FIN Committee Hearing Transcript for 03/15/2021
1 MARCH 15, 2021 ib/rr FINANCE, REVENUE & BONDING 9:00 A.M. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: Senator John Fonfara, Representative Sean Scanlon SENATORS: Cabrera, Cassano, Cohen, Formica, Hwang, Maroney, Martin, Moore, Needleman, Slap, Witkos REPRESENTATIVES: Barry, Borer, Butler, Carney, Chafee, Cheeseman, Concepcion, Devlin, Doucette, Elliott, Farrar, Hall, Hampton, Hennessy, Kavros DeGraw, Klarides-Ditria, Lemar, Mastrofrancesco, Meskers, Miller, Mushinsky, Nuccio, Paolillo, Perillo, Perone, Phipps, Piscopo, Polletta, Sanchez, Santiago, Stafstrom, Wood K., Wood T., Yaccarino, Ziogas, Zullo, Zupkus REP. SCANLON (98TH): Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the March 15th Public Hearing of the Finance Revenue and Bonding Committee. My name is Sean Scanlon. I'm the House Chair of that Committee. Wondering if my Co-chair Senator Fonfara has any remarks this morning before we get started? SENATOR FONFARA (1ST): Good morning. REP. TERRIE (141ST): Good, good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good, good. Good. SENATOR FONFARA (1ST): That was weird. Just wanted to say that if what you've told me, Mr. Chairman, in terms of number of people have signed up, if that's accurate, I would ask our members in particular, to refrain themselves or restrain themselves, whichever. 2 MARCH 15, 2021 ib/rr FINANCE, REVENUE & BONDING 9:00 A.M. COMMITTEE Today, you always have access to folks, if you needed to, and I would hope that your questions are something that you feel are absolutely necessary. And maybe even more importantly, your comments. And that goes for yours truly, as well that we try to limit ourselves today as much as possible, or else, you probably may see this time with a PM instead of an AM, after it.
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