2018 – 19 School Handbook

epsb.ca Table of Contents

Welcome to Satoo School...... 2 Collaborative Response Model to Supporting Student Achievement...... 9 Satoo Vision Statement...... 3 Student assessment, Satoo Mission Statement...... 3 achievement and growth...... 9 History of Satoo School...... 3 Safe Contact...... 10 School calendar...... 3 Leader in Me...... 10 School hours...... 4 Common student expectations...... 12 School entrance...... 4 Communication...... 15 Reporting absences...... 4 Illness...... 16 Lates...... 5 Accidents...... 16 Dismissal...... 5 Administration of medication...... 16 Travel to and from school...... 5 Allergy awareness...... 16 Changes to information...... 5 AMA school patrols...... 17 Lunch program...... 6 Cold weather policy...... 17 Visiting our school...... 7 Dress policy...... 17 School safety and security...... 7 Library...... 17 Parking and transportation...... 8 Satoo Parent Involvement Group (SPIG)...... 18 Student supplies...... 8 Satoo School Council...... 18 Personal property...... 8 Extended absences...... 18 Progress reports...... 9

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 1 Welcome to Satoo School

Satoo School is situated in the Knottwood area of Mill Woods and is the community school for the Satoo and Summerside West neighborhoods. We take pride in supporting all students, recognizing that each one has individual strengths and needs. Our school offers special education programming, along with a variety of challenging and enriching activities to complement classroom learning. We strive to create meaningful and relevant learning experiences where students can apply their in-class experiences and concepts they’ve learned to real situations. We also strive to build a strong foundation in literacy through the various reading and writing supports that we have in place. The ability to read, write, create meaning, think critically and communicate using evolving technologies and tools is essential to student success, especially in an ever-changing society. With the support of parents and community members working together with our school, we can create an educational experience that will prepare students for the future.

2 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo Vision Statement Empowering leaders to grow always in all ways.

Satoo Mission Statement We respect and value ourselves, other people and our environment through our thoughts, words and actions. We fulfill our mission by following these beliefs: • I can only do for others what I can do for myself. • When I am respectful of myself, I can respect others and the environment. • I begin the journey of developing self-respect by learning to take care of my physical, nutritional, intellectual, emotional and spiritual health. History of Satoo School During the late 1800s to the early 1900s, the Mill Woods area was reportedly the home of the Nation. Chief Satoo was one of four brothers who led the Cree Nation during those years. In honour of Chief Satoo and his legacy, Satoo School opened in 1976. We have proudly served our community for the last 30 years and look forward to continuing to educate children for many years to come. School calendar for 2018 – 19 Please keep these dates handy. Please refer to our monthly school newsletters, to your child’s agenda and to SchoolZone for updates and further information as PD dates sometimes need to be adjusted.

AUG 31...... PD Day FEB 1...... PD Day SEP 4...... First day of school FEB 18...... Family Day OCT 8...... Thanksgiving FEB 28–MAR 1...... Teacher’s Convention OCT 19...... PD Day MAR 25–29 (inclusive)...... Spring recess NOV 12–13...... Non-instructional Days APR 19...... Good Friday NOV 14...... Day in Lieu APR 22...... Easter Monday NOV 26...... PD Day APR 23...... Classes resume DEC 24–JAN 4 (inclusive)...... Winter recess MAY 20...... Victoria Day JAN 7...... Classes resume MAY 21...... Day in Lieu JUN 27...... Last day of classes

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 3 School hours To ensure the safety of your child, we ask that they do not arrive to school before 8:30 a.m. and that they go home after school to check in with you before heading off to play with friends. The safety of students as they move to and from school is a shared responsibility between home and school. If your child experiences any difficulties in this area, please contact the school immediately so that the issue can be resolved in a timely manner. First bell...... 8:45 a.m. Instruction begins...... 8:49 a.m. Morning recess...... 10:20 – 10:35 a.m. Lunch...... 11:40 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Instruction begins...... 12:25 p.m. Afternoon recess...... 2:00 – 2:15 p.m. Dismissal...... 3:27 p.m. Early Thursday dismissal...... 2:19 p.m.

Note: Please ensure your child does not arrive at school before 8:30 a.m. as supervision does not begin until that time. School entrance In the interest of safety and security, students are to wait on the tarmac in the morning where supervision is provided. Students will enter the school through their designated tarmac entrance doors. The front door is used only for special circumstances—students arriving late for school or returning to school from appointments, for example. Parents who bring their children to school are to wait at the tarmac entrance as well.

Note: There is no supervision in the playground prior to morning classes so students are asked to not play in that area at that time. Reporting absences Regular attendance and arriving to school on time are important factors to student success. Classroom learning is challenging work and students cannot afford to miss instruction. If your child will be late or absent from school, please phone the office at 780-462-5125 before 9 a.m. and leave a message. Synervoice will call parents at their primary number if their child is absent and no phone call has been received at the school. It is the responsibility of each student to catch up on the work missed during his or her absence.

4 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Lates Students are considered late when they are not in their classroom by 8:49 a.m. or 12:25 p.m. Students arriving to school late must pick up a late slip at the office before proceeding to class. We encourage parents to support attendance by helping their child get to school on time. Students who are late often miss important routines, information and instruction that impact the rest of the learning that day. It is also very disruptive and disrespectful of the teaching and learning process. If a student is consistently late and/or absent, parents will be contacted to consider options for improving punctuality and/or attendance. Chronic attendance issues will be referred to the Attendance Board and a hearing will be scheduled.

Dismissal Students are expected to go home right after dismissal unless they are meeting or helping a teacher, or involved in a school activity. We appreciate your co-operation in picking up children promptly at dismissal. If you are unable to pick up your child at dismissal, please make alternate child care arrangements as Satoo does not provide after school care or after school supervision of students. Students are expected to make arrangements with their parents ahead of time if they plan to stay after school or go to another location other than their home.

Travel to and from school As described in the School Act, students are under the jurisdiction of the school administration once they leave your care in the morning and until they report back to the parent or caregiver after school. Any problems which occur among students prior to reporting home or to school may be dealt with under the school’s and district’s policy on student behavior. We encourage students to head straight home after dismissal, and ask all parents and caregivers to strictly enforce this expectation by establishing a firm arrival home time with their child.

Changes to information For the safety of your child, please inform the school of any changes in home, business or emergency contact phone numbers. Any changes to your child’s school arrival and departure routines must also be shared with the school office.

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 5 Lunch program We strongly urge you to arrange for your child to go home or to a caregiver’s for lunch for a mid-day break. When that is not possible, parents may choose to enrol their children in our lunch program. The lunch fees for each student are: • Drop-in: $2 per day • Full time: $12 per month, for a total of $120 each year Parents of children currently attending the school will receive a registration form, while parents with children new to the school can pick up a registration form at the school office. This form must be completed and a cheque for $120 per student, payable to Satoo School, must be submitted at the beginning of the 2018–19 school year. If the office has not received advance payment, your child will not be permitted to participate in the full-time lunch program. In the event that you change schools or your situation regarding lunch supervision changes, we will gladly reimburse what fees were not utilized. The lunch fees cover the cost of supervision, indoor games and when possible, treats for the students.

Lunch Expectations Students are expected to: • Demonstrate respect to lunchroom supervisors and classmates • Remain seated while eating and while others are eating • Visit quietly with their table mates • Ask permission to leave the classroom • Use their inside voices at all times • Clean the top and the area around their desk after eating

Where lunch expectations are not met, students may: • Be removed from their lunchroom and placed in a designated, supervised area to eat • Have their parents contacted to work in partnership with the school to resolve the issue

6 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Parents are expected to: • Pay their lunch fees on time • Supply children with sufficient food • Ensure appropriate utensils are packed

Please note: • Children will go outside at approximately 12:10 p.m. and should be dressed appropriately for the weather • Utensils are not provided – please ensure you pack these for your child if required • Microwaves are not provided due to health and safety considerations • Food must not be traded or shared due to allergies • In an effort to ensure the safety of your child, no students will be allowed to leave the school for any reason during the lunch hour without a signed and dated note from their parent/guardian. This note must be given to the classroom teacher first thing in the morning

Visiting our school Visitors are most welcome at Satoo but must report to the office and sign in prior to proceeding to classrooms. Visitor parking is available in designated areas on the street in front of the school. Parents who wish to contact a particular teacher can call the school, send an email or write an agenda note. Unless it is an emergency, we do not interrupt teaching and learning.

School safety and security As part of our safety practices, our outside doors are locked during the school day and all parents and other visitors are asked to ring the day buzzer to the right of the entrance doors. It is a requirement that you sign in at the front office whenever visiting Satoo. In accordance with City of bylaws, no dogs are allowed on school grounds, sports fields or playgrounds. Please do not bring dogs when coming to the school grounds.

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 7 Parking and transportation Parking If parents are dropping their child off at school, please park in front of the school in the appropriate parking zones. The parking stalls in the parking lot are paid for by staff and anyone parking in these stalls will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.

“Safety before convenience” is our plea to drivers. Obey all signage and drive slowly. It only takes a moment for a tragedy to occur.

Winter parking Neither nor Satoo is responsible for the clearing of the windrows, but we do make requests to the City of Edmonton to have these cleared so our children can be dropped off safely. You can help us by making calls to the City as well when you have concerns.

Student supplies Students are expected to have the necessary supplies, especially paper and pencils, to do their school work. Each year, we post our school supply lists for each grade on our website at satoo.epsb.ca. In addition to the supplies listed on our website, all students must have an extra pair of non-marking shoes to wear inside. Undue damage or loss of textbooks, library materials or books will be charged to the student.

Personal property The safekeeping of all personal property rests with students. We discourage students from bringing any toys and/or electronics to school. If something is brought at the teacher’s request, the teacher will help take responsibility for its safekeeping. We request that lunch kits and all outer clothing, including footwear, be identified with your child’s name. We encourage children to put their mittens, hats and scarves in their coat sleeves so they do not get lost. We have a lost and found box in the school and encourage children to check it if they have misplaced an item. Unclaimed items from the lost and found are donated three times per year (December, March and June) to a recognized charity.

8 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Progress reports Progress reports are posted on SchoolZone three times per year in November, March and June. Although we will be scheduling parent-teacher conferences after the first and second progress report, parents are welcome to share information or concerns about their child’s learning as the need arises. Collaborative Response Model to Supporting Student Achievement At Satoo School, we want to ensure success for all of our students. One way to achieve this is through the use of a Collaborative Response Model (CRM). A CRM is a school-wide framework that ensures ongoing support for the individual needs of students. This model consists of three essential components: Collaborative Team Meetings, Assessments, and Pyramid of Interventions. The Pyramid of Interventions consists of three tiers. Tier 1 involves classroom instruction and interventions with specific focus on Guided Reading, Read Alouds and Literacy Circles. Tier 2 involves Tier 1 interventions as well as Guided Reading pull out. Tier 3 interventions involve both Tier 1 and 2 interventions with the addition of Leveled Literacy Intervention twice per week. Our Satoo team works together to achieve our school wide goal which is every student will achieve one year’s growth in their instructional reading level. In order to make this happen, we provide literacy interventions for our students through Guided Reading, Literacy Circles and Leveled Literacy Intervention. These interventions are provided several times a week based on individual student needs. Our intervention team is made up of teachers and educational assistants. Student placement is based on each child’s current reading level as opposed to grade level. You can anticipate that your child will a part of one or all of these tiers depending on their individual needs as a reader. Staff at Satoo School meet collaboratively to review, monitor and modify student programs and reading progress. Parents, it is critical that you support your child’s literacy growth by modeling, discussing and reading with them every day at home. Student assessment, achievement and growth As a parent or guardian, you are your child’s first teacher. Understanding how your child is doing in school is important. We ask that you read the Guide to Student Assessment, Achievement and Growth document to familiarize yourself with the processes and practices in place at Satoo. This document is posted on SchoolZone and on the Satoo School website.

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 9 Safe Contact Every Edmonton Public school has a staff member trained as a Safe Contact to: • consult, support, and advocate for sexual and gender minority and questioning students and their families to feel safe, valued, respected, and fully included in their school community • encourage these students and families to actively participate and positively contribute to their schools and communities without fear for their personal safety or wellbeing • share professional resources and information on sexual orientation and gender identity topics with staff, students, and the larger school community At Satoo, our Safe Contact staff member helps us create a safe, inclusive, respectful school environment for all our students.

Leader in Me We only get one chance to prepare our students for a future that none of us can possibly predict. What are we going to do with that one chance? - Stephen R. Covey

We are pleased to be adopting the Leader in Me program at Satoo. The Leader in Me is based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The 7 Habits are integrated into our school’s culture, teaching students valuable life lessons in responsibility, leadership and citizenship. It’s a program we believe is worth investing in so that all students can have the skills to achieve their full potential. Thank you to our Satoo Parent Involvement Group (SPIG) for funding this program. Habit #1: Be Proactive - You’re in Charge I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking. Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind - Have a Plan I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen.

10 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Habit #3: Put First Things First - Work First, Then Play I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say “no” to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.

Habit #4: Think Win-Win - Everyone Can Win I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.

Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood - Listen Before you Talk I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.

Habit #6: Synergize - Together Is Better I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.

Habit #7: Sharpen the Saw - Balance Feels Best I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 11 Common student expectations To show the 7 Habits of the Leader in Me, students will: • enter the school in an orderly manner • leave valuable or precious items at home • walk inside the school • comply with the requests of staff • refrain from throwing things or shoving and pushing • not bring any nuts or nut products to school • attend school punctually • go straight home when dismissed • not throw objects (e.g. snowballs) that may endanger myself or others • not play-fight, wrestle or play tackle sports • use sports equipment appropriately and safely • play safely on the playground equipment • walk my bike or scooter when I arrive on the school grounds and lock it in the bike racks • not use skateboards or roller blades on the tarmac or front sidewalk between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on a school day • play safely within the school boundaries (bicycle racks are out of bounds except to park bikes) • co-operate with safety patrols • not bring potentially dangerous property to school, including knives, toy weapons, illegal substances, etc. • use appropriate language (swearing or speaking disrespectfully is inappropriate) • co-operate with all staff members • discuss issues at an appropriate time in an appropriate place • not interfere with the learning of other students • take off my boots or outside shoes and my hats when entering the school • not chew gum at recess or in the school • behave appropriately in washrooms and all other areas of the school • use garbage containers for garbage

12 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Minor misconducts will be handled on the spot by the staff member who will remind the student of school expectations (redirection). The staff member will help students identify the problem, discuss more positive actions and help the students agree upon a resolution. If a negative pattern of behaviors becomes evident, further intervention will be necessary. Major misconducts are behaviors that interfere with the orderly functioning of the school, or that threaten the safety, well-being or dignity of students or staff. Major misconducts include: • Physical abuse (hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching, biting, spitting, roughing) • Throwing objects (snowballs, rocks, sticks, anything that may cause injury) • Disrespectful or abusive language (racial/ethnic slurs, gender slurs) • Defiance of authority • Profane language or gestures • Theft • Vandalism (damage to school or personal property) • Leaving the school grounds without permission • Harassment, bullying or continuous teasing that hurts or promotes anger, fear or frustration • Multiple minor misconducts • Possession of weapons or contraband (cigarettes, alcohol, illegal substances) on school property When handling major misconducts, staff members will consider all circumstances prior to disciplinary action. These may include age of student, patterns of misconduct, attitude of student, seriousness of offence and support of parents. Major misconducts are deemed serious. Immediate disciplinary action (consequences) will be taken.

Intervention by principal In cases when repeated violations of classroom/school expectations continue or there is a major misconduct, student will be referred to the principal. Each case is unique and deserves to be treated as such, but as a rule, intervention by the principal will be as follows: • Review information provided by the teacher • Meet with the student to discuss the area of difficulty and review the behaviour expectations • Review plan and discuss consequences • Ask student to complete a misconduct report that is signed by parents • Conduct report is filed

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 13 Consequences Failure to meet the expectations for behavior and conduct will result in one or more of the following consequences: • Temporary removal of privileges (loss of recess, exclusion from field trips, etc.) • Detention • Temporary exclusion from class • In-school suspension • Out-of-school suspension • Referral to Attendance Board • Restitution from property damage to Edmonton Public Schools • Assessment of student to develop appropriate programming • Involvement of a mediator, community police officer, health nurse or school board consultants At all times, should a student become totally unco-operative and disruptive to the orderly operation of the school, the parent/guardian will be called to take the student home. If the parent is unable to pick up the student, they must arrange for an emergency person to do so. An out-of-school suspension may be initiated at this point. Students walking to and from school are expected to conduct themselves in a safe and appropriate manner. A record of any disciplinary actions will be kept on file for the current school year.

Code of conduct: Electronic Device Search Statement If Edmonton Public Schools’ staff have reasonable grounds to believe that an electronic device contains evidence pertaining to a breach of the district’s Student Behaviour and Conduct policy and/or the School Behaviour policy, it is the expectation that students make available to school administration the unaltered contents of the permanent and/or removable memory of their cellular phone or electronic device. Failure to make the contents available can be considered willful disobedience and is grounds for disciplinary action.

14 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Communication In the partnerships we foster between school and home, we recognize our responsibility to keep you informed of what is happening at our school.

SchoolZone By visiting schoolzone.epsb.ca, students and parents can access homework assignments, attendance records, school news and district events, achievement results and access selected online educational resources from participating classroom teachers. Log in information to SchoolZone will be sent home the first week of school for those parents who do not already have access.

Classroom communication Teachers communicate with parents throughout the year through notes in the student agenda planners, phone calls, class newsletters, parent-teacher interviews and SchoolZone.

Resolving concerns If you have a concern: Step #1: Discuss and resolve the concern with the person closest to the situation. In most cases this will be the classroom teacher. Step #2: Contact the principal. Step #3: Contact the Superintendent of Schools at 780-429-8000. Step #4: Contact the Ward I Trustee at 780-429-8000.

Note: Taking concerns to others without addressing them through the appropriate channels is counterproductive and does not foster a healthy environment for anyone.

Synervoice This is an automated call out system that will be used to notify families of key messages in a timely manner. Synervoice will also enable phone calls regarding student absences to be made much faster. When a student absence has not been reported to the office, Synervoice will call to advise you. The phone number used will be the number you identified as your primary phone number. If you have had a change of number or wish to receive Synervoice calls to an alternate number, please call the office to make your requested changes. Synervoice will also be used to notify families of key messages in a timely manner.

Twitter Follow @Satoo_School on Twitter for events happening at the school.

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 15 Respectful Learning and Working Environments Edmonton Public Schools, in co-operation with its staff groups, is committed to creating a healthy, respectful learning environment for students, staff members, trustees, parents, volunteers and contractors. We recognize the worth of every person without discrimination. We are committed to working toward the elimination of objectionable behavior in our schools and workplaces, and to maintaining an environment that is respectful, safe, nurturing and positive for everyone. Please help us achieve this goal by interacting in a manner which respects the dignity and value of others.

Illness Students who are too ill to go outside for recess are too ill to be in school. Students coming to school sick are unable to function well at school, provide a source of infection for other children and need to stay at home.

Accidents If a student is injured, first aid will be administered as needed and an attempt will be made to notify the parents if the situation warrants. Parents will always be informed of injuries that we believe may require medical attention. Where deemed necessary, an ambulance will be called at the expense of the family.

Administration of medication If a request is made to administer medication to a student, the parent must complete a Medication Administration package in conjunction with the physician and with the teacher. In accordance to Board and District policy, medication will not be administered otherwise. These packages are available at the office upon request. New packages need to be completed each school year.

Allergy awareness Allergy awareness ensures a safe and healthy school environment for students and staff, especially for those with severe or life-threatening allergies. As an allergy aware school, we ask parents to notify us of any allergies their child may have. Although nuts are not the only allergens we need to be mindful of, we ask that parents do not pack lunches or snacks containing nut products.

16 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook AMA school patrols Students in Grade 5 and 6 are welcome to join our school patrol team. They are a very dedicated group and carry out their duties with great pride. You can find them at Knottwood Road and 17th Avenue, and at 17th Avenue and 85 Street. The role of the school patroller is difficult, and we urge parents to encourage their children to co-operate with the patrols. We ask that you obey the posted speed limit and road signs and that you put our student’s safety before convenience when picking up and dropping off your children.

Cold weather policy Students are not to arrive at school before 8:30 a.m. or 12:25 p.m. These are the times when teachers go on supervision. Recess provides a break from regular school routines, a chance to get some fresh air and visit with friends. It’s an important part of the school day and will only be cancelled if it is rainy or when the windchill reaches -23 C. Students will have an indoor recess and be dismissed at their regular time.

Dress policy Students are expected to arrive wearing clean clothes appropriate for school, including suitable footwear for the weather conditions. Indoor shoes for everyday use and non-scuffing rubber soled shoes for gym use should be provided. Hats and caps are not to be worn in the school and should be stored on the coat racks. Wet or muddy footwear must be left at the entrances.

Library Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 may take out one book at a time. Students in Grades 2 to 6 may take out two books. The loan period is one week. Please help us to preserve our books by ensuring your child carries their books to and from school in a plastic bag. Because of the high cost of books, it becomes necessary to charge a fee if a book becomes lost or damaged. The amounts charged for damaged or lost books are $10 for soft cover and $20 for hard cover books. If you have any queries or would like further help, our library staff will be delighted to help you.

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 17 Satoo Parent Involvement Group (SPIG) One of the groups working in collaboration with our school is our Satoo Parent Involvement Group (SPIG). This group of volunteers acts as a link between parents and staff. They meet on a monthly basis and provide support to students in the classroom in a variety of ways. Thanks to their fundraising efforts, we have current technologies such as SMART Boards, netbooks and various assistive technologies that benefit the learning of all students. Special events such as the Halloween Dance and the Strawberry Tea are also organized by SPIG volunteers for all of our families to enjoy.

Satoo School Council A School Council is a group of parents, teachers, staff and community members who work together to provide input on various school matters and support the vision and mission of the school. The School Council does not replace SPIG but endeavours to complement their activities and direction. Both groups meet around the same table every month—usually the second Tuesday. All parents are welcome to attend.

Extended absences Periodically, parents request that teachers prepare homework materials for extended student absences. A great deal of learning occurs in the classroom through the use of guided questioning, dialogue and problem solving, learning that cannot be replicated by the use of written assignments alone. We therefore request parents try to schedule family holidays during regular school breaks only. In the case where you chose to take your children out of school for a holiday or trip you must assume responsibility for your child’s learning during this period of time. Home education imparts responsibility to the parents to provide programming that meets Alberta Education Curriculum guidelines. When you choose to schedule a holiday during school time teachers can advise you of what the student will be missing.

Note: Teachers are not required to develop lessons or student work packages for extended holiday time and cannot be requested to do so. Evaluation of missed learning may indicate ‘unable to assess’ or absent during this unit’ on his/her progress report. In some cases a student may not meet all the required curricular objectives for a grade level and may have to finish this learning in the next school year.

18 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook Notes

2018 – 19 School Handbook Satoo School 19 Notes

20 Satoo School 2018 – 19 School Handbook 8515 17 Ave NW Edmonton AB T6K 2C7 T 780-462-5125 F 780-462-2274 E [email protected] satoo.epsb.ca

Edmonton Public Schools is helping to shape the future in every one of our classrooms. We’re focused on ensuring each student learns to their full potential and develops the ability, passion and imagination to pursue their dreams and contribute to their community.