SONGS DANCES Acknowledgments & Recorded at St
SONGS DANCES Acknowledgments & Recorded at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jacksonville, Florida on June 13 and 14, 2018 Jeff Alford, Recording Engineer Gary Hedden, Mastering Engineer in THE SAN MARCO CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY collaboration THE LAWSON ENSEMBLE with WWW.ALBANYRECORDS.COM TROY1753 ALBANY RECORDS U.S. 915 BROADWAY, ALBANY, NY 12207 TEL: 518.436.8814 FAX: 518.436.0643 ALBANY RECORDS U.K. BOX 137, KENDAL, CUMBRIA LA8 0XD TEL: 01539 824008 © 2018 ALBANY RECORDS MADE IN THE USA DDD WARNING: COPYRIGHT SUBSISTS IN ALL RECORDINGS ISSUED UNDER THIS LABEL. SanMarco_1753_book.indd 1-2 10/18/18 9:36 AM The Music a flute descant – commences. Five further variations ensue, each alternating characters and moods: a brisk second variation; a slow, sad, waltzing third; a short, enigmatic fourth; a sprawling fifth, this the Morning Elation for oboe and viola by Piotr Szewczyk (2010) emotional heart of the composition; and a contrapuntal sixth, which ends with a restatement of the theme Piotr Szewczyk was fairly new to Jacksonville when I asked him if he could compose an oboe/viola duo for now involving the flute. us in 2010, so I did not expect the enthusiasm and speed in which he composed “Morning Elation”! Two In all, it’s a complex, ambitious score, a glowing example of the American Romantic style of which days later he greeted me with the news that he had a burst of inspiration and composed our piece the day Beach, along with George Whitefield Chadwick, John Knowles Paine, and Arthur Foote, was such a wonder- before.
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