Unilever PLC House Blackfriars London EC4P 4BQ

T: +44 (0)20 7822 5252 F: +44 (0)20 7822 5951 June 2019 www.unilever.com

Dear Ms Kingo,

Unilever is a strong supporter of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Ten Principles. We are grateful for its recognition that business has an important role to play in creating a prosperous future, and for its guidance in helping business uphold its responsibilities.

In 2015, the world agreed a roadmap for a prosperous future – the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are firm supporters of these Goals, which help to address huge social, environmental and economic challenges, whilst creating new markets, driving growth and restoring trust in business. These goals closely align with Unilever’s deeply held belief that we will be a better business by taking a long-term, sustainable approach.

It is our view that this is the only way business can succeed. We see evidence of this everywhere we look. Consumers are increasingly opting for ethical, sustainable brands. Citizens are taking to the streets and social media to praise good corporate behaviour and punish bad. Investors are holding companies to account, recognising that a healthy business requires a healthy world.

Now entering its ninth year, the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan is our blueprint for delivering this vision. Our Sustainable Living Report provides a comprehensive overview of our progress, but I want to share some highlights.

First our Sustainable Living Brands – those with purpose at the core of everything they do - are performing strongly across the board. Take as an example, they are waging a war on poor sanitation by helping 25 million people gain improved access to a toilet by 2020 and through this, help save and change people’s lives for the better. We have 28 sustainable living brands each striving to improve the world. They are growing 69% faster than the rest of the business and delivering 75% of the company’s growth. Put simply, purpose drives growth.

Second, we have stepped up efforts on gender equality. Women represent 49% of our management, 4 out of 12 of our management board and make up 6 out of 12 of our non- executive directors. In our supply chain we are proud to have joined the UN Foundation and 11 other companies, committing to improve the health and empowerment of more than 250,000 women workers in global supply chains. Through our personal care brand , we have helped 35million young people with the Dove Self-Esteem Programme, and we will reach a further 10million in partnership with Unicef.

Unilever U.K. Central Resources Limited Registered in England & Wales; Company No 29140 Registered Office: , Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 0DY

Third, we are leading the industry on keeping plastic in the economy and out of the environment. We were among the first global companies to commit to ensuring that all our plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025 – and have since been making strong progress on this journey. We have been redesigning our packaging, piloting new distribution models – such as TerraCycle’s Loop – and recently invested $15million into the Ocean Fund and Incubator to develop the infrastructure for waste collection in South Asia.

Lastly, the climate crisis has now reached a point where there can be no room for misinterpretation on the scale of the challenge. Building on our Carbon Positive commitments, I challenged our trade associations to confirm that their lobbying positions on climate policy are consistent with Unilever’s position and the 1.5 degree ambition set out in the Paris Agreement. Governments must support the transition to a net zero emissions economy by 2050 and Unilever will not be represented by any group that does not align with this.

Unilever was a founding member of UNGC and The Communication on Progress is an important transparency initiative that provides an opportunity for business to evaluate its achievements and the challenges it faces. I have shared above some of most important achievements – there are, of course, many more. Indeed, while we are proud of the progress we are making towards becoming a truly sustainable business, we have no complacency about the size of the task ahead. I am proud to be re-confirming our support for the United Nations Global Compact.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Jope CEO, Unilever