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VOL SS NO »ria»r. Stand dm Additional uam RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MAY 4, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Negro Mass Near Haiti Border Effort Goes On Dominican Troc BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)-*Je- gro integration leaders say there will be no letup in massive racial demonstrations in the wake of a Sunday march by more than 1,000 Negroes who.sang and prayed is a park as policemen stood by with Await War Orders fire hoses and dogs. SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican sador Raymond Thurston as say- Moise, hid in the Venezuelan Em- Duvalier has declared martial Police Commissioner Eugene Republic (AP) - More than 1.000 ing he had information Duvalier bassy in Port au Prince and ar- law and imposed a night curfew. Connor reversed his tactics and Dominican troops supported by had ordered his civilian militia, rived in Kingston, Jamaica, Sun- Apparently his chief target now is permitted the peaceful march tanks and rocket-firing combat the Tonton Macoute, to invade the day. He said there is a torture Clement Barbot, organizer of tha from a church to a nearby park planes- massed near the Haitian embassies harboring opponents if chamber in Duvalier's palace. Tonton Macoute and an under- and back to the church. It was regime appeared threatened. border today awaiting orders to DuvaliJr broke diplomatic re- ground leader. one of the largest planned demon- strike. The letter added that Duvalier lations with the Dominican Re- An uneasy calm was reported strations of the Southern deseg- BULKHEAD STOPS CAR — Car in which seven teenagers were injured lait night, In Washington t peace mission regation movement rould kHl the refugees if Haiti public last week, .and the Domin- in Port au Prince. The U.S. Em- or the Organization of American invaded. More thin 1,400 arrests have shown her* smashed against bulkhead at foot of Water Witch Ave., Highlands. One States was reported seeking wider ican Embassy staff has returned bassy warned Americans to stay been made in the past four youth it in critical condition. • - powers to head off the threat- A former Haitian army officer home. Colombia has taken over off the streets during curfew days of stepped-up racial activi- ened clash between the Domini- said "Duvalier had gone quite the Haitian refugees in the Dom- hours. Nervous Haitians whisp- ty. can Republic and Haiti. berserk." The ex-ofiicer, Louis inican Embassy. ered rumors of continuing arrests. Still in jails or detention quar- Describing the situation as ters are about 1,000 Negroes, in- Youth Critical After Crash "highly tense," Gomalo Faclo of Rockefeller, Bride cluding more than 500 school chil- Cost* Rica, president of the OAS dren under 16. Council, called an executive ses- ''Our plans for continued dem- Seven Teenagers in Auto That Hit Bulkhead sion of the council to study the four-nation mission's report on its onstrations have not been changed James Brydon, 18, of 253 Emery Ave., Newark. and we will move right on Mon- HIGHLANDS — Seven teenagers, five of survey last week of the situation. At Honeymoon Retreat Treated for minor injuries and released day," said the Rev. Wyatt Tee them local, were taken to Monmouth Medical were John Leeser, 18, of 124 Highland Ave. Unconfirmed Reports CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)- Walker, top strategist in the Center last night after the cat in which they acre Monte Sacro ranch about 110 the newlyweds as they stepped out and Susan Laurie, 16, of 285 Bay Ave. The Dominican troops were Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and movement. were riding crashed into a bulkhead. miles southwest of Caracas. of the plane. Listed in critical condition is B. J. Kearns, According' to police, Kearns turned into rushed to the border town of his bride honeymooned today The smiling couple flew to (he Blissful Marriage ' Plans would be changed if bi 19, of Mercer Ave., Jersey City, who was driv- Water Witch Ave. and hit the bulkhead at the imanl Sunday night amid uncon- amid the idyllic beauty of his racial talks start, he said. honeymoon retreat by private Chatting in Spanish with news- ing the car when it apparently failed to make dead end, just past Marie PI. The accident oc- firmed rumors that President Venezuelan mountaintop ranch plane after arriving in Caracas men, Rockefeller predicted his Efforts to ease the growing a turn at Marie PI. and smashed head-on into curred about 7:10 p.m. Juan Bosch would order an' in-while debate continued back threat of major trouble continued from New York on a commercial second marriage will be blissful. a bulkhead, police reported. Patrolman Walter Monahan, investigating vasion unless Haitian President home on the effect of the marairliner- . The New York governor He said they decided to spend as Burke Marshall, head of the Francois Duvalier's regime Admitted and reported in fair condition officer, said police will not be able to deter- riage on his political future. said they expect to remain In their honeymoon here "because U.S. Justice Department's civil were Linda Anastasoss, 13, of 298 Bay Ave.; mine cause of the accident until the youths are made good on its promise to give Rockefeller and his bride, the Venezuela about two weeks. ~~ we love Venezuela." rights division, worked in secret Margarej-Bodnar, who marked her 16th birth- questioned further. ,-* safe conduct out of the country ormer Margaretta Fitler Mur governor, 54, and his bride, to settle the issues. He conferred day yesterday, of 35 Barberie Ave., and Mau-' The teenagers were taken to the hospital to 15 political opponents who took g It was drizzling when they land with white and Negro leaders. rine Colton, 15, of Fourth St., all here, and by the local First Aid Squad. refuge in the Dominican Embas- phyh , arriveidd Sunday at his 1,235-ed and a shower of rice greeted an attractive woman of 38. stood atop a wing of their private plane Huge Throng sy m Port au Prince. for the brief news conference. One highly placed source said Scheduled to join the desegrega- Rockefeller, considered a lead- tion forces today was Negro com- Bosch was ready to "use any ex- cuse" to set off an armed dash ing candidate for the 1961 Repub- edian Dick. Gregory who partici- How to Raise New Taxes lican presidential nomination! with' Duvalier's forces. Opinion Divided pated in voter registration efforts Last week leaders agreed from both the Assembly and Sea brushed aside questions about Us TRENTON (AP) - Legislative The Dominican charge d'a at Greenwood, Miss. political future. leaders and Gov. Richard J; Hughes' proposed $5.6 million beer ate planned to meet with Hughes faires in Port au Prince, Frank In the demonstration Sunday, Hughes planned to decide today tax measure should be eliminated today to work out any last min- He snowed the same reticence (he huge throng of Negroes BobadUla, returned to Santo Do- ho wto raise at least $34 million and 12 of the 19 extra days of rac- ute changes. mingo with a letter the Haitian On Remarriage as he left New York's Hlewild walked from the New Pilgrim in new taxes. ing he proposed should be cut. In The Assembly hoped to act on Airport telling newsman there: Baptist church, about one mile political refugees had sent to all "There is no tax that we know their place the leaders offered a the amended revenue-raising bill foreign diplomatic missions in By The Associated Press Craig C. Truax. Pennsylvania I know you would like to dis- truck gasoline tax which wouM late today, Matthews predicted die Port au Prince.' Republican politicians across state chairman: "Any liabilities cuss politics with me, but I don't were broken up by fire hoseslone," one of Hughes' aides said bring in an estimated $3.5 million hik hi i and police dogs Friday and Sat- session would go well into the The letter quoted U.S. Ambas- the country are divided into as opposition to one proposed taxfrom out-of-state truckers. urday, night because many of the ( more than a half dozen camps marriage) be with the di- after another was ralstd. Hughes' legal aides drew up the (or the subject and decisions at Policemen blocked off the street members of the Assembly would; of thought on what effect Gov. vorce, I think," Hughes had originally asked for changes for submission to the As- another time." Birmingham's major east-west want to speak on the'revenue; Nelson A. Rockefeller's remar- ' Personal Affair $37.5 million in new taxes to bal- sembly today but Assembly Speak- Divided on Effect artery. Fire trucks pulled up and measures. riage will have on his chances for A. Searle Pinney, Connecticut ance his record $547 million budget er Elmer M. Matthews, D-Essex, the presidency. , Political circles in the United hoses were laid out. Police dogs Matthews said he hoped to gel state chairman, predicted the re-States were divided over the ef- request for the year starting July said other changes migjht be need-the tax bills passed under emer- Nixon Under The ideas expressed fall into were brought in but were kept in ed to make the package palata- marriage will have "little or nofect, the marriage will have on the cars. 1. gency suspension of the rulei so these general categories: ble to the Republican-controlled effect" on Rockefeller's image Rockefeller's career. After their leaders had an- The Legislative Appropriations that the Senate could act on them 1. If anything hurt him politic- among. Connecticut voters. Senate. Same Roof? ally, it was his divorce, not his Some felt the romance was an nounced, the march was to city Committee cut the budget request during a special session Friday. Mrs. Clare Williams, assist- act of political suicide for the gov- Matthews and other leaders remarriage; jail where several hundred Ne- by $3.5 million. Senate Majority Leader Charles NEW YORK" (AP) - Former ant national chairman and headernor. They/ noted that no groes are In custody, the inarch' W. Sandman,Jr.,1-R-Cape May, Vic* President Richard M. Nixon 2. The remarriage won't have of the GOP Women's Division: divorced man has won the presi- ers moved more than three said he had received some 3,000 is reported purchasing an apart- any effect on his political career"I think his marriage is his per-dency of the United States., ment in a fashionable Fifth Ave- It may even help him; blocks. letters opposing the proposed sur- sonal affair, and I don't believe Others believed Rockefeller's They were halted on orders of Mark Anniversary tax on the local gross receipts nue co-operative building In 3. People will have forgotten it will have any effect . , . You which Gov. Nelson A. Rockafel emergence into a new life of hap- Connor. tax now paid by utilities. But h« about It, or have a different might recall bis divorce was ex- piness with an attractive wife ler and his former wife haw opinion of it, by the time of the : "Do not let them go past this said he didn't know how the res pected to have an effect on hismight enhance his popularity. apartments. 1964 elections; corner,'' the commissioner shout- Of Corregidor 's Fall of the Senate would vote on it. re-election (last year) but it didn'< Rockefeller was divorced March ed to an officer. Sandman said he thought the other Employees of the building told 4. "He will be judged by voters . He will be judged on the WASHINGTON (AP) — "There way across a mile and a half ol 16, 1962,' after 31 years of mar- When asked if the fire hoses tax measures would be approved, newsmen last night that Nixor on his public record, his ability record of what he has done as riage, by Mary Todhunter Clark •hould be brought into play, Con- was no question at all in my mind water for a last stand on Corregi-either next Friday or on May 13.was shown a vacant fifth-floor and his stand on national Issues, dor. governor Rockefeller, 55, like her successor nor said: "Hold it. Let's give ^at,we would eventually win apartment Saturday afternoon not his private life; Robert Pierce, Wisconsin na- a product of Philadelphia society. f About 11,500 soldiers, sailors, Revenue Measures them another chance. Captain, out.™' " shortly before he and his familj 5. He's through politically on The couple had five children, but marines and civilians were tional committeeman: "I think it •sk them to leave again." This was bow Army Col. Burton This is the way the state would left for Los Angeles by plane. the national scene; will cause something of a furor one son, Michael, was lost on an The unidentified captain talked R. Brown remembered it looking trapped on the island, many of raise $34.7 million under revenue Nixon and his family reported- 6. The remarriage will boost (See OPINION, Page 2) with a Negro who said the crowd back to the day he walked out them sick or wounded and crowd- measures which were ready for ly plan to move Into the apart- the presidential chances of Sen. (See HONEYMOON. Page ?) ed into tunnels honeycombing the (See EFFORT, Page 2) with Lt. Gen. Jonathan Wain- the Assembly to vote on today, ment before June 1, when he Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz.; wright to parley with Che Japa-rock. prior to consideration of additional scheduled to join the New Yorl 7. It's too early to assess the nese about surrendering Corregi- No Opposition amendments: law firm of Mudge, Stern, Bald- situation. dor, then the last major U.S. bas- Brown recalled that the Japa- —$3.5 million from truck fuel win and Todd. Combination of Thoughts National Debt, Pay Festivities tion in the Philippines. nese brought up all their artillery tax. Under terms of the divorci Some politicians expressed a and pounded Corregidor along its A whole new generation has —$20 million from a 20 per ceni settlement between Rockefellei combination of those thoughts. three • mile, polliwog - shaped For JSasser come of age since that day, just surtax on public utilities. and the former Mary Todhuntei And there were numerous com-Bills Face Congress length. Bombers with rising sun 21 years ago today, when Ameri- —$500,000 from 7 extra racing Clark, Rockefeller kept the Iowei ments to the effect that Rocke- emblems made raid after raid can fortunes of war reached a days. floor of the three-story penthousi feller's remarriage is his own WASHINGTON (AP) - Bills the House, and the Senate Is ex. with no air opposition and little Called Off low ebb in the Pacific. —$7.2 million from increases in of the building and she kept th personal business. dealing with the national debt, the pected to follow the committee's trouble from weak antiaircraft ALGIERS (AP)-The death of wine and liquor taxes. two upper floors. This is what the Republican pay of military personnel, con- recommendations. Staff Officer guns. Algeria's foreign minister and the —$2.2 million in increased mis- First word of Nixon's plan: leaders had to say: gressional junketing and postal No other major measures are "Corregidor had been very worst Nile River tragedy m mod- West Pointer Brown, of Erie, cellaneous motor vehicle regis- to buy an apartment in the build- Edward G. Janeway, Vermont service will keep Congress some- on the Senate calendar for the lush," Brown said, "but in that ern history cast gloom today over Pa., now is a 49-year-old Penta- tration fees, mostly applying ti ing came last night in a copy- national committeeman: "What- what busier than usual this week. week, but a House-passed feed month of bombardment it was de- the triumphal visit to Algeria of gon staff officer, graying at the car dealers only. righted story in the New Yorl ever damage, if any, was done All but the postal measure are grains bill may be readied for ac- nuded of trees and all the build- President Gamal Abdel Nasser of' and —$1.3 million, representing hall Daily News. to Rockefeller's career was done on the House docket. That bill will tion late in the week. from his ordeal on the "Rock' ings on it were smashed flat." of a 1 per cent increase m th The News said it had been In- at the time of his divorce. I still give the taxpayers their first The House starts its week today the United Arab Republic. As a' staff officer, Brown was Festivities in Nasser's in Manila harbor or the more than state's parimutuel betting tax. formed that some time this week mink he is the leading candi- chance of 1963 to see if the Sen-by considering several minor honor in better position than most to were called off as the Algerian three years' he spent in Japanese The state and tracks would split Nixon will sign a contract giving date for the Republican presi- ate follows its usual practice of measures. Tuesday it plans to evaluate the situaion. "It was government proclaimed a day ofprison camps. the 1 per cent take. him ownership of the large dential nomination based on hisrestoring appropriation cuts made send to the Senate a bill that fairly apparent very early that it national mourning for Mohamed At the time of Corregidor's fall, The State Senate is expected to apartment on a lower floor In ability and record." by the House. would put standard government was almost impossible for us to foreign minister, he was a coast artillery major on approve putting Hughes' control the building at the corner of 62d Webster B. Todd, New Jersey The $6*illion measure finances personnel expense ceilings on the Khemisti, the get any permanent relief," he died Sunday, 24 the staff of the island's com- versial $750 million bond issue on St. state chairman, and his wife, a the Treasury and Post Office expense accounts of congressmen Khemisti, 33, said. days after a fanatic assassin fired mander, Maj. Gen. George F. the Nov. 5 referendum sometime The News said "The huge newformer national committeewo- departments for the coming fis- who travel abroad. Indications He and his comrades were down • bullet into his head. Moore. after it finishes hearings on theapartment complex"—consisting man, said any political damage cal year. The House cut close to are that the Senate may not take to about one-third rations—"If you Egyptian villagers mourned 216 After a grudging retreat down issue Tuesday. of the apartment and a connect Rockefeller may have suffered $150 million from funds requested too kindly to the proposal. could call them rations at all; we people who drowned Saturday the Bataan Peninsula, most of ttia ing home of Rockefeller and hit came after his divorce, and re-by President Kennedy, amost half The perennial bill authorizing a when an overloaded ferry cap- Filipino-American army had puatt e whatever there was." apartment — will be "the towi marriage may even help him. of the cut being in allotments fortemporary hike in the national sized near Maghagha, on the Up-down its arms about a month be- But with all of that, Brown said home" of Rockefeller and hi Mrs. Todd: "People like to see athe Post Office Department's op- debt ceiling and a measure to per Nile. fore. A remnant had made its (See ANNIVERSARY, Page 2) Rumson Has bride the former Mrs. Margaret- wife by a candidate's side." Todd: erations budget. raise the pay of military person- Authorities said 90 bodies were ta Fitler Murphy, who are honey- "If this gal (the new Mrs. Rocke- The Senate Appropriations Com- nel about $1 billion a year round recovered and another 126 people, Its Very Own mooning in Venezula. They havi feller) is all they say she is,mittee has voted to put back $77out the House program except for mostly women and children, were several homes elsewhere. she may help him." million of the money denied by several non-controversial bills. missing. The tragedy was the Beers St. Sidewalk worst on the Nile since a steamer Fire Island sank near Cairo in 1912, killing 200. RUMSON — This borough had A political split in Syria also Meeting Next Week its own "fire island" last night Register Reaps High Awards clouded Nasser's mission to drum' A brush-covered island in the up Algerian support for Arab RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The homeowners to save on the costs Shrewsbury River, off Bingham ATLANTIC CITY - Mrs. He- azine stories, and lived In France unity. question of sidewalks along of sidewalk installation. Ave., burned brightly for several lene Moore, woman's page edi- and Argentina for a number of Nasser would like to include Al- Beers St. is scheduled for a Cost Is Cited hours. tor of The Red Bank Register, Five Advertising Prizes years while her husband, Ed- geria in the new United Arab Re- second—and perhaps conclusive On the "do-it-yourself" basis, yesterday received first prize for ward A. Morrow, now assistant According to police, the blaze ATLANTIC CITY — The Red Bank Register scored five public which Egypt, Syria and —hearing Monday, May 13, in it is estimated it will cost $1 was first noticed about 9:45 p.m. page layout at the sixth annual transportation editor of the New Iraq have agreed to form next the township hall at 8:30 p.m. per lineal foot. The price will writing contest of the New Jer- awards at the New Jersey Press Association's annual adver- York Times, was foreign cor- and lasted about three hours, but tising conference here this weekend, and placed second to September. But the Ba'ath Social- Township Committeeman M. rise to $3 per lineal foot )f thea fire alarm was not sounded. sey Association of Daily News- respondent. ists froze pro-Nasser elements out Don Sanchez announced Friday property owner evacuates with- The Record, Hackensack, a newspaper with 138,000 circula- The island, known locally as paper Women. tion, in the general excellence category. In Argentina she was editor-in- of the Syrian government las! that the meeting was set follow- in the stake points and contracts And in the"series of stories" Sedge Island, is barren except In a contest open to all newspapers in the state, The Reg- chief of Bulletin Board, only Eng- week, and there is general doubt ing a revaluation of results of the remainder of the work, and contest, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. for brush, and no attempt was ister display advertising department won the following lish-language magazine in Buenos that Nasser will join with Syria the initial meeting with Beers approximately $6 per lineal Jane E. Morrow, staff reporter made to reach It to douse the awards. First place, best newspaper promotions advertising, Aires. She has been staff re- If It is dominated by the Ba'ath St. property owners. foot if the township puts the for The Register, shared second flames. awarded to John Famulary, advertising manager; first place, porter for The Register since Ists. Initial Phase work out for bid. place for their articles on "Work- Police said it was the second best color advertising, awarded to Gale Buchanan, staff 1961. Mr, and Mrs. Morrow have Beers St. has been designated ing Mothers." Cajro newspapers carried a (See HEARING, Page 3) Island fire in a month. member, and second place, general excellence. three grown children. They re- as the initial phase of a pro- In the "layout" contest, second side on Conover Ave., Middle- statement from Nasser's govern- The Register classified advertising, of which George gram, to install sidewalks along prize went to the Camden Cour- town. ment Sunday that the Syrian split Mayer Is manager, was awarded first place for best over- designated hazardous streets, ier; third, The Trentonlan, and is a dangerous threat to the Arab all classified exhibit, and. second place for best classified Awards were presented by Miss and ultimately for the entire honorable mention, Newark News cause. Today's Index promotion idea. Marion K. . Pinsdorf, contest Although Algerian crowds hailed township. religious page. chairman and associate copy fdl- Nasser as "El Rais" (The Chief) Several hardship cases were Page Page First place for the "series ol tor of Good Housekeeping Maga- on his triumphant arrival here revealed at the April 15 meet- Adam and Eve „ 9 Editorials stories" went to the Burlington fellowship in political science at husband, Is an attorney. They zine; Miss Lois Fegan, women's Saturday, Khemistl's death served Ing, and the, Towrlship Commit- Allen-Scott ...1* S Herblock County Times. Third place went Cfty College of -N«w •nd their four children (ages 6- editor of the Jersey Journal; and as a grim reminder of the difficul- tee delayed final action pending Amusements 10 Movie Timetable ..... II to the Asbury Park Press, and York. She was staff reporter for 13), reside on Morford Rd., NewMrs. Gwen Fox, formerly of the ties in the path of Arab unity. . further study. Births : 2 Obituaries honorable mention, Paterson the Plalnfield Courier-News, Port Monmouth. Paterson Evening News. Khemisti was shot shortly aft- A "do-it-yourself" project Jim Bishop I Sylvia Porter Evening News. Arthur (Tex.) News, Beaumont Mrs. Morrow, an alumna of Judges were Mrs. Eleanor Pol- er he returned from the Middle has been prepared for Beers St. Bridge .-. 18 Sports HII Mrs. Moore, received hei B.A. (Tex.) Journal, copy editor'of Barnard College, New York City, lock, women's editor of the Bul- East, which he criticized to property owners, and the assist- John Chamberlain .'..... I Stock Market degree, cum laude, In political New Orleans Item, and taught formerly was with McGraw Hill letin (Philadelphia), series ot friends and newsmen. He did notance of the township road de- Cluilfled , 17 Successful Investing science at Hunter College, New two years in Middletown Town- Magazines, Food Field Reporter stories, and Frederic E. Merwln, hide that he preferred co-opera- partment, engineer and building Comics 18 Television II York, and was Phi Beta Kappa. ship school system before com- and Journal of Commerce. director of the School of Journal- tion for his country. Inspector is available to allow Crossword Puzzle .A 7 Women's News _,.M She was awarded a graduate ng to The Register In 1981. Her She has written numerous mag- Ism, Rutgers University, layouts. 2-lfomUy, M«y 6, L963 fifS BANK REGISTER

Raceway Sold EDWARD E. JACOBS MRS. SARAH ROflBNGABDEN MRS. MARY K. GUKSKA, • i MIDDLETOWN—Edward Earl FREEHOLD — Mrs. Sarah ELIZABETH — Mrs. Mary Ra-| Rosengarden, 83, of 9 Broad St. zumas Gurska of 539 Green St.,] Jacobs, 69, of 8 Southview .West, No. Jersey Realty Men Buy Track died this morning at his honie. He died Saturday in Monmouth widow of Carl Gurska, died! Medical Center, Long Branch. Saturday in St. Elizabeth Hospi- was the husband of Mrs. Frances FREEHOLD—Two North Jer- purchased in 1944 by Fred Fatz- Engleke Jacobs. She was the widow of Samuel sey real estate men, Abraham ler of Maplewood from the late tal. Rosengarden. Mrs. Rosengardw Mr. Jacobs was born in Chi- and Sigmund Eommer, have pur- Harry Gould for/ $75,000. The Born in Lithuania, Mrs. Gurs- was born in Russia, daughter of ka came here 56 years ago. cago 111. and had resided in this the late Esau and Rachel Gold- chased one-half interest in the Sampsons purchased the track area for'eight years. He pre- Freehold Raceway for a figure in 1961 from Mr. Fatzler for Surviving are five daughters, stein, i Mrs. Estelle Iacovanta of Bloom- viously was a resident of North reported to be in excess of $4 $5,050,000. Arlington. She was » member of a» million from Harold and Bernard field, Mrs. Emily Chapman of Freehold chapter of Deborah Cranford, Mrs. Joyce Felling of He had been employed, as a Sampson of Milwaukee. •upervisor with Western Electric and Hadassah, the Freehold He- The announcement was made Atlantic Highlands, Mrs. Ellen brew Benefit Society, and wa»* OpiTi ion Stulga of Calonla and Mrs. Co., Newark, until his retirement by Barnard Hellring, Newark, four years ago after 45 years of founder and We member of tf» attorney, who said the Sbmmers (Continued) Evelyn Farrell of this place; a Sisterhood Auxiliary of Congre- immediately, but it won't have brother, Joseph Razamas of this service. He was a World War I brothers and the Sampsons veteran and a member of the gation Adudath Achim. • reached the agreement Friday any long-range effect on his po- place; eight grandchildren, and Surviving are three daughters, litical future. Just because no di- Stanley S. Holmes Chapter, Tele- after six weeks of negotia- one great-grandchild. phone Pioneers of America. Mrs. Samuel H. Kaplan of tfiii tions. vorced man has ever been elect- Services wiH be tomorrow from place, Mrs. Julius Zeilner of Ar- ed President doesn't mean we the Gorny and Gorny Funeral Surviving in addition to his The transaction is subject to wife are two sons, Dr. Ronald lington and Mrs. Albert Elooitt the approval of the state Racing won't have one sometime. After Home with a Mass at 9 a.m. of Pennsauken. 10 grandchil- all, we never had a Catholic In St. Hedwig's Church, E. Jacobs of Monmouth Medical Commission. Center, Long Branch, and Wayne dren, and eight great-grandchil- Also Settles a Suit President before, either." dren! . CHESTER W. GALLOWAY E. Jacobs, at home; a daughter, Under the terms of the agree- Jean K. Toll, Colorado state Mrs. Beverly T. Sharp of Bloom- Services were; yesterday ,w ment, Mr. Hellring said, the chairman: "If he's going to be MATAWAN — Chester W. Gal- field; three sisters living in the Freeman's Funeral Homo with Sommers will get one-half of president, he needs a first lady. loway, 79, died Thursday in his Chicago area, and two grandchil- Rabbi Louis M. Tuchman -offici- I don't see any political harm in home on Rt. 79. whatever stock the Sampsons dren. ating. Burial was in Freehold hold in the track. The Sampsons it. I say that if he's the nominee, Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Gallo- John E. Day Funeral Hebrew Benefit Society Ceme- Colorado will go for him." way had lived in Plainfield most The own all but 15 per cent of the DESTROYED BUILDING — Four buildings — a small barn, tool shed and two chicK- Home, Red Bank, is in charge tery. shares in the track uncontested. Mrs. Ella Koeze, Michigan na- of his life before moving here of arrangements. Fred Landau, a New York City tional committeewoman: "This is •n coops were destroyed by fire Saturday in Locust. The buildings were on proper- two months ago. MRS. LAURA R. NEWMAN accountant, claims he is entitled one of Gov. Rockefeller's own ty owned by Alfred Marker, Tan Vat Rd., and on the adjacent Shane-Woodruff prop- He was a retired employee of HANDY T. FISHER WEST BELMAR— Mrs. Laura that percentage for negotiating private affairs. I don't think it's the Mack Motor Co., Plainfield R. Newman, 82, of J004 Second erty. Fire-Chief John Fowler said the buildings were destroyed in a brush fire. Dam- LONG BRANCH - Handy T, the sale of the tract to the Samp- going to make any more im- and was a member of the Nether- Ave, died Thursday in her home. Fisher, 68, of 122 Liberty St., sons. Mr. Landau hag a suit be- pact on the women of America. 'age was estimated at $700. Pictured are firemen from the Navesink Fire Co., dous- wood Reformed Church, Plain- Mrs. Newman was the widow died Thursday in Monmouth fore the courts to determine the I may be mistaken. I'm just ob- field. of Britton S. Newman. She had ing one of the chicken coops. --•--•• Medical Center. ownership of the 15 per cent The serving what I hear. The whole Surviving are his wife, Anna resided here 11 years, and In Sommers will also get one-half thing depends on whether the Whitely Galloway; two sons Born in Accomac County, Va., he had been a resident here 50 Manasquan 40 years. or the 15 per cent if the courts man is qualified, a good candi- Weather Rev. Chester A. Galloway, pas Mrs. Newman was born in date and what he would do for 1 Monty Woolley, tor of the Presbyterian Church years. Mr. Fisher retired in determine that amount be- New Jersey—Mostly sunny to- England. She was.a member of longs to the Sampsons. the country as a whole." here, and Elmer R. Galloway of 1960 as a stationary engineer for day with some early morning the New Jersey Natural Gas the Sons and Daughters of liber- May Be Asset Plainfield; a daughter, Mrs. Dan: Friday's transaction settles a I Actor, Dies at 74 Company. He had been a mem- ty. Rep. Harold C. Ostertag, R-NY: cloudiness, high mostly in the iel Gearino of Plainfield; a broth- Surviving are a son, Everett M. suit started by the Sommers RIVERVIEW ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) — Vet- ber of the Second Baptist Ohurch, against the Sampsons. Last Au- "Some people think a candidate 60's. Clear and cool tonight, low er, Alexander D. Galloway of Newman of Manasquan; three Red Bank eran stage and screen actor here. gust, the Sommers obtained an should have a wife. It may not in the 40"s except for some 30's Neptune; a sister, Mrs. Geor- daughters, Miss Edna Newman stand in his way next year." Mr. and Mrs., Angelo Capsllo, Monty Woolley diW early today gena De Marls of Plainfield, and Surviving are his wife, Mrs, option to purchase the track with local frost in normally cool at Albany Medical Center Hos- Jeane Walker Fisher; three sons, of New York and Mrs. Oliye Phillip Roth, Oregon state 313 Harrison Ave., Union Beach, eight grandchildren. from the Sampsons for a re- placeswith .littl Mostle y sunny Tuesday pital at the age of 74. He had Corlies J. and Isaiah Fisher, both Hayes and Mrs. Eva Williams, chairman: "In the year 1963, the daughter, Friday. The funeral will be this after- ported $6.1 million. ature. change in temper- been in declining health in re- of this place, and Louis Fisher both of this place; four brothers, question of, divorce and remar- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Curtis, noon at 2 o'clock in Netherwood The Sampsons, late in August, Marine cent months. of New York City; four daugh Raymond and William Herbert riage is not a bar to high of- 15 Main St., Oceanport, daugh- Reformed Church, with Rev. of Englishtown and Frank and entered into an agreement of Cape May to Block Island- Woolley, whose trademark was ters, Mrs. James Fapp, Mrs fice." ter, Friday. Richard Coffill, pastor, official Ennis Herbert, both of Keyport, sale with the YR Holding Com- Northerly winds at 10 to 15 knots a neatly trimmed white beard Josh Fennell and Mrs. Benjami Harry G. Haskell, Jr., Dela- Mr. and Mrs. William Onder- ing. Burial will be in Old Ten and three grandchildren. pany, New York, for a reported today and tonight. Variable at and mustache, had lived for Bush of New York City and Mrs, ware national committeeman: "I donk, 75 Spruce Dr., Shrewsbury, nent Cemetery, Tennent, undei $7 million. The holding company 10 to 15 knots on Tuesday. Visi- many years m nearby Saratoga Harold Cofer of Philadelphia; Services were held this morn- think the marriage is a personal son, Friday. direction of the Memorial Fu owns Yonkers Raceway and is bility 5 miles or better. Fair Springs. He had spent much of three stepsons, James A. Glovei ing in the Robert C. Neary Fu- controlled by Alfred, Stanley, and private matter. If it is suc- Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, neral Home, Plainfield. neral Home, Manasquan, with weather. his boyhood in die resort city and James Somerville, both o: Martin and Leo Tananbaum. cessful ... it will be an asset." 30 Hilltop Cir., Lincroft, daugh- Rev. Alfred Freer officatlng. TIDES and considered it his home this place, and Bernard Glovei Tananbaums Withdraw G. Harold Alexander, Florida ter, Friday. MRS. WALTER ARMINGTON Burial was in Atlantic View Sandy Hook Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeLong, town. CLIFFWOOD BEACH — Mrs of New York City; three step The Tananbaums withdrew national committeeman: "By next TODAY — High 7:38 p.m. and daughters, Mrs. Julius Otey Cemetery, Manasquan. year it (the marriage) will be 115 Hudson Ave., East Keans- He was admitted to Saratoga Hazel K. Armington, 71, of 160 from the sale in December, re- low 1:28 p.m. Hospital April 6, reportedly suf- this place and Mrs. Leslie Rey portedly because they felt the forgotten. The issue will be raised burg, daughter, Friday. Hilltop Blvd. died Thursday in BERNARD J. CLARK, SR. TOMORROW — High 7:53 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. John Lucyk, 8 fering from a heart ailment, and Riverview Hospital. nolds and Miss Blanche Glover o! Racing Commission would turn but I don't think it would have Jamala, L.I.; 36 grandchildren; RED BANK—Bernard J. Clark and 8:15 p.m. and low 1:56 a.m. Campbell Dr., Eatontown, son, was transferred to the Albany Mrs. Armington was born In down their application to buy. any effect if he is a candidate. and 26 great-grandchildren. Sr., 78, of 138 East Bergen PI. By 1964 there will be other is- and 2:07 p.m. Saturday. Hospital April 8. Bayonne. Under the new sale agreement, For Red Bank and Rumson died Thursday night in Riverview sues." Mr. and Mrs. William Haug, The actor, often called "The Surviving are her husband Services will be today at Hospital. Bernard Sampson would remain bridge, add two hours; Sea Beard," probably was bes George Etzell, Minnesota na- 34 Johnson Ter., West Keans- Walter M. Armingtoh; a son p.m. in the Second Baptist as president of the track, and Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long known for his portrayal of Sher- Born in Yonkers, N.Y., he had tional committeeman: "I think the burg, son, yesterday. William T. Armington of thi. Church. Burial, under the direc- Abraham Sommer of Newark Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- idan Whiteside, the lead role in resided in this area for many remarriage would definitely hurt Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCormick, place; a daughter, Mrs. Louisi tion of the John W. Flock Fu- and Menkt Park would become lands bridge, add 40 minutes. "The Man Who Came To Din- years. Mr. Clark was a retired him if an election were held now. 567 West Front St., Red Bank, K. Coluccio of Roselle Park; a neral Home,..will be in White chairman of the board. CHICAGO (AP) — Thunder- ner." Woolley originated the role manufacturer's represent- But I don't know what might son, yesterday. brother, Londolin.A. Mooney of Ridge Cemetery, Eatontown. Mr. Hallring said all opera- storms and rain hit wide areas in on Broadway, where the comedy ative and was a past president happen in 1964. People by then Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Egeland, Culver Lake, and four grandchil tions would remain as they are the western half of the nation ran for two years, and later HERMAN D. ISRAEL of the Brotherhood of Traveling may have largely forgotten about 4 Rustic Dr., Lakewood, son, dren. at the raceway, and all present and in parts of the southeast to- starred in the film version of LONG BRANCH- Herman D. Jewelers. it." yesterday. A Requiem High. Mass was of- employees would be retained. day but dry weather prevailed the play. Israel, 60, of 434 Westwood Ave. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. William V. Roth, Jr., Dela- Mr. and Mrs. John Byrne, 264 fered ..this morning in St. Law Freehold Raceway, the only in most other sections. '.dgemoot Rd., Belford, son, this He also recreated. Sheridan died Saturday M his home. Edna Dean Hagerman Clark; harness track in the state, was ware state chairman: "I think rence's Catholic . Church, Laur two sons, Bernard J. Clark, Jr., Damaging winds and severe morning. j Whiteside in a 1954 network tele- ence Harbor. . Burial was in St Mr. Israel ,had practiced lav it will hurt him at least tempor- thunderstorms struck areas in vision production of "The Man in Newark for 30 years. He was of West Chester, Pa., and Robert MONMOUTH MEDICAL Joseph's Cemetery, under direc- arily. In the long run, it may be Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Mis- Who Came To Dinner." born in Brooklyn and had livec H. Clark at home, and six grand- forgotten." CENTER tion of the Day Funeral Home children. ' souri and Arkansas during the Inuring his . checkered, career, here 26 years. Arrest 11 Bradford H. Hutchins,, Maine Keyport. - ,-. .. . night. Highways near Abilene, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Good- Woolley was a' drama coa'ch al Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Services were held this morn- national committeeman: "The Tex., were flooded after a seven- man, 277 Norgrove PI., Elberon, ing from the William S. Ander- Yale University, a successful di- JAMES P. MCCARTHY Gladys Dillenberg Israel; twt passage of time will change inch downpour. The strong winds son, this morning. daughters, Mrs. Eliot Mager of son Funeral Home, followed by At Cemetery rector of Broadway, plays, an OLD HEIGHTS, Fla—James P persons' reactions." lashed San Angelo, Tex., swept Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Gates, Fords and Mrs. Harry Croner of a Requiem Mass in St. James actol" on Broadway, a bit-part McCarthy, 65, formerly of Rep. William E. Miller of New across the eastern plains states. 55 Laurel Dr., Fair Haven, Westport, Conn.; a sister, Mrs. Catholic Church. Burial was In player in movies In Hollywood Thome PI., West Keansb'urg, Beer Party York, national GOP chairman: Heavy rain doused areas in daughter, yesterday. and finally a film star. Charles Wanerman of Brooklyn Mt. 6livet' Cemetery, Middle- When the time comes and if N. J., died Thursday at Martin MIDDLETOWN — Eleven per Oregon and Washington, with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones, 66 He received two Academy- and three grandchildren. town. " : • Gov. Rockefeller should become Memorial Hospital in Stuart. cons, four of them juveniles, showers in other sections of the Riverdale Ave., Monmouth Award nominations—for his roles Services were yesterday a a candidate, I would think he Mr. McCarthy was born in Jer- MRS. FRANCES APPLEGATE were arrested' Friday night aft- Pacific Northwest. Drizzle Beach, son, yesterday. in "The Pied Piper" and "Since 10:30 a.m. in the John W. FlocI would be judged on the basis of sey City and was the son of the LONG BRANCH—Mrs. Frances er a raid on a beer party in sprayed southwestern California Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rizzo, You Went Away"—fcut did not Funeral Home. Burial was pniv his six years as governor of New late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mc- Applegate, 92, of 183 AtlanUc Bay View Cemetery, Leonardo. and the northern plains. 118 West Concourse, Cliffwood, win an Oscar. ate. York, as an official of the Health, Carthy. He was a retired paper Ave. died Friday in her home. Seven youths were charged Thundershowers broke out in daughter, yesterday. Other films to his credit in Education and Welfare Depart- northwestern and Central Ala- mill employee. MRS. JOHN COHEE Born in Prospertown, daughter with disorderly conduct and re- Mr. and Mrs. John Woolley, eluded "Life Begins at 8:30,' ment and the State Department bama, eastern Tennessee, western Mr. McCarthy had lived in of the late John and Mary Hen- leased in varying amounts of Belmar Rd., Farmingdale, daugh- "Holy Matrimony," "Irish Eye. EAST KEANSBURG — Mrs, under Presidents Truman and Kentucky and eastern North Car- Florida for three years. He wa drickson, she was the widow of bail pending a hearing Thursday ter, yesterday. Are Smiling," "Girls of the Gol Ita Cohee, 60, died Friday in hei Eisenhower and the position he olina. a World War I veteran. James Applegate. In Municipal Court. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson, den West" and "Molly and Me." home, 9 Dakota Ave., after The junveniles were turned takes on political issues' and how Cool weather persisted across 174 Geary Dr., Middletown, son, Surviving are his wife, Mrs long illness. Mrs. Applegate was a mem- he conducts himself." most of the northern sections of He received a bachelor's de Carrie McCarthy of this place ber of St. Luke's Methodist over to authorities in Freehold. yesterday. , gree at Yale in 1911 and mas- Born in Ireland, she had livec Police identified those charged Rep. Robert A. Taft, Jr., R- the country from New England Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Maresca, a daughter, Mrs. Irene Smith of in the Bronx, N.Y., before mov- Church, here. Ohio, said the remarriage will to the upper Mississippi Valley ters' degrees from Yale and West Keansburg; a brother, John Surviving are three daughter!, with disorderly conduct as Ar- 80-82 Cedar Ave., Long Branch, Harvard. ing here nine years ago. Shi thur F. Cummins, 315 Edgemore have little effect on Rockefeller's and along the border from the son, yesterday. McCarthy of Jersey City, an was a member of St. Catherine' Mrs. Ella Layton of Eatontown Woolley never married. Among and Mrs. Lillian Stalder and Dr., Betford; William A. Ham- chances for the GOP presidential northern plains to the Pacific Mr. and Mrs. William Poulsen, two sisters, Mrs. Marie Olson Catholic Church. his close friends he counted song- Mrs. Margaret Warshaw, both of mond, 6 East Highlands Ave., nomination because "by and large Northwest. Temperatures were 273 Cummings Ave., Elberon, son, and Mrs. Frank Karol, both of Surviving are her husband, the public is interested In his abil mostly in the 40s, with 30s re- writer Cole Porter, author Frank Jersey City; two grandchildren this city. Clarke A. Lane, 72 Wesley Ave., Saturday. Sullivan, the late Robert Bench- John Cohee; a daughter, Mrs, and Thomas E. Seeley, 98 First ity." ported in northern New England, and two great-grandchildren. Myra Olsen of Middletown; thret Services will be held this after- the upper great lakes and the PATTERSON ARMY HOSPITAL ley, and playwright Thornton The funeral will be held to- noon at 2 o'clock in the Woolley Ave., all Atlantic Highlands; Sen John Tower, R-Tex. "I just Wilder. sons, William Cohee of Brook can't predict what the remar- upper Mississippi Valley. Fort Monmouth morrow at 11 a.m. at the John Funeral Home. Burial will be in Jack Longo, Jr., 15 Locust St., He is survived by a sister-in- lyn, John Cohee of Queens, N.Y. and Herbert P. Moore, 41 South riage will do to the governor's Early morning temperatures Airman 2/c and Mrs/. Harold J. Ryan Home for Funerals, and Thomas Cohee of Atlantii Woodbine Cemetery, Oceanport presidential hopes. Some people ranged from 32 in Houlton, Maine, W. Kleinschrodt, 234 Bay Ave., law, Mrs. James S. Woolley, ol Keansburg. Burial will be in Jer- Bay Ave., both Highlands, and Saratoga Springs. Highlands; a brother and sistei ALEXANDER W. ROBERTSON will resent It, others will not. But to 82 in Thermal and Blythe, Highlands, son, Wednesday. sey City. in Ireland, and nine grandchi Douglas H. Dauphlne, 234 West Funeral arrangements were in- MIDDLETOWN — Alexander even on the public record alone Calif. Some other readings and Sp/4 and Mrs. Larry Wesche, 30 dren. Elm St., Brockton, Mass., a sol- complete. W. Robertson, 55, of Chapel Hill dier stationed at Fort Moo Goldwater is the man." conditions: New York 53 cloudy, Clifton Ave., Long Branch, MRS. GEORGE BLAND A Requiem High Mass was o: Chicago 45 clear, Boston 48 clear, Rd. died Friday morning in hit mouth. daughter, Wednesday. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mrs fered this morning in St. Cather- home. Cummins was released In $100 Washington 65 partly cloudy, Phil- Capt. and Mrs. Clyde B. Craig Mary Bland, 51, of 12 South Ave, ine's Church by Rev. Thaddeus adelphia 61 party cloudy, At- head, 5 Bataan Ave., Eatontown died Friday in Allenwood Hos- He was born in Port Jefferson, bail, Lane, Longo, Seeley and Visit to Grave Hold Youths Wojciehowski, pastor. Burial Long Island, N. Y., a son of Moore, $50 bail, and Hammond lanta 64 clear, Miami 64 clear, daughter, Thursday. pital. was in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Louisville 57 clear, Detroit 44 Mrs. Susan MoBain Robertson of and Dauphine, $25 bail. Causes Second Lt. and Mrs. Roger Born here, she was a membe Keyport, under direction of the Middletown and the late John Police said the cemetery has clear, St. Louis 56 clear, Minne- Wilke, 160 Second Ave., Long In Pharmacy of St. Paul's Baptist Church. Pfleger Funeral Home, New RUMSON — Louis and Wil- apolis 51 partly cloudy, Kansas Branch, son, Thursday. Robertson. Mr. Robertson had been the scene of numerous beer Surviving are her husband, Monmouth. lived in Middletown 35 years. He parties in the past. liam Frick have not had much City 63 partly cloudy, Denver 60 PFC and Mrs. Albert C. Klose George Bland; a son, George in common in the last 56 years. clear, Dallas 69 rain. Phoenix 76 230 Laurel Ave., West Keans- Entries, Theft was a former resident of Police said there were approx- Bland, Sr., of this place, and MRS. MARY J. PENNY Shrewsbury. imately 100 youths at the party One thing remembered by both clear, Seattle 47 rain, San Fran- burg, daughter, Thursday. two brothers, Fred and John CLIFFWOOD — Mrs. Mary J. cisco 58 cloudy, Los Angeles 58 LONG BRANCH—Two 20-year- Mr, Robertson was superinten- Friday night. brothers, however, is their moth old youths are being held in thi Woodsen, both of East Orange. Penny, 75, of Orchard St. died clear, Anchorage 39 partly cloudy, dent of the J. Wright es- Patrolmen Danield Murdoch, er's grave in the cemetery on city jail for arraignment tomor- The funeral will be tomorrow Friday in Marlboro State Hospi- Honolulu 74 partly cloudy. tate, "Hillandale Farm," the Walter A. Davis and Albert Cook Rumson Rd. row morning on charges of break- at 3 p.m. in St. Paul's Church, tal. The grave indirectly led to a Youth Critical, past 30 years. Investigated. ing and entering, larceny, and il- with Rev. V. L. Peek, pastor, of- Born in Alabama, she had lived He was a member of Shrews- reunion in Basking Ridge Satur legal possession of barbiturates? ficiating. Burial will be in Crystal here 45 years. She was the wi-j bury Hose Company. day. William F. Frick, 74, of Honeymoon 3 Injured Police identified them as Frank Stream Cemetery, Navesink, un dow of Charles Penny. Besides his mother, he is sur- that place welcomed brother (Continued) Wants Traffic Zampese and Frank Mauro, both der direction of the Posten Fu Mrs. Penny was a member of vived by his wife, Mrs. Jean Louis after a 56-year separation, expedition near the New Guinea 1 of 524 Second Ave. neral Home. Mt. Moriah Baptist Church here. Greig Robertson; a sister, Miss which started over a family mis- coast shortly after the governor Light Installed In Accident Zampese has admitted break- Surviving are a daughter, Miss Susan J. Robertson, living at understanding when Louis left and his wife separated. LINCROFT — A Jersey City Katherine Penny of this place, LONG BRANCH - Council- home. ing into the Family Pharmacy home, and a brother, John D. woman Lucy Wilson said last Mrs. Murphy obtained a divorce youth is in critical condition and Brighton Ave., here, and th and three sisters, Mrs. Essie Louis visited their mother's Robertson Of Middletown. night Friday's accident of in Idaho on April 1 from Dr. three others in fairly good con Stevens Drug Store, Wall St. am Police Arrest Smith of California, Mrs. Fanniei Services were held this morn- grave a month ago and a dis- school bus and automobile at James S. Murphy, 41, a medico dition this morning in Riverview Monmouth Rd., West Long Felton or Syracuse, N.Y., and ing at the Worden Funeral tant cousin heard of it and told Liberty St. and Joline Ave. researcher for the Rockefeller In Hospital after their car crashed Branch, early this morning am Mrs. Anna Hunter of Detroit William. Home, with Rev. John R. Col- proves again the need for a traf- stitute. They have four children through a guard rail on the Gar- stealing the barbiturates, police 12 Juveniles Mich. lins, pastor of the Shrewsbury William hired an attorney, to fic light at the crossing. aged 3 to 12. den State Parkway and rolled said, and implicated Mauro. RUMSON —Two juveniles who The funeral will be tomorrow Presbyterian Church, officiating. Though 50 children were aboard check on his brother in Cal- Passengers accompanying the down a 30-foot embankment onto Mauro has refused to make an' at I p.m. in the Bedle Funera Burial was in the church ceme- ifornia. "I presumed he was stole a quantity of wine, fiv< the bus destined for the Gregory Rockefellers on the flight from Newman Springs Rd., early to- statement. cases of beer and several bottle Home, Matawan, with Rev tery. dead," he said. "We hadn't School, there were no injuries. New York said they held hands day. The barbiturates and four pack of champagne from the Rumson James Carter, pastor of the Mt The bus was disabled, however, heard from him and only knew for a while after a steak and Robert Wright, 21, of 142 Laid- Hotel, Waterman Ave., on April Moriah Church, officiating. Bur- WILHELM LAMM he was out West somewhere.' of cigarettes were recovered from and youngsters were transferred champagne lunoh. They read New law Ave., driver of the car, is the apartment shared by the two, 27, were apprehended Saturday, ial will be in ShoVeland Memorial FARMINGDALE - Wilhelm to another carrier. The Frick family lived in Toms York newspaper accounts of their reported in critical condition with Police Chief William H. Zerr said Gardens, Hazlet. Lamm, 25, of Freewood Acres River when Louis took to the police said. The pair also have Mrs. Wilson said the city has wedding Saturday at the Rockefel head injuries. been identified by an eye-witness, this morning. died last Tuesday at the Army road after the disagreement. "I ler family estate in Pocantico Guy Francavilla, 17, of 121 GEORGE L. EVELAND, SR. Hospital in El Paso, Tex. sought unsuccessfully for more according to police. Also apprehended were 10 other than two years, during a period wanted to come home many Hills, in New York's Westchester Grace St., is in fairly good con- BELFORD — George L. Eve- Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Harold Blumenkrantz, owner youngsters to whom the pair had marked by frequent accidents, to times," he said, "but you don't County, and exchanged comment* dition with back injuries. Thomas land, Sr., 73, of 403 Woodbine St. Patsy Ann Hooper Lamm. and manager of the Family sold some of the a|coholic bev- get state Motor Vehicle Division know if you're welcome." on photographs of them. Femiano, 16, of 54 Garrison St., died Thursday. Services were held yesterday Pharmacy, also reported $43.86 erages, the chief said. approval for a stop-go traffic and Leonard Zazzarino, 1C, 83 A retired bookkeeper', he had at 2 p.m. In the C. H. T. Clayton stolen from (hat store, and $165 light. She said all bids have Logan Ave., are both fairly good Three of the 12 youngsters also lived here four years. He was a and Son Funeral Home, Adelphia, allegedly was taken from the been turned down on a basis the $2,000 Stolen with a broken ankle and leg were involved in the destruction member of the Belford Methodist with Rev. Paul Rowoldt officiat- Effort Stevens Drug Store, police said traffic count is'too low. She said HIGHTSTOWN (AP)-Burglars respectively. of seven borough-planted trees Ihurch. ing. Burial was in Evergreen The money has not been recov- she will press the subject again hauled away an 800-pound safe (Continued) They were all passengers in the here on April 27, according to Surviving are a son, George L. Cemetery. ered. ' before City Council. containing $2,000 from a lumber wanted to go into a park across Wright vehicle. 'he chief. On thut date, the tops iveland, Jr., at home; a broth- company office early Friday. the street and about 300 yards State police said the car ap- Entry to both stores was gained were snapped off six saplings er, Ernest F. Eveland of Mana- ItKATII NOTICE by breaking windows, police planted last fall on Narumson JON1S8. CMTHBItlNK 20 of 77 Upper- Police said the burglars ap- from the jail. parently went out of control, squan; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel cotl Ave,. Long nranch. Died May 2. parently tried to break open the The Negroes were told they crashed through a guard rail and said. >• St. near the Forrcstdale School, Daliftfrtc-r of Mr. anil Mre. Hoy Jone«, Anniversary Hopler of Port Monmouth, Mrs. ulster of Fernmn, Victor and Leroy combination safe at the Castle could enter the park after the of- urned over as it went down the The two were apprehended at and a maple tree and Washing- Myrtle Dcbele of Keyport and Jonea. Fraternal service* 7:30 Tuesday (Continued) ton St. was partly sawed through evening al I\ I-eon llarrla Funeral Lunvber Co. but gave up (he .at- ficer talked with Connor. They embankpient. an Efttontowri diner by Long Mrs, Florence' Skeicngcr of Mor- lumc, 3(0 filin-wMiuiy Ave., Itert Bank. he never felt they had been aban- tempt and carted it off in a truck. filed across the street, formed up Police said the occupants were Branch Detective John Perri and and then cracked off, Chief Zerr ris Plains. KuneNil 2 o'clocU Wednesday from Ui» said. 'iinprn! liome. Interment White Rld|« by the United States. State Trooper William. Danitz, facing the jail, then sang and lirown from the car when it over- Sgl. Ralph Yanello of the West The funeral will be this after- :'ometiry, , He saJd he didn't share the feel- responding to a tip, wheeled into prayed. timed. Long Branch police department. Most of the boys, who range in noon at 1 o'clock in the Mchlen- As they began moving back to- < Altll OP THANKS Ings of some on the Island that the lumber concern's yard at The injured were taken to the age from 15 to 10, nre borough beck Funeral Home, Hazlet, with */lsli to ^xprrnft my mnnt nlncere Gen. Douglas MacArthur was around 2:30 a.m., but by that ward the churdi, some of sever- hospital by the Lincroft and Fair- residents, the chief said. All have Rev. William R. Hodgedon, pas- ippreelHy cheered raucously. The park Is tra Cash. You Get it Fast When >y th* denlh of my beloved mother, sieged Corrcgldor and went to Trooper J. N. Decker Investi- await action of juvenile author- officiating. Burial will be In da Welilner. said: in a predominantly Negro section. You Use The Register Classified. Australia. gated. ities. Bay View Cemetery, Leonardo. Mm. Kmray Khodci 15 Die in Accidents Nagon efore. By The Associated Pro* children, who need your help and will enter post high school edu- school background I could not makes a fair living at it.. Baptist College; Corrado Mustil- DUNELLEN — Ronald Briggs, guidance most in their formative cation in September. hold my present job." Mann, who uses an electron- o, Montclair State, Monmouth %-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. By The Associated Press n an administration office on the years, makes it advisable that Henry's is not a isolated case. ic metal detector, arrived here Red Bank-High School students College, Monmouth; Phyllis Na- Clarence Briggs, died Saturday first floor and in the basement. you sell the two-family house, un- PHILADELPHIA — Ten trained My discussions with many suc- after a 3% month hitchhiking have been accepted by colleges deau, Kent State University; night at Muhlenberg Hospital, Firemen, responding to a general less you can count on its provid- disaster workers of the Red Cross cessful adults have brought forth trip which started at Bangor, throughout the country. Although Lynne Nilson, Bucknell Univer- Plainfield, alter his fatter foiind alarm, had the flames under con- ing very good income. national staff are in New Jersey's similar reactions. Maine. He reported be picked the majority of students will at- sity, Oberlin College; William trol 40 minutes after arriving. "Hold your American Telephone ilm floating in Green Brook near ocean, Burlington and Atlantic School officials, who gave the Activities Can Hurt up $1,744.09 in coins plus as- tend schools In the East, admis- Oakerson, University of Tampa; is home. stock. As to the total of $53,000, counties to aid victims of the re- damage estimate, said the school College admissions officers rec- sorted jewelry from bathing sions have been received from Lydia Pace, Montclair State, NEW BRUNSWICK — Thomas I suggest that $20,000 be set aside cent forest fires. The Red Cross would be open for classes today ognize the value of student par- beaches en route. schools as far west as Arizona Newark State, Kent State Univer- Coleman, 41, a house painter, suf- and' earmarked for a trust fund said Saturday it expects to spend but some rooms, including the and Oregon. sity, Glassboro; John Vincent fered fatal injuries Saturday when ticipation in school activities. Al- f6r'your children's later educa- He hit Key West's two public more than $100,000 to help rebuild auditorium, could not be used. Students have been selected by Pace, University of North Caro- he fell from the top of a 14-foot though scholarship is the first tion, letting the interest accumu- beaches as soon as he arrived and repair owner-occupied homes Two offices and a clinic room private and state universities, en- na; John Page, Newark Collegi ladder while working. consideration in granting college late. I advise that you place and found $18 and two valuable damaged or destroyed by the were severely damaged by the gineering schools, liberal arts col- of Engineering. admission, a well-balanced pro- $5,000 in a savings account for rings, within seven hours. HOBOKEN-Judith Roberts, 3, fires and to replace house furnish- flames. The vandals ran down leges and nursing schools. An im- gram of activities works in favor emergencies and the balance in And John Palumbo, Lafayette led Saturday in St. Mary's Hos- ings and clothing. It said it has the hallways, igniting papers pressive Dumber of these schools of the candidate. gther blue chip issues and top COMPLETES COURSE College, University of Delaware, pital an hour after She fell from received requests for aid from posted on bulletin boards, police are among the most highly selec- Some students misunderstand grade bonds. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Marine University of Virginia; University the fire escape of her family's some 80 families. said. A crew of 11 men worked tive in the nation, Mr. Sisson this situation and make an all-

r ir-Uon&xy, M*y <5, 1963 BED BAJSK REClSTEff \hnmrlf ttood, bt 4>#fected to hteusetf, iloet knot* *U the jx***i*vtfv» *«.«- CW*wHer. jut* f« W« h»,ve « freat hand in the out- sibilitiesi . continui e to pUUy ft oooilHU P*#*» **• t*M both i&nnof that confrontation. He and quiet-*nd are diking ap steady and marked-so much so did not propose \o enter the pri- other camp angry. And it mayi that the suapido^ triws that the I4fi4fiK ttl. mary himself. But he intended well -turn out that their sense of moderates and liberals among f ***

WH0U-READY TO COOK PRESH CHICKEN PARIS LEGS Forth.Children 47V c BREASTS Tend. 551 WINGS Juicy and Tender 25fr. LIVERS w y R 69V fixture for every ROASTERS ^ 39i Ib.

^SMOKED Veal Roast | Plymouth Rock .59 BREASTS Rib Roast WHf, ftkket* for Stuffing Ib.33 ROCISI NEWPORT Chops Fat? k.

CutlorStnr J1-40 Court - To. 79c Flounder Filet V«rTmferCuUd h. 59c Select Shrimp 59c Fresh Butferfish Keep your hairdo smartly in place with a veil hat—perfect for Veal Cutlets •>. 99c Select Shrimp 5 i •3.89 Swordfish Steaks •, 59c Fresh Fowl town, travel. .Summer's newest veil hats — quick to make of velvet, satin, REGULAR flowers. Cost little, flatter every- STYLE one. Pattern 660: directions for 6 RIB ROAST veil hats. 49, Send thirty-five in coins for WHY PAY MORE FOR FRESH FRUITS & PRODUCE? this pattern—add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mail- VINE ing and special handling. Send to Laura Wheeler, The Red Bank SWEET CANTALOUPES 29' Register, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly pat- SWEET YELLOW CORN tern number, name, address and RED RIPE tone. WHOLE NEWEST RAGE-SMOCKED SWEET WATERMELON OR CUT accessories plus 208 exciting needlecraft designs in our new NEW LOW PRICE!! WHY PAY MORE?? 1963 Needlecraft Catalog—just out! Fashions, furnishings to crochet, knit, sew, weave, em- room in your house. broider, quilt. Plus free pattern. Send 25c now. Wesson Oil SHOP-RITE VEGETABLE or NEW LOW PRICE! • LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE Take notice that application hat been made to the Mayor and Council o[ the Borough of Red Bank to transfer to Visit our spacious new Viola Stable and Tony M. Stoble, trad- Sprpyy Shortening Ing aa Stoble's Bar & Grill for per- 3 s 59* rnise* located at ISO Monmowh Street, CONVENIENT! WHY PAY MORE? the Plenary Retail Consumption license CONVENIENT! WHY PAY MORE? O23 heretofore issued to Viola Stoble modern showroom on and Tony M. Stoble, trading as Stoble'B Bar A Grill {or premises located aL t6U c Monmouth Street, Tied Bank. N. J. Plaas a specifications of building to{ Newman Springs Road. be constructed may hr exumlned at RinsRi o BluB e , o DETERGENT tr59 the office of the Municipal Clerk. 0t fF Objections, if any, should be made Immediately In writing to John Bryan, Red Bank. Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. $ C (Blgnedi VIOLA STOBLE TONV M. STORLE May 6, 13, 810,68 DoleJuice 4 1 Scoff Tissue 5IO NOTICE See a variety of ceil- Take notice thnt purnuant to a reso- C C lution adopted May 2, 1963 that on Thursday, May 16, lO&'t at 8:00 P.M, Libby Juice 19 Soda *!%$? 12 • 89 at the. Township Hall. Marlboro Town' ing fixtures, wall fixtures ihtp, New Jersey, the Townnhipy ol Marlboro shall conduct a public sale CR c find dell to the hlirhMt bidder property known ai lot f>, Block 26 B an nhown and lamps for every pur- on the tax map of said Township. Spray» £?L ':,: 79^ Hunt Paste - : I O The flcllfr reserves the rlRht to ac- cept or reject any or all bids. FLOYD WYCOFF C C pose. Township O'prk May 6, 13 $7.30 Gruyere ^ 19 Roast Beef ^i 99 RIIMSON NOTICE TO HIDDKIt- Notice Is hftrcby elven that aenled bid a will be received by Borough of SHOP-RITE Open Monday through Rumson for malntenanop and rnpair SHOP-RITE MIDGET materials In Ihp Borough of Rumson in the County of Monmouth with «n e fit f mated amount or 25. f>26 gallons aspha,ltlc oil grade MC-I, RC-2 or RC-3, CHEESE Saturday till 5. Wednes- 02S tons *i" broken stonr and opened and rend In public ai Borough Hall on May IX 1083 at 8:30 p.M. 'Daylight. Saving. SPREAD day and Friday evenings Specifications nnd forms of bids, for the proposed work, prepared hy Thom- ROLLS as P. Santry Engineer and approved !»>' the State Highway Commissioner, C till 9. have been filed In the office of the aafd engineer nt One Lennox Avrnue, 2 ^ 59 Itumson, New Jerspy nnd of Raid State Htffhway foinnilnfiloripr, Trenton, New Jersey, nnd may- ho lnsjmetPd by pros prctive bidder* during bunlnpna hours. Prices tffKtiv* Ihrowgh Saturday Night, May 11, 1963. Not reiponiiblo for typagraphkal trror». W. rtMnr* tht right to tklit i niridrrs will he mrntnlied wflli n copy of the Hprclflcntlons by the pn rlneer on proper notice nnd payments it cost of prenn ration, Midn mnnt bp made on standard |>roponny a Non-Collufil^n Af- fidavit nnd a certified cheek for not leu* than (en rlOi percent of Din nmmmt bid, provided nalit check tir/il not he more than $V0,Oi 10.00 m>r not less than WOO.00 and ,he delivered nt the nlnce on o^ before the hour mi mod nimvo. Thf/i^tnmlnrit iiroposnl form ami the Non-Callufllun Affidavit a,re attnchitd to th • fMippift"i»ntfll NpeftflrnlloiiB, rojilen Route 35, Shrewsbury ,- .i.tfh •••"• h" furnlihed on applica- SHOP- RITE NEW SHREWSBURY —• IPPLYCO. tion to engineer. Located In Atlantic Supcroma Discount Store .y order tu I in* Mavnr mill ftauhcU.! 79 E. Newman Spring) Kd., Kftl flank • Sll I MOO , AI,KKI1T A. KKHlt, JIl, BortjUKh Clerk. , ' . ;__ _Jk ...: _• L i y, May 6, 1963—» •»«,«* partner to*. jJUOu books of the BiMe, the. way in PURi WATER | dorf k Co.,New YoA Oty, Cer- Kennedy bam Ukt to Xukmf Bible Course wnfcb they are grouped together, titod Puttie Accountant, and Biblical events in their his- GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS • on "tatenuel Control in the By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott Is Offered torical perspective. Other units Small Organization" when the will cover the New Testament, Amazing Ntw SIBCO Water Purifier LINCROFT-The Lincroft Pref- the missionary work of Paul, and North Jersey Shore Chapter of WASHINGTON - The heroic very time Attorney General Ken- expanding "contacts" with the byteriin Church ia offering • six- Removes Rust, Iron, Sulphur, Chlorin*, survivors of the ill-fated Bay of life in the early church. the National Association of nedy is publicity calling for uni- Cuban underground which is toweek home study court* on the Pigs invasion are faced with % Odors, etc., from City or Well Wattr fication of Cuban refugees in anreceive some financing as long Bible, Rev. Willitm J. MiHs, pas- One unit will be mailed each Now *«s out eafer enrsUI-eMw. adAr-tree water ! OoRea ana lea tut* better. couatants has its May technical crushing new ultimatum. UMsnlrr eomes eat rtceuer. hrlckter. Ha man •Uintu *f stakt ul dlskes. organization that "could speak as its operations remain secret. tor, has announced. week, and students will be tested In the Colonnade Restau- This latest "surrender". de- bur to lailall us ISJ water system. Oawanteed to wrlllai lor 1* ream. with one voice and have tome However, the organization will be The cqurse, designed forindi- at the conclusion of each unit. • No motor ...... j rant, MoanKiu!»i Shopping Cen- relationship" wkh the U. S. and barred from conducting raids orviduals or families studying to- • No moving parts i Northeastern Co., DepL RB ter, Juesday, May 21. other countries. attacks on Cuba or Russians sta- Enrollment is open to the pub- • No refills • 5(5 North Garfleld Ave. gether, wi begin this month. It lic. A small registration fee has NEW "FRONT" GROUP-Con- tioned there. is, being offered because conflict' No regeneration 1 Toms River, New Jersey The meeting is scheduled for gressional sources- close to theThe administration's action in been set to cover the cost of • Please send me farther Information J •:30 p.m. ing time schedules make it im postage and mating.. FREE 2 about the SIBCO Water Purifier. Ad- White House are saying privately putting off the $81,00O*-month possible for many adults to par- that the attorney general is spear- allowance to the Cuban Revolu- Water Analysis • Name . Now officers will be elected ticipate in study groups. Literature This- wffl be Ae chapter's final heading * drive inside the admin- tionary Council is part of this un- fTne course will be a general There's no Trick to Having Ex- • Address ', Munt order to Demonstration meeting of the year. istration to set up a new Cuban announced new policy. introduction to the Bible. , tra Cash. You Get H Fast When ,city —:—;—. ,—„ completely re- 'front" under the leadership of WRITE or CALL Meanwhile, Russia is taking "The first unit will Include a You Use The Register Classified. ! Phone Number frain from hav- Manuel Ray, member of the first full advantage of the DI M184 ing anything to Castro cabinet. the U. S. is giving, its ship, study of the arrangement of the —Advertisement 'do with attacks Also that only exile groups will- to Cuba. More than a score of against Cas- ing to go along with the Presi- Soviet freighters unloaded car- trb's Communist regime. dent's "let the dust settle" poli- goes in Cuban ports in April. cy are being asked to Join this Penalty for disregarding this Through Canal secret edict is immediate loss of new organization and hold key the monthly payments they are posts in it. * At least half of these Commu- receiving from the government. Main purpose of the new nist vessels sailed through the This . harsh] 'front" is described'as aimed atPanama Canal, raising specula- tion' among intelligence authori- crackdown is) ties that Russia may be opening being explained a new Cuban supply route from individually to To Attend Vladivostok, every member; Until last month most of the of the Cuban; First Aid Red ships came from either Rus- brigade by rep-} sian ports on the Black Sea or resentatives of> Baltic Sea ports of the satellites. Attorney Gen-j Conference Military experts estimate that eral Robert) SEE US FOR ALL MH>DLETOWN — Kenneth more than: half of the Soviet Kennedy, Bottlno, rescue officer of the lo- ships are being used to rotate and YOUR PHOTO NEEDS These, offic-l __ cal Civil Defense staff, will at- supply Russian .troops in Cuba, ials are con- Scott tend a 3%-day advanced practi- Latest estimate of the number of veylng their orders orally and cal course on emergency aid and these force* is being revised up- with no one present other: than We carry a complete ' transportation of the critically ill ward by the Defense Intelligence ' .r" the freedom fighters hearing and injured. Agency. lim ' of famous brand them. , . The course will be conducted The DIA now believes there is camera* and accessor- Word of this extraordinary at the Fire.Academy in Chicago, a minimum of 22,000 and a maxi- backstage development has and is sponsored by the Amerl mum of 45,000 Soviet military per- ial. Bring your,cameras reached the Senate arjned serv- can CoUege of. Surgeons. sonnel in Cuba, including 8,000 ices subcommittee investigating The program starts Wednesday here for expert repair "elite" combat troops. ••.•> t- . •. the administration's failure to get and ends Saturday. These figures have been sub- service. the thousands of Russian troops The courses- will include prac- mitted to the National Intelli- out of Cuba., tical demonstrations and class gence Estimates Board where We Have Everything One letter sent the senators participation. they, are under review.. If ap- recounts in detail how the, in- Upon Mr. Bottino's return, a proved, this report on Soviet for ttut . vasion veterans are surrrmoned program will be set up whereby troop strength then goes to the and singly informed that their all of the township's first aid President. CAMERA FAN monthly allowances, ranging squads will be invited to attend He in turn will be faced with from $100 to $250, will be dis- to participate in a seminar dur- the painful dilemma of publicly continued unless a categoric ing which Mr. Bottino will dis- admitting that the 13,000 total he DOWN'S Photo Shop pledge of "no action" against seminate the information and has been using is incorrect, or Castro is given. If an exile balks, knowledge gathered at the con- suppressing the revised hlghe 15 Wallace Street his name is forthwith stricken ference. estimate. i SappHes and Equipment from the payroll. FIGHTING CASTRO- Militant How many hats I in your house? Significantly, this ironhanded LUCKILY FOR HIM anti-Castro exiles hive sent an >H 7-2273 or SH 7-2274 undercover pressure Is being ex- MIAMI (AP) — Royce Atwood emissary to Paris to. talk to erted on brigade members at the Wight was taking, a nap in the De Gaulle officials about using Familial often have a habit of outgrowing And remember this, when you dwal with Allen i bedroom of his small cottage but French possessions in the Carib- their house — and then w« find that we have Brothers you are assured of the finest quality suddenly awoke and dashed out bean as bases for attacks . on [of the room recently. Soviet occupation forces in Cuba. more "hats" than wa have rooms. —all the way around. " Seconds later a 36-foot, three- The French islands of Martinique ton concrete piling, which work- and Guadeloupe have numerous men had been erecting near the cays excellently suitable as op- Why not call us today for complete place, crashed through the roof. erational bases. This exile move, If you are having a space problem "I had a premonition of trou- led by "Alpha 66," followed word information? There's no obligation, ble," said the grateful Wight. at your place, don't move. Consider from Paris' that President die of course. Gaulle is prepared to extend adding a new room. Wa can attach i . LEGAL NOTIC helping hand to ' anti-Castro NOTICE FOB BIDS forces. The exiles have been told ona to your house or wa can add extra rooms Notice I* rjenby given that sealed bid! irtH be received by th. Town- his sympathies are rooted in the WHEN QUALITY COUNTS sHp ComiAiUee o('Marlboro-Township experience of the Free French In in your attic, (even if your attic is not very' for the Reconstruction of T3erta.1n Por- tion* of tl» Township Roads, In theWorld War II in fighting the Nazi high). Our architectural planning department Township of Marlboro, County ot llon- ALLEN BROTHERS me. tnoutli, and will be open.d and read occupation Tensions be- In fmbltc at the Municipal Building will show you howeaiily this can be done. Marlboro, New Jersey on Thursday, tween the U. S. and Panama ov- May 16, 1983 at 8:00 P. M. Eastern er the canal are easing, and Pan Daylight Savings Time. I-I I LEONARD ST., RED BANK The work Includes the furnishing of amanians are giving much all labor and materials and perform- the credit to Maj. Gen. Robert ing all work necessary to prepare sur- SH 7-4440 face (19,280 «q. yds.); Install soil af- J. Fleming, Jr., governor of the grfegate base (360 tonston) and bitumin- Canal Zone. President Kennedy ous stabilized surface (1828 tona). Specifications and forms of bids for also helped by promising Pant' the proposed work prepared by A. C. Jones, Township Engineer,. aann d apm-a a sizable Increase in eco- proved by the Township Committee, nomic assistance ... Intelligence have been filed In the office of said Engineer, S3 High Street, Mount Hol- reports warn that die attacks of ly, New Jersey, and may be Inspected 'Rastafari" fanatics on Jamaica by proepecUv* bidden during business hours. Bidders will be furnished with police are a serious threat to the a copy, ot the specifications by the Xngineer during business hours at the island's democracy. The sect ad- cost of preparation thereof, S2S.0O. vocates that all Negroes in the Bids must be made on the standard proposal form In the manner desig- Western Hemisphere should re- nated therein and must be' enclosed turn to Africa. It is being sup- i a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder and thpliee d with money and amis from name of the project on the outside, Cuba. addressed to the Marlboro Township Committee, Floyd Wyckoff, Clerk, Marlboro, New Jersey and must be accompanied by a certified check tor not leu than ten (10) per cent of the amount bid, and be delivered. to the place and on the hour above named. The standard proposal form U attached 'EARLY BIRD SPECIALS" to the specifications, copies of which will be furnished on application to the Engineer. The right is reserved to reject an? or all bids or to waive any Informali- Turf Builder. 2.500 S.F. 2.95 ties in the big proposal! that may be deemed for the beet Interest of the Township. By order of the Township Commit- Halts, 2,500 S.F. 9.95 tee of Marlboro Township. BU/OYD WYCKOFF, Clerk. Marlboro Township Regular Price 12.90 May « S14.T2 't NOTICE Scotts Combination 10.90 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JEBSJKT CHANCERY DIVISION MONMOUTH COUNTS DOCKET NO. M-38M-M Civil Action SAVE '2.00 Notice of Order of Publication JANET DUDLEY, Plaintiff, -vf- FLOYD DUDLEY, Defendant By virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Di- vision, made on the 1st day of April, 1963, in a olvil action wherein Janet the best for less... j Headquarters for SCOTTS Dudley la the plaintiff and you are the defendant, you are hereby required to answer the complaint of the plain- tiff on or before June 3, 1963, by .LAWN ADVISORY SERVICE serving an answer on Florence F. 2 •• • • - - • i Forgotson, esquire, plaintiffs attorney, whose address Is No. 184 Broad Street, , Al last a service that every hom.owner has been waiting' Red Bank, New Jersey, and In default thereof such Judgment shall be ren- •for, A SCOnS FREE LAWN ADVISORY SERVICE. If you I dered against you as the Court shall think equitable and Just. You shall file I an Interested, phase fill. out.this coupon.and mail or call, ' your answer and proof of service lr. • oar Lawn Counseler will come out to set you. No obligation, j duplicate with the Clerk of the Bu perlor Court, Btate House Annex, Tren- i NAME „ : ton, New Jersey, in accordance with the rules of civil practice and pro- {ADDRESS cedure. CHARGE IT! The object of said action Is to ob- tain a Judgment of divorce between S PHONE the aald plaintiff and you. FLORENCE F. FORdOTBON Attorney for PlalnUff IRi Broad Street. at your new J. M. Fields coming to Hazlet! Red Bank. New Jersey "Feed Your Lawn With Ease" April 19. 22. 29. May • S38.M PROPOSAL

Scotts No. 35 Spreader 18.95 Notice Is hereby given that iea.^u bids will be received In the Reception Room of ths Office of tb e Director, Division of Purchft.se and Property, 2nd floor. Room 232-2, Btate House, Tren- Scotts Turf Builder 4.95 ton 25, New Jersey, on May 10, 1963 at 2:00 P.M. and will be opened and read Immediately thereafter, for the following: 23.90 AQUATIC IIERDI01DE Specifications and the form of bid, contract and bond for the proposed work are on file In the Office of tht Scotts Combination 18.90 Director and may be secured by pros- pective bidders during office hours. Bids must be (1) made on a stand- s ard proposal form, (2) enclosed In the •pecTa! adilreMed envelope, (3i accom- SAVE 5.00 panied by a certified check drawn to the order of the Treasurer of the Btate of New Jersey, or a bid bond, any of which shall not be ]esl than HEADQUARTERS FOR SCOTTS PRODUCTS 10% of the amount of the hlrl, and (4) delivered at th* above place on 1*M§A.IilMW or before the hour named M no bid J. M. Fields has a different charge account plan that is designed to help \ j will be accepted after the hour speci- fied. Bids not »o submitted will be constdtfed informal and will be re- jected. The Director reserves the rlsjtit your budget... to help you buy what you want when you want it... and :; a reject any and all bids and to ..ward contract In part or whole If INC. detmed to th* best Interests of th* pocket the savings like instant cashl Open an account now and be ready : [ LAWES COAL CO. Bute to do >o- The successful bidder JTMHJMtSMMJL Y will b* required to furnish surety bond In Un full amount of th* contract of SYCAMORE AVE. SHREWSBURY a company authorl*ed to do buslnwi for the big savings coming your way when J. M. Reids opens. In th* State of Ntw J*ri*y. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Division of Purchai* and Property SH 1-6300 CHARUEfl F. SULLIVAN, Director. May S, i «1.U

••• l; BISHOP: ' » if - '-

MatfcMUn tgr J*a B. Cwk mi Itaqr Ctef

It is difficult to trace the origin of a bad habit No W. RAUY PENNINGTON, Prakkat JAMES J. HOGAN. Editor one wants to remember how it started. However, a M. HAROLD KELLY. G«Mnl Maaapr little research shows that the United States began to J.Kf VHUan F. Sudford and Arthur Z. Kamb Fruk W. Harbour give money away in large amounts in the middle of B41MT Anoouu Miton HM&Utera Sums Up. World War I. It turned out to be a habit, once started, ef tin Anodatad Fran which could not be curbed. When we Ite >ii»nwa tun la ottlM •ntutmr t» tt» ta* IM n*awaUM « aa ttw am fciau* is ttti give money away, nations dislike us. M»M1IH U Ml UlttfHI Member of America* Newspaper PnbUsten Awoelattoa When we stop, they hate us. . Mcnlwr Andit Bonaa •! Orenlatkw In the second term of Woodrow ttk » ft*4 Bufc BtfMf t wi M flaucuiaueai nipogaWUUruptuoiuHw locor qr»ocn»UMl wtan la tlTutlnnnti, tat Wilson, the U.S. began to lend money. «U n»rtattt wttnwttnwtt out*ot*, ttbit put el aa ilnrtlitmtat t, whlok iha t»acm»Bla*l «nn /Urtrtlnn wtll Haua BOUO IM mas*au»at ImmMllitily tt uy «nor wtteft may aecmr. It coincided with the emergence of IM» aamptpw •araaaa a* tatfeulMlttlM tat atiwrnawit tttatm ti lattan traa tu mltn, America as a first class power. The •akwnptM MOM la Ad' tan Una I moa. Pat month «tM 111 money went to friendly powers to help • i asp? at mater, I Blatla copy tr mall, 10 euta I mocHi»-ni*> t MwtU I MO them win the then current' war. These MONDAY, MAY S, 1963 nations made solemn Pledget to repay the money, plus interest, as sodtt a* the war was over. As soon as it was won, the diplomatic excuses Those Expense Accounts arrived. Some, like Great Britain, made a pretense of paying the interest but not the principal. LiflB% nations Monmouth County residents have pect a bigger return when the final like Finland paid in full, and on time. The.Germans, a double interest in the current con- check was made on the expense ac- who had been our enemies and killed our, fathers, be- troversy regarding the race track's counts. came bankrupt and we sent a man named Owen D. expense accounts. The exact amount he could not Young to Germany to straighten out their finances. say — but he did assure New Jer- He did a good job. We sent money to Germany, For one thing it was our area that the nation recovered from its panic inflation, and be- suffered so greatly from the coastal seyans that the state would, again came industrially strong. The Weimar Republic was storm of March, 1962. somewhat belatedly, take a month assassinated by the National Socialists, whose leader For another, Monmouth Park and to complete a complete study of the was an Austrian named Adolf Hitler. By the time he Garden State were the two tracks expense account. The commission was ready to start another war of conquest, Chamberlain OAIIY CROSSWORD Monday, May 6, 1963—7 (Confcwd) EIGHTH BOtTODAY B4 ^ i made « subject for da dlicatiton. But whon vie* coninutfer tad NEW MONMOUTH - The fttwcher ii find (u recentlyy htpptnepp d In Georgiag)) for *S5aW eighth birthday of Thomas Me dKtonta attte dwoa to b* tekl aheap ii t: :• Davitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stttmhy, Mty 25, attended »ti w>ighing John Heraey*!, harmless and wntimental "A SLO* James McOavitt, Millbrook Dr., cent muting of tii* Ladies' An* Bell for Adano" to 13-year-oldi becauie la contains a Lleratch was celebrated April 29. Guests Wary. MT. MeOusfcey toW the 1 9.t7neuny u few cuss words that boys and girls learn when they are a 3. Storm 31 Make Included Daniel and John Bright, •nw tte mnt will be an Ha- ULUft Terry Philpott, Chris Ryan, Mi- waiian kau aad dano* featuringin the first or second grade, the ridiculousness of the 4.Flve-*rano the IS. Debate chael Corley, John McMahon, If you look well in a bathing suit, get down to a floor stow. He asked auxiliary situation is manifest The world would be a much 14. Mountains; •Vxtottntu ,8c James Hayes, Stephen McCar- members tor their assistance and healthier place today if people would (a) develop thick- Para •.Window Si. ftbrio thy, James Merel and Philip J. Kridel's Corner, now! a committee to aid the post ILRtrer: -Ofer doof M. Twine Hunt. committee. Mrs. Claudia France, er skins and (b) if they would stop trying to wrap their Wales T.Zwgeftm Organisa- 8T.Isaatftf^ M. Square •on: Bib. ! Mr*. Frank A. Wright and Mn,children in cotton batting. -This does not mean that O IJMMant tions Sttpfatn H. Fatt ppoint* both parents and school teachers should cease to stress Century B.Blmto 3B.I*eefa 88. Wash to luskt tb» pott, Mrs- France UkSoftanMl Bbe M.Annadflto the moral virtues. It does mean that they should try M. Hardy 30. Open; 40. Natural conducted the meeting In the ab> poet aence U Mrs. Albert Adams to recover the sort of preservative sense of humor that Glean, for Call Union-Imperial for XT.DMng 83. Strike 41. Ogled was commonplace 20 or 30 years ago. a. To knock 84. Produce 44 SpXh eat: A to veytown ares. The same tire S&Amuss* I Letters companies responded and before SfWaera ll faI was qyer, in addition to the BOX STORAGE (Continued) tour New Shrewsbury companies, n ARE WE SWMWNGON Earle, Asbury Park, Bradley there* a, Household and Winter FOUE FIGHTER'S NEEDS Beach, FarrotogdaJe, West Keans- IS IT burg, Neptune, Ocean, Wana- S&fanttjr Wardrobe Woolens 326 Riverdale Ave., ssa and Waif, participated.' I Invader lit New Shrewsbury, N. J. t t % //A fa faY/< hope I have not omitted any. Kennedy* it V 'It A To the Editor: The operation was splendidly We'll keep your family's StCryof Z9 The April drought appears to beco-ordinated. The best techniques eurpriae n za woolens safe from moths over and it is appropriate for uswere used including bulldozing 88. Forward VAV. to give thought to its events. rebreaks, and backfiring, and part of 30 S V Si. end dust ell summer. ship % // In the face of tinder dry con- le fire was contained after burn- 54 is Fill as many boxes as ditions and strong winds, fire otf over a square mile. It 84. Capital: Idaho % % m Y/A fighters, almost all of them vol- passed completely around two S&Actreea 37 40 H needed in your home. unteers, fought courageously and tomes and they were saved, and Holm well beyond normal exhaustion. n 4+ We'll pick-up, and de- was checked right at the back 89. Bint-sat* '// a The fact that fires were con door of the Reeveytown Church «3.Rrnr; liver next fall, clean and tained, and that the loss of life and of numerous other homes. Kan. •*• ttOorapen- '// freshly pressed. Cosh and improved property in tills Uncontrolled, It would surely the Editor: Here is a copy of a letter I have just sent to the,Mayor and CO 4-9828 Council of New Shrewsbury thank- 787-0066 ing all who saved my summer home from the forest fire this 787-9676 week. n. I will appreciate it if you pub- lish this under "Letters to the 69 Editor" as soon as convenient so USOACHOtCt that all who worked so hard will ROUND STEAKS «*«» STEWING BEEF know that we appreciate their USDA CHOICE efforts which worked a miracle. CUBE STEAKS BEEF FLANKEN Yours truly, James G. Ferguson. FILLET CHUCK STEAK BEEF SHORT RIBS «^™ RD 1, Box 1MQ USDA CHOICE it 49c Keyport, N. J. PLATE BEEF GROUND BEEF NEW YORK-KEANSBURG Mayor and Council, New Shrewsbury, N. J. GROUND CHUCK «* «« .> 59c SHANK BEEF K»SOUP-BONE,M LONG BRANCH BUS LINE Gentlemen: My family and friends owe many people a great debt of gratitude for saving our summer home from the forest fire that recently raged over 500 acres of New Shrewsbury. We would like LOOK TO THE FUTURE! to thank everyone personally who planned so well and worked so Cling Peaches 4 99 with purchase of IOVJ OZ. can hard to accomplish this miracle, but of course we can't. However, Finast - Sliced or Halves RAID MOTH PROQFER we want them to know that we do sincerely appreciate their efforts. Will you please commend, and pass on our thanks to all of the fire companies who were there; JPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFREE ">» »«co.p.0 FREEtilllli to Chief Herring and his police department, and to the First Aid . GKtH STAMPS Squad. Also, please accept our thanks and congratulations for Mushrooms 4 89 with purchase of 1 quart can having such efficient organiza- tions. Quaker State — Pieces and Stems AREO WAX James G. Ferguson and Family. Illllllllllllllll Good thru Sat., May 11th FAIR HAVEN'S NEW MUNICIPAL BUILDING Fair Haven, N. J. {GREEN STAMPS To the Editor: with purchase of 12 oz. pkg. Sliced During the past.week the Bor- Creme Cookies 2; 49 ough of Fair Haven has received FINAST AMERICAN CHEESE excellent coverage and publicity Vista Pack - Deliriously Fresh in the news columns of your very Good thru Sat., May 11 tl fine paper. The fine public recognition that your paper has presented to its "YOU" GARDEN FROZEN readers in describing our new Municipal Building has been very rewarding to all of the members of the'Fair Haven Borough Coun- cil. Tomato Juice 29 STRAWBERRIES In addition, the editorial com- WHOLE ments made in the April 24th Finast - Full Rich just-right' Flavor edition were deeply appreciated 1ft. pkg. 39. by my family and I. It should be noted, however, that it was the combined efforts FRESH FLORIDA of many public spirited citizens S&H GREEN STAMPS and past and present borough of- ficials which led to the final com- - No coupons needed-buy all you want. pletion of this sorely needed pub- 325 EXTRA Offer good thru Saturday, May 11th, 1963 SWEET CORN lic building in our community. Sincerely, Exfra jjt?^ Green Stamps Extra &&/. Green Stamps Robert A. Matthews, with purchoM of 2 pair box lady Unox whti purchoM of Thra* 28 oz. boh. Councilman. Seamless Nylons White Rock Beverages - IADGE MEETS TONIGHT Extra dW. Green Stamps Exfra dv/. Green Stamps Mainstay Federal Sarin&s BRICK TOWNSHIP - Edgar with pvrchau of Shank or Butt HaK with purchaM of 4% ox. ]umbt« poc Dlnkelsplel, president of the Smoked Ham , Finast Stuffed Olives The Golden Book Encyclopedia of Shore Area Elks, announces that and Loan Association the group will meet at the Brick Exfra td^H. Green Stamps Exfra ^*f/. Green Stamps Township lodge tonight at 8:30 with purchait of a 2 Ib. bog ' with purchaM of 1 Ib. loaf o'clock. A report from the Honor Maid Franks Finast.Fruit Bread Natural Science 36 Monmoufh Street Red Bank Ocean County Health Department All in glorious color. A naw will be read. It refers to 'he Exfra d*?/. Green Stamps Exfra 4^i. Green Sfamps volum* on IBU ««ch w«ek. VoL Ml, 2 Insured Savings - Mortgage Lpans number of treatments given in with purttion of 1 Ib. pkg. with purthax of a 10 oi. PINAST the speech therapy clinic that Is Back Bay Bacon Appl*4taisin Coffe* Cake Wol.No.1 tt« avaHikiiMiy49o Now M nil 99 sponsored in part by the lodge. 8-lbwltr, 1Uy 6, RED BANK RECISTCH Miss Runge Celebrate AnniverM Adam and Eve 1* Honored XITfLE SILVER-iMr. indMn. 1 Anthony J. Strfaoo celebrated RED BANK-A suitfrise bridal their 25th wedding anniversary S8enKatz,Mr. and WfiC shower was given ia honor of recently at a cocktail party In ano Foderaro, Mr.' «tfMn. Miss Sandi Runge, 106 Harrison Harry GuetsloJf, Mr. and ttn. Ave., Fair Haven,' recently by their home, 1J4 North Sunnycrest Nick Romano, Mr. and Mri: fiftm One-Man Mutiny Dr. Miss Cathie-Woodward and Mrs. Arnbrosino, Mr. and Mrs Dom- p Chester J. Beaman in the latter's The-couplhecoupe were married April inlck Nananni and Mr. ind MM. (Do you have » persontl II you're worn out from sim- 1938, in St. Calfco- question or problem? Send it ply making your own bed each home. 23 East Westside Ave. lie Church, Red Bank. They are John Ferrogiari. to Adam or Eve Lowell or both, morning, think how the averagi , Guests were Mrs. Adrian Wood- the parents of ttiree children,; An- Also, Mr. and Mrs. EoWTiU- as you prefer. For a personal, housewife would feel. ward, Mrs. George DB Lorenzo, thony Stefano, Jr., Michael Ste- erico, Mr. and ' MB. .' X/pula Mrs. Anthony De, Lorenzo, Mrs. unpublished reply, enclose a Adam fano find Shftils. Ann SUffsjio. H^V^HMastria,, •••»•Mr-. --?and- MrsT—•*.- Rajmon—f,^—T—d stamped, self-addressed enve- Of course we don't consider Lois De Loreno, Mrs, Borden Mr. Stefano is proprietoor of DeDe ,. Carlo, Mr. anandd^ Mrt#«. ;Ctrl lope. Mail to ADAM & EVE, you an average housewife. Woolcott, Mrs. William "F*rro,' savercrest Barbershop, Uttle Garatpla, Mr.andMrs. /An care of The Register.) Mrs. Robert Hoftean. Mrs. Jack Anyway, I think your bride has Silverilver. PiiU Mrs.jAw^U an excellent point. It would be Josko, Mrs. Jack Masarai Mrs. Mrs. Rose Jentile,, Arnold' flBrt DEAR ADAM AND EVE: Kenneth Woodward, Mrs. Charles Guest, were Mr. and Mrs. v wonderful practice in self-re- Louis Montano, Mr. and Mrs. man, Thomas Ostrini, Mr.: iuJ(J I married a lovely, curvar us liance if EVERY husband in Woodward, Jr., Mrs. Lynn Wood- Mrs. Christopher Amecangelq and French girl six months ago and ward, Mrs. Jack McKenna, Mrs. George White, Mr; and Mrs. An= America began making his own thohy De "Mezzo, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Genovese. • brought her back to this coun- bed each morning. Charles McMahon, Mrs. Kenneth try. She is different from our Robinson, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Joseph Montano, Mr. and Mrs. Eve Robinson, Mrs. jacx Koomson, jusepu mvu«.i~, »"• -•— -— - BIRTHDAY PA*TY : girls in several respects — for Mrs. John Applegate,'Miss Catii- Nick Gentile, Mr. and Mrs. Dom- Eve, that's a great idea — inick Garruto, Mr. and Mrs. NEW MONMOUTH — Theresa example she wears no lipstick for all other husbands! eriiie DeLorenzo, Miss Betty Ann ever — hot only one thing gets DeLorena), Miss Linda Wilson, Americo Mosca, Mr. and Mrs. Levy, daughter of Mr. andMn. Adam Warren Levy, Keyport Rd., cele- me down. She makes me make GIFTS FROM CELEIRITliS to go on the block Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock for Miss Audrey Crispell, Miss Marshall Thompson and Mr. and DEAR ADAM AND EVE: Mrs. Beranan Halennan. brated her sixth birthday recent- my own bed each morning be- the benefit of Sisterhood of Monmouth Reform Temple are a iteel engraving of the Trudy Beaman, and Miss Regina fore going to work. She says Our 15-year-old son tells us th Beaman. Others were Mr. and Mrs. An- ly at a party in her .home. At- that in France it is often the cus- one of his high school teacher: White House from the First Lady and a signature portrait from Alfred Hitchcock," tending were Susan and. Sharon Talian, Susan and Billy-ftether- tom for each member of the fam a man, is racially prejudiced an in tha hands of Mrs. Max Karlman, left, who is serving as appraiser. Mri. Jack often makes prejudiced remark ington, Robin Gage, Liz Ann ily to make his or her own bed Futerfas, chairman of the event to ba held in the Little Silver Shopping Center, holds Noel Kidwell Engaged and straighten up their own in class. We don't like to b Ross, Barbara Coffey, laurit rooms, instead of the houswife tattlers, but don't you think n< a photo "In tha Church of Three Saints" snapped, in Kiev, Russia, by Norman Cous- Seeley, Isabel DeDenno, Linda doing all the work. I have told should be reported to the pri ins, and a tray from Gov. Richard J. Hughes. RED BANK — Mrs. Francis E. Cabin, Barbie and Diane Har- her this is absurd and that you cipal? Kidwell, 283 Spring St., has an- wood, Maryann Smkh, Rae Linda Eckert and Bridget Levy. . would agree with me. She doesn't Upset Pareni nounced the engagement of her believe me, so would you explain Dear Upset Parents: Contributions from Monaco and White House daughter. Miss Noel J. Kidwell, our domestic customs to her? Definitely yes, because such to Paul T. Higgins, son of Mr. TO ATTEND DINNER Thanks. teachings have no place in a TRENTON-Mrs. William SWp- Worn Out working democracy. He shouli and Mrs. Luke A. Higgins, 56 pen Davis of Fair Haven and Dear Worn Out: not be permitted to poison thi West River Rd., Rumson. Mrs. Torvald Ueland of Middle- impressionable minds of teen- To Auction Celebrities' Gifts Miss Kidwell, daughter also of town will be among those attend- agers. A biased person LITTLE SILVER-A steel en- Reform Temple. i elude a charcoal sketch by Al- the late Col. Francis E. Kidwell, ing the opening dinner for: the Bridal Shower shouldn't be teaching at all. graving of the White House from The auction will take place at|fred Hitchcock, a tray from Gov. is a graduate of the Convent of Multiple, Sclerosis Hope Chest NEW MONMOUTH - Miss Adam and EveMrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, a roy- 7:30 p.m. in a shop in the Little Richard J. Hughes, and other the Sacred Heart, Eden Hall, Campaign to be held Wednesday Rosemary Landwehr, 28 Cottage DEAR ADAM AND EVE: al crested silver spoon from Silver A & P Shopping Plaza items from Chief Justice Earl Philadelphia, Pa., and attended in, the Applegarth Inn, Hights- PI., Keansburg, was guest of While doing some houseelean Princess Grace of Monaco, and where the Sisterhood is holding Warren, Lily Pons, Norman Marymount College, New York. town. honor at a bridal shower held ing,-1 came upon a few thing! a book of color prints from Kirk a Stock Exchange Consignment Cousins, Claire Boothe Luce, Jan Mr. Higgins is an alumnus of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Euland recently in the home of Mrs. my husband had saved during h Douglas are among the collec- sale. The sale continues today Peerce, Marian Anderson and a Manhattan College, New York, are both members of the chapter James Starr Burke, 23 Locust tion of gifts from world - famous Army service. To my surprisi and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to raft of others. and is with the Great American board of directors and co-chair- Ter. he had a pack of letters from celebrities which will be auc- 4 p.m., and Wednesday from 10 Mrs. Jack Futerfas, 55 Willow men for the Monmouth Cbunty Attending were Mrs. Ben Pas- ioned Wednesday for the bene- Insurance Company, Boston, married woman. They were no a.m. to the close of the auction. Rd., New Shrewsbury, is in Mass. . . committee of the chapter. sione, Delanco; Mrs. Edward just friendly letters, they were fit of the Sisterhood of Monmouth Gift items to be auctioned in- charge of. the fund-raising event. Biedron, South Plainfield; Miss love letters. When I asked him Geraldlne Gallagher, Newark; about it, he didn't have much to HEADQUARTERS Miss Nell England, Jersey City; say. Miss Peggy Jean Burke and Then I asked him to get rid o: Mother of Year Conference Opens FOR Miss Bernice Shoemaker, Glass- the letters, but he strongly r boro, and Mrs. Harry Kurz, fused. TRENTON— Gov. Richard J. McFadden. She added, "Aware Miss Noel J. Kidwell GARDEN Union Beach. I know they are only words Hughes, in his official proclama- that so many of her friends, Also, Mrs. Terrence Cruse, written on paper, but since he tion instituting American Mothers neighbors and relatives will want SUPPLIES East Keansburg; Mrs. Donald will not give them up I feel she Week May 12 to May 18, paid to meet with us to do her honor DAR to Visit Sutton, Mrs. Frank Sutton, Miss means more to him than I do. ribute to Mrs. Leslie D. Seely at this luncheon, we have ar AT Maureen Allan and Mrs. Therein would like your opinion verj of Eatontown in the presence of ranged local facilities for reser- Gilman Farm Landwehr, Keansburg; " Mrs. members of the American vations." much. MIDDLETOWN — Tennent Harold Cambeis, Mrs. Dick No- Mothers Committee, Inc., at the Mrs. Wilbur Rau and Mrs. J. J. NEWBERRY'S Bewilderet Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri- ble, and Mrs. Wilbur Thalheimer, Dear Bewildered: signing of the document Wednes- Thomas Saunders of Eatontown DOWNTOWN RED BANK New Monmouth; Mrs. Elliott If there was any affair, it is day in his offices in the State and Mrs. William Suter of New can Revolution, Alledhurst, will Cameron, Mrs. Richard Donovan certainly all over and he wish House. Shrewsbury, have volunteered to meet tomorrow in the home of and Mrs. Leroy Geary, Middle- es merely to keep the letters as Mrs. Seely, who was at the accept reservations for the town. luncheon. Dr. and Mrs. C. Malcolm B. Gil- mementoes. Why start a big ceremony, was recently chosen 3T*Sfe#iSWS*Wti?t*3*'»I*SI Miss Landwehr will become the man, Navesink River Rd. hassle over it? as New Jersey Mother of the SEE SHERMAN'S bride of Robert John Oloney, son Adam Year by members of the com- 1 The Gilman Home, Blossom of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cloney I don't agree. Why should mittee. Also attending the sign- Officers Wives Cove Farm, is on the site of LARGE AND EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION of Brooklyn, N.Y., on June 1 in any memory of such an affair, ing-^ere Mrs. Frederick Wurtz, Gen. Clinton's Revolutionary St. Catherine's Catholic Church, or the tangible remains in the Eatontown, Mrs Seely's official Entertain Clubs War campground. East Keansburg. form of love letters, mean sponsor, and Mrs. James L. Mc- FORT HANCOCK-Military of- Dr. Gilman will speak on "The HEIRLOOM BEDSPREADS IN THE EARLY more to him than his own Fadden, Mendham, chairman of ficers' wives clubs in the New Appreciation of American An- AMERICAN and COLONIAL TRADITION RUMMAGE SALE wife's feelings? He can choose the state board. Jersey-New York area were tique Furniture" and will dis- MIDDLETOWN-The MacNeill Twin, Double 14.95 to 55.00 between destroying the letters Beginning today the candidates guests of the Officers' Wives play pieces from the family col-| Missionary Circle of the Middle- and or destroying his wife's faith elected by the committees in the Club of Fort Hancock recently lectioh. town Reformed Church will hold in him. 50 states, District of Columbia in the Officers' Club on post. Contributions made will go to! a spring rummage sale Friday, Eve and the Commonwealth of Puerto Mrs. Leslie D. Stely Spring flowers were the motif the Tennent Chapter fund for aid May 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 game PsCTitWt Feeling financially pinched' Rico meet for a week's confer- for the decorations. to DAR-sponsored schools. p.m., and Saturday, May 11 from several luncheon and dinner 20 Broad St., Red Bank Vrite Adam & Eve for a sensib' ence at the national headquarters Honored guests were Mrs. John Refreshments will be served. 9:30 a.m. to noon, In the church, meetings. Phone 741-2646 little booklet, How to Stretcl in the Waldorf Astoria in New T. Snodgrass, Mrs. Arthur Swan hall, Kings Hwy. Rear entrance Your Money, enclosing 25 ceni York City. The judges will announce their and Mrs. Peroivale Lovseth, Fort There's no Trick to Having Ex- Mrs. Harold B. Milhvard is choice of American Mother of from parking lot and a self-addressed, stampei Mrs. Dorothy Lewis, acting on- Totten, N. Y.; Mrs. Joseph W. tra Cash. You Get it Fast When chairman of the event. 1963 Wednesday morning. The LONG envelope. tional chairman of Mothers Com- Johnston, Mrs. Walter Lotz, Jr., You Use The Register Classified. Star Spangled Awards luncheon mittee, Inc., and her staff have Mrs. Harold D. McCormick, Mrs. honoring all the state mothers arranged for a gala week for John B. Corbly, Mrs. John S. will be held in the Grand Ball- APPLICATIONS NOW BEIN6 ACCEPTED FOR their visitors. Conducted sight- Schulke, Mrs. William G. Peard, room of the Waldorf Friday. 1963-1964 SCHOOL YEAR seeing tours have been planned and Mrs. John S. Jenkins, Fort and speakers of national reputa- Next week on May 17, Mrs. Monmouth. tion will address the guests at Seely will be honored at a lunch- On the reception line were Mrs. eon in the Shadowbrook, Eaton- Woodrow B. Sigley, president; Congregation B'nai Israel Nursery School town. The event is being spon- Mrs. Raymond J. Foley, vice Woman's Club Tea sored by the state committee and president; Mrs. Walter C. Mahr, Hance & Ridge Roads, Rumson, N. J. MIDDLETOWN—Mrs. Nicholas arrangements have been made secretary, and Mrs. Richard (Certified by State of New Jersey Department of Education) D'Anthony, membership chair- by Mrs. McFadden with the as- ; Curry, treasurer, all of the host man of the Woman's Club of sistance of local representatives. Iclub. Limited Enrollment . Non-Sectarian Middletown, was hostess at a "We congratulate Mrs. Seely Mrs. Raymond J. Foley was For further information call: 842-1800 tea last, week in her home on most heartily and welcome her chairman of the tea, assisted by Butler La. warmly as chosen Mother of the ladies of military units related Officers of the club present to Year from her state," said Mrs. or adjacent to this fort. explain the functions of the group were Mrs. Edwin Stanley, presi- dent", and incoming officers, Mrs. Ludwig Bilow, president; Mrs. Neil Scotti, first vice president, and Mrs. George Whelan, second ice president. New at Newberry's CUSTOM MADE Guests included Mrs. John Re- gan, Mrs. George Klein, Mrs. SLIPCOVERS and DRAPERIES Fred Trautwein, Mrs. Donald Al- Custom made slipcovers, cut and pinfltted on your furni- laire, Mrs. Thomas Conlin. ture. Expertly tailored to fit perfectly with zippers. Bis choice of better quality decorator fabrics in solids and' prints and florals. Also custom made draw drapes in any TWO-DAY SALE width and length. RUMSON-St. Mary's Guild of St. Georges-foy-the-River Episco- pal Church will hold its annual DO YOU rummage sale tomorrow from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Wednes- day from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in WANT A Ralph Hall at the church. Chair- Just in Time for man is Mrs. John Smith, who LOVELY will be assisted by Miss Ceil MOTHER'S DAY ~'ayne and Mrs. Charles Briggs. FIGURE? •

Only once a year! If your figure needs attention, Latest Hair now ii the time fo do it . . . before ihe beach season starts. Our exclusive, individualiied Fashion Styling methods guarantee a slimmer, prettier you. Call and see. A Chantrey on the lovely nylons insured Permanent Wave Introductory Special against runs, regardless of cause! FREE *16 • $18 • 520 A complete treatment, fres of HELENE CURTIS NEW charge, simply for phoning! DEEP SECRET PERMANENT GUARANTEED WITH EQUALON-THE MIRACLE PRE-WAVE INSUREDmwea® r Budget Waves Mpoh 7 doyi-Jrd pairNSURED, 14 doy,_3r®j polreriwrt-21 doy. We guarantee in writing a spe- REJUVENATING TREATMENT THAT opair r«pla4 Miss Lois Ann Rose, West Long urday to Robert Walter Hess at town, was maid of honor. Serving with a fitted bodice, scalloped The bridegroom,, also a gradu- Branch, was maid of honor. She Christ Church, Georgetown. Rev. as attendants were Miss Rose- neckline and long tapered ate of Long Branch High School, Wed To Daniel Ahem wore a full-length gown fashioned John R. Anschutz officiated. Mr. mary Ilvento, sister of the bride- sleeves. White roses were ar- received a B.S. degree from thi with a bodice of white organza Hess is the son of Mr. and Mrs. groom, and Mrs. Patrick Tartaro, RED BANK—The marriage of in marriage. Her long-sleeved ranged in a line from the bodice School of Hotel and Restaurant and a bell skirt of pale, green Walter J. Derenberg of New both of Long Branch. Miss Margaret Ellen Walsh, gown was of silk alpaca fash- to the end of the chapel-length Administration, Cornell Universi organza over taffeta of the same York. ty, Ithaca, N. Y. He is a candi- daughter of John Joseph Walsh, ioned with an insert band of train, which extended from All three wore dance blue cock- color. Her headpiece was a cloche Mr. Smith gave his daughter DATE date for graduation this spring 101 Patterson Ave., Shrewsbury, seed pearls and crystals at the skirt of controlled pleats. Her tail-length sheath dresses with de- of matching fabric and she in marriage. Miss Joan Can- I with a master's degree from and the late Mrs. Margaret Con- waistline in a cummerbund ef- fingertip veil of imported French tachable full-length overskirts and carried a cascade of carnations zonelli was her only attendant. I Cornell's School of Business am don Walsh, to Daniel Noel Ahem, fect. The panel-back skirt ter- illusion was attached to a crown matching cloche ' caps, They and pale green and yellow minia- Best man was Gerald Nicholl and Public Administration. son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. minated in a chapel train. The of orange blossoms and she- car- carried colonial bouquets of blue, ture roses. Paul Downing and Edward pink and yellow carnations with He is a member of Pi Kappa Ahern, 74 Grove St., East Keans- bride's bouffant veil was secured ried a cascade bouquet of pha- Other attendants, wearing simi- Knight were ushers. A recep- ivy and carnation streamers. Alpha, social fraternity; historian burg, was solemnized Saturday by a queen's crown of matching laenopsis orchids on a prayer lar gowns of pale yellow, were tion followed in the Army and The pair of flower girls, Blair of Alpha Phi Omega service fra- at a high Nuptial Mass here in pearls and crystals and she car- book. Miss Connie Odiotti, West Long Navy Club. "I and Lyle Kendall of Red Bank, ternity; former treasurer of Ye St. James Catholic Church. ried a white missal with rose- Maid of Honor Rev. William Gallagher of buds, lily-of-the-valley and min- Branch, sister of the bride; Mrs. The bride wore a dress of peau were dressed alike in full-length Hosts, scholastic honor society, Miss Joanne Olivadoti, Nep- Athol, Mass., officiated at the iature ivy. Frank Vozza, Pearl River, N. Y. de soie fashioned with a long- A I frocks of dance blue silk organ- and. former auditor of the board tune, was the maid of honor for double ring ceremony and was Miss Noreen O'Neill, Shrews- and Miss Bernlce De Michael sleeved lace bodice and chapel za. They wore matching coronets of directors of Hotel Ezra Cornell. her cousin. She wore a blue celebrant of the Mass. bury, a cousin of the bride, was Long Branch. train. She carried gardenias. and carried baskets decorated The couple left for Ithaca fol- crepe gown styled with a jewel maid of honor. The Misses Luel- Frank W. Odiotti, West Long She iS the granddaughter of TODAY with carnations and ivy. lowing the wedding. Mr. Walsh gave Ms daughter neckline, bracelet sleeve and full len O'Brien, Red Bank; Dorothy Walter McKittrick of St. Louis. RUMMAGE SALE, Sisterhood skirt. She wore a crown of white Petruskie, Port Washington, Mo., and the late Mrs. McKit- of Congregation Beth Shalom, daisies with blue satin leaves N. Y., and Mary Popek, Brook- trick, and. of the late Admiral and] 8:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m., 106 outlined with pearls and carried lyn, were bridesmaids. All four Bride-Elect Mrs. Frank D. Berrien of New Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. Clarke-Keelan Rites in Keansburg a princess basket of white attendants of the bride wore full Haven, Conn. She is an alumna daisies and red roses. CONSIGNMENT SALE, Sister- length gowns of white organdy of Hollins College, Virginia, and hood of Monmouth Reform Tem- KEANSBURG—St. Ann's Cath- in marriage. She wore a long- effect. Their rose headpieces olic Church was the setting here sleeved gown of silk organza matched their gowns. The honor over blue taffeta, matching flower Plans July The bridal attendants were attended the Masters School. ple, 10 aJT). to 4 p.m., Little Sil- headpieces, and carried colonial Mrs. P. William Barricelli, Mr. Hess attended Windsor ver A &P Shopping Plaza. Saturday for the marriage of fashioned with a scoop neckline attendant carried a cascade of Miss Catherine Ann Keelan, outlined in Chantilly lace on the deep pink carnations and ivy, bouquets of tinted carnations. Keansburg, sister-in-law of the Mountain School and was grad- SHERRY PARTY, Clipt Wings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John fitted bodice. The full skirt was and the bridesmaids carried cas- Jay Ahern, Long Branch, was Ceremony bride; Miss Sally Shaffer, Atlan- uated from the University of 8 p.m., home of Mrs. William A. Keelan, 57 Terrace PI., to appliqued with motifs of match- cades of pale pink carnations. best man for his brother. Ushers tic Highlands, and Mrs. Wayne Michigan with a B.A. and M.A. Weber, 193 Kingfisher Dr., Oak Peter Joseph Clarke, Jr., son of ing lace and styled with redin- John Collins, Long Branch, was were John Moore, River Plaza, Carhart, Belford. Their blue degrees. He is with the legis- Hill, Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clarke, Sr., gote-effect side panels of Chan- best man. Ushers were Robert brother-in-law of the bridegroom; crepe gowns and headpieces lative reference service of the MOTHER - DAUGHTER BAN- 10 Daniel St., New Monmouth. tilly lace terminating in a chapel McGowan, Leonardo; Martin James and Thomas Walsh, at were styled like the honor at Library of Congress. home, brothers of the bride, and tendant's and they carried prin- QUET, Evening Department of Rev. Stanley Levandoski offi- train. Her four-tier veil was held Weokenman, New Monmouth, and Edward Murphy, Toms River. cess baskets of white daisies and the Red Bank Woman's Club, 7 ciated at the ceremony and was in place by a double crown of Rlchar' Mattushik, Lodi. The bride is a graduate of Red pink snapdragons. p.m., Fellowship Hall, Red Bank celebrant of the Nuptial Mass pearls and crystals and she car- The bride, a graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School and Methodist Church. which followed. John Peter ried a missal with white roses, Bank Catholic High School, is a Edward Fiore, Long Branch, the Katharine Gibbs School of Keelan, brother of the bride, phalaenopsis and ivy. secretary at the Lily-Tulip Cup twin brother of the bridegroom, New York. She is employed as TOMORROW served as altar boy. Mrs. Mildred Miss Elizabeth Daly, Keans- Corporation, Centerville. was best man. assistant registrar at the Kath RUMMAGE SALE, Sisterhood Tcrwilligcr, cou3in qf the bride, burg, was maid of honor. Brides- The bridegroom, a graduate of Ushers were P. William Bar- arine Gibbs School, New York. of Congregation Beth Shalom, was organist and soloist. A re- maids were the Misses Marilyn Middletown Township High ricelli, Keansburg, brother of the The bridegroom is an alumnus 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 106 ception followed in the Presiden- Loder and Pat Ryan, Keansburg, School, also is employed at the bride; Guy Sjjniscalco, Long of Croydon Hall Academy, Leon- Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. tial Room of the Molly Pitcher and Carole Clarke, New Mon- Lily-Tulip Cup Corporation. He Branch, and John Marrotta, Bel- ardo, and St. Anselm's College, Inn, Red Bank. mouth, lister of the bridegroom. is a member of thy U.S. Army ford. John McQuarrie, Matawan, CONSIGNMENT SALE, Sister- Manchester, N. H. He served in for They wore identical gowns of Reserves. was ring bearer for his godmoth- hood of Monmouth Reform Tem- Mr. Keelan gave his daughter the U.S. Navy as a lieutenant and powder blue satin peau styled The couple will make their er. Draperies • Slipcovers ple, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Little Sil- is now associated with Broadcast with scoop necklines, cap sleeves home at 22 Waackaack Ave., oh Bedspreads • Blinds ver A & P Shopping Plaza. Music, Inc., in New York as su The reception took place In Plan Tag Days and bell-shaped skirts with tiny their return from a Florida wed- • Shades • Curtains pervisor of royalty payments. Buck Smith's Restaurant, East LUNCHEON, Monmouth Coun- bows emphasizing the side drape ding trip. Complete Installation Service ty Chapter of the College of St. After a reception in Crysta' Keansburg. RED BANK — Bnai Brith SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE Elizabeth Alumnae Association, Brook Inn, Eatontown, the couple Wedding Trip Women will sponsor Tag Days 747-4422 12:30 p.m., Shadowbrook, Shrews- left on a wedding trip to Florida for Bnai Brith charities begin- Following a wedding trip to bury. They will make their home in ning today through May 10 in the Miss Donna C. Vroman the Poconos, the couple will FLOWER SHOW, Holly Club of Lutheran Church Rites Eatontown. make their home at 302 Carr greater Red Bank area. Mrs. M. Sea Girt, 2 to 9:30 p.m., Govern RUMSON — The engagement Ave., Keansburg. or's Cottage, National Guard David Rodetsky is chairman. of Miss Donna Clare Vroman to The bride was graduated from Camp Grounds, Sea Girt. H. David Kreidler has been an- For Kathleen L. Folie President Middletown Township High Sixty per cent of all manufac- nounced'. She is the daughter of MIDDLETOWN — King of School and is employed as a le- There's no Trick to Having Ex turing jobs are in the New Eng- wreath of white carnations and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett E. Vroman, Kings Lutheran Church was the gal secretary by Roberts, Pills- tra Cash. You Get it Fast When land, Middle Atlantic and East babies'-breath. Rumson Rd., Rumson. Mr. Kreid- To Speak bury and Carton, Atlantic High- You Use The Register Classified. North Central States, the Labor setting here Saturday for the Miss Diane Kegley, New Mon- ler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. SHREWSBURY -Sister Hil lands. —Advertisement. Department reports. marriage of Miss Kathleen Lois mouth, was the bride's honor at- Homer F. Kreidler of West Alien- 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury Folie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tendant. She wore a ballerina- degarde Marie, president of the The bridegroom was graduat- College of St. Elizabeth, Convent hurst. Dally 9 to 5: SO David T. Folie, 81 Seventh St., length dress of blue nylon tricot ed from Long Branch High Station, will address the Mon Miss Vroman is an alumna of '•"-%K^a Belford, to Bruce Spencer Muh, and carried a cascade bouquet of School and served in the Army Frl. 'til I mouth County Chapter of the Chatman Hall, Chatham, Va., and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. pink carnations. Engineer Corps. He is employed RED BANK'S ONLY Alumnae Association at a lunch Mount Holyoke College, South Muh, 38 Brevent Ave., Leonardo. C. Douglas Muh, at home, was eon meeting tomorrow at 12:30 Hadley, Mass. She is a membe Cold Storage Vaults I Rev. Roger C. Burkina, pastor, best man for his brother. Thad- p.m. in the Shadowbrook. of the faculty at Forrestduli deus Kenzia, Keansburg, and Ray officiated at the double ring cere- She will speak on her recen School, Rumson. Westgate, Leonardo, were ushers. mony. Roger McKenzle was or- trip to Rome where she attended Mr. Kreidler was graduated The bride attended 'Middletown ganist and Mrs, William Feathers, beatification ceremonies for from Wllllston Academy, East- FOR FURS AND WINTER WOOLENS Township High School and is em- soloist, A reception followed In Mother Elizabeth Seton. hampton, Mass., and Duke Uni- ployed by B & B Apparel, Main SPECIAL BOX STORAGE PLAN Oslp's, Leonardo. Mrs. Richard A. Haynes, 99 versity, Durham, N. "C, where he St., Belford. was a member of Delta Tau Delta • londsd Roiiftman • Iconomicot RatM The bride was escorted by her Silverbrook Rd.,f Shrewsbury, The bridegroom, employed by and Mrs. Frank P. Zlmmer, Jr. fraternity. He Is a second lieu- father. Her street-length gown C. Muh Drilling Company, Leon- tenant with the New Jersey Na- wan of white nylon fashioned with 407 Baltimore Blvd., Sea Girt HUFFMAN*/? BOYIE ardo, also. attended Middletown are in charge of luncheon reser tional Guard and Is employed as LEON'S a long-sleeved fitted bodice of Township High School. a sales supervisor with the group vatlons. WHITE ST. • SH 7-2800 • RED BANK Alencon lace. Her walat-Iength On their return from a wedding division of Metropolitan Life In- FINE HOME FURNISHINGS «r,d BROADLOOM veil was held In place by a trip to the Pocono Mountains, the - ftjonclny, MHay 6, 1963—9 surance Company In New York queen's crown of seed pearls and couple will reside at i] Burlington City. Rt. 35 Circle?Eatontown—Liberty 2-1010 sequins ant'she carried a bridal Ave., Leonardo. RED BANK REGISTER A July Redding is planned. • " : \ W-lW»y, Uty 6. 1963 * BED BANK KEGISTCR vmc-TV

TV Key TELEVISION WNEW-TV TV Key from their agent* $?•# 7—Fill By STEVEN H. SCHGUE* v MONDAY AETEJWOOH •.*•* are short-lived Wnvir, indica- Preview S-Film-AJoma Of The South 1949-4! Question -r At last, and long overdue, we have something new tions show "Hie p»kota»" mam 1-Love Ot LUV^ertal ' Seas-1941-75 Min. "" :» not return to die ABC lineup, today's top television shows 5-Sandy's Hour—Children 4—Johnny Canon and very wonderful in TV; he- as previewed and selected by 4-Your Flrtt. hnpreutoa roes. I'm referring to Jack Elam next season. v, 7—Ernie Ford-Variety 7-HJghway Patrol-Police Will TV Key's staff of experts who on "The Dakota*." I have been 9-Fire»ld« Theater 9—Film—The Wild Dakotas— —Government Agents Vs. attend rehearsals, watch screen- an avid Elam fan for years and Question — Has Arlene Fran- U-Merry Mailman 1956-80 Min. Phantom Legion cis ever made a movie? My sis- ings, and analyze scripts in New was overjoyed when he finally 13—Russian For Beginners 11—Three Stooges 11:25 ter says Miss Francis wed to be York and Hollywood. 12:35 got a regular starring role on a THE LUCY SHOW. (Repeat) A 12:8 MONDAY EVEMNO a silent film actress but hasn't J—Newsr-Reasoner 9—News ft Weather TV series. After the dozens of worked in talking ptetures.-Mrs. funny, slapstick episode. Lucy t:M 11—News syrupy, toc-good-to*e-real he- •.•: '.' '..' lli» * - i. M., Albany, N..Y; and Vivian try to sleep in 7-NoW« \ I2:M roes, Elam's characterization is 2—Search For Tomorrow Answer — Miss Francis recent- double bunk bed usually used by W-What's New-Chi!dre» ' 5-News .-'•'•• a delight. And, Mess his heart, the bojjs. For three quarters of .4—Truth Or Consequences—Quit I:1J ly completed a film with Doris 5-Cartooos—Tom Gregory . have never seen this man over- Day called "The Thrill of .It All" the show, Lucy and Viv are eith- 4—Local New« iw.: . wt. Mrs. A. C. H., St. Joseph, er getting in or getting out of 7—Father Knows Best—Series 7-Weather 2—Film—Age-Of Indiscretion— and appeared as James Cagney's 9—Memory Lane—Joe Franklin IU. the .bunks. The scene is similar 1:20 1935-1 Hr. ?5 Min. wife in the 1861 movie, "One, ll-Rocky And His Friends Answer - Few TV actors re- to a Laurel and Hardy railroad 7—Sports—Howard Casell 1:00 Two, "Three." She was never a 1 lS=Home Nursing Story 1:30 4-News :eive suoh glowing praise even silent film star. She is currently berth sequence and is. almost as U:« amusing. Lucy's latest is using 5—Mickey Mouse Club 5-Film-Hannah Lee—1953-90 >n the Broadway stage in 2-Guidlng Light-Serial 7—News—Ron Cochran Min. . Tchin-Tohin." stilts for the top bunk climb and II—Merry Mailman—Children she's wonderful with them. Fans, U—Yogi Bear—Cartoons 1:05 Anti-pollution 12:55 13-Profile: New Jersey 4-Headllne tune in if you missed'this be- 4—News—Ray Scherer Question — Why don't you do fore. 8:30 p.m. CSS. Gov. R. J. Hughes 1:15 one of those short biographic 7-Film-Speed To Space-194»- RIFLEMAN. "The High Coun- «:40 Boating Bill sketches on Lome Green of "Bon- 2—Burns & Allen 4—Weather Richard Arlen try." (Repeat) Good western 4—Afternoon Drama . ' anza"?—F. D., Memphis, Tenn. 1:45 1:35 Answer — All night, I will. Our hero accidentally shoots a 5-Cartooas 4—13th Hour—Drama Action Due mountain man, goes up to the 2—News—Robert Trout Greene has an extensive back- 7—General Hospital 4—News—Hunlley - Brlnkley 2:05 TRENTON — State boat own- hills to explain the accident, is 11—Ramar Of The Jungle 4—Sermonette—Religion ground in theatre, radio, movies falsely accused and sentenced to 7—Focus On The News •rs and literage firms, as well and IV. His acting days began 13—Fun At One 7:00 2:30 five years of bondage. There's 1:25 2—Film—The Case Of The is tug and ferry operators will in radio In Canada where he was a good fight at the end with 4—Biography—Documentary born. In those days he was known 5-News 5—Outlaws—Western Stuttering Bishop-1937-85 watch closely today for the treat- ace villain James Cdburn, and l:tt Min. as "The Voice of, Canada:" While male viewers will. wonder why 7—Ann Sotheni—Comedy ment; of a proposed anti-pollu- visiting the U. S. in 1950, he PERMANENT PANELISTS — Actress Jayne Meadows and 2—As The World Tunis 9—Merrytoon Circus 3:55 Lucas wants to escape from a 5—Film—That Man From 2—Film—Patient In Room 18 (Son bill expected to come be- landed a lead on "Studio One" producer-writer-comedian are permanent 11—News—Kevin Kennedy and has been working in the lovely Daisy Mae type. 8:30 p.m. Tangier—1953—90 Min. 13—Russian For Beginners TUESDAY MORNING 'ore the Assembly. / ABC U. S. ever since. His stage cred- panelists en NBC-TV's "Art Linkletter Show" each Mon- 9—Star And Story 5:45 Passage of the twice-amended DANNY THOMAS. Pleasant 7:10 its include "The Prescott Pro- day night. They make up two-thirds of the, panel of 11—Bold Journey 2—Previews measure, orginally sponsored by outing. Elevator operator Jose 2—Weather posals" with Katherine Cornell 13—New York Metropolis 5:50 Majority Leader J. Edward Cra- judges used on the show. The third member is a cele- Jimenez falls in Iovf with a cute 11—Local News and "Speaking of Murder." 1:50 2-Give Us This Day-Rellgkn >iel, D-Middlesex, and Clifton T. little tap dancer at the Copa club 7:15 Among his many films are "Pey- brity guest each week. 13—Careers Unlimited 5:55 3arkalow, R-Monmoiith, was pre- and asks for some courting ad 2—News ton Place," "The Buccaneers," 1:55 2—News licted this week by Mr. Crabiel. vice from Danny. WiHiams. The 4-News 7; 25 and "A Gift of Love." -He has gifl-tneets-boy scene is charm- 11—Weather 4—Sermonette—Religion Apparently disenchanted by a recently added singing, to his 0:00 ing and Jose's shyness carries 2—Password—Allen Ludden 7:30 >air of amendments applied to many talents with Hie release of Comedian Happy With 2—College of the Air the episode. Also men, check the 4—Ben Jerrod 2—To Tell The Truth he original bill, Mr. Barkalow an album. 4—Continental Classroom dancer — a newcomer by the 7—Day In Court—Drama 4—Film—Harry Black And The «st interest in the watered-down 0:30 strange name of Zeme North. 9 9—Of Men 'and Motives Tiger—1958-2 Hrs. measure and now supports me 2—Sunrise Semester Question —/Where can I write p.m. CBS. 11—Divorce Court 7—Dakotas—Western Kay-Hierlng Bill which has been Well-Paced Guest Shots 4—Continental Classroom to Clint Eastwood of "Rawhide"? 2:10 9—Film—Plunder Of The Sun— ocked in committee for more ANDY GRIFFITH. Rack up 7:00 —K. D., San Antonio, Tex. By HARVEY PACK even gives me a rooting interest 13—Places In The News 1953—90 Min. han two months. another good story for deputy 2—News and Weather Answer — "Rowdy" picks up When I first met Alan King in new acts booked for the pro- 2:25 11—Adventures In Paradise The original Barkalow-Cra- Barney Fife (Don Knotts). Bar- 4—Today—Hugh Downs his mail at CBSrTV, Television five years ago he was already gram. It reminds me of Wallace 4-News 13—Books For Our Time iel Bill would have prohibited ney loses his head again giving 7:05 City, Hollywood, Calif. , well established as TVs angry Berry's deal when he was with 7—News 8:00 11 discharge of raw sewage from orders to a couple of crooks. He's 5—Call To Prayer—Religion (For an answer to your ques- young comedian. Today, he's not MGM. Beery had a similar con- 2:J0 2—I've Got a Secret essels in tidal waterways of the terriby funny playing his idea of 7:15 tion about any TV program or quite as young (35), nor as an tract and every time Clark Ga- 5—Tightrope—Police tate. An amendment reported a good police officer end, natur- 2—House Party—Art Linkletter 5-News actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- he'll substitute for Garry Moore ble was given more money . .,. 8:30 ally, overdoes the whole bit. Gas 4—Doctors 7:25 st week would have required er^TV Key Mailbag, c/o this pa- tomorrow night, which is about up went Beery*s check." 2—Lucille Ball station attendant Gomer Pyle, 7—Jane Wyman 7—News • 200 sewage treatment devices per.) as near as he hopes to get, at Same as Home 5—Peter Gunn—Mystery another idiot, is around to help 9—Film-Clash By Night—1952— 7:30 board boats and would have this moment, to having his own Tomorrow night's show will be him out. 9:30 p.m. CBS. 90 Min. 7—Rifleman—Western irohibited overboard discharge 11—One Step Beyond 5—Columbia Lectures (how. built around Alan, and will even DAVID BRINKLEY'S JOUR- 3—Time Now For Music rom vessels not having such in 13—Museum Open House—Art 7—Early Bird Cartoons "Sure I wanted my own se- include a mock trial conducted NAL. A timely,, cm-location two- 2:55 iallations. MOVIE TIMETABLE 9:00 7:45 RED BANK ries," said Alan when I remind- by women who are bitter over parter on Haiti gets started by 5-News 7-King Odie The subsequent amendment ed him of our previous meet- Alan's comments about them in putting the present crisis in perr 3:00 2—Danny Thomas ccording to Mr. Crabiel, mere- CARLTON- 8:00 Ronun Holiday 3:50; 8:»: MiJicle ings, "but who needs all those his routines: "The Moore show is spective. Brinkley's thumbnail 2-rTo Tell The Truth—Panel 5—Cain's Hundred—Drama , requires treatment units on WorUM 2-00; 7:00; 1O:M. 7—Stoney Burke 2—Captain, Kangaroo problems. I do 10 a year for Gar- like home for me," explained history of its background lists il- 4—Loretta Young—Drama 5—Sandy Becker—Children loats built after Jan. I, next. He EATONTQWN ry, plus two repeats, which King, "I know the writers and literacy at 90 per cent; average 5—Doorway To Destiny 9—Surfside 6 ;aid the bill now, is only a token DRIVEJN- 11—I Search For Adventure 7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons makes me something of a regu- we work very well together. time between revolutions at 16 7—Queen For A Day 8:30 'stab at the problem." The sec- Cartoon 8:10: Mlfiole Worttr 9:U; lar. I play Las Vegas, London Doing 10 a year leaves me months; amount of government 11-How To Marrv A Millionaire 13—Perspectives ind revision was made on the laso: Romia Holiday - Witt. 9-.J0 7—Little Rascals LONG BRANCH and New York and I've got my plenty of time between shows to income spent on protecting the J:25 8:55 Assembly.\ floor without going year. Maybe some day I'll do work up fresh monologues as President at 40-per cent; and the 2—News—Douglas Edwards 2—Andy Griffith—Comedy iack to committtee, he said. BARONET- 4—Art Linkletter 13—Dateline: New Jersey 9am3on & The Seven Miracle* 3:20; my own show. It's like Garry was well as spend time with my fam- present incurrtbent's torture S:S0 0:00 The bill'now supported by Mr. 7;oo; 9:40; D&nferoui cht-rter 3:00; laying to me the other day. Ben- ily. I always tell young actors chamber as a place called lo- 2—Millionaire—Drama 11—Law And Mr. Jones 3arkalow was sponsored by As- 10:00 2—Life OI Riley—Comedy ASBURYPARK ny, Hope and Skelton can't go never to refuse work even ii it cally "Papa Doc's Beauty- Par- 4—You Don't Say! 4—Birthday House lembiyfiien Robert E. Kay, R- on forever, and when the indus- 5—Texan 2—Password LYRIC— means a cut in pay because you lor." All of which; among other 7—Susie :ape 'pay, and William T. Hier- A Long Day'a Journey Into Nifht try wants replacements, they savory items, sets the stage for 7—Who Do You Trust? 4—David Brinkley's Journal 7:00; S:32; Cartoon & Trallin t:22. can't be discovered while you're 11—Operation Alphabet ng, R-Ocean. won't take unknowns, they'-H want Brinkley's interview with Presi- II—Best Of Groucho—Quiz 5—Depulv—Western MAYFAIR- laying off. I thank my lucky stars 13—Profile: New Jersey This bill, it was reported, con- veterans. And Garry added that dent Duvalier tonight and in Part 13—Daily Grind 7—Ben Casey ' Nine Hours To Rama 2:45; 7:16; that I'm being paid for telling 9:10 ains general provisions regard 0:35. I'm a veteran . . . which is 4:00 9—Championship Bowling jokes, because even if they didn't IT next week. (Color) 10 p.m 9—Farm News ng the djschange of polluting ST. JAMES frightening but true." 2—Secret Storm—Serial 11—Best Of Groucho Lawrence Of Arabia &:00. pay me I'd still be telling them." NBC. 9:15 naterialsvftto tidal waters and 4—Match Game—Gene Rayburn 13—World at Thirteen NEPTUNE CITY Alan, caught on to the growing 9-7-News and Weather spells out regulations concerning 5—Felix And The Wizard 10:30 NEPTUNE CITY— suburbia boom and built most of While we're on the subject of 0:25 marine toilets. Day Of The Trillins 7:00; 10:10; his comedy monologues on the the Garry Moore show, I'd like Swift as a Stitch 7—American Bandstand 2—Stump The Stars "I have asked for it to be re- Frightened City 8:30. 9—Buccaneers - 4—New York Illustrated 5—News problems of those poor souls to comment on a crack recently 9—Almanac Newsreel leased," Mr. Kay said, "but I who are chained forever to a made in print by Garry's writer, Printed Pattern U—BoK> The Clown 5—Dragnet—Police can't get it out of committee." North off Red Bank 13—Children Growing 11—Steve A|Ien 0:30 mortgage and a lawn. His acid Coleman Jacoby. Jacoby, who, 2—Our Miss Brooks . Under the Barkalow-Crafoiel ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. comments, however, are based with partner Arnie Rosen, used 4:25 13—Face of Sweden till, the state Department of ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— 4—News 11:00 4—Dr. Joyce Brothers on his own experiences, because to turn out some pretty good 5—Topper—Comedy lealth would have to prescribe Notorious Landlady .1:00; »:10. Mr. and Mrs. King live in Great scripts for , 4:30 2—Newfr-Doug Edwards reatment unit specifications. HAZLET 4—NeWs—J.K.M, McCaffery . 7—Gale Storm—Comedy Neck, Long Island, a New York has apparently hired a press ag- 2—Edge Of Night—Serial 9—Jack La Lanne—Exercise LOEW'S DRIVE-IN- 5—News Cartoon 8:15: Gal Named Tamlto suburb, where they are raising, ent to help him plant some wit- 4—Make Room For Daddy FOGG AT JONES BEACH 7—News 11-Ed Allen 8:22; U:50; Fancy Pantt 10:ao. in addition to grass, two sons. ticisms in print. Recently Jacoby 7—Discovers '63—Children 13—Parlons Francais II PERTH AMBOY A Girl Likes Him was credited with saying that he 9—Chubby Jackson—Cartoons 9—Film—See 7:30 p.m. NEW YORK (AP) - Fritz 9:45 leaver, an actor best known for MAJESTIC- "I did the boy scout bit yes- lives in a neighborhood fre- 13—American Economy ' 11—News—Murphy Martin Oritlcs' Choice 2:20; 1:10: 10:00: War 13-Wonder Of Words iramatic roles, is to portray ! terday," said popa King. "Hun- quented by burglars and thieves 4:55 13—Religion In the News Lover 4:15; 8:05. . 11:10 9:55 Phineas Fogg in Guy Lombardo's EDISON dreds of kids shouting questions and his apartment has been ran- 7—American Newsstand 4-News 9-News 4—Weather musical "Around the World in MENLO PARK CINEMA"*- at me, but my boys were proud. sacked so may times that he in- 10:00 5:00 5—Film—Tonight We Raid 80 Days," which is to be the Critlci1 Choice 2:10; 4:36; 8:4t; 1:00. The older one—he's 12—brought stalled a burglar alarm. Jacoby 2—Calendar—Reasoner a date with him and I made a claimed that when he got off the 2—Love That Bob—Comedy Calais—1943—1 Hr. 40 Min. iummeMong exhibit at Jones WOODBRIDGE 4-Film-Dakota Incident- 1956 7—Local News 4—Say When—Art James 3each Marine Theater. DRIVE-IN- big impression. The girl told me elevator and heard the alarm he 5-Film-Midnight Taxi-1937- -75Miq. 11—Steve Allen The show is based on the Os My Six Loves 8:05; 11:30; Sunpwn It was the first time she had told his wife, "They're playing 90 Min. & The Seven Miracles 10:06. 7—1 Married Joan 11:15 :ar-winning film made by Mike been in a Rolls-Royce and seen our song again. 7—Answering Service MONTCLAIR color TV. And I thought it was 9—Zoorama—San Diego 2—Weather "odd. Weaver's first musical I happen to live across the 9-Film-Clash By Night—1952- rorkout was last season in "All CLAIRIDGE— me." 11—Dick Tracy—Cartoons 4—Local News Wonderful World Of Th« Brothers street from this gag writer and 90 Min. .merican." The Kings are going to Europe 13—Once Upon A Day—Children 11:20 Grimm 8:00. I'm very fond of Coleman and 2—Film—My Heart Belongs To II—FiIm-7-Getting Gertie's Garter for the summer and Alan will do his wife, but I must defend mj 5:25 ll-Rocky And His Friends Daddy—1942—1 Hr. 35 Min. —194&-9O Min. a TV show in England where neighborhood. The only burgla: 10:05 he's a big name. "If they ever I've ever seen in the neighbor 13—Experiences In English ihow Garry's program in Eng- hood is Coleman, armed with pei DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchum 10:25 land . . . I'll get top billing," and paper, running around steal 4-News he said, "Attually, when I ing jokes. In fact, I've been 13—Science Corner worked for Perry Como, and his Jacoby's apartment if anybody 10:30 program was bought for British did actually break in it was prob 2—1 Love Lucy-Comedy TV, it was in my contract that ably some poor hotel owner trj 4—Play Your Hunch all of my act had to be re- ing to get his towels back! 10:45 CARLTON EATONTOWN moved. It's hard enough to dig RED BANK DRIVE-IN THEATRE 13—Parlons Francais II ROUTE 35 *t \he CIRCLr up fresh material for Britain TO MEET TOMORROW 11:00 without repeating myself from HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Clifto 2—McCoys—Comedy • NOW AT BOTH THEATRES * American shows." G. Wells, will entertain membe 4—Price Is Right Alan considers' Garry Moore of the Twenty Club tomorrow 7—December Bride the brightest and smartest man her home, 55 Fifth St., whei 13—Time Now For Music 4 ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS! in TV, "which is understandable Mrs. Ann Martin, Highland Ave. 11:20 because Garry likes him, too. "I will celebrate her birthday. 13—Experiences In English have no contact with Garry, but 11:25 ; GREGORY PECL it's understood that no guest is The first university press wa 5—News to b; paid more than I receive. established at Cornell • Universit' 11:30 AUDREY HEPBURN This is a pretty fair deal and it in 1869. 2—Pete And Gladys—Comedy as the princen who yternt 4—Concentration—H. Downs for V\f common louch 5—Romper Room WILLIAM WYLERS Among fashion's delights, count 7—Seven Keys this lean, easy-waisted sheath! 9—Playhouse 30—Drama AT THE ' TWO main pattern parts—straight 11—Superman EtTONTSn up and down sewing in jersey, 11:40 MOHmojiih I ClUClf silk, cotton. 13—Places In The News A nviwoN OF «. H. MACY A CO., tHO. Printed Pattern 9411: Jr. Miss ...the, Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 takes 2% yards 35-inch fabric. Miracle HAVE YOUR RUGS Fifty cents coins for this worker pattern — add 15 cents for each tta. IS. * T i_ pattern for first-class mailing Starts WEDNESDAY STARRING ANNE BANCROFT FREE TRAIN RIDES PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED and special handling. Send to AND INTRODUCING PATTY DUKE FOR THE KIDS Marian Martin, The Red Bank BY OUR SPARK-L-ENE PROCESS Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York 11, N. Y. Print *Afe AN*0*0 TOOK A LONG WAK.XN "Miracle Worker" 2-7-10:45 "Roman Holiday" 3:45-8:45 For mosostt 9x129x12domesti' domestic rugs. f\ plainly name, address with zone, WHAT? «/WA size and style number. 6URSS m VACANT IOT!* Includes pick up and delivery. FREE OFFER! Coupon In Spring Pattern Catalog for one MUSICAL WEDNESDAY There's no Trick to Having Ex- This scientific quality-controlled method cleani pattern free—any one you choose RED BANK—The River Street tra Cash. You Get it Fast When your nipn clean thoroughly from front to back— You Use The Register Classified, In the most from 300 design ideas. Send 50c School will present a music festi- explosive A Y and gently, too. Fluffs up the pile like new and now for Catalog. —Advertisement. brings out fresh colorful li val Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the adventure MAYFAIR PZ 1 ST. JAMES school auditorium. The program of our tlmel FRATERNITY HONORS Hortt Burcholi 7 Academy Awards! Have your carpeting and upholstery AUBURN — Peter F, Olseq, a s under the direction of Miss "Lawrence of Arabia" Auguste Broadmeyer, supervisor- "NINE HOURS TO graduate student at Auburn Uni- ALL SEATS RESERVED cleaned at home by our Sunny-Glo® method ersity from Red Bank, N.J., will or of elementary music, and Miss RAMA" m Choice Hf»ti Now On 8>ll Csrptling, from »c iq. ft. (min. order $20) be among 27 staff members and Joesphine Means, music teacher Chair (I cushion), from J8; Sofa, from M.fS raduate students honored Thurs- for grades six, seven and .eight. (mill, order $12) day at the initiation banquet of The festival will include choruses ASBURY Chair and tola bottoms rawabbad, from 9.95 LAURENCE HARVEY Sigma Xi, national scientific hon- rom grades four through eight. FRANCE HUYEN LYRIC PARK BARONET orary society. Speaker for the The newly organized orchestra CALL OSbome 1-2500, KEIIoq, 1-2400 If you wq»r HI to ivent is Dr. Ralph Thorson, also will perform. This orches- HYER KalherIK* Hepburn 2 Exciting Hltil call for your rugs, or for at-home carper ana) chairman of the biology depart- "SAMSON and the 7 furnlfyre cleaning tra Is under the direction of Rob- "Long Day's ment at Notre Dame University ert Spencer. The program will MIRACLES" plut ftiig Cleaning CDept. 18»), lamberger't HonmouHi, Journey Into Night" "Danatraui Charter',' A»4 at rVamui, Menlo Farf,, Newark. Monlrtewa and director of the Lobund Insti- Include selections (rom the clas- end flolnllald. • tute. Olsen -Is majoring In zoo- sics, folk songs and popular se-" AMERICAN Furrhcr Theatre Information Call SH 1-9400 logical science at Auburn. ections. Singer Set to Deliver BJ-ID BANK REGISTER Monday, May *, too* uun The minis.tr/ school program1 BAZA* JULY 11 for regularly training ministers, HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Alton pte Concjert under the supervision of Mr. 5th Lecture Parser entertained the Episco- Parikerrter who has served with 1 pal Women's group of St. An- Only 1 Out of 8 FAIR HAVEN - Richard H. the local congregation since 1956, In Red Bank drews Episcopal Church recent- Pankenier ol 207 Park Ave., Newlas been continuous since 1943. RED BANK — Miriam Make- Monmouth, ministry school su- ly in her home 'on North St. », Xosa tribeswoman who will pervisor of the local congrega- He has announced that the en Plans for the summer bazar July Persons Snores >e featured in a concert Thurs- tion of Jehovah's Witnesses, will rollment has increased to such 11 and 12 were discussed. Mrs. ay at 8:15 p.m. In the Carlton deliver the fifth in the series of an extent that the second school Emil Aufieri conducted the meet- •on* By HAL BOYLE Theater, may never be able to public lectures at Kingdom Hall, will be inaugurated Thursday at ing. Members of the Girls return to her native South Afri- 58 Forman St., Sunday at 3 p.m. Kingdom Hall. Friendly Sponsors of the church NEW YORK (AP)-rTWi«» • Twain's favorite dish was frog ca because of harsh racial re- Mr. Pankenier- will speak on Anyone attending the meetings will feature a booth at the bazar oolumnUt might never know if he legi. Poet John Milton, author of frictions. "Are the Nations Headed regularly may be matriculated, and assist at other booths. didn't open bitjnuH: "Paradise Lost," had three mar- Recently, however, she will' Armageddon?" and will disclose' Only one out of eight persons is riages—none happy. ingly donated her cervices and "Can It Be Avoided? Who Willfl Aid to more, regularly. But I before you buy or build, see Some 22 million Americans don' made a triumphal return to AM Survive What is Ahead?" think every human being, from have a single natural tooth in thei can soil to make a five-day the age of nine to ninety, will heeds. round of concerts benefiting •lore occasionally—U tired MARINE VIEW Here's something you probably "Youth Helps Youth," an organ- enough. didn't know about women-tbey ization dedicated to aiding and SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Damon Runyon thought a writer dream more often than men do, educating orphans in Kenya "TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" oouM turn out his best prose while About 90 per cent of all U.S. East Africa. seated facing a blank wall. Mark aMty transactions are handled She was generous with her Branch Office by check. talents while in Kenya, perform- MAIN OFFICE 874 Highway 35 H you don't have at least 5C ing at four fund-raising concerts (Five Corners) Atlantic Highlands •LUHR'S -^ KIDS headaches a year, you are nol and appearing at the largest S3 First Avenue doing your fair sharj of the na hospital there. Crowds are nol MIDDLETOWN tlonal worrying. ew to Miss Makeba, but even OS 1-2400 291-0100 SCHOLARSHIP WINNER is Miss Jeanne Sieh. right, Quotable* her most enthusiastic New York | senior at Middletown Township High School, who re- or London audiences could not! Our quotable notables: "Histo- ceived the $750 award Thursday from Mrs. John Carch- compare to the ovation she re- ries are more full of examples of ceived before crowds in excess- the fidelity of dogs than of man of Elberon, a vice president of the Monmouth Coun- of 50,000 wildly cheering fans of Here's how to unscramble your life friends."—Alexander Pope. ty Dental Auxiliary. The presentation was. made at an both races. Teddy Roosevelt was the firsl auxiliary luncheon in the Spring Lake Golf and Country Her future activities include U.S. president to ride In an auto television commitments, and a mobile. He was the first to ride Club.: • ; film la conjunction with her old In an airplane, too. friend and mentor, Harry Bela- Fog causes twice as many auto- fonte, plus a return trip to Afri- mobile accidents as snow. ca in the late spring. New Orleans claims to be the Wins SchcActrship The shy, sensitive Miss Make- birthplace of both opera and jazz ba confesses her enjoyment at Richard H. Pankenier YOU'LL bt prori a»i happy, in the United States. aiding youth of all nations and! Scientists estimate that if oui Me, of the tram. me*, few Of Dental Auxiliary expresses pleasure in aiding Al- global population continues to in sail heat to year fcontl Call pha Phi Alpha fraternity, Lamb- LINOLEUM RUGS crease at the present rate by the SPRING LAKE— Miss Jeanne Michael J. Arnone, Red Bank, da Chapter, her local sponsors u today to order year supply 6x9 $3.25 7'/ 12x15 $14.95 Mrs. Herbert M. Sieh, Navesink ter. undergo more nervous strain thai Sales Up, Ave.. Locust, will major in dent- an astronaut In orbit. Many Patterns and Colors al hygiene at New York State To Choose From Some groups are now donating University, Farmingdale, L. I. Profit Down Enters ROTC ambulances to hospitals by saving A member of the Student Coun WORCESTER, Mass. - trading stamps. NEW YORK — Sales of Lily THE cil at Middletown Township High Charles R. Meehan, son of Mr. LADY BUXTON Wasn't it Bernard Shaw who Tulip Cup Corp. for the three and Mrs. Charles R. Meehan, Jewel Case by School,, she is president of the warned, "Do not do unto others months ended March 31 climbed sr., 5 Osprey La., Rumson Beads, earrings, bracelets, necklaces in one great big jumble? Can't Episcopal Young Churchmen of as you would have them do unto to about $25,697,000, compared RAILROAD find a thing? See how easily everything gets straightened out in a All Saints Memorial Episcopal N. J., recently was selected for Lady Buxton Jewel Case! Beads don't tangle apy more. The biggest you—their tastes may be diffei with $25,129,000 in the same entrance into the Air Force Re- Church, Locust. necklace fits neatly. The tiniest earrings can't hide. Stones stay in ent?" period last year, Walter J. Berg- serve Officers' training program WAREHOUSE their settings. Dust stays out. There's room for every piece you own. Two Chicago researchers con- The presentation was made by man, chairman, reported. Cadet Meehan is a member of And you dress in no time flatl Heavenly colors. Mrs. John Carchman of Elberon, FLUHR cluded after checking more man Profits for. the period were the 340th Air Force ROTC Cadet a member of the auxiliary's FROM $4.95 to $22.95 200 couples that there is no such $885,525, or 28 cents per share, Group at the College of the Holy scholarship committee and vice OUTLET FUEL OIL thing as love at first sight. against $1,537,409, or 48 cents Cross, here, where he is a sopho- ; president in charge of fund-rais- 241 Highway 35, Eatontown In 1900 about 162 children out of per share in the 1962 quarter. more. Upon graduation and the BllPMER '.ALE s SfKi.ii 1 ing/The scholarship competition Jut Booth of Eatontown Circle a thousand died before they were The chairman said the decline completion of special courses Established Telephone was open to June graduates of Tl^i SM 1 6IOO a year old. Now the mortality rate was a result of several factors, while attending college, Cadet OPEN DAILY 9:30 to I:M SH 1-0001 Monmouth fcnd Ocean County 1884 is down to 25.3 per thousand. "some non-recurring and some Meehan will be commissioned a SAT. 9:30 to 6:30 high schools planning college 17 Broad St. RED BANK temporary in nature." second lieutenant in the U. S. majors in dental hygiene. Call 542-2020 The greater number of these GOSH! Seven Years Bad Luck! New officers installed at the factors had to do with the start- luncheon were Mrs. Martin J. ing up of Lily-Tulip's new man- SAVE PLAID STAMPS FOR FUTURE DIVIDENDS- AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A«Ps. But at least I can have my Cain, Jr., New Shrewsbury, presi ufacturing'. plant in Holmdel, and dent; Mrs. Anthony Villane, El- the closing of its plant in College mirror replaced immediately. beron, membership vice presi- Point, Queens, \,N. Y., and its dent; Mrs. Harold Schaff, West warehouse in The Bronx, N. Y. Long Branch, treasurer; Mrs. H. KAABE GLASS CO. Depreciation charges for the Martin ' Seligman, New Shrews three months were' up $529,300 • FREE ISTIMATES bury, corresponding secretary, over last year,' Mr.5 fiergman • FRH PICKUP AND MLIVMY ANYWHIM and Mrs. Robert Isaacson, Long said. The increase came as a • AUTO GLASS • FURNITUR! TOPS Branch, recording secretary. • MIRRORS • IOAT GLASS result of increased capital In- The program included a dis- 549-55T headway, long •ranch CA 2-3193 vestment, application ot new play of wigs by Tony.'s House regulations governing the lives of Beautv Lone Branch. Mrs. of depreciable assets and the company's practice of accele- rating depreciation wherever possible. The company's cash flow, 11 which Is depreciation and amor- A&P's Famous "Super-Right PORK tization plus net Income after taxes, amounted to $2,268,000 or 71 cents per share for the March 31 period, compared with $2,391, 000 or p cents per share for the corresponding three months las year. In addition to higher depreci- SMOKED ation charges, the company's first quarter earnings were af- fected by startup costs at Holm- Sugar Cured del that were heavier than antic- ipated. This was due mainly to Boneless delayed completion of the build- > C$mS*...Y*1SmitA tour of the borough and were shown some of the' fire house Bordtn's Homsginlztd " " , • CaUntu rM. I in. equipment. The Honk and Ladder C CALL Kl Hogg 1-2400, OS born* 1-2500 OR WRITI. Frt* dtllvtry within our dellvtry area. Company gave a demonstration FRESH MILK 2 i£ 53' 52 (Exctpt C.O.D.'i, add 50c). Moderate Orawi (Depr. 185), with the aerial ladder truck. Moll Uvtl, lambtrgtr't Monmouth. And at Paramm, Mtnlo Park, Ntwork, Morrlstown, Flalnfltld, Prlncttoi, Cherry Hill.; buying or selling? Use the Register Classified for quick re- Prices effective Monday and Tuesday, May 6th and ,7th in Super Markets and Self-Service stores only. mits.—Advertisement. All Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. tta Otfly Jour««| 4» j, IUJ 6, 1963 HH> BANK HEGiSTEH Bla the WBDiwt farvMtaMt jot To AddreM OMM la aidttta h« h»# « fiauoUJ vtr ma4a, MHfgwm

to attend .. v "SALUTE TO SHORE MOTHERS"


/ WITH COOPERATION SHEHflDI OF... SEA GIRT and SHREWSBURY WM STARTING TODAY THROUGH FRIDAY MAY 10TH with Dick Lewis Broadcasting Live from SHEHADI RUG CO. between the hours of 3 pm to 5 pm daily Here is your invitation to see and be a part of a live broadcast all this week during our special program "Salute to Shore Mothers." Organizations, families and friends all invited to visit and be inter- viewed live "on the air." Ideally educational for children. Organizations who wish to be interviewed, whatever day you choose, it would be appreciated if you would call in advance due to the limited number of reservations available. Please call as soon as possible, Gl 9-5900, thank you... Participating Credits Due to the Following... Pepsi Cola Courtesy Donuts and Coffee Courtesy Decorator film Courtesy Roses Courtesy FREE! PEPSI COLA COMPANY , BAKERS DOZEN AMERICAN CARPET J. J. NEWBERRY ASBURY PARK SPRING LAKE and BRICK TOWN INSTITUTE '; ASBURY PARK Candy Courtesy Auto Display and Prizes Music Courtesy { Prizes & Automotive Display SUGAR AND SPICE HOWARD HEIGHT FORD ROGERS RADIO DICK DAVIS RAMBLER SEA GIRT RT. 35, SEA GIRT MANASQUAN RT. 35, MANASQUAN •PRIZES Prizes Courtesy Gifts Courtesy Gifts Courtesy WALTER READE THEATRES JANET'S FREDRIK W. DONNELLY • GIFTS RT. '35, SEA GIRT & SON RT. 35, SEA GIRT • REFRESHMENTS


•••'•' '•• . .,' • t - . • -\ '• * • • . • • . , •'•' r . • • '-^' . • : WITH OVER 30 RETAIL BUSINESSES SERVING THIS AREA FOR YOUR CONSUMER QUALITY NEEDSI *

, OPEN DAILY 9 to 5:30 WED.

SECTION TWO MONDAY, MAY 6, 1963 7c PER COPY 1 m Elk s' Youth Day RED BANK —' The cadence It was Elks National Youth and West Bergen PI.'to Red marching units perform and gle''Corps; the Asbury Park Pitcher at the Battle of Mon- partment brought up the rear. lodge, presented the local boys' of nearly. 1,000 marchers and Day — so'proclaimed in Red Bank Stadium. '^ , receive trophies,: ' Boys Club Drum and Drill mouth. Awards Presented". leadership awgrd.to David Wil- the moving music of four bands ' Bank by Mayor Benedict R. On the warmest day of the Trophies were also presented Team; Monmouth College's The safety patrol of the Red The afternoon's activities liam Henderson, son of Mr. and and three dsum and bugle or- to non-performing units, and Blue Grenadiers Drill Team, Bank school system, led in were staged in honor of youth, Mrs. David Henderson of Wind' ganisations led to ceremonies Nicosia — and it was the an- year, and the warmest May 4 during the program individual and the Monmouth County the- parade by Deputy Police but the greatest individual ing Way,,. Little Silver. Edmund dedicating the day to youth nual Elks parade that led about in local history, the stadium leadership and .scholarship Trail Riders. ~ Chief Leroy McKnight, and the honors were bestowed upon H. Hanlon, district scholarship here Saturday. 3,000 spectators down Broad St crowd watched eight of the awards were given by the Red Marching awards were pre- Red Bank Elks' Little League Lynn Dusinberre of Fair' Ha- chairman and co-chairman of Bank lodge of Elks to several sented to Boy Scout Troop 8 baseball team were also recipi- v§n. Mayor Dusinberre, in the youth activities, awarded the area students. and Brownie Troop 64 of Red ents of marching awards. absence of his daughter, ac- lodge's scholarship award to After the invocation by Rev. Bank, Cub Scout Pack 32 of Also in the parade, leading cepted for her the local Elks', young Henderson. Ralph L. Barrett of Little 'Sil- River Plaza and Girl Scout. the way from Marine Park to first place awards for leader- Other awards went to James ver;* Enibury Methodist Troop 389 of Belford. the stadium, were Police Chief ship and scholarship (girls' W. Greene of Fair Haven for . Church) Harold A. Duncan, ex- . Molly Pitcher Float George H. Clayton and the competition), and the statewide scholarship and leadership, alted . ruler of: the lodge, spoke. Another trophy went to Mar- grand marshal, Charles "Ad- Elks scholarship award. Sandra Laing of Rumson for for his organization. He said iner Ship 44 of Belford for their die" Kind. The trucks of the Patrick J. Vaccarelli, chair- leadership and Marcia Keleman Youth. Day- was •"cpnc.eived .to unique float depicting Molly Red Bank Volunteer Fire De- man of youth activities for the of Long Branch for scholarship. combat, communism." It was meant, he explained,, to. be a contrast to the way in which May Day is celebrated in many parts of. the world. . Mayor Nicosia extended his personal welcome to the young' people of Red Bank and its environs and to New,Shrews- bury Mayor John E Lemon, Jr., Fair Haven Mayor Peter deK. Dusinberre, and Middle- town Mayor Earl Moody. Greetings also were offered by Walter E. Whelan, district deputy grand exalted "ruler'of the Elks' south central district; Gordon L. Vanhorne, district vice president of the New Jer- sey Elks Association; William Valentine, Jr., state chairman of the youth activities commit- tee, and John E. Deady, dis- trict chairman for youth activ- ities. The dignitaries on the re- viewing stand shared the du- TRIPLE AWARD WINNER Lynn Dusinberre, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Peter deK. ties when it was time to pre- Dusinberre of Fair Haven, accepts a certificate from Patrick J. Vaccarelli, left, chair- sent participation trophies to the Red,Bank High School man of youth activities of the Red Bank Lodge of Elks, and Edmund Hanlon of the Band, majorettes and cheer- lodge, district scholarship chairman. Miss Dusinberre won the local awards for leader- leaders; the Red Bank Catholic ship and scholarship and went on to state and national, competition. High School Band, majorettes and cheerleaders; the same units from Rumson-Fair Ha- EVERYBODY LOVES A PARADE —Broad St. in Red Bank shook to the tread of four ven Regional High School; the No Increase Keansburg Public School Ba.id; bands and nearly 1,000 marchers in, Saturday's Elks parade. The Rumson-Fair Haven the Neptune Shoreliners Drum Regional Band, above, and the Red-Bank High School Band, below, won participation and Bugle Corps; the Middle- trophies to take back to their:schools. The Elks this year decided against band and Seen in Rates town Township Drum and Bu- BEESLEYS POINT (AP)-Gov. drill team competition. . . Riahard J. Hughes says his pro- posed 20 per cent surtax on util- Not Lucky ities would not necessarily result In increased rates. "We have had certain differ- In limerick J ences with respect to the proposed POTTSTOWN, Pa. (AP)— John utilities tax required to meet the James Smith, 16., of Brooklyn, budget needs o& the stole," says .Je has, never differed as Hughes said Saturday at the much as a rtit linger In Brook- dedication of a new generating lyn-. ,-:.-1 ••,;.•..;;•' -, % station for the Atlantic _^ City Butjie's not so lucky when lie Electric'Co. * ~ , ;:. ^ § ** • visits a..brother in jmt neart>y_ "I wouW hope that our differ- rural community of Limerick. ences can be discussed reasonably In the past {our years he's and that this matter be kept in visited the brother four times. proper perspective, for example, The first year he fell while run- that it be clearly understood by ning and broke an arm; Last all that 52 per cent of the burden year he fell from a bike and of this tax will be absorbed by broke a leg. Yesterday while the federal government and not wading in a creek, he suffered necessarily be reflected in in- a severely cut foot. creased rates," Hughes said. SCHOLAR AND LEADER David William Henderson, son Queen of Aggies N.h News Briefs of Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson of Winding Way, NEW BRUNSWICK (AP)^-Mjss On Page 3 Today Little Silver, accepts Elks scholarship and leadership Elaine WicMiam of Cherry Hill, a Douglass College junior, on New Jersey News Briefs, a awards from Edmund Hanlon of the Red Bank Lodge of Saturday became the queen of regular'. feature of this page, Elks. David is editor of his yearbook at Red Bank High the Rutgers College of Agricul- c will be found today on Page 3. and.heads the National Honor Society there. ture's annual Field Day. N.J.May Have State Song It Is By MARGOT SMITH people are included in the local official acceptance. "More im- RED BANK — Those who library, her whodunnits are portant to me," she adds,, "is heard the Red Bank Catholic viewed on television and a having people sing it and enjoy greet-card verse she wrote as a it." She holds "N. J., U.S.A." High School presentation of child is reprinted annually. "N. J., U.S.A." at the Elks' 'So Much To Do' separate from her commercial projects and hasn't considered Youth Day ceremonies Satur- She never appears to tire or Before the song's premiere day may have witnessed the exhaust her potential, and say: Saturday, appreciative mem- launching of the state song New "I hate to go to sleep at n; and can't wait to get up in the bers of the Red Bank Catholic Jersey frantically seeks. morning, I have so much to High band presented Dixie Will- Before Dixie Willson, its com- do." She keeps sharp pencils son a corsage of carnations. poser, reached her Fair Haven and a pad by her bedside and home for supper, she had re- Pleased with their performance there is a • telephone on her and happy that it took place In ceived three requests to have piano so that she can play her it played at other functions. just-written tunes for the con- Red Bank, Dixie Willson said, The march's public debut structive criticism of her Texas "I was the one who should be highlighted band demonstra- brother, Cedric. Members of presenting corsages." tions at the recreation field. the artistic Willson family have The band played it, Patrick compared "notes" since • their Farmer sang it, Miss Willson Mason City, Iowa, childrood. hummed along on the reviewing Wants Carey stand and the crowd applauded, "N. J., U.S.A." was conceived especially the proud stompers almost unintentionally during a from RBCHS. four-hour drive which Dixie To Tell Stand MOLLY RIDES AGAIN — Monmouth County's own Molly Dixie Willson made to Washington, D. C, in Recorded By Bryan TRENTON (AP)-Sen. Charles Pitcher mans the business end of a Revolutionary War Prior to Saturday afternoon, 1960 for a dinner date with her John Giampietro's Red Bank family. She is always working, W. Sandman Jr., R-Cape May, cannon on a float entered by Mariner scouts from Bel- the song had been heard, and Catholic High band had only a says he has invited Essex County praised, only by Dixie Willson's even when driving. On this ford. Mariners and Girl Scouts from Belford both won week In which-to rehearse the particular day she found her- Democratic chairman Dennis F. intimates. These include Mon- piece. Patrick Farmer, a sen- Carey to appear at tomorrow's awards. self thinking about recent pub- mouth County's Sen. Richard ior, had only two days to prac- hearing on Gov. Richard J. R. Stout who requested a re- licity concerning New Jersey's tice the solo. Miss,Willson se- lack of an official state song. Hughes' $750 million bond Issue cording to play for the state lected him Thursday after proposal. , . Firefighting Inadequacies legislature; Eddie King, prom- Wayne Westmoreland of St. "I didn't mean to write one," inent arranger of Asbury Park James Grammar School, the she relates, "but when I reached Sandman said Saturday he would RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Fire- there is only one hydrant on the who scored it for a 100-piqce original soloist, came down our Washington hotel, I went like Carey to explain confusion fighting obstacles have been property. band; Frank Bryan, conductor with laryngitis. Wayne's voice in singing and asked Meredith about his position on the. bond is- found at the high school property —The widening of the exit road of the Asbury Park American is heard on the recording which to put it in paper before I sue. Carey originally opposed the Legion Band which cut the re- forgot it." bond issue but has said he would and the Board of Fire Chiefs has behind the school to allow fire will be auditioned in Trenton. A LIKELY CANDIDATE for New Jersey's state song— made recommendations to the fighting equipment to reach that cording, and the composer's Heard By Sen. Stout not campaign against It. Board of Education and the brother, Meredith, also of mus- Both boys' voices were intro- Busy with other productions, N.J., U.S.A.—was sung for the first time in public by area. • duced to Miss Willson when she Thirteen persons spoke at the Township Committee to increase —The installation of another ical fame, who told her, "Dixie, the writer shelved her song un- Patrick Farmer at Youth Day ceremonies Saturday. Pat, first bond issue hearing last you've got something there." viewed recent performances of tho effectiveness of fire com- access road from Middle Rd. to til last November when Sen, a senior at Red Bank Catholic High School, was backed, Wednesday. panies in case of an emergency. 'Before SenfSjout has an op- "The Music Man" as presented Stout heard it and started tap- allow for easier maneuverability at Red Bank Catholic High. The Township Co'mmitteeman Mar- portunity, to present, the song ping his foot to the rhythm. lip by his school band. He faces Dixie Willson of Fair of equipment. Broadway hit was created joint- vin Olinsky reported Friday that to the lawmakers, it is destined Knowing that official selection Haven, back to camera, who wrote tho song. He, the —The Installation of a road ly by Dixie and Meredith Will- Double-Jaywalking "inadequacies" were found at the to have made a humming ac- of a song for the state is still to connect the Lillian Drivo son and its "Seventy-Six Trom- band, Miss Willson and the song received thunderous MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - "I de- high school during a practice drill quaintance with a great many a matter of unfinished business School with the high school, and bones" number was included in served it," said Collin D. Forres- held by the fire companies April Garden Staters. The tune is for the legislature, he asked applause. fire hydrant at the Lillian Drive the high' school's Saturday pro- ter after winding up in Miami 28. . ' catchy and th$ lyrics appropri- for a recording which he now School. gram. City jail for double-jaywalking. Mr. Olinsky said the following ate. Neither'is difficult to re- has, along with a transistor Jersey Tercentennial Commis- tended Star of the Sea Academy recommendations were made and member: It has been selected The typewriter and piano of phonograph supplied by Dixie. sion for possible use In the 1964 in Long Branch. When asked A policeman caught Forrester can be Incorporated in the plans Big Chech to be played at the Elks' state Dixie Willson are constantly He is ready for the day when celebration. "Why New Jersey?", she an- jaywalking yesterday at an in* for the high school addition: MOBILE, Ala. (AP) - O. D. convention June IS in. Atlantic producing more material. In a committee Is finally chosen Dixie Willson, who has lived swered that It Is the friend- tersectlon. After checking his. City,, with Miss Willson con- —The addition of three addi- Ott received a refund from (the her Fair Haven studio-cottage, to judge the many songs which in Hollywood and Red Bank liness of its people which makes list of previous offenders, the of- ducting. ' There will be 2,100 tional fire hydrants to make it telephone company, but It wasn't she writes words and music for have been composed to com- and many points between the her want to be hero. ficer found that Forrester h«4 copie^ of the lyrics printed to possible to reach all parts of the much of Q windfall. He got a pete. coasts, adopted New Jersey for Corsage From Students neglected to pay a $5 Jaywalking permit the delegate to join in everything from chewing gum building without goln^ through check for one penny as a rate The senator said he would al- She says she would be "very fine last December. a* community sing," commercials to Broadway her permanent home years ago a system of relays. At present adjustment refund. shows, Her books for young so submit the song to the New when her daughter, Dana, at- proud indeed" If her song earns Forrester's bond WM ttt at tt& M-4fowJ*y, Mty 6. V*& BANK MGtSTER letown Holds First Place ore Conference A Race MIDDLETOWN — Tomorrow delta started matters with a afternoon it will be Red Bank single to center, and went to By Hy Cunningham High School attempting to stop second on a steal before Foulks the Middletown Uoni in an im- walked. Charlie Kucmyda hit into LakewoodNipsBucs, a double play, but Abdella moved portant Shore Conference game to third. Pete Burns and Bruce HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS MORE THAN FILL THE for Middletown at home. Coach Arnie Truex and his Kent were walked and the sacks PROGRAM — Years back, spring sports in local high Middletown Township Lions con- were loaded. Another walk to school were as easy to cover as throwing the roses over 1-0, in 8 Innings tinued to hold .top spot in the Harry Snyder forced over a run. Griffin's single to center sent Chateaugay, winner of the "Runs for the Roses." In LAKEWOOD - Coach Tom called on Ms "stopper," Tinker Shore Conference A Division here Karlo and his Red Bank High Dorn, but Dora was rather cold Friday with a 8-2 victory over home the other two markers. past couple of years, and especially in 1963, throwing School nine dropped a tough cne in a short warmup and he lost Brick Township. Burns doubled to left in the that same blanket is like tossing it over the past six afternoon when Lake- the batter on a 3-2 count to walk Middletown and Long Branch fourth inning and Kent tripled to winners of the Kentucky Derby. wood's Piners edged the Bucs, in the winning run. are in a neck and neck battle right, but was out trying to 1-0, in B Class A Shore Con- Mike Miner of the Piners for the top position of the circuit stretch the blow into a homer. Last Tuesday's rain had most athletic directors ference contest pitched a strong game for the with the Lions holding the edge. Snyder' followed with another making immediate ("book") schedules of their games was Lakewood's third win win. Miner, a southpaw chucker, Truex's men are showing the three-bagger and went home on way with an 8-1 record, and the for the following day. They all try to do this to avoid in eight games to make a 3-5 fanned 13 Buc batters. He al- Griffin's single to center. circuit record. Red Bank, play- lowed four hits and two walks Wave nine is close by, displaying The Green Dragons went stacking up of games, track meets, etc. On tap after a 7-2 mark. ing fine ball in the past couple in eight Innings. Coyle also gave through three chuckers. Starter the rain the following day were seven track meets, of weeks, won a thriller, 2-1, last up four hits. He fanned seven Kenny Foulks, No. 2 chucker John Connor, who lasted only 2>£ seven baseball games, plus tennis here and golf there, week. The Karlomen are 44 in and gave out three free tickets of the Lion's staff, was the top innings, absorbed the loss. Chet the circuit and 4-5 over-all. to first base. man in this win as he limited Sudnik worked 2H and Luciano Mcmy times we are told that sports writers have a real Brick to one hit over the seven The Piners were forced to go Ke4 Baak (•) lakewoad (1) finished up. racket. To those who think so, come around on i CHATEAUGAY LETS OFF STEAM — Grooms and han- ABBH ABBH innings. With his "stuff* work- Of the eight hits by the Lions, an extra inning before scoring W11UUU.U 0 1 RlccMf ing for him, Foulks fanned 18 heavy night We'd be glad to turn you loose on a dlers struggle to bring Chateaugay under control as they Buana'o.Sb O 0Hrom.lt O 0 Snyder and Griffins led the way the* win. Coach Karlo used three Dataa,s O 0 Amato.aa batten and walked only one bat- Omrle.p 0 1 Iraol.Sb with two each. phone to take a few baseball games, tennis, track or lead winner of the 89th running of the Kentucky Derby pitchers, with Bob Coyle doing 0 OMlner.p ter. Moulne.eJ Brlek Twp. (t) Hlddletnn (0) most of the chores by going 7% Oaoari'o.ab 0 ORoyit.rl 0 AB R It golf. to th« winners circle. Jockey Braulio Baeza piloted Oraen.lb O 0 Shenwr.cf 0 Brick's only hit off Foulks ABRH innings, and pitching good bail RHaen.rt O OWUey.lb 0 came ir the fourth, and it was Berlini.r, f 3 0 0 Snydu.If S 1 2 The area has grown rapidly in the past few years Chateaugay to victory at Churchill Downs. in the stint. Coyle allowed four FaxKFaxKme.ae a • JWUer.lb C. I?P« 310 annin.ib 402 t-Haxtljr.rt 0 0 Bur*t«ln,« 0 I a whopper. Pete Luciano belted Luc'no.cf 3 11 Oaj>albo,2b 3 0 0 hits and fanned seven. Bend ilk,aa 3 0 0 BuUv't,rt 3 0 0 and new high schools were popping up all over Mon- (AP Wirephoto) Harril.p O orrank'n.* 3 0 0 the Lion hurler for a two-run Thorn e«,o 3 11 Sbtftr.p 2 0 0 Abdella.aa '3' 0 1 Trouble developed in the eighth Dorn.p O 0 homer. The other run batted in SaMoakl.c 1- 0 0 Foulkl.p mouth County, and still they pop. With each school 1 Koffman,3b 3 0 0 Kucjr'da.Sb .3 0 0 3 3 1 frame after two men were out. J7 0 4 M ] was Foulks fault, too. He walked Sohre»-ej,,Sb 10 0 Burni.cf comes athletic teams, and with each team comes new O. L'm'*,2b 1 0 0 "—* - 111 A fly ball dropped in for a base •.-Struck out lor lUton In 8th. Graig Lampa of the Dragons be- O'Haia.cX 2 0 0 schedules. hit, and a grounder to short re- Red Bank 000 000 00-0 fore the circuit clout. Budnik.cC 0 0 0 laknrood ____—_J)0O 000 Ol-l Oonnor.p 0 0 0 Friday afternoon there were 10 baseball games in Chateaugay sulted in a wild throw to first Wtonlnc Pllctor — Itlntr; Loalnf Middletown scored three big WtJBri.p 2 0 0 to put two men on the bases. Pitcher — Coyle. runt in the second inning, and our area, that is, not counting the ones too far south, Umpire* — tUUto, aehmmpl a 2 MIS Tony Shafer came on the hill to concluded the scoring in the Brick Twp. _O00 300 0—3 MldiUeCown . - .000 300 0-4 Saturday there were three, and on those two days, toss take over for Coyle, but he ran Syracuse lacrosse captain Is fourth with an additional two BouMea"— Bums, Triple* — Snyder, in a little tennis, track and golf. That is the way the into difficulty by hitting a batter midfielder Mel Ifevii, a Motor runs. Kent: Honiara — Luciano. Surprises in to load the bases. Karlo then from New Cattle, Fa. In the third frame, Dixie Ab- area high school sports are growing to be the major sports program in the area. Again, toss in the Yanks, Mets, Giants, Jets, Rangers, etc They'll sneak in on local sports for those sport fans who wouldn't.cross the Winning Derby Keyport street to watch the high schoolers compete. The shoe LOUISVTLLE Ky. (AP) - few strides after the field was Works the other way, too. There are some fans who [Outsider Chateaugay overhauled1 sprung from the gate at the head wouldn't fight a N.Y. Giant or Ydnkee crowd if you the pace-setting Never Bend in of the stretch. . the home stretch Saturday and Blasts gave them 25 shares of stock. (Don't believe it) Never Bend still held a length drew off to a surprising victory lead going into the far turn with CLOSE BATTLING — The Shore Conference "A1 in the 89th running of the $151,400 one-half to go. No Robbery was Division competition is going at a close dip, and com- Kentucky Derby as the favorite, second by two lengths over Candy Spots from California, fin- Candy Spots. And Chateaugay Colts ing down the May home stretch, too. One of the pleas- ished third. still had not started his winning ing items here is seeing Middletown Township on top, With a crowd estimated at move. above 100,000 roaring in high ex- LINCROFT — Christian Broth- The Lions aren't there by much, but they are there to- But as they rounded the turn ers Academy felt the baseball citement, Chateaugay pounded and neared the top of the home fangs of Keyport high here Fri- day. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy, Arnie Truex. past the finish line V/ lengths 4 stretch with one-quarter mile re- day when the Red Raiders blast- Arnie has been up with close ones lately. Maybe this ahead of Never Bend, who held maining, Baeza sent Chateaugay ed CBA, 17-6, with a IWlit at- onto the runner-up spot by a neck is the year he'll do it Of course there is a little mat- on the outside and it was evident tack. over Candy Spots. that he was a running horse and ter, likejnentioning Long Branch. Middletown is rid- No Robbery, who was supposed Christian Brothers bad sub- the others were running out of dued the Raiders somewhat by ing the'top ot^he wave with 8-1. Long Branch is right|to have made up the Big "Three steam. along with Candy Spots and Nev- holding them down to only a behind with a fr-2 record. Stick up there, Arnie. The big question was whether three-run lead after six innings. er Bend, straggled home fifth in the three leaders had enough to Red Bank/ High has been producing close ball Keyport soon took care of that the field of nine 3-year-old stick it out. Chateaugay quickly little mater in the top. of . the games andjthe runs have ben scarce for wins and loss- horses. Both No Robbery and proved they didn't as he fairly seventh by blasting the hoine es. However, they are playing fine ball when the score Candy Spots were undefeated. flew down the middle of the club for nine runs. Track Fast track. Shortly Meore the eighth is held low. Did you ever see high school teams bat- Bill Langan and Jim Beutell, It was a brilliant, sunny after pole he overhauled Never Bend. tling in a marathon? This happens when the second- No Robbery gave way suddenly. RECORD-SETTER — Milt Hubbard, right, Monmouth Regional, clears hurdle in the each with three hits, led Key- noon at Churchill Downs with the port's attack on three CBA rate pitchers take over. They wind up walking batters temperature at 80 degrees as oneCandy Spots also had no answer 120-yard high timber event in Shore Regional meat. Hubbard,set the school record to the challenge. chuckers. and make them walk around the bases as if they were of the classiest Derby fields went in the event with a 16.7 second clocking. Carl Worthy, left, Monmouth Regional, out for the race over the fast Chateaugay opened up a full The Raiders gained a 6-3 lead on the boardwalk at Asbury Park for the Easter pa- finished second in the avent. Monmouth romped to the team victory, 88-29, last track, length lead with an eighth of a with five runs in the third inning as Dan Hourahan belted a home rade. Red Bank last week won a 2-1 game, and lost a Chateaugay, owned by John W. mile left, then seemed to wobble week. • run into deep right field with Galbreath of Columbus, Ohio, slightly as he came on toward 1-0 tilt. Not bad baseball at the high school level. two men on the bags: and the chestnut son of Swaps, the finish line. Momentarily it IN THE "B" DIVISION, IT IS OLD HAT — What the 1955 Derby winner, was rid-looked as if Never Bend would Golf Course Ha) Robedee was the winning teams are fighting it out for first place? That's right, den by Braulio Baeza of Panama. rally and make a fight out of it hurler for Keyport, although he Matawan Regional and Keyport. Matawan is 5-1 and It was the first Derby triumph but he also had had it. His two- needed assistance from' Houra- for both Galbreath, owner of the length margin over Candy Spots han. Keyport is right on the Huskies' tail. Starts Wed. Darby Dan Farm and-president in the last eighth dwindled to a MIDDLETOWN — The Red The Colts were held to eight This race with these two clubs is nothing new for of the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball neck at the wire. Bank Parks and Recreation De- hits, three by Pete Donohoe. the fans in the Matawan-Keyport area. They love it! team. It also was No. 1 for Back of the first group came partment's eight-week golf course Keyport also won the junior trained Jimmy Conway and Bae-Ambush Stable's On My Honor, varsity game, 10-5, as Dave Opa- Each year, and in all sports, it always seems as if these for adult beginners will get under za, who finished on Crozier be- four lengths back of Candy Spots, way Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. al poski picked up the victory. Bob two clubs have their names written on top of the list hind Carry Back in 1961. with No Robbery trailing by, an-Jack Pot Golf Driving Range, Weir homered with one aboard . During the football season they're going at it hammer The time of 2 minutes, 1-4/5 other l^-lengths. Then came next to McQuire's Grove, Rt. 35, for the Colts in the first inning. Bonjour, Gray Pet, Investor »and Kejrport (11) CBA <«> and tongs. Same thing applies to basketball, and Pro Joe Lanzetta, Jr., of Jack ABRH ABBH 1-2/5 seconds slower than the Royal Tower. Jick»n,Bb 4 0 1 Chr'her,«t* 3 0 0 baseball. The Huskies and Red Raiders are on the Pot Golf will be the golf "Pro- - eu. 5 3 3 Oroddlck.cJ Derby and track record hung up Chateaugay picked up a purse fessor." Mr. Lanzetta was an as- Medo>la,3b 4 2 2 Burke,3b light side when it comes to other sports, but the "Big Ho'ratian.p 4 2 2 Getrr.Sb by Decidedly last year. of $108,900 which was the small- sistant pro at Bamm Hollow Rob'son.c 4 2 1 Donohoe, rc Chateaugay returned $20.80, est winner's share since Iron BrrfoHU.rt 4 2 1 Ch'hetr.lb Three" sports are always right down their alley. Country Club before moving Van Pelt.celt.c l 4 2 I a-Kn'M'ch $7.00, $3.60 as the fifth choice. Liege took $107,950 in 1957. The over to Jack Pot Golf Driving LLanjan.lb ' " 3 Burke.lt They're fighting it out in the "B" Division. Never Bend, owned by the Cain purse boosted his total earnings Selben.U 2 0 0 Lew'ekl.r Range. Rob'dee.p 1 2 1 Maooney.p In the Southern Division of the Conference, Mon- Hoy Stable of Capt. Harry F. to $147,357 on six victories in Schinpf.p Guggenheim and ridden by Man-nine starts. He is unbeaten in Classes are open to adult stu- Frf'drlch,« mouth Regional is leading the parade with a 6-1 rec- dents in tha greater Red Bank uel Ycaza, returned $5 and $3.40. four stars this year and before 37 17 13 -» ord and doing very well for a brand new school with a Candy Spots, carrying the hopes the Derby captured the Blue area. There will be a fee of $2 a-Ran for E. Chrlslopjier In Ttii. , per person for each session Keyport _.__„ 106 003 »—17 short history in athletics. Monmouth Regional has to of Rex C. Ellsworth of California lirass Stakes at Keeheland. OBA . Ml 030 0— 8 and ridden by Willie Shoemaker, which is paid directly to Mr, 3B—Medolla, Donohoe, 3B—Lanfin. play fine ball the rest of this month because Southern The winning jockey share of 10 Lanzetta. Orodfllck, Hit—Hourahan. paid $2.80 to show. per cent gave the 22-year-old WP—Robedee, I,P—MaHoney. Regional is coming right on Monmouth's heels with Registrations will be accepted Umpire*—Natala * Koraleakl. Ellsworth was going for his Baeza $10,890 — mighty good pay 5-1 mark. for a couple of minutes. This by the recreation department up second Derby, having been the until the first session Wednes Red Bank Catholic, not in Shore Conference com- owner of Swaps, and Candy Spots was the third Derby starter for trainer Conway, a 52-year-old na- day. Breaks 4-Minute petition, also is moving along with an excellent base- was the 3-2 favorite. Greentree Stable's No Robbery was the 5-2 tive of New York City. He had No equipment is needed by th< ball season. The Caseys are 8-3 at the end of last second choice and Never Bend entered My Request in 1948 andbeginner other than rubber-soled Don Rooney Barrier For / week's play. That record is one any team would like was third on the board at 3-1. finished third back of Calumet shoes. Additional information Farm's Citation and Coaltown. In may be obtained at the recrea- to be carrying at this stage of the season. Manasquan's Galbreath, whose Pirates took over first place in the National 1957 he saddled Indian Creek, tion office. .,-* Fourth Time V- 1-8 for the season, and 0-7 in Conference competition. League just before the Derby who finished sixth. Monmouth College 's QUANTICO, Va., (AP) — Ma- DERBY DAY — Last Saturday's Kentucky Derby was run, said in the winner's cir- "I want to win this one all my Rutgers Gets 20 Hits rint e Lt. Cary Weisiger broke the life," said Baeza as he grinned 4-minute mile barrier for tha could just have easily been called "Surprise Day." It cle: "We knew he was good but wefrom Chateaugay's back in the In 16-5 Diamond Win fourth time in his career Satur- sure surprised the experts, trainers, jockets and, no didn't think he was quite this horseshoe of red roses which NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - Nine is Flying High day at the Quantico Relays. doubt, millions, when Chateaugay came steam engine good." makes up the winner's circle. "I Rutgers batters got 20 hits, in The former Duke University feel like a 12-year-old kid now." roaring around the bend and overhauled pace making Baeza, asked when he thought eluding three home runs, off fou star, running now for the Camp he could win the race, thought a Baeza said when he'went to 'he Trenton State pitchers to take a WEST LONG BRANCH -Mon- Never Bend in the stretch to take home the big check while allowing eight scattered Pendleton, Calif., Marines, won moment, then replied: outside he was actually trying to baseball game from the visitors mouth College's varsity baseball hits. the relays' invitational mile in that goes with the race as well as the blanket of roses, "When I puHed up the horse." go between a couple of horses. yesterday 16-5. team is well on its way to The Hawks opened up with a 3:59.2. It marked the first time also part of the take home pay for the "Run for the Ycaza, another Panamanian But Grey Pet ducked in and The Rutgers crew beat Boston another successful campaign. two-run first, but the Newark nine Weisger ever had won when he jockey who had finished third on there was no room so he had to The Hawk nine carved out Roses." University by one length on the came on with a run in the second broke four minutes. On each the favored Ridari last,year, shot keep Chateaugay on the outside, Raritan River, winning its firsl heir ninth win in 12 starts here and two more in the third to other occasion, somebody else Chateaugay had as much fun kicking up in the into the lead with NeveTJJend a'he said. Chuck Logg Cup. Saturday, downing Newark Rut- lead 3-2. ran it faster. gers, 11-4, behind Don Rooney's winner's circle as a bunch of kids when winning a Monmouth exploded with five Sharing the spotlight with Weis- 'ine pitching. championship in basketball, baseball or football. Who runs in the bottom of the third iger were a pair of teams from Rooney fanned 16 visitors to put the game out of reach. Georgetown University, a Hoya said a horse is dumb. It appeared as if he knew what Singles by Joel Bolton, George freshman unit, running as the it was all about, and that colt knew that he had Just Alznauer and Rooney highlighted Georgetown A. A.., broke the won the biggest race of the year. Maybe the purse Coif Schedule the surge against loser Bill American record for freshmen in Throckmorton. the 2-mile relay and the Hoyas' isn't as large as others, but the prestige is what counts TODAY It was (he sixth loss in ,12 varsity shattered the meet rec- here. It is a race of reputation and dignity. But Cha- Lakenrood at Central Reg. starts for the Newarkers. ord in the same event. Toms River at Brick Twp. teaugay wasn't worrying about dignity in the circle. Wall at Point Pleasant Bolton paced the Monmouth The Georgetown freshmen And who could blame the colt for acting up; As we Neptune at Middletown batters with three hits. Bob were clocked in 7:36.9, bettering Hipp, Dave Cherosnik, Alznauer the American freshman record of always say, anything can happen and any horse can Red Bank at Rumson OTHER and Rooney each chipped in with 7:37.5 set in 1960 by Occidental win, especially in the big ones. And $20.80 is in that College. , Asbury Park at Brldgewater- two safeties. category. Raritan The Hawks take on Jersey City Georgetown's varsity, with pd Monmouth'College at St. Peter's State at Bayonne City Stadium Duchlni running a great anchor (••0) travels to Jersey City State (J.C.) :omorrow. leg, broke Villanova's winning tomorrow and make another, trip TOMORROW Moamoulh (U> Newark Itulgrri (4) streak with its meet record vic- Hawk Netters ABB II AB Itt IIII tory in the Collegiate 2-mile re- to Newark Rutgers Friday. Lakcwood at Asbury Park Bcuorai.M 2 0 Olllerman.cf 5 2 3 r> o I —8UMMAWKK— WEDNESDAY M'Cor'k,2t) 3 o0 1 lay. The Hoyas were clocked in MenmMiUi Call. (8) Newark Hta4e (I) Ru»»o'rwi,c 4 1 3i Asbury Park at Somerville "Ilpp,2b 0 3 2 Brot«pl,2b 4 : 29.4 as the first three finishers Still Unbeaten Hlnllr. Cheroa'k.rf S 2 2| Bot> Torrea (M) def Tom Decker, 3 THURSDAY Botton.lf 4' 1- SWcaaal.rr* 4 0 n bettered, the meet record of 7:30. WEST, LONG BRANCH-Coach 4-4, S-2, SO. OalU.lf. Bob Thaler (M) def MaritwU] Fine, Lakewood at Wall 1 0 OWIarnlk.lrnJk b 2 0 0 Howard Lawrence's Monmouth [Iencd'n,cf rinH,i> 10 0 -fl, »-0. Alzna'er.lo IIOI.MOF.I, MEN'S LEAGUKE Tim Murray (M) daf Sieve Freldman, Neptune at Central Reg. S 1 0 0 T.P. College tennis team continued un Nnnna.Ob 3 *1 '0* M'Clure.if 3 0 0 «-2,W. Pt. Pleasant at Brick Twp. druoa.o 8 A. Montonn Banllary fl< 7«U beaten here '.Friday, whipping Ralph atatk (Ml def Mlka O'Brien, 1 0 I ltayahore Hardware ...- ...... <* Humspn at Middletown Rooney.p ft 2 Wacerm.p 2 0 0 70 t-O, 6-1. Throck'n.p Keyport Wln« ft Uquor M Newark State 8-1, on the West Tom Bohnaack (II) def Bua Bbntr. 1 0 67 Toms River at Red Bank c-Carrlon 0 0 flatlet flwert Bhop Long Branch courts. Irport , 05 Chiu-lea Lloyd (M) det Tom Rey OTHER 30 11 H M < B, Hilltop Cities Service The Hawk netmen swept all olili, M, «-3. CHATEAUGAY WINS THE KENTUCKY DERBY —"Chateaugay, with jockey Braulio omervllle at Asbury Park a—(Irounilei! out fqr nail In Oth; Bwlniton THp '.'. M •ix imgles assignments and won l)oul)k« ' --Singled for McLiire In Oth: c — Crate a Beverage Torrei-Botinaack (Ml da( Fine- Baeza up, runt under tha wire at Churchill Downi to win the 89th running of the Ken- FRIDAY Struck out for Throcymorton In 7th. Mnnmouth Sign Co „ HI two of the three doubles. Their rredlman, e>o, «•). Brick Twp at St. Rose Newark \ 012 010 ooo— 4 * rmitrnna; 40M. Jan KlUck-Uoyt fit) daf , Ebner- tucky Darby. A length and one half, at left is Navar End, who finished second in the Monmouth JOS 201 Olx—11 0 Club — Ralph Hftrnn fl!3. onto loss wa« by default. fufnolda--»aviis, daf Murray nine hone fiald. . (AP .Wirephoto) np, Orucai Honiara — Bolton. agrn lift, - Bob McKay 200j Ciiarlea • the unbeaten Monmoufc Team «?£''Jl State. umplraa — Scnrumpf, llorrell, , I Henry Hudson Loses . W) M»a

MANAHAWKIN- Henry Hud- digit edjtf over Ritiun Town- In N. J. Catholic Loop Relays •on Regional, which had a.rug- ihip *n die B Northern Division ged time coming up with Its first tattle for the cellar position. NEW BRUNSWICK -Christian where St. Peter's (New Bruns- Frank Ragan got CBA off to victory of the season, is finding Raritan Township sdso has one mothers Academy's track forces ick) won out with Bergen Cath- rst place on his opening half.- it even harder to come up with rictory, but has six setbacks. rom Lincroft placed in five of ie the second place finisher. ile with a 2:02 clocking, but St. win No, 2. Southern Regional remains ix events, including a trio of 'eter's took command on the, The "Mets" from Highlands :lose behind Monmouth Regional hird place finishes, in placing juarter-mile leg as Fred Blask- fell to their fifth setback in six bllowing the win. The Rams are lird in the N.J* Catholic Track :zka whipped to a 50.6 clocking games Friday when Southern Re- he runners-up in the B Southern Conference's relay champion- pass CBA's Hughie O'Neill gional's Jack Steinhauer fired a Baseball Jivision with a 5-1 record to hips at Memorial Stadium here 53.6) and hold command by 10 one-hitter at Hudson in a 5-0 ifonmouth Regional's 6-1 mark. yesterday. mrds. triumph for the Rams. In two key games today. Christian Brothers totaled 12 Tim Sheehan of CBA turned Henry Hudson, despite only one Schedule Southern Regional plays at Point joints for the third place finish, i a 3:19 three-quarter mile, his victory in B Division play against Pleasant Beach and B Northern wo points behind runner-up St. ;rsonal best and an excellent five losses, continues to hold a Division leader Matawan Region- Benedict's, the defending cham- TODAY ilocking, but St. Peter's Steve al (5-1) hosts Monmouth Region- iion, and 10 markers behind Ber- B DIVISION ianashek v/as clocked in 3:16 al. ;en Catholic, the favored victor, Monmouth Reg. at Matawan Reg. n adding 15 yards tQ the St. D Henry Hudson sees action to- total of 20 teams competed Southern Reg. at Pt. Pleasant eter's lead. Gulls morrow, playing at Keyport in :n the relay events with 15 teams TOMORROW Anchor man Johnny Eager B Division encounter. scoring. A DIVISION could then only manage a 4:44 The CBA team failed to gain Henry Hudson's only base hit Lakewood at Freehold • mile (he has run 4:34) and Doug placing position in only the in Friday's defeat was a bunt Manasquan at Brick Twp. Smith brought home St. Peter's Pound single by Joe Naopo in the sixth 440-relay, won by Marist (Bay- n 10:52. Bergen's Dave Faherty onne) in a swift 44.8. Colt run- Mlddletown at Red Bank inning. Southern Regional, mean- Neptune at Long Branch lso turned in a 4:34 clocking to while, banged out six hits with ler Bernard Smith, taking the jass Eager and press Smith to right fielder Bill Kane leading jaton to start the second leg, B DIVISION the finish line. CBA's clocking Raritan the way with a double and single sprawled on the cinders, and the Raritan Twp. at Matawan was 11.01. The team ran a 10:56 Utlts from Lincroft failed to Central Reg. at Southern Reg. Steinhauer struck out seven at the Penn Relays two week- rface. Henry Hudson at Keyport KEYPORT - Raritan High and walked five in tossing hi AIDING A ROUT — Dan Hourahan, left, Keyport High School player, rounds third nds ago. The shotput relay team picked Wall at Point Pleasant School had little trouble In hold- gem. Mickey Jackson started and The final two places for CBA and heads for the plate following hii home run with two runners on base in the third up the first third place for CBA OTHERS ing tight to its cellar position took the loss for the Admirals. vere a fourth in the mile relay inning as Keyport crushed Christian Brothers Academy, 17-6, on th» academy dia- The Colt trio combined for a Rumson at Shore Reg. Friday afternoon when Point John Simpson relieved Jackson and fifth in the two-mile relay 142-foot, 11-inch total as senior St. Mary's (P.A.) at R. B. Catho- Pleasant gave a helping hand with one out in the first frame mond Friday. The third base coach for Keyport is Gary Post. event. The CBA mile team ran ace Augie Zilincar tossed the 12- lic by scoring a 10-6 win over the and went the rest of the way. n an unseeded heat and won Rockets in an extra inning game. pound iron ball 56 feet, 1 inch to Monmouth College at Jersey City Henry Hud;n. (01 Southern l» (5) ut in 3:44 to place fourth on Record - wise, both clubs are ABB II ABB H become the top individual per State Beirtha.ia 2 0 0 Aker.lb : 3 iver-all time. St. Aioysius (Jer- back up to the wall with dif- 3 2 ormer. He teamed with Mike WEDNESDAY Oawler.lf 2 0 0 Hart.lt r sey City) won in 3:31. The CBA ficulties. Raritan is showing 1-6 Nappo,3b 3 0 1 Temple.C 3 0 itzgerald and Bob Preston for Toms River at Central Reg. Slmpson.lb 3 O 0 Smlth.cf 2 1 Rumson Qoes Over .500; team was composed of Rutland Perth Atnboy at Asbury Park in the circuit and a 2-7 for the' 8rollh,ct 1 0 OKane.rl -3 0- the bronze medals. Bergen Cath- Barr, Bob Hayes, Ed Kelsey and season. The Garnet Gulls, a Byrne.p 1 0 0 Conners.M 3 O olic was the winner at 152 feet THURSDAY J'D'm't.Zb 3 O 0 W»rren.8b 3 O l Richie Doherty. Kelsey's 54.9 leg Southern Division club, Is 4-5 for Gerald,c 3 0 0 Steinhi'r.p 3 0 4 /2 inches with Roselle Catholii Raritan Twp. at Shore Reg. Noonan.rf- 3 0 0 NlclK>ln,S!b 8 0 topped CBA performers. the campaign and 3-4 in the Jackson,p 0 0 0 the runner-up. Princeton at Freehold Reg. 8tile»,lb 10 0 Bergen Catholic captured the league. Shore Reg. Tomorrow CBA's 881yard relay quinte FRIDAY two-mile relay in 8:13 with CBA Despite the records, the clubs 22 0 1 26 5 then followed with a school re- Henry Hudjon .000 000 0—( A DIVISION crossing the finish line fifth. came up with plenty of action BAYVl'LLE — Rumson-Fair The Bulldogs' rout of Central rame when he drilled out a tr: cord in its event, but could only Southern Reg. Ml 003 I Neptune at Lakewood Running for CBA were Jim 16 runs to be exact. Point scored Doutole—Kane. ' Haven Regional shoots for its Regional Friday gave Coach ie, the only extra base hit o: manage a third spot to Our Lady Umpires—Youn*. Whatiey. Mlddletown at Manasquan Francfort, Don Rowe, Paul a tally in the first frame, but second win over Shore Regional Cliff Applegate's nine a 4-3 rec- the game. The next pair of tal of the Valley (Orange) and Ber- Long Branch at Brick Twp. Stach and Joe McGuinness, who Rwitan retaliated with three in High School tomorrow on the ord in Shore Conference B lies came home on three errors gen Catholic. Valley, which ha< Toms River at Red Bank turned in a 2:03.5 anchor half- its half of the inning. Oakhurst Firemen's Field after Northern Division play. The 4-3 With three pitchers absent o its great sprint ace Stev Bucknell Alumni boosting its record over the .500 mark gives the Bulldogs a strong B DIVISION mile. Raritan's runs came after a class trip, mentor Applegatf Ashurst turn in a 21 second flal mark with an 8-4 drubbing of hold on third place in the five- Monmouth Reg. at Pt. Pleasant It was the second straight year Frank Dowd, Bob Powers and ent with sophomore Eric Swen anchor 220, won in a fast 1:30.9 Central Regional on the losers' team league. Southern Reg. at Keyport in which CBA gathered 12 points Chuck Moriarty managed to son on the mound. The youn Making up the CBA team wer Dinner Slated At ield here Friday. Central Regional, 1-8 on the Rumson at Matawan Reg. { in the meet. Last year the Colts get on base. Al Jablonski chased ight-hander responded with Steve Ganz, Dick Wight, Keitl Shore Regional's Blue Devils season, is resting in the B South- OTHERS finished in a tie for fourth with the trio over the platter ;with a ix^hitter while striking out fou: Mast and Art DeFazfo, wh From West Long Branch enter ern Division cellar with a 1-5 Hoffman at Henry Hudson Essex Catholic. triple. Georgian House ind walking Six. turned in a 22.5 furlong for the tomorrow's game against the loop record. Shore Reg. at Wall The Colts will face a rugged Point picked up a lone tally Rumson banged out 10 hit fastest leg for the Colts. Chris: WEST DEAL — Bucknell Un Bulldogs with a 6-2 record, a fine Rumson broke away from a R. B. Catholic at St. Mary'i in the second after Roy Krayl with senior Jack Damico am tian Brothers' school recorc Asbury Park team in a dual iversity's head football coach, showing for a school that does- 2-2 tie with four runs in the sec- (S.A.) scored Larry Goble, who walked Paulson,, a junior, each knock clocking was 1:34.6. meet Wednesday on the acade- Bob Odeli, will be guest speak- irt have a senior class and is in ond inning to turn Friday's game SATURDAY with a sacrifice fly. ing out three. Swenson aided h my cinders. Coach Ernie Muir's er at the spring dinner meeting its first year. into a rout. Vernon Paulson winning pitching cause, clubbin] The final CBA third place fin Brick Twp. at St. Rose "Raritan concluded its scoring planned by the Bucknell Alumni Rumson will take a 5-4 over-all drove the first two Rumson runs out two hits in four trips to th ish came in the distance medley Paterson State at Monmouth Co! forces are unbeaten in dual and in the bottom of the third with Club of Monmouth and Ocean record into tomorrow's clash. home in' the top of the second plate. relay (880, 440, %-mile and mile) lege. triangular meet competition. «nbther three runs. Powers and Counties at the Georgian House, Steve Vandergrift went the dis- Joe Nardelli were on second and Rt. 35, Wednesday,. May 15, al ance to take the loss fo third, and Jablonski came 8 p.m. A social hour at 7 p.m, Central, which plays at South through again with a two-run will precede the dinner. JVJoiimoiitli Regional Meets (ingle for a 6-2 lead for Raritan. em Regional (Manahawkin) in Do Your Brakes An invitation is extended to al B Division scrap tomorrow. Grab? Squeal? In the next three frames Point Bucknellians of the area as wel Matawan Today: Win 13-5 Kumrion (8) Central Bee. (4) scored four. After a scoreless as to prospective students and ABR II AB It II Falk.lt 0 Blake,ss Pull to Left or Right? frame, the Gulls went to work their parents, and to friends of panxlco,3b 4 3IMarUn,of WALL. TOWNSHIP - Mon-day. Wall Township took com- 'auleon.sa 4 3Bas«ln'r,lb and sent home four runs in the the university, according to Isa- Roblnson.cr 4 1 Balley.rr extra eighth inning. dore I. Zlotkin, president of th mouth Regional faces its tough- mand, 2-1, with a pair of runs Haslw'ik.c 4 0 Kehoe.c est hurdle on the road to the in the bottom half of the first 'hlllllJS.Ob '4 0 Vandcc't.p In the extra inning, the base: alumni club. Jonhaon,s?b 4 0 Ryno,2b TRIPLE PLAr were loaded and Krayl scored Shore Conference B Southern Di- inning, but Monmouth Regional 1 Kier, \t Arrangements for the dinner vision baseball championship broke the game open with four 2 EndrJS3,3b on a force when Bill Pearce meeting were made by Mr. Zlot- a-TUomast this afternoon when it travels to runs in the third, three in the Lewis.rl walked. Pearce and Dorros kin and the following members SERVICE scored on McNeil's single and Matawan to take on Mata- fourth and anothef four-run out- BS 8 10 29 1 of his executive board: Franl wan Regional High's Huskies. burst in the fifth. Monmouth aGunfifcd out lor Ilyno In flh. the final run scored on Bloom' W. Strickland, 11 South Lak< Rumson 210 001 1—8 Monmouth Regional held com- completed its scoring with a Central Reg .....J201 001 f single. Dr., River Plaza; Miss Virginia Triple — Paulson. OFFER Fl. FlesiMl (10) RarltM <«> mand in the B Southern loop by single run in the top of the sev- Umpires — 8enecke, N&poUwino. ABR McCafoe, 200 Forest Ave., Keans- ABRH crushing Wall Township, 13-5, onenth while Wall closed out thi 4 2 1 5 1 burg; Mrs. Robert E. Billings, Knyl.u 2 12 Cusano,2b t 0 the field here Friday, but the run parade with three tallies in Pe»rce,a> 4 2 2 60 Riverdale Ave., Eatontown, Dooroj.ll 5 11 Powers, If 3 2 Falcons from New Shrewsbury its last trips to the plate. Meany.cf.p 4 0 0 Nardelli.rf 4 1 and Dr. Edward G. McComsey, M'Nell.p.cf 2 11 Morlarty.c « 2 remain only a half-game ahead Monmouth Regional pounded River Rats' Bennett,rl 4 0 0 Jablon'l.lb ' i 0 512 Main St., Toms River. Globe.3b G Pyle,2b King's won the game in th Netters Nipped, Lynch,p Przy'skl.p Jay class. Jack Jamison, with a Tuphblox—Roledge Cone.ct VllatU.rl new boat, was third, with Bill Wheel Bearings final inning on three consecutiv luratolo.cf Tlchenor.ss errors and a grand slam honr Porter, c c-Beckcr Hitchcock, fourth. Herman No- 3-2, by Neptune a-D'Gado,c Gljanto.c , weck did not finish. Writ* (or free catalog of run by Gail Oostydk. Monmout! Malzel.2b 0 oVSt. Jarfiea Lowls,2b 0 Cheryl Wainwright, sailing the SAILBOAT FITTIft&S chucker Sandy Hartley pitched WEST LONG BRANCH-Shore Simpson,3b strong ball game in a losin ISbrandtsen boat, was runner-up 7P° Regional's young tennis team 32 13 13 25 3 to Brinkerhoff in the Indian cause, limiting the New Yorker; threw a scare into one of the a-Struck out for Porter in 6th. A. L DON CO. Scouts. to three hits and two walks unti Central Jersey Tennis League's b-Grounrled out for Hlndley In 7th. parts if needed''•<*, 37 South St. N.Y.C. c-Walked for Tlchenor In 7th. the final inning. Blue Devils lost a 3-2 decision to d-Cholce for Gljanto In 9th. Bob McCutcheon, Sr., was in and torsion bar, > WH Irthall 4-8290 The Monmouth girls will plaj Monmouth Beg _...1M 340 1- Charge of the committee for the Neptune High School's netmen Wall 200 000 3- adjustment «^, 2 Blecki South of Wall Si Montclair State College Monday on the Monmouth College courts. Umplrcs—Stlffel, Dew. opening races of the 1963 season. not Included May 20, at Montclair. Richie Eittreim, tine Fliers' number one player, dropped. his first match of the season, losing 2-6, 6-4, 6-4, to Ron Tietjen. The Tirt$tOltt NEW TREADS winners pulled out the victory, Home need APPLIED ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES however, when they swept both decorating of Uhe doubles' assignments. Shore's record is now 1-1. Nep- WHITEWALLS-ANY SIZE tune is 3-1 overall. Narrow or Wide Design, —8UMMA1UKS— Npnlune 3 — Bhore lltglonal 2 Tubeless or Tube-type Singles—Ron Tietjen (St

Don't let lack of money Coin MONTHLY PAYMENT FLANS Yau Oil keep you from making 24 u 11 6 Conference paymll Pnmtt Pnmll tuymh the improvements your $100 $6.97 $9.75 $18.15 home needs. You can 200 13.93 19.50 36.31 Standings get that fix-up cash at 300 $16.77 20.90 29.25 54.46 A DIVISION HFC. 400 21.94 27.47 38.59 72.14 W I Open Daily 'til 6 P. M. ' 500 26.77 33.69 47.62 89.53 Mlddlctown (8-2) 8 1 * Ask about Credit lite ihuiihcU'l tkotf >' Long Branch (9-3) 7 2 Wed. and Fri. 'til 9 Insurance on loans oticii o/ I300ot («« and H o/1% pn mmlk on Neptune (6-6) 5 4 at group rate* lhalpilTtoJllubaI(mciiittiuui>f$300l(i$500. Freehold (4-4) 4 4 Red Bank (4-5) 4 4 Special Service to Armed Forcet Personnel Toms River (5-4) J. 4 4 Lnkewood (3-5) 3 4 A\ SEE US OUSEHOLD FINANCE Brick (J-8) 2 7 Manasquan (1-8) 0 7 FOR TIRES B DIVISION AIBURY PARK NORTH 710 Cookman Avenue—PRoip«cl 5-2500 Matawan (M) ...5 1 .833 where your dollcwbuys MILES more OptnWadnasday Minings until * • Keyport (6-1) 4 1 .800 UTOMfOWN Rumson (5-4) 4 S .571 g'-'i- 4'-"''*•'•• ' '-"• • '»•-'*-" • XJ'^'tLZt&,<>•<•*& Monmoulh Shopping Canter Henry Hudson (1-5) . 1 S .167 SWIFT RETURN — Bruco Kent, left, Middlotown Town, STORES' Kl. 35 al Ealontown Traffic Circl«—Llbarty 2-1340 Raritan Twp. (2-7) 1 6 .143 ihip High, slidos back to first bnso as''firit baseman Eric Maple Ave. at White St., 1 DOWN , Open Wadnasdoy 1 Friday aysnings until 8 SOUTH 4 Weinborg of Brick Township putt'on tho tag after a !1| A WEEK MIDDUTOWN Monmoulh Reg. (6-1) .6 1 .857 Red Bank—SH 7-5700 Mlddlalown Shopping Center Southern Reg. (6-2) ...5 1 .833 pickoff attempt. Kent made it back to tho bag. Middlo- 1000 Asbury Avo. Asbury Park 1107 Highway #35-OSborn« 1-1400 Wall (241) 2 5 .286 town continued to command tho Shore Conforencn A Pt. Pleasant, (4-8) 3 4 .429 PR 5-8700 Optit Thursday I Friday mitlngs until 7 Division with a 5-3 triumph. Central Reg. (1-6-1) .r.'.l 4 .167 1 May 4 W63 BANK REdSTER Branch &m Ailflfc 71 SMpjters Gdmpete ih Over FVeehoM Nine, l^i LONG BRANCH - The Long Wave captured Its sixth straight Branch High School nine con- win and ninth in IS fames over- tinues to put #e pressure oa all Friday by nipping Freehold Mlddletown Township's A Di- Regional, 1-0, while Middletown Series Races; Miltenberger Wins Two Fliers skm leading Lions and a loss was whipping Brick Township, y either team this week could 5-2, behind Ken Foulks' one-hit- RED BANK — Eleven sailors Light, but puffy (typical) Haver fleet won the opening race in snRaynor won the tint race and I ->%»«$ TOMS JliVER -r It'll be * Jong lp decide the league race, »r the same afternoon. , lhared honors in the second sink River breezes previiled for lMwat Lightning fleet-top en-was fourth in the second test, uphill struggle and It starts to- Middletown. commands the Long Branch and Middletown, «eek*s action of Monmouth Boat the races sailed over triangular try of the day. Sun! City's Ralph while Lartaud posted two second morrow, when Neptune's Fliers league with, an S-l mark, with which suffered its pnly ^A" loss Ctab's 10th annual spring invi- courses. - MesserscnmKR won the nightcap.place finishes. The pair are tied try to get back on the winning Long Branch one game back at Long. Branca, won't collide tational sailing series on the The only double winner was A line performance was tamed for first place In the overall track in Shore Conference A Di-74 The Long Branch Green until Tuesday, May 21, with a Navesink River yesterday. Hank Miltenfcerger of the Shrews- in by Bob Marko, who placed •landings. VWOB basebaM. rundle of A Division game slated before that date, MldcUetown A total of 71 boats turned out bbur y SailinSili g and YachYht ClubClb, wh ho third and fourth in the two races. Gale stJIed to victory In the Neptune's hopes for the plays at Red Bank tomorrow a six classes during another brought off a "twin-killing" in Harold Beck was runner-up to second Wood-Pussy race. "~ srzz diamond title all bat went down while Long Branch is host to the si**oat Comet class fleet. Messerechroidt In the second was seventh in the opener. drain Friday, when Toms ASTMEGoH ideal day of earry-season com- Neptune. petition. Sandy Huntsman of the host race. Shrewsbury's Paul Wilson River edged the Filers, 2-1, on KttH turned In a third and a fourth the Indian's diamond. League Slate Bob Tomaini's RBI single and 1.. MUMUWnbwSMW , X Kinl*». >. Bui- John Kull, another host dub for a consistent effort. ' mint, i- CleveVinA M**M Phil Huhn's outstanding pitching laok. L The defeat dropped Neptune jacked Long Branch in its a tailor, was first in the opening MessersohmWt is the early deeper into third place in the A Opens Thursday _ now 4-4 for a three-way tie Flying Dutchman class race,' andLightning class leader. BUI HHls Division with a 5-4 record. Long and Bay Head's John Orelup are Stm Mem, squeaker over Freehold, which runnerup to Lavaliette's John Ul Branch is second at 7-2 while EATONTOWN - The ASTME brich in the second aJfalr. tied for second position. Hunts- standings with Red Bank and. Power » Sail Middletown leads with an 8-1 (American Socipty of Tool and for fourth in the A Division Monmouth's Swiss visitor, man is fourth. record. By BILL ROBINSON pi.., Manufacturing Engineers) golf Lakewood. '; Pierre Siegenthaler, was second Siegenthsler is the Dutchman u Jtoe# Neptune travels to Long league commences its 1983 oper- and third in the 12-boat Dutch- leader, while Island Heights' 1. KanlMa. L. Hieki, S. Sw«nioo, Tomaini drove home the Perfection is a hard thing to achieve. There can 4, umpmaa, fc Branch tomorrow and mus ations Thursday over the Old Or- Fred Bullock paces the Comets. game's only marker in the'third man fleet. come up with a victory if it is chard Country Club course. Play be many successful ventures that still fail to achieve Other class leaders in the unof- lat ruling after Tom Nichols Sam Hicks, Metedeconk River, Dout Raynoror,, MBC: J.. Harol; to have any hopes of finishing will continue until Sept 1, ficial standings Include; Hicks iMituiarmc; s. Doo_om»w, MBc walked, and moved to second perfection, and it isn't often that everything falls into and Jean Harrison of Monmouth >i higher than third in the final All members of the ASTME, (Penguins) and Eittreim (Jets). 4. Paul WUMB. Bhrjwrturj SJtYC base when the catcher threw into line to work out in the very best way that could be club shared Penguins honors. 5. Byron S»Mer, liBCrR' fUm* "A" rankings. whether league members or not, Hicks took the opener and was -BUMHAMES- Brown, Shr»w*urj>U r SMC; TrTJ right field on a pickoff attempt. OdaleM , MBMBC?'1!C > BlBUU ITfiboney Maboney. MBMiBC may attend a showing of two Imagined. topped by Miss Harrison in the S. Ken Altrautv. MBC: 10. Baget The Fliers, in falling to theli George Palfi and Wayne 1. SSanda y Hunumaflumafl, MBCMC:: 3. Johhnn Wlnmm, MBC; 11. Run Cook. MBC; sixth setback in 12 games over- golf films at the home of golf Rooney dividend the" pitching We have been cruising for 32 years in many areas nightcap. The Rumson girl was Orelupelp , B HaulHl ; J. JJun e MtthotMttht. 13. Jtm Cralf. Naaaatt* _SSi IS. committee chairman Rocco Ciof- second behind Hicks in the open- Ma:rko, MBC; «. BUI Cbarlea ~ " all Friday, made a battle of it, chores for Freehold with starter and on many types of boats. In those years, we have HimHim.." MBC; SS.. VUnwg V*a«hanV«ii«han, MBC;: fi, Edgewood Rd., Rumson, er. coming from a 4-0 deficit with PaVi, who gave way with two T. Bin HeronHr . MBC; 8. Norton WatUa, a run in the top of the seventhWednesday at 8 p.m, enjoyed a number of highly successful, delightful Richie Eittreim. Shark River, Surf Ottr; ». Irr Lewla, MBC; 10. outs in the fourth, taking the RUr* MmuMchmidt, Suri oitar: 11. Oale, a. I*«aud S. Wllaon, inning to tie it up before Toms One film, loaned by the Pro- cruises. Cruising being what it is, most of them have arid Bruce Anderson, of Mon- £»Ton Hjrlud, Richmond County T. C, lUynor, L WlomW, 4. MeJwnty. loss. Uen Wand; 12. Herman Venal, gelder, I. Brown. ». Coly.r, 1 River pulled out the win with a fessional Golfers Association of mouth, each had a first place Co*... .. *««««. £ Cr..,. ^ Huhn went the distance and been pleasant, but there has always been one day when JCj 13. Hirold rt ,MBC ; 14 ... U tally in the bottom half of thi America, is "Keeping* Em in finish hi the 13*oat Jet 14 fleet. Mark Mllnu, IS. No. 4J08; ItU .AB ArnolWd struck out six and walked only the weather was bad, when something went a little Sehwtrt*, MBC; 17. Man Broder, inning. the Fairway" which shows fun- Eitreim won the first test, MBS; IS. Jim Hickey, MBC. one in an excellent mound per- wrong with the boat, or when plans that we had made let mac* Two singles and an error load- damentals of the swing by many formance. with Raritan's Chris Bello, sec- L MeMenoiimMt; 2. Beck. 3. Merko. Richie KKttelm, Shark River; > of the top PGA golfers. This will ond, and Bill Olsen, third. An- Hyland, 9- Heron, S. Kill*, T. U B.UoJo. . HHcrltau« ; 3. Bill Olaen, ed the bases for Toms River in Freehold Regional held a 6-4 failed to work out Orelup, 8.8. ' SSobo i 9. Broder, MBC: 4. Dan* be followed by a question and HtsmaHuntsmann , 111. COM; the deciding inning and, Nep advantage in base hits. derson took the second aatsir, 13t,, MUneaXUIlUCti.i 1*. conf; »9.. wooBob jaarw' , JBD^J o. iw, answer session. with Bob Wright of Pines Lake, Blck*rr, 1414.. No. 410J; MeOnt, Vauf- 444; 7. Brue* Andanoc. MBC; ». tune's ace pitcher. Bob Davis (DNF(DNF)) . VeUUl,, t«w1t«w1« (DUW). Bob Maxwell. MBC; «. Daa Herman, The second film will be Shell's '"""Via "" ABKH second. Ftol»l»» DtdMneDstdMnen MBMBCC: 1100. JohJh. nn TWbotTWbt , MBCC: : UU. allowed the winning run to troi Oray.cf SSchleMMb 3 0 0 lrt Ban Daw Farter, MBC; FreFred SimonSimon, across the plat when he walkec "Wonderful World of Golf," de- Fr'd'm'n,2Gray.cf b »2 O0"OTomainWt 3 p0 3 Doug Raynor, Clarence "Dick' John Kull, MBC; 2. Plarr* MBC, Bob • Puiea " " t DaunUt 2 0 0 Huhn,» 3 0 0 Gale and Harold "Rip" Lartaud § inthaler. MBC: 3. Jim Poafe, Lou Novak. pleting a match played at the OraboOrabo'kvrk t 3 0 OSIlMtntn'o 3 0 1 ; 4. John Olbrtch, LavaUtUe; Jockey Club In Argentina be- JtUl.tt 10 0 Ferutt'o.rl 3 0 1 made the "headlines" in the 15- ?. alt Zmrgi laiand Helfhu: «. *. OlMn, 5. Slttretm u£a> 110 Wednesday. >amto,a> S 0 ,0 yene«|a.a> 1 0 0 »WB,p 10 1' Woney.p 3 o 1 3 0 OOarroll.ee 4 0 B0thm!n,M I/O 0 BMkra'Beekm'n,n M 3 0 0Craiwfd.3b 3 0 Track Schedule 23 0 31 1 4 Dty.c- f 3 0 0Nonk.it 2 0 Freehold Ret. JM 000 Hu for Mk>n« is 7th. Freehold Reg. N^una -0W 000 1—H RUMSON - The Holy CnSss Torn* Rivw xna ooo Manasquan at Lakewood Toms River, Raritan Twp., School grammar school Intra- Keyport. - • mural basketball league wound Elm Lanes Brick Twp., St. Rose at Wall up its 1963 activities here re- Twp.': '...•: • cently with two teams tied for' Asbury Park at CBA top honors in League "A." Capturfes Henry Hudson, R.B. Catholic ai The "B" League proved to be MOWN CAPTAIN — Walter E. Ingram, 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Ingram, Middletown Twp. a romp for unbeaten Notre Jr., Little Silver, is shown winning his specialty, the 200-yard butterfly, in a dual meet Neptune,at Matawan Reg. Dame. DLL ROBINSON'S 24-foot sloop Mar Claro arrives in Bahr Trophy Rumson at Pt Pleasant In the final contest played at against Yale University. Ingram, elected captain of next year's Brown swimming team, the Forrestdale School, Holy' Nassau, Bahamas, after a nine-day cruise of unparalleled BRADLEY BEACH - Eln Long Branch at Red Bank holds four school records. SATURDAY Cross, paced by, Pete Bassett perfection through the islands. Lanes, Eatontown, rolled off 2,903 total to capture the Ed Long Branch Relays and Adam Kretowicz, nipped St. John's, 25-24, to force the final Now; however, we can truly claim to have enjoyed ward J. Bahr Trophy when the Asbury Park, C.B.A. Tied Unbeaten Falcon Monmouth County Bowling Assc first place tie. Both eighth grade the perfect cruise. We have just returned from nine ciation opened up its 21st annua Tennis Schedule teams wound up with 6-1 rec- ords. days in the Bahamas in which absolutely everything tournament at Bradley Lan TODAY In C-J Tennis Loop Play Frosh Rip Wall, here Saturday. Lakewood at Rumson Notre Dame, a sixth grade en- . went right, and we can't think of anything we would try, posted a 7-0 record in the Middletown Lanes' team was Neptune at Middletown change' unless it was the evening the cook served up B" League. Runner-up was the ASBURY PARK - An under- season favorites for loop honors. 19-3, for Seventh the runner-up in the trophj CBA at Princeton beets and spaghetti. Even that combination, not one of rated Asbury Park High School Other matches are Neptune at TOMORROW Seventh Grade Georgetown team FORT MONMOUTH - Mon- event with a 2,884 total while a with a 2-3 mark. our favorites, managed to taste good after a great day tennis team is making Its pres- Middletown and Lakewood at team from Matawan-Keypoi Rumson at Freehold ence felt in Central Jersey Ten- Rumson-Fair Haven. mouth Regional's undefeated Red Bank at Asbury Park Kretowicz was the league's of sailing. Recreation was third with 2,84: nis League competition. STANDINGS yearling baseball team crushed Lakewood at Princeton leading scorer with 106 points. Lou Johns rolled a 655 seri Teammate Bassett tallied 71 for This was a man-and-wife cruise aboard our 24 Coach Bill Kern's Blue Bishops W L Pet. Wall Township, 19-3, here Fri- OTHER •- to pace the winning Elm Lanes' Monmouth College at Jersey Cli second place. foot auxiliary sloop Mar Claro, winding up a winter moved into a tie for first place CBA ..._ 3 0 1.000 day for its seventh victory. team. His high series came with Christian Brothers Academy Asbury Park .3 0 1.000 State Kretowicz also copped the ' in which she had been shipped by steamer to the Ba- The young Falcons from Newgames of 201,255 and 199. Fra school foul shooting champion- Friday, squeezing out a 3-2 dePrinceto- n .1 0 1.000 WEDNESDAY Shrewsbury pounded out 19 hits,LaParre also threw a 600 seri Freehold at Middletown ship with six out of 10 attempts. hamas from her home base in New Jersey. We had cision over Lakewood on the Sun-Red Bank ...... S .750 for the winners, 201-235-182—8: set Avenue courts. The two with John Tuck paving the way Long Branch at Princeton Class championships in foul used her at Christmas and.in mid-February, friends Neptune .. 1 .647 with five-for-five, including a league-leaders have 3-0 records. Freehold Reg. ....2 .300 The tournament proper will gi Lakewood at Red Bank H.S. shooting went to Chris Bond had used her all but three weeks of the interim times, Asbury Park's title chances triple and two doubles. Tuck, under way Friday at 9 a.m. Th R. B. Catholic at Neptune (Grade Six), Mike Hilton (Grade Rumson-F.H 1 .38 the Falcons' third baseman, and this was to be our farewell to her southern will be tested tomorrow when Middletown Twp. ... 1 .MS events will continue until Sue THURSDAY Seven) and John LeBanoo drove in seven runs. day, May 19. excursion. they host Red Bank High School. R. B. Catholic .. .. 1 .250 R. B. Catholic at CBA (grade Eight). The Buccos, one of the strong Lakewood 0 .000 Incidentally, a winter in the south seemed to teams in the league, dropped Long Branch .....0 .000 work no more ravages than a lay-up In a northern their first in four last Thursday ASBURY FABK (3)—LAKEWOOD (t) to rugged Princeton, but are a Slnrlti yard. The forward hatch, the only horizontal Sennit Schurtln (L) def Alan Novo- Caseys Lose to Neptune, Trim threat to any club. pod, M. H2; Cttarlti Vui Mlddlw- brightwork on the boat, had completely succumbed worth (A.P) del. Richie Spltzsr, SO, The Bishops won two of the 74: Alt Brtwtr I.KP) d*(. I«RT Al to the sun, but she was hi pretty fair, shape other- three singles against the Piner pert, 14. 8-3. 6-1. Double! wise. The 5y2 h.p. Johnson outboard auxiliary squad and clinched the match Novoonxl-Van Middlwworth (AP> with a victory in the opening def. g&iultfn-apiuer, 3* S-l. M; St. Mary's; D'Esposito Hits 2 purred away and started as readily as on the day it Bill Get>el«-B<>t> Milzllcb (L) def. Ned doubles. The all-important third Ktvltn-IM Epstein, 84, «-3. was delivered In December, without having had a point came on the doubles victory Red Bank Catholic split two Lenorth was tapped for eight D'Esposito hit a 400-footer going with a walk and went to ROLMDEL WOMEN'S LKAOUE moment's service or attention other than re-fueling. by Alan Novogrod and Charles w w baseball games over the week- singles. / over the right field fence with second on a steal. Don Longo Van Middlesworth over Lake- , Zare'a SIroea M 2» Holmdel Liquor Store 53 41 end by handing out a 9-1 trounc- St. Mary's made it easier for two on in the fourth, and hiswas safe on a fielder's choice, And we didn't have to worry about re-fueling on wood's Dennis Schurgin and Benion'a Furniture Store »-47 46 ing to St. Mary's of Perth Am- the Caseys in the 9-1 contest Fri- third four bagger of the season Fitzgerald moving to third. Longo Potter'i Garden Center ,...46H our cruise. In eight days of sailing we used less than Richie Spitzer. Haxlet Druga - ._ —..48 boy Friday, and then dropped a day. came in the sixth with Bucka- pilfered second, and, with two Today's schedule Is featured by Harry'a Llquora 38 4-3 squeaker to Neptune Satur- Sal D'Esposito had his hitting lew on board. outs, Jim Thompson was safe half of the six-gallon tank in maneuvering in and out Boo'a Muilo Studio 3754 B5H CBA's trip to Princeton. The day afternoon. cap on in this one and smacked St. Mary's had the early lead, when the left fielder dropped his of narrow channels and anchorages. The rest of the Little Tigers, defending league Dick Lynch, defensive half- The Caseys held the upper a pair of homers to lead the but the Caseys tied it up in thefly ball allowing both runners to time, we had two hours of windward work on our first champions, are 2-0 and will be aback for the New York Giants, hand in the Neptune contest for slugging department. Also con- third, scored five in the fourth, score. After Buckalew walked, severe hurdle for the Colts, pre- was a boxer at Notre Dame. D'Esposito homered to polish off sail, and from then on the breeze was from abeam and iVi innings before the Scarlet tributing extra base blows were one in the fifth and a pair in Fliers exploded in the bottom of 'Wit" Buckalew and Pete Stirn- (he sixth. ' the inning. somewhat between 12 and 20 knots on every sal) we the fifth frame with three runs, weiss. Dave Fitzgerald got the inning D'Esposito's sixth inning hom- took. The sky was a flawless blue for the whole period, just enough for the victory. The er put Red Bank Catholic out dotted only by a few fleecy clouds, and air tempera- Caseys scored in the top of the front to stay. last inning, but it wasn't enough ture was in the mid-70's by day, the high 60's at night. to get back into the ball game. ••••••••••••••••I Lest it be assumed that these conditions are per- Neptune's three-run rally in petual, it should be pointed out that the Bahamas have the sixth received a big assist their share of rough weather, and the people using the rom the Caseys. Sam Martus- ceili's single was the only hit by boat the two weeks before we did were kept in port Associated Press (Tims* EST) the Fliers. Mixed in the trouble- four days by a strong northern. some inning were a hit batsman, Apiil, however, is the start of the best season, American League National League wild pitch, passed ball and an W. L. Pet. G.B. W, L. Pet. G.B. overthrow. and we were lucky to hit it just right Our cruise Kansas City .... 15 9 .625 Pittsburgh ...... 13 8 .619 The loss gave the Caseys an took us from Eleuthera westward across the deep New York ...... 11 8 .579 St. Louis 16 10 .615 8-3 record. Neptune has a 7-6 (over 5,000 feet) blue waters of Exuma Sound, Boston 11 8 .579 San Francisco 16 10 .615 mark. Baltimore 13 11 .542 Chicago 13 11 .542 2. 30 miles to the Exuma Cays, one of the classic Bob Davis' double was the on Chicago 11 10 .524 Milwaukee .. 13 13 .500 3 ly extra base blow In the game. cruising grounds of the world. Cleveland 9 9 .500 Los Angeles 12 13 .480 Ed Lenorth picked up the loss Los Angeles .... 12 14 .462 Philadelphia 11 12 .478 They are a chain of small cays and islets running 3>/4 for the Green and Gold team. Minnesota 10 13 .435 Cincinnati ... 10 12 .455 4 Two Neptune twirlers held for 90 miles in a north-south line in the heart of the Washington 10 IS .400 New York ... 9 15 .365 6 Red Bank to three hits, while What Happened to Bahamas, with Exuma Sound's deep waters on one side Detroit 9 14 .391 Houston 8 17 .365 Sunday's Results Sunday's Results NrpUne (4) R. B, Catholic (3) and a vast shallow bank of pale green water on the AB R II ABRH in the Detroit 12, Baltimore 4 Los Angeles 7, Pittsburgh 3 Kckart,«t 4 0 1 Bchl'al'r.rf 1 3 other. Most of the islands are uninhabited, and they D2t 4 0 1 Thomp;n,3b 2 0 1 Minnesota 4, New York 1 . Chicago 3, Milwaukee 2 Davli.lb 1 .1 Buck.l'w.lt 3 0 2 string along only a few hundred yards apart, with an Boston 3, Kansas City 2 San Francisco 6-2, New York 3-4 Rui'l'ro.ll 0*1 D'Exw'o.lb Harem Scene? Spreni'l.o 0 1 Lenorth,p endless profusion of cuts, coves and creeks cutting Cleveland 4, Los Angeles 3 Philadelphia 6-2, Houston 54 Wnlle.ri Stl'wtlal.H Sor'ni'n.rf OOO PlUafe'd.et through them. Chicago 8-7, Washington 0-8 Cincinnati 5-4, St. Louis 4-7 (2ndM«rtuW,8b 3 12 lonf o, 2b BecHmn'.M 3 10 Coyne,c Read . Saturday's Results game, 10 Innings) Arnlnf.P 0 0 0 Hamre1'r,e The colors of the water are unbelievably brilliant Daflarno,p 3 0 1 Chicago 8, Washington I Saturday's Results "I OIVP Russia and varied, with all shades of blue and green, plus pale Baltimore 8, Detroit 4 » 4 « 24 3 3 Philadelphia 7, Houston 0 Red Bank ..... a. 110> 000 1-3 yellows, whites and odd combinations. Piloting by eye New York 3, Minnesota 2 Pittsburgh 5, Los Angeles 0 Neptune .. _ 400 003 x $1200" Cleveland 6, Los Angeles 0 Doublei — Davla. is easy, especially with shallow draft, and snorkeling San Francisco 17, New York 4 Umplrw—«umvtn, J, Palaia. Bob Hope's on coral heads is as good as that anywhere in the Kansas City 14, Boston 3 (5 In Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 0 I>. CMkollO (II St. MH(| (I) nlngs, rain) Chicago 7, Milwaukee 5 AABKHH AB R II world. Some nights we had a secluded cove all to our- Scn'li'lar.rff »» 0 00 Canoa.lb 3 0 3 Own Story Today's Games Kane.rt 22 O OKoi'lk.aa selves, with not a light or other vessel in sight. Other Today's Game MaynM.Jb OOO Nl'mlw.c! 4 O New York at Detroit (N) W'Wmio, » 1 0pm>»r<,3b 3 0 Minnesota at Los Angles (N) Los Angeles at Pittsburgh Buc'ltw.ll 2 S 2 HcOann,2b 2 1! times we anchored close to native sloops for interest D'Ha'to, Louis (N) ° 5mSlr»WLop««. Worthier. I AWWUNCIM1NTS AUTOfl ftTRUCK S PETS * LIVESTOCK RED BANK REGISTER AND FOUND .rat SUE _ x tor ehH- H0R8TB BOARDED Monday, May 6, 1963—17 ucuUta, Call* raad woman's ready-f MONEY MAKER Introtiucing ... Oood trails available. C*fl . . epts. jMsUblished Mare For taan who Is readr aad abls to do J81-1257.' un coRvxm — Bxwiiant lountr. cawnr plus coma lop notch sals* W> introducing copy- Uon wlli only 1,000 mST AdmtloSIl revile* held Fn confidence, send full righted financial plan to Buameas-Fro- FIELD'S FRENCH POODLE PUPPIES — AKC. HOUSES FOR SALE •oulpment - power mat. power brakes, W BRpADWATIB U6L VuU canvaa. «sume asd photo to "A.B.". Box tit tesakinal people. Leading national or- sliver gray. Male* and female. Call Red Bank. 0-5 p.m., SH 7-1418 or 9-8 p.m. BH 1- ralwmlU, two-ton* maroon and whin, 15 gallon tank inboard IMtV n h-p. ganization will pay you WKr-t» tt.000 FANTABULOUS 1193. •BJU iundaj evsning. atlfw ratio. t3,10a «H T-MOO. • Mercury. $871 Call PR 4-3676. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CLERK monthly in commissions and bonuses. ward. »H i-JMB, — Typing and accuracy with figures Don't miss this challenging and profita- 1 GROOM YOUR OWN DOO — Comb. BERG im M1RCUBT - Four-door sedu. 24' CABIN - 165 h.p., head, navy ble opportunUy. Write immediately to brushes, dippers, etc. KEYPORT PET good all around transportation. Reatoi top, two bunks. 1X960. essential. Would prefer person with "B.E.,'- Box 5U, Red Bank. •BUDGETEER able. Call after 8 p.m. 8H MM». IH 1-1885 knowledge of bookkeeping machines. Re- SUPPLIES, Hwy 35, Cllffwood. LO 6- Short of Cash? Use Our PUBLIC NOTICES ply in own handwriting stating age, AMBITIOUS REAL ESTATE BALES- Not Used.. .Not Distressed. . . 5569. MM 195» BILVERTON SKIFF — 22'. - r Layaway Plan h.p. inboard.- Ready to go m water. experience end references to: 'A.2C", HAN — Interested In a five figure But A Custom Designed AKC SMALL — French Poodles. All oam Red Bank. income. Must be sggresslve. No ex- colors. Super bargalna on small brown Mm A *_ P. Plata, Mar 1 through CA 2-7743 May be sesn at Bea Bright. Asking Down Payments are Approximate tl.lOO. Call iW-6610 tor itppolntmani GENERAL OFFICE WORKER — Book- perience necessary, THE BERQ THREE ROOM GROUPING oodles. HO 2-6025. Kar J. AatytAntique*a , houaehold turalsh- 19M JEEP -i. warren hube, full Kel AGENCY, OB 1-1000. to Qualified Buyers -'— tojn, TV'a, rangs. Fri- keeping experience helpful. Steady posi- STYLED. . . FOR BALE GENTLE PONY — With cab. excellent condition. CaU 8« tion. Paid vacation. Must bs over 25. CMu aal., - ' M2L saddle. Also two horses. Call 291- IUSINESS NOTICES Apply between 10 and 3 p.m. 8. 8. CARPENTERS PRICED. . . 1257. VETS, NO MONEY DOWN _J OLWMOBJL3J -, Bell ai li E CO., Monmouth Shopping Framers In cre-wa of three or four BUDGETED. . . NON-VETS. $700 DOWN Win run. OsOl Center, Satontown.- piece-work. -LEVITT JOB, Btrathmore- For Beginners m a. cool, three-bad room ranch AUTOMOTIVE 842-1247 ______PART T»MB WORK al-Msliwen, Mttawan, N. J. Ask for REAL ESTATE FOR RENT sitting ; aof n & H *cre lot because rra 1M1, CHEVROLET IMPALA convert? TOP SOIL To do part-time telephone survey work Bteve. Framing Foreman. Three Complete Rooms of fully - r-condlUoned, ,404 I boast AUTOS ft TRUCKS Me. Radio and heater.^ffull power, at home, No selling. Must reside In APARTMENTS about the Ui bath*, full base mem, •now tires, ezceUent condition. UI8B. BILL PIERCE & SON tonmouth County. Writs "B.M.", Box BRAND NEW FURNITURE knotty pine recreation room, dish- 843-1278. AND ORADSKd 51L Red Bank. HELP WANTED-Male • Female THREE ROOMS FURNISHED — Utili- washer arid built-in oven 1 hive. Vm 17,000 miles. Call ^T77 for only ties, parking, adults, no petj, Phona right across the street from a school 1958 OLPSMOBILE 98 hardtop, full NBURANCE AGENCY warns girl WHO 741-2S88 after 6 or weekends. and shopping Is convenient. Come, look BH 7-97M power, radio, heater. Call FIREPLACE SCREENS repaired and knowledge of general Insurance. Salary PROOFREADER $295. me OY«r now. ; UM FORO COUNTRY SUDAN 8TA- MS-7438 mads to order. Bright Acre, BH 7-6551 open. Send resume to "B.R.", Box 511, FOUR-ROOMS • UNFURNISHED apart- Bright Bjore, BH 7-2222. Red Bank. • Pay only $3 weekly ment suitable. lor adults. In two-family TIOM WAOON - Automatlo transmls- U4» CHEVROLET convertible, excel Part-time. Send resume of experience house with spacious grounds, quiet $17,500 Full Price •ton. Power ateerlng tad brakes, ratio 1, ALLEN AND EDWARD MALONE— TYPIST-CASHIER — Good salary to and/or qualifications, hours available ~k 10-pc. Living Room Group lent condition 1125. start, plus chance for advancement. street in residential Red Bank, one- Ki'Sy"; iS2* P»«»«n»tr. tlood tin*. SH 7-0MS Painting and decorating. and hourly rate expected. Write "B.C.* half block to bus line, two blocks to 8H 7-4827 Interesting work, pleasant working con- Box. 611, Red Bank. 9-pc. Bedroom, Modern shopping and business center. Large BERG 1S69 FORD OALAXIE — Radio, heatf ditions, age 18-35. Bee Mrs. H. Morgan, 1M7 OLDSMOBILE — Convertible, «- CHARLES HOWER - Masco Con- BAKU EMPLOYMENT AGSNC1 ~k 5-pc. Dinette bright rooms, leading from center hall cellent condition, lull power, 1700. call eight-cylinder, automatic, excellent a BELL FINANCE CO., Red Bank. full kitchen, private bathroom. (100 Four bedrooms. two full bathf, dltlon, 8H 1-0500, tractor. No lob too small. BH 7-4479 o qualified Personnel For Quality Orders plus science kitchen, and oversized at* •reOTH BH 1-0172. SHIRT OPERATOR — Experienced on 210 Broad Long Branch CA 2-4747 monthly, on yearly lease, starting tached garage are some of the out- 1M» TRIUMPH TR 1 Roadate: two girl prosperity unit. Must be neat, A Guaranteed Family Size June 15th. Call after 5 p.m. 8H 7 1M7 CHEVROLET Bel Air four-door LAWN MAINTENANCE — Call aft*! ACS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3(97. standing features of this home. Washer, sedan. V-8. automatlo transmiulon, $700. CaU efficient and reliable. Apply In person, dryer, air conditioner and awnings CO 4-3430. 6 p.m. Svsry order A applicant our apeciaity. REFRIGERATOR two ntw whitewall tires. Excellent run- 8H 7-0673 MQREY LaRUE, Hwy. 35, Eatontown. 12 Broad St.. Red Bank BH 744M TWIN flABLES APARTMENTS — 36 are aiao Included. Schools within nine condition. Radio and heater. $700. OO CART — Be built MC-7 entln EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER — Riverside Ave., Red Bank, on river easy walking distance. See it today.' Calf 787-2403 after »:S0 p.m. Ready to race. Call after • p.m. *7: T. WALLING it BON — General cow through general ledger and trial EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Only at Field's front, 3-3H-5 rooms unfurnished. SH 1 tttl. ____ tractor, masonry, painting, all rep balance, statement preparation and Executlve-Baies-Otflce-Domestlc 2399. Down Payment $500 1H5 CADIIXAC — Full power,' air Free estimate. 787.4218. payroll taxes. Reply in own hand- Sincerity and ability with high etniei 7-11 East Front St. •oWHUjned. Telephone after < p.m. f 60- Broad St SH 14677 Red Bank FIVE-ROOM apartment. 34 Branch Ave. m AUSTIN HBALEY SPRITE —Red BUCK'S FURNITURE SERVICE — writing to "A. F> . Box 611, Red BH 1-7MO. excellent condition. Original owner. 81 Bank. Keyport CO 4-3020 Molly Pitcher Village. Heat, hot water Monmouth County Office Furniture repairing and reBnlshlng. SALES HELP — Full and part-time w Included. 741-6456. ttw HILMAN MINX convertible, one 1-7812 after 5 p.m. ^^^^^ Antiques and modern. SH 7-2436. over 21. Apply in person TWIGGS Open Daily 9-6 owner, excellent condition. FORD 1868 — Four-door sedan. Hay OIRLS WANTED — Experienced In MEN'S SHOP, Middletown Shopping WEEKEND PAINTERS—14 years ex. factory work. Apply In person, RALPH Thursday and Fridays 'til 9 FIVE ROOMS THE BERG AGENCY 8H 1-16M mileage, one owner, exoelltnt cond! Center. Unfurnished Uon. Call BM-73K. perlence. Average home $125 plus paint. FRTEDLAND & BROS.. INC, Locust DISCOUNT ON WALLTEX — Sanitae, Call 787-114 MM CHEVROLET ~ Blx-cylloder, Kick Why pay more? BH 1-2595 any hour. St., Keyport TEACHERS — Math, English, Reading. and all wallpaper. Special sale. Mer- Realtor •hilt rood condition, SMB. NOW THAT YOU have studied thi High school, elementary. Summer cury paint, »2. per gallon. DELORMB FOUR ROOMS — Beautifully furnished UM FORD — VS. four new tires MINOR PLUMBING AND ODD JOB EXPERIENCED WAITRESS — Satur- mornings. Must be dedicated, experi- Private entrance. Bath, patio, all utill "Personalized Service" ADS... "Hultle to Russell" to Inspect Call day's and Sunday's off. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. INDUSTRIES, Hwy. 36, Leonardo. new blue paint, new covert, standard and buy a top reconditioned Cadillac Apply at Colonial Restaurant, Red enced. Respond fully, Indicating ex- ties. CA 2-0757. transmission, excellent. $389. Call BH lsmobils or other make carl LO 8-1542 or PA 1-4811 perience and Interest in remedial work. TIRES — 68 only. 750x14, first line, OSborne 1-1000 1-4S19. Bank. Write 'B.H.", Box 511, Red Bank. tubelees, wide whltewall. 24-Month LITTLE SILVER — Unfurnished cozy CARPENTER — Call BH 1-5201. Ol guarantee. $17.54 each plus tax. RED three rooms, bath. Second floor, pri- Route #35 Middletown, N. J. CHEVROLET — 1858. station wagon, evenings 31 Foster St., Rivcu WOMAN NEEDED TO LIVE IN and MANAGER FOR MODERN LUNCH' BANK TIRE CO. 747-3404. vate entrance. All utilities. SH 1-1658. •lx cylinder, standard aliltt. Very clean. MOBILE HOMES Im. care for four motherless children while EONETTE — Good salary plus com- Daily 9-9 Saturday-Sunday 10-7 father works. Call 787-1975. BOOKCASE BED — Spring, mattress. FURNISHED APARTMENT—Two bed- Quick eal«. *«50. Private. 787-M74. CARPENTER WORK wanted. O «-l600 Matawaa after 4 p.m. 8H 7-9066. ' J ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN MATURi". WOMAN wants babysitting stered occasional chairs, $19.95. RED BANK — 73 Branch Ave.t lecond (U0 yda, from MaUwan RR BUtlon) INTERIOR DECORATING—And paper vicinity Red Bank-Llncroft. Phone 741- BURDGB ft SON FURNITURE, 24 Door; unfurnished two rooms, kitchen, HAZLET — Three-bedroom split, A-l banging. 1748. Clay St., Red Bank. bath, all utilities Included, 190. Avail- condition, V.i baths, attached garage, able May 15. Call 842-1154. fenced property. Many eitra*. Oall CO AUTO FARTS-REPAIR 741-7814 SALES CLERKS MOTHER'S HELPER — Borne cooklnL GAD DECORATORS, residential and Willing to learn. Wishes position in SURPLUS MILL WORK TWO-THREE room apartments located 4-6992. Red Bank or vicinity. Must be near at 33 and 35 Waverly PI., Red Bank. SKIRTS -~ For a 1957 OldimobUi commercial painting and paperhang. Doors, windows, shuttera. Fraction of OWNER SELLING — Cape Cod. MId- Ing. Reasonable rates. 8H 1-6247. bus line. Sleep In. Write "B.J." Box Heat and water supplied. Near center •W, tB. Call CASHIERS 511, Red Bank. original cost In entire lot or piece. of town. SH 7-U17 or SH 1-0203. dletown Township. Custom birch built- 842-1247 OA 2-1743. OA 9-3391. in kitchen, oil radiant heat, fireplace, 3U-ROOM APARTMENT — Avallabl aluminum combinations. Asking S13,- WANTED TO BUY — Rebuilt englni EMPLOYMENT TOP BOIL — FILL DIRT June 1. »10 MObLY PITCHER VIL- LOWEST PRICES short Mock, to lit 1968 Chevrolet V-8. AUTO MECHANICS FINANCIAL Daniel Paterson, 355 Harmony Rd., LAGE, Branch and Madison Aves. Call SK 1-92S4. HELP WANTED-FEMALE MIddletown. OS 1-05O9. OS 1-0422. SHREWSBURY — Four-bedroom Capa ANYWHERE! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ~.ed Bank. Call SH 1-9115. Cod on largo enclosed lot. Low taxes. FOR8YTHIA — Very large bushes. » Near schools, transportation, shopping ONE YEAR WARRANTY* WOMAN to oare for three yeor-ol. STOCK CLERKS each; smaller 35c. PEONIES, best ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Four rooms, BOATS AND ACCESSORIES child and house, must have car. Call bath, private porch, all utilities. 291- areas. jie.OOO. BH 1-8413 alter 7 p.mT •'« Impala Convertible FROSTEE-KREEM named varieties, pink, white, red, 11.502371. •••3Ohev•3Ohev7 44r44r. BH 7-9285 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. COMPANY BENEFITS each. You dig and take. Bring shovel. RUMSON RIVKRV1EW — 2H year '« Nova 4-ar. aea. BAROAIH — Any boat you want MOBILE UNITS A. ILER DAIRY FARM, one THREE ROOMS AND BATH - old ranch. Immaculate condition. Three- MOTHERS — Part-time work with full e HOSPTTALIZATION Own-operate new type soft ice cream bedrooms, tile bath, wide board, '(2 Four-wheel dr. pick-up own. Low bank rates. Financing ar time pay. ' Three evenings a week. mobile unit and earn $10,000 to $14,000 half mile south of Mlddletown-Rallroad and hot water supplied. •'•1 Chevy Bel Air 4-dr. ranzementa completed In one call ai Demonstrators and managers needed • INSURANCE a year plus ea-, • •f! or call: chandise In a large variety. ting. Spacious six-room apartment. •'MCorvalr 700 Coupe Bey's largest marine supply house. APPLY IN PERSON bedrooms, all large rooms. $29,500. Ex- ••60 Dodge Dart 4-dr. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — Part FROSTEE-KREEM Modern kitchen, *U5 includes heat and cellent condition. Owner. SH 7-5380. Evlnrud* SalM and Service PROWN'S water. Adults only. LI 2-4355. •'80 Chevy Bel Air Hardtop THE BOATMAN'S SHOP, time and full time. Apply In person Box 311, R. D. 1 •'60 Chevy Impala Hdtp. L*M Restaurant, Al» jfrVj^nl' 3*t CoattavlUe, Pa- 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK HIGHLANDS — Four-room house on •'69 Chevy ti-ton panel 24 Wharf Ave. 8H 1-S760 Red Bank. R & S HOME & THREE ROOMS and bath. Furnished. hUl, ou heat, large kitchen, full bale- Open Sundays and Holidays * am-1 pm Haven. Next to flrehoiue. 215-DU 4-C128 GETTING READY FOR SUMMER— One or two adults. No pets. 99 Her- ment.- Ideal for couple. 872-1738. •GOBuIck Kiectra 21S-WA 3-H571 Bamboo curtains, 50c pair, never used. bert St., Red Bank. •'59 Oldi 88 Hardtop 17%' INBOARD — 75 h.p. Gray. Na- ETHNOGRAPHER — , Red Bank, la' AUTO STORES LITTLE SILVER THREE-BEDROOM office. Five-day week, previous legi DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT — Fully Three to four dozen pair. Maternity UNFURNISHED TWO - BEDROOM "59 Chevy Impala, Convertible; top, windshield. In water flberrlasseij equipped, on heavily traveled state clothes. SH 1-7157. SPLIT plus den. Call after 5. CA S- •'» Chevy Jmpala 4-dr. bottom, beat offer over fDOO. 757-4838 experience preWreJ-lcall BHj- "™ RoUta 35, MiddUtown APARTMENT — In Red Bank. Utllltes 3252. highway. Excellent business, good and garage. Call SH 1-3111. "89 Plymonth Wagon 5-7 p.m. ~ :' " EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES —Fol money maker. LI 2-1700. MOVING — Norge gas dryer, 10 pound "69 Ford Bjulre, 9-ptn. dinners only. Bteady for summer, part- (OPPOSITE MUNICIPAL BLDO.> • capaclly. Reasonable. PARK LIKE SETTING — Sparkling "59 Ford Oalaile 2-dr. BOSTON WHALER — SallfiSb. aunflll ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS —unfurnished white. Five bedrooms, den, fireplace, hydrodyne, Mercury motors. A fe* time later- Call mornings only 842- MODERN TWO BAY — Brick service CO 43855 IM and furnished lVi and three-room ••it Chevy Mr. station for lease In Little Bllver. Ex- two baths, modern kitchen. River "58 Chevy Wagon, two-tone used boats. BOAT SKI * SCOOTE! !7«7. HANDYMAN — 64 hours a day. in- MOVIE CAMERA — With case. Bell apartments. 6 Third Ave., 291-9237. rights, Three blocks to Red Bank CENTER, 75 White St.. Red Bank, 74: cellent location. For Information cal *'M Chevy Be" Air formation RIVERCREST NURSING EL 2-0542. &. Howell 8 m. ra. electric eye, A-l RED BANK — Three rooms unfur- schools, churches, and shopping center. HOME, Chapln Ave., Red Bank. Apply condition. HO. Call Mrs. Stillman, SH 26,000. See It today. ROLSTON-WA- '57 Chevy Wagon im. COUNTER GIRL — Good position 1-8600. nished, newly decorated, beat, ho •56 Ford Convertible FULL LINE OP DUPONT MARIN: •0-2. ' : water supplied. Near transportation TERBURY, Realtor. 16 West Front St. Red Bank. SH 7-3500. '56 Ford Wagon PAINTS AND VARNISHES — Flbe: available. No calls please. Please MEN OVER 21 looking," for steady MORTGAGES and business. LI 2-3823. SH 7-0100. •&o Ford Victoria Hdtp. (las, and plaatlc coatlni. DELORM: ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE work with over time, applications being FURNISHED APARTMENT — Three FIVE-ROOM VAIL HOME apartment '55 cadlllao 62 Coupe INDUSTRIES, Hwy. 36. Leonardo. apply In person only.' HOWARD for sale. Oil heat, tile bath. U 2- M Oldi M Sedan taken. Apply ESTEY METAL PROD- FOR RENT Rent A Piano $12 per Month rooms, 23 Spring St., Red Bank. SH 7- UCTB, 11 Catherine El, Bed Bank. ttNABB. MASON-BAML1N. BOHHXR 4222. QUICK SALE 14' RUNABOUT — 30 h.p. Evlhru* JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT Hwy 5006. Trailer, cover, anchor,. .cushiona. fit * Money CABLE-NELSON. EVERETT. STSCK NEPTUNE — Four bedrooms, two '58 8fep-In V«n \ Homeowners only 100 WEST BERGEN PLACE, Red M Ford Wagon _..-_ extinguisher, paddle, apeedometer, con MIddletown. Cookmaa Ave. 4k laaln St., Aibury Pk. Bank. Call after 5:30 p.m. baths. Assume mortfage. Small down trols, ateerllng wheel, trailer hitch DRAFTSMEN Open dally till 9 Sax. till 640 payment. $16,300. Call PR 4-8212. '56 Chevr H-ton panel . Extra prop. $375. CA 3-3152. DEBT CONSOLIDATION SH 1-5219 '56 Chevy DENTAL ABSISTANT — Mature wom- DRAWING CHECKERS PR 6-9301 PRIVATE UNFURNISHED THREE BETTER THAN NEW—1860 DOWN ;64tjevy ; I960 - 94' RICHARDSON CUSTOM an three dava a week, 8 to 9. Wrtti HOME IMPROVEMENTS MAN'S CLUB CHAIR — And end ROOM APARTMENT — with utili- Just old enough to have the kinds •6* Chevy HARDTOP "SKIFF — 177 h.p. Chrysler. 1 table. In good condition of a o 11 < ;roned out — blue grass established, B.G. . Box 611, Red Bank. Several years experience as drafts Eatontown Financial Consultants ties, bath, and garage. Call after Perfect condition. Ship to shore radio. mahogany wood. To be seen betwee: P.m.. SH 7-5187. ' rees and shrubbery put in, comblna- Outriggers, complete winter and sum. J.M. FIELDS QUALITY DISCOUNT men on production drawings for elec. On the Circle 2-4 p.m. week days. Price {50. 2 Bassetl Ion aluminum storms and screens mer covera. Many extras. May b« DEPARTMENT STORE — Is looking tromechanlcal part* and assemblies. Eatontown, N. J. Prefer some familiarity with govern PI.. Red Bank. have been Installed. Three bedrooms, aeen at Fair Haven Yacht Work! for full time and part-time sales per COMMERCIAL RENTALS ltt baths, 22' living room and ready "Winkle". J3660. Terms. CA 2-1680 sonnel for their yarn department. Ap. ment standards. PR 4-1220 DUPONT LUCITE — All colors. J6.7I to move into — subject to qualified [Hlcanta must have good knowlege of per gallon. DuPont discontinued palnta, FHA buyers for only $18,850. WALKER knitting and/or needs work. In pe LONG TDRM GOVERNMENT DAY OR NIGHT many colors to choose from, 50 pel OFFICE SPACE & WALKER, Realtors, Hwy 35, 1000' AUTOS ft TRUCKS son Friday 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. OPERATION IN THE HOMEOWNERS NEED MONEY? cent off. DELORME INDUSTRIES, south of Lily-Tulip Co., MIddletown. lour credit Is good. First and second Hwy. 36, Leonardo. Heat turnlihed, will redecorate to suit PHONE 671-3311. Multiple Listings and AVON SELLS ITSELF—Full or pai RED BANK, N. J. AREA mortgagee. SH 1-4344 or FO 3-2801. your requlrments. Best location, will trade-Ins. Open 7 days. time. Several territories open for worn TWO POWER LAWN MOWERS —Push aub-dlvide II necessary. See and com- en Interested In having a good stead GOOD SALARY WITH TRAVEL model, (15; Riding Model, S35. Good pare. SH 7-1100. CONVERTIBLES ALLOWANCE condition. Call SH -7-9154. RED BANK AREA — Reduced $1,000. '81 CADILLAC Sixty-Two. Black. One Owner, Low Miles ...... 3998 Income. Experience Unnecessary. SH 1 INSTRUCTION Four bedrooms, two tile baths, extra 4343 or write: Mrs. Margaret Oulotta, LODGE ROOM (or rent. Center of kitchen, combinations. Close to schools '60 CADILLAC Sixty-Two. White. Choose From Two .2888 P.O. Box 100, Red Bank. NO AGE LIMIT SLEEP LATER town. Could be used also for office •60 OLD8M0BILE 88. White with Blue Top 1888 space. Approximately 2,400 sq. ft. Write and transportation. On one acre. Owner TRAINING IN ELECTRONICS r for appointment, SH 7-9229. '60 BTUDEBAKER Lark. Regal. V-8, White, Black Top 1188 REAL ESTATE SALESWOMAN-Elthei MAIL RESUME IMMEDIATELY, OR 'LODaE Box 511, Red Bank. T Attend one night per week. Pay aa WINDOW SHADES '» PLYMOUTH Fury, White . 1188 experienced or Inexperienced, we wl aAUL (PHDLA.) MARKET 7-7&0 you learn. Apply 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. LEONARDO — Excellent buy. three train. The person selected after u Monday through Friday. Why get up with the birds ? Get room STORES bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living specialized trial period may be ellslbla MONMOUTH RADIO darkening shades. Immediate service. room. Plus cellar, IH baths. South of for a drawing account. Call LOVE White St. — Best location, redecora- BOROWARD H. L YOH. CO. ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE Highway 36. Priced for quick sale at Realty Co.. Mr. Lltchman, 747-8060. 814 Cookman Ave., Aabury Park North PROWN'S Uon completed, small or large space to $13,500. Call Blttner & Carton Agency, •S» Isabella 2 Dr. Bta. Wagon, housewife's dream 888. 123 80. 2ND ST. PHILA. S PA suit your requirement SH 7-1100. EXPERIENCED PART-TIME SALE! AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY of Railroad Station. 774-0303. 32 Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-7500 56 Main St, Keyport. CO 4-2916. CADILLACS GIRL — Wanted. Evenings and Satur EMPLOYER STORE FOR RENT — Next to Mayfalr ?OUR-BEDROOM — Two-bath recrea- •62 Sixty-Two Coupe. Uke New. 11,000 MUei 4588. days. SYLVETTE'S, Children Dept., 4 h.p. Super Market, Newman ' Spring! Rd., tion room, cellar, garage, lot .adjoins '61 Do Villa 6 Window Bed., White. Air Cond. J98B. Mlddlelown Shopping Center. Ses Mrs. DO TO AN INCREASE IN BUSINESS— MERCHANDISE Springfield rotary rider, dragging 24" Red Bank. Call days SH 1-9599. eve- park, Vi per cent VA available. $19,000 Green. An experienced decorator-salesman Is 3 h.p. rotary. $200. 842-2362, nings SH 1-5013. •61 Sixty-Two Couse. Black, electric windows, power seats 3788. needed Immediately. Call 8H 7-4000. SH 1-0370. '61 DeVllle. 6 Window Sedan. Brlntnl Blue ....3788. FOR SALE USED SCREENS — Wood frame, 2— MODERN OFFICE for rent, excellen TELEPHONE SOLICITORS — To work 36x59"; 4—30x59"; 2—30x55"; 1—30x RED BANK HOME—Just oft Broad '59 60 Special Fleetwood Gleaming Blaxk, 32,383 miles 2588. from home In Rumson-Shrewabury location, good for any business or pro- St. Ssven rooms, two baths, fireplace, •M DeVllle Coupe, Brilliant Blue Black k White Trim 1888. DIRECT SALES 43"; 1—28x55" — $1,25 each. Phone fessional. 1-2-3-4-or 5 rooms. Reason- area. Call VA 6-7888 between 9:00 and TELL ME BH 1-9407 after 6 p.m. sunporch. In excellent condition, quiet '»7 Siviy Special Fleetwood. Choose From Three 1488. 11:30 only. Part or full-time to home owners. UL able rent, parking space available. On street. Walking distance to shopping, Automatic Fire Equipment should net Where elae can you buy any colo: Highway 35, Hulet, N.J. Call CO 4- CHEVROLET EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES Nights Sera ton* at (4.99 K&>> (regular price , tnacnines. 9673. schools and trains. $17,850. Call us to- or days. Apply In person HARMONY 1300 week. No Investment. FDIETOX, All makes new or used. Guaranteed day. ROL8TON WATERBURY. Real- •68 NOmad Station Wagon, Power Steering, Auto. 43,152 Mllea 1088. SH 7-0400. (6.59) ? Cellar combination aluminum Low as (25. Sorplco's. 101 Monmouth tors, IS W. Front St., Red Bank. CHRYSLER BOWL COFFEE SHOP, 1835 Route 35, wlndowi 12.99 (size 32x14)? Venetian MIddletown. IONSTRUCTI0N CLERK of the works. blinds 2 for $3? Turpentine 99c gal. 7 St. Next to theater. SH 70485. SH 7-3500. •85 New Yorker 4 dr. Bed. You've Got to Bee It! 695. HOUSES FOR RENT ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, experl School construction. Experience neces- 20 gal. plastic trash can and cover RED BANK — Washington St., duplex. DBSOTO sary. Call LI 2-1055 for appointment. (3.99? Hundred! super values right BEST TOPSO1L WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — Six rooms each skle, coal furnaces. enced. Apply MARTIN RUBBER CO. Mr. Clorfl. now. Shop by phone. Quick delivery ..'59 Firs Flits, 2 Dr. Hd. Top, 2-Tone Blue, AU Extras 1188. Long Branch Ave., Long Branch. Chicken manure, bluestone, road Furnished and unfurnished. Immedi- Reasonable price. Low taxes. Exclu- DODOB gravel, wash gravel, sand, fill dirt, ate occupancy. Samuel Telcher Agency sive agent, CONSTANCE SMITH, 14 WOMAN WANTED to care for elderly EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY palmer! PROWN'S Oceanport Ave., OceanporL Call or dial '68 Coronet, Hardtop Coupe, Red A White ...__ 788. Top wages, steady year-round work, etc. ECKEL'S TRUCKING. Morgan- Maple Ave., Fair Haven. SH 1-2308. man, sleep In, excellent wages. Call 32 Broad St. Red Bank 8H 1-7500 vlllo. 566-5707. LI 2-3500 or LI 2-3501. FORD CO 4-7113 or CO 4-2613. many benefits. Apply DICK MAT- EATONTOWN — 4% mortgage avail- THEWS AUTO BODY, Newman Springs A BIG BARGAIN — Color TV 1983 $95 to J125 Per Month able. Ranch, three bedrooms, living- '63 Falcon Station Wagon, like new, auto, trans. _ 1988. PIANOS — Save (100 or more off list THE BERQ AGENCY '61 oalaxle 2-Dr. Hdtp. Power Weerinr. Automatlo. Very Ol«an. ..1788. EXPERIENCED all around laundress Rd., Red Bank. SH 1-5886. price, brand new 88-not* conaole pi- model J3&8 complete. Come in for a dlning room, full basement with rec- wanted, four days a week, own trans- reo demonstration. ACE TV Hwy. 35 Rt 35 Middletown reation room, breezeway, garage, patio. '58 Falrlane 500, 2 dr. Seri.. Blue * White. V-8 ..._, 788. anos. 10-year guarantee. Come see, 08 1-1000 s portation, references. Write to BDX 706, save. Rent, option to buy, Tenzer'a Neptune City. PR 5-8062. LI 2-0219. OLDSMOBILKS MR 1, Red Bank. MEN—RESUMES Muslo Store, 306 Main St., Lakewood. BELFORD — V, duplex, three bed- LITTLE SILVER — Seven-room Cape '63 F-8S Jetllre coupe, bucket seats, 4 on the floor -...3225. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS — Part WHERE ELSE rooms, newly decorated, suitable for '60 »8 Hardtoo cou»e. one owner. 22.000 milts , 2088. MARMOT STOLE CAPE — Never used, Cod, fireplace, tour bedrooms, two d and full time. Apply In person, SHORE We counsel you on the preparation OLif Beautiful, reasonable. Modern Age can you buy the hest quality window Ive persons or less. One-year lease baths, cellar, garage. $21,900. SH 7- •60 98 Hardtop Sedan. Black, all Dower extra* J888. POINT INN, Hwy 35, Hazlet. your resumes. Our staff Is made up necessary. $91 a month, no utilities, 3306, '59 98 Hardtop Sedan. White & Blue, all power 1688. electrlo sewing machine, all attach- similes "uupont Tontine?" They look of counaelora who have been In the ments, like new, reasonable. 787-1832 or neat, they wear a long time. Shades "iall 747-5025. •59 888 Hardtop Coup*. Choose From Two : __J68S. OPERATORS — Bonls fur machine. field of management placement for HAZLET — Three-bedroom ranch,IH And special machines, Apply BRIDGE 787-1489. made while you wait. Shop by phone, BUNGALOW — Furnished, three rooms batha, recreation room, cellar, dish- 'M 888 Four-Door Sedan, Green .. 388. many years. We know the Hind of nnd hath. Adults, no peta. (80 a month •54 88 Four-Door Sednn. New Paint Job. Reliable .28*. SPORTSWEAR 247 Bridge Ave. Red resumes executives throw away, and WESTINOHOUSE LAUNDROMAT" PROWN'S washer, storms, assume 4Vj% mort- Bank. SH 7-1373. the kind they read and circulate. Like new, $75. MONMOUTH HOSIERY SH 1-1274. 276 Mechanic St. gage. $16.700. CO 4-4194. RAMBLER MILLS, 457 Broad St., Shrewsbury. 32 Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-7500 '50 Super Four-Door Sedan, Blx-Cyllnder, BUnd&rd Tranamlsslon 1088. TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS — To THEEE-BEDRO~OM~RANCH — Finished make calls from your home for nation- APTITUDE TESTINO STUDIO COUCH - And Kroehler WANTED TO RENT basement, attached garage, combina- VALIANT al , firm. Write to Telephone Inter, HAMMOND custom divan. Reasonable. tion storms, soreens, attic fan, SH 7- '60 Model V-100. H)r. Bed. Standard Trana. RAH. 28.000 MUes -J0S8 'lewers. P.O. Box 5044. Trenton, N.J. CAREER COUNSELLING DIVISION SH 7-2285. GETTING MORE AND MORE PROS- 1920. DAVENPORT PERSONNEL SERVICES ORGAN STUDIO PECTS — For three-bedroom rental MATURE WOMAN — TO alt with -" Broa4 St., 747-3355 Red Bank USED BRICKS — Large quantities. homes. List any rental tor fast action. MOVING NORTH — Eight-room split. elderly lady. Live In. Call after *, SH OF ASBURX PARK Reasonable. Between 8 and 5 MATTHEW J. GILL AGENCY. 714, Rt ", acre. Asking $23,500. 09 1-2716 after "•2150. CAR POLISHER apply In person. ENG- SH 1-5632 p.m. LISH MOTORS. 34 kaplt Av< Red USED ORGANS 35 Middletown. OS 1-3200. ' OPERATORS INVENTORY CLEARANCE oTICKLEV HARVEST TARLF. — Kin- SHREWSBURY BOROUOH RANCH — Bank. LOWEST PRICES — TERMS SMALL APARTMENT - Fnr work- Single needle, experienced only, fo est cherry wood. 6' long, two drop ing student couple from June 1 to On attractively landscaped \i ni-r«. GadMac • 35 hour union shop. Apply Eatontown KITCHEN MAN — From noon to 4 SALES AND SERVICE leaves e.ich 11", center section 24". Two bedrooms, modern kitchen with RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION August 31. Red Bank area. Write t Dress Co., 22 Lewis St. LI 2-3555. p.m. Experienced only. Good part-time Tnble pads and table cloth also avail- 'A. P." Box 511, Red Bank. dlBhwaBher. JalouBled family room. ob to supplement Income. Call morn- Open Dally Till 9 — Saturday Till 5:30 -hie. Excellent condition. SH 7-4062 Basement, game room. Wall-to-wall "Anxious to Grow — By Pleasing You" LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE— In- ngs only.. 842-2767. COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. r 3 p.m. carpet. Convenient to hus and shopping. formation 10 to 2 p.m. RIVERCREST PR 6-9300 Reasonable taxes. $17,690. Owner. SH BROADWAY." AT 4TH AVE.. LONO BRANCH 222-1234 NURSING HOME, Chaptn Ave, Red FURNISHED ROOMS SARDENER-dARETAKER" MAPLE DROPLEAF TABLE — Ex BIG DISCOUNTS 1-2711. To work on small estate near Red cellent condition, matching custom Factory clearance sale. Men's socks, LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOM on INCOME PROPERTY - River Rtl., Bank. Experience with horsea necea- iadi. SH 1.43C5. barga-tn prices. MONMOUTH HOSIERY quiet dead-end street. Fair Haven. Call Fair Haven. Double house, (five rooms sary. Write giving full details to: MAHOGANY SWIVEL CHAIR _ Kln_ MILLS, 457 Broad St., Shrewsbury. BH 1-9204 after 5 on weekends. each BUIC). Junt redecorated. $16,000. "A.N.," Box 511, Red Bank. SI! 1-7025. sized Hollywood styled bed complete, Momlfty-Kriflny. H ii.m,-l:30 p.m. SINGLE ROOMS - Clean and com ARCHITECTURAL ' DRAFTSMEN^... ~ i. ABC washer and spinner, excellent BURLAP - All decorator colora. 69 fortable. Reasonable rates. Gentleme FIRST TIME OFFERED SI8TANT SURVEYORS WANTED condition. 787-2031. centn • 89 cents yard Foamarl. Hwy. prelerrcd. 92 Wallace St. SH 1-5392. Stono front rancher boasting foyer, PHONE OERALD A. BAHBA. 8H 7- 35. Entontown. U 2-0177. three bedronms, attractlvn living nna CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1500. TWO BEDROOM aETH—Living room ROOM dining rooms, l'i' Imtlis. hugo dry set. Swivel chairs, nectlonal couch. 34 Prospect Ave. basement. Established tree-lined streets) ELECTRONIC PARTS - Counter man, Tallies, Inmps, Hot Point automatlo AWN INGS Atlantic Highlands A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! must have experience, apply COABT of Individual homes, Ensy to main- washer. SH 10326. ALUMINUM OH FIBERGLASS tain plot with extra landscaping. One ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTORS. Phone 1 for Interview 747-2545, Mrs. Murphy. PIIIIXTO REKRIGEHATOR — Good Door hootlii, patiofl etc. Protection ilock to bus. Cnnu scrutinize this condition. against sun, rain, sleet, anow. Free REAL ESTATE FOR SALE carefully at S25.00Q. WALKER A S42-2254 estimates. Call today. No obligations. WALICER. Itenllors, Hwy 35. Shrews- Adding MMhinM - Typewriters Cesspool Cleaning Piano—Organ Tuning HOUSES FOR SALE bury. SH 1-5212. 24-Hour Service. MEN MEN MEN SHOTGUN — .12 pump; hnnd truck, ' PROWN'S A; break lining machine, S10; trailer, THIIKE-HEDROOM HANRIl -- 22' llv- BEPTIO TANKS, dry wtlls serviced. 115; well pump with tnnk, $20; 8 m.m. 32 Broad 81. 811 1-7500 Rail Bank .ADDINO MACHINES - Typewriters Leeching field added. Backhoe work. PIANOS-ORGANS ieed extra money? Tired ol being In ing-dlnlng area. lTull bath and lava- Sold, rented, repaired. Serplco's 101 Tuned — Repaired — Regulated projector, light, camera: corn shelter, NICE YARD FOR CHILDREN tory. Good size gitragp, gnu hot water C II. Wilson. BH 1-1846. lebt? Represent one of America's old- 15. 787-IU74. radiant heat In floor, fireplace, Vt acre Monmouth St. Red Bank. BH 7.0486. Raymond Bosworth SH 1-7853 st and largest companies handling MERCHANDISE WANTED household Item. Guaranteed earnings NICK YAUD KOR CHILDREN lot. SQ.1.000. Call OS 1-0123; IiCDH or Home Improvement* LUCITE PAINT Mrs. W. F. liartlelt. Antiques Wanted PIANO TUNING — Available eve- From (10 to 990 per evening. Car needed WANTKL> Beautifully lumlacaperi split ranch nlngs. Jamea A Ryan. CA 2-7521. Call 'or transportation. Interview cull HI 2- Th* miracle of the age. Dupont really IMfcUJ ORIENTAL KUUS Three bedrooms, iy3 batha. Benutliu: RUMSON — SUfi.WO. He- seltlr-d In FINISHED BASEMENTS, remodel- after 6 p.m. rsi has a wonderful article, Order nomt CHINESE! AND PKHSIAN enclosed patio 32x11 to enjoy In the June, enjoy sumtnVr! l!)5i. five bed- Old Dolls, guns, lewelry, cut glass, lni,. plumbing, electrlo wiring, ma- now. Halo price (6.79, regular |7.4B FRIEDMAN GALLERIES summer, llulll-ln bar and bookcases room*. <21xl2. 23x1*. 21x11, 13x13. l'Jx sonry and painting. For Tree estimate PR 4-:iM3 KvfinlnKB CA 2-7*82 in recreation room. Owner must still, 10). Two batha, rear porch off din- furniture. Civil War books. Appraisals call SH 1-1672 Plumbing and Heating SERVICE BTATION ATTKNDANT-Ex- made. Ollmaa SH 7-1141. perienceil, married, full-time and part- PROWN'S reduced to {17,900. (1,800 down and ap Ing room, dry crllnrA 75xl6S Int. Walk OLD FI.'ItNITURU - Antiques, china, proxlmulely 5134 per month. GI ni: schoolfl, stores, pa\k, buR. 812-1096. WOIUUNO MAN'S contractor—Alter- ,lm|.. Apply In person COMMUTER'S 32 Broatl St. Red Bank 811 1-7600 glassware, art objects and bric-a-brac, down. MI17 per month. ations additions, painting, masonry, KEEOAN'8 "880, 47 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Dunk. Immediate ennh for anything and every MATAWAN — Spven-noom house, two Appliance Repairs and all those little lobs. Bnnlnga LO REDUCING EUUIPMENT—For rent or 24 Hour service. All nesting unlta ONE CARPENTER — And one car- sale. Free delivery. South J«ra«y BurgL tiling. Ruscll's. 25 Enst Front St.. iR, Kooil fur two atartmentfl. busl- 6-1714. \ serviced. BH 7-1127, BH 1-7875. enter's helper. Call after 6 p.m. 811 1- 811 1-1GU3. Navesink Associates p«a section, Mitlu Rt\ All Improve- APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installa- cal. Slladysldo 7-2014. 1187. WANTED TO UUY - Two-wheel trail- ment.i. copper plumr>lnr>Katorm win- tion. Residential and commercial wlr- Lawn Mower Repairs DEHKS — Files. Conference tables, Realtors itowB. TEuneck 7-2133. Bargain, owner Roofing, Siding and Insulation WANTED -"Apply In chairs, adding machine*, typewriters jr. .any condition, must Itn rpammnhl Ing. Allen Electric. BH 7-0612. 7M-O4V4. ttti Hwy. 38 Mltlilletown 'riving state. ALL KINDS OF LAWN MOWERS- person. Bee Mr. Johnson. PENINSULA manual and electric, office equipment, HOUSE. Ocean Avc, Sea Hrlglit, N.J. etc., linrKHln prlcrs. Nrtw or uncd. OS 1-0000 lland and olrcular aaws, sharpened, Aluminum a.dlng-ELIMlNATE-expen Auto Body Repair repaired. Fres Pick up. 2D1-2I37. AAC Denk Outlet Co. Rt. 35. Oak- Member Red Hank Multiple Llflting am (More Classified Ada slve painting, unsightly exterior PNOEDB/UVrENnEir»pply huri.1 KK KIWIl. Northern Monmouth Multiple Listing walls, gable ends. 14 bonutllul colors, person, SHORE POINT INN, Hwy. PETS & LIVESTOCK •XPURT PAINTING and bod* re- IS, Har.let. ~~r~ Financing suliject to KHA or VA ar On The Next Page) . Painting and Decorating horizontal or vertical panels. For do- KELVlNATOIt REFRlOEHATOit, one proval. pair. Moderate prices. McCarthy U-youraalf home owner or Installed by casement window fan, one regulnr fan. AKC MINIATUIiE I'OODLK PUPPIES Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands. 2810305 experts. Low, low prices. FREE ES- Clarinet. Reasonable. Call 5M-7.105. LOUIB CA08AN — Fainter, decorator, Call C'liHTOM-HUII/r COLONIAL —"In Oak HOUSES FOR SALE paperhanger. «5 years experience. 43 TIMATES. PROWNfl, U Droad 81.. NO EXPERIENCE CA II 17211 Hill. Under 30.000. Three bedrooms, Auto and Truck Rental Ittd DanH, BH 1-7500. U^ baths, flrcnlaoo In living room, Chapln Ave. SH 1-1706 after 6 p.m. NECESSARY NsliiiPiiEmi) puppy -~iv paneled den. A kitchen with Dean L. H. HILL - Painter .Interior and USEDT.V.'S male, rcRlntorcir, ' Inoculated, friendly, Coup cabinet space, nnd built-in dish- MORE LISTINGS SHOWN AVIS— Rent a nev* car or truck. Low Insulation A Siding Corp. Certified 17 MEN NBEDEI) washer. Natural' nliako shingle siding exterior. No Jobs too large or too Johns Uanvllls contractor. PR 6-8407 129.08. AOB T.V.. 09 Hwy 35. Neptune VANEflHA, OH 1.3(1711, rates. Maple Ave., Red Bank. 8H 7- •n>i. Very reasonable. Call 747-1630. City. PR 5-8CH)2. , requires no rmlnt. Over % acre, natura 0J06. TO 4-6214. Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. or Adam Llmmayeri 291-0302. leveral key positions, gnod paying Jobs, ADOItAlll.K IIOMM ItAISICI) CHAMPI- wimilril hack ynrd, side lawn b I u raining program. Must ha nest and oHlBNTAL~Ki3rk -- n%n good condT ON SlltWl) IMCIISlll'N! I'UPPIKH enough toe- baseball, lly the owner CARL B. JONBB - Painting and lion. Top iiuiillly sluils. Nil 70IKJ5 nftrr 5 Building Contractor decorating. Full Insurance coverags. OLSON CO. INC.-Roofing, siding * imbltloua. ages 21-40. Junior PJIPCU- t;all_()8_l • 1027. ' For tree sstlmate call 747-3041. Insulation. Installed and guaranteed ivea wanted also. mi •ck ilnys. for 10 years. PR 6-O706- M1O540. BOFA - Chair, nliullo roucii, small 'niOItoilaiimtKM COI.l.IE — Mouse- BATONTOWN — Four-room I BUILDER — New homes, room ad- gnlow. (0D.50 Includes ulllltes, oil heat ditions, bassmem and attic roums. I'AINTINO ANU PAPER HXNOINO— $95 TO START labln. tank vacuum cleaner, Cnll after il'nltfMi. Omul with children. Itennon- For a good clean lob, reasonable. - p.m. RII 7-4IIW. hlr. H42-38MI. -i-miomifilr. an 7-;l77[l. kitchens, garage, repairs and alter- Call 811 7-841)1 Ed Zlnaer. Tel. Amwering Service ations. Herbert Blgenrauch. SH 1-5M P-OR RALB • Kour suits. BU« 40, TT~iT!MFFNCJ ptiffy HIVKIt I'LAZA - Six year old Cap* , rBDalllAL ROOM AT Cod. Threti-liedroonis. ruom for fourth A. 1. PIOONB - Csramlo tilt con- TOM SLAM - Palntlna and lXoor- MOUyY PITCHER INN Excellent condition. Call while ninno nnd tall, we! MORE LISTINGS SOLD 811 7-2420 KPiitlrmnn'. Cnll 4ll2-o»67. iixlruom unU second Imlli, Ilaseinenl. tractor tor quality, price, ana prorap! atlni, Qensral Contracting, tally In- LET US •• your secretary. No need UverUde Ave. Red Bank 112,200 mortJHge may h» assumed or Thru Tht R«d Bank Ar«a sured. Twenty years experience. Free to ralss_toalls. M hour sns-ertng BEAUTIFUL I>HOM OOWN — Sim 11, eatimatea, BH 14491 after •p.m. refinanced with $160 down payinent wrvlcs. dp 1-4709. worn ones, cost IM. sell for It. 7S7- don't shall hair, very Intelligent, lov< Vsklnf 419,200. \jU2-8H0 or 747-78M. Mr. Multiple Lilting Sfrvlc. 672L . • • , • abls, KB f.0156. KD 1-310T. . REGISTER kEAL ESTATE WANTED OVBHCARD STIVIftOH* J > 1 , May 6, 1963 •" '( i--dW''^aP ' *W* ^fiS-* *ijfeS#i*i. ' LIST YOUR HOME 'SMS' •ntli n> for prompt M»1H. llunlw Multlpl. Ustint «moa. KOUROf HOUSES FOR SALE WATtRBL'RYriUallors •Inn IMS. I WBINTHS'PnCH/ W. Front at. Red Bank. SB 7-3800. THOUGH MM Bridge is an easy game. Altei , THE HANDS AHtUXXTOH WX NEED TOUR HOMX all, how long does it take to FIHDLAY tiff A PARADISE FOR SMALL FRYOur U salespeople hav* clients wall Ing for your luting. They need ranch**, le»ni a few simple rules for play 70 M/50/MCr Weit dealer mGUNMAN, Hear Red Bank, l'i acrei of wooded spill levels, two stories; also Invest- and defense? Three little words North-South vslncnblt ludjcayed grounds with bird sanc- ment property. Call us for a quick Hi sums tuary, six-year - old ranch, three b«d- sale. Two offices serving yoo. —second hand low—tell you what NORTH MIKE AS me rooma, 1H baths, two-car garafe. also WALKER & WALKER to do whenever you are the sec- * 10 7 $43 2 amail repUca of house that could be Realtors <9 10 uaed for .shop or playhouse; very con- Shrewsbury Offlea Mlddletown Offlca ond person'-to play a trick. Then venient location. Aakini 130,400. BH 1-5212 OS 1-3311 O 10 5 all you have to do is keep your • J 8 6 2 B B B B -LEGAL NOTICE- eyes open the rest of your life WEST EAST PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. for the exceptions to die rule. *KQS *AJ 6 WALrER 8. OVEBTON NOTICE Harry. .Harkavy, of Miami <3 A 9 J 2 973 . SUPERIOR COIKT OF NEW JERSEY Beach, whose team won the Van- DIAL 741-7200 CHANCERY DIVISION Real Eitata Sine* 1894 MONMOUTH CObNTV derbilt Cup a' few weeks ago, SOUTH «D Wniu St. Red Bank DOCKET NO. C-190HJ has known the rules of defense STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO for many years. Fortunately for (L 8.) IMMACULATE CAPE COD — Move his team, he also has spent By WALT DISNEY right Into this three-bedroom Cape to- CARL. JANOVSKY (also known as years breaking the rules. , • A Q 10 7 5 MICKEY MOUSE day. Other features are bright sunny OUSTAVE JA.NOV), his heirs, de- V/tt North En* SOB* kitchen, dining area, spacious living visees and personal representatives, Harkavy led'the ace of dia- 1 0 Pan JO 3 lts beheaded soldiers caught ;airrbling. The rest of the troops would get i|p pools on the time of execution. The sergeant usual' NT ly won. THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY Monmouth Gores WrWr " CONFIDENTIAL TO SYLVIA itfY/wwypoMTYbo County* LOOK JU5T1.IKEMWR WEAR A PONY "raiL.Tjao/ Convenient PORTER: Yes, dear, I know il TDB4Y ./MOMMA; MOTHER/"*. s terribly confusing—but you Regional Community mow the little "stub" that's left Bank Of/UHi jfter you write the oheck and ear it out? Well, what you do is mbtract the amount of the check rom your "previous balance" OFFICES: ASBURY PARK • RED BANK • MANASQUAN nd then—look, why not get your • NO. ASBURY PARK • FAIR HAVEN • HOLMDEL • BRIELLE lusband to show you? ••

Member Federal Reserve Syitem ( Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation There's no Trick to Having Ex- tra Cash. You Gift it Fast When You Use The Register Classified. —Advertisement. Conservative Groups Push Kelly Heads BED BANK REGISTER Wmi»yt Mty 6, Seton Hall 3 Amendments in Unique Way Alumni Unit By Congressional Quarterly cause the legislative memorials — almost all benefitting urban any conservative amendment. RED BANK - Frank 3. Kelly, WASHINGTON — The last time to Congress lacked uniform 3r suburban areas at the expense The proposed amendments are Little Silver, was elected presi- the United States held a const!' wording, or because the memori- of rural counties— in 17 states. likely roposed set of bylaws for the vote in both chambers, to ap- provisions, and that some states justices of the supreme courts into a confederation." irganization. of the 50 states, with power to prove a new amendment, after have even attempted to rescind Chief Justice Earl Warren Other members of the commit- review and reverse decisions of which it is submitted to ththeie r resolutions. April 27 said the proposals :ee are James Brady, also Haz- the U.S. Supreme Court "relating states and becomes effective if Congress has never set down 'would make profound changes let, Joseph Brady, Point Plea- to the rights reserved to the three-quarters of them ratify. a policy as to how many years in the judiciary, the relationship sant, Jerry Pomponk), Leonardo, states of people." The Constitution also permits apart memorials must be, between the Federal and state and Edward Suozzo, Long the legislatures of two-thirds of whether states can rescind me- Four states — Alabama, Arkan- Governments, and even in thBranche . the states, by passing resoluions, morial resolutions, how a consti- sas, Florida and Wyoming — stability of the Constitution." He Russell P. Rauch, Middletown to require Congress to call a con-tutional convention would be or-have asked Congress to call a said lawyers had failed to alert was appointed public relation stitutional convention to consider ganized, who would sit in it, andconstitutional convention to con-the public to a move for radical director of the chapter. a specific amendment. If thethe like. But some congression- sider this amendment. amendment of the Constitution. More than 100 graduates of thi convention should approve such al committees are currently con- — Change the amending pro- States' rights defenders, how- university attended the meeting, an amendment, it would then be sidering calling hearings on thecess of the Constitution so that ever, say that resentment about The following area captain submitted for the approval ol subject this summer. two-thirds of the states could di- encroaching federal .power is were named to recruit universit: BREAKFASTERS—Rev. Albert Beckwith, assistant professor of economics at St. Peter's three-fourths of the states. The specific impetus for a rectly purpose constitutional building up in he states and that alumni living m both countie! . The second method has never fresh congressional look at thamendmente s without obtaining, the proposed amendments can- for membership in the chapter: College, delivered principal talk yesterday at Communion breakfast of the Rosary- succeeded In the past, either be- second method of amending the as is now required, the approval not be dismissed as a concoction Middletown, James R. MiAlta- r Society of St. Benedict's Catholic Church, Hazlet. He's shown with, left to Constitution comes from the cam-of Congress or a constitutional of reactionary groups. nogue, Reinhardt Hergenrother, right, Mrs. Charles Tague, president; Mrs. Francis X. Burke, breakfast chairman, and NERVE DEAFNESS paign recently initiated by the convention. , George Prentice, staff man of Thomas Seely, Nicholas G. Ger- Genera) Assembly of the States, Mrs. Donald Ferguson, who introduced the guests. This amendment has been en the National Legislative Confer- vase,' Anthony D. Kulper and a group of state legislators affili- dorsed by the legislatures of 9ence, says "we have steered Daniel F. Ferraro; Red Banl "MODEL OF NEW ated with the Council of State states in memorials to Congress clear of the 'isms,' the citizens area, Eugene Kennedy an Governments. This group is MINIATURE Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Illi- councils, that type of thing." James Marley; Long Branch, seeking to persuade two-thirds of nois, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Backers of the movement, he Anthony J. Fabrizio and Louis Appeal Is Launched] the states to memorialize Con- ' HEARING AID GIVEN Carolina, South Dakota and Wy-says, "sincerely believe in it asValentino; West Long Branch, gress to call a constitutional con- oming. a matter of state independence." Donald Burke; Freehold, Ed- (not an actual hearing aid) vention to consider three states' Since most states are now com- State Rep. Warren Wood, R-IU., ward Lewis; Asbury Park-Nep- rights amendments. By Salvation Army \/ WASHINGTON, D. C.-A most pleting their legislative sessions who originally proposed the tune, Edward Harkins and The General Assembly ap- ' unique free offer, of special in- for 1963, prospects for early two- "Court of the Union" amend- James Mitchell; Keyport-Keans- RED BANK — The annual Jizabeth Higginson, Eatontown; terest to those who hear but do proved the three amendments at thirds approval of any one of thement, says he supports it because burg area, Walter Neff and maintenance appeal of the Red udolph W. May and Harold B. not Understand words, has Just its Dec. 6, 1962 meeting in Chi- states' rights amendments now the 10th Amendement, which re- Charles J. Garvey; Holmdel- Bank Corps of the Salvation lillward, Middletown; Noel R. been announced. A true-life, non- cago and recommended that "to seems quite dim. serves to the states or the peo-Colts Neck area, John F. AnArm- y got under way at the an- lson and Mahlon W. Parson, operating model, actual size rep- the fullest extent possible" all lica of the smallest Motorola- Moreover, the states wrhich ple all powers not delegated to derson; Highlands-Atlantic High- nual meeting and kickoff dinner r., Little Silver. state legislatures be in session Dahlberg Hearing Aid ever made, have ratified to date are all con-the federal government in thlandse , Joseph R. Bolger; in the Citadel, Riverside Ave., In early 1963 for the puropse of will be given away absolutely servatively oriented states that Constiution, has been "raped Shrewsbury • New Shrewsbury Thursday evening. Approximate- Also present were Mrs. William passing the memorials in identi- free to anyone answering this ad- would be most likely to ratify twice a, day for ten years." area, John R. Bohinc, and Ocean ly 85 persons attended. Fluhr, Mr. Cammack, Mrs. vertisement Wear it in the pri- cal form, thereby avoiding the County area, William J. Kearney [ay, Mrs. Nilson, Mrs. Parsons, Goal of this year's drive is vacy of your own home without past defects of the little-used and Joseph Brady. and Mrs. Warrick. cost or obligation of any kind... amending process. $21,000. The campaign will be Mr. Kelly reported that there "IT'S YOUJtS FREE TO Progress Report conducted this month by mail in KEEP." The size of this instru- are an estimated 700 university BREAKFAST MAY 19 The three proposed amend- municipalities which do not have ment is only one ol its many fea- graduates living in both coun- ments and their success to date: a community appeal. HIGHLANDS - The Holy tures. It weighs less than a third ties. . * REUSSILLES' Prohibit the U. S. Supreme Salvation Army Col. Ralph T. lame Society of Our Lady of of an ounce and it is all at "ear He advised that any graduate level," in one unit. No wires Court or any other federal court Miller, a retired national evangel- 36 BROAD ST. of the school wishing to join the erpetual Help Catholic Church lead from the body to the head. from exercising jurisdiction in ist, was the guest speaker. He chapter should contact the cap- 'ill hold its anual Communion RED BANK Here is truly hope for the Hard any case "relating to apportion- discussed the aims and purposes tain in their area for further in- reakfast Sunday, May 19, fol- of Hearin. These models are free ment of representation in any of the corps. while the supply lasts. We sug- formation. wing 7:30 a.m. Mass in Cedar state legislature." The Corps Ensemble of Eliza- gust that you write for yours in. Vincent J. Gorman is ticket GUARANTEED This amendment is intended to John L. Botti, executive secre- beth presented musical selec- now. lairman. nullify the effects, of. the March tary of Hie university's alumni tions. William A. Fluhr, chair- 1962 Supreme Court; d*eci$bn in federation, is assisting in the man of the advisory board, gave Buchanan Hearing Aid Co. ; the Tennessee ., apportionment formation of Hie new chapter. the welcoming speech. Rev. EED A Room 417, Dept. RJ, Wyatt Bldg. case (Baker vs. Catr),' which Isaac C. Rottenberg, pastor of 777 14th Street, N.W. has resulted in•• court cases in Attend Men's Club the New Shrewsbury Reformed Washington, D. C. 36 states and reapportionments Church, gave the invocation. The Federation Session benediction was given by the KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. - commanding officer of the Eliza- LOAN Julian Stansky, 431, River Rd., DONT JUST FURNJSH beth Corps, Capt. Karl Munroe. GET IT HERE...REPAY $18 A MONTH and Edward Grant, 3 Rutgers The annual report, presented by On our 24 Payment Plan YOUR HOME... Dr., both Fair Haven, N.J., the commanding officer of the HERE YOU CAN BORROW ON YOURI OWN SIGNATURE president and vice president, re- local corps, Brig. John Fahey, YOUR IOAN REQUEST CAN BE APPROVED ON YOUR FIRST VISIT DECORATE IT! or Right Over the telephone spectively, of the Men's Club ofjshowe(j that a total of $45,917.89 Stop in for a free consult- Congregation Bnai Israel. Rum- was expended to. maintain the ation. You'll find it will son, N.J., represented that group Salvation Army's program of wel- BELL FINANCE CO. make a wonderful world of at the 34th annual convention' of fare and social service here last Red Bonk O«lc.i 77 BROAD STREET • He. 7« • PHONE: SH 1^000 difference in your decor- the National < Federation 6f Jew- EATONTOWN • FREEHOLD • IONG BRANCH • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS year. SERVING AH Of MONMOUTH « MERCER « MIDDLESEX « OCEAN COUNTIES ating! ish Men's Clubs here. According to the report: rim HITU lie A citation was presented by the The emergency and disaster 14* Broad St, Red Bank, N. J. SH 7-4900 federation to the Jewish Publica- service filled 449 orders for cloth- tion Society in recognition of the Opes II AM. to » P.M. MOB. thru Fri. ing and furniture and 60 orders ^^ • A.M. to f F.M. —*— new English translation of thefor food. Fifty-one youngsters Bible. were sent to summer camp. A RUGS ARE CLEANER, A report of the convention, total of 330 individuals were as- s which centered on the theme, sisted under the annual Christ- THE STAR IS YOU — Miss Katherine Scholomite of 308 "Religion in Action," will be pre-mas program. BRIGHTER end FRESHER BORROW 2200 Eighth Ave., Asbury Park, won a contest of that name sented at the meeting of the Among those present were Lt. Rumson Men's Club in Congrega 5! sponsored by Steinbach't Department Store. She is seen Cmdr. R. C. Hobbs of NAD tion Bnai Israel on Tuesday, May Earle; Maj. Abraham M. Glass When cleaned by experts receiving a list of the prizes she has won from Robert REPAY 18 A MONTH 21. of Fort Hancock; Lt. Col. and Hope, general manager. The prizes include a weekend UKOEt AMOUNTS AT P*OPO»TIONAT£ RATH • LEGAL NOTICE - Mrs. Herbert H. Lewis of High CALL TODAY! Hem* Owner* with or without existing mortgages in New York City, a week's use of a new car, and a com- NOTICE OF SALE: lands AFB, and Salvation Army On May 16, 1963 at 10:00 A.M. IMaj. and Mrs. William Ramage CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS INTO ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT plete weekend wardrobe. will sell at oubllc auction on behalf of Seacoant Finance Co. at 18 Broad of Trenton. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE St., Red Bank. N. J. one 1960 Ford. Rev. Mr. Rottenberg repre- ), rug clean] ings will be held the first and Fordor, Frln. 500, Ser. No. OE42V10- AMOUNT 15 YEARS Get 3345 for derault In a Conditional Sale! sented the Red Bank Ministeri third Wednesdays of each month Contract made bv Earl Shovey. Said and $2,200 $18.57 Yacht Club car may be seen at Carland Inc., um. additional through September. Hwy. 35, Neptune, N. J. Members of the advisory board Since 1912 3,000 25.32 Bernard J. Delaney, com- Auctioneer—W. J. O'NEILL May « 12.99 present included: Col. Chester R. IN »" ••' Mft—IN Olin PLANT 5,000 45.20 modore, and the vice com- Makes Plans Haig (USA, Ret.) Fair Haven; Dry Cleaning - Laundry 10,000 84.39 modore, William Mordecai, will NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Education, School Dla- Harry C. Barnard, Jr., and Clif- WHITE ST. SH 7-2800 RED BANK be in charge of the Mother's trlct at Sea Bright, requests bids on ford Warrick, Red Bank; Ram- exterior and Interior painting to be International Mortgage Assoc. For Season Day party May 12. Gifts will be done at the school at 4 River Street, say E. Cammack, Rumson; Miss presented to the women. Sea Bright, N. J. Specifications can KEYPORT — It was an- be obtained from the Secretary at 3096 22 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. The Memorial Day dance will Ocean Avenue, Sea BHght, N. J. Bills nounced at the regular meeting to be opened at a meeting of the be held Saturday, May 25, with Board of Education 8:00 p.m. Monday, In Red Bank Call SH 7-2662 of the board of governors of Mrs. Earl Huber and Mrs. Ivins May 20, 1963. Keyport Yacht Club that meet- THOS. W. GARLAND, JR. Morse serving on the committee. Secretary Mr. Delaney appointed Harvey Board o( Education 15 Osborne Place, Smith, rear commodore, to head Sea Bright, N. J. the racing committee. Mr. MorMa- y Q 14.27 decai will discuss the club swim- NOTICE TO BIDDERS It's True! ming pool project at the next The Board of Education. School Dis- Planning fo trict of Sea Bright, requests bnU un meeting. approximately 7000 canons of No. 2 Fuel Oil to be delivered to the tank Steve Slovenz and his commit- at 4 River Street, Bea Bright, N. J. tee will run a predicted log con-during the 1963-196< achool year. Tin Board reserves tho right to reject any REMODEL? test in June, to gain knowledge ^'The Early Bird or all bids. of such events. The group hopes THOS. W. GARLAND, JR., Secretary in the near future to invite oth Board of Education 16 osborne Plm:,-, er clubs to join in a contest in Bea Bright, N. J. these waters. May • $3.91 It was reported that 80 persons '•'NOTICE Does Catch..." attended the spring cocktail par- NOTICE OP SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MKKTINM OK ELECTION ty April 21. OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLTS NECK, IN THE COUNTY OF Two new members were wel- MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY, ON comed—Edward O'Conner and TUESDAY, MAY 21, t!MCI. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Extra Earnings! John Wittersheim. legal voters of the School District of ••*•>, The next regular meeting of :he Townahip or Colt* Neck, In the County of Monmouth. New Jerney, thai the board of governors and thea apeclRl meeting or election of the legal voters of laid District will bo Ladies Auxiliary will be May 15held on Tuesday, the 21st day of May, at 8:30 p.m. 19A3, at 5:00 o'clock P. M. -mm The polln will remain open until 0:00 o'clock P.M., and as much longer as may he necpssnry io permit all th legal voters then present to vote and o cast their bnllotn. HERE'S Drivers Lose The meetlnR or election will be held EARN FROM MAY 1st id ntl the legal voters of the School Before you go too far with your home within your budget. So why not be Dintrict will vote iU the AtlanLlc Ele- nentary School. Coltn Neck, New Jer- improvement plant, lat a qualified sure before you go ahead and call Licenses ey in the District. ON ALL representative from Charles 6. Hem- us to tee how we can be of service TnpxiTAKf KT t T n At the an Id mctllng or election, the HOW! IKbNiON — Ned J. Parse-ifoilowlng nrorinsnl will be submitted: to you. For any type home improve- I PROPOSAL bling and Son discun your ideas with kian, director of the state Di- Kenolved that the nonrd of Education vision of Motor Vehicles, today if the Township of Coltfl Nock, In the you. Ws will be more than happy ment or remodeling, call us for a. County of Monmouth, li hereby au- announced the suspension for 30tliorlzed: to help you with your design and to frea ostimate. Prompt service as- (a> To conntruct a new ichoolhouae Savings Placed By May 10th days of the driving licenses of plot of huul owned by give you a realistic estimat* keeping sured. four Monmouth County motorists Hoard of Education* nnd situate In tho Rchool itifltrlrt on the noutherly sido Make Sure To Visit Soon under the state's 60-70 excessive of Cednr Drive and containing approxl- speed program. mutely 7 ncrrn, purchnne the nchool hirnlture find other equipment neces- Convicted in New Jersey were miry therefor untl Improve the mild NO MONEY DOWN • YEARS TO PAY Vincent A. Ottavinno, 39, of 130plot or land, nntl (o expend therefor not exceedingg f742,f>00; nml Dimbar Ave., Long Branch; (t>(t>> To inani e llddB o(( (he »choo»choll dlntrlct (off naIdd purpone In the prin- Oharles J. Campbell, Fort Moii- cipal nmourn of J712,WMt thud unlng up iflKulnr dividend mouth; John K. Conway, 18, of1] of tlie $?fri!.O40.tnce for the nald meet- The license of Gustov A. Wnll- ing or pirctlnn nlmll he nt the Atlantic 10 BROAD ST. • RED BANK, N. J. CHARLES B. HEMBLING & SON dov, 65, of Moin St., Tenncnt, Klrmentnry Rchool. CoMi Neck. New ifMHey In the Hchooi District for all 13 Cathtrlna Strut Estab. 1918 Rad Bar* convicted in Pennsylvania, was rpnl volern residing therein. Hy order of th« Itonni of Education, "When; You Save Dovs Make a Difference!" suspended In accordance with the D*.tert: April 17. 100.1 Day Phona SH 7-20M • Pennsylvania-New Jersey reci L.K8L1K )]. bOltflLARH, procity agreement. v Secretary. May « 114.64 , M»y «, WA BED BANK REGISTER Retired CS To Launch Employees Fitkin Drive NEPTUNE — The $450,000 Fit-; To Convene kin Hospital building fund drive) will be launched tomorrow night | ASBURY — A conclave of the at a sponsor's dinner at the \ COMPANY' New Jersey Federation of Chap- Spring Lake Golf and Country •*>• VI ters of National Association of Club. 110 »*N¥ Retired Civil Service Employees ASIUKY will be hosted by local Chapter Vincent T. Hirsch, general 411 Tuesday and Wednesday, chairman of the fund-raising May 14-15, at the Empress Mo- drive, announced the event and tel. named chairmen heading the me- morial subscription committee. Guest speakers will be United States Senators Clifford P. Case Mrs. Richard R. Stout, wife and Harrison A. Williams, as of Sen. Stout, and Theodore F.i well as N. J. Senator Charles Appleby, Asbury Park realtor, W. Sandman, Jr., majority lead- are co-chairmen of the commit- er, Cape May County. tee which will seek major con- tributions from individuals and Harry H. O'Claire, state fed- families of means throughout the eration president, has appointed area served by the hospital. the following members to serve John D. Lazarus, Wanamassa on committees: Clement V. Cor- realty consultant, and Edwin M. bo, president of the local chap- Ambler, coast division manager ter, nominating and legislative of the Jersey Central Power and committees; Mrs. Eileen Curtis, Light Co., are jointly heading the Long Branch, secretary of the business and commerce commit- chapter, auditing committee, tee, it was announced. along with William F. Murphy, this place. Mr. Hirsch said it is expected that 300 business and civic lead- Credentials committee, Miss ers will attend Tuesday's din- Helen Kelly, Miss. Mary Lou ner-meeting as sponsors of the Bishop, Mrs. Virginia McNally building fund drive. Mother Loves and Florence Slattery, all of Red Bank, and William L. Steele, Neptune. Golden Woods Delegates are Miss Kelly and Say Man Thomas F. Morford, Red Bank, Mr. Steele and Hugo V. Fischer, Left Scene by Max Factor Neptune. New members taken in were Of Accident Now mother can splash in a pool of sunlit delight. ' Drift and Mrs. Anna Sussman, Mrs. Mar- dream in a mist of sun-scented fragrance". . . Golden Woods guerite Cowles and Mrs. Jennie RUMSON — John Cerrone of Nichelson, ail of Long Branch, 150, Chestnut St., Red Bank, was an enchanted new world for her bath. Augie J. Galluchio, Belmar, Roy arrested in Red Bank Saturday P. Anderson, here, and Milton night and charged with careless Bath Perfume 3.50 Dry Skin Perfume 2.50 Sherman, Wanamassa. driving and leaving the scene of an accident here. S^lttC*. .5O S?l. ™ 2 t 2.50 According to police, Cerrone prices plus tax sideswiped three parked vehicles State Issues on Ridge Rd. near Rumson-Fair STEINBACH'S COSMETICS, Street Floor and Aibury Park Haven Regional High School Its 1963 Guide about 8:45 p.m. TRENTON — New Jersey's! He was apprehended about 10 1963 vacation guide, a 60-page minutes later by Red Bank Po- color brochure, now is being dis- lice Sgt. Alonzo Curchin and Pa- tributed free by the state De- trolman William Story. partment of Conservation and Rumson Patrolman Walter Economic Development. The is- Pomphrey investigated the acci- sue covers year-around vacation dent and signed the complaints and recreation activities and de- in Red Bank. scribes resort centers in the state. ABOARD USS HAWKINS Chapters deal with beach re- USS HAWKINS - Kenneth W. sorts, games and rides, lakes Schaffer, radioman seaman ap- and streams, state parks and prentice, son of Mrs. Elizabeth forests, summer theaters, C. Schaeffer of 69 Searfeeze sports, hunting and fishing, boat- Way, Keansburg, N.J., is serving Ing, horse racing, principal high- aboard the radar picket destroy- ways, convention data, beauty er USS Hawkins, an Atlantic contests, principal annual events Fleet unit operating with the and information on what to Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. wear. Ports of call for Hawkins during Given are facts on roads, bus, the cruise include Naples, Italy; railroad and air service, as well Athens, Greece and other cities' as accommodations with aver- of southern Europe. The Haw- age minimum rates. Fishing, kins is slated to return to *he hunting, picnicking and camping U.S. in July, completing her facilities are similarly detailed.|re8ular four-month tour with the The chart and map on state s>xth Fleet- she ****** °ut of parks and forests give namesjMayP°rt' Fla- and sizes of each, mailing ad- dress and a summary of recrea SEE SHOW IN CITY tional facilities, such as bathing NEW MONMOUTH —Members bath-houses, boating, boats fo: of the Lone Oak Club attended a rent, lodges, cabins, camp lean performance of "She Loves Me" and had dinner in the Americana tos, camp sites, and children': playgrounds. Hotel, New York City, recently. Present were Mrs. Richard Gage, Mrs. Raymond Hergenrother, Mrs. John Chamberlain, Mrs. $1OO Patrick Mahoney, Mrs. Robert CASH REFUND Holland, Mrs. Walter Redman and Mrs. James Keating. Mrs. FROM FEDDERS Hergenrother will be hostess at - Mother Loves IF ITS A COOL SUMMER! the meeting May 7.

ENDS AF COURSE Patent and Calf Handbag Imports MATHER AFB, Calif. — First. Lt. Frederick P. Wilson of Tan-' Impressive bags with the important little details mother dotes Inersville, N.Y., has graduated: on. In gleaming, genuine patent or sleek, beautiful calf, these Remember 'from*lhe United States Air Force; fine Canadian imports are a real find at this price. Excellently [electronic warfare officer course here. Following specialized air- finished inside with wall pockets, zipper compartments. Patent Mother's Day crew training at other bases, he in black. Calf in bone, navy, white, black. ' - I5 wil be reassigned as a B-52 air-' Sunday . At The Low Price Of craft electronic warfare officer with a Strategic Air Command 13,00* May 12th junit at Griffiss AFB, N.Y., in BETTER !August. Lt. Wilson's wifeis the •Him Ul Housekeeping Shop former Patricia M. Bursiel of 38 STEINBACH'S HANDBAGS, Street Fleer ind Aibury Perl Woods End Rd., Middletow 46 Monmouth St. Red Bank N.J. HOW BIG ARE YOUR RUGS?

Mother Loves Shifts as a Way of Life

No matter what size they are, our Mother adores the instant fashion of the shift personnel and modern machines will ^& . . . right for town, travel, shore . . . from get them breeze clean! morn to midnight. Come see our great collec- tion.

A. Magnificent flower-splashed shift \n care- )o«Jc free textured nylon. Shocking/green, yellow/ Each rug completely dust- ed, shampooed, .Inspected, green. Also in solid black or brown. Sizes wrapped and delivered... 8 to 18. 9x12 Domestic Rug 17-98 Mother Loves B. Pure silk with V-neck, dashing tie. Wonder- Schiaparelli's Supp-Hose ful in black. Sizes 8 to 16. PR 4-1314 • CA 2-5042 19.98 Mother will'feel as if she's walking on air in Schiaparelli's C. Juniors' fun shift — a stunner in cotton with wonderful Supp-Hose Stockings. She'll enjoy their good looks, ' a hand screened print. Fully lined, beautifully their comfort, th*ir long wear, their, satisfaction. Srnooth, soft made. Gay. colors. Sixes 5 to 15. Lycra Spandex with or without seams in smart fashion shades, 14-98 8 sizes. "


