Doubling Tolerances and Coalition Lattices
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DOUBLING TOLERANCES AND COALITION LATTICES GABOR´ CZEDLI´ Dedicated to the memory of Ivo G. Rosenberg Abstract. If every block of a (compatible) tolerance (relation) T on a mod- ular lattice L of finite length consists of at most two elements, then we call T a doubling tolerance on L. We prove that, in this case, L and T determine a modular lattice of size 2jLj. This construction preserves distributivity and modularity. In order to give an application of the new construct, let P be a partially ordered set (poset). Following a 1995 paper by G. Poll´akand the present author, the subsets of P are called the coalitions of P . For coalitions X and Y of P , let X ≤ Y mean that there exists an injective map f from X to Y such that x ≤ f(x) for every x 2 X. If P is a finite chain, then its coalitions form a distributive lattice by the 1995 paper; we give a new proof of the distributivity of this lattice by means of doubling tolerances. 1. Introduction There are two words in the title that are in connection with Ivo G. Rosenberg; these words are \tolerance" and \lattice", both occurring also in the title of our joint lattice theoretical paper [6] (coauthored also by I. Chajda). This fact encouraged me to submit the present paper to a special volume dedicated to Ivo's memory even if this volume does not focus on lattice theory. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, after few historical comments on lattice tolerances, we introduce the concept of doubling tolerances (on lattices) as those tolerances whose blocks are at most two-element. We prove that finite modular lattices can be \doubled" with the help of this tolerances; see Theorem 2.1. Furthermore, this doubling construction preserves modularity and distributivity. In Section 3, after recalling the concept of coalition lattices of certain finite posets (partially ordered sets) and some related results and after presenting some new observations, we use our doubling construction to give a new proof of the fact that coalition lattices of finite chains are distributive; see Lemma 3.4. Also, this new arXiv:1909.09539v2 [math.RA] 10 Dec 2019 proof provides a natural example of doubling tolerances and our construct. Note in advance that every structure in this paper is assumed to be of finite length even if this is not always emphasized. 2. Doubling tolerances Tolerances (that is, compatible tolerance relations) of lattices were first inves- tigated by Chajda and Zelinka [7]. They are reflexive and symmetric relations Date: Always check the author's homepage for updates! December 10, 2019. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 006B99, 06C99, 06D99. Key words and phrases. Lattice tolerance, modular lattice, coalition lattice. This research was supported by NFSR of Hungary (OTKA), grant number K 115518. 1 2 G. CZEDLI´ preserved by both lattice operations. Tolerances on lattices have been studied for long; see, for example Bandelt [2], Chajda [4], Cz´edli[8], Cz´edliand Gr¨atzer[11], Grygiel and Radeleczki [16], and Kindermann [19]. Apparently, apart from some artificial constructs like those in Chajda, Cz´edli,and Halaˇs[5], tolerances seem to be interesting only in lattices and lattice-like structures. A lattice L is of finite length if there is a natural number n such that no chain in L has more than n + 1 elements; if so then the least such n is the length of L. For a tolerance T on a lattice L of finite length, maximal subsets X of L such that X × X ⊆ T are called the blocks of T ; they are known to be intervals; see, for example, Cz´edli [8]. By [8, Proposition 1] and its dual, for arbitrary blocks [a; b] and [c; d] of T , a = c () b = d: (2.1) If L (of finite length as always) is modular and no block of T has more than two elements or, equivalently, if the \covering or equal" relation a b holds for every block [a; b] of T , then T will be called a doubling tolerance on L. Let us emphasize that we define doubling tolerances only on modular lattices of finite lengtht. If T is a doubling tolerance on L, then its intersection with the covering relation ≺ (or, equivalently, with the strict lattice ordering <) will be denoted by ≺T . That is, a ≺T b () [a; b] is a two-element block of T . Note that ≺T determines T . We will also need the negated relation: a 6≺T b will mean that a ≺T b fails. The two-element chain will be denoted by C2 := f0; 1g; with 0 ≺ 1, of course. The direct product order on L × C2 will be denoted by ≤ or π. That is, each of (a; i) ≤ (b; j), (a; i) π (b; j), and ((a; i); (b; j)) 2 π means that a ≤ b in L and i ≤ j in C2. On L × C2, we define a relation τ as follows: def (a; i) τ (b; j) () i = 1, j = 0 and a ≺T b. We will also need the negated relation: (a; i) τ (b; j) ()def (a; i) τ (b; j) does not hold. Let ρ the transitive closure of π [ τ; it is a relation on L × C2. Finally, we denote the structure (L × C2; ρ) by [L ∗2 T ]. The subscript of ∗ reminds us that jL × C2j = 2 · jLj, so what we do is doubling in some sense. With the concepts and notations introduced above, we are now in the position to formulate our main result. Figure 1. Two examples; the T -blocks are the dotted ovals DOUBLING TOLERANCES AND COALITION LATTICES 3 Theorem 2.1. If T is a doubling tolerance on a modular lattice L of finite length, then [L ∗2 T ] = (L × C2; ρ) is also a modular lattice of finite length. If, in addition, L is distributive, then so is [L ∗2 T ]. Remark 2.2. If T is the equality relation, all of whose blocks are singletons, then [L ∗2 T ] is simply the direct product of L and C2. Some examples where T is not the equality relation are given in Figures 1 and Figure 2. Figure 2. Two further examples; the lower elements are black 0 ∼ filled and [CoalL(P ) ∗2 T ] = CoalL(P) Proof of Theorem 2.1. Let T be a doubling tolerance on a modular lattice L of finite length. The elements of L × f0g will be called lower elements while those of L × f1g are the upper elements. Observe that, for any (a; i); (b; j) 2 L × C2, if (a; i) ρ (b; j), then a ≤ b in L; (2.2) simply because both π and τ have the same property. By a (π [ τ)-sequence from (a; i) 2 L × C2 to (b; j) 2 L × C2 we mean a finite sequence (a; i) = (x0; k0) π[τ (x1; k1) π[τ : : : π[τ (xn; kn) = (b; j) (2.3) of elements of L × C2. By the definition of ρ, we have that (a; i) ρ (b; j) if and only if there is a sequence described in (2.3). In order to show that ρ is antisymmetric, assume that (a; i) ρ (b; j) and (b; j) ρ (a; i). By (2.2), a = b, whereby the only way of violating antisymmetry is that (a; 1) ρ (a; 0). Take a (π [ τ)-sequence from (a; 1) to (a; 0); see (2.3). Since only a \τ-step" in this sequence can change an upper element to a lower element, at least one τ-step occurs in this sequence. But this step strictly increases the first component, whereby it follows from (2.2) that the first component cannot remain a at the end of the sequence. Thus, (a; 1) ρ (a; 0) is impossible and ρ is antisymmetric. The reflexivity of ρ follows from ρ ⊆ π while ρ is transitive by its definition. Hence, [L ∗2 T ] is a poset; note that the modularity of L has not yet been used. Now that we know that ρ is a partial ordering, we can speak about the corre- sponding covering relation, which will be denoted by ≺ρ. Self-explanatory analo- gous notations, like <ρ, ≤ρ, or ≺π will also be used. If the superscript is dropped, then the meaning should be clear for the context since ≤, ≺, < refer to the original ordering of L when they are applied for the elements of L, and they refer to ρ between elements of [L ∗2 T ]. We claim that, for arbitrary (a; i); (b; j) 2 L × C2, we have that (a; i) ≺ρ (b; j) if and only if one of the following three possibilities holds. (cov-1) a = b, i = 0, and j = 1. (cov-2) i = j, a ≺ b in L, and a 6≺T b ( that is, [a; b] is not a T -block). (cov-3) i = 1, j = 0, and a ≺T b. 4 G. CZEDLI´ In order to verify that the disjunction of (cov-1), (cov-2), and (cov-3) describes ≺ρ correctly, assume that (a; i) ≺ρ (b; j). Take a repetition-free (π [ τ)-sequence from (a; i) 2 L × C2 to (b; j); see (2.3). We can assume that every π-step in this sequence is a ≺π-step. Clearly, the sequence consists of a single step, which is either a τ-step, corresponding to (cov-3), or it is a ≺π-step (a; 0) ≺π (a; 1) or (a; i) ≺π (b; i) with a ≺ b in L; furthermore, if (a; i) ≺π (b; i) with a ≺ b in L, then a 6≺T b since otherwise (a; 1) τ (b; 0) and (a; 0) <ρ (a; 1) <ρ (b; 0) (for i = j = 0) or (a; 1) <ρ (b; 0) <ρ (b; 1) (for i = j = 1) would contradict (a; i) ≺ρ (b; j).