van den Berge and Thomas de Graaff Urban Regions as Engines of Economic Growth. What can Infrastructure and the Environment); from the scientific policy achieve? sounding board: Frank van Oort (Erasmus University) and Henri © PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency De Groot (VU University Amsterdam). The authors also wish to The Hague, 2018 thank Evert-Jan Visser (RVO, Ministry of Economic Affairs) for his PBL publication number: 3296 contribution to the conceptual framework in Chapter 2. Finally, parts of the study were discussed during the workshops ‘PBL Corresponding author Autumn School’ (October 2016) and ‘PBL Spring School’ (May
[email protected] 2017), and we greatly appreciate the input of the participants and speakers. Authors Otto Raspe, Martijn van den Berge, Thomas de Graaff Graphics PBL Beeldredactie Acknowledgements The research benefited greatly from input from the participants Layout in various feedback group meetings and bilateral discussions. Xerox/OBT, The Hague For their valuable reactions and comments, we would like to thank, from the policy sounding board: Jan Schuur (Ministry of Production coordination Economic Affairs), Geert de Joode (Ministry of the Interior and PBL Publishers Kingdom Relations) and Vincent van der Gun (former Ministry of This publication can be downloaded from: www.pbl.nl/en. Parts of this publication may be reproduced, providing the source is stated, in the form: Raspe et al. (2018), Urban Regions as Engines of Economic Growth. What can policy achieve? PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague.