The Mission Continues
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No.9 Price: 50 den. May, 2010 ISSN: 1857-6710 MagazineMGANEA z I ofO F theT HE MinistryM I NISTRY ofO F DefenseD E FENSE ofO F theT HE rR epublicE PU b L IC ofO F MaceM A CEDONIAD o n i a A review of the last visit to Afganistan THETHE MISSIONMISSION CONTINUESCONTINUES A DEMONSTRATED HIGH DEGREE OF READINESS AND TRAINING EXERCISE „MACEDONIAN FLASH 06“ DESERVED GROUNDING OF ONE OF THE MOST EXPLOITED ARMY AIRCRAFTS THE HELICOPTER VAM 303 ARM-NATO REPORTING WEAPONS MILITARY HISTORY GAMES AND SIMULATIONS LOGISTIC SUPPORT COMMAND MEMBERS Content: CROWN OF THE LONGTERM PARTNERSHIP The Republic of Macedonia and the United States of America have a high level of co operation. One of the numerous examples of this cooperation is the joint participation of the ARM and the US Vermont National Guard members in the joint contingent “Phoenix” in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The joint contingent “Phoenix” consisted of 79 representatives of the Regiment for spe cial operations and the Military Police Battal ion of the RM, together with representatives from the American Army and the Vermont National Guard has begun its mission for Page INTERVIEW training and mentoring of the Afghan Na WITH THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE tional Army and Police thus contributing to OF THE REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO, the coalition forces of NATO and the US in 8 MR. BORO VUCHINIC building a democratic society in Afghanistan. This event has an exceptional importance for both Macedonian and American sol diers LOGISTICS SUPPORT standing “shoulder to shoulder” in accom Page CONCEPT OF ARM IN MISSIONS plishing their complex activities in the service of peace and therefore it was marked by the OBSERVATIONS AND NEW CHALLENGES Macedonian Embassy in Washington with 4 an official ceremony. The Macedonian Am bassador to Washington, Mr. Zoran Jolevski, TREND OR LONG-TERM VISION FOR THE handed over the three flags of the ARM Page units:” the Rangers”, the Military Police and FUTURE? the “Wolves” to Major General Michael Dubie, the Commander of the Vermont National 15 MODERNIZATION OF MI-24 HELICOPTERS Guard in front of a large number of guests “Aleksandar” – part TwO and representatives from governmental and nongovernmental organizations, legislative, administrative and defensive structures of Page SPACE DEBRIS the United States, ambassadors and atta Page chés. THE BIGGEST THREAT “The cooperation between Macedonia and 20 FOR SPACE EXPLORATION the United States is at very high level. This 23 is evidence and an indication of the partner relations between the two countries. The mission of our army as part of the troops of Page STATIONARY CAMPING the Special Vermont Guard in Afghanistan is another indicator of the great coopera WITH THE ARM ARTILLERISTS tion between the two armies. Practically, a 30 complete interoperability of the two armies”, stated Ambassador Jolevski at the reception. Major General Dubie expressed his great sat isfaction with the readiness of the Macedo Page IN SERVICE OF THE ARMY JUSTICE nian soldiers in Afghanistan. “In Afghanistan, Page according to the latest news, everything is FROM THE PEACEKEEPER’S JOURNAL going well. The Macedonian soldiers arrived 33 well prepared and we are impressed by their 26 professionalism and ability to cope with all the challenges”, emphasized Dubie. The Minister of Defence Mr. Zoran Konja nov Page BOMB DEACTIVATION ski joined in the symbolical marking of the deployment of the Macedonian Army Units ANTI-DIVERSIONARY PROTECTION as part of the Vermont National Guard by 36 sending a letter. “We have joined at this occa sion with a sense of honor and pride. Today, in the best possible way, we are celebrat Page ing the contribution of the RM to the global LESS NUCLEAR WEAPONS Page peace and security as well as the firm, stra FOR A SAFER WORLD tegic partnership between Ma ce donia and 42 the USA. Not more than twenty days ago, REVIEW OF THE NEW NUCLEAR STRATEGY 46 the Macedonian and the American soldiers marked he beginning of the joint contribu SHIELD - Year II, issue 9, May 2010, published monthly tion towards the training and the mentoring PUBLISHER - MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA of the Afghan National Security Forces. We are proud to have our joint mission aimed PUBLISHING BOARD Emil Dimitriev (Chairman, Chief) towards the priorities of the Alliance. This Major general Naser Sejdini, Sashko Dimov, Lieutenant Colonel Mirce gjorgoski, Lieutenant Colonel Zdravko Rizovski, common engagement is a crown to the Lieutenant Colonel Meri Rindzova, Ph.D. gorgi Malkovski long years of partnership between the sister armies of the Vermont National Guard and EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the ARM, writes Minister Konjanovski in his Lieutenant Colonel Zdravko Rizovski letter, underlining the firm commitment that Macedonia continues to contribute not only EDITORIAL BOARD Biljana Ivanova (Copy Editor, Art and graphic Editor), Ivan Petrushevski (Associate Journalist) Ksenija Miteva (Lector), Aleksandar towards stability and security of the region, Atanasov (Photographs) but also to the global security and world peace. The common mission of our “brothers CONCEPTUAL CONSULTING, ART OFFICE AND DESIGN in arms” is a real confirmation that Republic Zarko Stojanovik, Oliver Kurciev, Vesna Vujadinovik, Stefan Smiljanoski of Macedonia is an “equal and trustworthy partner”, states Minister Konjanovski in his Printed by: ”Evropa 92” Kocani letter that was read in front of the others. ADDRESSS The outspoken assessment of ther relevant MINISTRY OF DEFENSE - Magazine “SHIELD” Macedonian and American authorities is a “Orce Nikolov” bb 1000 Skopje sufficient guarantee that the joint contingent Phone: 02 038 24 17; 02 328 20 58 “Phoenix” will complete its noble mission suc Fax: 02 3113 527; 02 3128 276 cessfully.; E-mail: [email protected] Zdravko Rizovski 3 LOGISTICS SUPPORT CONCEPT OF ARM IN MISSIONS OBSERVATIONS AND NEW CHALLENGES n the framework of the strategic determination for membership to NATO and the EU, the Republic of Macedonia continues its dedi- cation to reform for improv- ing the defence capabilities. In accordance with the goals of the Long-term Development Plan and the Annual National Program (ANP) for NATO membership, in the forthcom- ing period the Republic of Macedonia will continue with its active contribution in the international operations with units and military personnel that will gradually increase to a certain percentage, propor- tionally with the development of the deployment capacities of the ARM. As already known, by the end of 2009, Macedonia brought is approaching the comple- tion of the partnership goal to prepare one medium infantry battalion for participation in a wide range of NATO-led op- erations, deployable and able to operate with high intensity, to maneuver on all kinds of terrains and different weather conditions. This is only the first precondition for establishing a 4 battalion group which is to be carried cept represents a basis for develop- Macedonia, in support of “friendly out several years latter. ment and transformation of the sys- troops” deployed in the RM, as well The units and equipment contri bution tem for the logistical support of the as other military assignments. increase brings about the increase in defence and the ARM. The document The Logistics Support Planning in the responsibility of the logistics sup may be used as a guideline in plan- missions Guidelines provides the port (LS) of the national contingents. ning and implementing the defence guidelines and explains the metho The priority is one more point on the of the RM, the participation of the dology for implementing the appro list of logistical challenges in 2010: ARM in peace support operations priate logistical planning and imple codification, stan dardization, logis and humanitarian aid, resolving re- mentation of the lo gistical support in tics infor ma tion system, acquisition gional conflicts and crisis, and protec- conducting the operations. The pro system, decentralization of functions tion of broader interests of the RM, visions from these guidelines refer and responsibilities, optimization of moreover, it can be used in participa- not only to the NATOled operations, lo gistics personnel, structural chan tion of the ARM units in multinational but also to the participation of our ges, establishment of material man operations outside the Republic of troops in operations led by the UN, agement, etc. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES Participation of the ARM contingents in ISAF, Althea and Iraqi Freedom was mainly based on logistics support of coalition partners in the area of re sponsibility. Although the RM had a rather poor experience in these and similar missions, as a member of the PfP (Partnership for Peace) it often had a relatively privileged status and used the benefits of the multinational logistics support of the allied forces. Consequently, the national respon sibility in providing logistics support was concentrated on engaging the entities in the contingent prepara tion, deployment and return phase. The continual existence of the troops was directly dependant on the orga nization and implementation of the logistics concept of a partner coun try or ac cording to the existing inter na tional agreements. On the other hand, the participation resulted in EU, OSCE or other union or coalition several capital benefits – gaining in in which the RM participates as a valuable international experience in member. defining operational needs, possible The logistic support of the deployed allocation of financial resources for ARM unit in an operation outside other needs in the country, and gain the Macedonian territory includes ing selfconfidence and security in preparation, deployment, reception, performing operations in a distant staging and movement in the area multinational environment etc. of operations, operation execution and redeployment and return to the LOGISTICS SUPPORT ESTABLISH- country. All these elements are con MENT IN MISSIONS tained in the basic Draft Concept for In addition to the already mentioned Logistics Mission Support which was experiences gained by participation outlined in the abovementioned in international missions, a good as guidelines.